' .. - x t::s sentinel.- "TIAYrt'GVl'T IS, CLOVES AS MASUBV. It has bee, justlj retnarke- fhst the t."d r'over plant is the loua.latioa i4 successful Jamiin. ' 1 be remark VL.VIf .??', V'l u 2 w Htti m of the eountrv. teii.olHirh.iod of cities wbvre lain! If .ltli cver,l hundred riollsr per acre, and wlterr ..sl-dil manure Biayh.. ol'tsiwd in ''" iUnclr the prowth of jfarjun in.ps, a-Hi ' ntliep'liih u eJ wl i. Ag.h..-iurl cbeniieia, at well at outer ving Unto, It w..iv -11 a ineir opinion iu .-i .... C..T"' iCTl:i!.i-iV I'oiv.1' ta n)umf jtjtwj n.ujifr IWIB liiwil sat ana uur lima tuaw icu animaia. ..tumi iii Krauts J that tin estimate ie spproiimit.' j eonect, it Uobviuiii that tbe turning undc, a (nwa crop whklk produce sin ficb iu tune, iin.' itt la itaeli add greatly to the for lilitjr f tb aoiL .If ton of green clover if r i --; i.-.n. -T.n. sjrai worth fir titnef a mnvJi lor nrtiruiug pur- puutu I iog u couimua jmrn manure made by eni-iale fed om at raw or t into t by bsy, and with at raw -Jitter largely inter . mixed, then good crop of clover uilght I rated in value about an follow; Twv lout ofttalktaa- leasee, estimated when ofl Verted to dry bar, would be equal to al least four ton of th green material ; arid half thit amount In root would b two ton more tbe whole, ail tone, mutipliee! by five, to bring it to the ttandard ot common manure, would tbow a bear; crop of plover to be worth thirty ton of ordinary rard manure. Ttii eatimate oiajr not b trft'tlj eurract, aad it cannot alaar be, a yard nour rirka much la it valut accorduig to age, amount of ttraar orcorortaJk pa, and moU of heaping or pnwrring. But lt the eat i mate be raried to a to meet tb differing circumtrw, and it will UH be ' rn that clnrur powwaae emiunt adtanta- C Jtie loDUeao whicu tbe Matt pf--i to ening and rendering mi lloa tU JiJv oil in wbtkb tin y grow, ia oat ot rt importance- emitting a it dot tb rtilfuiiioa ol the manure vt tb Irarr and ttemi lb' High tbe uil in tbe pracee of decay.-r-Thoe who hare bevo ta tbe practice ol woifciog heary or clayey laud, can appre ciate tiie greet difference tx-tweea the lais dittos ol an inrerted fud turnad over '' bntk-cj, wben aotUibg but limotliy . or frrat hae itrown Upon it, and another aod thoroughly loosened ind pulveriitd by til root of cloTef, winch bare eritywbere pen etrated through it, Tbe one I like clam my, BQUareaed brrtd ; .. the ptbey jbh fit fpooT Ultur of a Well raited loaf. It it in llu way taat c Infer nay exert a benefi cial influence. Cither ia the 'rdiiiaf pro-o-Me of cuitiralioB, or in faronng the ia termiitar of eonimoa manure through ttie foil, nearly a great M lie enritbing1 Talui. KtlimaUeg tiie value of gfl clover crop aaeuai ! thirl) lokit o yurttmaoure, culiiTaioi may eatily figure hi.kU mill be mat coniniicl in application, iucluliii In drawing am r m.g. i Om tii.Js.n-r - on pan ol lain laimt reinme Irniu iialurt, the balance will be iouud 'U be. WUUi IQ latur ot tilt giea crop. Lrvry tnrit manufactmer aatea ail the: yaid nia'u wiiicu be xr -mtt ireonmieti -mtxi-ri litre bmjry i. It IntulBtitiit t Utcll ti kae . it a uigu lerttiiij i,i ail tue Oekit. a ru.auou cruiiniiug tiie fh.-u.ueot tuirung vud r of growing wop, iwu.mel aliluti-lj' i-s-cuiibI m a eucccaWut and proli table liu.bandry buch a roi.tum ill, u.uaijj , be louaU mmwI advauUgeou if th crop it (.lowed umlcr at two year u age. - i n plant will then btv obtained lull aiae... It may be cut lor bay tbe flnt year, and il cured without Incoming wet, will not only make ta excel lent outiiure feed for eatile and ibeii), but tb manure retuliing from tint liciliiij, a w uave airaaay teuiaraou, win l,o ol intU ealuet buice tbe introductioa of mowing marbinee, hAy tedder, borne rk ana hart torki, there t little ouctiuiiy of allow ing a crop of clover to bet om blackened and tpeiied by rain. Uuringa recent ritit to the nuraeriee at Uenera, a. I, wa bad oocation to otxerve tb great tlficiency with which clover tu. During wa managed ia preparing ground lor planting tact, , 1 be oompaiauvely unall quaouty ot manure ftlrnitbed by the nllaga, rendered the mode of enriching ( by clover an aUo.nui niTetaiiy, 'and the exili lent, beatthy and vigorous growth of tbe yuuug tree proved tu great-value. . Tb crop i plowed under when la full bloaaoiii ; If dou(aoouer, there it too muck lucculeore and But enough tuUtaiioe; if later, tbe item have bworue too, hard and woody, and do not bwotue o will pulverized iu decay, nor ditTuaed through the rlii;lo of the toil. Jiefore plowing, tbe crop ia well hariowed; which uut only lavs the liUult Hat oa tb groaod, but rw thrtn la' tlw tame directioa a the course of the ulow. al lowing tbe aod to carry-it own creat of pianu wbea Inverted. A Ion cbain aUoi hi il to the lot ward part of the plow, and to the right handle, and banging m a loots loop between tin- pointt, abifdngging on tb ground, aatittt ia oompleb-ly turning undor me otaerwiee straggling plant 1C u thought beat not to turn them under witlka very deep furrow ; and ndling tbe furrowt nat liuniedittfty altrwr.lii, prtMrrnw the drying ol the leave aud (ti uia, and haateoe du-ay and intcrtuixuinv Al young tit RKjuire a good depth of soil, th md it K"ia inverted With a larger plow, Of to t Urmtur depth, alU-r tbe lapte of aeveral weikt, -N, x .- l lover it generally too tuiuly teided." Tliere it no expenditure iuor K'lmouiical thtn tbe purcbate ol in abundant supply of clover eed. One perk, per acr ia not too much we have found a half buthel to J it M n increa worth iriuch more Uuui the addUiontl cost of the ied, llut a heavy seeding alone Will Jjot entwer.tfc purpose, unleat Uie soil ia in a proper coiuli tion. . .. .-,.:( t ) . , , The practice of Uip-dretting wlieat-fieldt with Sue manure, applied in sutiimn when .; the grtia it town, it not only highly stivtn tugwjut to tlis wheat, but inture thiger rjimttion anct4g"it"'ii growth of tbecWver. The practke of brushing th turf ace very early in irit)g with a floe tooth barrow, would douutlea b of great additional use. " -lteiiff Gtntieman. . . - . . v. w ft Vatiru $tati iata'i - AKDBIUK8W0RK- Jt?5n w b to iform oar friendi tod patrpnt t a in t, iut ol our Mtctmi btioiw bir nrew -hwe eor vOL'.NiihX and rAfl'KKMt. , ' V TWO VrFKf J -mu Mat bin 8hwp iUitt uie 1h Itc awi4 Slost Highly flat. . proved Mavrblnerf ' "u I, ! . i.utl.. Wttit nut inifitiii w -aiisimi.Aoiattig rrHt tl Ut I l liiiort of Foritinirt.tiidtneaiab 11 hid, ia Ute beat . , Ail killde la luia .u l (JUt Unln ftiruMwd ti.n ,t.,T.it, i ,o li.udali huKi, 0f rt ! If u , tfei x Ul U t m of AKnmK aril luirde- ,t iw',-i,,a, u I wiu,nv J CO. ids few rsckages .-l.i B.eet'.RD, I , lAit-uLAhliMJj. j ly - j-- . P ASHED lT7HZ;i'l.I BEWIOH, . Suction t. Bt Untested hv tkt Renal sud fAZ tongrtm tmmbUk Thai it bereldeclaredlo bate tea the true In tent and Birting of tfaf act of the eeound I ilar of March, one uraMaa feign, nunanu j tnd) iity-WTta, entitled m set tor the mure. I -jtlicieot government yi tberebei male, ou of tlin ai t supplementary thereto, passed oa , . 1 - t Vw : -u.l. I. 1.1 Bt.lua j.f Virtritiim MiVh t-ii4u,XJJiit, i maluiiana, Klorida, Tera and Arkan u were ilhgki and oid, and tbensaftef Uie tauie govern otenU, If continued, were to lie inttruel stihjeet ia til respect to the mili tarf (xiiiiiiiandert of the retpeclivs DistricU tnd to the authority of Con great. ftsJYioa S. And U Hfrtktr moetid. That the commander nf any district named ia taid act tbtll have power, suhject to the ap proval ot the General of tb armiet of tbe Lsitwi Mates, to bars eflect till ttis tpproved, whenever ia the opiaioa of tnch commander tbe proper adminittratioa of aaid act shall require it. to tutpehd or rumove Irom otjice.or from tlis perloruiaiu of official dutue and the exen-iee or olticlal power, any o(D net or perto hohling or ei ercising. or profiting to bold or -etercite, any civil or military office or duty ia such dintrict, nnder any power,ltia,app'jint menfor tathortty Hen red rro orgranteo by, or claimed smler any tn calleil Btate or the fco-rernoient tlieri-ol, or aay municipal or other di vinion thereof, and upon such lURptntion or removal tucb commander, tub ject to tb approval of tbt General aforeaaJd, ihall.hav the power to pr.lm, im to tini for the performance ol tiie aait ou tlet of -h officer or pertoa to tntpended or rvinored, fj the detail of loui competent officer or soldier of tit army or by th appointment of some other pertoa to per lorrn the tame, and tn fill vacancies oeca tinned by death, mtignttioa or otherwiae. Pbttios S. -Ami beitMfiktrmacfd. That tha General of the armies of th United Htata (ball be invested with all tbe powert of tiixpentioB, removal, appointment and detail granted in tbe preceding section to district comniandert. BeCTIOII 4. And 1 wyWeeW morUd, That th act of th ODicert of lh army already doaeMn removing in said' district person eiercining the functions of civil officers snd appointing others ia their stead are hereby confirmed ; provided that any pertna here tntnrt or hereafter appointed by any diatriot commander to txercit the functions of sny civil office may he removed, either y the military officer In emnmtnd of the dittrict r by tiie General ol tb army ; snd it shall lie the diHV ol commander to remove from 'Hire, at aformaid, all persons who are (lit Inval to tb government of, ' tbe United armef, "r h" 'heir i.fll. ImI Ihfliu-nce In any , liann to hinder, delay, prevent or olMtruct tbe due and proper administrattfia "f i hit set and the acts to which this it tTipplinaDtisry;'7. . ... . . y Hiicimn S. And it U further tnaettd. That thu lioarilt of regittraiion provided fr in the sot entitled "an sot tupnlemeniary to an act entitled 'an act to provide lor the I more I'fhulent in vera men t of the rebel Btatee, ' pawed March 2, eighteel hundred and siity teven, shall have power, tnd It thsll he their duty, before sJlowwig the registration of any person, to ascertain upon tucb fact or infornvkth.'q at they can obtain, whether uch person is entitled to be reifistered un der raid act, and the oath required by ssid 'act thai) not beconclutive on such ourstlon tnd no person shall be rogittered unlets tucb hoard shall decide that he :il entitled thereto) and tucb hoard shall aha ,hvt power to stamina nnder oath (tn be admin itteredriy sny Diem her ot tuch bijiarrt) any on touching the qusliScatioa of any peraoa claiming registration. But ia every case of a re.luaal by the board to reiritter sa spiili Cant, made ia every esse bereiusfter peovid ed. the board shall makt a note or memo randum, which thall bt returned with the reoittrstion list to the eommsnding (ner 'n ol the District!, setting forth the ground Vf inch refusal, or tuch ttriking from the lint; Pretuttd, that ;- .ueriHin thai) be ditipislifled, at a nieliilier of any hoard of registration, by reason ol race or color. Hkctiom Anil he it fvrikmr tnantH , Tnal the true intent tnd meaning of the oslh irt.kcrilied in taid tuplenieniary act b (among other things) that a person who has liCen a member of the Legislature of any rotate or who hat held suy executive 01 judicial oftiif in any Rtwte, whether he haa taken an on!!) to support tbe uon ititution of the tJnijel Htstes or not, and h hetlier be was holding such office at the stiOimeDceineiit nf the relicllioa or bail held it before, tnd a ho hat afterward engaged in InsurrecLion or reU-IImn against the United Statu, m given aid ortmufort to tbeeawtulei tiirreof, it entitled trt le repittered Or to rote; and the word "rttt-utiv or judicial office in aay Statii" in said oath mentioned thsll lie construed ia inclthle all civil eiheet" created by law for the administration nf the gi'iierl law of tbe State, or fot the ad m mistral ion td jnakfaifv . ji, ' , Swtioh 7. And b it furihtr tkatttd. That the time for completing the original regmtration provide! Jor la said act may tn the dir.retia of In dititrii't. he extended (k'tolier, lM07;and the boards ot rvirtHt tion thall havs power, sad it shall be their duty, commencing fourteen days prior to tny election nnder taid act, and upoo ri'S auiiable public notice of the time aud plow thereof, to revise for a period, of three days the registration iistt; and npa beiug satisfied that any person not entitled there to bat been reentered, to strike the name ot uch person from tiie lint. -And such board thsll also during the same peri' m1 tdd to tuch registry the bamee ofall p r tiflht who: it That ItmrpoasrtsJTheTihsriHi'a tiont required by said act who bare not lro already registered, aod no person shall at any time be entitled to be -rtsgittereil or to Vote by reason uf any execnttv purdon or tmnexty for any act or thing which, with out tucb, pariloo or ainnetty, ..would dit qualily him froraregittration or voting. , Ssxmo: 8. And it furOur tnaetud. That section 4 ' t tiie said last-Bameit act thall be con1 r, 1 to authorize thecommsn ding generii? r " 1 1 h ere.irV. wbeweviY he thall deem it ii' ,), toiHiuuve sny tiieui- point another peraoa is bit stead, and to fill fj JTiqlBCy 1 tnrB."j ' i- j feacrum O1. That' all iiiimteiioB'salil Boaidt. of Hrgittrttion and all pertori here-, after elected or appointed to office in mid rniliinry (lUtritts. UK.lcr tny to-called Huue lii UtikipiiL. autTioriTy'oT rrT'iTeTaltTO s pointnitnt of the Iistrict CiKlimtndrrt. tlml "br lllinjril.lilt-ike-s4i.iM to f hVnrrlh ot or.H-e prtrr)ied bv law for officers 0f Ut t'uitcd Ststef, Sgc-rmji 10. That no District Command- er or n.emtr of tiie Board of reKitrstion'Sw.Tr'm,'lu"''t UT"1' ""aBit.ub.-nhs .. ,.r .1.. , 8 T th following uauh ov- attirniation : ' I. A B, do at any of he PaTi . or aprninwt actingU,,mt,;r .ei ,dr aihrnii tbtt I have never vwt- under them ull p tmunit in bl action by i any opinion of any civil officer of the United i States, j " t. ' ' i a" ' n' ' . it bKCTtowll. Tlist tilth crovitiont of thit art, sud the sett U which thit is mp- I pleroeotirv, shall be conttroed lihsrsllv. toi t,e .-,,1 !.. .11 I,. lelea ikr . .. t.. I t . I '. tL lutonaauam oal readcrt wt repttbiita.. a foUowt U Uu ruoxaUiH-Uue act ut Coaanaa, .aiw as tbe thernita-nblibarirur bill. We aball add id it tbe Howard AJVb Ubenl, feat 0tb aud ta HupvUtoratary , all (4-whK h wilf be kept etaading antutbt win. wiry InforniaUae they ceotaia aball bt fuomllj and folly sndev- .Ufui. : . ;-"4- ' .' ; THK RfC&KSTHCCTlQX ACT. , a AiT to twiivi.le far th Sim tlTHW.Uwnv. Bai of U nsbri Ittefc. (raetwd over tb Fnwidetit'i Vto, Marrb Id, 18k7. W Matte, nn k tral Mute toveraomttii aleqaate l,r irTlow ' iiiw i.i i, now ri,. V I hi, .4a lli f arilltll . iMirwlai M Hl Irtil A laltalllaV 1 tu.M it u tif-eMMi v t utl im-aii au,l t'Mjd or. drr bll bef'irm''l In wfd Hlttea audi lotal and tt.-,llt,ll.-tD MttetiierilUM:l,l I til tieltUtl- lx.MlttlJlMl.Ml f TIl.wI,M. Jm it aaeted by tb Xenat and Hn nf Jtep nwuUlivn of lbs 1'nHed tt of Aiawrira ui (VxiKreMt tjuvmMed, '1 lilt mid n-hel Kitl.-aal.til ha iltruled uiln wuhtarv dwU-ieUi and sitd" tnb- icrt to the BiUiUry autWiiy of tbt United rttatet, ta barelutfter preeril-d, and fur tliat parjxwe Vireiuiaaball nawtitut lb rt dittrv-t North IWUm and Kouih IJarolio theswond diatrH-t itworKia, aiaoania ana jimw m Mummoi-w sud Arkauut the f"rtii district ; sua : MtiM.,n uid TfctaS tht lifth ditrut. hec i. And lie rt further eoVited, That It tbsfl he tbe dnty of tn ITnleiitt satign to tbe eon1! uiaud uf writ of said dilria aa omeer of the .imy. not below tba rank of IHiKf Jw cenwtl mm', to deii a auttw'ieiil linlittry birr to eaaMa tuck ofbevr t.i peiform hit ilult. and enfi.4,ai b'ia authiiriiy ,iUiiu Uie dutrii4 to wl.nb tot ta tlKwed. . . . . - , ., nee., t. A lid be it ftirlW tua.-t.-d. That it tbtit t- ttte i)oi ,vf eti'h oiliuer wurtied a . afurai4 to sridMit all prraoot in their riKl.ft uf peraoa aod DO'lK-Mf, bl Nlt'iM HiOr r- - Hot!, 'l.lwi (-1 td loteai'. tiiri to paiitth nreanae tube pniiialieil aUdintnt(it tbe ptilHie peaeeand erniinl, aud to Una end he mar tllow lo. tl i ml trlt'iintlt Ul Uke jjlrtixlK turn of tnd to try lift. nderiv of, when HihiH JiulifomMrt H aiay bo seeeeaary for tbs trial of ort.iideit, be tlmll have power tn orgauiss Holilai y cianiiilMUoii-uf trilnntla lortlitt pur- V ... J..X -II .... . .....I..- ,.l..r .J U,...., tutboriiv. with nerewe elilHtry tu'hority anibr tint set nbsll lis noil snd void , Hwl S And Im it ftirtiier SliaiVi. Tlltt aH li- sesw put smler luihtiry srrewt by virtne of Una set aball be tried without sunematrv deity, and noeruel or simanai ptinwhnientshtUhe fniltcted : tnd no aentencs of any mihtiry eowiiiiiaaton or tnbdaal hereby tntborinen tneetinf tne lire or blierty uf any peraon, tlitll hs etei-nn d snlll it is tptiroveq ly iu onim m conunaun 01 umiiwun i, and Mi Uwt snd reiralalioii for th rnveniineui of the srnty sbali not bt tn eted by tint set, ex cept in so far sa ttiey eontliot wdh itn proviasius. Promt, d, 1 bat so sentence of death, triider the protunoris of this set, tlitH be earned inUM-nect wnuonl tne apinwaiot uie rrewinent Men. S. Kid be it btrtker enarled, That when th pcsW of any m of said mbl Htates shall litre form) a eoottiliiuon of ainremtaent in con formity with tlieOm-tuuUow uf the Lulled Htates tn sll retpeets, rrameo uy toonvauoon mueieirties ssMtod by th make eittsene of twkl Htale, twenty on year old and npwarda, of whatever race, eoka- or prwtoatmndiiioii,wno navs neen rotiocni in a, 1 1 Mlala f. ,r .mm. ,t u iffHtuma to Hie dav of aurh twrtimi. sti-ept snea aa may be (ftfrt(i hlted ft parUcifiatiuit ia tba t-lmllion, ur for fi lowvtt euhimou law: aod wlmn turn ooiieiiimioii lill pro uie that the elective frsiirbia Hhnllbeeiiloyul by all sneh ieraons a have th qualinoattriut here lu atao-d fur doctors of d.-k unlet : and when tuch oounUlulInn aliaU tie rfttined by a Dinlonlr of tbe persons rnting on tli f)untiou of rai ineatiou, who srs aiislimd t eleetort fie delei-tlea and when inn l, i. riimiiiilii.il aiitniw, rttineo uy a nuiontvm tha iw-ranna vmir on tb nneatlou of rttlftcatliHl. saosrv nnil died as etedors fitr d i.-(rilc ; snd whenauene(insutatir.Btiiiu nave been trbniittca to (tinereas for eitmitiaiioa and aiinrovtl. ami CoKiJfe-ii" tlitU "hit 'approved The eatne; and when tl.a taid Htaie, by avnts of ha ln(f IhUIiii-.-Sleeted under mud constitution, ahall have adopted the amendment to the enhttitntpm or tn tnitea Wstes, priK,().iid bv th Tblrty-nlnh Conni!' tad known aa arti. it fonrb-en ; tnd wbru atld trln-U) ahall bav beeoniespsrt of the couatttiition of tlis I ulted Mlab-s. still Htate shall ht declared enntled Ui reTeiiuttiiin in Coiiirriiet, and Huu-tbu-a and fb-nn-aenlalivaa ahall ha admitted therefrom, oa their taking tb oath praaenbed by law; snd then sud therctftvr tbs preevdiue mh ttout uf thin set shall bt iii.,wrtre ui laid til tie, l'rovidtd, That ho peraru i,-luded from the pnvuexSof holding nnii- by aid amendtnent to lb enuatilnuoo of tlni United htttet thtllba eli aibi Ut elwetinn as a menibarof tbe rimventioti to irauia a vonaitiuii.'u lor-auj ri aai.i irtwi nwiwv sot tbtll tny acb port.ru vote fur meniUirt of tach con vent ton . Hce, 4. And lie It further enacted, That sntil the peoplt uf said rebel Htttes emu lie by law m tn.lle.1 io repretontatioa ia the CVMn(rot of lb bulled rilatea, any civil government which Biay wutt Ibersm aball b deaaied uruvwiiootl only, sud in all reapoct auleet to lbs parsnsnat wiitbority oi to tinitea mate it tny uin iu aooiinu. mini fy, cotitnd or entieraede the earn aod in all alee tuin so any umee nnder tuch irovpissl govern stenis til pera. lt aball be entitled to vote, and suae other, wliotre ntiilml to vote Slider th provitioti uf tbe fifth tectum uf till set ;. snd bo permw siisu Be aliKinurto any olli. a one. or sees nroviaiooai toTarunient who would b duinnalf- Bad from boldinff onics nnder the proviaiout of tb third srUcle bt said rnnttitnUyunal anwaibaeat. V M'HUYLEB CtitTAX . Haof Uit lluuae ot ll Jittrtoiitttirea " " " I.AFAVKTTE a KOrlTKH, ' - - ,, frcaiitut of tb rietute frsfera. The follow me is tbe t'onttltutiontl Anendnient referred to in tbs M i. aoctl.ro of tbe Hhermaa bill: . - frsiHtMaf t'wwatilailawal Atnataal. ' Atvim.t xtv. .. . . beelios I. All personi Rim or uttnrtlired the United Htates soil anlijnvt to th Junadictiara tbeiaof are eiiiaeu of flnf I' tilled Httle aud" of tb Hiate wlivreia they reside. Nu Hiat thtil nak or eubrroa any law wbicb thtil sbndirs tb privilet;ie ur nionui.iti.t of cilijsen of the united Mates ; nor slutll any mate deprive any peraoa of uf, liberty ur pruis-rty without due process of la, a. - denv to auv pertoa wiibiaita iuriadictiua tbs equal prutecttuti of tlis Isw. . . bee, I. tiepreaeiitauves tutu be spporskSMd raonit th several isutet sccnrdini hi their re liectiv nninlr. ra, nmntiniir the whole number of perau: In aacli Ktatle etelndinK ludiaiit not tat eiL lint when the rikht to vote tt tnv election for the choice of elM-tors for Preeldent snd Vice- lYcanleiii ( tne l niten mat, reiinvcntatiret in (oiik-ruttveteiuuve siidju.hetaliiiiiiwsnftKiate. lbs members of tb lietruiiatiire thureof. la diuiitrd bi ask of the male, iubabiuuits of such eommeniler of anyitrn twenty-. voaUf aand cm tow to the 1st, ilty of I ol the tinted mai. e. ir in tut way abridged ex- boards ot rtgiatra I"? ,u participation is rebtlUnn wrerlier crime, tiie baaiauf repreaemalinu lln iiui sball be Jw- duc-d m the propirrthiu which the hiioiImt nf aticb niale citiu ii aliail betr lo the whole number d uaie ettosens twenty-one rear of tee ui such Stale. . - ;- ' Hce. ,. No parson thall be a Henator or Repre-' Mutative in Ctrngiwae, or eiiw-tvr uf I'reeiib'iit aud u-o-Prcaideiit, r hi M any nnii-e. en d or niilitarv. ander tbs tnited Htateanr under sny btate, who, having -previously taken au oath, aa a nHtnibcr uf Congress, or ta sa utViccr of the LuiUhI htates, la ta a uiember tat-any State Xxialature. urse saea ecutivs or Jndtiisl o(S.r nf tny Maun, to tuipivt the OiMiatitiiilon of the I uit.d 8tlia, absii Lava rairtgeil Ot iusiirirvH-tioae- ri liWiitui axaiiiat Urs I sani. o given aid. and com, furl U tiie em-miea thereof, llut Coogrees sit bv s vote of iWo-tuirda ofeai h House, remove tui-li djutbihtv. FRO. 4. lbs validity uf the l.ut.lle debt of Die United Mlttes authorised bv lai kielndine debt incurred for paymeut of nensionii aud bounties for rwrvicee is suppi iiaains lliaiirrec.lon or rerwuuntt, ball not bs nileatioejed. Hut neither Uis L'uited :iite nor sny ritate shall asaiime or pay auy d. bt or nbligstinn mcntred Ui shI of tnann ectioa or re bellion sgainst the Vnited Histes. or tny claim f.tT Hit heat or ejnanctpttioii of an; alt.a ; but til tucb debts, obligation and cltinis, aba.il be hi 1.1 illegal tad void, ' jiJhCtr(M'ab hxiifianqltb by '" WijUdtUi.U the pioviaioua.uf thu -Tb foil' .wlliji ia tfelr-ntlU uf uth.i- mrsta memm tfi-riitit,"audt' m ttumm r the rBuppbimrntsry 1)111 : f v Aw Actta Piecr(a ib OS! tntt , , tio e-,-e . . -. - u,,,,.-, ;'","'"".' ."y. r'TY:ruVH V? V"" tnaii befora eutenng upiMl ' th dmtca of'tach of. ace, aad befots beiug eutuk-d tu any uf the saiarv snieniy borue arma ica.nat the it. tt inw tf bvs keen a eiittea t),cr.i; that J htvs voiueis- ruy given uuaut eoun(eiuuics eouneel or eai-imr ti-uit til pcFMOlls dUKSged Ut armed boe! ii o e i...Fi i "T. ... "... nor exempted to etere se in- tiue-oon ol an. ' antiever, het tnv hmw, , prhn smhuritv, In h.u ity ) tt.e L uie.1 Mates; that j a uave not ,r.ieo a vctiioiarv soi'li.r, ui anvri-a. fwa eiari l'wi p eat a. , j Jf g uii,Tiiil, trial t'ffeafti r I ' er annoliitcd to anv otluv ot ho id i'X W.e I ftlUid further twoar lorilfirwi tbtt tnebabewt ef iJ kwi tt andtUlitv. I wiU tapf rt and delwiit ( ttawutiHion of tit I sited auieaaiitiu iroe autb and aliiroe to tlx eaiu ; th I takt lliwuOii;tuo IrtriT. aitboal aujr stMital reatv auii or purjxwt of titmxm, aod UuU I will web Sue intnfi.lW aiwWv lie duttetf Vbe w hK k I am abuot to enter. So a. Iu a Ood," wkk-bciath. aw kn and aimed, tbtll be ore- ervad aoiang Ut alt tt tl tnnrt, llouxi af (KlMt,4ls d-paruoeut Ml woioa wuu vmomr Mity tuperUin. and any peraoa who may Itiarly tak aaid oatb shall be guilty of perjury, and oo MiriTirtioa. tn Aiiiitiinw U) tfaa OentlUea now trw- rnUd tijf Uiat oneaea. anall b. deprived of kit !'' audjMidAii,'li eer .after. 'id IxiKlinx anyurliror(iiK'eiiuur.uuit.uited tittles. sci't-iKxtcirr to ttk htkyesh- AN AfTanmilnmenUl to aa set tutitled aa art to provide f. tbs aiort eSjeitiit soverastent of lb rnbsl Xfatea, psatad Marefa L 1M7, snd to .faeiliUMt raatorstius. lie it ei.t J. I f ., That btfora tbs trat day of vuiptinoer, ;iii7, the eomniani!iit; fessral ut oai h dlatrtFt ik-toad bv th ant to prorida fur tb swivw arh.-k-nt oannMBt tl tit rebel Mtata, aj.proi Atare.l ni ahall eattas a rs;Mra Uoa to be made of th auti eiUtaua td tb l.'iuv ted Malta, twentr-ens years of see, snd sp wtr.la, snudewt la eseh eonty or rnriah ia tb Htate or Htato iaeiBded at hit district, which rttr MtrrtMin. aid luelu.ui only Uiuaa pcrtaaia tkt srs ipiannoa Ui tm for dilKKea uj inssoisrorasaia. and whni aliall hare taken and subaenbul Uia fidlowing eath or tlHrtnauun : i do SoKiiinly swesr or afllrm, in th preMume of Alnnnhir (l.i. that I am a eitiaen of th Htate of. V.. tbtt I have maided in said attu for - -uuiuLb aett proueduis this day, ssvl now reside hi ttw eountv of , ur the pariah of , in Said Mute, as the caae may be ; that I am 21 rear old : that I bar not been din tn chiaod da- partk-iiatioe n any ret-luon.,fir eiril war ayan.tt ti.e Imted Hiaot. uor foe feioov c.HnmoiM.1 tirainat the lass of anr Btta o. of lli l'uite.1 Hialet j that I bavs nevar beess mem- rwr of auv Htata iialaiura. or haid uiv ataen- tiur ludicial oni.i m any Htate, and aftHrwtribr I t inuid Utatoa, and given aid or eon fort to tb eiiuairttu ui inaurriMjuofl ami reoouion aeaiutt.ine iuiMinuiiw iiie-ia. ; ntt t nsvs never taaas an oats jaa a aiwiiter if lonirmai of th United Htttat, UT aaan otneer ur tin, Ltntad MtaOai. or aa a no-ill ber of sny Httte I-ji-ltluro, or a an executive or ludicW MUcer of anv ktaOi. to snt'tnrt the Osjantauon uf th liaiUid HtatiM. aad afterwards LeiiKtKed in.uiaurioclion or rsbeluua axaniet tbs United htttoa or eiven aid or ooinfort to ui snewiie thereof-tint 1 will ftithfuUy nipjiort tiie voTwratwwnvv auw ouaT tna law nf tn I. mien buiet. and will, to lbs beat of sir ilxltty, eneosv axsfrUierasu to do. au help me Oud. wbicbottbor atirmttion may be aduiuiuttarud uy any regiautnnf omref Wa. I. ThatalUv tits omubdiiat uf tbs rscis- trstios hereby provided for in suy nuto at such time and place tlierem s tb enmnisnding Knr tl ahtU sppniat and direet of which at k-aat thir ty day's uublts uotiss tliail bs aivws, aw vaetioB auau se neiu ol n i. ;tlo to a oonvantioa fee th parpiM of Mttbindiuir s ootutiiutKin sod eivU Kovernrweiit mr tn -h Hist Invii to tbs Uuion aaid euaventaunfaisaoh Htate, eteant Vuwmis. to eonsud uf lbs ssats nuailiar of steaabera as the m.att nuiueri.Hii brsnch of th Htate iiaUturs of a.u u suit at in veur inui, to b apportioiusi tmons Uie several districts, eonntiea, or parialiea af sts h state by lb emnmandme teoeral, mviBf to each, repnentstloB in tbs ration iters re gistered a afnresaid aa ai-arly as msv bs. Tiie eonvrnuoo in Virifiois nhsUeuositt of Dm Ssats niunUir of mcmlHira ta ropreaented th tembiry now oiHistitiitiug Vii'Kml In tbe moat Bunieroua branch f th ta-gisUtnrs of said Mtau Ut Ut year iNUU, to be appnrrtirned as aforiaaid. , See. . That at eneti tlrctfcw th rewwterad ters of each tu aliail vMtej for er atraawn) s sns vsnlios bi form s couttitutiun thereof nnder thit act. Ihnae voU.'g bl favor of tuch a amnslna ahtll htve wviiU'U er- printed en -the ballots iw wbicb they vote f.w delegates, aa aforesaid, ths words " for a convention j " sud thus voting sua mat tuch a enliven linn thtil have written or printed on aurh ballots tbs word "sgainst s eras-' veiitinn. " The person aotxiinted to annerinteua ssid election, tnd UiiutUs return ofib vote given therott, a lierein pruvidad, aball eon trt and make l ri-inni ot auw vaaNSi gerww lor ano agtlBat S eon- vetition ; snd th oBunaudm general, to whom the strae thall hav bn returned, shall aaosrtaia and declare Uie total vote in each Htate fur and tt-amat l convention. , It tmtjorityol the vats given an tnat qnesuoB anau oa mr a oooventiow, tliou a ronventiun thall be heH. a beretntfter provided ; but d timtj.s-itv uf aaid vote shall b against eoavwatais. I hen ho eouveuuoa thall bt U, ia unuer thu act : r-roevtnl. That aues. era. ventlno than not bt held eiiless a aiajorlty of til su. h registered voter ahsil bav voted on the eueaUuti of uoultsg tuoh eonvsntioa. See. 4 That tkt commanding general of eb district shall appnuit saab leval oftcers or rarraue aa stay be twewMary, not eioeedmg thrds'u sack eiectiua diaU art, in tuy Htate, ta ataa aad euss-pK-ua tbs regiatraliuu, aupenutand the eksstioB, snd Biaks return tu him of th rotes, iut ef voters snd of tint per suae sleeted a delegates b' s pmrslity uf tbs vote east st said lectloa : sa npoa reouivliig said returns h ahall open tb same, ascertain tli person elected a delegate according to tiie rctuiit of tb ollioera who eue ducted aaid eleerWIBtrsnd rusks prorbunation thereof; and if a majority uf the vote given on that mtsstioB ahall bs lis- t ooti van taw, the com mandiug geueral witlun sixty day from tb dais of iiUvUou, thtil mxify Uie delegtlet to utrmhln in convenli'in st s tuue snd ptto to be mention ed iu the aotiticatnai, sud ssid eon vent ion, wbea urganiwxt, aball proceed to frenr s Oonautntinn and civil government sccorduig lo ths pronskins ut this ct, snd the act lo which it m supplemea Urv i and when th asms shall have been so fram ed, saldOmatitutma aliail be submitted by th eoOveution bar rtUh.itU.ru to ths persons regls- toreu uiiaeetne provisions or tnis set, tt tn elec tion to be eoodneted by th ultlcers, or person appntntvd by tlis eonvaisnding genets se bereiu iMitore provided, snd to be held after th evoira. turn of Ihu-tv davs fraoi tbt dale of notic tbers of to be given by ssid convention, snd ths retarnt thereof aball be mads to ths commanding geueral is ius wairaie ' , ' ame ... .u.wue HI tUS milTIlt, UK eooslitnti.ru shall lie ntined-by t siaertty of tb vote of the registered electors qaallned e here u. a art... it ... ' u . in speetned, cast st said eiectioa, at least one-ban' of all the regiatered voters votiug upon th qnew w ii. oi a.itio ,ioieMm, se prreuieut ur uaaeias- veution aball tttnsniit s eouv uf tbe tatae. Hnlv eertibed, to the Preanbjnt of til tiniled Htate, who shall forthwith transmit the same to Con gress, if then in aessiun, aud if not to mtirat, ulien iinuiediau 1 up.ru it next sssembbng g snd it it aball mureovet appear to 1'uagreea that tbe sleotusa wa on at whicA all tbe registered aad qualitied elector! in tbs Mar bad sa oppononity to vuts ireeiy alto vwiniii rastramt, fear tar th influence of fraud, and if Conrresa shall ha aatia- n'i'"!!, , mshii Ullj inat sicn cuBsiuuuorraieetatne appro si of and il tbe aaid eoustituuon shall be declared by :.aii;rees lo be in .noraiity with tb provision of tb act to which Una ia tnppleertentarv, and tb ot her proviaiont of said act shall hav ben uea plied with, and the said eonstitiition shall be tp prored by l'uiu(ra, th btate shall ba declared eutitlml to r jiceseiiittion, and H. nalorr and lle prcsentstive thtil ht iilmiiu.,J tbsrefron as bsreiB pruvukul. - i IHiniv H (US uusimea eiect.ua ia tl.a Mtata Itee. a, Tbtt til elections in the' Rtatna m. ntion. ad in the said "Art to provide for the raors erH- eleot governuienl of Uie rebel hlatea," thall, dol ing th operstioo of sstd act, be by ballot ; and til oUiccr maiuug the aaid reglstratiori of voter tnu ennuiicting said elections thtil, tienip enter ing upon the discharge of their duties, subscribe an oaihfaitbfullv to perform th duties ef ,their neid attic, and tit oath prescribed by th act sp proved July x, l,'i,eiiutle.l "As set to prescribe an oath of office :V Provided, That if anv peraoa ahall knowingly and falsely take and aubaenb ny naib bt tint actpreantibed. avtrb peisus sn I" - """t ij ...w, snsu tie tllbievH to tb Uaiua. DenalUeS and dlaainhuaa wnicn ay itw are provuied sir tu pnniiimnnt of tjue enni ot wiinu tna eumiit perjury. Hae. 7. That all expense incurred by ths several easMmsading gen ral a or by virteof any uiireis mf iw spiHHUlIIMrilie evsoe try I lie IB atV - r CfJii luluc ol ;t" ti-A, aba) hs cut, ft any ue-uey ui the Ireaeury nut utbarwsvs tvec. That uitannv sntuin fii ati-k RUla tb Uia fees.- eeiwtv and rs newel ti e ta sivt .Mt-JtetbinUi a'ssastr tvskawtv:' tat sgeuta ue.retu authorued or Beet in try Br et tv mto eJrtnct th purpoees of tin set, wot tar lio otlierwie prnvt.ied Ac, snd sball provid ,or tb ' ' luaiiueeoTu ems aa uie ettts see ,n ,,, ,, .. .u.l, ..... u . A K D Jl If B'l v - FRESH TCRKIP BEET. i ,- Etrty tU Pdb'h Tornin. . " I ted lop im. ' " anew Ball l Larca P .m-rtnitB Olob lx. " Sorb.,1 Jloi . Pnrr-1 T fj Hint Fact lx zr Just received al U-e Prng Rtvr of ' v . --'iLI.j4MailATWQlV. July Ji-jEe-tf- . . I ,, , , , , ' duitti a. XiAM.lt, i . ' i i. HIHAA, . 4 0 8 KP 11 U. Ul MA V, f - : ; LkuefTtvrborit, V C. PAXCir, III' HAW sV ., ,'. GetseravJ tMmltot MrrfttiH, to tba sals of all kiuda of Bout bent pnaiuiw aad parubses ef Geuerad Jrlurcbasnbte, . , . Ko. 91, EtifhHnge IMtter, - ",".-..'.. " TW'at.--' , Aag, at-tf ,.-' -u - ...i - . -s . " ' r U ll tTtsA WAV.! I TLEV. IBIUaAiXartmll HATHAWAr k Ctoa-'sl I ti.-U)r.n imI .fli.ua", .nMU"" '-ai, i-, .-.( bblpplng stud opBBilsslttri " ' fittsils, ' . - ',,. . ( Ifl ItUKi; KTBEKT, KEW yORKv" W suhcit itiaiftnaaals af Cotton, Kaval Hbwaa, HbeetlUHs, karua, TiHauMu, sud utuur Oatttbera i'Mduets, to the sale of which our aeuaapt pvrwaul atV-titHas will be gives Jt sdl tuaks Uberat a-lvauoes np.i receipt uf In voie sad mil of Irlnig. All atrchajidiae and Prodne shipped to aa na aaie are man red from Clot of birment, with r witlioot ailvice.-r votes Wluadd' siwaya- ccoiuaiiy eacb-alup-areut. , ' liolk cf at String bad ewer tweuly year ev peneniee in tniauieea mtne nentn, ami our a. UA1 HAWAII three yirs (n Newlt.uk, feel cuandent can aeear full prbaoi fear our frieuda who will favor us with ineir eunaiuniiimtui. r Hsras vo Keuiti P. battle, f ule 5estil of N J. snd W. II. A H M. neker, rUleiLli. It. M. 0. ik. U HATHAWAY. " WM. K. nii-ci fee. - jaSCZLLAHEOUS,j - jill'llKICir!rf -VAM-KV POETABI.K KfJlK WOKKS, " ZAKCSVJLLK, OUJO. ' D WALLS' lVPItOlFU. rnilTAHl.JC .MTKA.V KSOlSiV AM) VJM. VJ. iH ,. , " SA ' Ml US. itVdU'H PMKM. , ,;" JIM VOJtX MILLS AXfi IM-, --' PROVED ri.vutust. ...' a, " Mill. S. .. The Engine tnd Mill have reccHved the first preminia over sll eompetibirs. They afford the beat, cheapest, and moat economical power in nee and tmiel in power any Euguis tutde in the Union. w ' . '" The Engines sre fired tnd thotooirhlKteetea before tesvuig the works, and are warranted In all reeoeeta perfect snd readv for Immeditte use. Tliey sre wsrranted to cut mors lnmli. r with less hinds aud st seat txoenee tbtu any irther in the Unkm - - ' For diHHTiutiuttt, price list and other Inform a- t on sovu-ess. , , - - a- iJOHS ft. OMETTF.K. -. i.'ti ', f 'I i 1 teniiford Uuid Agency, . 1 Greensboro' S C. June 6-J71- ' - - Agent Sir J?. C OAMETT, fOtHQ- SCOTT, & CO. , We. .l Warrrw aad iS) Irlwrrwy Wis. ". 4' '-- JnIOEeH Tut' - .... . ..-eV- - iBtniBALD VOtNC, CABEETT fo. i i OF KEW TO KK, t AND -1 v i - 1 i I HI I srcc eu scott v t;o., , 0?NEWAniC,N. ).' , -, - V ,- ) t,-.B ' af-to Estentlve Mnnufart rert mat4 ' 1 Wlioleaaltj Itealera. In i If e n'i'k n 4TB o j sCfj'la thinicl i tl. W. 6 ARRETTy 2' BKN()UN. KPENOKH HUOTTt May 16-1807 , A. It KHAR, ti. A. L eH X)TT, t. H. GAKtUiPT. DET GOODS. NEW-GOODS NEW' GOODS.! ""-n. ' - ...a, i''-.-0---VStV' -'B-i,-S' 4-r fl ' T I VI. T U E COM K A N D OO I e NEW AhBlVALS. t V.151II .'I 'jir-.v -,i-Se:fte " I HAVE JOSIT hECEIVF.D MY THIHW8C. ply of ttpring sud Huniuu.r Goal,. 4 I , ,v... rt. ,',: Iv...i.;- , ('; oj lit..: Jnjst neeived S.IMKI yds of bsautilul rjpribf.sod Buxaiuer CLUVM. I 11 v Jnirt received ,(alvds.Motir stDZAMBItllES aod LEKOf. w- J t.lUt il, aw f . i M Jnat received S.Onb yds." Figured -JA00HITT8 sad LAwha. , . , Jnat- received IS: dneeaI.trtiea, anr lllle, TRIM ME i9 HATS sud BONNETS, snd wdl b sold Chesu. .. ' . ... , , 1 . - l' .... -- ...is tjr (J f btvs asked niv friends tnd risbrmera to font to VHKHCU'H to buy their goods, and I in pletaed to say tliat hnnli-eds baveauiae end sr etjll eutning. ,T.tl- ,;,'-e -i. , . .; , . .' " I seep no nine tssnt or sAcff rwoiVf remnanla. t buy sew food and gwod styles, snd sell them right. . ., ., - - - - . 1 . Corns to CKtEl'H H to buv your goods, B Rntith's Corner, EayoUevUla Btreet. , ' ALEXANDER CREECH. May Sl-KO-tf - ,i Progrsss copy on week. "," OCR STOCK 13 KOW COMPLETE I WE TASK PI.FASCRF l INFORMING OVR friend snd the Duhlic. that We have in store en of the moat j'.ai-iiV)'-,iT-.-..iemw-aate,jia'.i.n COMPLETE AND TtKAVTIFVL AS- Our DKEtM CKKHirt srs enaiposed of sll tbs liewtstylet and novelties of th aeasort, tr ttntr of White ftowds is Pr. : T"- .ItMUl, cttuslsilttg ef r- . im ff , PLAIX. CUSCKkD ASP STTlIPttt OKQASl-lKS. , A ,,fiAf.Jr,4.V. V . ' .JLAIS AXT tXBROU ,, . - DERCD IISXJTAXD XTT&LIW RBTTS, Ac., A. trr cnodt tr of ths best analilv and e-i low tt a-v one eaa sell E e-lXi. s rhi 1 LI FOB CASH. Snd in tent with mtli pro6ta. . A U w sst i sa eiawiinaUon of our sto. V j wa taluk wa eaa ph-aee. . t j frwat-it (tviistiswstsj. ('' fjt t -, Waitm.aSaleaefl " A- Jf. J. WdroiMnx. ? Afra J 2T4-tf 'BAlIlkoil'lPTfa'ai POOLE ,. -' ' ' BaJlllflsirr. ' ' f MANUPACTTJHKHH OF PORTABLE AND ST. TIOXARV- Hiram - I.ttclnea and Boilers, ' steam tlKE i:him:s, trrrrvn fatkj;t amemvax ji ui.t TVRB1SE WATKtt-WllEKI., SAW . MILLS, JfJA7A MAi HlMf.lt ) , .P-0MTAHlM Vhiyf. if fl h ? j , -,, ;, 2KBKKTa altstH HVUI l.TtR Hoariiy MU1 ilsibinery, rftiiis-, Fulley snd 'Wsras-19Mlrn'. ' !:.'. iVll.UK HKATH, MLMH-tVtMtKt. RAI.TIMORK, Md. "OUJ MAkflJUiO WObKM.- ' Humbling. - KbeetLesd, .,;; :, f-sd Pipe,. Iron riiie, ': Terr llolti Pipe, ' t Braati Ciasks, .... . WrtedUsjki, Iron, 1 ,cml tnd Ziur Btlb Tobti- '" " Tui Bath Tub with" , 1 - Metiers, rvfc . ,i:-t Water f'luseta, . . -- Iron aud t'luiut Iiaains, ilydrauta, -I'uasps, ibuus, j'ouutai ut w.: Water VS liils Garden Vims, V,. Water-Coolers, '- ? Befriifertlors, Jtc. Meunt Terwoa X) d o k Move. - - v . altHlrlC'r C'ook, fb rarer Wilbaiua's, Uut - verse tVark -. bs.be Kto.-, ' - Kuniucali lialurSk - Atavee iieliufe. .. - a. ". u..7..:, o,e-uw , eineraunuiuKe.; Mayward, Harth.lt A Cue rurlable si uacael. altgee Kuruacoa, l'ur- tanie sua mt. Parlor, Church and attove in great variet v. Ail tiie dinuneitt atytoa a urates High In aud Iw fanm V Oil tblr . Urates. Sc.. . - Which will be sold ta kiw aa utn be bad' in Die April S-aTW-iy ' ' v riA.vos: .--.- lIA0lf BEANcvO.V, riKRAR 4 to., , ' I iuilQ U, k' fi -AGENTS FOR 8TIEITS lift :PEE-I- IACTOMEH MAW CAMliKN HT AMUi It ' 471'KltltV 8TV (IPI-IH-ITE THK Htl.ll MORB HIO it. R OFFICE. AMI WAHK. KtVIMH lift. 7. W. MBKIITY HT.ABOVK IIAI. TUiOitsV JtAtVqiU(ta Md.,-'. . rlrlifs new Kctle Pianne, with tie- Agralle tre ble and Ivory fronts, al- pronounced by Hie Ik st fVofessor and Amateura to b tb retd Piano now in use. They are fully warranted for 6 veare with privilege of exchange within 11 mniilhs, if not entirely satiafsetnry to the pnrchaner. Hecund band 1'ianos and Ctbinet (iignus tl wsyt on hand from 60 to UtOO. - ' RKmtNcKs: (Who have our fltnns in nse) Oeu. Bobt E. Les, lexingtnn. Vs., Oen. Hold. Itmi ora. Wilmington . o.. Rev. C. H. Riddick, Kit trerll'i biiringt, N. Max Blrakosch, Director Italian Opera, and Hits Caroline U. liiclMltfis, uf tb aUigbsb Opera. LIBERAL.. ACilXlssnT.iriTED. Mayaa-eia-aai - . .' 7- ' . MISCEUAHEOUS. CHAxB TO HAVE irotTit ' old ; repaired ikd TTAYING OBTAINED. TH BEaVIOKfl OF A a. a. cio. i innoisierer we an prepared to do alL kind of WHdloTEKIVO, with neatness tnd oupatuo. atiaracUoB goarauteed. Old Mattretaei renovated tni made over - .. .v ' .. I' '. .. Tarnlturs Of So kinds reoalrrd and ean.ialro.1 sud ra-npholstered, snd any thing La enr hue made to order promptly, , , ' " ' W. la. MQttRma A 00. April Je-JM-tf lg FayetteviUe St. . HOCU. ISLAD MAXITACTI R. " , ixo co., coods. , CIlAnLOTTl JV. O. T TO SOUTHSHN MEHCnANTS. r" J?" ?etir to mpply yourselves for the Fill snd Winter trade, with tbe very beet desciip tiunssBdstylea of . . . . . . , 'AIL.W00I, CASSIMERES, ' " AND WITH THA MOST DURABLE JiArta aisd i All fre from Shoddy and other impurities, order temples from the eubarriber. and tbev will b forwardrd. with prices stlached, aluring tiie montlitof July and Auifnet. " . . Fiors thee samples yon can mtke your sele tions, and return our orders, snd th goods wUl b furwarded direct from tb manufact nrr. JOHN A. TOUNO, Caarlotbt, M ay aO-Joo-4m Preendout ...... aJ. II. CIIA.WFOHI), , , Mechanical and OperatKe Dcntls . BAIsEIQII, N. C OFFICE OVER PESCVO'S "OLD .DRUG t . STORE, - ' ; From A, H. to 1 P. It, and froj j to eyrie :';: Teeth Eitrtcted withoot pain by the us of Nitrons Oiuta Gas, and tbs local anesthetic ur Ether tprtv. .. , 9 4-ltiM-eodly .' , V-'WHOLESALl! OaOCEES. , PILLIAM. JOXE A -t'O- " noiesaieiiroffrt and Cora mission ' MER CHA NTS, Sfo. 58 FavetteTilla Stmt,EteiKh, H. C. t KA('lf MoIiAAhkh ANt CHFrhK N hRAMHEH WINKH AND WHlMK'rFS BOAPH. OANDIiEH. AND CANbll-x. . I TOBAao,blEEANDCIl?AI; CannrtJ Frutlt, rn urr-t and Flat, v a-..s aa..- mm . . - a.eaerw V)airn, tHlSIl Htld , Ikitlea, Kuta, Cnrrnnft, Mr. wirier-aa.ieaa'sirit(((iiiifcfc.-.a sVWlilHrtslrft . Ml of BnrlfHua. Itii,- 'i-t'Jt st'-.w,.3a5...v-.W-.i...-r.. i,., ............ M-lrwiT;rt .i '7",U1 n"all--Iiwb.1 iu a first variety aud at prices wbicb cannot fail Wplese. ': - TAIITIfrirri tsmru,,,-. . ' --.- g5:ja.-.t-timta it . 'r".35 t of Manure Eoii -witiiua "laenimi !! tvnirmm m: ' S !?,"V ;'" " TrV htu.es, S Plow Lines, 10 -roes Ate H.ve, - --lone, Twuie, Ntiis, In. . . 11 U JAM. JONT n FehlTWf,? ",0" UKhta RIMB WHITS MEAL, I j sro prepaaea inronuea asvjaiitnutviif Cboirw ' r.V. nave eonsiantivna band . . . . .. eiem unarms price - , . 1 E SfOR E HT ' AitKiuaiisuf Awaries; V ,Hed ta Onr.L ! net, l . btetchea Architenrs siTt 5 l!('oti?el.H.aeboidMtlta-a.tliM J7..",t - ,V! ivrsoual aad Literary U.aaiip (UKauduiaTS -- ftVptrtlueul lathloua,) Instrawiartr"1 Health, tiimnsatie, houestruui truwiota, shi, Aumaeuienta, etc., til be trt,,1''- lli nmoisely and artistu-til I eiwih KiiKravings (full site), useful ld jt,,' t I'ttti riis, fcndn.idi. Jeweb-v and . 'euWe I.. - . . .. . " -ooath. ""7 " noveiues, With other aud enterisining literature. "'! ho tram id rehneuietit, economical houi, HI.rW;tlfiy; MnB.,upiee 30 tcnuTi iiiitiiU m, at, stKN im. na, IU mi, ; titb,.r i. free, yearly, jW, with a valntl.le preuuiiuT . cople., r.; three riipius, 17 SO ; fixe mZ l xiiTllrpn-TiiUil Mi iiliinnirfririTui-.i M aaTn " the lirat prenuume tweaoh siibacribvr - lu .iUJ,l'"tt - " ' : . . 7' -- . INos-tiJ Ur.ia.lsty. New-V,. , S rVinor.wfs Mcsithry and V.mng Amert? t getlier. tt, will, toe pmuiiHSss for sseh. anullN7-if -i v; .. .. DBY GOODS. TliS V iATKHT ARRIVALS " ) 1'' I ' , ' ' i! n -a-oe. Hfcvr'ri-i.-i', I t'" o... ,inw a JUl-.SL lU'LL 111 . 11 HIXIII id Itieh ' ' 1 ' " "V :i,. 1 ... UMMmH.Mm--mm. if.- : .,c - ,. fOPLlS. ALSO, fliiar.ikulKt.lllt.l , lili '11 JAfi)StCTT x ' ' ; PKkiAi.Ks, l II I- v ft A r. .,..... AND Hi.OtiO yds a: of tb hindsnmeat Print "Ci'r i'ts Theie good have Wn bought aiBce tht KBfKNT ifcX,INK IN PRICE, o that we ess era yon handsomer irorati, , ,i ' prie thin We bar been tile lo do tines ,he , '.. '., i' CLOSE Or" THE WAR. ' , '. '--ALSO,- ' UI-KACim 1omestii Al t A Bl.K irlipft PLAlJI IIVMP.SPUSX, , ;; ; UKJITJ? AND ROYS WKAU 1KH1 VI A Ml LIS KS'S do. And t beautiful stock of 1 .tdiee'and Mies. a' 1ri ' nee in ' . ,.i.i..,.:,.i il.ru , .. ...--" 1'Atti, c, Ac , Alma., W. H. ft B. 8. Tl'l KFR A- CO siy 17 1118-tf ) K II rV W. J. VOl , 1 OU STOrk' COMPLETE ! T& HAVK iS bTOHB A GKKEHAJ. AkVfOIlI. f mailt of - - STAPLE AKD FANCY DRY GOODS, Hula, Roots and Mtot't for Oent'i , and Boya. ALSO, HA JS fOR IADIRS APD MMUS, 1 1 tte , Jtc. ' ' 1 i ' . ...... . . ... lj. ; .. .A. ' Call tnd se ut st ths old Hand af Miy 8-227-tf B. R. VOC.VO Miscellaneous. 1 ", 1 i t: i ahrkmji, i i i .i C K 1 K H It A. TI3 X) UOHADAl i y, THE GREAT SOUTirERcT ' I ' ... I I ' ' " " . -;-l , Blood and Liter medicine. ' fit. - -FOR KALK 1ST -"''':'" " " WILLIAM S & HAYWOOD, st it. k i ft h, r, . I'ICE tl KI.HII BOTTLE. V lteonmrneiidid by dndmgnishrd ' PliwiHaiu, Clienustt Ac.. AO, - . Juneiae-HTl-tf i .. . i ... ... i c 1TTO tains), 1HE UNIii:iwiu.NKDC(iNTii?rMTnctnnr on ths maimlaotnre of OOTTuN 01 Nd, tnd woulil be pletaed to, furnish any on that nity w snv thing in InsK bus, (,., i. .. "f t re oile of the best niatcritl llitl t etn be htd, aud tbs peiiomuuics it warrant, J every repct. Mo pay rwiuu-ed, until tbe Um in tested. ,..,-, ;lf ..t,. t . ,,i , , ' ' Bewiiingdone to order. Havinif heea sugssvil ' in the btisini'ss for tiie butt twenty bv yesis 1 1 v flttter nit-self that I understand it. Kefereaees given h revpiired. ' ' '- Btlelgh, July, 15-290-lnt . , , , , , , v , . b JLAJiEj HE IlANKLNO iforiHR ivn rvr fituiMl.- ing to the Hunk nf the Htate of North (ain:iut,, in tluj l.'ity of Uig, will be offered lor sale. the pretiiHws. on TuedT the aUta. day ef Aim us aexl, ttls o'eWk, M. Two.: One third fJah J residue in ll.i-e equal lnatalinenui of Hii, Twelve aud Eif lue." noutbs, with intereet-frnni dtv ot site Iff" sitli l.f)r.ed tecum v, wiir'bs renired iihI Idle rctiimoil urn ill tl,. a,iulu nnr,naa ir..r It ptnl. The Bank rei.rr... il,u ,.pi,,is. of a,.i- iiKisiebtd. - ." .. . V.PEWEY, July9-iti4-aastd ' f ' -t , :--' Agent. ... STIC. i v ' ' ' "i iwn Viri'ima flt-uttnmn an I. La at.ai-nt of tllitge Mule Aeadeuiv In one .r lire teuiUIrl .'."Blsteai. fnJi.-j.j' -Z' V" ' , . Ihey will ti.scb swel, ai,(rliiure, ,nd sorb but ihie uf Xh vUMhb nsaw-ss- are uantl taught in lirst cites si:bisile. - . usl refcrenc.s eiven aa to rhirtcter toi Aibheev, s IJsmtOrdlntrr, Jsmes Cy I". ?IV- ' i iJ 'kO. Ai fHHinlT, ' Julyaft-Sdii aik ftn JUlMHlSHAIiL, " R A L E T n H N. In store, at Biaiinrsctnrers' pricV-t wdh tit . Olilv added ; -- . .. Kin. Is r'a an In, t, Wbet Tbreshcr, ,' , UTil'il Vllll'H mkr J, 'v'lir's Snuth's.celel.rtted fntime I-'1 3Mv.e whvst Kan. Oiihirstom. f-:-rititith-tJ" - rhchrmr i tnd t'tiitin Trtt'i-r T M'tf-fith "I't'heuiii, J;ni. O.'ti'id f. I. ' J ijiniUv -ilJ'ed A.plMiil, and Cider F' ngsi f -.rf.- i j,, ..(, ,i,TTie3"tii I mt H1!TVBA S, Fft- JtMl s M Tf'"I r. WfHjtr Tlx, ,-r.iaal-m Sie real-1 JfKJi If . ... yp tirjilnra .Milllnrr In.tliuie, LIAINGTOV, k. A LLAJjuI-JJ J. T! A.t V. II ' IV tecouiuiO'ltte intt aiinitiopnl (.s."i f; J tn.tiratiou, Jis -hi drisbhshid rhtr'i-r lis tvslein ordi'i'lii)e and c.'UrrH' ot if-&,l! " eosunrnil. it to ilm aiii i,ri I, ,e Y i ? u; -' " "Convn aa.i prt.-n. m e.tn. ifif irn 'inB win b hiii'iii: a. t7 ..- tV ... i . , 1 r in, y ana j.cri-'t:y ctrtiist ttu ' An5,.V.i t. --" Hi. Lis. s.. e SLrf ' ; .... . ' .a v. I file tMtifr-t: ii. .!, i f. v TilASCTt JI. v"' ' Iny lH-wlnititwtlH. j l, , at.riuiiKi