Tr-jOf srnscnimoii. : . T, (i-T n. ia -:M'.hd every day, except ...41.0 , 1 J- tn aymina,, , .. tg axwitti. . tlo 7-r, , - ft .in,, at wtitjSetitiMl ewe year,...-.. " " ma BauBth,..... 9 t .v Muo'iatl, OB year . ... ... .. '... ail moBihs ,0 11 THE SENTINEL W M, JS. t lll, ctAiuix kawa """ . AY, Al'GlST Vi e ut ow tlwcalaoad with a aego 1 rerautira froaeach Cooirreaainnal diatriet ia the Sxith, asd Uie coda which ia to (for era lue I. BUsduiemT rcOKiva lawabwnd upoa ignorance ioatead of efluralioaj Tbe wave ouit ba atoppadL-jyi T. lUraiJ. - Tbe J7reUbegia to realire, w fear at Joo late a period, U aJranat eertala etm- teqm-sei ot the intaoi and rulauui pilii'y bica it baa been aa largely inafrnmentaa forcing oponHhf8outB,' and, tlwrabj, upon taaeotwuy at large. . Ia the oppoeiog face M all tiWieiite and kiU7 aod.iil Htt dfflwee of the aaggeidoat of re-aoo; H(jlit ad ordinary poliucal foresight, mad and Inflamed party bare Inverted .aa itrnorant rihle oiMtake, and it now lurereaulU, bow ' arer, m'i,'1it bare been obrlateJ ia autne dip f ree.naa not tne aarae rinaicurt paeaiona iro rc!ld then to take awar tho attrihntea 3k:1l 7 . -a. - -"y f- -r-i Iroaj a large portion of tbe intelligraee aad moral worth of the sommunity, wbicb baa beretnfura eon tri bated ttt materfallr ' to bnild op tbe character of tbe jrortiroentj . ana tllustrate the nlns o BrplHca) f watl tutiooa. Xerer waaao frightful aa error torn m it ted before, and It ia fmpiiaaibla to contemplate ita eflaeta without ehuddering. ' Tbe retnltt of registration Jn the South demoealrata that a majority f tUe eloded BtalM will fall inevitably under ne gro domination, while ia all of tbera the municipal and local government!, 1n elgbt caeea out of ten, will ba Africaniaad, Tbe 1 Utrali re not aJonarn ite aJann lur "ai pro rr t.TUei aft indlfatlona that .the fever of apprehension if spreading 'at ! tb Forth, and, even lo our wn widit, nany of tlioae men who, bar tympathiaail , with the actiow of Con green, without having the penetration or sagacity to foreaea jta tend en U, ara Waking op to gloomy forebo dings aa to tbe sit nation.. Thia ie amply ovideaoed, if other proofs wars wanting, by the character of the tattgrasa which ; publuhe!, on yesterday, from Wilmington, wbero the white "Bepublloaa" oleaaeqtis probably atroager, awmg 4 Ha pectiflaf lew etl'a and floating population, than at any other point in the State. ..These men ; are txcuiuing excited at the toe c keviDir a ' egro Mayor and tlegr)L,pncljla,',,. Bad thry remained Kortb, they would doubt ' I (ess have looked npoa such aa occurrence ,.- with indUTerenca, or, perhape, with aatis faction. But tbo same feeling which - prompts the people of the Northera Sutea , to reject negro suffraga and negro oliglbll ' ity to office, In its practical application to t.W, leads them to fuar and oppose the tf- forte of its esUMUhment where they bare transferred their eitisensblp and invested ' their property, A natural Indignation might Indaos one, were It not for the, ruin- out results to the community at large, to re . r Joke that they were about to be Compelled . to dtiuk front the challeo wbicb they have " eomintnded to tba lips of others '. "" A celebrated authoress, the wife of tbe Poet Bticlley, wrote a remarkable tMitsrvolt ing fktion, which has almost passed oat of . print, entitled "Franltmttim, -mr tht evwera JPromttheut," A stutlknt of the occult sci ences, the Uadt rt,-reaehed the aecret - of human vtUllsm, and constructed front ex " ', -. "bumel bones and skull a human frame, fato -which ha infused the anlmativw aprtiff life. The creation was horrible la form and ' appearance, and, as the result of the stu- I dent's temerity in tampering with things fbrhiddea to humanity, tbe monster haunted fcim through lbs remainder of bis life, never t.w , acparatiog himself from tbe presence of the nnhappy youth, searing bis sight by day - nnd presiding ever bis visions at night" Thrrs U iixT that tba experiment, la a aoj; fied form, has been repeated by modern x Radieaiism.x They have evoked n spirit whkh will not "down at their bidding.'and nil nCoHt tK ihsks it off, we fear, will be una ',WaUit;g..Theybavadona mora ' mischief to ,tbs country at large.sad tobotbracea, than they w ill be able to repair by long years of repst-tioce. So much comce of reversing -rTbe dtyrees of nature, and elevating to po- ' litical uomiuatioa over tbe white race in thi t" gith, a ppleh are no8 tied for tba da- tieiatd responjiihilities of government, and , wliocBOoi.'y become qualified for them ", after a lung training and close education. ' Y I KOWA$C0USTr, J'. TLui far, in tha matter of legislation, ILwan ia tha Banner Coanty. The . white tnejority to th County will probably ba aix or seven hundred. Ia soma of tba extreme , tVe(i a cpuntiea, tha plutality will ba fleeter, but there were bat few slave in ' that sort '.on of the State. Tbe promptness jb..:JiUy' WitVwbich the paopwM Kowao hsv registered la attributable, tlou' . i , to th fact, thst intelligent gen tV'i 'T ! f tlir ronnty a thorough canvsis, ,M.'i . .,1.. .,- all fc'tus i afca ten"trtani: rf -t'tif tr. -ffa-bi J l S b ttt r . ed, t:..e r I. .it the,'.-, " ' ' t an 'i r . -trot naimilse-eoniee -feymH4ca-Ec-faWJ, aojitaltiu:, v v . -l i -.:s would have been marked. ut t jo Ut, by any meao-a, to adopt , Ami !e oiiporluuity will ba 1 ' rerif! Cf 111 - JlfgA j i p'rrt it upon gentlumen, tu- ; , cor.f. ienca, in tha va- , to'-us the stump" and K 1 eii i es of a failure of - t ) f , -r, ho are c,uel- 1 tj k I. r.i lt-s is cf the opinion that :H ar 1 l-h'il-'ous respect. for . W-junea . -r ' . "1 as a -fcswhMgr-lTHieacfcrie .c A GWM or tw' Kwi LMiti, or Iks tut tf &Wi aw" Aradrmiet, tit - ffparN fmrtiog tzertitf t Mi WI, Ut AM, A. bL,: yarrinfWraf A -w gusset, -t' - Jf. JLtU if. Kth .be ha iWa en table ml day, tat a notice f li be Wrfeully delayed. We are glad that Cot Binjjbara'e (races. In th prodortiow J M inoualar Luia Grwmv, MM wnboklenwd -r ... him to product tlx book before . merous m English Grammars are, there was ! annua room for this piufirw Unpiee r-ii.i.r.j'fi,. r- er-i furtlier examloatjon. "Cul."B,'ba aes lo tlitnkiiala tsm : ttwttsb-GrtmBiar both anbocrraphy and prosody, which eer taAily B-vw belonged lo It, bod which must to, !n..t tf learned aJr ait ons wther bootu. He reduces, -too, very propeny, uir4 s Wins parte of speech to eight, and foHnwa eloaely, In tba atroctora and acopa of the book, the Grammar of the Oerman edition of the Latin aoU Ureek GradimUt. Tbia plan is eomaiendable, both for tttpree tVat aa well as ohiloeophical nsea. -'' ' --rotbankt,miigham fortheaWwal of ntHch that ba been la former G rammers, and especially that be ba avoided that pestiferous practice of fill' Ing them with qnestione. That very trevslent d action of almost all noiiers schol book, w hope to as universally, ignored by Southern achorfl-book " makers everywhere. We hop to see Biagham's English Gram war a wntvswally popular .and in nae,ai bis Latin Grammar Seems to he. A ny tiach y of English Orammar, opslirled ft his po sition, can not desire any better text book. . ,. ijT .LI 111. V" W'T area penjne uaxs a . (tiiut naiuru fitness fur. tmblic emuloiment than any. other ram, it will b timatnouicb to ask us to vote for tliem simply oa tba ground that tbey are - Why, pertisentiy asks the Lynchburg Jfswe, did not Wendell -PhlUlp and the TriVun4 require similar evidence aa to their dtnes for exercising th alectiva "fratfchlsa, before investing" them tliercwkh f -if tbeyl t aft C01BJM!tenLti0l, UutyrtlltloMJtfc ted for. If they are enfranohiaed fslmply on tba grrtnnd that they are not white," they can properly be supported for office from the asms consideration. Take it coolly, gentlemen tba physio is beginning to work ( nod too chance ara that yon will have this nostrum of Radical mountebanks crammed down your, throats tuau4 m4 aiaf A RepabUoaa mass faceting vill be held at Wild Cat. Week stiver Distrust, New Hanover Ounry, on tbe Sd Saturday in ftp- tember Is unugt I'ot. "An siroplate plac fir such a meiing, So-called modem "Ibpublicanism" b aliOui as louus a (Its aotoriou, " Wild C-U" bank ing system, of tha Soutb-'West; while it is undoubtedly aad eeKentially.W-." Tun Katiokal Inttlligtnetr, of Saturday, baa an editorial urging tha rexirganixation of tha Cabinet, npoa tba ground that it m abaolutalyi'. neoeseary-abat the President's advisors should be In full accord , with 'the Executive, as well in son 1 1 men t a in tbe practical working of tba Departments. - ' ' f i - 5 ' i Correspondence of tba teotiiial j x v i -U i i UoRinaAO, Aug. 86, 18flT. i Messrs. Eoitom: it niay he interesting to some ol your readers to learn aiimethmg of tlie fnrmlnff intereat of . Carteret countv. '" Ia matly portinns of tha county tbe lanile ara of a superior beamy, esiiertslly tor cot too raising. , The lamia on N'viS Biver, soms to 10 nulea. Aortbeast itf Jtisulort, are particularly adspted to cotum culture. Eleven hiilea have been made from srvea arrm. Hut you mar have seen in the New bera Journal of C'vmuure, ol the Slat last., seommunicaiiim wliicb tells of the lands and present cotton crop of Carteret, Those alluded to are chltfly rtainied swamp. But nearly all the lands fiorih and i.t of Mewpurt village aie ausceplihle of the highest oultnre, inasmuch as material for enriching such at may need it, is here to be bad In tbe greatest aliunJance. Salt marsh turf, mixed with chlu mart, and be- siit plenty of shells Ut lime; add. to these millions of the flb frotn which oil is pressed, to be bad for the catching, or they can be bought from $1,23 to tl,50 per thousand for composting. These fih are the same kind thst have been used in Itboda Island and Connecticut ft eurichine their lends during th past twenty-five jeare. A thou sand of them weigh 1,600 to 2,000 pounds. These "Menbadea" (aa they are called North, or "Fat Backs as they are Called here,) make very valuable compost ; say two cart loads of Sab to twenty Cart loads of swamp muck, ditch bank, or bead land, will make compost sufficient fur an acre, the fpni!iinir mif-i nt t. .nnM4. . Guano. in this neighborhood there are Oil Fac tone established by Northern men who press the oil from th "fat back" fUh, ship it North, and sell the fish grease to the up country farmers by toot, at price that must make tor th oil pressers a splendid businesa. In thia connection let me ear, that Carteret County can beat any of the best land west of Raleigh for wheat raiting. Fifteen to twenty bushels per acre ia a very -Common yield, and on the lands Improved by flah compost, I doubt not that doubts th above bushels per acre can be harvested. Aad I have often asked why farmer from the worn oat lands west of Kaleigh do not come to thia region for farms, instead of leaving th ';"God Old Btade" to toil on ether lands." Very little thongh ir know by North Cafnlinisnt of this section of oar but. Persons simply visiting More-lead City. Beaufort aad the aee shore, know I notlHrie; of the lamia of Carteret . but re pmpmm-'X iinTarTtp-fit: (( tj aaud, while ni's. tv arras tine ctsy loamt tahdi aa acv umwrn ,hb riiuitx, in irxnirv. laeos aiw WMre wan eqoat. to ion is healthy, the salt sir reaching milca away from the sea. : 1 will add that fv the smatt frmr eapecially, thia country offer the suonirestiadiKwmeats, aa nowhere caa the nseiwarl.: f ttt t"trfh'mrttffi sburndBt1y ;Bli, oyir. eVala great plenty,- wnne vegriaiiiea ana iruics OI Sll Kinds ma ture for nae very early. Slocka need ao wintering and Irom tha abundance ot fish, 4c, only two-thirds the quantity of msit' is required for Support. "Milk sad Honey" ere plenty, and this region is the horn of th grspe and fig. a. Fornev's CkrmicU has n long article en. doraiog Pope's propoaition toeiile all the h-nf KiiEf-SI tAWf la tltft-Njirth, lahL'h propoai una th L'hmnieU ia.H1 ileal ,t-.tmanj. ''--"' - - , I - Mnnltln MY Lorresponaence ex ine aii. vfitii i i.i-n.Mwii.wouVl ivt t aa y thing toestimat thaloak 01tined by your city, aaa the country,, fu, "j K . . . A -.1 - Irrt lki. I lie lack ol steam iraaiiuriau" rwfioB to Kalckb, ot tome other outlet.- Hera immeiiM ! waaltl ; anal, iroa, aort water power enough to eoritli Uila Wlwrfa .iTuacUnjr toaauffTf tieolt Wily w made available. t .r-. Altar thorough and namerout iarecbea- Uooa and drrnliipmeoU. pade bf tUa na- frwt MlcMrtt,-JKI iro a,nw". UiMuibacoin-iniiMr jrih tb coal and Irotf depoelu alooyeey River. ThepoU. cy (bat remains for o hi, to work np the material pointed to na by thaa pro! ciente, .... ! In iu passage throueb Cbatham eoonty, the Heen River rolls br a lone, tare and exceilenrUcposit of coal, that stratcbea rnila alter mil, not Darallet with th rtvar, bt accessible to it from all point. ; The qaaH t nf tli Mil li hirain snd seain, bees asserted ft be of a grade. U - is bivn minous. It answeraaU lb nrdinaty por- potvs of manufactnring, cooktng aad noaaa- i aua ( witw IllirrUalPt i n-i -l. fl .T.,-.,- 11,- MstiNa tJ th (The River is well named. Although not wW. it ia. nevertheless, a very deep stream, a Mirranfa ninn inn tlir..iiLrh aandv districts .,--......- ut wfteioer tbe freshets ia tbe Capo Fear are caused by freshet in tha Haw or Deep Rivera, it two tributaries, by. the color of U water. I ne Haw Hirer flows thnnieb red laad, the Deep through white land. There arc, often tluw s. fusion In- cither cut ef theaavnbw tariea, but not in the other at tha eame time. The red freshets in the Cape Fear come front the Haw, and the white from Deep River. Two simultaneous fresheta make the color of Cape Fear water, of course, like th. K,,rlil.....n-. UJ arf anil , anv Doint of the Deep Hirer ; and large number of Manufactories could be placed, oe alter another, all along the stream, trom above tbe oral as low down as the iron, the river af furding fall enoush to-nllow theea machines to be ckia together, Is it nt remarkable that these three great sources of wealth should li Unimproved so long! Tbey look like bidden talents. I Imagine a Laplander would think so, ss he ravcrsea tne longlract of frozen country; with hisslud hulen withw of copper, sn routi for the cllir of Norway and Sweden, The country between tba Deep River nnd your city is not too rugged for a Railroad, indeed th grading for a Railroad ba been constructed, almost every foot of th way from Hay wood. On tha Deep River, to Psge's, on the N, Ck Railroad, eight milee West ot ttaleiuh. ' liut acre in grading st anas, wathinii awar with) every rain, Graa I growing over It, and It presents tba appear ance mora ni roe eco tusn me nooa oi prow peri ty. AH along this grade th people are signing tor in earn. ' If you will drive out soms day and spend twelve hours at soma eultable point on tbe Chatham Coanty road, yon will be niton isbed at the almost endless stream of wsg mrs and -carts, tm-Uteir way to yonr-city. Yo ar hardly oat of sight of a vehicle all day long; and even at night tbey pas con tinually, endeavoring to get to a camping ground near enough tbe city to go ia early orit moraine. They carry trait, cotton, etc, in vast quantities. All this would nat urally flud its way on tha Chatham. Rail road, if. titer were only cam anon it. It is a. nofc and ftuurul region.--' - . " '-. : Your former feltoW-townsrnao, IJst John V. Scott, has raised applus. on hi place which I think Would average ana pound each, that is, counting ttnly tha perfect fruit on me iree. iiwnrani ene eppie wnicu weighed tioUttm jounces, and an eaceilent fruit everv-wav. Hut these are incidents along aide or the basis ot wealt'u of lite land that .call1 for a Railroad, the Coal, iron and water power. It kae been as ti mated tba Kaleiirn alone cnasainea ffly thomand dollar worth of Bre-wood per snnnni, Kslstgb alone ought to bare built this Road from tin saving ia fne In the past twenty iva rears, by usio: Chatham tool instead of mood at the rate of ol seven dollars a cord, tha probable price paid hy uose wuo Duy woou ny tue one- (forfe load- ,.,! . y i . jj . v , Hawl thia It si I twen built fifteea years auo. there would Drobablr have suninff no by this iimo, 4n-ytrarity,TnHintaumr enough to coaauma hundred Xthousend dollars worth of this coal per pear. It would have increased tbe business of Ral eigh, by this time, a quarter of a million n year, in ploughs, wagons, cotton goods, eto. Why baa tt lain so long f iTof. Kmmons reflected once upon our- excellent and pro ftmnd Prof. Mitchell, for not, as ba eajd, re vealing the bidden coal, and letting the world know ot it existence. Dr. Mitchell calmly referred the (then) new comer, to the Awi and pap of his work published Ions before, in which ba had revealed the exiktrnee of coal on Deep River, . . t as. it has been long known, and yat,evea in 117, W e can get tio coal from Egypt It is refreshing to bear that there H good reason to hope this Chatham Rail Road is to be built crrtitin, Sum ssy Dr. Hawkins says so. - Tbe Doctor mght to know. lie represents a strong Company, rut f dthi I learn, and doing well Tba' R ft G. R. R. declared a dividend of Bra1 ber centum. lately, weleara. . -Why nt spend thie, at kiaaf, on the Coal Fields Road I Three hundred thousnnd, they say, .would finish It, It would increase the railroad intereat very largely noume that now goes ao Mwn. ' ' -- i - --t--The Mute I less than aixtv mile take the longest way yon will. I know coal deposit in Pennsylvania that gave rise to a Railroad of greater length than thia. H is the Lackawanna valley The RailroadXbae but on loeomotitt on it Th coal ran Br drawn by KntitHory sriymst, planted upon lbefepseAtk The ear are drawn, np by hwig mrmpm: when they reach the top of the bill, they descebd the other side tfttor ttn trtight. And thus train after, trsia ia passed along, all dsy, n one hill and sen another, until they reach the liaMwtnn, when the contents are floated down to New York City, Hut bare lacnmparatively level eountrf--tbe gidina?difle-a rich region Coaf rn v lfiaif a?t WveSwy f ar7 li'ir'-the' UtoadV Why 'not Suih U Let u have tne! 7 Road: "' wst ns hay' Ihn jUcM tfn.:. Let tt hsv til stirring sound of tb thlili ttft-m wliirtla, hasliiiiiing fiem ihrif haag slumber the drowsy old forest of Wake and Chatham. Let I Wp Hirer know that ometblna; eis can mil and mar beside it-a.-lt'. An1 let alt tbe nation keow that irlr-t tn is a gnwt it fli OClt of tt thff-ttort Slate.' . am mnirr wrrH a gout, Romrtime ago the Sentinil published an artkl about- tb rwaiHirre of Nkth Caro line. It fell into th bead of a Mr. C. of Bpringfield, ilawacljuaetts, who wrote cut hers for more information. A -Deep Kivsi man eorreahonded with tb stranger. And bo there is retana to believe th Maasachu aetta man is nearer in N.irtb Carolina, with J.a span of bumj, JbhIiIv St . JJrf-'lk n hit way to Uaep hirer, to lo&pect tbe country, with new to moving here. . North Carol ink b a. an arc of fifty tboa- sand square miles, and a population i sJ is hnndred tbouaand inbabitantaortwelve persona to the square mile; or, if w bare a million ef people, as soma say, W have but awtv nrraons to the square anile. We want Ui fialltinai or attdlUOBW oupuuum provided tbey ara of the right kind, men of good principles ana gooa - "" a wide borne tor aliaucb. It wowld make oars e better But to have fhia increase. But if w.t them.hett. W , wt . invito tuem with a country that offere, at leaat, mesne of transportation. ,! Tbia Chatham Kad would, add" another IsUmkmv riurma of th tta Morta Stat-Why not bu,w u . - YtS Q.YABOLrTA Xr B03fg XADK-lfARK KOB VJ& DALOiU J IXXS MHJOIOS-TliM ISrORMKB AOAISST SURBATT. MoTnnai,:Angnst tt, 1WI. I witnessed a omewbat cuxiou sight yesterday. . I saw Jeff. Davis walking all alone in Notre Dame street, and immediately recognized him. though be seemed to be at sera. He waa dressed in a black auit be bit a very neat, tidy appearance alwaya wearing alt hat, broad brimmed, eoutnem fashion, and carries aeane. Bit thia, be it said, sa samtami. ba did eot appear to need at nttTlOTli!Wtfcdrfijlr witb n very dignified - etep, diagonally across the little square in front of tbe C tWr.'Ae-iAatiieff VA'r,.i James street, however, be was racogniud; and after be had entered the street ejuite a crowd gath ered at nis entrance. All eye were strained to catch a good,-long glimpse oi tbe peram bulating celebrity until be passed two long souares and out of view. fWeral remarks were made Vy enibera of the crowd; 'butT" there waa no noise nor other demonatraUoa ann nr. umnm waiaea on enttrelr naoon- scioas of tbe assemblage so quickly gathered In Bis waaa so stare at hlml It w U11JI1. "And that Jeff. Davis." "Wbere'a be put privaUhouae." Where ia be going now I". "He's walking out for exercise or ffoine otrt to dsv aometiodv calL" "Howatraightbebjoka" "Hisbalr is yet qnito dark behiad, etc." The other dsy I met a little cirL, Who so inmate, of tha Eacre Cesar Con cot, and. who ia now passing her vacation outside Its wans, vanning away in axvery lively way, she remarked that the knew Mies Darts at th Convent; that "aba wanted to make berselfCath(ilij;Jbnt-. Mansienr Jefferson Davis camo and took her away." It ia true thatih child wa taken wy o4 mlto Mr. Gordoa's school, although I would not voncB tor tn eaoae alleged Sir such n course ; mora especially aa It would have really been a poor return for all the good officee aod sympstbiiing friendship received at tbe hands aad hearts of the Pope, Cardinal, and tne rem oi usinoucdom. St. Marie, the discoverer of Barrett. here, dressed ss fine as fiddle, nnd prom nading with a huge revolver alung around hit waist Probably be it on th lookout for Surratt'a deliverance from jail; for it is reported: last bis fear are tolerably lively on that point. He dtsplsys Immense hand ful of gold on entering tbe stores nnd bar rooms, aa I bear, but ia everywhere despised in weeny. Ex-Senator Brown, of UissltsioDL in bis speech at Holly Grove to a mixed audience, gar expression to tbe following graphic comparison. The Kx Senator remarked tbe Congressional plan was odious to htm, bat tnst we nil should yield gracefully, aad added; --. .. ,, "I know the locomotive ia (a the track tue steaaiN ta np. uid Tbad. ntevena ia engl near, aad be la drunk with rage. I am not going to play the little bull, and butt the thing off. It might be couragenua, but it would be very indiscreet Old Thad, want to run bia epglne over us. But I'll Wot give mm a rnsnrs to rus it over me. 'd - mtheii atep aside, and tee bim grit and gnash his teeth at hiadiaappoiotment, than stand on the track, get run over, aod witness the chuckling at my folly. I mean by all this tuat tne itaaieai la congress want yon to re iect the proposed plsn of reconstruction. They bare the will, th disposition aad the power to force upon yon still harsher term; and ss certain as that there ir n Deity in Heaven they will do it Do yon ask how t I answer, oy tne very simple process of dis franchising a yet larger portion oi the whites, and giving to vicious white men and ignorant blacks the exclusive right to vote. iVn voh ean r" T,". ,T.. tvT. is if that Congress has not done V J- Those, however, whe ara waitiinr for a finality, will doubtless exclaim "whd's Bfaaredl" . . . "Umvint-VL Amnkstt" is tbi TBom. Cad. Beoqott's Herald Calls noon the f resident to pity hit trumn card, which he declares to be "universal amnesty i" I ne moment naa come; tbe revolutioua ry wave which freed the nro-ro is now dsah- ing bin against the common aeoa of the country, to tbe ruin of its present interest and it tutor greatness. We are now threatened with s Beero representative from each Congressional district la' tbe South, and the code which ia to govern the United States may receive law based npoa igno rance instead of education. The wave must be stopped ; It baa broken from tbe control of those who flrst gave It impulse. The na tional revulsion of feeling demaoda that it be belled, nnd demands, too. that Mr. John son bait It. Let himetrih the blow ; let him now give th country universal amnev ty. The nearo will then Uka hi nroner place; and in tbe light of freedom, which if hi right,'' he may emerge from mental dkrknes. With universal amnesty th r ooriarfuction problem will be finished at a stroke ; intelligence will replace ignorance, aad Puritanism and tbe negro may toke puampn secant! iq sue common aansai of the country, . , RttCOHSTBDCTtOW IX TBI WB DPaT- mtKT. The work of reducing, tha working fore and the expenses of the War Depart ment is rapidly and regularly progressing. The master! air oat of volunteer officers who term ef services are ne longer needed continue. It is stated thst am oca- those uatered'Wit yesterdav waa included Mir- edier General E. A. Hitchcock, Commissary General of Prisoner. It appears that since the conclusion of the war. up to this tiine. here has been sn nnneccaaarity larpe number tf ptorkt tn'Tf uunuii. tfa ki4jl ia U.ia Lurnaa W.ben, In liae opinion or- Oeeerel Giant; the' ttkJftbe & to Mii aiy aur uie tmcnpeiton oi e few eiera. - ThsMdwah.ui alirsily mtde inr'Ttha cur rent srpenses ot the War Department since tbX4t - of Sua ton ,are astoundij),- and those to be mad will 'eonvince tbe country that there waa something wry rotten in tha WHfdrrmfT1 attlnf wMt fJrS- erai wranl was called upon to let light into its hitherto darkened corners. Ant. bud- Our whole national trouble appear to spring from th color of the skin. W have bed a bleckakia war, and we are now threat sited with n redskin war. By the time we reach a whiteakia contest we shall have used np onr resource ajid buried tha, country. .V. T.UfroU. X Th total sum handed to tbs Pope a Pe ter' pence by the French bishop i estima ted at from bitcen to ijxleen mUIiona, " - - ' i '. ' ' ' XfiwTW-faam.WA-retTnAWa.vB Thursday, tbe, 15th instant, registration on-. th maofnt ruction acta began in JC'jrtn Carolina, U was preccled by an addrese to th people from Governor Worth, )n which that pstrionq omciai urge . . . . . . It . I 1, niM f every citizen mantiry ai nu'") : a a voter for future election. W itb great eeraestoese end ability he boldly prints the iaeues at ataka, and entreats tne pwM to rally to the contest, ' He recognises the Importance of mainuiningthe supremacy ot tbe white man, aad shows how fatally it wi I be turrendered if aU do not ciaim power reserved to them in the. military Wile. - '-''-r?' i i Wa. think thst .the MiKf?L'L " J!; Cood effort npoa -the wgittici-f BtataV-aad we hop to see ber-ciUi--)as acting with a roaolute determioatioo jto preserve tacit veetige o"lilrty at are vouchsafed them. The spectacle of a Bonthern Gover aor daring to make himself, leadcrof bis people in the right direction is trars one in these days, and turnisbee a fine contrast to Pierpolnt racing and yelping through Vir ginia like mongrel cur with a tin pan at tached to hi UiLHoftierm OpmitM..i Col. Bingham, Principal of a prominent ni.W (L4.nnl at Hehaneville. If. C. baa fa vored u with aeopy of bia Grammar e tkt Rnnlitk Lmauaat. hut out. We iiave not lyet examined this book iaeefnlly-tlsTongh- ont, but irom tin woa, we n i"w -, are prepared to find it tlie very best Kngliah Grammar that baa been pubjibed in Amer ica, of EnghwuL Jt fuH of innovationa, of the old school, but the- proirrea here is improvement. W shaU examine, U,,Jllv as toon as practicable, and then iywd shall baveenr any about ifc- Xuriniii4i, C. AV MW ADTIITISEMEHTS. eiai.B on ano Aiiv. 236 COITX JVTT. HOPE, band span ; Pales Uunnv UaiotiDK. atanoard uinli. - For sals by WILLAltO ItltOH. Nos. 23, an sua 3i Minn wawrsi. Wilmingtoa, si. Aag. x7-7-iaii Qcil. noticat. -- - - The exercises, of Mrs. FIJ.F.H MOBDECAl'S Rohool will be raaamed o&Hoiiday neit K-ptetn- ar sna. ATtf. fttt -V -r- TtJ. Price ttt Cotton Glae Reduced I THE GEORGIA COTTON GIN AT : Li prrWt--- : : mm MAnrrACTrjitEKH or the above 1 J. Gins bsviuf reduced the price. tu-foiir.aiul.aJ nau oouars par saw, we are prepared to receive orders t the oomiiis seaarm at this pries. This CHa has bean favorably known for niauy years, as th Taylor (Colnmbos, Georgia) Gin, and now aa THE G0BOlA tlTS," of the bet la the market MI iXJHELL, AtLKS t CO., -. lT-lt ...... ; Kewjiern, K. a. The snbserlbor wishe to rent or lease her val aabie lane tireene County, THE STREETER PLANTATION,", eontsinina elsvea hnadree aeres of arable land : six boadred adapted to Cotton. Titers ia an abun dance of tbe beat marl and plenty other means of switahias; aad ssaaarinc, on th plantation. Any Boaibar of kaada eaa be obtained, aa tha once faauiyor blacks ar anuons tontura to the old piatw ai(aiii. Fwaous wtshmg to farm em a grim4 Scale ars Invited to sxanuna my proportv. Any eommani oaUoa wilt be ptomntly altunde'd So b addressing . - . iait. v. w mi .njAL, . Af- a7-w - Valassad, M. 0. V BIXT1' DAa'fl TIME I TTTB WaK BEIJ, AT At-PTfOS, TUKBDAV, V V eepi. sn, iwr 1 OamaKS snd Hrnen. t Two-howe Iron Axle New fork made Wagon ami nameae. - . I Philadali.hia mad open Busgy and Barnesa. a trray oy irraiernian, ous or a Islington Mara, years old neat N(rtnff. " -1 lrjn.Oray JUare, by Imported Phil. Brown, obt ".: of aXeafngton Ma're. trrearvohl neAHpriue. rids snd works welt. - a-Harnawa Horse, r, ; - l pair nay xtatcn Horse. : - All th above will ba aold on a credit of 8TT.TV UAIH, parties giving a negotiable Bote with euritv satiafaotonr to ea. ALSO, oos sett donbls Buffer H arnena and on Bridle and Rsddln, Tsn IvWhorae Ploaa sad Btia n bora Flows. ' ' 1 Af . 117-17-td B. P. W. A CO, T PDLLIAM, Jeitta V r AXOTHEtt GREAT AUCTION SALE. BT CATALOGUE, fN WEDNESDAY, TH 4t DAY OF HEP- W tember, st onr Ktor &8 Fayetlevule Street, w wiu sell by Catalogue, a Urge seluction of one sesannalils ginwls, embracnig HARDWARE AND CTTLBRT, . V READY-MADE CLOTHING, HAT8 AND SHOES, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Including Uugar aud Coffee, Wines, laquora, Ac. M Hhds. snd Crate of Crockery,-" ! 8 Caaea ttlase IWniMen, and a ' : VARIETY OF MlsCKlXAh'EOLS AMICLEH. Tha attention of Merchnaifa la narli-nlU called to thia sale, aa embracing- a art ....... Of deairabia gooda, adapted to their wants. Tiaaia ; All soma andar tso eask; over t'fi ,. 'J .' wvw, , IWI Mill over, sixty dare credit, approved naRx.UableooUa, payable at Bank, reomreo, , . . f; A WAaMAM, MtiW ACth. WhfiliiMaln IImmv, Anctkm and Coninuaaioa Merohante. ' Aug. 96 It-id -j ' fJkTHB FABMEBSXip ROBTH CAROLINA. ir yoe I want pnre Per Ha w Oaaat' hit eat UJaKUtttx HAIRS lM . , 10 Camden Htraet, Aug. S--15-St v Baltunors, OBI FLOfBll r-..; GOOD BETTER JTEW It - BKsT NEW 1 1 i tt Barrel! Fine Extra and Xiu . mora aod tat aaay . FPLM CIDBB T1NEQA8 FOB TICKUKO, UKMewhe see enffering with mcrtHvi sw " bT on'rto St, tsw drop of this,- iMhey want to sot ahorar. Betur send befors tt tees goo. r . ; " JtSKISt A PERRY, Aug; 14-t-tf . . . ,i '. WRS. RA.SOm'S 15 At A IE 8 E MINART tUreH tfuis SEilREsfamx ofthis oisrrriTioN Tl hlektlt UtaVheyr "ATfyery I -w4 The atoat eenaeapuabed and experieneed Pro- waaora o siaaie ana oi aanenl and Motlara Laa yimrea have bB aeenrrd. ' " Fraweh wilt be hahnnally apok is tb temi- '.. ' ' ' alas. ROHRRTRAHnOaL " Aag Uto-nav -. innaipaL TT0U8EKEEFEBS, ATTENTION 1 1 - Another IA of that celebrated "PATAP8CO FAMILY FLOUR." Also Imperial, , Onn-powder and Ookmg leaa, and hew Orlseaa And lia'amor hugsr Boeae Syrups, at tb lowest mmrkn rince. At DOUtH.AH BKIX'H. Market bonsrs. Aug. IA If RIME WHITE CORS! iin lo-dirtn rrw-.H of nf.4h hnn.trr k..i It PHIMK CUhN, wtiich 1 wiliWu in .ait norrhaaera ang- a 1 u TJOCGLAS BJUL, JiAHB-OADS. VOKTH t A O L I A ALL STATE r A I h W A Y t 1 X B 8 ALSaVLV PETEnSEITBO AaTlM TUs Ba'dwava omipuinnK 1M lil t. WA It hue b. oiy atfreedjonite a GREAT THEOUGH AIR LIHE u lo all the Northern marlwla m equal U rm and. ehargae ei. ear own porta, or by ay .; r- w,SAsH fcB.iNDY ClbtK mV foliorPeterabornTa., to and 7,,"toAlt. . . SodiacriounatiiBin'favorofai.y pa or cily. onlr se (ar ss to carry tbe erwu wa. tlut Kiateas wiU as return wierehaudi wer tbe This erran.en.aot. while it g..a " J, Uea and as ehiap rate a by ub utUrr ht, wdl aiyinJTmetlun, jo 'he Hulrarr into ihs ooeuaoa achoot fund, by wh-h '" wiH be lightened and the poor ehtxirta Thiari suiDS oj qio. reaaons for T "The T H'ffiXS. Weld.-K- Slid the oeatrd aod Kanok. Bail lUd Cinpanl.;a, have.Krd that Ut Rood-. V'?"" 'ThI directedahajl JJe.Env jw ooW ind iwbiu, i the earns raua aad in the earn time thai tfanr can be carried by any other runt Thia baa been arranRed and freight trains now run in close connection fromXPortamonth to Chsrlotte. ' " ... ' .' II C L K . T Be careful ia shippih; from New York to ship by old Dominion Mtuanuhip Co., 187 drcn wioB btroot, ar l'ior 87, tiori.h lliver. , , Mr eld atny llss faa lvaVs SiewnnerW or A nae atailwnv, raiueiaiie. mv at laaiMaa aa Cw. ataai Cea- tral Wharf, Atwstea. f mr fir that no tpfrird aVsetim it jVeea to Tske a through receipt to so bv th "Inland air lint,' ear qfB.IL Agent, Portsmouth. n'lLMAM bMITH, . .. , : Maater uf Traoaponalion. . Wit Weldon, U.K. Co. Wilmington, Aug l-!3-l liarhriSa Timam Old- 14orth .Blsto. - fisiibaiaJ -tj" -rr TO SHIPPERS. NORTH CAROLINA : ALL-8TA.TE ' RAILWAY -LIN ES, (that viu to b!) THE OLD BALEIOR A GASTON RAIL ROAD, n THE 8HOBTE8T, QUICKEST, SAFEST AND 'Best Line, itoitTH and BE LEFT OUT IN THE COLD, TJN: : LESS 8BTPPEB8 SPECIALLY - ' hat via, b. a q. tv b j WI Insngnrtted and are ' tbe Great through lulanA Air Line AonW toall the Northern Markets, and have auooaaafuily worked the Liiie to the entire satiafaetion of Hhipnera, North and Month, for tbe but ten yoara, aa the ten TnautnnA Hhippers in North and South Carolina Will testify. We paid the Stats near Seven Hundred Thnumod Dollars for her Intereet in this Road thereby saving the people from Taxation tor all time to come 140.000 pur year : and ws nnhoaitatiaicly de clare that we can and will give more dispatch to aw poinia, nurw aou oouui, wu auj ihuot 1.111c NOTICE! The Grcmt Inlamd Air Line Freight n.o v " .t' tfa, Via THE RALEIGH A GASTON BAIL ROAD, it the Short Line far Shippers, and yon are re- .. I , L " A. , l . " Z r7:.o'. t- r:.r i7.v.i it li.;. To Insure vonr Fraurbt bain earned over thia oVsti. inland Air Line amfaly. direot vuur onnalirn- ers to mark your Freight, Car of Bail Koad Agent, portMDoetb, Va., or City Point. Va., via Hnleiyh. A lialon Sad Jioad, aad to ship as rouows : , FROM BOSTON: U a If:- T . . . r- , I Wharf, K nampson. Agent . FROM NEW YORK ! -rter 8f;-fvorth Ktver, Foot Haci Hu. Office 18? Inn n., CI. -T;. urwenwicn ot. uor. uey : k. a. Blcvready, ITeal- UOUt. , : : " FROM PHXTELJPHU: 4 Via- Annajneaaic.V Fhila.. Wilminirtitn and Baltimore Denot. or Clvda'a Line of Hteamara. 14 a. veiawara amnns, n, 1". civile, Agepa. j f , , -t 1 1 'Trom Baltimore jr Baltimore Steam Packet Co.. Bav Line -Steam. era. Foot Union Dock, L. B. Parka, A(fent, or rowiuuaneieamna(uo.lyuxjgbi street v nan. B. ALLEN. Frnight Ag't Raleigh, N.C. Aug a-Sus-tf K' HT8CILLAJE0TT3. 1867, WE RAVE JUST -KECEITED FRESH SUPPLY OP : BUGGY MATERlAXa RDtS, Hnba,pokea, Rhafta, Dash Leather, F.nanieli-d USalln. Drilling. rana.liul Aloli-akin, OUCanwting, with a general amort-' ment ot other materiala.. '"'I;' ".".'. . ' f , ALSO, -7 ' , , . Cut Nails and Finishing Brad. J. BROWN. - Angia-SlS-tf - - With Haar As Lewis. AKMsiatit' nvprLicati .85 Bbla. City Mesa Pork, 15 Do. Rump Do. ; 10 BbUi Hiram Smith's" Family Floor, 26 Bbla. Supernns Floer, , 7J00 Yards Standard Oonny Cloth, AW &Mad Bailing lep,-, - , ;" - Pwinda Beard's Patent Ties. 200 Ponnda Bagging Twine, ( Bbla. English fjru. - 7 : - : . Jb Hn and sala, '. 7pqaioi,',"Aog, ia-io-j , , v -.. - no.i.iir.ilMIIIMtNT 4a DOW OB evbitii li. TT Tk-ru'u xi . w "w exniw- Thas Piaoia ars aenaaa4. Ths Price are v awsn' i -i'a'iw,i TiirffrS'rSftSS''m sarn.i.. ) pwnirwrn' ft "- 5IS ' -kaleurh.N.'fi POR BALE. . aWi iindVwTth r T- " V 00,l""" GOOD TWO STORY DWELLING HOUSE of seven tarr and wtt nUhed rooms. PUsrs ni.w rgow ard"Ae""W T ""w.' Price very. U.w for nah an,i oJ. .. . Ofhcw; or addrew, . . V " MISCXLLA5E0US. OS 1IAM k FliW CASS (i Us.) Whit Zine ui. ALSO, Hlne Parami-tU, i fret wide, for Top LiuiuK.: - , J. biIowmT. Aiir 17-9-if ' With Uaar Lnm, . B. CMCVK, j . I II IK, . ' Aran it, . e, craB, ttrrHiRT v rm.. K C E II t COVMlSSlOX? MEUCUANTa, ikss. . :u mm r ?. i r i .;..KORF0IJa..TA.. i .iirt ri Tur" oi'aso " othfr Fertiliwra. HOPE, BAtMilNO, tiHoCaV lilKHaiui tUijbOHM,.. eit roiulaully fc,,'- aiii; iw-rumi,, . . fl . o o r lfLLIAM. J0NE8 A m Aug an ft tf fc W holeaals Omeari p O U i aw Bo Baahi4a COI1N. arriving. t L'LLlAls, JONEf a CO. J'-ll-H r- : 1 J W.J Hkin, j " J. i. Tnoaia B.P. WiLLunaon, C. M. Hawxiss. ' H AW KINS, WILLIAMSON A CO.; : COMMISSION MERCHANTS, rosTBB sai.t or". rollaa, Tfcacro, Naval nsarea. As! Ktut ExtHAitni Puck, " BALTIMORK. Wk wa to rkkkb xv Pbrmmsioh to George VV MiireVcai, Eaa f jfofeiA JV. ft -tl4-Weld-);!ErtwTdS..-"r'iiiTV'M w i i. v. B. aiaiiot, rre. tnyeturtlte t IT. H. K. H. t, -q., A'ayoHeeittj, Jf. C tilt, Emi., JoUnton Co., li, (L , S. Hraifh, 0.WAawt. A. C. r - " t . iA'e Dr. B. K. Aug lM0-3in nK LAXDS FOB SALE. A liood Chance for Emlgranu. THE I'NDKKKIONF.D, AND P. 0. WORTH and N. 1. Dasixx, of Wilmington, B. C, iU - - - ir. ..,.1..,,,.,..).!. : .1 uv i inch vouuuu ; AlOUT 8,200 ACRES. Atxiut 00 seres of it was s swamp, throng whii b a leadii'ig ditch has been cut, and about l!j aerea of it put in vultivauon veara afro Two" atraight iariillt)l diicbes, alxrat M foot apart, aboat a mile long, making a good road Iwlwixm ilwai, wer eat, irikliu; the leading ditch st alKatt right annlio ; and on eithur aide of t ess ditrhue ' the eullivated portion lies, divided into parallelo- Srams by otlicr diuhea. Tha reeidite of the vamp is covered by the natural forest, among which are White Oak, suitable for SUvaa, Poplar ( Aah, Beerh, Cypreaa and other valuable hmlnr, ' There ia alau another Swamp on th place, of .. about 200 acres, aily drained. Neitlisr of tueaa is subject to inundation. AU of thia Hwanip Land ia eacdinKly fertile, aa well that which ' ia uncleared as tlial which has been enltivetod aod adapted to Uie production of sxulwnuit crop of Corn and Cotton, air demonstrated by tha ae- j tual culture of ths portion eleared. -- -The airrface of thff uncleared portion la amoota, with very little nndergrnwth. , Thia Kwsnip Land ia so fertile that it will pru. -duce the nioMt eiliauaiing crops for aa nuknowa. leuRthof time, wilhout the naa of any frtdit,l and without maienal diminution of prodiicuv. neas. .... Ths residue of Ihs Tract, ssy 1,300 seres, has . on it ehuu fureet of , . ... f . , - a.oms. l.nar ring, anitabls for producing Turpentine, Tar, ami tod Timber. Much of Ilia nine has been bnaed.SuA chinpedl some fonr feet high. All of this pin laud la sdaitrablv snlted to tb " grow til of tbe , . SCUPPEKNON'O GRAPE VINE, c, and miich of it ia miHiiriiaiwcd In ita yiulduf Hwtt'l FliUUV, khTTs-beWed to be suited to production of line W bust. . . It ha on it a ' . Tww-nsorr vrlllaa UaaM. ' with two hrirk, iudrwm. .D0U(.h , 'TKe lanuly, and other ont-boua. a. Tboas h'lihhngs are aubMtaiitiai, though not vory tasia- -. atajltJ , at A fully bnUt. llenty of labor, at A reasonable price, ran b I UI1UV. entv o had in the neighborhood. This land ia aunu tuilea by a good road, trixa the watera of the Wackamaw Iliror. b.n tl same ia navipaUid by boats of g or g toim burtbeni ' and -some fifteen tnil-a fnm r,ti,-h.w.. ti head of Hteatnlioat navigation on aaid river.' ; A very small part uf the cleared land has aa . cultivate ine tlx hreakiHsnt of tlie war ; but 4 may be put into cultivation with tire incoeudors bleeapeiiMrnf rhartff mtlha dlt.hi- i " of H ia in cnltivatton tiiia year, and ita nro-nio- . ttaaneaa may be seen by anvone-Tnwhmgta buy. : WUh'lH A liAVllt , u,.i. u . .,, 11. 'H , ... , will aocompan v to ths place any peraon wli way wiahto treat for a nnrchaaa or viva a ln,rf introduction to auine person who will P"int out tlie premises. . s! Dr. Jackson, of Whitesvllle, Is well sniiiiliiled ' with the land. JONATHAN WOlilH. Kaleigh, Aug. S3- -13. lw BEARD'S PATENT LOCK TIE, ALSO, BK AltD'S Pateiit Self-Adjnstlng He,. r THE MOST SIMPLE AND GREATEST IMPROVEMENT OP THE AGE P0R .- : BALING COTTON. ; MyCH BAFEB FitOM FIRE, AND CHEAPER " -' THAN ROPE. " HAVISO SOLD LAllOELS LAST 8EAS0S fSE PATENT IOCS: TO j we can recommend them to gir entire satiafae tion. We hava.MkAn tl. l UAn... a, 1Kb Mat. - aud wiU eciiiuua ko iV-p a larga snwily en hand,; Jorone Ton aud upwards, todoaWs, .hbsrsl. . discount will be sllowed. E. MtTtRAT A CO., Wilmington, M. & Angl6-S-2ia -' r-tandard oopyv pRurr TREES AND GRAPE VIX Tones wudiinv lo unnb tWuiiM. rik cfafaee and improved .t rwr-r-r Ti.-ri-'fi and ttAPg TISBS. from the f ioooa fCnriMTlM Of Wesabrook CO , Oreetwboro, N. C-, wdl leave their ordera wok a u will i.Wumr 1 i""? Wl lre,i ud n .t atura, eiipowe ,ii-nir, rurucvii! NirtL.. L ' stiei Cstalognee from l". h -i.i...... to order. ia ! aiH'M i-.ieciiuna aa tkiix wiah-.ufors. ffl'ini Cbinee frmt'salls Writ tn aw ,'inaAtt. srd 1 -aaaw of the dtffimtty of pnciiiTit:g latnir f tns snoweeehil u ii.aima of Coiion, Ac, fnirna ehonM b no tune m behinig s poruon " their srwiili''iil til urchariU .nil ,u.t.l. in ino! atiWabi amrmnt of nioite, exiiendcd. " pnrcnaas or cintos frnit tre-s and ench rr! ' to OWf ami' mrfJ.;.I.Tcr jirf i ra?-.- hfininUi reimn uf hn'mlrnisof doiiara." or ders ar respectfully solicited : -1.. JESKmPFHRY. -'Aug lfc-a-if .. Aeta. JjiRIME WHITE MAL. 1 am piepared lufiu-iush any miantitvof !' .'JtiV ''r,rt nlli, aod havenma'iaiiiivou liaad i 1FT V ill SHLLH, atWert tnirti y-e DOt GLAt HELL. : Aug 8 m tf ' -. . Wholesale and Bstail b JansU-fesw .. AiWmarW.1 Ao. iu lJnf pOCOLAS fCU-

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