at C"4tTKMTlMNi -JS advertisement wdl bo inserted in the Duty H ailed at tha fc slowing MM, ,j A lWM am tmillw esi treated at 13 iwAwaoH line, orlj inehaa. Ontsqoar one, time :.,.. r ...... , 11,00 awiwrfi '"ar" mvMaara owwwk. . . . 1,00 i fcsuh a.klm"oiial square ooe wtk ; x,t . &,uo . X.M rS.OU- 4,50 Uou 4,01) to.OU I.IJ On sonxre two weeks ...... . F.aHi sodttionar aqUAi two work. ,, ' One 0rw mw mouth. . .vrrr; . .vr.TT a sdoiunoiij sauaia oue nusutih. i-k.e.lirtwiiM . " f& ltm wpisrw three month. . s feaAtheddiiKmal ...... t. fcuequarteroliimn ' tin hu euiuiuu ' .-. "IJiif'tlulnain- - - i,0d mwiES&m-'ImMmm sards, tMnSm-frnrs or ms, -TwaH"f!'i'Bty H 1 6a tlre moHthsr Ait aJurti.'init cartia uium Im caaiignl in ' at fcut viT)- thru uuuUia, Contracta tm aor Un ttuua tuuuUu atwU only at tli above Hpaeiai BotUwa or aJrorUavmHiita required to ba inaortad ua buaJe or utf apwial plaoa, will be abarfr iftKTWint bighor th,u tli atuva chargea. , AdTia4awlarat4iiiaiartT' in Waekly aud Senti- Wuckhr at rata oorr, pnnJing with tba abova. Court ailvfftimiijfuui iu ru J f wevka lor 17 aaai or flO if rhargHl. AderUeni ill )) fiu J it to tbair 4vuU(( is eucloM- tliti i-anb wbru lby aeud advertiatnuaita, - to OK atauew tt Wf to thaaa. - ' THE SENTINEL. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. . TUESDAY. AUGUST 87, 1867. Cpf,Il. A. Bmotwei.l, of Ncwljern, U our inT5ofiJ'''l aguut t r:tive' aubocrip tioiit and a.lvertiains for the Sentinel in Cra van, Carteret, J one ami Onalow. He . will apfnd tfie nmmcr at fori'tumif City - and Beafiirt,Ttnd-wilt'rfiya ua, the iiowa from that, aociinn. White. Black: arrenl'SrccTncts'.j" 131 648 1 KnwaB (all but X precincts.) 1.409 Alamance (5 precineta ) 808 Poaaomtowo (Davidoon.) ' 109 "' Cypreee Creek, Duplin Co., B0 Island. " ' -y 127 Cluitna, BempennCfC 9H8 203 44 68 189 Twrirey, 108 94 110 29 616 871 82 162 203 Faiano'a, Duplin Co.. 74 : tu 10 48 223 92 875 824 Caldwell (2 prrcincta.) Tarbtim, s t i .. Wilaoa (inoomptote) - " Ooldnrioro, New Ilnpe. (Wayne) Brunawiok incoaipletr) Burke . , - THE MILITAEY COMMISSION. .BNITKO STATU) VA.TOLAR, P0WF.118 AND -i' WATKISH. 8ati:ruat, Aug. 24, 1807. - We were In error In tatiug that no wiu ' nt'fe t re examined on Saturday. The fol JoiriDgf proceedings were bad ;) . Jit ma 1L jyroeoc, nturn:A.m elitor of the Fayetteville JWa Went to market bouae at three tt'elock the' day Be bee waa killed, to bear hi trial. Waa not allowed - to go up ataira. Arrived there before Bebee : 'waa liroifjrh1 1 fro'iii tile guard house. There Were about oue huudred putaona fhere, There was ji, particular exciboient. there - while Bubee waa up ataira. Saw Tolur and : ",'Jol)k.,, there ; noticud aoowthing peculiar aboufMonkV manner.' Also flail, Ed, Pow i latter not nntil after Bebee waa killed. ' Ball wee talking to witness, when Bubeecaine dwo, atidreminedwilhw.itnj!iuntil afief Beltea waa Jtilled. Witnea then went to. aa Bltaa'a- body, but Hall did Hot go ' with him. ' - Vtom Etmiuimd; B BrW it lie waa lirooght down atuirj taw Faireloth and Ijardie with Liin, but ilou't recollect the names of any others ; saw no violence to uetee aa l:e came down Rtnii'ii. When he trot down, saw the crowd rualiina up. The , crowd from the outside rushed up' to tlie arcn. raw a ni'xro wommi running hIkui, . .crying "they will kil) that uiau." -illkMi5rtSSie"weiit up stairs wfter ; Bebee. Saw Capt. Tolar, while Bebee-waa apsiair. vt ituess nas tola all be knows about it V T question by the Court : Answered that b Was attrwU'd by "Monk'a" singular ap pearance on that iiuy, and bis man iter, which caused witness to inquire who "Monk" was, vi Mtitthme Morgan, (negro) $uorn : Waa ' tendered by the defence to the prosecution, bn llrlm tA..,n;n. tin. Pending a discussion relative to the inat "i r, the Court adjourned to Mo'iiday. Hie name of the witnesa published last SaturJay, aa HendenonV'Locking," should bW been Hendenott Lockeny. Ry. " Nw AnvKHTifliiiiESTo. Valuable Lands V iairi en Co., for aide, the Streeter Planla- toot : Mrs. V. Whitehead, Falkland. Pitt county, x . - - . , Price- of Cotton (Jini reduced: Mitchell, Tt Allen k Co., Newbera. ; . ute Ii.ipe, Gunny Bagging; && Willard Brua., Nos. 29, 80 and 81, North Water St, . Wirnimgton. ; 1 ' ' See notice of important sale of line horses, ifarriago, buggies, Ac, Ac, by B. P. Wi'l- Jiamson 4 Cw., on the 3rd. prox.; Tna exercises of Hrs. Ellen Mordeeai's "School will be resumed on Uooday next. v1 ReotiTMATioit'itbis CUjt waa re con 'ttenced on .yesterday. The result waa: Wuitcs 140, Blacka 828, tnaking a total, thus far," of Wbna 478, Blacks 668. J It will be contiiu.d for two days longer. Wacan add nolbing to what we bare here .tofore said 00 the ul ji'cL jGov. bwaiH a ApoBiaS. Vf-are pleased !?.fi"tT!'i(uiiEt.ff IL A JCAJucklr Co., with(prtsc.wrtliy-.4 enterprise, will tare printed, in baml-ome pamphlet vtyle, file recent intc,remg and valnahle Address of 'GovTFwaTn.'ltevefed at the" dedication of their spk-ndiij Halt It ia their purpose oreaa oa the occasion of the President's 'Mt J engraving of all the maps of the ty which bare ever been made. The little 00k, it will thua be seen, will 'embrace a full and accurate histoiCIii'fagh and its luo people, and will prove an invaluable kiatorical contribution. . Aa we bate bere vufore aai.l, do one was so competent for auch Tt, work as Ooy. EkxJiiiuuI, in . iheftttit ;oj. Mdresaes, he has given us exactly what was Wanted, and he deserves the thanK and grsWlal coaimeoilatioB of our eifiZiS. , A Nr?tsAJKTS.Dtiring t)ie delivery of ri o .. V . .. - . iT. owmfn i atuireea, at tt)e fucker IHU on Saturday night, many persons were-- pre vented from btarioj If A eoaiaWt i batter ing iu various parti of .tiia , oom.-r-princl-pally among thjj ' white bora In tlie, par qqette anil theeolored'boyt laths galleries. And when there were deiuorjitratioos of ap plause, tlieae were niarre J. LjjjBeeilf noiaee aa the partiftlMHHMw rode trrcbins.'l n. : i. .-..i ".i . ... i '' aiwsjs ueeiv one or tba ditagrm- abla attending public! occasions and exhi bitions in Ralt-uk.. With th r the Titckp ,1L.jt j, 1MSJ1!S4W thera wijl be a cbauye Y" r retuie uflijuder. prouiptlv. Tlie thing laa to ue an imuieraDia itumanca. fipictACi.M-Wt.-.A ptdr-ef flold Spec- f iw. Deiongiiig to A, lady, were l(.t, on Fri-, day afternou, hctwoen Ur. l'aga'a, oa llilli oorq oiree; ana Br. I'rawTord'a. A aait- able reward will te paid tor fhiffr di.Hvr at luiauffioe. ... A pail of Silver Spwtai'lea'haa beea loataomewherv betwwii I)avi Btrret and 8t, Marjr'i. The findt r. witt oblige i Aeedy anifinrhmrinnrworiinB If rcavingTIit'di it tua Utaluul uttlce. lu ai at llitKDKHauit.-The Ninth Aitnual Fair of the Central Agricultural Society of Granville, Warren and Franklin 111 beheld at IlanilSraon, oa Wwlneaday, Tbursdav and Friday, the lfltb. 17th:, and l8lh; MT:tW-r. W e are liicTerled- to tLa Exec'itive Cotnmittt-eforthe Premiom Li at fur the opcaaion; whinh la made up 007 tnoat lilieral biia. In the alehi of a re- gular Stale Fnir, wc hoie that every county. ill nta thy-TtB8fotcomT petition, and contribuM f make the Hen-J deraon Fair a great success. , v Flame's Daily (Gulveston) Bulletin eon -tslnr tnw-fbrmwmf' annrwnfMnmiTBITu death Of WtHie-Kamssy, who died in that city, of yellow fever, on the 10th. Inst: We yesterday announced the death' by the epidemic of Ur, J. L. Wheeler, clerk to Mr. Mawnrarws Healer; To--dav we au- uuuuee mat 01 sir. v . xt. itamsny, another irom inesanieestnunsnaient. Air. Kan)say waabutv19, and recently came from Kaleigh, North Carolina. Like his associate hewas a yoong maw of excellent promiae and one who bad cause to look forward to a future of great useluliiessand .respectability. - The business relations (Tt tliehe y.oung men brought them in contact wnb alinioit the entire conimnnity, and we have yet to hear the 11 rat uersoa speak disrtalMtfully of them. Nell her of these bati.anV relatives In therity, and it may lc Borne satisfaction to tboae at a distance to know that every at tention which money oratfoction could be- atow was given, and . that if 4t had been within the. compel ot medical science to save them it would have been (JoncJ , ; Wuat THkY a or him. --The Editor , of the iremleraoii i, who has reeentlyex perieiiced Blatr'f hoptlitie, at the Var borough House, mukes the following suni- plimeutary mention thereof : : ' J 1 VWe have often, in this State andjmf of it, fieata anil read of the suponof manner in which this Hotl. un.lnr tba of Mr. Blair, was conducted i but not until our recent iit to Raleigh did we hare the pleasure 01 witnessing and enjoying the genuine liospitality, Ul-rality and'eourtesy, tor which this gtmileuntn has become noto rious. We don't recollect to-, have ever -tatopijeil-at-a-ljelterrfiptlaterl; ante ant) ploamat tiouav than is the " arboro" now. We feel confl dent in aeneKiag hat'h rmaf no auperior Jn tue noutuern Mates". All the pleasures and luxttriea of a haute ire to beepjoyed there." A Loit.vrrs Idka. One of tba corree- poudeHt of the Cinuinnaii Comnterciul is blled witb an original td so brilliant that we give the communication in which be cuiuuiuea utsiMscovery, aa toiiowa : iUUN, H.I., Aug. 14, 1867 JisfAs Sditort of Vu CimmereUil ;'"'' a Jlire-witb '.J-.enclose- your- 4a, fv'hvreb .twin u j ... i Edwin M, Stuoton may Wimie President of Btates. Much a btt- poetic-' usuce wouiq tnnit tli heart ot everv loval man throughout tbe land. Let Cameron resign ; let tits Governor of Pennsylvania appoint ptanton to oil the acancy. Elect Stanton presiding officer. TUe House can present tmpeachiuent papers against Johnson. Let the . Senate oust him Stanton becomes 'resident, Cameron can be re-appoiftted,' and ' Wade fcelectedf aa presiding officer of the Senate Justice, ia satisfied the aatfoii triumphant ' How Tatti wbiie PRii.i.ituf In Tennes e, at the midnight meetings in the loval colored leagues, much time Was devoted to rtnilinglne negroes in the rexponses they were to make to various Questions at the polls. This Circumstance led to some comic incidents on election dur. Old men., who had evidently the irost of sixty winters on their beads, when anked their arca, gravely declared that they were past t wen ty-two. " TiciiRKsRK.She has limwnlow for Gov ernor, and supports a standing army to- ex ecute nis uecrees, ,'inie uer beet people are outraaud, exileij 0 nvurdereil. Iter judges aWCorVupTf"cni!e','arrayel iu 'purple and doe linen, vested Vith all power, nits in her high places, muling a mock of religion, of unties anq ot ytcency. , . , , The honmiirjounuU "rays that a. fencei in that city is ornamented by two placards ; wntcn some wsg nas coiiu.-cteu together by writing the word "ami" between them, so M to wake, tbem read t , ,'C'se. Hoofland's German Bitteis, and Order your coffins from Hoist & t'o." . f , ' ' - A candid Chicago paper saya ; "Cbicatro , yields the palm to no other place ia any thing. " When it is a question ot -rascalitv: Cbicairo fa just as much nlicsd as in matters of enterprise and pro;rren.'. Whiskey at B0 cent-a ealloB.and l"lrco.'srt4! to, 18bvJ a potitia, are amotif, the inon coinuioo tvi rtnncesof tbe'sVtlt 6innt'il'rApi.ralofs"' Whew a aapwinr ffrKt gradraffe; inyiitiure: .he naturally comet i Cutoagu." A swindler timmd Iaae. Ulantoa recenllv escaped. Irom Mariyijic.r.l'a.witb 8.17.UUO belonging to oilier partien, m hi ptK'ket. He went to Toronto, "v. here lie lived in the meat atetmiRenrt atvaviw tbeeeVjr ptrw h'e of ttie detStSiTeSwliiJul ' die extradition laws gave no power to atrest him. A ruse was resorted to, and a teleliram scut to him stating that his son, w ho bad gone that morniug to Lcwistoo, waa severely injured, tie crossed tbe Hue,: anoi w as captured. - The artesian well at Torre Haute, Indians, emits a lively gas resembling in manyot ita llectt sulphuretteil favdiocn, aa a young ady found to her sorrow,, the other day. 4llMt Midsk a! all held hex. Sari:, pi arly with. metallic paiit, over Uie water lor a moment when a chemical aJliat ensued, which trnnrforuied her couDtemume black ness datker titan the ace of tpades. . TELEGRAPHIC,4 WUj Evening Dispatches. THB : DISTRICT 0OMMASDER4-MO0TED CHAN0K-ESCUHEDOa JjrrTERSV . ; WinowitiK, An;. , M. Tba President's end Oca. OrenCr rcrp.ire deuc relenv to tlx retftoral of Sheridan is pub- Bafced tills aiernuu la tfaa New York AfsraM end Bestow fast t ! '' iirt Hcaat romill uti tKiiiarrAlii. WT.,; BtrWair tnebrje tba Bflh nuliury diatriiT will uroouM to tba Wm ami rabma H,. wbo will thaa Mwma nvrauiiaut flurom at tiM fifth kt ilitari IHtrwt. .. . " . awavaa ta aoukaa of aa P.m.'. n.l u are forgifin. r If. ... w"ax,ABg.2C, U. Cotton dull, 24 TwroeBtui qnirt, M. Bo.1b, strainnd. Ml. ' mortcad7. Guldll.iui. KuweyawA. aaer Iiu((t(lU. a- aoopoua of 'fei 1113,. Usurgia ffBM . I .. .. . . j It i rumorad in the fold room that Ilia whuU Cabtoet ha ratgiMd. ' r':Tn - LmavonL, Ana. Sa,-lf-. 1 ehangvd. " LoDoa, Aug. 26, P, H:' . Ouaiaola MI. Bonds TH. , . ' . .. !' TwtdsT Wemfn; Dlsptttrhga-.- VIEOINIA PAl'PEKa A CAHE CiiDKll Xlrtl CIVIL BIOHTS BIIX.'' .'" ' ' RioaaoMD, Ang." 98, P. H. (tea. BV hotold baa oeuai uia U mm oor laws shall bs enfarcsd witb rfnuce tn tli pau per 10 whom ui rraeumea s noraao nas ceawa giving rationa. -By tin dacisioB ail the Wai'k vagranta who erowaea 10 ui eiuoa f v irgiuia alter im war, wkurti tht; ar citueos; The pauper LHo wul on traatcn tb aama way. Tba City Counutl ia about opening a asw alma hoiM fix the bUcka. 'l'he caae of tbe eoka-ed Cauadian, who ap plied for redrew becauaa the owner of ' the huttouljip HaUenU refuaoU bias,-a Sret- cl cbin paaaaKe, on account of In &ir, tu decided by Cduilulwk .nr CiihftoD'rii is morions. He deeidea that tha Civil Hurkia bill ouiy apuiiaa w Amwtoan ottiaens. and that lor. igner eoold not obuun radraaa under iu ,. ' i IEIXOW FEVER.! ' - :,: X GiLvnrby. An. 15. V. It. Thr wr Vweotv-aix uiwrnwht on Buturdav ana las tot tn week. lb N.w lurk Merchant, throarh Blum A Co. hava aoi II 000, (or the relief of soderaa. ,UalD iruaa ausentae is aoucauo. - - ,, v , Ksw Oauuna, Ang. 2tP. . Th number of death In ttii cltr from Tallow bvt oa Bajurnajr aiut aiuuiax THB BUXOREDCHANOKi IU THE CABISET; OhANT AND XUK tKEaiDKN I ltf KtHiAKD TO bTlEUUlAN, Ae. WAawnoTofl, Ang. St. P. M. The excitement ia thaN.. (. Uold room to-dar. had its origin in lha kiaiional lutelligeneer'a edi torial ef thi aaoraing, which suly tall tb old atory. that tfaa axmbara of the L tbiuat, in view of Htantoo'a lahaeiownw, had mformaily plaoad thotr omeas at in auwpoaai m ua rreaioant, Thar ia no probability of iauaediata-Uabmet clungea. ' Uew. ram a letier 10 we iTf woeni eay --uiar th neopl who have sacrificed Uvea and apant dollar ft thetr eountry's praaarvalien, ar evt deutly oppoaed to-Hharidaira removal. rl per formed hi datiea faithfully and intelliitently. Hi removal will ha legudad aa aa ttktti to defeat th Coiiareaeionat view. and embolden to reuewed oppositiua those who' attempted to break up the Government by arms. .. i fieneral Thotna ha Ttitmily-TtibieHa to' being placed in charu of either of the avedi-, tru'ta, - ' - - - - Gen. Baneock'a department la intricate and he should not b removed " t (iuu. Oraut add : "Thar are military, pecuni ary aud,abov all, patriotic reason by this order should not buiitl upon Tb l'rideot, replying, ia not aware that the qasatioo of abandan'a ralMitiun baa bit aab mittd to tba people. It would U unjust to th army, to assume that 8bsriitau slou is eapabla of eonimasaing in nnn inmrun. Tbomaa' admiuiatration of the Department tha Cumberland, will compare favorably with tuMi loan a government or tn nrta iitnct. 1 Mheridan baa rendered himself obaoxiona by Bia mannsroi executing me atw, ana more so by aasuming anthority not granted him. Hie rule j . Iz! baa been one of absolute tyrannv, without ref. r tstl; more cBIUfol't' enee t th prindpiea of our govemmeui or tli In every t respect, nature of free inautntioae. Bis euorse baa nously tntsrfered with tb harmoniuoa and speedy exeeutiun of the sots of Congress. Hi removal eawaot be r ratted as an eaoit ta defeat them. The objoot of the change ia to faeiliUtt their exseutioa throb if b .an iumeur' who never tailed to obey th atatute of the tend and w itlr-j in pu junaiicuua vui vhpi uuwihiwihv inwi others."- -to- . . . r .i Th President compliment Thomas and Han cock, and feels aura that ander Ua, Mhenuau'a gniilanoa, ttheridaa will win honor agbuae ha luaiana. 1- In eoncluaion tha Prseideut falls ta eae. any, "miUtarv. Deeuniarr or nainotw' raason whv inese oruer snouia not uw carriea mio nuv.. Ks venue ta-day sa,uOx . . A bTECIHEN RADICAL BIUCK.?T",V ' Biamoxn, Aug. 28,-P. H. A Republican colored meeting at Manchester. on Saturday night, waa addressed by ii. ii. K. Porter, Commonwealth Attorney at Norfolk wbo ts eaaniptnt Wie state anoer tua auspice 41 tli National kepablicaa Cotniuittes. H waa much applauded tor th followwg sentiment : "Rather than not aoelog the wheels of reconstruction, w should hang the President and Oen. Orant a high ilamaa. -i 1 - Jk EO 1ST RATION IN BOVTH CAROLINA. CaABLiwrotf, Aug. 86, P. II. ; The total Cltr regietreuow rsturnx. up to thi veniug, give white 11,211, black I Total City and Stale, thus far ; 9.743 whites and 22,tNt negroes. PRODUCE AND MONEY MARKET. TfW Yobs', Ang. 36, P. flour. HtatSt7.10liaSll.4U. HLathern dull and line lower 4,&HUi: . .. . . Cotton drooping. Salsa tOU balea J 'an aaiwas.t W ml all tflflfli lei . i: i ,ni lurpeaun as. btocsa dnil. 'bat stssdv. Cold il.401 ' i-M coupons sitiaf. .11 BALTUtoaa, Aug. in, P. M. Cotton da! H, aom. linsllv aochsnccd. n beat, prime, steady and srara. Bsd U S0 ; c hoic 4i,65 ; damp, tough, kiwsr, ranging a low as sow. , Corn dull ' WhiU lower, 1,061,08 : Yellow tl.llWfl,ia. . , unia Mhooinera 12 ; Bacon Shoulders 131. Me l'ca-k S24 ; City AJ4. . " Wit-wiaoTOB, Aug 26, P H. Spirits TurucDtias auiet Asi. Kusut steady 41- .9t7. . .. . . ...... ; MISCZLLA5E0US. pOMONABUTTEw, -(U .,r a SowethiBg axeeedinrly aioe and Sweet far aa pertDT as aayiniBg we nav seen in uua market. AW pray send and get some ef this. 1 JENKINS PERKY. j Aa Xl-l'i-U ; - K'e hav lot of stock Puss far sale. .Feed your Muck Cows oa these, f tou was t-them to aug u-u v - tV"- - DISSOLUTIOM OF OOPARTNkusHIP. - Tb Otirttir.h)pof J. D. C. 1. It. POOL, Mannfaeturer of Ttwy, Ae., wa dieeolved toy in n trial consrtii tlie .vmh." June tav. J. M. POOL haa distraeed of hut interest to hi late partner. J. ii. C. rsoi, who aasams aU lis- Vbitit7 Wttirta aiilhonaadj tir rti'Sf' "1ti'"fi iiiiiii i si ot t Its' emreTttr' 1 h bust nee will be coolinaed bv J ti. C. Pool. ... J. D. C. POOL,' J. M. POOL. KittreU'e, Aug 14 law At JJE.JA3II.X ItOBIVSO, IlJTB OT BOBTtt CABOU's. ' Attorney and Counsellor at Law. T NnaMiu fatrttt ;' KFW VOI'.K. .. Aso. itd witb BOr.pR A. PRTCiR, F.q., for merly nf Virginia... ul aiiendV tbfvtniKhiy and promptly, t ad bceiemw soniauny d to hi tuati ac.meut.. ' . . Aug. K4. l7-IAly .' . AX BXTRAORDISABT OBDMR Of 1 oex rope. .. : A despatch from Auustg, Oeorla, on fhe iiL,iuiqi uiai t'uciutui uruor xto. M, (ton General Pope's headquartera. directs that grand and petit jurors for tha. trial of an cases ia nia department he hereafter i drawn exclusi vely Irom the liU ot , regie terea voters, without uiscriniiaV)on.; Oto iff w ill require Jurora to awear that they have registered, tiexafyin'g tbe precinct and county, and thw allidaviu are to: be placed on the file of the court. " '- i-feifJitteB hand, d BfeetedtMr-e-joli troin aerving oa juries all who, .by osjCtuient or lorcetl coimlructum, are denied Hie. cleuti v it nou ia. where -authoria ad by any of the i"reeontrantun'' lawa. Its manifest effect will be to place on future panels a majority - tf nnletUred. ncgroei. TJJK Firm JflUTARTPISTBICT. We are informed . that dispatches have been received otiicially, announcing that tbe precarious Con li Hon of the health of Tijof General George 11. Thomas renders it dan gerous for biin to attempt " to proceed Im medjatelT to New Orleans'1 to asaume tbe command of the r mil JliUtary Ilmtrict, in f'lji)t T.fTuiiatia ami Texas. Tbe aeceeat ty'torhe preseiit'e ol liiB" uiilitarv comMan der at that point . ia pressing, 'if General Thomas should not, within a lew ; daya, be able to report for duty, it i probable that Mjr Ooiwal Maneiiek will im direvtefl to assume the Vacant ooinulund. A'at, lnttl. ;yj JssEJtiAa pat: ; Jeremiali iV. D. D.. LL. D.. ex-Preai- HrewtTfif 1VtvWitirt-W1tan on 1 uurcnay nignt, at tue ageol nluety tour years. ... ue was Ixnn at fiew rreaton, tjon necticut, Augnat 8, 177.; graduated from Yale in 1798 ; took clikrite of a action! for a yeir, sua aiierwrds watchoaeo a tutor in be was api'Oinivd tutor in Yale In 179A He waa elected Professor ' of niathemathw and natural philosophy in Yale in 1801. la 117 lie waseleotod Preaident of the college, s successor of Dr. Dwiehu He held this postuoa until ItHorwbenbarBKtgned oa ao ooust of feeble bealtb.vjv'. r HWU The tTnitud . Rtat sil.liln t n.niH.n Ark., went to thethce o tbe fnVtfwriMsai KagU the other day and evmpletelr de- itroye(I"lh cithTili.irmenl, OVro'wTnjf ff,j type into the street, end. smaxhing tbe panes. Tba Mayor expostulated witb tbe comman der of the trwipe and recetred'the answer: "Tbe soldiers of this post have been exaspe rated ky the pieces appearing ia aaid paper. Aa long as the ierwM, the eo temporary of the Eagle, pursues the course it ia pursu ing, it will interfered with." Neither aaauming any responsibility or denying it Ex.Governor Foote, while defendine a client in Nashville, recently got into a per sonal altercation .with the. Recorder, was; fined several times fur contempt of court. and finally committed to jail for thirty days. The.flneawrer afterwards Remitted, and tbelNk' FaMttsvill....,,.,........... , in order of committal revoked. :Mt a, ... , ' Sheridan's ' ''iiiiouinceut luruvout'' at New Orleans has bvn much diKuased. But his most magnidivnt "turn out" is tbe one just furnished him by thereiiidept,, ; , i A Miaslssiiiolkn baa named a helnle In-' fant Bragg lkaur.gurd Johnson Lee Ilftvk-' inridge Stonewall . Jsekaon Davis EvanA FAMILY GROCERS. : M tOA h J CALtl t'OA L t ! I SAVE LAEOK! "ilONEY BY IlUYlNtTSO c O A L 11 J TJERHON8 WHO IKTEND t'HINO COAL W1- A 'USX uts - :: iiiliL COMINO WWTKR will find H gt tly to th. Ir idtsLtte 10 supply thrmselve without anj 1111111c.csi.arr dilay. u oroersifiven uie am De HUtd protc.tly and tn snch maimer aa to (jive n.u.r iin. lir price, Ac, apply at Biy Kluau uU Market tlyill fa r- BUNDI.KS HflfUljrlandli lachaa. 1. HHOWH. -July Sutwo-tr w-iih 1 Htar A Lawn. . Oy.l F AMn.y sen tx . for tocko lapieh Bomrrr. Bt. Bi nor Coturr, Yn; , Prmctpals Mr. and Mia. Cwmu.kS B. Mi lluua. Head of rieliolMite Deparrnient Wins IXincab. Knaiisb. Liter. tars, and Belles-ltursMr Modern Lane aas-es Prof. Laoara Risaujua. Vueal and liMtrunieatal MusKk-4'rot A. Xuua- llrwwini! and PsintlfiI'rr.f. IX A. Woodwabb. Ibis limitation will be nnened oa Mondar. Seplsaibar lbth.- 3'he Hist session of th Hrhu lastse year nliise Jaimary 111st TI. seound ses avaa lune $toh. ... . ... . , . - .., , i. -BUMm .BEAU i altnstsd en' aw elovated budge en the eld Krister road, 1 mils tms lbs WMtera bJBitsof Balumia- and sit Ion easv bum te lbs CKv life I'mManuer Hsllwsv that cou- Bimiicatew with the ny. . -' Tbe number at papijs will be United tfl kwevity. fv ureuiara rmg lurUier rmrtotilsrs mav be faundetJ. 8. WAlr.hnA SON'S, t'hsrtes so. I. sad EM'Z A 1!AM1 8 lMHjli. feTOKfc-Chsrtesi ot mlmiasion anplv to Mr. C H. kt. HI AIR thi-ough the BaliwMu-v 1'. O., Box lCt,. AUg t-OWVim-r --r , - IICATIONS. WANTED. ..,', , ' Two UJm of exueiH itca aud abilitv deaira sdn- ationa aa 1 eachei s. 1 hey ere Te,r-d to tesch nusio, aauu and.f reuuh, ntth- she. kaitjlinu brsDches. ,. . ,. lhatt of referouijee iivtai, il reqiurwl. ,- Adilres 4.. p. O.,llox, " Aug l-t . OoldsUnv, hi. C. '' A sitaation 4 Teacher In a t fsn.ilv' is, to teach Engufb, Fruiih, L'tiu, .nusaisb and Music. , , , v . ...... Itcteretua given and nuired! . ' , ' " t -. ..- - . avutiriis. i Aug 2 Jf-wIiT" tWrBOriVEl.t, .n(''sttBilti. A AST MOUSE I BtOOY AND B ARN R r Tin Isrte I.v Narmt' n ?", V; (! aiiisie sAa'Ast-..ass1.. uat.-.y Uss eauda - -io Any orsd of which eaaf bs thwgtit .lew. for catb , , B. .P, WQJsIAJHAklN. A f ft. QQgft) rKMALK ffHf TOE? : - Vive Be 1 1 fbTsnsir WiiT r.miiu. m-ri 'oo ll.e Brt Monday o gep'tijuber end tuNciue ua the xmu. Of IsreltlUfr. . t Psrttal psrmenbi will be mpiired In sdvaoce. Ninety dollars paid in advaucs will smiis Abe whole account for lutituB, hoard aud utiuucXl te for th aeeeios ' ' - " . M. .derate eiurs cfaareea will be mad for Sf intic Cat m. t reach. Drawing and Ornaiueutal j-u B.slaii'i. -1 , . ,,U u.v i . lor Circulars, a.l,bess, r ! . ' ' f ; J. M'. M f4ALt'Wr.i.L ' July 43-? lw.b.5w SUtnll,-li?C. , I1 Bought npreasty for IMCKLIN'O. 1 r solby 1 ' ' " 1KL'(LAS lELL. Aug 15-7-lf . FIXANCIA L CUICV LAR. ; -' I, j . . . ' Tun. Bi.- Co., "'' IVam ii, Box A Co, hwhwou.1, Vaj - --' AugnsUUa. BK POUTED BT :": THOt BAAJrCH S05S, , Ban km and Commission Merchants; Petera- turg, Ya. J "( nOttTH CABOtlH. .. . . ... Bank of Cap Par...........M....r..... 1 4. harhHW . . , . ' Clsrendoo. ...... 4i t'onimereci. . . ,. Farottuvill. . . . ... In? at Oraham . " TfriffK rafoliui.T. v 11 ....iil'ji-xboro?.. ; 1 homasnlt : r, .TfrnTrrr.Tr " ( w'sdesboruugh. ....... m waahmRton... eVilmingtnai.,.., ' Tancevville.. ... i.i ConiBUreial Hank. Wiloimabia. Fsrewr'a Bank of Knrth Csrohua . . . : Grsensbta-o Mutaal Insurance Co.. .. Herrhanta Hank of Newbern 5T Miners' and l'linUra' Bank. . . . W pay eurrusouding high price iur ether Bank aot. . " ' 1 . 1'iiiva liable Ui dislike sid py rns tet rie Uie day rsoeived. ra-kags neeivwd by Eiprea and remitted for promptly in Currency of New Vork fuuda, free of irk fn.t, frw DOM. July l-2M-tf Ealeigh LMo&e Market OOBHECTICD BY JOBS ft. WIUOAMH A CO., BUOKEUH. BAltUJU, s. Iv rates or aoans cusoliki bikx Born ; Bank wf .., OoM 0) iSirrar 96) . B. S vapa rsar...,,!..,....,.,.....,.,. :harit r tt saline-tow. at Orahaaa... sal wadssboriaigk M TbossasviUs. ...... , hi WumuiKsuw.., i..., ..i. xt CtHMiuaroe... 14 V.sniKt. la 'viUb.'..'..,,.....ij,.i...;; 10 t'larsauow ..., J.... ....... 4 Jil kIMlSVld . ti ..I.. a 1 R Miuim' and llwner's Bank Ksruior' Itauk, IfrrmouilMirough. .. ()eniaimsi bsuk, W Umiagtoa. . Mtmhsnt'a Atsuk, Mswbsra... . . . AO . A . Oreensboivugh M aiual. , . virgin nana moiea. auout , 8omh UHtuia Oeoruia '1 1.' 1 . . . Us .IM IM , 40 thsd ... . . ..... . .. . HUvar . . . . ; .Tv-r; ...... Old Coupon ,:K .-.t... ..... ...... North t araltaa Bilraa4 OaatNma. , . eT Oklwxsa... Kaohuig on New York Greensboro' Money Market I Birrwa bates or bank notes, a., ei WilSOBl AbHOBEH, BANKE11S AND ExcflAjiot BaoatUM, Boctb Ei.n granr, Garxu- . so so. N. C. . Bank of W. C.. 47c Cap rear... t ........,...,,, .i I Cliarkitra... ....... " Wadestioro.............. : ..... ........ Jrll " Wilruingtoa) .1 , UtJ H Itoxbora....J, , to TuxsussviUe... Lxingtun atOraham. . , " Leaiuetoa... Oommeroe.i. . . hti " Clarwodon. ......'... 4 - vov:;::;"";::;;r:::-:::: Marehsats' Bank of Newbarn.. f armers' Bank of iireensbora. . Minors sud Ilantera' hsnk . Couimereisl Bank of V ilniingtoa). ........ j. Orsensboro Mutual laa. Co., .. . . .... . ,. ... Virguoa Bank hot avsngs about... . . . . . ... outn Oaiotusa OeorgUv. - V buy and aril at liberal pnoes , Gold and Kil sr, norm vsroniia nonoa, unibM Btatea tumils and all other niarkatabie Mask. . Order hsr Bank not by dubtora and Stock, holders of Banks will reesive nrompt stwnlioa. - Ktwni Bar exprsa nackages of Bank notes Ac, will be made on the day received, by cketk on New fork or Baltimore, or tn currency, aa ds- Life and Fir Insurance Pol idea Issued ia good vwnipsfiMNt, st ossx raiea. . . . July - : . r, . PR0TISI0S MAS.KXT. CORRECTED BT JENKINS A PERRT, (IMOCKRt AJiD IXlMMlSSION slEBCrlANTS, ';i FATKtTgrtu.t: St., Rai.kuiu, N. C. Mmx. ...... ., , " BAl.'T . A wEHTKKH BEEF ON HOOf... ,,.,.. - NK'rr... ...... ....... CllTiON .. rmt'hEN'H, Rpiing, , . ' drown CORV t H r ! K , , , - F(HIH I ' H-t'lR ., . ... .... FtiPDFB icm Si 17'JU H Ki t JO , il'it-J Ikv) . i0 r 1 4V1 50 MfttteiO .... HKtfll7 ... 1 SO wriijrfTi- ... We. at. lb. .... l'2,r pr. cwt. .... llflt'S -TffKHtNftlv: U IDKS Oreen . .tfAV:;-'-;;,.;--: 1 rd MKAL '...'.; --IOlJtsE8i.,..,. KAILS " PICAS-Stock potato- irwh ;. -.r. ; " ; Sweet ' Tt AOS. "SALT . .i .:, " NI'flA R. .'. .....'...,' 1 i'it i.naf ; . . 1 fsxttl 6 ... 7ft 7J4U0 . 1 4or;l M .... I Oik,.; I is ul 7 .. . ' 4'.(1 .... I tkK4 SB i2' .t yiEUABV. .... vv te75 . ..- ..- '..BF.MARKS.V Very little Onitna Umi bronght to market and mosBtano asaouv qootamma. mrn soarr ane 111 uerosnd. U.S11U1 Fkmr deoiiiniig rn eonsea'tene of nnanlitv of aww erop wevng unwrni so Bisaes, Sapply of Bsnwi equal to demand, but price Arm aiider tli of Northern NauotaUoii. SPECIAL NOTICES r IME, PLASTfJlt, TEMENT AND HAUL A l ire" Supply always oa hind. and for ! on BMjst raviw-abie term by ' v - 1 WORTH StlANIKU - " Wilmington, N. ft P C. Mvi.TBi.t ItecKirrs or Faiu Lma raoa July li.87-m fr.ST liKADY MADE CUrlHIUv AND yTT t ravaiBta) Alnnwa, Boat and Mum, and a hue aMiortmvtit f not and bora' HsTa, at greatly redawrd prion, a4 ' ' : . . M. RQ8ENBAUMV " Aug 1301 If '. . ,'"" - MISCELLANEOUS, J. 1. HUNTER A CO., :OTTON ' VA.CT01ZS, ' bis., ftsfr. ,.,..gyi..s--f TT If ,,,.',,,'lTHftemoB.lw.,,T. : WiB sell IB the mark ef Kowtolb abb Pmt- aiouxav ljvaawsifc, ua losnos 4jati loby.Ki. Naral torea. lnuaL , rruit and all msrk , t i : abla Praduc. tl advancements' mail cm aetnal amp ments, snd personal stu.nti.ia paid to purchaes of merehandis. , Aug nam " JAND0ME ORKY MAKE, FOR SALE. 1 mil aril nty IKOS OIiF.Y MtHE. alls a ail yeaia oid in siar 1"A Shs la bv l iiiL. liKoWN, out nf a IsKincton Mars, is IS hani. lth d Wi t:us sliit l.iilt. a,, wtnks kimii at. .n. ruiua well, and as Hi avsry way iwualiie. inn , , . n-iy . b. tj wrLjLUiisttN- 'co. :: " An(f1S--tf ' 1 feisiidard aud Progress eopy - , PETESSBUEQ AD ISMJ1TI1; ..V 1 tilAVK TM1H DAY OPENED A VERY HEAT AMsattflsM9ttfi faj , , ; : ttry in 1 j . FALL-GQ0DS,tl rEspeciatly mTdto iifoiK dl.te an. bspseV boa of whiufc-yutt ar rsafsetfally invited, esubraoe, . .f.t. .,'s ....... ,.r , They ' ' . i A F U I L.TX SSOBTME N -or t FLANNELS, s -- '- ' 1 KENTUCKY JEAKS, : If 11Z-. J' ' sATrNETii, Mes liw-Priceil ''. . " "''"''"' l'lalai amel raatcy Casalnirv, BLEACHED AND BROWN j SHEETINGS AND SfTIRTINOS. niCKOBY SlIIRTTNO f, .;. DENIMS, TICKINGS, ' .' .. ,1.. , ' ,f,., ,, II 1 COTTON" PLAIDS AND 8TKIPE8 ; FTJL1 ASS0RTMI5T OF PRISTS, :t- - xrtp " -'" ft In aH the newt-makes; fr O!fimXTN0rrEB fAiuid( . ,,,, - ; ..f -,( ,t i k-i. i ,-.1-- art...., . Act- , LOWER . GRADES AT 12 TO 19 Cra. K I OOMMEVCINO THB . PALL TRADE, I would' take occasion to thank the Public gener ally tor tli Liberal patronage.extende this nous for th past two years, and ia retnra will asenr them ths am llberai system of bsis wiH B strictly adhered to In the "future tint has guided our effort In th past. OtlCK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS wlU .till be eur guiding star, by th Ught nf whkli, U to be hoped, aU wUl Bad out that ' ' - I triioMAi miiTiri, t; , - ,,,, I U SYCAMORE- Sr., PETERSBURG VA.,! ; Is the place to buy PUT OOODH. ' " .''Ang.JB-U tf , 1 fJ'- " "'" ! 1 MISCE1LAHE0US. ' TIIK i;TiVaVsiiER. -1 A New Palrnt rirfr 'KDjriDr!' BY MEANS' W THIS V iuveution the. d'vouriag r1 iautea ean ba anbduad In less time tbaa ia raqwred 1 j0 writ tl1' ,0i4, in thus your ' , Houses, tiMirce ttnd I'urnlf tirei, ' sad other valnable may be saved whea thev would b dsslroved kwfurw a lra Oompaoy euahl be suBaltuMutd. ..... V . Always Ready, Powerful and Prompt this little F.ngtne i eafiable of being usd at any time, bv auy person, and in any pises, and eon- e.iiently, of enbdsing a Br at tbe motnwik of it discovery evsa tlmugh it has already mads alarDimg proems. The great damage nsnaily aone oy ui application or a larg ouantity of wa ter by an ontmarv Ensin is aiiaost snureli ter by an onimarv Engine is almost entirely avoided or this pr.was, aa tt ia not tbe water H 1.1,. t, .Mlu.Ml.hM it. 1.... v . Carbonic Acid ,''' " wilti which it t bnprsgoaied." It is ' ' ' ; VERY SIMPLE IN ITS OPERATION, the n re tumlnRof a small tan nuHins it in o ciimph te ti4iratiou without the aiiMhtrat dsncr to life, health or property. It mar b knot ol.arted I. - Ready for Instant Service), slid it need sot n re-charped ftsr months, or ev foryeark ia sohght that any person csa earrv it wi k th greatest ease, to any pan ef a buthhag that may b ftiaw I , . , 7iTiiflreTFlop it require Bo skill to mana it berood what is neceeaary to direct Uie alrcam by mean of t Boxful.- tulw. - , '1 he Kitm;aiher ocenpie no more apse rhea a bucket of water ; wuiKha, when rtsuly for was, tk ... UA ........ ,. .... .1.. .......1.1. ..1 . U ' )-....., "-'.-I ' ' .... ..... u," . ' . . S"U I .....Ml ... 1 1... 1...W Will, tt.. .r... . . .... I. I exttiignishe Br promptly on Rosin.Tar and otlier I iKflamnuvble mattrial, wuese wslsr nadnse an. ...j . Vi horevrr Una Eitinguishcr baa been tried it haa proved X rntlrely Suerrssfiil. Tlie following from a leading Nsw York pawr will show it vast uiilny ta great etty ; and ou MwitraHtsls. wissss basis, and ia ASwcblae if her, v.( it must be uivsiuatda. - 1 . . ( . TnrrAkT'a GaxAr JrsXv Froaa, K.-yoaa Aosci by iti4 A'etn PaterU fir Atina.-.Betwta 1 alul '2 o'clock this m .ri-.tii a fir benv otrr en th fi earth Boo of tiffsov Jewetrv tnr. 460 Broadway. 1h,be vecurrsd aadnr a work-l bench, lbs flame .xusnded to tl.s -tilth Tbe lire was diseovered by a iri ate watebw.aa ' emnloved Oil ths Premise. Several clerk whn :'V r, ?erlLltt titiwuisb HHibJim ahtrf .r -i' - sTf.!!'?? I. M"'", ' wwsHW al IT-w. WTrH 11. 4VAU SVlsU II) WF Bal .... rww aaa .. w r NaMaaf.4ee propertv was only aiKrnt -mswred at tit i ire- aiau Jna.iuance CaT.V. X, 4f4im0 i'aw. m ", ' AddiawS' . "... ' LEWIS 0. HAXE1, "Jtgui for Ott mm if JTbrlh Chrvllna, " ' '' . tzinjion, Jf. C. Aag. 3v-l4 ...!.., i : ... .. . - 11 . .1 I ii. 11 il i.i 1 in - l air 1 . " - M A8' IrlTOKT U. Ss CHeBt a Sutmf. H. H. MARTIXDALE, or N. C,' - with . -.; ICLBY IXD l)m.YT, r, Psbllihert, Bsokitlleri a- n. d . ' v- : ' ; f S .T ATI OXERS , : tit West ttwltl r ttrs.t, 'O-T'Z1 BALTtMOCE, Mb.,'- . r WL rf Kf.UT, ' " W. 9. C DutAWfw S---I"J-a .JSja I . ITa, sVtaVK (T"OVl"li"'Jaal "" - ' ' TIIJS ROlill AJU.Iwi A 1- Cowpaaj ia tha United State. - J a VIE VANAOKMKN T (if '.HI TiiMrAKV W . anon the Mutual Bnrlit jVMt tn - (it o-' eumnisted prohtsgiHlig tu the tertno..!. " Thai entunsnv aiski-s a six i-isi wnh it. . .insllrsan W 'lit lit 441 r.l-- ls- H :il(.red uoucism sie ihm'i.,.1 it i angimabv tear n.t is .tt ".t J llepsrlmcut nf II. a Mate ol w J 1 1 t' ut i.ui.Os ww sura puuirkta tie kHuii'd lo . Mo othsr Company gives the a guaraa toe of thi ehsTK icr ui anviinni! e.juiil. i.t. Thirty days' nf gvsoe ar s.i.n. ,1 1.11 ad re nawsd BremtuBM, ,d tl.s jmin-y aiin-fa1t and m full ioros durmg iiiuiii. M resuictKUM as tu lrl.J or i.;w,(i si .road at any sesson uf ths y. r, tiiia.ii u.a tr.u.u si whkk gins a nearly world-aide mud nuconuitiowsi pulley, . !. j.- r tu hUfhee rat of premium el,rci-d f .r eH-;1 tionuy Eikglbeera, Cou3iiv-i.n ,Tia ,. aVf'bUtera, Mail Agenu, Bar in o..nm.u, ji.-. ul , i.mugv uf eui ph'vmsBt after th pulley is isMieii, Biote ar not reunited by tin Comptiiv, but B loan mav be ol i.urJ uu il... .1 f,.r .,. tksrd ef th annaal pretmnm. vrneih t 'orUir"" 7 n pmni sppiiru as divntrnda Joint pnlkiies. iucludilii! fuari sn.I wif S11. . ', 11 atsad by Uua Compsnv, aud ths anvmut iHsnred payabtato th on the .hath i.f either, vmw etvldend, lauuary Ast. Jmi, sa 44 tH-r livldsnd ar daclarsd 'annwsli. ....1 tviJ asttlemsntof 4th. Annual 1'i. iuii.m, ua all our plans upon th full amount of premium, received. Premium my b paid annusllt. M-iiu-iiiBusliy ar onarterft. fr ' - .. '.-.jtssv-., AUl . 1. ' . I nobcies hwnrd 1)V tins rv.n.r,.... , , 1 h per centage of premium receipt i iV over 1111, was i p. emit; whuh is nearly double that ot any oilier New Vork mutn. Policie iiieouleatable from aur cauui owiA &a aeeraiut nf fraud. or taawranoaia this fJempany applv to P II 'I VM l'.lM Agent hT)tt of tturlt Csiolma, Vt ilimntrioa. er ; , M a TllN CAU H, July 4-'o-eo.l3in ; Auuiit for liskiib,. 1 i. -T- THE CqHTAUIJU. LIFE ASStlUXlSltJE . I I . .. . ... - , SOCIETY, ' OV. JSIZW YOItlC ; - . "U r,v. a ASSETS OVER - '; :,'?. . r --- S 4,0 0 0,0 0 0. ANNUAL INCOME A (t t.-fc f WVW.-.'..' , -t . .: -;.:.i Fu MY1DEKD8 PAID TO P0UCY HOLDERS, fKOT STOCK BOLDEIJ", Til IS YF.AR, ; r rT".i.o.Y iito.uee. t pin ELF mVTVAU ' pftOFrra divided anntalt amonu V POLICY HOLDEFS, - 1 be Eijiiitahl ha grown more rapidly, since lis orgauuMtion, Uisu any Life Insurance Com- ' pany ever erganiaad ia America. Ita pnhci average larger hi anwnnt, than ifto ef any otter tWtssny 414 nS trr ' ApTheawoB sr Agneie. la KoHh Carolma mnatb addressed th lh Cvu'l AgcnL . , sf . M. P.Ttua, Aar't, ViumHa,tB. . ; DuMBVaf A Gosua, Mewtavn. - r Oaaaa Wiluams, ; t, .. 'Urb. ro, . , - -BtiBBAaxAdAiXAoms, Ajnt, BsalHiigtun," Bsr.sirra, Ku uwo A Co. ," Ort!wil)ro. E, Knt HrfTCHmiKia A Co., " Hallalmrv. Hi'Tcuih0.v,iicuRiii,nAr'o;,'''':'-",.l" , .. ' .1 ,. hirioiu,, v C. : Aug B-HKMhn - ' (lonl At,eiils 1, K. f. :. ,'At-ipi'-J-K oyi;i (' ; t 31 0,00 0,0 oof : . liiconie Ouir j(i,ti(i'o,fj(iC OTAt'leObHES HlS, U$ 'fl,0o0.WHH DiyiDFAD imiiVto A.Nl Ki:t " ' OVER f t.000,000. ' ; v ' 1 ; , NUiClSER ,r OF I'OUCJIIS IX" ' " FORCE OVER 4S,0(iO. The p'onneeilrtit . Muluul ur xiNBitrnA.NCi: jomi v- - - OY IIAlltTOliD, C0NV , UaeerganuMw I11-IHIA. Iu a.tcivs ...f beaiuaiwd by soy uiUr t onipsnv- llm. i. v " unco iiikiu tli piilcly linitiial .i.iuiu . 11 I ,, en -nriinmryerMa''k lapiial: ki.. tl.c pi , .1 MieiactKiii, uiererore, m tlie -e..nlci,ii .t,.n ,. it vast RiriiruB, m, tint iln'y ilnnc rmt ti... ,-n. richnivnl ol a t.7.iefiim'l,in pitHci,t ai .1 ci 111 mg biising te 2iowftoni ..ii,,.! ;AU policies iiuii-lorfeiutilt'l.v lli. irf t. ri.i. n eltis chatcr liiietf' fill l.'.lj. v 1. i.i. 1' uftlv W h etlreriok la extra iia'lw.ln. iueaiiihirMKiied will take pi aeio. ia tii.'m u- IM' Frov mg any .iH hi uiiyiistit. .. WW au f.,,sw, .iifiitr Sling Lire lni.ui i.tu e re requested, and WlU I11.U n 1.1 Hi. o nni.i, i to ttMitta! oilier Coinpaliiis, lepie-. in. .1 funs ts!, with IU ( in. Mu111.1l, a pul t,.!,, j ,"(,. ,HiKrlsr the InauiaiHie I eiiinu..,,.,,, ,(I ,,.w lork and Msssscii.uactia. ,' ' ' HAM I'll Tl Tf'tr, ' ' . r foiuerai A. ' nt fur C Offlce with P. P. I'M 4 Aitx.l hir l.l. il, . ,1 yicnoiy. ., . .,, ... v . Aug i4--tf ., ' , v ; . s MISCELLASEOl'S- VV WTksBtas ivivs f ".laiaiaev ' ' a V 11 1 1. 1 ' 1 ..1- . "1 -1 .- 1 . I' l l. ' I at. A a a.. k a . , t a . . -'udihaw.h,Tr1:,",t ntA" 'm..w.... ... .... ... . IN TWO Vtllh 11". enr bach in. lht ae am nr The) Rest and Jiot i.i.! 1 1. protrd IfTmlihii 1 j liiat esa hff .UI .'Iiaseit. tr areliiw 1- furaisa, upon abort atilico, ad km. la ei . IB0N AND PM'CAt-nNLS, , il si?. srid d.acHp'liiiia U F..IS ....-..., arid at r.p th a.n.e in itin h -t . . i . ot repau i' i; tq hu ant a..,! ... i ...i iM t by ua. - vv kocp ci., ,1,; ,m i,.:,..,,:1 .t . . ONE AND IWO-HCltAltlU-". i, ad aU tb oWripiion of A.;'i.-i,:. i ,1 1 Ulllt used in tu,a 1, 1 L f 1 . : i ' : V V - 4-iAg44-tf - 'fw':iAri;'f uji-vKr I tr isuiuy Jiijur. ho 1 A'.ig. st-'n tf ' 1-1. d tu i-ii.. -JtMalZ A i't.-ria'i-

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