fWr a, aTavTeaA. tilt BBlMtCX. ' ' , iTorHi laiiaM writ liW twrtl lb tb.Oo.iy 'i J at the foUoemg ratoe. A ayaaiv will be OtM-MJUMV IMIf tlBM). .....J... i,lJ ,': tmek ufcaeinemiBerti(i hwe ."' -... 9 , - vueuaf ouaWsek f,W k-h ehnunal awar on wuk.-.,,.j 1 Out afiun two vkit'....'., ,, .. &.U0 ,,, f I K.ilbUOUal aqnarw two ' Wwke, ..J . 1,5) iniwaMiwBtb..,t..':'. ... s.uu ' aJiblioual square e at-aiUi S.U UnaaOUare WwOU. .. ., JO, " Mut uiuua -1 i. "' (im aquaro Uira KHKitlaa. ;. .11,0X1 ; rMk sUJirjoeuO, OuaquutorouluiaB" ' . ....... . uim lutt vuhuan.. " ' i,uo f .MutMilllHlU. '": " ' ?& 11 ' '' ' Regular trauum esnla, 15 tuuiiua lines ar le will b rlisrg'-d aujy. ItOiuttbrBejai . A" Jwtiiiuaisfe) or yard innat h r.hMiged in t-i at kut Uvw mouths. Contract A asur than three BiuutU mad only at to ilnn "rats tlpseisl notioa of tdvortiaeeaetibt romered to. a inserted on musk or auy Bpaoial plana, wiB be aiierged H purees li bur than thaabonrbargea. - ... Advrli...m-Bt. iuserted ia klj and m . Weeair a ss erri epondiug with th above. , : Cosu edvertiaeuieute hoerted f week fcr t? , : AlTrtiwS will klwsjrs And it to thHr dwitag I ,3 mrtow thst-iwliwbrri tb'y-udilyertit'iUBUi, . ; to ih einTt timj wua lu M; fcr tlxwm Tift: SENTINEL. LOCAL DIPAETME5T. .FRlDAYiAUOCST 80, 1887. Cpt. R. A. ' Shotwbll,, of Newheni, k our uttioriifl Lfnt to rif pint f'-"r- tion tud arrrtuing iur tua iktitl in Craven, Curteivt, Jones nil Ounlow. ,He arill pml thrmiamef t Moryluml -Ckf- iil Biuufiiri, will glvo bs tb new Iroia that wrl ioa. : UltQDjTHATION. .. Wtiiu 1,M? ' 27 371 niarkt. H'a Mora (Wk) , Linc oln imcincta) Kowao (HMplete) 1iowaa (rooipk-le) Wam-n w . SI 211 S4 ei 1,48 816 inrjdmiaT.toioflsBioir WSiTED rATa3 VK TOLAB, POAEHS K v; :-.:., WkDNKHDHT, Aug. 88. )nJH . McAttiittr, urorn : I far- merj Ht itlfTan niiltt N. E. of Faystte . Tillc. Know John Aruistiong. (an impel . Uat wiluraa for the nititli'ii) . and hit general chftracur for truth ; it i tut gootl ; baa kaoau It fr iui time. , ' ' - Crott-Kj-Miiudi Joba Amatruag hvbtHit ' thirty live forljr ; ha. usl tr belong to Hra. Jt-uhie ArmlrtHig. Her Jntaib ia is M beigiiUrbiKl. Julia haa lalel been ..'.Jiving at ki f atm'a. . Ilava beard hia charac-' -.. t-r tailed Into qnewtioa bf Mr. Hi u ait, Mr. urpht Mr. UcEoy, Wn. Murpb;, Mr. PemlxMtim, Mi Plmil, McAIIUter, and aer " crai ..iitiur. Sluart ajMika of Joba Arm .. v atroii ariijg to a lie atut aa arcouat ,. aaina) bi liirmer matter. Hrartf Mr. Mart' - jidy Ii of John Aruir.tniiiH ia ooaaactio w-ar to anvtliinc. Also, aiaca blieruinn't Z mnj.cmmhf ItMtd. M ur)lijr ,Uiat na. . AruiUonu yolmiUxreU ma arrvtceatoaaear taiaely ia rt'Knl to a mule. - - Heard M Koy, who waa an nfBjt-r Is lb C Minty, aay trrqAentlT thitt John Anutnn ,wa nortli f rti-rfit. Ili'srd Wm. Slur phy aajt lately, ttt tw would not tielHTa Joliu Armxtrou!;. AlxAtieaid aeveral other to the aain effect Witneas wa not ia Fayetteville wIh ii Bliee waa kille-L la a acting MiigislraUi In the ncitfliliorliood, where Jnha Amntron eauna from.' " , Se-JJihict : Have heard 'the ' peraona lKe named anltliat the character of John Annatrun for truth ia bail;, tlw several other j liave aevef beard anjIxNlr aay it wasg.ioil. 5 . . ' '. 1JutvHtry Cimft ; -Jolin ArniKtnviig wac never arrsttl lor slealiiti calUe, tor want o! nffich lit evidence,' There were deserters trom thl'iinlmkratu arufy near Fayotteville, during the wr, who frequently aul eattle. There are some nt'xrota itneos would l - Neva nn atit as quirk as a whiU uiiu, bat. p-nerall;, ha Would give preference to white man's natb. v (Upon a hot affidavit, introduced by Capt Tobir, Urilliti Cliaiiise (negro) waa ordered by the !ourt to U sum mooed a k Witnees for tl,e It:ftnje,) Ourtm Iteming, sw'ora; Iteaide iu , fayettcville. Wituom' buuoiauj tlace ia at I B. I).uu'aiore. Wa at the market hmiae while HvlH-e1 trial waa (oing on ; only re inained afew itiiuut; then went bai'l to upper t,.Hy 0f Davis' smiei b-ed outai T,, the window and raw Boliee on the pavenienl; heTiViki'dTike h: a a juat rt-oovering from t&li 'The window wa ruUed. Tbe noise stw-aeied witni ' a'twiiion, arid te":fo. .Irat ' out the window. " Saw a pUtol ao olfaud Bebee tell ; saw the Daub, aud smoke. Was on the tsven.iiit then, about the middle , of. U. 0r tlie S, E. corner of the market ' house. Heard hint sav Up pulling we or aonit-thing like lhat. The pistol was ' about two feet and half fr-tra Ilia bead and to bia rear and letl. Tliera was a. compact crowd to his rear, which was in motion. Can't say Who fired the pistol. ' U Wltiirs went down and saw Cpt. Tolar there, IU Btlwe was killed ; he was in the market uottse,- ra l;helMt Uavi nn tbe r . Walk, .Jt weeav- wis- nrnd tbw- aarket nooae. Haw Satn Phillips there, after tbe ' pittoi fired,, Don't tecollrot seeing a tingle w(on there that day except the. OU that' ..hot Bebee. ;: :' riAe"ytti Was li M. Urrell Cspuaiu of local police in 11W3 t ; " Ohjection wm made by the Prosecution, Wh wn at .jtitkw jBMVOAwirmKi bv th Court. Witnea is ai.uuitintsd with tbe band-writing of Rob!.' i. Urrell, and teatiflea that ord. r produced in Court was signed by 1 w- jjii b, tlii ('ourt' ttiaTlle IK: i dnr nl,ul.t no be received in eviiiroce, j B,.'''aM A'lKtBerfZ-Uave hees. JiiK U' Fijettevilte' for the lat' Bi'teen or aiiteea fJiii.31ui day aa win ah ttebbe waskviHed r 1: tMUetAbUfiA-r-aiw't say it Was- windy.- stH".iw-wa ta the wwik htue hewrthrf -. -.Wtl, but wa not iilimHed- -The were ... taentj or thirty penuua thereat that time. wax atKm(T-IrmmilT!rin TiouF "STleT r sttei ' ' e .t Id tbe ttfarkei w killed. ""' I Wuikeaa iuokedout at the window, wbea f W -tntrne-ijWmsge- an "M WT' ii,rom ind other to It Doa I wjolie.-t any exe'amatione Irom tbe crowd; Vaiiciuth have a dnb ; saw so one malt a aault npoa Cbee. Whoa wiioee "town, alter IWie wa allied, L B. Pilrwss.standingi oa Le cauatway, b - tIMtai on tbeaitlecf his store j' ttt t ttJ market bouse; lis him tiiora when "daes returaeii; saw Tolr suu-hng under tU Bkarttt howsB, talking with otta one. Wbil oyr tlu re. witii.aa heard Xmuc Reck ton (neg'ro) aay Capt, Tolsrsl.thim.'' , Sever saw ToW wearing- apintoL Am ant a mason, tain a snot wlien witnees pkmosii him both timM Heard Beckton um'ToUf- shot hiaZ"-? Capt. Tolar wa vthen about thirty fW-tofti. Taece wa erowd talking between ' Beck ' ton nd Tolar, Iq lout the aaiie tone of voice that Beckto sj.ok. " . QutttiuH by tWrt j U'itness wairl)o"ut lit feet front Bet' It ton, hin he made this remark, betweew bint and the market bouae. Coort adjourned to Thursday, J 1 w'chH k, Sw AavattrisEiiinirt.Cgittna11 Gina, Cotton Presae, Ilorae Powers, Labor tSaviiig Pmpr -eW-Mftclleti,- AeiVlTIIlEI :6em-.----- V Mrs. Wiustow'a rfjoothinjf 1 8Tini for CIindTcn "Yeettiintf : AulL-ricau Ollii-e, 214 Fulton Pt, V.: . Tbe (treat tteuthern KImn Me.l-iue Dr Umrrtnre's liaon, N. C.) ConiMnd Extract A Roaadatia: Williams, tiaywomt & Co.. Raleigh. : .1' Bittlrg'a Old Kye Whiakry: Pulliais, Jones A Co., Pajaltevilla Street, -'-j-q " jKltW SotTHKBH Boog. We a4ndi Jitel to theeieelleut and entirpriaing PnldUber, Rlward J. Hale & Soua, No. 18 Murray Bt , New York, ior copy ot "Ualnwy'a Defence of Virgiuia,(and, through her, of the South.") W have not Baxt o opportunity of inei't lag it Contents, but, Iroiu the liih r- puta tioaof iaal that could bedeireL "It is gotten np irt beautiful style! and n flints tlw highlst credit npoa the in)rimUr et,the Measrs. Rale. The volume (duodecimo and bound ietth wiH faa mailed free of p a)r fl.iO, and a UljieraTdiiiciAini will l made V) llllt Tr''" " g , - - The Messrs. JII will JasttfcBeil "week, Tbe fliary of Southern Refugee, during the War, by a Lady of Virgtuia." Huwors or RioisrnATio!i. An individ ual, rather more than halt auss over, Jires enttd himself for registration, ia this City, nil UTrlnlav . .'. The Uual tiuelianjLpropiundcd : "Did yon bntd any! office before thear, Tbe bibulous applicant, doubrfois recall ing some of bis aaa-ieltan glories, rex pond ed, with a hiccough, that he had "puce Uea, fm hunlar and if that kept him from voting, he couldn't help It and didn't 'fceer lL". .,. -- i' ' ';' 1 '' MujiicirAL. A regular meeting of the Board of Coinmimiioners was held on Wed- nesda'y evening. Prisenti s Wm. D. Hay wood, Esq., Mayor ; Memoa. J. p. lioyattr, , M. Betta, J, A, Aioota, , B MiHioatham D. L. K.iy.ter, J. J. -Overby, H. H. Battle and PTT'I, Rimnd7iir.ueraTT 1'? The proceedings id the butt regular meet ing were read and approved. Sundry accouoU of City Might Watch, amouuiiug to :!JU,7.', were alhiwed. Sundry other aceounts, amounting to- 527,8S, were also ttttbwe.1. Mi iioia. Guthrie ' Jt . Orr. petiiiiniert She B-arl to reduce thai .Jeut Intai $4tiO to $.iOQ, for lbs uieaeat year ( ami, aa motion reduced at the rate of ttw)'f tout Irmu th lit. of July laat, wiib tlis underaiaoding (bat tlie ituprovemihls refcrrcc to lit their apul cation be not removed. - Mra.S. Putncv was refunded $4 ou CJtv TaMVeruiarsi. "'' ' ''' ' , On motion ot Mr. J, J,Oveliy, Commit. . ... . t t ?! .'' .' ' .. , vtiv waaappoiiiicij, coiiiii.iUg oi .ui-aiira. j. J. Overby, P. Ovarby aor & Jf. iCheailiain, Ui colder with OoV. Worth aud aacertain if tbe City ewe bve th use of the bnildiaga in the Baptist Oroee, ior. the jurxat ol keeping the Fire Engines, Ac. I Mr. J. J. Overby ulf red y the following reaolutioii. which was adopted: JtMilotJ, That aectinn 1st. (if chapter 8, concerning the market, lie amended by striking out Saturday,' bij.1 inatrting ou every afternoon trom 4 o'clock, in the week, es wpt Mandity. - - n m ' i The Police was iuetiucled t etttore the ordiaancf pmhibiling the throwing nt' Mriiiua or other luMaili-s n;i-n the streets and aide walkx,the "lean hoiSier'tia,f dig ioome a nuianc. ,.. .-. 1 1 t -'-.' All bogs found running at large, on or after the iith. iunt., will lie taken up Ubder the) ordinance and sold. " ' " V . Th Cat0 FtK.yE Tlie1 Wrinitngton JounuUuLv-. " .. . , ,.v,'.j "This prcaent Summer l:as" been one of tbe most remarkable it tJirf4- antttta .if Wil mington and thCape"'Fi,ur suction. " In these reapet'U: Never before he there been en many freshet in tlie river, no tuna than five having oWurred since Match ; and it i the- nly Kummer during the h, collect ion g tbe oldest tnbabilaut, that the lioais plying between this i eitjejinilJ-gyettevillB ba.a been compelled to su-ieiid otierai i-led oiieraiiona lor at while na account ot loV w ater. Tticae fieta Bebeeiare noticeable,' and certainly hare given cause to bo little rciunrk. u; , Tle Irosheta in tlie river this year have been generally destructive to crops,' which is particularly -the cae with those more recently exporienced. - 1'hiseaiinot be other wise ia a section where the w ater rises from Shy five, to, sixty fcet' duritiL' one single night. ." . ... Hie recent rains, we; htif.-ftavwworlted sad havoc with that portion of the crop on tlie lowltndi bordering upon th river which ha thur far escaped liotruction. The T- trnt of tbe recent rme in the river above ia not yet reported. We fear that it baa beea greater than any which hfu preceded it thia present. year.';: V'( ' . i-:, ,' KtoaoH I T8B Noaxn. On the night train from g,!nlJii,';..?h?r, day w. saw a Very well rfrusMjd and rexpectable looking Anier:aB ciiiaen of African ' descent" ap ply lor a bertli a tt sieepin ct-r. He dSHa-V'-ftwtrtty" sw'Winhw so ay oetnn'i or ait up ail atglit v hile lie an arguing thia ease a white paiwrnrrer. whom bt knew as tn BW- tiuie auU aiavery aitviate, itepprd up to the t0col-r'6r antagonisui of rc, or 'iiwiiuct of Csjinaaianista), w.abwv.iir- .it- baw-Wri- ti kail ocrurred i South Carolina the railmad at-nt.woui i have been compelled to pay a n.0Xt k-sl iaQ,-.Foj,that.iras.,the atipg-i' log lin wliu'li iicn. Mtkl.a on the 17th of tnis month imposed upon tue captain ot tbe stewmer Pilot B y, because. "B acooant oi caste, be refused a oabi a passage Xo it in Fraoces Rdlin, a "reiectaiile ttmah; of cbl- TlW,BriiT.iUl-fT3'C'''th'l BlisrlJan-is tbe Toiitij'crt man' ever mentioned. Jor the Presidency, but thinks be will.fjei ' ild enough betore.be' gat it.v -.b: .. r--- j - - --a ;--.- j ymu :'"-i-'Wf una antler tltenmaarrw-iftrtligTiavbiic t.at negrs obtain lrth adjacent to. btilt raBlw.ib,.r-ileaitjgM g.raxr"'.?" furnvrut tgnyrant rabble tiiiaotuatouied "-'J p"-je 'wi,ll TELEGKAVlHa ThursOa Afterstaxm ttCpmtrhejj, THE OlUEtt OF OK. OBAUT, liULIEVlNO y jt. ri ,u.nivn,, , WjuniiHiToN. Aiix. 39. V. Tha tbiowutc ia the order 6-UeriiW Bh.-r!jan : la swnpttanes alia aba tnati-BetiiaJiV the Pit- ident a tie I'tuu Mate, Mijor Oenerml t. R. KJrvlan will, na saeeipt f thia orcter', turn w hia petiaout, eoimiiaiid to lirvtet Major tir. rl Cbarlva Grutlu, tlx offii'er ae.tt'in.ranila kuuaulf, and pnxved witbuut tkla, to fort Leavwaaurtli, SUaeoan, sad win retiwrs sU)or Oearraf rtafcCK k, in coanuaud uf tUa Deperaut irf the MiMoitri. On beiag relieve by iUjor deut-ral tarijau, ,al ueneral Haueouk iU or.- without LaWlajtlaltaw OrWiS, 1, anil aastraieinoiiu.l STiit41jUt)lWtr1i meat eucipweed at the Mate ef Louiaiana aeJ Teua. - , I.,, .. r . . al4Uea.Uo. H. 'Thoaaae will eHutmaa tn if tha Depannwnt oftha CuiuberlaiHl By coniaiawl of Cit u. (Iuavt, ., y , -.: , 1 , , JE.i TOVtNMKStU,' -L - ' : ' " ---"J A. AO Duitii Ui lata enutest tlw PrvatJeut vlak4 hiUM'U aqaanly on via Cuuatitutional rirbtt aud utlnraM carried hla wtaaits. ItJaaojfueated that recent letter ef Ttiad. mr. veiM, optmruiael (naitaua.veatorday aaiauilig Lonawvativ .Mauatnra Aa- not tiLua- T fraw the Prnaideut eertaiir Titfliia" and dutuia. auma ut wuwa Qea. Graut claimed, had mu.li to do witU tbe General' ajrtrograiW moaeanaiit . Mae X', Aon. , at. Wuk uuil.. Mum jt tfO.. 04d ti.il i. Met- ling tt(((flui. $-ltouiyiia $118, . VirKiuia aixua, Outtua dull, 17.' t i l t- :, 1 , TurHUjlus iitt. Kninmijuiililrimiiil iUiut Biua ti,7i!j.tt. trltlay Morning tpalclt a. lasaiTHAfjOit lSVlUtilNIA-HOW 1 UMt , - SENT. .1 " ltlCHHOKU, Au2:Wl Th roturns trota all eu. pt eight coautio bsvs beea reouived at Headquarters, ; and show th registration to be wldtua HO.tXa) and U bha ks tt uuo. Of the eouHiee tram wlucb reinrna have not besa received four gave large whits aiajuri- Th bladka having badly beaten One puhiMmaa at tlie Cirtaa last night, aad atuiwd others, a Coaipau of U. tLTruupa baa keea sent to 4Aaigat to pie.ent iii.t, which U eWiua: WiLHisuToK, Ang. at; P. U7 The rumawai af Oeu. Hmkles ia generally de nounced U the bepubU.-aua. HouOi riitirs Uks. Utile or ae tuleruat lu liw'iuattur. , MEXICAN AND NfcW OltLEANS KEV?S.j M.w Obuum. Ang. it;-F.xa. Tiis DiowuavUle AoHcieru Baa published acnjiy uf an Older of thHiaxatwl W tlm t'liHir of relic Uiruclius Ike arrest of Catholic l'ri.au truaeuic trout Uw-iAaiericsu to tho.aieii u aide ol the rivui, hoIUUig them aahjeel to kia dtavuaoious - Ueu. Ueyiiolda baa eauhliaiiud a ijUWaiitu Ue taeeu bmauavuit and twilnut brioU. i The Boud of Heabb ut lWaiyrjiewtsi!u. destbsfrDnrtbeyclliiw fcyer .Vesiorday. BTBOSq MBsDEU WOMtJtOJi 1HE llAMl'AUK. - J'V r - skw loas, Aag. t-f; at. biuau U. Anthony aud Elizabeth Cady Htauton ill aouti li'lvo for Kaiuaa, where, the fill ado Ota I waUt aoflcagatiU tbe elecliou. " WAIll.Niilii. tia-VY. Asuuaioa. Aug. , f, 1. . Custuui reuviita for week ending 'itih. worn li atsyisw " " "' ' - . Ti teauuif loado Jnu arnvsd alter iwo years suaeues. ttavi'tiaiiwaay "HTHnr Ueu. Kmory eaoeaeda lie. Uaubjr in tha maud of iliia tlepai Uucut, . - I . A f 'oort-marUal ia to be eonvvued at Leaven- woi tii a tha, tjUt ut ytaiabr,4u tiy-OmD, Oua Ur, on s charge of abauuee Uhoutieav. :, .. tw Yoaa. Aug. i -f. at. t oitua bvary. "" alea MM balea 7. " .' ' Ftoar. Maw a,7 Ktf til- avinibern tWrntlM. -Wiieat dull, "K.jUllierii Aiuiier 'HM!'aM,M,r : Corn, niiied WeaUiu 1,1'J1,13. ' '. Irh MB.M, f - ' ' ' ' htoekatead Uutdtl.Ml Uoupca I1U. bALTl'MOKC, Allg". at,- V. U- , Cotsuu flat, Suudualiy i?. . "M W neat gruier, lair w prime red l4,iMii(2,Si. tkwolowar. While 1, 05. Ifelhtw tl,H(a,fl,16. Macon, ahonldcia, lltiH. .Rib aiilea JJUL Meaw Hut tss.Ti." . WlLHINUTUS, Aug. W, V. U. Kiriia larpeutUM 4.4J. Boaui jmeti ttKjj SUJM- t i''' i-o. : ' v. Lu'liiTic Abyi.i M. During our brief stay in Haleigh, we visited this iustitutiim, and were,shuu tlirouglijrhe dillcreut Ward by J. Harvey Moore, Uaq., (the- right : uau' in the right place,) Steward of the institution! We Were much pieaaed to find everything kept ia the beet muaner, th floors all clean, tbe cells comfortable, and tbe iumates appearing neat. Dr. Piiber, and his able corps, deserve the thank of tue penpie of thej?taig. l;ir Lhaiaithiul manner iu which fcu:jr uim.uaige biieir aruiwiiia uuuea. ill ay e..,,A,,tfujjHauB wohuiu . " our State remain-in ao hmg aa iheir beal'h and age will enable tueiu to work in tbe humane cause of rem dering comlortalle the 4 Unfortunate Bona and (laughters of our Hi ate. GoUlJvrv istvr. Tbe Philadelphia Prem say's : ; . A KepiitHican t'oiigressiiHial commilbe is now luting io Investigate the horrors of Andcrsonville, Libby, Belle Wand, Millen, and other ruoel prison pens, aud to prove and publish to tue world tbe habitual vio lation of th taws of nations practiced by the relel governwent-" We daresay the eommitttxr wtH -execttt their order, and will "prove" what" they were appointed to prove. But uch t parti investigations will etecesre be) t.Ofiest mind. it wfii ue reuieuiocreu, UMl, lual a propoal tios to inquire iuto -tbe horrora of Fort Delaware, Johnson'. Island, Camp Chase and the like wastW eWa.A'1 "' f i' Tbe contest for eonstttutionaf libert is to te fought in the North, pur JiaUcaJ oj uie auiiwiiiy m luvawaiu. - iuey would secure' good government by organifing Stafae with tbe'btaeks ; ta,-Ui" ascendant. Ttiey Would piomnte hermooyr by ritsrraTr ClilMiig large clasae of white men. Liberty rv to goummtbt - lleauuot ttmrrUb wh- men, well versed tu attains. ar sweetonitiv t" fx-Itjttirtcii tffig g !1 JJSjl ; jj1 i'"itiiin InTthe liuy eiuuieul. AatwHai inttUinCT, Th Kew York l ima, alluding . to Gen. Porw twlag BSeBded si lTiefeceurpTayinjf of Dixie on a public uccaoioa in GeorgTa, recalls tbe fact that Mr. Liucoln calli-d tor a band to play it here In ' this city Alleging that be could not afford to gi ve ad' gout! a tune over to a bad cause, and that' it moat be madu a national meiody. Wank. Ejrrta le-JtW Ifeli Tit ta give- up :;;tbe body tt slaxtu.iiiaii, aud Franca and Austria av she sArtii. , There will be more bodies to giv-no. beion tbe thing ia ended ! KEWS El .'LAST SIGHTS MAIL tun Unisit.-'-Data,"! the BaltinioiV' U.'H, F rspltf 1" ""' j""m1 SI 'I1"W ; T "Humors land iioaitir ftateaeat are made to-night that all the Cabinet bad re- siloed totiay ; that Uoa. Urant and tbe Praaidcnt had an unpleaaant diacuatioa du ring tlie aeaion nt VbO Cabinet thi arter noon; that Geo. Grant U'avea theWlr Do pitrtim nt to n.oiiow. auj diariktches to this rflcct havo bun svut hi'tict, L'pon the au thority id the President and a uemlwr nf tbe Caiiiuet, 1 ant enabled to say that there Is no fouudiitiou ia fact for these rumor and autcuiruls above: meutumrd. It ia a l:u.'t, bowevr, flittt there is an naderstand ing, aitti'iiJmtuil'cra f the Cabinet, that tle-y mid ttuder, their resignation should Mz. Joiinaon iii.iu ate that L he jlj-ainltjuetll. to pi'. .-., and (his is alxiut the oulj auilior iiativtviU tliiitc matter kuimu aa to firolni Attu CUaiiMea in ilia x auiaet. A presawre is continued ha certaia influen. tial qnartrr fl-r changes, a suggested if thew'dupattli. s hcrctotore, but can aay conuiti uiiy mat two rreauient na not in- formed any one of hi decided purpose ot norgauisiBg th Cabinet, tbongb those who preaat the matter ttnOH tbe President have lull confidence that Mr. Johnson will make at hast two ichahgua. So jiac - a Oeneral Oram's poait n a . t erctary oi War ad in isrvss at concerned, it frisy b said that tbe president When he made tbe appoiutment bad not determined how hng it should con tinue, not i it now settled. There is ho ilbtWii.g bet aeea Wencml Grant and Mr. Johnm." " ' - f. t Tii i'liiTaw St atm akd Or a a t Tsx- RAPtnc Cwi'mcA0!. The Cuban ca dlspatchea buvs paaaed through the line: "1'uhiat.xcelieiiev, th Captain Oeneral MHIIMrTd ! Al UHTTm-llltu-s of3iicircoure improve, so may uiir mutual interest and ptoHperit'y iiu iciue; .i'r .'Vi,. - 'Ifi. O.OwkAii, .Mayor tif Key West. ' The reply t as billows; ' "I'd his Honor K. O. (iwyun, Mayor ot hvty Went ; I trletiiate tins bappyernTn wmcti, giving us more isplil coiuniunica- tion, will powerfully contribute towards the development ot our mutual interests and ptoaiieiil r- 'JoAqptit Makkano, Cpt. Gen. of Cuba," Tbe first of these dipat4ea was sent from key. West at three o'clock in the af ternoon, and delivered to the Caiit Oeneral at eight o'clock ia the evening. .. The letter ot General 0 ran to) the remo val of Sheridan has called forth the tact Ubt ltadiug Jdiamwi , radicals aouis lime ago bad a coaveraatiou wrhtb him, in which be expressed himse f fayonitde to the Coo- gtvional plan of reconstruction. The m loiitydtlhu party continued to distrust him, however, until tbe publication thi'nf re cent letter, and now they consider liimonu oi tiicmelves, A reception is to b given Sheridan en hit artiv! ia St. Louis. AT. . t UtruU.mh. ... . . - r - That Lait'B Xewsuapcr men- are on tbe f ut i toMlay about iat' letter .from Otto-mi Orant to President Jobnaun, marked private, iu regard to the suspension ol See leury jmntOBj at I he miiiuimitoaMna ot a oonfldeniiul character, it is understood that 'it will not lie given, out , by the Prcnideut, buless UeneralUrant abould de sire it publication. ftathinytim Krprm, Tbe negro and white radicals are becom ing very truculent in their addresses to tbe colored people in the parishes ot Attakapas and Opelouaaa, Louiaiana. Ws find in one of our rural exchangY a summary of the re irk of a ticrrra at a nnjlii-.g in !)( of Pattcrjwinv.die I 'lie wa very. blligsr enU and expressed htuiself with tnnck eonfl itawee. He art vised Iris colored friend' not to work lor the relit Is next year, but to let the lauds grow up in Imebee, and than the black men will break np the planters and get their lands, mules, etc. Ho weut trotiif. ly In lvorfc0t)Aaliuu..lXla said be never saw white man riding tn a tour-wbceJed huggy that he didn't want (wool the wheels that he never saw a n.tiili with t wo mule that ne dnlu. want ouc of, tlieiil, or with (wu.couts dCa hedidu'l wstitooe. He want ed to ae tlie white' woman come to tbe waBt tub:nd the white insn to the milk pail, plow and hoe, lie wanted' to build up the black uiaa and pull down tbe white asaa. ' " ;l ' " ' .'...-!..(( " Litti k Giirt. Lost m tu MofNT.iixa. We piibltnhcd a lew days since a paragraph giving an aciiunt of a iitlle girl who weld out Uoui hvr Imln r's boUHein the evening 10 look tor tlie cows hihI was wot it agsiu l mnedsTs. We h ntrr from a gentl'i uian from Atieti-tit couuty that she niieiit tbe entire time i t imr Bbuwcw ia a place callod Big Level,? on the Blue Kirh'e In'AnL'Unta, and that she lived all tlie time on bcrritn.-" She Saya she ouly saw una living creature W hilst she wad ia lbs woods, ami 4haf was "a hairy thing like a dog" that came tn y-r in the night time, Jt is sujijioked to have beett a l ar. . 11 ur age is niu vea". There is special Plot nlence that watches over and proteetsthe "little oiioh Prienbvrg Jtt- ' Prof. St.. "Maur,1" Hie VeulnlouiHl and Magrcian, w h created euc.b a aeo.alion last , ndenade hinoelf and bis. exliibi-i i Uim . pop"'', CIHe-ewOWrTWftriii nnaenli, b,nuHM of Nor l hers quotations. Wltarge.-hhratbem StarnraixjOl the luidttk of iVpteih: hen tue most faslKliona can lxit ii un. and they w ill lie mystified and d.lighte't. Hi entertain iu Old ha lu-cu patronized toni great exteut by the intellectual and scien utic world, and la one of the vi ry U w that minister raiK no' objection agninstj . - He ojxns in Norlolk ncxt oiouih Ihcmw to Italeigb and Wilmington, If. C, through South Carolina, fir orgia, Alabama, Mimiis sippt end LouituuBs.,. MISC NEOUS. HIITV I. 1 Wr "ILK HKI.L AT ACTT10S. Tl KHb.VY, I V tH-fit. a.1, li.7: 1 1 l wnu ami Hanw-sa. I 'iwo-lHri) ln Ante Mew Ifnik made Wagiai and llariifiwa. 1 I'liilmli-tt lo made nra Bueirr and HriM-a . , juara, a TsaraiuuueB-. oir,u;. ... - . . 1 ln ll. U. !mn..i..l Pt.tl f.,.. .....I 1 ima tirav Mare, wr iaijM-t.-o noi. I'r. u ihh .. of-w Leuiiioa ar. Jeatft, 01,1 De hj iiug.i rohia and work well. ' 5 1 teal Hav Han"il"rso. ' ' ' ' " ' 'f -tr-t;r" an tMrya.111''' '! " T" 'l'SW'WV-WgfeW IWRWf.-- "T" All ibe uu i ill be sold on s eh jrtotLKlXlit DAiii, parties inv-ma ncgotiume uoto situ eurttv aiii.factia-v to ns. " . .: i - - ..mfy.. . T.- ! n. r s ii j.i.mi.-w i.rt a i:u AlU. one -it dunl'le buirgy lUnuw aadewl Ti'.'JLUa....mil.iiiul4k .lutXtuhmmi-htmrn : tutkL Btl'-eii olili-lniriMs l iows. - .Aug 1-11 td ; B. P. W."A ( ( -j.-MKdfiaW!;a" itm. F. rm.t.&N.T" .- p 0 It O C E 11 8 A.VD- COMMISSIOS tULKT itot ii: lti ilii XJZW8EBX, X. c. July ts-ZH-tUn fl THE rAHMflW Or KUKIU t AW, u ya wsuf pore s-wnaw uaww. bur of , liERBUiT HAIIitlptt Id CaaiOaB Htrc-t, Aog. 24 -rli-st -"-',,"'' l DaituBora. FINANCIAL CIRCt'rJVR.- BaABi M, KulaAToT ittt-.iuuMMi, ia. Aagasta, . H tPUHTItt B V THOS. S&AVCH ft E05S, Bankers and Commisaioh MerclisoU, Peters- .. tr-.-ir 'lMstg, Var-i--'! 1..r" .'-f.-:...-, . sionvai .BAmt.ui . 'tilSH.: iSaati a (.'; Fear " . tharbMW ........ ...,... ..if Ir-eUlM. ... . . LrUMKlou ' stUrabaas. 14 4? -S .a-lii J 'aUs,.iS3BrOr' -. . WMsaiMinUgU, , ..-.-t4 W UUUbKUstl. TiuisM-yvOi,.. t OoairOnreMl Hank, wihuinKtna. t.. t raruter'a BanB Knrtk JanUna trq Urwaxbiani: atatnal liaaaraaoe V. .,it..t. Metebiuita Hans ef bewtwra....i M I Sllht' Slid lianlW Oallk. ...... . .trTirTSS; wa pay eorraapiMHiing high eriee ta other Baas nolea. -1 - I I'rai babW te rbanya and pay alas heat rate ttHrdav rein IvaA. - - PackaMea reevived by Enpreaa and twasitted for asutbutly in Caivsaryo ISew Krk fund, free of Eftleig h Itoney Market ; GpRKECTUJ bf JOUS U. WIIXIA1U A CO, n UkUKKkM, BAXJUOH, H. C. ; A)e..V?...avta.soiMA.BMi Moras Bank of K.C., (Oold 19) (Hilver 16) O. B. U - IV.- I'm.. ' M .Ahaxlutiu, - e - ...................... . . k as Leiiiiguai, si Uraham. MovoiiroBKB , s'hr'gh. fliomairt'iil . , jllllkJlllB. . -CiiHiiiii-r.-Wi WaloiiKtiiU ,. , . . Fsyetwvdle, . . t'Ureitth'U ......... . ' M." Vaufetvliie Millers' sbt I'isnter't llank .... iaiiaurs' bank, (ir-itHhoroUKh. t'linnm'rcial bauk, W Uiliingtou. Herchant's Bank, lievUMrii. . . . tireeuaboruiigh MultM. . . . k.. . . Virginia bank Notea, about South t'arolina " itixiruia ... Uold Hilver Ohl t'ouiMHia N'nrth t aioliua Kailruad Coupons OWiioa.... Km'haiigM un few x'ork. '.?: .Tr. . . Greensboro' Money Market Btyisa SATES OF BASK KOTErt, 6. Bit WOHOIf A 8U0I1EB, BANKE1U AND Ebcwatcb BaosBSa, Moctb El Htsut, Oaaxxa- j bubo. K. Bank of V. C. . . fans Fear rtiarbitte ........ .i.. WailiilMiro Wilmington HoiUn-u Thianasvill Lexuigtou at Oi aliam . ' Leiingtun.. Oommeree Clarendon. ...... ... .'. . FayetteviUe. WaabinKbat.'.'.'.' 17 H Yalicevvule bl Mri'hauta')taiik of Neabern ' (7 rarmrs' bank of Ureeiuhoro i . . . Sir Uuiers'snd Mmitors htink. & Commercial ltank of V iluiingtou Hi Greensboro Miiiual Ins, t-o., 0 Viriiii bank Korea average about Ill South Carolina " v H Oeorr " i We buy and Sell St lilx rid nrices, Oohl and Hil ver, Ka-th Uandins lkaula, bulled Hiau a Bouda and all other marketable Mucks. Orders for Itank notes liy Ocbtora and Rtoek- noinees or nuns win receive pnmi'i siu iiikiu. m-tiims ior einrews iisi snn. Ao , ill be made o the day i.xei iM tl, by etieuk On New York or Dullituora, ut m cum my, a do ired. ' - i.ife mi tin twnrSnee PelleieslaMted m g companies, ai near, rau-a, July B-J Sin PB0YI8I05 MAEIET. ' COUbfcCitJ BV Jl NKiMt A IbltKV, otuKTnt ANp roauisKiox mmu hamk, . . , FAVBiTBV'uxa St., KAt.tciou, N. C 1MC0N - BALT. k n EHI'EliN BKKF0H HiHiK . ...... " MKTf BtTTrtt. torroN....... CHlt KESH, Hpring . ... HV(J0 ... mir,:ia ... Ji..i I.VitA-l grxu.) ... 1 4.VU.1 fid " i.,. Wrawsk-t.o.w.1 tmrtN... (OKI Eg.. ...... . HMH. . . , . , .v.lH r iXH B.,.. . ji r .to ruiiiiKKi.,.. .'..,.... , HKHItllGt....'....ii.1.,Vf il IDhMUmmu . . -.r; i.'a .- ilrv. iar0 a liWrtHO .....x H,l- i ir airf"S pr lb. ......... .'lit....... 7VM or. ewt, . Hfo .'.i.. I o(,i,i en -.." - :- 7 . .i. ... 7JrM ' .... I truirl All " . . .v. I waul lf . i . ' ' 'fcfil a .' 44M . ...t. 4 iSMu-t is ' ...... IMB ' ... , . MO . . . diwT.V Hay........ LAUD. i.t Hatl..u.iAi....t;, bAlLd.. ....... . - i'fcA(t-4Hock ...... .V.V. . . ItH Al'OKo-IrtoB. ,. -... . UAI4H-.. ..... Al.i'...r.i... KltAK , TALUIW .... iAkXiAa! ... ... HKMABKM. Vert Huts Cotto Uiuk brouaht hi Biarkst t id In detiiand al above eutrtaiious, , i . t.or acaree aiui iu ueuiaiMl. : Kloiir dechmug in aukaeuritmo of auaolils of new erop being brought to aiaket. hitjiiity off iiaetiti insl bi oemand. nut prices SPECIAL KOTICES 1 IMK, PLAltTKII, CKHKST.tKli HAlll. A I srg Knlijily always en band and fr sale on mow! tavurahls lenws by . a OHTl! A PA NIU, ' ! - ' ' 1 ViliuniKioii.. S. Ci. V n. MosTai.r BBcctrrs or Vsr.ua Ubk t bom Maihk. ., , July u-wrr-eav . '. ;.:' V."'-L...': 1 EKTav HEADY MADE CLOT1I1NU 1. AKl) t T Ki-ajkbuillM. tiiiblSL boats and SlbM-i, and a ... ...J7T.. a an S .............. 15 . li .,. aa rTY VTT-rT-T-i,li, m t . ; 70 . .-77 1 Imv: swRirimrnt ot tient s .aud ojs JliaL(Asajprovd gixalli rwluucd priesa, at - M. K08ENBAUM. Aag l--tf , ;,,.:H.i MB. MA.ko.n ,.; , ,-,N FKMALE' SEMINAKY . mmmmwr9 ii,. a ' - I t tWH KXT 8EW J. adl bigruvntl H,e nl.le.i Uiarjlu ig .mtl7ear "' tn na, er ueKwr, msr. , era iuvM, ii aiMiA'itJl iHl.l.li il. ..X . ,. 1. I'Ub WBrt-seonmpHiihsd and experienced rrft- teN, MilauU ( A wil suit a.-teiu 1. tfu isWi.- buiSwurMt r. t u. u aui.ee uaonuaiiy uui a in mjhi- w .. ... . . ... . . . i . , ' toiticubtra. tilf-t' LI"- : ana iHticni ha. . "tii(r 9-:U(Un ) . I'rin-ipal. t).-.rii7ii T.tv.-....r 11 follitJU'EIia ATllilbuJiU- Ji MtiZZ!SiaU. T.1" a ii i.oiaoo - T tjqj '.4 - LAJULt m. iliill I '-aa, snd ".wjirtesjia sjid.iilbi.UMot. "tUBl Siikii'Oiruua. at Uirli'e! nurkei l.iajaa. At DotOl-AH llktl.'li. lswperfaat la f allaaj I'laalrra, IUVEl'Nt'VR glluMUiL . AV EXfE rieleed 1abt"i-l, nl bv ll- Mnu'actn r.r, low tin onor tie Lliiu?. bnust A tOH CtiTlUS GI.Nri, ahj-h Mr oeeii r. paooi, ApihcstXHl klemid be BMjOtiat oMe.tii et. urc io m-r teea in iiuie. " ' .:; 41i now a tbe tin" to sr Bfl iu toot ii wi'S tiiua that tl'.ey noir amve in tito t. lae grriwimr imp. Piii-e miii-' l .' c'n. on lhe aaw, aod inland ireei t.h o. iAMtJi ICioWl.l-M, Att.-llf Aag.VU-Mlw fur '.leauniuoSt Bruea A C. PITESSBTJEQ ABVr2TISIXI5T5. HAVI ' HI DAY OPENED A VERY HEAT t ...... v .. FALL GOODS; P-Etrilty salted toituBitdiai wanta,tc lioa nf ahu h juu art Irespecifully Invitad, TVy mbrs' T -j 'A.'.- FUL L ASSORTMENT FLASLiC.'';"!.,, -S-i-r- KEXTLX'KT J Keat Low-Priced I'ltsln and Fancy tTBaaliacrr, .JFif Qanla and Toe Iks' wear. Alee Tl LEACHED AXT BROWN " t?nEETLNG8 AND SniMTINOS, HICKORY snrnTUJas, ; r ; COTTOX PLAIDS AND 8TR1PE8 ; wm a FUU ASSOETMEST 07 FUSTS. In sil tlu boat makes, for ONE BIIILLINO FEB IAHD, and LOWEirlRADEaFAT lltTO 11 Cta IS C0MMENCISO THE FALL TRADE. I would tsks oecasiua tolhank thePnbh gsaer ally for tha bberal pstnmagxleBile4 Uushimse fnr ths past twe year, and in return will assure theu the same bberal system ot bnsiusa will b strictly sdhercd to in th future that has gnidsd car etfort la .the . fAt QC1CK BALES AMP HMALL PROFITS wiU sUU be oar guiding Mar, by Uis irbbt of whirb, It is to b hoped, U will And out that THOMAS fM ITU'S, 2S HYCAMOltE r I'ETEItKBCBO, TA., Ia tlw plaoetolmy PBV 000D8, ' ' , . Ang iBU-U-tr ' " , .. MISCELLANEOUS. .Ti.ii:i;.l.Ti!,ii.ii.E New Tatcnt fire Engine t MEANS OF THIS invention tbe devouring Samea eta b sulxluad la leaS tints than ia required ' " to writ thi aotles, and urn yemr . - Houses, lrea Furaltnr, and other ralnablea any b aaved wbaa they would be destroyed before a ttre Company eoald b snaw timid. . - t -j Alwayi Eeady, Powerful nd Prompt, this tittle Engine la capabl of being fined t sny tiuir, bv any person, mid in any place, ami ooti- sAiiui inly, nf auloliiliig a Are tl the momant of ls dwewvory ven thoneti it has already anolv alarfiinig pruBseaa. . 1 ha great dauiag asnalh il me li th ap)diuabtia of a larg quantuy f wa ter by an oiiliiiNiy Kogiii ut almoat siniml) vot. i d In ini" pr" 't. It w not ib wshir Whlcli elliliKliwIies the asms, but f'Hrboh? Arid Gat, ' alih win. u t iwprt guar. l . li l . VEHV hi M PUt IN ITa 0PEHATPn' tbennre laimogof a small tap ptittiiig ft In, eiitiiph Ui siK-raima withoul ths slightest dai gvr t.i. iilt', healttMir propl-rty. H tnsy On kept chaigud Ready for liialnnl ert If e and it need i lit-.rtf-cliarwed ha Bwaitb,s- avee trf y sis isoliglit Ibsvaoy fa-rsitti aa. csrrt it si h the gieMrM eam, to any pan of a liumlutg Uiat Hut lie isi ttre. , , I'nllrrll tt ir.l'rutw.lllmr c. ! -' . w .y U.ritlBiriis bo still to BtAoage it heyoml what V .i.fcrv 1.1 (bl-M.it Ilia mtrmiu I. miiuim ni - tt..J ihle 1ulie. The titlnguiHher occupies no dm re miai-e thia a bucket nf water ; wrih'itN. when read fur a4i I to B4 poUBda, ia atracped to, ths slMHilrlers sad carried uu ths back With lb Iraateat eaaa. It aimguih hie 1 Toniptly ou ltiwu, 1 ar. and other bifbuuttiahie material, where witer pruducts no w herever thi Extinguish ba booii tried ft Knllrelj aucrcskfut. Hi fnUttwUig frtan a leading New York paper Will alio its vaat Bnliiv ui a great city ; and oa talirM, anewaaaawta, sad in machine ha, at., it must b uivaluahle. Tirvisr's GaaaT Jrwittnv avoaa, K. Tabs Kiecd ''V A .Se," I'alnU trt AVijm. Mweea 1 ami 1 o i lia k Ibia wiofidog s irs hrok eat na the-fraiTta-- iTihwiy'a- Vwtvy 1an xii, Broaoway T ha ftr c'nrrr'rl nnder a 'ws-k-iMMih. The flammi utemled hi the hfth So h lire was dtseuvsred bv a private wati hataa teii-u'-.vi J. Hii . U,a n,-4ii.i. ijs.arwl iiai-.a-i-i)t m tht hiiAan.g ato rrfptiii to xtixirraiih ih Ihnim Imt- spis nhiM-ejilHL Au.alarm Was painil put I lit lr pita a itiMii rm rnwinit"ner. oeoamayii lv pr..(w n v aa m.iv Un( inkttfed ar tin 1 ir. gia..' liwiiranea .V ' Y. nHing itrlt.... . . WIIISU. HAl. AHg t-1t ..." - V lHJJii-arnoS V t. t m- s n Sii7H. rr lARTllfA LE.-or-S'.c."": r : .... . ... wiru . . - TEiSTlBxiriH'lQ (- P ai tvf t-rar crrt , Uaakacller L ' as P v: ; SIATIONEBS, t tf-Wf t itttatr- trvr; BALTIHOEI ., X. U. Krrsr, . W.J.C. Pcuisv. it i uro .. . i '. 8ATIXET8, y TUB SOETII AMI XIV A IN9CUA S fR o !H ! A S . law Feaitu-e and Advactar TArticb, .art Knawn. at Belongte t0 B0 other Company in tir United butc. rrEMAJfAGEilKNTOF THIS) t'OMi'ANIW ' -nnon lhe Mutnl hem fit r-rtt. iu the ao eumaUted prod la gxana to tbe iw.ur.-il. m contiiSBV makes a eeii de,Mt wtt at ths iMWraacs Periartilleirf of tlie Mte, f. ln.-h tu-gistersd poiieiM sit infcuctl if ilw 1-1r.nL eouuoar sigoed BV ti.s hii)eriiit4-nd' nt of the l;vtirine liepartwieiit of the rt of New Tit R, t. rtifvinn masmdt iolicie sre wnowd by u-oga 4 aeibUe Ko other ruespanv gisva Uxi aaauri 4 a iruaraiH - tesof this ehara.-tr or suvthing qnivahuul Thttty ara'.iif grc are .. . i on all ro aswed Dreniinma. mitA it, ,....v hi. land ia full toro during that umo. rauiruutii aa iu iel ot resiiM-nca ahmad at any season of th yr, rmtwile tha ti-opira, whH-h sjiTasauearlv w.irld ai,leii.,liii,.v,r,.lii,.-..l ry- . .... Bicner rat or prrmmm clmrK,.,i fr ata H unary Kngiaesrs, Oiu.tucU.rs, 1ii;kmu Mtrs, Hail Agenia, sor ia eonat-nueiK-s iaouig of slovaseut after tha nolu t is tomi J. ., bolas ars not leqnud W ei-fimprrT, tmt a loan may be obtained ta tha policy for mta third of th aunual prrniiiim. liku ta 'caocalled by ths prnlits spjund aa divtib nda. mm pvmciea, uciuuuig man aua who, sr uh tso oy uus Uempauy, sud tits sniuunt iimnred payslus to the sunma- on tlie death ef cither. Oar dividend, Jsuuary laU lSiMi, u ii per tnt. SI Dividends ar daclarad-aoioully, anl-prad na ' satUonsent f tth. Annual Vreaitton, un sil our plans upon th bill summit of premiums nwelvwl. Ivemiums may b paid aimualljvaeiiii-aimually or qnarterly. All pohuiM issued by tiih) tNnini.T aie turn- forfeit nif, alter two, in smu inuma,aud thre annwal payment ia others. .1,1 Tbs neraaalaga ef prtaillim ts?rpta. in i over JfH, was 2S1 per ceut : wli h is dearly ' don lile that et any othfKNew York company. Puluiiea niiwueiital-li' Xr.'ia any cauw exwpt oa aneoont of fraud. ifue innrane ini tbi Company spnlv to ' F.1I. I AMKIlOf i Agent for fttat of Rorth Camlit.a, Wilmmi'ton. ofcAlNAf.fct Jnly A-WO-sedsm Agent for baleigh. TUB CQIITABLE L I FE ASSUKAIVCE OJF JNXSWYOIUC ASSETS OVER s 4,000,000. ' ill! Annual inqomb $2,500,000. DIVIDKND8 PAtfJ" TO POLICY HOI PLIdL twyrmoet notDmsjiHis lOTt,""-" ' . . 0TKB 1100,000. ' " - Till ELY MITIAI, ,','' PROFITS DIVIDED AKNl'ALY AMONtl POLICY IIOLDEES, itn Aquiubls baa grown nkir rapidly, tine Us orgaiuaatioa, than any Life Insurance Com pany srergajassdAmM;; , " It aoUci -avwaga larger in amount, than Uioss of any other Company in th I'nited Htates. ApplicaUiJO fur Agvnciea in North t aroltns aast be addressed to tin Gvn'l Anl. Uu. At. V. 1'irLoa, Agt, WilmuigUin. -Ptsoswst t OtiKMr, " , Xewbsrn. Obbcm Wnxunsv . Tarbnrn - ' uraSisa Oiu.iiimjf, Agent, 'lni cton. Btrsirxs, Xw-bcoa A Co. " On i,oU,ro, 1, Mt Hdtcbibsob A Co.. ti.li.hnry. 1 J ' HCTC0DJON, Bnitnm'ons a co.,' Charlotte, N. t?. Aug-(lia Ueu'l Agi'iita for H.C S.1.C,0 0(),,0()0. Income Oicr J3,Mo,(;;;j). 10TAL I.OMES PAID 0VTR t? lITllt:D I'AIUTU ASM 1 . j-: tci f .svs V lat m ' tft " "rt lr iW" NXJICCIl, or roLicii.-i ' FORCE OVEIt 4-W0. '.' Iha Connetticut .mutual '- '1.000. IN' r IiyHUilACIlCOMI ANY ...... i i OF IIAHTronD, C0., 1ts oigaulred tw-ttl. Its Mot-eeaa has not ewn equalled by any other I onipanv. r morea Blavd it pn tha purely miitoal m, in ; ithioino pripnelaey w Hlork Capital; anil the pre-ei,, .itent aaiialsotHMt, tlwn tors, at Uie eotitenij ilim Hf its vat lieu nw, ia, tint limy denote nut tim en' rietiniant of a On pnraitmt, fcm praaent aini ccm Utg hwmorig io 'JUmmnt1$ oj Htmi All piiliclea aon-hirtettiilil by Iheir ternit - . Uu extra chars aaaila on piii.-y Imlik-rH. except' Only wit tiierik w eitra hiarilxim. 'lusBBdrmiBad will lake pieai iB eii.lain uig aud proving any at his .truuiiitt ill perwais enntenip'stiiig Lift, 1,,,. ,,, Bro rnyncnted, snd will hmi it to their iiiteient, to enntraar other tompmeii, n -pn no il m Una atata.wirb th Ormn. atiiiij.il, a ui i;,i a , ig Bspartaef tbe Inanranes t-'ieoeti-ei'rif hew York and Maaaarhmwtta. . SAJMCl-LIi. UAir, ..c ' '""'"si Aii. nt h r N.C. OrSc with P. f. Psacim, Agent 1 1k ,gb and Vicinity. Augl--tf . ' , - - MISCELLAKEOUS -tris Stat IKO V . . , 'I---- ANDP-llAss Wi'l.l -4. Agstn.ww bee tflinftmn wir tr . .1 1 ..u. tbn nt tl'uhiaa lit cm .v.. i uh in., i . i.. , ... ... did not biaii'oujr ti M l, V, , Vill.i.NH. atitt taai ws hvo tebin.t IN TWO Wi i i s 1 ear. afarbiri Sht.j! !Jiit v .naat.-nawviBg' Tbe Itcst and Jto.t i: t.'v r-ai. .t-aT?..,I'S"'fUiTy thA-rS-n be pun-Ii-iaful. luijtiUiUn h fi"rjcn; v9 tW --ittoN asb -trtAKT r.t- all lives SBd decripticn of ?',.!-, awl lit np ths same in the h. hi. ' d repairing to steam and lirit by aa. Via keep eomitaniiv oa i, ONE AND TWO liiu. r l and all lb description of a. 1. 1 awnia BMd in Una iii 'b , . b. r. ini.i.i "Ang R-.t-Vtr -ijiad.' ". Ail -:,..d i H Of I iito til : Jt it 4- llmieht evi-rei (; 1 it i-. Ui", i . . r.H ,ilr t-y Aug 15-7 tf V 1 .,1 -