fr.rT UP ! ft, ' ......... ThtV- piu'i,. . . . . - --,, lUttilUA. ...... - y-'fcf.. ... is, ft trn W wrfcly uUir. Mie vf;. v -,! UjOUUj, . Sent uel, e- r . . - -7.- Till: SEXTINEI I'KLL, I &EATON GALES,,, . . . j. . . ss ,, ' - " iiut we ciniKjl justify aillne lueesuris ot Congrrte which have been tloptett ia otdf . .. ,t..i ... ii.mui K nlana of tha f'reti- dent, ' We regard that feature of lb civil !ke tenure Act, wbuh limit thPri- rf.-111'j oowtr oi telectiuff and removrhif, bit t-alunei. aa unwiMSnliD;oDwii'iii wiiu the stiint ol lh Constitution, though, per ' bi. not with iU letter ; Mil we think th att winch restrains the President from is suing aa order to tb' Commander of Dis trict, except with l L tpprobawoa ot ifr era! Jrsnt, at both unrsjuttitutiufial and Ir reconcilable with irahlic policy. It il as t attempt to trio the President, whom the Chief ot the Army and Kavy, oi tba time turn of bit otfioe. ; It it a blow ttnick at Andrew Johnson, bat it strike alto the ' high office whioh he boldt ; tod tuny fur all lime be riuoted piwJt:iJL to the pm dice of the legitiraat power of the Excca- tiv brunch ol tins government. . ' A Tlie futoiBg view of the RtyitUr, of tint City, f Bt only excellent witUio thotnw-lret, bat, in tiieM Uy t P"J lrery, tlrfy wecrediuble to the lodi-peml-torn nJ BioderLioD of tbu kturtit tmn r frt.juent utlOTancetf ly Mr, Goodloe, whii h we wnnot pproM, but, we free to dnnt, the gcnerl Unot of hi ore, contiidering bit eUod-point of obeervttion, it moderate aod juJiciotit. He, like Mr, lledrkk, 1 the rfjtfeteotatiTe of a -ilan, nn&wayed by private animoiUii4 and pett .vindicti venee, w!io are actuated, we ktlicve, by boncflt Cflnvictiont M to the dcmanilt of HIV aiituavii'Ui mioin, ' um -occatuooauy oe m judgment Ormrrally, uien va'lione rword It " thai qT rntitit fcoionhsm, IlioJigh Ui'y may hare beta tni'iected to niiDCoualrfirtlo't. tnd. pen'.iiancfi, to hnliir tri-tluwnt,' iu the pa, are not now, in s single Inttanra tlist mat .'1 iuiM nf tit tt tfiiiiiil in ittM mnkii lit lUot wiio favor an cxtraac and lusletoleiit nolit:. Tim liKraecufori. maliirnants and K". ' , " w nero-worthippers of tlie day are to be fo.Hid luainly among tlioae who Were blat ant war men, to long at there wat the faint est prospect of s successful tme, who 'ere " negro driver " when they eoald make m- ncj ly the operation, and who would now tiovfr op their record by a timiilatcd rml . for the coloitnl race. Iu ows rcjiixsct tli'T art etiuMltit'; and that It in the nmttur of proM-ription for opiuioo-take. lii fore aod diirini' the war. thfv were for talMminir and . otra isiug til wbo did not go with them Id ,tln ir i ll'.irt to break up thi governmunti d In their views as to tlie "justice of tlie. CAitKf " and finur thutf ttnnlit da Ihii. lami thing for tliote who will not wortlilp the IUdical and ebony idol. The C-orwnlloo at prvVMit la aeatiou in tbit City, , uontftiut nrnny mi b men, Hunnicutt in theory, at tli'-y would be Bruwolows in practice, should tl-j unf jrtantU'ly gut into power In North Carolina. The antwedt'iil of tticifl mcto, contratted with their prex;ot '.''course, exhibit ft record ot politicirt ni'tli- and corruption, a hich hut oil parallel jn history that we have ever wad of,-for tin; t. iiw.ii, pcrtiBpt, that it wat renewed f i Uit3 generation to furnjab an illuttraiion 61 the d pth to which human tiialijtnity ', ean dtacend. Let iu hopa that .suck Juea vwill e frowned upon, and that the Ton tentlon, rising, if poibl, to the height of the occasion, a ill set tu example of uid rjiuoB ana uoarauiy uiii win ntve a ten dency to unit all cla8et of good citiji'm, ' ja f tr as may tel in one carnrit cflort to oomKjse our trouble upon a eBtUoK anl gentrout basis. : We thall know how tli it ia to he, in the course of a few short hours. The Conveutioa hs s treinrmloM ri-'-ponsibility upon it for; good or evil, and ve watch its deliberation! with a real and profound interest ' ' j Hut to the extract from the Jii fitter, from which we have strayed That paper tt the nail on th head, when it tnyt that the unrouKtitutional encroachments of the Nt- tional LfijitlittuM tipon th t'ca-Htirt prt rogitivtt tre for the purpote of breaking down Andrtrw Johntoa, It it an adiuition of t fact that thould brand the Haitioal party with infamy, forever. What are Consfitu tiont worth, of what avail are the inuniiwntt of chartered litwrty, when thy are to e dircj;ardeil and trodden under foot, la'or-i dprto thwart the policy of a temporary to- .......... v. ...v ''-,""' '"' I llltK v same liarlicjd leaders dt-nounc thom in the frtutti, who sought to break np the Tnion Xa atcouiiit of tli electhjn ol Mr. I.iocolp, a ue viiiati oi xraiuirt, ana as deserving of the severest puuialtment. liut it wall right, and w'te and patriotic, to overthrow the Const itution and make il a thing of naught, brnue amlher obnoxious incumbent fills the Frcniiiential chair! Should Mr. John ton linrHached and displaced, or thould aa Executive of the, eitrsm Jacobin type be cVrted at the next rrIJcirtiid elw tion, " the civil oilicB tenure Act, and all other tut ' liuiitini; the )Wcrs of the President, would 1 -t?n itei'f - w fr rw?e fwtAsM-wirfEa3 t lias a iiihStfiiuiia 1 1-. , , rn l i.t niii tiit-F in iA:nia.n TiTTirt.,.-si jtt-. 4 "-r ft " " fui precedtnt ' n, 1 1. ti. t.Toeriib-xrr.rrS"?,-.. 'rrrr- t . Le ,,r :..e cf the , ..,.:, .. n,rT: .1 " L . r-: ,T f . M L. k , .. ' ' . . .- .: ""SHsowvar, avMswyrvi) MP, na. anprectat all the th Jzxectitive, by which jt means, per- aei Un,li property, .ack, household mor highly tb W WicA as-.W s. : hapt, tbnt sifliie-faiHreCoo-MB shouki Jj!''mmi -that the tablet thould ln turned 1 t : ... X . " ''. ..ilt , -, ' i i"'Uoa itKiktttvc brautUorihc Vlfilill. l!V"Wiiiiil to ow Hi )ia,l Pliinii. ot l!. 'pu'-seni XUanu.U -th -re)-fsfta- are demoraliedl Jt i :.ji never to l-eimig io a liarty that wnul """" "" VonulUt,o,.lld tUir-ivtt ae the day when I": t su h a iulijuity. i T v - I "Titou i.. .r . t..l. . .. t a, - .o, a.eBt a (,., jio'uud wiit Into f'iCi!ica oa 3Ivndf. ; THE PRE.ffDRyrS PBOCLA JfA TWX I The Proriamet.iuw f the pnxi.Mit ol tie L"uiu-il &tnU, hicb era cowmuoicaU4 by ll-uraili ' jtealer Jay," thougb ,pecially deeiixnl, ptrtinj, a an official juific- tiop of th leioovai Oi Oem. ickU, ban a much prolounder aignintMice tba that. At we have heretofore had frcqueot oecow to oba.!rr, we caant are bow Gea. Bickiee, So hw capacity utm rx-alor of the Congree- tioriol acta, unJT which he wa appoijUKl, huitfUug. Iha4tuee act ubordtaatcd all civil to miiiury uibority, could bare pur ttuil a (URermt couraa from the one be fei nted white tfceiP"ei4eot, ; petbapt, ai thc"tofB Hfentof of fhet'obetJtuUoaf, hal bO aluraaliv lettbut to dujiUce aim. Tbe Wve u bHweea the Pnatdeat aod Con-ee,-t4tiaMMkja whether tba PreilBt ball calmly eubotU to be robbed of hit eon-tUtuti'iBai-powere, or whether be thall ra tint the encroachment and aggreeaiooe of a revolutionary iactlom. . . Thi ProcUmatioa funh aridence, in addition to other recent development, thai the rretideati fouaing himself for defiant tin(L-J ittiJftte WsJo J5t know ; but it would bav been ten tboatand time lr, bad that stand bet earlierj taken; Duty, booor, patrlotiam, a due appreciation of hi great otV proper regard for. the solemnitie of bit obligatitoi, ail demand that be should, de feBdhiteonttitulional righUj but, alas! that It should be to, the people of the Seati are in that condition, wh" Pnf ojrgett that, after all, It might be better for tbem, if the a heel were allowed to roll on until It jrrachtw the boUom, and erutbts ittelt in the dirmf, TUB CASK iP OKXjCRAL SICKLES. The official ujjw, by the Acting Attorney General, in tu matter of UtjnvcUcklee' re movaf. ha hem uubliahed. It. 4 too lengthy for publication in our column, and th nubile are already sufflcientry aware of tlie fuel in tu ease. The document gives a history of the obatruction interposed by QmrieTertOthtrjmKtmrif iliertlerl t'nuTta, tbicuaa th doctrine of civil tu: wernac, reviews th re-contructi. alaf uand conclude a follows: ; r.p" All th prophase of th Pedwal (courtt r jn in th ttsiMe of th president of the I uitrl Hialca, because Ui mandate of the Court call Jiim to aetioa a they do R to suiimiMtoBod be mutt execute them at laws of Urn highest sanctity by the whole JKwt r of the nation if necessary; It your excellency in a ttate of collision with tlx national judiciary If Dot, sine tit whole executive power it thus vested in you by the organic law - during your iiKromoeeey, it must follow tiiat the collision of authority, which ia the subject hereof, It the mere mis, demeanor of a contumacious and unfaithful executive agent, who having offended against the lawful power of the judiciary lias ren dered biiuxell liabl to prosecution according to law. But th responsibility which ap pars to mc to arise oo turn aa occasion, w here th physical power of th orlrndor is great, is that lor th sol Jbxecuttv to tuller th judiciary to be overthrown ia any cww, woilld be potentially to overthrow himself; and, thrrelore, I am solemnly im nrmsed with th Irulief tiiat unless th Prea idem promptly rriireaae th eoolumacy thus dixtlositd t Uim, be will be exposed to the just imputation of a culpable insensi bility ft the co-ordinate diguity and para mount sanctity of the national department oi jui e. i oniemps oi law inouigeu, tpeeilily grasps at the hcart-ttriugt of public order, htt teach history - i 1'UE HEVXDL1 CAN COS rA'-VHO-V ,Qur Itupuru-r furuiahea, iu auotber cot unin, an abstract ol th doings of this body, which mot iu Ibis city oa yeaterday. . . But little of uitrreHt appears to hare' as yet trii,-.pi.ed. We caru nothing for the de tails of it deliberations, significant as aonte of them are said to bave Inwn ou-yesterday, and Ihi relorn shall not trouble ouraelvea to give theinio full. We shall await the final ac tion ol the Convention, betora w indulge in any comments oi our own. It ha it ia its powvj to do good; hut we fiur thnt its con trolling spirits are those who have- the ht cliUHti'on lo do great t vil. . . Wu m 8hb f We alluiW to th fact, a few day siuce, that a brilliant Mutar Jtad appeared oa the ttnge in Baltimore, who was represented by tba pretaof that City to be connect iid with som ot the most dUtin guished families in North Carolina ; and we aked "Who it the 1" A correspondent furnishes tin the name of the vnung lady. gj)8 Is a North Carolinian, aud, a statud, is connected with the boat families ol the State. 8he posscsKt-i brilliunt natural endowineuts, whkb Lav beca highly cuhivsled, and will doubtless win her fame ia th protrsoum w hich she has adopted. 1 We that watch her career with lut.tmt. At th lialtimora paper have not disclosed her nam, w take it that ah prcltrt to remain iHOfntU as yet, and wt therefore, retrain from glvingit. A XEETIXO QP O 0 VEKXOli. . St. .Loi-ta, August St. Th lh-nrt of this morning suggest, ia view ot allaira in (Washington, that theUovernoisof tu loyal Btatut meet together at an early day and consult In ft'gard to the situation. U also suggtxta similar e(immfutioB 'on th part of the Bianagers of the (Irahd Army ot the R- ptlhlie. ' , ! wj', tbit looks like another rlivjlioa. The iwliiioa of tleorge L. rJchuyfer. to b Bdjiidced B.bankrapt and dicharud from 1 rf .... r.....,mM, . .... nvui .iujta.t tS a . ' - .1 v--"Yr il- . -- ,ii-, i tor at TTic War iJri.Bjriiueut to UIHMl, Blf. t mBaefi! - Jams, tlunrail. fVmmTi..-. S. -. . Wiri at Audertohville. eat-aoed from vZl Pulaski last work. He was aentcaord for tinet - n Jors. lie lias gone to r ranee, -avrntaixtent'sxr Hi BiMrilcrs..w1iti' ttraai. .ii . I t t Hmp (jhaa aod ..J)ouc las and at tare J at e t.encra ! planted bv John M f i rm.a.ioaXir the Wt to b, puu a commotio, among the" tl SlW who llVrl Thcyo1?,9 i ii- n i. ' uijsiu-iiKini. uie removal nf aaawawaaaawataawaMlaMaaaawpwaMaaiaM - - ,.V " T'-' .- . STATE XEWS. I j ,A RaVIica) torch -light pro-. la u.':!...;.... ... u. ..!.. I thr Wl NUIIUKH'Jt, IW '1. 1 O cha rt itr Bhertdae and Stella. - tThe Newborn Journal ; Cvmnr& head an article, -Eatlern Xorth Carolina,, a a cotton wwinir country, agatntt the world." aod toeotioat a stalk from a Seld aear Beaufcrt, that contained i8Jg -bl!t, Kh . .! a,mV ' Old'iiwlatwUrir. say tba CbWlotta A-, will kw- and go IOQ better j 8. , M, UowL,, JCaq., counted upon on stalk, on bis farm near that city, UQ bolls, bloatomt and sjWsi : Rev. Jordan Parker, lcHjdnjjnitrr ia the Methodist Episcopal Church, died at bisreaideac ia Oatrs county, N. C , ea the 23nd Inst, If suffered only a few days, and th annouDcsswent of hi death fcll noon bit numrrout friends with mournful wWTii N.folk Virginia bjk pi i rate information t th effect that a serirmt col lision, at Winton, oa Monday last, between white and t lacks, was riBmiwljrSvtiided. The rta!lilim-ut ol a "IIoom - for qJj,,,, aiJj t(;w Indigent (wraona" it comteaipl'ated in Y iliuingUia. A most coujniemUh e movement, and Timy wnrtiryJ the wetUknuw levoleni soil "IttAr- ality of our tisttr City. : . i , Mntrt. t:JiK"rt noticed a day or two aim your Twitonal in relation to the opinion of Judge Kowte, delivered iu Mar ti a Huix-rior Court, last week, boob th right of fttttlon to serve as jurors by -virtu ot the act aUilithing slavery. Vou were right ia your opinion of tin matter; and w cannot think then is any mistake in concluding that the Judge! was wrong, anil that tu asm It true ot judge C'hase't action" in the Circuit Court of this Bute, upon tba same subject. Judge t'haite, however, claimed the right for Frtedmtn to serve as Juror in th Cir cuit Courtt nf th I'nited Hi ate, subject to the preacrilteu qualifications for juror try th titate laws; under the Civil flight Bill passed by Congress, arid not under th act I alxilinhiiig slavery, as Judge Pojvje does; military rulerul this Uiir- trict at th time, being u unify deterniiied 10 have It so, but wholly unalila to deriva oin either of these aimrcea, the . power fri issues a military, order "from the Head quarters" commanding" it, W have ever believed, that th Chief Justice in thi Blat ter was more of a politician, than learned and spotless Judge, and we think th sttoie of tleu'l. hickle. ' , .,,,,, ' .,. The entire history of th negro race, as connected with thi country, while a de pendency of i-nglsnd, (whence we . derive our ideas and legal rule about frtenanj and since, and fa tha fJansda fvcnr bow,, provrs that they arjt not frntntn. In the teuse in which Judge fow ie thought pro per to regard them. Ia colonial times, free negroes, or fneA , at they are now called, were not con ; si dared ; and the Very designation by which they are bow known, together with th coaduot tow an Is tlism and their former owuera, tiy those who violently emaucipated lliiuii, abundantly shows that they are not now so regarded. j , Nor were they to considered during and ' afur the Revolution, in any of the tttnles. Nor in the Northern Kutn, alter their acta alHtlisbiug slavery. Bolwithstandlnir their intense hatred of th institution, although ia all the' H tales. North and : South, they l-emoyerf all ol their civil rights, Which, ac fording to Mr. Justio lllackaton, ar re ducible to three beads : the right of personal securitv: th riirtit of tieraonal libcrtv- and th right of privat pniiety. AH tluat riguia, aau none nnnrKrtmm4t njoyati oy virtu ot'tlieir emani ipatlun ; anil th Hu prema Court ot the I'M ted Htatci held, in their decision in the Dred f?cuu cat, tha tucli a 4tia pror status ot a frtlman and, at a general thing, they do not now enjoy any other right as Jrttdmn, in th Northern Htates. In every instance whet the contrary it true, tberirht, asaottUiw. ha been coul'rrnxl by special act or grant from the law nutting or privilege erantinir power. To prov all this, it it only Beceaaary for US to tltte tncae tacts : ttongress, Which u the legislative body tor the Ditrict of Co lumbia, tome yvara ago, passed aa act abol iahing slavery in that district. But it waa never claimed for the free negro, or. fruciL K UteOr-thllt hn l.htilill.Hl unHnr th act or emancipation any other right than those defined as above, by BlackttoB, at civil right; and .accordingly,- ha never enjoyed any other until Jattly, and tbea tender special legislation. 8tn waa 4h right to seat itl t he jury box claimed for tbem an- dr Mie'ciyil -ght -ImB. That bill wat patted exclusively for the purnos of com pelting former owner to accord the alwve named Civil Right to their former alavea, under the Impression that th Bonthera hpiile would not quietly submit 'to', tba kit .thetr property and at th same time ac com ui ineir loriner slaves tueir civil right. Tills, it has been claimed, was a Very natu ral conclusion for th Northern mind to amva at. Well, perhaps, it waa, although the end will show where the beat friend ot the negro will b found. The right to vota waa conferred nnnn the frmdmm of th District, by a special act ol Congress, passed long subsequent to the emaucipatioo act, and, indeed, im-e the war ; auu tu right to aerva at jurora was conferred by another special ai t of Coo- pee, upon th raJwn of -th District, at iw ibsi sean on, ana subsequent to the ruling of Chief Justice Cham, ia th matter nf col ored juror; iu fit Circuit" Court f this Bi TMtB v, 3ANT. In Giiieral Uutler't report la repard to the exchange of jirisii hers, recently published in th New York TribuM, pcsfuri "the following muaage, which, as Artemnt Ward would say, ciibolly ' sarkastikle" :' k Tb many thousands, bflivot which, i.y th rcluaai to exchange war swrriricd,n "were spent aa a part ol the rystem of at t-k upin therxbelhonHleviti'd bv' tlin. wi. 0B t great aconf." - .im mm t.cnerai itow- chief, but at tb idea of being put under a ..v,, suu uos a new round eipletive gave vent to their indignation at the fancied Inault. II mu.jfi.ji tprii. (f ( v.-,;,i.l.- s- . nil.' ruii mi. ,riaa ,ii. tj v . . uarit- Z:.l .iJ. . "mo . ?- married tour tinvra ahil v., i . i nd four years old he it ttill bUt. t- TUEXEXT STEP. Failing, bow, to siiiwsirrede th President ! of the t'uitwl State. iy Geneial OriUl, th j Railical mansgi rt miry now be xpecteo w push their imieschmct Cunxpiracy with re sewed vigor. Bepublican tourualt which have lierebifore hesitated tot"Hw th Ask ley Coaover clique; are Bow giving in their atihesion to It, wlfile- we hear -various members of the Hump Congress, who, tt the Ia.t session, were lndUpoixi to encourage I the plotat nttwfaUtng.iai f . clainin, I ? lawlr'rd..)iW.wt7rrnyi and louder as the tiii.e for the re assemb ling of I he Central liinx tory draaa hear. This itadicaj prtr are dcUrmiuoJ to hold on'iw power at H h.inrda. They are alraid of th p"Jh-, and b;nte.tiiry skitkotiBtrad to tilt te rrfular l'reniOtulial election wmcf foBg, t-waesaBBfc Jobaaon. That iVwideuMai election it some filters mouths remote jet, and the people, by that time may be in Bo mood to eonttime tlie ii.Hma-Taxation party in power' fW another leiui of lour year, llencof thrv have concluded to Steal a uitrcb upon tu people, t ar H I' th process f impeacbUMrnl, they cauiHM pus ottm au or torn irther demagogue ot that descrip tion in the Presidential chair. That now would trem lo U .lb programme. The people tliemselres, meanwhile, can do onietliing to arrest tr, and to give conspi Atort to understand that the making of the President is their business, and Bot the buMiieaaof a Bump Congress which hat almuta valid a claim to represent, and tlirfow, to spMk and act for Mir-people--. that la to Ul (icople of the United 8tata, a it lias to speak anu act lor ine poojile'oi Ureat BriiatB abd Iielaud. We should like to have these conspirators put upon their trial, tfiu tba public, at tlie comtog AulumnJCIeotloiiK.Ttt wT Rey judgment against-tlieM at the polls ill those Htstts which elect in ttetolier; it it pretty certaia auinmary lck would be put upon the contemplated iBiwacv. it uot the cou- teniolated Bsarpatirm, in IecHMief. iVsie t. AMQIOHKU VAX Oil) A TE ,'E01S COX--. - O It ess. ;' - . A Bruro. rained James P. Fiackliag, bat reluctantly consented u be a candidal from the First Ongreionat District of (leorgis, becauae, although ho would not consider himaull "elevated to a post oi honor il elect ed tu the Lireseiit Couureas," yet considera- tiout of the gravest importance to bit own race, and to the country at large, "impel th cinvictT6Tht"Thestrrwt remiity lor Kadi' CaLCVIIt. IS lor luc rHiui 10 rritirn nnneii UcbresentaUVet," Ills addri-a to the cifi tens aod eWotor ol th district is sound, j sensible and from a Hailical-ttand piillit even, is imprcgnatile, tor he assumes ot the outset rfialto empower th ncgroi-t to vote implics-th right of gru to Iw votuu tor. If tlie black are oo I v to have the "privil ege" ot elevating white Radicals to office and ar to "be oolite! v informed that their aervices.caa' b dtapcBstd with till th next election, it it quite time that they ar un deceived ; for, argues Finckliug, "if the col ored man tt worthy of and entitled to the elective tranehhie, H t vwj clear that b is alsoutilled to a place in politics iu propor tion to the Btimbcr he brings to the support ot th tucceaet'ul party." Tbit is th precin position taken by Mr. Weaueil fhtilipa, who Uemanda that the Hadical vice Presidential nomiuee thull be a negro. Tho colored can- didste lor Congress also Claims the offices at the tkuith for the negroes, because, tine tit beat and most intelligent citizens in that section fine under the bau ot Iiadlca! . pro acription, the remaining whits element it tummod up in throe elx-s with which th ueuroes cannot politically associate. 1 hes elaHsesare, "the -renegade rebels who, I Hot. were tilalant and rampant xaokee- eafing aeccnBHmists," lint who drifted into Kadicallsra "because they havenotngdsoa the other tide;" the whit(s who compose "that lower stratum ol society which is turn til to the surface only when violent commit tiout throw np the filth they feed on ;" and "the tcrsiiiiiK ?'' Kroundvtwell oi New tnir laud fungi, and tpeciment that' have' come South to grow respoctaiik) , on the 'bigger vote' and get rich bf picking up little things, such at spoons and the like." lihe- torically, these figures will not bear critical Panalyais, but these ate the views of a negro wbo is intelligent enough to estimate the real character and social standing of the Kadical negro drivers and overseen who are now engaged iu "managing" the colored voter, . Finokliiig decidedly decline to as sist in inakingxhis fellow-negroes the lourth class aod tulMirdiuat to the thre clastea ht deaoriftes, and Mievet that it is letter- to trust the honor and interest of even intelli gent right-thinking white men in the touth in the hands ot "some reliable eolored man," Finckliiig, fT lojiaucr) than to select can didates for office from the only eligible white vclaC8, wliOse true character be endeavors to expose. X. F. World. ;, ' Speculation in Confederate bonds it again revived. Tb First National Bank of Wash ington advertises itself as a purchaser. ; It tba bond Can be bought here at on cent on tli dollar, aud sold to Englishmen at an advance of one per cent., the speculation would certainly, prove profitable. .iVeio Tvrt Tribune. -- ' - Ovm Best Fbiesds. The entire Southern Relief Fund am(int to tR876,80. Of tins .(IO,000 come from Louisville ; 1321, 000 from New Yoik; 11,000,000 rum the State MaryUnd; Biwton $46,12? i LOUIS -947,87!l. ; my w, jtvivKa) v . ; AX0T1IER CBEAT'ArCTIOX? SALE. BVCATALOGIE. OSJVFDSKSTUY. THR 4r PAT OF 8EP temker, al our Htore 6 favi.ti. vide Htrcet, luat iMii, N. C, .eiHitmeaeuig at iuo'cliKk, A. M , we will sell 1V I'aaliuruv. a Iarira aele.-luin (if rhoi sutl e.'MliabU Koikls. eintaarmi; HAUDWAJtK AND Cl'TI.ERY, x BEADY-MA D CU)TIIlNa; HATS AND 8H'08, ' DRY HOODS AND GROCERIES!, Including tiuKtr axi4 Cooee, W Inea, LliUur, Ac. a fllnla. Snd Crate of CWkurv, LW-slilias Tumblers, Slid a' VAitH5TY , 1)1? Mfk'EIXAKEOtS AKTICtEf. TH atteetion of Mwrefcaaita ia tu.i-ii..i..iv called tu this ab aa enibraeini; a rrwd ...iki'. H Asjta,-All annia under l a) geli r. .ire t.1 ITiU auuT rv, - r - "r - :':'T'1 ' Aifetinii Alid CflSBUiuaeion Jderchaut - AVfi ftt-pt. . '. , ' ' - r IMI, FALL. TltADF.: iset. BBt UJiFKf l,Oi'Kit,,But1s,Ilinr, R,.rw. jmi--Saii,yiuji.Iiiii; brada.'tCTafi:fcdv raaienjns. tluilow i Huns, Willi a general aaaoMUavut of Hardwar aud (1.11U1 r. -r .- J. r-JHiWN.-f.w : iaT A La is. Ealeich, fp.-2-tf. CiwrTtvSt tiisrsi, foTT'aa ritKBitBS. Hon Towels. H. Im t Ulery A Hon s t uirer sal Coo ajid C.-ni.. uvr. The tfeciria Cotton Um, tui llet a Mtl lirusb liin, IiiL- nili a lolo.u I'm la-Tfir a,nl IViiaar l!ori. l''rtTS. I'.rfi,,,, Ymm srmrv ttattnir hjinr-j latmi -t rtion -Tie- Lparnt-r i'i uoiir lelt!t'Sr, 1 .S'e leatltpr. ft.-. T ..... jtrTcilEiL, AU.1N A CO., ' Aug, 39 30-tt Jtewtietu, il. C; '.is n w i TiTraTisEJfrESTS. 11. Ar. YORK- Allornej ml XoHDscllor il law, 12 L: -AALEIGrT.jrff?. PRACTICE fS THE X T8 01 WIKE, i,. rir-i,- in the-Suiirt-iu tourt. awl I be tuittxl lltaira Cuciiit Court far Hurt .-. -ur-i kiLuiiuii aiAiU aiir where tB th tWata, if thsotaisB, 4vipai aud iusret, assouuu us. tjou. i a-.HierMl aUxnitioa give hi ease in 4 -,C'; BAffKJLUPTCY. lri. .. i.,ll.-, W II. Battle and Hon. K M iioaalo. Jaihris nf the ipri ie iSairi of Burth Carolina.. - . - . ,.v - z .... . rpuuilwr S-wif. . REMOVAL. . : JOEDAN 4 CASE, fit 8tCCEafkR9.T fiKO. B. JONE3 A CO, C,m a a nn)it Wholeatsle and Hctat 1 1C U 1 H T j,ETElLS,)fiuf, VA. TTAVK removed I heir atuek of lru., Mb t I .. l, ...., l-.rm.hH lirilHllM. W in- 7 ui.... i .v,...i i,rt. fvi-limu rv. I m,T Articles. 4. to Hie new sua eoinmouious umiuuig, cor- tmr til -vuenior and vt asiuugiou nrw-n, rawut It lilted up in the txw atjle, aiul auiialily arrsuf wj tut saiaabieiHig th , ., . '- ; , UiS i ifccrr ! ea s lart;o scale, both Wholesale aud Retail. raUstul for uast patrtaiagn. uoj ruiLr fir-"- t"-1 shaeity ami eo"o- try to tavur them wu;li Uxur eiuriou, aasurinf tlieui uuu inn,""! .,p.v - - Tbei Whulesals lA-partment will tw wall at tended to. v- , ' " l'hyaietam m-thw-emuntry ay rely l!(ti"SB lor bur article. r, ": - . , ' fartieuUr stuulioa will bs giveu to Phytv ciaua' lrescri(uuua, dty and wght. . . Wi.iaB.J.iKBa.) . - IJo-" Csaa. eoUUlher J-iH-ain. .' LavttrtiPKlTat'l.Ka. A pair of OoU Bueeta-les wsrs Jropjwd by s lady, on Bshbsth eveuiuK, retarning from th M.,il,lii Khnreh. Th Under will be soitshiy n-warded bv k-aviug tlwui'at th Aii. tiou M-s f , . . JAMKH M. TowXJ-J. Beptamber S -sai-lw. . Baet TtTfincelir eiliiuuf- t)A fSr-ou aah at 111 1 .aiiki. uniiie i'AMILY fUl U Irt tins aacTor u"u i -J ,i " jAUE't it. towLeh; ptomWr..-!. Agent. STATE Ol' NOUTII CAROLINA, Traary StelMlrtswcwt, ' t V. QaxAJuB, KepteUiher 4th, tmH. Tt theShtrm and fux l'vU-iiurt of X. C: Iu lmuiiueini of iufurination just reeivd, I Jmuu it ui) tiuly to uifuroi yuu that yuu ar bunnd by law, tu pa) the MtaM Jsits Uuw do iiiUi th 1'ul.lic "1 rea-urv. trior to the tlrat dav of Uctobw tnileaa uo3ria tWl bs auui, I an im- i-hwallvMy BuauU, at the Orst CVurt whieh shad oecurarttir uhi ueiauit, lewo" aur juiqruMtiit aiiaauet 0 iuiquinl-, tiT the full atuuuut uf taxea Uue, te.dui'tiiiK i.oiliitif for eoiuiniaaaaie or in aolTwuia, bat atluuiK wim xhutuaud UnUara Ssr taJUMi aujiuoseil nut lo appear, iu . in Half traoa nnliod b me Clerk." I v i lio Ui it rtii rior Court of Wk will U'llin 0a th ;Hli of Iwjiteiulw. Willi every tliapoaitioo tu KVaot iinluKeue t.i Hheiml and the peopl, I think it beat to notify jou. mat Hie law Rivoa ai no UMi:reuuii, and tlmt uiilea payusfita be Biada oa or befuiii the 4th of tK-Uiuer nest, being iVri ilay ot tu KtiirHir Court of Wake, judgment win aaaunnii ue uiuveu, afiaiuot ail oeiiuiiueuta. 1 Haru tbti au omBUiu urwaits in tu quar. tera that th Hutu rreavury tiaa a larii snrphis -aim HwtHaa as lununl rlteasaumul. Xkl lu4 true. . TU tains enllecUid under the Revenue Ait of lane, will at nearly exhauMed tiy ilwotu ut tlie preaout Bual year, tv.pienu- r nh, IWiT. TH late Bow ttttittg ttotleeteil will be needed tucxli yearenonig nept. sotu, uus. Cut or Una fund uiuat Imi pud ih eapcnaee at th titat - govern luotit tit tb euwiuv yi ar, ..r tb Air-lutns of tti probabl Couveiitiou and (ieneral Assembly, m line, all ordinary aimV.xiisordiuary appropria Uooa made by law; - - 'J Iu xs ta amaileaf SUU. tax Xetied aiuv 1H4 Tax patera ahmd atu nd to tlitu- duly at ous and ilioerfolly. hey will, expect relief iu Vain. Tb lMaxrH't t oniinai'iilex bs bn arnetl lo stop the collection, but has deehaed to iulm-fer. Let Mier iru, by snerftutie eolleete'iua, and tax payers by prompt nv nienls, save lue froui the painful uuiy vi Miiori iiiK idu law SKaiust deliuquvuta. Vovy svspucifuilv, : - p p. battle, , ' . Pnhlie, Trvaeurer, HellUdllb.r Slt. ' " r AU paper ui th Btate copy nui-s aud forward uutm. . . - . . 1 IF Ltivtak' ait iii, v ri.euit. italtimnra Fttnilv Flour Locaat Point "i- just rxied aud lur sale. - Al-NO, ' i A flue Jut of'TtstsV- rtiatWBtt v-rv . t VXXLAM, JONEn A CO., ' i - - holeaale Grocer. Italeigh, neptember I tf N. C, LAttB. kxpeeted this evening. r- ftidJAM, JONES C6-. ' 'i. - .' , Wholesale Oraeera. Raleigh, September & tf. At reduced price, nne of H I, Eaiery't Uni-er- il Cotton Gllis and Condeiisers. Iiued a mrt iT -maa,; WM. B. COJL IUleigh, September 4 3tdAw, NEw i, Bti.iTi vi. pt ar, '1 HE PaTt.Ni' niPkUVED MtrHtlD uv BiNKlNit WtLLH. For nafety, Couvuiene and Eeonamv, ft has bo equak Aa iuexhauMihut aupply of water ia fnruuilwdV'hsrrser wanted, either in lard, B ta ble, hitchea or Dinuiu ftuuox. liberal tunas orrered to Agsnta. MlTCUKfX ALLEN A CO., Ang.31-31-H - , Kewbern, M. C. D It Y GOODS. FATLiL, 1807. V ' HI LL,, ATI4I&0 cV CO., SIS lltihimttri Street, - ' , BALTIMORE, 8K WKIU'HANTS wishing' Baltimore. Iowa XV. amine their large and elegant aua-li uf Bsit om, audTtatitau-ji Ulil' (50OIM, Robert Hull, . 'V' . Tut mi, W. Ai Linton. IMiUra promptly cxecatrd. HamT llmiKr. , . -. I.H, Jlarria l.Kitin. - . - nI... 1 , ii ta now ftifv1 amwrnodete the tVaveHmanae.' he, and Hiiiee ot Citf wiltis; Ur4 hf to week or mouth. My k-nns will Iw moderate. UH.O. T. t 'tHiKK. EXCILVNGK HOTEL, H.XX,X.IUI1, J. J. y T1i lJI10TEL7HAVIN(rBi:ESrr.E;BtTLT in part, twenty mnni havuiit been eooipiiH i aad nearly funuaht d, will be reopened ftir the reeeiitmii of Hie Travelling pabbe uu this dav Sftptcmher t. , -. I ' Tlie Id frnu I of Hie former Ex,!,, ,,) tin- pnbiK- g-Iierallj, arn cordially milled to c4t and ee and Iw enu i laimd nui jfi,, an irauio datlofia, g.injt fare, on aindenni ten. v , - j . t r.MNviiiin, A THR GREAT. 7':-"'' I DR. LAWRENCE COMPOUND EXTI or R0 S A D A L I S , A SAFE AND CERTAIN CURE t txan tb oxlv on' txt disiotekkxi) FOB SOHOFULA, IN VARIOUS FORMS, Booh st Couaumpuoa, la it wrly stags, Enlarge- uent and L'htratioa of th Gland, Jowta, Boots, Kidaay, Vtarwa, CBroaie BhmiBiatiaiB, Erup- tkw of th Skia, Chrooie Sort Eye, Ae. ALHO SVPIIlLIf, In axil It form., OF WOMEN, LOBS' OF APPETITE, ' " SICK HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAlfNT. PAIN IN THE BACK, IMPRUDENCE IN LIFE, 1 ' . - ' : v " GRAVEL, GEEKAL ILL HEALTH, AND ALL DISEASES OF THE r " ' - -'',;:' ' 7" ... .1 lood, L I v r, Kldacyp uiaaatr, ar It UturooKhly rauacats vwy kind of hu mor and bad taint, and rattor th aatir tyttam kra healthy condition. It it perfectly htrmlata, Btrar producing th thghtswt mjury. : .- ".'''-. ; " ''',-' ..--(' ' .THE IIOSADALIS . -v -, It not a twerat Medic ins. -Ta articles rmm whieh tt it Batd ar pobliahtd around each, bot tle, and H ia atsd and rsoonuaeiuled byths MEDICAL FACULTY, Wherever it ht been Introduced, as a POHITTVE and . . ' a ' " - , - '. .,"V' BE LIABLE 9IEDICIE, FOB DI8KA8EB OF THE -''' ! 1.L00B, UTli AMD rHJXlTSL- fcd sad Endorsed by ta Pliraui.n. ererywhert it It know. ' t'ttfcfAJlEftJt'tiy f T .viLoivr.-iv. c. -am ax ar itu, t iMtwiiwrirfr Ta vinmm'Bta-rBr-iiioj-' D. BARNES A CO Jt Fark Bow, K.TT R 1TLLIS, WilnungtoB, . tf. ' ' : CABR, BOTKIK A C0M U tight St,, Baltimore! J. H. BAKEB, li Boaks Avsoua, Horfo Va. rrw !. rr ttMtlw. Fob, txl.a bt ." WILLIAMS 4 EAYW00D,: tALKlSatl, . Aug. a tftsowsta r TO IIIFPF.K. NOETII C A IKLIN A STA.TK RAJLWAY LlNlvS, triiAT itKB o Bgr) TflBOI.D BAl.EIUH AOAoTOS BAIL ROAC : THE8HOKTEST,OCIf:KEfr,BArX8T AS0 ' BEwT I.INE, SOUTH AND ttOUTftl, TO fcrfTWf IK THR COL, fjf , v I JMHll'PKltB SPEtTAIX ; ; ' sXrviA. R. a aa. sf W maoiTmated and ar the Vrtat ttrwaa iaaWi Atr Au. XtmU toU tb NnrtW. BsrMOT, amrnase siieeetamny wnrlrea ft, 1 4h tirwJiatiB(actttm.otia JZ . (toiHh, tor th lt ten year, a the tea 7 Aea,3 riiipjni - i. ........ -u vw.iniii will teatlf. We paid the HUt near Heren Ilnn.lrrd Thmi d Dollars, fi-r her Intereet. in tin Hoail-tWeb saving the people from Taxation for a Umt T Doiu 40.0il r year ; and wb anhewitatiaelT da! rlsre tliat ww esn aun win give titore diiaivh in -all point, North aud Mouth, (ban any otber .. , The threat Inland Air Line Freight ' t ' O : V T . E , 7 .. 77 . VuitHX, 1UUCK1H A 0AST0N RAIL E0AB it th Khrt fihi tut --ttutpBeFa, -'-'-ami vott rist fntraa ao n atnrt ttmr rmyiia, or they M( u iaaB uy ajiouwr nusts i . , . . to tnsur your rreignt neuia carried orer ttiia Ortal Inland Air Line ssfelr. direct vonr en to mark your Freight, Oar nf Kail hoad Aifent, Portemoulh, Va., or City Point, Va.. Z iWi A Vmto JlaU MoatL aud ta j,J. " - - FliOM BObTOS: Hvrchant' A Miner's lian. and r rv.ii Wharf, . tiamfisiai, ARiiut. Old Dominion KU aluahiD Co.. Hhiuiitna- n.i Her S7. Ni th Itiver, Beach ht., (Hues -Oreouwicb Bt. Cue. ley ; N. L MH.'ready, ' . ' FrtOS I'HILADELPHIA : (ffei nnamsic,) Wdla., Wilmingtna tad Baltimor Depot, or Clyde 'a Line of hi earn era. u N. Delaware Afeuu, W. If. Clyde, Ageut. ITtOM BALTIMORE: Baltimore tltesm Paeket Co., Bsv Lin Rtat era. Foot I'niun Dock, L, B. Parks, A Bent ur l'vwhamn tsuam Boat Cu , 90 Light Sti-eet Whsrf. . ' . Aii.Es. FrMKht Art Aug -305-tf Jtakigh, U.C. FAMILT 0E0CEBS. ROBEET- AND&E WS, FAMILY GIIOCKU, KO. 36 FiYtTTEVILLK. BTRftKT, ' - BALF.ICill, IV. : KKF.PS CONSTANTLY OS HAND A LA ROE supply of CHOICE GROCERIES, " A Consisting ia part of KncarsCCrushed, 'A Cof- fee. Powdered, "C" Coffee, ''B'.' Coffee, and brnwa of different irradet ; ' ' ' wioiaaaes and nvrup; . ; . (Joffee, Java, taguira, KiO) and Hi. Boniinto: BaHou, Kidus, hUouldw-s, t)UKr eured Uauis, and Mini ; Baef, for ehlnplnir, btorliiiff, and spWd for bofl uiK, asplexuliitartu-lo.. Mpioed l'ig'a feet, Piekled pork, Btef snd BuiliOo Tongue. &duli, .Tnngiiv Slid Kiumls, - Mseieral, Huiokeit farlkiuxt-a? Ile'rringa. A splendid lot of Coillleh s . ' - -. . , Piekled and etnoiiiid Mtlmon. ' ' ' l.iirftaol snd Table Haft. 1 INrtatdca, White Mercer, Teach Blow and Jack- , sou W nilea. .. ' uimy BsKging; Itjiiw, Hole Leather,' French Calf Hkirta, UMi11K Bkins, Ac Bluie Pegs, Tacks, Awl, Ae. . . A , Wrapping Paper, TowiW and Shot, Cotton Carda. pearl and t.'orn March, I ariua and Tspio ea; KjirIikIi Uairy t'hew Factory Clieene; a larite aneorlmeut or ("armed Vruita. tvWes, . Preserve, Miwttirda, eaitnvd Ovt r, Lolnieia, Isarttinea, Ao. , A A . ,. . " OraiiK.-s, Iiuona, Fics, Currant and Primes, and everythuig usually kept m a rlrt-cl.e tiro eery. . Alo Liotiom of all grailea. Altenliou it etps. cially sailed to our pure old ttobeaoB Opubw and old heller Whiekey, . - .- . All maimer of Sauces, Cataups, and Fancy fln oenes freoersllv, very clw ap for canh. WeU atnully fia-Cakh. , ,, W. JtoBEUT ANhriEWS, April 3 -tf Family Urocer. MISCELIAlffEOUS. UNn-ERfirrY OP IjOUIftfANA-MEDlCAlX ' DEFABTMEiif t'ACVLTa. A. It CENAS, M.D., F.meiitiisProfeesorofOb. stotrx-i. tnd ii.'ai of Women tnd Children. iAIE JONES, M. D., Profeso Obstetrics - and Diseaees of Women and Childreu. WAKllbN 8Tt IN K, M. fl., Profeesorof Snrvsrv. ' T. O. KiCUAltDSO.N, 11. D., ITofesaor at Ana tomy. J. W. M LLET Ph. D., Professor of Chetotatrv. 8AMUEL M. BEMlhr). M. D., lrofesurof tliti Theory tnd Prsotiee cf Medieihe. . UTANFOKD E. CHA1I.LK, M. D., rrofettor of Ph vsfololfy tnd Path. li Rieal Anatomv. FBANK HAWTHOKN, Al. D., Professor jr tent, of Materia Medica and Therapenlioa DEMONSTRATORS OP ANATOlfy. WM. C. NICHOLS, U. D C. J. BICKHAX.Jt.D. The Thirtieth Annual Conrs of limtrnwinB it thk lustitnilon will be(rm Novemlwr lilt. ' nd mthe Mluwluf Msrch. 1'reliminaiT lecture will b jiven daily m. the charity Huopital, eosr uieuuiuK m-soiwr i.H n, at wiucn tun, aino m and extensive rooms for Practical Auawcir J1 beopeued. The faciliiir of the school, buns for ununia.ied, hare, by tlhbrb'y of Ihs Stat Legislature, baeo greativWreni.ea' dnnns th past season, so that now EMKIiV CUAlB HAH ATTACHED TO IT A I'KAC'l TCAL 1 PA hi MhNT, in whu h students are isutiit it) orre tar thennwlv.. the fv,.ia -. t f.inj. m uTt Lertar Room. i fur all tb Lectnret, tltO ; Mttriouii! (paid bat once) j; Practical .Anstoiuy, r aiment reotiired in advsneo. for further infoilislion address 1'KOF.O.M. Td VI-. 8-pt.S-2i-2ia. Acmig Data,. FALL AST) WI5TTEE IJuTOETATIOl, RIBBONS, lincrjxand glrar .tootli M AKnitRO, CATOIt A (0, IMrORTIiBS AND JOBWKHS OV Bonnet, Trimming and Velvet Ribbon. BONNET SILKS, SATINS AND VELTFTH, BLONDS. NE'H-S. CRAPES: Rl'CRES, leeri, Krsikrw,Oraili . STSAW ROSKITS, ?UDirS- EiTS, JTRIMMKrj 'antV'J NTlitMW' o; r HIIAJCUIt 1IOOI-..A'- , "'17 anil 2J9 Dxtii..itK MHntr : iTifrt ok tir- Offer the lxrifeht Stork to I foiwiJ ii.'1 trv. aii'lnneuiiiiilt rl jn di"i -e varlet'v and ,i.ef-. iH'S. eouiiirmlnif ilie laiV-i'Fii' 1 1 ih 'I W Tarlli . I U 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 -Trrytwrfi- a4. -fetH -4fjpUf :MAaVlLLE l.j.C.IK-Kii.s: tte havusainall &aoiin,'iit i f ' tw4''UJP -- and exeelleut MiuLs, consisting of E'8KfP BBOGASlt,'- ",TX;- J -.( ,. - - JiOY'S BUIF laALKv' WOMP.N'SftaAT BALMoRALV , - - - - - LKATHKR H'-" It ii our i;iirinf t.itrr ioinrro'liK-i- 0' 1 . iuto this malki-t. and i-nr I Will l. iin-i.a--d fn-m f:i:o ; '' si Iota freuli fr-im tin- M nut i- i"i' - la , us eueijauk'' r'"": fi t,irie. Slid ' liitl ( in iHM our jrfiaij'1! !rfi t " U-aiik'.Vr and fre li.d.i ,,-o. r WT!- r, i oept. aii-tl . Y

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