lTt or APVgHTlalwo. FUU.U BK1H5CEU. " Mwum,n ui WO! be inserted the. jftiifjf H- ?i.,diW'ei M fnUowing rwtesv A evaT 1l) , yrrtt estimated " Wee, oc M "WW One nmMWt Ina. i Mt.- " ,, . 11 uuituul menuo ' iha wee&rt'.-. . .-.e . I Ut eijuare one week. ..-..-. , I.UU . 1 jli stiUiuoiiel n,re ouevreek. IU i tt' juf"M -ka. ......... 5,orj fcscta additional kun two weeks. .. ... 8.50 ' Oe square on miNt. . ir.i.Tw. ,b0 fcacb vitiuxMial square on m.uh. ..... 6,0U .. iM square lw liiniln.e. 11,1)0 .1. -.1. IIUHIBI " . IS, I Oue square turue nitmuui 4Kii uui(ii - .-, . ioe quarts ouhlinu" " ..... Un IiSlt ouluuui " one coin tu -w. .... 14, flu .... 7.r ...,S,U0 ..,.u,o . .. 76,lH KVignUu- buoioea canl, 15 minion, line or 1m IwHaayMWOT MO wT fttw HMIt B tTti"'n'W"ril Kt be change m iunb ' 1 t evary three surjutha. Contract for . awre than ihrt tuontua sued only at the above rate. .' Huecial uuUeee or sdvvruHnent required be jueerud On Umi1 or any special place, will be -charged AS per cent higher tlien the above charges. AilvrrtteiiJeiitsiiiorted in Weekly aud Beti- Weeklw at rstee corn spon.tnjg with lh above. Court. advertisements inserted (week for 17 ; sash or 410 if charged, Advertiser wt.B ..AlfflSt flpiit totheir advantage to entew ili.-rarfi when tlww seuu advertisements. to Die extent iiicy worn top for them. . THE SENTINEL. LOCAL LZPAETME5T.- THVnSDAY, SEPTKMBEft 5, 1867. JiKGISTlUTION. ' Whitra. Blacka. MorrisyiUe Wake) 85 9 840 " 1,11 839 Wchlon Wayne v Beaufitrt Kraiikliii AUxmnler .1,503 l,H3a , - St8 457 Biaj, 80 --J. 743 U9 Chatham b.Jotie.' (Wake.) 184) . I - - THE MILITASY COMMISIOS. CSITEU BTATES VS. T01AE, POWEttS AND WATKIX8. ; "Tiksdat, Sept, 3rd, 18fl7. (awitiiiW exHiuiuud last Sat ui day) made through Mr. Fuller, Counsel lor the Defense, to change liU evi.ltnce given,to read "prain,' ivherever ftnnyvcight occurred, the Proae eution ol jevted and the objection W aut taiued hj the Court. , . )r, Leu it Kil l, time : I acting aatiit- ant Surgeon at thePost of Fayetterille the body of Iicljee exhumed on the 8rd. of August laat. Wai asaintud by bergeant Kunntlur aud a detail of two men. John AnuMroiig (in'tf'O came up and volunteered bis fervid. . Witneas bad the head cut off and then unwed the akull open and got the bullet, which tell out with portion o( the brain. Witnena baa a portion of the skull -now at Fayettevtlle. The ball entered be- bind the kit car. He remarked that it waa one of thethinneatakulli lie ever iaw. Wit neaa gave the ball to Sergeant Kenatler, Co. K, 8th, United Bute Inlantry. - The aperture in the akull waijust large enough to admit the fore-finger of the wit neaa up t the flint joint. The ball itaell . .waa no very much battered, that witneat could not tell in original form. Witneaa ' vieighed the ball and louud it- weighed -" actly 8 drachma, ilas weighed otheraaince. , li of opinion that the suture in Bebee'a ' akull conhl be inure ennily penetrated than -the eotitl kMll, : ' , . Crua Kxamined:-' The ball acemed to - have been in the brain entirely aurrounded by it. John Armstrong took the head off; , be waa there when it waa opened. From tbecllaracter ot the hole in the skullwit neaa thinksTt wsa made by a conieal ball. Conical ballt make larger holes than round ones. The ball taken from Bebee's bead weighed one hundred and eighty grains. It seemed to range to the right and little upwards. " Jk-lHnet .' Tljinka tbat it was a conical .... ball that made the wound, on account ol the jagged appearance of itaedgea. Weigh ed the ball the day it was extracted from ' the skull ; it had some portion of the brain on it A. A. McKethannearn : Reside in Fay- etteville ; have been in busineasabero since 1833. . Is well acquainted with the general . character of Wm. J. Tolar ; it is good, as a : peaceable, quiet, orderly citizen. Thomas Powers is ol goad character; be. was an ap prentice to witness. The characters of Ed. Powers, Ralph LutterMi, Leggitt, Ichabod, , Dana, John (3. Mullins, James Atkinson, Mrs. Lucy J. Davis, Sebastian Arey, Gur den 8. Deming, Jas. II. Myrover, Philemon Taylor, David Cushwell, tor truth and ve racity, is good. James Atkinnon baa lived with witness, and be has a high character for truth. " l . Croa Examined .'Tom Powers and J as. Atkinson were working with witness, when Bebee was killed ; they were both absent psrt ot'that duy ; Atkinson half of the day and Tom l'owera the whole day. Witness meana, by general character, what the gen eral reputation of person ia, where be . lives.' Witness csn't say so positively about BetastianArey, Mr. Leggitt and Mrs. Da Tnwrtmhabef they have au established char acter one way or another; he would trust them himself and baa never heard it ques tioned by any one. Jamea Atkinson ia about tweuty-lour years of sge ; be tfauie to live with witnena in Feb. lsuO. Ilia char acter, among all the employees of witness, is good. Witness hiine!t considers him a very reliable mjin. Witness knows nothing ' about the killing of llcbee. J&IHreci. From the fact that witness baa known the above named gentlemen a ' hmg titove, and they are men ofgood stand'. :-;;6g in the Community, and be never having , beard their character questioned, be givea bis testimony that their genetajycharacter for tru this good. , JJeLean, taor- Lives., in - Fj; tieiile'i has been Clerk of the Connty Court, County Trustee, Cashier of tl.if ISank ot Cpe Fear, and - Mayor ot the sdWa of imtevwl tr-H!4t-... iufcaW-Mnctgf w-Rwtt!-wa- Powers, Kd-. l'owers, Kaiptt l,ut.'riou, iua bod.Piyjklobn i. Mnllma,.J.ajiiet Atkits ' Diivid Cttebvvell. Mrs. Lucv-X. Davie, Dilly Stewart, (n'-ro.) J amcs . Jones, Walter V.auon ainl HeiHiricKs an Jiae a goou cjiarac ttrTOr Trutli," as far as wttfiCSe 1rnowtTatauiT Croti-&imini : Wis. not in- Fayette- -jiUa. tbdajt4iubce JaUadllM -liwtritW surHwrsl tafiHtnr of Thomis A , - .HendrK ks uetiioneU., James Atkinson ia known by w knots to be a man of . good - character, lalt ean'-sy that b ever beard any one discuss his character ia regard to truth. The same in regard to the others, i lit IUn-H .-Know the character of -the . sl)ve namcsimen to be as good ss'lny one iu i'-ayeiieviile. J allies Atkinson has testi fied Iwfore wiuu'as several times, and wit new bat never known bis evidence ' to be UtiHi!-il br any ei . r- Ort;'irt LhnGt;wjn) acorn' Live in j Fayetteville. T a deck W, l. running ob IM UMTeu river.- Wo V tl."miueT house the day Bel.ce win killed. Was on tbBou!liarn puv(af ittil the market house, near Becky Ben1 Stall, when. Mis Massie ewne-down tulri.' fair her:iKl meihergo to the carriatje. Wiliiftu wm rUnttio Bt the Mm )lre wh Brlxw rnme down tain, 8w Bcjjcewt on tb ile-walk,jut before lie w iifiot bt wm Atnt tli?' corner of Uie market Uoi. -Did oat wieho eliot him. 8w Mr.'Btun rLUlijpk lave4 pi.tol there at tbat time. Cant' ajr-fceHi on the pavement or Dot. lie aeennWl to I to Be- bee a froot -mod irft, almul nine feet off' Witneej coultl have counteU five' bt-t ween thia time and' when the allot fired. Ham Pbillipt had the pistol "minted towarda wbnre Betiee w. S.idff after wHiib lieani a Dtstol fire : can't suv whom it' fired at it was soJiie wiitixe inlue" cfowi!- UiuT noraiieTis,T 'riTt"nnn'iwnt-t-rmV, the Hash m iitnjfcr Has been subiKnnaed lieforeand QiieHtion- ed by -Gen. A,very aboit this. Witness told hi in substantially the same story he telle now. -,r . . - ' ' Cru-Aum;W: WilneKS thinks that Tom powers went to tlia carnage with the ladies ; can't be positive, lie got trigbt-! ened when tbe crowd rushed up and cried "kill, bios.'' Haw Bam. Phillips soon after. When he saw Phillips, lie (.Phillips), wait to Bebee's front and Ict't. . ' r Court a.liotirncd W 1 t7edticatr Tt o'clock, A. M. J w " TOE UEPllU.ICAX CdXVKXTWX FIRST DATS VM.CB&MXaa. The so-called 'Republican", , Convention assembled, uu yustWday iSoruing, at It o'clock, in Tucker Hall . t v" - A boot 400 delegates, probably, were in at tendancethe black 'elmniit tery-bM jjely predominattngr-They were mixed pretty in-4 discriminately, here, a group oi the ebou hue and there a patch ot white, presenting a motley appearance. It is a 4urtw of con gratulation that W.H110 progress boa been made since the Convention of ' tbu 37th. of March last, and that the line of demarca tion was not 'o strongly drawn. upcm-he present occasion as then,' when tlie."sli'p" were arrayed on one side and tlie "goals' on the other. The ''Ropublicana'' of all hues were in loving and alToctiouate con- jumblemcut. "" , -r W. W. Holdcn7Chainnan of the Repub lican Committee, called the Convention to order; when ;,,'' ' ' ' Iter, 0. W. Brodie (negro) offered np l prayer, lie prayed especially for tbe '"re creant" President of tlto United, BtuU and his Cabinet, and particularly, for Mr. tiew ard, who, be reuchsalcjl Jlix intimate,' con trolled the .actions, more? or leas, of the President. lie implored, tlutt, tjieir minds might be turned in the right Radical) di rection. ' "' . ' Alter this feircshing . cxcicise, Mr. Holden addressed the Convention, brief ly, urging , harmony in its deliberations, and announced that the selection ol tempo rary officers was in order. "" T Whereupon, the following wcre cliosen : jRriWe".-Dvid 1 Heatou,--(.uitc,) of Newbtn. ." '..?., Utattarirt. J. B. Cook, (white,) of Jobn J sioo, anu J. a. aiaosou, uegro,;. oi Cum berland. ' !.'. -I'--' ' , ' V i - Dr. Powell, whiu),(the inevitable Doctor,) of Washington -City,' (!) " and -HiHd, (negro,) otCumlerlandB coudutted the President, pre tern,, tu thestaud, wltereupoii he returnetl Ilia ackuowhxijmenta fof tlie giateful, distinguished and never to-be for-gotten-while-lite-lastei hHr.' i On the stage were a number, .of porsons, among whom we observed Gcu. U ilea, ot the United Stages Army. Mr. Deweeae" (late V.&.'&.f now ruovud tbat a Committee of ta elve be appointed to report a 'permanent organization for the Convention.' - ., : . ... V Considerable discussion, confusion and excitement arose in cousequeuce of this mo tion. Some of the colored delegates, par ticularly Galloway, ot Wilmington, re desirous that the Committee should be ap pointed by the Hdose. WbetbeV this ob jection arose from a waut ot coufiiieuea , iu tbe Chairman, or not, we are not apprised ; but Galloway, who is man of boldness and impudence, declared, 't with- pluck : and spirit, tbat be bad come there to represent the Republicans of tfew Hknover, and not a clique. . ...... ... 1 : "v..'. It was decided, -however, that the Presi dent should appoint,Qiid the committee was accordingly named. ,A i;j 4, j U;ttn;: '; 7 A Committe ofteyeu,ompoed f form er membera of the State Executive commit tee, was then designated, wliich is to report on the eligibility 'of elegates Ateanwbite, on molion, ine ron oi coun ties) wai called, and all good "Republicans" .were allowed to enroll tbemselves Mr.. Uokleu insinuating, with much uncrion, (sec onded by our aucient friend, Gouersl Docke ry,) tliut simple presence iu the meeting was prima foci evidence that those there, were honest Republicans and gentlemen I. In order to give time for these two com mi t tees to "report, on moti on of Gen. Abbott, of New Hanover ; The Convention adjourned to Z o'clock, P.M.- . ; ' TnRKH-AjnA-HALF O'ClX-C. ' Convention met pursuant to adjourn ment. s The report from the Couunittoa on Cre dentials was read and aciceptod. It api peared that some sixty otld Uountie were represented, several of them, in proxy, by tbe UoldenSj pen tt Jilt, and other,- ""Tbe Committee Jon pennaaent organiza tion reported tfie Allowing officers Prtidit Gen; AbUitt, into. , ... E Pick, C 11. 'Ihomas imd..). IU Myirs, Williawa and Bush, colored, , . &rthrUn tt. ftlcnniiiget, of jtbe Xtr WrtioH. wU ' HeVctdl UHg Btld Mbte There was some opposition manilested to Claflm, but the W!Dcriil w as weU vindi- eated by Edgar Miller and JUailoway, col ofe.1, Q,f Wilminfrton. The reiiort ot the Committee was adopted, and fcien. Abbott, on UVing tbe chair, (tci'nchnig j manunnc, on the pi which hA was conducted by lion Jotini P Pool (white.!' and James Harris,, 1 neuro- , .. , , .., t "..Went atMswh' delivered a temperate and pleasant spec; . ..Qtl ;tinrf IJr. PrW.ti, .(-who, contider- ng that he is from Washington, plays a large part in the proeedinfo but then Urg man,) itwas sgreed to raise a Com mittee of 21, tbiee from eacb Congression al District, for th purpose of perfot'ting the organiatiou of dh -Republican party, and a Committee ow the Ilatiorm of two from each District ;M wbicli' latter it was1 provided that II r. Pool should be Cbair- man. ' '; :' ' -''. CoDsidernbla opposition was made, in one form or another , to' both resolutions, rspe- fcially to tnuumeliog the Proidcnt in bis lecfions, but it was ineffectuaL much confusion and jabbering pre vailed Vt times, and so total a disregard for the rule of order, that it was found necea- - j--j-ijg lUMibrf crlefT tfctore'ihe . CtinjtHltb lleportcr lelt More the. Cotutuiitms were announce!. Their name, however, if necessary, will be gives hereafter. i Last night a glorification pow wow was belli, at which soma remarkabre things were said and done, and patriotism and perspi ration were proiuse. But yuaU. tJf., for the son ce. '''"- i j Kw ADVBnyissMicsTs. 8t- busineae Card of our friend, MaJ. IU W. York, wbo is rupiitly winning honors in the legal pro fession. -'.;"'-" .;.-j-.-,r.-. .... Mitchell, Allen & Co., Newlxrn, announce everything tbat ia useful to Mechanica or Fanners. - : SpectacUt Lost : James U, To !. Outs, Prime Family Flour, &c rt Jamea VLTowles, Agent, Fayetteviile Sireet,' -- PI"-"! W Jt Co Fayettevilte Strwt. Geo. Cox advertiseaone of Emery's Uni versa! Cotton Uuis, c, lor sli, at a re duced price. ... Wholesale and Retail DrtrggUts, J'eters- burg, V. : Jordan & Carr, Successors to Geo. B, Jonea & Co. Aprvpvt at this firm and their, business, the Petersburg Judex says: - . - "We walked through; Meaara. Jordan & Carr's new store, at the corner of Hycamore and VVsaliiugton streets, yesterday, and louud everything eomme U fnul. It ts truly a magnificent establjalimeut, fitti up with every .convenience necessary foi the prose cution 'of their lawn business. ' It has a fine i'niut, great" depth, and a aultfcieW BeTubt i of ceiling to give veatilution and display their extensive stock of g(!. We, doubt whether there is another such store In tlie State. The proprietors deserve creiht for the taste ami liberality which they hsve dis played in fitting up, and, they will in all probability be repaid by the increase of busiuesa which enterprise usually secures. We do not wish any one to take our word tor what we Jay j they have only to go and ace for themselves." -' Pfi.tra, Jowe4 Co'e Grrat Catalogue Auction talc will be continued -to day. bee Advertisement. FtHC ExmrotiWB. 4Jajt. It O. Hanes, of Lexington, the General Agent for tbe .celebrated Portable Fire-Extinguisher," is at Drusent in this Gitv. aud mar be seen at Nhe Yarborough House. Capt. - IL will af ford our citizens an opportunity, in a day or two, of, witnessing the wonderful effica cy of its operations, The lime and place wltl tie announced hereafter. Here, where our fiieilillea fir" resisting Are, in the way both of engines and water, are so lamenta bly deficient, it will be to the interest of al most every one (o procure this Valuable ap paratus. . v v -( i l'i .. ; - i; ' 1 SHfcKiKrs ako Tax Cmj.bwtobs. We call special attention to the advertisement of the Public Treasurer, in to-day's ratt- nW. But t short time is left within which Taxes can be settled for, without subjecting the delinquent to the penalties imposed by law. !We have rcijeatedly, heretofore, di rected attention to this matter. Wa WERE gratified to meet, on yesterday, our estimable triend and cotemporary, the IIon Lewis Hones, of the Salisbury Old Kerlh UtaU Mr. H. ia not in attendance upon the so calledTtepublican Conrentino, it is, perhaps, needless to state. At Hum a. We are pleasod to see back again in our uiidst our enterprising mer chant and liberal advertiserAlex. Creech, who has just ret urned with a Urge stock of well-selected Fall and Winter Goods. . JUST PUBLISHED, . . -Tl'HXEIt'S K.C. A LSI A MAC, ' lr 16. '!. WE srs now prepared to furnish the auovs AlniaaatfS to H-sikaellers, Huretiauts and Dealers, in any quantity. Orders wilt be uioniptlv filled at 18 pr hun dred, or ITS per tlinnsaud. . WilJLlAMH A LAMIiETH. BokaeUrs and bisuoners. Batolgh, Sept. 4 SS-lf. ' ,- QOSCOHD FEMALE COLLKfiK. The nett Resafcaw will eoniienos m the' irat M 'litis of Hopujiuboraod wiu taamm oa uis suiU. of lrt-et-Hlbsr. 1'artial paynivuts will be required in advance. Ninely dollars paid ill adrant-a will aetU tUt whole aciMtntit for tutitou, board and ewuiuBt tee for tlie session Materil eitra ehai-Rea will be made ft Music, ttui, French, drawing awt Urnaniauial l"en wansiliip. . v : ... . . . , ;. hut Cuculara, addtt-ui, ' . M. M..CAIJ)WELL. L ' July i5-297-lwd5ww HtaujsvilUs H. C. D ISWLtfftpN OF COriHTSElWHIP. lb GartaersWpo i. 1). C. A i. M. lOOt. Ulamifaeiarvr tif Tobacco, Ac, waa iliw-Jveii tj iuunil rniistnt the ?oUi. Jun last. i J; K. POOL baa.disjMjaednrbismtjtto bi iaie partner, i. l. '. Pis, who wrwimrti all lia iijjJuis4iLiaiiilinrid toeloae ilia bastnea tti 1im iHiivrii. -"Sj A-iiMi....i&'L-jr'.t"l'nn''' Vat -j-, C-J v-xy ." ..." UT II. lnTi '" "! rTrwitjtrT -ritrttrcU'si Any 14 lawiH' i . A ladv.of. sm etpeni nee in teai-hinivte'firrs a aitaamin, the. ., Jgefrrs. 3. jcjrl1 ji:,"jLSnd. Mattreiiistawi, AilvUwe ftgv, WM fc. l i. " Aujf "ZT Ur-' "'- 1 ttstrnrh k V I ! ST . nable lautla ui tireen Uoomy, - THE. BTUEETEILPCAXTATIOX, enntamnig eleven haadnd sris of arable land ; . t bmiilred adaouid ui Co(u. Tb-re is aa abuii- dant-e of ttss Uwt marl and plenty rthr rowans of nslitin. Any ' nHinirof lisnds can be ot-taint-tl, ae tlie Hi.-e .J K1...S. . utxirnM -U, r-inri, tii ..1.1 ..,; - .u.m. I I Ivrs-Hia wiahing to farm otl'a.igrand. ai'. are h,,,,, wwu)117, , pr.werty'. Any rcmtii.i- catuai aill lie i'rtptiy atlw.i.-d to i-y sH-ln-wtuig Aug. !i7wM, K. C. -TEEEGIUPjHClilMl" 2 Wednesday Evening Dispute h l-EATUfifA I'llOMlNEXT MA&JH-AliN'Kl- .;;;.i.;.V ; 1 ; : !'- W ASHI J.6TOK, Sept, t, K. 0k. C. "hilinn. Orsml Hatter of the lisaoaa nc tt Bttitict. ami a tirmairo nl wflkwr otitis Ioi. rinr Denartssent, ia 4ad. ' ,, The Ainntsty fToelamatiu is expected to-mur- ro. Tbe list of exr(tiuiis wm auiM attort. O nuit uiv liotf imh( imf hMrt froM vbidw itiet meeting tiv-dav. All present oocujorrt-d with the lhwudsut on the AmMsty froolsntatwn, st- eept fleen-lary (toward, who frareJ ths ..tbe PnaidDt's sxeeutioiuifroiH the Aauwetjt hat mm lmpiwlesitlv sxctasave. " ( ' - The Radicals hare elfrtd tlis My isf Wilai ingtnn, "Italawire, -by a7frma)ortty. - Uiapalchea fi-mn Athena anaoanes ae anwesty in Cn-la. . MARKETS. New Toai, sVp. M. VMUm steady lvfir7. Stivks sUailr. Monsv. iQX BUrliu 9(i9i. Guld ll,4IKUl,41j. i-JOooopoMaf '6j 1H,. Lrrearont, Kept. 4, If , Coiton staly. Manchester adviees favorable. Thursday Morning DIptohef. C0MF,BAT1VK COSTENTION. MonrooMxar, Sep. 4 P. 11. The Conservative Huts Conventioa mot U-dsj. Tbirtera out f tbe aixty-two coautifs to Urc State wvre repraBt4. Conaidaibl eutltasi saa prevails. Thers ars nghlr-sevea dckstM, twenty of whom are colored. Ths platform will bs preseukid to-morrow. v WASUlXiiTuN KEWH. Wassikotou, Hup. 4, P. M. The ComBiittea to ieetlgat ths cases of ial fesaance Ui cation and abandon! i property, rs parttltalriuaiiv of the lars-ftst opantort are dead. while: a msjority have lost their gsins by subse quent operations and the decline in cotton. Ta paynaeut of the cotton elaiuis to loyalists, recently decreed by the Court of Claims, ts sus pended by the Bocretary of the Treacnry at the request of the. Committee. Hon. Tboa. L. MtillwelL of Indians, ia appointed Minister to Veneinola, and T. V. 8oti, ot Taa neasee, Counsel at Malaiuoras.., , . Ths Radicals have cairied Veraaoot by lH.Oou. STATEMENT CI THE SOTJTHEBN BELIEF - ; COMwiTTEE. . .::v;.. : Sew Yohk, Bpt. 4, T. M. The eViullieru Famiiia Relief (lommittee held a Anal meeting to-day, . The total cash recoipts have been I250,!ks1, which has all been expended. The number of bushels of Cora pureliaaed is 17i,81. - . , '. -'. ; ' ;' .- 6 EN. 8ICKLE3 LAST OFPICTAL ACT. ' Csiaerwn, Sept. 4, P. H. Ge.' Biokles has. appointed Beverly Nash, a prominent negro in Columbia, to be a police mag istrate In Columbia. , . DEATHS FROM VKIXOW FEVEK. - Nkw Osijuhs, Sept. 4, P. M. Ths dea'hs from yellow A ver, yesterday, wars I, Tlie Hlrettta went noadod this morumic by 1 tremendous ram. -, :. . ..mabxeis asrfisancial, ... j Nsw Voaa, Sept. 4 P. U. Flour, rather more active ; Bute ),C5tlO,8S. Southern 9aiS. Wheat steady, Houthern amber, O.SOff r2,.1S. Mess Pork i,t2S,7u. , Cotton mors actire and &rmer Turpentine &K. Boein Arm. ' , OoldM,. B-ao'a Coupons M,t.' "; . "' '..:.' BAi.viMoaat, t. 4,p.i. ' Cotton, dull and lower. tStddUng HHifM. Wheat steady, prime to cboles n.mtti,?). ' rVbite Corn tt,ia4(t.t8. Bacon Uiiuling upward. tUda scarce IS. BhoUider held iajWWb --t. ; ; - . Wn-wiuoTOK, Heplemlwr 4 -P. M. ir(ts Tarpentioe quiet, IX lUwin qniet, A2,854i.,75. , , - - Livsaroot, Sep. 4 P. H. Cotton closed steady. Uplands 10) ; Orleans lo). Hales 1(1,000 Ule. London, Hep. 4 P. M. Consols 9 13-16. -. Hoods 77) . .' ... ' FIRST AlUtlVAL Or" FALL GOODS! "Tisw wiaA Tide waif err swaw." TOTWITRNTANWSQ WE AKE NOT VET in our tiew Uture, we are reueinng a SEASONABLE SUPPLY OF STAPLE V I'ACV DUV COODH, ... .;. - -. ' i t 0NSIST1SO Ladles' lreia Goods, Gtili ail Uoy sVcsjir, Bleavheel ) XTnbleiirfar4 Dottwstlra, f'ambrira.Towcllrigs, Diapering, cVc. HOOTH AMT HIIOI0H. And ten thousand aud one article aiiticcessarf to advertise. , Our Rtock will bo conmlete aud kcut so duiiua the Fall. . T - 's Cntil we move to our Bnilduia:, w shall ooDtiBue. briugujg in Freeh IsuyuliHs Su usr pres- ein stand. ' . . Remember out motto, t- ' .' ' " "tjnicksale and email profits,' aud ''Tbe IksI goxls at the lowttst priet. " A -i 1 f : W.'H. A K. . TbTKEB A CO, Baleigb, Hep. -t-tt Railroad Hotel Property at Ealeigh 1r - Kent SEALED rttOlliSALH V. 11,1, HE liEtUVFI) I the (m.-e nt tho Raii-l-h A Uk1.,,i K H. "B'tTlfiTririBliT' rrrfrt!H'rP''''ll'" 'W 'irtW'triwef f i'nnt. at Kaleik'h. 0 -1 he li-ouwii will ! rcnt' d hi Jelr li . tNJt, esWts!;) lud-lm .w-iU Wa.jrtiWalUji L a nrt-cli ta -i The priv ilcge ut rejecting auy er all proposal is reserved. - . ,..J. SI'FSIN, - .JUJ i , XL. tU A. h. MiK w nnp:t'B. 4 K."K. . Sept. 2-i2-U Tie beet and snost dnurable IrH ia Oi imS f AlU)krl, hisnlr CouutT, . J. containing Saw acres ut las4, wo a GOOD TWO STORY DWELLING HOUSE of seven tar-e and well Hriished roofiia. Fiasa m rrotit. iviwiivii,- rni.r-misH, siftuwe riiu othfrmu-hnnes,.a g'iod ai.d lasuug wll if walet, ui'-e flower yani, 4. r , , ' Fni-e v.-.i-T km fuc-eash Airyi at".VdiiW Ofti.-e, a-l.lrcse, T ' : -Tit: AM f'-MIH.-- Jan ll-3mew A Aieaau I. RADICAL T-LAXS fOH VlHPOSlSQ Or TllE i'liESIUry T AXD CARRY- IXQ STAXTOX 1XT0 TUK I'Bt. JJKXTIA I- CHAIR. ' 1 . 1 learn this evening from gentltmirS' whe ts generally regarded as having pijlliciciii shrewdness and foresight to see lew moves ahead In the political gaue, that a little plan bat just been decided upon in the radical camp to carry Mr. Maiuon to the W bite tlouae. 1 he plan ta laid to have, received lUDuishing stroke dunng the visit oi lion, &mon Cameron to this city, which Uruuiia. ted this mortung, Mr. Cameron having left lor Pennsylvania. 1 give it aa rumor coming from a radical source. ' Iu carrying out lbs plan, the.eveuts, it is mid, will occur as folio s-:M r. Stanton will miga a'St reUr if War, which will be folloKod b Uie resignation or Senator Cameron. Gor ernor Geary will apiniiut Jlr.tuntou,Uniled States Senator lioin Pensylvania-r Mr. Wade will then resign as President oi the Senate, aud Mr. Stanton will be bis successor. . The Prusideot will be impeached and dispoaeti, and air, Stanton wilt seat himaelt in tbe Presidential "cliairV" Mr, Wade) will then be ro-lectU Preeialoof tbe Senate, and Aiming Cemerua re-appointed Senator, i Stanton, Chief Magistrate of tbe United State VfasA. Car. X KrWvrtdiM. 5 WasHi.soToN, September 3. Information has been receiVetl here that tbe Republicans of Maryland hate decided not to vote on Uie new constitution to os suumitett on tlie 18th of September to the voters ol the State tor ratification. In lieu of it they have pre pared an. address to Congress, Hating that the said constitution is nut Republican in form, as It disfranchises oolorST people and doe not allowlcdloreaTeoptriO" testify la eohrts where white people are. parties to a controversy. r,w 'i- Motwtthstaiidtiiir the chronus retuwuee ot General Grant, an officer who has daily In tercourse with limi has informed, me that be ha expressed himself privately against uu- qualifted negro suffrage. This iact is cor roborated by tue leaning itatitcais, wno tie- clare they will not lake him up for Freniv dent uules be. count out square on tbe quewtioa. ' ' .. ' r George A. Treuholui, ex-Confederste St retafy of the Treasury, arrived here yester day, and had an interview with General Grant relative to the military custody of certain property belonging to the. "firm ol Frazer, 'Irvutioiin Kia.-UacitUMmwiin vj tUX. Y. World. I . FINANCIAL ClRCUItAll. Tsto. BatNca A Co., ' " Bat, Hons Oo. stichnsond, Va. .. ' Augusta, tia. y R K P O R T Jt V t: ;-'' ' THOS. BEA3TCH & BOSS, , Bankers Slid Commission Merchants, Peters burg, Va. --. - - ' , . .' MORTSt AOl.tli, Bank at Van Fear... I........... ...... ....... i " ..: t:ili4-llrtt.. OlantBthsa. i ..... .f. 44 t'ottittiwri-e. i 14 " - Fsvettoville Lil J Lexingtuu -. ..,.-,.,.. 1. .17 atdrsliam. ......... ..... ".i.Srt Nurth Caiuliits.....,,,,...... .. . 47 Itoiboro' .V i. 1'homeTtll'..,.......i.i 66 - WadMborottgh . ...--'4, " ; Waahiugtun ,....,.;...,... t 44 WtlmiUKt'ss.. .. .. .1 . .x:' '!4' " YaiMwrville. -!.(......'... .,f ConiaiMwial llank, Wilmingti. .;,.... Faraaer'e Bank of North Caroliua. ........ .'. -i (treensbis-o1 Mutsal Insurance Co............ MerrhatiU' Bank of Newlmrn..' ( ISitM.M' uui l'lifctiters ilallk. We nav eorreaiiooding liiK ouut Bank nctes. - t'riiws liable to Chang ana pay the nest rate tbe day received. Fackaffes received bv Ettwese and remitted fur promptly in Currency or New Viwk hinds, free of coat. . . . Jury l-2034r ' ;- - Greensboro' Money Market BUYING itATEH OF BAKU KOTUH, Ae., B WILHOM A KIIOIIER, BANKEIlS AMI) Escmuiui Baoaaaa, Bourn Eta Rtshkt, Oasua- OBO, Bank of N. C.. 47 Caps Fear Charlotre , .-. ... A ... i . . - Wadvahoro. . .1. ..... ... Wilmaafrtoa.V.V . 4... i- Hotbofo ; . . . . r j... . . . . TuoaaaavUl. 1 . .. . - J , . -, Lenngton at Oraliain ........ I Oil M UUaWS. 17 Coremeroe..... Its) Clarendon. i. ; M Farettovtlle .' --.:..'. -y '"l Washington. li Yencevville H 67 Merchant' Bank of Newborn Farmers' Bank of Urecnatoro ' 1 . Minera'aiHiHanters'Jtank...."...' .J..- Comimtrcial Bauk of Wilmington ... Oreensboro Mutual In. Co., - ... Virginia Bank Mote average aboni. . . . rlouib Carolina " ....... .1 .....,.. . i.. ... u ...... US . - . ''..'.' ,'..1, i J, , w buy ana su si nnerai pnw, iou anu -ver, North Caroline Bonis, LmluJ JuaMst Iknut aud ail other marketable stocks. Orders for Baok note bv oel.tore asu moca- holdera of Banks will receie pronit slteiilKSa. Keturns for exprne pa-'Ks m oana wmirm Ae i will be made on th day reeetvert, bv caw on New York or Baluuiore, or in carreiwy, s de sired,- . - . ,d and Fir Insurance Felloes lasaeu is gooo Cotnpaiiiee, at beet rate. . tui SBVasj-JlBi - - - SPECIAL K0TICES J IME, PLAHTKB, t'EM K.vr A.U HAIK. A I arse slw aye on band and fr sale on u.oA favorable terms by .. .,..'.' ... . VrUJll rl SlMJItli " . . W liiutiiirt'it. N. O. ' P. M, 11thl( BBcsurrsn niuut Lias ntoa July 1V-J 2n7 6m IFXTtr BEAKT MADB CIAITHI.W,- AND T Frattraata ttte, B00U and rtiove, and a u veurtment uf Oetit and lioya' Haiv, at K reel I) rediused prices, at a . ' - . riA jt-vn , eu - an. ttvnr.. n.t t, a. Aug l-SUl-tf t . - - mil UAMtO.Tf'w F EM AIiB.iS E M 1 N A ItY, 'Wi't.Mii.Til 1. r. f ItHK NKXT RKHMIOI or Tllin laiti 1 1 1 1 tun I jH begin the 7th. of October, 4, I'S. Ml,l,.Ht tcacners III entry unw.i sioii. .ui hr t-nil loved. . " . the ne aJTnpllhcd and eir-Tiiaced Pro-A-mhs-s f Mnic and of Anttrtit and abxb-rn Le uli.ii. - have Iswn afitred. S . tit. t 1 t....L.n i .lbs 'r-pmrSSsTaiy . ' l,.,i.trov klliMUtl.- A"H ilulpal. 4 S-t'T'i'A.a TM"Alt. 'J', received,-- b of WiCK tHl.Xl!I Ca'SiI -fjW.millWl'mSTS, 4-4 Brown WIF.F.'ll uiurv n iivtl. Ac. I , . , w y vV.t-vrl S4 it s i it t: II eiaskkirsas, lilt -. i.irfiui'stspsoolamiiyllsfi.Iitt Pa- isetattd lH.etpre ,ia 11..r,. IJ rttS. PH."', - - , .- , --- sag-') . i ' ' . , , ' U Ptuwe C-rfbe, P. u, Ls;,ui sf.l Ja.w. Aiettrr bf BrniH-A. laf lr.l put up to AMb bckte)Wsty Pt, sHii.y use a botst'imslal rtlal-b. astifsti tor trtiele, Mid 1.1.1 ...ff - - M,d to sell St Weest nisi tt l.i . IX :r . tiClt.l A-i fcliU. JM bad bbl. Family ttemnga, wtm-n ie ilarkcl Njual a. Ang. 31-21-tf NOTIOK! T IuyE'THIS HAV OPENED A VE11V NEAT FALL-GOODS, Fjpecially aiu ted to ituuasdiate wauta,to an kaapee- tinn of Which yon are eap'tftiHy Invited. They sntGrai'6. .''t ;C"'"""7. ' T " A V F V Vh AS SO lT EN T FLANNELS. ' ' " KENTUCKY JEANS, -J ; ,.;.,l.i; x .,:,.v satinets, .... ,U .,y- .-, .- Neat Ixnr-IMced : '' ' ' ' ' - .' . -.' ' y ' ' riatn t mid rancr rlBterr, , . For Conbt' and Youths' wear. Also BLEACHED AA'D BROWN - ., 5, SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS, II ICKORY BIHRTISaS, ..1. 1 : ; . . , ' DENIMS, TICKINGS, COTrtJ-I'LAlDS AND STRIPES;'- ' lULlV' ASS0RTMEST OP PBnrTS, In kit the beat niakes, for ONE HHILLINO PF.B VAU1, and . LOWER GHAlTEST lai'-TOTlS Ow. IN COMMENCISO TUB, FALL TBACK, J wonld takaoccaa'ion to tbsuk the Pabbo gener- slly for the Uberal patronage extended this boos fur the past two years, sod tn rotnrn wm aasare them the ain Uberal system of basin will b stdcUy adliared m m tb XuUr tbat ha guided ouf effort In the past QUICK BALES AHD SHALL rilOiTrS WiU stiU U onr guiding tr, by tb light of which, It i to bs hoped, all wlU find out that ..v,..-., ; I THOMAS t JI I T iv i, 34 fcyt'AMOIiB T., l ETEnHBl'ItO, VA, Is the place to bny DKY GOODS. ....'- Aug. 23-14 tf '-'. MISCELLAHEOTJS. naTRR'IS Kl. H 1 aXNTAKT SPKI.I.HU SU. . Always iway on hand. 1'iice, per dos., f jtliAlmr, r arvrtrtu , ... V li Tnekf,r'a oeW HalL "An;. W-tf '- ' Kaleigh, M. C 1 KALT. I K'eat KALT1H L M1HCK.LLA N EOU8 BOOKS, IN vaiii lv lust riM-eivi d at onr new uooa IS lore net I toliicKera rew nan. LIlASKON, FAKUAK ACO.. Aug. W-W-tf J1 t)T ltUCKIfKOl inn non r1;,.--. ; a,llotl lbs. tinuff. tn wrpers, Imttles snd blad- tl.s. 1'LLLiAM. JONK8A CO... Aug. 211 IU tf, . huleaale Orocer. LHet'Hl risiH 1 A'-.- Km nck n. u Flonr, Huperflnc, F.ttra, aud l'CLLIAM, JON KH CO., -,s,.Whohsale Uroeer. strictly Family. Aug. ifs-i-ir mi.iaorii aid ntuiitv i)tr COHJt JITE Kol'E, hand spun i Bale ii)v) Oininy Bagging, .standard weitfht. Fur eat by V. ll.LAitu mum. No , 30 and 1 Nwth ftaler Ht WilmiugUai, N. Cu.Auu, 'ft -17 lm i T)TJKE CIDER VINFXIAli 1 1 1 ttoufcbt Airs-ly . 1'K'KLINU. ; . . Fur sale by : V DOUGLAS BELW. Ang l.V7-tf, ,. : ' ' V X MI I K K. All i. reors. ahohavev ol paid UtbirC'iiy Tstes, are not. lied thai llwy eonie up and settle Wlllmi the n.t taenH daa, ut I shaU priaw.l lo oolloet a the Taw dueita. Liaiger mdulK i11im4 he Kiveu. I can I (ootid at the Mayor's ume, every ity. during bositese bonu. i l)y order of tlie Boarfl or rmnmiseinwre:- JWKd Lll't hi null, Raleiiih, Aug. 31 21 Ht City tXleetof. vroricK TO IIOLDFltH OF N. & bailkoap IX HON DR. tin and annv the and tlay m BepteTOww, neii, the iliu-rest on the N" per cent. N. C Itailroad Bonds ill lie paid for the six months toiling ai'ilny, tiHiii the ftoixls being presented at tbe oft), e of the Cmnpany. i Tlinee woo star be willing to eachange eant Boltila fin-Ctaiuoa B.lUf tbe C-emiany rtinemg 5 years or nmre, will pb-a auake it known by tite party la-eeentuig Uie boud. . . . a. vat-.'" Aug a ltdwAew ' Treaetuer. , X.'C, 4. UOHS llEllltICi. 8' JOU.XD ANU NICE. - Which we are selling st the enwdingty low price of SB.ftH per barrel. '1 bey are far warn eimiMm eal.tliau bacivi si any such price sa tin. Almost every b.pdy ought to'try !'rrel "f these. rvp.8-i7-tf. . , ' r ! JUS. P. IIKLLEK. , l'b M. WILL4AMH. HELLEX t U1L1IAMS, w--nsJd GHOCERS AND COMMISSION 11H 'E Ml ILDlts, X-'fl . 1 iAltii.l.V, A', a w Jut or gosra caaoj.ixi.j ; . . . . . 1 ,, '4 w 1 Atiar atj.-s a t Ban tx jti 11. "Z ita..-.iiti - SEW vor.K jHtunatad wh Lot! til A. rBVOTt, Eat).-; "'' ', "Kioa. wt,i, "'"" " " and , I .l.Ml.l 4, w ,u l-u-ll.,-, ,,n.ii.iit,, V ' agent, lit. j Aug. M.lRio-Vi-lv ; . . IIUI.I, KtKI.V. i V v - t Lsv (nst yveety-,1, ,m m.-rmneiit, e T Itl 1 1M r. r.1 a. , Jo..fc. , ... a i " i Aujf - o- '- 1 t"IJJA2,"7uTi:S .V 6T j -- EAIlItO-ATi: ATLAYIIC v' . 4 . st tll.llO VIt IMOltXII CAHOLIXA y ' " ' if.-' fill AND TKISK EAILK0AP, 1 ' 1 -. ' ' Fruiuf (bar lot I e and all I'ulnte n ; the IV. Caroliiiit and lis 4 oft arcllnff Ilnilrwada, lo lh,- . krcbotirtl lit n,liirn and lilorelit-atl iij. TH1C HTATE OWS8 THHKK lOI HTHM tb North Carolina llailitd anl llire.-fimrllts ol the AvuaTiv i N C. liiii-uou.. '1 :his ,J Hit ktati: lim:, '.; To it OWN SEAPORT am! h(tta OW N liOAlNt. AU other are iu ..itKmieioii' 1 on tins line win sh.i the people met taxation I.1,imki tier autyimi. ' ' . . CihIht a resolution of Uui MiiK-tbol.l. 1 ot the at. C Kaihroad, all Freitdit er to go vi flol.l bom', anbw otherwise apccalrv do eclcil bv siii(- ' pars. ...Vi'hen.t OoLLdajro'. yun are only sitv ii.o h . trout the shipping snt, liislesd f.t tai loioii) -d sud sixty TM We-ldou, audrtuLty ri w ilnniii-ron. tlur isteaniera are cpikt b aivv "otle r iote, ootli for Freuiht sud Tcavot. Tiimo as etxrl as bv any other, acid se clump. ' THIS I the Line To EN'tWRAOF.. Von Rt ilispateh, aafctv, but one handling, and ,k ltatlriad traiiiot uou than bysny other hue, Three-fourths of the FFlOrfM nis.le .1 ti,.t line go directly U1U1 thu hi. til. ihl.W u euooeraitHO, v.iil will soon is. r.1nes.i rnmii heavy taiatioii at least two hundred ami uitwiy nve tboasaud dollars. The kailrtttxls cimno-ine Ilia ft. 1. (.11M TKCKK 1UU.WAY LINE hate rtvemlv ajireeA to Unit IB . ... - ; .-- . tiREAT TIIIlOl 1.1 i: RtHit to sll Uie Northfrn afarkeiH. on foiml terms and tiktri.', vtokiir owu to sn.1 ute Aortn. ,. t'ars rue throuch to all points wit hout bi eal.iiig bulk. For mlonnstion about shippitig, spply to Messrs, . WIIEUBKE A 1HCKINSON, Baltimore. CtH UKAN, 111 -1 I.I. A tO, ll.iiadi'ihia, BAKKH ltllOl HKll-t. ll.wl. Ut HKAY H-l.KI.H, Akii.i" for W.ivrsv's North Carolina Htcaitisl.ip Lim, New York, ' and to Biys-lf i at. T. joilU tN, kr'loiiT AorT, Ang. SI -II -If Nealieru, N. C er Charlotte Nws. Old North Mai... hlalcs- vllle Anienoan, aud tireeusbon.' l'strioc iniolislt one month, sud send btlia to oilicc at New lrn. . Kotlce to Shippers of Frt !s;!it. THS SEABOARD I3.LAND AIR LHJE Via Poriaiiioulli, Va., rITHEOSl.Y tslKE "T 1.I1VK HKTV. I.KV BcwtiMi,Nw)rock,Fhilad'Tpliia,"Iiiltitiaiij and the Carolina. It is xpres In poiut of ajieed and safety of Freights, being from ,. FORTY TO SEVENTY HOURS , la advance of all other lines, and at sa low rates. It oners 'daily coninimucat ic.11 with Baliunotc, daily eutnmuuH'atiou with Ttiiiailrlplua. Five Btoatuer each week to and from New York. Two mnamara each week to and from rV.wton. It ta tb only luie having these advantages. and by which there is but (me liainiluoz of Ir.-i. hi , Care are kdd at the wharves 111 I'oi Isino.ah and are tun thronxh to dtetinanoii.. - re careful to direct your Consignors to shin- et.m... 1.. ii.A,.ii. in l i... Steamers, fuot of Union Dtx-k. From l'liila.lliloa, by the Annameanic I'w, ' 1'Iula.leli.loa, w Uuimirtoii aii't iniiunoie 1'. h.i, or by Clyde's Una, 14 B.Ui'Tletswre Atenii. From New York, by the Old loniiiuou ho-am-ship Line, Pier 87 North River. From Boston, by ths Norfolk Bteamoliip F lue, nd of Central hart AU kweea. damauee. or ovcrcharuiw promiitly adjueted oa apphcauon to lAn. met ahoo n. - Trees Agont, l'ort,.niouUu Vs. Hav vour freik-ht marked Vie HeraMesaik, " fa., and in shippuig to 1' inai kt-d Via Clyde' .e, or Via Asssistailr. - ' - K it, t-IIlo, Ang. 41 Jl-Jm Sup 1 'I ransporiaimu. MISCELLANEOUS. A Cheap Cotton fres. FABMKIIH, UF.FOKfJ YOU BI'Y A I I.I tiR build s Hebrew, enquire into the invf us ol ihn CiODlVIV 4TT4Hi ri!lK, ' Best What the following reliable gcutienicu say : . 1 have seen Mr. J. H. Oodwin's ( oit.i I'ie work at Sir, F. E. tomtit's plantation, end it dma all tliat hs says it does in hi a.ivHi'tm..ttient. and susa 1 think it superior to any oiloir nui of packing Cotton, and saves both lime en. I l..t-r. o . ii. 11. 1 havs used the above mentioned lrfM. aitd iconai.ler it the best 1 ever saw rot packics; Cnl.iu, IV - - ' - - Tll.i.S. J. VAlotlAN', ,. 1 bar parked about w bales of Coll'.u with Mr. J. H. OtHiwiii'aCtnN'reas, and lake -uif) in reconiuieling H to tbe aa y reat laisir-aaving niachiue. It d..s n. A 01' ui.. lltaa half as mucb aa a 8.-rew, aud ia uoiib taieo aa mncb. It le. so ooavnfiH-nvasi takes .fewer IihikIs lo bi a much work aa a Here. - 1 would the prio of s Proae. rather thau allow a tutu to f.ut up a erew 00 my place for tmtbinr. ' , . . ... I-IMH 'MW.'.V I have ased the above Hieiilioned Coiton Tics, and H dos better than ricrew. .'luio-n Ioms bfttma, dues mit wants. ikHton. aoo ia much ibeapor. i. II. TlitH, Hup't W.. IT. Binub's I'lanution. 1 have peeked aU.ut 711 balna with Ootlaiu's CiUtn Press, anil am cerlsm it is tbe beNl, ,r).n)i- eat, ni.sjt ooina't and durable l1w mexO'iM C, ' ctattttig tally half, at tiral, and Is-hi t - - e aa lutig aa a fcr.w. , I l. I K. n vn j H, I have sever seen the Cotton I'r. of Mr. Jno. B. Oodwio at work, but have no, b.-m the is rtitk:ates uf the gentlemen above, tt per btfuieall tliey say of it. 1 know t. be t;en tUsntea (T character and veracity and tlat tlieir statenieutssr enliUed to er. lit. 1 1'dCUAUD If. HMU'lI. , . The last name is one of our fitost 1 .noml atid ... respectable dozen, well known av s f..i nop u. 1,1 tiea (df tlie legislature, 1 oiler ll.m I'i.l'N.s n cmi)imng Biwe alvsntai.o s lor pu.'Kn:K il ..u miv Bow 111 use 1 it la aoiipt. a lo laie 40 m, 00 t . and ieSusilViple sud el:r.sp, lliut aov cbanic can l.aiid it. It is aell s.e.j.i. J 10 J.I. .1 lo WATI.K PfMVI.Il, Ht 10 or II f.-ot W1.V, a feet and V lie he Uu4'k ; tofiof frame t-r. tt1.4i, le 1. ..1 ; le ..fin est point Leer, la i- 1:1 b. t. ' be pia'b-im on which the bale isturned out, it. lof., t, grvmnd. - tjellln m txr. lo lem in rot! cli r. - - - Lamntll of liaie& feet, by 'ifu tt iii.-Im-h. ' Vt -A,. I1 1V1M or ! list. It at put up Hat ai.-inoi. tha J.o.t ItHm, tlierehy urevei.tnii-the .-t ilia Cott4riai need of l.aKfts, The Press at ebieliy Milt of ecaiitliiina.. TbednVBtitor bsaMpAieit no .,.ioi, ti, i.t- , vn.-il. ment e) make- it praetB.-iblii, cn,uvei.iMit and cheap, i charge 12,1 Tor a Siii.if.ttit.i. The itAsl.nV. tnclndingcrti-r au.1 tivit..:!i.,.-. afarsst iwl'iirl rf t'hsi, tni. . st. 1. t m tbe bat-it of llKo-iiei,' as e.fe. I tluult: I '"all ertSl 4-ouui l i. n s ;i .1 ? .y the hou.iied. For fnriloT iiifonnai., n.s . ?----- -Aim.- ai-auA.,, j HsJitK t irni k r a ." : " u n oV t: u s , A N l CilMMI.SrilllX ... MEUi: ti- Si t em irt v-m- t n n. 1 - A Bill' .1 of I'm" ITU'S'! v bi4'K H. - j Ul iJ I.L A t -ii.-. All,' !-ll-4jll! (t o o ii : T . tine-old S Ss!l I,i;.iSl 1:1... GAtt. , -.1 - rn.uv-f, .i" irxt : ' - . .v 1 1 , i ... . -T" i'.A.i

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