THE BilNTlNEL. - - - .ivri.,. 1 H U-DAY," fct.l'1'KNxiiKH 9, 1;.. 'j r.v ai cAiu.y. -, ' S'.C WSUcd in life d. UWlftg lKiMt ; el Mm. Nuli'l -' is) t tl.mnc e of a pti'l t v tare : , ftm cui toe 6mM shr'wure ; ' ' . . I ;iou her boanm a treii.-k roiet, . And on tut cap some satin ti.'r '- Ub Ikttle foe t petped tttai$ Ib-r peiticisi so wuue ; 1 ' lior hair, Itttl-giyu tree, - .. Wiwpiit hi eiiri; ami hnjiiit ; . A wl sweet her i; Iwh .Ituue around, f A. if HUB gOOti tlilUK.tW ad H1. T!i rl k on Uki strike of eight. And (till she sat fnw li.leuinr , end lej ingoosr. ju band ujm Jfivt liwart ; And toying wMh btf-curls and rings, . Atid duing oiberglrlish.ho.yji,, , At length step wa beard, and thru A rmtsiuie attbe door; - - - . 1 ' 1 e annate and ft half loo soon,' ; bil Mr. Mabel Moore. 1 In n to In rnanl "It lewl siu, Go tptick, and say 1 tea i 4 in. "Fur if be lovea m a b sSra, I Ma afi'md to xaut ; . -. Aim ciimektUin precisely at I'lvaminnle alter ribl. ' MynervtwreTeitT frmt iiHArnba Jtat tra kive never did ran srouotkv - - A ofleilllUteS 1 bi'l. And wIm-o the door was opened wide, Aud shivering w th aid, J h bmuiI tmlwld th exWHl ira-rt, , hb) anuidd aud uuriiM!yd br bei ; And trild him with a gracama awiMi At if ah craved btnifl, llor muiivat bad deUred U w ; A bul tnt tioH-ft; And Hot ulii"' tiioiiK lit It waa iki aiy la if liii bint word aiw wa Hui u 1 "Aye, rorf well," tl.i"in-t rviitml, "In ti utli 1 maaa no dviiM, V- . 'i bat wtiptl?rl ba m or - I va iirt-lr fiMifttl br ont And at! who iwnt biia from Uie'do U4naittvtb Hi a, liabid ldtur. ( Frf.m tb Cincinnati tkimuuireial. ) 4 DELIBERATE BVICIDK-ALI, t'Oll A TOutiff Ocrman namt'd Jofwph Zum Imw li (U hlKjratdy committcJ iilo?t jea-ti-fUT afiernoot), ondiT Ui fulloWiiiif cir- cuuisUiicea : Aixtut ft veur Ago Ua tijat uit, Ami immoiliitUilj ytiiet ft piwRton fur, Mauulul jroung millimr, bo m Bgf;l in tli entiiUlialimKnl ol Mr. lit ", ron, J. u-l Vinenreet. He ciulisftvoreiljiijt ts initatl )iia ftUluiiatloo, Add the J0ini girl tin I ixit tliirftraril bii fttIUreM.'. but rifivftl ihufte attcntH-na with ft cKiuottili toleration thai bad tlia efTwct of relijr fi(mciitiiiR lit growing fttfoctioB br her, ami urfrt liiin to reiUuima bi cxertioni for awurinir ix-r band in marriaia. 'I'll atvlo id ourUliii) ' cmtomary in tm lt cwk' foliowc!, ittl wlitt ttie )oung man bad reiu;ua ttio Cfmilinwi l (Jt-siwratum in bit love chaao, lie uQ'url bin naun and liia tortune to tb fair milliimr who, with no ftpparenteninpunRliott, rrjvot ' ti both without the aliL'tiltit Luillutlnn. . . .... 'j'hia mpub plunged ZamlioACh iuto Att the misery unniii) unrclprocteu nocuoa and in the emlaavur to dil the gloomy ' tlionfrbUtbaf oppreaaed W brnln, lie throw ; biiuaelf Jiitd the aociely of dtnaolute and bi tnuirats cnnipaniona. In the cninw of lew monlbi he rolinquialittd lilt bii:-im-a of -watch-making, and rU U tit city af i'ariAJ hi'iitucKy, wbn lie rnuittmed until last w, when he returned to tliie city, .. . ttti tint mement win to rhii hi quiiu. tUin euslairer, w ho refuaed to reccli' him. lie mod on tcvoral occainnt to obtain an amlitince, but fnilinfr lu bi doain ( II to ilriiikimr, and It Uaaid by bil friend that - bin mind became dwantred. Yesterday af- tirniion he entensd tit uiiHiiiery Ur and kk"I "tTiiki.ltsi tiiittht Mu, , Oo b iti8 rufuaeil a iew of lif cotintcniini-e, li touk from bi pockut two duffer and (( one to Hia attnilant, to wlum be iuiU "Give thi knile to Clara, aiui till htr win- lie bit ancd it, I, nlso, a ill be dtmd : wa w ' die together." .The lioptriil took the kui Hid Kiuaht to wremh the other Irom SSutn- tmarh, but wa Bneuoccaxlul la the attttnpt lie then asked the girl if the would Rtve the weapon to C'laxa, and, tu rieing attuwer l in tiie uqrative, txciaimed, "then thi the lat of uie," plunged the knife into b btaitand tell on the , floor a coriMW. number of entons,attrai'tod by the iliriek of the woman, rutued to the lioune, and Maine of-axcitment and eftt cnttniioa en atiud. The body nf the auiride wa ubae- ipientiy remormt to the reatdeuce of but I tin r, u. C?J Vine ilioct. J'tK. r. IIKULO, . J.liU. M. WUJJAHO, IIELLEN t WILLIAMS, ' (1 It O CE li H "anu "v o M II 1 8 8 1 o MICItCIIANTK COI UT IIOI SK m II.IM Vt., - 0BWBKK!f;-X;ir" "" " j. Jali 10-ZH-Cut - :. .. iti:jATii itonio, (t-4T or Hoarn Kani.i-n, Allorncj and I'ounsclTor at Law, - , NKff 10HK. A-i!! with JUK1ER A. 1'f.Von, Enj., f,,. (in i iv of Virginia, allrlid, tli'ir.mjrhly aiid prvuioily, to all kuiuiu rommittrd to la niau- aff.-uH in. - we have ;ist mmt.-i TVXm PUITLY OF BUGGY MATERIALS. UH'H, HhIhs SpdkM, 'Abafta, h Lllicr I'.naUH-icd .Muatto, IlKihliir. r L .Unttl, ill t IK-lt!i(f, hit-lit ot wther utau-i Uie. Wllk a eenritl Saanrt AXbO. f'uv aiid Fmaluau Bra.U. A- 12-313 If ' , With, liia', 1 :. a i-1. 'j ma i.r. l v.m l! K tt;.to IIm- frencral .... ...,..,,.,,,,. ,..e lle Slet tMlia u- i-eiiiuema "f tlie lll.kl I Ul.ll At'Ald'MY 1,..! iJ I en '! Hl en.t eeiw-,.f. 'l. i: bi.M i.ilnji y. y.ef inc b SirT Ti i-u . :,''--.?L..z, ; , Mniilianii K if i A i i w t-'ANs) (i5 Bjs.') V lute Eine L-ad. i uvtiuoiia, t let aims, fir 1 p l.ininga. iT--tr- ...t.I'.hUYt-J 0 1, o r. s iU C'ObS. iotti -1 Ul Aah ti -J-li-tf i. i:ami.v. a i. i.ii 1. t. V- I iM.l. .1 III ITLMA.'.f, H: iAkU I -. . ; ... -"V ; ,,.,,..', . . '" - , l-A"r:D AT TBKnT Staiio. 8iTirii t. Be it mattnl jr V Sr"fe f l',,nu of Il-iv-ilat it of l Vuitril HUila nf Amrriea in f'onprrm etfiMt.t, Ttiat It bc reby aeibured U bawiboco the. tru w-u-nt and tui!AKin(r of the a of the eecood day of Manli, on tbonaaad eight hundred anil ixty-aeea, entitled an act for the more ellii'iMit jtorernment of the retiel Hlali-a, and of lb m i Mipplerwrntary tharuto, nuwed oa the 24th,.tla7 of March, In the JeM..W, that the poermninta tlien exiatio in the rebel 'fitate of Virginia, North Carolina; Honth Carolina, (leoria, Miaiaip(H, Alaba ma. Louitriana. Florida. Texaa and Arkan- lukfwere illf-Ral and t'oid, and thereafter the iine coTernii-Bt, II copunu4t4 Were to tie ontiimed auliject In all repecU to the mill lary com wander of tb r)ecU District ami bt the authority ol Congreaa, ! flw-rtew t. And b it furtktr cnntlM, That the conimandcr of any district aatned In aid act 'ahall. hae power, auliject to the J priital ol the General of the armic of the LniKd Htatiw, to hart eflect till di apirored, whenever in the opinion ol inch ooraroander the propt adtnmUlraiion of aaid art aball require it, to aapnd or ninmve Irom office, or from tlie rlormaace of oUicial dutb and the exerciw' of oIKcial powers,' any officer tw person holding or ex ercininvt. or profmaing to bold or cxarcUe, any civil or military office or duty , in ucb dlittrict, onder any power, election, appoint- meat, or authority ticrlrra from or Rranieo by, or claimed under ftiifid caTTcd 8ut or the governnient tbcreol, or any municipal or other diriiion thereof, and "upon tucli upcoton or remoral uchcommandcr,ul H't to the approval of the General aforeeaid, hall hava the power to prwble Irom time Ut time for the performance of the aid dtj tice of atk-h irflloer or peraoa o uiipendl or n mnveil, by the detail of aome com e trot Dicer or aoldier of the aruiy or by thr aiiixiintmmt of.-,a"mebthr rterfiin to per locui the all me, and to HI I vacanclc occa- innrd br death, reaiunatton or otbcrwiw. HiuTtoH 8. And U it further auuieA, That the (ii ni rnl of tlie armir ol the United htatui shall lie invested with all the jmwer of auHiicnMion, lemoTaL apiioint.menfand detail granted in the preceding section to Ulairut rmiiniamitrra. . - ttucTloai if And he ilfurtfier tnaettd, That Hie acta of the officer of the army already dune in removing in said dmtrtct person xiriaini; the fuiict'un of civil oflli-ers ami apiHitntiti! others In thrir sit ad are lii'Hby" connrmeil ; provtttoi tuat any person nerc tolor or hereafter appointed by any iliotrict eimmander to exercise the functions of any civil office may be removed, either by tlie military, ofllcer In command or the district (by the Oeneral ol the army ; and it shall ! the duty ot commanders to remove irom office, as aforesaid, all person who are dis loyal' to the i(i vcrn men t ol the United Htntcs, or who use their official influence in shy manner to' hinder, delay, prevent or olmtruft the due and proper administration of this act, and tlie acta to which thi is supplementary,; . .,. Bki.tioh 8. And I it further enacted, That the board of registration provided lor in the act entitled "an act Mtpplcrneotary to aa art entitled 'an act to provide lor tb more efllcient government i the rebel Mate,' owmed March g, eighteen hiinilrisl Mil lilty seven, sliall have power, and It shall be their duty. Wore allowing ths reeistration of siiy peraon, to sucertain Uxifl such facta or iiitiuuiation as they can obtain, whether in h jM-raon ia entillwl to be rciriatered un dor raid act, and the oath reijuired by said act shall not be.conc.luaive on such question, and no person shall b rei;iU-reil unless m il tKiaril .shall decide that b is entitlnd thereto ; and sut-h board shall also r have power to examine nailer oath (to be admin iHteritd f iy any memlicr ol such board) any one toni hin' the niialificationof any tn'raoa nJcIsiuiiiig registration. Hut in every rasaot a rclusa! by the board to register aa appli cant, made n every case hereinafW provid ed, the board ihall miike a not or tnetne miKlum, wliii ii sliiill be relumed with the. reKistratitm list to the commanding Oener als ol the Districts, artting forth the ground of such refusal, of sut b striking troiir the rii,t iWi.W, that no person shall he disqiiftliliMl, aa a member of any board of registration, ly reioxin ol fata or color. . , y Bbction 0, Ami I it further ftuictul, That the true intent and moaning of the rmlh preacrilicd in' said supplementary act is (aiiuiiiK oilier thiuifH.) that no iierson who has la-en a member of the Li'i,'tluture ol any M:duor who lias held any executive or judicial office in any ttt tr whether lie has bilten an oath t sitpiiort .the Con stitntionof the I iiiti d HtaU ur not, and whether be was bohtiii such office at the rotmiietiecinent of Mm rebellion or bad held it lici'orc, and who baa afterward engaged in insurrection, or rt'Udlion against the United Htates, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof, ia entitled to be registered or to rote; and the words "executive or judicial ellki' Jjtang, rytalfi" in akfcot,h ,.iuaittiona nan ov ciniainini in iiimmiaail Civil onlces created by law for the administration of the general law of the rUttte. or for the ad- iillliintraitofl fit JllHlllv. BwTfow 7. And he it farther . ii. .1.- .. i ,r . , , . i Hit toe tunc itir Tnnpioring Tlie Oogitiat ii-ui-iiituim onirnieii ia autltl a;t may. ia the discretion of the coinimniibr of any district, lie extended to tlir dnv of (V'tolicr, 1SIS7 ; ami Ihr boirds ot regixtra tion.shall have (Hiwer, and ilnlinll lw their duty, comilietieing fourtnen days prior to any election Mmier said aut, and' ttium rea- sonitlile public notice of the time and place thereof, to tevisc for ft period of three dnys mo riHjiHtration lists; and ntxin iH-inn satmntii mat any person not entitled there to bus been nistcred, toarrike the name ol such person from the lint," And such board lmir also durinir (be same lit rimL add to itieh rciristry the names of all our sons who at inni nine ponecs the qualilica tion rcquiretl by sold at t who haw not heen alreaily regtnteretlvand no iereon shall at ny tune be entitled to le rectHcred or to vote uy rcwu ol any executive pardon or amnesty for any act or thiag which, with out such pardon or am neat v. would rli.. luainy li 1111 irom registration or voting. ' Hbctiow 8. And be it further TJiat kection 4 of the said last-named act snail im constnicfl to authorize thecomman. ding fcticral named therein, wlicuvver he shall deem it netslful, to remove any mem. bttit a board of rreiBtration. and to an!' point another iveon inliTAatca,! aaad t4iulBei- wVfertot-v- tn- oe-h--tffrxrTt- - wtfltd hKTiow s That all wtuila 1 fjiLiaid o l loit le.l nf si li.iuin.-4 toollun in a.i.l military iliatncta, under any o-ea!led Bute munn'ipal authority of by detail or an- Mintiientof the Uitrn 11'Mmii.l.i. -l.-u I to laaeanu siiitscrilie to the oath f ollite tmwrihed hv l. f.,r ir,... c . . - J -. v.iivvi, UI Ui uxitoa Bltt; l&f) iitiiiu bsrtno 4iatric1!f,",.nvo.....i ' T or mriiiN-T of lh lior,l 6f any of thrprTu-cr or annnim.. ..; n.Vr.thcm )ih1 be,.Konc n hi. gnion hi anj opinion 4f any civil officer of the Cnite,! I.ttta. P.-.c-riOit 11. That all the tl is act, and the act to Wlm h thi i. .,. U iiiury, ahull I cormtrned lilwrailv, to t u.l tuat all the intents thereof m 1, tuiij aiij'jitiriccily earned (int, ' Congresional Eeconstrui'iwa Pur Ui informaliiio of xirTdrs we nT'di"h a Ii4k.w tti lt rOTrr tKl of IWmKr", Known s it IstierTOia-fclwUabargc -biU-wa yi.all sdil to it thu Huwsrd Aw-abiM-Jit, Ton (Ui and ti Hii.i.lim-ntarT a.. d of whu-h wid he knot Mandiinf mild li sws Hifintnatajo Uy eonlaia akaU be geutaady auu fully aniier- rtOUd. ' ., , ' - '-' ' ' - " ffiS RECbXTBUCTIOS'A CT. ; As Ai & frmite t Ibe asoirs elliciMit govsru. mmt of Ue rt Mali ' ' . n , , t FaMed orer tlx PW. tent's Tefci, March M, 1CT. W arxivt. Bo kifral Wats (rovwnswaiia or abxraate nr.-ti.a f. hft. oriwor-eny aow exists m tlx rebel fit "f TirKii-ia. S-irta -C.r"BB, fkwth taroliuajtiwirfns. Miawii'jd. bara Ixwwiaia, r'aa-Mla, Tea. arid Aritaos i and whtyea d ts lieeessars tiist J a" oVr i-ulJ U eufirrl in aant Kuarm nmu-tnytl am) Bi.idieatate(hveriuiMiuu(caaslei(sl ; lv e.tU(ld : lhn fore. . 6 it ensoUKl br th tt-nt and HuOae " l!f rwMSitaums tb'a bnitl !! of Arica in C-mtn-m wasU. i, lluit said rbul mum shall be divided inl- iiTiiary ditrM and ovule nb ie to thy military snlnnnt of the Tnrtod Htl, as btfreeisftwy pruseniwd, and fir Ut nnrjuiwi Virginia ahall cotMHitnt ths Aral dimriet f North ( amnna and Hottta t4uia tfco mxtl ttuowt ; (lisorKia, Aiabama and r'ioniia ttw third duare t : Mii.,.in and Arkanaas the fmirth dintrut j and Louisiana and Toxaa ll (Ltta dMWict. (We. 1. Aad to it further enaemd, lost " W tlie duty of Um lYwa.i.-Dt to aign to tits Biaadof fschofsaid dwtriets sa ofBeerof Ui artiiT, not below the rsnk of Bniovuer sjenersl, snC'to d-Ud s eunli-irt mUitsry fumto as lil aueh ofousr to perfurm hm UuiioS and snforMi tii enthority within tb dwtnet to ware lie is a- " befi. Ami bi It mrtlwr miaete.1. That It shall be tbdut!"'achortiia-r iikw-J a afnreaaKl to fn4M-t all p"nnNi in their nxlit of pr and prnrtv, trtnifire"S UmariwtloB, dutonh r and violence, and Ui'imnwh or caaae to ha pnaialied all dinlnrlwra of the puiihe ' n-e and erimtiiala, and bi thia end lin. amy allow local civil liil.uml. to taks )nrilietioO of-and to try anVrwInrs, or, when lit his yndgftaest it msv be aeesasary for the trial oT iifteadnra, be akall bare power to Kil military puninUMUiHia or tribunaW for tl,at par piMwi, and all intern-rnnce, wotb-r eol of Wat ul.nfiiv with thr eirniaeof Hilitar anihority m.ll Ll.i. vt aliall let HU and void. - - Kna. t. And lie it furtlter wiaclod, 'Itiat all p" imSi put nmler niihiary am-at by irtn T this mI.ii lw, tried wiLliimt mmeceiMwirv di-lav. and iki cruel car anuenal imiiiiliineit ahali W toAti-Uti ; and rnt wmiUiiuw -of any tuniary coattsiwmn or lrilttnJ herebv aotburosed. aiVcliMt tlvti hfe hl rtv of ant urimin. hall be ewentfaJ nntil it ipf'oved tiy tlie ofiieer In rommand iff the district, and t'ie Inn and reKnlatuma for tbe a;oveniieiit nf the eraiy shall nut I air- eii ,- tin a.-t. e iinit inao far aa tin y wmllict Willi lie urovielona. 1'rovided, That no m uU-iii of dili, under die riivwiiin of tbbi set, shall lie carried into eltect aithont tlut aooruvalnf the 1'reJnlent. Hwa. I. And lie it furthes eiin lcd. That when the people 7 of any one ' is! eawl rebel Htaiea shall hire fnrmed a nonatitnttoa of Korernmeat in ci- etrmttv Willi flie ( ililiHSmof the United fHafcra iu all rtpeets, fratned liy aaunTMitioenfilek'Katcs ebiated by the aisle eiluena of mod Hlate, twenty (Hie yy-armilil anil npwaruM.oi wnaiever ra-e, enior orprerMi condition, who have bwa reeident in aaiu L..i.,.;r'..i....... ii ... 1- ,li-f.,.l.i-,d tytl" ""' "V t""'" mtlota the .y ,1. agatmeva- MtriM'ipaoi4r 111 iwe reimiinn or MAT 1,'mmit m emntnon law 1 Slid wiien Silch . eonatltutiuu ehall in etetlial tlieeleetiva frauebtaw elndl beeiiioyea by all ete ti perwais ae liave ties qnhntH;ia here, la eta ted fnr elwit'e-a of di-leiraUa ; and whea snih naiautiituis shall lie ratined by a majority of the perwrllH viniua;oa tlie iiii-timi in rsiiucaitiKi, nun are iiinliti.-d aa eleeUsa for di u-iale ; and when neh liiie-iuiilii.u eiiall be rattiied by a HiJoril v of the pereone viiua; on tne (meetns, or nttiie-atuni, who sis qualified sa etei-tors tir ib li (u-e ; and wlion in n onnnlitutinn shall have lieeii c biuilted to Cmiifreea for eTaniinatiou atul approval, and. Ciaiftreea alistf bare approved . ths aame t and wneii tlie hiii niMB, i.j v,w ui ,ie mn mimiii electod onder said ronstitntion, shall hsve aitnpted the amendment to Uie eonetitatioa ot the Lulled Hta'tea, )iniMed by ths TUirty-niiilb l.'.onKre8n. and kiH.wn as artii ie bmrteeu ami when said article ehsll iiare tieeotue a part of tlis oouiitnlin of Hm I'uiUkI Htab'S, said Stale aliall be declared entitbMl to repreeenuition la Conureea,atid Hen. ahirs and lU'tireaeiitatives shall be admitted llii Ti frimi, on their takuit the oath preseetlied by law :' Slid tlii-s sud tliereafter til lirccedHtir eeo- tious ofirilR si-1 ahall be litojpalallvs in said TtTale, ITornietl, 'lliat no persou exoluuea from tne pnvllrife of hiddins; nflicS by aaid awieailment to tlie eotiMtitntion of ths Cititod ritataa ahali lie eli Rihle to election as s nieiulierof ths oonvention to frame s eotutitntion ear of asid rubul fttafoa. noe ahali any aueh poraua vote ur aieutlwra of auebvtmventiou. . , ..... Kro. li. And Im It hirther enacted. That sntil the Mx.i.le of Mid reltel atatea ettall lie by law ad mit u-a to riipreaelitatloa lu Uie tXtnareiNi ol Uie biiited HlaUia, any eivU government which aiaf etiet thurein ahall ba ibieiued Bettvuitoital tenlr. and in all reewcU eubjtwt to the paramount authority m uie tiuiteu ntate at any time io tuuunu. new fy, oontrol or an perwede the eame ; and in all slee tiista to any otlioa under autib prnviMonal Moveni- niniiia an -r"OS auaii ne eniiliea w vote, ami none others, whoare entitled to vuta andur tlie pmviaioiia of the Hfth Me:tion of this set ; sih! no pereiat snail us aiiKtbis to soy onuw rnnn-r snen provieiiajal iiovoruuieula who would bs diHiinali- iiid front boUbua otliixi nsder tba provMons of ths third srtiele ofaatdcoietiintionaluiieuduujnt. , tvOilUlLKit UOLKAX , " Hiieaker of the Houee of Itoprmeiitntivee, " ' 'lafaykite H. FOSTKK, t rrwaideot of the Senate pro teta. MISCEUAHEOirS A Npw raffnt ,'ire.;If.iisjlnc! llf MEANS OF TJIW invent ion' ths deronriiig flame ran be nMned in Ids time thaa is rrtptired Vjto wrlb tins agtios, and awi, thnl'yohr I louses, Store and I'urnlltirt', and other valnabtua may lie saved wlmnUiey wniild b tkiatroyed before a lira Couiiaiiy eould bs suinstooed. Aiwayi eftdj-( Powerful and Prompt, this lit t let fciiKliie is cSNtli of being need at sny itine, by any pereon, and in any placa, and nni eipiently, nf siiIhI niii); a tire at the niomeiit of ila discovery even tlnmiih It haa already made alariiiinir nrot'reaa. Urc iinat dailtaee neiiallv dune by tlw ilieatinn of lar(e nanuly of wa ter hv an orihuary l.iiins ia aluin.1 etilirelv avisdnd by tins uroceas, as it ia not Uie water wIiku eituiKiiieutsi tlie ttauin, but 'nrbrnlc Acid talis, I j sith which Ui iuipwiruated. It la . : VEIY PIMTLB IX IT3 OPKRATIO??, the mere turning of a saisll tap pnlting it inis ootnpletsi operation witlxarl the aliKinest daiiger to lifu, haaiUi or prvptmy. It aiay be kept charnisi Heady for Insinnt Seriee, and it need not 1 rt-chargmj fi ttunitha, or wvsn fur year is so light that any peiwott can carry it wil h tits greateal ease, to any strt of a buiid'nig that aiaj be on tire. Entirely Srlf-Propclllng-, . it rermlre no skill to manage it bevnild what Is iHeaMtry to direct Uie by nieana of a rU.. HJie win. eauuguielte lire promptly tm Ihiaiti,'! ar.and other irT-uumauis iiianoiai; auere water poslucea no herever thi Extiiigui.lfer has been tiiiul It ifacy.1.. fc--wTm.-lriiiwt.Jsmi.. ur, rff-rt-, ji.mATaMsa. .ataa-i J,lHlrjrS.ui,ecsJtaV ,T!ifj.J!iJfenM.hi.luid'iui..K.iw. : wiU show iu vast uu.ity 111 1 Brent cilv ": u,l M.ilrMste, araaaaia, . and in sjerhtwe aft.ww, ., it niwat b uivaluaOie. . foeni hp the the Ane titu-M tut Emu nr. Rn.. 1 and S oVTrS-li this morning a fir broke out nn 4u! four) k. fiat tf li'iant a Jewcb-f kiore - k bty IWIT. Hi ft. tire tuynrn-d im-lu , t.nch. Ji ne ttxme entre.ti d to the tifih fi'-.r ." The tire wu disratervMi by a private waicbman emt4oved on Mis premise. 1 heveral clerk who i.-H in Uie eail.luig attemptiNt to eiiinrri-h the tl tines, tnt were iiwiifiyeinu -An turn n, Uii-u i;iren. snd the tire patrnl pnr ont the lire wtth s fau.m fire Kxttifenoiber. TltedamSce i pniiiy wiw'tdityabom jsi -insured si Ui r ire- aiau a 1 ii.ioance 1 1 a . 1 . Arewvi r'eet, Ahtrtwa , ' 5 . , j. !.KWW C. HAXKH, - ( A jrHlftr 'the .Hfiife of A'ocA VnnJM), - J-eWeooa, .V..C. The KnUngiti.her oocHpics no niorejieiwi. t'aaiiis t"Ai BaiTMHI I'M wltr WaM il Willi UIP Bn'AU'at iAitn It r 1 Act, :iAtr;i.M jv tua fiinigan-i XH A(,TMippli liw-uUI to an ntH iitjtlt-I wvH t- Mm f. la. 1 ftUMs, 1 AiaJibi ui a Irt IVilJtwVii rwUrvaaun. IVi ii tnartwv, Ar., Wtt.hpftfo tl.e mt Ait f vh Ui-trii'-i 4. tiiyvd by Um tvt to prortde f'r 4h mw feftUnfiit g.y triiiiiet of the Tvbrl &tt, U1 tO k BUtk Of U OaiVAtt HilM Of tM LlU- tea tMi., twfuiv-Ati ynrn m wmiU, r-si.Int id -4uiit (r tuvstx -m Mi aiu h -tmil ii-nw tn'w ad ulMmUd (Ui ,(T,- m , ln wiLrmnlr wpir, or atrHrm, in the Tim:Ui'f itf iuiLi1 (i'rJ- tluU j IU i,cltJn iftri Htavtau of i. t, : id ait I ha rew. U 1 in j4 hta! sVr -inmllM avxt nrwmUnK (hi Ur, ux. duw roftji-k- in tin tTHiirtv tif rn or tit ismriAb if m 21 rt tatl ;tht i Harm tuttvn arfift-iT caiiawsj bir rw. itf i" -wit ri lli. xi t vivii Wavr Aumivxt the VmUt MUtff, uir lor kxuy crtiimuifitl trittHt the Um f if K(U or ,oC UkU I Ait44d hUU ; JtlUU 4 liVsf iM'Ver tMMH. M-Ot lr Of fcflT lt(i U-tM'-'". ItWll WIT KWH tivs ir )Aaw-vi itflw in n Htt-, mtui fu-rwrt kukkoM In itofiiTTiettfm ntl n4UiwlwKVtiiH thu t.in44t iiAU4W K f vtmft- to Us iM-TiifMi timrrvrf : thu I httvc wvbr tavkeit an r am mu tttivr wf thr ('iiil HMm. fr m a tuaa Urr of aitv 'Hut .vt'ttftfnrt, m au or itDli.-Hit i.fiicrP nf IiV. HUt. trt .WtlIMrt ttP twrnntniiirttt tf tht UmUuJ HuOd-, anU iWw.r! tnn4d k mmwelum or n UrMitM. Atftuiift the l'iiU4t Htum. w Kivi-o ! ir rnuf'rt ti th riijnjM-irf ;lit wiU foHtifutly Mipvrt th OIMUttlMeN Bllti Irl'V tfC lW iA iU I'Alttitt Stfttw, KH'1 T,U ttl iA BIT h.MTt eilCrtjr- mv otli'r imio&t. Hi help fwe ihm." ' liu iitnh i iflirmtttKMi muy b ktniini-trrwl by uii rtagiifts-riistK; otticer 1 , j Are. i. Tbui fh tht tmprtwm ih W-ffi-trvtfie hVi-trhy brtM44 frr m any Htmtm at mmit tiriM ftftU f0 ibatrt-ut an Ihti nniniatMtuiK K'M,r" al ihalt aiH.uil himI din rt. it wlik b at lfant tltir- fT 4V rt4T.'t4' h K'"", Vn Wax tUM HiMil IifkloT a-fTi;aii U a rsivi ittio fur im urHis9 4 ruliintiiiijf a wifwitii.tltHJ am! rtvfl Tfrniiutti itiwmwh Him ljya U thu lint; iumI tiHiv'iitiici iii ) h Mut vxA Yirguna. U CoMiirtt irf tlict winm utintr of mtniUiri a Ui miMt mime hrarwh f Htni- 1 tft4iUtuinif ani-hkHUt i Ui Vftar- I), 4 )m ,4Maiiikt-J aVitig Uir ay-Vi't al tlUtrk't, CMHiittiutt, ur lorttthf-a i-friiri'h Matrhr thn CtjiiiiDaniiiitj( -nenil, ivmix t -ai'h, r-rfintatir, it tU rtiMf TWr (ritUfnul at afttri-jBWil iai Mrlr aM mar h. '1 1 mvt)iiijifi 114 J irMH't-w mitrnH tnMiit of tiw aaitv imrntn'r iff mh-uiImm-m h ra.jtn-jwittcij tin tfrritrv tw ir.tHtitinx Vii vjiiiia in ttw tmmt mini r win hriiiicli tt thu ifKwUlurf of Maid Ntat hi ih Tear iWsii, tib o(KiftifnHl mm .ittttumui. , 4wk 5$.TttM atwuvh fttwHiuu tw rtuttri'iTit To tvm iif a'h Wf'4 hall Tote for r ai;uiMt a inhi- rt'Diitm t fssTut a AdistituLum tiurL wuUr (-hi a:t. ItHJMf U tg m favitrof mteh a. e(inTntii.i. Mhal) liavn i ui. n ,r pruiUtl tin th ImIIoUi Im wliioh th1' Tttfp fMrdi It aUn, an atoreNud, lh wirW i for ft cvtrtTfntinn ; " iil mmm vifuif aaaipl aucJi. a coiituujiji-4a faav-writfa-ti or ifntin. 1 'h iH'i)tiia aiiistiiV-1 to Miiiriiittial wiri flt4iofi, aruititniiikfv rotnrnm Ui vot1 kV' thrriml, aa ir.ia iovitf'd, atiuiU mmut autl irtatie r-turii (if til ttft xi&it (V miai a:AiiDi a rou Ti'Urirfi ; ain the ciniNiimlnii . n rai,to vhotu ii0m Jill hv lAn vurnt-.l, Mttall iMVrtai ami dfflar Ut t4W in h Mtatait for iml aKaifMt awflwMUw if a maj..rny .f h Tfttfw Sivson t-it tlmt qii-iiliu nhnJi In? fur a .vmvwittioa, uni (tnrtilHi wliatil ho htlf,-aa hi-rfii.aft lrTi(l?(l : bnt f a maj'Hty of aai.l viHik h!iI1 be aKBin-t-- O'M.vttitMpn, tht-u ho (MHivtitiotf ahall Im) blii on4r tliia act : 'rtrVt(, That au-b on vimtiou ahall not h h K1 nnh-aa a aoajonty of al uwh rvtfii-iTi-fi votrs ahall have vuMtd on the juwititm of hotdittg urti couTrjnUuu. Ne. 4. That th CsMumnruhnK fftM.tjral of tvuh dit-trui shall apf touit aw.-h loyal olhWr-t tr t n aa uiny he io- . rinmy, it ttat ufthiiK tlimj in ai'h (h-aion (Ifalrirt. many Wain, to mak ant iiho pl.'tastlie rrpiittraHmi, auiwHiit-id the h'ttioit. aud mak nltlrU to him of the totVii, liata of Totvni at id of (he (seraon ciixiUHl ai UchattM hv a plnraJit j of thu voton cant a4 aaid otivtioo ; and niHtfl Mviviiij' Maid roturna ho aaall uimn th aet-urdiuK to the return of tho olllwrawho eon. ducted said election, and -ninke proclamation thereof; atid if a majority of tlie vole given mi that inieelion ahsU lie bar a a invention; the oom niamliiiK general within eutvdav from the date of election, ahall notify the d' legates to aawemlile in eonveniiirt at a time and place to lie mention ed in tlie nntiricalinn, and said onovenliun, when orxaniwd, ahall proceed to franw a Ctnietitiitioii and civil govenimeitt acoordiiig Ui tie prnvutiooe or tills ai t, aim tne art to Wlilcli tt is Sllimleineu- tary ; ana when toe name shall have been a Inni eiL eani Ctinetltut-lon ebatl be Hiituuit.lel lie tl.e oonveurion for ratitii-attou to the rsott regia tored nmkirthe provieions of Uiia ai t, at an cioc- UUI t OS eoieiuctea ur uie blltcvre, or pciaon api-HiileU by tlie enmiuanding gmwiral aa bemn bclure provided, and to be held after the evira tion of lliirtv dsvs from the- date of n.iu. u.era. of to lie given by ssidoaivuntiim, and Uie returns l herein snail ne niajte to the ronimandiiur general 0, HI, umM M Kne.S That If. according to said retnrna, the ,n..ii . i... fi i .i.i , - . .. - . . efnintitutem euan ue ratllretl'liy a Biajorrty ox tlie Mvti of the reuinUirMi elcctnr. nualuieil aa here in stweified, t aut at said election, at It aat one-half or ail tne registered voters voung npoa the qua tion otsmli ralihcttnsi, the president of the con- veutmu aliall traiuurut a copy of Uie aatsHi, duly cenincu, in i lie resilient ol tlie UluU d Hlattia, wini siui'i lorwtwitii irananut tne-aame to t.'-nn- ISr'se,iraLii tu seasiiMi, ami if not in acexi.m. then llliln, mnu ly Uu 1U next aeeCDlMing ; and if it shall nu.?river appear t I'nagreaa Wist the ckwtiaii was one st whk h ail the registered snd 'lualilied eincbirs in Ibe rttate had an ippnrtuiiitr Ui vote freely, athl wiUenit rtwtraint, fear tir Hie ililbietioe of liauii, ami if trnngrt.M shall bs eatrn ticd Hist nu h eotuitllutiiin meets tho aunroval nf a uismity o ineipiainuHi ojceuira m ttie olaui, sod if Uie fetid eoustltilttun sliall he declared bt- t'tMigrees to be in ennforniity with trrt-prm-iiim tiH saa'a, mi wa l lit ll r 1 1 im tal miiiiiuainfiiiiarw am.n 1 1. oilier jiroruooiKi ih saitl act shall have tieen com- puett suit, ami uie sain co- stitutimi shall he ap uroved uy tamgreas, Ui rtta shall bs declare,! in ii leu mr iH-ewniiiiiur, ai A Ki nators and lie nretuintaTivi-s shaU l ainittcd therefrom a herviu proyidetl,. H,o. (L I'bat all electhin. In II, ni.iu.'n,niu,H en -mi lin a in -rAmwproinie rm the more efti eiolil government of the retiel isll,. " eh.ll rfn. mg the oe-ratsn of said act, be by iutllol ; and all ollrcetall.otl.iiig the said registration of rulers and eoiidiictingaaideleetiniimahall, before enter ing ajMin the diwharge of their duties, eulmcribc an naili faithfullr to pt rnirtu the iliilu-a of . their sum uiin-e, anu tne oath pnwrtbed try the act an lU-nVeil JIllVSJ. IM.J entile il Aii ,.! bnaaifili. ail oalll Of oDVe :" I'mviilntl. That ifanr r,e,n ahall kiKiwintly and falwdy tlM and" aiiliaente. any oaili in tins act preeerilil, such re-raon so iHiciiiiiRK. auu t,tuK niert-oi niuveiaivn-leit, aliall be aul'h ct to the pains, a-'iiattles and disaluliti... which by law are provided (Or the punuihuient of toe crime w wiiiui anu Aorrupt iNiriurr. Heo. 7. That all enwnaea incurred lie the several eoniinamliiig gewrala, or by Tirtneof any ordora issued or amioiuUiienu m.dn hv il.n ,.. der or by virtue nf this a-t, ahall be paid Out of .iv .ii..ii.-. .u .m ireasnry nnt otlierwise in. proprtatetl. Weil. I ' TteoTIC That thcconvcnlem f,ea-h Stile 1 .11 Ipri'mTilietli' fees, sahiryv Slid coaipenaail a So Tb paid to aU dclegatea and other uAWr . ....I agents herein aullioried w nereaeary U cs TV InUi etlect the pmiioeee of Ihia-ael, not jer nil otherwiss prot kh-dfi, aud eiiall pnwi.le Kiy the h'vysndeollei-thinofsni'b Utes on the nmptoity ill elteh Htste as may lie ni-eeiwarv In pay the salhs. rkiivj. That the "word "aeMcbj" in the sinli aee tbm of the act to which this is supplementary shall be-oooatrued to news "sestiuu. ' "--'irt-r II A It I.OTTK VK W A I.U ...l.TI'Ti:, -.: vl.' rf e. 0 11V f iTl 01. Vltl . A M ""I". L-AW'iwVlCTFll'aV.Ma'tggTOe: For Circlilr and Catalogue, entilainiHc.fnniir. iowr-f'tiffirlJi i.'iasMjiiii. in nwwi.l.iak'awi'Si'i'i tliarlotte, July lj.2s-;;uwtu 1 1, tAx II A XT, TO ItAIRlol tt7 OLD ri EMTlKK REPAIRED AND nAVlSO PBTAIJlKDTHE bKKYlttKH OP A . t Vl'hol. r.T. wo are we(red tolo ii km.lauf I i n. 11 .s 1 ;iu ti, wiili uratu u4 disitch. - gnarauteed. ! Af 1 ae - ; " ' . 1 Cit.r pui.l. see ttt U.s 1MU1 n,it.i ... J . I -v.,. innami ut omum vwJet -rhm an any ota can .. , . n.t mmn wurmreia, atuir, where ih-r wilMbitf - .tw , i 1- i i . ,,., i 11.11 BlHTTr..e. MMr.a,i a a J . 1 - I 'I B.Ht unfM a I , '1. i ,1 . ' ...... II ' milnf ktoUrep-aJn-dand varnished "'-', ,-"h .niallp,.,,.,-. J" '"V.1.K y-wdl I luliy All .d.. . 1 led pe.,n. ",.iv J,d sav t,dewbeM, .d aiy il.mgln,,,. A e k ,. un evoiti, w ,Bd Wred to frn..b sup,, ie., - in ,,,, ,., J U JuJJ,,,n. I sa.s to ooler t4uiiir. . - weUnukaa ran l.-a. LUIif. Htontv. I.-rrr-i.-,. .. .,,:, ,.,..;,,, ji.M r-. .hihu z-c-u- 1 ... IK liv,lM, ti,I S-iiA-Lf - . 7' I . .' i. . .i'!Ui . t. - ' . .-,' .a ii Tf KXW YORK ADVESIISEX JuliS B. I-iStV. JOI1X II. MYMAH, or Taasiiaa. K.C.. or akrt-iso N. a lO&f. I H 11. H TM AS, , 1 'IaU of Tftrboro, H C. I'AC1Y iiTJIA!,' co.; General lmmUmlJUUniM, . For the sale"of ail kind of K-wthera produce ftud porcluus oftlrueral Mervhalldise, No. '21,: i;x hnge llre,- Arts. 23-U J. aU IIATHAwU VJ..I IT1.1TIV (Fonuerty lIAillAWAt Importer of all U)4L&f atultsUUAK, w iliuuiui, N. CO .,, . MlipulHC stud DUtlasi Mt- .171 1-tMtivrmK.T, KKWXOBH. - We aollcit' colisiyniHMits of Cotton, Nsvsl Hbs-ea, Hlicetiio;!!, Ysrne, Tolfceo, aud oU ISoatbern frlweU, b Ute sale la which our prniiipl pereoual IW nte-u win oo Ki". ..ii ...L.. hu-raj elvenvH H1H4I reeeiltt of tn robs- aiid bill of LadiuK. All Mercuaodws sud I'roduee sbip)wd to as-fiw ele are ineured rrooi point of hipment, with or without ad nee. lnvisees should always aoeoinpany eacit ship- atent.- ' n..! l, .,, n.viinr Im! ov invent v years' ex- .....n..: I.. i..,u...... in the Hell ill. and OUT J. L. II 4 IK A w AY ti, run reare-in New.Vork. ...fcl aia.b-nt we ra aeeure roll prea for our frwtnU who will faviw aa suli Uuiir waiaigtiwenle. Kr.IT.aTo- Kemp r. battle, irramrer of N C and V. . 11. 4 II. H. Tucker, lhtlelxh. It. Ij. JAH. I. HATHAWAY, . w M. rt. L iijii.. Feb. 'JO . .. '"'..' . , ; . mSCEUNXOUS. m'nKi.Ni.i'n - TAUt:r PORTA BLK . WHS K Z-VNJISV1LLK, OHIO. jirrju.? -ivrnorr.n vohtahik srr..i rsi.ixr a tiKi n.wt HAW MH.I.H. T'l.C W'i:.. -! if'Af Af.-'f ;.' :tfjiu Hfi 1:1) 'Pl.OfMSU M I I. I. I.. Triese KuirMM ami M.Uh have received the first premium nw all riititor. They alf ird ths beat, -t-h.ea, and niowt Koouoruical power la u inn sseei to power any l-jiipues niaoe la tlie I'mon. - . 1'hese K.nijineH are flrea and tlioroudlilv tested before biaviiicr ttie works, Sud are warranted in all reeiwcfot iH'iic-et atul reailv fur iniuietliate tiae. They re aarranbHl hieifi more-lumber with less luntbt Slid t liajpeuee J-itaii sny other in the I'newt. - . - - ,.' .... - ' - Kor deeeripliorBi, twice ITat and other inform. t on stldn-se, (JOHN IT. IIHETTKR. ; Uuilbird IjuhI Atoncy, - - tli-ieneboro' K . 0. Jim J-271-3iu Hole Anut for ti, C. GARRETT. Y0N0. SCOTT, ft CO. Nw. 3:1 H .rre. .nil MHirrar "Is,, NKW YOKhT, IM' C k H H t) It T AIU IlinU.ll .01 Mi, dAKKKTT A Co. OK NKW YORK, AM) ii:;i:u m o it v 10., Of NKWAliK, R. f. Eslciislve "fttiiiiraci 11 r rr a - :" H'ltolr-Hjilo llenlt'rs lit - and Men', and 15) h' Clothing. ' C. W. 0A1IIIK1T, I FBKN YtH'Ntl, RPKm'Kii mi -orr, Mayl5-1H7 A. HTI WRK. A 1,. MMUT, EJt:ttA ItltKTT. DRY GOODS. NEW (J00l.! NKW COODS!! ktim.tiii'.v rowi: A!icioi 7777 :7!;.cX7-7 NEW AHKIVALS. ImvRjwr itF.t'i-'ivii my Tiiittrv vr pljfof Mprnut and ruiiunajs uihhI,, - Just received ft.lnsl yds. ol U autiful Npring and Hummer t Al.ltlH-S. Jimt rei ired vd. Midair al ( 1' A u it li UT tfii Jnat reeeiveil 3.1)00 yds. rVurud JAM iNVTra and LAWNrt. " Just rereired 10 dozen ladiee' .n,l wi.. TBI MM Kl) HATH and liONNtlH, and will be aoid C'beai, , - I have aiked mv friends ami rn.i.M.n t ermt o t hkf.CH's to Imv their goods, and r am pkwaed to ear that liuiiilreit. have ..i Are still ooniiiig : . I keen Wo time veoca i their e,,).-j I buy new gooda and gwod styles, and sell them rtiiht. .; Oome to mEKriTH to hnv. vntir ,.t- n Sunlh Corner, Fayetteville rjlrtiet. . ' May flt-SMMf l'mtcrese copy no week. OIR STOCK IS" NOW rOMt'lETEI J K 1 v, aim uie pnuiie, that wa have j stare oiwvi hT Uie uawt - . . . ' is-Mayias)sMMa ret wr.errry . - Tvi - -of AtrffrrdiTrthif Mftrtet.' Oiir IihllsS'ITOOTiS" "ire rrnipTw,! of ioi iJie Isteitt strhat 1 aud dovcUii of (!, s.-aiau Our Llae of liU 4.smIs I ft'tij, MwlHig,r MVLLXAKfinoK AXIt .J AHViVS, etf4.'.s'f.f,y.;. TAUI.KTA.Mt, i' iL-tlN AS ft EVnrttyt ' iroit' trnp . . -..t,.v Aajj 1 - - . .... e., - ' lb- t. .j.jji i 1 ..'! .J'-.J AlTEf aSB AiriFRTISiVlS.- P 0 0 1 K n V N T. LB a It I Wo r e ;" : iiviJirAcrrmtKiw op r VoBTABLB AKD 8TATl0?iAUY wleatoi jyiie j pi?tL CoHcra, STEAM fire EXfSixrs,?: : LKFrKVH PATEST AMKHtCAX VirttlE - MUJji. Misisif -vdvz vf:, r ; fou tab i ' imiyr M I L..I MM(HTS1' IKSt Kftttt i.ATSStt, Mowrin Uiftaiselimery, Bhsfting, Pulleys and Ngsra.- Wl J. TIawkims, B. 1". Wn.uaasoK, i. i. 1'HOMtS, (!. M. lltasita. HAWK1NH. WILtlAMOK.Af., fOMMISSJO-V JJEWnANTS, roe ths Ai.s or . , I llwai, Twkwera, Sfavwl si.r.., r. .. .7 1 : Jvsv. 41 jw:' ikrtrtfK "'' KataKxcHAaoa Ptaea, fcAtTlatWtK. j W BBM TO HKCRR BY PkHJSOihIOM Tty r -freorjre W Mordeeai, fgq KtilrUjk Krt - KeBiu P Hal tie, Kail., . " I'hilhisi Battle. Atlornevs, ilion. Weldoa N, Iblwards H iirreii, Ooi. 0. B. Mallet, i'res. Wflcneyiito B. K, Kamnel 11. C'anuady, Kaq., iuyrttfnilii; .V. C. i. W. Lea, Eaq., oAmow Cii., A". !. l)r. K. K. Hmitb, t'AuAflm, A, V. Auglv-lOJtn (tOUJNM A HEATH, J ti L1UH T HTKKET, BAI.TIMORK. lid. "OLD MARYLAND WOIIKH." I'luubhng, Hlieet laal, licadl'iiN, Iron Pipe, ... rifeiint- Vernou ipsol Ktove, l . Patasein f'ook. Hoger Wilhains'a, Unt- erae Osik, Bee be battle, riuropean Baitge, Msjroe Jiangs fl.'nce Itaiige, ' , Kmurahl llauge, lUvwanl. Bartlett A I'o'e Portable k'nniseee, liagee Kttiliaeea, ins table and Brick; fviiis. rbnrcirn ua" Kluvee m great variety. Ail Uie dinVront at vies, ' 1 i!'t-;1' tjisi,d lown To r I b 1 e tlcaUai. Ae rra loita tipe, Braea Oocks, Plated Cork. Iron, Iad and Zinc Bath I'll lis. Tin Bath Tubs with l Heaters.-. - Water Ckea'te, '. Iron and China Basin, Hydrants; timrw, V- 1 llama. Fountain. Water Wheel (larden Vaeea, vtater-ivsiiem, ftefngenttorw; ; Which will bs sold as low as cau be bad in the eily. AprU-ao-ly MISCBLLA1TI0US. laOCIk ISLAND WAl FAsTTl K- 1NO I'O (.OODS. . 7. TO SOUTHERN MERClfAKTS. JP yon deai re to ynnrw lves for ilia J;'aU , and Winter trade, with Uie very beat deacrip- WNNeMinjm ui ..... .1. ALL-WOOL CA8SIMEHES, AND WITH THR MOOT DURABU? AtAlnm AID KIRSKV VAHRIt All free from Hhoddv and other inumriii, order samples from the uliacriber, and tliev will be forwarded, with tines attaeluul ' .u,.i H, months of July and August. Prnai tlieee aaraplea yon ean make ymir sclee Uons, and return your orders, and the, giaahi will be forwarded direct from the maniifaetnrv. JOHN A. YOUMl, OkarlotU, May -!l0-4m I'reeiik nt - J.n.ciiAAyFOH,iv7 Hff banlcal andOpr ratlre Denflst. RALEIGH, n:'c.7 OKKICE0VER rE3CUD'8 OLD DRUG STORE,' .. vwtt notatsi: From 8 A. X. to 1 P. H., and freni 3 to ' ' 6 P. M. leetli t,xtracted without pain bv tho -nso of nitron uxiie Uaa, and th kieal snesthcrio or ctner suray. . - -i my 4-5i-oodly WH0LiESA56fi0CERS. PI LUAH, JONES CO Wholesale Growers and Commission No. 58 rTettTille Street, Raleiffh, N..C HA VI? IN KTOItt AND ARK WNSTANTI.T BE- "J""", ni'UAiut, WWK.K.H, AND TEAS. BAt)N, MHeWKM AMI IfHKKSK BBANDIKH, WIN EH AND WHIHMfA v IWHIH.CANDI.Wt, AND WiiMfrX luunwuu, DHUir &air llUitlftt, Canned Frulla, Sauces and rig, an iieu srysirrs. icalsln nnd Dale, JVuts, Curranla, Me aiea ana (tpietn, I'owder, w holaiidrnptt, ltiiiu-r, ltrd, l eaat, Puw. er, Soda. and in fact everything, usually found i a first claaa Vi hoieaale Orocerr hnmetin the .1.1 , .. , piicea wiuea cannot 1.11 ui please. FAEJlXBrO I3CPLE1IENT3 ftc. 80 Boies Axew, 95 Do, of Mi'mtre Fiwk. -a8 Do. Ijong handled Mhoyels as lioaj Hnlea, Sfl " Weeding Hoe asartrled, M Don. lfanie. SK ' Horse i;dlar, 50 Oo Trace tihaiite. Ml Mow 10 Gnie. Axe irdves, 7 11. 1 JAW JONF Jk : WhiHeale Orneeri A Conu Jlcrcliants. : Pob 2J lW-tf AMII.Y HCHOOTt YOUJiO LAPHH. : Boaats Baaa, Baltwobk Coimrv.Mn. , J-rincipals- Mr. and Mr. Caku.m H. McBiuu Dead of Hchi ilaetic Deiiartment Mien I u v, . Incll.h Llter.tire and . HelUa.l.t. 11- J kfrlt,1.,. " " ' " Mi.leru LsngnagegProf. T.gom r. JBAtjiiT-kflK Vocal and IhHU-Hiueatai Uiulio I'rof. t: 'i'.,,. 1 Tawing and Dalullng- Pror. D. A, WorinwtYJff bw ie year eh we January 31st Ike eecnnl ee em .-ue jinn. ihiajif. i.hat, e mtnsteit on n. rjcvti) -""'J '0 v-T.-in-in-a maiT 7 w?ir ;i rr.. .. ii.. ' l)"Jwg"lwlKigSKTaS the Uwville l'ae.,ger ilailaay t,:ii ,., Tfit TOui'st ttf .HUpiia.wiU.4ia a iihi, t.iint: ntnner htni. ... . . . 1 W?f., 'H. ChrrleaTlrr, MKM WH1K jiputiK, Wrhm Kiw admieirion snnhv r Sii "ti 17 7... TOrofijft-TirSMuaiorw l'. llox l.;W- -- , ' Aug v--lm . . v J he andcrafgiietl have tkia dv furnn d a Cf. parnarship, U0lBr Uia .am. u. U. -COWAN A tU.. for the nnrnriu. nf ... . J. . I - a tieie-al "ssvoH, alnppiug and bupply r.u.M,'M w .1. ,"' "oipinug anil Mbe t.'iiy of vt Umington, N. C I Th.w othce. fur Ue iweeenf. T A .Id roe. -DR Y -GOODS, t CVjT-J IXKAX SELLii0JlNTTnifi ASD tSf, f ; THISU '' ' ' - JaXTScsJ S T, roii CAsn; An .cIasu only v Prom Uiis time forth 1 will aell w.v uM r,. tii.el. al t-sit to make n. ""f.Bta- hiot k, maieistius lu part,, or , LAfirf'irHS fMsum J -i 1- ' P1IINTH, WlllIEUiKiis 1111111 I.INK..V, Tow l.l.iNo IdNKNtAMItlilOHllKek r ' "V ILWUKKV, t.UlVlj. HI.K.M'HP.D Mllli-nvti ' . " ; . , Bto 'i n. hi 1. MU.'.; ... . 1U.4SHKKM.V0, Bl'liil'Kll iNiMKMru.'' . - -r -JJOtlTS tXilTiiNAbKrf ATM,A0.4 AND SHOES. - A larne Ht.K-k rtie mint 7 farfnre oftleut . andlW hATind I)""'' Uaitera, ..-. , 0 , Hm is the lima-way ya to lav in wl , .fliasls.. I, die, are advimciug itl1'1' tmratoo.!. tW one amrll and trtJ" " n k and iM-icc. 1 mrt l Indrnu b' eletiwherw oiitd ron givenie acall. irtieul I .in a4itg aMisel I mean jnat ij 1 1 Jf 11, , f,,r lh. atw tfl huuibuggbig whl ' Merchants iu the Cilv wbua -i?J.i- .. . plem-hii,g,wo8lddoweli toeau ttttur purvbaacs. "" purclia j 7 OEaT. C00KJ. Aug S-SfW-tf liltKtTKU llAIU.Aiva ()' l AN ' (, ,N iNfK i-ouHHa ji or THS .s.wyardsolall the hte.l. ud til,i,l d-airalj. St lea . -- "ne Sl'KINO and fiirnrEit Tui..vim' at greatly letluccd Price. ' "JSW yards of bleached nd brown WllimNtW AND KliEFTlStW, St prices bystiit the times. p.tsm si lls all utisuable and btet cok. P K 1 N T X . ej.givki .thiiiH aaay. - ; snd OuvvrH Kt-ie and IhiNMiera, 45.'M'iJJHI'l IiujBitiatai, "T. t"Jj':UifIJ:ilh Hue ss.mlmotit of HW HK fl 11 MMIINO (iUt)IW, and. thon.a,,,! nther; too nnuieroiia hi mention,- .U to be sold at r.tZ Miles Hon ', anil other nuke, of IjjI,-' Miaae and Clnldn'n' wioiw an mtymiM, at grcally reduced prices.. Al. IMbSKjf BAUM .' Aug 1-atJ-tf No. IS Fayetteville . f. 11 & w. j. Yorxo. OIR STOCK rOMPLFTE! AVVJuUif IN 8X0,118 a'K!EKA1' ASWBT. - BTAI'LR AND FANCY ttU OODS, -llfila, Itools and Klioc for iirnt -- 11111I itoya."1'''.'-' ' HATH SOU J.AfKS ASH .,' e. " , till ami sea u at tit old si aud of May Sxm-tf j(. H- Yocsa. , ,-;3T.C'I.E!IEe.-ap IIAL1U, A nRSTCLASS BCIIOOL FOR BOYS, 1 7 ElilJCOTTS MILLS, Jio., 7 flWIH W'HllOL WAS E8TABI.IHHED FOB X the piirfHiim of enabling Himitukss Both, at a eoiuiwratively tuixlorate coat, to eniov U the sdvanuge that are atforded in the beat and rooet etn.ivo !,,rthern 8,-h(s,l. hV .l""1 ,'rsly, eminently snwful T he Hall ia a large aad beautiful editioe. Th ll.iusehold is 11 ml, r Uie immediate charge of ths Benbirsud his tup.. T'he pupibj are all received as memliers of the family; etrict stletition M given to Uimr Jwlth, pen.ual habits mid to ths ' cultivation of i-ourteou manners, wjuin ew. Clr0 . is taken to mute the. romlorh, of a home, with tlie strict dlMtiplmo of School. In Uiese re-apci-ta. this Inetiintiou claim to have Ao auuen or in the country, ' ' The Teai-hers'are all gentlemen of fins clasei-" cal ftttaiiiiiieiilu, and the instruction ieoftlie mot , Mimongh kind. !irouliK centaiiilujj full pal tiuulars. with iw' ereneeni hut of pupil,- will be sent to any Bkv. J. AVKItY HUErilEBD, A. SI.. Rede. K-mi to Bislwp Atliineon, and the t lergj nf I.; Bishop tjuintard, of Tenneset ; Jlub..p il mer, of Al, Bishop Wilmer,- of 1 M ; tlcnl Jo i- Johnston ; (icnT Wade liauiitn.ri. C. July jn-msm : JpAilMKUU IifU.1,, RALE I G H, N . C, - In ebe-e. at niannfs.hirer. nn. ,ik r.u;..i,t onlv added: r ... .. . Hinclair'e -Jo Im h Wh..t Tlireftlier, " luiiei Wheat- rwu, fllcnnnoiia, brown A Co' Cotton (lin Hinclair'aA Sinilh'a oelehralitl (Jiilting Kmvea, klareh's totiou IH..u . ... .h.t iu,... . Cultivators Huiitha' New Coulter Com Cultirstors, . Kichmond Kimluckv. X u .,,.1 T u 1-i.hv. and Oaetiuga. - - " . hoully Improve,) Apple Mill, and Ci.h r VnM Orders for auv ininli-men). ,i...ii,.,i .,! ) amit.xiu.aiiy fariuf 011 the Hail Itoatlal' - : JAjiiiMM iwvi.K.H. . " Agent A I pmiiiiMtioti i euiy JO jyi-ll. DK M 0 II E 8 TH M O ! T H L T MAOAZINF, nniverHHllvaelin.,wi.t.i ,i.u t'.ii.- Magasiue ef Auierina r il,.v.,ij..t t, ii.-ii.itii.l sw ries. J'uenia, hketeh.-a IrAiimm I M.MI--I Collages, JbiOBehokl Matters, tioma of Tln'iiH'lit, . . e.n, j,niai v ijiMaip (liu-mrtimr ('hcii -b'parlwenta on 1 1, ,-,,, ,,. mi Ibalth, tlyninseUc. Ba sic- Anmcin. nut, etc, all bv the lt nili.s, 1.1 pn.liis. ly au.1 rHsticJ!y illnstrah-.l eily Knerawiie. F,,ll u.,i ,....i..l ....I ...Li.hii. Patterne, Kmhrnidernw. Ji al-li-i- n,l a msifixiil tmccrasifir, ,,r riitic m.veltiea, Willi otiier uwinT and eutcrtaiiung htorat urn. 1 y, "1" asiKi-uf retineuityit, economical hmewwit.', T ladv of liuli. e. ..u 4. ... .1,. ,il,.,l ll,e r-ystib,Jel M.aukly. King!,, coi,ic 30 eents; esc- iiunilrf'.ra, s Bcimeii4, 10 cnl either llfSil'-o ree. . Ii-arlv. s.:L with a vn.l.i. v,M.,,iiitni : its copich, (.1 Jlil': II, ree cimien, 17 :) ; live f.nIH TOfliiJ f.-.T.--ri:U at 1:1 .4. IT -' VliKire.i's Jtnuil.le t,, A manes to. getheK, t, with tUe nnennnmsffor each.' - nur-IM-lhl-f. .. - . . afr p. . i . . .-'i i'7'""T- w "i . SAVE, LABor. A MONKY BV ? Hl'ItfVINI c o a ij i n IJEttSONK WHO IS1TND'lTf'e Ct'-U, HV rmg th COMINO M1STKR - .. - . 7 - ., .:.' ',7 ... T ..- -.7. "uuoufc.ii I AueWtf ' ' - j-' - N " ,;;' ' ' '':' '.v. Xx'''"" " ' '" -. '' , . - a '' , ... ,"7 - " J-1 . . ' 1 --' ' ' ' ' .' p- ( " . " 7 '' '."''"-' ' " X-