VOL. III. 7 "ill 5 HA LEIGH, N. CM SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 18G7. ' t 1 . t '- . ........ , . , . -THE - SENTINEL.- YVM K. PELL, rBorsn.Toa. 7 Special Correspondence V. Y, EraL V" T.Rc" MdSoBei' tfcWBSTld. It ' PHOJUl. AMU AFIICAXICBW AsPaWT-e T CMrKAtonirr ta 8r- ' IrMMMf TUB Umhot rt BTWM TB IJtADtM H0UII AMD DasIRI- R, OOODLOB TUB CoBSBBVATIVIA AWA.lt ? nnm. Ralkkih, N. C, Sent, ft, 1807. The black and UK convention recently in session ia this eiw. waa eae of tba nt -t markable (rathering, it' infinite variety in conilerfl, lU' eer asaeBibhirl in pro fount! deliberation over the political qut . tlone that now agitata the ulil and wpect ed North State.1 from their (leliuera ttoa being profound, howevw, lb pro- ciiDtfa,u perlormaiMMa, they knight aptly be teruiotl. partook mora of e serto-eoni ic nature, beintf fculete with funev incidents, eoinicai eocrotricitii-a, and having among the acton wme rno?oe4 aerubati, polm call of Course. Tba variegated eouipleg- (on of the con runt ion u om t its beat feature. It waa not imposing", nor can it dignity lie classed aa' of that order, thai forcibly impresses the spectator with aw and admiration ; but there 'we A melo-drt-ntatie itnie effect about the whole at once einirulerand aBpRestive. The tiaaiiullern- ted African, n all his pristine elejptnee end original ignorance, with physiognomy of the darkest ebony, flattutt now, thickest Hps, - - twiplcnrletit lorie atI rolling eyes, toiHl foremost a Wailing character in thia ,ra construction drama. Next ia prominence oorjMWth bright mulatto, with hi arro ! trance and assumption, a good deal of eun- J nintf aatetMBw. a spattering- uf " edncatioa-Htiie result of thp whit blol that eoor through hi veinn niskiiiK 1 him aa 'Stijecfc. of teat: to- bia Caucasian brethren and admiration among hii colored eolleaeue. Then the eye ia at ruck with all tlia intwveiiiiig hatla. Including" bracket, copper color, gingerbread, dark skinned. lilit mulatto, and numerous other complexions already familiar and on interesting to th wader.',. Last, and . alter . ' tba visitor has glanced carefully over the mora conspicuous of tba above oetitioiicl, he sees the co-operating brethren of Anglo Baloa race, and then, alas I a piteoua ainlit ha . Gaunt, grim, lean, lank, cadaver ous, sinister and with visages anything else hot prepoaaeaaing, th white Bjemberi nt tha convention are easily recogixetl by "their aiinkiug7Banug,wliTapering,Tair aoiliUa axpreaaimia, and a multitude of air that at one coori the hiipreaalon aiid eiplaioa that term "mean whiu-a," ao com- : , oomly need lf tha radical to make capital now a dya when electioneering with the negmtta. ' " ' " , The deliberatinna of the Convention were perhap af , aarti-coiiored aa ita tpeckled complexion, and the . whole aewion waa marked by conttuion, diacord, a. babel nt dialeota, cntradictiona, peroonal encriun tera, the upahot of the whole being that the 'nifger', waa tbeaupertor oi the white man, and heneeforwaM hey ahould govern KoTth Carolina, nnder the managerial directorthip of that renowned gentlernaa, WW. Holtien. . With inch diatingaihtd epoefle of -tlie 'Ood and moralily-JatlP'Vi a leader, it waa not to be wondered at that a split waa '. onnaaioned, and the beat Republicans went ' hooie from the Convention in disgust with themselves, their companions and the party. Feud were inaugurated which atill rage and convulse the "party,"' the leaden 'A which tremble for ita safety and per pet na tion. - Even the virtuous Billy II olden, who will hand down to hii posterity the pen with - which he signed the ordinance ot secession aa hi most valuable heirloom, has excom municated, through the columns of his pa per, the Utandard, (once a good rebel organ) Daniel R, Ooodloe, the editor of the tiyit- , tor, the best Republican paper published in thia city. Ooodloe, who ia a consistent and '.en honest man, replies to the excommunica tin by giving iioUUni'a record from the time he waa the champion of slavery and - abceaaion, when he used to disease the proper - treatment ot slave and free negroes the former of whom "he would feed well, clothe well and whip well," while to the latter he would give the alternative of .going into slavery or making them -leave the State up 'to the present, with many interesting data ot the said Itnldi n as a lire ester, a rampant eecesaiouU-t, an ardent reliel and oilier little circumstance of the same kind usually em hected with the elaa of men in the Houlh .vow know ss eonperatuiaiste, finch is the delightful muddla and state of i contention into which the negro supremacy party baa been thrown 'by their late Convention ia this Slate; end aa Ooo Hoc aaja "we arc quite willing to be thrown out of the polity teal hotch-pot which contains such ingro r dienta," he bad better congratulate himself for his escepe from such a mongrel crew. . . The conservative, alive to. the vital is ; sues ot the hour and profiting not only by ' the symptoms of reaction in favor if - "white man's eeuntry ami a white man's 'gevernml)t, at the North, but also by the ruptures in the radical party here, have de termined to use ail to advantage and are; 1 aow urging with vigor and energy the ne - ttessity of holding a conservative couvtn 1 tion in this city, which will adopt a plan of ' action by which the State can. be saved ' -from negro supremacy. This ha met . a v warm advocate in the NtntiHd, the conser v stive orcan here, and already the, press of the State bae rea)mnded by load and re pen ted rails for action by the white men of North Carolina. -Meetings are announced to he held at the various county seats, and in. all of them the work goes-bravelf ,. . . " Bl.PRKMACl 1 snilVasre myro Supremacy, pw n d-mi pt t.- - Th hi hr the- i trref fel ti iL.,Ky t-t-S'-c t.'pintritirar rttflrBa,- Utbrtfl orators -.apiral t iwpulur srmpathy and '? fist it ntiiits "iulvii jaxtice to the down-J trri ii n ; and.sjriin, rh'?(jiij'peiil toset-tional pr-juilice ami sy that 11 means a Istiance ol - fw-fl itm at H--.lilnyal vrttite raen oi th South. But ti' char testimony of the firnires is thsf nigir snffrait'e means nothing more nor less than al aolute nipner supremacy in the aeittenient of the political rtentiniesof U nullon. Jteturn from the ten htates are siithYU'ntly full to show that i ti.e v. ln.'e Vi!i a ill run If J Hear to twelve l.i.n.'-'-d t'n.iiatid. On this vote, dividing it s--'H si-ror-rj to cr..r, the mj: tllli ate i e tn one kiurtfirtd thoowanU n jor tj. 1 tie r snpfeinVy part v would be li 's pn.j..,itv, i!ii), Ii eiery white man ia the Nmtlwrn tiu-a vot-d amo-d it.' It i esumaied, however, thut mora than a ' hundred th'nitand ot the while voter act wftli thai parl'aniPthnsl niajofify win lie run np to ivro Hundred - tltotisanfl vote. Nothing can prevent this, an farss ran now le forcmTn ; for even If the freiii. dent could give amnesty; to - every possible man that stands in need ot it, the number of votes thus secured could, cot change the result. 1 bus the radicals have, in all proba,. duly, every Bonturra btateor tlie ten. 1 Virginia the white vote predominates to larger flpM (hear ia ant athses bt them- putilicaa white vote is large , enough to mora man balance tne thtru-cn tiiotiKand by vtbich the white voter of the Old Do minion outnumber the 'MKi'er voter. These figures sett I -the ijaestioa of recoaatructiuni loriueBtntet afltutltoa at once, now that it ia clear the radical leaders csa con trol their actjoa.' ,Ti)v will lie rushed in early toatigh to participate ia the choice for t tie next f resilient : lute that election. tlieretorc, the radical leaders wilt go with ten State Bailed tn !bir jiUtiiirm. Then. If they can asaha any decent division of the wortuern vote, thoutrh a distinct tnaioritv of the Northern people w ho carried on the war awl saved the country should, deoid agarnsl tliem, jot, with a Northeni minori ty,, thienigeer vote of the . ten R:ate will turn the balance in their favor. Thus tlj men f the rVioib io wore, slaves four year ago will force a President and a pelicy on the people of th North, The tables will then have been strsnguly turneil by folly and fanaticism," tJeven year ago the South rose in arms against a Freaidt'tit elected by Northern white voto. Northern men put down that rebellion, and have carried their putting dowB an fnr Hiat they may now have to accept a rirsldent elected bv H"lh- ern nicgrSaJVII . thU nwJmjijjeij uolc-a a tremetiiioiu niajoritv aainMt the fanatics in the election this fall in New York and Pennsylvania limit frighten- them to an tisnilonment of their iirocrBtnnie.- A. T. KISCELLASE0U3. DRY GOODS, FALL,. ,18()7 . ' ' 858 liitltinUH Strert; ' : it BALTIMORE, AUK MKUCIUSr.-l vi.uinjt lUltiium-n. tun. amiae-their lre and ek-Kanl nUx-s f Uarr tau, Vskhch ami AwKim' t'ttl' OODIiH. , BobertHiill, Thos. W. Atklnsiaj, Onkws prvmpUy essenUtd. Haeat Hunter, V.m. I Hull, ' HUIJ,, ATKIKlN a Cil 'tt;'ttarm'1tnplnn: r1 '- " " B'i)temfir 4 aH-2ia . ; FALL AKD WINTSA ItfFOBTATIO RIBBONS, ' Milliner) and Klraw Goods. N ARltlTKOJ, (lATOR A CO. v - impoktbss AitnNjoYinKHS or Bonnet, Trimming and Velvet Eibbona, BONNET Rlf.KS, MT!N!i AM FXTFTS, BLONDNETT!t CltAPL'S; lU'CHKB, Flaws., BTeoNtrraOrMnaaraia, 8TEAW BOHSETS & LADIES' HATS TltlMMKO ASH 1'NTKIMMKP, &IIAJKK11 IIOODM, ,Jls0 'tl7 and 2M HAi.TMsoHtK' Srrtin, x? . . UALTIMOKK, Mel. ftVr fhe largest Hloek t l ftmnr! in this Conn, try, sml unequalled roclioiie variety sail ebns) nes. eMnpriMiiiK the lateHtd'ariHiiin novelties. Orders atihetted end prompt attfttitiAn slveu, Hept l-llhv '-" ' MABiiuTTOT LOCK TIB, : . ALSO, HEARD'S c Patent Rt'lf-Adjuvlliii; Tie, THE MOrtTtilMPIJANII (IRKATKHT IMPROVEMENT OK TIIE AGE XOR : BALING COTTON. atCH wAfKHr yit' fjkr, asi chkapeb ' . THAI K dr K , i v, HAVINd HOl-Tl l.AHtVrT.T T.AST 8KA)N THE PATEKT LOCK TIE, f w cau rHinM'( t4sm o piv f?tiu atif:if turn. hvtl?tkH tii Ajfriir 4W Um title ftitd will cvirtfimtjp tn t, l&i xv wnt'ply mi huw. For f jit 1'irn, imJ mnrii fotldltTt, a litfi K. SH'ltlttt A t'(l, Vilintiilon, N 0. Ana IfM-'Jiit' " Hmixlar.t riiv. ; ' PABrSKBSHlr' NOTit & " Tli iinlirei,'ue(t have thia tiny ftrntMj a 4'u parinerMliip, under lUe naniM rf ti. II. t;t ANA IH , for the parKMn uf eMi-j-yini; ita a tteiuira) Oinrntjiaiun, hlojijtin an:i hupply lliitite.N ui tite fny of UiliinnLiUHi, t'. -. . ... 'i'Ueir orlltfi, fr the im U Hie f 'omer of OlieHlmt ami lrat4T iHrewta, 9 0JiifMt where lliey will lie liipy hi lii-Si-Trum joeiSeev) lliiMr rrNw4. lly Um Inc. J ik-mtwr iwu, tleiv will lie lully prepared tft fiirniati Supput t all aiml. 1 mu;r. u fuw v?,' JMl. W. :amkimi.S, ; .- AlAii-:U.lllAlb , Aual-fsi-U , ttunimgum, K. V. BAH OK JLKXITO. OaKsasHoso K. i;., M.-pt 14, lw;7. in olMlivnee Sit mmtrneiaone, vnnianfe4 hi rlfw cisi Onlei-s. No. 1J1, Kwiied bf M'r (tenttral It. K. Htelilf at- HUfvrlra, MmMid Sf iiitaviil tnet, Charleston, p. 0., 1, the nnrkjrotimed, hav Inff leen Ihereiu appointed K.eeiver of tlie Hank ot LeiniLfton, itft tiereti. arve itotie aali indtfSfNi tos-id iditik, that the must 'oosia frirwaft aod make payment witliMt t-welvu imotha from Oil date. . . aaMrisjstvwlwiaissts their nansrst, witlHvat diaennimaiwu, pUcni uu- rue'liii.-ly tn a C4Minw.n' willeeinm. want Hwn; -ary-nei noi -fjr pre-HtTf,- mem-, r.onitiim.Uii-Ji''JAerwtiie ij.vi.A-fciI ha a xetnfti-d Trout all lM.-n ilf. tn ine tiikntiutpni wf ui a4et iimn tit ba mailt-. . At14res, JKK jJ.JJMjJJLJUej:iEi.r..... Or-iiirttiii-y , ljilotitltrfl N t. Kept. 18 -;-3U:un fTTlIOMAYVltt.ft (V. f rnw - via have a anwil mvirtuiin! or lle-s and suellent MilOK-'Nj-iwifKtiiiK iif UK' KIP IlItOHAVH, opnlar I ' -. ! - P.iiV.itlii:fF P.ALMiiHAIj,. WOMFN B 00 T VAf M'-RAl.t, iKnir 1Tj fte ft la onr pitriKM to try ki.Mitrluec ih-M nh.iea .ijtu.ib--a 4arii.i....j4n4-.ii.t:ir..4U-iiai.'jai.-jimail Ui. k writ be mcren tmii.i ftiTT-rn nmr-wnn aiimtyoiT at I fre..h from tlie t!U"-lt. -. . , Ijh tia ern Hire 3411.1 fm-i 41 f-u Kfrt.a fiw-iv, fcu'i a tlote t iieourjt! ni,.i Mi.iain .!'!. ea. Se warrant theae MOiwa 10 1 tuat kather, aiel free ttimiifajwr !r-T apd .havli'a. Wept. li , I J, SJ-.l.NS A PKKP.V. ' . . 1 Tin; i qi ITABLK LIFE ASSURANCE - " Tv rs' t ' : BOCU0T V; ,T Ol!" NKWYQHK " . t t ' ' 'AoSETS over... ,. i, a 00, 0 0 0. S' ANNUAL ISCOMK eirrsoo.ooQa IlITirjENRB PAH- TO POLICY . HoLDbttX, . not trrooK hoi.pkrs.1 thih IEab Otftft liHI,(H)0. 11' K ELY , MITl'AL. ,' PROFITS DIVIDED ANNl'AI.V A MONO , POLICY HOLDERS, Tlie Eijnitable has Krown more rapidtv. ehtee ita orftoniiutioa, than any Life Inmranre Cisn pany ever oranuM) in Anwnea. ... . Ita policies averse larver ia arm mat, than these of any other IVmipaiiy tn Hie VniU J Htatna, Appheatton r Aftenef es Hi tiiwth rswrlna mnst b addresaed to the Oeirt Agent. - "" "" Maj. M. F. Tvua, Ag t, WilmfnjfWn. IHaoswAVjk Ocioa, " . Nowheru. - I'lHtiLWiiiiiai, '"---Tarhoro1. ' .1. . . liraBASC A Qtujumn, A sent, Waafiiugton, liaasisca, Ksixouo A Co, - , (iriieiwl.im'. X. Nva Uimvwsi ACn. - aalishary, niTTCHIHOM, BltBllOrHHit A CH., - iWIotte, N. C, ' AagS-kKk-ees Oen'l Aiu fur N. C. i TIIK NORTH AMERICA f INtUHAMCE - COMPANY, Sew Feature and Advantages Which am Known as Belonging to no Other Company ia the United States. B ntuA f.liA .ItlM'l.l Iw.iM.n kv.t.rtn II. A I eumnlated prodw aias; tot lie aMinwl, Tina coaitiauv makes s siv-eial ileixieit with Ilia Inauraniw JJepartinent of- tlie hiate, ft which HeKiatered poueiea are iaaned if desired, ommlne- siKtMd bvtxe Knperinteudeiit of the Insurance iHipariiuenl or uis rtat ftew iis, eertirylng that aiu-li poliriei are aocured by plwige of ptiblie No other I obi pan v give tha sawnred a euarao- tea of tlua etiaraoieror Miythiiia equo-aluut. ., Tlnrly ily' iif graee are atkiwed no all re nrwixf pretniuma, aud the polu-y lenaina valid anil in lall Hires dnrine that Urn. .. ha aiialsistiiaia aa te travel or reaUewes abniad. wtneh givsa aaearly wurld-wiile awl nnnomlitioiiai pohey. '" - - No aiehor teas of peauiaaa eliarced fur at. tionarj Ku(inefra, .tjauduvtont, lls(KaK Maetera, Mail Awne, nor hi vcMiaeiaencw of uuange of eiu . Notoa are iiot reolitred--bf this Coninauv. but a loan may be ol.iaim-d oa the noliey flir nn third of Die annual premium, which is eaiwelM by the peants applei4 aaiUvrdWula. . ,. Joint poll tea, inelmluig man anil wife, are is sued bv thia Ompany, and the amount manrod ia iwyafile lo the snrvivnr oa the death ef eiilwt. Our dividend, January Ant, ltttiil, waa ii per cent. - , h Diviilenda are1 deelaied annnally, and paid w settieuient of 4th. Auuual rreruium, n ail our plana npuu Uis Ml aiuounl of preiaiuma rweived. rrenuums may be paid annually, senu-auuuaUy or quarterly, .v.. t All poiunea iwiue4 by thia Company are non f'lrft itnin, alter two, iusome iualaituea, and three auuual payments iu others. , The per oeiitatfa of preouum rtieits hi . JseilS, over lMt4, was i&l per eeui; wlueli w Ui;alj duulUtt that ot any uther New York eonijMuiy. Policies iiieontestsble fronf any canaa eicepf on aew.uiit of fraud. Fin inanraiKe ia this tjornTisnv SmuV te - - - P. If. AMEttoN. '- Agent for fitase of Nurlh t'rliii, VVdnmitrton. T , or . . ... ., ritAius ui,ii.s,. . uly 380-e. 43m . Kuui for Kah it:lt FAMILY GK0CEB3. W. BOBEBT ANDREWS, FAMILY GROCER, ,A u (. a VA'V TTKVII.tJ'. MTiir.t- rr , rt u.f.H.tf, k. i-( 1 - IT KF.I'M.CONaTASTLY ON HAJK1I A LAKUK AV. anpply "f . . . '.':!!: j f 'HOK'K GROL'KRIES; ' (Vmstxlinar iticiiarttif Huara.. Ouale d, "A" Cof fi. towderiMi. "i;" OrfUtt. lb" Cortee.aud bre- nt different grades; t ... Molaaaea ami Hvrnp; ' 1 i t'nrtoea, Java, Lauira. ftiu, and ft, Douifniio; !:.IlH-iai, t.4oa,. heoiiiders, nujfar cured Hums, auil Htru; v . html, bur ehippoi,:, bromior, and afilnpd for hi.il iiu?, a spiendid am. 1 NpkKd lh( a feet, Piekled l uik, liewf and llutUlo Tongiiea. v. . tMlilah, Tofwuua aihl teuindv Mvkerel, Hmoked or tkvtvli Hurruuia. A antenihd lot of 1'e.kitMl S4m1 enoked halinon. t ljverHMl and Tatite halt. , l'utau, Vthiu Mereer, lWh iUow and JaA- son t hiti'H. ' tliinnv Kukkiuk. Hope Hole liilher. Trenea Oalr nkina, luuiig Kkuat,, Ac HImm 1'eca, l aeka, Awla, e. .. . ' rupoHUf raiwr, row.ler and Bhot. Oittiin Cant.. 1'earl and CornHUreji, Carina and Taiao- ea; JSKllnh tlairy (.heiMaa, ra?-tol'y t ierne ; a Uu-tfe saaonmeiit of (.:aoued Fruits, jvttlea, l'reaervee. Miutanl. canned Ovatera. Lolntiora. Banhnea, Ae . . .. " ilrannoa, Lonion, Fiks, Curraota and Prunea, anil sveryvhtug aaualiv kept in a Srst-vlsaa tiro- -y. . .. .Aiao tjoiiors ol all grailea. AtlMtition Is aapav eially railed lo our pure old l4olaoa Couuty ao't old h'-iler Vt hnkev,.r . '-ji..aivi-e.- -irtt.s.v4 it?- wsy-irfit eerie irenerallv. very cheap fof -a.h - Vir w II am. I'y f.ir ('- ' " f ' JZSJiClTrEX.f-''dif tvsi,' Apif)-t.f " I ttin.iiv (ii-iM-er., XISCELLAiiTOUS. t-oitut- Ul'NDREl BCSHE'LSl' FIKTEEN -,whw. WtlMfu. Wtuilale knit li. 1.J1 at lo(et market pnee, y - , iiocoi.ah r,r..u It-gl-tf Market 8.piare, - f Vn H I ff ! HIIATKO A'-HV'll IK ITTOlilJ J at redut l.prt. JAM ft U. luttl.f H. Kel t 1J- I. Jrm JtM.1t. irverniii''ftt Jataand Cetl.Ml J4 t-'tTVi. ..f- lauira . . .' , --'A. ... - '.( mxiAM t,iKf fo , V i. ..... n.i unxwfa. Pt.pl. -iu if .GREAT NATIONAL ;'pOl'BLf . JRACK s EOl'TE, : T "i..T'.TILE.VKST. iitLTinoKK n onto Ann KALCIVII A!kU .ATOW ' ' Rllt HOA. T lKHVlJtit wlaliine to travel or int tb'th A. HWm and M eafent 8tati from Ibis part of Jl trlh ( iierwoia, are Informed, that )er luaueuf arranniMTite hatebeenattade-hetwAentfte abtrVa flail linada, bywdileh raaaenttera ean itb tam tlHixh tickets, at the OtHee die Ht'teyjK reKri ,4iHU 411KIU 111 H.l.r.lUlJHT it, tiOUla, Ma, . , , , , . I ! 4 InrltMstl, Ohio. ... t lllcHKO. HI. 7 Oudluutapwlla, I ltd. i , 4 Itrts'lnnd Olilo. j M. Ua. M Jh, M, 4 ' . .,.,, s tlru, III, Mr-mishia, Trnn. - fLeMitevtltta, Hf. - 1 ; MiiuMHkie, wi.. ,.; " . rx : : lflrolt, iUlrh. , , v IMIIsbursT, !. r - Kiinsita C'liy, HI t. ,. ' 'it "... i'oluaibua, Ohio. V ". snd all Weetani and Sooth Western t.'ftiM. Paaaeairan anm Meaf frum Knkmk, vir Me AotfMKW-e Ohiti lUtd iSiwif, eon nihrr Inter tttr Himr, eii. PurUxfmtk Ktjkry wea .'S.naaiiis la RtiHhjvn. er t , eii. ItwIiuumH 4 wwaeee n. y.maw Hud (it, to M sahington tJily, where eloaeixwiieeinaia are made with tlirtw ilv Ktpreiw 'l'rama on the llaltimoie A Ohio Hail lbnutii all Western tMltm, h-avnir as fnlhmsi i . " " ' t.r.4vt! livi.Tmrmr, Mail Tram, . atA A H. , ta.tljlie, M A.M, P. M. . Aspreaa train, V, U, , ' ' ' I ,VAV WAMHISOVOtt rtTK, 1 . JIaU TrallL 7 A. MJL 1. Ynt lJl'0 4 HO, P. M. V.Sirew Train, - " .4, I". M. The adrautai;anf this line nvr all nl.liera in Palaee Htte lUam Hay and Night Cars, Having la Tune ami distance, ami au few eUanuua of t aia oonihine to render lliie Um miatt pleaaaut snd de. airahla Route, mpeejaUy to i'aiuiiiBA, (r ljuum IVaveUilUt Aha,. There hoine but ON K ( kemna ot Car. l t wwii Baltimore.Uineinnati, Indiana jaill. snd tint TWO tii at. Uinla, Cairn, Ckleo and the orineipal Cities Weat and Monlii. rrom nre to ten union will be saved by pnr ehaainlt UiromK liekti, beaiilea a treat deal of atmvwineeat oiiwhere (Janintui Himmnrwm L. eusugea, woereas j-awieniterm, holOig Uii-imtjk tukrlt. will get their liiijguw cA nl UinMiKh. and all h annfer of t'ltumgrii aa4' ifoaiigm are wade wiihont any sdihUntMl tiena to the t'aa aenger except Wie eoat of OirouKh th'VeU. 'oa seiir on firoiij4 tkfirlii ean atop at any ptttnl on thejroute, aa tlironyh ! an good wnlll Mm. .. i., '..'., ..... . . . n . on Bunday ; they will tak tit i'sat Line for th Weal In Ilia sftertexm. ' LAROU PAHTtkX snA PAUfXim wialifaia so emigrate to th H e(raiidMMA H erltUa, aliould adJroas nus several week before atarUiur. e a reduetion will be tna.le to Partiea of ten full I"a.eriKra and apwarde, if Uaaely uom ia given, Ixieiilea roe.einiiK all hullmr hifurniatnai. - For through 'J'bk4ta,aiiply to J M. Pool, Oenj, Tieki-t Airt. or lo Tii-I. Auent luleiuh A Uaatoa. Kail rinaii; Kaleih M. C. . , , - LoL'If) ZIMMlUt, ; ." .-Ii,- Ahitt'l. Mentkem Ag't.,. ::r l (-, i ,n .... - hall -tliH tt. B. ...i. ... . . . J0UN.li. WIIjmiN. 1 .. . Haater nf 'franaiwrtatlon. ' Uau I. 1 lew! As 4. ' B. A ii. it. 1L l.uly t-2a-ly - I BOOK BTOBB. "SOUTH CAROLINV ROO K STORE f to xiiIiijiijJitb MIHK nr BskJItlliKll 1 iLsil(,l'-4 TO ANNOUNCE X to II Flit. un thai heJita piiruhased th atock uf HOOKS, MAJUIKKIir,. ML'SIC, FAXCT . ,, ... 4M n. LA.iy.ite. -. Formerly beloniriiiit tivlhe ttorth Carolina Pnb liehuiK Coniiaiir, that ho baa auoeeeded to the old aland ho 1 i-'aMt.Tvl4 Ht., aok-ag and a lurtstsUy km.u ilu-oui,hout tlia Mutt aa th NORTH I'AltOIJN'A BOOK STOBE!, f.iiiilorted hy lfonry T. Tisrner, der-M., and that beiHfonh he wh1 etafitm-t-tbe Itnok Dnmneiai to all Ita branches at 'Th Mirth Vu-oibo Huok Wore," A"l I, FttytUrrWr St. . He would nt alale Ih-if heTirfuys to fhifsjiafli a .euieiit of the hiiMini-ae, -tire etjierienee of uiauy ycara aa a funk iiiiyer awl Seller, and a ihw vot ion to this partienUr bntucli of trade.- He wiHen.lrawM- to aoirtt (It,.. repulsUiW snd bual neaii nt the olil atHii.1, 'ihe ta k, of liooka. tttutlonerv, Mn!n, Sj wliieh he now olTora to the Biilihe. has lawn well elei4ed, shA emln-ai-es a larxe aupplv of aundaf sad UiaiiiMOii sk-lie-il ll-.iks, Miaivllanoil, llooks of aiuio.t imry kind an. I tanntv. tha NnrMi Cana. Una Hii(retne Court tteiMirta, KnifM'h I'oana a lw UeiMirlM, aiwl other Law Hooka, a verv lams aupple vt luuuk Himktt, . SiUituura, ami n alilMic, ciili.iialUf . I ' . -., on, f ' TUB LAIh.tXr AW)llTMJC)iT - to be found in fhcMti and will b mid Rrvm the fnoat reaaMnatik--ti-iua. . . th.h-ra front all mri ,,f fhlariUla for aim fun or rtj-farie ieaA-(. aeetmipantrd with' the rah. or Citv reierreni e, mil lw pnueptly i tended to, fly addressing'.. -- . . JAN. H. FNNliiS, . ii- . . . . llonkw.tUr, . ; No 1, FayMttuvdle Htrwat, Hsleitth. July JJ-!SH-3m. , x . ; . kunsa WiLUAwa, " C. W. Ltassrra. WILLIAMS ft IAKBETH, Xo. 10 Fat cite , IIIc St., UaltlKB, Jf. C Rook Seller and BtationerA - 'r -UEAIXKr. lK AIX Ull or AiAlOOlM IlOOIiM, HTAMOAIil) AM) )Hi(TI.IANFOrt WOr.K.1. MABuNlo POHaI,' Fa Ff.t,' RK0ALIA ; i BtHiKHOSHlOtKASUAtlUCUl, TUHE : Vn tTfON EliT ; TRINT IviK,. AVW. . WRAf'i'ISrt x ffirniif. ami in ntf i.forTMrn " -AWttikW-f-- - J" M mi vti ly. " FTSTT A'::lH'U.s, a. We r now Tccniiig new ni...h.. Wl,i will he e'jdaa4aiArL, jbaA.nAik4.a4.1.Aau'U Li.4i4.fr'k - II eiial.ie n.t.i t.ifnirli ei .i t aryele umaliy k..-H in s "ir.t H- i.k Kimu. t riir faetiuicNare Hti.di ae to ctMb!c h. l, fmi.N.,. is a vitv few itava, any aiiete nol on h.n.i. mud ail ordt-r, will havi- Anr prfimifi m-iui,,!, Our hniMeaa; eill lw eori1uclw..l ri tk .uh syab-m'. and every i lieie aol.l at tiw eery h.we( i' W 11.11 AMI' a) lAMI;tTil. Eali-gli, AprU IS-Jr'T It -t , ( )fiortti.M am i.u i. A Im Allt:Fnl 1U'.1 t Jl-I lo h.li.l TriA'i from lt.1 eeilli, to III t-.IHN-ui H. nt. 1'1-tf - v - , - '- I 1 .. -MH KV, A ( O , l.e ,),, N. C. yiTEBSBFBCKABYlJtTIiSl.SIl T HAT THta BAt OPKSEtt A yKnYMtAf -laajk, saaarasnaaj MWUt vsg i.f .t FAIJ, GOODli?; ' '1 Wt 'it , M t'lV - ft , ,1 Km. 1 t ,,"i ,!,,, . I i. feipeeiaUy aailed to tranw.)iat wanU.to aa lmfwD. ti.Mi of wldeh yon (ra reapectfully lnvitd,',Thry amhraee - . . -: .. , P A FULL ASSORTMENT f ' ' ft -1 . 'n 4 t i FLANS ELS, " ' - ' . ... ' " KENTTTKY JEANft, ' BATINETM, Heat f oW'Frireil '...- tl . 1 - ' ' - li' ' - i . e , PlHln final. Inrr 4'salint-r-s, " For flwita and Ton ilia' wear. Aim BLEACHED AMI) RI10WN -"- i BHEETIfK AN1 mRTINO, niCKORY PHIRTINflS, - I1KNIM8, T1KKIN9, fJOTTOX PLAIOS AM) STRIPES; - WITH A - FULL ASSO&TX EST OF PBJNTS, la all tha beat aiskes. for ONE R1III.MM. Vf.tt XAIH, and , ' - LOWER ORADEH AT 7'HK IS Ct. lis COMMENCING THE FAIX TIIAPE, I Would sake oeeasioa to tliank tha Puhlia ganev ally for th liberal patronage extended this hooae for the past two years, and In return will assure them th ams liberal syatvai uf huaiueas wilt he trletly adhered te ta tit Allure tliat ha guided oar effort la the paaf, QUICK RALEtl AND flMATL IltOFTTrt will stiU he our (pilillng star, by th light of whic it Is to be hoped, all will find eat that .' .. . - - - Til on Al ; 'SMITH'S, 15 8YCAM011E Bt., rETEItHllUROf VA., . Is-the pises to buy DHT GOODH. Ang S3 -) tf JNUUiE, MILU Ac. FOU BALE. . We have for aaln, at onr Blast Fnnisee near Wihyni, in Wilson Co., N.C., a apknihd eeiH01i,)POWF.RBTEAtfKiNOIt3, -with two CyllnileVlioilora." tt I one of the heat working Eiikiihm we have rev smi and ha auf. -fleient raeity te drive a saw and ftf lat null.--' The gnat minis now with the Kukiiw nd th aw null will be furniahed, If re)uiieil. We hare also two (run ... ISLOWINOI O'USPElia, ' four feet diameter and five feet stroke, In good working or.ter snd powerful enough to drive any fejaat ftirneneei - - -- - - - - Usiiat besides s CUlYlJ.lJiHUClt.CHANH, ana every thing siiiuinH-Kira huiinliy, Vtu wilt either si Q kl pigeiher nr iieiiaraii'lv, , " TAm't;M.VNiiKw.vco." "-' - J'etersluirg, V. Aug J0-ll-Maw4w Charlotlle Tunes copy as alaiv ..' .i a ti f icon Wll flaYOr'(1 HMtlfTUflil 1 trf tl -ivnr.lEt s- 4 1 1 MWiiy 4H1. HtA U vtiUfC tUrf ifUjwt SVollUI.O (lo't..li to If. 1. . 1.1 . .il Anlaeeil. Tiiilka ih-an., ti'im HI i rat, i M'HW, ' NilllliegM, Anitriiea fte, ttrrinii i towke i i , , : Valerian . . AniMd " Canlainun Meeit,'' "iViriaiMha: ' Sennet, . ' . tima Arlic. , Iter(aluot, : M t.'lnnanioii, a " Ciirovii Ua, . t.lovea, tkeaHium, ' lieniiMi, I Mtrliane, , hiitiwiKe, ' , Haaeafraa. Wiuttrgl-eea, It Allaptee, ' tlinuaieoa Italk, , gloves. Olive inl, Ac, W have rnnslaiitlr on hand s laavc atOeVrif ha Shove articles; elan, llramlnig ftrnahae and Ink of aU kmd, which we wll eei-a Um. JORDAN eVCARR, " . . Wbuhweks and Retail liruirKiet. May 47-247-11 . . IWrahmg, Va. KUTIOvAl. ; . WED AIT ft CAES,. SUCCESSORS TO OKO. B. JONE9 & CCA, - t Nlle and ItrtMil .. -DUUOO.lHTr, 1'KTF.itsiiina, Vi X TTAvB resnive4 their stork of Uruia, f A Aeine, i'amia, Inla, Varuwhee llrn.hea. VV l-lf", t, ..aKAI,,A'iiuaMta, Au ;, mi 4iie new aioi eoiiiiiioo-euia imiiiiin, cor. ner of Hjcamore and "i aelongbia etreeia, r.-nol-t .nl et to th lmt aijle, aj tniralay arrauji. id Mr aiwidiietiiig ae ' j afi aaar AT,reyiirnLCae.cg on a bene acslt, bolt Wholesale ami TteUIL. - rtratetnl f.H-n.Hl iiatronaL'e tin v iitvil. llo ir TotfiiiV pauona aiiuT utiiers "in tWrity-.Mui man- trjMo favor tlu-ui with their eineio n, tln ih that Ihey will kwi well prere SMaiirniK I to m-rva tlicir Wholesale iM-pattiueut irtfl be well at- t4M)e.t to. - . . l'hrieiau in tlu romilrt may tiely on Hem fiar pure aria-hw. . :.4 lani.-tilar attentloa will be gives to I'hyai eiaua 1'reH TipMojm, tiny arid iMKtit. VL . . t( I . . ... i . .. .. . r.i, , ij.mr.i'H i aaa. H ptemlrcr 4 lit. ' '''' . i. .. to it it n4. ii itiiLiiiiii." 7 fT.ir r r ituj'txa ijniia iii..ia iw" wt- A ui'l 1 ri-ik. oil the li.a.1 i..rt i.o.t will lie lei hii inc.. Iiel I .ia. lev oa aatiu-itav, the itUi of iv (!. n.b. r, al too t lock, e.p c iksuhih made knowu al lb tune. - - - ' v h. for rr max ) Jl.llrAle,,. 't r 1 Tmtofe, IN pt. 1J-3T Id mr mscrrt irffrnTr i ': -' ' ALLAN V-JOII!OX. . w.ii o iti-;H a. t. K..;'; fi??! f1 K r ti f ti t llorlst. lAoomiAinsjT , , (DSUKiv nr. vuxmjto uoxcu) . ' ' ' "' nirbmon, Yav o ta-tr . ... . , 'irasi4iisjla. HfHtXti. The foUowiiiK eaVlieahal VfKOlMA HPSlNirH, 1ST eaoy amwee l y railroads and short star tinea, " ijoou nHHw.. in eoauiartau w(rtHai hy ea tra 1-iuMml to ten pamenif era, will be rn t vuuttsrs on asm arraa.TH, tar uf Jl'BI If&l s ' 1 1 wtirra ...imhuh. . -. , ," . OtuuniaujtaCotiKT T ." , Bwurf srrasos am malt buxi'iiuk. ? ' ' ' " ai-RIHOH, I . ... ' v'lfcwjBa Orejnrvw. ay. Ta.' 1 - Routs eia Virnmla Central rajlpwl to Jackaoa r mreroeHi until atauit 10th. Julv, when the railroad will be tun tn Covuigtuo: . ami rrmn Jhmeark'a. on the Virginia and leniwanes'- --t1 1 railruavd, efe at, . v ''"I ' HOT Kl'HINOH, : HEAI.INO HPRINOrt, SaA-' BATH ALUM HPK1NUH, JUtb Cnuimr, V. Route em Virginia Central railroad to MiUbnro' . ..." ..... . . depot, '- ' sttH KlllUDGH ALUM BTMIMOH, lUanaaitwa Cocintt, Va, . Bnute efe VujBj Central nolrout te Onsttea . . depot. . , AUUt'STA WHITE fil LPflUK AI.t'M ftPlirsds, (FauNV-ait Riuiiujiw'a.l Itmiterni Centra) railroad tn Mtamttou, tlience by ZZ.-.1,"S,' hl 'he Ppruntar AUJCQUANK hl'BJNOa, MosTaosiiai Coev. v.. Boul' pu t irKuiia CentriO, Uranee and Alexa ' uria, to.-uiawavuie 0 pot, en ovinia snd .. . .. . ... Teaueasee railroaJI. " ' COVNEn'B Bliu'HUB NPRINCfV - ' ' DuraiotiKT Cornrv. Route aa aliave to Corner's Hprlnirc atatioa, Vir- K'ut mm x uuui.aeee raoroaxl, t . ? . TIlUOtVjlTTICKETS ean he pflvured at the principal eltlas West, i-o-nii, aim nouiu, ki ail tne alios . 1 ; . nauied Hringa. , ., . t . . TUKTltul'lUKTOIlB" -et- of tha above rluring have provided an ontir ont- ni 01 KEVT FUllSilTCRR, e. -ht'ivl'ileisi lineiits, anit wul "hue "every flhrt to . ' make visitors satiaHmt. . May 80 J50-4m - , JS li W ORLKANH; fHtaKIBTHS) I - . ,....--...- - '-..X ... : ....... . .. ... WM. A. lll'HO. Or KtwOalawa. v. e.iAJiihruii rowttawood llol-L Rlihnwwul, . " ; . (1 ' TEUHiftAl'lt AMI RAILROAD OFFICES,' 1 nnrrjrni ov BOTjri, July 4-Srtt;n,i CaOLDBUOUO I'RNALK COIe 7 ' ; I.EOE. ' - - rprti? NrsT BciiofARTio tkar wnx br- X gfu oil Monday, Hit mh. of Hnptember, lmi7, snd eonUirtie forty weeks. The yew will hs divi ded into two seal una of twenty weeka aoh, bsi there will be no vanation till Julv, The Family the same a heretofVir. Pnnila reeeived at any time aud charged from date of arrival 1 borough taatrnetioa ; parental diaoi pi i ne iadvanlagiia omiiqiLwil auywher : very moderate charge heajihr ioeaimn raligiona iM-ivili-K.a uf ail deiioininationa ample ; and every isellny for intellectual and moral tuipMrimnent. A'.irrf hn4 7Vf aon, per aemuni of twenty weeka, lir, in currency.- i1....- For jmr'iwiUM, edilrsHS tlie Uii.loraigncd, et Trof. . W. An MS, tohJahoi'' N. ti. Kkv. Hi MILTON FRORT. t July 3i .W--Jwa)l ITeauient, . IJOTl'S WASUlXti ai.i(IILK, AMI Til JJjriTIX.SAI CLOTHES ,WRnrGEa. TH K REhT'ANI) ONL HVAHINaHA i I 1 1 1 N K A N I MIIMEIITHATA8 ' IIEKN Kl 1 Li TMrLI) ISTIIIS ' PLAfK.- .. ," fpilKsk MA( HIM.-, )..,, bmn nil for some .- JL tune, ill I in tniiiili- of Uie l.eretllry nf the hiiti. and the minor 1 .ihior of the Ke-nlvni, and, I imii anlhin'iMl to Male,!)iava given atttirw MUsiao. IS'h.. 't heme klai tooe are paU'tileti, and persona .M.uiir aov oilier atacktnica oka tlteiu are fiatile to be p.i:t.ui d. 1 eimiua uialuug Ut piui.th,Me.eaii get on, on triiil. llu not l) induced, hy auv kuut of iwerauula tliar, loliuy ttaoliuie, aniil yon exanoue thawa. epk. la-U-U . . . , U. C. MLhltAk, Aeut. r-. joii. v, insD.ii.ri ATTORNEY A.ND roCNfEULOR a, i.AV, , Al cV'w,.il,IIu Mrt t l,l'H)t'UetIllP,X. T. 1HA('l U:KH in U,e Klal and Fulcra! Courfe, . aud in Ihe I ourt of iiaiikriiptcy for the 34. t.oiii.reM-ional flnortrt. v " ; ted to hie eavev- tiaime. eolha ted anywhere u North Carolina i . v ; : Jilii iJ . 'i jf ' -Jf "f'.7T,. """ "'-"'. rrm w--t aa- -r,Ti t,tf frf ririr. A K' n. ...... tf- , wre ew rw-i-vnsw i-i ,Fw- paring tlo-ir fall ahu k of ArAktel 11.1 i lis. an ) .r Xusr fof aalu in unioiuted qimuiuu-s t l.l .sitKkl ... . iar- - - a jJkvjaaa qaaBsfl ... - ( M a4W , i i in M.T irryrr, aeleeled from the purcht caiKOes iinjwirted, war ranted mre Hll.l "T ll.e ln"tt.-t atatitl ild ' ' - I nrr-Punl t nt MAS ami (il.ll lHlVllMli.V, 4ir.reit-iin.ier the nrvin of rWcor Uit.l.HM Oil. HAM f In- whiat cr..n. coml-u-lug a laJk-c p r... nn. i,f ti.o 1 Imtea, ..! an a:'u .pia'e arnoiiut of Animoriia Fill ?ll tiROl'NU FLAHTEH. ' (h-.ler solicited. . -JllliS )V'I liA, frcdenr. . tiftuejN.i, lol f oiotie.nli etnrel.. -JallgJJ-ftaue-: . ,. ron I ,t "T. i DslRAM K l.i H M f no t-ni' j V huveii, iw-ie. ti c )ro.roii n 1. O'e t ll:e lt..ien..r a Vm-i'-n .-ail v I t- tr , pi iwnt jlLMiUitig liotiw. llt.j . ;c al to. I - estore' ol rtept.ia-:ii j HIUIav j A 'ill. . m:41 ATI IV nofjio, (i.iTa or ot;ni iluibi,i4.) ' Attorney and Councilor at Uw, , - lt".lSjataiatsea .( ae t 1Z. ' new VimK." . : . r Aaaoriahvl with RtKlFB. A.TRVnR, F, , f.. sMfl el Virginia, wilt all. ml, Hi..r.,i, !v o. prouiptlv, tuail tmiri.a eonmoti..! lo ii,. , Stressent. - 1 Ag,a,lC7-i5ly W if at sim jrHij k 7, is " t h T near g, 1.1 ai(j atotiH. , Alwaja na hand. Cm.-.., j.. i ,1 - 1 '. ". . . . 1 v.L-,ki.it.l....i.. 'r..,.L.. ' Aug. 29-19-tf r " h li.il, i., h. C. IJKAETUTL l"tnUiLiirs ...pV-7s ' J f iet t,ri. iv jui 1. ei n il i our n, w .iA ' , neat to 'tucker Ni-w iiMl. l:hAh-v.N, lAt.l.Al! A c 1 1.. Ang. 49- j.u ' ll'B Ks;kV4lI, y- v - lOO.flfW Chrsra. . - v , - ' g,ua Urn. huutr, in pat era, hoMl-a a... I l l,. 4 'irT- I'l'LlJAVf, JON! M,t ( it, -Aug. iM tf . ; . .. - VilieitHHhle .iri-.-i. F I'M Ba.-ka It f!. stnetiy an!r. I t JJ.l.A M, Ji s'. rl , t v i Aug. jW-ln-tf .Vthoieaale l.ni. A it f g a, A0tV)D MALE TEACllr f!.f.ttk.'i lie ff.,.riet,I snparvwiw and churn" of lim a"l 1. main ueuaruuonta ol ih hl.N tol.li A( 4(. .l, A mau nf cTperieiii-e, ami a nam ot in Mete ' iut gnud wfereuea,prt ferred. Aoi.It n , , , ". I. 1'. 1HI ..." I i.l V, . . ' fSee'yaf tli fraud of lrui. ea, Aug. 814w , - Uenfurd, fi, lI10T04aUAI'IIsi CITRANOERH TIHIT1V0 RU.KHIH AUS VZUKlf puiiteJy mviti-d to i-aU at WATSON'S OALLLHY OP ART. AM) EEAtTHTL - PAIS'TlXO.i, 7 . , qii rHTHAii ' . ; ' f' - f 4t ' , ..' ' 'PHOTOfWAPH, , -. tin ettubltion at this etai.hi,m.ut. PhiTUarranha ,fi,i cntjul in ii..... .M'...e.i the art. . 1 l'arlhTlaT-aftenii,Hi Biven hi i.,,,,. u n,. gthrsotyiies Ao. Beteigh. Jnne 4-aVTtf 1 JWA ... r . & ... - As excellent atialitv nf I ,mn ,li.l,i . a .i llaing purpisHW can t'w had al Kali-hine at til iA pr long 'Ion, or tii.ml t Calsaha hiiioii. ' . ' Apply tl , , . . row nr., vmi -. co. ' - . Calaslianl.iiion . h. C. Jum S8-J71 era . L M Dlt'AH'l - . FRESH TVRMP PEED. - -, j . - . v ,. . i (CROPOFlnq.)-. . Early flat Hutch Tnniiiv " lied Top ., li.u - . Huuw J'.all, Ik,. Lrg Pmneraiuaa (Uolia Do. " Norfolk n. - . Parple Tuw Hnla Hsga li. .. Just received at Uie Prng Ninre of ' Jul, 4 .'""lUVWOOD. J)URK ai)EU TINEOAIt ! 1 1 Relight evpres-lv for MCKMNO, For aaleby -'.-' . .. , " , . . DOUGLAS, HELL. Aug 15-7-tt; Al UOKA JII Iti4j I Li - WE0FF1K TO TllFlfiiUO Tllix Cl.fJ braled ltuid. an.t Oi tloo. ... ... snred that ttaanperiontv iWr auv mh, r H I OB Oil will elve li, a favnral.le a.v. i ...... th duIjIic al htrae. It ! ...... from sny di;i.i.blerni. 11. It will tux groeae tha hainK Il Will hot aofl or Kl-euait I lie cfoits in;., H pnalueea s soft and beautiful liJiit, -' - t is not trvuot to the even. It le tliet.hiipeMl Iiiiiinio Fi riev..t-,.ii,..,,.1 It ean fm ni.d m any huonne i ... u l,v - - rbamrnrtr the bnrnrr. - - - tt naa iio.ni ii)oi,t invoiah v rwi.Uii.f and pro. Doume.i ny jun.'i-e tn ii,- tin, n, M A ai lii'K.nso r i ith now m ni. H..I..I- VVe are nrmnml to funiili i! e li I. i, n valuable arli, le at hiw ran , u,. , , r,, the puhlie iikaiuilialioii tuid in.. vie n-., imt prepawlfuliiinn.li I tmn, ,, ,,,. j , N,M and IA n 'Km. Itiulila hi muiilft.-i.,,i, ii.. ,.,i ... at Hill oailt eoiiiile. will bu a iM-inswu .i,li.. lo if. . 1 1 vr A ilii n,i tuvlui n't tliui II .'.'s.l, July 13-!iei-"hii j, , CO'. rAUM)i:,' CATIIAH Tit AM) III i.;; t n , ' ' ' 11 IJ..S. iiuissr.Mirii.ni -tilK II -p hhm. a w uuia. 4'i tv tc'cit,)'!,. theiii. Never liroie !, I, on t orn . I ' hh 1 m ' ' MlMrl "J llltt, " w v lrr titi ft tj t)ia i I'm mil 'tohv are w-rfeetlt taeu..hm. rorgri-gnlatnig the li....ii, uml f,,r RiiiotiA k nr (Jtinttveii ( J.uiiritiji' i.p,:, . ltwpa.juaia J.tSttr Jt ApiM-tittA, M.-k U 1 A ri'imhJe ( Hthartic tnih'itt i r 1r. W. I, fruiir-fi, hK FlimiftitMA m Not li i-nmii ftHUiUl t" lltt')l tin .A In i.. . . i . . . 1 fit, lias ..war. ii. ftfid s'tofttn- ot. t Hi im-trv tn 1) r- nU eMmi)Ui iit luitvt r. fii Iff C&U ni 1 irmitflr. ' ' ifflrtM'fc,i tltl miiii hv " ' li, 11. is ' . i - i-5"- s :UJHUfjW'tnf K i I i -1 1 1 4 '. XUj 'AUEniCAIf Eir 1 '(yWaiit teia'iiA4it'foiTfa'i''t' AND THIS Vi'.-l' r k f II ,7r:"l:jjur';!A;Li'...' J, i TDRTI'l rn s A el In, - a evi An i i .j , i "f til, I'-t'enO , llfr-wf. r,.f ii.- i .sr i and vV."."l -1 UienS l-:-.ie an-.! o . r n e i tremors aiol f iu pwiittiariy a i-ii Uia ner.,-, i,,; un.i ii I WHO . H TH in Oi n it 1.1 I a- .1 .!. I lir.J.. J 1 . t--,i ait. f tit '- MKti Daunt ; f