f - r UALEIGII, ff. WEDXEiiDAT, OCTOBEKt.9. 1607. uO, 54. ,r-ill.-; , ' - : . . . ,rr 1 '. rTT-i " v H ------- C -V--, . ; . .. : " ' 1 -"- :DAILY SENTINEL. jlAtlCSL COLT JSTAT. I l currently talked of Among intelligent ieu I. cr. and, believed, that the id vent mt tJMl'SfR-HnHtl'tt! pRrjJ;tni"ioncBo " here id' 23,000 "volunteers," black and while, (part of tlia "Grand 'Army of the Kepub lic" . The purpose .4 to raforo lit usurpa 3m Aiuuaof ttiat houy of .iowles men at tb fxioUt H bayoaat. Tht rKlieuloae charge T..: ol aa MitfoUoJ wK.'oa tha part oi the I'resideut u iiitenieltt cow, th infa- bkjw lefigo.-. Wailungta Lett lialtxmor Tbe lilicl leader bow hr are twaiit- ingCDoed-mulIf auMiig their friend of the torn pLAton nt lhJr plana Jof the fu- tuw.i- 'i hey ay Ueaoral Hutler ha aheaUy l 'imtiaivd'a Ji"t rraolutioB h-ciarin that K anv officer agaiiwt wiiwn arli!e "t ija 4,iiv i,ethment (bail I prelerhnt 1H be -iMBed otlitw lnriiitf triai opoa th charire tonlerrnl, imiuetiiawiy nmuwmS th imHttf Tf ' thU ftwdmloiiifartieiea Ot inichw)t Will U runuea turougn i he . x P1 YlouqiK-stion, and Mr. Wade will be wra w Jnto piBct a actiag F1 of ,u" V " te.i Biate. . - ; " , . " Tnr corre?pofcot iaquwwl on ol "tl.cM;. u!)emtn how thfT propnaed ttcu, i fc,t W t Mr.' Wl th j.rwu&BUal chair aft IwhMllHWB.worain at th capitolMOn ' ihuf n,,int he raid there w one doubt, a ';uerl Orant had gifrt thetoM u"f .hw.li f tl, two I'reaidenti h WHOM ro;r.ir.e t mt in the event of a relwml oa . u vr iH,u Uelr tb7 i"? ! ,iliLoftBWherBUi to fall tck noon a H hir " Powerfut "K"'-,-iaiK.n. the Orand Army nf the Rapoblic, t - are portion r which will be loand M WahWtoM 4, ituggwtwl that the auoceM i. theCowt-rvatite. i , tl' Wl election wwld prol.hl ,(eue cbanijo In .tbeir i programme. i He replied r t will ' only eeceaaitate the greater firmrjea and quicker clion He alo remarked that it helievcit Mr. Jobnaon wuild reaut j but that hHl power ol re-iatanee which bad teo left .hiin ly toogrea would not be dillicult t overcome hurf U the deperate uri.Rrauime of th lletolutumW. M I KiHm a noMriva aMniii Iron thoae w ho - -IcnowthaHt-wilt hrrrrictr? earriifl oirt,- Uuthmytak CorrtHJmet pott v M, Oft. bovernor Seymour; .t New fork, wa ctwn Preniiient of til Democratic Cob Tentiin JuatBHAln Albany. In hkapwreh y on takin th chair heaai-l aome thing that are exactly t the poiot of tit pfeaeot Milit- r-Jcal condition of ttU country. Th argu ' went ot tire htief etrrt we ropy from tnl fek f.rcibliiaddri iThey that take thg word- hH ieriu by tb aword ;". ' -'We' cannot,' iwe Would, ewai frim confrontiOK the pTotlui of the tlay.--'Netthcf atM? o W, i ptritiiB will r auffur u to tud dumb and inactive in the 1' -dark "hoorot dangvr. W hawput doww the rebellion w are atruggling with mo. lutioa. Th firat waa aeolinal the lat ia . 1 J.' nivil.- -Th-t -aoaght Uvidf country?' the 1a threatiena to dettrby it. Mr K viiiour alluded to the chariiea againat n 7 tbefretident aad, to chargta made agaioit ft h othut by meniUra of ith Houaa of KepreaennHvea. tven m nenaie naa pur uett iwdtcj Evolutionary '13 'it tendency, . and iuita bliudnea i atrikiiig auicidal blow " " at it own DitBC Colorado, wbiih to day balance four'million of people in New : "J V,,rk fwaaailmiited merely Hf Kain two ..iJr4 -rote W th ti nrglL wi th. J Ha untiL Hut a bolder Cl HI wemj oei tore are to b admitted froin the ten State lately in rebellion, vpo the repreaentative of wiiite peop', n(ir of black, but becauae I I they bold vlw in harmony with the major-: . . ()j tjie tetiator and ar ent to Wash " " lutrton by their agent. If tliii revoluiion y Ix'gun, n uium g '"KJ'," al. It mut nut roll on tlie ni.k o the majority of the Ainerkian miplo and top ' there; but' uuniljera muat o repreaentnt, : it rotten twiougu and ; sham Stt. Hie '' imploie HiN'iotto beginthk revolotioii JJeconivnt wuh jour vt povxr. ' Your ' .Cprganttiatton j at war with impartiitl nf Irauo aud iiuparlial rvpruaeulaiiuii. If you continne your uaurpatioo the country may not be commit with drawing you back a H h ia conrtitutional lindta. It may go further, 'an i, aetiitfj b the .ctrinv yml atwrt, it u'iy cruali yoif uur, and make aiiHther Benate, baaed in" truth upB maahooil aaf- ra4ragfe .'wwrt 1 '"""; -fti country need peace; but llyoa will ' kav revrdiitiorv lannot atop, at any eh-ilk line you may mark out. New Tork, .,nv1vn;-KetitiirliT,Tnnee, Illiuoia, . Iidiana,-Wric"lMin,Ohio, Jiianourl, Iowa, Kiuneaota, and Michigan, a majority , the ot all of which are now virtually dia fratchieed in your t.oly for th'ejr are iob-- trolled by the fepreatutati vea ol a quarter ol D,l population it our Government hi to be epecte1vwiil nave luairiau rigu. , lI MS LITEST MVliDtn BT R0WN- j iMrsMmmpfjBSXRSHxsi'.- " 'Ve hive already given a briel account of tlii aaid affair wlni hwa received- by t:'rnh. and in wiiRO tne. name ol tne ieiim aaaarroneooalv irivim aa Hart, in ,teiot llartniua, Tlie N'sshville. Batt, '. 'nt tua 24th.; tsontini the joiiowuig audi- t,nnaJ Darticular 1 . . - -rntelliiiciice reaclieil the city ytiterday All r,uing of aa affair JackaoB, tha detail ' of which may justly eicite the indignatioa . . M every hnet and law ahKJing man, no matter to wbat party he may belong, jr. tarwiunort the. ' Htata. Vaf'i information c .-n a from one of tlie renponsible citi&na o?'Wrl Tennessee, iid may be itrii tl'y f At Jai i a.r atai unwi y oonipanie n't militia. 'For' i-evc'rat 'ifaf. 'Under the jwimi! tiiiaf:ySJ.'.jrilii'' iBiulitafed all M' ,Liiti:iiiii taiwa): 4rmriee IH-onre of that -town iiuh-arrS!v, ; Tn-y hAnt haiiWta ntntr r and maawh hoiii-e", rult women, . ana pun wnatever within tilt -ifriiii ti, U'itea ouiiuilfW$ arifjm ottirr rmtraia, which we hav 8;ifhcr tirflt Dor nlilice at Hrrwut to .men tioa Aif M'ui Uuoe m liienanieot law andor.1.by fti h-giiliAhf uiliUrycuii ti - Lswt V.'e.liK a. Uy. corpfuil, ia eharife ot a Kixiail of. mi itia, iitOjei on the ilreet Ma.or 1 Inrnan 11. -HartiiMia, member 1; t 4i,a -ral r.Sirs'l ttiff rlilrtiij; the war, and ' "'i '' tteaiaadJ'foSbw .wTkRiw lie IiaJ a pi toL Mai tr Hartniu replied that be bail took hit neuix.n Ia in )ita p.K ket (nd hau- -.hi it toth" corporal, rt markfutf, bowever, that h coosi.li red aiich ondtK.-t oa th part ofiho nilitia naurpation, nqdf that lie turrendered the pintol under pro teat. Tbw waatd t ttie ouret. ntilmoawumfd 4n-prohiir--tO'"-"Sf,3jor Jfarfmua, and bo lunner wmia paaami. nitnoui any wars ing wbatcver, nd almost before Major H. bad ceased speaking, the militiaman raised his gun, took deliberate aim, aad shot him thfwtyb th inl.' Apon all the tntrnfer btrsiue generally known,' which waa but a few Bioinent after it perpetration, th wildest- eicitement prevailed throughout the town. The ople bad boyne with son degree oi patience the indignities and iunullaof many months, but uiulast crown ing outrage aemod to liaaipw all hope ef deliveraruxi, t A meeting waa called in th court-house, and messenger duapatched to the country wiih th announcement : that nothing now. rcmainel but a reaortto the natural law of tlt defence. Arm war bnmght out trom their "hidina; place, and all the preparations began which generally precedh a bloody struggle. .Armed men oominettced to ariiy from all part of th county, and had it not been for th eouo ael and interference of the older and wiser portion of the community, the militia wauld nave Iare1 but Illy. Aleeling ot a ei Dera tion was abroad. No man knew when hi lite would be taken by tliew tegalized ruf fians, and all fvlt that deciaiv action, no matter what wight ba tne aada, could not be to oob taken, .... . ', : : . i '. In tha meantime the militia Were awar of what at going o, an mad prapara tion to stand an ilia Uetenaiva. . While the bitterness on both aides wss hourly growing mor bitter,' and sanguinary collision aeetuud almost Inevitable, a detachment of United Slate troops, which had beea tent for, arrived from Huralxddt; Th com manding officer at once took steps soiled to tlie tiuurguitc-,' and tliapersed the citizens. As sooa as the troops arrived a dispatch was aent from th) militia camp for th n gro company' stationed at- Trenton, to pro ceed at oni'tf jo. JackaoiU- With-the coward. ice. of the ronacieaceiatricken, tha, BiuiUa fimiwd that aa atuck Waa to b ma1 oa them bv the 'revulara. Fortunately there was oo further diaiorbkhc, and tip to a iat houf yetrday evetiiag.; all jwa ijutet at Jacksoa. .. . , -s f, ,,.,' .( At last accounts Maior Harlmua' wound was eonsidered mortal, with hardly a possi. bility that he could survive many hours. All wmnrnowand love him-and they r acatterrd throughout the UuKtUaaid breadth ot the fitate-will rrceiv with deep anrrow the particulars or th tragedy by which he met liia tate. ' No soldier of the Confederacy triads A mptcJirilliAUt itcurcLtiiuia lb clone of the war ha ha prat ticml law ia Jackson, hi native town, and ha exercised a commanding and taneficiat influence in that section of tlie country, , iiei amiable, -almost to a fault ; and the fast man iu the world whn i would prorok or force a quars rel.' ' f-if -... h ' , We did not learn whether the perpetra tors Hie mnnler bail heeaarrtWetl.' judge Bond, w ho fa aotrr holding th Circuit Cotfrt at Jai.kwn. detilarad. howevei, that the guilty parties should be taken, "dead or .alive." , , , ; ,, . '.OeneralComier-ata' that alt th Infor- mation lie has received about the affair was contained.' hi a hrlef telegram, received Thuiaday oilit, to tne effuct that two of the nulitia had bot a aian, and that en attack frotn the eilifcehs was apprehendod. f ' 1807. Wl XSXL1 A M B LAMB, GEXERATCOMIIISSION MERCHAHT KOItPOT.K, TA. ' fut th sale of UoKoii, . Ttylsuveo, : Ktl tre DrleJ fruit, ftatrea, Vc. !, lu ti market ot '..;.?'.!'.; l-i-A' Norfolk, Lit erpl iid ioiiaoii. 1 Mm Agent for NORFOLK AND UBERAC ADTANCKS MADB OJf C0NW0H- X liave i?ud tb-aeri r mi V- st OlKF. uf Ninth Caro.iu. who will a. ui. rrienda an j afquaiiitaii. in (Vnlral and W iiteni Oarntii aud he ii be r"d il uiaBi, and attend to any h a dtil. Ot t 3HMW. . . , ' . f Kximx r.ioos a'co. Ooiniiia.loi leroliautaa. irf- M riiad'a What, Towa P.autTj Kit.M rtmoa. : : oi va. J. i iiiooa. j- HtMiUalteeHmiMidtwtHe salaWCHlteB, and all aiuda ot uniatiy rnincti T " ikvKMHH la JunMVMHM U. h.xnui; and Hooe larawtanl as lorr4 ualkxt prices, paabi m CotUm. , , Aj?l for tha Improved Taylor Slid 0o. gta Cawluii iiin. . - t. . - Licuiwr !, 111.1 - iy. TAVLOK, JIAIITIM V J ' IiyOHTKRU AND BEAI.ETi8X M HAHDWAIIS, CITTIEaY, JJ105. - - 8TEKL, BELTINO, PACKINO, waaio'i NATcaiAi-i wrnska waiH tVavrf it wakkSt scjCAaa "... . NuluUC, VIKGINIA. ; ,W- E. BENBURY, Wa n: va :x.Aisrr, ; ,'pEAtxa vx , : Z",Z , - - LtTXBtR, LIME, COAL, W00D..HAT , t'r-i -H UlwJI.Bia, L-ATHM, ...... ' PLASTEIi;; nAItC tAIt, PITCH AND if; win- watc" rr ANr woiiuauiR' Wbab, : . -' Ts; .....ivkii,. .Via. JAM. rUU 1AO v - 7tI"ItCIIA?CTS, - H02F0LK. Tax TWriLLoniikTblCf Al It SiliON- TO THF- .11 saleuf Cutt.matid ali'tiiar rt"ttic, and loWluirrba of ail f'.iansatauw aupinww..- T"' liur t" waa aatal.il ia N"l. to 1A bs daaie , Wrw UouMty, tvtth t ar omia. h" a well mt.ti.r.aiKle'Ut th Mata. W trn-l thai ,.ur l"c ni-'f' " (onuui. J i . . l.. mule a. lamiiiar-wttM tt in aU . . -' ... i l u ta a ikmj - th pMrun.se f th ! ph. of our fnrnrMHi . (-n. -W, n.ia, n p. u.inro.J: a. wwiii. hrti.inh")Utnr. V E. !', VV. J. Tii!i.a, Wia. siu.lh Jiei. 1. 1 !. Jooa,yno. J. eii, H u H. Kpntil. Hti. Seo-ui ' ; ' V.IH. A. I -' " A life nrsTriAXCE, THE KQVlTAKtAE- IFE ABSUUANCE OPNEWYOUH , ' " " ASSETS OVER S 4,0 0 0,0 O 0. ' ANNUAL INCOMB $2,500,000., DITTDESDS PAID TO TOIJCT HOLDERS. HOT STOCK HOLDER, l THIS TKAX pteb fGfXi.ooo. PURELY MCTrAU PROFITil DIVIDED ANNUALY AMONG . POLICY HOLDERS, Tha EqniUble baa grown mora rapidly, sine ft arirouwlion, than any Life Inyunmec t'om awnyfownUMd mAaarlca i i It inllesb TraR ag m anouut, inav thoae of any other OonipanyialhatJuiUd State. AppheaUona tor AKooeta a Morth (n.lina moat ba addressed to U Ocal agent : Mm. K. t. Tsvuia, Ag't, Wiliaiaitton. , Dnoswav k Ooub, Kewberu., - ' ' ' 1 '. Oasca Wnxusn, ' Tarbora'. ' BraaAira Giu.oaV.a, Airent, Waahington, - Bsaairaa, KaiooA Go. M. Nra Horaiaoa Oo. " - HaJwIwry., BCTjCHWON, BUBnOLOllnACO., ' CharLitte, It. C, . ,A( MOHia .5 f -if OealAl'ata for Jl. C 1 TDK SOSTU AMERICA I M t; it A x t'lKc o nv Atvy Kew Feature and AdTfttttagt Which an Xttavn u Belonfinjr Ut no other Company is tha United BUUa, THBttANAOKMRSTOK THIS (XlMPASttf apua tna MuiBalhant Mynteavr-U c- auDiutaHHl ptonta m"t t" l"' amiirru. Thai CNauIMMiy maiuw a apcriai nt'jKmu wim in Inauranc iterirtment of tlie Mate, fir which Hriruaentd Dohdea am iaaod if doatntd, anuulor, KKuedbytu HupeaiulouiU'Ut ot Uk lnaiiraiioe Uvpartment or tne n oi w lora, cerumug that aoca poneui are serareu by uttvig or pul.lu- atneka. . - ..... . ... " Ko othur Company aires tl saanml a kiuwb tee nf this eharavtor or aiiytiiiiiK wjuivalt ut. . , Thirty oaya of ar are aiina on an re aewed preniinnia. aod the- polwjr reaiaina rahd Mil tb rail fuvaa duriittf laat tHU. 4 1 No natrwuona aa to travel ur reaHletiue aireaa at au aaaauw of tha year, oauiila the mjiM whk'li givaa a nearly wurhVwid snd aueoniUtwiu foikjr. .- ' S.i hirhei rata of uremlnm cliarKed nir a4j tl.marr Knifineeni. tkiinliirKira, Bneiraire Manlara, Mali Agaata, an iaMunnuiiMf abaags-af m pkiTineiit after Um poluiy la aaaa Niitaa ara ata nxiuirmi bv this i'omuanr, bat a biaii i ba nl.lailifd oa tha Miii.-T ft on third uf the annual premium, wrucu ia eaorcaeu by Hi priMtM applied aadivkleiula. Juint piWiitea, luelodiuK man and wife, are ta snad by Utw Oiauanv, and the amoont Ini-arod i payable to tne survivor on we nmin ' norr. Oar dividend, Jaaaary lat lNuu, waa 6 pur ent. .- JMvidand ara dvelarad annually, and paid on wttUuinaut ? th. Amou! Premium, va all anr plana uraiathe mu amount nf prenuutna roccivru. rrviuiuuHi m w ywn wiijwjy, B-wnuiwii All nilunMhwneA bv this Onmnanv ara nan, fnrreitina. alter loo, in som insuuioes, aud thiw annnal paymenu in otnera. t . I li per oentage m praanura nwei in i", over Doit, ws 21 per a-nt ; wliu-h is nearly doable that ot anv oilier New lurk eumpany. - Pulioie iiKMHiU'ataliMi fruu aJ caiiae ioaa on aeetaintof trauiL Km inaurncut lUllxiraav amT w Ml . rt, va . r. t(EH0S, Aceut Kit Suta at Kollb Carolina, WilniinKtn. -' Ulk-AIN 1111 IU' V July . Um . Aatir Hah.hih,. UTE INSURANCE COMl'ANl. . ' 'ASSETS: $7,000,000. a Wlfl COMPANY InrEH TKV tr.AK NO". roKixinsa jcsuowmknt yolv its. mintractii.s to oav tit aniuoul Inaurcd at death or I the apeuiht d tuua. . ,- ' " . an enoowaieot poory jiictwii. viiw wwdw tractirai of providing fur one'a family or other il- peudenta lu ease aa enmua do eat on Dcmrv a aiieeiDfiil ae. or of aei-uruia; to luniIf- tidpn dene, in earn ha altaiua tlie afe Tims insunnt fur tan years, a not for rata balr of tha oust win be taken by paving ail per eent interest. Tin. i.Un eivea in aaiditiua to all th advanlt- rea of life inaurance, a aafa aiid ennvenient IS EKTMKNT. one's savinRa, till they hav a umnlaied tu a d Unite aiuonnt ; which be ra aaiyasuteoaaoro atihe.siwirtrdtinie, W H. CUOW, Oin l Axent, ', Out. a-Si-fm Al Kah iKK S C. JAMIXY paOCEES. ' " W. &0SES.T A5DEEWS, ; ; FAMILY GItOCElt, J A EF.PH 0ON8TAKTLT OS HAND A IAB0 supplyof ,-t-- - " S; CHOICK GROCEIUK9. , rnuirfln. ka nart of Rnrars- OnaliU-'A" Cof fee, Powdered, CoAm, "B" Coffue,i3d bruan of rtilterwa rai"a ; , t : t I ' Off., Java, taKOira, Rio, and t. Poailn; bacoa, Hnlea, hhonlifciw, nuKar eareo unua, aiidHtiwr - ;;, ' . .- ,, . beef, lor ehipronc, oroniiia',.ann arnce ror rn l....u U..f....l 1.1.1..1 i....tfl. -..OndAali,' Toorne and liownda. Slarkiral, -4.Wm.iked or hfou Rarnugi A ilendu il l ij alA-.tP4'V4 "T 'JjV'-"'l-ol aud lnl.le haiK ' - V J fotatona, kite Morir, IVaoh Cktm ar and Ja.k- ' j ""'lanny ISareinK, Riip He I-athcr Frerick r..ea. Loietjc rdtont,,-A lhoe I'ega Vraolan Paier,. Poanler ndrMit. r.rtt. rarda. I'earl aiid 0rutarh. k annand Taao- n'Kladi iAury Chaa, tatory Cbeeae; a bvKa uerlniriil at taad .-".ila. lKk,: prrv?iaBard, oanaed OyJw. ,,Lolttr, ""oi'lt'oK' Uaaona, nra, CurranM and Pronea, udi-eythui( aaatsilv ai4 a "tfattaa Ur srv. . . 'nlfem..rolo rranas, i -i-r T. .1...I -ete -l-itf-eel l-- a.ai. Co m(y aid ..Li a.. H'-r ". - - - " Ail ai.Br of o.ii Ca'antw. and Fancy O ee' 9' u.r: 'v. v.tv r..a ji h.r i-ae, r li.iil:,.,ti.ri .'H W. atcM.i:hT A a H a t-4f 1 t,ti-r. . DOl'CLE I RACK BOUTE " J BALTinORE An OHIO AD BtLCIGII AXO CASTOR L IV 11. ROAJMk . . . PERSONS wiabins; to travel at jVaiprwM as tha H 'Mm and NoilA H tatrn Mtata frosa this part at AorlA tVinViia, are uiftinnvd, that par manc'ril srraiiffiiieiita have Ix.n made batweee tha alaive ltJ H.iU, by which raaannitor nan eb taia tliranirb tiokoia, at Uie (Jihoa of tha Jtuiaua. niA-HeuLun JiuH Mini al RjUsUUU, tp ., Mt. ltsia, n. " ' ; :.-vv ClnrliintL, Onl. Chlratro, 111. - - ImatlMBapxklla, lad. . C levt lund Ohio. ' hi. Jasrpha,1H. , (ah-, (it. Mempbls, Trnn. '' Lonlat III, Kf. nilwauklo, Wis, f ' . Detroit, Mick. , PTtlsburf , Pa. "..,'" Kbu Cllyy Mm. . , Columbus Ohio. ; i and all Westara and BumUi Western little.' - faasmiKera mnm rtl from HnltHih, rra mt BnUimor Ohio RnH KimH, mm nWhrW th hunt, ei. Portmn-lhand Hay Imff(am'i to HaHinon, or th nrnfa, m Jla-Aaaoad A rrlmirltlHrg and Fvhmuui Had ttaad, t. WaahinKtittt t ltv. where clMa ronnecthja ara made aith thre ihulv Ktpnwa Trains on th Halumora A Ohia Bad Ual aw aU WaaWra ClUoa, kvta;afuUowat i, t.aava BtLTiauaa, MattTraia,... ,-., ,. A M. ii'aat 'Luw, - . . ,, AV P, M. , ' Kvurvaa train, a.U, l St. ' ' l.kivi AJwiauToa fm, . , '" SUA Train, ?.45 A. VI.' . rant Line ' 4.M0, P. M . " -.''.'eKxpsv Train,, ,-. ., f, H, " i Th advuttaraaof thia Hue iar all others hi PalaoetMala buual lay aud Niirlit tara,Hvui la Tiaie aud dialanee. and an ft. a eUaniftia uf t:ara- oouil'ine ti) render this tlie inAtt pli aaant and da, airahla Konte, eaieeially to Fam ili a, or ldHllae IraVHUlnic AKaie. xn.w boinp bat UNK L banir o(l!ar buiwsen TlalUiaont, t uicjenati, Indiana- pulia, Suil hut t w O tu t. Umia, I aim, Chicago and the principal tltirs H'eat and rVailh. . ' Fnmi rl to lea ItoHart will lt aavvd bv par laatwi Uanuinh tu luii. baaiilMi a areas deal of UHMOjriHcrol FiHuU alwr t iiiond A.iryiiaara changed, whfeaa liaiai.i;m-a, hiildlng rirowyA hWM. will k4 then" Hnnitut eAartrwl through, aadall.trani,li.fa of 'aaimyM-a and iiagaaq are aiada without any addiutaial eiprnae hi tha Faa aniK eiocpt t'ia eimt of through tli'knta. Put- trnijfrt on mrimijn twkttt can t4ip at nv poinl ou the lout, aa lAnmyA lick. ar feeat warW .aaed. - ........ -;..........' i t'juaeni(ura h aving IIiImkIi, Katurday moruinif, will hm( bu ilciaiiiMl al itallnaiire or Yiaabingtoa on Hiinftsy; they will take th i'aat Lota fur th Weal i tfta aftam'Ktu. - . ' v LAllUBl Ahrit.SaiidFAilU.IFK, wwhin ta enui;raU to tha H tj.iT ai.J tunfk H ralara mm. aliouid au.trcaa me, avveral weeka lieturealartmir. aa a rrilni ti.m will be hile o ParUaa of ten full i'aaMHignre and upward, if vmely aattna hi (ivuu, U..h1.-. receivuir all fui uiiar kuf . t ai.eiiHi. , '. tlmiugh Ticket ailv to J M. foil, flaR. Tick..t Ant. or to Ticket Audit luWh k traauia Kail Ki"l, Halvlifh N. C, i(iuiEiMMi:rt . . . v ,c.'.l( -. tisB'i. Mmtthani Aif l., ,. . . ..; . .... : , - itait A OhHi it K: . John u wiijuin, - Master of Tranrrtatln, t - I,'M. coi.F, ' ht . . h a ii. H- w. tiell l JVst Aar't. ' J ! ' '. , II. It O. L l(, , ;-'' July f-S-ly . ' ' ' i i IJIPOKTAJ1T TO CAKOLINA HIIII'PFdtft .' I-..,, i ... i . , , the yr.v Baltimor and Carolina Grand Trunk FItEIGHT filN .. .. ., . . , , .... ..... , t- ''- ' VIA PETERSBURG. Y ' Vui Cornprismc tha Kdloaing great FrriAlit Koule : THE IMWIIATA i Steamboat CompanyAFreig-bt tin of ., Steamer, ITiTliKxHIRO AM Wf.UlOX, ' 4 RALEIGH AHD OASTON, i' isoirni oAisoi.iNA. j .- . - '; . t . -. . ....!., j ' WKrVl'EhW NOKTII CAIUHJKA, .'7.' .sh ! r,, , ' ' Wir.MINfJTOK A S' I) WEl.fHi:J i ',". ;'' Z ATLANTIG A.Vr-KTH'f'U4''. WirKIVGTOX AXf stAJtrHBHTUt; ; ,r C( ARITE AVD Btii'TJl f 4 . ,Aui! (Jo ir e-iiiii..'ti.Mik , ! ' Time Quirk atBd Ilitej-li'tt3 THIHNEW Tltl'JiK I.tMt FORM A KEAT ratltlllT ssasVTir txtwrwa iUltinxire Mill VN.i.l.m, 1it HI..U, JUI. IKh, lllllaliorr. l tliitoti, Halwhtlrv. M.iruiuiti.n. t ti.rh.tte. Lincoln- ton.liol(i.lioro'. Ncwlnm. if.-aitf. rt. WiIimiiibioii. Chevterville, A imiboro', Cuiaiubia, aunitarvOle, alaocheaier, aud all itiWnaeiLiaie ff.auta ia ami near thM iai hinjaava and ittrirsonnnetione. The i'owiintaii M.;ieia coniifHH at P wralmrK with PeU-raburtr Itailway lor ait rota in the t'ar elliiaa. Uare ara rim atiaiiraiiiia f HtrtiiMtr' Wliarf and fiuutla trallafl..rriwohc.rcilll h.ui. lintf. t'aia am run through withiMit hre.kMig bulk hetw'-n Pcterslmrc ami ltah-ii;h Chart-.tm. OadaharA', tAthiiibirUfti, A.. Ae. Thm Inland Line ttowienaeaaaaiiv ailvantairea over a naa Hai1a. Marina rik ia entail and niM.iran ui watra.. lively hotittiii;. 1 lie lmrf or the rnwha'ae M earner. b,Hn aitifated liltVe verv eeutrn.of tha frmat alvifnini( ihiarwi nf tltimore, Ti'f-r it onvawei.t to alitpprra, and dravaieeiavarvhuialh - Ureal atiuliUiai ..tld to eoluigiiiiienta uf tot tow. Corn, Win at,, li".iu, Ac. o. Ail t..1iimi Ii warded at thcH-me p-aainle tales. Ta koin-a lraiaartalW.N er Sat Inlaml Faat Hue, tnarkail Ktel, L. it-r A.tUicJ tiottihward IxnuiJ, 'V ia I ririuoo ao,r . aa. rVeii:'it lahih-d in liiUniuore dav foltoinntf deh very to tlie Westrmrw. . TlH-.iaoa havatpte sr alvi and Ixsdrah r 10U Tino.U Har.utiwd UaU(p a - v. .i . ' m Kat.- tu every cm imbui m tuk Jlv l.il. and p.irtMij.i.iiti h. acid from li.iUitri.ite, f-iiilethd ulns SO.I Kev V rk iaWia4 i. Rirwar.-u ui Bun lint, f mwiawmif it 11 iH.ri' phiaatid H; 4 htesawn., , .' . ... . I jit:.i U'i I U r I f tiwi ii at-, jt sTdrXTKSI Si34 taj.,.,., al M. rr'ir'TttrT IT T r . , tu lo-i t r t i LuiM M. Wharf. Im;ni..t TTi!XTrT?7 Tr r v. - mui to li. Ii. I'l i, It tM fi:.'l I't l'-r-l crj I .; , A. Ki AMM-flM. k-ff' hf i.ui II tl. JAklti-W AHr tl4l.: l':p l k likMl. tX lml KMi.HI'.riiifi 1 1 liarlof . 0. R. B. 8.1.. H I MUST, hup't ttd A Vtei.l.iull II. a. V Jolil.A.N. Act Mas. Trans,. AtUutjM aad t Vta tl tin Ie,, ftup t "A iV A Maochewtet B " 61. KU. AU H- , .- , ,t , ,J i i. - I I ' ' - f. 1807.1 VIM. THAOet. . 1 EUPIEIC2 KIEOtlSE' c-iL, ..... 1 amoa i.f ad kuida. Lam? tl.o"i.. aod . tjii Ciua. . ha,...i.iv,b...t. 21 1. I ,. .. ffj-tf "Suli liaJt A La- (A 1 T BAT TBm DAT OPEKEf) 4 TKBT VKAT .asatwiisBta" - ;t ... '- - FALL GOODS t i i . x ,i 'I.i St' . . r s Kapaeadly aallad toiouoadiat wants, to aa tpc tioa of which yoa an raspaetfully kmld. Thty A VVth ASSOET JIUNT ; ' FLANNELS, . , " KB STUCK T JEANS, . - rtT"' BATINKTS, Nsal Uw-PrvU ' 'a Plain !. rancjr Casalmer,' ' ? .' m- IX. tat Oeul and Toaths wear, Alao BLEACHED AND BROWN ' P ; - ' AlJEETINGff" AND SniRTIJiOS, IUCK0RY WURTLNG8, -r" 1 I" ' - - DEjfiMS, TtrErxaa, COTTOJf PEAID9 AND STUirES; ml r WITH A i' ( riTU A8S0ETMI5T OF PEINTS, la all th bast makes, for ON? 8IIILLIKQ TC0 YARD, and ,'v'. - - LOWER GRADES AT 12, TO IS Cr. , 111 00MKENCIN0 THB FALL TRADE I woold iii eeoaaiofi to thinly the Pnhlie facer ally for lb Hberal patronatfeaaterutt d thwhoos for tha past two year, snd Ih return will aaeara Uiara tltf aans Uharal ayatctn M bu.ineaa will b strietly sdharad to ia tha futur that ha (aided oar anbrt bv th past. QVICK wALGfl AND (SMALL fBOFlT wiU stiU b our guiding alar, by tb litjlit of which, it is to b hed, all Will wi aitfcaA -y-ft' -'-.r:',s'r TnOHll IJIITH'I, - ' -."'' v t. t ts 8rcAtoBer.,1 prricasBiniffr-TA' ' Ia ta place Is bey bllT UiHlH. An( -t4f ' ' ' ' ' ' v v - ! MISCELLANEOUS ' A CHANCE TO HATE TOI It OLD FtKXmjEK fiKriUED A XI) At BEXOVAIED.', nATlNO OPTAItrfEDTMB RTHTTCKft bf A No. t rphnisterer, wa ar prwriarad to do all kiudaof t'l Hdll tlUMi, with oeatoeaa aa dtaiiatch. HatilaeUoBKuaranteuil, , , , Old Kattreei renoT&ted md toad avtrt ' Pnrnlinr of all klmta repalntd and arui.l d aad ra-aphntateead, and any thin M our lo aWteeirdr Browptlv.1 . - 4. Vf, & MOIIKI-M A CO. ' Aprfl W-aat-tf ' , i l F.rti.ileM T)atA'VOKllTM. It ia a wall wUMihed fact, thai Tt'll.tt ISJ wall flavored sommsada a better .i ai d i...n. ready sal than it does a linn not Bnvund or hut badly ao. Hoch be mu tha cane, would it nut h. to the intenat of Manntaeitirera t ae hoernlly pur Savoring aiatanale, snea as lid Atnaaad. l.nika lleatia, ' Ouiu Htyrat, . ' . hutitie, T Anaela RVm," . . I)rri ,.".. hnaka " Valerian ' s ' Anicied ; Carilamoarlaad, , Clrmajider. . , Fimlia , ' IImib Arabic, ' bcraaoHd, t'mnamon, r: t.itruualla, ' Clovas, .. Vf Oeraoiawv,, .. Imoa, -Mirban, rtutaier, u HaaMaTeaa. " Vrmtarfreasu Allapioa, -Cmnamua Bark," UK"", Ulrre Oil, Ae. W aav soaataatly oa band a larie stock of iba ahov artlelaa i alao, Bratulinn iirmhes and Ink of all Siuds, Which WS a-ll rn-u i,.m. , , JOKDAS.ACAKR, . : : ) Wbnlessle scd Ut tail lirmiKiat. Btayfl7-M7-tf " Fi-ter-tiurg, f a. KEHOl l ioaDAan&qAEa, t 1 1 BL'CCESSOnS TO GEO. B. JONES A CO., vVholiil ttad Itetall Ii I V G( I H " . ' PKTEIi.ilU'I((i, VA. . nAVK remmrsd their stock nf tlrtia, Vt.JiV rinaa, I'ainta, liiu. Vrtiaha liianiiea. VVm, ,t.,w tlaaa, liia-OlutH partuatnrv. Vin.-v Article, Aa. to.ti-n.w and v.nini.M.ii.,n. ,i, in v .r. - - r ' - ,i' ieawaaaa 4 luew.tuuci.nK hi. i BtrWafata iaae'f . .taeaa L aaaUrifa sckje, Ual,.lt a4h' and Hetail. tiraiMUl 1' lml r hit 4rt la laav tafacaali tvtir ,p urn. ' .'-tu.ttig tiieia that ihny w.u ! i , innrnt to .j Ikna. ' ". . .. Tncir W bofcualv I aiuu. nl will' ! wU at- tendMl to. ' " A Fhv-fuct.iis ia tlie ? ! try aiay iy.ryontheoi lor Our artii ! a. f- rftru".ir ffttlo ,lt le ytren fc I'hiair eiaaa FtKTii teaa, any aod i;ut t-jii.Tri Ik J.. "I i.lu '7 Caaa, rV ; Jin. rirTPF.M WlNiiHK.U btsJIELH! I KI"Htf.TCi. ," - frl "Wki ( rm. lutul t lowest saat 1-ri-ja, hr - - ' iv- f.i 1 1 : i, -"t. tl ll-tf - ' a.ietl iu-. -KSCzLtAUEOirB.'1 UliAHh'8 PATKSt A)UK T1K, . i ; i, i t ; Patent Sc!r-Aljastla tie,"; ; TUE MOdT SIaU'LE AND GREATEST , IMPROVEMENt OP TITI! AGE POH ' BALIXO COTTON." i ' ' urcB safer fiiom niut, and chzaitb -.4 ', 7J jt OP.,. ' - t having ikild iukoxt last bkaboh N.' TTTT 1 A TMT Trtrr TTT i ? . . ...... ... ... .. ... ... scan ruounimand them le ttv ealir aatifa tiun. M hav taken tha ActMicr ktr tha Mata, and will eoimiHi to ke a larae anpply uo hand. rrin Ion, and npwurda, to dealers, a hWal liacniit will Iw slliiwed. , ' -,v:-; a tfnuur a co ; H diuuuiton, ti. 0. " Ans 1-.m " ' . -i .'!. huudard euiv. -!...- ,. il'AhTlKB;Ullr NOT1CK. . Th aartersigned hav this day tormmt a Co paruuirahin, iiader Hi aaaa of It H. tX)VAN k I 0., fur tha purpiMW of carrying ou a General tVanmiaaion, ehii.pinir and Bunply Bualiwaa s tlie city of W iIiuiiikKw, M. i Their orth-. .1 ur mt tnfmu, la on tha Unnier or 0annt and A alr Ktraets, an Wuira, wharw they win ( Miuear miai sua aerva.umr rrienda. Ht the Int. cf October thev will fully prepared tu fonueh appiim 4 all kiuda. itnue u i'i.ivaU JNO. W.CAKltu6, r JAMK4H.UUX. MiinunytuB, M. 0. Aug -m tt . 1)ATAICO PAMU.riir'UHiR. ' " ; ,; ; ,. . . . ) , a a aealeaaacr Urlwalag. Tia ' " " Out iltanirmas sar Fiotrr aaornra nr Isr raaaaa ia.iha HI ui',. . ateilly-4f a to laid by fur th year. Fur aale hy . ' -' ltl'6r.AaHEIiL, Sept. UUtt . Market bquar. ALI,A. & JOIIM).. ."'' WHO L.F.HAL U Seedsmen, Surscrjmcn , florists. , IoMAIfi"r.WT .; J t;. i CNDEB T. OHARLKa B0TlX- - f . 'lllt-hmotiaCvaA. Owl l-l -a I-. .. i!K . i JOIl W, lUXaDALC,, fc . ATT0TINKT AND C0EN8ELLOU Al s i-e wi'lAW,"'',"-':" " Xo, 9, 1 lay fttrect, rtievlll. C. TRArTrcKit In Hie But snd Pcdemi-ronrt, X and ia lbs Court of Ataukraptcy fr tha ad- t OnKrcavtunal litatrict, I'mmiit attention rivea to all btiai naas intra a- ted to hi ear, tUauna nUscd aayvbare Id jortu t aroima. July W-atH-tr ' THE 80LTHEKN FEBtUJZINO COM PAST, HicHanrtn, ft,, ara now ruccivin and pre paring their tail stuck of IKKTIUZhilN, sod of. Ibr lor sale in unlimited quantities i,'hVHtI) i - - I'EiaVIAH tlHASO. - '- selected front the purest earrnes imported. led pur and of th liihe.t ststidard 1 i -, t I'lioni'HO faitl'VUH ansi ' ' 01 L iMIMtSlt.N. . . o-Wfreit "' hndcr th snperviaion ' Profeaac U UX1AM II1X.H Aai for tn wheat erop, oomhiti- 111K a larx mreeutai;e or in I'ltoapaatea, wita an aiicouaie aunuuit of Atuthenia 1 "pitEttu QftouKu ruutira! 4Jrdm aoholted. " JOHN' FN'DF.IIH, I'r aai dent. J ' - ' Offio Jio. tot kotirteentu Htraet. Aug IT -in DOIT'S W1SUIX0 MACULVE IT.. .f. ft.,.. . , . j '.' . ; ( Ana taa ITSIYIRSAli CLOTHES WAISQER. 1 1 1 1 u1 I V2 " ' """N"S,' " at- TnE nor asm ti xi v WAumxa ma CHINK AND WUINiiP.a THAT IIAS "ULRV Pl'lT.Y TKSTm ISTBW " TIlfKr" MtflllMVi bati-Wn ned..fi som tune, in ilwhuunv .il tiie eeemtary of the heat, miit the ei. Hint KoiUif ottha Noioiel, and, I am ant tua i'.f to aint..have given entire mum! ac tum. 'I Iim Miicjilin H'are pateliUiil, and peraatlia tiMiua ai.v oihi-i' Macuu.i.a like tie in are lialile to be ftr-iao at- d. Peraun a tailing to parehasw sao. get one nu ii-ifti. 1 . ...... im not ne iiifiueen, ny any a 1 no 01 r'-praaeoi. lion, Itflmy a li'achine, mail von examine tiiawa, th-pt, li-Si tt .Ii.tA iLltllAV, fgeait. ' V;'.';'. :.' . BOOK 6T0EE ,:, ; ! il "s" "SORTn CAP.0LIN.V BOOKSTOUEr ' TO Till- l'TJIUJCV ';' nun II8 Ht IK IHflll Hf-UHK-I TO AKMllMF X toUiefulili. tliat aa has parvhaaed tlie atock of t votes, TiTtnvrr.r, Miur, fakci Ffrtrncrlv iM-hetiMiiif to the Tinith Carolina Pnh hahinir t -onnaMiv. tha4 b baa auiietiivlt.d to th old atud ho t Faveite.nti ht., au hmif nd bvurahJX ..jkuuwu lrouahota tli htaui aa the MiKTff I'AfhillVA IIOOK R10I1F,- anndoried bv !f..q- t. Tnwt. d';'rf . tu-1 fruf Inaielna at '!' it t.! KlVa , iwoi Mf," .i I, lvrieru.e .V, Ha woiii'l .11 s-mi" that he hri,c fa, ih HrnlrTTt ..r liiij t.lilUl.alv...lj,l.. . i-."TM. tit -JUUM.S . w . I kiMe ailrt lluli' f: ar.rt a ;tp V..IU.11 to Una J.f-t4iw blBlH-li o trade II will eti.h ior to in. 111 tlni r. 1 'Hun. u nii.l ihl jtb-A.T ie voi k, 4.1 h-w.l.s, siiT.i h t-r n.TW ni. ru to th.- 1 11 i rr. Al iipia. atA nu. li i4M I. 1 11 ei riirweea, and ii!hi.aeca a it'iir autii.lv ef huiitU a...! C ..Hniii'.-ii H. ns I ii;.i.n, ,VJnw.,iaitoila botdti of aimff evcri kind and vaortv. II e North t ima lipoyo cant Itwtnta, r;iiKiuih tm in .1. Mw liciH.iin Kinl othir law 11. ot. a verv ktia-- npt-tynf ('wlr '- Hunk , Aiiibic, aua.iitieiug : a N'ltitmery, sua ,l,.-ii .4!!f;iH'P -Asf.nfiTHFSt '' to he f.iit-ii.i n th. t:-i-.-. eti-.l will tie thfji the B;.-sl 11 i. ii.t,,j4 1... ."111 rf Loan i.l- j..i.l. e" iat'..4"KIII.;eJ -nri t i' r. I. ricmc; Wj;i-hii Gnu ,1 anil l-tlywltl ll 1 a,.u.-....v JAS. ,'l I : - ;.-u-tt I.,-. sfnassssaasa ..... . ' ' V' r " t .... . itartW-"I . JZlsJZZLAXI'll r ' ,' nrJATii - (t-ATK OV Ni.1.111 I li.:. ! A J 1 Aitftrapf Rd ant:: V ct Latr. Uf i XVtsataaitu Hfr ' i- I KF.V7 JOB It, ' ; ' ' AasoefaUd with mifi 1 n A. TIA ( ft, F"i , Jor aierly if triTimm wm au-u.l, n. .m-i:( ; ::v and nromtinv, lu all bnnt.c ....... i J., tWauBit. iriau- Au. ai,liii-.13 IV . . . f f AT MBT t M Kf. St SI K NTARV att.i. 1 1 HIHIH, ' , Alwsys on Land. In.-... p.r.i . 4 Vi. .,.1 i: - . ttRAhON, lAHIt A 1(1. ' Neat duot 10 2u..k.'r a t.w Hall. AaMl!l.tf 1. u. ih, j. V. 1 JtACTim, allM-i:lJ.AM.ii 1 ih. 1H 'W li'- A A Kresl van. !v jut rwm r! 1 buna, aeit lu lu. V..r New ' ilHAN SIX, 1AI. ' Ana. JS-19-tr ' ,,,.... ? !' 1! A CO., K-l N, C. Jl"f ktlKlli u, .iWIO.'l'iKar, -...'.TT-... ,. elM Ih. riiiiiff. in pai-M-a, WK. awl blad eVrii. M1A.1AM. Jt'.M S.I Ct)., Aog. Jttui ..'r V hhiiu ttruewa, pi:8TavVot:Bt' .Z'" "" lnd Hacks If. 6. Hotir. fiiine'rntic. I ' ra. aod trletly Family. FH.I.lAM. M A Kb i (J., u. Wllf ,-. .. -! hlHtteaaw 41 , raoT ka rti t r ' OTnAKnriwtTiTraRviJ'i0TT akstf-h' kJ po telj MtviUid to call st . , WATStW GALLERY OP A H P, AND 'J''J 1AMINE: THE MANY '''''.' -4-nEALTIPCL ' PAiKTtxas, '":"i '. : ,,.."im .f . ' : ft " - '' rr. T. TBAITX, - '-" ' woman trust?. On sihibitlna st this eut.liliui. ni. holographs executed ia the tin. -I t)leof Farucnlarattetilion aivao to eripviiio old D (wsrtwotype Ae." -..'-.--v 4 4. W. WATSON. Blelgh,ian.la.tf . .' , L --. at.t - Anexoellent analitr of I.lnis. anil il.ln t ikrti. Ilsina pnqieaa ean lie had at hnh.i.urv at tU.W par king Ion, or i J ou at ;ta -b Ma nun. . Apply to j. : . 1-OWFtX. rn.SOV (), latawl eiaii.in, Jt. CJ,- Jn-an-n " S" ' '" - JJCKECIDEH V1NEUABHI ' . . . Sought irely for ItCKLISO. - : For sale hy ':' '.-'."' DOl'0LA!!fcELfc.-.-'"v Ang W-T-tf 3 -y t rTWOMAaVnii'tN.llTriiioFiir'' - - JL , -, 1 . ' j- '.- .. "- Wa hav a small aMaorttlictit of iimna tionnlar sndsxeellent HiluEs, eonaivnnu of HEN'S KIP BUOQASa, 1 , HUV'H HUI F BAXMOIUUI . WOtTEK'SOOAT BALMdHAlJt, . r" . , . . l.F.ATlit It r.xil'H.Ao. II la mir pnrpnea ioiry iuiiiirn.!.. tloweahoea Into shut market , aed one prc.m .i.iiil .lock will be mcriiBacil from tunc 1., time w.ili a.liUtliai al lot frcall fl. ilu thuMniMii,,. i..ry. Lai aa anuuui-at. and auaiaia tiur nan liana-factor-h-a, and tliua ciicusiia an. I uii onntelvea. Ws warrant tlice ti.Ka to be limnt leather, Slid fm frooi pspcr, .in an.l "huniim,- nepi, aii-ti Jl..hl..i A I r.liuk. TAOfTII CFl.FliRATi:!) WASIii.lt U Sl'OlIK JLJ as 1 redlioail prtew, 'JAMl'.S M. r. 1U-1 ru flept. l-lw. Ak-iiI. AIKOItA IIllMU 1 1.1 ID, TKlFFi n TO 'THE rt'm.ii TUH rr.i K. braied Fluid, and hi ih.u.ir an n r. .1 sni-ctl that itaaieriicitv over any otii. r I Ltltl tilt Oil, will (five 11 a lavorshla aeeeoinne with. th putihti at Urge, It ia mu i,..i a. Fre B-orn any diaaKriifahle niell. f It aili ll.it Jiri-mi.. tim h;il..U. It will oil or greaaa 1 he eMhlna. It producva a aott ami hi'MiiiiMvi ni,lit. ll a not trvllifr hi Iho 1.. ' it k ltieOheaie.t tli.BNiAo .'i r-iimvcr oncreil. 1 It ean Im seed In any h. r. 9 l.ai.m .y ' ebanRltig the htimer. - " U ha linen wiN-t tuvoiBit 'rei-t.ive.l, aiyl pii,.... woMneed b.vjuii;i a . Iietlm'ftaxr ai iatr aau tsi s Itt'saixii Fn to now 111 11. c. Vt am prmr!l t. inn Hl.iim trade iftrtr thm alnallc aiie t,. at ion inn, ;i .i.i n.',,imi fi-mrt tiia!,.tic etn-i.t .. :. l . - i x V,, jfie.'rVil t Ionio4i l,ace I'iiwi:.,, Ih'tiKkas an 1,1 uav l.it..',;n 1.1 1, ,.7i. :..,.. ,L1, 1 ..,,,1 rtr antftn each.tioij1,. will t !.!, I ..1, . ..tuawblw hu-iiia on aiii'in'Mioo 10 ; - ..'1, I i.l CO., ... '-' AfrtiwAiowCe: ,,,-d H .'i..... . JteuUn t July lS-fij-iiut fuU-.-fch, tt'o CATHAUTICAVAl,Tl::t.lTnE KOOMMKADl'D BV THE lu ,-T MlVKI55 eauia. l'ltriiy Yci-cUl.,... S,,, 1 el.,,,,,,1 ,. thixa. haver 4ir.i j 1m uiir tmtct ,,i, ii,,,. loiit are perfceti; tuHiehmci. ror ri'iiuianiiK me now, :, ami f.ir tl.i enre iif bliKMl lr XtltiOUK Jit? 'FWf ipflthFtt 'ii, i'licUp , iiaj Ol s whore -i. - tT t ft 'ttl allots- l I strioi '-'i-ifT oi ' 'I. f i'lllftsj IlilU 'if (ytJHtlTelR'HH, BBVHlltillH, ili;- iyi4.M iii,A( l.ivtr j 'i.-h j-, , ;. . . Vpiit ick Unkfut mu . I r. W. Ktn.ivU. wif i' ; in) 1 PtiFHjiUltB LB NtJt Hi i itr 'lir. 1. ftyTUiUla b -ftllLCit tf rata l lnf K1U Off. W. J. Aiftl tHl, h (((! liufli trill lnf-Hor l Hu-nii- -i v tn v- iAltan a"a fWlW twgfjj ttti(4i lltwit t-JlfV lltlUlll IK Alt rfUi t -r ii., rl C'liikinttirnt li;vf vr r. 'war., -I by ITejsvril ai.il y V V-l JIhiiiii. I l... , Iv ' 1 f ..1 , Fb I-l.Vt 11 Fur aie in vC. Hal. ' Tin: ,e- '. . ..' " ' . I ,"V;w i M t.Jar; .iubl irlnaAa -f. f-- - - -7' JL 'J L'ii. ' ..i'tt. ititi.-'Tiri'. . t U"ll ol-M.r i .i t Ha'u i'i''i r-" ,-;r -r- h ( f An i i' t'..m 1 "ui !.,.! - 1 I.-,!.ve O.-, ..r 1 . .. . . . irtu i. ,.l i'lHIl! tl i. Will tuHi'.'-isi,! i -X 1 :f ! -.- v .- 1, Llit'li ItilU-Mi aU.i.i It nil " , . trr ain,ets. i;i ;,:, ,j m-mum y.-ji.. 1 4 i.v 1 , ,. ( , u! pi-CHiHai-tr ft.l "1!.. , ; t , :iil 11 L U'tsVll ,u- ' i ,u . ;, Ij.'rW'.'niHi'luiiii,,:,?! i. . .-, l't. I--.-11 ii. j i.-w. ., - ., ; fil 1( IBS ..A -St A.r-w, -vH ; ttt Ttif p - -- ' v lii-nk A;i i, Y w 1

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