.-. - te&sb of scBscaunos. ; Tto ffwn Is pnMahed every at L fqMu,IMHI every ttji '! except r t oa F o Bkomit,, tin SViT WO WKHltfeS,, a A 1 ares ratft'bs. ..,.-t. Ms swains, ........ Oa T-ae, ... - . -axu-w'aefc,anei ye.- .atiuia. w41y getttiati, Wl ytsr, : , ,...! THE SENTINEL. WM. & i'ELL, ( BEATjj ,-.. JXITOBaV. KOSDAY, OCTCjBER u,lmi. ii 1 1 F'mmmmm mmm J -rJrflE Jstftcr rtftus MS-actios. ,,Jt cannot Ndc,0btt4 that thtiawis sod aMas r1aBrwaTg'l,; " celnred yoptEB - tb South, M well is th,vry plsi Istiru . tjoa tbt iaiilnr meteore would bt famed tjx)ii the North, hsv produced, io great mot, tbs BUgbty mUm ia publis I tlment now going wa among th bum ot th white people ol tbt North. Tb eTpla- -nation or tns Itepuonesa pre, uia , " their candidal lor offica last year which they pat opoa tbs Howard smeadnssxit. reading th North era peopl to regard to amodment m a human aad wis measurs. whil Ua ml character waa kept front pah lie view, gsv tha part IU aaccaaa, (The tenth ia sot breaking forth apoa tha pW be mind, nrcaltug tbe met tbat the Howard smtndtneatif Incorporated ia the Cootti- tutiua of tha Cnited States, ia tba band of - tbs Rwlicais aonraiaa every essential ls ,etit necessary to fore negro suffrage, a gTO equality asd superiority opoa th whole country, aad at tha aama time fhrelshe the fulcrum for tha aotir absorpfioa f aft tb power f tb BCate lata tu coogr, , breaking down tba aaaeatiai proteetivsa to freedom, held by tba State aad Bevef ur rendered to tb general govern meat, bad 1 for tb niter ubversioB of tha Republic, f j ; It ba bees parfactff 'atnanting y u, ' tbat tana mta, lover of liberty and of tlx eonterratir-power tf wir Conttitution, 1 could htra t-eea to blind to tb dcatroctiv t nod wioua character of tha amendment, io ' Radical hands, aa avar to . bare eonate- aeneed, for a moment, IJi rolantary caoh3?i jiwMtTnTmfC enoiigh to srenc of. the Bottthtrtr peoj.l Ui so inUjul- utnsl-1s.&ll.i toa a . meaauro. For Kima tim tU aaau deluwoo , were fastened upon tb poblic Baiod ia regard to tb real purpose of tlie -Rpcnnrtrbclioa Act., Had tba execotjoa at 4U . laws i btea placed ia the hsndsof purely military man, perbapa, ' even (o tbia day, tba trap et for the deatractioa of tha Itepublic would not hav boea dincovered. Tbe Recotisbructioo Act almply cootaiu the elementary principle of antvara&i nvgiio uffga, -f.rd -opoa tb Booth by Die bayonet, and tbca most follow the Pandora's K'X, Ui Howard amaoduMilt, out ttt which BiuKtcoaia all the rt tli dwtrt)tort f ' all 6Uta sutliudljE, tit -wntira aurruo.lvr ol tba (ntrsata and domwtic affair of the pc ple of tfie But into the haodn ol Cunumi ; (id Oiea npgTO eaality, eivU!y,-politicIr and aiwUlly. . . ' i Whea it waa sagifeatod to Gen, Sickle, some month Bjotht ha er!dB0T C&jl hi ti'e H.outructioa AcUtlie refluwition tht neroea must ride k Irealas aaaohsaJ'"' WppilMoB. acquamUnca with long with ladiea, tbai oegrow -aboard raft onjnrit to try' whit men, upoa tk si ttJji j coumiin tli at tbey bad paid public tax, , and tliat they war entitled to aaai hi'Co -vent ion aad to ho)j ofBc,' simply" because they oould trite, wa ar informd that bT aoiMy mraarked that h knw that but, .utd be, ' all tnea will surely fol!o,'and 1 deem it beat to familiarize th Southern . peiiplelB advance, with the thing's, end tb Southern people will act wllh'trtie pliN loiphy only Wueo they detaiwin to make tb lust of it,.' MTint has ben tha affect of all U.ia epos , tbe colored peojla f "In many case, tbey .- hsv growa daily is arrogaaca and Insult v Isrreaiing their damaad upoa tha wbitaa, iaaolent, ia their language and demeanor, .. to grntlemea and ladiea, who had been their -Hbmt Inenda, demanding office; pi a meao ol , living, instead of : tabor, waunting tbeif ' ; ', claim to seats id th CoaTntioh, to seat ia Coogreaa, ia the Legislature,- aad to ' all important oAces, a-id frsq'iently acoom panying tbass demand with iocsndiary tbreats. - Wa rejoic to say, that many of our colored population! Juit acted a if urv- affwted by these things, and hence, wldls '' ll. noisy and taur.iing bar been shunned . iy tha white, tbo whohava demeaned" tiicmiehe well Lav bsen" respected, and kindly treated. -' All the things ia tb South bars helped . to inrreaaa thi reaction, and it will go aa, we trtut, bntil truth aad jlutio aad- civil lifjerty shaft a." ra-tblihed opoa fbi eontiiieoW But many Southern bisekl are . d.-rf-ourrt'ed and downcast at tb re-action iah North, alae and onloonded atot, U ar made to llieta, and many hav their fear excited. W sy to tb colored people, that their fe-ar ar ground! us. Their freedom ia sals bfjuBd a j Ma.lveBtur. Ho power oa lUrth cua agsJa nslv them, The South era white will never permit wuch ' a thing. Kor will they urt any lost of rigt to the protection of lile, penoa or pNperty But we nil tltcm, .emphatically, that lb, whltft race will role North Carolina a'n$' WUniF 'North Am erlcfc. Let them make up their . tx'.'.v. i to thi and be good, Citixejt, and their ConservaUV whit friend will Bevel i. i.iiii.iwiiiiiiiiiiiiw.i iiiiforaaibB tbtwli lamnii lasmwaai mnaasaijumsi iimmnir 'Bi w 1 Tint I'twjntf-ypwj JniLvtiX t -km1 lilt -Uit-,HW4eUeOrtio oj Ui tim (if tli ltit Sfwaion of Coores 1 iu j.r.'juruu.iim tot a s) lirun W ta4iilral.n..btttU'aiyMl R'itf af rfi"!!'!'nq in f.inn,. Ti wai fkn i-i!, : ' t..auw tbey had daroj togirI)em ' - r.. J -.Arv Tow thai Ivci!f!va(iU .; -...i;i.UoBpy;eiytba8OTihinf, a f;. w f..'f;;ifN.-iot jl Oimtii:t..-e will nave to i,a i iirf' I, to ft. quire into thi piuasna ro t ..! ia cCt!.i-ir f. -r.ua1 ot -iurr.aie-n. ir i" I'.i't l tilat ui iii'pn!i,,f a comniit ' i W4 ','r -' n n nt .n.o;')lto PbiladX . t, i.h ui-: irari!iv WVire t!ic t- tloo, inl v ! i I t .! f.e-it. li-;ilW f BC T ; meeting tm Jiardajr Iat, tb0(b 2Tafto(t!tlirt a Utjp'ltp- w anticipated, a (ligtilr reapet-Ubla ia point of uuil-r and partkwtarlf in IB point of cbaracter 4d intrlliirene. "rrrl boadred of tba beat and vt aubwtanlial citixcw of tba eonatt MapfWal, iManae n lair aunjbarttT fiui ornJ . r'" ...";': y . '.- A eumtxrof g.Jeaeii, o( know apeak jjpt(iJiti.1jad be invited t. aWrta IU Mii oa tba uccaaion. bat, for varioa cautea, none .touM eonipljr except Gov. Bragg,, .Tbi waa a diMppoiatraent, bat tb 1 intracnv;jpictifH and sSrriaB; ipeseE Gov. Bragg aajflyofnontd tbe inter- eated auJiaoce, M ia BiaUer of mapli' ra- Uob. war not preaeat to bear Li wfc eouo- aeU. UU peecb waa one of lb moat ( eUa(. in all impact a. w bava aver had tba pleasure of lUteoieg to, and tb vaiver- aai aVntiment, auii tboae who Beard it, Whit Cud black, aa taaW graUflcatioa aad ajteaaura. . . Tbeohjert of tli noeting, wblch in pit to aerar hvmoBV of actioa,- fully oeoupliebed, Tbrr waa no parubar to oriraaiia party or to dHrnat candi date for the CoTDtfn, - ', 4 ,m nil i 1 '"J'tt ' i- i . Jt obb Baoicai. Taeontjw. Too Colum bat (04 JCnjuirtr baa tb following., eoa aeraing loo Georgia t . ttW hear of spit' and aonsbblea la tb Itadical rank ia a number of place. And it would ba rattier Strang if there were not imcoocflabla division between tha inconr- fruou eltmwnl coniKing tliat party, bar arc tbroa wallienowi aaatM anxreg them, and eavb ba( it claim to preevdsnca. There a tha negroea, the social i-d Soutti- era kiiata and tb Northern adventurer. Thaimtelaaeiurulsbe the Voters, ml is stronK bt nambri tb second claims rw vwrd fir it martyrdom" and "loyalty," and tb tbird for its ruparlor Intelligence IBdy it disinterested laior in aocning Hootb to enlighten, redeem and organise tba atray sltoep of tba RuMica (liK.k, Ia some of tba coantie of Alabama, in -tbe Italiral Botiiiaatiog couvvbLioua resolo tion have bean passed to divide the honor and nrlicea botweea the throe e:ae eqnaily. K'T-.oue so onto ,' in. ro Southern loyalist has to ba dropperL The everlasting Xanke adventurer, like Shy lock, ay demand and jb tain tb pouud oJ ftosb This is tha ca, also, in North Carolina. Wfcvmva Jw- totomd eloeBaot is in '4h acendant, tha " Yankee adventurer" wiU'i ''".Btira to'! iaipoaa' poa" tit' re dulity of the opgro, npoD the plea that he assitol in giving Irewilom to tha- racd, and contrive to monopoliK all.tjjij "loavea' that are to. , hart. " In" Craven, twV of thven baxajnaqagad 1hu to gull tb blacka, aad la Sew Uaomr tb aam game will Crtlx b.ply4i--Wre sbonld'ot be aor prlaad, if soiuathlug ot tha (ama aort wa attempted lu Wake, also. ,' : j Vpoa this puint, tha proteat of tha "mod. orM Bspoblicans," bt Iheir addreaa, is prop" r, natural and weil limed. Morthlog abort of tb mostcotmiuinwt asauranoa oould in flume men, who havaroeantly been dropped iBOuiiniiUt. and who have bo Identit tlteir iiitoresfor habittj and Ba fsmillartry wtttrthctrwaBta, tosek to control th legLstloaf' tbe 8tt-r' mould It Coo. tltutioa and laws. ,,,, EZnXtflWPMB.FSlLOWSH iK,V ' The rTaaliiofftoa CktttuU, oo ol Tot- ney two dailies, waW ixceedingly luga briou over tb dineonafltuc which it party ha sustained .The fhtvuuU la peco liarly paUifif and. philosophic, and with a snrprised ieiipalsu, which niuat havbcua at Urly st iinninp, thus foi (;i t itlf, and telle th Vfu'thi.". ', '! ,. " "Nothing v more ojrtairt than political r-ciioo, ana miibo t atoms wlio rail to take it intoeot-t.unt, . We hav aatab' lisbed tbeoria f tha l b sad How of pub lic opiaioR, a difl.iita ia fiee jnountriea a tha ahdua Of moralitv, but modified by wnst nut oecB termeotBa aocino of chan ces. 1 be hUtorv of vervtrntfrraive move ment whH'h hj taken plac ia Karop, for tu Htm iwn ceniuries, ui soi uses sa animate betrayal of soma ostensible friend. Every revolution is stabtied by a child of It awn bgrttiap,.swi wabsvsootescAi ad Uietren lrel de-lioy." - - . TTa there rvrr such s perfectly hopalea whiovi'' " -'- i - f ! . -n . .FortbaaealinaL.. Masaaa, Eoitom: I leara that Ex. ProT. Gov.Uoidea says: "Wa bow tell Ohio that th colored msa ' atoll t la Ohio." Will not th qjuckcyes U greatly aTariiii d whea they Bat, thUt .Tbey bad better, for it author claims th power to 'kill and aaa.tW,' 'BuCIm'I thi pretty, co.1 from a msa tliat can't vot himaelL ; -Hera U what Iluuni-utt aay about th alter:,.;-,.""" - - - - . , ' U may require tlornis, tbuader sod HghMing from heaven; it may require earth quskes; it may require a war 61 twenty year' duiavtoa ; it may requir the utter In solvency of the whola naui ; it may. re quire th alsughtering of ball tba inhabit, Uate of th aatioa : bat justice will b me ted out at tb Intl. - . v., -rf q.- "Lanc autiui, I", tb home oi Tuad. Ste vens, gave a democratic gain- of 9 IB tbe recent elwUoa. It shuuld b "r coostruo ted."' ' " ""' ' -'r- - ri'iB1 ii-rr-r --rr T-T .j--- ,i , i 1 - Arfc-tNiit.llliVTCR'iilli.lft!it Jitl jsembly is runuing in Wiscoawa oo tha plat- i!R sfZt&rTuIun Jiojnao" -litssad tb repeat of tb dog law." f ra T.inAnlt, t- l...L. . L. li - mi i v. v.. i n . i . T ' iV wVj.gjg. - 4- -- - CnrMsfiOur strceta Were si'aln crowded yesterday Bith Cotton wsron.,.-,Tb bajiiig,. waaxcmazaauiy urisa ana sns WBOi etoca eemed to Chsnkre hands iu tbe course of lb iiag,('Mr. Aw, " - One ol tlx most regular ttendntot th- 1 nv lip.ii ihe.IlitaHrd '. ,a iriiiiiiui, 1 ilrieans, and obI tba.nt ainu and eflisient menilTr, inien. Iiraxtoa Brag.-t He b.ii 1; r- .:nr 'tieiit' aMigned him, and ia k li i y ui laririj; for tbe - afllioted poor and tue sint Wen striuigiiT, as b wa fkiUiiul I at th head ol a gri4 army. iSaoH ' , - TUE USI EI.$ITT. . ?Drra: The tUiit of the eiiiartM ) ttie Slate, aad nor partkulaHj of th to wbora tbeJ,'Bieraity ia an ob ject of intareat aM) affwion, ar aapa.-iallr doe io tbe fkttt kit tbe fre ea wbicb baa twea rdada of it eoluao ia tb diarua iosa reUtiv to tba rc-orgaatsatfoa i tbat I would IK to ifepM'ifi't(ii pace, or to tax yoar already over-jitik-Ded Mud aatww, if X dui nat tbiab t ajwvinwbl Uaeall aUeotino to a material err., which baa nnierlaia thaarbol diii. f . Tbe aaaeatiai diffureoot between tba "tinrtirt" and t-jjaivenity" jti m ot Col BlTiMtrwdi1ii1"lii .arardeit. ' I Not only la oentiMintetion, tint also in MFtonal. Besflni K.t!??p"!!wlJOI'triitTty ?r Twshve ffw km irc-vjy empinye4ij anr althvHuli tba I'aiveraity aywr Is, ;lo irutb, aa elective rar, yet, in technical lan guage, tbey ar wHily tlinirent. iet n lake i be t'utvwwty of Jfirgini aa a fair sample nf tb ona, and Harvard University of theotW- r n I f .T T qoiK franf thl catalugaa, of tb for Bier : "Tber is bo prescribed' euurw ol Indies in this tnslitutioB. Kverr atadent mav aelect the schools b will attend : bat ia tba Academic department, b ia required to attend at least three, unless iixm written request of bia parent, Ac." ' Thi-r is nii'ek- aminatioa aeeesaary lor almlsin, Bo are thara any of tba four regulareollegeciasaea; bat, inetead tbaraof, tbe tniversitv hi SIW vidd itttawhool, -sad eschi acnal tyo wo or tores viassea. a stuuvni, iw ra Junior Greek, and Intermediate Mathematics, At Harvard, oa tb contrary, a rigorous xaintbia ia Latin, Greek, Mathemaiiva, aad tb naual Edgliab brsnches, is a pre requisite to admiaaioa, and, in the ' Ifreshr msa year, the whole coume mnat be stu. died. In th three higher clasaea, however, tb course I divided into reqaired studies, upoa which, ol course, all are examined. and elective atadiaa, of wbicb each tuleat takareucn aa tie may derm Klvitaiile. Thus, aa the regular claa organization ia preserve! totaCt, taCB ItuiMot is Snabled to take his degn-and, at the asms time, to direct hit studies lu reference to bia future pursuit ia life. ,. A roterenc to tl respec tive catalogue will give clear ulea ol the two systuuis. i-.-ifH I have conversed with many of the stu dents ol tb Univcraity ol North Carolina, and proft-ssto know wimetbing of their . i. . T . : . . . , L on who prefers s system like that ol the I Diversity of Virginia to thaiecuva, aya- tuiu so aucceasiuiir in operauoa at tiar- vard." U. r 1 11 11 sxmrsvKirrvjrTmowwTXKS, nm jfinrnAT. nttrnrvn. The telegraph ba announced a diftlcully with th Beg roe la regard to th Taylor Farm p'rojierty, sear Nortilk, .XheNnftiolk VirfMHUt brrnga- )Vb fbltowtng- partieuM lars ff the sffair : It W eiv below th fict In ifirard to tb proceeding of th black on Taylor,' farm. It areiu tbat tbey hav determined to hold high Carnival sad figb ' It but' on that line iu dcliancaofi llr. , J'dtatoa, the rwumen s uureaai, r sny oiuerj iuiin, jt iipsara that a party of gentlemea viaitd Taylor's farm, oa Buttday, the etta. Instant, among whom wets ofliciala . autborited to offuaeach negro faaiily a boas and amploy oiint, or sell them cleared lands el a low prlcandgtv them thru and tvr-jem: tatytDth rTeTtq-X'BcireuTind dows Cbeat- nsv-for them. Tint Beiroe called a mm-t tag aud orgaaiasif tr atei-tiog . Asttiony HxUer fresnient, sntt lthn JtJet Sect pro pif jot'wsr mfo to Hi nro peo ple for tbeir consideration by Captain ohn v rasa, who ia a vary onet tnsuner - ex plained to thru that thy War occnpylbg th Taylor Farm without warrant of taw j that the Government had turad tbaptop srty over to Mr. Taylor, and ha was th only persoa BoW wbu could give them a le eal ritrht to occupy it : that the Govern nient Would provide - place fb ,tljem and; ucairen taem to vacate tne larra ; tie tie. acbd thwa to act eniiblyVoi if! iary thought there waa any desire to tubs any advautage ui Ihea', to appoint a committee of five, bud let that coiumitk proeeVlto examine th property and locality, 'fie'f farm,) and if tb change would be i is their tatarest tby ooulil tbea determine - what would b best lor them. - Attar this advice - was gi vi !-a Brgro aamed Anthony Butler gained the staod, and harangued the people i m th;'foIT6ing strain : - " . r-v.. w ; "That prsnwa ifest coBtinpally telling them that they had bo right to occupy the farm, a President Jofinson had pardoned Mr. Tayllr,.Bnd reatorrd1 Ml property, but he did nqtcart if th Pretidat!id pydos him, ih rxuostruiitioa acts, sf ikiagrma did not rccognixs ths President's panten, and th pmrty we their own, hud they would hold it in defiant of all opposition." Rich. Farkr, negro, better kaowa a "L'bcI J)ick,"ext atldreweif the crowd. He informed the jBeophj that the,' Indian war th originaew ier of th land, and were drives off by force, and w(ths black) will tak it from ths wbite by force.: They hsve so right to It, aad shall hot bava it We foBghtfor It, and we are B" to keep it. We dost care fir th PrssliMit hor Kreeitmeo's Bureau. W have utT. fctl lonjj i eiuiugh ; lot the white mas tuVcf now. Tle liui wa w bea tb whit nun .uiikt aay 'Come here, Jobs, and btaclt mr tioor' and the poor black Bis.tr bad Jo go; but,- trnn.i, tb tiroes bays cbaoared, "ajid I ! hope t wil( live to sue the daj, wbco l.rau j say to the white man,"Coniehtsro.J..hn. and black my boQt,laBdhui ceme. will I Bever be aat.sflt until tb whit mowj l forced to Sfrv the blank m0 as the Mack waa formerly compelled to serve the whits, i Now, my fricBiia, va must drivsthcraraway. If they waot to atay they mot l our aer-1 vacta .-If tbey ar oostw4,f with thai, let them go somewhere elf a. iljj not intend to allow Bwtli' It linked -tdjdriva us off this property, beoatle it is our. W fouclrt for It, and wa will fight bow to" de fend it if Beeiry.. --;, t-- a j I ' Thanrgme became ' txcftotl to kites n extent tbat it waa uuaaf to remain Umger. IMt!Bawvjr! tbe field. ' x i ."ThTs trwhaJTwiMirih prrtl-iiauU. ot rn.liTitl tent bini. aud era Ion j thuu whn il:sownJhewxiidwiji.r whirl-1 wind, and uolrat wa are Biintaken la our moral auatioB of the bayonet." Tb Salisbury flmnr ehronit lca a'ereat itVliug oi in the '"Jtad tttiug", organiaatioa to that vicinity. . " ,ltv i . i Hsrealmuts they are dylnif; oat tilmt A tycngue of white that used to meet at Prov- iddno thool-boui, and Cenerallv bad fahout fifty meBitier,iiri Weekly .attendance Newfeoirt-tdrrw werr hd wit, and since then there bat licen pyrtffort to t'et up anoiher Bunrtiflg. .iu 1 he coiored I.-fue ar also dying out Thedjtrkin are beginoini; to find out tliat there baa biien more prvstuka? than titer it Ability to pcrtWm. M Arpu. S ' For iU Sendact, fi LEA YgLAKD COUXTT - f , 8naj.Br. I. C, Oct 10th, 7. r&Mr f W 8lind ."-BiaWviog tbat yoa would like to bear .bow tlta jConserva-, tire sad Bd Sinr-try at CleBveJasd ar letting along, I rebwra to inform yoa. A mooting f tb Cooservativa citiaea of Clewvelawd, who tavo rteoatrcijv but ODDOta Radicalism. WM hold ia Bhelbv. oa J,Ue,7ttt. liiHwioi, (Qrfti f, Tracy preakd, Mvene.i asi j 9rrumtr The nliieet t tbo ating waa to aabjet proper candi Jslfs to rSpreient tlta County in tl iHatf (.'onventiinv vM eaUod. rX'apt. I'tnta lKirlhria swI CL Ie M. McAfee Vera unanimously ciwsi-o, , JfciugTtotidly called ttr, each anade a suearb favoring reeoastrua- tion. and, Irauirlit with Conaorvativ viws. Tnf'':iy J.T ' fbtrtota. aa.l -ta wliita usea ia rste and yiriH, su.l,'we benaVe'BsB aupalife i ukiui( -ta puay rrjireatratanvrti't tho.lbst hiring i tram tile for their auct'est in nlHainiflg the loavea and fisbea wbicb they bare ao.confldebtly calca- latodwoofir- "''-"- I ,Tb nicoting was addressed by pr, Tracy, in apurouriate terms, aou iao ov sir. nr. T. Miller-, waa, ia sornwr aad better daya. taboreil ao faithfully for tbedignrty, honor, ellar and prosperity of tb Old North Stata, linked with the destiny of the Vnte9 latest, and aiterwarrl tor thwaoattrinmpb nl tit 'Iwt Csose furwbkdi mat grievous oflenc a h anw aa eat, ' an ,tar m politic srCBal .'' ' fTha awaling Waa harmonious, and, w tx- lievs,' a rtatrhiiigtr ol a Consorrslire victory ia tbe Cuaajty. i' - J uers Were no ablegate appointetj to Were bo Oeleeale tba CoaaerTativ Oooveatioa, tbaouiaioa availing, generally, tliat it was oot to be d now. I think tba Leagues in fid County hav acea their bt day. It appear aa if the ireeamca , bava, begna to .amelt a "mice tbey begin , to say 'dart's aomethia' rotten is dat dare third degree, r," and ' tbat white Lragaera ar "mighty Unsartia'." ' ' '- - ' . O. TJJM RSCKKT SLKCTIONdHOW "TVS RKTVMfS WKBg RECEIVED in piiitAimipnu: An (Ctwrespoub-iiea ot tba Wasbiegtou Exreas.) I'BttsDKLriiiA, P., (tctobri r Xlth. The ssnctioa whiob occurred ia thii State and city oa Tuesday crratrd a more intense excitement than baa lieen exrrieecrd here for many years. ' By. 7 o'clock, V. M.ob the evening ol the election ,over twenty thousand persona hal congregated at democratic buadquarter at the :0rni r of Ninth sad Arch attwet. A ths return were received the wildest enthusiasm prevailed General LjliUf thfriff elect. apwand is the crowd, sad when-bis prescsce was discovered lie waa culled for and ntsd briel speech. Mating that tb city had goa Democratic by over throe thousand majority. Thi aa Auaucc-BJCttt wm recoived with tbe wildest shouts-ot -applause. At this point the crowd became o numerous and entliunlaatic that their chixirs and shouts euuhl he heard fur-aaay sijuart A ft - rvprMed -ehnrvs tor tbeauoreaaruf -cantlidatc a gentleman mouaied tbe pint form io front of th build-' ing and. prnpustid tbceo Cheora tor--lMtreJ tieorgn It JMcClcllan. Thi wa tb atgnal for a trencrHl ex plosion of the loBff oent-UD Winj: Ol thr Jfrtftnoeracy, and I wulvs cheer aud 4 tigi-f were glvs in a sivW that fairly , ssad t'lbs welkin riiiav' - 1 ' A bout ten o'clock a prociBion was formed at besdotiartcrs. , There werevrvr bia tbous-1 sod person in line, and aoctmipanied by several bands of niuae, playing "llsil Cw-. luinr.i-p(t utxi- they marched, idowa nut to Third Ptrset, halting io front of the otnee ol (tiS4t;-.nswapaper,-.where several lb iKttand bad previously cigrf-pted. Her repeated cheers were given for that paper, a well at iur the tucursslut , .aodi-.' date. Thepropaaio muimad its nwrrh, paasiog almig t'ltatnut to Third Street, and alpng .Tbjrft:vys4nMaBd Bp Walnut rovDta, win itaniug near tu i-reas tuuee, w nor tney gave yenf to ttieir feeiingl tiy groan,! WD lie triia vu going on soma nlteen or twenty rt-mocrtts repaired to the Union j4Wgu) UaJl, a Broad Btrsst, wltbiochU t white waah aad brashes, sitting to tbe nepumiesns, wtja luta gatitrrud tbereJbst tbey cams to whitewash the establishment. Another incident that attracted consider- able attention wa ths appearance of two men is a wagon ob Chestnut street, rinpdng abetL and w ho tUted tbst they were look ing tor in sob ol Air. Kadicai, a repecta Bie eotoreu lady tront A!lcghaay,,wha bad been loat amnewaere ia tits aeiahborhood of Philsdt lphi. . -,.-sj-r- v Near uiitiuight, whea it became apparent tbst tbt Stats had beep carried bv tb Iem ncrats, the crowd on Chestnut street waa largy iaorsased, especially is tile" Vicinity of ths Atf otlice, the front entrance ot which waa completely blocked a pi sod reporter of the distant pert wrr compelled to seek cutrniirc in murt-arui ine ouiitting. " AHthe ntfuW moraing joarbala priuted tunoaanaa PI extra eoptes, JM AP being In such demand that their pre wa kept run ning up to 8 o'clock la tb afternoon. ' 1 J , tSalt Kivev tickets were freely dtsposed of. The inscriptioaa -en these card were, a novel at tiiey war tantaliiinij to thsdeteaU d party., , About Boon tbe thlt Mtr V sifxtra apprarad . and Waa boob fua off at five cents per copy. - It contained-, rious corniest drvicea representing" tbo de-t-at til the Ib publican parti, closing with the retruweiitati.n of a cotDa' ur mounted by th bend of a negro. Undarneath wer Printed these worrls ' ' TheGrvat Nt,iro Party, bora Dietl IVtober S, 1MJ." . ' -Tb lele e ran- to rhaafteraorm 'papers, enntrrmlcg the newt of the previous even ing, iu addition to ths, equally important iniormalioa from Ohio, servsd but to In crease the excitement. , - 1 - y r" . . 'tl......-, .. 'ui.ihju a aw an '.t .i 'n --i--. j-- ' BBowwi.owli.Onf city vu treated to ao txtr scntattoB Saturday afternoon. The evening pnpera published aramor of Browa low's oVaih, aad the Bswsboys were .tying through Iowb, proclaiming the wlul tiding at tbe top ot tbeir voices. Paper sold like hot cakes, and BO doubt the newsboys would bs glad if somebody would kill the old cuss everyday. ' ; -' , '" . It wst tmosinij to see with what fortitude our ctttren received tbe monrnfnl intetll Li. ., .1,..;. .:.. .lii hinju aadrtif fits axtir atiwtwg type-whfelt Hqutiva aunicrtiut spu ireqneui-uritiKS. ....w.rua vi ,icv)n,-w,-u. ,. , . .. 1 Urownlow should have tieen hei-8ttlF- '.- IsnuiniJU Courter, 7tA, A KrW grass'lt printing up la tb Booth- era Piste. It appears to be a dwaraovor, i very thick set, eovering ths eartf "with a besotifoi carpet ot green. It Is mnch rclinht e4 by Csttle, and it A compTetc eitermiastor of Bermuda, joint aedire, and otberraasea. Ia Middle Ooorgi it ia very abundant, and is aiirncung muc.n atieotton. joim uuiii" aavt: -u i anted to Bisk a msa utterly irratcbd ; i,f i wanted to hurt hit reelings, and break down hi spirit, ami rujWbit niora's, I would get hint to go a Bab'uijj ai-ou once a week. I approv ot UoliuiBg penitrntinriea and jails and mak ing etrnvn-t fih for tb bemfit pf u,, titateir " ; '-. -v- N - - X : ' ;-:- ,.t HiKTOHict tUiri!o. "Wbeo these mi named I.. JJn- (Athens nd Tbebesl rub-1 mitted lo ba roveriied by tb superiority ol intellect,, tbey. cr happy, powerful, aad respect! at home, and abroad ; bat whea they broke through tW trammcia of obedient diacipline. and indalmd tbejr inbora tca- deacarVto turbulence ) aad aeditioa whea tb lower orders: -tbajiovducated people. aoenpievl tbe sniireme aulhoritvv aad the anirit of -iiranrsjit Ilemncraf fraaiicalism I) PTHVeilt-i. tlMbaeaflMir-a State always will tecome, Uiite the Buns anpuistnes or seiDsn aemauoirues. nae snipe wiumui sails, rudder, compass, trr pdnr; eertaia of altinist hliipwk, einally dii'rao(ui and deplorable. ti-f4- Mll Tb X'om raoMiMt. Ths New York . iftr- sUitartfiiiserit 11 acosatidnal Story telegraphed to ft from Waatiintrtoa about SB aslicipafrd ttfuvt imt great to- barnanuite .matter a tttr the Presi dual. - - WnkJIBkf(s1 KRIS tit -ixii FUM.lt t Let aa ham a lew wiore "immense" popular demoaatratjoii. , J'liiln lt ltliia radicalism must try 'BMBVMBer.idgB. Ths ac counts of their proirros suero just Bow to be we- , .j ijt n ,.. rj- F1X Dbad. yesterday, afxAit Si q'clock, a segro boy, Bamed Mark Caldwell, while shoeing a bofse, fell drail. lie waa porfecti) glu ij wei tun srtnj op IV sua ins - ui uin death. Ckfifljit-A'riet, 11 A. T I I .1 gear ttii Olr, ab tk tbati, BustaV B. Las, ealy sos of 1'tuuaa W aawl : Jalis it. he, as4 W.tliOr etril.B"t kMreatt' DeueaUi Ids dmmA llai snSila- ; Two btUs BHMiuds tlw wsoaisrar greet, ,. Jwo kttl Bsbaa srolauL, a: I il , Father Mother, w!p tb Cw-dimoi'd eye, ' " Thy hearing aixhs rerirews , r ..... Thy bafaea at aiu with Oixioa bbjii) i And beekoa the tosons. .' L. C. L. 5W ABViTISJtENTS. iMBOK'E BACOH. " ' T T"-T7"r a j .i i -. -i - - - i.-.i? v j A saaattral M rT timllinni Ins llian, sanill iaus-jast receivsti...,,,., .. . ,,, od. 14-sa.tf 3T.XK1S8 A ttBBT. LtlNK CHKWIMO TOBAOXJi. , r I t ne save aaotiirr urtna or nrst-rate tu.miuK Totiatieo, different ' froiu tbst snnouuoed soue WlU SlIMMt. ... ' ' ' -- , Jit.Mtl.su A i'KKitK. ItTOi 1 W. a LABft- Li - Terysiesv i '-1 .' Oct. It-&B-tf ? N'k( JlilNKI.VS A 1'Klii X. ppLk VlNEOAR. if: trBttfHTr JKNKiNn-A 1'fcBKk. t : J Barks, t f : ! i! :i! f t JENKINS A PERKY. ,ot. uM-tr A rlOt)MBr Af LftT m yasf'Bort1.Sivti V part uf Urn City, Weat-ta' l Has sari Lnmib Insuratiuu, adjouaiitl tbe prusnaoa Jit Aim lie- 1 h Lot on4aius TIlKUi 1'UI'liTni 6r'L AOKB, morass tesa-. : . ' . i Ths Hoaaa ia a Vi saaad hnll.llj.a a.tjJi rrirai BOOMS, two Wed. ,i ..,! j lasrs IS a MUXien ana nil necesntry out-liuaaar id as excellent WiXi OF WAi tU on tbe wnH ses.ii. .. . .! ,. -,. , in .'.j....,i ii t,v.,!,,-...,( 1 isaas HiHaa tut sii. -- --- . uct. it 68-lw ALtiEY BEVglia., 1 Irie) of Cotton Ciln Redarcdf TUE GEORGIA COTTON GIN AT WO ,, .... . '' TEn SAW." :" 1 fTUtH MAkCFAOTUBERs OF THE ABOVE jl wiij BaoiiMi iwaooeu Ua prw to Ivnr soda bif Sullara per Baw, w sro prepared to reoaive w'ia ibewmiiif sau tW piic. tha bat baea tswuraUy tuuwa bt aaauy yoara, as V" "jnr tootnaioaa. usurKia) uw, it sow as "l'HE GEOhUlA (tlN'-mw.rf bl lieat in the aaarkes. . IU ICBJblAk A tX ' I -; Asg. W imx,i , .KswbBra,H.C. ! " VBwmoaa,Oct.a.P.iMi-: ' )h . , on m " ; Tla Ware tl Wnolesal; , 'i mHI CNLEBSIONED tkairaa to eaU tba alsnav JL Bos of stseshsnas to aot tSsitaMiwwa or1 TIM Ware . for too Trtdr?!"' Ba elaias to sell at wboWk. AT AH LOW HA lfA M warn HerctaaBt ess bay la Nf tars, or Bslumora, with PreiKht atliied, . Be salts a trial from tboa whs ar disposed to sswiHtrata aad ssaiat to buibbuaf sp a Bubw Enterprise. . .... , H plenRta bimaelf that bis rices aball tire astislsetioa, an that bia warn sball ba of good tfustity. - ,-i.-. i . . ., ..... trie Lists wig ba aent to any address sa awii eatwa. ;., .. "a, eswwaall-sld rspr Sa4 Inus wilt be taken at beat market rates, instead of aaaa. aotiTnrva at any point oo tlie Ksilnux,. 1 X--' -i . ' " r--H-lJE. - - Oct It -S6-eo.l3ni r - ItUisbortT, K. C.' IBAVE BE MOVE D FKOM FAYEjTEVILLE tiaast to th Store eatiM J'.cl .1 jlT JSor'li , Side, of Markft -gfloare. fbTBiirly occupied by Vttlifori'l'pf'nuiivh, w hire sty fnwuis and enatomera sail ia. nulilu ull aiwtjt (tod ate ready and wiUtug to sell lUm I . ' Dftv goods and cnocEni$ a jtyL-i. CsM and aes ms, I ebarge aoihtMr tor ahewlag ty ftnoils. -i:ri ' - ..- -u . .; . Oonary, prodBmr takes at etcbtne Bit Dry Oooda and Omovriee -' - " - . 'ALBEBT JOHNSOH. ... .... j Oct 13-1 W KcnflcKOa ACTlealtdraLralrU OFFICE BALEIOH A CANTON R. R Co.; t !-.,.. I'.j, ,;.'.. lUtataa, Oct Wh, 167. j On Taeaday Beit, the 151 h uiat., a Train far Hssdersow will leave this Jtty, at 6i eelock, A it., fie th traaapurtatnie. if ailu-laaiiesiirBed fur the HcmturaWB lair.- bueb arn.4K witl be traa. ported frse, t and fro, antess tbere i a ebsRae of ownsrahkp. . A similar Wsib wiM tears Weitiun, os ths tame dsy, st etb k, A. M. ' ' . 7 Persons desiriug Be vimt tb" Ftir, on eitlier' of inrtdayti in eiiuanci sill fort, ml a 1 a reurs ucaet ns one fare. - - - - !, Oei ttM-id:SU! i 4 , A Ja, SiMUiSW.t, tiupt of Trstwpurt'a TT" irins. 'WlLo 'g n t.-w .. . . 1.. 1 J i "COB OHnjOTlFW TEETBISO. GBFATI.T Ft. JL -cUujMmi U. ).-i, i twthinf;. Iv snfteninu the giimn, n iWmic all mHammaiion-' will allu ALL PAIN andxpsamodie aetliui, and is 8UKB TO UwrLATK THE BOrtELB." ' r Depsnd upon M, jpothsra,tt will gtvS rats to rotir 1viis,bbs) .. . ... " , h ? j gi!.Vilii1ii-9h,tyJ.da,.iswtwBiW.iiiMii tlW , . -f . 1'r'Tii ri.u ,1.. s. iai ,m itf li.Bhtt i.viE..Uai alii w suv u. wWinwi-.. j&BTH " -A trlA" i. arnts iwlm. u I.rrn-r ati Ka ah.ii (I'm. iv M. Smrtilil we snow an tlmmn tn.tislncllon Ly ilii- teie whn ased it "frf.-Trfrf.raj s4'tL1,i7?.7l with ttaope.-atiiir.iiiil swsk la .Urma ot eota- mt itLJti itovailt'iiirfia, and m. i. i . ttrr.iate-ieivv'T)-ri T"'tT fT'I'ilIT www, ail. r vears oi sp. riuluyi, bu.1 Ixxixic ot a km-Ti iios ra tm ri'iu.BMir ub wsit wb am DBUta lu slinoM s.iy uwuare wnete the Bifant maiifTanu lr,mk paiu siul vxltsuMUva reiki mil m ti.mi.l iu tilM-evnr Iweutj nmiiiiH after itn- r-nrt a Bdikiuaersd.- 77; 7 1'all dowuutts ioc uaiug wul aeeosiMtuy eam .. ,lier and call lbr.r rl'.T:'-1 I Mra. t ialora Sssotalnf Syrtip, Hsrine the fsiimi! of CIIET1S OTnrrvj. 4 w v".,VMi.aB-ijm . .. . ii.iii r, Ju -batf Itsitnoa. j , . Bold by PnujgUU thrtniboat Ihc war) L FrtrtHwatv 3 svewtt per Uaak v . . , orrw.jtt ; . I i'riT il'ns Street, llrt York ; vtrcb ti.4o.en, lid.; En7li.d hj Asa, m . aoiiois . . j , . A "IAsULY FLOUK: 5 - . ; ' . I I1 MISciUASEOTTlt ISC 7 rtnvrrv-ToiiTnirf I ' V iiiarklima Pepes, ' 7 k.mh kK. Km kjiil flbss Few. . W. tollma C a Asea, ssswted jm boX Vrt and Carpet' Tack. - ' I Worth MSsMfasamT Tta Waea, ......... j b ij..mmmmm o'-...' .. "rtA-Puss. rovsrsj Backets aad K el tie. Wait and Tia Huta, pint sad ksif-fHut Uape, IHe and bska Pssa, Ull Caaa, Hflk btraUMra, -. ftoeSeia ssS Oeoteva, asm Cap fans. "-'ii. Tin Wsnassda Iswrtb-taaa iwpauwd at rast Butiua. Kyuua t4d 4ieruig touss ia lb bust HBop over oar fuore, ttoM Fsycttevtlle UtreHi. 1suiC6eCl-B.tf w ith Bart Lewi,- sVaAt,A JitMHsW At THE VM CAT OPOCTOBEB. 1 SHALL J set) at Aiu uim that ssinsUa liois aud lot u tb Weslcru. Ward, biiguig ft lr. oi -. TSe M front ori Waat Btreet M tn ' I do weil hnuwtbs antra. 'Tbsm ara Imr nwsta to the Uoaae ; two kitokeaa arid a NatokeixMiii tnj vixhI A rU of fciH!lit!tit H utiT lu trie yard, iennt lr sale, one osir easn, nitri(- in inr eqnai in- IttaimeBta, and Und U 'smtln, with note isut eutid aecantr, sail taMma frtast day ot tale, snu Hmu wwumHl i II hum Mvnarii, tm pvim- i iMiviuetit MMua tfttau tfitsi aWv M bnivi-aiber. intff. -itau U-ta Ssy baiU-r, !.7 ' : J. b. Ktf tNKl.lN Aijenl." 4- CHOICK jCSltOCKHll-i ceiap roa cashu 3-DAY ' IS KECEHT OF A F0IX Stuck of aMSS ' f". j. FAMILY GROCERIES, phieb I bat earerullyseieeteil Wraait Bs tasss of my eastomsr ; j - - t. .-,-, 1 reapectluily invite tbe attenuoo or tin bo ara about to porebaae, to the ehsapeat and best Wnieerws m wis city of tuuein--conaisuiig oi . Hi.i.-t. ghoulilera. Breast Slid Uaios, IBeBueALssf Lard, '. i .. -iV.' ' Priine Factory, E. 0, and Fine Apple Cheese, Family lino Herrings, .. .iU i'. .i,v.,t t 1, s LUackarel, ia Kits, . . i.V,,,, r hmoked Bef Ton(rua, ' . u ' - l ' Hii)rars of ail KTisv ' ' ' 2 '" " ' r ,- Faaiily Flour, warrauted, t ,.. I.SW irradrs Flutir, i-rua wbils Moat Bio, Laicairs awl Java Coffee. m lleliaiouallrasB and lUaskTea. i . i Htxla.f-'ream and Huar ('nu ters, aud nianr Other articles ; all of which I eh aud will soli. wnoMseie ana retail, tssp niretwn., . - ,.v :J -J, cm, ltlii5lJAl(BEUi, s Oct-JrW . BaiJkot miuu-. 1 Valuable; Heal Eslate bear 0for For Sale. l TlCItSCAJiXTO AS OBDEB QPTUE COUiT X tir f.iuir.T ror tne uouuiy ol Oranvuie, I will, on Twoaday, the 22nd lnat., at the Court floase door in Oxi ord, offer for sale, St puhlio Aut tion, the land of whrnb the late Co). Thomas L Birks dieil asised and poesiwd. ' This land is situated atxiut half a Biile North of OxXurd, and cootaina about Eight Hundred and Forty Acre, about vne-balf sf whieb la otikiimiI tun. It has upon it a largo mad soaforUl4 OW tbl.INO BOIJUE twitb ajl nwessary oiit-btmiw. Also a agiali CSri ttllf. ' Tb. still and all it appurtenancea, with a smtll part of th Ismk BUI be sold separata, sml ttie nwt will ba tbvidad into two aaariy , qaal iart slid eai-h sold a. irti-ly; SBB t-A eradis at one; tw, tnit thre year, with ui'orest from day of sslo, -tha yqrchaaiir fftvutS IjosmIs with aioroved aeeariiies, aud tbe title reserved Bntil pavment nf narchase money; -1 JoM!f W. BAVrt, t. M. E. Oxford, M. C , Oct. twat-tw T KE(V (500DS! NEW GOODS! WAI1W AT itK5KIVKl M. i KOSEiS i IJ ATT'IvPS. COME ONE JtiD ALL, A'ND LOOK AT ORE of tbe nnest oolleetioiis f ......,.,' r....-(M DKES3.X1 OODS, "T, . v"? rniNTS an6 DEilirfEs, FWNSEL8, Wbitb aud CmHRn, " ' r rr y, HUSH LINENS, TABLE COVERS, . . j ; : . .;,! T0WELUNG8 And HAPKcya, LACE CURTAINS, -n W., -i . BLANKETS, Wnrnt ABfr Colorid. '- 850 Sqnaxa and Long Slutwls,'. . for Ladiea act Children, to be told at prioe to ttutths times., , , ;", Clotb Cloaks, ijraakfaat 8haw'l,''6'n- taea, rsubias, Woolen IToods. lialmoral Skirtii. and LadiesV- Gent's,' Misnea' Audi ,n Children's , , t ' HOSIKIIY AJfH GLOVE8 rsH!7 a IN CBaUT FABIGTY. - ,-. AW An ttsia units of .th satebrwtsd Miles t Son'a rmiadelpula Sboes. IKDU BCTiBEB OVEB-BBOBB, for Ladiea, Miasea, aad Children. r-r-- CLOTnSvXASSIMEREa, , .... SATINETS,. JEANS, AND HEKnE I n, " " '"' . '"-.; x. 1 porMen'and Beys' wear. ' . s fine lot of Lailles' and Gent's TrareQiiig TruuVs, VtJiwitrid Usnd-llapl at .. (.' It' E0SE5BAU1T8.A , ffAstsi bbstt 4isss1 relgl Oct,MM I if ri r . t BEKLIEB 9IAIT GTKACTI ,HVlKHf tBt,l t'i ii OVJ Dr.! Hollcniler'i Beer of lTeai4 ! w EMINENT KOtTtWlHtNO A KT strength. XV ening veinedy for ail -diseases of ths ' - j BBEA8t ,Juib BTOMACH, ''Si''t.vl ' r BCTEBAL VEAKNEH8 AND DEBILITY, ..'li .r '. .AJJSOt,- . . .j . ii.-,M j I 'Dyspepsu,;;, ,s" - j set great nourishment for ronvalesceutii. , MOTHERH,- bmM totrive imffi.nt natural BurlhnMit to tbolr fufauta, aiS lad tbk i. tract a remarkable venaody , ,-t j ; ' j It hsa been examined by tbe bbjbeet MediraJ tuihorilieVsml tjiproiod to be pot alone a very hesllhy, bedettrardinary atreegtbener, sad b sncoMufally saedia aU Utaepitala ia Koropa aud me sonocra t-iuea. if deaie of a nnniUr Si tdiyekdaa. we have mirodueM k aeeond. Bclner aeeond, BjflArtr qdahty.at- ,:' i f 1. . fJt'i.rtO JPor 1 Dozeu. . -By Him srrwniirtaait,,tt.ery tlkd of tue public w eoahled Uf pnn iii Una healthy renetly aud therehv JireaerT ylu-ir health ' .'Wn.fin,i.TiJ-l,T-.f'K,ffll''(i.'R,.p.i.'r'ET'-.ii-ii..i.1iJaiW-9itili f4Maj4itBatt'' Agent for North Csmlipxi l CKLEliiUTED -Ir Arfl; HI in; nit; 5 Per DKea Pibt B irn.ua) r luipuvted Artiflss; 7 L PUIIa. tlUCJt, 1 Beds Agent f.w America. ? t t ; t Vf-:: ,, " ;'r Oct. l-B Jn V til-3KAf t?trjrt LLp J2r ri.K 1 I ar awves . n rimnj.vsn area grown, vert nirJy not 1 - - -. - vj.'. "i.'ti-, ciiir. it t -,!-, j it o. ii. r ui !,..L, f:. : '..r y. ii. t ,-, p-nnrrt aa to aiirt .1 ,ur- o-j.i,.- I Ae . epidy to tb niMer!t - .BTiUfHE! MII.IJ 8, ' Auutow, B. C. OeiA-Al-lw , 1 V v,. CZIXAJTE0U1 A ; LAllOEi'I C1TIAP ASTJ "WXLL SELECTED rTToCsI FOREI3!s AKD IMacTlc i) it v aioiobs! " temEf tt-ml'' . r------r"t- - ' - '-,' ,"' :::...4...yyttl - ' - ALSO, A FVLL STOCK "oiy. JUadTes' Drea biik, Ijidlc-s' , , , C loaka, Lstdles' Irea ' v, TriniwlMg, h4 , READY-MADE CUniima:. ' AD these roods will be Bold at a wrv iad vasos first cent.' There will nothing Barbara. U WaWintlMua AsUskMaatl.toZ ' HIS yes hay ale where. l-- , .' Bememher ISAAC OETTTOJOEB, .: 'f ,i" 'Vl-V''1 " ' JMviaBt V ' . ''; i j.', , , ;; Boors Kortb of atartot toasni . ! 'f'TS THE MILL 13 EST iii j. J Juiti rstunied from Um Northm livrkttL wla Trtts.A aa,.. u t Al.A uud - a T W SB-V SL. - nor pnewm ana Mijrtkna. ul. l .: 1"" at as ts, usav. vj vaavji nmyasj maim AsVrtrs ttdUhcksi nf irfiitlXEHI that ever waa brought to tbia tuwav gh has txihiething to suit tU elsasea. TnmBied Hats from to cents Bp. -, : - " , c BonBeta msds of silks, velvets, straw aed tfaaav ..VwiveBc bilks aad taaiina of avers 7 shade. . , in itii ibotn, nowfirt, rest hers and OruaDeata. her stuck osBiHit b loelled. . . ,7 It is useless lo speak of her good lasts ia fcnaa, Biina Houmu and Hat. She ia ton wall k - " for tiist among tbe isdiea, far and near, ho iaat call before yop buy elscwhers, at - it". uerrnBOEBI - ' ' '' -Foa all know whet shs krasJ r. H She will have an ooeniiw sa, tl.i7J l(Hh of Oel.ilr, , . iK-toher S -3m. , ' ' ' " if 4- Ut E. II E A UTT'S , OLli. HXA3SJt ', l rj' T'N'i know lo th pnMie,i' sgtia filUai J with a mairniBoeDt stock of - d lrfcckro i) AKD ,:JJSTQTIONyr. T lumg evrXTteaee, and S thorooc aeqaaiatsMS With th Ory Ouotkr1 Trade ia all lis kvauahss, )o tiliis n iu ssyins to th emumaaiiy at lam. that their interest will be proiiioWxi by an nsuuusuiss of our well selected fcuick. A grVst variety to ' - t t ; lrlcrlnos, figured mm4 plalM, ' Poplin, ---- - - Lalnra, ' '-'. Empress Cloths, ; " Alpacas, ' l And other Biatenalt of fattest atylss, 1 CALICOS, , , Of good siylee and handsome, at 12, 15 sas 18. "DOMESTIC WORSTEDS, ' A J30. . . , . : Hal and C aps, Ilool aad Phoc. A M Of very bandaosie , -'-... " " ' C,OAKf : at very low figures and eannot ba beaten at lb liriens. ' We teUTst-n aa -h rhesn aa any Bonn m the city. , a that season advswsv s, Is suit rrcah ariirtla, I oemsjHia. Out. tf. '-. "' ' - - . iv" i 'O1 i-ei ' " . m ' . ' Fries List fanushed oa appUoaUon. "SB, ' fr''.'!p! IEON AlTsXEEIk 'JZ fll-.'l -'if I '. .Hi i-S-ipSH!- .- A ' : 4 . GILLIAM. A PtlJsLOPi -121 SycamoM 6treeCPtrtoW V Hav m stock stall Umss, aad offer at low pri- '- 1 1 eat, m lots tb toil, thexaost eomplet , -.) ,i. , l.. 'roA'ot ';' "v--h- iV IKON sfc BTEIUI- ii i ' comurnita or , i ., . - . ,, . - ' -. i n r BEFIKED BAB IBOH FLATj 6QUAE8 iKD on .id i i EOCHB, . i V";rtrrrbwt:i)M.tBo!i-' KOBWAY BAQ. BODS. PLOUGH IBO!. -i ., ' 1 " noIaB-6rrpR IBOH, ' - ' - CABlilAiiK UtON.. OVAL, BAJd'aKB. -t' :' BCBOIX'IBON. -,nimmtt 'v .li-'.H. , .! . , i.T M f BOOP IBOB, ALL SIZES, . 4 ' BEKf CAST BTEEL. GERMAN UTEKLi" r .1-',: n 1 ' r- - " -.- r 3,l r ,. 1, , irwv , BUSTER 8EEEL. , ... Extra ' Iron furnished promftty. QIIXiAMjfc.DUXLOP, IKON AND STEEL, !1jii. .11 I, Agents for the ssle of t.;6.-5.V our I FalrhsBki' Sealts, w And tH deseripfioBa of Oils manofsesarel ky-tb kfanbattaa OH Co. BBRBV SWISS, ui Halnisws, I a. a, eovTxB, LateofM.C. WALTTS OWTSS, , Latofl.CsnHia. OWYNN, COTTEN A CO,- "l o-dlJl or- .'fc.. AHO, -i , -.-t Ce ncral Commission MereBanttv i.n. .hik fTeni Lombard jSlmt;... - BiLTiaoKE. v 'Tl .. r Liberal sdranee msils ctviii'nnw . OriWa fS llSKKSAL tKUi UAKUllIC soktil" . Itiffur to Oou. Wlur Uwrnu.and Hon Bnr'm.rJ' OA : ' '" ' 5 ' -ter- 3049VodJin3l - . I a B BBEH'B ' -f" if HOC QT HT Pubh Tiihhu. . '1-P-. ,!. ,lnl .I I. . 'i l'ti -i0r Larm Homeranun Olnlai Im. , Norlolk - . .1 tie. Juot riHt-utd at the Itrna Hre.of , .. Juivat-tM-tr ' r "0B ALK ;brtaGK)HF. FKATilLKH, ami siioilx rVaptlB-sT-tl'1. ,- WhiieieOrwva MCAL! BEtLit neibin tjff mHfIjyHf?yv'"", -rBfE wurrE okn.J tMd ynt receirrd by BOl'tH-" l!KbL, "VI l".N4'ti N I t n. N ! It ,CwHtHtly trnvo'lf sn ror . ' Spt.USSf B.r.WlLUAB'10' 4 for ii