1 1 .rz 1 jtr, ft' Dsn, ijeV&r p ,, ' 4 -.i VOL. III. WM. . TELL, rMorRiKTOB. ..cTln'tnttt tall it cotton seriously affecti fcninea "prospects in ilia SoutUr The ulantwaaiU nut Blake their expenat, anil tuoee who neve rootoU land will loae tBOBey. - tA larett amount el northern capital tnvet- -fel,in cotton p!antlnjr,will be lout. Cotton tt the new erjj now coming late market ii selling in the principal cotton depot ot tin South at Jiourifflio or miern tenia, lax in cluded." The tni.rw generally PW the tax. o tlia planter tditaina aboutwelve and a hall ctbuj, curretojr, a pound. . , 4 " All the f green attending the cotton Ihifture are double vbat lliey Tens before 'the st,TiMi titelve aud a half cants a pound, which toe cotton 'grower receives - will be ovnii in uim out six anu a quarter crnt. coinimn il v itb the specie price ot 1800. It m impossible that cotton can be 'ina(laathrr-kau at tbif price, s -'- But the prre in still further to decline, as "V atar.lrota the state of the cotton trad .abroad. Emit India and Lgvptian cotton wiU ewpptrthe Liverpool-, inaiki-t at l ft even "than the present. . j i Emit India Cfittoo ia now quoted at Liv prjxtol st wenpeiw, and ran be afforded itb Mr pn'tit at ftiurpeni halfpenny. Tiiia milloloaa the LWcrpl market i;uiit tailed Htatx-a cotton for the future. Cotton itl rpe to he an American ataple. ' ..(jj w,at extraordinary wlndorn then kiid Mr. Miwnll. in his defence ol the cotton tax, orpr that the' wtton culture waa the mokt productive of. aHr-prodncta in this country, and tlwuiAat able oi all to bear tKst'i"i. Recauite cotton wag at thirty Vents at one time, -beBtipposcd, perhaps, that j,jt would never du:line, even in eoinpelitioa with th product of India. Any well -in ' fumied cotton trader could liuve toM hint 1pttrf,;Tk'ldt', he made no allowance, it Vaocnia, lor the demoralization and Ueatrucy Mloa nil Mack tabor ia the South. - -It is reported Hint at' Slempbis, a great cotton mart, the decline, ot cotton causes xsDcb rmuarrawomrnt, and that many per sous there attribute it to combinations in Liverpool and New York against the Bouth " ifn Btates, t , . ,t. iT ,; ,v-, . s But it to happen1 that the Liverpool and "Vw York cotton Trade severely sutTers by " the decliitf. and that many of the dealers in the staple am brought iy it tu the verge of bankmptcy. Large amounts have Deen lost in Mew York, at well aa in Liverpool, ia vain efforts to sustain the price. ' i The dryguoda. market jo Hew York and elsewhere jcels the cottiM decline. The ,! domestic: and inipurtecl (roods tre selling 1 below cash Some cottons brinjr leea than ','thev did before the war, and still the tenden .,y i' downwarA, s . , ., ,. , Cotton ficttta in the 6oufh aiiviae plan- ter' not tn hdd bek their crope in the Lope ot a tine of a cent or two a pound, as there is morn likelihood of further decline titan of advance. i 1 It ought to be the very Brat business of Congrats, at the ensuing aeastoa, to repeal the cotton tax,' ami provide for refunding rhat haa-heea collected upon the crop of tM season.- National IntUiyenter. , jfi"" "' "wn' "Limn j t ; l, i From iht Kew Yorx-W'oild. . , ' I..- If the Democrats carry New York and other States, ae w expecti, the country will - '"rh'mand the nettiement ot the Reconatruo ' tion qucstlod without further delay, Seeing that the Radical scheme cannot succeed, the people will be impatient oi persistence tn it : There will arise a moral necenaity for an immediate settlement on a wore liberal baeia, We trusty bat such a settlement will he reached on the iasuof a compromise in k the lieputillcHB party will yield soms Jv tbin, I'residenC Johnson something, the - .' fWnnh ftomcthiua, tli Democratic party "'' something. Each party will have advant- affea which the- others cannot fail to rucog '' nize; which is a aUte of things favorable to mutual eoncewions and a liberal adjust ment oi diftVrences. The strong point oi the Republicans will Im! their large present ' majorities in C'otirens.; the strong point of the Democrats their certainty of defeating - The Radicat policy; the strong point of the J, South, the ability of its liite inhabitants , i to render the Ili'cnnstruction scheme eon j tetnptiblo by standing aloof and- surrender m ing the control of it to the negroes. ..JJoth tiia South and the Democratic party would -he : wiliuig to make some eoticessions to have the qnrion settled now, instead of two er 'four years hence, The ' Ktpublicana had better make concessions than to atand out .. and lwe all. A settlement thus reached would have this great advantage : that, be ing established by the tnutusC consent of I aU parties, it would bind the honor of : ' and be secure fioui ml'acqnent disturbance. Whatever is duetued eiweutial could at once ,,i be p'lt into tiu Mwtitutioa) by the prompt ratification At' all the Htateat and neither party would br H fit-jfehoNlied of sedition it might uudcr the soreness and huraili tiou ot a complete aud insolent triumph by, its adversary.. In proposing as the ground of settlement sm amendmeul securing per fect equality ofirit rittbta, we did not in tend to assume authority that doea not he V long to ns snl off! an v?timatum.tit only txprea an vipiaioa which we tiadfau poutjt the democratic party woula reartnj asDtto. w r f - - t . X t..,urT-.- i; . Ktar Wiermin,' Tetaa,' recently Mrr. Keatty, a widow lady, met her death in a W siBguhtt 'manner.'., Hbe was in tle a;t of getting en a borse, when a eomiuon aewing needle, which etuck in her dress, rant;litin 'he saddle an. I was driven in ber boIy near lhet.rrt, slightly piercing her heart, Khe t lived only about kalf aa hour. "--- A- vrrr worthy fisherman- by -the trame-wf i'w aji, si p i.w.r ? I .apjrie .kima iiifes.nl .."all aearcii hi uia .body prve4 unavailing. Aftur it. hd txen i.Jthn water- some T-TaoiV,T.CT,TT;Trinias' &iiArmwt ftrfatrrfg- - -i xfu tuifa) w-int"t.iKeii" tn the" slmre,- whereuputt Mr, hmilh waa dispatohed tn -1eiaey the intelligence to the aiach kfllict ed widow. . , ' f "Well, Mm. (Jriate, we hav loumt Mr. .Oruala'a body." . . "Voud-n-tsav Kr "Y..we bH--the jury h&4 sot o-i it, tnd fotiBi it foll frf eel (.--- i Voe ilop't sv Mr, GriutUt's body ia full . ,,ot eela O ,. ,. . ,(' . . . ' ' , . ''Yea it is. and we want to know what yon II Im .)..ne with it?" 1- '-WWbiw m-uiT rlojeu tMnk Aei ia in bsm r1 h' .! a...-:icl. ' ..1. IS en I t ,nk uu hud better S'nd ;raY goods.. KEW tOOHS ! NEW 1 00 US I COME ONE AKfI ALL, AND ot the. Buest euiloL-tiuus of , Looaf TOH DRESS 600 D, ' ' f , PRISTS AND DELAINES, l LAPlAhi, M UITIt AND t'4H4Hnn, IKWH LINENS, , TOWE1.L1.N0S AND NAPKIN'S, LALi. Ut,KI Ai:, tlLANKETo, Wbiti ni Culohrd. 250 Square tad long SbawU for I.Ktu'i suil t:iulilrn, H be mii at (rrims to suit the tlnie. ' ',.,, Cloth Chtokn, )inrT,tt Simw1, Rnu- ( tags, NubiitH, UimliTt Jlooiiis, 4 lJuImoral SktrtH, ami Ladiea', ) Gent's, iliRNCa' ami . r i i Children's ' IIOHIIOKV AIVOf JI-O VKi- 1H CHEAT VAH1KTT. - . . Also a So anaoruueui of It tMbt4 . Miles 4 Son's fbllndclphla Shoes, INDIA ROHHER 'OVKKtllOEH, for Lsdiea, CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, SATINETS. JEANM Fur Men and Co a' ar. AIo a flue lot of I.aili and Gent's IVaVeuiu Itttuks, Valieea, and Maiid-IUK at - M. EOSEHBAOltt'S. -f ty And nior Ciood ( omliia;. Oct. 7 62-tf , ' ' ' - j CHEAP AND WELL SELECTED STOCK 4 ,! - I t. s'.fr.i.'' ' ' . ; .' . j I OKCIU.M AM) IOMITIC- DRY GOODS! ISAAC OETTINGER, l - ; 4 FayeltevllU) SI. ALSO, A FTIX STOCK OF Hlirt Itootn. Ilaif Bin r . . .... ,,, .. ... , .7 , " ' I peuaMUa IQCMfl DC MIIIPI1I.J 0) Cut OlJ IX lol'tt Shoirk Htirt Itootii. Kitls bum CHna.nwinrt aB.wiif teeafhicidTimi'Tr fiidcn .H(llt-s' Ore.a Kllka, ladles' Cloaks, IjidleV 0rva f rrtmmlnea, and , I anryuoodi, . READY-MADE CLOTHING,'; AU UieR noixla will he sold at a very small ed vanuaoa first east.- Iliera will nothing be eluirg ad Air showing them. All we ask la e aall, before you boy eluewhere. . . . , , i - Romatnbnr --i ,, 1HAAC CiETmSOEB, , At 48 Fsyetlenlle-Bt., 4 ... 1 , .: , 6 Joo Sortli of Markvt Sqaart OT THE MILLOTIEY IOTIL-' 1 MB. STTTinsrH n ain .T..nty"to serve her fneii'ls stttl at.rini. Hhe has oat returMil tmm Mi Moriluini klarketo, veil poatml, and.wilh one of the n weal and largest tockeef ' '?.... . j that er wsa brought to this Iowa. 8he has sotnelhioir to suit ail ciaanea.-v . !) Tnamed Uata frnea Ml eenta np..' lbmneta mad of anks,TeUetM, atraw and gimp. v elveta, bilka aud' Satma of every oolor and Shiote. : la llibhrm. t'lowerl? Feathers and Oroamonts, ker (ifo.'ck rntinot beexnetird. It is nntiietw to snesli of niY good taste in trim ming Uonnota and Hate, she is too , well known &rr Uiat among the Ladies, far and near, ro just oatl tailare you buy elsewhere, st JHM. UErmOEIfft I ' (tou all know where aha hveiT),' P. S. flhe will have an opening on Tunrsday, Uhh of October. - r October it3io. ..... ....... ' HAU AI t . GILLIA5I & DUXLOrS ; IKON STOKE, . 121 Byeamora Ht., l'otoraburg, Ta.i . i BEAitirs ".f ... . . ! i PATENT LOCK abu SELF AliJL'STINtl - TIES EOH IIALINU (JOTI'ON, " . Combining strength viiit rapulityof atljnatmeat . TO IIALL'S OF1 ANY SI?E. Each Tie Is complete, and re.tv for nm, i i , i. .And uordifiio diracuma fur patilng on. It ia impnesible mr It to enmeotf. ' IRON TIES ARE SUPERIOR TO HOPE, Being a great nrntnttion against Are, and tby .... wiUaol rote. - ' . BEARD'S TIES i are put o in leas hme, itd the Bait it Md mm 8ng1'J,' firmly ami Htntrtly, Than any other 'l'le in exiatenet . - -They are mad; of the W qnality bocrp Iron, and - ere thorenghly "painted t . : - , . WILUAM t UUNLOP. . CM 17-4il-lm . 1'tterabnvK, V. . OFFICE OP Til F, l.(W KVII.I.R MININO ) ANDMAhl'FA'rrtHINM Co., j lULKioa, ii. C, Ottobw II), 1SG7, ,) , ' A weeitiigof the htocb holders e this Company Will be held in this city, at the office of the Kat eigh A Haalon ttadnl iVmipany, on Wed use day. October sotti, at e A. M. - - ' t A fuU t'Mvte m reinettd, ia pererao or ty proxv. aa bUMiiuiaa of importance will be nfideir ounaidentiva. s . - ' -v 1 WM. H. VlM-AltO. Oct. 13-57-law.Jt .-!- I'rraideut. mr Itcgbtcr and Standard erifry S times eatik in Iheir He.al. j . t . . ' i I jlUr-SII MAINTAIN Ill'lTlX ' i ' . Jim reattrami e4 waalehv . Bept. l-fH-t$ a 1", W I LUAMHON A CO. L IME, 1'LArilF.lt. Cr iiK.M' AMI HAIH -BMMrt. tavorabtw wrwa by . .T ? ' tVOUtH ADAS1FL. yS- - r-".". a-..-r-"'m-'.r fky P. Ha MovrHi T ttwe.UTs or raaaa LiHie'raott Miiae. , - .' .... Juiy ll-3Iia... . ., ,108 SAUC. rVnifnl Tienrh t HfXt lOILCr bf-rW. Inas rareived. ' ; . pclUav joswa ;o. Jf"T"-," - ia7; i i r.4LL-TIt IIIE. 1 jjx,1n v AmOLrilMiK lESfU'lTJ MvntuiA h.4 t - - Oct. 17 Af-tf ttrnoteaaie Ivasere. I7. PLA1EH, i V'M-el.t a. X U t le. t. - A0e-l.ve Mau.ura an J thoppme ntchts. ' i j.LliOViti. Raloh, Oct. lo-tf Wilh Hart and iwa. lr. HE Cli-1 B TIM'.aRHI t t riCLiisi. 5 lULEIGU!N4 C.;TIlUKSDAt; OCTOBEIl4, 18G7, , V . lXFI OTSTJEAirCE. ' THE EQI ITABI.K . J. LIFE- ASSUIUKCK , , ff ' ' ! .rt OP NCTYYOHK Aj - u . ,. , , . i 4I " 1 " ' 1 " ,- " tT. ASSETS OVER -. . S 4, 0 0 0; 0 DO. -ANNUAL INCOME - 8 2,50Q,0()0.5 j rT.TrE.fP FA1D Tt PtWJfT. IfOLPEn", IV0T RTOCK It0t,PEM,f THIS TEAlt' ,tl'.ti PVEfc.fljlKVXtO,;,,,, N ' PE'llEtT Ml'Tt'AIji PROFITS DIVIDED ANNl'ALY AW0N0 v J I . ,.. , v , f ' U. POLICY HOLDEi.S, ' evj;, ' ' . J Tba Xqnilabls has grown more rjidlT, stooe ita ergouiatluo, than any Life Inwarmaua t'uao pany ever orgauliad if Aata . ,.. Ita policies average largeriin amount, than those of any other funvpauj in'tha tinted utates. Apphcatkma for Agenoira ia ' North Carolina mast be addressed to the tJca'l agent. "' i j Ma. M. P. TatloX, Ag WilmmgtoB.''' : " . Diaoawit A OiJiog, Kawlriu . . ' Oaaaa Wujjuaii,-" Tar bora'. . - BiraaaM A Oamjuims, Agent, Wsehingtoa. BaxNuxa, KxxLoue A Co. ',' . UrvenaUm. K. Nxa Hrwawoa A Co. " Hahabury. " tlVTUUlHON, BL'HOljUHOt., - . .; f4 i 4 a ; tCharlott. N. C, i Ana e-SUu-am , . - Oenl Aeenu r S. f). . LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Vi r, iim. . .-.-Ann ;.,i ,1 AMMfl M.OlHI.l M M 1. ' . , 'j - - - - - , fTTHIR COWPAVV WW. TF YEAR SOV J. . FOKHUTiMl kSUOWMl.NT lOLIl-lfc. contracting tc pay the amount m.ufed at dvatuvor the apei'itied tune. , . : Aq entiowment poucy presents tn nouid ai motion of providing for one's family or oilier d- ini-feTT ftidcpa- luiiNW, in cae ae witaina nw air r 'i itna nianrrof; i 'l ltttaniaiirrog for tea yaara, a nea oa fcalf of the eose will tw taaiai by paying aix per cent intereat. y 'inia plait gives, in auuuioa to an ina sayantav gea in lire maurance, aaala and eotorenieai J.N Vk.H lUjl'.NT lot one's aavuiaa. till Uiey hava ae- eiimulaUd to a delinita amount ; which he re- eeivee in oue sum at theepecinvd maa, t . . i Oct. 6-Al-tm i ir At Ualeigh, N C. Par ska jKtaa a.lfe Ismimm NiarUf. 7,000,000 O0 Aaaeta, etet 'At'frni "V. jnAin A--, n' atrf.fVF.D'6V ftTt. a" CllO,' fl,wral A- aent of North ..aroliua.l payment in nill for the policy of John V. Handura, ilec'd. No. '18,l7, tir fo.uUil, and a dividend of (X) per iwnU on eoat. . " . VViLUH H. HANOKKH, .'..j. v Attumev fur i i i Mae. Sinuaas turn CuiLCaV.C. , ' aept. t-aa-am ,. ; i ; FAMILY OROCEHS. i , ."w. eobIeet ajto'rews, FAMILY Gil6cEIl, 'KO, 31! FAYETTEYIlii BTREET, ' , KALEIOII, S,'C"l KF.EPH CONKTANTLY OS HAND A LA ROB. aupply of 1 .( ,CH0ICE GROCSIUE8,' . , ' Couaiating in part of Pii'jara- Oruiih.d, "A" . Cof fee, Powdered, "C" CoiVo, "B" Coffee, and brown of different grades J e ( . Moiaeaes anq nvnip ; Onrbwa, Jsta. Iguira, Ilia, and fit. Domingo; Itftt-on, Kidos. MiouMcrs. Hugar cured Jlaoia. and Htnps; Heef, nir chipping, broiling, and spiced fr Im-H- -big, a splendid article. .. Npiced Pig feet, Pickled jura, iwin anu uujiaiu A..iigiia . .. Codliah, Tonguns and Sounila. tlacknrnb Smoked or Hootch Itemnga, A splendid lot of 0k1ih. - - - - , .pirkled and smoked Falraon. i Jjverpwd and TslileRalt. ' ""I 'ot&Uea,White Mercer, Peach IHuw aud Jack son whiw".1.. . Ounnr Uagufng. Rope Sole leather. Kreaeh Calf Hkins, Lining Rkina,, 4c Who pegs, Tai'tta. ie. , ' ( ... r)ing Paper, "PnwdeV -and KliOt, tVitU.o Pearl and Corn Ntarch, Farina, and Tapa lghah Dairy Cheese, Factory Ciiceu. : a Wram Carle. large assortment oi canned f ruits, j'lolea, Pranrvea, Mustards, canoed Oyatera.: Lobatcra, Banltnea, Ac. urangea, umona, ngw, imrranta ann itunea, sod everything tiseallv kept in a flrat-claxa uao- Alao liauors of all eratla. AtiittioBt kmiiu daily eautdl to our purs old UolMtsoii Oiuiiy and old Keller Whiskey, . , ., j . All manner of ttaiuiea, CatanM, and Fancy fto eeneaganerally, veryrbeap foreaalv t ve ai.u smcuy mr iAH. . i - W. KOBEKT ASOREWH, ; - aprua u . ramuyunic mSCEUeAIVXOUSa , Aiuoui nritMG iu id. WJS OFFER TO THE PUttMli VHIH t K1J? brld Jejuni, mhI m &mik w V mird thfct iu iiinjnurity ovef qy (Hhr HXlM UH 11L will (i to h ft.tfira.il metmyAMicm 4 Mi feuUio U urfr. U -W vtjaKtjrAiMm. ifn: from ut rf.iwffrtwe.bU rotiL - - - - it Wlii ftMtt RFMaM ii. awaWdll. ' i ('i'' 1 4 It nut iKui or KrvMUMltrihtnVi J t.t; . It pnKwiifMM mti u4 twni4iiji ligi.. ; it in imt trrtiiff tn tli ftp1. ' ...- fi' " ' . v) H W-lJaMHJttBiiiJ lirivw4r4Mrff. U b lie ntuta tu any KniM4it Jw ly atsMiHlllir tit lHllawtr. ' a U liM bnen uxwt i?trn.tiy WfpW3!, an pf nouitced br jurltftw to Imtii . war Ki,t- AJkxac Iki'JudMa 'u;io immt im Amm... -v sr tn fiimlt tfl with M r,nbf irtti'lt U pr n.te, .ttt -w 4hctt from Mui vririM. tttuis n.auiiEsvtttir tn wi or Kw n. iu, y 1.807. 18(37. ' E17FZS.I05, KES0SE5E OIL i end Lamps of all iiuda, I. who ('himoevs Wi.-ha. Oil tans. i J. Ull.JW k. i h, tk pt. 'it-DS-rV n i(b II n A !.. " jouv t. ii:iii:i:he, AUorney at Law and Begister in Bank- rupteyV rTII.L FbtrMOK IS ALL TIIJE OOL1.X8 EAILEOADS. .J.l IMPOUTAIT TO . f . . the kew ;' .: ' Baltimore and Carolina Grand Trunk FREIGHT LINE, ' VIA PETERSBURG. V.,r Coniodaiug the foUowuig great Prviht Uoutea ; THE POJVH4TAX Stcajabo&t Company't Freight Line f ri" " , pteamera,1 ' i s rr.mtsniRCi axi wei,iox, A ?:t: '' RA1EIQH AND OASTOS, ' :'IVOJtXII CAUOI4NA, . I t ! :, r , f t .i , i , " if WCtrtKRW NORTH CARnUTNA, '' v WIIJIINOTON ASI) WEUHHt, ( ATLAmiOAND NOltTH CAROLINA, "' Vlf.jnxr,Tl)k' AN0 M.UiCHKfiTEK, ' CHARLOTTE AXD SOUTH CAKOUXA . fv ' And Uielr eoinierttfrna. v r? - ' y" s it ? 4 ..Time tul-k and Rniei Lew, mnm xrw 'ltrsK i.tnr Kittsi. A oiirat I fnmillT HlrTK-.iv..en llillonore aud Wc Idoa, Warrentnn. Italelgli. HiIIbUhv'. jt ington, Mababnry. Mrganl, (!harlt!l, Ij.Jo tou. GoldHboru', Kewltern, H.aiif..rl, Mi!ttiiugl..n, I I titcrvillp, rt iinatxiro', OoluaiOuv, iualrviU, Manelinnter, and all interaitxllaie point no aud Bttr theae great Hallways and their erainecihma. ihs Puwltaiaa kteaiuaf aeunneat at A'vtenttiwrg aith IcU'rabuig Kailaay , ir all omnia in Ui t;r tiu" mr" al.gWdo'f hieicr.r Hliaif and gnnls traimfcrred with earefnl iiand hng. t!ai ar.s run llowiuti wlthont lrekn.g Uok bxw.wu I'eterauarg aad SaAuurli t'lMrtuui, (iiadalNini',. Wilwiiigtnu, ., Ae. .. 'fin luhuid Line powwttMes litany advautagea over a Ska Kimte, Marine mk ia small and imuranc ia ixmiiiwa tiveiy uolhuiff. The Wharf t Lha lawlii. titeainer lemg situatml ia llm verv oelWe ef tin' great nhippiiig dwtrwl liaUUiMH-e, ri'ndera it iiiv!ia..i,t to nhippera, and dravaKe ia Tir small. lreat atiention paid tai'iinaiguiiieiilaof 'Cmton, Corn, tonat, lloam, Ac. Aa. Ail pemtui ar wardwl at the kiweat saaaNUe rntft.-... ' ... mr to utaare uanaportauoa ver tint inland Fast Line, ,,,rk all ..!, wheiber Korlbward raownwara n,.iir..i, , I'mawsw,, mtr tJvt1niU Pftftirlit laMihul in ktliliiMM A.IL.1..m il!nerj o the Mt.-awa -,. , ,- Tbsom;h IlcCiiltjta art. ttiVwU ait.l A.wt rmLm lu. 1Q0 lioumla gnai antewl bolll way ! a Kates III ever eaaa aame'aa via Xt.r TAnM and i'Orlainmilb in and from UaHiaB.ra.l kila.lal. pbiaanJSaw kork. ... . M ,,, ,t , l N IL Wl'l. f ra r.1 1. n.......l ...... 1- lui.hfc is na-warrlcd to and from l'etemuiii i. l'lnl.l..l. plna nd N. V. Ktcamers. . orTat and all further inr,.rm.il.m a,.nl b any pretght Agent en the Lni, or at the -OKriCK o Ti, POWIUTAW aTEAMIIOaT fx,j " M Ighl St. MTisrf, Baltimore. 'J BRA Vrvf, Ja , Prea. ftnrhatan Hteambnat Co. .K. U. l'KCRAM, hnp't Peteralnrg haiiraad. A. it. ANDllKNt H, M,p t g,l..,Kh A (iaatoa M. B. jAMISANriHivl.S.Snp't.N C 11. Ii C U(it'RK.IIT,Siip'tn,arl..tie8 C it R, U PKKMiiST.Hup't nil HeidinH R J. IL JiliHAN, At Itsaw Irana, AUaalw and N.0. Kailruad. -WM M'llAi;. nup't. Wit. A aaehsUt H. K -fcepL S0aui i , I'Slfi Peirrabarsj Kailra4 t av, I '. . i'l-rxasniiiu, a.. Kept. Kl,li7.( ( . Great Through Freight ioute. rpilR PKTEBHIICItU IIAII.ROAD has' bees X wdnpletwl to alia Hteeraera' brf a She Appiiattux atiwr thereby atuiiluig all aVeyage tbi'oiigh tlte city. : ; Cmineetiinm.iid mhersrriingumenta hae lieen amde at n.eMon with the Wilmington and Wel eon and balemh aud OaxtAn lAiuiruaUa aad their eeniHictiiiua, via: North Carolina Haiirnsd ui I Nailotio, K. ll.: ( harlotte and Miauh (larulbia Railroad to Oolutnlua, rl. (J.; Wiliumi;iMi and Mancbnatrr and North Kaatorn Itailnaula Ut I harlamtoo. ft. t; 1 t he raw and ' llarhngkia Hail n.l to Uieraw, H. V-i and tNoatura hurtii UarH lina Kailroad to Morgantun, H. (!., einbracmg tin r..l.!w)ug nuinl aiaii'.iis ou the Morih Car, .Una enailsi lArdmin.m viui HWdou olroad Hilifax, Eullold, VVInUker'a llatilt-ljoru', Jojner't, Wilaou, fclai'k Creek, Nnlitllila.U'iliMinrD', 1'lkeville, K erettsrulc, Uinlley, .Mt. Olive, Kaiwiu. Dowiien'a, Warsaw, tlagnolia. Knee Hill, Teacbey'a, lxipliu ttoad, .Leenliurg, hutnh Waahiiigtoe, Hnrgaw, Aliliuro', lUx:lj l'niuj., Mariborj', and dorth Hunt. . " a i Hatttah and ftantoh JtailrtiaA- Qaatiai, Little ton, Miwm,' Warrenktn, Hulwewar, J emetine, HMMlemoii,,i KitiruU a, J'raMlmtoa anil Make tun at. , . . , ,i,,, w1h ftirtilim) r.'ifirooii-llirrivi1tu. ilir. ham's, Hir)hnral-Menarti- Haw Kner Urthain, Uempairy rliis, Ihlawn a, Mclan'a, UrM-ui'o', Jiitoiji, High l'uuit. Iliianaavuln, i.e(itil,t li uoing, 6 il.Bi, t l.uia Uuiire, lumen 4 sea llaT-rirtbnig . , .. It'esren. Xniih Cartilina 'Itnilrutiii Matiei, RumsvUle- AihevHle, ltnthnrfonlKai, Hmil. rai.u- vine, aiarrnau ana na nmruie. , i hmlvUi and frjivt lAr.'iii" ViuiMmd-to- tiitnlna, M. C. mnia, n. i;. ArhV Ansfera li'oilnnod AHtarh atnit. ROL' ( limne and Dartingtoti YfaitriMd 1" I'beraW, 9 C. . . Arrangements have alno" been made fi carry ing tliriiiiKtf freignia at l'etlnirg slid my I'.oot; wiiit the lVwbat.a tHeauitxiat (.ihuh to iia.Uim.ra, tal l.igut hvreet nnail, J. . lliaiiiit, 1 -r i. Ic ill w.ili Ulyile'a line of alcmawa to phrioijelpltis. w. f. t'hife. Agent. 14 ti. Iiela wwe atreet, and w.'h (inl D.xhiio.hi Hlmnt-hip Company tor Sew orti, whipping poiut t'ft M Sarili luiwr,; b-l of IWeeh. eirii, . h. A.. Mo Oi 'ly, rt'..i'lnl, oftiee l.i7' liievtinich Hireet corner .if liev. " 'IIi...iiIi ft i lt;lite marked via reW-hurg b or fr.n link, thiiaieliliia,. Haiti. mw. and al'ore li'bi.it.l p.d.'ea in V.iUt and l.ttili t acts na, trtnitfi ii a chsjo and ei.cloium.y um by anv other mtite, - . thmugWtii ta hue aill beViv.ii alili ti e gaUia giiaianli d St.. Uie eeiaHrfcaiiil niii.'.piiig poltila t.l A l CuUiiat.a ciuprii.a.j( M.. Itleai Tiwonsfh- rtnnHf. . .: ' . . o lriHnre t"i. asfl iy rr.0jr1ii , d.rt v.wir c aignofa tu ainrx alt prmtaw; awl eaxrcbamliM ean-t.f jtmrmul A"i t, tetwrlHo. wtuw.Urur ward Hit vltxr oi eiirs i Iiiku ui titeir d. auna tl.ni, NnctfT t e.nitlt K. It. ri.illlA f, K -pt, 27 I4ni " flenernl Knperint. lalrtil. t Ot'l'lCil'ti'lli tAittU.UA U. ,rwi -." , r.,,Mi i!.v e a S C.. ' , i i'1" It' tt-r l. it., f ml S . On atutsfter t)i dare ihu a.ik.wior will lie Uia acWluW I. Faavenaer Icaikia flvor Una tumi lae'ltarliidaily ...... ..,(!, m ,j On'iiUo 411 A 14. i Arrive f.! l.':;(lh,-ti M y J Iare .olillwt.'t " l. tirw-itlK. .... ,-f.. V fil . y Arrive iy t.)ivrtotttT. v.-' - - , . M.aP . M, - -U-aH.4 bWH .tf'UtK- tiUa 4 .ff.h-n f t riiiuA, rui ftrfijiibi'jirii n.ut IauviIIa far Jitf iiiiirl;wrv44if 4-ii miu lrti ! itrhuMt'l at thu ha rue li'Ut bf ri( rr rrttjur, . v.V.iiij'Tii"a i ma ( f rfJwUiE-o' with it iat nci" Uim ii vf W ihumKivm tt-id. iit-;a tfrMui ut aAfl friMH wViiii.i.ti.'UM, and br trr;.., 'Iran mi .-rtl.tt, , - JA. U''U 1 -W! ;U . f , , .... ' t. .. bAAl'l LaporUBt of Lot nj laiid nt Durham' i Djpot, Orare Co., 38". C. IWFLL (fVni.y imhtM mta, al imrhaii'a f i nti'awJ UUANU MUMU LAKDA, h:ch vnn thiiiw tliAT. ,1 A-fCM HilaJHrTt A Dli Jrf ak 4t?f fv a.it , !'' , I a-" vt r.ti ilj jsi,( l j t. .."-: : 1 ' . , . .,.1..-..., , -"r:-'rV !'" .' 1 '. - r '. ...1.1 ' n BRT G00D& NEW'AKIllVALS. - - teiaewwTi found In tble iHtltudf, ' 4 J t . , AT S.Vl.&VrT()IJN(.lf- ., "- KAI.EK.II, .. V. Th hVi.i ir of this firm has been selling tioodw, for the la a twenty years. In tlra mailict, . ea aat ! tmr tricndii tltal, vuoaidorwg all tliinga, he never had a ....... ..... . ... ... ... ?. .. , ..V.uf j. 'i ' 1 I t f .tt I 1 41 a 1 'A 1. 4AmAI.. . BETTER. NICER OB CHEAPER STOCK OF GOODS ' w . r ft f I. . - . . , t.i v ( ' v h i - i i ( i . 1 n . . A , Te i-fier thnin than the are awe I'Muing at their ".luce, Nr II Fayetteville atreet, Rakigh, N. U . , , t . p. H. A W. A.VUU, (tetnlrt, mi -tf. . i . . 1 R?7. 1 CI.OTHINOI ' OLOTlf I NOLt OUR H Ft H K (IK FA1.I. AS D W INTKll tl.OTH aig, Itw li,n and, Idsya'ie how In juora sad reaily fiw hH.ptii wu. , , , I It haa bma enr Cim.ija (.,r msiij feiwn to bt wir CikhIs cut, trunuied and BiioVlu tP Wwt laanattr, believing it tv be tu tits Intern of both the barer anil seller, t i, . " With Haunau, 1Uuwi, I f,i. m ,Nw York, Air Hanafseturera, we nan nAly auu-it tliat our adrantagea aw eeUing reliable gonda at law prices are not equaled. In mtr line, ia h'orih Carolina. Citlwna and at rangers will always find our slock fuB aad AaairaMe, ' Particular attentioa h railed to onr stuck of ' PINTS TmKSrt 8!imT. ' ' a" A perfect Ot gnaranleed in every Instance, "a flrilers for suite nimleto metsuie will receive prompt attention, , " ? , , . , . tint beet endeavor, shall he to pleaae tb nu merous patrons of tli hout, aa well as all oth SrSt. who may favor us with a call. ' " B.B. ANKHItWMA 10., i 1 ' " Oenfa thitrttllng Raoma, J A FINK AmOltTHK.Vr tP lTa, eliibra. ciiig all of the sew styles, ynst received.) -. " ' ' It. . A1MIFWR A t'O., , ' Cent's FurnWiing Hnnae, !-t. .....faL. .-.. .,1-. I (sj . .-n. i it l st i.i.' , n't.., i TltUNKM.VALISIM.and TUAVEUJNOl HA08 of every deeerliitum kept eonatantly on bsmt. Kept SB-HSin - ft. llrASDnLAKA CO. bi:klick 51 ALT EXTRACT I OB' Dr. HoHender'n Bppp 6r Health t rUt lor Duxcn, ,5' A N EMINENT hOl'KHIUNil ANU streirgtif J. eniUit remedy for all dniaM of the ( , . , BRtAST AND STOHACH,, , . , GENERAL WKAKNUrtrf AND UEU1L1TY. " ' itiSO; ' - ' '. pvHPia'HM. ' X " and a great aoariahnsitiit for convaleaceute. ' f. MOTBEKH, naahle to give sunViviit natural nenrulinunt to their infauls, will And Una Kt tract a remarkable ruaiedy. ' . It haa been examined by tlie highest Medical authoritiae and approved o be but alone a very healthy, bat extraordinary atreugthaaer, aind is suoeeaafully oaad ia aU Hoepitaia In 1 F.arnpa and the North era Cities ., In eoeupllaooe With the deaire of a aninhwr of Phyaletana, we bars hittudoewd a anuwnirj lighter bty,et ,u j. . 0 ,i tn"- 1 ' ji- no io'.on."7 By ttita at'rai'igeTw.eiA, everv Waa af the peblie Is enabled to wrarida this heelUiy retnaily and tliereby preserve their health. ., , , . IIfIlU TUIKJf, Sole Agmt for Jiorlh-t'arolina. . .i HASZ 4 MICHEL ! : CKI.PftHATKB - ' ' . LAG Ell, ii EEK, :' t Ver Ioi.fn U'ist Uot-ri.Ks ) A Ueuuiae Imjierled Article. - . ' .. Stile Agent lor America. Oi-t,l-MSia v . ' f v '. UM) . li;. . ' s . , ( GOLD WISE. MILLS AK1V FACTORY. THE UNDKHHlliNF.B kaving lwif nl,ttel tHniniaiiHjra a 'eM tfie a.ai i-jelaia e Aba iaieK. H. linatian. in .11 mii tt.u. iy awl Hiauly Al.mntbMi, N. (' , will .lf"r t.ir e. ie lo tlte liiutieat bKbleroaTlirttKUAl, ttie ' ' Ifth Ony f v iii1mt, ' ; .. . at said Ctiri.tian's residence K" bis lu'r' -t (.u 4Mi) in the " ' , " "r SwlTt Isliat Ooltl niiilng ( o.,' eomnn.nl veiled ('hrmtian's Cl.ii.l Mine," asolfft. duKOhN AMI FUM lii.NH MIM., newly f.MiP, ati ttte 1'ee lee Rver, widi wiienr.aiw(t water ww:', enviveiueiiftv loetreil for euwioai.i A tory fur u nianululiua jdinoju lara. lu good ranniug oritur, an.) aiK.iit ... . two Tirol saM) Acru: IS? gond Farming and well timl'red l.tntd, tvirig na Both Sltlea of Aba Pee w Itivbf. Wttti a giiad barua. Ac A cre'iit of aix'monVb :jrT"irIvea" . .a a.t, :wiak .L.j. ...v.. 1 glleii let tri aniiarv n.'U Any sarana wiehnur tat. sweat hv tlita kuiil- of ,,..t'. ill nwtf.tif! Ju-UntjiinininsuitU. - 1 ita.aja Mailing ttiiiMiitii. iiieprn rty U-b.a the aale, ran tinil auiirc .me ai alU Ui.n.1 si any tnae, le give the ws'iiarv tofi .rtxiatitiii. i ... .a H. law ha,H ( t. . t. ttf.i.i.feIV I - '. Ort.ilA-fil t.l , u .... J-h. 'LtL.., i ,ii..i.,.i... ALMANACK roK - , , , - WS bliALL HA, - NoiiTH.i iWLIXA Al.wtNtts f u oii t-iiM. ii. tn .i4,. ti.e f..r ti rc-.1T pit 011 en,, and w irtler it a t. Ia:i The rna-ler a.t if w. ' i and Aha pure ciieat tw:! i '- r r Mian ewinj, '' . I ii ..111 CO, , K'i 4 -KISCELLASX0173," Sl'OUTABLK tNtl.Xrv , WUlfKS, iaiWi ''eWefE .WpRflr fOnttfiT.lt , ..'f..t.u;vi-.s .t; t iai ri.AH ,i MM-.(II. 'CHIfJ Ihf.V. , " -i H'Jlf w V Af fl.. .4A fl f,. . ; ,i WI' r'i-UlAaJ, f , k M 1 1. Lh. Theee F.nglnes and MIH have rv-ciovefl the rt EeiBiniB over all eoniietora. 'I her aftia-d the t, ebe.p..Ht, and n..t econonjn-al power m a aad eeJ ta poar aeo Knginea wad in Uia I'Uion. .. .. ... ... i ... " , ..... t i ... Theae F.irgmci tre hretl and thoiwiKjtlv tel befim. leaviug the vmrka, ami are warranted biall reaoetTta rwrtect and rwulr fur Innulmn ium Tliev arc w .rrnt to cut tnoie InniU-r with lea hands and at lea aipense than any other tn tlie 1 tin.,.. ' i . "r t'cacrit'fl.wi, irlee lisle and other hiftinna Imn at tiieaa, e-'v... ' , , r John h. nm.rmi.' ""' AliillforiHaiid Agency; ' , i tlrrennboftj N". C.. June 41-171 Dm Mule Agent .r .C. AlU'NKKStm' JitlTll'K, A h. undtwahrited have hia die wwaieA a Co- purtie'raiiip, uwler ilia naina if !, 11. t urt AN A I'd , for the piiqima of eaemng on a tleneraf AVannuwawHt, elopping anil ttupply Unrinrwi in the t i'y ot v ilnniijioo, . t", - Their mite, fur rte presenA, is on the Cme of rhrmiut and tVater Mi-eel; up atfir, whar ihey iWill lie happy to hear from ami aerve their friends. ! Myth int. of Octehcr next, they will be fidiy prepared tu furnish supplies of slf kinds, llllllT. H rilWW. f i a i i 1 ,i . i.', , f W. CAMHUlg,' . J : i , ,- JAMI'ill. H1U.. Aug 1 Wi-tr ' Vt iliuiuguA, H. O. fcllH iiin.0, l-i'.'a .ni id it.ni jiiiiii,,, , , JOIIK.W. IlIVriUALK, . attoRctkv' And rorsnKLi,on ar ' " - LAW, V ' " a i .. j'i.. ... . j( t ', , S ' , , y ; Ka. 9, llity Mrewi, I'sty cltrrllle.K. T)flAfTlCF?. in Hie' .Wale s'mi Prdeiral Cnurta.' I . ami ia tlte ihmrt ot ttaukriiptey h the M ,Congr,iwiiHial lualrict, ......... .... .... ! PrniiiptatluuUuii gina to ail btieineas iiitree ted to hie care. Claims eollactad anywhere tn Xjurth Carolina. . Jety J-it-tf - , ' . "' j ' - ' - r ' ' i: n i . j JATAPSC0 pAMILJf Fwrn... . . . eg-Mrplesaker tArtwdlag. "wW'4 f Oi.tt Uooaaarrrvnsaay Floar imkh-wo im Hre txwaam ia the IIM 1',- raiitcislly 1 At .... to be laid by fur the year. For sale by 1 1 . . - lioUllLAB PF.I.U . T SVpt.V-D) tf klai kot bipiaiw. ' - ... ... i . . r. ' doti-s WAsma maoiixe, .... ,.:......i . . . . . ... ..... - imriTERSAL CX0THE3 wnnroER. TU BKrtT AN1 ONLY WASIIIXCijU . tnn.NE AM) WHINGEll JIUT - - t HI ACK, - fr niHI'K MAClllNK-v eir.i- Ufn n- Ur mm X tail ht tim ftttinH tf ilr "vrivtarr rf Ht iuats afHt ft trvhatat j ttttf Aitt lb antt, t am aiavttioriM'it t ut AiA rli'Ait trtvr'ft rut.tn -atitfitv- t1m, '4 l.aeeff Wrtfir.m-aip lirUtMtM'fl, Htt4 uatujf aiiv tW Aiatit a. uka lUru ar twiiitt it tw riqiti-.n 1. ,''tiMtfirit it attiiiiff dt piiH'liiiMff an jt oau on trial 1 x . IK) lint l.ir itnlut4 lit ftjjji kiit'l (rf. l rrvM'li.a tlun, to I'tiv I H'ltiM', imiii sun t-cfmijn thfatt ' t-i.i2n invi. j.itiiaAW.ji(;t-tL.v . .-"U BjOK fiTO&Ee "V 'aNOHTU 4U!wVMNA BOOC8TOHEr milE HlrliH lifhKtt thrtiUES T ansoi:nck X tittlitt J'uliiir that It iiuu uichl U lH-av F'Mmm ty iriMijiM 4" th AitrtU farolina Jii( hKliiitx ffnpiiiv, tliafe liaH ftiitNMtwtftca kt Biajitl Ncil,trYiWVifW ttM awOfiy an( lav-i'iiiiiiy ktun UinUA;iinut lltt hui a tit w N'ultTH l'AlvUA liOlK hFoUV , ff ftfOilnHeiMl by Ht nry'I Tsinmr, drM,, aod that h'in--f)r!h h wili towbwt the liouli uiMirtM in atl Ka brit-iif- at 'y'W A'-. 'inrin fMtV iV'T?.M A A, VijatrflffTU-j . - t . ,y . s H wttui.l lent sjiM,, ttit be linnK th man a '.mena faf Mtft tttian.tiwti th pArtito if m't,) viara !rtk tttiynjr and aifcr( and a v f a '.'Ti vn Pirtw-uUr brtiwh iff tri.o, Ji TI Of MteH "he tlUlt l, ... ' lai -Va-f JKkii: fftjfcti'Htfnr. STiintc, ftlut'll H'tW itSrtm Ut til pUlii h iC9 u at l-' tiui, rihI fciiAtrrntw-fl a lrx iuiy ut h.tm$iy mttl vPurfWrii ncl'itfri iVR MimsftA-uiifiiM iUmk itt lfrw i'i kiwi aa I va t-jr, J i Nj til l)aif hn hiiitrf-Jivrf . fMrt Jt'ietirtn. if .rTivnh Ojinni' ii Law ikfirtHawtil tttr1iftt U it , a ry larjfft woflf i Jivtfk lip.tok, SitUtturrjft aiitl fHt MllaiC, CWiiiljtlltihJf '.lift LAH'.rNT Aw.TMFST lii I. .fonti'l in tti'Mate; and will ba sold njvm lli i I,fl.rrii,ri4tiletrma - -- - - i. a i trt it! Mil Mtttij rtr anil Aiv I'nv reliirrenee, wul tw enanntiy aiuimted bt. br J ii, II. r M -:. ' T '.T rlo.4MviUw. . Sn t, Aaicttvuli hiiaet.iuieiri'i. .'.At 3HC- . .... j i inly ii mwuv.w ciii:ii xt, Kti.rintr fn,-riv tiAiritfu'ii km ,) ii. f . M-ViiuiK i.friw.w s A Irene, . . iatr!:,, fi. r., n.'i. um, ii7. ) I in mi.! ait. r l ii '. ,Ut l.iih, 1hi,7 7 r it,!. a til run mi tlte hH.ina a (iuMfcita Uaiiroed aa bMi...ws t. Uu ira.u kiuMj4Li.4j.h I in A. M. Arrt.e i.i'.n ..SI" V. VI. '. , trail W..).:.n 1 . A, AI ' , , j i - 'm. f-ia..ii. M i . , Ti.Mll I,, wriiiiiHiiiitNiiMij) ..m, n , iiT '.' l5 ' i ( ' i E t'-" J, . 'r I (I. y fe TH3" jf ( . f . ' V ,i i -f - i feA. ic'irrml . wav A.- I'ea at ft. .i.-i . . . . . i i, .i l. V, .. ! t.it Ai. m a i. i..t.it,rb .t ii a.vi. ... . . -" ar.i.. r .. . i.i li-Sa,' . 7 '.a -i- t r ev ti. -.a I i- h. -1 . . .1 f , r, .Lulls . K ' . i a iv' NO. 07. -msraxiASEous. iii:.it.ni v nt w. -r - ll-W IH1 IttuAJHt iUorBer "an toimVr.ii.r ui La , ;" ij"wjy If nHwn it" i?tt!it ' ' ' ' ' MfW T iV.IC. ' 4 ' Aa-oeiti.da,:iiiif;ou'l,tt A. i,ni, . , , tv- merly r4 ug.uie. Kill al.rt. lb ..n i. r tt: A pr..nipl'v, I., alum ,, . - , ,i, , Aiw.jii,u.-ii-i,vi t, ,i ,f ' I'M ' K . ' T " An excelliui tjtwutv ol i v.tik!r fr ferti "Xing pHrp.WK.inii 1 li.i t pinliligiv HL.4-H Btl : nor twig 'lun, ar SUlai at i)a.faii..ii ... ." AlllUV lO " ..... :.ir ....... . . . .V I'M. 1 WMVt H.'M, V V Jane 9(1. 27 1 llm DOT H t tl.MiUVtfcll WA-Hlll.li IS KinKV. at reduced p. i.., . , , - ' itMfs m. Town ,' , ftepU I-lw,-. tj t ..i . , AKat. CaltXAT TllliOl ai IM.wii MAIL AM) KXPHESM .ROITTR TO .THE NOnTII, "ta r'-i P4 i r- -( t- Wplilori, IVtiraliiAr, l?itlinuinl, Maalilngloii, . I!llimori hiiaI riilludt-lpliiu to vv Vrk. " J Hiid nil r!iis ei m oyxirtrs rdiyvrrit o.v if." Rr t '.r.'- Kp. CHANGE W CAES ' from Wtldon to AcquJii f r?ck, Or from WubIiUih tou !) Vork. IWNF.S(-KH1 FttiiJI rnTrwiiu, IIUH lull. Halt H.li and all tmtnlat on tiia Jx.rlb Uarohiia and tlai.-iKli ae.l lai.-ii ;.i,in nmkn Sloae etailieelliiH Mnilna With Ihmtitt tavorita Hoitle lor uouitorl . ninuuiunta eiauwcluaia and tint elaaa acfnimuodaiiun, tlita linuie u uiuoir- TIMK AM ifJICK and FAI1K A.t LDWasbyanyotlnirKoute. , ar Aak fir Tiiktaanil have your liaggaga eheeksd f. Via Peteraburg, Ekhmoud, &c.- Psaaengeis, up.ni arriving gi V'i!..n, should aak Ah-and take the Train marked 1 1I MO I 4i If BwtTTat. ' ..Qn,u n. n i imiivm, ' Sup't H A P. It, fi. , mii. 1 1', a V. U. R. ''On, ls-40-lm - t aT Pries List f!irnih..il on spplicatton, IRON AND STr.lX. .(lILLUMTnUSLOP, .121 fiyramore Street, Prtcubiu.;, Va Have tn stork at all times, and otr. r st l-.w pri . ,ee, in bits to suit, tlte nioet eva'plei r ' aen.itiiii.ut of :" IliOIST STICK!,, . . ennatertstt of BAF1KED BAH WlOJf PLAT, HttUAhK ASH ,.",' - 1 110PND. ' - - KVEBEH IRON. ' ; mohwaXnail rops. puinui iiwh. " ' llohKE fiHOK IKON. CARIItAt.F. IROS.. OVAL, JUKI AKD t, , scRoi j, mos. ' . - " , - 'hoop utov, ai.lm;'ja ' ,' ilF.KT1CA!T STkKL, Oi.b MAN' ti l'l I, . UI.MTII U L'j ira ( if Jixm jumUM promptly. a . . ULALUlU IX ...... UtON AM) aSTKFX, Aficnis for rtn i,ie t.f . Fair baiAki ntle, , And all duaenptious of Oils nianufactuied by the ) " " ' -. Maiihattaa Oil Co, . October i-llme Z t Thau SI i"; i"i i-IvT"- riLiuia ErmuFi.i:u ijy mi; m ,r num. tal. Jran-Jv V-i'tWf. N( t tn.oi in li.Miu, ht..(tr Or hi ; U ll Dti'i. aium 'itn art jwrlWuv tti"i.i( (., . FivnRiiwiinir w 4Hwwa, aim rr f ct K fUiU'iia Vt'Vr. itituii lit ati -vt im, - ( ,imn lir t'tlYII'r4, Juiir,ttHlllt l'lfifi.'it.tii'i i itt'tt lV(Wfa. UlVfir Jl'allH, i,') Kit,- it Artie of a rtn'li f athrt:iiir't)lM',titt i r qnutt, ' lr. w.l'. iiimt, AitMi tj., vitisuf.rjr aa a f'hj Hit'itiii iu Nituu Ca.ti,ti,n, 1 4,..jj. n il th ftiruiuia h win Ja tlit-t pi'A.;-n iBirt.ini i ly tin-tii'iirtif fttjn tJH'fii, ( W. I. jwtHi hji, the tlii .ut u!''!. ti j tarts 4 rut i'riihHMw il t tMiiiMiy m tuii i Ht.ji v ot NtifUi l,aioJna, Ia fialti it aj, i r i iitu Ult tJt' V (M'ilUi!' ii" i UI V - 4tlv i.i ,..(- mttjaa. rai (Htnaiitnmm wntUfv-w. v. , flail UHi k't t lf 'U f. ' , s r lrwa(t'i li I rrteil Ii, ' 4 , a H. Ii. sf M h: .. AlAIs'IMii J t'iii-A.i, km mim Katr'ti trr t WiU.IaVU4 At HAUii f-D. ' J Yin; . AMERICAN BITTI:g. V .,'!!' 1 ' !(,-' " -11 J1 it V."-! . i-J , Uaav-- IbiHtl llir i t , ; i hum A IJt'Ml'ltl Wil'?i'3"f l vt vh, ;i Si(:tj j. An r . t i i.ir l-i , , , , 4 . f ( N -:j;rUt ti trrairtr,.P n-' tit'-Jn -v . ' i ti4 LU kali -4 It-,,. a ll!r t i - , . lft fttt4 ftrt Uisi J i. C !i t?rW 'Vtiir , j; j,.. . tiivwia tiatufv anU )t.bit' t imj w ,s r. 5 r, - ? - .JM"I lit' 'e1"tiliiA.i Hi;, a, -, Vt ' i h tftt!iil" IUH.I K'n t..1 ij.;-t"i-tu.7t ,Ufr;i'v-- - ji in juiun ty fch,iT.t, mm i. a . t t- - U lleHI t' , i ti tU i.it Htit -4. .t. M (,.,,; I . . . tf K ( lliVaxliin' iv'-r ftinl )U fart i. L s. a s. - - t ami aTtatM't T'mut' i. .-..tr,r-i. ,. . , j;,. hw, iff. J"bHbl li, .1 f--,.--... ...ilv ( ! :..,..) Jt. t ' i fi. w Ii fnfM.vt tt i'i - - ... - -n ;. - .'M.rti h'.ats'es, If tJ:l' H Ut ItX n't. . , v .-, r-,y.y "tut-rw livf .t" I .jp Ui .- Heu i Us ,. V.iU f .. - 4w-..c-.Jl - iaVr,Am4. -AasUrM ' It". : O C " -Jr-j.. , npn- B-,.rTr - (SiltrlsitSiftwrrtthWwt "I ti t ba'inrui I .Mirt. I 1 iuluOira - : i. U a,r!ft ai-wa - . ."-- r (! sif ..' V! rm.N : . J ( .....l.l c 1 . 'H. 1 ' r ,. , I , pt la- u i f, taU.u.u: - . A C.0, tfw tut in f t.' ktui an4 f4 h'm a'7'.iin.'-l A j : 1 . ,'Aoj; li7-i Oft. l-.v-lf - Hui.i. U 1 1 aT k t- r ,1 s.jlUj-i1 ri If. 1 r