TERM OF BCB3CRITTI6) Tub frrjinru. fa SnblUJiad erar. r 4y, .except tl.'!.", on tfee It tiViug terms ; V 'f inic ttWlllit, , .......SI Ah I M" .SO Uimaths,. , , 7 HA MX-JurS . . . ..I. ...... . hi mmitha. ..i ...... .......,-y 1.40 b i-U oekiy defttutal so year, , " m HI mtaxUtm,.. ...l,.,:'....i p VwkW geotiaeL en vssr. . ...... ...,...... " mi Bwoths,... ...... l,s TUB SENI1NEI. ebitoiih;-.-.,. . 4rv,v. Till RSDAT, OCTOBER M, TUB COTTOX MARKET, t -tcU-gauetrUx artk la oa our prat pegs, preaenti a disooaraging prospect- cettoa plaatera. Fur soma tiuje oux vwa riews have led us to the aame toocloaions. Hired segro labor, lte cbaracer and price, we hare believed, from the first, cannot eeaa peta with tba cheaper and better regulated labor of India orXgrpt. Srea our asperior Isnda, and the article wa produc,' cannot, . eaatle MciiUrcly to eotopete) with them, aod it baa beea oar opinion, sinoe tba re aulta of the past year wars koowa, that bb leaa an entire obasge in tba policy ot the lUdicat party, ia regard the colored race, is effectod ppaedll, eottoa moai be abandoned, to a great eiteat, ia the fWuth era Butea.' We were satlafled, la thi bew ginning of the present year, that the aa , ceseities of our people, and their anxiety to recover from their depressed pecuniary eoa- diiion, were mialesdiug t beta 34"'ier too Biacb upon tba peradventurt of snaking large cotton crop, to tha neglect of other! dWtly eaaential to tha preservation of Ilia. ' ' y' The result ia, that our iolormatlon leads ua fo coaclud?, that the ditartere to all our crops; and the low, price of cotton, are -citing tha most (earful foreboding asHo the future.. Scarcely aay auction of tbe 'State! has mada aaoogh, at aoy-rate, no Isrg urplui of grain, to meet tba want! of the . P"!!V.. Genr!ditrotAo4 doubt M the winds of eren tbe moat bopefnL , '. No cotton Planter, that wa bear of, hopes io be reimbdrsed fully for tba coat of tultl. vsung iuo crop neoasmaae, rrom tbe prea ' nt crop, at existing price,. "What haa beea puked ia represented at r'ery llghtrand tire far ! Unit the crop will fall below one half of Bli&t was expected. t i There are two csiiaea W ttis. Hitherto, in tli It State, tba cotton crop haa been ra- mnrkably preserved from tbedisaaleriof rut aod rcJmio, which hsd ao frequently de V troyd tha crop id tha mora ,rJouthrn Stts. Ordinarily, the season! bare been 'fi fsvora'jjo ta Iti eulUvation. .-Tha present yrr, however, baa shown that, .htreafUrr, 'ort!i Carolina may expect to have ita ahara ! Of th caiualtlaa whlch.afflict the prvdac tion of cotton in the Southern States. - ! Perhaps the greatest s't!rnw hack, "which , 'i;ms to settle down' upon tha minda of oar plsuters, gradually, yet firmly, i the growing conviction tbat, under tha present . regime, the negro is becowing less and baa . rt-llable, every day, as a fcikl laborer. .... Poll " tii n and ivedoa, oodur tha baleful- teaco- Injfs wbtch they have received, are render ing thoin almott a nuisance, inatead of resl helpers, on the fur ma. Saturday must now be spent in going' to tha neighboring rill- lr .ftgea r erei.tel -gatbcriiiga ;4- hear tha Sews and to talk .pollliee Tha nightly Dieeliugs of tba Leagues, or tba meeting! of other kinds on tha farm at home or on tha - nci;liboring farms, bare brought on a lan guor, wd ten cannot ua atiaxio off . nt ; an Nearly hour, and few aow enter upon tha la Ixiraof the day until the ana haa beea np . an hour or an hour, and a kalt . Srererihe lea, the neeeaaitU's of the negro lalmring man were never so gret aa now, and bancs he lttitaipon full pricea for half ortwo tbirda ol tba labor formerly performed. . IIU wife and children, who wera.firinerly supported by the owner, rmt ho were ie quired to perform aoate Ulxtr, bars now to M provided for hy tha husband sad lather, V Bst In wtwnt rxeivee little r no-aid front , them in the way of laborTba childreB, from A to 13 or lyera of aje, of course, iifwto tk yl.;n tv. w.lu4 . mum go to school, aad ai tlie "colored la dlca" cannot now. perform field work, a field laborer in the country can procure no t labor for them.' Ia nineteen case out of twenty, their condition, aa hat teen shown by actual experiment, can be made no tH ter by either ranting or giving them land toi7A'JV'. cultivate. Their beads ara so filled with politics and foolish schemes of future great ; bcm or wealth, (bat the Idea of steady hard work, to make a living, has been excluded j - We were told of a case, a lew days tgfc by reliable persons, which actually1 Aurred tbs present year in this County, and . ' ' . .''1 dW m m ws tear is ooiy one or; a ounarea. As , abie-hodiud, active colored suan, of mors than ordinary sense. Applied to his old owa r, or some other while friend, to' mat bio ( - lan4 at ths ordinary price, to he worked by him an shares. Tus white man agreed to Ut him have all ha wanted. Us engaged another neighboring whits man te do his '"" plowing f r irinrwitV f pTedgs -fharts 'wouM, in turn, pay for the plowing by working it out for the white ssaa. He i j.itehed bis crop 6f eora snd- cot ton-tor a lull man's work.and thf white msn executed - lh pVdtT to'd'ri tha r.lw!ng 'at he was Ca li t ou, . J lie CfKM xtuan was AclJoin v t-jt in his cro st work. Hs was oil st ''rrym.'xn gsthamgrWs-was srfnwirs' J h.i!:! hi. Rjcnds .oT ?!i!'5M.!eLp'chmoJl ,, . l.ilf tit Rflk nneK,MA W St In lArmbl ; tht thn colored, people thought hs was tbs (, (-!.! st "p ,it:cunef jn tl.t jeihborhood. .The rejo'.t is, that the geatlemsa wh did h'.i f 'Ion ; u, t ha ewe him lor six days win k, an I, to the best of hie judgment, ths r )!;r j ti: -n wUl But make mora than oca ! of crn, and, if w do n'ot mistake, Loia tLii!jr4undsof cotton fur Lis year's ..rk, t'i i;rri snd weeds hsrirg literally f ,T Li, we stay,' ia one cats la a L-:i J.-i 1, t!,--Jf;!! a tkiw there Are m I--rt;. atcepliUitsy ltaoy ejl-tr-i (--; . iUuai flianfS',- hosr ins. 0 .. . . s....i -ij -':i-NV .j-jUfcs soJ the j -, r--ual!oJ'L,-;fg.' . f - oiv? poutox. y Our fnewi ! the Wrtlcra ItemiKrat, ilia ding ti the puoliealioo. 1b i.ha Bnti"H of Got Graham's fiefjt'UlUr,cq.mmt ujion what hs m plened to term our "reticence," and lavitai th iprastMB or our tki "bow that Guv. Graham pa Xk'n," r something to tbat Beet. 1 la aaother part of (be saw paper is tba atatrnrttf; matle ie terms of cimwpdatio, that th Skt'aul baa attvisrd I bat tber Should Kit organ ized nppoaitioa Jo. lb tailing of a CoBvea- tlpa. TU inference, which, wa troet, (be DrnteratAiA not realty design, is that tba Editor of thi paper wa prepared to sur rratl't their oootletlofii It Tba bidding- f &ot. Orabara. r r . -( fo",boM pl"oM ' higher re spect inaa lor too Ol tu uiauoguisiieu gcntlaaaaa referred to. ' Bucb 1 our perfuct cnfldenc 4a bis sagacity as statesman, and hi exalted parity o character as a mac, tbst wa should weigh aoy ounl ft might giv very long timst, before opposing oar views to tba suggestions ot hie ripe Jtajf j ment. But wa hop tbat are incspetil of jiuidbg deliberate aod well mitu'reiT oplulooa, becauaa wa may happen to oad that the j art ad vera to tboaa eotertalsed by gen'lerneB to whom we bare generally looked rip for guidance and direction. ' Really, Bowever, there b but ana aoll tary point ol difference betwaen Out. Gra bam and onractrea. fl tblnEi that' all qualified men tboald regiiler, sad that ihej abould rota against a CoaecntioB or mit f oU at all on that qoettion. We Uiik that every man, who la amitud to do md, ahnuld rrgiater, bat that it will bamSatakca policy to make a concerted abow 4 uppi- tioa to the call of a Coaren lioa, ithef j action or noaacttoa. Ia tba fint place, wa art bcranadex) that auch an opposition will b uat'leaa. There are tboaaanda of Conmr al(re tnea (n the State, who cannot he di ittfaledot apprebeftiB growing oatof the (illy cry of crtrVfUcation, who will Tote for a OooreatiiMfacd wa do not think that one can be defeated. .Wa propowt to leara to eeery man'a bonear, enoflerniom cnte tlona of interest and duty, bia course in tUia matter; while we appeal to all lorera of CoBatituUnoal liberty and Union to leare lagitiinata atone unturned ia order to eecure tba ascendancy la tba Conrention, , Here caasee t be only diacreHUKy between our own and Got, Grebem'a vtewa. Ia all else that ha say wa heartily concur. Wa would have the ( onrentlon, wbea it meets, frame such. Conatltutlon as would heat promola tba honor aod Interests of NorthCarolina, and toahla all her people. while and errlored, to lira la peace aad prosperity. , .-x.. If a Conatitution, proserlptira and op pressiva ia its ebereeter, is al tempted to be fastened upon out people, we trust that all good citizen will rally, a one man, (as wa believa they will,) for its rejection 1-it Tbat is oar posittoa. a 1 . A BioNtriciHT Fact. It Is stated, In our tOrdsj's Ulegrophio diapatcbea from Wash ington, that OisnrTIOward, Chief of tlie Freedmen'a Bureau, who eertalnly haa tbe amplest opportunities of iufurauttioti, ao- Bouucea thst the negro population ni the South baa decrurwed orer a million and a quarter since tbrir emancipation. This is a must sU)Uoding revelation, and wa are In clined to think that the mortality Is mutU eiajigeraied, althongb there can ha ao doubt that it has been vi ry great Ia. there not a lesson in this for tba black; maa t Will he But rcaliio the disastrous consequence to hie rane of pursuing lives of Indolence and tfarinieaaneas, and of cgttiug themselves off from reliance npun, and the jyupathie of, those who are their vbeat friends, and tbeiraaloral protectors I At any such aa approximate rate of decrease, how long will it be liefyre the colored race becomVs a mora invlgnilicant remnant than even the aborigi nal population of tha country-l What will tbea ba tha condition of tba negroes? a feeble people, who have alienated tha great er and best pett ot the whites by Usolsot claims to political pi.wer tad supremacy, and hy a course ol conduct, which ia cal culated to array tha races against each other. v Thus it ia, that aatura sad physiology, tbemanlvea, proclaim tbat tbia is the coun try of the wblta man, his to govef a and to advance) to higher and still higher staeps of greatness and enlightenment. CASBrB ORDBtt-COSRSC- y - ro.v. n '"';'-n3.;;;:; Oor. Worth, oa yetrdsy received tlis following telegram from Qm. Canoy, ma king certain eorreotioot ia his .Election JWMLfi,, Order, as corrected, will be found sa ousJoarth to-day, and will be kept steading, tor tha public information until tbs election f Hub Qrs txD Marrtsr DrsTRict, i , Charleston, Oct. a, 1867.. . ( Tt Hit KnmUiurf 0e, H rtA ; Tha Counties of Alleghany .NAsba, Surry, Wstanga aod Tedkin ara entitled to four (4t not three (3) delegate, at in tha Order. Ths County of Anson to two (3) not on (1.) Ths Coaoty of Guilford lo iw (a)isot three (31 An J the Coaities of Tyrrell and Wsahiwjtoo to one (I) not two (1). The Ot drwilj ba at one corrected. ED. K. 8. CAKBT, ,tSMm wiluAMIrMMuXitsMtmiiuii is aa itht ic -I'm- - -Jn a i ' a It is stated that ths Radical Executiv grwlF-Wsantn,ha seat S. Wi sQiJPglllJljlg3AL 3, . j " , v . nuttea to inquire, iuu lier Jotaity", iLJLSJml&MS.im AhaW--raimbUcAn-fbV if .among., win negroes rteinrs, tn .AlactnJ Mtrgs turn bara douhtlast twen seat to this State, slso, fur ths support ot white and blkck Radical oratorA Y.- 1 It skkjss that it ia tha President, ndi not Gea. Grant, whs baa ordered Capt. Sclisff to be tried fnt the brutal and wilful murder ol Cot Boeard, Bear Mobile ., . : Ballet's butler hsvipg secreted tea- j ivn frprn hi master' enpltoard at . Ixiw- eii, (with various initial) the General r prosed him sternly : When I took yoik tor itsr tattler. 1 did not tiling that you would me b, mr your Sew Oilcans." ,Y. J f" For tbe Sentinel. XMKtGliASt) i-BS SAILBOAT'S, H i Wa.: Eunrojt:-! thank foil fwr your noth of my art rtle. !- not BotUrstand m as nrjiing the Eilnad Dwipaniea to aUan dan thruuak trVi-l and treifflit- I insist. 4iowever. they ffioM not saenaca had tratd mrvi load frtdU - Tlie present arbadule oa tbe North Cr. Una Railroad (tbe train going t retching Raleigh at 10 A. M, and going Wet h-aving at St o'ebiek, P. ) (fives a pood ppnrt) Bity ol testing the question. " Let nr BieT chants cedcavor to convince priyHta living iaOrabge, Alamance, c., that t My can aave Jhaexpen of i trip trfJisMBhtft maaing meir r an aiu iuvkw Let I hem, urge this . by advertiseineets. and hafltiilt 1 Lot tbemrxplaio theefwvirnlent arrangrment of tbe sww wh duie. .They have varied assort mm. e of Riode. lt ttiM'- resolve ii-sAHivjs;iet wi44 bargains and Ut tlie people at a iltsiance koowit.:.i. yd-if ' ! t",': . ' My of-ject is to deveiope a w travel. This should ba a cardinal point witcVtb Railroads. Let 'Mr. Turner agree) to sell ticket M HtMrh tettretsra" at- sefte4 price. The Company Will make by tlie reduction, because, oifierwise; mere win be Atri4 i Tha same policy could-be ex- tfpuiwi U Chariottc, Salistjury, Ac. Tbia advantageous (cbedule should be advertised by tfne Railroad Company iy haadhvlla as well as nv tbe uewaoapers. Two days sg I saw twi ladies who-had travelled twelve mile t" a depot, the oca to Raleigh lck again the Same night on purpose to "do their shopping' hi ru. These two will, rticreaae to KunArtd nd UumtotuU, it (bo policy I recommend bet pur sued. . .' i-: - -.iivr And I do hope the Ralruh and Qatton Railrn d Company will amend their ached ules in conformity, to t'ds policy.. Think of two trains having Raleigh, Jot in tltmor-jnfr-two traina arriving at IttleigU, betk in tu etenirtf. No man can come to Hakigb aad go away without Slaving all night. A mother of a (amHy, -reidig n thw-road, cannot ena here to day articles for her household, without breaking into tor luni ly arrttogeinenis tan't leave "the ixjhy'' in charge ot a friend sad spend a fnw hours in tha Capital of tba Btatel I can't believe in tba Hailrosd aaitacity ot men, wim will per sist in this managenimit. Uentleinen, liv ing along the line of lbs road, desiring to attend Court in Wake, are forced tu come ia their buggiearas in old Mine. , ' You Editors lire iVitereated In this matt If people Can lie) induced to visit Kaleigh frequently tor business end pleasarc, they will take Haleiga Bewspapera lliis M a Brat rata centre L r ibe puhliearion rf -news papers Tbs ArattaW ought to fa one of the beet support ai Joornale in tha eouniry, outaideof the groai cities. It is not, because 01 the horrible rtallroaa scuevliiie. , 1 1 nut not a merchant, Messrs.. Editors, but I am acitizeaof llsleigb, aad a Stockholder la the two Keilroada atova aameti. I desire to see the prosperity ot all, and hence I write. Tours truly, - , PROGRESS. Prom the Kaahvilla Union and Pispatch, Oct' 16. KILLING CF A, DESPERADO W TEN- . ' NB88BB. , :,' J., , A private letter sntarma u that a noted desperado, by tba aame of Bill fluemore, was killed in Hugersvitl on tbe. I Itb. inst., whera he has been living since tha war.- If is career of crime ba been ao -extraordinary ona. At the breaking out of the rebel lion he joined tha Cuufeilerata army, , hpt soon threw off all discipline snd became a sort o,f indeiiendent ecout, harraasing the Union people terrlMy, and he ' Is reports'! to have kilted seventeen Union men during the forsys made into the northern portion of upper Hunt Tennessee. Heeing that the Pedoriils were gaining possmuttou ot. pust Tennessiiee, and that they would sum coo tnd the wMe 1 that sootlon,' bet rlrseruiti snd j'lined the Federal army.' Hero itcnin he managed to "give bia bad paaaifins lud sway In the capacity of a huahwbat krr. , 111 purMecution u notaberu sympathizer wss more relentltus sna lntiumnn trinu ot tlie Union men, and be ia laid to have murder ed twenty ol them in cold blood. During tha last two snoths ho shot down ' two men, in the streets ol Rogersville. -The last on o these was a Federal-soldier by the name ot Wetater, whose only offence wss that he had declared hirucelf a Conserva tive. He a as srrfiit,td for the lust runnier anil bound over to the Circuit Court fur trial, some R adical bailing him wv keep him out of Jail On the liffirlnar.-.Tr tf irion soldier ihot him dead within ten att-ps of wnere n bad Killed, poor wetxter, only s faw weeks sgti. No attempt was mad to arrest Willis, tor every one felt that be had performed a praiseworthy act in nddiog tnnuirtjrr-orTiTi rles)rrsdo. Bisntor' bode umi tha itrait nurlian famiv Iwffw Any oowould go to the aaeisisnoa of bis ire in tsae is rw ais tats noma.. 1 DIS msn riisemors wai a terror to tbe people ot IIsw kirii Countf. and it WlliN ditfioult nr tnt k Jury in that County who will eonviot his slayer or murder.- - --ri . ,- vvi LiuTV.' ut me uonservstives or- ... -. rantsa in sverr counttrv Let tbe eldest sad oet luen sltgibla b svlscted as candidate and voted for whether tli soter oppose i 'ie .onvtnu.n euuer ny a direct rote or ny not voting npon tli question. No good ettisen, however ind ffeient ke tin Ik ia regard tn ordinary elortions, can sfYord to remain from the polls st this one. No-mere party contest is to tske pise, but. tlie fun damental lew of ths 8tate and ths continu ed supremacy of the whites sre at atake. TUia election will decide whether North Caiolinals to be controlled bv tlte viriue. ioMllgencs snd ehsrsctr ol the IState, or" oy :gnorsnce and enrruptftin wbelber her peopie are to mkks het Isws. or unknown Strangers to do soV-whether the owners of bar soil and property am to fauhUn btr tas bills, or those who have no peraoaal interest hers ara to do a It is m fesrfui deciaioa, and it iso will decide the fat of North Carolina for years to come. It is easy to destroy the Conslitutio and laws we bars, but a century may not restor them to their present condition of excel leoce the peace snd proririt t of the 6uf may b aOAWked by. Uituult that years of labor may be passed .la vain deavor to warn them into renewed; lita i Boston boast murder a week. Wk ( "A . uufM ft, run i . that UM s murder a week." ..iissaachusetlS aaada re constructing. When Congress convene, it EM ancT rapablicAn- form. X iros. rot" or efm In thi coBoecljoa wares-. pest what we said tbe other day, that the million of souls in lb city oi St York hat produced within - tue last twelve months more acts of fl grant vcriiii than the entire population ot the Southern Bute. X An article in one of ths November msgv sioea, upon "uur doctors in tbe Keoellion.'' cite a circular troth, the. Surgeon-General's OSce, ia which it is said that only 105 sabre wounds snd 143 hatonet wounds were re ported from the field during tit, first thrift years nf the war. - It iliia br so, , one is in clined to rtsd with , some auipkioBi the dresdtul hacking with ire and protding9 With bayonet spoken of ia various r-p.-ru! Snd histories cl sc'jjii. , ' . . " j For tbe tVatioat. : BEIIISD TUB BCEA'ES. t ; . I frHiutaor-HicAL, ra iutMiicth axd nscv I , ' T0RI4L. v- f fScea tJrt$tU X. P. O. mmd Fot.) X. P. O. Foot, yoa'ra travelled in furria part. . . I You may well aay that. I've trav ailed.; - 'i.," r X P. O And .Wara't much wisdom, doubtless, t believe you've been to Mexico. - F. No airwee 1 i have beea to Ma We. X; P. Q. Did Vmj so by way of C'uby t . F. AW&aA, iT yo pleas. No air. aot xy oo-tia- X. r. t-rl S uosa JOB) Grande at Mata-we ra t . K, I kave been 6sitM 0rilf, tad pent twooiglits at jafaMSX' rrei. X P. G. And so von did not go round b Clii-iTiesi J-eJ FT K. Do yon-mean Chr est Mi t . V.-vSfi k. ' -'iv ', J "V: - -!-X. P. U.--ni-a-Ayliaa.-'": ? F. t thoueht ao. Governor, yon ara worse than old Boh Lee. in your GmoSBcia' tins. I called na hint once, oa tha Rappap hanoock, wheel went to the wars, jos know, l intd my great flh plan to expound. Aod don't you think the old Hottentot said to sne, "Foot, my eld Polypbemna, walk np Mart." Bay 1 "ftb Lee, I'll see you first, nnlt-as you talk, better Engliali. And your h oy army may all starve. My glo ricut adheoae for propagatieg iah, and saving yoor gaunt-ljellieil bojs, shall .die witb ma, beloia my ear shall ba to tortured." And what do yon think tbe old fellow did I - X. P 0. Kicked yon down stairs, 1 aup pwm. Yon deserved it. F, .So he did'ot. liut nposMst,' 7v, yon get down stsir fast enough, without any kicking "natural alacrity at sinking," yog know, nat'ral tendency downwards, gravitation ha! bat ; . :i S X P. G. Well, breathe awhile, my old fisherman, and then tell ns what the old traitttT told yon, P. lie told me nothing bat ordered his Aid tojbsve "that man sent horn to bis fiiin'li to be take car of? lis thought I had nt aeass enough to shoot tha right war.' : X. P, G.-s-Well, yon got home, Pont. VP. Yea, aod the nest thing I knew they were shout putting as In a Lunatic Asylui in Georgia. They mistook tbe man snd all because old Lee knows nothing shout the Eniilisb language. .. And now As is Pres ident of a oillege, and I am wbat am I, Governor f X P. G. Ileavca only knows, foot a ... -!. ... k ' I - ' P. Yes you s?e know. I am a banger oa to the coat tail "of an Ex Provisions! Gov ernorsod a very poor creaturs I am I and even tbs l.ttle niggers laugh at me- boo hoo t oo "XP. O. Never mind, my dear Pont they Iaugb at me, too. P. I know they du. But I can say en thing. Everybody doea not hate me. rome white people, st least, remembering, spo, wiiot I useu to be, tk pity on tue. , ,. JL P. a.-Coo, some, Pont I Blow your note: snd let U talk about fnrria parts again. Wt ro yoo at Bt, Salvador Thev say it is s hot place . P. Hot sa any other pi Ac oa Ibis side nf lArrf, I a-sure you, tfroe people tliuik Anity piously wished to prepare yon for the uihor place, l giving yon tbia link Ctrutoste. Others thin he did aot ear an much about that, as to "gel shut" of your importunities. Ho Knew it yon one wen he should niver bear from you again. But you bad kind friend in the cV-oate. they astvad you. Ain't you sorry you cuaaed 'em sol ,'. -.' , X. P. G. ---Nev'er mind tliout that now. Ain't there some big mountains there I P. Oiilgers! " 1 X. P. O. Are there big mcks, high up 1 ' P. Yon may say that X P. 0.-V-LM they fall np or down I ,P. IU1 hsl I take. They tumbledown by ilia laws of gravitation which sre some times ealle1 the Isws of Mature and some times tbe laws of God. ' X. T. G. Sothey tvmbUdew do they Mat'raliy, and acconlin' to trie laws ot u Ml P Kxartly;-1 1 sappcae they never tried IO laniinr-op. X P. G. Au, Font, and was awiully bothered. Ro I gay it up in despair and toot; to rwssMiitff toe rigut way accnrdia to nature--. r. etopi mop i my irtend. I can stand everything. Others nisy Joke ass oa this suhj(t. They bar soma cause, but tu Jsruui v is too bad. , XP, O. I Was never mork serious, be lieve me. i spoke aot of "pushing and palling" th-er. f have other lUk to fry eh 1 r. Uont'iunil you I and tbe whol pii catoryracet I wish some satiable whale could be found witb a stomach t awallow yon ana nil other ingretesand Dyprocritlcal pretender, ton owe me muck. I bars kept you in rotintensne for years. Yon would b ave nat'ral ly (ambled down down beyond the hope ol resuiTection, if I had aot held yon back. I hav soiled my son). In trying to svs you And thus am I gird- cd, in the bouse of my friende. A pretty spectsele have I made myself to angels, and men snu nigKcrs i (A i'ertf is si rg4.) XP. .-(.) Poor Pont! Haws born lor better things I He was a cvatl man and I made hint my, ssan, Vuiay I OB what a fall was there, my country! Lost as I am In kindly feelings, I hare son compunctions visitings about him. Ha is tatthful, s long aa yon feed hint. I could brtter spar S belter msn. I cannot spar Font I have much work for hint to do- poor innocent I dirty work it ia. Heaven knows, but he must do it. Prospero bad his Caliban. I have bit Pontlerov. Hs tosv growL but hs shsll crawl at any leet, aad do my bidding. Who was Prosnerot Hs nly governed an Ialand. I am monareA of all I survey (place bia arm kimbo.) At tn tap or my royal drum legion ol ths Paithful (Leaguers ft srs ready to rush at th spoils. 1 can kill and maks slivs again, 1 am a power ia th land, terrible to mine enemies aad t will Scourge them w trie nttenwosfc tjetan What care I lor scoffs' and sneer I LetJ i uvia iuuf iwnj. a ucwiu water roils irom tn back or tha duck, aod I shsk myself in iriumpn. t six to tn ot manbood and truths tisrvWBUflds which honor cannot heal broken limb which honor can never neapnp around me tifoken tort ones -ays and brukeo heart. It shall be known that .Uirial Lp.it n thlsT.-gand In thi fcasfl,' Inn t . , --B-viorif-Pent mn- W ap peased. -4 krmw hi price. -1 wili 4o hiin a tew- crumbs, and be will lick my hind again. xtrX P.O.) , . yA. western democratic paper says ths dem ocratic vote in Ohio would bare beea m- creased by ten thousand if Yallandighaa had remained at home and kept his lips sealed. Th State Committee- did try to suppress him, km tbs; democratic masse would hav aim: tw the stump." 'TT " j A "loyal" Bureucrt, In Franklin Man ty ! Virjrtnia, recently probihitd a candidsta tit tbe Con vent kb fra running p ( g,ound that he was A Conservstiva p-lebel), and intaruaed Gen. Pchofl ;ld of theeirdiim' .'ances. The Gvneral replied ordenbi him 0 reveku ths ordur immedistaly. - "BZW ASYJaTISEMI3tta. Tnrncrii )L C. Almanac for M3, "TTKBHAlXPTBr iSH, ta a d, the vv aaicsnv s.i si manse. : ' sttaa tunss of the above Ai- We aave ndar4 thm priee to U Bee honored. or S60 per tbotun4. . your cedars to . I i Wll.UiSB m LABDaifl, ' Booksellers aad Btattuoara, .Oet.a-7-tf .' .' r, fTT0m atASiCisaia n aMJ Kites heavy Barrfng, Baliiisltnps, Patent 'Cotton Ties, IngersoU a (.'otton rress, H. U Eajery a Son's TSH FKSA I. OOTIOX Gl .'s Blwl Brush Lever and ksilsrsr Hnrss PowenL' t lit-r "Wins MiU, hul.ber six! Leather Iklnog, Lsre ijmuttr Jh. jw ijb.ir-fsTina' rvmooueju ihtmps. . MlTatHaMgAl.lXS'A Ct),j- , As. 0-19-lt , &eBm,l..CS : r- i " ' -T 1 7r AJL&UAIU--Ma!hite O rLTEETI A-TEJTshls ssd Tes Haeeas. Forar, 3 Miiatard snd eeit eiuea and Buuer Knires, atrduoed prka. ; .. V ' ALSO, . . . mrA OrnsjujMtMl t hkir,). Hi ft. fniim J.iittown. Obt. 3S if - With Han sod Leww. IMF. i FALL THA OB. . 1 19147, w BITK LEAD, in Round can. Mpuritslatpsatins, ne Uis barret or raaau. Guscb mij and tsreirn Japan Tanush. v"":.- also - ;. , Paints for Coarhjtsking, injieiafl tin bmea, J. It MOWN, lUietsh, Oct. IS tf For Hart A Lewis. wiioi-i:4i.e: imiu trade JOUDAN &. CARR, igaeesesor to Geo, B, Jonas A O.) COBKEB 8TCAH0RE AND W A8IUSGT0S 8TH, rJC7 iCliSaltHU, . YA.. , TT ATX THE pleas nr to anuoiinc to the Msr- JLA. ensnta an cs V1RGINU AKO NORTfm A ROLINA. th reeeptioa ef one of the largest and most eoas pieta stocks of . . ' . Drupt, Medicines,-Paints, Oils, Vr tiuhefi, Dye-otuffa, ti indow-Glaes, Warden, Utrxr and Field bed, Surgical and -Derrtah IuHtrxi inent, Bmshes, Combs, Per ; fumery, Toilet SoapB.ic, ,"' TO BE FOCKD IK TBI BOCTHEES STATEn. Thsireniire stock wsa purchssnd frwa first nanus ler t Ann and tbeyft-et eonfi.lent they offer sn perns- iudnoemi-Bta to the Trade. aterchaau, PhrsieianS aod ethers, are eor- ftaiiy tevited lo sail aud examine their goods sud WALTER -B.JORD Alt, ' ' JOHErH CStBlt, Oet. is AS-tf ,.'...:'- ' TIa Wire t Wholesale. rTIHB tNUFRflONED desires ta esU thaetteB- jl Hon at Herenaata so nu eetaUiabment for sue nsnnisciure o Tim Mare Tor the Trade. Heelsim to sell at trhnlnssl IT - i HATES aa the Merchant ran bny In New York a - Hs ssk a trial frmu tluisa who are dtsnnar to encourage and aaaut m tmildius; uo a Uows Knterprise. . It He Metres himseir tlist his nVia '.k.ii L Mtistactien,sndlhatbiswsra slisll be pf guotf Pric Lists will be spot to suy addr.-ss on appll- . sTw.WBi, ! Cersw B, will be latea at twat market rate, luatasd of mmm, eaTarea si any pouiaa tbs JisilroM. ' . - . Jt H- XiUB,.j Dot 11 -AoVeodSm v ' Kiliaoora', N. C. Msst'bIIkpohitobt M. E. Cnvtcw SoCTtt . , H. HHdABTRJDALt, o Tt. 't - n fA wrrit -i't v j SELJBaT AKO DIXAAT, Z't ' ' i'.i "'"' xi ' 'rfw.tw .. ., . Pabllshera, Bookseller ' ' " ' A . D e- -tet 4 I u , 8 TAT 10 S E Jt S mmw .win maiiiasar S i ree BALTIMORE, Uol,' ' hooxiiiivo vitm. TJOR CHILDREN TEETHING, GREATLY FA A eiliusne the pruem .it tethin. br s,,rt.vinn nua S'luin, avMtliUV JMI lUllSiamatUlll W1U SliSJ ALL I'AIN and spssmodle setfon, and is ' , emu, iv nr-UlLAJJi TH KUIA Depend upon It. mothers, it will irivs fm tn ,.. Heller aa Heahb Is tsar Salsais. W hire nut no and aoM this srti, ! r. ,...'. and caa aay in (Vsnoexva ssi TairHiJ it vhst wv usvv never oeen alt tu buy of mi ir ieine Nnvia u rr Fuutn tn a siniile hmtance to Ernor s CCK, when timely ns d Sever did wa anow s mtsooe or dhwstwraeilow by sur see whoasfdiL. Oa ths e,tnirrw .11 rA At.. ith tu operation, snd speak in terms of cwa Bwndatiiia of 1U magical effect and niedfi-al vir tue. Ws-apcsk in this matter "WHAT WK IX) KNOW," after tears of exDerienea. siut l-i or a kiPCTTi(i rua the iiirtuuH u, n ,- u mtaa pnaaa. lu almost every uistancs where h wfantMisiiffBruig ffia psin snd Vxhstiwoa, relkaf will be found in Cfl,,ii ts tsnt4 ,,... I tun ' ,JH suniiuwiereu. I'nll directiiuis t auiiy tilt aoeompauy ssoh Be eare and call far "Sir. VlBslow-SoeltalBgfijTnp,' navme ne raeiniuTif TURTW A M,-nirm.'H on ths ontaide wrapperr AU other are baae im- nsiinus - Bold by Druggists throaghout the Worli 1 Priest, aalf S A ara la par a4l. !5 Fnlfoa Btreet, New Tork, 7""P : n High Holbnrn, London, Enrfaad, 441 81 fsulHtreei, Montreal, Osnad. Aag. Jo au-eodtim -- BAK OP LEXI.XGTOX. i , ' i OFFICK OF RECEIVER, OassmaoBo-, . O, Kept, it, 1867. ( la oMdiene to Instruction, eont ied m Bpe- K. tticklea, at Haadqosrters. Sesond MilN.r. trtet, UharlestoB, H. 0-, 1, the unrten-lf nd" bsv- ins; berk sliereta appointed HreiTer at ths Rank of Lexington, do hereby (its aoti-e toU uidebted to said Bank, that thev must anoir Urm... ...a nuke aayassnt witlua twslva Bionths rrom tha) Ail who da net sosnplr with this Dot- win find irir fspers. St it bout diarriiTitnaruaT ultMrf ,k mediately in coarse of eoUseuon. All who aeld etsims f snw istmsw said Bsak. are herebv BoiiAed to mimkI ih.n properly aulhsntieatsd. , wtiAin- twaUa aoats "" mw, moerwise tnev will be exdnJed frees sU benefit ia Jaa)diatnhatiosi Wth aassu Address VE.-WK H. Llh'DSAT, Reeeiver, i-p. l-As-a...!hw " . . 'aJrllmttftThnM ittornej ind roanstllor at Uvf l.Wi UR A LSIOTIr KV 43s'-- PRACTICES IS Tjyt COI-RT8 OF WAKE, t hai ham anJ Oruee. in the K,inrm. r -T atiatns united Btste Circuit Lotut tor Vih Carolina. - '" ' 4 ..,- - -r-r-r -? t-?t B" Collections ms'le snv whr In 0 cu.i. ir the elaia priacipal and interest,) amomni'to at" Rpseisl stteataoa given fc eaass fa) . MirimTjpTCT. Rjtm rfvLnon. W. H. Btl snit TTrtM ' t Mei-I R4e. Jaitgu the trnpreoie Coart of Rartli cH ptcaitir i wtf. . ' 'f t 8AAJS..- -:ry -. :p Amritins fs.ns. in hIf botes sn4 e-loa. Loeaat lout Frs''. H ne, the e., J "1BiarJ seek. , 1Jll.JtAt , , t-t. ttfoesra. K. R.ftmei ... K 4, SBL . . BClatMIU'COLLGGIl, rXtlCOTT CITV, Sid. THIS IKSTnTfTIOV. COSCCCTEti BT THI Brothers, rf the t hristiso Krhoots, was ss ti.ltBil is la.,7 : snl ineorsorased. and smpev- ersa u eonfar 4trm try to Oener.1 AsMnabty-f ef stsryisao, oim us session oi uw - If Is si i usied oa s rwina; Kroand, m aneja the Jutslliiiest and aiost nicturesnu curtious of ttis felsie, and within a few minutes' Walk of tha Elu- eott vity Kiuuoaa station. 7 - 1 : FACCtTT BarrrHsa Drmuit, Wesideot. Saoaaaa 1 tiij kss iTsideoU-TroI' sor of " Hat hematic. WW. H. A Aism, U m LIj. P. Pvafosssf of ( h'emi-trTSn.l NsMtai-EitliiH.hy AU'XUT i ivuia M.riw.t, a. a , i. aur ol Histertr. tihainruiaiid Knulish Literalurs- Bwtmui Iniia, tTofowir ot Hstuouisuus sud I T ItaKsMxWBiMSjuBi'-- - J -J 1 - ; V- 1 Us)Ver.B no fjuiT, sous act t-rowssor ex sum t esuiu snd Uisturv. ' . AiTTttou r 1'Kiirrraitrv, V'll'mt Proksaur of Latin. JtiS Vixxiv.l'i:Qf:sHr ol Iirstug and t'reneh. HkOTHra Li;mjs, Professor of treni,mnd Muaie, P. I'sota. Ph. .. ProR sMW or Miwie. 1 t UaoVHKB Maivbsw, larraotor ju. Oramtaar and I ueKrapnv. BMS4MSI l'MH,MV- Hsorr rlimiauis rreVet of Junior Htn$)enta. lis. J H J IpceiiH, tonsuluna; riTMenva, ' Da. T. il uwises, Atteiwtaig i'livaiaa. . .. . terju: ; " t: Ilosril, JllKhlnr and, Tuition. ...... ; ROO DO f F.nlraiieA'FesSS : I'liiwi iso s Fas ' j MusMtiod Drssine, car.' Oct. 3tt-w lwtf . , . ,.T- COLGATE sfc' r O'l 1 OEHMAN ERA81TE SOAP, ' TBS STaKMBD OT stjicstLI. ttisrtt, For Bsi hy ail Oroesrs. Oct as-U-i3B Important Ballroad Arraiisement. PASKN"OEBsn bow worehss THROTJOH TH'KETS st the OnU of th Bakiirh aad Oaston Railroad, at Raleigh, a. v., eta tbe Baltimor and Ohio EiilroAd, to Henaphis, Tena., tULouKIIt)., Cleveland, Ohb petroit, Mich .Clnclnnatt, Ohio, St. Joseph, Mo, LonUTiiie. Hy., v , Indlanapolia, Ind., niivrsvukle, WUh Cblctta;, 111 Plttsbnrs. Ptv, ColasBbus, Ohio, f r f i i V t ....' snd all principal Cttie la tha w estern aad Sontn- westsrn Sutea. t t ' k , , , Tickets can b parchsaad either TIA BAT LINT; . STEAMERS, .' Vi WeldoB and Richmond, Va. n .BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH, Froni'TVeldoa to all WeBiern Citiea. Tor Ticket and further Information apply to J. M. Pool.. Eao.. Genera! Ticket Aeant. or to A. Junta, Kaq., TiekeA Ageat Raleigh and Gaston auiruaa, ai run gn, it. t. loci amwiwtv, t i lit t : i i rsl Southern Asent, Baltimore A Ohio lUilrosd. JOHN L. WILSONsi , taster of Trana. Bait. AO. BB. ' ' " IU If. COLE, - - Osn. Ticket Ag'L b. A 0. B. B. Oot M-AS tf Otra BA55ZE TO TEX BREEZE." W. II. ek R. ft, TICULB sat CO. "T '" " HAVB KEMOTBD TO Tit EI B KBW TTber thev ara better mwnamA an anoaiis, date their numerous eastoinera. Jhea stock of Fursiga aad Daaestis Dry Dreg Goods, Cloaia and Bonnets ' " y-.tr Men. Wear! AlatsL Jsiioen, i "t- .' - - Blanketa. Domestto Ooods. iionso j; umtshiiic' Articles. ... .... , . fjarpeta, Aouona, d., WOlbekerrt fullropwilh th ms keU and ner prices, eompsxed with the asliiy of the article, wiu wwiunn uis fiairoasge ot tne people. , 'BBHSstBSN OCa MOTTO t'. t ) Quirk salri, smU projti tnd dnlin J." R4R.ll TUCKLEB Jb CO. Oct. 17-ai-Lf ; : . . , - J J O TJ H I : It IS KPIil l S I ' , f ARE YOU IX WANT OF - Prime Laenvra and Rio OorTe Th real old Gov't Java Coffee, Aiaiumora lieiined Sugar, Pine Apple Cheese. A Terr nic Ilam, asrtiiWiVimiDmvisfcninWitofiii and t - - t Elecflhl deahett Btitterf frWTWpTvtTTIlHT sSw8PT Ue. IT-l-f POFO LAJ. i I Ths best N. T. OOnrtRii BrTTFIL and A--awaaa. P A A VIXCli .uaKu..aa- - ' rrivivni vii r r .t j ri'LUAW, JOSTte CO.. Whotesals Oroosrs. ot r-a tf LISEI MTfESt 2Crri BBL8- BTOSg IXVK Jb JU V ' "! hv - T WORTH A DANITL. Sept. lS-42-lra WiiBuagton, (i. C. "POR SALE. A- ; , : Id Pharos TUIe-gTi sn, rhtsAin HnPrrfA Rtock 10 Miar-s wto I arolm lisllr.awl 5St...k S Wisres hsk-irh fe Licht ( mi-nv btockj I v nx-'.q -a;l- , r'.B'H rf( JuHN li. Wit I itv-i a r v "tali h, Oct. 1AIr JJaUers sud shvIsmb. i y I ' k ii ' : ''All f I i rtf-. - ..v. THOMAS SMiTij; K0.: 25 YCAMOIiEj STEeet A A A'-AC XJ IJICG, -y - - '.-:' 1 i V-.--''-:v"'.i ;, ;'. -f ' - TBsxAitdET noci'orZ-d . ' ' ''. .'MI '' DJkY G 0 O B s T " r " f:.rr- rf-t-- --r - - M THE &TATK OF - VIsftttiMaV- TS MMVUTTun vv vnn sira. J AmemorVpdum HtM ttTtiT2 Waw.naoa to tnsuk tlivia fnr u,,ir 1,1.. , 1 roBSRs, auUdting attaasaias ttrnepu rutcrs aT fiuuauee, ensuring ttMsra thst.-Bo-rAirt wiliw. wrsd to make il to their interest sa well sa 1... sure tawrske their parcbssee of ow, The slw sas ntsiavrandain, thoofh insompnVa. wdl nL M&Otrai idea of tbTgSusral StoTi : , w LaidJrs' Dress Gtsod. , At-- - Itlsek snd eoiored Kllka, fo 1 Pophus. Hdlfttse snd Freneh f STsat variety. Ih Poplina, Frenni tu. riru. U.r lu fnnlii. 11am 1 doth, Uifenis BiarTiia.Teloatines Dulsioes sT-Z lines shirle and 'dooWs wiiltk, ia all lb a bade, Biamareke, ., RiAiard aad aon-Z Plaida, ' v. , , ' i; . rn broideries and Lace. 4 flsnhnrg Edgirlss, Hanrmrg Insertiniri, burs FlonncinK, Nnedlework Edwins, JiestiUwirk Insertins;, Mssdkiworil Fkmacmiis. Kunanla Ldgiesa, Nainsook Insertmfrs, bwiss aad Ctm. hric Collar, Ssias and Cam brio Coll srs and OoflT Ijth Collsrs aod Cuffs, rsps dollars and CuSA llucle Collars and Cuffs. Real Point Cotisrs u3 Curls, Resl Point Bote. Real VaWle Couan sod Cutta. Imrtatioo Cotisrs ami CqfJi, tin as, Oiiiw and f uffa, R. al Val. Lscs. Beal I hreaS LsZT Resl Clnney Laer,ReaJ Onrpersrol Honitna Lsnt Real Rrnssala Isws, Ileal Bobbin In, poarl Ua Hsudkerrliiefs, Valnntia Las Handkerchief, i-. itsuoo Lso Handkerchiefs, .r : - Banslrte. Cloakn.'Shnwle, in" kins; andanaara, fnr ITilass nd llie, Hmip r-kirts. balraurals. Burls tn Rihlym TnmmlnRl in lsra;a ssoortmsn )M, ftilk and Fanny Buttons, Taffeta Ribbons, Narrow . tered Ribbon for Triroimna-, Belt Ribbons, Wuis ted snd Alpaoa Braids. Mohair Braula, Osloeos snd btsy Ruirtmir, Corset Split, Ziieii BmA Btsr Braids, Hagie RufBins. Plata and Fane? Hta Nets, Ao.. Chins and A eats Buttons, Full liassaf Black and Colored Velvet Ribbons. - y., , ' .nearnlnf Departments. ' Ore, Oraiaand Rept Silks, Frenek Merlns, Borabsjiina, Tiassse. Caatoa Cloth, IW.ts. Crapes, Barathesa, Pnplins, Empress Chita, t'as. mas, Vjutin, Persian Cloths, Monalinas, Cbsk uea,.Arpaoea sna Monair, sit or the Lioupii e awisvretee i i msanfaetar. v White Goods, Plain, Plaid and Striped Cambric, Plain, Plskl and Mtrlped Jaconet. Plain, Plaid and Stripst Nsinsook, Plain, Plaid and Hlnped Mulf it.i. Plain, Plsid and Striped Hwias Muslin, risia. Plaid and Striped Riabnp's Lswn, Soft Snuh Jus. nt, B-itt finish Cambrio, tiort ftniah Long Clotaa, Pi'Rsy Msrasilles, As., Tarlatans, bn snd nred. Oriisnilies. Dotted and tisnred Hwiai Aril. tianta, PatentskirUng. .11-1." ?'!. ,.1 r., M'-.--vtl' Ki r .' 1 i i HTS, 4 s o,,n i J ' ' I r j ' Ladles' Faralshln; Ooosts 3 UWsrvests. Drawers, Corssta, LislsThras4 Hosw, Real Cnsheh Hose, German Hosier? la rest vsnety, for h nines childrea and Ls hw; Ladies' Brown Hose, Ladies' black snd Mats Hon. Kid Oloves in lane assortment whit blank ani colored. Berlin Snd Lists Thrssd Glove, in all sises. Garters, Klaetics, Hair, Tooth and Nul Brnshsa, Heal t-heil. Hon sad O.tla l'orohs Com lis. Veils ia Real Lso Dotted. Bordarwd sa Bnyle-Triniraed l'srsauls, Fsns, 4c, t Domestics. Blescherl and. Brown Cotton Rhetlrri and RhinniRa, Blesched and Brown Jeans, b'A nj Brown Canton Flanoal, Plaid 8trirt snd Plain Oanabors, Ticiins, Dennim, flwkwer, Hackery, Dangiay, , Caiu-o ia all ths pipular makes ; Oingbsui in svory variety.; ,. Housekeeping lepartnirnl. flannels, plain ana'"fa Tapestry, Three-Plv. Hiiporfins. Inersin. hi i wool sa cotton chain, Venetian, Hump and Oot tare Carota Drutttfeta. Rnsa ami Ikvw Hits. Floor hi Cloth Ijiee, Jlnnirt Brocstei! ins Damask Curtains, Piano and Tibia Corera. Itist Damask. 8tair,aad liable Oil Clatha.Kstkini ! less. Towels, Hackabsek, Crash aaii(ilnssliesa Lmsn and Cotton bheetinirs. ia all widths, l'-ui'V l.it..,. M..-.ll- -' . T..-..A..JI .... Cotton Diapers, Linen Dispers. Bird es Iaussi, Irish Linen, Aa ; J ' Cents rnrnlahlnr Cootl. rndr shirts snd Th-awen. In silk. wool, vwrin snd enttuo, Dress Shirts. Hoss snd half Una. . areat variety, trum best 4-thresd Ei'tii-h w u "Weetnrieed cocnl. GIotss. ia Kid. Lisle. S'T ia, aucpsader, Uaadkercfai, is. - - V If V i f A . , 'l 1 Cloth aad Cassliaere pepstrtineas. ,FrencliCoatinir. in black w and Pahliav . , ,. ' . " . .-' Real French Cinere. 3-4xna - Jisrrnincent leaver and West EnreJand Broad Cloths, DofskiDrJ, in 3-4 and 6-4, . Fancy Silk-Mixed Casoimorei, ': ; nepeuanuL -. . , ............ ,,.....,...., Virjrinja and Xorth CaroLnA Gw" and ('awmienpesi, yarranted lr oa :nO(l.tr. ; AH Im&w of Farter Ctami&r, r t jt uim iuu iu.lieu sr-ati""1", f. -.- Kentucky Jean, ' C Fali Cbtha, Sheep'a Gray "'J "y- Aa sre reepeetfolly Invited toteapee sry befcr Bukinf theirpuniase. Ky eooTietiea ls ths tru way te awoeeas is to seeara th tetrl Phnrwl -Sr." J SS: ia . ef yoa sewtocssr by ebirpries ths " aihle front fcAde Tha hs -er bee nry saotto, s4-4ie Urgs boues beret-Mrs sncoBrage ms m adnertnf stnciir to , ', .' THOTf lf 'niTJl, ''p.""fer L,Prrt-'?,T' ;' - I'ttajtl A e-k.' SWWOSJb