IP- . 4 g'u will b Inserted in th uly 4drsrtiaem -.i.tu''"' A " U b ' Mtauiiil at 13 asraioeJiBe, or Lj mchss, ' IMMIMM on 4ta. ...v. ......... U.W ,iun an aeeh - . t I,-' I va,ia.Uuil aqua one week...,,,,. ItM tm s.ie.-rel' weoa. ...t.iwwW 4.W -tcilJi14iwulqur two weelte..... ,&. ... a siilUonid. Square iW)IdJl, . 4,00 : i Hie suuar tu month .AebUvlu.iiim r.... ,o iue.hre thrft oott.i.-r'.i....H.i rL.'tkUiiiL'ni . 2' j-i. .... ... ... .i..in a : :T 7. IX) - Ou nisai'ter otMiifiiB v.ts.o-: W'4" -1 74,u imdVir fMiMncawi (finbi, II) minion anil Mr 'n ' ""V - - jUI tJnafuAtiunit or raid aiut baeeaaged ia 'eor then tlirtw tiirviiiln huhI only at lb above gpacutt notice or adverUaemenU reuu-sJ to jX mik. rind mi histftr -T ninT sp " "-, v jiuu-ged 40 per t high then tb ahoy charges. AJisniaotumi lui rWil ia ekly awl Sesai Weekly at rates eorri epouding ailh the shot. &mrt advertiseuieuU baa-rted t inU 'i tain oTtt if "barged. v advertiser will 'In;! ind it to Uieir advantage aasaukiee tbeeoaltwluia Ut74aiTaitiMaeata, a tU nauut liter o J Imb. . v. TI1K HEM1NEL. LOCAL DEPABTMEHT. MA TlricA TWX MBSTyOt Xtcra will beiecting of the C'nnaerva tim of Waks, atllw't'oiiri Iluuae, in .thia City, ob Weiluendajr night, fir Uw pnrpuae of ritifying Hie nomination of the Conven- tioB.on Thnrniay laaf. i4H the frirndt of Conrtittfttoftiil Union ara invited to pmeoC Come oat, people of Wake, and lot ba a grand rally I ' Nkw ADVRTtBEMitsT. Dr. E. A. Cru ilup and K. W. Montague, Kxecutort ot "Ttettr3gngiy'fceiai'd, will lull ai yutdw auction, on a liberal credit, " on tlie Sth. pror'he TalutjUie and liiglily " improved landed ratals of, the , tiutator. W invite particuliir attention to their announcement. Kailer B:gi; & Co., Oeneral Conimfasinn -JJeretiatrttortolk-Va. i-6e the new ad vrrtiaenient of tl.ia capital, firm, which we Lave, heretofore, hail the plraaur of com mrfldini; to , the'nnnriilence of oar Nnrtk Carolina 1'utilio. Agricultural Wars House, tc. : llitchcll, Allen ik Co., NeWbern. Fin Curkade City Ale; Pulliam, Jonea ifo. ' s ' A tiMCriifluTit saortmrnt of Grocer lea : W. Rolitrt. Andrewat Pafetteville Street. 'I hitra li no ietior atock, we auppoae, ia Nonh Carolina. ; , Iirtt:t Trade ! with -Liverpool s W. D. Rtynolda A Ilro AgcnU, Norfolk, Va., aod A. M. Mcl'hwtera, Eq , Agent, Hbl eigh. ' The fine atcamer Propoutia will coni meoce loading in If orfolk about the 13th. IVlUto ill be received by tU- Amenta at New york;rte, thereby placing the planter on a fo iling with New York ' niercbante, ttti Having the exjienae of freight to JSew lmkJijjiin cbare4 fair torwanling. l.ilwrul advancea made on coiisi'omeota. Weahll ., Miriant, re ahUI lie pleased to allude to tbia ira- j eulerpriie more at length keieaiter. 1 Haa ia living in thU City a venerable and extol len t citizen, one of whoae anceetora waa lor wore than twenty yearad'ulraa thiaed, and denied all political privilege, liy the Puritana' of Maanscbuautta, Cr Uild.'tionet and aenlou. nppoaition to their pi.wcription pud peretutiuu ol the Quakera, Tliegi nNBiiian, in quealion, ia biinaelf now dialruHcluied tur aianilin by the righta of hia pes'prn, lj the modeVa PunUns, He bae reaai lu be proud of the record of hie aiKMutor, and no cauae to be athauicd of bia ow I i.---, n -; ' Wtt.BaititrnJm tbetathor, L, P,NI'1, tn that the work on Miraclea, ao highly comm. 'ii, led by mme of the ablest Tbeologl- -mi.tb-Mt in America,' aW urged for apeedy publinttiiittu a complete' defence againat Tmnw enilcutlim,nd which waa destroyed at N&tivil!e, Teiin.; by the Federal irroy, leaving nut f liue ii duplicate, baa recently been naUiretl, by giving, ua the "Outlioea of the Loet Work on Miraclea ; ita aims and . teacli'liyn j with aome account of Ua loaa. Tlie whole preceded ly a condensed hiato -if of put aod ire!ot'1uSikl Heterodoxy ia uriipij n4 Aiuerica."", ' 4 , v, ' We wonl.l.also state, tor the Information at tlioj jUwiring and expecting to bear tb leclurou "Laiignage, as the voice of Lati tudes, "ty the same writer, that, for lack ol ! proper atunical illuatrationa, it en only be deUvennl in the larger cities. ' " ' Pardokkii. QoWrnor Worthilaued on yesterday a warrant ot pardon for Emma Johnston,. lata A slave of Jus. C. Johoaloo, dee'd, convicted ol the prime of murder, and amrtetntd to be banged at Ilalilax, the ith. in.si. Th! exU-uuaiing circomitancea ef thin tw, the extreme Ignorance ot the penott, ami the doubt upon the mind of the Judge and rlUrt4 impelled them to nrge npijn Gov. Worthy ex cntie clomeny, and t be yields U' their cnvictioti and graota a 7 , "Z rtTV;.! r T niisrem-irapxlous for a meeting ead a . . ,iHHflth!fl k lfesfcrmer ..rimer, in "Lioc.1. rgestwivh buna stealing jbeorgs 'ftTIas'lHea."ri ' - from cliargr: JaKt"o,.fejfi.ukiu t) Btoifrs pxket andj.- : nam Ulqit, tnr.tiorae ateaiuiK, ami unariej JEaiihJii la.ry'tSa'tieil from to cous; ty juit ritrtratijre cotinty. ia ' nifrht of the 3!. etr., ai!d inaila tlieir eecape. Tail.iouli i a Ull, piV made ain,long black Itair and black inoustache, awl about , six fee., one or two inebes bih, fair eom- ileiioa, almut 2 j year old, and hails from eorlauriJiuiiiitlalwUtJacaJaiThu rj". , old, alHutr feet, t- n incbes hiyh, dark bair, dark momtac'ie, darkeooipleiion, aod bails frtm Baltimore, Bla!ck ia about 3 yua uki, liglit hair, light ermiplexioa. litiU baUMt4xl.aJ'ut Srii ft,' eilit inch- Uij;h. . giiiiili is a 'small .ttaw, light hair,;'. aUow csoipk.xiea aad abort Sv feet; eight bIkmoeiai, CKUEiKBi.'ft'e in rerjueated by Mr a. L. 0'3. . Eaach, J'rwideqt of tUt Wake Memorial Ajaociation, to atata that all peraooa deairoua of contributing evergreeoa tirth Cemetery axe requested to.-BoUfy Mr. WaUra, (tlie Superintendeny at their earliest convenience. It la partieutarlv deaireI that all transplanting hall be eon pie ted tnia monttL. - Haom!0 Inaciuaca Co.r-Waare pleaaei teebaerra that a Maoonie Ininranca Cora pan baa been organized la tliia -State on- dier irery encouraging Mfc-jtfHKlqiiiP" tear Ft--t-t mi, Ol U. VUUH .V.IiaWBT, X rO ' I .. . e.; . . .. . .t - v I ftturBiref Iwa, mt mUiea thTay-tii Dr. W, 0. IIill, of thi Citj. An j llaaoa, UcairiBg ilcairing intonuatioa re'latiTa to ita plaa of operation, eao procure it cpoa application IltUu Loi'tte. w Naw Fihh.W learn that a, new General Variety, and Cooiniiin Blore will be peoed, to-day, Tft the uuiUjing eat of the Market Square, oppoaite the Mayor a Office, under the auipioea of E. J. J'ariah t Co. Mr. P. ia an energetio young gentlotnaa, of gol taate and cooaideimbl experieaceta bia line, and will dottbticaa aervn the pub lic acceptably. -. STATE ITEMS. v The Prenbylerian Synod of this State was organized in Newbern, on Wednesday afternoon last. Rev. A. Curry, ot Graham, is Moderator, tin Friday, addresses on the subject of education were delivered by ftev. 0. W. McPhail, D. B Treaident of David son College, ltev. C. II. Wiley and Prof; Sterling. ' r: T ' , ' . ; , The Ilcadersoo Index meutiou's a tad sccideut. A few days since, while the son of Mr. Wortbam, of that viciuity. was out tingyoata with a Straw cutter, in feeding the machine be ran his band too fab in, and bad it iiailly and painfully mangled by the kuivee. Dr. W. T, Cheatham was called in sod skilfully performed the neceasary o)er tion. While dressing the wound, a younger son, not knowing of the accident,commenrd working thj machine, and met with the sUa,nift alJVtllHIit jfl I lis1' MM IBM tllftHtlll' "tttlUliT li 1 aavtllV HVvltlVUfi 111 t lav aSv IXJ av all tell ainji w awVlalK af -1- not to ao serum an extent as toe first. j The stage between Washington and Tarboroj wjlije endeax(iriug to cross a creek. near the tatter place, on Monday lent, -which had been greatly swollen I7 the rsins, u completely overturned, the driver oolj ei .. ! caping by swimming. The horses were ex tricated after considerable difficulty, but the V. B. Mail was lost, and has not since been recovered. It is lortunnte there were no paasengera, ss, eon lined within the cloe ye hTcle, they must have found a watery grave. Five marriage licensee , were issued by the County Court Clerk of Hum Hanover on Friday. The w say 'alllie Jwee men were, not killed during the warvw : i ne t uimngion itfjr anys iui iue caab ordemot Dr. liawrence, of Wilson for bis "Ruaadidis," amount to over $200 per day. Ho is shout putting Up a large brick building, and getting new chemical appar atus to incrraw bis faciliLK-s, for Supplying tlie deuiand, ' . . . . j.i- f 'U V 3 tlapt, Ben. Smith, late of Anaow Co., died of yellow' fever, in 1 Ta. ! veoently, CapU Smith was Quartermaster of the lata 14th fi. C. T., during, the ytter part of the War, and was deervedly popular with bis itegiment. ( " , How to ski this Warns U'a PhoVkh tv. -At a negro Dieeling ruceutly beh i4 North (.'aroiina the principal sieakerdeclar ed that the best way for negroes to obtain the ascendancy was to fill all the official place, and then so to tax the white Mao.' land aa to compel him to part with it. tlii'h taxes, said 8unbo,will cle the business for MjU&a and give us slj the land and JJro-. perty we bkI, Home, white staliiV tf t course, put tuts tiis into samoo a ueau. Sukthaoe ''Data telegraphs to tb Bal timore n that Judical member, ot : Con gress now here has already prepared, a bill, providing fur national suffrage by act : tit Congrwa. . It differs , in maturial respects from similar bills presented by Mr. Sumner, Isst scasioa, sod eonuuet the tuflrag to elec tron for national officials, ... , '' "Thb Fohtikth CogoBRsa. From indica tions it would seem that the Radicals will insist upon continuing the vessionef 'the Fortieth Congress until its lesl termination that ia,.unul the 4th of March, , 1869.- Nearly all tb Kepublicaa nvtubere who bare lately- vitited the metropolis concur ia litis opiuion. A'at InttL ' ' ' ' The fact has frr a yeir past ieen noto riou here that the Kadical programme em braced, for the future, the incorporation ol Hay ti into the "t nioo tbc alwofption of Cuba by invasion ot negro flllibustera, aod the settlement of the "Alabama claims" by the purchase ot Jamaica from England. Has. UtUr itlioUimor Q-mtU. ,4 . John Mitchel aaya of 'that prow ling and insatiate ttUiUiwtcr GariUldU W hsv not now, and sever bail, any sympstby with Garilialdi, who is the embodiment of simple revolt against all order and authority. 11 is party ia that of the mlitUnrt who now inAat France, Itclgium and Italy, and ,t deair to see a bit pat between bis teeth,- and if 'eevrmt-s plrf1ctietwtwrtrwrita. ."'!' lie negroes ol Norfolk had a paraile oa Wednexlay io hon. of (lis itmIm sI triumph in the tai electioa.! Two h the eaarahal were white negroea. y rl ' i 7 ' qTr&mmrldmti-W. Wall, of- New Jrr- priwnefjirwiKesaEgn: ; thtt1.mrHirtJM 4Wve-iiwmtira etf f-eiv -nwrotien l but twenty-tiVc are white men. 9ib" nit., m 4bro. by lie. K. . Thomiwon. at the rmmleiH-e of lb hriWa tber. Mr. W, U. ISeenoil to L Uam- nouit. itkatriiter vllLB. Hummonil, kmi. I ... oii:i. It M ivei of bill s in-ltw, fn Jno. S. r, - jrais. isitsii s;iif r t stts.v xaraS I 1 . powers. H. L f m. rv A ib s lmer- I sal too and Coietenocr, 'I l. (iriri to'Jon t'B, I i.iiilet s wei-t Brswliia.Iifi -irfi sX"ivajPre ti I I ....v I.--. I . 1 1 .-rft 1 . .11.1 titf- baina b,m, Pit. nl .. Ii, LeathJ land kwr ;'Tf- ca f j TELEGKAriHC. SeUatrelai AfterateOBi Dlapettohcav THE OEOfl' ELfiCnOJfSt "" Acecw. Nov.i,lt. Kieaasond oooatT. yesterday, (are J votea, Daltoa, , Whitaker eouty, ass poUed l,10 voase 904 to Cenvsntioa.. ; i I V " '' 'V Murray ooanty gives TOettaJetity fue Coovea. veniloa. ' . Boava, total polM 1,U Ctwvwtioa a Uttla m w vwww im -vBsuaiMiuaa ao jwmr eoqnUet voteji ataisMt $evitiua. X-lirJJ Marietta rea, as far, a kw a &WTenlio. It U .a .k.-. t n Tery rew wbttcs voted. fl, M whita VnlM tio ia Kbits votes,,. Albany total 1.7SS all ft Convantioa. Tbrse whitee voted. ' UOran-s, tit olIS33i f, (wTMti.a. Only twelve wuttee voted, j ' U n f -tf The CUa.)er dMRWMj 0ep.!Tl tTeataaeMesnCe election aa 'jUsgai, aad oiwtrary to tlie law attthorbeuig the vteftiun. . , EEG I8TBATIOX IH KEW T0I1K CITt. ' Sxwyoa,Nev.i. at? The total regiatratioB ia tide etty ay to last aigbtwaallWXM.' Bes-ietratioaeuntiaMte-dayT The total regiatnUna last year, whea the Daaw arala bad 7,IW ma)ahtv, was eoly loa,14x. ' The Demoerata have beaaesesmary ansiues aboat this legist eimn, bet yeeturdaye work tsl 0H8) retteved Umbb. Thr a a re(rrit the 8 ate as cTtain by a hamlwaws anjuriiy. ' N Ktw Toax, Kov. I. H. "ettfi qniet, It. Turunuluis UuU, Roun, Coainua ' ,&tl OuUt tl,t'J. t , , IjvvapoOL, Not. a, M. CMtua qntet and steady ; sales a,0U0 bales HIoatdatF Homing plspaieheev ;j 1. ll'l t&OX ITAfiHISQTOS.- T ? WummtoKov.i!,PraT The Meaiphia and Charlestoa Bail JioaU baa paid ita iudetednees to tin Ooverauent, amuust ingte 1570,000.; ' , . , -I ,.. The aonthera Rail Boad Coumittes bas'eoa- olnded taklig evidenoa," - It ia aaid the Cuqinut tes wlH mpurtin tavot af osrtain roads. Oen. Orant Cae bamed sa order, to th offieers belougiag to stations u the Month, who bars been absent en account of jelluw fsver.to premsd to tbelr etat kwa ia tins to be present thereat oa the aotb. of thu mouth . ,.. Reveoas te-da.v H,W9,tmo ; tut week aq.liW.Oiin. Piaeal year r7S,S8O.O0O. The Mew Kork Tinue hsa the following Wash ingtea apeeial : Previuis to tb snspenstoa of Beoretary Staatoo, be Bud Kovmntw 1st. ss th Unw rwhext esrte-llaiiaXhji.erJiiu the President had granted extensive on their hidebt sdoess, s boold eipirs." Tlie Hsabville and Cbattaooogs Road a sliuri time ainoe mails application to Uea. Oraiit for a further eateaaioa beyond this data. - He hsa dnrt- dsd that ao wore exkmdna wilt ba granted to .. Southern Bsilroada. -- Gen. Howard has made bia anunal report to j(hm. Grant. Be aaya the amount of abandoned land in posaessioa of the Bnseaa ia 21i,02t scree And the eainber of pieese of town protierty Is 9S. . . CEOBGIA ELlSCTKUi. ,. s ! tv sia, Nov. S, P M, Thai dwutat be gtaw tue Convsetioa by abuut M BMlurlly. l bs toUl city vote la l.Sll, Own. y-t.fea. , '-.- j- Coi.vaiHla.Nttv.t. P.M. Tb rsnlt f th weeks fsree' eoanty is I 74 votes poUed, sU fir in MearogW r Cyiwatrfioa. j AbodtUwfaite voUd. Tb CsveWioa baa a l ata)urtty of ovsr 900 of tbe regiatered Vote. The great stiuluw, Asbbura J O. Maul, of Ala bama, Taos.' Gilbert of tattaaoog Comity, Vaa Jour, of Coluaibua, sod i. C Cosby,' of Ma rion tb last two twin - aegroes are eleoted, """THI ITALIAN AFFAIRS. ' , ,,. , , .. . LoDoa, Nov. t, P. M. - The French bav entered Home. Tb Italian n-serve is sallvd mil. It is said tbat Prassis pledgee her s)ipuort to Italy. Tbs vafkUims be- iawea Praasia and lUly eaus aiurb anxiety. M.r,-' ; MaKETra.rMrcr;' xi Nsw Toax, Nov. 1, P. M. Floor, Souther llHH4. 1 3 .. ., f1.. at I tVIatt M ovt vwer, SJlHl,.lt. Cotton tower, 11:. - Hie dull Caroliua 9;10. . " ' . TarpaMin UiMi. Boaia t3,Sel. 1 . t - BiLTiaoaa, Kuv. t. P. M. Wheat dim. doed to prime red ll,50tt ,. ' Corn deelmbig. t New fl.OOditl.li, . Cotton lWIK,. ' I . i r .'. WO-KIXOWDt HV. 1, P'. M' Turpentine aetivs, downward tendeacy, 67. Boaia ateady, ti 70 fuf eommoa, U.73 fur Ko. 1 Tar $2,70. iv; " - -, '.. , Cottoa dull and aooilnal. C'Hiauarros, Kuv. a, P. M. Cottoa dMhasd i- Hale sua, Middling !71 17. He eeipta l.blw bslea. ... LlVaatooL, SV. 1, T. ii. . Cotteaeell, aaiibanged. - . . . Y U Bond 70 l it SPECIAL H0TICE3 AKW HAUUIAtUE CI?I0E.'..V at HAT PUK TitUMO MKN, en Pi ysMog. Lies touth 1 iesl kiTon, Atissse aod inni'mss, tmndeet U) sad Kariv Huitraua. wtik-a enM tmnwu lo alAKt'tlAOK. wit sara awana of ntliet Hnt in ealed lei ter envelope free of ebaree d.U-Dr.i. Mk lloL'UUXON, Howard AsMotatKia, PhiUdelpbia, Pa. Hept U-4Mm . - - ' . n. KoSsixiJAi w, J WOULD fcEHPECTKCIXf . eall Ui attenUaa f UhUum of lUleighi and the pobtte in gew rnral, to hie- -newly inpurtad atuefc of Oaar' KaAg aTaWrrwfl;aasTTfgir OontM ; Osirm' and Ihrs Bsts oftbe lattiet styles, Uethr With a lws stock of Omit ai Boys DUltrrt AM) HIK'trt. of the finest make. AU uf whu-h will be soid st pnea to soil ever) body. ''e.t--atv " " :,:,''' i Ruuh iniaieuiats attemioa, sna suouiu c ; saw tod.-r:4feuosAta I rrlf atkm ef h g, lrfh .t . txt- taaJ ,, . ' a- - . i atU.lhexi,!i!!) Bavi'a"ir'n rt, gTi ou. aiedt relict For atrihlU. A.ih, Caaarrh. '' 'had tksssi Bas- taws, Tmrbr sr assd. witli kstwsy gnadsaa-i Hum s4 rkli PHsam as inees to clear and strengthen the ar. ' ! A 'tifrum mtfj 'Vmomt't Pscrn. hul Tbocbm.", an do awt take any of th fwrioi -ia that maybs oltfred- t-b BrrjHwarsr. . Oct. Snd-aAUm j . , . - IyumLliArtirAt.mti;'M7i' T- A bosatiftil a-"'nt just to band Price front 0 eet t u.". ' i r. taAavn, ci., - . Bat'M.tiv -- Greeatboro' Koner KiJlet. EDilNO. BATES tS BASK KOTES, Bt WItMUM A SHOHEft BASK OS AND Excauaox liaoaass, Hovra l.iM gracar, tlaxu- ' y.n- A, v- - - r - Baakof M. C. '.B,,.,..i,,..,....,.. 4V ' Cap 01-,.......,..;... BtU " tWkHM..,..,.., ! ... Wadboro..... ............ tb Ai ..,.,..!-.... -s ft)) " IKIW-OVU . SO "' TlKHUM'ilkl M M LaiuigumuOraliua. ........... -. St. " " Ixxiugwu.. ...... .....-.... 1 (Vanww,,,,. , ....,.... Kit t'iarmiuQTTJM .,. ,, ........ .. ... A. " VayeMevtU.'. 14 atmtiai. ......... -4a. M atiov Title i Merelianis' 'pi.k of Kewbert. L1. .r mam' gi of tii-eeoatngo 2 MiiMSn'aad Plasters' hank. -JsV ireeitore Wntml Ins. Co.. . Vlrtnils Hna Motes aMram aboot.. F-A. Ti.(.W'l.ii ' - vr - t.--;-t-w Iff Nt tmv and aril mt hhml enoe. UW aad isik. ." 't nMins Itotina, tuiiwi eivatfv nif 11s and all utht-r mwaalite staieka. - 1 tlriUjM fi. Jiai.k note br debtor aad Htoch- Boioers or lianas em maanv anm)t attouuuo. Itntnrns tur- upturn psokage of Bank atawa Ae, ill be nistte un the day received, by ek,ek New Korx or ttaltiniur, ar ia eatreaey, ss a awed. ' -p . :.-, . j Life and Fu lannraaee Pallets tsaasd ia geod uniiiwnHw, si dm num. iulj as-Ml-te ' Kaleirh If oner Market OORHKCl Kb Kf JOHN tt. WllXUaUlftCa, : BkOKtHH, BALEtnU. MC. . mrc or Unwrw cabouxa baxi Botx : Hank of p5. C , (Oold ) (NItw M O. Bw 4H - ') Pear. . .,.., ,tnl (a Charlotte . .,... , Lexington, at Urabam! '. 1 '. . " ' K'1- iiikIi 8 ' 1 WaoVttlKimugh., ......t M f Tk'wiMville ....,.,...,., AO f ' UmmifkHi ........ IMf 'olumr, Ill ' WsBhintfton ...... ,w .,10 i t Pav..teviil. .:.n....i. V ". t'Urendon ,..".T. 4 ynerrille T WtantWatawm W farmers' Bank, UrermuismiiKk ...t..... tit t'oiiinivrt-ial liana, Viiluiiiigtoa..,. ,. '-'J Merohant'a Bank, Newliern. .... AO (iruensbonmKb Mutual. . v.Tii...... Tirgiiila rank Kates, aluat. l! South t'arotuia . . " ........... . ti Oeorxia ..1,,. M MilTur ...... tag CMd Consnia., . .V... , ....................... ii North taftibua Railroad Coupons.... . ..... B7t int mxea 70 hxehuige on New lurk. . . . ; PE07ISI0S MAEIET. WRRBUTKD' Bt JKNK1NH ft TEnKY, - ' OUOCKIIH AND CtlMMIHUION MEltt'llAltTH, w ! Funcmivii a Uai.rkiu, J(. C HACXIN ..',:.. . i ' ItAl.'T. A ETftHJI DEKKtIN ikhjv.. ...... ' ' NKTT. . . ..... rnrm,it.iw,.j...i-. , ttiTlDN . - Cttil'KKNH, Spring,.....!.... ". Oroau. ....... COPN ,wr.... tU I IJi LtKiM HOI 11 , lOlUiHt .A'J MI - UKaJU Unit. 4) W.tW 1 lV.il 40 . HKa)i7 1 as ti 6012110 Mtllltlhda. .... II ll'M: (ii-ees.. ,;V- Uki or. Ib. lry.... .ttt: r 7S(tftl pr. rwt. lWui'JO .... 1 "(t M 7 ...i. 7jtl( ..... 1 iV.wi on 1 lCl 601.MI 7 ..... - stiiet' ... 4 0lK,t4 Xi v.l'Klti. Ill .... tuftt7I IIAY - " MItD...".,...,.....w... MKAL. ....... , MtMJtMMKHv ...'.. KAI1. r.'.i-A-.i. l'KAtMtork . ......... I ltrrATt)ta-lriWi.,l.., " Hweet , t ftAOH. a . .g.i 4.k-t 1 I k i HAi.r - HtHtAR. . .... ... 'TAI AW VINbliAlt . .. - hrMAKk. Tollon It liSdiiDctt4ir.'- r(onr stearivi !tjJ,T . of iiaeen aal to aVaaaad aad pelo ' ' K0EF0LK MARXIT. Btruaxaa sour tva vac BAjaiua aasttaax. r COWAND AND HARKIHtt, OtHtral CvmtaitMum MerthmU, 38 Com merer -'. . -;"f. rf. " - . -UN w,.-...t( Muaeuaa, V Oct. 80, Wti7. 8rr.-m' 0"M, tmring.li.W ; selling 41.43. Mil ver, lmilnff l 87 j iellfiig tl.W Itrpi- fsnill) tiki ; Mew M ; Xstrs Mess KM; Prune tVi. " . IUioi Hog mon.1, 17n Tlritinla Hsaw lariiJJ , Sides ITj'tflij ; ' "honldeni )4j(itra. Covtos liH(10, areording b nnaHtr. t'oaa--White tl ' , Mixed .: teoWll.M.' FiM'B-Family fl4,(NWiifiri,ua; Pxtra I2 MKig 414 6u; Mipeitiiu llu,a,7i; iiue $:Mxu.rJ, 74. . - - OnAM Peravian trti oash I.Aso-t4.itl. Ijs-W. Cily 41M! ItooUaud 41.75; Berk- port SI.30. Msttr-ainv Poaa Mess t23.Kti7.H0 : Prime 4X1 W. Htavks- W. O. Pipe :mv f iS ; Cnlls HW.tM; Healiing 4l 1 UtUs Mi ; H lids AtiH ; -Culla tsm : U. U. llli.l-. 41A.0V ; Cull Jii. Hninoi.alierU fliOtlt OO ; Maps SU.Audj 41'itKI. - . - - -. Ts Per tii. h WKfinno: Wnr.iT hit tl.A6ia.ta.40j Bed tl.4Mitt.IO. Aeri.a--I)ned, b"t,t.t. , Faaiiaaaw-tiried, LtalA ' . " ,' ' I4llimotil BIark4x. ' Wheat, iuvi:ttt.fL .. "" ; Cora, Lk44t,. ' - ' .-,'.' Tiitweo, Lug,lVM0. . , , . i". 4J.41M. ' .r. ltxilr-(r Murkrt. . iMttow, vrt. '- c 1 :t- t Tirfia-co(l.iigs,) SrirSt. amirding to suallly ! iif t,4o(ttM7o, . .7 ; Corn, tl.fuWitl.Ml. ' Haoon : V. 17ftla, hH nmnd. Wester MmmiI- diw WkiJIOj : Ki.h IHJfttlB t'iJ1ft I - lu- . f4alt,s.4lg.4ao.,. ., ? i - . 11 .- NowImtm Marttstax. Fbair, 19 SOAit'il.S.- 1. --r Pork, t M ,) Mit i7." -i llama, (V. C.) lM(,INe. t-orn tl,l 4Mt, Tax anfsM.t njlSJa. Tarfientia riirf.f i-l.-W. Tile tVilnufife MsrkMe ar generally ported by b'legraph. Th liirejjoiug ars all n-g-nUrly eurreetwL I - -. TttT A B I JTEW iT--iTtTI f TH fiRfrdKHfF to s tfvw irf th. dKHt'F fo s i!'VK irf thTtniWK; I Lr tfa '-onty tf rnwAlut. I j e.l lu m4I. st pul.hr--Uou, U' ltw.1 trter. si toe vmrt Iom .loor, in the! X l.mrt ef 1. nhsli imieeeil hurbeet bxrtr. si ije vmrt Hinsm donr, in the Oiwnuf Loni-lrtirir, on l-ne-ilsr tti hi iUt "of hmnW, Iwi7. ail the Krai K-lal" nf laan jWoHl''Wiawl'l'.''ii:Ms in thr- iirr-irvio" Nash, euuwMuig of j m ju. .i uo. h. u. v- r.r?....m ..--u, ...i... -iiaeiwar. wiaa aw pvmms -; itel-t.- It he within wethan otmi wileWiv -n; and tirni-ie tai m-hi.il sti'lsl hiin'k. Ui a hivitit, ' morsi sih! ml0Kelit eirfHnmiiHy, m4 fm-wttl a ( to nmt afb-awsi.i home, pitlsai! are' iuriu-d Aim U.HfriT. 1 f 'I naas : Twelr nittis' eredit ; bond, with good neeurilv. tvliS MIAHIii K. Aun'r.. . this, aV TO-U tkuh ah tt iM si.d. J. M. s. RooKitx, ... w. 1. (toeKaa. j. M. i. BOtiLBI A of, iCOMMISION MEKCIIAXTS, . .e?CC. 23, COVtlKUfE PTKEET, "V- SorfyikvTa. " . S4-W, 'l)t r..l!-ii- --"f t''TTif.fvi,-c, p.-. 1 " i.iiAlN 11 ' 1 it. h.VtA-L -i;lw..i, and ad MhH-! l-r...i..- t .-Ml.aUM L iS uU...t d. "t Oet.1-9-at r . :'--!' Ikiscellaeoi:!' rjw ivrroi PLAXit.its. . twe offer at pedueed pn , " All bales heavy Uauiiy t lolll. - i IWis lUipa. 1 1 .: ? in tous I iillon s I'mvrnud Iroa Tim. i - t last llaard's Paw-ot Lotk I ts. - ' WOKTII A DATMKL, . , (let. ftV-OUt -' Wilmington, N. O. CWtET t AiaA8 MOUkSSES.,-. 4 ,,. k h hb.l. ree4e AMBitlV Mf.Aags in store aod for sale by . WOItTtlADiSin - -actMxmx;- Owingtoa, M. y.: II A VAN A 0BANGE8. .ti xveTii A AH t l twrri a w iperted per ling "a. p. hrni'ii,3" r: - 1 l!av:4: &mf,Ms JED15II.L. I'i'.L'li Oe. SU-ee-i . UUniinglon, S C. OKItMATV EHaSIVE SOAP, TS STlKtSl or , SVI1.I.BII, " For rial by all .Grocere. i Important Railroad Arrangement I) AKHKNliKlmoae an pnrebaa TllltOUClH TlfhETH at the tiflim of the Hl. wh and tiasbw lUUroad, at Raleigh, K. (' Cia the .' BaUlmor and Ohio XailroaA, to neanphla, Trnn., - , , . Clrt eland, Ohio, St, Lula, no,, ? Irlrolt, Jllrlu, (Iwelnnitll, Ohio, M. Jnerpll, Mo., Iulalllr, Uf., - ; Indlanupolla, Id., niljwaitiklc, Wla., ChlfHgo, 111., IMIIakMirg, I'M., . s v. , t'olusnbua, Ohio, sad all principal CiUos la the WesUrn siul Hoatb westera RtaUa. 1 Tickets eaa bs pori'based silber VIA' HAY LINE bTKAMKHS1 ""jr; , , ,4. "Tr;r V Vis Weldon and Richmond, Vb., And - ' I 1 ,i . i ' t . BAQ0A0E CHECKED THUOtUU, FrtMuTTt-lJiHilo" aTieiiternCitti'Br Pur Tk'k4 and further information aoplr to J. M. Pool., ku.. (liuwral Ticket Aeeni. or to A. JniW.''tf.l., Ticket Aitent lulcth and Oaelc-a Buiroao, at nategly n. 1 - i.ei'ia Kivinaai, l-oeral goothern Agent, -' . ' Baltimm A LHiio luulroatlf t JOHH L. WI1.B0N, ' - Master uf Trans. Halt. A O. B. H. L.M. tXil.E, 0a. Tieas Ag't. , A O. B. B. Oet.Ct-45-U . 'OUR EAVVZR TO THE SREEZE.' W. If. u. . TI ki:ii v to. HAVB BKMOVED TO THBIg XKW Wlife they are better pi-epaied to Afiwuud- TliAte stiiek nf Foraurtt and I).-T!Mal;e lrv I Prcna Goodn, Cloaks and HoiinntN. ' Mob's Vtr, Hat, ShwB, 1 t Blnnkot, Domr-Htio Ooodii, IIoum Furnidlmi"; Artiflt'w, , r Carpjtn, Notions, Ac, etc., Will bs kept fully up with tb ns kets. and our prtre, enoipared with til quality of th arUules, ill Maaaaaitd to palroaag taT th fieopl, , - rimbmhk out KoTTe: uQuielt M&s, imatl ftmjltt mni fair lulling. ;. rW. H. 4H.B.TTCKFIlC. c i7.l t-a t -1 -.jf-,.t.r-X. EMOnsTS MONTHLY WAOiZIBB. I amversslv eekHowWged tit kltHlel Partor fisgsuw ( America i -devoted to utiginal M.-n-Sj Poeeis, hki-t4-h-A, Aeebitei-tiirs slid M'Mtel (NSiSg, U'onehiibi MHts, tn-nn f thouphi. Persiwsl md Litersry tioMUp (nludiag t.ial d pmiwetiA oa faehkets.) liMlriietssi.os ll--ih, MiiHe, AmnpetiieDtN 1 te , bi to tienk aaihora, and pTotiwely HIiMtrated soil e-wtU t$rraringa tltttl .uKe.l oacful sod pi haole I ln iiw, KsibroiO rnw, stt.l s eoni4atit sHce-nwim mi a4 Or, auh e Ur aseful aad eat visuoeit hirani. ho prao of rfbiM-nH'ni, ...e.,.iei biee ifi. ur laily "i eao tdor.) U ih suhout ih kiuh l U.miltr. mi.uk- . a 11 renu; back NliHwIier as sieeiatefM, to et-'.ls; eillier mailed fr.-e. f early, at, itn s va'nh'ie prwHunsx i io . a'i 6 ; tbre ies J i !.. supws. Hi, kiwi uhtnl preailM f etoia. St 4 MtMih, with IhcHrwi preaimew tieaeH mh-rilr . J A e W heeler A t'il"(!i "Vslng. Msehifi 4hr iiihribw at sit each. . AU.u--a. . . ; si tw-4-Hf--H-- Nn. 41 brm.lwav, Mew Vork. lwmt.- at.eitltlr il tou.ig t wu,, J4, uh Un prnanuiua Un tch K.if.i-YHf ' ' ' - '' in .t'UHll I-It.II,J". .n.ainJ- Laj.. Vri.mnr. aad ""!: "-F '"":.. , - ' , s 4.'4kliIJSia WTOV1X!! f It 1 1 IL -tf M ' K. H I S K f I tX I' M ( 4 Vi 1 11. TO A -p rwuaieaily iwhatad sgfdaax1aa.at of f " COOKINtl STOVK. ;-" Xl, Joe are Vwrht a Sa"IPiW(i MaairfW. Inrt and Sued ap bare, aad baae a be itd ami are m long -Sf Itcdiie'ed Bs H t.-i'o eW e-twHet silen't Ut tt evi. Slr0-d ll'1 K 1 ill Si li'. h tyl. SSrrils Ui j giro eU-!''le ' l" r"' w iii.i ttnek's Pat. d- sub I U and I'.ti r, I T- nf. " 7 " - . . ae - U . t . . . Iit TiHii,,i tfuftrm, (iTt fifc i' i'". Av ui ft tt AUtUFiiw.H l takaa tt( ; ,t i.. I t II ( 1 .iVJ. ' Oct. irt-ai-tai,.,' J ,. ) '';. ''i 1 j i f J ' ' ' " -r.'j- - r - , y Oet, U-47-!13t A;UMt-KV , At. - ---JIICICIXIS. 4C. "7 THE GKKAT S01TDEEX BLOOD MEDICINE. 7 " ' C:".:-j-3 jr' J.- DRTITAWIIENCE'S cosirocNi) lixTiiAcrr OF ROS A DA LIS, A SAFE AiiU CERTAIN CUKE (abb ran unit OkrBTWucoVBaxu) : ,. : f-. 1 .... ... 4, H. I : FOB BOIlOFUXsA, . IN I Ttt V A It I 0 VS' FORM 8, nuuh a Goneunipliou, la Its early atsgss, Enlargi mnt and Dleerstiun of tb Gland, Jotnta, Boasa, KUlneys, 'Uterus, Chroni Bbeumalism, Enip- tiovs of tbs Skin, Clu-onie Bors-Eysa, As. ALHO svriui.is, luHiiut roriua , ' - -.::' -.-: , t.. . . 1 i.i --it. .... .... . , IIH10AH14 OF AVOSIKJV, LOSS OF AITETITE, - - " SICK HEADACHE, LIVEft COMPLAINT, ' . ' A1N IN THE BACK IMPRUDENCE IN LIFE, --if ; - . .-. ....... ' - --. J .-: - GRAVEL, ', GEMF.UAIi ILL IICALtlf, - I r . i AKD ALL PIREAMSS OF TUB .' Illooet, Liver It lJ MHti IlUsddrr. It tboroaidiry sradicat vn kind ef ho Btor aad bad talut, aiul restars lit entire sysUst to a beslthy eetelition, , , - It ia Mrfety Bsnulea, asvar Brudusuig tb siightsst it'jtttyc i TUB ROSADALIS la hot a aesret Medh-js. Tbe ariici from which it is null are patliafcsd sroaad eh bot tt, aod it kt awl a4 taeianavandsd by th , r-"-l " . ' MEDICAL FACULTY, ( Whersver H has beea rntrodueed, as S PfWI JIV t sod : . ' w. Reliable mcdicixc, , , FOB PISBAHES OF TBI I00DrilR AND mntl . ; - '; tVd and FuAori by tb h ading Fhyahnan evrrwbr it i known. -PSKPABED 6NL Bl n.s .vl at 1 1 1 ts iou. MuwfeF lavas tiun trsTsa abb couda, - AMi WHOLES ALB BT V . ' ' - ' P. L AU.N Ed .A CO., II Park Bw, B. T. E. WILLI. Wilmiugtoa, S. C. I; J CAl.i DoVKiN' .t Oa. 44 Light .lWusaor. T -jnt.TAtB, TI Bnenoxe ATnma, werfWk.-va. rte !, r .; ro SALg T , ; 1 '. 'va '.. MAf-iTW, Jf. A'. . .-. u- '"r imf . 10 as-eewlia . EEW EA11 A213 VIXTIS CCCtS OM Priree atraeltctl the lijr nnd . , Stopped at ; R. SMITH'S CORKKlV,.... .-,'...,, 4:;. Iy4-ts5rl- Wtwi , I AM BOW IlECUVtNO MT PALL AM) Tn e Stock of 1 - L- Staiple Bltd I nn J lHf GOw.la.'f -Aad I ran ssV, with safety, tht I ist one i - 'nuns iu lew. muwu uninrtii a. m.. il..,,- ha etr hm bronght la thu City, ulrf. t r sine la war. eniLriMmr ,.,v-i in .-.( railBJtgBWaatieVs f tfJroFB, 1M4, U, aad U eents per vatd. ' . Kt-N H MKhlNtiH. 7 eta. to tl,i.t t:r mi 1. HEIlKkX POPLlNrt. And a sreat tarwCtv f ntbw irM Oouds, aiubrscing ao I In- ls-w e-ivi t . . low of the aeaaoti, and aill he at -Id cheap eiWiitti to insure sales. t ' .i HhOWJi DOMEHTXCa. 121. 15 and 20 t ta. ter . .. . yard. . , .f 1 ' y hLEACHFD IX)ME8TItii, a, IS, go arid eta. per yard, and all otlier gi--.li) i peop.ir!iwti. - Abioj the larceat aad most varied sunA of CLOTHS, . .... . . ; CA8SIMKRES, . , 8ATINK1S, ...'''' TWEKHS, - 7 AN1 KENTUCKY 4F.AK f offered to the trade in thto I it?, both to . pne and ipishtv. " ' AhMtavwt tiiie assorlmentet wloia-aod ared PLAJiJiiXti, , LADIES' CLOAKS, ',..'; t . ; UliEAKFAM' FHAaVLS, - -BQUAHE ANI LONO Mil AW LB. 'f which will h aild at tirkss h suit mv eti-ioi.wn. Ia'.liee", JHe' aniUisll.ls.-lis I ItlMMI' HAM) r S 1 h 1 H M id lU'IU-Hi st les. from lio cent i ' toM.tWeaeh. --..'.,!..,-...., . - .. Boota ttttd hlttxa, Hoof s nutl Hiot n. Tb buvest and beat stonk I ever l.r.rtirt.t loilis Clty.oonsiaiuiK, in part. ofJ. tlili-s A eons', aik, and "tin r if e.iiiaih I. l-Ii l.hlinir. ladies' PeitKeH llalnvwaia from ft to u. 1a.Ii- rVvt'it Ksliiioralu, from II M in fl VI Chr.k.t.H S IS th tilft.-fi to eoniii u. hnv v.uir Boou and Bhona. - lliita, 1 1 tils, Huts, Prom TS ets. to At.iiu. Ikm't i,,p mui run emus to CHki.t.H S to l.nv vniir llsia. lu f-. l. I llni.k 1 esn hmmi the sxpeoiaiioiis of all ui eimuiuii is snd lb pilhlie gt-neially, h ttt sa ti pll.-n .li.l (tirsJirv of AU. O'mmI. how h fuw worila to aiv eiiNtimiera a.H-1 fi h.o.la Tot so a grvsl many dittin ul ol silnl- usssaenis. eoni say ineysrs in "inrs si.moi: sost say (hey bsv"hn the nailon tlie h. ml ," snai -seUnin out st eonl j" some Ui "make lorn ir s asw sum's ! sow on thing ainl soma suothar, but allow m-to sav, vh-'tlier 1 sin in luck, or whether I hit tlis nail nn the bra, I ivr whether 1 tni-aed th nan enlirele, rmi. I in advertise "selling out at coat." 1 t.o-e a...- nil fin Vd sloe, (while (Aev ar still huminFrniK swav - ever their old stork,) md hare been North snd BOHft-ht a Bew Monk. Mv goods sr Bow It, More, kad opnsd tor luafMMiion, - . COME AND LOOK AT THEM. 1 ' t Md mv eusbMTMra. aix months sito. il.nt I would S4.ll goods as cheap ss lankt-e, J.. or i.rti. ' tile, and I think I fare uisile niy word vood. t I tild the people to eointi to Creech a to hny llielr gooita, that I would aerv tln m ncht, II1111 dredaliav etuu, and they arsshll iN,nnntf hoiti una sua sujouuug t-olllltlea. Ami 1 here t:.k tno pnviteira lossy, I think they have aliuun u.ir good liulgmeut. itoa I forget to eons to : , a. ntr.Kcirs 1 Sept li-.U-tf ' FstaUetille bin-tt. -Si- . : . ' KV tOODS t KW IVOOIiSt. M. UOS12NUsVlTMS. COME 08 AND ALL ANlj f.OUK A f ( P. " of ths llnest eollivllona of ' DRESS GOODS, ' ' 1'flWTS AND DELAlNTo.: FlANNELSTTVHi rg am) C1.1 onf n, v " . IUISII LIMA'S, " TABLE COVERS, v -' ' ' ' . i LACE Ct'HTAIN ft, . - ! BLAMa.TS, WuiTg and Cm 0111 u J 250 Square and Loiiir 8hgwls tor I A. tie snd i'hll.lu-u, to he au.l at vrWm to suit io uinea, f ' . .. . y Clot it C'loakg, iireakl.tht SUuw Ic, Sou.,. IBJ', Jsiilni Woolen It(iK liitlnionil SLirts, and IvII'IM'h', - Ocnt'a, 1 Mitt'g' ktitl ' ' ' CliiKln-nB 1 lOHIKl IVA IV Ci IX"V - IN tiKKAT VAHIE1T. Also t toe aseoriinent of be eeliM rnted Hllc I Ron's l'Lllmlcliihla hiiof. IliliU lirillil'.R inKKMIOKH, t.ir L.U. Biases, wd Vbiloreti; ! ,i ;. j ,(. CLUTHS, CASHlMEls,' A - - ' WA1INETH, JEANS, AND KERSrrf,' t i ' For Men anil Burs' wear. Aleo a gns Ibt of Ladles' and livnl a 1'r 4-ti!hftv Trunks, aiiaia,aud ilai.il li.ua at M. ROSIXBACM S. W A ad More (ood Coming, j tet. f-tt-tf I VTOrtfTiKrrnTTfj - -v eW.saaJVayAsJAaXUIV3. It. W. YOIUC, AtlerBfj and Couii.stlJor 'at Law, Ogle, 40 FayttttnVt fllrul. . lUU t(ill,K.t.' PntfTii f n iv mv. t or Tit tip rni,r t halham snd Oraine. in 11. m s.n.r....... 1 and ih ttiitwd riaivs t nenit t'onit; tor Nt-nh Carol mi a. aart Vtlleetiott mails ai.V tin. in il... 1...... the claim, (principal snd (niire.) aoi..,n,u,'i., I H - ... , 1 aT Hpsetal sitenthin giveu to wn in . BATJESUPTCY. -- ' ' . ...... , J.; , fc Befers ta--1liw. Wi Hi---fSalll au.l II.... V 11 Itesjt. Judgee of til Hnnreuia 1 ,mrt of K.ih kaipteatlif Swtf. . , . ,. - '. iia.vu or i.i:i.i. . . . fsKPffP OF fil.rr'VI I;.' A ' '. fiaxraftiiao. ki.it.. s. ,u .. i ... ; .. " la otiedienee to hiatrnethwa, iiih..,j elal IH-Uera, . til, kmhi )- Mi.v ,.-nM),: ... a.. RK-aies, at lleaO.di-tu ia, hi'.,.i,,t ...ij .'h.i J- tnet, Charleatnu, H..I'., I, ll,e in - l.l.,,.. ing been therein tj ixnuhd It ei .v-T . t k ' of LetuiKOm. do hereby Kive iuk-w uu.u ii, i. s-..l tea llatih,- that ttii-y amat .qe 4,-ik.i. i i an aBb wdnT.ifwiitnrs-f,rz. tfiXX ' their papeta, aHhoiu iliwriti.ii.au .11. f 'a.'t.l 1111. . BaeHial, iv rn a ,'.....-a f 1 . if it. ; " Af tirrhrtT'lI.T,T't ft-r -.ars r ashl Itank, sre"hr.rrf.y nol'll"! I. . r.t protieet.T,aii;iiet''-'.''t, "fins, o-""-!-. ...rY Inoit tl.ia d-l., .ilj,-i a U'.-m.t.le .v.iiw.h.iv - -L " " froes all hrit.hl m tbe thr.i..ii.', of the le-. t " L - ai--tfth.iittei.. ..- ..-..v:,.:i'':"'., - - ...--) .v .sVaktfwav.. -1 M;; 11, l.l.N l-t.' V, - '. " 1 t.-i.-r.. , l. r .;t , .. . aottt;"W-gi.la.1ur t -; - - lt rLAMi r.lt, (JA1KNT AJJ V. tit A l aree Kii.i-t alTftvn ham at. i ' -t stoat la-t-rst.h- term br WlifTll I P..r-Saitl V Rl'--hit. ... t duty ti.iWm 1857. " TMl J?..T Utl-t'W V t! t .IV r' ln-. I..'., a h . w iv . I.' ,r 1 ;-, i -. . . ilM-U VtB'l.fl. i I...... I- -, fciSa,t,t' ileAi "Vr(..:i Il..tJ . 1 at tea iacbe bign. ".'-' '. ''' Aug--'it h. a..!-,). t). I'1 -11-z L -vat

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