-re"' M M- j NO. 78. .T.'.:' - -. - : '.SvrHv .K;:,;; --n i i ". . - i ... xX,,-C--f 1 . W3L & PELL, PiDPUKKtB. . , mcusiosfi folloaintr gummniritlii. from lb rmriemea omipoaing in lonecrvattv ticket te Richmond the ie election, trt ' tiog foftb ln SMt$ oanrcWi r,th the con. dure ul ideation, wb sent to (tea. 8ebofie1l, M Saturday- It i astraight forward, manly piper, nd wilt ttimronfl. tleatttntbih of ,fl wbo fc.P ?. . ' RJcUiO, Oc. t, 1887, ; 8ia:--A sens ut dutj toft people pf Richmond who honored u with their vole, to Mr city nd our Sta'e, imnea to ad dress tnti tii coinmuniiaUiiu.' To have uiatheigej UiU dot j at aa eariieHaj might has eejijected In the imputatma of act ing eader.ttie unnue eicitetnem a a wirm poiitit-al cnvM(. Time Oj b mw iaiued f rft-ool rcflectioo, ad, fcr calmly rennting the uiannor in which tie recent election tor fMeffat to tlie Conveitioa h ennducted in tliin city, we fel eotrainl, in the niime of the people of Kichaiond 4 lawdoving and law aUiling pojie-rrept ' fnli hut earotl. to t nter a protest in behalf -nd :ia Jmt owa, .ajrinrt the conflrmKtion of the pmcedlnp ol the so callcl ilcctiiioDn the 22nd. and 83rd, of month. . .vi ' We beg leav to taie our reaeont tor en tering thi protest : , " . . . Tiie election w''1lelI under jouf order, of di declaring that it ehould t held in ftichnionrt rliy on the Z2n. aag 539. ffm trfTCtwrgt'd4TaioTTtfr -aujiiiotlif the 23il. Octojier. TUn nriWr, in conformity with the act of rorigre, waa puMuhrd tWrty rtT oetore tlie eletuon v held. It epeciitd the beginning n'l the eod of the eh ctioOjin clear and deinite terni,jnd aft?r Jt prohnulgatum no, ptf"' kDown to the ttatutr of Congrest could le (llyehange eitlwr the limee or placea f election, without ajinln coniplying(' Congress alid giving full thirty daya boi'" ol auch clmnuiy. . A chmiire n made wi'h- out unch until. ' Ataunnetot the 83d, 0:tolr, the polla were not clrt-d ' a quired by oat puhliabed order; bnf tbfT werecomiutled tiirougli the followitTg dt.' oil the hour Of niiduigbt.wM reached W' fore the polling ot vote ceased. We el aid1 that this extension of the period of rutin! was irnlarjrHHesalj IlbeTisiwyoT fibpuTar leetluna la HiilMI""1"?, "''KBLg, o,"cluli,we eoantry, and without authority, and we in 1st that the persons ebctcd at the closing of tlie poila at sunset of the 23d. October are entitled to tn return as delegates to the Convention. Fortunately, there ia no difficulty in ac-rtaining the Tote at it Utood then. ' At that time 4,771 white vote bad been polied anil 4,238 black vott-a. Giving to the Unlit al ticket all the wb.it votes they received during the'wbole vot ing, say forty-eight, and crediting them with the entire black ote 6p to that time, say 4,300, ihey will alill be lound to be In the minority several bandred; votes, tlieee pmtestants having then recelvetl of white vote alone (not counting the black one.) i From this exhibit ill clear that these W tot ant are entitled to the retarn as del egate to the ConventioBj The majority claimed by the Radical ticket was ia con sequence of irregularities we will bow men tion such irregularities, we may confi dently say. aa werXs never before permitted or known far th Uruted States. The voting was continued Into two sights, and into one of thorn Until midnight, and after. ,i From sunriae to sunset, by daylight. ail elurtinna in thia country have hitherto Urea held. 1 he reason for this rule is ob vious. The voter should vote at a time when he can be seen and recognized, and nnless he vote at snuh time, there can be bo guarantee against fraud. If there was necessity or law for keeping the poll open bryond the two dr.ya prescribed ia your of-' (Irr, we sulimtt that tliey should nave been M jidiin the day-time r.aly, :i. t;ti " The polla were elnaed at aoina of the ' esrjsor precincts at suuiot of th aecond - lir of election, nd kept open at oth.rs: aed tbe ward at which they were kept opea ' the li mst .(till midnight ccrtaiuly of the - third ilajjt was the ward la which the dis proportion lutwetn the white and blac vuters, ia favor f the Mac It,-- greater tkaa in any other ward in the city. If kept open in oue they should be kept open Id all tne wards. just here permit ns to call your attention to a tact which 1a its own com Beat. Frotu the hour of 7 o'clock, P. M -Xhit w-a dwrk un th third day, ' to the hiur,uf closing tlia pull tiiat night, there Wftc more black Vote polled tnau were pnlied in tlie fame time on any One ot the -three preceding days, altliobgli the period W voting en ewe daf wa longer by several iiir tliHn the time occupied in that night, . The election iu JUndi-on Ward waa held at the City ki til . i hv a hi tea voted at a witolow on one aide of the building, th black at a window on auotber side .of the bnildlng. About sunset ol Ihe 23rd Octo hrr, thtjiijeond day of the election, one of theotlid re having ehargw of tbe electioB, inside, the building, announced that tbe - poKe-wet' cloaed, and pulled down the wiadow at wfiioh .the whites voted. - The hite voiers went away, supposing that the voiing of black's as veil as white waa end Uat tual ward, Atthevery moment thi i ann nincetuent of tbe closinAof the volls whs made, the black on the other aide ol the biiildirli "were v.otirig.'ariiT continued to vote for more than as hour afterward.- Tbia matter wa called to your attention at the Mine, aniyoa checked tin illegal o ting by the order to close tbe poll lor that -,!y.- (hiring the. ititi ryal Jiwrjin, bo. fc,Xr-,-;AtiB.li9.lvyi.'.ilUU-Jiito been . A tiiJt wu (iff.ii 4 to. latui ooatif tiu. tr"'- o4 elwtiiws.- Hie rtwe could ot ! Bn -;- . , . : - - i iuna on tr.e ree:tef. came back the ;..; oi,ii.i.. ol uia '(;i.fti!i the tar l- ore-hev,nmrd the W:. but said tlrat he4 Bsi ue,-u :t to Mr'. rjBinicttti" office and " V41 t-red ; and be tort tier ttated that ; "M 54i Vff, a larjre iim'm;r"of colored pnt. joe at Mr. iJuonit ult ollice getting iigia,X . I.,...-.:, -v.. , , Ttnsf t.lack null whs arrtated for an at tenipt yi tote ilhg .lly, ami is now, as we i t iiip ron i, le!.,ie a military commin'ioa f' t'ml. Tbia caw -i spxinlly cited to ' , '""a'rate the traudulent mariner in which the tion wet matiag'-d. . j - . Kii tiii man by thieat nt. .inlimidatioa .. ' otl,erie improperly interlerrd with . By blMkdo influenre hij vote. Oreat or Xer prevaill among the 'white during the , date voticg, alibougiuany thing pe- Wrrad kh Were well calculated to ewit. own race. Threat, intiini lalttm, arttraf-vmhwwiti more than one imtanre. atuWt thU Im i. the chotrii.'Ttify Toteit mnft a dnrpw, nmmfB. lug altnH to roinpuloioii. At aome oTtnv the black men, wlifle- in linn appnofjctiaiT me pa, wire eiatnintKj, atift m tiee ep wa found with a eriinu ntive tirkrt tn band, (be ttrkW waa fk. Iri.m him arxl torn up. Thi oo orred .rvi-t iH, bat twen liifnrmi d, and Trrily . x lit ti-. j Fo ceand violence were im .1 by Mac-.i wen opon I luck, to pren nt thi1r Toting the Connerrative titk"t. Their Uvea were threatened, and would hare txn-o ukm in aeveral caseii, hut tor the thterlerenre id white men and the notice. The truth t, a rt 'gn of pmr ruled tlie black msff in tbiteWgtiou; a tvigji inangu rtel by their own leader and eoi'iu( orgau- A majority acuif I !y uch Irn gulRritiet aa theee ahouid not be rcgardtl. ' Tut ? acre ilWaral aad,,.i. eaateaat4i uf.titekie uf CotigreiM, taader which the eltction waa had, and the purpose of the act f Congn-a annum not oe lrutwe.l by auca action. W claim to be fairly entitled to tun return! aa delegate to the Convention, tx.au.e at the close ot the tioll at aunaet nt The aecond day, we had received the majority of the vote cant, auu wo aioet reapecttully inaiat that the return attouia be given to ua. If you elmll take the. aame view of the matter, whioh we limiat fa the L-gal and ight view, there ca ,be no. Uoobt of our title to the return ; an I it stems to us, with all due respect, that you are thepropir per ton to decide th is qirmwirrd-tojitfjtU jt now.- We do qot- desire to l4 remitted to whin H-mem.-j. wiH "hardly devote time enough to tlie in veetigation ot the facts, and it ia unneces sary to say that we could not expect from it that cool, deliberate and Impartial bear ing which your official conduct leads ua to eipeot from yourself. . Htrike from the polls all iUegal'yoteaC whether illeirul beua1 not cast at the, proper time or bt-cause ct by uhfu.thnrir.-td vntera. anrl w ImIim w th. n.a.. jorify will wsiergely in favor tit th return pf these proteetatits. "? .-m .-:; It is Mopeffosaf that M th night ol Ihe aecond dey'i voting. ' some of us had agreed no a protest against the vxtenaioh of the lime if voting, tntt the l-tfenes of the hour at ' which it ? waa Jirepared, pre ventedj our olrtaioing the sij,-iHiiirn of all the Conservative candidates and ita being forwarded to yot. After the voting on the thought it proper, in it " mirror tt .amcli I frrave mopienf, involving rjaestions of filch mportance, to deliberate before . entering thia protest. : . W da bo bow a an act of cool, unimpasaioned lodgment. - Ia tskine thu. Up, if we know nurses, we .re o stimulated by any motive of pereoniti am Jiitioa, but are solely kifluenced by the do' aire for equal and exact justice:. Our lei Aw citizens, aa well aa wty fuel aggrii ved ', Sf the nieilmiU and th wrong ot tha ro , ait elections, and we have, In their behalf itid in our own, ttated, In nil tranknrss,the r,sons for protesting against it. , . ., Roping that it will be your t)l-aur to gj ' e the return to those who, we believe, ir fairly entitled to it, wo have the honor, tln to ubcribe oureelre . . , .., ,, , ' Tonr obeilient aervanta, 1 Tnoa. J, IJvass, . 5 ' - Af.it. H: fA.tDs, J: . 1 ' N. A. jTTKIIVAST, . ti ..'I - WABWADUaR JoilMIOIf, ';'" Wt. Taylor. D !T TKADII DIKM TTKADII X'bvr"' ela British rttestnahip , FROIOSTIa, of t OK1 tons burthen, will leave Liverpool on the g0t,' ofjOet-'ber, and ta expected tn Norfolk, lo load F,'K UUFOOL IJIUK' 'C, alu-ul Uie Jjih of Km1"1'. 'J For N "" nf passage apply to , , t W. I). HEVNOI.UH A . Wftl., i . ,. . AKeut. Nerf ilk, V.,urUi f ' ' A, U. McHHSElKIUs.i KoVi,-. , , j IlaiUKh.N. 0. Ve oh reduced pri-a. M bs. heavy (iuiilij Cloth. ., ; -. ' ' Rone. ' ' ' - ..:.,.,-',,...: iiiiod a i.niTvnwi inn aiea. A osru s twin iea lies. .,, , . , WOltTH A. 1AX1U Oct. Jubi"5 ' '' . , wilmiiidlon, V " s WEEI r'ARI)JiNAS MOI4S.I.H. ,. r (' ' ; . 1 ."...-. 1 .. ia store and .! by WOIITH A UANIlir 9 , V-lniuitjiou, C Oct. Si- ' it isinon Sw.1k M"' SHIV-Ii dailr mxtJA a..' trw"i" rrom Havana dSSTfer- . WHTH A DAM. I, OcCaitT , -i : HmuiiiKUin, -C. ' umiv '' " ' . WIW.O 'BEST AlTD&EWSr FAMli-Y:UItOCEU,3 HO f JYKTTKVIIXE tiTBPKT, . A -i. - .. :"-..., .... - i Duiltr, Ca. I"', Fork, Iteef, liwm,.l i'-''. Drift Fruit, Flmr, v''1'' lC!rJ",' Ih"'lt' tWf V.fKW"',.:-: x st'a.. i "W5! Ui'indif, ' ;);d-nj,G(n,; ". ;jf, - ,i . . . . i .- :.-7 -- y- TOBACCO." CIO Cn'M K r.ni HrfrrvfiMi as "Trn yew a-frrfirf4 tt mmA (fiift iitjiM J.ntmis- mr ll'iA nrf- t moui II urr, ami Ion. . ' Vf JS t listei ll K..u and t i iim. ,,,-Tti i Uiti Jii..lna Inv, tu el w Meaiiv ealled. rr niM.wl .V.foik llYKter .v tieiels and ae ueiie w AM-h at leimoil or uf ..- .t-i.uia 4ox Uwi. at ll iip-. r uauori. h ..v. t, 0-..7 -if; r L' th, I'LAMLIV t.SL.t A1 tiAiiU v j A fares ftj.Ir al J a on hand and forsahi on atsia lavoratiie (rnii "l : jroPTH davifl. M'llmiaifMa, St, !. P. ft. Motrin. r ttw s or aSH fjxa ra-w Mer. July ll-7-i :t jmovo;r t r h A tiiitii! or-.i 6roa tsjsei.ta to , i. HI HW nst to ban t Pre- .i-A.S aptlt-tf f j, Fig R kK A CO., DRY GOODS.- J KirOOUSI 5EW COODS! J FOR '1867. :: OW I'rlrea Krn hfd the Cilr and a.'. vj xx ijiukj 'i 3, j i r. hMi rira corn kii, - i V tllnrtyAfvinv ' Ktroff. JLWI Ptucii ut... ,., ; , ' . ,: 1 - It Uiple tHi iHiiei Dn Cli And I can nay,, with aafcty, that I hw one anwaie Un- laru. t and moat inimnlrM st-nka that ha ever been IjDUf lit to tliia City, inher befiihi ur since ii.e ar Mntirariaa almiwt anjitaiirt eferytliiug aaiif.lile rr Lj.liui' ainl Gehtinuu wiwr. - ' - ' ( A MtW-S. 10. i:U. IV ami is ertil rr vart.-' KHKNutf MJEtJMM, 7jct. to !. iV yard. TlU..-rNK.S. IHtriJNH, antla rrvat tarirtynf ouwr irei oooos, eoit.i-i-un all the new rel- iiea or tne season, anil will ts ftoJd dteipeaonfrn foinsiire sales.' i . . ' r; bKtWK IHIMESTIOH, 1M. Hand 10 per yard. " . H1.E..CTI1CO tmMKxnrs, is, K and J5 na. prr yarn, aon aa nrtii r l In nr-("ra". . AIo, tlie lari-ai sjiii iiitwt il atoca .tt VIA.) I lift, iCAbttlVLKKS, - f f 1 TWEKD3, AND KENTUCKY JEAKS I everolT.-md to the trade in this Wtv, both aa to prieand"ility.-,.-. .... ,i, . ,r .y Also a vbj-v r!ie aaortment White and Col ored Ft.AN.iEI.fi, tADIES' CWJ.VK8, , - . ' .. ' ' UHEArlrA?T!nAW LS. TtttAKvi-MlsA-VS wnieH Biltu. wiijurt-wtfia wwit hi .4-4-i0.r. .allies'. Mow' andChlldreii'. IHIMMIO AM) t'MlilWHI tl HAmmratvteLn-iaB W eitta lo M,ts, eaen. Boot tind Mi oca, Iloola mid fshoea. The larirmt nd lat stihjt f ever bnuu-ht Ui the Citv, cniisistiiiK, in psVt. of J. Jfiles A; trtiia' make aad olhersnf r.in,;llT loKh atandiuir., - ' " Ladies' t'sjiaed Haltuoirala tron II lo ti. lxliM Heitul Ualmoials, from l.l to M M. (liiKKt'ir- is tin- iiUee to i-otne ui buv tour IliiaU and MhuML - - ,,, . t t. .; .., - w- llHla, llitla, Ilala, If'-oiB 75 ets. to M.fni lieti't stoo nil vim come to CKl-ECIi'M to buy your Hata. In fact, I tliink I an mm Dm eitf elam". a4 ail air rastuawrs and the Htliie KU"rally, b M ti prkn and ipia'iljr ut AI.Ltiuods. i Now a few Words ta m l ustomera audf frienda : Voa aftnsat many d flermit slUi s of adver tiaeiiieuia. Home e I b v are in ''luek taain f nine say 'hey have "lut tlie nail on tlie head ;" rotne 41.lliii? out at cost womi to -make room for a new siiM-lr :v eotii 'mm thrnpr and aon-a ion hi-r. Hnt alio tm naav, whether I am hi whether I mim-d the nai eulireir. or faded to advertise "seilitifr out at sl," hart told out my oiii kik, whilw thry are atill hatriMherltiiy away over their old stock,) . nil hav been Mortb aua -. COME AND LOOK AT THEM. 1 told toy 'oti.h.weri-. n month auo. that I would sell g'Mvds as etutiip as Y-okee, Jew or Oen- tut , and J tlm.k I have, made my word eiyid. I told ibt-eople. tiit'eimi to tlreech a to wuy their kimkIs, that I would serve ili. m riKht. Hun- oreiialiave come and they aie still kmiiiii(! from this and adjoining Count ii s And I here take th privilege to say 1 llilek thr hav sheww their frooa pmirmntir. . lgir,iir(ttt?nuftr-TT. ( i - j" :r . . A. CREECH'S, Hept. H au-tf ! ; . rayuUevilla Mlrot t. KRW iOOI)S! NEW fcOODST I ECEIVKU DA TT"" AT r0yiK OXF. AND AIX. AMU LOOK AT OWE J ot Uie ntiest coileetioiia of IRB83 GOODS. 1 . ' I'lUNTS AN!) DEMISES, FLAi-SELS, Wui rKVNi)Coi,imi. , V IHIH UNKNS, TAIH-E COVKKH, TOWELUXGS AXD NAfKIXS, - i ' BLAKKETa, Wiiiva aki Colorko. I,' 250. Square end Ion; Shawla Laches aad ChiMren, to be awld at pnoe to sun, inr llTIIVfi Cloth Cloako, Breakfast Shawls, Sim- tdg-a, Xuliiaft,'" Woolon Ilootlfi, lkirnoral Skirt, arid Iiadips', , Gent's, Minei' ami ! P Cliildrcn'ti - , IIOSHOltYj AND GI-PVES ' " IJJ 'OREAT TASnf. "! . t AleoaHoeaasort-neiUo. hs eeleorated Miles 4 Son's rblladclpliia SLoes. INDIA SIX T.V.m- tJllCit-HBOES, for J..d., M isnHi-aitd iilutilreii, LLOl HA, eASSUklEUES, V HA I ISETS, JEAN9, and kerseys; " -rx; Al.o li.io loi nt Ladies' and Hi nt a TTeliM(r Ti links. Valoe-e, and Uaed.iia at . ...., Jt EOSESBAUM'S. . tintl more Good Coming.; vt ?,.i-ir ' " " TALt AIU.i: I IMl IOK MI.E. IV OnrritESlIf to'k iWr.Vo.tbe dn iHriiir t'eart-of i.SMi ftr the CeiHity. of Frankii, I liall rooeid K sell -a. .oiie aaadon, to Ihe lilitiMl bidder, mt tits . ..loi ilottMidienr, in tiie to-uof Uaneiiuff, ooXuesda th UU ii at at Ileeeinle -r l- 7, all tiie Ileal 11W of Jaeson NkaIioIs. doeeaeed, KTil-jeet. M the diTwer of bis wwlewi !. ta tlw Omnlera- at traakiin and Nash, consiettOK-n. , v. ..- . i Twr Hnudi ertittixtykmrAcnsr: adjinnR the landa ir (Irsr f. lis and Dr.- ?imi. . iaekeon atel B-m mii Hhelns. vs i hsaul land will be sold nnder,. the d'-isree nf ih tewr. -,nM a-eMs for the jsement of tteots. It Ul Within lean, hsri twie mil W a eond and nnrawnent aenool sr.d a t "biirea. m a-tw-itribt. moral and inlejKenl ntsntnunity, and prrm-Ht i nve.1 faossme'ti,..w-rnn.le f-T I4r-.W- u.l.e. mi ai.-i a i"-i" 'o i........ j-o-Mi u air. Jiiii-tu fcu .MiatlJut.lJi!!KiY--s ... .- . ll.sVs: 'I weien nusitW ere.iit : biel. With "s s-Biii77JiiH75 lICiHTtfTriTSfTrirfr aM. W-7-tI . Wiik lh-i Will anm ed.J yKrtTirrV-VrvWrttr'--'-- v Umi(tbt e,es h for I'll k 1.1 Nil. i - 1 ir wle ler ' - . , 1TrKTtA Anft IS t-tf ' ' ,: Ci.Tri.Tt ; ! . v 40 - t.. TrSF'l I ik! ASX-df-. 8.tl.h ftfl.T fHrsieiTTjow.r , Vt Im: fl I DAN IK L, Oi-t. Si eit-st i. I- Vtilmuiiiton, H. C. ntd.UjW WAbK. Ailla.. M K M(K-Ul-s, l.ine.1 hi ..w . I sin, t .oust - nrwaeee. 1-j.e.l Miris kteiea. j.toi ae A i oui-in rw. trij;i-h Witier atd siita lrMis. J aik, Oct !-f Vf,.b hart A Lewis. -4 mOBT.4T TO ! ' : ---.t--; FKEIGHT LINT, ; i ; . ; VIA PETERSfirRfl. T V ' '..it...'. , ,.in.iiMn)i tuo ri.uo:ng great rrelat km,Uh: ' ' , ' J- :' ".. ... '' 1 ",lnDt' KitMiipaBjr Jfrelgat Uo of -r ... , r . .. oieuDers, , ; 'EAIEIOH ACT OASTOIT, NOUTH CAlfcOLllVA- 4 TTIWTERlf NORTH OAROU.TA, ; - witvnxnTOjr ako "irELPC. ' . . ..' . AILANTIO AND KORTH OABpUKA, wn.snxoTojri asi :nicntstar'4 CHABXOITE AAD SOUTH CABOlJXA . 1-, i itf'd Ami tkekr eeaneeUnna. - Ttme Quisle and Ratea Iww. TniS FW TTICSK I.IVR FORMS A iOBEAT CtlKII-SST KttfTSC betweew Baltimore ana wehii, w siren too, Italelph. rtlilshoro'. Lel inictoa, Kallshary. MoritaaUm, Charlotte. Unooia. too. liolilehuro'. Sewbern, Beanfiart, Wilniinirreo, Cbost. rville. n !tihlini', Columbia, ftiiiutemU. Manehesier, and N intermediate points oa and Bear these Irreaf Hailwaya and their connection. The Howliatau u-sira etmnoet a-l'lirsliiii wrtti-l't'teistrarg ttailway f r aii Mimta in tha Car- t.n ms ws niHwmilf st- Mieamera1 nliar. and. broods tranafanvd wit, aarwfnl hsL lnK. C-ua amr itiu throOKb without bnwklng bulk between Peh-raburx and fitdeigh. Chariot m, (iolilwlHiro', Wilmineton, Ao. Ae. Thia Inland Linn tMMnnaseamaflT adrantaffna nvnr a Baa Kim fan. star in risk is atnall and liianranea ia oueiD-ra. tivMdy uoihiiiK. Xhs Wharf of tba Towhaiaa Hteamera IwinK aitnated in the very centre nltba vmat ahinpln? distriet of Baltimore, raider it eoavenimit toatilprwn. and drayairnia vnry small. - urani atinultou u biconsiiianienu of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Bonin, Afl. Ac, All prodtto for warded at Ihe lowent possible rate. ' To insure transportation over this Inlsnd Fast Lin, mai-k ail eisals. wanthnr Kiwkwarit tm Himthwy-lhi-at-j, 'ytnlaTaa.niia4i " . a'r KriBigUt landed iu Baltimtir day lutlowinf delivery lo tlie Nu-amera. Tbr.nieh lleoninla are siren and fland rata nor 100 pounds Rimranteed boih waya Bar ktatea in sftm esaa nsu u a ftaa. Ttrus and Portsmouth to and from Baltimore, J'iitladel- .ki. !. V... uu . oi . If 'B. With regard (nlast named nninta reslrht Is forwarded to and from Peteraborg by fhdadel- iliia awi aV l. Summ, - Hut isles and ail-fnTttwr u.furmation. apply to any Kreiiflit Agent ou lb I jna, or at the , . . orrtfB OF TH fOWBATAST ITSAMROAT CO., 90 Lixht . Wharfi Baitaaiasa, . J BRANDT, J , Frsa. Powhalau ) earn boat Co, B, B I'KIH l. snp't Petershurar Railroad. A. B. ASUMKWH, bun't Kaleinh 0astoa8.lt JAMKM AMKRtON,Hnn't.N 0 . R U IIIH KNUIHT, Hup'tt'l.rloaa. 0. K. R. 8 UFKt:IONT,Sup'tWU A Weldoa R B. i. V J( )!'.:) AN, Act. Mas. Tr ana. Allantia and In. P, Itallisia.t ' 1 ' V. WS M'RAK, Mnpt W1L Wuaxiswtev K. B Sept. W-n , ,!. .", . . - -,: 0 FFICK NORTH CAROLINA ll R. Cd.,j I ' Cmi-Aitv Nhots, ti. C, i .. ' ' UMOOor I7U, 1KB7. Oh and after tbia date tbe followwr will b the schedule fur i'aaaeogoe Trin over uiia Boaa : Iave Charlotte daily. ....... . . . .M t. M. , Oreenebord All A M. t-UI.lrh......W.'.....1(s. " " Arrirtat tiiildsboro'. ....... t. ioOF. Lnav Oohlsboro' la. M t. M. ' Raleijh.w.....,.... $50 -' Oreeiwboro',.,, . ..... t.10 M Arrive in Charlotte : ;. S.5 A at Throtifrfi passengers by thia Hue, bat eholoa of rentes. ni OreanshorV nl Danville e Rieh aaoo.l, or eta Ratohib and Weldon to Forrsmoutb. or Ru-haioud. arriving at all poiata North of Itiebitiond id the earn time by either mute. . ,.j Connection ia nwlo at Ooldnboro' with the psa aentfer trains on lbs Wilmington and Weldon Road to and from Wiliniiipt.m, and by Freight Tra-ieto W.ld,.n ' , AMiKKHON. - ; Oct. W-fil Inn T Sup't EALF.1UH k OASTOl. RAILROAD 00, ? S-iraisrasoiUiT S tirrna, 1 , . Raleigh, K, 0 , Oct. ltth, lni7. . ) N.. And ilW -InLnliee It-V. - -,nT T!-i m .n t on 0(S Raleigh A Gaston Railroad as follows: eMail Train -leave Raleigh ; '.", . . ; 10 10 A. " i tmm at Weldon-. i ....' IT P. M. 1 Mail I'rain leaves Weldnn. . . . : 10..1A A. M. f Arrives at Raiei-h , S M P. M, I AYeiarht Train leave RaleiKh....'T,iK, A.M. . " arrwe at lU-e"lu. A.00 P. M. Tlie Mail Trains mak. vneoa aonneetiea with all pouia tiurta, a. n. ANMtrws. " HVt M-JMf V : ' (ttipt. of Trana. as- Reitistes and Htaadard eopy tt. Im porlant Kail road A rran geiJieo U I- TVfsi.VlEIW can now pnrehas TIIROUOH Ttt'riKWrfhe. imrn-ofth Ritriirh -anil (raaauu tUilroad, at KaleiKh, N. th . Baltimore and Ohio Eailroad, to . Memphis, Trim., M, Koula, !., 1 Clnrluiiatl, Ohio, flrtt-lMnd, Ohio, : Ite-trolL, niotu, tl. iMpb, Mo. LoutilFf6t.lif iDdluuapolla, Ind.. nilwauklf, Wh, ' " ;-i ' ;.. ' t tUe-aigo, III., I'itlshnrg, !., , . . rolaaabua, Ohio; bd all prineilial f files B) Mi Wisatsrn n! Hnatli west ea Wot'-. ' '.:'- - "" - te ket ran lie pureha-etl i-t bsr VIA Ii.Y UN'S 8TEAMKHi Via Weldoa mdEiehmoBd. Va., ,- - KGt.r,t.i CHKCKr-b THlfOCOIf. :''rni WtMrni to "oil AWsft-rn Citica. - f -r 1t -i Is sil lTii'IleT "iTiS-mstein applr to t. M, I,, . i-eie-rsi 1 Ut Aa-M.t, lo A. J (eves, e., ivdet A-ent hAleik and Oetrn kMiru.l; at luo'lv N.I ... : i.et is imsra, ; - tneral Boetbem Asrnt, 1 Balttiflv A tbm Judroad. jniTH r. wirariv Master of Trana, B,lt, A O. Tt.'R. i ,. -. s- ..- T M. COLR, 1 . .' 6en. Tk ket A( I. B. ti., tt. I. Ortaf-ia-tt , ' . Iwflf. . rAI.L TIlllC. ' MoT. D'tm r. Kr,rp iw itf th hi.ases, Ce'iss-e-it rS. ttof4f-e. A-l ,s H.u.iners and ttuve-iie w(keta. l:,-b- Cat. it M r uncart and Lsl "EAIIltOAIJi J)Y oooca NEW AiyaVAU", .Ti-aJsuTe miAiV m lUfy run AT BTft. SI rayettevi.e St., RALEKalf, X. The eWni. of thia ftrm ha been'Mlltai flood av Inr th bat twsut? year. JB tide narksl. aad aaa aaj to ear friends that, na a Bvor bad a. . BETTZB, nCEX OR CHEAPER STOCK OF GOODS T eflkr I ham than tby ara now npenlna at their Untn, Sn, II FayetlaviiU atrnet, Raleigh, N. C. . H, A -W, 4, VOUNU. , Oeieher i, lAOT-tfc . " 1?G7. .... t CLOTHINO! CLOTHING.. 0VK rITWK OF FAI.t, ASP WPf TFR CI)Tn liK, fisr Men and Dove, ia now In store and teityw-lrowet. '-tt i- : It kat bean ur enaioni for many yaara to bnva ear fooilj eut, trinmntl and siade ia th neat Banner, believing it to he tn the interest of both th bnyer and aetler. ' With Htanrso, Baldwin A Co, ru (ew 7ork, for Manufaetnrera, wa ean tel aaivtrt that our advantagea for aUin;reliahle (ootla at low prion an aet )aaled.4Betir Uns, in Nor tit Car'J.ns. Cltlaenaand arrangers will always find oiirank flip and deab-abl. ' Pamejilar attention Is eallod lo our atoek of , ' " ' FINE DUES!. SHIRTS. W A parfaet lit fnrated In every Inatanca. fj . Orari tor suit made to naaaui will receive prompt tttentioa. , r'- ,' I; ,.s .... Onr bast endeavor sh-ll-b to please th no BMran patrooa of the bona, aa well aa all oth er, who may favor a with tall. ' ' 1 KB. AltHRFWH CO., " , ronrt OnlBltiug Booma. A TVHX A"0BTIEST OF If Tat, nibr. etB( all of th saw Mylea, Jnat reeeivert v -o. '- ; : B. U. ANDREWS 1 CO.j v V ,.. ! ! Oent'S Farnlehinf Booae" , TBCIK,TAU8Ea, aiiliITRVU,Ua DAQB et enry dsaeriptioo kept ermsttuiitv on band. Bent, tt U Sm R. B. ANriRKW A GO. MISCELLASE0U3. UEHMr.n WAI.T F.XTIUCTI ' ''' '. on - Dr. nolleniler Beer of Hcallh I ' : . 14. Pfir Doxon. - ' AH ENINBNT NOCR1.11I1NO AVI) atren((th. ain( remedy for a'l iiwu, or the B RE AST AND 8T0XACII, 7 EJIEALEAKSE8. AND PEBILITT. . . I .... 4LS0, . DYHPICPSIA," and a iraat nourishment for eoovaleacent. MOTHERS, unable to fir snflT-ieiii natural Bonrihmnt lo their infanta, will find thi Ex tras, a remarkable remedy. It baa been lamlned-by tli fclKheat MetUoal authorities and approved U ht not aJon a very kaajlky, bat extraordinary strength ener, aad I aassassfaUir aeedia all Uottiltal la Earrip aad th Northern Cttia. . ,. . . Y, r: la eompUanee with the desire of a nnmW of Fhysirlana, wa bars lntrodneed a aecond, lighter qnaUty, a l .. : . . . ' . ' ! wlQSO l'or Dpxon. ' By thi arrangement, (very claaa of th nubile I enabled to provide tin, hsallliy remedy and thereby preset re taeur beailk. . . i . .. : 1'int, TiiiKr, ' ' told Agent for North Carolina. CEi.f.niaTKD ' LAG Ell lJEKH, . 11IIL.MI.N, " ' f S Pe Dov.cn (I'i!tr Bo-r-rr.K 'A Oenuins lmKirted Artjils. , Pllii, THIETf, : fto'e Agent for Amrric. OetttVAt-Ain Tha Codwia Cotton Preti, igia f f XJOT BFJMrt PI,FAT;!) WITH TBF PHF, I lv itiane ,! wt, naite.1 New oik and aad In work done , CHEAVKR'Ar'Dni.TTEll. - . Fsnaeiy Wl betur asnd thi lr nrdnm V ns, aeeompniied lv atknre saj cue. jk dran It thnjr would bkv tli-ir orders fl b ft jvr.miijlv, pr-iperlr, nd efeiiT. .. , t ' ' , .1 Wl laeill i t . . COUNTT AN ft STATE TllrillTS cheap. Cnnnt tha ntotOa-uf wty rii - rr- I'm j nan ataa ma an ore-r. J.H. Iitiimrw jOaktl ?-la . Be. Hand Neek, A. 0 OI IXrORD LWO ACsIAC V. F . " KQRTH ( .lioi.I V,'-' 7" -T-TliruiyrjLirrrs WU0 K Mil Itj e.l i.. xj i - -- Ainruiiurai atr .Tllnrrttl I ttu.l at .in, a. ... 'an,,. . - - - - , , o i i , a fssa n Lott; mr Heal I smie- . t-rranttlTw-H Til I ' jiae iiir prortr m .ait Uaiel- fore- ,. . Wa bar. Sir r f 1 t z j, tar iuusul. m r eera tit til siii h pr Fi information. aiMre. r TnTTTTirTTrR" : ' ... 1. . Ihoio at Ai eut. i fre,ioe,,io N , Or PltrL THIKM, Agrnt itn g). . ,-. . tatAXAC. FOB W '.''WK SHALL HAVE ' 1 t-'.llOBTir CA1H0I.ISA ALViVUH rear nnr our ensim.iis 11. ipia time r.tf 11 r ..n an -I awiertradn ; 4 Thsaia,te and vl w,tl he he-tee 0.a sant and tbs pri- eheap 11 s-. i !'. 1 Wvla-Vt, w. 't,t, JffTSCEIIAKEOUS.. MlaUI;iI V.ILLI.1' . : lf.Tiff,y. .vr-nnvrn mitTMiTK hthm t:ni stM as i rfHi-rr.AK A.t W MM. icr.uf.' fKKAf.- ,' . irsi i jis .v. A r iv- Theae F.inea and Mills har :.-oied the first prerohim over ail eoniieiiori. They af.rd th oest, i jieapest, au.l unnt netmnmioal puwar in use aud evtH lia j-,er auj Lons uiula In tba .. 1 ' Enttinea at flrrsl wut tk4rotiUy to. ted before leaviiii! tlie ,.i ki. ael re aan aijud m all respnrU perlsnf and resdv for Immeihsto mm. jm y i e-rraul to eut n o linnlier wan Vs bsmta and at lea expense ilisu mv oilier in th Uni.' -. . . ..... .. i ,.. . tui t eseriptionii, Irit lisia anil other biftvina-ilt-n ai dre-i.. - JOHN It. OllCTTHIt, totilfimt ttHinl Attenev, . tlieenslsiro ii. 0. Juiia 3.-271, Me Ansa for S, 0, Jon v. inovLr., ATTOHJIICY AND Ot.UNSr.LL0R AI LAW, ... No, , .lay Mrci'M'amtevtlltVV. C. 1)RACTI("KS In the flute aad Federal Ctntrt, and in Ihe I'nnrt t4 ljinkrujitey for Ilia Id (Jonitreasinlia! Dlstritt. I'roiui aiienLion Riven, to all bnainea Intra- ted lo Ins rare. t'Uttna mile led anvwber in North Crlm," ' ' uijr u 4i sq , . , ... ; pATAPHCO FAMILf IXOUIl. .. ... . ,. r WralSMsMie 4eladina. M 01. 0 HorSR. Krrrits ear Flour nniitiin ,w Bee. TKmlrit ia Hie IIKnr,esp.-ilf .it it to b tarn ,v sv totryiwr. for sale nv - . , , JJtlUtiLA BKUi . Ppt.3S t? If Market entiar. ; pOTVVi WASHING MACHINE, I AM) ms UI7IP.SAl CLOTHES VTRISQZR. THE BEST AD. OXLT WASHING, MA ' CIIIXEAND WRIN(.EU;jIIATnAS '; FILLY TKSTEDINTHIS 1LACE. TriF..K MACHINI'S have lea need for some Hunt, in lbs family of tint beorntarv of the bit sn. ths N.nu.r kitiior nf the tatti'wl, and, I am auili.iriatnl tr state, bsve t;ivon entire satisfac tion. These Msctiine ate TMenttt, aud persona nsinn any oilu-r Ma:hines.J(ke.. flu ht are liable to be proeeeuted. rt-rnoBs Wlshlnnto pnrehaaw ean get one on trial, ., . ; , s lo not be inoneed, by anv kind of represent Hint;' twbtw Waiiiire, nmtfi vin etionine theati. hept, la'-si-if , ij. u, SitititAa,. AKtiut. . rrr ";-;"r- e-u.-'...,, '- , , .Ji.'r; 'tU-x?jfc-iVKi.. rii; isi.Atu iisi k i; it h. MADE FROH SVPEKIOft FRENCH CUT(I., t'ut, Trilnined and made aa well as ihe le-it sien-baot Tailor onlere.fi work, at a earing of fto iri.N to TJ1iTV tftHd-AitM;. ..'. -wortlt earing a theee Hnrra, t . FINE CLOTH fj.U K. ' V-''': . ' ' ' ' FINE HE AYi-ft SAC;5,' , ' llt-Tf itctl Iltt-llltss rlllls, p .Hen np in our be; at pi ieea lo not tlie A tine vsr'e'rof I INF. I.1J MlllUTt!rav on Tin r- H fl ANDKKWisACO'rl. i: ( . s... Ietlls kurlilflllilif- Hlore, . Oi l tfl iV) tf - llpSWIl4l l Hl ltWlll.il T ciiiriNW1 1 iy 1 1 1 v r ttiir. te-li7-tilH e IHH tlLAB t-kl.r. Frt n kale. . I oil I'T f-FI Jiea rse. o ll.M.l l .IHM S I'D. Wliolesflle tiroeora MOHTU CAIIOLINV lJOOKMTORE !" fPlli HI i,- I, A to lio- i llbai M It I Lsilll s 10 AVKOUSf F ii jl be Ii ,s pun based toe alia i . 1 ' Ann!.!., to. . F.im-rr liebaif uiii to tlie aonb Carolina Piib- leliliiK t oioininv, llitlel llf, alieei .,i..d o ihu nd siai.d No I tarotu.ville Ht- aolonir and ... tJaS-ttttValkisiati .tijiugliopi, Uia ftu, an the VrMlTU -tu"J 9 ttt'V -esy ...elo.-lo.t bt ill 111 v tl. Tlrtler dee'd Iw-i r-t'r.b In- a 1:1 rii,:n,i tlie I Lot j a i lis IliOK-iie St ' J T. o TJT t W-OtfIKlrI."JKn-K-tei(..e(. and tliti leilll'Sftja mi o,,t Tfn'w.- -An t. twttr ntte .V .. Ho noiud .-.. our lli.it lie Inline to Hie Bu.li I n.i. w ol the l.oe;ri.. ,l,el e,..,.rie. ee ' .iiiSMS-vssfeieT-a-sswtr ter.gTift-piif.'ey.WjrJ'; g -efemr-m- rtn-ir-rrt-ri..e Orai.T-fc or d".i,. Jie ' 11 1 le O...I ft. Ml.i. . I...- -et.- , e. inmbi,. i Limooerr. liiwie, ete s 1 . ute fI.H , 4rr - n wr I SrA- t V.llle , Jw, s ( , v Ot Ml In, I n. -1 1 r ia a k, d au In us 1 k o! .lIUK't vl.'i V s.n i tu tantrlV. Ihe N... Hi t line iuia etd'teino t.oiur twpona. i'.nmieh .n.i n 1.h iv j.irw., aud oi'iev .r le.iis. a verr la.(". entii ly,it i..t; iiT.i t.' julMnn , ..( ,..W Music, e-in.).iiinr.- i ii i. i.e.fci' a-k ii r u i: I to le lifHii.l in ti( .1 .e : .; a u; a.J tb" iu-sl ii-asl-w :iiu M..li.e. - - - noen 1 t !.. in.m ft., ion.-.! M;, .t-i u .... i,,... Or i i cut vni,it-i. a s-oioosi k wvi, t,o e-' --r I...., In.- ,. I s touosi.1, alien u X Ul. by itieii JAA ll. r V-M X- i, I ijri-MUUt Mnt, fc.. 11 i- a' - - i - i v .- . . . ... . - . r - t r - ; f. t . ., fe'irnv3 0.t.T7-AI-tl i . BOOK KISCXLLAJlTOirS.. i:oi:iso, - I-ii STiBrS t ABoljiii.J , -,: ttslfc;;,,,. . fc ,.0r , . . u ""ftw ii.t a A. I Jti ri. for. merly VtrifCU, ,d aitA-d.. i,-,Wt.i,!y' and . PMniidlv, tt. aU Lti-ii.e-s o..hm,m, jt i.i own- - a renient. An let, JSW tfc. . -......--.,. . I V E - an exTimui 0a,iirf Uina, smi.t, ftw frM liainn Snrti-..s ... , t.,,.v M titM r hmx fin,, or tfl nu a: Catawba hini'i.. " !. ... Apply i ; ltiWKn.. tVlLSliN t-t. ' ' 1 'wt i-otuon, N. C. ; jo3ti-ini hoi ( , ; . . . TTHTnl"fl.f7ivTirrr7iI d. "tt.trttr-Cbenniar Tr-awea, tits, m. tft-tf. VhoktiiaJtiro.'r. ' VUEAT TIIUOI (.11 IVLI T. A V t rvnnr. -4,.,. tK..t VL. S J.0LTE TO THE OltTir, ;" ' " ". ru ; " '" v" . ' Weldon, IVtercburir, Rlcltmond, .Hatliloilon, lUlilmort aad si . riitlatlclphla to New york - s and nil Point M oat. jp OMxrscsxRAXsrEn ox the no irr From Weldon to Afqnla Crrek, Or from Washington to New Yorka PWSEVOF.W FHOtl COLCMDIA.' CHAR-V, 1 Ml, Ralriuh and .11 ,,.,,, v larolinaaml ba s'Khand tiaetnn l!ilr,.,i. I rloae aoniiM'tmn at w.il.lon nk ii.,. i,i .' Ilonte Foreomfurt.ciiituntoiiacoi.iiiwiionaan't nrst elan etuu.mudaiiin. tlOe it.,i ... passed. . ' " TI3IR AS tUICIC awl ti.RH AS LOWabynyotbrBiul. rA tat 1 Titktnd have jrmir Bsftura ehekA - . x ' iVia Pctenburo;, Richmond, &c, Pssngera, spon arrivlne- al Waldon. abonld aak for and take th Tratn marked. THUOCOII lertit. E. H. ortti, upt H.4P.J.S, Oct. la-eu-lin It B IVOtttM, Aiupi p. a w. a b. ti Prlo LUt fttniiahacl en ppllcitlon, S ' ' f IE0N AND STEEL. jy: OIL VL k M & -1) TJ SLOP, 121 Byotmor Street, Petersburg:, V. Ilav la stock at all limes, and ofT, at low prt ,., . ., hita-to uil, thsjuosl evmplet .;. , . assortment of ; " ' OOKSHTINO or REFIKED BAB ino.v FLAT, 6grAP.a ASt , ItOCSP. . , , . SWEDES , IRON. . 0B WAT. Jf AIL BODS. PLOUGH IRO.f. . a .r: ' HOUSE SHOE IROW, -, -CARRIAGE Ibos. DTaL, I)A.NI AMD . 'f 1 ' SCROLL lROJf. : '. X, -T tlOOP IRON, ALL SIZES.' ' X ' , BEST CAST SiKEI OERMAS RTf:rr , . ' lll.ttiTKR RKFX. , . ' - . GILLIAM DtXLOP, ; " ' " TiF.Al.EnS, I5f sx IKON AND STEEtV ,u .' , Aifesia for th sale of ". I'nlrbank' Nrali, AM all dew-rlptionsVOils mannfartuted by th I ''NsiMihattanOilCo. ' ' - 1 Oetobtr A Saiav ... , ' 'ATII MITIC AIAI.Ti;U Vrn E xiiiiKrDKi ia ras beht vmm. M w i". i ui-.-i, ,e;..eiait. fct, t:ali,- ".runnii;jj tAlawd ,ul (, WAvmn kfvtrt liiiimi ie, and Pa- & rnr of er, Hilli.lM Head... 1,1.. I .,..! . ... or Cosllveut.se, JSnnUiee, fn.ii,. , iv.ii 'j ii levaiiepsia, Li'fr l!l...i!,.i.,, '),, .J Apr-'He, Med llekiU, h... j,d ail iin.. ; -i.., a ft. ijulilu Catnsite liie.)jeu,a j lviuiri-d lr ,i. MU-tt, aie, bun tlM ,,,r'T , Physhiioi ta ,rlli Carolina, bi t ,,,, ,) ,)m fiM-iuula by wi.it.li tb.-ee piluare mail and liieh. ly re.noi,i.!w Uieni. Cok W. 4. , attin, tlie dutint,nhed Patriot' and PW.fiwsort.t i h. eii.uy lu u.e l inver,tt o N-irt)i t aroln , bs an .iw.-.i ti,. i ,4 tbwt tbey euniuin i.e i hviii v or anr ntiwr nuiie rai ooimiiiiient ii,i;Mv,.r. tali and t .i.jtlkr -.j. -A iepaiiiO sou sem n ... ' It 1 i- tf j i . . aiailtidtelotiiii? ( j,.. .,...("' . F. b I Ii -ii .For sioe in ftal- ti U ml.l.ll'.l t-A. iuiWtel. i ,.,.' ,:..' TIIH . AMERiqAir. CITTEKf The f.rt nf SiHttVrrii Tt AMI THE 5IVT rV.ATvrrv v tiU " ' t TV. till i aUJ'iA.t;L.liu,-.u.xl ot Alt r.t'vislil ..n.e Ml iif. -t e llt-L i.iK r r r-r bn, it sri.e ,.rh-:iii4i loom i lli'Mte uwi in, anil iiiki o.-r V-li-. H-e. -I-. irtjlnois anil i ete. i il ni iei'un.n iv ae .let .1 ei Hie nerves. J i n, .i -nvaiitrt.i.e ... ai. in i.. STi r,! ." t , .tn.: : b. Or. J-.,iiii..n ii. 4... tun: aiei ti-o ko-o I m -. I.il.;;. , tn 0 te no . e n l!S4l in, I :i;f.. T i a;-... I ). r 11 ' ' . J..r su.1. in i... V, I e . iktt tfr t: lit. 1 lis 1 1 4 - Y"