-?.:grrarrnifrs'i wrrrtMltrfBT!tr taiWriSt (V j ti TE&US Or SUli-K KUTION Tin BrwTfro, is publ.shed erery day, toept Bauds, awth fhiioauig term i ., ' ft u .fe !, v . .............. . . . W Fdr two suntbe, J ...... . W Ture fnontba. ....... .V... . . . . 1 . ai..:tu ,7. D.W G;i ,.r.-.. In b -un- Weekly nrltrwl on year, . . , ' . " i ait iuouUi,. , SYxkly Sentinel, one year. ...... ' six mvaiihe THK SENTINEL. U. , I'ELL, 1 KKATuN GALES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER V IS6- -&vwri" tickut you tun HON. DANIEL 0, FQWjLE, K. J. WUITAKEH. cqxvextiox OR SO COXrBNTtOX. We observ that Our excellent eotempo- - rary, the Wilmington Journal, and nearly all tbe Cooaerrstlve .paper Eart of Raleigh, : .ar either advocating non-action ou tbe question of Contention, or directly voting . '-agW.t dporentioD," while moat ot tbe Conservative' paper Weet of Raleigh either .Vor votingfor Convention," or, at leaet, are opposed to organized opposition to ooe. , TUU aiuiple u';t i tiytiiflcant, Tbit baa been tbe tUtfut ot .feeling for nontbe la tbe two eecliona, aotl ought to adronnith oar frk-mU of the imjxwsiuilitj of euiire nuaa inttty on that pbiDt Our frienJ.Maj. John Hughe, of Crewo, t lu a roceut hitler declining to heoome a candidate fur tiieUte Contention, nrgea, among other reason, tht Li utter repng- naoee and oppoaitioa to the rherae of Con priional re-oontructloB f.jrhid hi giving any eouDteaanoa to it, bj becoming a can didate, and recommend either non-action or a direct voteagaiott a Convention. Yet he deeiret Unanimity among the Conaerva- J a! 1 . ..It ! t. . I . 1 t . . 'i ,.;Jii itsiHMMJit aucnum. Miniwaa, . ami n c.iimitfiiU that I he Conaervativ Edl ' tor of the State nueet In ihi city on the 9th. lint, for consultation, in order to una nimity; The fact that tbe 9th. U only two day off, and the election only twelve daya, iil nit inly him that the prKpoeitirm come tK title, bo much wefnr it would gratify u to ui-tttt tfatn. We ft-el no anxiety to control public aen- timent an iota, In a matter in which o many good Cooaervat i ve diffur honeotly efpecial- Jy where it i o dilEcult to determine, Mti . lactorily to all, the proper courts of action. We have, therefore, nred that, in the mat v ter of Convention or No Convention, each . voter ahould be left free to act according to : hi beat juduittut. Yet we have aever been undecided, at all, oa the question of non-ac ,: , To do nothing at a time like thia, we are contSdvnt, can only result in Korib Car :. olma, aa it bae dona ao far in all the other States, i. e. in the calling of a Convention and a ltailical one at that; No difference of opiuinu ha at any tijp eiiniod among ConMrvative nien a to" the real character of the entire Congressional procra'mnie. None have had a ihadow of a . tlonht that the whole tcheme wa revola tionary, eocTpoaiti vely inimical to the future peace and prosperity of the Southern State and people, both white and biack. None have endorsed or approved it,! in whole or igi part. Yet tli qtion, khetlier we thould opioM it out and oat, or whether we ihould lake hold of it, o far aa to nt- . tempt to control the revolution, in order to prevent a much ot the evil threatened a ; poaaible, ha led to tbil divertity in out propoaed action. No Conorvatlve,wepre . aume, bm ever made up hi miud to. give i tye eVl, jut a. Uionioot,. In-carrying -out tbe Radical pro,;rmtu. Tbetrposition ba btn to aubmit to it, if forced upon theiu, but, neverthek-h, to Use all legitimate mean to defeat the Radicals. Nothing will b to fatal to our ' cause, therefore, mood action. The great difficut ( ty ha liecn to gut the Conservative to act - to get tberd ti the poll or to get them even to tfgltter. The Idea, then.oj bob action, in regard to Coov y i-n, will prnv most fatal to tb Cu rtniine caadidatea. . Tb past history of our pueple prove that they need no pt-rsunaion or indm-emmt or excuse to . . V 1 r 1 ,a. therefore, to leave them no tMnXi ous to noniioatewonnervauvecanuKiaies in I every County la the State, and to Impress upon the people the necessity of voting upon the question ofConyjFntioncci44iit k their best judgment, either for or against Convention. A carclul examination of th registration will erte to conv ince every ooe of the diffi culty, if not the imixMisibiliiy, of defeating a Convention. To fsjrry a Convention only require 83,000 votcrtio vole on th question and a bare majority of that number in favor f tt V. UU .t aonnn t...i . I "WreartysMforltiskhew that 83,000 whitea will vote on thequestiont .. . - - - . . . If so, bo matter how the 93,000 vote, Con vention ill L carried. But to defeat a Convention will require about 83,000 votes cast against it, or, upbu the principle of a- tcUni, it ill require Uiat ;i,ooo voWra re fuse to vote -on the question. I either within th rsne of probability I. We think not. . .liiu s, to lake no part ia the nn.to r, ia pal- : jiMriThii..kd. ' -yj-iites is ulficjentJk( JC-WUnt. ,jGr (he nc. ,..ceot Convention and. of th Itndicals In 4hjUAtht.fUstilJBlti.to .kln..jlr)Ti;grt1;ra,,a Jrro'1iel'5!a!7- haT ''uotlieen great t-p-'-";Th to aw .;!,! aiiy thing, -t-trt their own defeat. A Judge Merrimon re- , : ytuKTL'-jl in a recent spctn, -our people .are so ft 'jln'comi.-ifT .cJus itted" to eporets(on, ' tiiitt ti.t'y sw-'tf' qiiiW 'aiiiicg.it they are !h-s 1 1 " q liv-tiy lo run a farm, otk' a store, or s mft!iani:'s shop, or pnreae any . iher VK kt'iun, to lor-rtt (hat tiwy hsve any r ;;!i'a, r a 'oi:!' jttoa.ora Country," Who .1 t i ' t f: 1 t:.e t'.ro vf tiiit and tli truth el k ?- A l. r:; o-it yonr ,,t'T. CttUs randidAfe in ef V C give up ttua!!y.. Don't t'ie B rrot to the c ulrorof tii Bailies!, w thotjt a treia mlmi eff. irt. Run jour lst uv B for the Crm venttoo And press ar urn aunt to th gte,' That it oor imn J, wuu'her, after yonjret the people to the poiha, they rloUirniia fa vote tor e-CrrB tion or at;ain4 it. ' But, It U tiI,to vote for Cvention i to endorse the Conj,Trionl )Uilria We .i rod ire it, any more than rrti TUB ELECTIONS OH tBSTKRDAT. Wbile tb return! frim the yarioiwfltate i.w IwW J"i'Jay ere rtniBg jn tbe following summary will S found useful lor. reference ; . . ' 4 - In Niw York t ib jKrpSMWao majority othuere were to be chosen, a full Beat Leg islature, sn member of Conp-Tes to All ionedhy Mr. Conkling'a reaignation. Ho mer N, Kelaon i the Uemncratic candidate for SctJretsry f Btati-,aTitl Jaine B. McKvan the U'puhlican. la iUwachu-ictl the content a for Gov ernor, state otueera and a Legutlature. Leatyear theKepultiicana had 65,309 major ity. The eooteit now ia between Mr. John Q. Adaim, Conaervativ, and Alexander II. Bullock, Republican. - , New Jersey elected only a Oenerat Antem bly. Tbi body bow atand M fullo : Senate Democrat, 8; Republican, . ilona Democrat, 27 ; Republican, S3. Repohlican majority on Joint ballot It), s Ilinneaota choae a Governor, State officer, nd a Irfglilsture. The candidate lor Gov ernor are Cbarle E. Flaodran, Democrat, and William R. Manbill, H. puhllran. tbe vote at'Hxl last year; Radical, 8J, 989-; Dem ocrat, 15,773 ; Radical majority, 10,308, Kama voted for a Legtalalure, and alo on conttitutiooal auienduient giving the offrag to th negnesnd to women. Tbe Republican State Convention have declared themaelve in favor of negro suffrage, and "unqualifiedly oppoaed to granting tbi privilege to women.'Thevote lat year watt, liadieal, 1B,JI70; Uaraocrat, 8,151. The Legislature aland on joint ballot, 18 DemocraK'aud St Republican. ' ' Wiaconain elected a Governor, State ofll cera, and a Legislature on whom will de volve the choice of a lucceasor to Senator Do'ililtle. 'Tit candidate for Governor are John J. Taihuadge, Democrat, and La etna Fail-child, Republican. Tb Radical majority for Governor in 198 J waa 10.003. Lut year, for Congre, the Radical major ity wa 23,007. . Maryland ertfcGSfa Legislature. TXNXES8&E, TUJ! MODEL STATS. tenuetse is the Radically reconstructed Slate, that is held up, on. nil occasions, by tbe Radical press and speakers, as the great exeuiplur forNortb Carolina to Imitate. Whenever they would illustrate the bUttinyt of Radlcat rule, and the Aopjy results of Radical policyV the point to Brownlow and to Tenuete t There the - whit man is crashed beneajh tbe heel of negro domina tion, there aiV organized and armed mili tia, composed tdl nrgroca and whit desper ation IndteerimiftHtely, plunder and slsy inoffensive and haruiles citizens, who do muVtuXjaith the hat and hurrah for the ty rant who lords It over the State, there so elal and personal feuds tVeak out daily Into o(if a strile. Uut Tennessee Is a noble sped men of good government, and Brownlow' la a "glorious old patriot 1" -The Radical lead er want North Carolina to become another Tennessee and to have a duplicate Brownlow fitr Governor. - VLook at Teunsp. lMik at her on the high road to financial prwtprity J That i tlio tiry.' Yea, look at her Tba Cdmp troih-r of the State has just made' to the Legislature a aiateairat of sITairS forth fiscal year ending Bept. 80th. last. From it we learn that the Rlatu 1 taxes imposed for the' part year smounied, to the enormous sum of $M05,8(!4, wiiile the tsxes Imposed, during tb same period, in North Carolina, under "so-called "liolicl" rule, only amount- ad to 1-300,000 1 'V - Again, Brownlow' militia, to keep ftpwn good ptsiple, cost the people of tin State (including fhoae who are "kept under" and who have to pay the expense of their oppreision- aud humiliation ) 8191.503, or two thirds of w hat oiir Stateiuidt'r to-1 "R.." V l all purposes, 40 000 to hft muUnei r ..-..i i.u " i anmn i . bled soldiers and 0,000 to In r Asylums. Leaving out these charitaldu objet Is, the expense of maintaining Brownlowa janisaa nes atone is tqualta thi tok&uxiit '7Y IM Blot GotmmtiU tf XortK CxiWim I These figures speak volume. What has happened in Tennessee under Radicul con trol will as urcljr take place in North Cr.i line, should she be 'so unfortunate as to p.s. under the same bitter yoke. Let our farm er, who hv to pay a . federal tax of 9) cent per pound oa totton, let ou"-otk i n old man named lasur pt our poop!, ponder the tact and figure well 1 Tbe road to Radicalism is the road to inevitable ruin, moral anil, material, A. 1. - r :.. .. ( .... . Koiaie, xsftitinai ana inuivinuai I Ttti!i4os'rrdicu that was vet concocted, even by Radical demagogue, is that the negroes, by Voting with ths Conservatives,-will vote to re mand themselves Into slavery. The March composed, so far a tbe small white element wI4il$-TTf--ld' - trt4ptrtrrters.'r Thenar tb men wh "want thtdrLmnoey backj" Ttfr trriBfrr made-Tiy--ir,e TiXtl'e'lfijlte Radical squad, that Judge Fowl leads the "secesshtB"' titliet. Ts Too amusing to eicTle wngptrEvtjry gt'n I lt-mtui t ounicket was an ardent tnion' man, while -thatfthor ol the IUdicat ticket wa vindicating secession with his "whole attnl." ' Wirmsavxa yon have reason to suspect that any one is registered, who is not enti tled to do so, by reason of aon-ega, or from any" other cause, look t it that the matter is sifted, aad ths lists art ptirgrd 1 Ek to IT that bo man, white or Colored, it audweJ; 1 register iinpr.pci!y ! 'Sir. Tbaddeu SttTen -ii 'a letter writtea meon Ji i oce, did But beaitate with hi cl aracteriatic Ooldoeaa, to declare, what -TTgry-atriaiUle) matt kmrwrn, -jthat tbe- atructioa pr gramm of Coegre it entirely extra constitutional, not only having na arrant in that instrument, bat being vjo- hnrrty oppoaed to-it letter and lpirit" lie baa now taken a new dwly. in a recently published conrt:oa lotwc Mr. Steven and an individual bj the name Ot PficffeTj wb ich puhlkation i aji.l to have th unction ot the former, be take tlx ground that although- tbe: prev-iou' actitu nfihaJRadicaJartiJnjfixE. wa encon stitutioaal, it owe b th antbotiiy rf the Cunalitutiuo oa ila li'hi, If i,rtu4f .the alleged adoption of the Howard amendment, ".Silica the adoptioa uf the fourteenth amcudment, I have .wf doubt of our full powar to regulate the elective franchise, so tar as it ttrarU the whole nation,, in every tStkta of the Cmon. ...' Tb old man i reported to be in almost a moribund condition, with greatly impaired physical ar-d intellectual 'powers, snd thif fact msy account for such' ridiculous twad dle as the, above. ' The' Howard amend ment io a part of "th Con.titutioa of the United States', it has not received tbe sane1 tion of the Legislature of three fourth ol ths Stau-s of the Union. Its' adoption by twentj'-evTiml thorn is necessary togiv it validity aa ad.mrticla ot th Coos tit Jlion, and it ba only been adopted by some uine teenr twenty., Tb Secretary f State ba not promulgated tbe amendment,' a he did fa the case of the one- prohibiting slarery. What Mr. Steven contends' for, doubt te, is, that the amemlnjent having been approved by the Legisl-lun of1 three-fourths of the "lojar,(o-ralled) States, It Is, there fore,' to alt intents and purpose, part of tbe Constitution, and that the Southern State, not being in th Union, have no right to pass npon amendment to the. Constitu tion. II tbi I ao, why waa the Howard et-wnckjM-ot original! y subtitittod -to. 4hta for their voluntary action t And why were they called upon to pass opon ths amend ment forever herealter prohibiting slavery I The fact that th Southern Bute are ss much members of the Union aa they ever were, ha been fully acknowledged by all tbe department of t-overnment: . By tit Congress, in tbe manner soove referred to and in several other ways ; by the President, in all the policy of bis ailrnliiis'ration ; by th Supreme Court, repeatedly, and by th Chief Justice, emphatically, l! hi decision, rendered at the last Term of the United State District Court, in Raleigh, in th case oShortridge Matcou. , That they are not now acknowledged, by the Radical leaders in Congress aa being in ttte Union, and flat they are deprived of all their Constitutions! guarantees and immunities, i solely because ot part f madness snd lust of office. It will never suit these men, if they continue to rule, so to acknowledge these States, until they are thoroughly Atricaniited and Radical ized. . There is no hope for the Country short of th expulsion of th Radical1 destructives from the place of power which they pollute. Uct rotm day ana unm aaoirraa ' KN. CAXBT'jl La- OBDtJt W hsv received a copy of GenV Caoby last order In reference to registration, too late fjbr to day's issue. We shall publish rif notice it in w oiorruw. . ......... , Lbt ao max? ran. to rbomtiii I Kkkkubkb Tun Cokskrvattvbi Ratwi- ration JIkktino, ToNinuT, i IV.1p''I see a full attendance of. tba people, white and Colored - .-' iu ..t - - " . i ' nmm ii id i i . 1 1 .- . A succtiho ot the Conservative ot Iredell wa held at StataavillC, on Saturday' last, Delegate were appointed to the District Convention, which is to assemble at Tay- lotsville, Alexander County, to-day, for th purpose of nom inating five candidates for the ConTention. . , . , TVT . ; 4-t .A similar meeting has been held in Willma jit which di'hgte were alto appointed and in excellent eerie of reaolutiou adopted. Cakdiuate is IItde. Capt. Banoester Mldyett, Conservative, and A. J. Glover, Uadis.l, sr the candidnter to represent Hyde lu the forthcoming Stat Convention. H hav no doubt of the. triumphant-elec tion Ot Capt.xMidyett.' '' . x It is now well known that the necroes in lb PautU are or; annie purpoaa w U also known th Blunders n..t paly permit them to arm. but have furnished them w'th the necessary equipments. President Johnson has relerred the facts in these cases to the head ol the Wsr Department, and it i protb thatb will locreas the military force in tlte biulh. -s. r, iiemu.- . .. l f . -. ... A Nkorq's priiiipa! qa. Hnir n , f Kdward James voted the Radimil tlckiit at the last election, and on his return from the polls he psaeed through th farm of a gen' tleman who has "unbleached Americans" hired. Tw of thee " delecUble women were standing in front ot their respective hov-!ai--Bd as old Janrcr pasted by at a shordwtaaee trom them," out of them saw him first and said to the other; "rtn, yomter's old M. Jamea; be.vo'tevl wid ua Now, ain't he com down, mighty low T l ag Vvr tr . .- hasTSTo Wapb a btxvesaon. Letters- nomice th certain election of Judge Thur biail t( the I'nited State Senate, in the place ol Mr. 'It sterns j b cewfied.- d- that- ilr, V'iijMt.i4hm nrmi srettrrtrdy; ate", aud iavtirs th election oi Judge I hur ntan, an(nm lumigmter.- - Hon. Thomas A. HAi)v'aVlf)reeM fiT th UiTui States Si-nate, is 16 be-ftfi Democratic caoditlat for Governor oi ln- diana.-.,,-" .i' v-";";. ; ' It i announced that Adaviral Semmet will very soon commence a seria of lecture on the Alabama and scientific subject. ' The'wldow of Mirsmon, who waa shotl with Maximilian, nat Deen made a frinceas ol the Austrian 'empire, ana iu title is to be bereditarv. ,. . . ,. -, Logan's spWhe in phisihsv made him Bick a they have everybody who read ganmnr atwt arming tori - hich H ioL peaceful, and it fVu,4cr"" .'V1" WOQla 00 w.e'1 w "un at some of tfi. dtrict com- ! ! "'.W0. WIlB 001 V-tV-0 , JUiem. ' . . - ' - W bar not seen lately satire fear ex preaairot popular disgust, (a rtssiect UStbs couse ol tb.J:au..tl Befrr party, tbatt the .iul'owinir. from tba Cincinnati rilia4 ' "The party of Mr. Tbaddeu Btevena will ant be long without due Bruclaanitiott of tltetr principle,'-' They will remedy the n asocial evils at once bv pssinz the. Jw. vi-rir tiia(4.rJioid Lv.ilr, Stevcoa, that greertuacks sl.all be good as gold. Tben, if ttiere are twtfjti tabs ak f premiant on grdd.tbeTCanbebaoeedastraitora, That 'I tba ai in pie Radical policy for aha speedy set tlement or the financial question.' 1 be next thing is the eqoslly simple aodradlcal tuea ursjjfiUBjfa. Jjand i ih Sottlhern States included In the military districts, at aaptimr; to pay the Ratios at debt. That will dossrttp the"Ke-iJHl5tjCan IsaiiBeSl As tor roiSr away, to be remedied bv law of Uongr tranrhisintf all tha Itlarka and nmhalrlv an weitWMi Sf HtK bw'aftlySifal'i a liitta Then there will be no more trou bl bsti el.tioB.-Tb rreaident ia, ot eourte, ti be impeached and suspended from office, and Ilea Wade will as tbe Preside cy in the next campaign for th ascendancy t Rpablicaanrinciplea. Conirres b living tbe right to decide on th qualification of it members, no msn who is not a supporter ot air. Ttadileiis B lev ens will b allowed to have a seat. Theil, -aa Mr. Stevens is ope rating outile tUe Constitution, and Con- greas has all Betdful power, it mieht as well "sjtsum tba duties of tba Electoral College, and elect a president for fire, or during good behavior, or fix hut term at forty years, with power to appoint hi successor. Then we might fence tn eonntxv in with a prohihi torruarifT protecting labor as well a capi tut) clown troUdea population of Kurope, a I wen a me luiroouciion or ne prouuess oi psupef labor : and then we must reduce tbe Irours of labor to star in tweoty-lbur,- grvM ing in lattoring man twenty noura oi eacn day to improve hi mind and body. In bis library and bed chamber ; and then vxe (bail have a completed, rounded out, full orbed, happy country, where tkere will t no wicjted to trouble, and no weary .to want rest ; and we shall all sing Had Columbia, nappy liana, until time entire no mora." A Washington correspondent aay t "The Crmtrretsional Renublican Execu tive Committee are almost dkily rteiviag utters i ram uie oeiter eaocateu coloreu men of tbe Southern Statea, affirming that they are in great tear of violence from tbe whites, and suggesting that they should be petmit ted to organise militia companies. Titer is not single negro any where ia th Hontliwho it afraid ol "violence," ex cept those threatened bv the secret societies. tor Voting the Coaaervstive ticket ; bu( this niovej iutendetl to afford a pretext for arming me,. negroes lor violence upontneir . Mona OtrraAoaoti Fbai'ds. From dis patches from (leorvis. it snuears that Pone has f'olloweii implicitly the bad example of Bcnoneiit.T- r iniling that not enough neyro votes could be obtained during tbe time specified for the election tocsll a SlaUC'on vtntioh, be has extended the time lor voting two day longer, to' afford an opportunity to bring in from other Statea enough negro voter to'cvry the Convention question. These frauds are to flagrant and o openly end uublushingly perpetrsted, that evea Re publican oomiptios, as it riisU in the North, blushes with shame at the bold, base, osrelaced outrage. Mat. In UUintnMtr. ' Tutr ArpaoAcuiKo Vikoinia Cohtkh wort. 'ThB vagabonds elected to the Con-vi-otion will hold on, we fear, to the six dollars per clay until General SrhoBold drive them out of the Capitpl at the point of tbe bayonet. . Their mouths are watwing now lor the good thine which their ex peeled (not anticipated, thank the stars) per fiem wui purensse lor tiiein. Six dollars a day 1 Think of it, y Hunnlcntta, anil de clare wtirttier any men, or tet of men, can luiluce you to adjourn this jear. Mkk mend Ditpatch. i . U. 8. Soldikk Nor to Krckivb-Phes-nt. Major General Thomas, commanding the Departme nt of the Cumberland, haa is sued order lorbirhUng his soldier from reX cei v in present, lie says th Umted State tiorenun-nt compenaate It soldiers for their servirea, and they have no right to ex- fti or claim any mrtner pecuniary reward uyiu any source Wltatevrr. - Mohb Immiorakts to YinoiHLA. Wears Informed that tbe officers of tb Virginia .1... o...:..jl"..!.l: tmuiiuini iu (Ti-jiciT uare iiuinirs pi cue ue- parture of another lot of immigrants, who are expected to arrive her toon. We are glad to bear of their coming. A wide field i open for them. Land and employment! iv hi uv i Q(i . . nrui cume io v trginia by the ship losdA snd she will give them a warm welcome. LyneMwrg Virginian. Rkcokstxcctxb. The cltv of Richmond. the eanitol of the rebellion aad beadquar- . : .. i ... . K-ia w aiiv v tf(iuisi ' aristocracy, na iur leoted on native-born New York Yankee on BiitiYC ilori Iritbiiiaaii ont ntiT0-tiorii Southern' "mean white man," and two col ored men tp the Convention. Wbo will now say Richmond is not reconstructed Jfartoa Hceuni (Radical) ; ( We doubt whether nunnlcutt's brain A New Yoik correspondent of tb Mobile RjiMr ay! The Oerniao and the other Radical an at lager heads,'' i . .Wa hojie there It eomething good brew ing. Agt Cn4UutiealuL t P rent ioa doubt w hether th"plesnre of the Chase'' include running for tbe Pre idency., , .';- - : - Brii;ham Young elegantly observe that marrying fur lov i played out. 1 - Tbe emperor ot Chin le trying to propit- j iai Heaven by being good. rA'h',o'iia weJTng"--: the fortieth an rjiver- sary a Viewport invention, ( A profeasorship of Anglo Saxon ia to be established at Cambridge. England, -i- aw vwl.tsll ; r ThHiteifSfflamBAsnrcoirsnw u mi iim ii itt tnjcs or l.l. . W-v. -nf - 'hairoswrjt' YttA4mFt)tV4Herta( xie,nCl-iifcoitiilr jPuf TaiU:i.i hiiie". "I n m uy . ilA.tiL,A8 BtLli, hov. 5 T7-tf. 1-. . . Mukai rmuarw. c TOKSr COlDfl" SOU biiahel ft sale. i 11 U JAM, JONES A CO., CvtJS-ftJif WboWia Uruow. I IE COCKADE CITT ALE, " By tb ke(, for sale. 1UJJAM, JONES A Co. Kiw. lefi7-t I a r in Hninmt nl A bmIu.1 t... . i matrH ) - r - JIME, PlJLSTEIt, CEMENT AN1 HAltt, , A IJtrge Supply alwsys oa hand and tor sals ea Bloat bvurabttt serlu by WORTH A DANIEL. W.tTlmrt.io, Nj. C. x r. S. MfvTHi.t Rojt-tw or lama Liaa raoat Vun.. ..: ' - ., ,uiyll-7-m KEW ADVXETIS2HT5TS. a awtvciv- rirrv vaj aTuuia OS X V strayed from any pvesawks m 9aBds BM Iul Ha u about amonths old. black en ths bark, with yellow lees, stud eosne at tbe call ot U'WT.nuiraiiB Wiuee inlutse wbav : - aV K. FERKHX. 8C7. ALL T XXf ARE OFPEBIMO TO OCB BTOMEK3 V JV a ceatmaniluif atuek or HAItDWABE AND CCTLEBT, -i CBOCKEBr ASD Oi BOCSZ FUSJOSHISO GOOD, -' -- rQglNO AlfD HEATIXO PAIST9 ASD WISDO GLASS, J-,:..: AUSflU. 1 Bed Chamber Cammod. "JTBR'OW fenra Favetteville Street. fUleigb. '. not. a 7-tr A ff RlB W A Rts. ON lUTUllDAYlNiOH O-Ls NoToaibsr ad. a MVLE ws sukia (ru nTV u.nlea. three aiilee aa( of ItaUieh. tUu Mill was a small, asoosw-eosursd mar mule, witntl s soar cm it ncbl ear, caused by eotung on a Wart. 'IToa au waa aoeo on HnnusT, n tO p--iiiii m 14 a cm-sto man, near the Joliiwton Ooanty line. J wui Ki's the ahor reward (or tu deUsery to me, or luformalioa that trill aveor it return. Ktw.sVlw . .B. C. MANLX. NEW l.taSK-sttKM HI'S-. THB PaTENT InfKOVED METHOD Of BIN KINO WEL1A - Vht -.ft-tv . Cjmv.nlr4iMl and EcorMHnT. It Baa bo eqoal. An ineihkuatible supply of water is' fnmi-bfwt wherevmr wanted, either to Yard, sta ble, Krtenen or inning Koom. Liberal terms offnred to Agsnta. - , , MITCHJOX, A1XEM A CO , Aag. Sl-ai-U Newborn, N. C. 1867. FALL TRADE. 1887. ITUIXOW WArlK, ASDIlUJ.NH,xrrCK MOB T 1 Urm, lanod Htew 1'aua. Climax Vwaeee, Lined MiimIib Kettles, Oriddlaa and OnO-lrena, iUigtiah Wafer and Waffle Iron. J. BKUWPt, 'BatatKh, Oat. 1 With Hart A Lwut. WILLIAM fa. WILLAKD, - special fartHtr, BICl'O . TAILOR, general Parinmr. RICHAUD N. TAYLOR, WHOLESALE GROCER .'"' ' I' ' AMD ' ''' .I-.'.'." --ri- COM KISSI0K MEECHAST, -. Crr Crmven and Sovtlt Frtnt StrttU, SEWBEBS, H. C , Refer to. M. Conway, 15 Park Flaeo, H. T., Wygant A Hoeft, tiM lley tstraet, N. I. Ja. . Woodward's Hon. 'H Kurth Front St., Phl!ali!il.ia. W. It. lluli.k A Qeo. W. Rwepson, Rational Dana, hsh-ikb, h. cj., H. H. (a'-a A Co., CLarlotte -H. 0. Oct Xt-R-Sru ctsTVaTtstK ao Tat As ii a n WAN TED (C3 I'y a (rradnsle of the UoivernitT of North ;si-i.jta. A used asiarv prererreu. Aiuura . I W. H. MU.LKK, ... , . . . f Hhelhy N.C. , BMrHKKNCsa;.; ; Hon. T. L. Slwtpc, IX D., ChaiI HiU W. C. Maf. Gen. KoT. llnaa. Liucoutnn, N. O. . A. Vt. rimer. 1). I)., Nirtauil.ujg.K. t Oat i W4w, Maar'n Dlcpositonv M. KCuphch Bouth. H. 'II, MARTINDALE, or N. C, ' WITH . . ,- itv a tn ini.isr P i b 1 1 a h e r a , Bkller " " A K D '' ' S T ATI ONERS, 39 Weal B s 1 1 1 rasrs.airstl HALTIMOKE, Md., S. l N. B. Hrl.mr, W.-J. C, Dcxairf. Ah 5-4-iiwn BT A DECItEE OF THE -OUKT OF EQTJ1TI of llrtford Coantv. Fsll Turui. DWT. IahaU sell at paWIe sale, on tli promise, ou haturdsy, the sua day of fiovruiuar noxt, , . , . , . TWO TRACTS OF LAND, belonirinft to the estate of the late Ahoer i. Per- ry,ancti. u..- The 11051 E Til ACT, footaimiut, bvealimat. 7W acres. mIIoIiuiik the lauda ol l'r. (i. C. iloore and Jaa. Taylor, dre'd, will l void m a credit ot an aaa tw years, mturest nun dale, wiui bond and appmvod awurity Tba BUI' K LtoUHE TRACT enutaina three hnndred andclfyacrea, adjoining tiur rat nien tioned Iraot and toe land ir simian j. riorwn and ethers. Otw-tbird or this Trset, or one- third of the piirehsae money, will be cash ; on th other two-rtllr.t ons and twe r time will be fpren, witb bond snd good twenrity, and intweat rosa dat. Exusptuig the oust in both will b cash -OCt, llJtaw!hr J. A. TASK, C M. E. Tin M are at Wholcsale. rTtllR UNllERflONEM deairea Anjeall the sttetv 1 tion of Morchsnls to. his MtabUafameut fee lb Bianatactureof Tlti War for the Tratd. VI. el.n. la ull . -V-. i- iw. a. w I RATE8 a the Merchant can bay IB Naw lark or itsiuiDore, wim rrru.ni auaea. lis ssks s trial from those who are disptvjed lo snouferag sad asatel in, bail (bug up a Bom Enterprise. ' . . Hs pie 'awe himself that but prices shall give stastaetiwD, aud that lua war shall cat suod qnslitv. Prteis LiaU siHli aunt to any address on ippli eatioav . SI a a, Bmwn, )1 Cawtier aw Mrwaa will be taken at beat market rates, instead of cash, dekvarad at any point oa the Railroad. Oct U -Se-wodSai UiUaboro', N. C. - BIBS. WIXSLOW1 HOOTIHNO HYKUP, IapR cmn.PllCT TT CTHlXq, OttgAIXT FA 1 eititate the prooees.of ttiethiiiff, by atiftening the gtima, redueinjr all tunammauon will allay A1X PAIii and spasmodic action, aad ia SrRK TO REOCLATE THK BOR EL. Deprad bpob it, aothera,tt will givs rest to Boor salves, and Btelrwf Bewllk) cw tw laraisifav ss and avwd this ariitit Sj1 Tearw, and eaa say in Oisnntm a aao TntTB of it what wa have newer been able to aay of any other mad icine Kavaa ass it Failed in a auigl inatanc to Ermov A CY, wbt-q timely aard. Merwr did ww know an instance of ,(Vawatiafactioa by any oo whonedit. On ths contrary, all ar drlithted ntvuuautu ui iv- Bia-ai wiw-w aim bjcuk-si vir Hr. W aneak in this maior "WHAT WE IX) I ot a KartrraTioa oa the minijauiT or Vfsur.wa Bnaa Ksrun tn alnrcM wvwry mwttuc wtlnrt Fnfl (lu:ecboua ka- nsiiuj wui aoeompany sack bocile, v litnfVataSitur - . - "Tlr. Wlnalow' Soothing Bi rBtp" Having th fae-aimile of "CURTIS a PEREIKrf oa tba oouwla wrapper, others ar baa un it t too. ftokl by Druggist tbroagaaat thea-orld. ' Priew, nly SS crws Bar Btwlil. ' " 1 orncn : 115 Fnltoa Ulrees, New Tnrk H1kb Hiborn, Ixm.bm. Englsnd, 441 M. 1'aal Street, Montreal, Canada. An. Stl-at)-)Onui , . ,.. .. puTbBrH ALBlflt. A beautiful aseortmeat Jat to haad. Price rruai sv eetita to f '.!.''. JSKA-SaON, FaBftlfTt A CO. BsptU. f hale.h,M. OP Lais WABE, iTmrmi F TBa7VIABj CCAV!I I I am daily elpectin i a aniall lot of "l-nuilM Peranaa Ouaao." Vbeal-tlrmrera. try -cirowrera. try it. -JXtl'OLAB litXL Kev. t H it V OUT OB MISLAID. oa William l'owcii. Jr., for one bun-" drad aod aevwntoen dutlsrs, dated tbe latli Mare, lotKl, made payable to Caswwli l'uweil, Ailtooil.- notny aod tabid all persons against trading fit the same '- rASWiJX.IVw K.bL. ' isakwOis- How. 1 Tw - - " WASTED. f LAUY-. avar reff miceiH U ra"ina , in iLSl swu, (a a taaiKHt m "-". I Miitl Brnata fawth 1 'Hprererxsari d teaiil Kurmh; rrTkS,'WM(liV tK' AftBMAE5S At L K. Jlearll Old Stsnd! DcLatlaie, Catllrora, Freiich lHeii nes, Empress Cloths, , ; A KTICIFATINO A CEcTUSE IS OOI'fl, IX. w purchased hjihtlr early ia tbe aeanuu, ami, bv rwrent arrivals, va aril uiu&btiMl to a..l at is. fidoued prim. W keep an with the Time. Oot.8l-7s-tf . . A CABD. tN I OBTAIN ENGRAVED PORTBAlTB OF W.iiaw UM)Pva, Juaam llawan, and joaa If aj", BMjtuora of tb DeciaratioB uf Independence in 1776, or any on of them f Ur oan portrait in oil be obtained f Bold, hired, or loaned, to be eopied T Or can autwrapha. mar aia-nafwres of tb asese, orlarger ducamenta, be bad 1 It so, on what teriua ? Tbey are desired for an nnisjae and importaut hiatorica! eollection. Addresa roe, a-ilA sriectjte tatemmt nf term, it'll West at Kt., New lork, or. until D7th Ot Kovomber, ear Me, Mr. Palley, Wutouicton, N. O. CHARLES F. DEEMS, ' Pastor of ths "Church of tbe Stranger," N. T. ' Oct. 81 78-tf N. B. All North Carolina papers friendly to the earl fata wf the pitate, wil ebiigaby popyiag 6E0BGU STATE LMTOI,; Frtli Brncflt of the masavnie " ' ' Orphan Home. -Extra ClaC Capital Prtes, 90,O0O. Xloketsa l 1 ,00, ' Wil be drawn In public at A Tt.ASJTA, Gs.. OB WEDNEtiUAI, ra NOVEMBER, 1H67, ,. . ' ' -. ' Ww" ' ' GREAT SCHEME :' J"'f "' '"" ' :''' Cfcsat "f?,", Coptol iVtar. . . . ..7160,000. To be drawn on WEDNESDAY, the ISssi day ox nuvtjutr.il, iish.u open pnoiie. Whole Tiokela tlx: Halve to; Quarters $3; Eighths It ftu. in thia Orwst Rehema shm ar- 418 Jriaea, mnmiung to tlHO.IlUO. ' ' Addra all orders to" - JITtw. wii.ttora v Makaokbs, Atlanta, Oa. Oct 80 72-tNorW - , nOCK HILL COIJ.KCE, ellicott cm; aid. mniS INHTfTCTlOff . CONDrCTEI) BV THE JL Brother of th C hristian Kehnols, waa es tablished in 1H57 ; and incojraoratsd, and snmw area to eooier ae-rwos ay tn uenerai sasrinmiy uf Maryland, durum ita seeaion of 1MT. Jt is situated on a rising grunud, in one of the healthieot aad aiiwt pi.-tur.oe portions ot the Htatw, and within a tew nuuale' walk of the Elli- eoU City KaurtMd Station. .. . '.,.,,. FAOULTT. BBOTBwa Barraxot. Prestdent, Batrraaa luaaa. Vice . rreaideBtVri ufeawot of llatlieniauoa. Wa. K. A Atanc. M I)., LL. !., Professor of Chemistn and Natnral Philoaoinv. AuasaT Tsruia Bt.KDsoB, A. M , I.L. D , Profea- S'W of History. JtheCoeieand Enelish Literature BaonrrR AflRUs, Profeasorof atailieBiatuw and English Composition. ! " BawrHEB BawannT, Adpraot Professor of Math- matic and History. SiarrjKi. E. W. Bacaaa, Ph. D , Professor of Latin aim irwwa. A hthoitt TaaKraorr. Adlrmet Trofaaor of TAlln. Jaaa Vaxicv Profewaor ltrawing and French. BaoTHKB Lcaa, Priifrsaior of tisrniaa aad Maaio. P. Uhou. I'b. D.. I'roteasor ot Music BsoTHea Maitbcw, Inatructor in tlrammar and oeofrrapny. .- BauTHia I'R-rwa. Preftoet. baoraia ltraaiSDiic, Prefect of Tunior Htndenla. Da. J- H O'Doaiivaa, (Jonaulting Fhvsleian, lis. T. B. Owikos, Attending Physician. TERMS I - Doard, Washing and Tuition : . ttflO 66 Entrance Eee t j Pbyaitiian'a Fee tv. 1 slnsie and Drawing, extra. Ot, i6-lswtf pOB BALK AT : ' GILLIAM 4 DUNLOP'S IRON STORE, .. . 121 Byeamor BU, Petersburg, Ta., ' BEAKD'S j7T PATENT LOCK awd BELF ADJUSTING V T1E3 FOR BALING COTTON, . Oomrning atrsnglh with rapidity of adjustment TO BALES OF ANY SIZE. Each Ti is complete and ready for nse, - Ana avow bv ouvcuuds ius puiung ess. It is impoaaibl lor Iclo com off. TRnX TIES ARgACPEimiBT - UrsPliUj ina areat faction against Are. aod thev i win sue rot an. . , ,, -v BEARD. TIES . '. v ' v': ' ar pat on la lea lime, M the Sal it AWol mors Snugly, Firmly aad Sebftrtty, Than any ether Tie ia exiatenee.v They are anada of ths beat quality hoop Iron, anii arw tnoTongojy pawwa. OILHAM A m'SLOP. i Oct 17--131 -lm ' , l'eteraburg. Va. LA.D IALE..f . . V GOLD ULISZ, MILLS ASD TACTOBY. TIBK CNDERSI0XED having he appointed vComnuswioners to sell tb iva Estate of tb Lata it. 11. Christian, in Montgomery aad Atauly Conritioa, N. C.will offer for aale to the hischest biddeiooTHUtoVAK, the , KtB nay eriwovcmfter, at said Chriatiao' residenoe, hla intereat o aitai ia in t i ; twin Iln4 Gold Blialnc to ': ensrimnntT called Christian's Gold Vrm,"awplen did COW AND FLOUKINO MILL, aewly buul, ea tbe Pee Iee River, with nnrmrpaaned waters power, eonvenletilty located for euetom. A kao nrv for tbe Basaafaetiuw of Cot tun Yarn in vuid ranning order, and alnnt ' a TWOlltllloARUAUKES of rood Farntog and well timbered Land, lvinif aw both SMteai of the Pea Dew River, with a sxiad K A eredit erf aix roon'M.will be givea. 4fl!j!l thftj9SB)awrwauW Hicr. JVni J4'iif7 rtext-;. . , -.Bsirassi wwlusia: to Jiiveat in! ttiis kind of pMpertv will ami a BwCCewoprMsrinitlty.-, I Urn ill ' Haw, t girw trre neree4rv-'tTTrora,artod. : - t-4 C H. iHrt'Er.Kx. ... ; ;-t r L. MARltl.irttKft; t frMIUAt-td. - IMT. FA LL THADE. ; ' IS. "STTHiTE LEAD, in SS poend caw.. f Hpirita Tarpnatm, hy ib barrel or retail, Coack Body aad Kress Japaa. Varaub. - A LAO -Paints for Ceack Making, in small tin Vrisa, . , . J. BROWN. , Raleigh, Oct. IS tf For Hart A Lew av CBN I CORN t CORN f A Constantly an-iv5nif and for snle bv . 1 34 If B P. W ILU.Vil IS c O. 1 1 "- ' XT VC uri'REME COURT PT PORTS. . a ; Fur sale lo J. H FKVKV i. X. C; Book oo-. VJei. 17 61 -if PETEE-SBTTEQ ADTIRTISEEJTl TimrAwi wat ntT Ja. M.M. viisiiM ulll --A NO. 25 SYCJASIORE v STREET f rEXEIlSIIUIlG, Vau ELARGMTTJ STOCK! Of lUljrHE TATl:F!lBCIXja tlM'S'avhinn Ira 1 .i'iM.rliuutti of atoi-i fur i aJ-TrnU. 1 use oruanai to thank theia for they- blar J ZT. T? " " ''wtotwrt-t aatwph2 m-aJjJuaWbir tiBwhana H-rt.? RrraiMw amlww, rhmitrh tneirnptvitft. ill iOTocIrlit idtia, tf ths xruaJ'UH. : . " . . ...w mn,.w7.t Lmt'nwNfw ni.. ii r. . i , - ltetlsHr- Irrrw GGtitSZZ k LaJ'nta, in great Tarielv, Iri PopJaw. Befciaa and KtwtiehPoplifir'rivTftB'wZ .rii, . Marat-bra, Poplin Hep, Crape. EmurH f 'hrth,lli!eni liiarrita.Teioutine Itelaliiet AtonT. line. aiDKla aud doubt width, in all tb las. sj'ba, lUsmarcia, Ac , Shepherd and ncotca Pbcida- - .-' K- - -. .., .. ,7?, Embroideries and LcC Hanborg rlgir.BwHanlmre ItwertingiC Baa. brg Hoaaetng, N.-wdlework EVlging, KeedlewJi Inating Ndle-ork FloauG.4; . ItonS , Ed(;iegs, Naineook iuaertinge, (twia and Zr' bri. iMimn, HUm and Cambria Collar and cX Linen Collars and Cuffs, Crape Cuilars aud f'eI' Bncle Cdllars and Cuffs, Real Point Coliara sSi Cuffs, Real Point get. Heal Valentia Cotl Caffa, Imitatino Collar aadCatfa, Cloaev Cjul aad Cuffs. Heal Val. Laeo. RU Thread lZ R.al-Cluaiy Laeea. Real Gulper and ilotmoe. 11' Ib al Brunei. Lace Real Bobbin il" J r Hsndkrol.if. Vsentia Ie HandkeVchtofk Jb! iutioaljs Karu-Tkercbief., "Z "nbu'tho- ivV-V-? . Kundrte . . ' " Cloaks, Pluwls, In long andsouars r .- u,np K,b,73 -Ribbow Trimmings In larg aaixirtmen . j ,J ZZ jnd Fane, tattoS Taff,.. tered RiLImmi for Trlmanng, Belt kibtwDs. vtw ted and Altcs Brat.la, Mohair BraidsTfi.l, and Way Minding., Corset gpllta, Zigeae tr Braids, . Ruflbng. PlawrZyH ;c,,"n at"1 Agat Bukona, Full ImaTaf Black sad Colored Velvet lubboua? ulunM,0 ' Hoarttlna; Dr-partmnt. ' BOi6raiB -d Bept Bilk French Maria,.! Bombasine, Tiaaew, Canbm Cloth, Mearwut 1 Crapes, Baratheas, Poplin. Empreaa Ct t' maa, Velimtlnea, Persian Cloths, Mouslinea. ChaU lie, Alpacea and Mohair, all of th Tery beat. Loopiu welebratod manufaetnr. , White Goods. Plsin. Ptaid and Striped Cambric, Plant' "UiaV and Htriped Jaconet, Plain, Plaid and atrip Nuniswk, plain, Plaid andHtripm Mnff Mnaliii. 1 Plain, Plaid and Htriped Nwis Muslin, l laia Plaid snd Btrfpad Bishop's Lawn, Port finish Jam. nets. H.jft flni-h Cambric, Holt gnish tmit Clotha. PeKsy Maraailles, An., Tarletnna, whit and eoi ored, Orgaudies. Ilottod and Figured Swiss Bni- ' bauU, FaMulaku-tuie-, , . ' 1 Ladles rurnlahlnf Goods. ' Pndervcsts Drawers, Oors-ta, Lisl Thread Hoae, Real English Huam, Oeriuan Hierr ia great varbitT, for Misso. Chilib-ea and Indies' Ladies; Brown Hose, Ladiea' Black and Hist Hum ' Kid (Hove in large assortment, white, black and colored. Berlin and IjaU Thread Oinvas, In all siae. tiarcm, tlastioa. Hair, Tooth and Nad Bnuhea, Itoat Hiell. Horn and Gutt Pen-ba Combs, Veils in Real Lace Dotted. Bordered and Bugle-Trimmed Parasol, Fan, As. ' i nomeatlrt. f Bleached and Brown Cotton Sheetings sad Hliirtinga, Bleached and Brown Jean. Bleached , and Brown Canton Flannel, Plaid Btriiwd and Plain Oanahorga, Ticking,' Dennims, Bii'kner, Hnekery , Dongiey. Calico la aU th popular makes j Gingham ia every variety. , IloiiaekerpInK DcpartmcnL armcts,'jilaln and fsneV, Blankets, Carpet, 1 Tapaitry, larse-Ply, rtuperfln. Ingrain, in all wool andoottoo chain, Venetian, Hemp and Cot-, tags Carpets, DrtigKet, ltnirs and" Door Mat, Floor Oil Cloth. Ijo-e. Mnsiin, Braeatll and Damask Curtains, Piano and Table Covers, Tabl Damask, Ktair and Table Oil Cloth, Napkina, Dot leea. Towels, Hnckabaek, Craah aud Glnsa Linena, Linen and Cotton Sheeting, in ail widlha, TUlow LiiHBs, Mamailles Connterpanee, Jacqnard sod 1 Cotton Diaper, Linen Diaper, Bird y Diapers, Inah Linen, Ac . I Genu Furnishing Goods. I All ar respectfully invited tolnspoot my stork befr.r making their purchases. My conviction I, the true way to sncccas is to seenre the interest of your customers by ehsnriug tb aniailest pos- motto, snd th large buaines i " " Kiuui in wooua. iulm m ever been bit heretofor dun encourage me in adhering strictly to it. .... THOMAS x5IITH,T . No. 25 Sjcarnore 8t,Peterbnrg,,V. - ', pct,16--2w .:,..',,. ;,; v:, WHOLES A LE DRl'G TRADE. - v aT01tOAIrAD CAllR, tSuceewaor to Geo. B; lone Co, CORNER SYCAMORE ASD WABHTNGTOlf 8TH. - PETERSBURG, VA., HAVE THE pleasure to announce to the Met chant of--.. - .. . . . v VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA. " reception of on o the largest aad moate plet (tuckaof - ' I k. , I .. 1 . .. I . . . . 1 .. vr Dr - Viv " i""" v ve-uiiB, 11 muow-uiaw, . Garden, Yard and Field Soed, r ' surgical ana uentai lnstni- , ' tnentn, Bmshog, CombB, Per- . .'. f' umery, Toilet Soaps, Ac, . TO FOUKD IN THB SOOTHERS 8TATE"." Their entire stock wa purchased frera Am hsnds tor I AHH and tbeyfeel confident tbey eaa offer superior todncrmetit tc the Trade, avtr Merchant, Physicians and other, sr enr dfaliy iiiritsd to call aod eaanuiM their good aad prices; ...... n sLi n. JuniJAW, JUStni CJAliB. "JnitrAa. AND UOOB ROOK. , The Betaon Why anpTieil to Natural Bistory. Price I1.K0. : ' Tba Beaann Wily applied to- 1 nee rw. : .- , t Tytlvr's tJnlveraal Hisiorr. t volail oer set tt.- as. x ' ' ' Whtlpleja Cotnpaiid of Hiatory, I vols in as. ajifj. Maeaalsv'S Historr of EmrbuuL A vol, ner SK'.UU. Macaalay's HiaVof Fnglsnd.t vols fate an. - fur tale bv i : , DUANSON, FARBAHSA CO, Bocluwllera and Stationera, Oct, z-70-tf - Baleish, K. C. 's-T'uwrijWintKwtta'l I ii.tirtrawriWtWtS tihtrttCfealgilil fwai t ". OiilCH OF GRAND BECBETABT.l Gaaiin obS. Kauiob, N. C f'i . -SXK.rfPii . i, J Iw.aWi'irV. Dr-Keiv.-'- .. ,' The flrand Luhtc, F, A,: Hu.of : North CsrolinB wHl hold its next annual Communk-atioh id thia Cttv. on M"nilT ad of Dtwurbcr. .-ncim -..S'jft" . .. If ...!. fit W" . " ' . T -Airtwuiii- tiwa ! M vimMs Grand CMiit-crs and 10 preecutatires can trscal or t the several Uadrua4.ia tits Mats f"r e bra.. ,. IV WjR I PI . I I Grand bWreisrjtLii "5ov. i-7S2awtd TTSt 1. 1 -.'-T...'. .' : tACOSI BACON t A lot of nice N. t BACON flAHH And WDM jut reci-ivrd ou tamsienmeet, and ffs-aale hy v - a p. w iluamjkiji co., , Slet. t .CSetf . . . TJH1B ALK. ' ' .'.- , . TtietW-st'ls' rTflc'tnTv JsCTfEB, aid swp' ri. FAtitlBlf i-HM-K. ' . ; I'll J JAM. JONfH A CO.. Oet '19 Wf ' - M W hulMM Groosrs. . UWH MoI'Mll.t hiltltli, . Just rtoeivei sj'J t-f jV nv ecpt.la U-tlf it. P..W Ud-LViiwJN IAS. t t .'-

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