, ' 1 - "v " ". 1 41 - 1 i s I ' . '' ' I ' I ! I .I . V ' ' '" . - ' -7- "t T js i - . J 4 I .. M-vMVW VfATfl I, fTWff Vrttr-' I Wlf"ftf flVfTl't! i y I i i . Tj '.'ft III! r Tw . ) X ) ! H T iK II An A tT lUiLlk fl li f It I I f. Jl T.O lOi DAILY SENTINEL. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER A. 1667. . ' ; iCTCMS. - -- '! T a reweB ! 1 Ivm Ying YW, farewell ! j Thy reifa I sifjoM o'er; -- - Fled the fctbnfnaof vernal houre, . . . And e en my ;at pa nag rwj i Will aoaa M T nautfjr ; , T (tod to Ui bu of dMtk f -mt f , ful ieiuii o Ihr bxnu. , , ' j To bw Ui ifal AutoiMi - 1 Knfg tiMiua to Um u"d k, bruiwe iu kw, propheuc ni, : r f: i ltIP'J'u',,,,ll"' i -I i Tbr u ioo ol griff, , t )io nnit xx-u ttiro' bx7 trn- Prho thnr r brihl Tth vrp 1J ae'rr bo dirara'd by Mrmfi tf ; An4 blot with til of bnfht r,d fleMj; j Would wu lujr Uy' ; But Ur w wan vboM IimK u f Ud, Tkt (Urkaom roiKii no'er . ; Wbu wouia w live tlitnc bottr ". For nahM ol tti Mitb KJui mii'B i Hot r tbrM Uti at mi pi, ' It IMS U - ; - For ihoo ht ck-h th rtrirt tw " To b renrwed, oh! mwr mot, r j t'nlawa tbt eternal riior, ' '.' j Vy r, t'l " Umivt o"r.. j 4 Ke (wtuf nl v wpoktm I JJ j Thou Art th iH. iepMfiof Tr! 1 iruid H oo thy tTS Thy '.tl.ioil uuU Wewli of tb tomb Th fK iiiiif rrtmi imtk th doom Of th tut' ohcnld bopM,wboM Moon, Utuie, bx Ma y I- LETTER FROM A OBOST. Tt fo!loinjConiiDnnictir.d, which' ! pert in tli Rome, 0 ," (Vur r, th r ti tn ToTtBt or the ruTT-Kito m- " TKl'T. ... , 3fr. Kiilof :lt you think itopt too Utn, too wilt announce my Dim Ur tb eonyB ttoa m laitn' rrtliiUt wbo wiH ot oano.. J w'll trnwd to tt wht I'm -ft.r trd -trfcrtfw-wrl.il. .tifcrz: finfr;oovt)uiiot, ifitba ot tiyb hettt. I'm tgnioit it i it sia't be! J. J cfco't toll roil wbetber it will bb)ci Mfeoti Like m friend Prrott. I'm tr tb roo of Bit enmtitiietiU in ill Utirtx, nd I look upon tbu wbn T(K for nn M, my eoatnaot. -r" wb.etbw tlwM or unlikfitbe'l.' The wltiU mra wbo utnart inn mint kit tn kow wbrti Uify kut (iuu. toil I will iutrudnc bilL ' Tii otifroeii who rot for m eliell fcey ebundunt ennir1r(ion. 'hy intwt let id Know whether tb-y wnt Biopey or 'roulee, or tobcco, or oiore-or leu Irerdom. I'm tor Vdi, tpJ will iutroduee s nd will ftadKalnlfMlt to -loe, their ng bt o iuffri?e forref in Ohio, I'm lik bj. friend, th General By I, "OeDTl are r$u for toy color, or whet icolof rjioo f T 6y be. proadly.ri'm lor Uvk.i I'm for Uuioo-Cnti4i of om,ort di ITnion or lt Union, or MRIt Other flt ot diHxrrored. It hisrli time w ed oM : of aoua ort. I'm for the Stur' PpnRld Bb fr, end th- pn' end f k rryI ttk tb tr ninr tbn I do twntnp. i giaa to tb tr all flp thrr; thnugh I br - tb(1ughtomtimt- lliat little, blork erep qgbt to bde a few of them a n til w are retored to tt Union. , , H ! . If the military tan rote, and will fute fo me, I'm' for V:n. , I'll vote tor 'em all to hare 1uiff furlough I want "em all to hare ffnod bonire. and eo to Vtn thrre'i nothing Tike a good bouie, and I know fond pared! -wanl to 'era, 1 lK l ounu of drumnll uuder boat. I lik the morninir toot of a born when John Graves a blow in it on Horn u g iiounmia. : Likwinj I'm lor tb bureauol (rricul lure that Oeseral Black ll agent for in tbii eonnty. II you want to an ed,go for General Ulatk tbougn be aaya b a a gooa Vnioa man, . , an---- ( I'm for a portion of (he Stat road. , ' ' I'm for relief. Tm for that strong, per aonally, jutt lik my friend Green jttare.- i but I WWII tl relieve me tieuior aim n" errditor tx, and if I can't frame a hill that will do it, I don't know who can. My 1 1 1 i to frame hill that will keep man from paying what he ewea, and at the name time enable him to collect whatVowen to him. I would like tow the man who aint for that aort of bill, forty men haytold m they wa pleaacd wiib the idta. I'm lor rain, , - i - - N. B Warnin to yotml I want to borrow two dollar, ' A. O, 8T0XBWAILJAC!KUV&A. IB ABAC- . Ia ill JttlifiiuvtlJtrali for thi week 'w find Ibe folhiwiug intcmling incident la th lilc of Jinkaon; which givt u an in aight Into eom of the thought that oceu pied hii.mind tii day after the gret battle to which be won liia iicintirtal auiibriqacl of "Stonew all k . '. . . . A lew uaj artcr-rn nrt oaitie ot ninaa-1 . . . m J.i., au aal an rper,. aniioua crown wan arwnioiou t tii P. at OHic la LexUgton, Virginia, oo the arrival of th mail. The grtateat excite ment prevailed, and tiding "irom tb front" were eaprtlTioujjtil fttr. Tlia venerable Dr. Mbit (paator of tbe Ireil)yteriB church) took s letter from th poet office, and, recognizing it aa in tb baudwruing of Brlnadjer ttem-ral (ntterward "Stonewall") JacktOB, ti aaid to the ti'owd, "Her i letter from General Jack'nn-f-now yti will bare full and authentic pattleulari of th battle." Tlx crowd ger!y ked him to read aloud, aad preaaed round to bear tb expected anrriog tew from th field of ceo flat. il br. lte tii !, tod, to tb diiap ptiintiuect ol all, found only tbewe tew Una: ilasaaaat JcscTttm, July S3, 1681, "Jfv X)arTiiff,:VI rmmbr dhat toj abciptioBto Dooiealie liion i about due. f ieaa Cr.d ern.iseri f .,n. , ., Tour VtrV trulr. a.-;Ua i5.Jiawi "No word about Us great battle in wblob he had blav4 aoeor'iiieuotM, parr no lira, or ir'-'inatjos 4n til ol thow heroic deed whfch rchderedXfiitnriua, forever lineedo" but be could aif.rd tha time to , etna to E.tr p.aior- gjj'if.-Ki i , u.-auia ' .-.......'.J..I t, ri.fi ttHA.irv t ti.a Iir.l. ' 1 oe example of tbi trreat.sdi.aood' "ta':lea a Irrsun., hWti ButPT.!wul dd. 'MUiildrw.'Ti.i: to hetid. t . - . ..(.'-. .'.I.'' . 1 iad T TOUSEKKErnt :j .. as-z you ix.tvaxtV: rr DZIICIOCS I2A.S, . : -U - ' Prime Igiivrtt shd Kio CoiTeeg, t Jht) rial old OViv't Java Coffey IUinw'w;Jl'-riti'cr Sugars, ; "',), Fine Api'iu-Cbefsfl,, ,., , ': . A rcxy nice Ham, , ' x BetTonfjum, '" ' . R.-ol' ' V ' .', ." riesfttJt totUrn KtiUerf - irc: xi i . vu.s ftu" 1 - 4,er. 4nr.hr ..Ire-lion Ordrr. ' v i.au-.u- ; i - . ; : . I . w. , ' , . l3xral 0r4m So. V- , By lb iwina of-lb A f Ciirr- eoiilWyl Aft Ut prwtl IT turn bw, rnr .. I-of tbe"rrl iMitie" pwuxl M.rb'it Sfl. J thm ka of Mreh Xxl. ami 4o ! tippbtaioottry.tbefeW, 'l'"' r,4uii rnofJ at ihu Jii nary l'i- tri t utM a rgiulion to b Bifle of th nU bil.l.itaiiu ol tl btu of Jtorih ri.,iii, .4 tb aee ot ixmtwm Tr amt ojrb. u4 quiiifiidly 'fKatcrfna aa7rtiM'.'fiT'.iti?r'a 4r much rt iniirauo ") ai,k i to r a imi to be hold at hub the rgu'ered of aaul ta akatl nu (or or xuiai a unn, f. tli purpoo of el;.liHK a .M inif mil MArtiiBiMift for.tb aud Bta', 9i mtue b'lH', and f- oft(f'e W ewd t'oiie tb tun and place at tiw-a nid muoo aball ba bold ; and tlta amid rjri-tr'to ba'ing b ii At h, HnHfm of flurtb (n.liii, It Ja or- mi ,IM.M 1m.U y, I ha tatb (Uy-of Koreailxw, l7, and i-od n oo kiu dar.tba ith day of Kurember, tmif, at whu-h all i.. A. m,A..,m J tmbV Ttt kr"r a l..iBau to OfUjtiuila uCuoutio 4u r a majority nf tha row girta on mat qumnon. ..!! htk fMtvaMtma. arid to caa a aiafTlW of the nrgiatmtf rou-ra aball bae voted on tt e0nv. It aoaii oa ui, fiuij mi m...- - Hi giatrettt la North Caruluia, eommen' U.g wr tnu dava pnor te tha lrti-o tien ia arifwed. and irtving faaaonable public antuie of tba time and ..lu4 iWwi ta rvvaa Cnr a oenud of Are dava tba ragtatraiion baa. and up Mng aabarked ibat any peraiiBonliitd rtitrrMobaa b-n rc latcrwl tu atrike tb rlatua of aix b imrxm frwn the lat : aad aoch paratnt ahall sot be antitltd to tk. The Borda of BeKUtrauoe "tiaii alao, duruig tba aane period, aikl to aoeb regiatrathe unrt or all peraooa arno at toa o'uo iuwiuh -qnalificatiooe required by awl AU arhu hae ooi already beaa rtgi.t.red. Jttrd, In daradirjg who are to be atricaen frem M ulfU tn tha nuriatratiria bite tba Hrla will be guided by the law ef, Maeea" l, iwn, aiui ana I... Mni.UMi.Dtkrv ihUhMIA altd thi-tT atUmtkltt la anaoiiily direOWJ to tb raiiirpteBwnUry Aat of 4uiy in, irwi fourth. The aaiV election win be bold In eeca f r... n.-t .i u,k nlaAa aa mar beroaf- lr im oaeiguaui, aaoer uie ati-"" ' tbe hrila of Hrgiatration a prwra o -aiiil-ln areoidaaiie vi'b matructi'ma baraater to ka a i tMi tii ufcl lt.rda ia oorrf al" witb Uit a ota of Congreaa and ae far aa may be wub Ut li of Korib t aroUua. ' i'.lt. All Judxca and Oerka employed In n- dncting rHudeiociwn ahall, bfore onmoieneing to UJlUun k. uora lo tliO faltblUl UMfurRI- aMeof their dotiee and ehaU alao Uk ana eah- anrihe llie oath of ofilne praaonoeo tiy law iot tit- Aam tj ih, I'nitjwt KlaUia. . AirA, Tb. polla ahall be otwned at atioh TMbig p Irene at eiyht oVIork tba fonsnoo. and doal at four in the altn-ouiim, a, mna an. kapt open during thaee bonra wubeut intermi- lirm. whs la a acidulate Inr eieetiou- aa a - l K'W m the Coorentiun, a hail ave aa a Judije rjr the auction in anf rLoantv or iiiatrwt which be aeeke to reoreeeot. P-jl tK The Hheriff andothef peaea onVwe of a ri UouHtr are required to te prteni auriug the whole u'rae tliat the pulfe are kfpt open, aud nnril tn eteAttoa te eoaipirted; and wilt be mad reaponaible that there ahU be oo intertrr. aoe with Jiidite of eWoriona, or other lutermption of goodordr. If thrahouin ue more wa uill.ne nlaoa in atiT County, tba bberit of th liuuiy la ampowerod to make each aaaignmetiU of lite d.-ptiea, and other pea onVre, to tiie otlierpojliiig pia-iaa, ae may, iu hia JudgnieBt, beat enbearre Wie purp.ee of quiet end orcbir ; and lie i further rfquUeri to ret Uieee arraugemenU inidvant-e m th Comman'bir. f the Military. Pni Im liiili kiaf:otintv iaaltuated. A'i.A. VuJenne. or threala of Tioleooe, or of diacbarge from employment, or othr oppreeaive neane to prevent any parens froa rgiuitug, or eierclaing bil right of voting, ia poaitnrrly f ro- hibited, aud anv auob attetnpte wiU ta reportro hv tha Hiaitrare or Jurleee of wleoiiona to the PuatroramaiuUr. and will eauael tle erreitteud trial of the off-ndera by miliury authority, t -' All tiar riu ma. aaloona. and 0lh r l (orth.. a)e of liquora by retail, will he cl.-(! from (o ol'H'k of the etenmg of the 18lh of bo- . iou.r n mil a n'eloek of the mornuic of the Jl at of November, IWi', and during thie time the eale ,,f all uikwtcatlng Uquore at or near any porting plai ia prorilUlrd The police (itlisera of Oltip ,Min. and tia ftharitfa and oUier peace olH- vera of t'ouutlea, will be held reaiwnaibie for the. trirt enftirr-oment of this prohibition, and, will prompt ly arroet and bold for trial all peraon who may trariagraaa it JClmnthJ Military inlerferenee with election mine it ahall b noceaaarr to renel the armed enamitat the United taj-a. otto kp the pc at tbe polla," 1 prohibited hv th Act of ConKrem approved February Siih, ISfiS, and bo auldu-r will ha hI low ail le antiwar at anv coiling plaoe, u- Ica aa attlacn of tb Htatc il.v ere,, qualified and r rBilred aa voter, and tbeti only f th n,.mn . ntina: but tha Commander ot Poata will keep their triKip well in band on th dv of lenttott, and will h prepareo to ptwH; th eivu utl)oruia are nnaui to proawna peace. Tur'flh. Th relume required by law to be made to the Commander of the Iiietrid of th re anlla of thie ehrtinn, will b tndned bv th Iloar.Uof Hitialraiioa of ihevoral registration nNu.inAftthHin,h tha ttnmmandra of tlie Unita ry Poata in which their precinrt r iloid. Hand in eenrdane with th dtaih-d iiniruntion herraltet o be giyan, i . ... N TliirttvHlk. Tb buniber of dclcealc to the Couveiiuon utdetnrmincd hv law and i tha -Bomber of menibera of the moat ntimerou branch of tha Wialaiur for th var eighteen hundred and auty, and tin nnmW, one hunilred and twenty, ia apportioned to Uia.repreanUtie Dw trica nf thehuta in ihe ratio of rgiatered voter a (nlliiai . .J-.J! Hi.iJt Aa : C'.nntica of Enrke ai,d Mo... --' Uowcll, (fotwthcrl. . . .... ... Two (2) Deleabj. Rnllicrford and Polk (lo- gc bar ) a .... t . ... i - . . Tw (9) Delegate, fancy and ilitchall, (tu- a.lliarl ,.0n (I) Delegate. Uatiieon, Biineomlai. Header- L .aoifc anil Ap.tvl.ou, (! M JA: -i , getncri ....... . .. Aurttv i aoit'aatwa Uavwood and ; Jaokeoa lo- gethrr)....: -.....On (1) Delegate. Macon, Clay and Cherokee ' (letbri Two (?) Delegate. Alleghany, Ahw,;Snrry, Ws. -W i a ,.-. utuira .anv ..lattam I'o- , - nh.r) .: . foi M) Delcuate Caldwell, WilkM, Iretlel) and ... . ; l a rranoi Almnnd-r h-i-'I--) ft) it. lcaM a viand Rowan (tngether) Three" (11 Dleat. 0,,,, ind Row, (together) Thi County of Cleaveland. . . . t. . thie 11 11. gate. Catawba One (I) lVI..Etu. Lincoln One (ll DulHgate, On rtr lnVijate. It ao -4iWteer t'lio ti llflvgate. One 1 1 ' I eh natc. Oaaton. Jleckiutbaia. V.' IH'J" Caharro Mauley. . '. . Anaoo. .'. One Ilk l.,.r.ate T 1 VI. net, rt I. .ate. Forath.sa.Wtkaw llaviilaon Randnlnh :..' . Hia tllUt. ...... T. . - TWO- . .'. . ., Two -. ..' . -two One lybware. iN'lWan IwlVatet. IVI. fata Ilatoa. 1 tel. gale. 1HIKI. Outifiwd Ro. king ham. .r ,, ... Caw..U..,-.y.;'..Jf:T. Alamano tVraoe o-l"V'cM .wi- Ct lvlngaLe, "pgale. Orai.iie l wo 1 Cbiham Two 3) Dcb-fT!. Wake J,,.,-. row III la-b.ate. Oranvii1., , f g D hw (Ij rk lrgate warmt .. -.. ..-, ., .-, f.rTwn fvVlw4gAra, Franklin T w ( 2 1 Iioie,,.. CuniUruwd .a.. Twl i llotaat-. Harnett...,. Oo Ml Itetegato. M .,,.,, One 111 Dubgat. M. Jlli tf ,w.Ar...AlrWn'llf iteargatei .1 il.-l.'Uate.- Eitsecumu 1 are. SJ lleSaUi Stto 4 U: Hirigan., .ii.i.k,.i ,-i ... J ., u.i (I JA. I-rU . One fit !k!ft.-.it ! H?J!. ' .,'i.ir-'Jl- l.Hirl i c 'w HaBAter ... .IbrM1 1)1 1 m !..(; t. BRti- -w -Tr,,m'a,i f rf! In i,..'iai" T Pillilill tni.ion l-'l DeiKta. 'rvrrll and Waahinffton fto- 'gttor). : . ; .TT firffl tj- flrlcgale. Jtariln j,., . OmlJiJ. J"latltw. lienford , J .One (11 IMtgatr, Oat. Iiekuate. Choeran .. . .. .'. ... . . '. . fin Perquiuian . . i . " On f'aA.ojotank aiid Camden li iH'IrgBta tJeh-KBt. . gctberl J Two t?) Prlcgate. ( urnluck .,.,..,...,.. One ij ean(at. Craves Tlier l.i Irmrgabj OnaloW. ...On 111 Khb t.' r atterct.. ,.- t"' d-ifiea (toe liu.at. lti.l.rat. K'attfort Two U M-iniai, Pitt , ..Two Ul l.iiaia. l,Jl BrThmona-r" ttir Ii j I'.ifKate. 't)t.,, ,., Two Qfl Iekatea. Johnaioa Two J. 111, flreene, ii..; .ws ..Owe -ll lrbffat. WUaoa .............. On It Doltuat. Na-h... ........I...... ".(lie fl ' IVI.-ual..,. . 1" " TliS-.. fn .t?.!irtaaX 11; d. . ti . i. r. On I- J lntgat. Pvwaiinand of hrrrrt lvr.r General FfuR.S. 'CaJraWi. ' J V lOt I f ,.AaUAJvC, ' . A.XI-t. atrip, A.A. AS. ', . '' ' , V ' UAICIIOAU ' . AND , . GKAM1 I BISK BlILBUAD, From ( barlolteand l Point "airfllna; Knllroada, lo the hcaboard W Kc wbcrai . ' ' and Hor brad lir. JIIfK KTATE OVTKb THHEE-ForBTHtt OF the North Carolm RaMr-wd and uin-e-hmrtlia ib Aiuarto A N C. IUuji.md. Tbie i lb STATE LIE, "' 1 To ha OWS EAPOftT and on it . OWS .BOADfc All Otb. hue are in oif:Uoh'.' A ail tr cent rtividnij on tin line wiu ve the Pf"t!c fromva'.atinn Kt. par annum. Flil r a'ffaoluii'lii of the ftt.xl.li.il.lfra of lb Y'mt,. m.hwe oi't.-rwu "I"1 ? rtlf'ytd't'; when at (Milaboro', you are enly'eiity hjiIm rora ihatiiptK pauit, bieuad of one hundred iwelatyyui tv.Oon, anaeiKOty'" n niuih'. nir Hteamer ere equal tn any other lute, both av,hi uwi Ti,L Tune aa ah.a-t a by any tber,Bd a cheap.,, j,,, .: . , Tlllt I tb Line s To ESCOr.BAOX. Toa get diapatcb, aefety, but me baodiiug. and tee lUUroad tranaporiaiton haw byeny ether line. - 'ihrte-fotirtiieof the PMOf lTR made fin Ihi line go drrantiy hi to tha T ATM TltK Vlili', and if eoentireged, yoe aui aooo ne rn hearv laiauoo at haal two hundred aad uiualy- he tbmtaahd ooibtra. ' w Tbe kailrirf compoamir th H. ; THI NK KAlLWAir LINE have recently agreed te nte !.,..... 'r.-.,.l . GREAT TIIROl taH LlE . RnwU to all the Kortbem Harketa, oa eqaal term and charge, eld our owe parte w and from tbe North,,... , - Car run through to all point witbouf breaking bulk. ' i or Inltrm4ttji about nhipping, ari'ly to Meaarj WrTFPBF.E A 1ICKTSS. WO ; 'o? COOHKAV, llL'fFLL. IX)., rhiiadelpbia, BAKI.U HiWIHKKMotou, - . . , t ill'llHAY FEIillW, AgooU for Murray 5 ' North Carolina fHcamehip Liee, NeWIork, aA4T6iyalf; r ?v--.- . 4ll ,aa.tfc4.A J. . (tfaVN,. , ' Fbriobt AT, Ang. St f Sew hero, K. C. - t barlolt Raw. Old N'orth Mate, blaUa ville Amertcan, and Oreeneboro Patriot trot.liah one moatb, and aead btlie to olBc at Newbaru. , TO SHIPPER, i nf l- -r' UAHLWAY UUE5, fct-BAT cainTO 8 !) THE OLD rJAl.EIOH A OASTftX HAIL hOAD, THEriHOItTEor, QUICKEoT, SAFEST ASD BEST LINE, J.OBTH AVd BOUTH.TO BBiEFT OCT IS IDE COLO.rX- t ; IX-jft SHIPPERS ftPEfllAtLT '' hAI VIA, B. A O. B. B t WE Inane uratrd and are the GrttU thmugK liuanA Air J.iru llmtl to all the Northern Market, and have ucefuily worked the Line to the entire aatiafaction of hhiprwr, North and Kooth, for the ! ten jeara, a the ten TKmumul hhif per ia North and South ( arolina will teatily. We paid tha Ml at ar Neve Hundred Thouaand IMlara for her I rite rent in tro Hoad.thereby aaviug tb people front Taxation fur all time to some per year; and we wnheaitatuigly do- oUre that we can and will give more diapatrh to all Bosnia, North and South, than any : other Line. Tbe Great Inland Air Line Freight : R O V ' T E , VtdTHE BALEIGB AOASTOS RAIL IUAD, ia tha Short Lin for Snipper, and voa are r t urred to lo lUnd your i mghtt, at they will be 1 Uken by untur Bouml l Inatire votir Jo-ight belli 9 carrl.rfl over Lhla tl ntil lnlanil Air Line aaf.lv. direct vnnr Onnattf n- era to mark your Fri'igl.t, Care of Bail itoad Aircnt, Portemooth, Va, or City Point Va., Via Halt,i at Onion Hail Aoo.1, and to thip.a foiloa t s FBOM BObTOK : Merchant' A Minar'a Lin, end of Central Wharf, E. nampeon, Agent. FROM NEW YORK : ' Old Dominion Bteemahlp f'o.. Shipping Point,, nor ST. ivortn mwr, root ticacn ni,, umce ioi. Greenwich bt. Vor. Dey ( N. JU JlcOready, Preat- dAit. . - . FIIO PUILADELTIIU : (Ft Annameaeifi,) Phila,; WdTifngloB and Btliliuore lNiiot, or t'l !' I.iue of 8eamrra, It N. 1 unaware Avenue, ft. P. Clyde, Agent . FbOM BLT1M0HE ' Baltimore Steam Packet Co., Hav Line Steam- era, Foot I'nion lu k, L. tt. Parka, Agent, or rowuatan M. am lioal tk , Mrrrt nuari. - j. II. A1.1X.1, Frni-ht Agt Aug S-306-if . Jtaieieh K.O i 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 in i Boat F.ngliab lraabtt Tea, butea. ' ' -' Ctunpowder ' grwn. " Imperial - . .Soji,. hr4CIt-..Wbleel Grooaiw. 1 " VJ'"' ll ' Oat THS FALL TStSI. Jnet received, a lot oTkOCX ISLASD CASSI- UKUKU AKI JEAJto, (North tWoluia manaac- ture.1 Aleo, a rmall lot PRINTS, 4-4 Brow. SHEET- IMM. WHITE FLANNEL Ac urr"i i i r ' ii ' lf'.i ' NEW BOOKS, n , WISLETAS HTMS AN'D TUNE BOOK, eotuuriwna the utim oollectios of Hvmne in tbe Hvote bo.i of h Hethodtat ptwcnnai tkeerh booth, wtih apprtipriate mnaic a.lBtuto arh lljltin.b i. C. Even-H.. Trio slAv.' 1 llf, l lit m it pr tttlLti. oi ui uetnwiiat Ki iaeoual hurch. botitk. Tbia editlnu of lb Son.lay b.(rvioe ia published by order of the Gen eral Cmfert ne, at it aoaaioo in New Orlraua, May Id, 1-e.Kt, and I, except In afxw particular, a rcprtut of tb Prevrr Hook printed on Sir. Wee ley pre in 1187. ' Price Si 10 THE bUNOS Of ZlON.-A manual of th heel aad moat popular Hymn and Tune:; for wicial and private devoti.as. Ealargd adttfnn. Price Meia. -.Addrraa Jas, H. ENNiS, . r- . ., . . Si. C Book Huira. Oet. IT tn-tf t 1 . altign,X C. aoa'T . aowax, -no, w. cam Km, .. bill. it. n. COWAN &X0., OEK ERA L COJiniMION ,- -' !w ' ;. ' .:. i i ':-' SUiPPINM ifglHinfi sa Wbote aaUillr in Orooarwaacd rupylie ol all aind,t v . - - f , , , i6r52 JSORTH WATER' STEEET, ; - ' 'llmiitiTitrlifrr. TToraiTaodiiLrutl rn-r oiiaT aiu-nuoa e.vea the sale or shiptnent of Cottr-nr 5a.l.Sore and 011111 'BSrrttv.'l! Vi-iw"rra4td & them. . 1 AEfhi ft M. Davi rVin'j rl ibrtv. Ta.!el. brai.d brah.TajT Viriiiaia Cae wing Tobacco. -f - Agmt? rof flic forth" Atdrnraff tire" Tpurance Uwt. r TIE OCKENft MEMnBIAL, On ill vol as or 1 a Ai.ar.BT, by gueau V !. ia. 1 vol. 13 nr.. t"r. rnr-n : Z7Z.ZZ 4'rlt rm-Ttny.LlJ0it J-Tlil varet tieT rv. ra. jirtrrca and dia:roue failure by inn. Minor rtott. of Virginia Price 11. THE PECil'I.E "I HE eOVEIil'.ItiNtt.-being a comartoa of the government of the U. h. with thnac of the Kcpublioa wok h have a tinted before, with the cauaca of Uiclr decaOeace- and fall, by Jaa. M'nroc. Px-rreeidfBt of the V. 8. 1 Tot , 111 mo. rrttteSten. " : .. .. For sale by i. B. FXMSM. ' N.C. BotA Wore, Oct. l -l-(f ' V - Ad,. ,6 ' - ' ' " ' ' ' I Ttoa KES IFOR 16" Th Dwelling Epuse, Off.e, A .oppnt the Oct. 30-ft-2aw ,, . .- . , ATLANTIC V X. C. ,. CUARLOTTZSVILLE, T. Tbe Tliird t trir of tha rVbonl will banimoo tba (tret V. anradarsfJb-ptember bU. and ead otttb laat w edneailav of June lpio, eoneuuaf ef tvatiiterme ef Ave month eah. i I 16 Cnuraeof atndv Hdoaignei to prepare boy lorthel'niveatiy of Virginia, or anv other CoV lege.ir for tbe prartieaj huaineea of life. XwmiiPoe Buardaod Tuuaua, tlifr ferteraa, Patahu i Arirasux. ' Muaic and Drawmg at IrofKaor'a ebargna. Vaebmg, Joel and LmbW at' eHual eoet. ILmeU I'n ll lunuabee hi ew towb. ........ Fi rirmlare and tnhrr particular addreee, ' WlWiS C. S. f A MB Chariot teeviUe, Ta. . J)h-H lrKKH, ir., fbpo. Wmmary, Fairfat Co., Va., I'riaeipalev haruKacE: JTi Faunity f tk I nivwaity of Ta. all n-Pi-tf . JLS!lt JS-XX U OFFEBED TO TBI . Fnbu aa ready, eertaia ' , - . y.r j . - . ad epeedy aaeea ef pro- venting "x'jr LA ROE OONFLAO IA ., ... TIONB. . fntll tii invention of the " ' ' PorUbl, Self-Acting Fir Zngiaa, Fire have Wna Birt by meana loo alow, to let and too enmbroaa. But few peraone ia thla eoaa trv hav the advantag of bvrge band or Rfam Fire Enginee, and tbnee few often anffer total loee of thtir property by reaaos of the great bnrlh of tidie unnaumed in for and aea- uftng them into working order. . , BUT NOT SO WITH THE FIBJE EXTW- . OUKHEK, , . , wbkk. being kept ebergad and ataading ht yomr Uuua. Store or Factory, ia alwaya - ' Ready for Instant errlce. The Sre eaa be eitinrnihd ant yxtir uiuuerty avad wiihoat kwa or damage, or even aa alarm of Fir.' ' . . . Tbe trst few minntee of eonStgratio decide the tate of the property ; "a lit lie Are ia quickly pnt out,s which, hoing auffered, river cannot -'THE FXTIHOUWHEB, hemg very aimpl uit operation, and entirely aelf-propellinw, require no pretioua akUl or practice to operate it, and h,n an tli-hl . .A' ..ta hie of beirig need lu any place, by any peraon, nilleorfeniale. . It put oat all Are, ariaing from whatever oaaae. tun ate aava trom tn unm.-a water damage cameo, oy mrwe r-nsmei. -Yua can ilwt Hiauraao oh your piupetrr At Lower Rate, iT protected byih EtUoi;uiabr. j he Kitmguiaher ia no humbug, aa tbonaanda of anod men iu kurnoe and Amaru: will teaUfv (have already put the. little Enginee into aome ef our beet racvone and laraeat Mohoow aa S. C. No Bona, Store, F&ctory or Corporation Ut aafa it boat them.- . Tbe price ia a nothing, ompard with lb protection tnev anora. . bend for a Circular. v IEWM C, HANKS. Qenerai Agent for N. C., Xetuigtoa, X. C, liVaera. W. H. R N. TUCKEB A CO. are my Agent lor me t. uy oi Kaietgn. bap. I030-3m . , X A H. North C.rolins Tobacco. Wsrs Houss. WALKER, FARRAR etc CO , WHOLESALE OEOCERS . AKD General ComnilMloa aad For - warding Merehant. Tkr EEP constantly on hand the laraeat and beet JV aelectcd atock of Manufactured TOBACCO too leund in the State. We hara made arrange, mentewith the aweBuracturere ia Virgima and North Carolina to fumiab tlietr beat brand ta tb Eaatern North Carolina trad at Factory price. Auto, th lergaatMoek of Soger, CorToe, Pork. Flour. Silt, Cotum Bagging, Hope, Ac, to b round iu thla market. Virginia and North Canulina Bbtlng and Tarn, alwav oa hand. Mann fact urera' Agento for Bolt'a eelabraled Tarn, hhirtinga and Checka, , tlrlch la-rb.rravrw at., flw.ra, "if. C. ' 5bept..4-41-lm ' ,- " . SEXTIXEL OFFICE JOB PRINTING. Oca FRiENns tit TFcrrr or cmjimtT, cbwiriug Sheriff Clerk or CooetabW lilaake, - CARDS,. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, or other printing, done, will pleaee end at their ordtsra. , They Bill be neatly executed and don promptly, and on the lowest term. W expect eoon to hav oar office supplied with the anoeeaary material to execute the order of our .mewa in every eneoie of yon muting. I'EUU Proprietor, V" . Xo, 41 rayetievllle Street. S doaea Axle Oreaae, 80 Kngs Nail, assorted, ; v"" v-"" - , lilack tinuthe1 Anvil, vieaa aad Hammer, J Builders' Materials. ...... j Aim a large stock Cook Btova. J.BROWN. . With Haar A Lawia. Kaleigh, ft 9, WIT. " CON'OREMS TIE ENVELOPES. ..... , ... - For ail hy Wv". .. jr. H, FN I". Oct. 17 dl-tl ' " N.C. Book Store. " JOIIX T. DEWEESE, Attorney st Law And Register la Bank ruptcy-, WILL PRACTICE I!t ALi IRS fOTBTS leapt the Bankrnpt Coort, , Otflea la the Kmtdnril boiidtng. .aiaiga, aep. i DKMOtlKsrS MOSTHLT M A 8 A Z 1 5 B. 'Bniversalry acknowledged tha Model Parlor Magxin of America j oevote to original Bto nea, Pnema bketchea. Architecture and Model' Cottagea, Honeeholii.Mf tiera, Oeme of Thought. Personal and Literacy Uosatp (ioclnding apacial dnpartnwct oa Faaiuona,) inatruet'oMoa Health, Muic, AmnacmenU, etc , by th beat authors, and prolueatyUlufttrated with eoatly engravings (full sue.) aacfniand reliable Pattern, Embronl erie, and a con at ant sttcerasion of art in tic aoval tiuw. wuh ether aarrMl and entertaining hteretnre No prrana of renaement, aoowowocal bonae wile, or la.lv nf tame eaa afford to do without tba Mu.li'1 Uvnihly. tungle eopb-a, SO cent) back number specimen, 10 cent! ither miled fetwi. -yeertT, 1, with a vxrTrtht -pramwia two enpiea, 46 ad ; three ooptes M ; ave eopte. tl'A shd ei'w-nuid nremium for club ist 9aaoa,wita tin Orel prenii.irue to eacn eaoacTioer. mr A he W healer A Wiksoa fcwirg Machine for subacrtbcrk at 3 each. Addrea. T .WJEXSlUB lJtkl'.iRZST. IBlllfeBjali Moniblr. an Young Aa 0,fj It with th pwrniatna truvaewh rm mrn -roTjra-a mybtc att JLJ fh .bM.l.J.cui,eJlJ!l,IIWSig. t'jer. B. if at 4 t.u I that itecs a aiva so ; ail th Prrrt eayao . tnd 1 arems and Tuacher coirtrra it. Do not fall aecqr a copy. . A good Micmacop, wiib a giaa cvrm.t to confine living tibjecia, or a bo.k1 two- ikaitedVfvart4opai-"i.i!er and a iar nnmeer arBcweynraTrabis nn,'r.r gco; we-tn Hiimii w ivarh aubarrtber. Icarly, 11 W. The Nwvetober number wmimencea a new vo'um. Ptin'.ahedby .. . ; Bmdwv, New Tort. - 1 ry tl, Bev aw4. OirM, Opeeiax ente, mai:ad free. ... Kov. a-JKu! r. :.i 18G7. 1807. CUEAJP LIGHT. ' TrPTTTftT TWftSTT--tTT-' T.atnpa ef 'atl Wi -ka. CU-Caca kitla, Lama Cb;tw-e-rB aad LW-ji'r, Bcpt, 11-e-af With Hart A Ltwia. - a riatwAt ' OAEMTT, yQVBQ SCOTT 4 CXL . fta, as wfaryea awaV St Merrar wee , XEW.YORBV SCCCESSOBS UK I, iECniBILD TOLVC, 1EEETT4 fo.jt JEwglaes .";'i of vjyr tore, ? 4 - AKD i 'A- -- tPEXCER SCOTT V CO OF XEWABK, ft. I. Extcwrtv-a "ttan aflect if rr" allwf c wwrwfts7 aW wSBTSwrt; ife n i A it d B o f i' 1 olhlBR. ,i : r.w:AirK)wT, EHEN Yorvo Ki'KS'tKa SCOTT, A. S SHAFT R. A L hOOTT , P, U. OABRETT. Xaylo-li .mi : bav III'MAIX V CO, . nmlsslon Mercbants, EXCUANfiX PLACB, , Cenfral KO. York. ,- -,. tf. DRY GOODS. OUB STOCK IS KOW COMPLETE! WE TAXE PLfUSCEE fit INKORMINOOUR friend and the public, thai we have tn OB Of th BBOSt COMPLETE AD BEArTIFTJI. ," A8- BSORTME.NTS of OoodJa BTsr offered ia this Market Cwr DRESS GOODsAar eomnoaad of all tha laaeet tyl aud noveltiea of ta aeaaoa. - Oar Line of W bile Goods Is Per feet, eonltlng r JfrTZZ, KAIXSOOK AXP . , . SWIH3 MVULIXS; ' 1 i PIAI1T. CHECUD and STnrrrn ORtiASDiEs, TARLKTAXS, t , PLAIN ANDKMBROT- MiLzL- :..jiflfwi .tmsxun. AT UaLlJf BZTT3. Ae., . ' ' ' 1 - .... " ... 7 H Oar good ar V tbe bewt aality aad price a Iowa any on can aetl t . . i- WE HELL 8T1UCTLX FOB C Aft H, and an eon. tent with email profit. All wa ask ia aa examinattna ef our (took and W Uunk w can .ploajav -. - .-15. 'A, N. es J. McKlMMON. April -J04-tf ;, . WHOLESALK O&0CER3. prmiM, joxes t co Wholesale G nit ers and Commission MEROHANTB, Ko. $8 Favetteville Street, Ealeigh, 5. C, HATE IN 8T0BF, AND ARE CONNTANTT.T HF CEiyiNO. HUOAH8. Coil tlX ASD TEAS, i BA.M. HUUSIM AN 11 CHKKNK, BBANWF.a W1NK8 ANTI WUlMKIER. SOAPS. CANDI ES, AND CANDIES, . .1 IUlUvU II, aW ASiOOHiAltU, Canned Fruit, Sauce and Fig, Claimed Oyster, Rrtlaln and Date, .uts, rurranla, plr kle and Splcea, Powder, Shot and C ap, Butter, ,i i-ra, cui, l'w ' der, Soda, ... and in fact everything nanally found la Brat el Wboleaal Grocery honae ia the area teat variety aad at price which cannot fail to pleas. FAEMI50 IMPLEMEJTT3 Ac. SO Boxe Axea, 2D Do, of Manure Forka, ' Don. Long Bandied Shovels, ti Dob. M r - Weeding Hoea aMorted. 60 Doa. 5 " - Hone ( 'ollara, 50 Doa. Trace Chain, SO Plow Linen, 10 Oms Ax Holve, Bop, Twin, Nail Ac. ' j, PUIJJAM, JOKES A CO. ' Wholesale Orosura A Oira. Merchant. Feb tS-16H-tf , MISCELLANEOUS. ixraatt Wnxums, C. W. Laamwra. WILUAm A LAMBETH. No, 40 Fajetierllle SI Balelich, K. r. Book Sellers and Etationers, DEALERS IX ALL KISDS OF SCHOOL BOOKS, STANDARD AKD MISCEI-LANEOUS WORKS. J iliSuNlC BOOKS, JEWEL. REGALIA ; BOOKS ON STOCK. AS AORICCLe . - TOM, STATIONEIlTj PRINT- : ' ;i ' MfJ AND WRAPPING - ' PAPER ; PRINTERS V i . ' ' "- 8CPPLLE.S; SCHOOL. AND OFFICE REQCIMTES : ... . PERITMERT, " '':.' FANCT ARTICLES, 4a. : We ar now receiving new anppliea, and wiB b exmatantlv makuig uch addition to our Stock a will enable neto fumi-h ovary article aeuaJJy kept ta a Srt dam Book Store, Onr facihUee are such aa to enable aa to furnish tn a very few day, any article not oa hand, and all erriera will have our prompt attention. Onr 'hn.iiuM will K. Ann1 i.i.tmA mm. tA Mah rwyatem, and every article aold at th very low eat UllOB . ; ; . -.w' a , rn mi rm Raleigh, Aprfl -J07-tf ,,,,,.. , - - FIRST OF TIIE SEASON It ' tsar no. I famtlt mackerel, SJ Inst received and for sale bv . DOUGXAS BELL, Cart.1 1SCT. Market Sooar. A CIIAXCETO HATE l'OL'R ot: ri'ssiTiBx ;imtBErjLi!ii BEXOTAIED. ATlNO OBTAINED THE SERVICES OP A No. .1 T'pholaterec, w are re.pe.r-4 te da .014 Kftttrtnsi rtnfiTAtfilAnAi or? FAtmltnr of aD kinds rciaired and varnished, and rrnphottered. and any ahjne ta owr Itn April xvtit-tf . Toraer's XC-Almanae feiises, tTTE-SWAIi PTPtltT: tn. a frw davw' tba : t l J.S v s "t ! irmxcti tbvv W have reduced th pxic to 44 per hundred. or 45 per tbouaaiM. Send your order to . WILLrtMSALAHTsETHr A""" Booaaciiere and StauotMrra; HtJenrkvOet, H-47-tf , v. IS6T. FA LL TR.( D E. . I T. Sn VT PIATFD Table and Tea lipnna. Forks, Heater d aad bait bpoooa aad Butter A'tilvea, at redaeed prio, , . , . ' AX0 ' ' C Crvwl! and Ontamented Chamber Seria, tpeea aw aoaa aaw aau, axm aw otti. J BnWlT- With Hart aad Lewi. , ' ''' ' ; SAITLXOS 2 AD USTISIJTTS Tt Baltimore, , ,, '! iMAJSUrACTirRKIfS OF, PORTABLE AND BTATIO.VAKV; Btl c-:.Bo!lra, STEAM FIRE E.f;iXr,S,,1 - TPRBIXM WATr.R-WHr.T.1.. 5.4 W MJLLS,itf.lM;AIMllliHi.) r O H TA HI. K Ii h I 1 ! M I I. h f , , - ' J SSliT'i HenrfiA raTt, ' j rkmrin.f Mill Machinery, Hurting, Pullet and ! bmv av-iro. IJjjwj. 7P."rTiU4oS C. M. liJtwaiB. . HAWKINS, WILLIAMS OK' A CO.,1 ( '- . - , .. uaniKnti. . ..... (OHMWSIOX - MfBrtiAHTis . roa rtra atut o.( , ,7?, . . Cetiow, Tekaere, Naral a tare, eVei ' y ' JF. 44 5tf filrrrt, :4 Fxcauia IWa, BALTlMOHK. 5 . Wi Kit to RKrga r pKiiuiraioH t . Oworce Mordecal Kemp P fisuie, hkq . . ,i i Phillip ilatt , fiuiraeva M , v i Hob. Weldon S. Ed.ar.la, rlnrrea, - . . t'oL C. B. Mallet, Ve. fnyrrfnilli t tT. Jl. it fjamuel H. Cannadv, Eaq., 'uienrac, Jf. O. J. W Lee, Eeq., JhM fb., C. , 7 - . Dr. R. K. Hmiih, Chatham. N.C, ,' ,,. I Aug lft-10-Sm . . rpvOIXINS A HEATH, J t n LIGHT STREET, BALTIMORE, Md. "OLD MARYLAND WORKS." ' - . mHMkt.l:H. Meant Teraoa ,0 k Sheet Imi, Lead Pip 5 Iron Pipe, Ierra Cott Pip, ntove, Patwco Co.. " Roger Williams's, fni- verae fkaik. , . . nraee uoca. Beeba Itanga, Plated Cocka, European iiig, . Iron, Lead aad Zinc Bath lube. ' , . stages jtsnge, Hpne llsugr, i r.merald Bang. Hayward, BaruWtt A Co Portable Furnace, Mage Furnace, Por table and Hnrk. Parlor, Church afad bio ib great variety. All th diflerent illee ef Gratea, Higll Vp-Wht-1A9 j. Down Per table ' Gratea Ae... Tin Bath Tab wit Heaters. ' V . Water Closet, Iron and China Baatn, Hydrants, n k. Pump. Ram, Fountauuv Water Wheel Oardeaveaea. ' WateiAJoolera.T'" " Belrujeratora, A. , Which will be aold at low a can be bad in tb ait' X'prfl nociy KISCEUAHEOXTS. fall ahd wcttee impostatios 1867 ; . RIBBONS,' Hllllnerr and Straw Goods. ARSisTRO.,PCATOR A CO. IMroRTERS ASD JOBBEK OF .., Bonnet, Trimming and Velvet Ribbons, BONNET BILKS, SATINS AND VELVETS, BleOXDS, NETTS, CRAPES, RUCHES, Viewer, feather. Orwaaarata, STRAW B0KHET8 & LADIES' JATS J -'ayartikiwn' i uw' rt...e......-.e. "1 "TRnfatjlD' AJtiB CNTKIMMED,, aSILeVICKU HOODS, Jto, ' S7 sod tJ9 Baitimors StrkeT, ' i BALTITIORE, Md. fMfer Ihe largest 8'oek lobe foond in thjx.Cotm try. and BBewilialled tn aboic varir ty and cheap aee eomprising tbe latest Parisian noveltiea. Orders solicited and prompt attention give. Sept S-W-lOw , ' J. ILCRAWFOBD, ! ; tfeehanleal and OperatlTe Dentist. RALEIGH, N. C. , ; OFFICE OYER PESCtD'S OLD DRUG . ; ; ' STORE. . , .". OVriCal BOlata: - From a A. M. to 1 P. 11, and from 3 to , a p. tl Teeth Extracted without pain by the ne of Nitron Ond Gaa, and tbe lneat aneetbetie or Ether atiray. : my t-iuh-eodiy , -i , ,, To ths Farmers of Forth Carolina : ;::W T0U WANT PCRE ', PERUVIAN GUANO, IIERBERT UAIRSTOV, , COTTON, .' GRAIN AND . TOBACCO COMMISSION MBCILOTS,t, ' DRltlmor. Md.' " j ' ( Sept. JO-St-Sm ', - STATM IBtOl Jt- . . ANnftRAfl. WORER ' A gala wa keg to inform our friends and patron, that in tba low of onr Machine Shop bv Are we did not low our FOUNDRY tad PATTEKN8. and that wa have result , ( IN TWO WEEKS TIM1! - f ear Maekm Shop that W ar now receiving Tbe Beet and Moat lllgbly I in- proved Maehlnerr;;:';,! that caa be pnrchaawd. W ar new prepared tn faraieb, apoa abort sot ice, all kiada of ,,k,: . , ibo. ard pfAM&wmGj, . all aise aad deeerirdicn of Forging,andt finish and St np th same in th best sir!.- AU kinds of repairing td Steam and Gnat Mill ftimiahsd by a. We keep constantly on baud all kind of ONE AKD TWO HORSE PLOWS, ' and all th descriptions of1 Agricultural Lupl. Btant need in tbi eectioa. B. P. WIlJUAMSCN A CO. -All w-BOVtt. fCOAL t COAL 1 1 COALIII T" SAVE LABOR 'I? MONEY , BY 'i t ; TJWWONS WHO INTElkfr CWXtrtXJAlr OT- fin kh ., a. b.-.. C0M.IX0.-WINTER 'vt V t1lnS"iirgMW 'tntnVjf idvaiiti w."uppiy tbemeelve wtthmit any unnecceaaary dciav. - AU nrwnratreen ma w.4l he a'ted rnpty iuid in aacB manner eel sir amira wiiiaiaaai nrri Be. apply at my wtora cb Majjet bisqBr. DJJCCUS BE1.L. Ang S--tf JOX T. H ELLEN. FUG. M. WyXUM BEtLES ft WILLl'iJlS, GROCERS AND COMMISSION COIBT HOrSE Bl lLI)lCt N 'WtWSi ST, S7: July 14a-4B 1ST 'GOODS. "m 8E",XB AJl 1 AX mil. TUIXG f; A-Titio's i - J : ....... w. F01TX3?IT71Xl)"CASn oxltV t From Co time furth I ni n oflio-laat Coat lo make rooe. i.!.4 Tbteck, roia-ianut; m cart of - uur ' LADir.4 MliJiS f.OOIi I Fill M n, WliriKOoODH '- ( aI,'1,':'I,I'-VL'IO'Hj,, HI I Hf,u MHiTJvo 10 4 S FT y r'TI Vfl h''-,l! . '.Aa , . riXTQxicT" A bug btnek of tha aarwe twJehraUeJ .... dure of (irui'e ami 1,1,...- , 1 na. i Gaiters, a c. M -, i bow re rh tin for torn to lav re n. Cn.,.la. turu... ar.1vAni-mg r0',""' ' Ing r, r a.t f'ome one .r f " I eu-k ami prico Do not I- i,i,7 """a mv iaaikai..aiiUl. wwwaaw . -i?" SJ0 Sd. I am actiim, at Coat,! rw, ju- what liTI.'u'V ?5. panioe of kumbuKHise vn-T7 ' " " Jiort nania iu the Cily whoa Moeka a plennuing would do well to call aooiT.ei 1 their uamhaaea. , . . d Bu 010. T. COOKjr, Aug B-sn-tr . .A. LAltoi; ' ' CHEAP AND WELL 6ELEGTED 8T0CE 'r ' ' " -,.' ' -' ' "' r-r 1 I y i FOREIGN AXD DOjlESTIC td 4 ..'CST RECEIVED BI .. ...: , 1 1 - ' ' ... .... -f ".-a . ISAAC OETTINQER, 4" 1Vo a"rretteTllle n, -. . I r ' " I . .ALS1VA Fl1trT0Clt OF Sboe and Bool, Hats and Cap. , , Ladle.' Dret Silk, Ijidle f . CIoaJi, Idle Dree i,o Trliiunliitr, and , ... FaneyGood. ,T- - ', READYvlfADE CLOTUIXG. AM the goods will b aold at vary small at vanoa oa ftmt cot., ITier will nothing b enarg. i! d for showing them. All w ask it a call, betor yon buy elaea her. . . . - Bememher? .. IftAAO OETTTOOER, ' AtdSFaTattanllaSt, ' . 6 door NortJi of Market Sour IN THE MLLLUffEXT M oKTTI-fJKH is again ready to serve ber friemla and patrons. . Kb has juai returned from the North urn Market, well posted, aril with one of the aieaat .ml i. . Mncksof , , miLLIERT, -v that ever- waa- wronght to thi towa. th la "" soirrt lung to suit all clasae.' ,, Trjinme.1 Hats from ftO cent np. ; ' ' .Bonnet made of ilk,vlve, straw and rim n. - Vetreta, Rirk and Satin of every color and shade, : i , ; ..... . . . In Iiibbona, Flowers. Faatharaaad OrnamaBta, ber vtock cannot be etc I1e(L. e It tt nte a 6 spi i of he good Uat la Wa mingBonnois and Hats, bha hi too rail know for that among the Lattice, far and near, eota)' call before yoa buy ektewhera, at MHS. OETTIHOEB'S. .! ' "0B " know where shs bra.), P. S.-Bh will hav an opening oo Thursday., Wih of October. -. October 3 3m, , " - LIFE INSURANCE. . THE EQITTABLE ' LIFE, ASSURANCE 1 SOCIETY, OP NEWTORK' " . , I I .v ' ASSETS OVER - .! ''' " ' , 4,000,000. S i i i a : ANNUAL INCOME ' ' ,$27600,000. v DITI0ENDS PAID TO P0LICT HOLDERS, 0 NOT STOCK HOLDERS, THIS TEAR over $600,000. r "I . PERELT HIETL'AL. ,u PROFITS DIVIDED ANNUALT AMONfl - POLICY HOLDERS,' ..I fn.'W:! v ' ' ' The EoaitalJe has grown more rapidlv, mc Ma orgoruaation, than any Life Insurance Cm. pany ewer organired In America. - lu policic avrrag larger in amonnt, that thuaa of 1 any other .'omrianv ia tha United State Apli.-atioiis for Avenciea in North Carolina Brant he adilreased td the Uenl Agent. Mar. M. P. TATboa, A WibiiingloB.!'"''?( ; Iis.wat A GOTO, -w Newbera. ' ' Okum WiiUAxa, 'j Tarboro'. " . A " ?BDaAxat A Gauaobtb, Agent, Washingt Batwrrrit, Emxooa A Co. , Orteawbaro'. . E. Krk ilrrcBlBOB A Co. . M oaliabarf. 1 .... HUTCHISON, BCnROfGHSsACOi ! t,'."'""" - ciuvrkittinrcv Ang MOMIm , Oen'l AeenU for N. C. v AFROR1 BIRM FL11D. TTTE OFFER TO THE, PUBLIC THIS CEtS- Vatcl fluid, and In doing a w feel tiucd tliat iia au-ueriuntv lover any- ether 4"1UI iiK OIL will give it . favorable acceptance with the pubhc at large. It ia aow'-auunajarnt. - r from anv disagreeable mU ; . it will not greea the band. - It will not soil or areas th clotliing.. '. i- Itpmi'nw aeoft tod ucauttfui baht. It ta theClicaneat HraxiBo Ft.innveronred. '..-.It can .bd tt.d in anv laeroacns fmp.by, nBnTnrbffreBt'.4--- It haa been iot tavtrt-ably received, and pr- . ami need by nritr- e betne Brvrr ana xtowr vvil at. ltuasiMo Fi.rtn pow ju ttaawi.1...A..- we tua prcnarcti U. funuah the trail ji that .nlnaM&uUaWatiow rt.Ht! it; - the pnblteeiwmination and trial. We-wre sue -prepared to fnrnrah La apt, C'aiMirrr, Bfraaraa ami Wtt-aai - .-nrhra in tninnfuiiini thi. n.f. of I' -4 aaetia-eaeb- taiwirle. -wr "wrrrviWTeawwilrh irtCTlBB aipl)Cati.ln I n. vr. ri-:i h!UT & CO.. i ' JfeaSfMfCiirer . H-jrfe rwncrv, July t.y., -s, . , Itaieigh. nr. 4 L t m EA tft 7?t E A L ! 1 1 , OQ0 W'snEUS MEAl Water-groundi mad ITITr: tvniTE C0RN.?i . i fiiA. iI-3-tf DpUCBLAS f-Etl ?t fTOKSAIE. . Adsrnantimt Cist.!' in half woxreaKd eabma; ' fienrt p.nnr-pstJi)rTnf,-rn I.t .0a.nirr iBMka. 1TIJJAK JCNA cO..' , ft. pt. 134o-tf VVboiwaal Srcwar. i; , -e- - ' i- V r 1 ' - T7J ,1 7- . ' ; e . t I ti .'.11 JaaifM i. r

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