A 7, - r t I - - - -.muiimtMMimWiilM.niliUt TERMS Of CBHCIOTTKj , . TV. fctsrmu. Is pu.!i-id every day, except ' Biiudsy, on ta4oiiusuig tenti; ' , F. IT Ob BWMl,llM......i.., . .41 .00 F- two montli,. ...).. i...,. tfi Torse iacittia,.w. X . B 'Ou y-ar,. . ! b 'ttti-ttet My SMif utej: on jFr( . . . . ....X.SO 1.4" ", '- .jMyt- ; 1 KATyaoArF jfavEaeEtt fr, ts7- eOSSEIlVAIllJt-.mGKliTrrM TUX , s xasrsxTiox is wakk. , uo$. danieig. fqwle FiaESTLY HliiANGUM,Eq. V--1'8- JX0- MlLEAN. , . sTJlB CA&DIDATES. A The Radical and Conservative ticket Tor th Contention LinWii mad Bp in announced. Every en will be itrurk with th remarkable contract between tb to, ta their ability and- fitness for the Important position lor which they have Iweg selected. . THB eoKHHTATTTB 'AjlnlPtTM. It f cl Joiij that a ticket ha ere Wo elected in Wake County, computed of grn ' -'tl'Rirti tltr BtteJ, in all respect, than the CiiUfrr Bttv- ti. Uet - 'H Jmlgs Fowle, fib(Me reputaitoa a aauusd juriataod gtn tl-nin of ability aud worth it wide a the fHata, we need dot prk, ; -. Bennett T. Itlak b t pt,iu'.t aula iter of the Metlnxlirt t Iiun h, who ha eo- yiytfl the eonfldence and eteera of tb " jicojiltf ot Wake for forty flre yi-ara. Ilia fine Iodms, aouod Judgment and ahility, and hi gnAial and amiable ijilrif, coiiituund Lim to erjr mati A u jart at, buib f wbtte and colored, ca rely U(kb lilirt Ut taithful, honest and able diaciiarge of Ui dutie lu. pool upon hiia, and nay tnpec't from lint fulljiwlioe. . i , - P. IL ifinguui, Ej., ot Wk Foreat, ia ' otoet worthy citizen, a man of floe iotelll . gtne end aotiDd judgment, bonet and ra- . , patle, and deroted to farming and th progress' ef (he Blair. II U drawn forth wnrt the quiut of liomc, to am the people mii win iji it kvii. . ir, Joim A. JIiTean i a tnort popular and worthy grntjemiia and tliyikian IntiU. ditrut-a matt of iterling aenae, ' itb an booest 8vtoh face and an IrreproartiaM rerortL II n nam la tower of ttreogth in Cumberland and Harnett, but for aora year he haa been practicing phjiiafl.Iri Ms Tlie ticket, pcrhapa, bai th mot une Ctptionabla record of any erer bma n h' hi , for the people. W ith the exception rf Judge Fowle, none of tboi on it bare ever .Jieeo ia political li.'o, and he but little. It ia an honest, working, C'onnervalire I'nlon ticket, and ou above rtproach or imoll from any jnarlr. Let every Contervati? -dcteintine to elect the entire ticket. I ' ' ' to itAMCM. twmitif' I it wo'tld nm that the Radical ticket la till County was a faretpul. Not on of the candidate on pretend to lay any claim to fltix') forth position to which they pire. If they are a lamph of what th Radical member In the Convention will be, rlt will be a reduction upon the'State, which baa heretofore (elected ber ableat, wiient and beat men for that high position, Mr. JothnaF. Andrew i a tnodrit, tin preteoding rtwl, who baa been in thit City ,. ronMf yeara, but who, perhapii, I 1cm ; known tjf tw citiwni than" aiiyl other man who baa lived two year in the place. Hi Bominatiim waa aa iinetpected to thepeo pie, m, f prrmiue, it tnut bare been to Win. Ilia retiring faabita bave been auch , tomake hit fltiHui for public pnaitinn nn known and unappreciated. If A (a pre- pared to UKe part in the difficult and powble work of framing th organic law of lb State, thin, Indeed, ever hereafter, the ,P' I ' my eipotfto bring bliwd out of turnip." lie, of course, oiuit endorae the Radical pUtlorin, and yt learn tbat ( aome of bii ittpporler bere claim that a lew "of bia peraonal friroda will vole for him, lwcauae be i utterly oppoeed to niwrwl Tier. . I. FrenkliB ia a ybung man and 'joiitig . localT preacber V jo tit lictbodlat Church, of very moderate intelligence or education, but l esteemed aa a good man. He i perbp the most out and out Haldcn ' man on the ticket a cloae ' etudent of th &nntftrd, and a rtiKiple and pupil of . Ur. Uuldc-n, aince 180S, in all political mat I tcta. A fax ai he can represent Air. IIoldr to the Convention, lr. F, will no doubt do 'It, to titcexteut of bia-ability. - ;- Air. B. 8. D, William la, w are told, an aUlerly gsntleman, an ohl larmvr, an, Indus " triona man and a particularly tight old ne , grolr'er. JYe do not know biro. We barf , however, lward an luaurmoun table ob jection to Wr, W'iHiama, and H I oor duty, as public journaliitis to call bi attention ' and that of th public to the rumor.' W -detafil tbat Mr. YiUikiutt' coo venation. , for year, have made Uieiutprewloit npoa the people tliat b 1 an TMtl in utiliiSect, an unllu t er in th Bible a a liine revel . - . tion. ItU'iurtheritated thatrumorchargtn . tlie eiUtrnce ol a pod, J tii rt-tbe "' tnitti in tl.-cae minora, w h11 tvl onr any ilv-s . ..-;,iiMiini,i, Jm-u Hianii,.e -wif w.li.pa tr. WlHiawa ajM evttie .ir!:si"t sSpportonity to contradict it, and we 1. 11 1 1 i-i,im tbe nse cf ourcoluiiins to do u, jLiT.,,HrrJ'isjHic';,vr"itgdjiiii)ja oh tiie ticket, is a native of the plate, born free, wb-i went to the S.tatc f OlHo,'some years - s..", tlt re obtained sm6c ejticstion, and is n, , ,ii j. . ' .1 in gub. 'The extent of bis k ' '", 'i.-r tlie anioitnt of bis .ability, -ws . Kie ui. to (i.Jm'.ire, having very little ; i'o'.ir-e with liim.' !!it!is ago, b Vi:m 1 tifM a CJt4wiiivf man, but m; eoiiU ti t bave rrec.td. U e nomination, if tt 1, ,i 1 o-.t l " i Inown a a lT4aJ.'1 Til 'c-V : 1 j e i'ie areproud of L'atr!, on an., r - ''I 1 f I , $n-irtnef, but tXirij of tbt-ta do I not WtV confide fully in him. 1 a wiktaf eulur,a Hmok' nd fJty . charged upon tiie.wlni (H?4tW of Ihftouth, is twenty tiiu M siroiig in the coJ'Wd u in the-white1; hence, a conclude, that whatever tl colored people may.iay against lUirii, lliii pr,jJirm o toier will leal them vVrj tucr. f to vote for bim. If bu tubers isuid entitle viiteT to tmj who dMjrg r.i-"t tlirm, it appeal to IM that ainiplt (Jjief piM th b k to thiw colored caridiiiale oa tit Radical titket, wot tue crew alone '. tfi uuF 00, ufJ Bm tTjnirit LKT JUXTRTITI f , ""'Wl.o.n thGoH Tn to "dctlrtiy, iW irat make mad." Thi old maiiik ba .gt !. to be a ptatitode, tut It U true nwa. li 'whwHtwn flrit tlttertil1. jb in- ueilrjjwalkwjlretesl" euiiide, and Ite imnelidlngaTiailow pi raio "d dwtructioa-i-ctoud the oiiod aod darken the vision. ' . The editor of th ullxa-Kadical . het, thif.'itv. a ttw dava after th late Ohio election, with craay impotence beating th air, threatened the people of that State that negro ' aWf yet vote in their mi-tat--W extMot now to bear bint throw a aimilar wild and aillv menac into tut teeth of tb "loyal peopl of Kanaaa aod Minn, iota. '. Mr. Steven, with on foot in the grave, broken dowa in Ufdy, but boiling over with eat and hataia adfcUtla id aeuility drvoured by evil paaaii oa, announce hi intcntmn of crawling to Congreat, if Dc aary, for the purpo of istroducing bitl to torre a(fni anlTfiHf BpoB Z the Stall of th Cnii. Jit diacardi hi former the ory that aucb Ixmeaiiur i ttra eonatitu tional, and now jttjtiCo it on the ground that '.the,. HowardmepdnSent ba been adofted by a u(BcieBtmberol, State to iiOTTr1r"TnCTtfpo'ratio part of th t'onatitutioei where It bavnot received tb sanction of anything like) ltr-fourtln oi M the titatca, and Mr. Stevens Ybow it as Veil a eujbodf else. He baafeon - - "mad th surest evidence that be an bis party are tottering to their fall. 5 Wthope that Mr. Steven will attempt to carry his threat into iocution. It has beea stated, opoo the authority of Mr. Raymond, of the New York Times, that Unqualified nrgro suffrage pever ba received the aanor tios ol any Republican caucus which has been Lt lil, but that it was milv undrr the pressure of extraordinary circumst,ance,tbat the viuws of the minority on tbat quctioa prevailed In th adoption of th military acts. Therccviit election are full of warning lo-ihe XtofljfresBj tbat the txtrefbe vlcwi.oi' th Radicals are abhorrent to the foelings, temper and judgment of the American peo ple. Their t fleet must b to curb the wild frenzy of party madness, to check the rage of fanaticism, and to ioiprcs upon tbat body th emphatic and unmistakable determine-" tion of the gri-st maase of the North, that this country shall continue to be governed ia th future, as in th past, by th whit and suj parlor race. Does Mr. Stevens,, or any on elsepsnppose that the repreienttitiv is Congrcaa from the State which have just expressed their unequivocal condemnation of the Cone res and lis course, will now vota to fix upon i constituents that negro eqnslity which they bars so indignantly re pudiated I ;- 't .' ' The day of IUilicslisra are numbered. It doom is tealed. It dianolution will progren stesdily and rapidly. And nothing will tend mora sorely to so desirable con, summation than an attempt to force negro e.iinlity iiHn tlie n bit people ol the North, (tsinat their will, and in tlitlni ot their proteatyjio grBlly. Mtorod at the poll in th lafe election. , x , THE A' OH TIT CAROLINA RAILROAD. The Secretary of th North Cardlin Rail road has sent us a ststinient of tlie receipts and disbursements of this Road tor tbe months of Augnst aud September last, com pared with tbe corresponding months of last, year : , , .. . ; : i t' Mailt. ' ! 17 tt-JU 16 M,BM ., j V.i.s. i,m it . BacaiPT roa 1808. $14,1X1 M I9K.S2H (1 , , 15,Jd IM a WS M Mmlk4. Ausiut, Bonluuber, tmio it lojota Tr aKcairr roa 1S67. PnuH9r$ , Fitighlt, ilB.tms 73 : I'M HOT ', u,m m , mi.m a Months. Aut"!i. hpuiiubr( ' l.-9,itM fti2,m Vi t'i.7H7 W This show an Increase of S,578.68 for tbe two months over last vesr. .The great eat improvement, bowsver.H in the exhibit of expenses. Tlie total rxjutses of the Road tor th month of August and Sep tember, of last year, wvre $120,461.1)1, while tbe total expenses of tb corrr-ponding months of the present yesr amouut lo ouly tg.ftf3 at -showing a decrease tt' ex nenses or f ,)S,7HT. 1. 1 111a t an t nonursijliitr ex bibit, aud shows that great t-Ctmomy has been practiced the present year. - 1 iwi ' , - - At Thb Lira kXHCTio in Kansns, Mr. Cady Btautoa and Husaa B Anthimv, wbo bave been canvassing tb gut ia I -vor of female sutfrsgn, visited the' polls ol each Ward in Leavenworth, and addressed th TuUrxJCbix accc-mpaciml by a band ot aii ;ers, wbo sang anme of tbeir campaign aooj.' and wer received ia every precinct with cheer tor woman' rights. Female autTraye is detested by a large majority, but an Unvg'', TitKlReiiBAP sun m Kmuk Th. J-Miwigomcry? 4s-b CTptain-Rsrtsfr.TST tll Freedmcn's Rnrrau ; the Clerks art IJarry Pabrcck, also of the Bureau, aud Soaes Door-keepci. SixUvn negro Uelegstes airi in the Convention. V Tui Radical, majobitt ia Boston, last year, was 4,999. The Democratic majority at th late election, was l,HS. Throughout tb State,' the Democrats bave 'celebrated their virtual victory by bonfire and proces sions. fi Pktkh R. Davis, Eq, anuouWes biinr s.if, in'iba Courier, at a candidate" fof tbe Coo veutioa la Wafrca County. - i LETTJCB3 OV "ITISZRAJST." t VttBnTi.it, N. C'or. I, tS67. I drove out tit Wayoesyill with a regret ThybaU'j, the cenery,the people, nil draw aifm straiiKcr's graretui feelings.- Ttle country all alone i one onbrokew scene ot bcAuty. Fpnce d Leon, should have directed bis' ours U tins region, lor his followers. Even therivers, creek and muildr ttrram, ert oi the Blae Hide. ' t b Crencli Hrncniee BerJ ti iVfriobTOV" "arifrie tint dtieix t- ftut clitaj J araterr liU ealtte, nutlUi wmnun ana children, fine horn, (food milk, and good cheer, mark, the couuuy ove, J? If Uiere be deficiencie tbat rise I0t aXf . others, Jwoulii pronounce tUi ru to be tlie tack of Itadroatli and-ZVijiis;- . Is th eoonty aeafr of Jnckson. It was' Botliiiig hua xvu duKO'Siitee. It prcscuia aa vr.fiuisbed aajiect, yet it tins ia a valley id the sore e IndiitirTjesuty that liea afonir the whole route ol-fliiir-Wale Turn pike the eranilesl moanUin- scenery, witbr the corresponding savaqnab land lying be-' TCPNUhe ridKceT This towyh,' like Wayues ville, isXIiterall hemmed id by a circle ol mountain. The villagers loan sight 'of the sun, loos beler it seta. It tails behind tb moaotaiuM and is sunset here perhaps ao lour l;fore the bright sunlight disappear frota the neighboring, . peaks. - In Webster, ss eteVt-ry oilier point, there ia adex'p and et acliii sigh lor a Hail Road by which the produce iVf the Country limy be taken tb market. I would "Hirdl. wmit a more convincing appeal to the capitalist of this country, (or a Kail Koad from Morgan ton to Vet Tenn., than this : that moneyed WeWgeTlBlirSonVeyanffi it Morgnrrtnnr and drive leinurelv through., alone this State Pike, out to the soutn western extren'iity of our beautiful old Slate, to see the country and bear tlm people tnlk, bear their deep siths for rnniirtntion. Is It lair T fbrse w-oplt) cannot iim'ed, finless they are enabled tocoinet witbthe section bl:h hsve Kail Roails. I trey esn not get a w agon price ir corn, whilst others are able to put, down tbcir corn at a 1M Itoad rtrice.V'' r : : - Seven miles fmm. Webater. ' Mr. Jno.- B. Allison baa, I leiun, a very rich deposit of Carboi'ate of toppersupposed to contain twentv-eitibt Per celnt of the metal. Bat ore is a circninUne in all "th'i. country Iron, Coppejr etc., are found anywhere.tnd every wiiere. . PAtTfRAOK. Tbejaajjirage afforded by nature, in the weBtt-rtrcVarnUesis a moat interesting feature in tire eountryr-ijyfrditint. Almost everywhere a range cuniielm! on the mountains, extending several miles. A pen is made at some cenirat point, contain ing a nimilM-r hi salt lioxes, in which the salt intirnded for the cattle is plrlced. The CSffle Ht6 "flilvcrl III few "evening; tihftl they learn the intention ot the pen. Alter that, they com up regularly every evening, and spend the muht t'lere. harly next morning -they ere turned out, and-lhey ex -mirr The wolves rarely attack cattle-during tbe day, and by being in the pen at night, and a herdsman near, the wolves sre kept Irom them. The pastorair connisls of a great varietv of natural growth, among them the wild pea, which grow extensively in our western counties. It those mountain aides were- cleared, plowed aud put in clover and other grasses, as is tbe case In Western Virginia, the ca pacity lor breeding cattle in North Caroliua would be a great a i tbe case in Virginia, and our Stat would become aa noted for cattle raising a Virginin Itself. As it i. a urest many bead ot cattle are driven from North Carolina while young, ssy two years old, to the richer pastures of Virginia, where they are kept until four years, old, and are men taken to msrket tor beer, 'ions main tainirig our old reputation for being ioeder of otuer eople I woou Tour correspondent is disappointedjn bis expectations, a tn the number 01 sheep be hoped to sea west 01 the Blue nulge. Wool growing doe not receive if due share of i-apitsl here. It baa" beerf proven that America produce a fine wrxd aa Snx nyrttletv r any part of the world. 'Here is proof : woor-is measured by the number of fibres it makes to the inch. Fifteen hun dred dollar was onecNpaid to tbe celebrated Prirjc Ksterhazy, of Hungary, for a buck ram, to breed sheep In America. Thin' Prince owned three minion sheep, and was a prince among turnpean wool grower. Hut the ram only yielded less than sixteen hundred fibre to th inch, whilst American sheen made wool tbat took near twentv-two buudred fibre to cover an inch. America consumes ever twenty millions ot pounds ot wool annually, lor bom manufactures. The demand 1 great and must continue, Tbe average yield of wool is three pounds to the sheep tli lamli extra. At present I prices, una wool it worm one dollar, The wicrcase of lambs and their wool it equal to another dollar. The aheep will cost a trifle in tbcee mountains, where they feed themselves,, pcrnap ntne months, pu.t p iwi'ia. cw things pay aa well. Hon irrow wild itrthia nart nf Vnrth "CaMlina What would "they do if rultira. tel f A very enlcrprMng man in Forsyth kvt the eiilture of this bloom under consido erstion. Ho has teamed that It ran be made to pay five hundred (5U0) dollars lo Ibe acre, - " The truth la. North Caru!ina'i sufli-rlna-' trnm me ot a grctr variety ol pro- . . . . o nuciinBs. 1 oere ever nas necn a I ire I era panting among our firmer and planters, for Cotton and Tobacco. Eipensive ferjrilt- jwr ar bmwht. Instead of twi.le. to raise them, reganlleiM.of all consequence. This would be lust the tbimt tor ua. if ws had Laltcn I'nnting giiing on among bs, snd a!so Tobacco r aetone at home. Rut this is not our good fortune. AVe .spend more tn N. C. for cotton fabrics after thev are made tip, than we get lor the cuttua we raise. - - : An land that will nrmlnc rmm 511 mm doc hopa It ia said to yield one thousand pounds to the acre. At 15 cents this would yield 1 150 per acre, ever at thiaaveesge. Hops sre now mneli above jtiij blrl fiuure-X Hiiiik. i JiBiew I.ihiIhmI bute hav made 14,000,0(10 worth of hopsn 50 yearV Land that: will vield IndiSh corjj.wiJ titlJ. I't-w "1 cpirt. ' JLlui is worth 1 tj 15 MltA iVoiiiffrr'", Ts it good polo y for a In in to plants WtiVile til'sVe in coitiinr tnTisiT-11 tr ,T bit . .. r , 1 . ey one thing, and purchase corn, bay. meat Hour Woof, fii, brooms, h-Sther, and eyery thing us nimus w- SatureTias jriven ua SoiTInd climate for seven tenths ot all we need: J have eaten- eicellent meal and slept oa: the. best' of pads, t pl where alm.wt every article of toed- and raiment was made en the iwm- Aa acre of land will yield Iota- htm'dred pounds ot flax. This, at twenty-five" o' iils a nouniL itives one hundred doliars an acre. and ten bushel of flux -seed, tone dollar and a qiiarU'r buliel, mill psv nearly for tlie dressiuv of the flux. 1 Itsill not cost 7f dolkrs to .rai."Tfiw undrtil dollar worth of clover, Couniinj tb d. . A turtle tcre wHU yield a tun aud i ball yl UvVr WortU Uiiitr dollars, and tell two.buxiels of aeedi- wnrth twenty dollar more. Vet, not five dollar of labor will it eo.-t ; hardly the half ol it. ' - 1 While Navy t:ani,et on dollar a bushel, (selling now at t dollar and a ball.) would he a handsome crop, for land I bat is adapted tethem, to say nothing of, the vine, which ouk excellent tood or stock. . i jst'aa lone aa we raia obIt cettaia kind of things, and sell them In the1 raw state. By flri hunJrnt "artiylf tv wtry ffe w sell, we will remain poor people. Mark tk prediction! , 4 ITLNEltAHT. CATAWBA QVJSTT, G W Tffim f :AlToWlS f I sinairisnnt' tlie column of vour invaluable paper lor comment oa th adlras to the fe kdiis of tlus eouutv. bv the committee iik pointed by tliieso called "Lnioa Kepublican" .1 . . .. . .7 party, organised at fllewton, on tn tin day Tbeadibraase wefW publhUd bvth hun dred, at the office ot lh truly loyal" Ur. It M. FriU liardj (tliotlife-seeking Virgin ian) free gratis, we suppose, they being in tended to open I h -eye of tb S blind. rignorantl)emocrata- ot Catawba eouaty. First, wa object to the addreas, because me auiuora are not aunt uira citizen 01 , Caiwba county, and- are, therefore, not en titled to tlie authority tbey bare usurped.to ailvise the people cf this county tb proper course (in tbeir weak opinion) to pursue ia the futurv." " : Let u look at tbat Comiuittea. First, wboi Gep. McNeil f Why, be i Billy Holden'f Catawba correspondent. He, to gether with bi lather family, moved lo ibis county, about the outaetol toe lata war, and, like his leader Hillv." aeemed' to be "red hot" for the tecession of North ;Caro- liea; and, a b followed riJIiW" into th path tii at led to aeceasioo, at course bi "consistency" require him to tallow bis leaileriont ; and as the only path marked by "Silly" is tbat of " Moogrelum," of course poor "deorgy " must comply. We will next Bailee Wm. Laurence, (not Lttv-mnct. as published in th addreas.) Of him we know but little, but being a very sniaM tfeitstn littlw la rMiitft.i ' II rm,l,,U family moved to MW pool William wa in the army, and was and supposed to bave left High Point, because ot til scarcity ol "nog uuut" at that place. He made bi exit from this county rather suddenly, aomn time since, because distilling (without paying' lax) against tbe expresa orders of bis radicaNrienda would not pay. William seem to have inherited the patri ntiurn of bis fa!her,Yor lid joined the U. L. A. immediately upon its jotiranizationNajad bolTIs to it with a terrible tenacity, because,' la tnat society, be onds fit associate. The third and last of this Committee "kindly protests againat the bitterness of pany reuiiicei which uave cuaraciersen some M-ron in this county for past year." ) Very good advice. " Fhysici'an, heal thy self f" Kvcry one 'wire knows him, knows lull well that there never was a man, (not even VTbaddeus," hinimlf,) who cherishes more hatred and antipathy tor the Demo emtio party, than Dr. Jlotl. He advise us H'o'ttd arms like Iitij;atrtsT;TVCitrycTTo who waded throui'h the blood ot thousands nf brave men toofliceand honor.siul has since sold it fur less than a " mess if pottage" tor " Kadieai " office.- , We are sorry to say that there are men in thin county, like Longstreet, who are willing to bow at the lit of the political "Moloch" of nsui-)stioo, aod lick the feet ot the op pressor for a tew crumbs, ss tbe cheap bought Dr. Fdtchard, editor of the Vnum tifituMuuin. lias doue. readv. at all limM. No denotinue Conservative me.-tinus and Con servative journals for trying to save theconn- try, In the vain hope ol reaping favor from K ally, A shley , lint U r, Boutwel I, Tlisddeus A Co, t'iMir tVllowl he gro(ied in tbe dark a long time, trvine to find the current, and has. at last, (as he supposes,) found which way the popular orcein is blowing, but, ereanotriej two year roil round, poor t' seeming tiriuut star 01 anucipauon will bsve set defeat and disappointment.' But enough has len aaid in regard to tlie publisher o this "truly .loyar address. We will turu our attention to tbe kind-hearted commit tee auain. - Tin y deny tliat C'slawba County belonirs. "politically, to a few individuals, protest- liiB-aTOiisi me aaeumptlon or niflit on th part of a,it'tetTcw"lScontrol the countv in me way 11 1111s oecn, My dour Committee, who ever claimed that rightf 1 No .one, until you unfurled the X. P. U. policy here 1 Catawba county was peaoelul and quiet (politically.) - No! jangling, always-voting right, but now you come to disturb her tranquility, trying to persuade her citizens to abandon tlie 'kikl tried" and true policy, for something an- sounu auu unvousLiLuuonai, lor a policy that ba bound the band of tlie judiciary and laid hands heavily oihio the executive : but the pensile will not:- lie deluded much longer. The late election tell ns that there is a J'ivtnal and Seneea ttill pleading for Constitutional Liberty. Tbe spirit of American liberty has not fled yet, but the r success (uni) 01 the party which you are trying m 0111111 np in norm varonna, under Billy," will ttnke the death knell to Con stitutionul Liberty. Will you not, then, cease to aid in building up the party wbo tax tne poor man to eoncb the manufactur er and bond-bolder I Will you: not cease striving to build up the party whose success ia desLruetiou t ... W hope you may sea your error tnd turn from it bcrore It it too late. To you, fellow-citizena of Catawba, we will look lor tlie spirit that ha "heretofore actuated you, to vote for the proper man, regardlwa ol bis former party Whig" or Uemocrni' end hope you will still continue to be governed by Us healthful influence. despite the chicanery ed by your enemies to lead you astray. lours, eta., ' MANY VOTERS. Tub lUatji.T in MashachpsXtt. Maasa chusetts adds ber voice to the general cborua ol states in singing the dawntali vof ' radi calism The republicans claim a msioritv of sliout twenty thousand for their caadi dalu for Governor a falling off In bit but year's vute ot forty-five thousand. Governor U 11 1 lock is as papular now, personally, as be was in lfti ), when ha carried the- tate by torty-Hiine thousand, or in 1188. when his majority was over sixty fire! thousand. jeaiS sre JiaUojed by ILe lolly end reck- j h-Asnt-aa of radicalism, and by tlis faqaticisia wliii-li murks rt publican rule. The Leuis- liitul. is t porlul tu. be aptKptohibiH(,n. 1 . . - The-rmtt of tbe-R-rlrcnla aa 10 over wbelimrg on Tuiwday tliat their very Cifa- dl was carried by- assault : Dsmocratic bannerstoWlsy gre svinjj pyef.Ust4in,jj4L ened John Jlrown's insurrectionary pike bare pronounced against tbe Atricauization of this contiucut through tbe instrumentali ty ef nei-ro sutl'rte. tiince tb wrath of angry divinity fell upon the Assyrians, and tlie rising sun looked down npoa , mighty "jost which periiihcd ia a ni)jht, there -ha been no parallel to the twrfbleyet riirhteous ciis-iiM-mcnt wuu n uns at last oeea vimtsxl upon the most wUked and merciless ot modern pitrtics. JlicAi Eiaminer: ' , - A fl in RrrtwnloWa legislature bas In. trotluanl a bill to "inclesse aud Protect tovaity"' by na kins it ticnal to harbor or picture ot Jlr. Davit or. Gen. Lee. - Tan Tnoor abi Tan Feow.a is Rtca aoKO. I learn that "the possibility of trouble between the negroes and the white people in tbe boats Is causing aome eici le nient in Richmond. Tbe negroeerby means ft-tbefr-ijecret niciety, are thoroughly or- aniZikL and are fullv under the intruence ot tbe niost depraved and reckless wbite men ia the South. ' In the event of trouble. between the race, the women and teeble men wilt tin mAn umlid in the manner pointed out to them by their incendiary leader.' The sul.iect is eneasincr tbe- als tntin rf mi itt vlncvts in ' Tbb Klkctiob ia Xaw JaaaT.i Cne tf mntt 'gmttcamr tTgnrr TOe-ttection vesterdav wa the result in New Jersey. It will be teen that the democrat have secured a msjority on joint ballot in tb Legialatur Sismst a republican msioritr ot eleven last year. Ia this State there were no tide issu- erttke the Fscise law : but the gl ' "I'lI'Vl CT'-'r1- ' 19 Ron, "For of auaiust jugro suUis'ge! wat bluntly put to the people, and we hav teen th result. Tbe 'question ha beea answer ed a positircly ia the eg 1 tire at it wa in 'Octolxsr by th peopl ofObio. lit York IltralL Thb swinish dele-'stes'' wh bave beei tent np by eight hundred negro league to disfranchise, tax and confiscate the white men of Virginia will, by attempting -In tbe face of the recent elections to commit the crimes, render their access to the Peniten tiary more easy than to tbe places of power in this old UjtrtniofiweSttfrteWaii A aminer. ..,' j Tbad"ica1"ay that, on Thanksgiving Day, they will give 1 1 auks "that President Jobnaoa is to go so soyn out of ofBce. W ball wive thank for th good Ite wilt no duubtjjiu before going but add tor the" facf1 that uo Kadical is likely to succeed uim. enntiet. . '" y: Bismarck U sixleeV in height, with broad tlioulder and cheat found, florid face,larg blue eyea, and a loud voice. He is described at the image of a rollicking prize fighter. A "aleeping beauty" is now on exhibition in Nashville. Her name it Susan U. Clodso, " eigovo w A Chicago diapatcb states that Mrs. Lin coin ia actually preparing to publish a book. Miss Olive Logan, the New York actress and writer, is said to have been engaged to assist ber in her literary labor. ' DIKDi la WUaoa, N. Con th nureaooa of the ibid tost.. Miss Aauirna Joaiua, sued 40 jesrs. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .For Eent : ,KKAT fOTTAOE KliMIHENCK, eonveulent iV to ho business (not ot the ('Hy, fur rent ueit year. . AImi s Kimri that, nimlil lie mnUbie tut an ot. fl(", of nliicli iMisiH-,'ieii''ii coulil bs Kii'en ill in e disl U , Terms nnsb i ate. Apply to K.rt. K ,K-tf Mas. A M OOltMAV. v-v i ,tAU-tAt REDUCTION 1 lTUES!! Good News for Ihe Hungry 1 1 ! rpiJE BKNf:FIT OF VHK I. AST AND 1X1WEHT A prus lu Nurtliura Msrket esn be set-ured il Ton will si-ud iu your or.leis to uiy 8uire ou Afar- Sl-L LHauarn Aov. a ai-tr IXiUUbAMUKLb. s TATBt or SSHTH ClAMVl.tSia. Tvhbku. I'ocsnr, i . Court of Fleas and Qnarlnr Heasioos, October .. Term, l!i7. .; JKJpb Hosklll 'j '. Trimitlb n. Tanhorn.) In this ease, it spix-ai 1 to the ssttsfantlon of tb I onrt, that tbe defeudant, T. a VanborB, sb seoto biruaelf sn tbat Uieorcluiarv oniorss ofvlsw I eaimiH he siirved upon bim : OrtUrHi, tbat pnr 4 be.iion ba made in Ui llliL-h timimtL for six' weeks, fr hint to appear st tbe usxl Term of this Conrt. to be held lot the ('ouutvof Tjrrell, at the Court Honse iu(VJuiiil.i, im ) fisirth Mondsy in January next, llicu si.il Uuire lo srwwer aud plead, or judgment will Isi Unett ss'iint bim, and Hie property levied ou, Ac, , eotuk iuucil to saii-ry tiiepiainlin'rLtun. A itmsT. H AI.EXAMi:i!, t Ink of onr said uourr, si omea m Culuaibia lbs lib slonday Ootobv IHii7. . . TUOH.Jl. Al X.NIEU O, 0. C. Kov. eir i ...x. ...T,.7. MITC G!KI.IiirAM.HS, fftr KKWIIKHS N I AKrieultiiral Iiniik-meuls : C'snnt-i. -ii..ri.l iJottoa Vitus ana vouttenst-rs ; Motion I'ri.B-s niirso l owtn ; i.miiiu OSKKMij; ; OS1IIIK IJOp miu ihmh.f.. ihiih lutm iiev, Patent lbor-v,svinB Well and Knilip. MHCllhlX AI Lk S4 0.. Kept. -S!Mt . huwbtim, K. C. " 7 . Wanted. 1 C(f OlTNCFJt OIJ RII.VEIt (Hpnon AtJJ J Forks, Ac, Ao.,) f,ir whicn Uielnir est cash priees will be isiil, by T. V. MOSS, f g. Watches, Jew. W. Ao.. reuaii-sd at short miiuto. viisiKcs muuersui. 1 j. 1:. 1. Kov. 8 U3C , to JTotice, VTM IIIU 1 . , . ... W pirpr-u mi mraisn move iipe, anyaiseor qnantityor any knifl of Tit Ware, Gutters and fipes, , A iSO aa Hand A Sheet diiio. 4J.,OllUW, . .... JlaleiKb, Kov. K tf nu-o ns, set A Lewis. A Fin City Carriaga for Sale. OH HAND, A FINE CITY CARItlAOE second band, in Rood order, which we wi'l sell at ks win ou pir cena 01 me ongiusl cost ia liSiO, kaavbeen naetl very Hitle. . - -p. wnxiAiiHON Aca tuieiKn, riov. &W-U Paper Mill PropertT. ' T TOX 8KIX AT AUCTION, ON TFE60AT jl 01 novemoer county court, it being tlie l!Sb IUS.. IN-Iore IllS (JOnn tlOUSfl OOI-H-. ill ItAlaitrh at 12 o'clock, at., that desirable pioue uf property kaowaaaals , ,k ... ... PAPER MILL. situated on Crabtrev Crek, ahont three rnilea irunuieeiiy 1 ne stream is s g"X ono and it ia a very desirsble location for a it ill. 1'oti.m lin or machinery of anv kind, to be worked bv water pnwsr. There ar TWENTY -HEVEM ACftE OK iahu attacliea, or which, a ftill description will be given on Uie day of sale. The property will m som oa a errditur sax and twslre sunih with approved security. ov. s o-ws , - p. b. BOOT, Ageht. For Kent ' " " . '" rpHE PLANTATION of Lswri-ns Hiotoa, dee d. iM. aaaatLra vita tiax; ktm JVmT i"v. Nov. 77!Mw HAVID'HINTOW. Ex. awrProejreea and Standard copy. TNEZ, - A TALK v.y THK 4LjI il T I. tviss. Authiir ilf "lti-nlsh-' awl -tt- El mo." For sale atibe HikiV Ktor. .,f N(ivy-7tr M1I.T I VMS alaBhTiii hJL. V u. 1X14 LA A-MRMHM-tW rHt v"t ""J1 '"W'ntas, thsJTmce consort. EiifJ sale st (be Bo-k Htorenf io. 7 TH tf WIU-IAM8 A LAMHFTH N"ailTK"i'S siJe st II is Iiak Ktmre of Nov. 7-7-tf vWr ILUAM8 A LAMBETH. , " Wanted. mO FXCTIANOK OTHER BANK NOTES FOR j. aitisv in i-siiK or wsshingpia uNotmi. Nov. T-71KU PI L4.1A.H, Jo.NEsi A CO. T-JEAIT7FUL REFLVEO I.AP.D, in tllbUat IJets, Pnt spespresslv fr hsmilr m, sibT(l DtlCOLAti IIKLL. r Nor. & ,T7-tf Marimt Hquare. 10R SALE."" Adamsnl.no c!,T!e. in hlf hoxsssnd etons Loensl Point Fami'v 4 ioun tbe lwfl lUlumors k. ITUJAJf. JiiSAM A Ci) . evpt. A40-tf v . w holesi ftroeer. . MlSCELi ASLCUa. T)Klti;VlAj Ul'AMIl , v ' ' I am daily tipeeCbie a small kit Of "lonttmo Feravisa Ousbu."' S Uosi-dniwt-rs, tryit. J r lKll'tiUAM BE1JX Kav. t 74 U , .' Market usie. , tA Maii X. alrsied n rtrrv wah it-Tui-KX tut rsjtd rrom ml premiss oil hiisy BUifct but. lie is abuat t BHibtbs old, blacj oa uio bs.'k, with yellow leer, and euoans at t!;e rstl of "em." 1 Will bssdsonuilv reward nj inis-n wbu wilt I rinX biia BorjWtBjr be lauv. a-lt h. a. l-ttUtU- 1807. PALI. abb orri-Himi'hiortjt'PfrcfM cmUmsii.liiis sur4t-ut- HABflWAltE AMD CltlXKltf , 1 - - ciwckear aki glash waiik; icir.G'.i?.-?!.?!!'1??1 rooL-rvil itliHi'i-ni'i! fc-rnvr-l rsiaia aau wiarrwrjrr- xnjtrw, .. . . - ' ttAILfl,"lKS A.'U KTKKU . . ALSO Lj: f " Tpt'l Chamber Cbmmode. '" J. brows,: With Habt & Law is. - 4J Fayetteville Street, IUleigh,.N. C. I IV. 7S-M Importent Sal of Seal Estate. 01 FKIDAY. THE27TU DAY) KW KUUKU nest, st (he Onswold HoH,ia tioldslsirii', at tlie hour nf 4'4 H-, I shall offer fur sale at pub- be auotl B, a valnalils Plantation," aitnated aboul four milss from tlotdsboro. on Nense iiiv-r stl lotiiins Uio Isnds nf Li.rld F. MekiBue, William Davis, Nsedhuu JsnneU, sad Isase 11. Cot, roa tainiug stsiot , FOURTEEN HUNDRED-ACRES, being; the same a which Bamaei Baits lately jw- Bhled. - . ALSO 2 two seres of .Iand in KvvretlsTlncrFrioTsaii PUntaliun will bs sold In lots, or in a biiily, to suit purebssers. For further pariurulara, sjiply to Hsaiuel Wniith at sreUsvibe, or 10 uis'at my omrs in uomsooro'. . . J XKMSt r iv per ennt cash ; tin rids with ap proved suretie fur tbe balance, at six, twelve turf eighteen uioullis, with interest rrom (Isle, ai tli tikle reuuiMid until the purefismr money paid. - - W it. etOttfwI-Y fiov. 7-79-lawtd lrusUu, Votice. ' - 1 WILL 'RETT. wUm 14th Hsv of Kumiilx.r X ''i my BELOkauK tsTAf is, eousisilug of t ,250 ACRES "OF LAND, in the Goootiee of Wsshinfrton and Tyrell, oa the North aids of SoappeinonK Hiver. Also mv per sonal pmperty on said Estate, vis : Stock at every description. Tools, Implements, -and lb enlire iwnn nr 7 - CORN, FODDER, Ac, &c. Hals to take olaos on tii Dmrnises. In immediate connection with the above, I will sell aH my personal propety on mv MAGNOLIA 10111a, via ; mors ox every ama;"Tois, iniplu nienui, and the entire srop of Corn. Fodder. Ac Imnli Ao Hal to take place on the . nrnmimM and 1 eon tinna from day to day autil the enlire property ia Bold. - , -- At the same time snd plAce, I will sell WIIITK oaa uuuiusaa in isnus sttaeneu tlie, el n, aboul . - ONE THOUSAND ACRES, '. Mlic place iru wllteb the late josliha Taeline- 1 lived, containina eleven a-res. Also. 1,10 North tast-lUifrosd (S. ft. Shs-k.and a Bond on T. H . Orofrone, of H C, for four tbou aand Ave hundred dullara. Terms made known ou day of sale. , Kov. J-7 3t 4-K. 8. PKTTIOUEW. UltlGGS & DODI), PEALERS IN ' ' ' HAEDWAEE AND CUTXEEY, IRON, 8TEEL, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, WAKlltaOBi AtAiitKlAI, PAINTS, VARNISHES, COLORS, OILS, , GLUE AND GLASS. ALSO '':! Agent for the tale of - ; 1 !' Burr and Eaopaa Hill Stone, ' Uoltlng Cloth, India Rubber ant! Leather Belting, Circular Pawa, Iron VeranJiilifl, Fences, and all inds of Orna 7 7 mental lron Work. t-W Too door below Ojfiee. d : ' . Mov.1-79-tf SouCliern Erjnrtti A Stray Cow, T OUT. A COW, RECENTLY, ABOUT TWO X J buios Delow Kagi lloct. Mb la small tied Cow, peg bom and dry. Her ear marks are a swallow-fork and under keel in both ears. Any mrormsuoa anont Mis cow. left with uavid Hia- ton, JCsq., will arreatly obbge me, and twill pay a suuaoie rewara ror ner reeovary, KsJeigh.fiov 7 8t J. DETEBEUX. Claimi AgraJntt the OoTersment JE WOULO BUOOEHT TO ALL 1 r CUona acraint th U. 8. Governi TE WOULO BUOOEHT TO ALL HAVINO OUims sgaiht th U. 8. Qovernment for projieny ni-stroyea nunng tbe late war, lor'esnsus i let taking. Mail eon tracts. Cotton bone, Ac.. Ao.. , Cotton bnrai, 1 XI tbeir bitarast t that tbay may And it to their uitoreat to. roofer witlt ns, withont delsy. ns, witbimt delsy. L. P. OLia A CO.. Counsellor si I.. 7 Nov. 7-lt At Kalsigh or Wsshinirtoa City. For Bale. FROM ItAL- eigh, ww tainiug - TWO HUNDRED ACRES, one half in cultivation, th rct In oak, hickory and pin Timber. Th improvement consist of sn ordinary ft am Dwelling, large enough for a moderate sized fsra ily, good Eitehen. Haiti. Kmoke-honse, M;l-li-s, Ac A sood banraiB esn he had. tf application be made sons to . 1. J. CHBlxTtlPiiKIiX, Not. 7-7V-JW Baleib,N.C. dt ey r it a w a r b.-on ha td k damn to n t, Osfl November 2d. s MUl.E w sl.ili-n fHmi m v stables, thro sides East of Kaleigh. Hsid Mill was saisll, BxsMv-cohavd mare mala, with a soar on it right ear, censed by euuiiig ou a wart. This mule wa set-B mi bundsy, ia the pss sesakia of s negro man. nvsr the Joiinatoo t mini v boo. I will giva the siiuT reward ft its ilelivvrv to me, or infurmstioa that will swur its return. Nov. tlw B. C. MANLY. 1867. FALL TRADE. J867. TTOLLOW WAltK, ANDIKONM. RPICE MoR A L tars. Limy! Pans. Climax Farnaees, Llued Mnssliu Kettle. Oriilillaa and QnA-ltui Euglish Wafer and Warns Irons. J. BROWN, Baieisa, Oct. Sl-tf Wuh Hart A Lewis, a , CMS. it -t i That lkinOHA!ttlKr8rir-N,i'T Sit- tttr- n-t n r.-ive,lat IHiKlll.As UKt.t.'n a.W ... - -aiitv Urwer. V-t i SoO boslkls 6 "!. ; PILIdAM. JONEH CO., Oi. a-lf W biii'Torcra. JSjtth keg, for ssle. PULUAJI, JONEi A Cx KovNl. l7-tf:- "pOR BALK. : M Fnglish BfrskfasVTea, bfsi-k. " (funpowder ' trw. , lui:riai " TTXLIAW. -TONES, CO.. rVpt. 2V40-tf W faolesaie (iroaxt. THK PAI L TttAPtt. in'at'reerlved. a lot of BOOK ISLAND Xssl- Ul.Ui.-i AND JEANS, (North Csrobiss nuuinfao lurn.1 - .i'" I -. Also, s .m.li Plli;:TS, 4-4 Briwti BdT'ET-' INiwi. TV Hi IK FLANMX, Ae. - An-. 31U-tf tat VT.J. I0CNC1. PEtlPTJSo'ADVEETISEMFTia - J.-'yC40Bl' 0TEEFJT ' TH t; LA llCKST fO(K tF ' ' DliY GOODS itti n.eiiiiaii,lnni, tbouwl, iaetimpl, to ,llT!r solb.su-ut idea of the seueral sUs-k " ,K e1 .7':. Mark end mtnred Biik. in Snit vaHetr' f.- 1 Poplm, Hel, .,M irreiw h l'oplinsr;;1""" ins., Iliuw l. ,,bn It..,- trsiii- l'. lifh-s h,-!. -,mt donhlcruiT,i1?1''- vl ,"""u, ', sS-r.ri1(i litttlirstlslrrlra and lojcc ' IIs,iilmrn Kdyin; blr t'louueilig, N dlewnrk RL,ii, ..5.7,. IIM-rllu, Ntvdb-worl k FbmnciiiM iC. Y?.f t.ilt!OK. Ns)lMsk iitiriitt fciu. ..... . . a . 'w 1 - " '' 1 IN !itl Wl'VTl itv b'n.'h i.i.n. ' '" ! rtllLW. MIU'Itilftf Atl lL taml. i... . r' inxtmmn ifi..; fQr,f'- - r 1 111 ts t aislui Uuir puintisns ar MMJ. 7T . y""-o-i v 11111, t-ape.x Toiiara turf ' Bmrle C JIars al.il ruffs, H(aT P,,,pr Cutts, Keal P,,',, 8,-ls. It, .1 V'aioii, ml H Cuib, I,rtrnwmC,aiar.u.dCurT cln -sod CiKlH..!. al Val. L.-4 KesJ H V Ulr Ileal liru-es Lsiw iiesl Jt, m. Lacs, . Uandkerehief-. Valenlit ' "' If . fuutirte. C!oul, ks, Wmirls In long and squo, fur MiMsss .bi-s lf....' r-l,,K DuIuhUu.'Cu. ami iii star 1 ruids, M ,uie ltiirilin. i-lajunnill Nuts, JTe .XriiiiiHfiiud Asi Urinous y. Usik aiil I umreil Tclicf lliuboiis ' Fiir b.i riatr uii ba a i4 nouruhijg Orpartmrnt On, Oram and Ileit Hilks B.'UiImu'.uih, Tiwese, Canton French Mtw-I. Cloth, Itearvti'. rrapes , Jiarsthcss, lv.pli,,,, Kmpn-ss (TnUi IVe-' nias, VclmjtliH-H. IVrMnn Clotlis. -'Hotialinss,Cbal. iii-n, jiiisrri snn anuiiir, all of the very brat LoupiD's eekibraud niauufactarr. Hhltc Coosla. m-is, r.o nnim l ainune N.rtt.r.. 1, 1,K Clollia. lhay Marsailles Ae..,Trleto..s. wliiu ored. OriMudles IMtcd sist .:... t. JuutaltontUimu(h- - - Ijidlca' rurnMiliig ,'mI. "'tiiml 1'h-"'JlL area variety, ftsr alisae. tiiililrei, arXTfcU t.s.lie firosn H.sw., Laiu'niark smIHIsU H.ise Kid (il.ieps in hnre sssorim-nt. wliits. bls.-k snd colored Berlin snd f ,lnlo Thread Hovt.s. in Mi, sine Osrtcra, EUstits, Hair. Tool h snd Kail rlru.hes Ileal Miell Horn and Outts IVn-hs n""i m tc" dotted. Jj.,iored auil uHmiriiiiiiiuwi i srssois, rsns, ae. fi Ooiiiestir. - IJeache, I and 1 irown Cotton BLeelings and SliirtiiiKs,Bb i li.'-d snd Brosn Jesns. lliesched , anil Brown Canton flannel, Plaid. Striped and Plain Osnahara,-. Ttrking, Dennims, Hicknev, Hiukery, tJongiey, Caliwi in all tluTpopuilr makes; Oiuhsius in reryjariety. . wckeelnn' Irrpanmrnt. , flamo-ls pUin and fancy, Blankets, OarpetSi Tapestry. T,ree4'lyr Hiipwnn,- Ingrsin. nVa wool snd eotiim eliain, Veii-Usu, lU-inp sod CoU tage t srpets, DruggeU'.illng and poor AlsU FbwrOil Cloth. Iee. tlnmin, BrooateUs sns psmssk Curtains, Pisno snd Table Covers, Tab) Damask, stair Table l)U Cloths, Napkins. Dot. kes. Towels, Huekaliai-k. Crash and Olriss Linens, , I.inen snd Cotiou Ktii.ptiiKta.in all widiha. Pillow Urn B, Marsailli-s Cminti-rpanes. Joiimrd sad ob Drapers, IJnen Dispera, Bird eye Diapers, CotUm Irish Linen, Ao. CsntM I'lirnlslilng Cseoda. 5" All sre rcsiWifSiltT invio,i1 IjiItidaaI .i.t bi-f mal'iis their pltreliaara. My convictinw is, S the tru wav to sneik-ns i in 11,. i..u.. of yoar enstttnxirs by cfnmflng Hie linsjesl pc " siblepnint on goods 'l liisbs ever been my niotPi. snd Ibn laren biiinnss l,(,,(,,f,,r encourages me in sdhering atrictly to it. . TIIOTIAft KTflTII, No. 25 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. ; Oct lJ-i-2w ' WIIOLI-RAI.K I) II I'd. - TRA OE, JOIcliiVIV OAltU. ; tBnccerwirs to Geo. B. Joaes A Co.) COBXEB BYCAMOItE AND WASHINGTON ("TR. - ' l'KtERSBVRa, VA.,: TTAVE TIIE pleasure to annonnee to III ifsr A A chants of VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAliftl.IXA flie recept kiii of one ot the largeat and most com. plete tis:iiof Drills, JI-dicinofl, Paiiita, Oils, Var tnslieg, DytsSt-uOs, 4ywlow-GlaHii t.ardw, iaril aiid 'FKM-Stfetls, Hurgical ami Dental' Intrn .ments, Brnslicfi, Combs, Per- - funierj. Toilet Soaps, &c TO EE FOUND IN THE 80CTHEKN STATES. Their emirs stork wa pirrehasod from first hamls tor CASH and tln-vftel confident they can -olT.-r snni-riis: indnei-menls pi tba Trs.ls. Bs Merchaut. I 'lif-ni,-,.,, ...,i .M dislly niviud lo call aiod exsinin their goods WALTTIt; JOIiDAN, OSEPffCABn' - . let. ii-tr TJ"arsfTt. ABjai 4ia sr.esiB. Tli Reasun Whr'.. sot.li..t "i ir.i..! niatnrv. Pri.-e II . ' " - ' Tlie IIcssob Wbr- i,,Jil to Kainral ffcieaos. Price at Ml. - - - '4tler'a Cniverssl Uistorr, 6 tola., per sot M,- Wbelpb y's C.mijwnJ of MUtorv, i'voto moea,-, 12 no. - . jMs-'suBiysIlisioryiif iUifjisiid, ivsla, t Maesalay s Hist, of Knland, 5 vols ia one, H,- F-s- ssle bv - BKANMN, FAP.RAR ACO.. . '-. ' - i: uksrllers and Statnmers, Oet,2-7 tf , Bsteign, h.fi. . iwrtitnWimiiiiiiiiiiWtrogSiiBawsmiw&SHsw JltSOMC. vr 1 4f u.jm, N JI.L,eiluuJUalMtX iut.. S 111 uoul lU lll Biillil:tl CiiliHusmif in ihli Ciij.ob M'uiil!i..SnarBioaBilier. aiiiii-ncii.," at 7o'i-:i-k.P M, Arrsfioniients hsve keen "mails bv lii-li tbe. nrsiiit (jfli.-t ri. and ili piiisiiCTgatBrwiisisr Ut.,Sf tUitl.B-iiii ii H-Kwr,' ir?ir.--"-i Nov. I-i;5-aytil ;ui. Crsmi eerc :o-r. JJACON IlACtJX ! A lot of Biio N. f Kai iiM HA.VS ,ji,1 niiiU ! ju.-t rci-Vyi J ., dilisimin-ft, Sli-l T i-sle i.V - 1 A rt P. W 1LIJA1I4.' CO:, . 1 Ht.Tri-rvr A ; f --x Tlie I vrfN .:i -Hi'N Itmi aisl i' i.-r Fa- ,.Tii H'.i i ilt'i: -I' ll tit ivf, ytis-Es A to.. Oet lil-CJ-'f ' '-' vj,.vaietitors. .-KEMi l4i.'STAt1 Ilt'riKlf. ' , J ti-l r-o im-4-s.- I :--r salt- I v 16-51 tf - li.it. WU.UA,0X A CO. SU.I Fais-y Jiutliais, 'I sttut ll,l,l(1), K.rV.1i tere.1 .1 ilib-av f.ir Tn,,,,,,,,,,.,.,, k t.-l iI.AIpv-a Hraids, M,.lir U.sul fi.lo!, n IrrHlTl 1 ri1tlHIII4'B Its lt-..u iiiiiiiiiilb, (rTSSf't, n tfi rat V, rlsin. Plsid and Htriped Cambric: 1'Iain Plaid and Mriped J.s.i,rt ' Plain, I lsi.l striped Nainsook, Pism, ilaid smt striped lw ilnsim ,,1 !' v? ''d, t""rM'd Hwia Muslin, l'Uiu I'lsni anil Stniieil IIihIioii'h T.., k,,h 1. .' -i-

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