-Li.' : , IV. A,lrmt.'ui..iiM i3 l ineertod m the ,ia7 i. ..,.,' .t iU kaL.tfiu raAea. A Shnuar will fa o r " , - .,mttot-tfti'f J minA) hut's, r 1J inches. 1 Onasunare eit tow .." " vath saose-pieai hi mou hyi ilUB w.-k......... .,...r'., M tw sare one Woi-k. . . ......... . at , t, Eats. xUlitwaal s.pxare do ...,..,; 2,00 '.'. . win' square two week. ..... &,iW K ch U liUisial .uerc'two we.ka ..... S,M 4 S.Ul'e OueUlolll., ..,.'.,,... S.Htt Itoen dditMM.iai square one uiouUl r S.utt LhKt square . t mouths.... IteiiaaditiiiiMi .....,.,,.,'., n.l uuu u,iire li.n-o utoutlu.. ........ .....I,') ...,...,.... Sf3.i ,...40,110,' rwaeis,. .vjTi.t - jsci iilm liusiuvM cuds, 10 muikiu-imcajx torn. Mill m i, Ikihi.jI only lu lis- tin form at loet every three iuutitlia. Culltmc-ta-fo sorsthau throe mouths buuU ouly at the abuvs : I . rate. ' Hltvl "iliVluV1' W''Mvc'l'ljlnWiU required 'Wi be inserted uii inside'or any special place, will be ehar)jeJpfrecul higher than the above charge. A Jvertua. mollis inserted iu W sekjy. MuT Bemjh J. , Weekly at rate ourr. sputuhug with th above. ' , Court advertisement hisertod week fur IT biWjif charged. Ailrcrtisen WiU elsaye And it to their advantag enclose the iob wbeulbey end ad vertisenients, (to ibtpnt tucy iua; la inr ft thut. -Tllli. SENTINEL.: MONDAY, NOVEMBER Jl, 1867. LOCAL DEPAETMEHT. APPOINTMENTS OF TffS COXSKB- tm rt VAsrrrpxTjrsr H.meY Jones'. Monday, Ko 11th. Jimca Urei. , Ai. W'lm1j ISth. Jaoh borrell', Thurmlay t ' iilh. Oak. WroVo, Fri.Uy, " 15th. ', Lw', ' 4 K BatnriUy; 18tli. Holisvillo, Monday " 18th. Cl.NSF.KVATIVB KxRCtTIVK CoHMITTBK roe Wk Mrsfra. II. 0. rrkr, Chair man; Jeptba Norton, J. II. Si-parkt, Peter Fleming, Alvi Sorrell. J. P. H. Ku, R ft Badger, M. A. BleJeoe, 0. 1L AlforJ, Ucrry Bagwell, Uuffiu HoUler, Reuben Fleming, J. B. mtitts, " H.;- ribault, N. J. . WbiUker, H ib. L-twa, and J. J, L. Mo Culler. 1,fl ' . ' ' Nkw ADKifrwiMi:(T. IJw Uice, on wnaigniufliit auil for tali) : U. P. Williain- ' 4 : . '- ------- Tue!nf. Annual Mwtit g: of tlw Stuck. Iio'ikri; ol tlie Wilmiiifjton ami Wrliloo R 1L C.,wiil be huM In YVihniiigion, U'elinly neit Tlie SOtli. Anitunl MeMing of llie Hioi k liolilera ol the Wilniiiigtun ItnJ Manclii-ntiT H. R. C'u. will 1 hebt in Wilmington, on lieSHlh Ins, " ;. Miu hi'H, Allen & Co., S3 Pollok Street Naa-lwrni. Ai;r'u:ulluriil Iiiiplxnuiita atul ttenerai nt uuumi. . j - , Northern Itfoh Potatont' IHilaa Bell, Market 8inrp '' ;Matoh'i Cobkt. K. Lane, eouireil, anl Ilryauculored, charged with bting en- i;ai.d in an affray, were fined' t3,&cli. ; DuitCaji Matliia, colortd, thSrged with breiikingiH'n he store lwmi of Eldrklge J ihiuooy-aniiiitealinK Jlierelrom a lot ol Rraofnen,-wan (turned to ' the County Court.. 1 . ' --' lb Ailkitia,; 'Sjiii Pro, colored, ' w!io iiid.i his iwape from tbe Jail iu tbia t'lly, wa inwUsi by the poticn and turned tit to the BheriiT. -y ; Corporal Awlersoo, 40th. Ri'gVU. 8. Tnopa, arreated on Vinegar Hill f'ir Wing . iu the City without pcrmiiiaion, wm bulged . in the guard Bou&e and turned over to tb military authorities. V -- - "-Vr'--ic''- . .N,i VVmt Si i'bkiou CounT.lii . ExcuU . lemy. Gov. Worth, hi- designated hit Honor, Jiidga Gilliam, to hold the special Tarniof Wake SitperW Conrt. ippointed 'da the Wetlncsdwy before the third Monday in December. .. HainiTBiTii)H.--llki(iitrti(m. ehwed in thuCtty on Saturday evening. The result ' for the five ! w : Whites, 93; Blacks, i. . '. If registration is at all jiropiirtiuhate in the County, at large, the white majority will probably tie ocnr 800. Y .. . A NikPhkit. Our lilnral friend, W, RobL Audraws, Family Grocer, Fayctte j villa Btrcct, sent ua, on Saturduy, a present of a lon.t delicto!) Mwlsga 'grapes, ' which we err iyed greatly, and for which wi vote him, onimooft!y, many thanks A mors Itutcioua fruit, in appearance, and to to tato, -wwtewawv- nd we advise "every body" bi go and get tome in aeaaon. Any thing and every thing' elw, Inf fact, that it -edible or palatable, may be foubd at An drews'. ' ." . MacKbtNBimo. A I onwirvative meeting it to 1 held in Chtrlotte to morroTw, lor the purpose of nominating two, candidate tor the Convention. Thk 0:. North Stats heartily endoreat the cill for a Conservative State Convention on the 11th proi. It is full time tor our friends,, in every quarter, to be moving. IlmT. A. 8. MiSRRrtw,Crtt. W. M. Cocke, aad "ol. Cilley, Jate-f the L". 8. Army, r' to aldr4be people of Buncombe, at Abbe ville, tn morrow, in- the interests of Conser vatism, v .7 ;. 1 . - TH-Jll'j'Sitf.'Tlie following CApser- Count ies ; Mio, Dr. Jeijae Wfeii Bm "rimtie7aTnnet B'rtnbti't'r ; - TfSnlanTi7 Irkiih.i., Wii.kks, Ao--A Contervative Cmivt ii ; lOtK coniiMiscd of1 (Icli-oatckfrom tfif votiug ili.tru t of Iredell, IV like, At, under end Cidlwell, inetTa)iorvill,oeThur ' ilay lt. The fidlovilng tdmirable ticket for the Convention waa notninafed , Irwkll Ja. Ill MrLanolilio. . " "v J. Honrv 1MI. E-q. Vlc Urv. Wm. Church. X'fAiiJi'"-.-Iter. K. C. Milhvn." . CoWwyl-a i. Tattle. ' - Tug Cos-ixbt tTivra ot( nintlro cjinuty, Uc 0' 'jimiatcj.( 'a L, Jolin XMel vi u s ui Dr. IL F. Lewi for the Convention.--. Ka. of ,Egiiterd Voter ia th Sertrtl CottnUM ol orU Carouay A Alajuance, Anwa. AU, Alleghany, Alexander, Beauhtrt, Bertir,- BUtTen, Kruoawirk ButtTomlic, BurkeK Clarrua; Catawba, i 1,174, W , 7W 83- i,oa 765 ' i.eaa 1,015 1,2.1 1 .1,815 l,13i f . 8W t4rtt-rel, t-aawrll,-- t'olttrabua, - Cnniberlanil, Craven.- ... Cauitlen, Chowan, Cherokee, CllwU, Chatham, ' Currilurk, DaTiUana, v ' Duplin, - " Darie, KJgecombe, " Fort) t lis. Franklin, Gaaton, -Granville, Greene, Guilford, Galea, -Haywood, ' Harnett, Henderaon, Hycnr, " Halitaz, Hertford,. -I iredell, r -.. ' Johnatorri . Jackaon, ' Jones, Lenoir, Linooln, . Madiaon, Martin, McDowell, Macon, , Mecklenbori;, - Moore, Montcomsry, Mitcliell, Wew UanoTer,' Northampton, Nah, DraiiL' Onalow, Pernon,' Pitt, PaaqnoUnk, Pn)iiimana, Polk , . t, Kk-bioomI, j Knlian, -t- -t-.:' Itowan,' ;-::"--'s 'if Kuthi-rfonl, . ltmlolili, V. . RorkiogharuV' - ; Stanly, 8amiMn, : ' ' ' Suke, ' It. Wtirry TrHwylvauia, ' 57 , ' -55 I 204 :V ' Tyrreir, j Union, , x. Wake, X Waidiington, " Wilkm, , Wil.ii, . Wayne, ; " Warren, ' 1 WatauK Ytilkioi Ytnccy, .;,j ToUL 103,060 71,657 SPECIAL NOTICES Mi IV MARKIAUE tit I If K. AM KttsAV tOH ITuUXU HLN, on t: ydulog el terrors, AIhm ami liara, ilKl(U.nl to i,uib and Karlv Manhoral. wliK k ema!iaiuedl nxiiU Iv M A Ilia AUK with sur awau o robot Sent in sealed letter envelope free f eharg, Ad.lre Dr. J. NklLLl.it llOUUrtXOtl, Howard Awooiatiou, rbiiaUeibis, Ta. Hept ST7 A-Ss- ,.-. ' i-vt'M A I if. 91. KOSEKBArRI, ' 1 No. 1 0 Feyettewtlle tit., JW0t?LB faESi'ECtt'Ul.Ll ealJ tjU 'tsaiis of the rilieo of Bak-igh, and th public in gen eral, to hi newly Imported stock of Oum' tuil' Mads Covwim. and Oauvs ruasuuttra (burnt ; Okiits' andlknsBATsof tb latest stylos, tWetbvr with a larg stork of Oeut's and Boya BlhM AND BBOl-. of lbs finest wakva, - AO .if whieh will b s. J J at priee t suit slorybody. Qot. T-6i-tf ' . --, ' . ' A Coogbv Cold, or V Sore Throat, ltequiio immediaU attention, and shoold be eheeked.; If alluewl to eouliuue, ; Irrilttlloit of the Lungs, I'erntM- sirnt Throat Dlaense, or torn--" "'. tumptlon, ' 1 x 1 .''is often tb result. ' BROWN'S -BBOrDlAL TKOCHKS, Having t direct iiflueii to the parts, giv iio mediat reliet ' tot RImII(I, Aiisi, Cslarrk, Cwirl 1 hrmmt DU eswes, Troehes are ssed with always geodsbe ea. ' t- t 1 ;: : . i ' . . :' nisgrr sad fwbll lltwsiswe Bjk' them to elear and strengthen th .voir, i Omn only 'Baows't Baoartrut, Taocsna . and do not tats any at th H'orthlrm Imitation that may b offered- Polo Eti Oct. Kt-es-wdAat '' 1 V Kojal Eigbnoas, tb I'riuoo Cuasort, to sale at th Bonk iHor of ' Hoi. 7 7-tI W ILL LAM ft LAJ1BKTS. NAPOLEOH A!D THE (JCUr OFPRPfWTA; A historical Novel ; by L, IHnuus, Yi sale at tba Bonk Store of Not. T-T- WnXlAMS LAMBETH. . --. - . ' ' Wanted. mO EXCHASQK OTHKH BANK K0TE3 FOB J. 5,ti0 in Bsok of Wwhinirton N'lt". " Xov.7-79-tf FbLLlAal.JohiatCO. BEACTIFl'L KEFINKU I.ATtl, m 15 lb Buck ets. Put B eximaelv for Fsmirr w. For salebv IHMKiLAS BKLL, W.77-tf .. Market Bquar. U0 BALE. : .i tir' "TEiKtSSi KKorrrimi5ii: To BkTrmswr'wtswil Liirnet 1'oiut lamllv Klcur, th ht Baltiasor ,iriv- r Tt5Jd.f -nrxntit-t'xKr "f ttpt 4(Mf "' WrKSMe5Tsrs. . 'Kotictr writ AI:K nrenanxl to furnish Host Ptr, Y aiij mtii. i or ijifa?rtfty,'or siry kiBd of Tin Ware, twiwt and ttie.- Ale a hind fhs S loc. Itatoigkv liov J. LltUWN, With Hart A Lawia, r1 HtNH A TiECIlT ARrHAi s. band, iu Knott order, whwh ww.wul sell at leas . . .. ... . i ; . ! . IMA It wall on per e uv oc no- ansuHi f has boon used very til U. . , Jt. r WTLUAMHOS A CO. IUleiK.h. H"V- -eo-tf " ' . '' Wanted. ' '- s fi f OCSCFJt t)f)J) WI.TT.B (KpooTja, ot vaoh priee WiU he paid, by ".- - - t. V. mtor --s ' At J. C FiJiaa'a. p. H. Waieties, Jew lrv. Ac,, reuauad at short Aoti.vtisiva ntmawaie; - ; ts r. TELEGRAPIIia; ksiturduy AflcraooB DUpalchce. WASHEfOTOH HEW I i WiSSlHOTUl, Sov, TjL- This triernint'e Cromich, in aa Juorul,lucii s alM U0rrhed Uat nibt to. miaddpbia. and appears tn tht Prass, referring to tb ieuj ispatch sHaae4 d ysstordty euieh it psUithed, says: f W are aiUborised to stats that the aeev is naqaaliaedly blss." The CArowicte intuit that it has burly repre sented Grant's politie d statu. - Among the vbdUnf to 0 u. Oiiiir ' auflhj the Jay .on which the qassttoneil awvemtioa'se- rid,-wa fHear-afuBtgneaerT Blahs- - CaMnet sbaaros ans atrus wonofed, - Jl ha- MARiETfi. 4- . "! - KfW loss. Itiv i- ' Cot toe steadv at 19o. - . TKuVeutiu"" , ooid(i.ai. ' . 'r BoaiclaF Irloratlrif llpulclic. WA8111NCT0H HEWS.' ' . , ' f ii i WuHiwoTija, Nv. , T. M Oen. Uowartl lias disparted norvhwmrj on a kmf or uwpeeuua. - v- The CWas of tks War Diirtiueiit am furbid- dea to eoaHianicate witla t latia Agnntt en bust affairs. CUiat Agrint approa-'bing uis Claras, OS latatrdieted pnuila. are to t eaBliHh'iL Tb Prssi ihuit has aoeeptml a avrenatls for JadgsTithar ilubanuent of Urs.U, y was one Srssod, UU, by a fall bsncb. Br.tli-y (timlofl Uw Court ft kindly apraii)tit, but aiuumueed his prrlouly Jtwaied dvtenuiualioa to Wnd.ii Bobert J. Walker argued pradli'i.: aw . Ooa. Orant ha forbidJou kwm of sbaaHW an- be tb applieaUoiM cnua tlirungb tlio n-gular obatuMia. ' - . Rovsna to-dy, (.W.Oilu, Par th s-eek V 030,000. For the year, la-dnte, trr.Mi.nw. " OltDEIl FKOM THE liUKFAU, 1 WtSHMOTON, Mo. 9 1 M. Th following eireular was aeot to the SndivV- aistant Conuniiiaioner ol the Frecdiucu's Itnnisn: Sir r As Uiera U still qoite su auoent of sluut- doned property In your DUlrtot; and" IS auhrsT ii occupied by th former owuers who absuiioned it acoueding to tb detbiitius. vt th law, and who, through sunteaipt for tb novenle lit of th United -Stale and of h 'tVaideal'a aulliority, doc lined to Biak. auy apjHjcatioa audar th order anproved by him fur ita ration: to ar horoby iuslrwcted to glvs aol tosilsweh persona, throngh your oi)irs smVj agents, t at their prerty . coming ud, r Uic abov bead of abaauuuod property held by th got rnoent, sad nowa ytMir returua, will tw taken foraul poaaewiue: of Ui Int. of January next and rented to refugee and frwduieu In ao- unlane with kh pravtasias of the btw. ' ' In Ce they mak application In aceoriUni'V with tbt Uw, formsl nwtorslion will bo hBiaeili tly saad and reportod to tbi ofllcs. i r j Vry tauly, yours, V. K. CRAXT, ' j, ; , ., heorvtary of War, M Interim.' EMTOB ARRESTED. ' ' Saw Ouusws, Nov. , f. H. Col. W. H. ltcCardl, E.Utor of th Ticl.l.nrn rimes, waa, ysstorday, plaood in eoufluemoui by ordwr of On. Ord, Th ehsrg ' is. a4 .made known. A special to the prtmmnt saya it was porsonat dMinneiaUon. .t .m ' ALABAMA COh TEN "KN. , i li.M(Toaiiav,'rtov..-l.H. Tb Kwwnatrnotioa Conventioa has decided against a proooniliou to lnaort no proarripUw fa tur in tbsiww Conatitutlon. ' - The Itepublican party propose to elect all the Htat and Uoonty officers st the same time tn()on' stituUan is submitted to the pcopkvn ib hopes of gatuug a iargia- vuto.ou.jU raUnuaUm aud ki pro- Taut any toasto th Kopuuliraits on accoaiit nf tb negroes ehabgiug home on the 1st of Jan aery. COTT0S TAJ. ) Cltawsaiff Nov. h P. U. Tb tliauiber nf Conunerae, WO being present. to-day, unanimously adopted a reporteprayiturj to take off the Cotton and HngarTas. : ' t f ::.'. If j v i , V - PiUWHyTKBIANH. " f "?Y '' Pjimjuxmiia, Nov. 9, p; at. Tbs Prssbytorian CoiiTentioa adopted a basui of union and adjourned after remnuuMiding aini Uar Own vsw liens sack yesi - f t JUDICIAL BEOIrllOK BU HUoND RAW CAL8 ' '-' ' ' Bicnnjiinn, Ro. t-J. M..' ""Teatordajr aJUMonntsrille, Tonn.,' suit sgaiast th Southern Express Comiaay was tried, is which tb plafuliff ubvfma damage for goods des troyed by in Fibral truopson an Kxprca in Virginia. Tb ExprtM Co. hold that their Wlln pro Tided agataatduoageaA b y Are or the anu mon nay. Judg Butler decided Uiat th Fed oral troops wee not a eommon euemy, and a Tr diot for tl6,(MI0 wa given against tbs Company. An Slotted Kailieal meeting wa hold at Hie BMMhjuartort of tb llavk but night, Lewi Lindney, a colored delegate to the Coaveutiuu, made s Speech. Alluduig to the discharge of negroes for voting tbsBwUcal ticket, be said: "Uefor any of hi cliildron should suffer for food Sh attsetaof Kicluaond ahonLd ran knew deep m aloed. Bo tliankitd Ood that tb her;ree had learned to as sword and gun P ; All th flurta of tbsmor paeful negruo to atop th dewumstrailuw wer wildly hooted sown. Tho citizens here' are acprehen-ire of Iroubl. v i : WsrdwoB, and otbar white' Had!, loft th eotinaV " ' . WI8C0NHIS KLECTln. Tb rstum from. Wiotwiaoto m.licsio Hcan nswily of mily t,0ot. 1 MARKET. .' ..- Naw tons, For. aV-f.'lt. Cotkuo-le active. BulJUag 19. Fluar heavy. State 111). '25. Com, Mixed Westers I.4''I1,3TJ I'orkb-ay.n".75. S uoid ii mi - - . BALrraions. Ku .9, F. Jf , j bdbnt trnwr.. MuUling ixL ' ' "Corrrflirrrr-lfswfl Old whiU II 2S.at SS. rellow L9i't.l 32. . , Wnmateroa, JiifV. 9, t " ffpiriU TarimUe dull.JJ. If-fZ to. c : ' r-- ' C.ntnn nwJet, Wtndltof V. .. . M1TCHKU, A LLEN, A CO.. . . t - . KFW BChS K I AsrictfltBTsI Implemoni ; t,srritce . ihthI; 1 riitum tiin 4.d vnideiwrs ; t.nr,,s 1'iv-ms . H'or powers ; CUm Bagiflng : ltaline. sUos i iMther and Rubber Beltiee ; l.sce leather. . Patent Laoor-Cmvmr Weil and I"nn.p. . -MULlik.LL.AI.UJi A (0- ' aVpt. J-lAt Newbtn, N. ; 1 S ir. ' fall tra'dr. ict, Sn.TEt rUTKD Tsl.1 sd Tes Krr-sm Farlw, kt swd and halt hD.44i and liuu. kur.se, at rsdtieod prieeo. . AIM ", V, Crvstal and rVeAtsentyt rhsmbrr Sett, Ipso sd Fork sd Kntte aod futk Jk-s. . - v J BiyiWg, ' . n-4f . ' Wtth Hart, aad Leb nnopuu- ' v ! ', Greeruboro Koney. Kaxktt ' BUYISO fjATES priBAKK NOTES, , EI :' WILHOS A8110BLB, BASKEH3ASD ExcaaxuK BaoUJU, Ura fjM 8nuurr, 0ut - suno, H. u. Bank of K. O. Cape foar. ,.yo,. " ( hrlo; k....... Wadesbora. .... . ...... ......... WUmiuartos. ...... ...... ..i..... r ti J? U H lit 14 liboro.,...o,o TbomeTUl. . ....... " .LeiuigtutstOraiiasa " Lsiiiiton. . CVwmuerou..... ' " .-r.iHl... rtvrr. -J! yayoty.Mll T- llt " i Vatu.) ... i. IS " .Vsneeyvrile.... : llf Wrrbfrts' h)ik 4 .tewbern. lV.v-.rr:'. .-a .-, ; - Farm.' JUnt of Uiwasuoro..... .. 7 tttrrnirrsBrt nsnwrr Iran 7tiniilefelal lUiik v& W ilmuurtelK. . . . . VirKinia llank tieHes aTeiratte about.. ...t, S8 Hosih CarulMav x t j.. ... ,v. li- T.rrtii laiuluA Uoi.iu. Luittnl bUklo ijuuus and all ether marketaMe tocka. - tinier fur Itnnk e.rfna It sebtnr and Mock. hol ler of IbtlLkjt ifl reeoiTrpmutpt auutiia. lUttinn for rinre-a Bckase of link note wilt lie made on tlf day rooeiTed, by check ou fccw tora or fljiuiun, or w earrsncy, a oo- aireu. -v t.tfe and-Fir Iiwurarwo rnbiiir baned lu food I4tmim(.a, w oew rave. . July w-iMt'SurV j ' Raleigh Money Market OOEKEtTKD 1IY JOHN 0: WIMJAXS CO, BKOKBKH, RALEIOa. S- C. ruhicR or most caaouss aaan I'Tu : Dauk of K. 0o!d S3 (Silver sfi) 0. B. M tu Wvtr.. ................. wi Cliwlotlc '., t I -T.nirti, at Uraham.. ... ' HAu)rimKli . . . . , .....,.... otf VI ait. .Irnnmuk. . . .. ... . S4 f " Ttiivill ...,;..-.'. . , HO WllmWgi.w. ; rtwwaero. . . WaMhniKtuo 11 - FavelOmlie, . . , ;v . ,.. .1 .,...,. , "' . i bvr. ii.i..H , .;., : ,. 4 :" VanceTille .. .v. , .-7. . ....... V Minora' and i'lautex's Bank SI Knniiem' Batik, UrwimlKiriHurli. tViatniercial ltAiik iJiiin;tri, ... Hi Jt. 'reliant s nans, rw-wmirii.; , a ..7.-. .-. ., ou OrK'iwlKrouMh Mutual ,..(,,..,...... 1 VirMiiia liKiik fyntes, alniut. i . .. . . 15 tv.Mib Csniliiu)" " W o.t,ia " ;V".-..i. (l.J.l.. .,:ltl Hivr . . . ; i;w 1,-unirmB.' ................... 41 lwtiH"i- ai'4os Itailro! Coupisie.-T-. ........ T- 7f (Mds-W . ., .....,...TU Em huriire on New lurk . .., , j fEfjVISlOJr XAEKET. (vmRrrin nr jenkinh a rEnrtr, fllilH'KKK AM) t'OMMlUhlUN MKliCUAXTS, FAVKTTKVH.I.g PT., UaI.KIOII, N. C. BACtiN HALT. VtKr. weun KFON tKHJF..,. s. M.n . . liKital . ". A 1, .li6 V..SJ 1 S.'.i.a M t-M ... HioH l IS ftixiille HHWHI i-ivrniM t'HK hNM, H(irliig, lirowu. i CttUN, ; (Kil'H'.K v..-::. F.IHIS . KI,ot!K. . FOMit-.K lU.KUINdM, lilliliti-ttroen loo pr. lb. ,, liry 7.WA1 w. cwt. 1.11.11... UKAL, ...... ( Hol.AKSKH. ....... ' hAUJt..... ..,.... I'EAH Htork .. : HrTATOKH Iriph. ...,. atweet.,.... ; RAdA. ...... ..;.:.. : SALT Pll.AH ., : 'iAl.UiW. 1 INtUiAK .. Itl'.MAKKn. t , t'ottiHl a Klltiletieller. ' a'lonr Mlea.tv.- ' ' . HmVly f flsen e)iial to demand and prices u any. KOSFOLK MASKET. sreoHTin wkkki.t roalms Btiawru sewnwax. at i COWAND AND IIAKIUS, OrHttul Commuin SferthiuiU, 26 CWneror rtnn-Oolil, bnjlng II. !; selling 91.49. ver. buvitot tl.x?: oi'lliliw tt.ltl 8U- prime '-. liKarrauuiy Sieo J axcra nea cx; liAC'S - Hf'l! round. 17c I Vtattiie Hsu is IWiHJ . Ki.il71'l( ; WMHil.lt.ra Hdcla. - . (ottos- Hitfrfl!!. sc-onliiir lo qnality. CoSWtii6' !,, Mixed H.tO; Velt.Wfl.5o, , lrn - Kaenly tl4.0tHVf i(i,ii ; Kxira 9W "4 M tK MiH'VHiie tlu.2rKu,til,7ii; line F.",'Ali(.0,- 71 x , Ot'A - Venivian IW nash, . L.i.i. It'.rtil. : iAt.it W. Ciiy..R,ii; Iha-Ussd 11.76 i Itoek- .rll.3ll. ' V Msw.fio. .... .- :. . Oar-('-.'. ' ' roan . Men fa,.riitT,.ri .ftu ; Pnm 92. on. Hvavas W..t. ftm fJUt.1 Cubs tVSiltM; Itexlii.K I : 'iilft; illuUka; Culls UU; U. . llbdn. t5.(l; Cull rm . Khikolb- il.rl. 15.00 ; HI" tl'i (in. ' ! '. ' ' St. . . -Ta-Fcrbta. s1.firr2 00.- v Wur.AT White II . Vrf,(.fa.U;vItcd ll-t-fAM. : Aw-ijio imrd, 6(f(i'rrc. ,' .- , v . '. I'KAl HAS 1'ned, Uf'4lt. . . ; : ' Ittf-Itmousl 9Inrk-lst. ? Wheat, 1,7WJ,.""" " '' ' : ' ' .'Corn l,:iisl,H7. , -. ; ToIm4vmi, f.n);, tv.i.M'k : . ; " if, 7,itff,ioo. " : t,.-.. .ii . '-:.-.. lt-rlttt-n- Itf itrks-tta. ' Cotton, 171. i ! . l'otaoei(lru.",)irMf'. aceurdiug to-vjitiabty. , lf t",UWHlll7". tNwn. ll ft'sm ' ' i - i ' ' llscon : Vs.. I7,IH. hnr-roomi. Wralrrn Mianl- d. rs tVbtf'i ; Mot- l!U'.,l!l. . HiiV, It eoroiuiiig toqnshly. alt, IS.tfu.W.'i". - ' ' " IVowlH'ni BIiirli-tM, " Flos-,rt);aiiin. . , " , . I'isk, (AllJMh) ijH'l.l7. i i ' llano. C.)liii. , 0.ntl,l&....f... ' Cuttun, I'lsX'UlipSHl,) KaKlaiv. .,, . lu.pei. tow A4i., .i,i,jO. ' (ilw Vi liAuiiiiitoH Alailiet ars gwnorally re portod by r4.grw)ih. 'Ljlffijoregisng are all sug- ularly corrected.) IV The first rise Unbelt CteMmliip N -. ; v I'ttOIMI.'XTII, of l.ittt (.aw tuiriliee, wot leave LiveriHud on the :ssh ofret.a-r. ii.it te n,li,l is horfolk. ! Ii.l ii 'K .1.1 VI liKS.I. IHIil':' I, siu tlie I.Hh of hovesrta'e. .JbsUftdiiMs - . i. Ai.i"i i a i iui. . . ' m-XV': Airf.tle. j. rl-.tkyiY s., ,or.to-. rkv au l'lir:r;l-rra: Kurt.-Am... KsAelviLa-d IMItlt OlI.EItVTty. ", - 7-- . fVptXr'RW nw'EIVtVlCT -, 'H - trarEfsBosif.-lt, V., sept. It. M.;. .' : ia idieoe tn in-irwlvH'S, cisiteted' t.ti risl nsers,.Mi. '"lil, l-edlr Mspsr tieuwat t. tnef , tsrleetou, H. t'., i, lieekr!iMn, hsv tee b.w-n tin-rein spiM.lnie.1 Heekixer of th IA ltoortoB, do hf-r4iy gi notiee-to all tftdehu-d. loasid l'.ask. that tnev nisst eoaw v'SVAM sod ma a- psrvAi-bt withu twerr ssoutha. frtsn tuss date. ' . AU wbo do not eesnply Hh U.is miiit:'a'llIli4 tlw'ir psrierH.WHnoNl iiises-m,hiitow, phvd lla Rie.ilaU'iy 111 a oiHinwi of eotiei-Uf. All b( food eiaims of aer Hiaroeiev tfrattst eSAd llalik ar herel .WyTMiLifi'-d to lent tk-Hl, iwarir esibettesi'.i.-.w'0.tn- tweivs ntoou, friwn !(' date. tt. ri- I will t.-4.l-hi'!fl fnmi nt - 1 t Wit if-'rTt Sttftii'J.f ll,e a- is Uien to be rn,,' , , ' '. Aibrreo JKR H. I IVTAT. Tjwieerer, - " tire. ti.iKTo', tMnlt'ird Co N. C. aepi, ia--, . V .. 1 4"!J1 89 r 7 -.4.,i..7j(?l9 .;...'..;:.-1 tvi 5 ' . ;., fu.r.i 74 Mm: .... 4 ts".ft as i,. .00(75 mSCELLAlSTOITS" rpo C0TT0S FLASTtua. -;- . :jf -W offer at'tctbiced prices, ' 50 half heavy (ruuuy C'liAh, 1 Cla Hop. 10 tons 'Pilkm't rnivcrsal Iron Tie. 14 ton Beard' 1'atent I nek Tie. , , WOliTII A 0AS1KI, Oct. 30-&S-$t Wumuictuo, K. C C WEET CAKWMAfl MOLASriLS, 109 bbd tweet CAstpKivASj MOIAKSEI In aum audi tor t uy- t nrrrtrrr irTTA win. - tt llloilHttl, lit fir H VAXA-UIUbW- ItttSASRt dstrr g-ltpo. ted pr Bug "B.-t'.- ttrmrnj- fWiw fTavauit direct Jut la.bw,SUilt:tit Jt Wet, yilifiibgUiu, N KRASIVE STOAP, TB STKlARt 9 iitiiuim '. For etale by all Grocers. Important Bailrond Arranr mcnt. IJAKHKNOKIWean now pnrV THHOl Tlt'hKTK at Ibe IHrirw of Uw- Kaituth Osstuu lUllrvaul, at Bab ij;h, M. C, eiu tb Baltimore and Ohio Ekilroad, U Mrtnphla, TB4 He. .... l'li'vrlaiiI, Ohio, Drlroltj- lWlrhi Clnrlnriatt; Ohio, i - -v ft. Joat'pll, FFo., LeMilai Hlt, Kl . Iiiflltinupolla, Intl., milWHiikit', Wl:, . 4'hk'itito, III.,' iniiahuru, Ph., Columbus, Ohio, and all priaeipal Citiea lu tlis Wtstera audttuiitbA western gtatce. Tickets can tw-pweiiaeed ell her VIA BAY LINE 8TKAMKH8, Vu Weldoa and Eichmond, Va., And i BAGGAGE CHECKED THUOL'GII, . . . . -. From Wcliionto H Wee-lorn Cition. For Ticket and further Information apply to I. M. Poor, Km., (lenoral Th ket Aarent. or to A. Jonas, Esq., f a-ket Agent Ualelult and (laston Uailroad, at ltak'gh, N. C. tin Kin nit st, (lensral ftouthern Agent, 1 - ' Ilaltmor. Ohto lUuruad. ; JOHN L. WILSON, , .-. Master of TranC Bait, AO. B. Ft. P.M. COLE, 71 Oen, Tickot Ag't, 11. tu.B. B, Oct, S35-tr . . "OUR BAJTHEB TO THE BEEEZE." W. II. dk R. ft. TVCKKIK & CO. j HAVI BKMOVKD TO TIISIB HBW 'y Where they are bettor prepared to 'accommo date their uiuiwrons rnstouMirs. 'i b.'ir stock of Foreign and Powesiig Ilry o.. .... v... . Prena OtxxLi.t-'Joaks ami H(iiuiett, , Meu a Wear, Ilrttft, Flioeit, " j BlankPtB, lJonn-Btto llotxui, IIohho Funiihliiiif' Articles:, j Will lis kent fnllv nn with the liisikel. Slid our prices, ermiparcd with ill qualily of the articles, ill eoumaud Uie patrimag the pcu'le, , KWBMiir-a pirn skitto ;, fiieJ; ntXril, ttmiU-frufitM and falrimUnj. W. II. A itM. TUCKER & CO. Oct. 17.--tf '-.N f- Turner's N. . Alniansc fur MS, WEitrfAM, Pl'HI IHH, in t few days, the t)sjis.. KUlTIlof ths nbov Al- SANflSO. W bavii minced Ihs price to 15 per hundred. or ! per tlMmaaod. , Head your or iters lo . 1 W II LlA MM A IAMIIETH, H..kst'llers sii'l hiatuaaera, ilaleih,0c W7-tf , JflRft. WIMltVlT NOirriiiiNa MViitrxv I 'lilt CHILPliF.N TKETJHN'i. til.fcATI.T FA ' CThtat". tfcV'prm'.esrf Ir-Hlmnf ,-it wottnlog iliegnuis, redueum ail inlUinuiAil.'n will aiiay ALL 1'Aihaud sj.iuilic a. titw, and ia , HURBsTO BK0CLA1 K 11IK BOWELS. l. ind npoa it, mot hora, it will give rest to your selves, mid . , strltcf nnal llrstlh Tssr tsfwsls. We have put up and aold Ibis article lje years, sihI can ssy in t'.isriorsi'K ssr. Tii.tu vf it what we have never 'been able to ssy of sny.otlier nnd h'ii. Navaa has it Faiiao hi a soli:!"- he-taie e to k.Krr.Tt a C'rea, when' lino ly net d NcvVr did an know Sll luetanee " lli.A'tA1l. bv Slif iilie wImi a mtu it.' tlw ibe emilfsrvr sil Srw deliiiU'd: Hiee'UUertA i It- Bisi'tesl 1 n-t SH.l no.lM'SI ir- I ao- -u-e-otaisk tn lios main r "y. iU i: 14 kV -Lu K rrr.f tr.ir yparw TT.iT w a krtiTATe. r rua ntrusm uw what s miss jj-.i turn.. 111 AllreiNt reri ll.nLtm sui-re Uie inr-l.t usun,-illiKTi"in ps.n suit e&uaOeliou, r Wlll.he foond n Bti.-en is- twetity minutes sVo?xbeivrapm'Tanriii1iivl.M'i 1. Full drrecuissi lie wsmg will af-ooipsny eai h h.'le. ; ' ' - - - tie .or sed call for - 1 ,,. .. MMititrig" tirU Jlsving theise-slmtl of ' t'l TIH A 1 1 1 MSN' a .ttoiOwtauA wvwppcr. AU mUcrs ars baaojiS: itaiiooa. - t - . etooi by PrtintiMs tbrongiusit Ihs worbb Prlr. alt 91 tents sr Ttofile. ' ' orru"ts : " IIS Full' Htie. t, ) T wfc, High H'iIIms, laeh), highuid,. ; 44 1 bt l'ni mreels Misitteal, t'suaita. . 'JK. IW-A1.0I.W ' ; V tm wwh-it tvt. '. 1 Tl lw. o,g ll.aian, titu. s, ir.fisi'tle Jbe Bn kof K. C. ' .T H. M l.llV. L JO-TJawJ; I " EEDICINES. T1IK KCST .V. 1JL00D rUKIFIElt In the World, DK LAWKENGE'S .... T. . 4i:(.i:mtTi:i tr f t' 5 T'Tk Ht" i V . KFAl) THE FOUAiWIXtt ' BOM ECEBTIFICATES .j. Froui Ilijslt'lutis. J We hereby rtify that tb Iloaaibilui is prcpar. d by a 1'tiyiueian, who is su ertwrienced 1 liar ....i i ........... . i . ... i . . an I'lbeicnt and reliable ihh in ClUJ l LA. Kviibilia, Ac., H bavitig performed atmte remark- suiocarew in wiw th-uiii v. : . . W. A. Pt'flOAN, IL D . E. lUHNKri, M.l. it. VI. Ki.Mi. ALD. Wilson, H. t'H Fobruary sth, 18(4. , W hercbv certify tint we regard lr, IW' reuoe s inionil tiitraot of t Jtoaadaiia as n LeU- abie AltwratiTo, As. A.-iVJKVi5K, M. 0, ' . . . l, a. Burn, M.D. UtMi, 9. Mas to, itei,- . 4 - Kdgemwnr- County. N. (t, Mar J-t, 1SIT7. "" Du, J. J, luausKot - Itntr Air- Please send me iutuietliatelr iKr r.i.pri4ie to Tarooro, Iwo dosen mors IhUos of ronr Itoeatlslm. I bar csrefuUy exsniwl ils Foruiiila, tint livo usd it in my prsi'tice in a liuinU r of cskos. I aiuweU pleawnl with, it. J think it, buymid doubt, the best AUerativ I ever uacil. 1 have tried it in several ee of Hrrnfula and Herofulmia AHi c tiisis, Ae with much anl if action to myself and pstieolM. i I hsvalu liw.l it iu HreoBiWy ami Teritarv Kyiibilia,. lolie a terril.l ce of eiwht years" iJttieliiiKj jti Kbithlt aeied with surpria u.g and saUfiu'torv t-tl.tt't nisk.ng a quick and thorough cora 1 nave, therefore, no lie-itation in rououiBioiiilihji it to Pbynicisns and oUierit, as th moot rvhahlo Alli tsbvo now known. lepeol!u:iy yours, Ae., ;. a. .Niiyi.Es, ii. i. A Wonderful Cur) of Bcrofulon White riwrlllngt HOME cekhficatrH I hereliT eeriifv. ihsi. lsnt Rentcmlier I Wsa at. (ackid with W luic Hwtilluig of the left knee and aisi with an enlargement of the glanda nf the neck lone tumor ruaehrd S lars atne.) The swelling of the k.ieo waa eiHirnious, and .,was st tended with the most excruciating pains, j w as srt reduced th.it I wa oonltued to my riwm over three npiths. My leg was so completely drawn up, tliat I could not bend it at all. I tried vari- is reuiodies. and tiu'T tsilod to uive mo aiiv ro- lief. I was in Una condition wheu I commenced taking lr, Jjiwronce'a lUwadalis.' Til swellin la th kne and neck bri:u to. sulwiiie bef"rJ took all of tlie fiist bottle, liy the Urn t took the seeoud bottle, th swelling of the neck en urely disappeared and tliat of the knee nearly so. After taketrg -three - bonlt-s 1 finmd- ntywtf plfteUy Wt'U sVbto lo waits m tl u evt-r. ftn. jUA 1 111.14 V U.AdUlAaitJ, Wilson, May 10, 17. Rosskstallt will 1'iire the rtrjr worst ruaee or 4 lironlo Illtcuuittrlsiu, HOME CERTIFICATE. Wilson, N. C, Msyfith, 18i!7. 1 herebv eertifv tbst 1 was eureil uf tons? atand. Init I brmnc lllH Hiiiaii.nl, l.y taking tour buttle of l)r. lsiwrouco s Lousiialis. ' :. i- .-i - ... JAM 1.3 WUXlb. Rosttditllt 4-nrrs 4'i(rlinirlcs, Rolls, I'liiipU-a, V. Certificate, fmvi an ?M fimf. iawh re? yn'tetl citizen of f7r'wn County, now . arex'utmt of ti'itwm, N. C. I hereby eertlfy that, diirlnu Ilia summer and fall of ihtiu, thai J waa severely sllhettlwitli t.'ar Imnehw having had as man v a funrtorri Lsrue tarbonclcM, and tweirs ordinary lloiia. lsuiiefaJ. ed o much from hots that 1 could not get out or in tiouae tiatr uie inn r,sr .si'tersj uiotitbs. Being uiduoed to try lr, Lawrouce's lioeailajis. J was entirely cured by the use of oue botiio of that truly xalutbl luedicihe. W. A. HARDEN, Hit. Wilson, May lllh, 117. ,-7: --. l ConsiiHilluii, lu 41s jKitrly htagt-a, fun we I urri. 1 !, ...... JIlVfioR, Mil., March 4th, lt7. Dtnr r. .rtierence slv dsouhter havinsr lieen euri-l of a ibieply sealed ilisoaee of tlie inri; by vonr ' Koasitaiin." 1 loel H my duty lo niaku tlie fart Luowntovi.il lor the leilit iif otliers. Hbe 'otifTi-red nesly two j iis Willi a ham cough, which Uonbled herdsy sod nipht! at last tb einacia- ted form, ghiesv ye, night sweats, together wiih lii sough, tobl two plainly Uist it was trmsvuiu liow, lvAii.nd-uefiAisi, eaiing at her Tito!. 4 inr i'bysielsir's reuteili brmiKtit no relief, hhe was aiiVisnl so try your lt"suaiAS, as a Ionic wln.ii shs del - Kiisgiue my surprise mid gratirh',atioTir when 1 found her atipet'le ruturuins. hlowtr shs regained herstretiuth. her eongh and uif hi swesis srrailustlv eeaeerl. ami she is now, alter taking v Isntboikf your mcUriue, aprently a well as ever. V slour resiHictriinv, Mini.' It, ASNfJMITTL - " ''. -T-. i " ' Rosntlallt s-urcsull Skin I)leiis'a. flitlt Ilhi mil Cuihl t JlemiirhilJe ' Cute! pn. LAWarmis, Wilson. N. ft t Jfy I trttr ' . Fm the IsstAte yeer isntll re eeiitlvrl surrered witu mi Atirci.Tste eruption of Uie skm -call.. by physician "rtull lllienni" with which 1 sihTiti d ternbly ; the psiuainl Itch ing was almost iut4.h'rabie. 1 lie. several of tlis best phtsKiisns in kurotis and Lbui country have TlsiU'd sveral eeh'bratod HpTlttgsepent tbousatid of dollarst. and failed lo sfiaiiy berter. I llecenitMf IW1, lielllg In Cbarl. AOV1 H. C, I told bv a gentleman at the hotel, that he had bees enred of tied tetb'k. by a SHihi'iile eitd HoeailalM. I resolvetl toVtrv it. wilhAit anv boe though of ils doing me Any gob J pcoewr-1 ed s biHtlo of Messrs. King A t;sasiiit sod eom- : nienrd taking it. Fiudtns:, lomy surprtee, that was imptvivinir, t tMNisbt four oilier wHthw: but bele comiiienelng on tlie last Iwo, 1 found 1 was etmipb tely well ihs disease havmg entirely disappeared, .- . - - rmfwil nna'tin iinnureo noiiars,- which Slesse acctn1 sa a hisssi or my gratrtnoo. vv hy n yon n inakeyMir liivaltiabU stosadali wide ly gtoownr. " V 'Nr'-:. ...'' n x our sincere iriemr. , ' ' WT. BELTZEll Major John W. Utiuliam, no of the editors of the W itww North 4,'anibniii,M asis in the iImIiis if lit 20Atl April, 1Sii : " 1 beliuie from peroimal eiM,ri'tiee. I list U.O KoSailtiiis is tite finest loOK' Merf.ilnit." ; ' tl7 At;wftri tf Cutllrlwrrviln. ""jW-fns). j!ititJ. J. LAVVIIKNCK A; CO., ih lilown- on lint lititi ln ntui Htinii 'l on llits rnk,'.;il vhl ttiMWrrrtt. Da. J. J. LA"VHLNCI r Sent u)irhne-hy Exjirc h Fist sals bv XJ.IAMS A lUYYYix.il!, . -, liubhi.ts,hau.isa, ... BeptojuWr 7 Sowiku. - I iozfoik Aivrnt: t3iy4s,A-l T3 WILLlAJt LAMH, CESEEALC02iaiISSIQS KXSCHAST KOEFOLK,; VA. F the sale of . . Cotion, Tobat-ro, aval $tvr?, - Irfea IuU, Slaves, Ae. In th market of . ' .orfolk, Lirerpottl n! I,ond m. Altw Af?f5n4 ft K0EF0LK AMD LITEGrOOL STEAMERS, J I.IBWIAL lADVAKflri" M A Pg 0 COK'lSlt- MKNTri. ill'fiil, of S.rtii iroliiia. who vui i. hm tjifcA4a.aaiil arijsiiTisticr--m.ir.l,atbi tAsifttavL. 'sralina, ami be will be ileasi to give ail. inttw . msuon, aud attend to any buuuses deaurooV tlct, l8mna. ' . TAVLOIl, B1AKT1 CO, , - IMlXlBTEltS ASD.P.FAU'RS IW SASiWAEE.. CTJTLEEY, IECJ. 8TEEL, 1J1XT1NG, PACKING, WAUO! MATIBUl, eVs. rosKKX MAIN tTMUKT AMD VAHKET lt)CAIs1 NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. Mrpt, 19u-tm - I W. E. BEISTBURY, or soars cAaounA, wm W. K. O LAND. DEALKB IN . HTMBEE, LIME, COAL, WOOD, HAT, IllNCil.ttn, LATH, rtASTEn, nAin. tau, rrrcn and TUUPENT1NE, WITia WATKIt IT. AND WCK.lWlllB t WHABV. ' Norfollt, Va, SvpLTO-O-lin . ", - w. a. ew, w. a. tunaAav, 1 e. curavusT, - t II st at K, ItriUtKT Ah CO., i I I , OROCER ft 'V'' !:. i. .. - A M D " ' ". : ,!' ; COMMISSION MEHCnAKTS, . !Ve. .& Cow en err fttroett , , NORFOLK, TA. A mrtvprv of Furs Fr.UCVIAN ftCASO and other keltllirers, ItOl'K, BAUtilNlJ, OfllK H lU osmi LlgUOliM, kept eoustautly on hand. K SOIA-Ut , . jaii:s i.okim. v co., GOMMIfiSION- JI EHCIIANT3, noefole; Vr- "trUXOr'EgTlilCTA lTKNT10S TO THH V V aai of Ootton and sll other oohIuos. aud to tlie ntirehasa of all l'lsnlsiion Kiipplie. Our boose was eetBl.liued in Norfolk, in 1S1A. 11V (i..nl. m ,,f HartMt I .Mll.tV. Horlll I 'm. oliua, who was well known tbroiiKliMut Uie titAio We trust t hat onr hwg experience in Ihettomotis- slon huMTiees has niailn us familiar with it in tt ' it ersawlMa. aud enuilea ks to a uorten yOf th ,., pstruuags th gwd people of our nsnrS Stat... , Oen, M. W. hanoom. is. if. Miire. T. U. imirK.' Col. N, M. ts.ir, tiou. Kenneth Jtivrw. F H. Hmith, Jno. IL Moo.1t, Ilr. W. J. Hswkina, Wis. I). Junes. Jno. J. bad. Hon. Wm.' A. Orahasx. M. IT. Hmith. ,. , V . - , 7OTICT "' "- TOIlNWHiTE, Ijsj.. formerly of' Wtrronton N. CM la Uiis day admitted' a partner iu smr baslness, the style of tlis tirtn to be , , FllEEJt, NEAL & CO. ' ' ' s .' Oct, lt, 1807. . FUEF.B A SEAL, J. . skal,, f - iisik vsaat, .. iso. wnarn, ' COTTON FACTORS i , AND .-'-' - " General Coinmlssloa -.' Mfrftiar,!, I MlKI-OLK, Ta, Beferton. H. Hmith. K.q, Bcotland Hack j Hon, Z. II. Vsuce, t'liarlotte ; O. U, l ar-iev A Co., K Mitrrsr A Co. Wilmington ; Oen. H. W. -Haywood, Kshrifrh j tlen rtsiiu Hsmntou, rhsjih Carohns; U4iwd John W. CuniiiiiKlisin, Feraos -tloauty ; Turner battle, rio., Filyeeniuli ; J . clisns National Hank of Norfolk Lieirg 11. llniwn A Cn Waahiiicton. -. Oct, 9 64 lm . . ...'.-i ' 4WAtD A IIAItRlS.;. General Cominl.s&loa KercfcaBts, B 4'nimerr fttrfct, NOHFOMf, VIHOmiA, 1 tflLL ATTKN it ritOMlTLT TO SALFH OF Vf Cotton, (iriun, Lilmlutr, Tolsicen, Naval ! Htores, Ac, Slrtl t'llll'hass of Snoplle. Will for- j Ward t'otkin tr"Lurop FUi-U of fwwar.ling n. a. cowan Dj WssliiiipUm su, jf, C1j . AHlll..'tlU K. J. HARrtrmt, Orsuville, Uie of lull. tax CO., N lb h. skrkijit. w. a. wn.us. I f. W. OSAKUT, n-mniy t Jf. (J, iu:itKLi:r, nui.AU & co.. Il0UtAIJt DE.UJCUH Df PUY OOODH AND NOTIONS, 16 WFW MAIN rl'l'llKKT, . i 1 DkXT TO KSidlANdg NATIONAL BA, hOKfOI.K, Fn. Re. 1ft- i0-3m W. B. RAMSEY. Of" Clmtliiiiit CJounlj', iy. C7V j. k nrisTiai a co., I 4 tlTTON FACTOllM, - - A N D ' ." . lrotlu'e Coiti,iulskioii Iflrrthunft, CtiliNLK UIGU A WATEB BTREKTU, rrtsmouth, Va. Will sell In the msrkeis of N re.i.i ami Foa-rs- ; Ae.iiii, Livaio-u.i, os Ijisix.r, ('i.ii.hi , .Tukii'eo, Naval Morew, plied " i .i , ; Aruit and ail nuuket- . , ; . al.l i'jiaiu. e. Lilierat ailvaneenlents nm.lti on aetnal sh s meiit. s..J (.ersunal aiumu.n jij to pvm4as f merelisn.lise. , , . .. . . AAug ia-6-iMn -'":'' t .T A h i.isim' it nntr" " KALLB tOG8.." HLB B Vat.' . jos. j. uio'ia,. Ainu Ii I o.. COTTON 1WCT0K3 Cenerdiv ron.i:i!.s!oa S!er2r.!.. . Tst)i:i r-n, v.t. ii Lirri Ml.- ASIl KSJTIRK ATTPVenimj; .,fl.l.,WW8mA,.).r,fr;(.. fi ... ; . ... dtn- 'oi proeiid' ctiirn- n.A'lr. tnnt t'ltareXpiSi,.- o ej-m-3-(. tf rrhs TrV p' rmr sdvsniKes ut. siiAkriig sales i lb !. . . - nistket priefri , Ttr-it.! r.rvrfp;Ti rtw ,,f ;.7.,.,v sesia. - . '. . . 1 ,1 wm; I -a4tle MiU.4tH. prir.1 p. fr av.... I SAVAMJlio A'llATw ! l; ,f(-),, M. ' 'i 'i,f l'.ih,'eci.liilwi, stnl Mr. Jt. i; li.ufoi h (.f l' ' i.', eito will be pica". I b fni iiili i.y u : ... .,f fat'tlity tj '.":'t-:'. p, e-. ' I'l'Vuine'i-iiirT-iirr t ottrTr .ki.T3;f'',1 'Ti '" :";,' tlleaws wltfirpn letred by. shippers, seeoni.i,; hi re.-.-i.t reu'lllalloes. 1 v borlbi, V:. Nut. i - . ' . . . J. M. I. irttHSKK, -. W.. t ,. , Istlt uf A.ji'M.imjA.s A.f'...,j ,:' . ' J. 1. ft. HIM.rne, t tct' com m I s i on ji r r.cn a;, HO. 3; 'CO Y. e ' f Ti.: r'r ' l it.. ! r- . : ,.f ,'; uiau Mi' t 4.3 4.nrjt a . .1. 7 : . ' ' i

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