7 l Tni'li SDAY,-KQVr V TSF H ?1, TW6L- Tli' ere fe'Iiilg. slowly fniliuf, .J Thick upon the fortet eide, '. ..r Severed trim the niUe.fct-efc.-bsv 7 W hare they warad in U saleoua JH3ey , They are tailing in the valfc-ye. , . f H her the early TtokrCaMfA-tu.', - And the bird in easily eprmg uotfl . Jt u-et their dulcet Biuaie mug. They ere (riling, sadly fkUUifr. , tiM hestde onr erittag dvir;f ." Pel and felled, like the Joyed oeet ' Tbey haVS "'t ft.., .. - ' ThVy are failing, end t!le etijiljreJML.,,,. "touri in beamy soft around . let the faded leaves ere failing, . failing am the mam (round. ' Tly ere falling on the atreanoVt, - wWe Ue eilvery waters Bow, -And a poo the placid hnauni uuwerd witn trie nine wesers go. ' Tir ere fsliinw -ta- cviwech -vwre Where eu kindred sweetly wo. Where Ite wile winds of euauBM . bof Uy o'er the kovod ooe sweep. . Tbe ere Jalliag, evej railing, t ' tin i:'iiH.o breesea ii,'h, V , Wbe theaters In beauty glietee ; , Bright spoa the multil-nt eky. v i, P -They ere holing when the tempest . i Moans Like ocean's hollow roar, i .: . When the tuneless winds end butoire ' z - Badly ttgh lurenrerBttx,-. .--i-t - They er falling, tiff eio felling j VI bile our eeddeeed thoughts elill f o ; To the sunny da uf cliililuood, , i la the areaeiv kag ago. . ;'f . j And their faded have renirnd us - ! . Of the blasted hopes end dreaove ' Fadad like the tuitxg kttev 1- - leu u(iua Uie tcj etrveue. ' - m mm m i , I BOW TO TKf.L A OOpD TEACH KB. X gentleman from SwewpTllIe tu lulling how mmnj ditferent oceapHot)e be bud t- temDted. Among ntber . I tul tneo chool teacbiog. c '''' .- ?- i S How long did jou Uiuh I" ankt-tl 'Uadw. r-v s. 4 Wl, I didn't teach long; that la I nlj went to teach, . r- . : " Did yoq bir out T - " Wat, I didn't hire out ; I only west to Hire oot," " Wb did nn trim titiT . -: " Wat, I gut it up tor mm rcaaoo or Buther, You tea I treyi le J ftito a decmUtct aud inquired (or th trualeoa. roiuoUiUr aaiU Mr. Bnicklra was the man I wenfdd to am. ho I lound Mr. 8olrklee named Bij ebject, in trod Deed mytclf and asked him wht he tnmiL'M aMiit ftiun' me try ciy lurk with the big boy and unruly g&i in the lieemlricL 1I wantrd to know if raarr 1 considered nijsell capable, and I told him 1 -jsmukla't mum 4rttie--r,ietr-e7 qtteation in 'rilhmclic and j"gntph)r, or allowing mj hand writing. He said no, never mind; be could till g feooc! teacher by hif gait. . ".. i . " 'Lust me ee too walk off a little ware' t tyt be, 'and I can. tell ji well a I'd hwrd jin eiammed,' iajra be. ' M lie aot in the door a be arHikr, and. thootrht he looked A little ekittiek; but wea conidorbly fruit rated, and walked on am art aa I knowed how. lie aaid he'd t li me when to atop, to I hep' on till I thought I'd gone far enough then e'pected a'tliing yrai to pay, and looked ronnd. Wal, the doorira ihet, and Sulcklu waa gone. "Did yon "go feaekr ... , " Wal, no I didn't go back," ; Iid joa antdr for another echoo!?" " Wal, no f didn't apply lor another arhool," aaid the gentleman, from Swamp ville; I rather judged my appearance waa agin mV-t-H. I. TtacAtr. FAT at HPHTK CAMwl.lNA, tVturt of )'UM and QueH'-r SruLete, Auvuet Tana, im. RntTt H. Merab. Keat WiwW. Aierlt,itiimmil,i PHu fat auk el ,Mid tattitm. Ju F. Hanh and others. It afipKrtr to the elifr,ll(ti of the Court, that i4nijuiia, fluixwt, Cyrus, Berriinrtun ami vif Lurrveiid rXenjamin Itti, Jtdia H..C'hrlfe, I.uct MeUlile, and tMulte fiiiutt. ere non-reei r)4rrite, on mition, ie ordered, taet 'tuihl itt4u be made fi eti in the fUieirh rVwinet nuiifTing said DfcnUute uf the (ill tig of Hue pennon, sua to ppar si tlio nesl Term of thin xniri, to no neia hit ine (uuiiiy or i;nstmm. at the Court Uimae in Pitteboro', oa the 2nd Moo dy of hiivrmborrieit. ilwn srukibijjf to Dlnal or l. frrnf . or JudKiuoot pi u vuieu wiU Witmne K. C. COTTEN. flcrk of eeid Court el ne in PttUbgro", the tui Mub47 JM Au.t. It. U-WIe i.C-rOTTEN, C.C.C. ST A Tat 0 NwetTH rAROIHA,) Xraaaix toumt, J Coord pf Ileas n4 Quarter Beaaions, October ' t--aeria, ioe.7, . ;... , Joseph Hoekina y - r. - S (Mainal Atl&rh mtnl Trtaigi Vf nhora. J . - . y- In tins eaec, it appears to the eifK-liob VI ' the Court, that tlie it. frotlant, X. H. Vaithorn, so- senu Diraeu eo tnst Hieorjuutrr prooeiie or law oannot be ettrred upon him : Ordfrri, liit ,ab. lital ion be snadu m the iialrih VkiW, f. .r eke, for bun to appear si the nert lerm of Ibis Court to be ISpIiI for the County of Trrroll, at tue Ooort BoneotiiC'iuiimoia, ( tlie fourth loini tn Jannary iwit, tlyis ami tbi, oe. aMd pinad, or Jiideuimit wilt be too Sfiaiuet him, and the property leyied on, &., eoudouined to ssii'fy thepuurituTsrlaiUia. V itueee T. Ji. AIJ XA.Sfif.ri, CWk of our aaid Court, at MTii m Columbia, the lib. Monday of Octoier, IM. TH08. H. ALEXAM'Etl. C, C. C. "Hot. tmim . SPECIAL TEUM OF WAKE BITEIUOR . . COtBT. It sppariOf. to thf'Court that the Clrg Ruti w of this Court is too great la be done at the r ulsr term lierf . rt mi ordered by the Court IIiiiMt.-ui. '!. of tlie said Court be held .r eai4 County, toeommenre oa the Wednoeila tief-.re the tiiird Honlsy in Dotmher tieit, A. 1). 1;;, (which is the 11th day of the menlh) end eaotuiue anlil the end of the fwJtva mg wok, If neeenarr. A II witneeeee eummoned in the civil rauaee of said f mrt, ana nay b bound tostttid the next reutr terio of the Oonrt, (cioept in criminal eaeee.) ehalJ attend the erial' term under the same rules, fnrtaituree and peeaititts, and with lie same priritagos, aa if the term were a regular term. ij H iBiees. Jogs !f . HBTtxo, Clerk of ort aaid . Cwsrt, at ofliea, in Raleigh, the Brut Monday etler tne KHirtlt MouOar tn rv -nteiuher, A. i. I Oct. a wtd i22ll5tEl4l!Si4 S1 1TAT OW NvltTII tgl,lM, , in xijutty rail Term,lW)7.- . Tbisuaa L. Jones and others, f i.x pan. , - . I r v , r : , i p ul 1 'ai 1 r m, i- 7, I stall ulU , fnrl,ltr, ' Au'-iU'ii. st tbsl Asirt rloiee dAr in V arrrutfin, -o tie 4i dy t4 January- ne vt -a ertm KeetAf i r J o.-i 'R, '1, aiUuiifu i.n- i..i-; or '," T'iulK Sf-'J. :EJDsVC KIuTisMS3. ei, y it VVihhhos-, I ertrfcHrg seowt two ' tl naitil e hnrulre Laod sevfinvjuia serrs, . . i;,a Ira?! of Iod is beii(-v d to bh s snpermr" ie mi in'-'! la s heftil'y stid T gitnl ocli-b b n ' 11 ainl IS very ronveiumit 4l rkL 4 Of. Im -i K-.'i'j rei,ii14 A-rSotfia-ats for- 4 he r two- e. of pnruhaeers. and pk'ts ami surrers , i : ee r oa the, day of sale. I he sale will be j s t , eeh. as to one-fonrlh of the pnrrhsee li,' iu f ; sod on srnwlit of oils Sod two yesrs, w:m imre from tiaie, s to tlie remdne. snd the p,irh-rs w.ii be rnpmed to give bind with sp-:-.'.Ted e,i-T)rrv. ho i,; ie will be ma,ie uniilafW. l;,e r sTfnint of the aluwo of the purci;s money, a u;al 10 all a'a r'5.'-r ri' ,'rvt-e t'oitrts of i. -....-y. uiAt, M.ooK,r M.r.. . ior'. l.i-,lra ... 1 V M A. ;UlK,Ivp. a v(-Vi:'rr. CAPnns,. 1 ' , ( tt..i dsy racs.nisg ni; 'M-il i U.L, , iAi aet fc-juare. - v. V- 57 tf FAMILY GII0CE1I, NO. t AfSfTETUXE BTMEtf j RALEIGH, Z?er, Crvr, "Xri, ' Fork, Jiff, Baton, baU.Jf ish, IfnM frvu. - teheed, Kyt, Flour, liomr A ;'.;. , Bum, :f:". TOBACCO, IA BJi KOCWtEt. Jfefer; t Jf'ood pft WiUnteTTare, tmd A LHO e had the kM aad hae, lf 2Y Hop end Wtm bew " ,V" irh etteniioa of IWmere is epeeieilf eajlml. " Htmnu deily Ue trjr aneet fcrtoUTetr, at l ,24 pm (uwa, DU7 uewu eua ei Krnr-f If. NOOTIUNO BYKlfP, T-riH CHn.riHE TEETHlNOrBEATLT FA X eititates the process of teething, by a-rftemi.f Ue gums, redootug sll lunammsuou wiu auay UAt i Al j saa spsMuoaio scuue, u m r 8CBK TO BEOPLATB THf BOWCLft Dt pend upon it, Ahm, H will ye rest to yontr sslyee, aad IteltWasid Uealih yse Iwfasisa, :. We hare nut bd sad eoM this ertkle for years, snd eaa ssy iu OiKriNKsoa sae Tstrra of it what e have neyor bewa shle as say of any other ased iotns Niva Bxs rr Fuuso In a single tostanes t, Krriun a Cihe. when timt-ly used, lieyer Old we kmiw sa ioslaorsisr idlNBatisfsruoa Lysny sue ho seed it. it the eiutrary, ail are delighted with its 0Ktrstua, and apeak in terms of coov uMtMliotn of it MMwieal enocts sad fuediesl rir- tne. WsepesAln this Batter HAT WE IX) KNOW," after years of axperienea, sod I"tXDoa oca lUnireTina roa ma rVLruJtaxT or wuay wa 8 cub BtunjMt. In slinnst arery ituitaoee where ,nr.,,i iaanrTerinr from naia and axhsnstion. relief ill be found Si S foseu n tweaty atiautes alter the Mvriip is adwinuiuirea. Kiili dirwUuns tn uamg will aeaonpsay eaea " t - 4 i e il sure and call Air "Sire. M lnlsw' mothln( Rrrdp" .Barinat the faeimUaiof WTUIIT1S AVEBKRW in the outside wrapper, AU others are i Ws- tWTione. n-ild by Ih-ngguits tlirougboui tha war Prlra, sBlr 3 erase per RUl. ornoia I " US Fulkm Htreet, Now Tori. SOS High llollmm, Jjindon, England, 4I rjt. I'sul Htreet, Montreal, Canada. Au, ta-lvotUim' -,,.;.:, j , BANK r LEXIWGTOPi, - OFFICE Or BFeiVEB, ) Oaasneaoao', M. bep. It, 1K7. t In ebedienea ttflnwtrueMaaa, ontaioed la 8pe rial Orders, Mo. til, taaoed by Major Wenerel IX E. Miekles, si llaadqnsrters, Beoond Military Ois tnet, ciiarlestoa, B. v., t, me i inv bees tberoln aonoiiited He of Lexington, do Uereby gire aouoe to all indebted toeaid llaak. that they Bine eome forward and muke psjiaent willuu twelre Booths from that Ml who do not eomuly with this notice will find Itii lr papers, without diaeriminstien, placed iia- BiixUatitiy in a oouree oi eninwuon. Ail who hold olalme of any elisrsoter acainai said Dank, are hereby notified to present there, firoperly anUieniScali, within Iwelre aimulis rora this dale, otherwise they will be eiolodid from sll iHinelit in the distribution of tlie assess thea tobsaistle. Audrew ., J1'H8 IT. U'IAT, 1teeeier, 2 Orpenaljoro', OuilfsrdC., II C ipfc l-!llaSlB . , ' . .v ; . B. A!KKW e V .Invite atteutinB to their . V : ,'r . v FALL ANIWIKTEn BTOCK Gcntlemcn'R. Tooths tnd Boj ' CLOTHING AND - - rtjRirismircr goods. - JO Fayetteville St, oppoailt Tucker Rklt, -UAJJEUOH, K. O. - 18G7., 18C7. XTTXARB OrFERlNOTOOCIlCUHTOMEKS If eomiuaoding stoct of HARDWARE, AND CITLEUT, i , '' CROCKEItf AKO OLAM WARE, Bt"E Fi'BNiRinsa goodr, , ' ' L COOKJJfO AXD HEATING 8T0TM, FArVT ANT) mumiW OLAfW, ' KAIU, IBOJf AKD BTREL. ' ALSO 1 ti Oiama-r flHnv. ...... . J. IIKOWW. Wrru llT 4. Lkwis, 44 Fay4vtevillltrett, Raleigh, N. C. Ksy.' aTs-tf " ; " QOALt COAL f I OOALMI rt A email lot of good Herd Coal fr nr Xjw. U St-tf - " Uol'Ol,A8 BEf-b. - Uton for Rent, H fl'tlE BTOFE formerly Oiyinnied l,y as, aril j. ooor towoiifherii r.tpreea times. Foe ae ,iei on given imnieiiiately. Aprily ro W. H. A K f. TrrKEIl !!. . Who have ritd to their Ut JHON FCOHr l)ini,IilK(t,aerneatbsSret. , VALUAKI.I3 LAXO t'OIl IS OliKDIKSCK so a dwna of the Rirnerior Court of 1st for the County' of t.snuitn, I aliall proeeed to sell, at public auction, to the highest bidiler, at the f'oiixl liHiee door, in the fownof Iinhnrr, oa 1 (.1. the 10th ly of iHwroitwr, Iii'f, ail tlie Meal' fettle of I'seaoa Nir hole (feesecd, (eulijeet to the dower of hie vMw,) Ivinc -in the Countie of Fraoklia and Naith, coBSMling of - J' Hundred tad RLxtyoat Awn- s.1j. .ining thelaiula of Dr. Gray Rills Sod fir. Jno. n. rfwuwm Mm iwoiumin v, neius. The tuud laud will b m id undor the doeree of lliytVmrt to mai.e seaeia for the pavrneat of llj. li Iu witlns leae (hart one mile oi Vgond and Himanent si lionl and s ( hurrh. in a healthy. yrljalttynjidU awsesaytaici ro t;:i a plsii( lumvt. Ail such are inoi to crirrro.H lor tiioroaeives. rrsr-Twetvw-rnTTntti 1ej.1? PKmdrTritS go44witr. Jtai IMt. XUll-ul a -.Jw.iilt tl-W(H anneinl Ii III K, PLAS TF.B, CIM EN'T AND HAInV A ltcn foini ly alaafson hand and ii sale ea nnat taucaV'l.tauuahv , s - j " -;--,woHT!f Dtmrtrz: T. B. Mowrm-.r Mmnmt er Fasau Lrxra mum -.iy 11-4 dm . , -v , FIRST OF THE Br.A0t! t7 -K0r j' FAMILT MACKEREL, "CJ net received M4 !r T. . V. ' h " ..- ixctiiv iwLts- f tVtl, IJf. -' Market 8f)tare. " BFACTTTTL ItrTTPfrn tAPi, In M !b Burk , Fut ap e,wes.air f-T ian.i.y ia. faj aaie l Nov. i-i-t V- i.U -fWf irkt h'iuara.1. XAIIX8AI3.- TO iUIPPE. NOET CAROLINA nilLWAT L1SE8, (TBATtaw mm TBI OLD KALFJGH A OiiTOS HAIL WUfU, THE 8HOitTE8T, QCICIEBT, BAMBT A -FTInsE, JtORTH AB BOCTH. TO - M LEFT OUT IS THE COI.D, CN- . LKnd BUU'PZR hPECIALLT - ai via, it. Qy j i, ; v t.raried and are the fyrem nroviT Inland Air Mr Kimlt loan tne urnmii 'waj.-airasg,s-- starisA" -iaa edAA4 gfmUi. lor ih if yu, M th w T4 fot eaving the people (rem Taialiow for a8 ttave te eemi' t Hi jAi pei year snd ws anheeitatiagiy de rlareTnat we ran and will give more diapalfh to sit poiuu North and Hoath, tliaa aay'etiwt Luss. Vi QT1CK. , ' TbaGrral iDlfttiel Air Lilts) lel-ht '.'g- li :o ! "ar Tie THE BALKIOM A OAATOM BAIL BOAO, is tk Htaort Lisa for gnippsn aad you ere r- rufrad so to iw yon YrtijM, or they wilt he Usee by another Homed , v. i , . To Insure your ffrinUt noing earriosl oyer this Uanilniuul Air Line My direct Voorenneign- ere In mark voot Freight, Care of Bail llosd Agent, Poruunontb, Va., or City toint Vs.; -wM ifnlriy at OaaloU A'aif Aoad, and ta ekup as .FROM BObTOH ; Merrhante' A Miner's line, aad ef Ceatral Wharf, R. Beanpeon, Ageok - , , , , " FkOM KEW TORE : Old Dominion Rteamaliip Co., Bhtpping Faint, flee (7 North Bitot. Foot Beech ftk, Olfice 1S7. Oraeawiett CM. Cor. Dey I M.L MoOready, Piraai- denA. 7; 1Um PHILADELPHIA ! fful Annameesie,) Phils., Wilmingloa and Baltimore Ilepot, er Clyde's Un of rliearaers, 14 M. Delaware Avenue, it. F. Clyde, Agent: FROM BALTIMORE : 4 : Baltimore Rteara Packet Co., Bay Line Steam- oni, Foot Union Dork, L. B. Parka, Agent, or Powhaun Btcam Beat C , ugni nireej wnan. ...... . T u. .B.AIXEN. Freight Ag'l Auge-anakf Balsuik M.C Important Railroad irrangement PARKNOF.RB eaa now parehaae TTTrtOUOtt TK'KriH at the Offlos tot the Ralr igh and Oaaton Bailraad, at Raleigh, N. C- the Baltimore and Ohio lUUrpad, to tl em oh I. Tfn L - -. Cleveland, Ohio, ftt, Louie, Ho., Detroit, Mlrlu, Clnrlnnatl, Ohio,' IalsTllle. Kf . ' , adlanapolla, lad., nilwatukle, VTtm., ' v . - ' Cnlenf o, III., rittabarg, Piu,' ., Colnaibua, Ohio, and all nrlnelpal Ciuea ta th Weetera aaJ 8oath- weetem Btatoe, ' Tlcketa eaa he purchased either " VIA BAT LINE STEAMERS, Via Woldoa ud Hichmond, Va,, BAOQAOB CHECKED TOROUOn, From Wcldoato H Werfiern Cities. For TirheU and further Information apply to J. M. foot, liaqj General Ticket Agent, or to A. JnHsa, K , Tkket Agent Balelfb and Cnvrton Killroad, st Kai. gh, N. C 't;': ;V ". ii !,." O'neral Southern Agent, j . ' BalniBors A Ohio JUllnMuI. -JOHSL. WII.B0N, Master of Trsns, Bait, . B. K. 1 .: U M. COI.B, Oea. Ticket Af't, B.kO. L at, Oct. -o-tf Tin Ware at Wholesale. fTtHE UNDFKHIONED desires to call ths atten- 1 ttorrflf htwehrnta to- his- -eetabbehauHlt for the aiann factors of . - TIm War for th Trad. He rlaime In sell at wholesale. AT AB LOW BATIU aa the Merchant can hny tn New York or Baltimore, with Freight added, He aaka a trial from those who are diaooeed to encourage and assist in building p a Boms gjiterprtse. , ' lis pledgee himself that- hie prfeee shall gvs eatisfactiao, and that hie wars shall be ef good quality. ' -- Prioe Liate. will he sent to any address ea appll catioa. , . . Bags, Baasii, aid Ceawer aad Braea Will be tsken at best market rates, inatead ef eaah. deuvared st any point oa the Railroad. i ti.h- ruuva, Oot II -Ao-oodSai . , Hulsboro'. N. 0. To th farmeri of North Carolina ; IF TOD WAUT fC-BB ' PERUVIAN GUANO, BUT OF HERBERT eV HAIRSTOir. COTT0H, GRAIN AND TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A- ." ; sr.-.-. , ,, Un.ltlmore, MU- - ; lT. FAI.L.TrKADE. IT. XTfHiTE LEAD, la IS Bound caaav . f V ftpiriU Tarpsatina, by ths barrel or retalL . ima avouj ana prnvn dtpia varaisB. . ALSO Faints for Coach Making, is small tin hmea, ' - - J. BhuWN, ' Baletgh. Oet. 1-tf - For II art A Lewis. . Tjacrt i. AN CM BOOK. ., t he RVasna Why-applied to Narn-I flietorr. Ths Keaaoo Why-applWd la Naluinl, Bob,, TyUer'a Universal Hietory, I vols., j ereat 1-4, 30. N " " - .. .. Whelplsy'a Ceiril( of BiatoiT, 1 la oae. MacaoUy's- rTtMVotinfliiii' lbiTfaaaril': 3. ,. -. For sale by -r i-fritfly7-FA1tBB rtf.""-" . , 'Ilo.dieelisrs-sod t-rxers; 7 ToJSyCotW1PrM; fpim I ikjof ' bfjK'vT rulhtD wri ft tii c fIfjw it cqiiipag sent out, I ban yuutd Kjlt Xotk tei-ku ri work dene- ,- - " ' 5 rnEAFER AN0 BETTF.S. . Farmers had better sand lb air enters te me. aeconianied by Ha, or a food cheek os draft, tf they would have their seder Ailed promptly, property, aad cheaply. . - . u , . ' 1 Will sell ; . , . I. ,';' C0CNTT ASD ITATK RTGHTSH ebaap. Count the pro m e rr Bnrnrioy Preaa kad make me an onr. -.-' . H. 0"iVV'IK. - Ocv t;a-aaa (bwlandeck. B.tJ. JOBRlSNTFWBlSfiS." . , , !t r The Dwelling Hotvai. Office, it., cripple the BankofN.O. . T.-H.BfXBX. Oet. S0-wJw IS-' 'msmiAStovi" Tla1 wait StHL. ' ' - I'd I , rT rtl L" i; l 1 1 f W V F - C UAJUA iimi nei-'; V . The Third (IseaWaf this Behool wiB fcegia oa i kn-wt Wediieeday of BeptemberBert. and end ah iaet tksdaesiisy of June 1AS8, eooaialing of two terms ef Are avwtna earn. The Course of etedr is designed ks pwpare'floys for the C Diversity of Virginia, or aa r other Cot- ge, or lor Ike praeiaoai nana m ut, Teasu4 1 Board aad ToiUoaL (190 peV terra. fayatA fa Adsoaer. Muaaeand Drawing at Prufoeeor't ehargeev Washing. u-r7and LighU at aetoal cost, hm rupu Hraubae his owg towela. , . ' t ' . . ' . . A' Circulars and other particulars address, WII.SllS C S. CAUlt Chaj-lrMiyill. Vs. , JOfU'tl PACKABb, Jr., Theo, Beastnary, b..wai' TKa. VmMillv a tksfi Vniwmrmitt tJ I iulj.l7-tBf riBE EiTiscnsiicit This Purtabl 8( If-Af tins F Ire Engine IB OFFERF.B TO TH FahUe aa ready, eerteia sad speedy awaaa af pru- renting LAKOE COKFLAOBA . I ! TI0.N8. fntil th Inventfna of the v . . , forteb 8elf Actinjf fir Engine, Fire hare beea asat by wMaaa toe alow, too late snd too eambrows. But few persons in this roun- try have the adysntage of large hand or 8t am, Firs Kngines, and Uiovs few Often snffiir a total loea of their property by reason of the great length of time onnanraed la sending for and get ting thea into work nig order. BUT MOT BO WITH THE mi IITI.t aCIhHEB, . which, being kept charged and standing la year Hoose, Mtore or factory, is always Beady for lastaat Berrloe. The fire eaa he extinguished and year property saved without knee or damage, or eves aa alarm of Fire. -r - The Brst few minutes ef emrlagranoa. decide the fate of the property ; a little fire is quickly put out. which,' being suffered, rivers cannot aaitn'k- -j- 'i UH. EXTIHOUTBHEB, being very simple in its operation, eud entirely eelf-propelluig, renirea no previous skill or practice to operate it, aid being so bght, portable and Be,lf-eclinjg, is relia ble of being used in any place, by any person, uelor female. . It poteuet aU Bree, arisliig from whatever canaev Ton are juvved from the iinnvnse water damage caused by large Engines. j Von can efleot insurance en yonr propertf ' At lwea ilati I by 4 he Extinguisher. . .. the F.ueuiher is no humbug, ae thousands of good men in Europe and America will testify. I. have already put these little Engines into ,oms of our beat Factories and largest hehoola in H.O. - - I ha Houss, Btore, Factory, er CorperaUoa is safe wiihoat ttienw --- The price is aa nothing, compared with ths protectioa they afford. k . . Bend for a Circnlar, ... LEWIS 0. BAKES . i ' General Agent for N. 0., .. , Lsitngtoa, K. C. Messrs. W. H. A B. bTtTJCKEB A CO. are my Agente for ths City af Kalsigh. ttept. 10 Do-3m , L. B. H. Forth Carolina Tobaoeo Wart Hons, WALKER, FARRAB & CO., , WHOLESALE GE0CER8 . AND - . General Commlaaion and For-warding- Merchant. KEEP constantly on hand the largest and best selected aUk of Manufactured TOBACCO tu be luand in the State. We have made arrange smote with the manufacturers in Virginia and North Caroline to furnish their best brands to the aetrn North Carolina trade at Factory prices. Also, ins largest axon tn aagsr, conae, j'ork. Flour. Bait, Cotton Bagging, Hope, Ac, to he toondmuoe atarhrsi' Virginia and Norlh Carolina Bbeeting and Tarns, alwaya on band. ktauuaouirers' Agents for- Holt's aelabrated Taras, Khu-tlugs aad Checks, rich Black, ("rave Newaera, W. , . Bept M-41-Jia .': BENTIXEL OFFICE JOB IlINTINO. 0TJB FBIENDfl IB THE ClTt Orr COUNTBT, deeirtng Sheriffs' Cierke or Constables ; CARDS, BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. or ether printing, done, will please send ta their ornera. Thoy will he aeatly exeeated and done promptly, and on the lowest terms. Ws expect soon te have oar offlea enpplied with the necessary material to.eiecuts ths ordera of onr friends m every species of Job Printing. . Bept. 27-M ' Wa. B. I'F.LL, Proprietor. . 4 t FaxttteTllle Btreet. doaea A lie Oreese, 1; 60 Kegs Nails, seaorted, Blaek-Hiniths' Anvila, Views aad Hammers, Builders' Materials.. . . Alee a large stork Cook Btoves. . J. BB0Wlt.' - . . " VWlth Haat Laws; Baleigb, Oct, g, MOT, COH0REH8 TIE ENVELOPES. ' For eale by ! --I ' t .. J.H. BNBIBB, , Oet. 1T-1 tf ... B.tt Book Btore. y . - JOHX T.i DEtVEEBE, ' '. v Attornev at Law and Eegiiter in Bank' ' :, rnptcj, , ILL PBACTICK IS ALL THE eOTJBTB ?T except uie uaoKnipt Court. , . Offlne in the ATrtvidard Wlding. ! Balcigh, Bept 81 8 ta . DEMORErri VONTHLT MA0AEIKB, universally acknowledged the -Model Parlor stags nine of America I devoted to Original Bto rios, Pocmk; Bketchet Architecture sod Model couagea, Monaehom Matters, Ueras of Thenght, rereonal and Literary Gossip (including special oeparunem ea raeniona,) instructions on Health, Matte, Amusements, etc., by the best authors, and prrifnsely illustrated with costly engravings (full sta, aseful and reliable Patlema, mhroid eries, and a constant succession of artistic novel- ties, with other useful and entertaining literature. I" i, oi ivuumimi, nmins wife, or lady of taste caa afford ta do without the Model Monthly, Mingle copies, K) cents ; back numbers Mspaeimena, 10 cents ; either mailed sree. i eariy, e.i, wua a ysmanie premium ; two eoptea, tl M ; turaeopiee 17 M ; Ave suptse, 1 J, snd snlondid Dr tutu sua tn clubs st I3sarh. with Asa BrwV.assMuiwia ta isswh'SBlaeraigJ'ejwee - a new ntieelcra riiaon,nca,ng Machine tut JfJiubeWlpr'Hi at frsi h. Jd.tresar- " . W. JILNNINGB DEMDKEnT, -Vn- ? flrositwiv. New TnrS .TaraorAat'a ,,MotMyeaA-.aw.--Amaeiiia'"eav ! ock ivtii n. ut .Braauama. mt ,aai TV T M OB F tT'l "T OXfif 0 A E B ftc'A, 9 tra beet JiiTenile Macaaine.... F.very Boy snd Oirl fhat sees It aire SOJ-SIl thFre aay ao; anif t arenvs ana learners eonurra it. fio not fail to seriire a copy. A good Mieraseiipe, with a glass cylinder to confine living objects, or a good two bladed, pearl Pocket Knife, and a burgs number of other Jeeirable articles, givea as premiums te each an beer i bar. Yearly, 1 1 aft. 1s Ntswmhar Bomber eoroiswee a new volume, rnl.iiahed by : W. JENMNuS DEMOhEJsf. , ' ' ' 1T1 Rm,l.n V T-ix. 'Trrlt B.y aad fWia. Am-m mm a fenfa, tea; i free.. ' . 'J. Niik. a 74-tf , , . . 0B BALE. i r AdamAnaite Caad'iSa. la half hexes sad aim Lwnet Pout Fexaiiv Flanr, t. JVye-a as. HUUH. J(ki s ,) BsaVzee.BT , Bhartsaje ruee. CO. 4. . Wares a eat Bfarearf jucw YORK. - AIJCCESSQ 11 ., -.' .. lECniBllH T0CA(f elBllETI- Co. f OF KEW YORK, : ' AND " PEXCER SCOTT it CO.. . Ekteasite Flnnufket a; r or ' W holeaale Dealer In and MEN'S AND POYCLOTIIIXG PrW, OBftPTf; FIIKN Yol'Ntl, KPENCKH BCOTT, -: w Bff AFTtt. A L IK'OIT, F. M. OABBETT. aay u-lnov ,. ...- ' ' . i , , ' daxcyTii in ax co. General Commission Merchant, , HO, 21 EXCHANflB PLACE, ' var 1- '"".s-'i'''1 N,r i- yy ... m. vrs-at,. ( pt' M 4V tf. 0LISA1I GfiOCTES. : r Wholesale roe ers and Commission MERCHANTS, No. 88 7aettTill Street, ReJeiKh, 1TC. HATE IN BTOBE ANTt ABE COXWTANTI.T RrV CKlVINir, HCOAHH. H)FFKEH, AND TEAS, BACON, MOLAftSES AND CHKFE. . BBASDlEa, WINF.8 AND WHIBKIEB, -BOAPH, CANUI.KS, AND t'ANWA ' TOBACCO, bNUFF ANJ) CIQAltH, fjannea rails, auces ana tigs. Canned Oyater, Kalalrit aad Irate, Aula, Currant, Ilt " klea and Bplcea, lotder, hofand Caps, Dnlter, I4trd, lrMt,rw der, Bodo, and In taet evervthinff nanallv tend in a gvae class Wholesale Grocery houmt in the groatest variety ana at pni-es wwco cannot rnii to please. FAEMIirO IKPHlHESTg &c M Boiea Axes, li Don. of Manure Forks. i Atoa, Iag hawlied rihorels. Sa brrttrtmrlps. 84 M Weeding Hue aetmrld,..i0 Doe. liames, as - liorse Horse Collars, W Dot. Trace Cbainea, ikiw uni'a, iu uroea Axe nnlves, Rooe. Twine. Nails. Ac. I PUIJJAM, JONES A CO. i ' Whnteaala Orocera A Com. Merohanta. Feb SJ-KW-tf .:, ...... L. i , . , : ; ' MISCELLANEOUS. Ajltbib Wiuoab r - r -rv;r a W. Laatrra. WILLIAMS &, LAMBETH, No. 40 rayetteTineSL Rale leh, I. ft Book Salleri and Stationer. DEALEBS IS ALL KI.X'DS OF SCHOOL nOOICN, BTAHIDABD AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. f MABoNlO BOOKS, JEWELS BEG ALIA i BOOKS OS S4WK ABB AOBICCle , ' ", TCKE; BTATIONEBf ; jpBINT- 1 - ISO AND WRAPPiNO ' ; . , , PAPEB; PRINTEKa V BUPHJEKj " . r " SCHOOL AND 0FFK'EBEJUI8ITE8 j f .., ' ALBUMS ; ? ' ' r " i i- ; - -' PEBFUMEBT, -' ' . FANCT ABTICLES, Ae. I' We er bow recoivinr new snnoliea. siid will be eonstantly making such additions to our fltoek as will enable ne to furnliih every article usually kept in a Brat class Book Htorev ' . - Our facibties are such as te enable oa to fAirniah tn a very few days, any- article not on head, as all ordera will hays our. prompt attention. X Our bosineas win be conducted en the easl ayatem, and every article sold st ths very lowest pnoea. - ' WILLIAMS A LAMBETH. Ealsigh, April -a)7-tf . JJOTJSEKKEPEltS 1 1 - ' ARE YOll-JN WANT Or, DELICIOUS TEAS, " 1 : PrimB Lagtivm and Rio CoffeeB, The real old Gov't Java Coffee, Baltimore Refined Sugar, Pine.Appla CLeee, - x A err nice Ham," ' ' 'Beef Ton rjuea, - ; - , and " -- Elegast Goshen Butter t Then call at my Store Oot, 17 61-ti I Market Rqntre. DO LOLA BELL, 1867. FALL IEJLDE. . W67, TTOLLow ware, asdibons. bpice mob- A A tare. Lined blew Pans, Climax Furnaces, Lined Mtiaelin Kettles, Onddles and Grid-lrona, v i:u u f , ,i ,i . , aoi(ue naiorsnu naiueirone. - ' ' - , ' J. RR0WN, Baletgh, OeL U-tf With Hart A Lewis. ftlCH AS CBEA9TAND YELLOW AS - ' ... il.BII ' That deli dona 0RASOE COUNTT nTTTKB rue rereiven at UlJLtilrAS nr.l.l. a rloy. 71-IX . Family Grocery, QOBKI fJOBNI ' , 00 bushela for sale. 4 PULLUM, JoNEB CO., Oct, tS -tf Wboleaale Grocers. TJw;TwfB-iy f. fJ-B A ."" Jnet received, a lot of ROCK ISLAND CABB;. HF.KEB Aw ,EANU. f N orth Carolina ntnlie bin 1 . Also, i m M PRIT 4-t Brows SHEET INGS. WHITE FLANXF.L. c 'Notice. BB prepared to fnruiah Blore Ptpw. SnV SlSe Or' Cuaoiitv.- nr an kitwl af .T... ww.,nuverinai wa a w, on r-no nommi aoraiam!n unam ."fuftt" xiiiii-itt'srr: BaielgSi'X'W- itt- -Wtth Hart -Lewis.' ar FEB VKTOBU-B M E IfW OF H 18 Bmal Higbnee: th Pnnee OoosorVJFor eait t the Bnnir Btanf-"" "''r-fc' ; r- o. ?-nMf ,.)., Vi UXIAHS A LAMBETH. " "pBBCTlAB eSPArfaj'j ' ., .' j v am dairy expecting a amall lot of "C-nniue Pentnas Ooano." wheat-Growers. trvit , - DGir.i.AS n.LL, - Nov. I Tt-kf -laaniet .s,uu. poBBALB. "i.' Bast Fwglieh Break axat Tea, black. r - " nopowd(W " v grMB. ,ii ':.'i fcyparial " r .. ..rn.LU TT. innvn, a co , - Bept. . Wboieaai erockra. GAEHXIT, I0BA0 EC01T ft Jy 1TISENTS. It u un r. POOL Baittmore 9IANTJTTJl6xtJIlErc ' OF PORTABLE AND STATIONARY f Eaaine aad ' Bailers, BTEABI FIRE ENGlXEB, LSrrtL'9 TA TIXT AJtXMlCAM JWVBLM TunntNg wATr:K-ymKKT.x:fsw j MILLS, Af.VA'O AfACyAJ -T V i -A & b U-tl BesIBTr Bl'l BKsat'l,aTB, Flooring MiU Mschinery, RhatUng, PuUeya aud ngers. 1 ... mar Bt-iag. .. . W. J. Hawama, j, j, Trtoaaa, B. P. WaxLasiaaB, 0. M. Mawataa. Hitrar.7 WTlXTa mboh A CO. rtHtarja-tr ' fOMJlISSION MBriIASITS, - ' p roa Tl( eat-a or .-. fallens, Taaacra.Karal Blarea, A a. -; , :..JCsV 44 . Sntk Afrarf,'; :. Ncab Exobaxsb rxaea, ' BALTIMORE. r'. Wb bjw to RErgg mr Pkrmissioh ' j , Ocorge "' Mordurai haq , A'arioA .V. f Vi- ... , Phillip Baft a; A tturacya, ,- .' : Htm. W1, Inn N. Edwards, H'nrreM " W, C. B. Mallet, frea. faynmili A H", Jt. . Bamuel H. Cenoady, Esq., ruyrtteetlle, JV. a J. W Lee, Eeq., JoAasoa Co., A'., C , . Dr. B K. Bmith, Chatham, Jf. ft ' ' ,Augisite ; COLLINS HEATH, : 22 UUHT bl KEET. BALTIMOBB, M4. , "OLD MARYLAND WOBKB." . Ptambling, . Bheetlieaa, Lead Pipe, : - Iron 1100. i' - Mennt Vernon 10 e e k Htore, ... Patapecn Cook. Aoger Williams's, Uni verse Cook, : , Beebe Bange1, ' European Bange, -Msgee Banga, Bpeoca Bauge, hmerald Bangs, ' Hay ward, Ilartlett A Co a Portable Furnaces. Torre (iitu Pipe, nrass l ocas, rnatedOocka, Iron, Lead and Zinc Bath Tube.N. TinllathTubiwttfc., ; Heaters,.' . "Sv -' Water Cloaeta, lnt and Chioa Baajoa, llydrauts, . ; . Pumis, ' ' ' .' ' Bams, FountaiBa, -. Water Wbeela - ' OardoB Vanea, -Watcr-Coolera, -Bofrigeratora, Ae. ' i Magee Fnruaoee, JJtw tabTe and Brick. Parlor, Church - and Btwea in great variety. All the different atylos of Grates, -; High Lp . and 1m Down Portable Orates Ae Which will be aaid ks low aa can ha hail ta the city. ' " . . Apri-20ly MISCELLANEOUS. . T. II. CltAWFOIlD, ,o Mechanical and Operative Dentist. RALEIGH, N, C. OFFICE OVER PE8CXTF8 OLD DRUG ' STORE. Pries MOL'ata: From 8 A. 1L to 1 P. M., and from 3 to . -i - ep. m. " " Teeth Ertracted without pain by the nee of Nitrous Oxide Gas, and Ether spray, my l-22B-eodlj , . , the local aneatbeue' or JagTH BTATB IBN - - ANDBBABB WORKS. 1 Again wa beg to Inform our Mend and patrons that iu the loea ef onr Machine Hhops by tire we did not lose our FOUNDBX and l'ATTEUNS, ana mat we nave resuiit .,( .i-' m TWO WEEKS , TIME our Machine Shops that we are bow receiving 1 . . - . , - . I Th The Beet and Moot IIlghlF . Int. 7 proved FfaehlnerF that caa be purchased. We are hew prepared to iiimisu, upon snort notice, au ainoa oi ,, v ; , . - IKON AtO BEARS CABTTNGB, 1 all at tea and descriptions of Fnrginge.and te Snlsh and lit a p the same in the beet stvls, AU kinds of repairing to Kteam and Onst Mills furnished by Be, We keep constantly oa hand all kinds of ; . :, ONE ANI TWO BOBBE PLOWS., aad all the descriptions M. Agricultural Jmplaw axents nasa m tors sectioB. .' B. P. WlLLiAMBCB A CO. Aug MOt ; JOB. Fr BELLBB. EUO. M. WILLIAMS V. . IIELLEX t WILLIAMS. Q R 0 CEHS AND, COMMISSIO.N MEROHXisTTSt i . , COEBT IIOl'BE BEILDEVG, .4 v- 1 '"'' A ,.i:,j . K .-i. rr i ... - . JTB rTBABJF, jr. . July lMSt-eto , XTAPOLEOIf A TO THI OUEEH 0FPBU8IA: XI A biUnc-U Novel : by J Mvhiaga. 'or MMB UJBt JTtarBI OHM T I Mot. T T-tf WILLIAMS A LAMBETH. WrLMAhl Bf WU.LABD, apeeioi Partnr, : aica'D a. tatxok, , Ceiural Partner, RICHARD N. TAYLOR, WHOLESALE OrtOCEUl --. ,,-,.;..; iwrj-..-.'"1 .. - COMMISSION KEECHANT, : Crgr CVwccsj dita! SowlA FVcnf Streeln,' '.. NEWBEB, W. C. -i Before to J. M. Conway, IS Park Pbwe,l!..Y.r, vygan, a noyn, en ey oreei, n. I., Jaa. A Woodward's Bnaa Kerth Frant Rt Philaiielphia, W. B. (rulirh A Ore. Bank, Raleigh. M. C. 7 W, Bwepeoa, MatloBal H. If. Oste A Co., Charlotte, B. C. Oot.47B For Sent A DESIRABLE TWO BTOBT DWELLfNO V Hnnee, for next year la the Weetera part of l.. S.r I. :.T -1T r t )H M niAiiiy arranged. Ac A large and cotnmwlione em nen. out-nouaee. anil a most cxcoileot Well of water oa the premises. Also a urge end pro ductive Garden, enBtammg one acre of ground. -The honee can be rented, f urniehed or .aatur Bianea, io irable panua. Applylo . :.4ti"aiMmi BXiiat'aFajwsf arrftsitt Almanaa. fltHIS IS1HE BFAf AI.MANC pnblihd in wj jat B(t4waajaa.ajaaBjaaax a Irpted to FxrmwW tt-J l'lMer... Ttutc. IA nji. .iiiuwwmji. '.ssi.tf t jt Bo,ik & 'jm. Her; lrf.- . "".'..-..ijoiiieeiler.- TM!rrf!.PAr.AAH. a KerMeitnnof Fashion, X a i tnaenro aoo ,ane(ruelr- reectvetf wita.tT. at rhe-ror th Csmlfna rtnnk forrs, VrlrA in eis. Kor. i-lwVtf - Boeke!ler. I"S. bio" Ae By the author of -UenlaH 'fU. El For sale at ths K C. Book 'Bl ore. JAS. H. FSN'tst, IB Bt aT ' - 'i - Bookeeller. Knr. TflK NKW TaTairT ThecomraoB Fnriiah yersmn, eorreeted by the Committee of the American h t t'elen faeeocil reriaion.l - For kK5 at the N . C. Book Bioro, " '-'-- J, H. FK5IS, Bor. W Te4 ' Bookeejler. . EALTIXOai FIVE COCKADE CFTT ALE, . T.r the a g, fbr sa'e. , . -lULUJa.'JO.VT; Co. : Kor. t, laTT-H ' . 1 . -.',-.' " ''A PHY COOES. CLEASI ItVECp) selling mmuQ i tUlj: TEIX . . . "AT"C0Sf FOE CASH, ATI) CASIL tKftTl 9mm tktdi lirMBk fiL. r - - e a fssaaa tag . - " --ssar rV&a'KrV jHf"Jtf( OOOTr!' '"' litisif mty tnwi l i i.. lOolKKV.GLOVKH JSLIiACHFlt HlliumwV tiNBI,KACIIKl KlllkTTVn i . . . : ..v Ail-.O 1 11 KINfl i"T"l. - r- 10.T,ud-.iWi,- - B0(p;ANn;-jH0ES.,s:.V'-fl, Oaitera, c , : nl bko " Now is the lime iir yon to lay m W. Ooo,ls, w tluvy .re adVaing ii,Utm mg at oust.' cune one end ait -and atoctaiM pnoas Usset h. o..i...J -"-.""ua pnoea Do not be induoed to " ut. you . . jst: watrr ig at Coat I mew Jnet ahat 1 11?.' purtmse of humtHige li. 1 rtttftwnere tti I sm selling i net for the pr,na of huinUigin. ' -Merchant, in iK r... u. . T'- .080.T,C00. .i j& iJ v! .ABg8-Ba.tf.i; A T A. .llaAlACwK;-- r CHEA P AND WELL BRLBCTED v TOCt roREitiji axn oonznn DRY GOODS! JC8T BECEITED BI ' ISAAC OETTINQer, . i , , W. w Faretterllle n. i '- ' ALSO, A FULL' STOCK 0f ' Shoe aad Boot, lint and Cans ' CIUa, U ,iaUBs Irra , . , IriwmiBffB, and ; . . I'anr (,oodi. ; . - RKADY-MATJE CLDTHINQ. " AD those goods will be sold at a yery smill at ranee on Brat eoet, Tre will iiottiteg h, eia-. y,;h.lW,wL,ra!B, "h "" Bemember I8AA0 OETTTTNGEftf , V ., ,(,- i j .-..!; n At eg Fayetteville St., ' doors North of Market gqjl 111 V:.,""1. rcrlTlt-- r ...... , umie awa patrons. KM'ku just returned from the Northern Market: wd stockiof" f f -ni MILLIXERT, tliat ever ass brought to this town, ghs ka something to suit ail cJassee i Irlmmcd Hate from SO ccn'fa up. "?J 1 Hotincta rnsde of silk, velvets, straw ami rim,. ahadc? ' 7 eolof as, inBibbona, Ftowere. Fcalhsr and OniaaMUs. her etock cannot he excelled JiLT rood taet is Ha, ming Bounou and Hat, she too well keen for that among ma Ladies.. far and near. Solo eaB before job ba elsewhere, at ' ' " (H,,X'' OETTrNaEB'g, P fill "ii .Vn" U kDO" rte,r aheUvea.) lefh SfTiber" U" " - "---, lOctober LIFE INSURANCE. TUB EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUKANCE ' SOCIETY, i - : -v - - r : I .1 . -ASSETS. OYERi: I S 4,00,0,000. ;! ANNUAL INCOME ' p -$2,500,000. DITTDEKD8 PAID TO POLICT H01.DH4 KOT STOCK H0LDEBS,1 THIS YEil 1 - oveb f 6oo,(HK). ; , ' . Fl'BELY MUTUAL. '.', - ' i't ' -.- -; v-')t ' PROFITS DIVIDED ANNCALT AMOK. "POLICE "iiOLPE R3, The Equitable has grows more rapidly, eaal It orgnmzation, than any Li Inauraure Coa . panymer organised in AmcricA. ,11 policies average larger in smoont, w"1 those of any other Omnanv in th Lniied Application for Aponcies in North Ctr must be addrorved to the Geu'i Agent. Mar. M. P. Tatuw, Ag't, Wihninetoo.' lustsway A GmoK, New hern. Oaaaa WiLuaaa, Tarboro'. Braaaag A, Oaubbtib, Agent, Waahiairt Baearzr.B, KauMte A Co. . tvrcctial.ri'. B. Nra HtiTiiBisna A Caw " Baliabat;- . HUTCHISON, BUBB0U0HS A CO., Charlotte, B. C, - -KkVm.' J " GenlAreni S. & RORA BI RM.VQ I LL ID. WE OFFER TO THE PUBI40 TITW CB' brated Fiuiil, and in doing e we ',? so red that Ma superiority ever aay othr Fi. V B OIL will give it S favorahle accer'n'-s " OuUisaaaaiyxe. is as aos-nruMva Ji j from any rtiaagrceahle rmelb ,,i. It will not area the hands. - ' -. It will not soil or gressethe elotbingi v, It produces a soft sod beautiful bgut, i; . . It not Irving to the eve. .. , It is the Cheaiieat I'.imno Fi.nPvercWl, iiitaa,,.,AatfiwMiiaif..iai X clier.gin. the burner. T JthaAboen naaa favoeablr reeyi.eA ail v(H Boaaeed by Judrca to be the arer ao host aau- abi nrajiiNo ri.riD now in use. ,- We arc i renared tofumiah the rraTS wnS if" -t-rWht wtttim mi bvm vaca ae ST aorrcnv vmd t-,'-. r e-e'e-7 prepared to furnieh aAMravtlMSSVS, l" - a it ie a a. xtigbta to mannfscmi me mi -U - each cwMrtfi wttt ho- sfd .ee- UrfBia on aiH'iicatioo to . . ..... ft -tV-. PFi'P rV-4 ''T,'yoiaiitrai ana? W Aehwaia-Bm--July I-3n - ) A" .. Baloa-o0 ACIUSCETOHATEIOIS old rrnxiTinE ErriiELU isa ' P.rVOTATED. ' TT irivr. nTrriTxrriiTHE fTTTTTt r ' ' I 1 v I trnl.i.itevee we era peeeer' .red 10 II tnnU tif I i'H H nt r.i-", wfJ dieiiahu. l;iactkmguarotal,. Old Mattressp"rnovtdl4d!iEi.' rtt l,,nni nt Ait kin.1s repaired and vsr" ' . and re-uph-dt-r.d, a-wt any- thing i oar Biadloratrproo.pov. . , r1 vr3 at-XII-lf ' ' w aw.-. .