. ..JL-. NO 00a iw,n mj . It. t t i ( VOL. III. SI DAILY SENTINEL; WM. E. PELL, Paortuirroa. Correpondeaoof th W liana North Carolinian . QtutoK, kit Character JyUg RvfiitK- A Xtirna-Drvbtful StaUmaU. ' , J Mao s.Oa., Nov. 20, 18a7. . Who bullet diI1 olU uentlrraan over the way, jut Bw running nil romping : 'with thoe little tliiluren I 1Ut 1 eome : tDg, Je WUlf UU""I MHI pilWUHl, DI I am anxioo to learn hi name." "That, tin, it Jutlue Qaiton. All the children love him, and be never eeeia to h.nnv a wbea turmundett by a group, tog- "X. miua at bint' and utkinit him all ru of '''eujeetlota. Let bin he evet eo much eo. VgroMfi ilb hia bii;h rlutiet, genial amile Will ligHt- uP - n rBaiurvw u auiirraarii uy the chiliirvu) ." ; . - ... . But thook'h h m a "good man and a great Judpr," hi great age warned na that . be munt ere long quit the thorea of time. And when the tad ann'owncenient wama''e that "Judge Oaatoa ia dead,' it waaVa if the entire jxipulation bad InoMdaally been" bereaved. The Judge went froiri Jlie offioe ' on the corner to the Supreme Court' tooni ' in tolerable helth.he returned to hit home never to leave at alive. V f '""'; V ' Perhape no man ever enjoyed more fully the eoofidencejof thoaawbo knew blm, than be diil. II via true to hie friend u niiei he had nOue. 8o atrong waa the pub . lie confidence in hie integrity, that though in religion be waa a (,'athollc be waa onaai stoutly elevated to the chief juatkbip of th Supreme nurt ol the State. lit all the relatione of life thi emiuent Jurint u a model. At a eon, be waa ever ' dutiful and obedient' lie loved hit mother with an almost Idolalrou hive. Upoa graduating at College ha waa aaked il he did not rejoice at lieitog euoceaetiil. "Oh yea,1 aaid he : "but I tball rejoice more when I can tell my mother of my good fortune." Al a representative in the Federal' Congreoa, he wua ever mindful of the interetl ot Uirm v. ho tent him there, AaaJuiige.be wat capable and Just. Ilia opinione are pattern of clear rcarening and prufound learning. A filiajn, ilio ami anuttett tatloua, he waa eaay of approach. With . Judgo Bss ts uttflelv invntha. luyp tenon iiitricacie of the law ; with the Rev, . C he could travel the path of Theolo gy) and with the tender little boy he could jump the rope ot aMtt in ajielling ra, eat, dog, pig orbay. Hecould be1 "yarn or gay, lively or lev ere," and none coulii excel bin In the part b took, i .' I' Iflteve U remain Here carried to Kewliere to lie placed in the family vault. "Yet timl he not an aien who aiuk, -, , &efirNour evee to aotitleM clny ; ... Bllt, changed to lrtt, a iu , . tlf auiuiiv r UI'MUBjf, laauaiujr. , :Hep, clilllr' 0 lwol, weeu." , !...- Judve RufTin. of Oranure couiftv, aiKH1- . mti fai th ..Hu nt Chief Juatic-e on the .i.ik ,,r inrtmfimtLM - Beheld the pol tton tormrMriil yeSfrtil waa a fit atu-ccaaor to o illuatrioua a man aa hiifl in. whee place lie we failed to aland, Leavioir. tor a lime., the Ihnrh, let me .' glanp at other mat tor, awacking not quite hi mni'h iif la w. . s . .... f . - It waa aouivatiera in l4i or tsea tnat i dittlotilt quetioa wa tuhinitu-d to the free and tultlit;ned roteri of RleighH to-wit : the renioral nt the Market Honso. At tnat time the aloretiid hiiuat atood in that por ' tiou of a certain atreet knwa ."irog Alley." and the iuIiaTWriinhi therpia knew that t the m! vaa4lw-awy, niiicb ut their trle MtiUt 'go eHewhern. They then-tore reaolvni- to eUt. reuiovaL Thit Dlacc-tiroii-Allev waa the Klved . Point 'tlii city-The building were , tme-etory han(iet,old and dilapidated, awl . oKiieU or otuiiud bv a detperata a aet ol 1 nten a tould be tound Iq a day'i ride. "The canvaa wa abort hut ncitinc. J'.acn par t had in ita emiiW't a filer and a drummer. Evert alirht Ih ,iwM!ttve' partiee worI tug aking behind tlie bolalxired drum and " (it fcreet-Mintj aaMiciate, until they had I'uiiwn i k.4iuul vet outwiio a tutfioient duan titv of bu-4-head. and eui liaM cf tack ef Aff to wake them bragtnen, ob I aba.le o' PeuvtUen what apoeohea, what" el r. oriem the altered. All at fliive W on InuM break tliit!bVUUi2 out -Cw luiea 1Mu.a linuor I" Nuff Hid. They al- aiava obeve.l the invitation. aha arianveaatft at la'. bwev. Th.' ballot box moke and ita- de4o waa in tutor of removiuir the market. Elated at , thi. the New. Market ".Hon party lnwAtartkii rcM tlirottgh the aloreaaid Grog-Alley, accompanied by the tucviiable Afe and drum. Thi they knew w the bridge of Lodi. to the market - I.nildine- wertUv.Bifri listed tbedeieated but not vamioMied .li-fciidert ht that odorifer ona uncioot. There waa a bait Who will ' It ad ua I "Fdllow me !" thundered a well Vftnwn voioe in front. The coluninrmet -ifc abta-tldckod. on bnwar . ' Tlun . aa am.h craahinif. and aplaxhisg ' anek kawintr and Cutting : Uch pulling of :woc4j,nc gouging eteje, aa4 rektog of h...:u u hat never been teen aioce the dm i t obi Peter Stuvveeant. Boeing bo' I V - i, . - . . 1 1 malu-r atmxi, I oeai a raii num. lo tlie heabh and tucoes ot my party aJ biuul ntunit nnmber of old COfmac Dome Udv told ai. a dat tor two titer taJKlfitn. tn ih. -! that mi nartf cleared the'otber nariv nut. 'hntatur diligent inyettiflatioo I Could liwl but fewwiia eould contcien- IKtotn mrrnhrat hi MatCfflmt. I Batth market wa 'moved ad Grog Alley became . ft biaru bure,a waa cuta go in ayiicu JritiMJUtbavieg bia4hi...f!M.a.pifaai.B4 ivgution. liLouk atoefcJ la dM !eHfcr. -4ia.uor- t-Mked ahanllea were Kmn nown, aou Uttla rere tl in their rtead- That wa ept wt dirwpe Vf tha city $dm tdire ew-diHieloniia tu thinia who bad beea fi?! TilSiuaAJaAfcat whlch-aatiaflcth tot iWTaf very wury; -!a"u- . Fveiv 1 , tbt ilur la the mmkerr tf "iB ehvtmn Wwriy i the HoaihVra tre rafih auoouncr thnT .-Jhe ctectioa ii iiowjMMtnir ouietlfj Iku nnftonti lootly UtUriuif a uuat biUua earraam. in new 01 the faa tht every pwll i (juarded by fat ted K"tte.thiier all atwed ojf, what eouid be expetu-J but quiot I On ua other aide, what aaerere cotuuientarv i :be rv- t-STOe aoliliery iipon the itaaioa awHie t rnciwiairwction. So tar a oor aiem Oft rre ati tntre Itu Hot been in all the Southern fcf tt ainre shev were uiaced no dT niiiitary . rulg a e-eirie !r-taee of turbanc of the pew ma w ntU caiwed -by negroe; Hbty they were not bIJy aTuiitv ml i n nigral than ana caae it ha been proven that thev were incited to di'a- JwderiyodnbTtjj tneMSTATlueluuera which we have 1 printed, all the account which we have aeen, ooocur in the at atom est that the white population are aniiout tor the preaettr la that ol perfect fikt'tJaw''tij otherwise dinpoaed a they am not they know that anv oothreak. however alight. that can poeaibly be attributed to them wilt W-betted-wteb; pj1f i"Nortbera Kadi cala, and aeiaed upon a a pretext for freaU legiaiafion iiT TnireHMxl KV.riif to a ai da be B.Mtherti wbitv. A. T WarU. ";', W I LL I A M LA Ml, G25IEAX COKMISSIOI M1RCHAJT : obfou:, TA. J.-y, rottoa. To boor. , Naval; trea. I ! Dried FrnlL tare, aVe, In Uie markeuef " , ., ! Srfolk, Llrerpool and Lendoai. ,Al Agents for NORFOLK AKD UVERPOOL HTEAM ERS. LIBERAL ADTAKCE3 MAtR Of CMWh '- . ME.TTS. I iiare aeenred the teniae of Mr. t. IL il'Mv. of Knrt Cantliua. ho will toe hi friend and atqnaintaneo in Central aed Weara Oarolma. and h will U pteaant w gin all Uifur- autiua-, aud attaud la any baatoe dvMrad. TAVLOR, BARTIW aV CO lMP0BTt;it8 AND DEALERS IK HAJUD WAM.XCTJTLIKT, IR05. HTEEL, BKLTINQ, FACKINO, Wl XlflM.il.! .' " out!, main amekT ana uis-t aQtuaa NORFOLK,, VlRQINIJUv, " Kept, lo an-aia W. E. BENBUR7, .. ... or onra.caaauiu, win " - I W. R CV LAND, -;: f""'-' ' DEALER l . .'. LTJMBKE, UX2, COAL, WOOD, SAT, HtMOI RM, LATUM. PLASTER, HAIR. TAR, PITCH AND TURPENTINE, wipn watb rr. ana wooomds's waaar, - - NorfolU, : Vav4 a. man, I w. A oamiaaT, ! c i hkfk, mfintiT v., OROCERI, ",:,::il7,ASDi,r::c.tr t)MMWflIDNMEItcnAllTa, o. 35 enrof rce treet, L . KOBfOUCTA. A aui.pir of Pnra HEKUVIAN OUANO and tl.r FrtlHtent. tttlPK. BAU1MKO. OKIH-fc- H1EH and L1QUDBH, ot Au W-ll-Mu ' J AM Eat tlOBDOS dk C'Ort . OOMMISSTQJT-MERCUANTS,- WILI. GIVf! rritifrr 4 ITKNTI0?T Tt) THI aa) tf Cotton and all other neodiKW, and In th purchtM of all Haiilatioo Mn(ea. Onr k'tntte wei.Mtlii.lied tn Ntwfcitk, in IMS, by Jame Onrd, of Wrnmn Ooonly, Siorlb tan nlina, whn waa Weil nAe MinwRlMmt the-HtaU. We Vantihatoor ion evperienoain he Vwinoti inn hnninitaa ha ma.U a familiar wltAi it in all It branchea, and entilk " a itrtlon of Mif patronage of th d peoule of our nauv Oen, M; Wi BanaoimJi. f. Moore, J. N. Smith, Col. N. M Itonit, Hofc-ttennelb Kayner. T.f, niiH, Jno. M. Hotalv, Ur. w. I. nawaiiw, wm. D. Jon, JnoJ. Belt, Hon. Wat, A Uraliua, B. a.Mbb,t ., yva a. aaus . -vo. wa.Ta. COTTON FAOTOUS Ccncral "TommlsKlon Merchants, XORFOLK, Tm - ' Rente to K. HTRinhh. It.a Keotland Kiwk : Hon. Z. B. .'Vaoea, charlotte i 0. Q, lraly Co.. . Murrav a Co.. YrilmiUKti; Ilea. H w. Havwood, Bafeigh : 0n Waile Haniut., HontB Carofiaa! Cuiouei John W. t-ennnniliain. Peraoa (Vtnnly i Tnrnar BaHH . Fdnaenmhej Kt eVian National Bauk of Kortuto i Aieetg H (riiwu x t o.. w aaniHj mmk. r . ajwaiT. I w. w. .nut VLSlV ... -t. t v. t w-a rmvr jf ley j. v BCRKLF.T, RIILLAR CO V- 1iUOLEftAL.DKALtRi IS y . PRY. GOODS AND NOTllMiS, ! - " uvtrl" 1TN kTKFF.T. iUT To utcuANta aanoluL BAM, . . kfUI,K, fa V '.-.( .Beeite-a-aut ---!.-- . eafAaLiMHKB iHa. a-ADr.ll RIOGB. . J08. I. BI0G8. J -RARER HICCi dt CO.r COTTON F4VCTOHS Central 1 fomml8floaH Mf rchants. " TV rtit FOLIC. Vu S racial, and' iTia aitei rioK ml Cutton and all othar kind of pro- duoe aad prompt return mad. - Our long etperienoe in bnwoM give P" Uie bigkael rlor advanlaxsa ui wuaMig.aaaa a atarkat prusafc e a aoauaia- eoo. . . ' . A . I. t,..d Taaraixim AoT : Ma)or Jaa. U. HT of w , k- ,a Mr. Jaa. 0. Haaeaea, of lauaon. .01 ha'mea-ed o feruadi any WuranvW or hrfl,,, to ih.-e ahwngjk. . r rf gn, :fi.:r, I-. : ,, .. rwxu mau vauiii ,Jl am.ll te4 r tJtlLTTTm i Jv. tm if. fttora Far Bcirt X door lo hoBrnarn t()r tnnaa. ;- '"Tt'u. u. i vrtrhrw f -trr BC'lUS'Surnf. Iba SB fH . . Xov. Xvi-f '7 F OR BALK. t ,L t a.u oatil aaaff Mid irTpZr,;, jf(.r. I Ba'tinwr a a tf'ataulUKBl taw' BVKil nawavwa awa a,.: rt"U.lAV . JoNKd A xj .rm it AKD l5.If.l.I.I0F,NT MA l.V ibhi in -'it. - -t-jb'"-"'-" ' " . .. 1 a k 1 i .h mnmi uiu iniv-t' , r..u.:i. ,.a"w''fcr''--T'--1 - ft, j, ntt"' ' ----- . . .1 ..... I I ...iriii AwMnftaUiT. .Id-taew. ijmlJf'MS.flrT . af, i ail AT r' 1 lr-aMtAAat tM rM-l arveT fttt-w-, PinSSBTOO ADTEKTBEiraXTS NO. 25 PCTEII8UUHG, Va. ', THE LAnOESTJTfX'K D It Y G 6 6 I S S T1IR "TATE OF Vlll(aIV nt i aMniuraitiHtt of atia v'n:! Ti(lt itryrntWTrffi71FIEral oaiT roHafca, aolirtitioii at the aaine ttuie irn fnttn eii. Itnttanee, aaanrinft ibem tlmt uo e rt will Ix avarad to awhwit to tlxtr inkrrrat as veil aa plraa- are tu uaa umir iwiieiiaafHi ufl mf Tun f.0. ta ilor aiemtirau.lnin, tletub iiietuuU'le, aiti kiv a wtfliateut tdo of the general attack I . , ' Ladlra1 Ireaa GM4 Blaek and entured Kilka, in rraa vanetv triah PopUna. BtdKiao and r'reneh roplhw. Preftrfc Me rino. Haratboa, PiUa Hrp. 1 raftea Kinpivwa Clout, Vania.Hiarritx,Vthiuiine IIm- Min Una. atiiKla and diaild width, in all the new hadea, lhamareka, Ac , WuniberU Bud Mouteli Waijta. -v ..,... ... . ''.; Eawkreldcrtea Md Law . - Hanhora; Kdadnm, Hantiare Inaertlnv. Man bWK KlouuitriK. Needleaorh Kdeini;, Nllniirk Inaertiiig, NaetlWvork K1uih'iiii;n. Naiuaouk KdKi(ra. Nainaouk InaerHntr, Hatw and (m bno Oollara, eaw and Camlirie Cdlarand Ctitft Liaxa Collara and CurTW, Craft 'otlam and 'uH, Bnela OoUar and Oafta. Keat fraiit (Villar and Cuflt, Kaal Foial 8u. Keal Valenlia Collar aud CuXa, Imitation Collar -and Cufta, t'lunev Collar and Cnffa, Keal Val. Lace. Heal Thread I., haal Clnoey Ioaa. Real a Irter and Honttoa l.oa Heal Braaaata Lae. Ileal Bobbia Laee, M Imm Baaruieraluefa, Valoulia Lam Hwn1kevlii.r,4m iuuoa Lao Uaaukarchiebi, . SondrleiT" ' . J . Cloak, Snawta, in long and aquarc. for Miaatw and Ladle, Hoop Kklrta, Ilaluiorala. Bulti and Ribbon Trumnliim tn larea atwtruoek ; Jel, and Fanev Battoua, Taffeta itilitxHia, Narrow Wa tend Bibbon lur Trimmm. bell itibliou, Wora- tMA Anil Alaara Rratila. Mtiliair Hrftula- (lalmtlia andHtay ltindinpa, Coraet Bolita, Zieiag Sraid, Htar Braid, Mle Ruffliu, Plan and Kane Hair Nota, - China and Ale Button, Fall nine of Black and Colored Ylvet ttiuUau. , . : nmrlaf brparlmrnt. Ore, Grain and .Bept Klka, Preneh Merino, Hombaaine, Tiaieinv Canton Cloth, 1 ean-lr, Craoee. Barathea. Pw(ina. Kmuretw ttith, I'se- niaa, Telouttnee, Peraiaa Wolbaj M.mvliotte, Olial- Uaa, Alpaor aud uonair, ri or tnu very boat, i : ' - i ..k . ...1 M..iir.fliriu . Lonpia celebrated maun fart nn Mlilte Good. Kaln. maid and Btrhwd CarnVric; PlafB. Ptald and Btrfped Jaennat. Plain. I'laid anil Hlnw-d Kataeook, Plain, Maid ami Htrh;iu Mnff Mmliiv Hlaiu, I'laid aud tHnpei Hv MoMin, I'taln. Plaid and HI tilled liwlii.n ' Ijwn. Ntitl Aiuah Jwn- neta, ittn nuian immune, enn nnian t oiik iioum, fen a; HaraailleejM., TariettHia, whim and ored, OriraaJiHa. Potted ami Figured ftirbw. Bni uanla, lawnt unin(. . . . - . lAdlea FuralftHlnei Gibd. TTnderveata. lirawer. Coraeta, Dele I hread Boae, Heal Eticli-h How. ttertnall Hoeiery in irreat varietr, nt Mtaaea,.i;iitiirea aim Latoeai Idie' Bruwn II. me, Laiiiea' Kliu k ana Hlaie luve kid Uktveaia lare aMMainit-ut. altiie, ttlat-k mlontd BerUn and l.nia 'itiroail tllovea. In all aiaea. Uartera, Klaata Hair. Tooh and Nad Ib-Baho. HVat htl II. wn an (Hull tVrelia llnatlta. Vail Heal La iott.B.llord.roiaiui Bgi,Trinitned l'ar-..liil Faua, Ac. ' : - - oai rat ! ' Rleaehed and llrown ' Cotton yWiaetinira and HhirtniKa. Ble.thed nd Brown Jean, liu at-lied and Brown Canton Flannel, I'laid Htried ami Hani OanahurKa. Inniiir, it iiiiim, IIL Klwy, Him krv IXDK.ey, t:luo su a ibe ptipul makea ; liinghamain ory variety. - Ilounckreplnff Dcpatrtnirnt. Flannel, nlaln and faner. lllankeu. Carpeta, Taunatee. Tliree-I'lv. rtnuurftne. liiKram. m al) wuu! and eotton ehatu, Venetian, iteui( and Cntt tai; t-arpeta, urnKKela, llnira em! t.r im. VIuiv Oil Cloth I,ae. Miii.i.1.. I)j ti. t. l)o tin! Uamaak Cnrtaine, fiauo and Tattle Coaera, Taltle DatuudL, KUwf aad TaWa-tnl dotha.'Napkiiw. f Wa, Tow. Ih, Iluukatark,CFeh ttdilliil.i".i, Linen and Uotttm Hlteetinita in ail anltlia. 1 UK.w Lju.es. MaraaiUea ConnterpauVa Jauiiiard and OKutu inapwnr. unea matter IMI4 eye v.r, Goat' rarttlaaln Gooda. All ara i reaoeelfnllv birited toinnneet mv etuiA netkra aiakuii; tle-lr purritaeea. my oonviciiou ia, um traa waj w iKWa m to aaenr uw miereai vnnr enatomer DVrenartnng uieama ieai poa- whle pntnt on irooil lln na ever been my notto. anA tlta larire baMaM lierelofor done aueoorapee aw in adlienng atrietly a it TIIOWA MITII, No. ti Sycamore St,, Petcreburff, Va. to tUe BpQd nelderx of the North faroltni Rail toad fompanj. OIIUo K.C Railroad Cotnpai " CoktrAMT Buopa, Ht C. - " Nov. th,18?. fa (TORT OF TOO HAVQ'a AOBEED WITH M r XA predeoewaor, Hr. wvuo inimawv iw aunr old boa.Uk taa4in meiooo ot uiiormiit von wa ar now ready for th ewbange. - -To eapitaliat t would ar, we-will aeW MlftnOO of eight per eent eonpon oonna, ne.nrei.nv luon- rag on in Roan, ana parama m vr", ' tweatr yearn, a the- mrUiaer may aVre,-r uHnrMt uavalile eutaimlljr. . lh dt-ttt of th ( onipnv la about 700,OU.-r nn.u u. fund thla debt will be Uanml. Th property mortgaged Ui acar Uie parment of thea bontln ia wwO. u eurn iK-j wven nullioua of flotiar. I ner can ne no wkkiubj.. f Th wood wui d eora onir a pur. v juatAft TCBSER, Ja.,- Km.IM IWIN- CR. A CO-. Bond Eoldert and ether Creditor of tlte . City ct WllBlBytoa, TtR CNDFRKIOISED, AS CHAIBMA1 of tile Finaoe tnniitt of th Ciiv of WUnring- Um, 4 " inetrwawtn tn o.-u w - and enaraelM af Ui debt of !. aaid oily, winch waa eoatraeted prior w a 1 uijM tiM u.,.:. rj tlta rirv are reouetitrd ' ..nnnta with n andarVilKaed, alatilig Ut awiaaat. In oata, witea am, anu " , bia, aad tha rat c mwtrero oi turn t-- . -i. . t .1 (mm nirfiam by thn faee of the aame) lor which th reaiiecrmi oouoa ao mra waned. nd the nam ner or aonftima t-. lareat wMVMitwd and raaauauXt anpjld... V HASOXIC. -- 1 - - -- - f I,. lWJ. nor. ..,nk,.a,fcjwtfa.tew. nvand Lodrre f. K- M of Piorta 1-aroii' wifl hatd " ae'tt aonnat Ctflitunriiiiaiion ui taw Ciiy. on lititndar. Id of Daeenitie, eoa.iiig at iVatnaa. V ?rzZZZ?t:Z2 ArranemtaM navw 1 . uta aavrrai kaitruada in Ut btaie f"r ooe ntrw. . 1 ' II. W.Kl. . Nov. I-Tlawtd Orand Saereury. -piiae T Ttt.lti n(lTgtnl! the aral e BliAUh fhrtmahip .X'MOlWJTIJt,- nf I 8f teat barthen, will leave Uvarpool on the t frmgni itf Wr Tn" w I . ZI -....-..- AtV v wtrT'.rW aT'TTTEfT " . I a a. .. ...ib V w feft " "'"i " '"L"" T'. In. t . . -1' EAlLEOADi I-THtH.T.XT TO . --x p CAllOLIPfA . ...v . the vtm Baltimore and Carolina Grand .Tnmk FREIGHT LINK, VIA rr.Ttlni'W'.YA- 4 C wnwimnir tlt f..llirln great Fmiihl Kewt: ' ItK" IHU II ATA - - Steamboat "Company'i Freight laaa of ., . .. Bteajnara, ... ii;Ti:Ktutnu axi weldvN, - EAUEIGH AND X2AST0H, , -; NOIITIC fJAUOLJIPa,; WKSTEBS KOKTH CAltOIJSA, ':' " "iLirrxcro asd ira-roH, ; ATIA STIC A Kit NORTH CABOUKA, WDnSaTOJI ANI JtANCHBrfT.lt, CHABLOTTE AJrfaVlOCTH CAROLINA R, It- f And their eoaneeUiNta. ' ' Tltti Qttrrk and Ratea Low. mm new tnrxKi iNR foums a orrat rilIIT MfTK biHween Baltimore d Weltltm. Varrvnnn. Ealeieh. Hillaboro1.. Lei- liMll.: Mlil.(ii. Horirankin, harlotle. Lioeuin- ta.uoiiiaboro newiMtrn. ittunwt, wur.iuifruin. iMtttterviile, rt'itmHltoro', ColaiuUa, .HuniUvville, atichewWr. anil all hi termed tata nomta a aad neairtlHaw Kreat HailwaT and IhatreiiniMietkMt. 1 he I'owbatan Kt.aier otainet't at lYteralnire itli I'tternlnirn Railway lit all pouit in the (r- maa. V ra are ruu aiutiiraiu ot Hieamerr hart and gonda traneferred with eareful hana- ii. Lara are rnn throafb without itraahinf ilk between Peterattura arnl Baleurh. Charkdta, ildnttoro'. Wilnunctou. Ae.. Ae. Tlita Inland Line nnimttmiiv advantage over 8u lUnite, Marine riak i nilt and iiianranee la eompara tivelv noihinir. I ba Wharf of ' the Powhatan Hieamera boom wtnatad in Ika varv eentre of tit great aiuitphiir diidriot.of Baltimore, render it eonvenirnt to hlper, and dravaeaiaverramall. tlraat auention paid towoiaigniueat of Cotton, Civil, Wheat, Htann, A&Ae. AiL.prodne for wardenat tne Btweat Btawtnie rate. . mr to inaure tratiaporution over vol a imana Ft.it l.iiu. mark nil eo.d, wbethnr Northward or .riuniliwartl bound, "Via i'KTKaMua,M ie IV., it. lit Un.lwl in IUIIim.m Aa lollawln delivery to the Htemnera. -t- , I hnmirh Itoeeipta are iriren and axed rat per tot! nniwit iiBaranuted boih way katea in every eaaa aame aa via B7 Iin ml l'orinmimdi b and from Baltimore, l'uiladei piiiaind Newldrk. ' ' N B With regard to laat named Dointa.freiirlit la fnrwaidetl to and from 1'uteraburg bj 1'hila.kl- phtand N. V. Hutmera. ' ivtr "itaod U rartintr Information, apply to n3 i tjffX"1 ob Urn Luhs, or at th orrica or 'TiiKTHtwuaTaw btcamboat co ; 9w.IJ..I t. Whrf, Baltimore. i IlItANUT, Jh., rtiilt Powhatan HteamboatC. lW-rl.-I'i:tiHtM. Itap'ii'eterabnra RaUnauL A. IVANDIlVWfl, Kiip't Hajeih A iaUR.K J4MK.H AWIiKRSON.'Hnn't K V K. K ! IUH KMi.HT.Hiip'.tf'h.rioaie A C. R. A I ii I L. I. L v. . I- yiu m, il-Im& u J. V 4iili':i.N, A.-V Ma. Traua, and ri. I;, ttallntatl. ; WM N Kt K. Hnp't WH. tanebetr It? . , MISCILIASEOTJS. . JiKVV tflODS! JiKW cooosT ii:cKivKi rA at M. ItOHENlUUBrS. TtOMK, ON'EASD Al.t, AND AK)E AT OKI Vy Ol tue uova vinit-t-fiuu. ui. r , - f r- finNTM AND PKLAINKb. r LAN S K L8. W a it a t?or4aBn," lltlHIl LINKNS, TABLE COVKIW. i PWKLUN0S AND NAPKINS, LACE CUltTAIHtJ, -... f -.:-v-',.. - . liLANKKTBs WaiTB akd Cotaaa. ' 250 Bfinare And Xonr Bhawli' f.Ilioa and Children, to Dukl at prioe ta nit the time. , Cloth CloR.Breultfiwt Shawl, 8it- tap, ubtiiM, i v ooleit 4Jooav l'.alnioralSkirtH, ami Luilice', ; Oenty ilium',; MtoK v,.... :., . ".C'lliKllX'U'A ..v...'-. ;. t '.' ''. I!f GREAT TAP.IETT. ; - Ah t line aBanrtment ef W oelelirttnd Hllos & Soo'i rhlladelphla Mine. INDIA RI'BBKR OVF.ItHoM, Ladiaa, tTotaea, ud Cloldrea. . CL0TI1S, CASSiMEKKS, ANt) KERSEYS, , ; . ' For Mea ad JJ.iy" w. ar. " - Alan ne lot of rAdiea e l (ienC Tiavelling Irmlu, Vateae. Ad Haod-llaita at X IL EOSENBAUaVS. l&Anti more OeMxl 'mtng . Oet.T--tf Wantel ! mi FXriUNOEOTHKIt PAnK aoTiT rnn 1 S tmn in Mant of v.iiimrrri n-wea VALIURLR LA TOR 4LE. IK llfirtKC! t a "deeeeV of the Rnperlor (mi( -.awful th Cnnnty of Franti'n. I nail pniwd to aril, at pohlie u.on, lo iJmi highee bd.b-r.at ike (Vmrt tint done, in thi( Unrnof IarUburg, en To. de tlia Ifnh dav of IieouailMr, J'"''. thn liual Ktd.ta of J'aaann Nifletla iboaie d, (aobji'it b) iV ion of Itta widrrw,) lrinR In 111 Ooontii olFranklie aad Naab, tiil.ung of 4 : -Twff Enftdred tad t txtj -four Aert 'arljoining the laud, of Or.tiray Hitkraww fTl w- ra..t.l. S.T Ti.'.m.iiirn It.lil. , Th aaid land will be aoki nndVr CM deen' of lh ( oiirt. .t make njU f.ie tlie i-vtmrd ,d d.iWLiUyn-edwv and ltrnii-nt .:l..5Tatat hwrvb. tat haallky mitr3Trtij.l leifinpi'ia e'" ,T. P"'"" ftv imwwirrtrrtrrrriiMfy u, nod aiikaaaut L.aaiJUl ami Jtt-nmwl to- as- nt a for HrrWfrrrar Tjhii Taelv nwritlta' eredlt i ' bned wrth gri mnnth-r. -Jttrr - AMtrhPi- Aitia'tr tu t. f-' it) f.i -th .!jWttfc TTaari i. ) WW Ita. ih rieiwon Wfay-appliMi to Katural Hirtory. rrie II. w. -Th h.-on Why-lJilid to Kalural ttetenee, 1! II W. -.. -' VrVlpVyt C.tni't.nd , Hixt-try, 1 tel i one, rt'. - ', JlaeanUyt Biatoryof F.nglaail, A vote, pet art til. i.l -.. : , . itaf "1 : yj. jr. at a LTadMld, v-ih la an, It, 1 Si. .ir.-M , ...' j)iiitNw!K.i.issAri,Ami--' , ' ( "" in'kilera tlid H4ti.iaera, OoCTn-ti 7," Alakaiga, . tt NEW ARRIVAL!. thejr ran fai4 lata lattladtv AT 9. w. j.touNr.; Siu.ll.J?r-tUwIW tt. RALEIGH, IV. t Th Haat.tr ef thi (rat kaa fcn selling Ooodi, for lb hlxiwnty year. In thi aWket; and ran mv tn onr friend thai, eomiitertng all thing. he aerer had a - ' ' ' f V .... . - t - i. . ; BITTl4. KCEtt OR CHIAPES ' STOCK ;6f: GOODS T eftar thaat tha thay are now epaning at their .ton. fie. U Fv"Hniaairat, Baleigh, N. C : r A tCA W. J.VOISU. v f)tbr, IMT-tf. MISCELLAIIOTS. BERLIWER JIAI.T EXTRACT' OB r . . Dr. riollendcrY Beer of Healthl lr Doaon. U . - . AM EM1NKNT NODRHtHIrkt AND twengUH nlag remedy tor al) diaaaae al Ik . . BBKAn AND BTOMACH, EKERAL WEAKNESS AND DEBIL1TT. ... ' ". ' also, ' -: ; ' aad a grA aoariahateot for omvaleaeenU. MOTHERS, nnabl togtr anfflelent aataral wonruAaent to their Infant, will find thi K tenet a reejarkaht remedy. - - It au been etamtned by th hlghett Vedteal nutaarnie and appmvtd to b not alone a very healthy, ant extraordinary etrengthener, and t eoeeefuIly uaed in til Hoapltal la Europe aad th Northern Cttie. In eomplianee with the detira of a nnmber ef Phvaieltnt, wa har lntrodaeed a Heond, tighter qnatity, at aAno Per 1)om. -thi arrangevnent, arurt eha of th publie I enabled to provide thla healthy remedy and tnerauy prewrve taw aeaiia. " .'V,T ritiL,. tiiiicm, Bole Ajftiot r North Carolina. HANZ MICHEL'! . CEI.eilRATKH '-' LAXJEH IJ K.EK, Hit KM KNii: M Per Woaea (Pint Bottls.) ... 'SA finoaine linpurtad ATTtol. . V"" Till EM, Sol Afrent tor America. Ori. M-Ia CI'ILFOKI) LAKI A(.ECT Of" . . " KOBTII CAROLLVA, -: TASDHOLtiERaWHOWWH TOnRLJ, ' AfcTlctiltural or Minora lMiidji, ttau-r roarrt, 81111a, Town Lota, ar Real Ealate ', ef any kind, win lad it tn their advantage to plao their property ia onr hands for tale. V hv great faeiatle for proenrhig pareh. eera for all aneh property. . . Far inforTaaUoB, addrea ' ' . : - f!KUa B. ORETTBR, . t ; i ,. fleneral Agent, : -1' ' ' ' ; ' ' Oreenelioro" N. f!. ' fr PrTtL TRUM, Agent, Ralaigb. N. C ' .rWat-n-'f ,,ii. .., ru. j- -wiRl.LL nATE : V- HOSTS CABOLUIA ALMANAC" , readyfof oar enaUmawt Mt.du biu lot the Fall and Winter trade. . . T1 matter and Kyle will h better than ninal, aad th priu chaapte mt th Hme. . ?1 ' . UKANWiM, I Attlt AR A CO. . ' 'Jttly1M?-tr ',.'.,. , . I, J i . XJ .., v. .... m' lf -i.:.'',.:i--a . . . BOLE LEATHER TJIUNKS, BOLE LEATHER VAUKE. . -BJO-ROCCO AND T.RATUKR TUAVEU WiO BA0, la f rent varMy, .- At R. n. AKIFHEWw At (Va ' " " Oritt't Ftini Room. Hoe. iS-M-tt r jii. .ori ii 1 ker UaO. TurSer!' N. V- Almitnne for Ihbh, WEaHM.LM'lil l-H, Hi few dava, tb H('i i wai-ttttiv of th aov Al- Bianae. f ' ...M a hava rediKd It. e I.I fA pevaandrea, or ' tier Uunwau.1. . , ,. , , . Bend yiair orot'O. to Wlld.ltMdA 1 AMtirirT ' i Ho.aetieea aiel WaUi.an. Ralegh, IH-t. at.J.i-a- is . jT WE,FLArnBR,Ce'.Mjr:xT ANUffAlH. a , . 1 . - . . s lra KaplHy anvava aa; aaoa ana i aala oe nwiwt tavurtok tareua try oirrua das'!!.!, wilaiiiiKion. n. - P. R. Mearwi.t fla.Tin. ee tana Man rann Mf..;.. ' :.; ! ' i''iLiiua..!fcJtj-ii4--.- i .afa ar Ssjr: no.; 1 TAHiLr makeel. 'xa Jaat rTAlJot..j!ehv. T IAjCijI. itti.lt. -kattJ..: v. Wr f XiferBfr Attd CtttrtM-lJor t U; : . . RAI.W'ill.N V. rRtCTK FA I THE AtrCRlH OF WAKR," . liamata wnl ,tn.ip, l." iiw i,,-, iim. hhih and iba Viiiknt SI a hi (urn 11 Cui (, KaiA t arobne . ' . mm i vjuwewwia em m 1 in the ittaui. if the claim, (nriorip d iwr. ., tuwum u tui in. a-- Bj al attentit gifra lo raoai ta I. - V lAirilfPTCT,.,::.. " fftfora'io-Hon.-W. H. liatiki ud U-m, Kit. Iu.le. JutK'a f Ota l..1r..i,u t u. 1 kuiik tar.dina. tteyaMchar aVwvt (. --.f.;, 1 I m aimGI'rt VAIXEY rOBTADI,KUS6lSE WOKLS, ZANKAVlLLRr 0HI0.f pmu.fr .MPKirrfa porta . .. 1 tiTK4V JfVUlMKH ASI VJHiVl.AB I ,. o.t It Jf.t hUYAtitS fig-V- jiM;tRyMrii.nAsriM- i , iAtta. rWfgiA'H..V'' "" , . MIL A At. ,-. X. ' ' The Etigiue and Jlill" hare rwetved the nret I prenilura over all competitor. They anVird th at, ehapt, and atoM ecenoowal powar nt aw and tioul in pnver any luigin atad ia th i. moil. Thea Engine ar red and tanronghlv teMM befnra leaviug th work, aad r warraotod la all reapeeta pcrfiiot and rwadi for Inimadiate na. ; Tkav are. mmili la t mora InwUtar with lea ' hand and at lea pna thea any other In the i'""""', .. -T-.: r ruraerrtpuon, prieeuauana ovnar miwrniv I inn m. draw. 1 I JOHH B. 0RETTF.R, Uuilford Iuul A-anev, j 2 tt v nm.nawnn li, 0. , (,. ..... Ageat tor R. C. Jua M-27L JOIIM W. lltftDALE, 'ATTORNEY' AND COUNSELLOR Al No. t, Hay Street, Fay elteYllle,!. C PKA0T1CEB la the Htat aad Federal OonrU nd in th Conrt at Uankrnptev for the tit Congrmakinal Diatrlet, ' - I'nannt attention aivan to all bnainaa intra a ted to hi nar. Clauna. eolleeted anjwhar hi North (Wolina. . , , 't July ai-aw-tf- " ' ' - .' 1)ATAFCO FAMILf FIXU B. , i ' '' " " 1 '' a avptaaBwe 3rladiaa. tn Ou Horaraiotrt y Fkmr naoirna nr f)v rnnrH ta Ilia BrT.Mpeeially If it ta b hud by for tit yaar. t'or aat by IAl'0IA8 BEI.L, -T-wit.a1 '" "g " Market aVaar. ; Don's WAsnixa macuise, aid ma USlVIfiSAL CLOTHES WRXXQtlL TIIK BK8T AND ONLY WASHING MA CHINE AND WRINGER THAT 11AI "''BEEN fl'LLT TESTED IN THIS ; , PLACE. a VIVA MACHINKH have beea a aed for aowi . tliaa, Ki Oie family oTHi nei'ntlary of Ik Htat and th Hanmr rdiUtr of th tkmtiifl, nd, I amautliorUml lo nUto, hav given enure aatistae. lum. Thiiae Machine ar patented, and iterannn ttatng any other K telitnea hka Hi. ar Calii tu hapruKtenk d. l'eraiiawli..kSt!o. purehae eta gel out on trial. l... .. .,..tt.A.A . r . kind nf teni i.nla prlwii, lobny a tlaekin, until you ettnun thea. Napt, 1 J-H : u.u auiiMi, attiiia " Jvn'V itiaji:ivj:i riSK nLAin. im: iuiti. H r ADR FRiJaVHO'ElllOII F BENCH CI.OTH, IV 1 Cut, Tnnt iue and uiada u Wall a iba beat tb-n-litnt 1 ail'- ordered work, al aavtng frow PlFlfe.r.N to ra tiNTX DoLLtltfl a uil. artk eatii-g In Hteae thwea. .. , : . riNECLOTU At KS.X ' FINK BEAVER HACKS, . a . ?.'ut. nilH i irti Bia.inrw whii, gntlen ui. in nor bvttyle, atprlea (..uit tb tiiin-t. ' 'X .' A line varbdv ef FIlvR DHFJt FHIhTW atway aaaad,at - X i::..;i 11 IL ANDKEW8 A CO'H , X , . '-. , ... Uauto' rurtibhing itre, '!. I - nu if t.pnll t.ker U'l Evrmvi. FAii,y fuilk. Jilal r-ti-4 elaaa KtmilV Flu Uet-17 -I U ' f ' warrant every bwrol arat , r". ; ! ' . . - IMM'OLAH I&A.U. T Ml III NAI.K. Beamifn! Freneh1 CH1KA Ttlll.KT bKI'iM, kt. reoeima -" liwa eiiiiiti. Oct. 17- At-f t - Wholeal Oroew. ' . for Bent rfHIE PLANTATION at Lawren llinton, tUe'd, A ii for reiit tr tb ynar Imm. '.Jlo. 1-ja-gw liAViO IllSRiV, Xt, Br rrogrewa ana maauaro witpr. e. - Saw BookA', - -t T EZ,-A TALE OF THE ALAMt; by Aror. I T 1- T.I I'm. Author of "Itenlab" an 1 ' bt.iJ- n.o,r ror Mi tt the nonK more or , Nov,y-7-tf WlUJAtA LAillirm. , I'Loik ad noi U K D 0 C 1 1 0 N I N L tRTCKS 1 1 Good S e vs for tbe Hun try ! I ! FTtHB BESFF1T OF Pit ft LAfrf A N D 1.0TTFST X prtee fen ryia-ttirra Marai-u eaii lie eeearrd a rx'aijkihir 1.1 ai) Mima m II iri- iMjl'll LAd bF.LL a; - " For Rent a Kr.ini 111K iirniri r. &uiu..iii l tenewnaewwiwttari of tf.'Ii," lot la Airta Hen that wewfcrka wvetw-rrr ir Wf- wtrietr piaaniwil O iw, given" lot tne- Utat. lr. .. . - l.t ma m.i"i aievApprrrri .' . M - M.ia, A.At. fIitB-A: iti. i;all tradl. imit A, XnyeattovIIlev Htroevr. 1'N(l(.UsH Wafll and Waler trosa-tong hau jdUx. r. Ar c-Muner, I'bufttrni Mil fVydving a.ka, Ad r.ja t.'arfwkter'a Hawittwa, ( r"i""'ti, dart "t 'l'.. i-i. n,.aif bi.- aiiii.'le lotn, - - V 4,aora, Matrh Flanea, Bfeer PUne. . Oiaaiug kutie aodt aipeater t bttp !lt!t eta- 1 . A. .... " Uui and rl.tpHor t u ilia ... ,,,,, :., 1 Hifiw"- " r4ieitlN:J. - tf ah tt.it A .lii-H HiiLM AIN liCnt ft. , . V Jut reet'ifed aitd etr ailer rwpt. it-w if a r. w uxu ui a co ' H , k-i ' .' 1 , k . - - O -'- : II vrh. J I- i;to-v f k Y ' 'Sia.'!t!TiH't -IlEAAriI UOUIOVr ... ZJT2 tktin-iota wmm4m. v t - ittornej in4 toaniiiilof "WUm i . i LkiF tOltkV -T t Si Anaoriated alih BAri.k.R A. PBYOA F., Ar" aierlv ufl;Vu-,'iiiia, wui aiteu.1, tiu.roii.iMT ana nrtnrtTT, taau ImaMAt 4iiuiHred ata ITT . i iv ' ' 4- - f '1 I II' '"!,; ltt nt Alttnl)ant enalltv of Lima aliit.t! l.t.' Ittaiag parnM va be had t KaboiT 11 a ' per lung Too, r 1 1 1 mj i cuwl huiata. ,.i . Apply to Vakav. ui MnUon, Is. U, .an avtn-n AKOTHRR UPPIvir OF TH8 ?KI.tnrtAtll' "ttllr Chaw.ng loiw.vo, (mm ra- ( vd fUlXUif Ji).N Ato . Oc. M-l tf : '; :. r. hruwaaw Oroeera, a Nyj. t i ,. ',. .- i ' ,,. i ' ,.g . ; rPij Lit fanuabwi wppBcattoa. is mojf AND STEEL.', GILLIAMDULOP, i i s-- v ti a-.L. .Va . " .-.- eaa gjvaiumi oireei, eiertynr?,. VfW ti . .t. . Bave n loek at H time, and ot,. at low fiU, I wmm, m hn uu, ta atoat oeartiM frtmeB of..; IHOK & 8TFJ3TA' ; f .v.-.' -oitarTt!t(l or nt KTtNKD BAR rBOS.rtAT, tQtTASt 'aW ' 8WEDK9 lB0N.-;;V-.'..a ' .KORWAT NAIL RODS. IIX)CCiH iRoii., al 7 . .. .... , Boliflg BUOR IBON. i v OARRIAOI HKW OTAL, BAND AND -! r:-.sw SCROLL tBOS. . ? ' ' : ' ; hoop tnoN,' all eia-A " BERT CAST 6TEEL, OEIUtAK aTEHL,-i f ,: ,.,. JUHTEB iBEAX.-:--'-- Extra $intf Ire J iirtoMed prom pity ,-, ' -1 -. --awny-o--alaw j.nna i i inw. tn - A-' - OILXIAM A DUNLOP '. .-i .i' TDtALEM I3f IRON and: steel;; .... Aleut for th al of i :,.-.: '. I ' 7. FTrVaI,' eal,' . Aad all daaeriptioe of Oil aiantuaeturd by lav KanbattaaOOCs. October eVAnn, , .; -t . ; HAlT3NIKItr!.; ft ,4 CATHARTIC AM ALTI.UATITli . PILLS. ' "O RlX)l M FKDVD Ilk Hilt rlKRT I fmft I JX una Purely Vrretehla. K Calomel aa " then, never (fripe lo-mif Coaled wuh Uuat Tola are prrfoelly Uatebm. . . f'ir reKiilainur Hie II.W..1.. and t,m 1),. J Uilitta k'ever, hilt.me Ileadti'he. t'ivi.in,,tinw nr tieatlvwnwa, Jaundio, Indignation, i-il, i'jal"")1"!. I'leeaaea, ilUMntmm, oa of .petlta, elek rleaitaetie, and U di, where relial'te Caikartic uomIk-io 1 reouired. , j irr. rr. r. w.nfti, wuo na n auittrior a Pbyeffian In orth Carolina, ha ju.a,ed th hrnnrl 1 tthioli thru lull tin wjada aud high- ly reeornn.eTiti. t! m. C4. W.i, eini im, the 'dfntlrgniKhed ratriat and Proftwwndtirfri7rTry-iir tbi liiirarmiy noria 1 arniina, nae aa.jaa mom, and eeriille that they ooutain no Alnroury ef any efcbe. niiiwr ral emmiitueiit whatever. , . tWl and get t. trrrriar, - ! , t'repareU and .4d by .-. . ft5.;. ' ' .!L H.AI1.i:1hV 1 ! Manofaeinring (..MuifL '" Jebl-lSO-tf thailliUi. h.iXi " tat al in IUHi;h Ibr , VjUJ.fAMSA HtVlfoWBt'- ;'-.', ..' TICK it a lrrtTiTn v-ivnwmi AWiiiViVAil AJ1A AJUil Tate Cireat Mtherii Talc, sl AND THE UOtiT J'ALA TAJiLJi ETiA 1 ' MACIIIC ever risirt), -!H ,10R THKCflbE OF DkHMatIA. Mil'.I'KR: . d OiirrariTiiiTT'latuluney, WinirKi.ii Vu, ui butt of tit ilinody tliliouCou.pUui ',! froea a nitirlnd etMitboitu 0 .ha hi vi'.tt. li u. -Ab w, l. Aa kkgant Toni at Oehiltiaied ! . ,,f to l;ij(eativa Orgu,, or l "Jltwws gnera!!j. Foc.the ItMa 01 li(,.i,ute it n, tl.e tit't i,,.a A,ino aad eforlua! Tmiiw m 10a w,i, i, it .i.,.,. limit -nature and enaltleal !m e)l.jn t., tnui4.)dl ( over dleeaee. In vrakutiiint. a sn'n,p,i u..h urentora aiHt.gaaral vi vua 6t -rains, " ui, it peeuiiariy atlaittett, ivuiir 1,,. I i.., a Uta nwrvea. loleli,! ljiai- au i j,u,ii,.u 11 OtvalualtleaieJ lattaet Wlo-aevrr a ...aMM. ad agmwalM Tieoe ia'(ntr. tin ,,,, 1 U aaad. U. Jobnauw it. iea, on f tne m. .r una aud veil known 1 ii.u-uim m ..uit Mate, teaulw U) it g.- rt .,)(, iH q..ea B,y Mkara who kave bawaj gleal. it, BoiiWd by iko aaaofUieee lultiu. . . , . Prejwnxt and .iM by t a. u BACSDEaVli , MauufwliiMuK Cm ,t"-i, . .... FrtHMMrf Ci..i i or ai ta Uakigh by - - ... ' , " I! j .1 t.'.i.-i A li i w ',n r, T TATat TH i ei iA .. ;. vtaaw Vni'iTT, T t.5..i,. i .11 -f. - - ' Thorn L. J,-."do.ln'r, J ( 1 - ,A' furlr,, t ,0... . , i.J ."' 'w I .,7.1 Ey virtaa duct. atad- b tiato ri wi 11 term, 11, I ,li.i wii. 1 i..r I A I Aft Ktn AVw IHJ4Hlrt Ji'MinWe (.(, t r , on tilt? 11 (ar tif Ji.uu. v u.t in.a i-i,Oaf I!. LefKrllAilllff Ui itlf-tt 't: irf tJ.O l,,i A;. (if M. al'MMH, f.Wiref fj I! Irt f S VN m K Krtruix, i. If-it, ir. i,k f i Mrs, Uavrr k aiiaP.-i. ami t'-(i. ,b ' two ihollr-aVllti Wa klllitii tU tm i -''--"' tj-c!t "rj.'ii it jr r-C':idd mW-ir Tti ti irr-rt frilTtTj Kv 3 -ii rs. ; i,. t- IrrWuut, tatul w vr ?tJlIVCHiHt l A at kavft, wilt b (iwtf4 li'ttt Km' r-J tia-i f.,r tu irnvvnititrfai ( parijhfc-Je-irs,. it-i j .'.',i tj 1 ufv 1 ........nuiiii i-.r I,.a t',,--. t m .. n,..i piirrl.i,.n. a iii r. t.VU ui.i,ff tivt-f-i w-t,- Liririeil jaaluiUk-r.. Au-ftrTflHa- rt -V- Ui.it; .-ill paynteijiii iurt Wiii-M u. ptttu ..a at ttuwitaanM.. . n- i-e-f . fc.tiiy. . l;lll M. tn-.:. rmr r-y t .J, a. v, i,. aaaHtnwva, a. a. ixrtt;a, j Ltivoi . t. .4 hkllj route, i-Ua 1.1 t .IJ GWYNX. C(iTTi:X co., . COTTOX CfBeral'fcm:;:;,: ' i ; ..t...... i t g. i j.s n. ' . - I.il tm hai,.-ll Kii-id fi:i tit.l.ri. I-T ip r. nt ,. , ; . H'f, r i itto. ViiiHfr ow l..,. turtia, C. y 1 a)jt. 4i-e!t.iJinia3ta 'S TI 1 of" , . -A "' v, ..;. ,.;.....w

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