... . . . . '.. ..... . ... u. aT f I - v a" , K3m VOL. IIL 1 NO, 125. DAILY SENTINEL. WM. X. PELL, PaomwroB. t the National IntoIllgCBoer. i i-samcae ouqr a 08 TIL S ' TO COTTON CULTUSB, , In 'the recent dsUta i the Senate apon the UoaM trfjl rapeelwf the oottoo tax, Mr. Morrill, aba, M cbainsiui of the Committee - aa Weraw $Uv fi the Hooea, was the aotnor oi im tax, aiKMrtoos to excuse ii ny aeseruog tBet cotton wm Mia ptatUMM in ' . tb South at a very mMUseralive rate, w.- though it dues itat wit fur as aiach at in t ntoducuoa cost. Dr M least thirty per coat ' r lie alleged that etrttoa vat nee worth as . Much to iM pradaow at it was la IBoa-'tw, -" when i WH sold at about tha sacae price . . wbichU bring aeav iMntom eon id ha raiatil at proAt, im I88t,atehvaa eaBtaapoand, com. aad it wini rntmi pnoa ao Tha eoHafa htuiuu: pMumratira to the a f - , j t 'X a Uz equal to tventy Bra per cent., npon Such are the itatemeato made in Conraa, and such are the arguments used by Radical leaders for tbe deceptioa or the people. Mr. Morrill exclude trom eontideratioa tbe bet that the cert of producing the cot ton is twioe as crent no as it was ia 18S9. Every item' that goes Into tbe aggregata expense of tha production of cotton ootls twice as mucb now aaitma in ibov. jcren V members of Congress were prompt to double i their pay upon tbe assumption, that by tholr i' legislation tbey bad depreciated the currency and enhanced the cost of living to such a ": , rata that they must Dare double pay. J ' But the feet "of producing cotton is much i -Tlor than double what it was In 1859,-t - Taeeost of labor, even where it can be pro i" ' ' cured at alf, is now much greater than Ie bor e ployed a like culture anywhere ia the world.. The coat of the labor of alaves ?' io 185 was estimated at sixty dollars a J' year pat iead. Mow. the same labor costs I three bandrod dollars a bead.. But ia fact, f 'the piuitcr owning alaves was at no rx T 1 pease whatever for his labor, lor the io - crease of the aumber at tbe slaves in fami lies much more thaa compensated for the cost of their support. Thus tbe eoat of labor in 189 was little, and now it is three hundred dolleia a bead annually. : How eve wa ever to barn a just and wise system of national taxation under the lead of such '" statUticiana as Mr. Mori ill t Mr. Spragne, ia the seme debate, declared that the cotton culture and the domestic manufacture oi cotton fabrics wt-re nearly .. at an end ia this country ; that the culture V-vv of sVa island or long stsple cotton must ' cease ia rottoa region; and tha itn provementa, both ia culture and machinery, abroad, had brought lnt market eottoa goods st low prices that were equal -to the fa dries made irom our best Sea island cot- ton.. . ' . ,'. iv.t; But ruinous astbis cotnpetitiia is alow to . our product and manufacture, it must lie aome still more destructive. : We Bod, from V atatements ) English papers, that eottoa of : the best staple can be procured forManchea - tar mills at aixpeace a pound, ftome asy that it will ultimately rule at fourpeace -halfpenny,.:-,- , .? ) The British cotton manufacturers aim to scad their fabrics to the attcrmoet parte ol tha earth at prices much less than It would . cost to spin them on the spot. . Mo country .:. bad supplied the English cotton-spinners as . cheaply aa did the Southern State. But that i all changed, and. a If to prevent . tbe possible product of cotton ia this conn try at a price competing with that oi other countries, Mr. Morrill and -others of onr Beastorial finan -lers argue that it must' be subject to an Internal excise oi twenty fire -. percent. - '..'- - 1 '.'' If tbe United States is to be a eottoa- S wing country if we are to -supply the uropesa cotton-spinners apuia, as we did formerly. it must be St a very low price of , the staple as low as it was prior to tbe late civil war; as low as It can be produced In India ; and it is certain that this cannot be . done while Congress puts a vindictive tax on tbe product, and, at the name time, dis organizes and demoralizes tha only labor. that caa be employed la the cotton culture. TBS eUOOTTSO CASS IN MOBILE. ' "'jni Halted States District Attorney at - Mobrte bsvine been indicted by the praaJ ' tinn, apprciie tne unnea Btatea juuge and iquire "tf M meaas ta allow tbe In--dietmost to take Its course. The Judge ' very properly replying, that "the law taint take Its course," the DiaOrict Attorney ' draws his revolver aad makes a murderous . attack upon the Judge, wounding him very . . ..dserouslj.' -is-' " '.' -: t " A csrelesa reader would draw from these facts a aoacluaiim very unfavorable to the people of Alabama and the South, and vea a journal, liberal aa the Mew York Uemli U ita treatment of the reconatracUoa policy, speaks of it aa a "strong symptom offeadered la the 8iMitb by tbe eicitemont of tbe rebellion." Now, we cannot see what the Southern people have to do with this jr disgraceful affair, Does not everybody know that the great mass of th Southern people are utterly excluded from positions under the Federal Government J The vilest , ' negro may be and dote hold important 2 mcee. hut the ablest statesmaa and most . virtaons citicea cannot be even a clerk in a custom bone or a village postmaster, much ' km til sack offices as I'nitod States district Attorney or Federal Judge. .The result is, . thst tbe Federal offices ia tbe South are Is "tli hands very often ot Korthera adventurers and of men whomaketheirpretencescf loy ally a eloak for crime and kanvery. These aaeacereaothing for the local sentiment. Ia enrnmunitiea, where these test-oaths do not " affect the leading citizens, aad at a time " when they did not exist, aoniin, aa a pen . eral rale, tithef at the North or tbe Mouth, could secure a prominent Federal position wit host a certain degree of respectability and ettegtatioa. Dependent vpon local sentimnt larpety for his appointment, that - asms eealimeot was a check ajioa him ia nttic. Wi have dirded all thia. TVs hare . Nyrred the Sontheraeni (torn Federal office, however horn I de, by Mt-olhs. Pes sny ' sine man Ulit-re the Jtide snd tbe District Attorret who fiirurnl in ibis rwent sboot- ing8ir ie lu.tre truntamtby than the many sl'le jonut of Alabama, repectHhle in ll Hie walks of life, bnt who, unlike (t'eMjtwo pToniigP, WiTe rtnat.lB to tnke tlie test-oath, which it is rroiKwed stiall stnnd 00 Sle ftm-book a rTmmnt tier to ail liP'rl 'e parti'' pit ma in tlie k povirnment ! tSe s-.i.-.i-fii. in )r rl nut iti-rrsr-e thwi.v! " bectiioi' " !! !.,!! 'VtTLKJSG ttnt AID VZWBZSV. IIP, FLAB'1 tin Cf.UKHT AVD HAIR. a Large Knpplv always an laud and air sale oa mom moraine term inr v - WOBTH k BAKIfX. ''' Wilnitn.rui HI1. P. S. lbhisVHBiajWw Vu&uiuf nam una . . -,... , Jul ll-2H7-m C.ll t Bait t Q Ann HACKB OV SALT, DIIUCOT IM- VV VvrportaUoa imm uvvrponi, Mr sue D Sit fc and hunh Water nt.j .; Pee.)0-4oS-Sa , WtlmiBxUm. DELLKX 4 WILLIAMS, ; pk(p9MMI8I0M tOlllT' Il USE BILDINO, . KEWBtRir, jr. & WIIXUM WfLLARI), RICH'!) H. TATLOE, GenenU Purtner. TAYLOR, Special Partner. ' RICHARD N. OUOOEU -v -' ' :""-:' ,"AH,-," ' ; : ' COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner Cravtn and South Front Btratitt, .. KEWBEBKf, Hf. C. Refer to J. U. Oonw. IS Park Place, h, X., Wygant ft Hneft, 68 Dwy Simt. K. Y.. Jas. ft. Weodvard' aooa. 28 North Fnnt Bt.. Philadelphia, W. B. Oulick Uo. W. Sxipson, national Bank. BaleiKh, N. C, jl at. uatea vo., uuanotte, a. u. Oct. St7a-3m Tmw mixiK ruf -having eeek appointed agents tor tlie flUt i.f North Car olina, for the celebrated DIXIE PUMP, we offer to sell CoBBtjr i-igbta in all Uie Counties unsold. W ikou fur circular. ItiTCUEMi, AU.KN ACO. Dee. xT-lm J Kewbern, N, C. . , t Groceries ! Oroceries ! ! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED the a.lrance of our nlotli d eJttWSiKSBIStai, couautiag Pork, ' Sugars, Teas, v Extra Family Butter, Cheese, Candhts,' . , ;,':; Ploer, (OttIM, Mackerol, Pirklo v.' I trackers, .Ulsmh, lliwkwbeat Flour, foap. which we offm lo the Tfd at the Joweet Cash llarket prioee. ' A (ull supply of Groceries will be kept constant ly on hand, 1 which we wonld call the attention of Oiuutry Merchant and otliers. i . 11. luwapi t;i., i . No, VL N. Water HI,, vlf-lm . , Wiloiingtou, K. 0. BALES OF XJA ESTATE, Ore. ' Valutblo PropertT l'or Sale. . . . Bt VIUTUS OF A DEED OF TRUST eiecn ted to me, by the late Wm. F. Csllina, I will aeU, 00 Monday, the 13th day of January, 18C8, to the highest bhlaer, at tl Court Hons door in Warrenton, the following vamabt pniperty : The Tract ot Land on which th tale Wm. F. Collin resided, at th time of hi death, situated 01 IVarrtn (Jeanty, onjtb Williamsboro' Xoad, two (3) miles from BilL-eway Depot, on the K 0. 11. It., and adjoiiltijR the lauds of Jno. . Jones, Jt, M. GouUnaanuJothera, eoutaining ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-TWO :"s (173) ACRES. ' On IhiaTraot are situated the celebrated RIDOE- WAi WILLS, which ars not suniasaed in Ui manafacture of Flour by any In th btate. The Itilla aro in first-rate running order. There are on th premise a Dwelling Hones, tne noce;ary out-honse. barns, stables. Mi., for conducting a farm Tbe land is under good fen ces and in a hl(j h stats of ealtiraiion, about one half the tract being in original woods, eonveuient to the Honsc and Mill. 1 r There is also a one young Orchard of Annie and Peeck trees, well selected, and several yonng vine of the Hcnppernong Grape. - Person wishing to purchase wonld io well to examine tbs property befur th sale. , Term mad known on naT or sale. . HAkX COLLLNS, Trustee. "IJafc-rwAswlwAdta..-.;;...; .;.!. v, , . PTJB8UANT TO A DECBEE OF THE OOCBT of Equity for Johnston Comity, at Fall Term, 1M7, 1 shall, on Halurday, ths lttlk dlyof Janoary next, on the premise, proeeed to seU,at pnblie sale, that raluabl property, near Boon BUI, in aid County, known a . , - : TUB ifEOCO. JIILLS, eoOnating of fifteen knndredand niaety-flre acres n I .sit lrine near th North Carolina Bailroad. and wiOiin m aud halt milsa of Boon HiU Ds- The said lnda ar the flrst enalitr of Cotton lands. About SOU acrea ar kare(L and hav been in enitiratioa. 1 he rest i in wrinutis fnr- est, ana is won umnerea, aitnouga acomadsrattt anantitv of Pin Timber ha bean est off. Th improvement consist of an eioallant Saw UilL snth a Hvtr-twn inch eiimlar Kaw. ran by a Jonvals Torino WbeeL which, for beauty M work and qnkkneae of cutting, is unsurpassed. There is also a tram road frein tbe Mill to the rtailroad, where there is s tanaout. Also a Grist Mill, which will irrind fit) bnahels of corn ear dav. Also s Htor and Omoe, a lllarkamitb rthop, and four noaae lor opseaiivea, im A LARGE AND 0OWVEND2NT DWELL- i If .tlINO,. u i beantifnny itated oa a hin containing eight touma. to which an. attached ail neceaaarv out- bouse and fttabtea, with two Gardena, on of which ecntuiis one of ibe largest and finest noap pcrnoag Arbora in ths Htate. Tha water on the place is exeefUAt, and it i one of th healthiest locatKjns to the wxr eonnsry. tbrms or sajlb : '.-, One hundred and titty dollars rash : four thou sand two hnndred and fifty dollars w tli tth Monday hi Mamfc. IrSig, and note at an i twelve wraths rrnm th day or aalo, bearing m tarBst. For tbs balance, bojiiawithapproTnd ss enrity wilt m required, and th title retained un til th puNhasa money is paid, funsession given cm the nrat dav of Febmurr, 1 WI. LOVEIID KLi'KllMlE, C. Sf. K. -Deo. 4 10m ' . , tf Jnhnstoa County. InporUDt Ltad Sale ia Kask Co , X. C BT VIRTCE of a decree of tbe Rnpreme Conrt ot N rth Carolina, at Jane Turin of lti7, 1 shall, oa Saturday, the lltb day of January, Itm, at the late result oa of Mttihew Wilder, Sr., de enased, ia Ktafc t onniy, iiff. rfor U-. ah pubae anction, the trari of Land belonging to the estate of the deceased, i ntaining a ( v AFlCT 430 AC11E3, V WH mirrored, v-ry tamal.le ami deairabie proe- ln.i.-fh.t,nililul ffv Jl. k . btn a I'reilit nf a, 15 and .si montlia. BonJ wHh a -rrwl sectintr, with interPBt from day of saie. iuc retained aittd tlie purehaae ntom-V p 1. . . ' IheKndwinbe shewn lo r.Hie.4Wirinir see i. bv epi-h inir to tiastoo lliler, fc.io,. . relies im Mi.' Tmi!1. M. H. AVFRA. fomn.i..; r. Ok. U-Hrt-lm . Kniin 'AltT. t.y th - lit ' I'm l t.Ajirf.! j.i; 11,", N. I. 1 UAK8-- J mew eoocsu , ALL COME TO C li E E C H 'ijlij! hi- 8IC0ND GEUSTD OPZNINO Of FALL "AND WINTER GOODS. T AM NOW VECBIVINO M BEOOND STOCK X ami saucy , . DRY GOODS. Mr stork Is S.ASiasI and ( SarilTK. and hnaght sIhos the d-4iue. and I aia happy to sar to ai.r friMHla aad enstoniera that I eau, and' win, u susai uoiMstinEAi'KH uiaa utrr astis Keep It Befor the People, That u Hnase ia the City can or wiH sell Goods enaapsr waa i win., - my noon is a ova noose, auu l uo a i.ii I'asnistHM. 3 CimV. TO CBF. ECU'S To bnv Tr Ckrnln. I bar NKW tioxls and HOOK 8fYLE8, aad will aeil Uiem at I'ltlCKS to uieet th hard tiois. Joat receired, . ( ' - . . . jtrt, 44 Cusea Hoots usif Shoes, Aud wilt be eotd at prices to utc on 1 V: .;. Don't Forget to Com to Crech,'a ' Betbra yon bay your Goods. I will treat yoa right. A. CJlCl-JtUtJH, R; Smith's corner, Fsyetteville St, Nov.i-97-tf FURS, FUM. VVllHt SHAWLS, SIIAtVI.M, SUAWLSt CLOAKS, CLOAKS, CLOAKS I jtSL n VKTHKB WITH THE OOMI'IiTKWT AH X sortnumt of DKESS GOODS Now in thia City, i White and colored. BLiANKirTN, " . . SIIHtTlAIGH and RnECTIKGB, Blenched and unbleactied. PRINTS! PRINTS! V ..etiijiSii'' . LMrer than ever. T&tle Covers, Tab) Durniwkg, Nap- - L m . I r ' 1 r. I Kins, xoweiu, iiofiiery ana uinvea of every description, v LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS, . Ladies', Misses' and Children's Siioea . and Gaitem. . JtUBBEB OVERSHOES, kC, AC i. . OENTSV FVRNISIII1IO GOODS. GENTS' ANp BOYS' CLOTHING, ; Hats and Caps, Trunks, Valises, Ac, Atl to be sold at tbs lowest imaginable prises, si . W. ROSEKBAUM'S, No. 1 Fa;ettevi!le St, Dee. A 101-tf v MISCELLANEOUS. WM. II. Tiioinrso9r, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELEB, SI Fayetteviile st IIALKIGIL IV. C i pm the North with a splendi&varistjr of r" Watches," Jewelry, Silver Plated . .,;---jr. ware, eve. ' ttapaiiing don Mstly and with dlapatch.' H ha also on hand a nn assortment of CLOCKS, GULi PENS, POCKET KNIVES, CO.. A NEW FEATURE ' ' He h4a store aa elogint lot of CONPEC TIONKKV. and many little nicetie, that will b suilable (nr tbe approaching Hoi) days, aud to which the atkmtiou of th Ladies, partieuiarly, is invited. , Dee 10-106-lm. - ' - . rjrCTAri.ei O v. BPECTACLKHIt '-i 81'ECTACLESin , At Mat', two doars above Market, to suit all age. ..... ; - - , New glasses tilted I )ohl frames. " Bare money by carrying yonr WATCHE8, CLOCKS and JEWELUK toHOsH, to be repaired. Pee. aw-AMrtf -.- -. -sm To the Bond Holders of the North ; Carolina Ball Koad Companj. Offlee IV. C. Railroad Company, v Compant Shops, N. ti, Nov. th, 18B7. M OPT OF TOC HAVINff AQHEED WITH MI edeetenor, , Mr. Webb, to take new fur your old bonds, 1 late mis metbod oc uiturmiog yon we are now ready for the exchange. To capitalist 1 wonld say, w will aril f3D.0lt0 of aight wr cent, coupon bonds, sei-nred by mort gage onr Lhe Boad, and payable in five, tea, or twenty years, aa th purchaser may deair, mtercat payame semi-annually. . Tli debt of the Company is abost STOO.WO. Bonds to fund thia debt will b issued. 1 he properly mortgaged toaeenrs the parmeiit of tbe bonds ia worth ia mirrency teres miltvwi of dollar. There aan be no better eucurity. 1 as bonds wul o sotd oiur at par. 4131 All lunn FB Ja rieT.J8-6w Prea'tN C.K. R. X). J II. CHAWFOIU), ; 'i - - - , . - Ilerhanlral and Cpcratlre Dentist. HALEIQII, N.C. OFFICK OYER PESCrDS OLD TVXA . STOKE. t - .' t OFVIt'at llrtA: '-'P- . From SAM. to 1 T. M.,'and from 3 to r OT. IL 1 ; " rpeth iPitraot.l withor.t pain by tbe esr of tip Oxide Uaii, and the local anesthetic or r 4-'.'.'-eodly i . ' IlCi9 TANTEt K rKTTnslf.NTO will fv 4 : -r r-wrni, f rt..!n mf-.l t I lr t U.S. ..in'w.v l.-nw. t l.i. ;, -I nl Itin smlit), N. ? t t! lsporkiiil. ii.-af I -i' . i-w Vi.is. ALi-lGKE. SEW GOODS t tST GOODS." Coexls' rU XOIV at ffaer 'estn be ii - 1 "at v i 1 , . feaiaial Isj tUaiJaUllaWle. ' s.nV; j; young , 4 K. 81 Fayetterillo fit; ""1 I v. r tv.: iu''' .-a 'ti BAUE1GU, N. C." J.('l r'-''" "'''i'W i Pi . ,I.iiV4 Hl.J f.J 1 ' . ' V Pie Besnt ef this arm has awaw xwtiiit Goods' forl. Ut: twMt wara. ia . this esr. and oaa say AV ;aw frasaas lsl(isnS itnf a OitiajaM beaeveraada . BSTTIR, VICES OB CHXAFIR STOCK OF GOODS To offsr them Uiao they are now opeuiug at tiieis Htora, No. 81 PayeUeriUe street, Raleigh, R. O. . . u. km. t. vouNa Oetobert, IWT-tb CLE A IV SWEEP J , SELLlNti ANYTIinU AD KVERY. at: cost, - FOR CASH," AND CASH ONLY I Prom this tim forth T will sell hit entire Htock of Uoisls at Uwt to malt raoia lor uy Wntter mors, vonsisiing in part of . . a - v . LADIR.S' PItRHH OOD8, . 'i pitiNTK, win risGoorm, .: lltlHH LINEN, TttWKUNO, . V ; 1JNBN OAMBItH) HUKrH, HONIKIiVi 4I.OVrX. S, H1.KICMKD MIIlltTINO, . UMBfiKAOHKU KIIIKTIRO '" A , . , v. liED TICKING, - ,r , : , . MthllKKTIKeV fiTHIPRD IM)ME8nC,' ' v - .. 1.1NKN DUCK, ( ' - Ct)TTONAlE; ; ' ' HAfH, ., . ' BOOTS ANl SHOEfJ. A Urea Htorh of the most, eelnbraiad num. fantnre uf tieni's and Laiuea' lUiot and Hhoel, (laitem, a. " ' v i J Now is ill tinw ftw yoa to lav In vwor anpplv of Oooria, for they ai-e advanvmg North I am aV'IU ing at enet. Come one and all and examine my, atonk and price Iki not be ludiieed to buy good elsewhere until Tun give me a oalh Whan I say I am nulling at (Vat I mean jiwt What I say j it is not fur lb inrHme ofhnmliuggiug yon.. Mcrchiut in the Cilv whoso stix'-k heed r pleuishuig would do well toall anon and make Utrir poll b ansa. iB, , , AngS-aW-tf . . , , t. , a. lUAnoxa, ' CHEAP AND WL'BELECTKDTOCK: ..;; . !:;W.iit;iii-' -; FOREIGN AND nOMCSTIC D RY .GOOD'S ! ' , JDSt EECEIVEP BT . .ISAAC OETTINGER . No. 4t Faretlcvllle St. . , ALSO, A FULt STOCK OF Shoes and Roots, Hats and Caps, adsuicB' uresa siiks, usaier , Clonks, Indies Drraa , Trliuiiilnea, and . '. ' . FaneyOooda. - READY-MAPE CL0T1TING. - All them good will be aold at a very anull ad- vane on first eoat. There wilt nothing be chara- d nwSdinwina- them. AR we aak is a call, be for , yon boy elsewhere, - v- . Remember , ISAAC OETTTIKGEB. At 48 Fayettevill Bt., ' , . r4 f. g dnora Korth of Market Sqnar , IV THE MHII5EET LIVE. ' MMM. OKTVtfMifH is agam ready to sen her friend and patrooa. Hh hs just returned from the Northern Markets, well pranaa, ana witn one oi to ntcas ana Mry lock of : -. . u .. . . , ... SflLUNERY, - " that ever wa bronght to Ihisiowa. Bh he something to oit all dates..- - , Trimmed Hat from atieent hp. Bonnet wtade of eitkB, velvets, slrawand gimp. Verratta. mlava and balm of n-rv sohar and ahadc. . :.' In BiliboHe, rmwera, Feallien and Oraamant! her stock cannot b excelled., y, -v-. It is aseless to sneak of her good taste in trim Sung Bonnets and Hat, eh la tin well known tor that among I h Ladle far ami near Ho Just call befor yon bur elsewhere. t - . T ui.li jti."m..7-iirn,ti . . : -: Si nn. 1'E.l 1 I.1UUI O. V T . (Too all know where slie Uvea-) P. B. Che will bare aa ooenitu: on l Unrailar. 10th of October. 1 October -Sm. . ; MISCELLANEOUS. - NOTICI'". .SEWING MACHINES t Improved and jepH-ted Common 9et FAMILY SKWIMa, XACU1NFS! ,- ... .... , . . ... ' - : viMri.B, nt'KAUi.K, , ci'MrAcr aMiciuc.tr. . AT THE OFFICE OF THE " i . t .ctna Lirr im'kxh; -Over "Tnekrj'a" lion -Fionl HloreV THE SI'ISM'ltlhf li t!TIIK owly amte'rid Agent f,ir the ttnnfwnfvr m ibe HIMs of North rsrotina, i::d wi iVIl at i Is-ir friers, whuiesaic or retail. ' ' . ' Hampli-a of wm k ran lie at the lmie, and S Usehine complete bo tmni;ht t A . , It aees eoarae eotton, lima, ailk and twine, di- rertly rrmi ttie epeid - ' Onr MrtHoo are warranted aa fll..ir : Vil.ew al'T part of any Machine brraks or wvara out, vilpTfier niwge, viihin hv j,eiM-a r.s ihe time of sale br sen. ting tts ilm lrkee. meon, w wilt aend a dapli.-ate j.it p frp of cli.rga. . ' hKiValUA l't , lMiiiuluiur.Ta. - Dee. 11 -Itei Im J , ft. 11. ( hi ivv, Afrfiit F UH'R WKAL Al CO iX. r.mitr VI. "if l-r ilip Itarri l. j .i .u-., u i if r.Mii. bo buslifi W lute Ileal, wbi Cl l-Tl, .. 30-i -J h will I, 1. VV. 1 i PETXRSBTJltO ADV2ETI6EMEKTS 1 1 .THOMAS . MITU;:; HO. 2& SYCAAlOIikC BIIIKET, ) . . - - a'. 1 h '"THE LARGEST 6TOCKy DU Y GOO D'B . , ...., , t. ,1.1 . w if.', I!TIIRTATB OF VIRGINIA in. nufUMrvna .ux hind ha rmev v wini A Uli-uiiiraliiiiiui of slot'k fiir f.ll IVu.Im I -lu. Hisng tnem for ttielr liberal pat ruu, avueumg anuamuuu nam lis luu.r-riM) liniiiurte, au-iuriiiij them that no i tf irt !( a. aawawd sw-maave'M W tir fcaureat a well eik N! io wake thru-purchases uf mm 1'ke Aaiow hs- memorandum, ibuugh mowali U-, A givs a a)hetwsMt ihwayiwralatsea-. , if iioirr a' res ueesa, t Blafiand ulored 8illa."in ceca Variiiv IrW fonUmi. strkvian and FtearhKmlia .-.4. Uu. nw, fiarailiva, . rmilin lb-pa, t raw . Emiiresf C wth;TTgsuiu .liiarrita, Veloutine IM si nes Mnus- nnesuawgw aiwl aoaOl wulth in all rho new shaibw, itiaman-ks, de, Bhepber. and Bcateb Vhtid. ' - - - . ; ; . , Esafcroiderlem aad. Inters. ' Hanbnre Edcinira.' Hanbnre IoaertiBua. Ma. bnrg FloBuotng, Needlework Edging, Needlework Iiwerting, Neediewprk Flonuuinga, , Maiuaook Edgings. Nainsook lnaertinea. Ma usi anil (lam. hrw Ooliara. Hats andCaubrio Collar aud Cuffs, Linen Collar and Cnffa, Drape ( 'oilars ami Cuffs, Bogle Collars and Cuff, Real Point dollars and Curs, steal point Seta, Iteat Valr ntia IkiUan and Cuna, Imitation Collars and CatU, Cluuey tkiilara and Cnffs, Keal Val. Lanea, Keal Thread Laoea, Beal Cluney Lace. RuaMtniper and Honiton Ijk., Ileal BrnsseU Lac. Ileal Bobbin Lars. Iimit Iivi Handkereluofa, Valentia Laee Uandkerchiefa, Itn itation Lao Hanukorohiuls, -, , . Cloak, Shawl, in Imw andanar.'fnelfiana and Idioa, Hoop Hkirta, Balmorals. Bugl and liibbon Trimmings in large ansortment ; Jet, ttilk sad lauey Vuttoos, Tanol. Bibbmw. Maevew Wa- tered Uibboa for Trimming, Belt Kibbon. Won ted and Alpao Braids, Mohair Braids, Ualonns ' and May Bimlinga, Cornea Biilita, Zigaag Braid, tttar Braids, Magie Buttling, Plain and r'aucv Hair Nel, Aw.. China and Agate Bullous, Foil hue of .Black and Colored Velvet iUbbona. r , -. - 1 Mourning Departaaeat. 1 lr, Oraln and Kept Bilks, French Merino, Bonibastiw, Timeae, Canton Ckiah, Beareta, Crapes, Baratheas, lVwlina, Empress Cloth, l)g niaa, Veloutiuos, I'oraian Clotha, Mouslines, Ouai liea, Alpaeea and Hobwir, all of th vary best. Loupin oekibratod maualaotur. . . -.. ;-t , MVhlt Cooda. -. .. 4 ' riara. PUid aad Striped Oambrki, Fuuih Plaid and -tttrtpod Jaeonet, Plain, Plaid and Striped Nainsook, Plain, Plaid andMriped Mnff Miieling Plain, PUid aud Htrined Bwis Mnsiin, Plain, Plaid and Htried Bishop' Lawn, Soft nnish Jaoo. nets, Bo ft finish Camiirio. Noft finish Clotha, Pekay klarsailloa, Aen Tarkitons, white aud ol ored, Organdie. Ilottod and Figured Saisa, JlrUr Uantat Patent aajrting. " ' aVadloa1 Furnishing ttiood. ' Caileweat. "Ilrawera, Corset. Lisle Thread Hwe, , Keal Kngluh Hose, tiermaa kiosiery in ? rest variety, for Missea, Children and Ladiaai Adies' Brown Hose, Ladiea' blank snd slate Hose. KhI Olevea in large assortment, white, biaok and eokmd, Berlin and Lial- Thread (llorH. In all aiam. Garters, KisnUoa, Hall Tooth and Nail Brashes, Hoal Mmil. Horn and Outta Perohs OnailM, Veil ra Heal TJte. Dotted. Bordered snd IJugU-TrunuMii Parasuia, Faun, Ae. ..' X!sl,oleatca.t', T ' r Blear bed and Brown Cotton "Rheeffng snd Shirting, Illeaehed and Brown Jean. Uleaeaed snd Brown Canton Flannel, Plaid. Htripeil and Plain Owabnrga, TVkirigs, Dennims, HirkneT, Hackery, Dongiey, Cahua in all the nepnler makes; Guigliauu in everrWariefv, . ', Iloaaekeeplnc leparimal. ., Flannelsjnlain and fancy, IUanfeu. Carf, Tapeatry, Three-ply, Huperfliie, Iiigraiu. ill ail Wool and eoMon chain, Venetian, Ilcmp awl I'm. t age Carpet a, brnggeta, Hnga nd I ami Mats, Floor Oil Cloth. Iace, Mnmin, llroratelle anil Damask Curtains, lano and Table Cover, Table Damask, Btair and Table Oil Cloth. Napkina. lii lee, Towel, Flaokabaik, Crash andflliwa Linens, Linen and Cotton Bheetings. in all widths, PUlow Linens, MaraaiUe Connterpanes. Jacquard and Cottoo Diaper, Linen Diaper, Bird eye Diapers, Insh Linen, Ae. ,. , , Vv ,jr .. ,. ..,., , . ,. ' ) Snts' Fnrnlsalng fjooda, AH are rearieetnilly invited tofnapeot wit atork befor making their purchaasa. sty oonvkition is, the true way to success is to secure the intern' of yonr customers by nhsrging th mi (rut w mble profit on goods. This has ever been mi motto, and tbe large business heretofore ilooe noourage me m aikienng atrictly to it i THOMAS R-tllTII, , 1 .. Ko. 2.1 Bvcamnre 8t. Prtcnd.uri;. Va . Ooi.lS6e-9w. . . ' . ' .. AW Pnc List farmahed on application. M . - IRON AlSTEEKtV s GILLIAM. DpN U0l,' 121 Sycamore Street PeUrrbar?, Va. Hav la stock at all times, aud off r at t-s. jvr1 , in.ht to salt, th mmt aipteis. " t : i amortmentiif ' iuoisr at 'f i:.SLrr ' , CnKMrtTIK or ' ,' ' -. t- ' r KEFIMDSAI IllON FLAT, SOUAItg. ANb ' " ; .' bound, ... r; IRON. J t i t t iOBiHF.'AiL,itotift.-:pi)uaii iartx. ; - , .' BORHB Hlltilf IftitN. ; CARMIGB IB()f. OTst, BiVD "' AVU ' ' " ' '," SCROLL ms : " - ' TtrtOP 1BOJI. 'AI.I. amnG'-'k. . . - . . , . P ,, BEST CAST STEEL, OEItXAN STEEL, ! ; . i.;f BUbTKR HEKKL v '. "' ;.. Extra 'e of IwHfHrtif1mVjfvmitfy GILLI A M A. DUXIxOP, - DEALE113 IS ' ! " .' V" "IRON AND STEEL, ..... ... Agent (ur ths sale of. i;. I'alrhaski1 Krslo, And all descriptions ef Ols mmfscf ored by th v v : , ' inhJIii Oil Co ' ' ' -'October 4-!Stti -.i. r ' r i rpiNNEK'SOlU ,'.-t'j,!f tVe hare in a 1 n ) -k I i.a H rails ml itt-riti-.!.-"I I'jiiii. t . ii.l, shirh ws ars f setting vwry km. J.'UIH I llAKIt, w l.fssk'aud ll.-t i llrnut'iis, -Kor. Si-Mf ' Pi UrsiMii,;, V. "Yy-aiDdW OLASti. ; ..- : -i . J A large sfca-k of French and AmerirsnTVnnJow Olue, at store and fir te lv Ji'UtiAV A CAKlt. , hnlale anl lt-'jil Irn-i;i( Nov. a0!Hf , , , Petersburg; Va. rHIXIK. i mitw aw) Fsl.oiiae p.rn-heai c-f tl 6nt Km'. tj'llt! v, t -r l..s t VOBFQt X . ADYXaTISUOEFTS , t (- r 1807. . . 5V i ts! ; A M I , AUIB, GZNIRAL COXlUSSIOV KZKCEAST t ', KOFOH, TA'.' , 'Forthealer . , . , , , Coiion, ToaNarHa, Naval atoroa, llriod Fritlf Waves, Ve. - In 111 market . . . '' Noriwllc, l.lvrrpatol and lOBdnM. Aim. K&tMM NOUi'OLK AND EIUJPL STEAMKES, , LIKERAI. ACVAJICE8 StlllK ON COHBirJK i ken aeenml tha mies of SSr. It. C akm,.4tf Kosth UaKdma. whs will so ids fruiuils ami eceuaiiitanoae ia Oawlraland Western Cir.dina and he wilt w pleased to giv sll infin mm sin. ami anenu io uy iwsinsas SMsiraa. S.JE. , lTliKlClt, 4N10AZ s- Con, ..MKsy- -Hemva- tTuum, tan, warn. COTTON FACTORS General, CommlssIoB MercluBtg, -t v, , BOKI'uLH, Ta. ,:: ;' ItefertoB- U. Smith. aq, Bcotlawd Keck; ii tin. i.. p. viaiia. iuarioii : u. u. rawtey m Co.. K Murray A Co.. Wilmington : Gen. B. W. Haywoodt Haleigh J Uen Wade Bampton, Month uaronna i tJotonei jimn w. Cunningham. I'wreu Cuunty ; Turner Battle, aq.( F.dgaeonib ; Ki change National bank of fiorfolk j Oeorga U. Brown A Co., Waahuigton. , t8TAaL.iania $an, KADJBB 81008. . ' JOS. BhmU. HADEB BIGGI COn CQTT ON FACTORS Geaeral Commission llerctants. SrariAi. AKD bntinb ATTEatnoK to aalna of Oottoa and sll other kinds of oro- dnea and prompt retarn mad. ' Onr long eiperiene in bsatnass gives as enpe rior adranUge in making aalse a tbe highost met prices. , ' - . www lorwaraea so uverpocs me oc muna- Liberal ad ranee made on nrodna In hand,. Tajkvr.l.l.mii Aoairra i M aior Ja. at. Mtro. Edgecombe, and air. Ja. a Hanooek, of Wilaon, who will be pleased te furnish any UiformaUon or facility to tlioae ahrpphig to n. - - Kevenne Tax en Cotton can be nald here in all ease when preferred by ahipoera. aecordlng to recent regatsHnaa. Jkorfolk, Vs., Nov. -.' . ' m. a. itooisR . v , ' w. i. aniBits. . . laUof A' Mumpto CtmUf, K. C. - j. in. . rogebs aonr, : T COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO, 23, COVaTEBCI bteeet, - " i "Horfolk, Va. l Will attend to the sale of COTTON. CORN. BACON, GKA1N, LUMBKB, NAVAL tTOftKti, aad all Marketabl Prod no. e CoHsigaiuenU aoliclsad, "fct . -' Oct S5-S-am ,-.),,. , ' - l . ST. CHKH, 1 ' f HKant. r. a. turnuiT, o. eAtvumtj va "a a aBiTf a g-at . ... ' K'O t5 E h a ,1" ' l-.1':... ....,,.. I r' V H'- -V-'"": COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ko., 3S,Coasaaer Street. , . .. , : ' NOBF0LK, VA. A' snpplr of Par TKBUVIAN OCANO and tlier Frrliliaera. ItOI'K. BAOOINO. GBOCK- liirnami i.iytuiiM, kpi r M. 'Hl-l ..1. K13CELLA5E0US. JOIIX W. IIIXSIsALRi kitowrii AND OOUNSELLOH . a a nr 1 is vi,. v.7v Ke. 4, llajr Mrret, Faj eiiet ille,. '. -. it: .t t't t:. 1)BAnTICG8inlb Bute aad Federal Cart, and in the Coart of Baukruidcy fur tbs 3d. I ongressionai Iistrict. Pnmiiit atleiitMm given In all Imsineaa laiins- tml to hw rai-e. Claim nitl te.1 awilH-r. H Norih Crolina .;:.,.:..;, ... Jnlv .1 i4-tf . ' , ,. ' 0 I hi'. tv te ni ronataiitly on h.ii 1 lieai s e. k ot S)M-rm, tinl, l ard and other - , ' ' .Si I'fi It UUt LUBRIOATINtl IUV F r iee..nrsMts, timnuiotive so.l st'attrr in i"Im a, r iltisi tiM tiiries. paii r rnl ,s w .ml p at fai tint's and all ktftda ot mhimitf wha-b ar V tti IniScsl markrt rats-. , , . , . JtiKlitS I'tlllt, Wholesale and B.isil Hieir-. a a-if- v.s-Uer 6ycam- and a In afi-sw Kt' i e Siv-.M tt - . ' , P. I. r-Uirg, s in: i im n h i lt 15 imcr i OK, Ir lluilitierX Beer- f Uealtb t, ,.. N lVtr Doaen, i'"k V.MISKS rNOTIRISIflNtl AN!!) strenlh- eumg rtoHidy fur aH diaesi o th BEEAST ASD STOMACH, . - " e . . GEXbflAL WEAKKESIt AND DKBIL1TV. ., , -'ALAO, ' , " 'viCuVSPKPSIA, - ...... . t ...... sod great oonrisliment br eoovaleacenia. a " stOrUKItH. nnabt to give nffli-mt nataral nunrishmsnt to their Infant, will And thia Ka Iract remaikaUe remedy. It baa been examined by the highest Medical ulhoriUe sod aprov S to b aot li a very bsatlby, bnt sitraoriliuary atrenxlheaar, and is aBccesefnlly ased in sll Hnsjitals iu Korope and the Surlhern Cities. la iwiptiaBee with the desire of s nnmlier of Phynciana, we nave inuoooeea s eemui, ugnter quality, at , ' ... 'J,r0 l'er Dotsb. , . Br this arrangement, every etas efth pwblir ia Matiled to peorxls this haalthy remedy and iwreoy pnawrss uiew aeaiui. " -i ' - PIIIlU Tlllrai, i'J . . rVl Agent for North Carolina. nAIZ ft HICHIL'I , K ' CEI.F.BRATZD - LAGER BEER, 3 Per Dozen (Fmr Bom.ts ) r A Oennin bywtl Artirle. Fi '? Ag 'nt for America. O -t. -.M-8m Get: V ' t'ltj 1 t t -. 1 !.8 t.l X-u;a l"V IHvraAKI) . . i s l -, i BALLSOAOS. TO allll'PEUS. k- NOBTIl't CAP0LINA f i'-. , ' '- .! , h-t$;?h ii . ' 11 1 f.' RAILWAY LIKES,: (tuav vskd o bi!) THE OLD BALEIOn A ClAHTON It AIL KOAD, ' ' TM SHORTEHT, QU1CKBBT, BAVK8T AND BKHT LINE, NORTH AND BOOTfl, TO UKLF.FT UT IN TUB C01J. UN- -' -Xi BUIl'PKUS (SPECIALLY . : t - B A Y TLA. B. A C. TL Kr " , .. ; WE maugnraled and ar the' tlrtat fkrouak Maud Air IM Hutted all th Northern Markets, and hav neceaafuliy worked the Line , to the entire satisfaction of biippera, North aud hVsith, de- the last tew years, aa Ike lew TUtmtawl Hhippers m North snd bVsiih Caroluia will testify. We iimid tha Htate near Keren, LI umtrtil Thousand. .: . DoiUrs fur fcor Xiterest 4 tint tuaoWMiercl.y ' saving the people from Taxation fur all time to eome Mthuuuper year ; and we naheaitatingly de eiar that wo can and will giv aw iLispaioh to all point. North and Sooth, than any other lias. TaeCtreatlalaad Air Lln Frclgfat Via THS fiALEIOH A GASTON BAIL BOAD, I th Short Lin for Snippers, and yon are re mired so w direoi your VreujItU, or they aill be taken by another Boute I ,..,..;. . 10 insure yonr r relgtit being carried over this . Oetat DHand Air Line safolv. direct voiir oonanrn. srs to mark your Freight, Care of Bail Uuad e -1 " wMi.in,, ,n vr . urn., vs., viu . KairigS UaMon Hail Boatt, and to ship as Herohanta A. Minw'a TJml' hml M YVnlrSV. ' V?hrf,iL.bBWpon, AgenA, , ..v..,. .. , Old Dominion Steamship Co., ghinptng 'Point, .. Pwr 37. North Biver, Foot Beach Hi., Ollioe 1M7 Qreenwioh Hi Cor. bey; N. L. ltoCreeoy , pre!- dent- , ' , FIIOM piULADELPUUt, k i ' trut Annameasic,) Fhihv. Wilmraeton and BaltimoraDep iinoa. nr Tl- lyde' Lin of Steamer, U N. Delaware Avenue, W. P. Clyde, Agent. FB0M BALTIMORE: , ,,, Raltlmora Steam Packet Oa.. Bav Una Hteam. srs. Foot Union Dock, L. Ii. Parka, Agont, or Powhatan bteam Boat Co ,10 Light Street Wharf. i i U It. AXXiEN, aw- W. rreiguiag-i Aug e S06-U llaluigh a.u . Important Sallroad Arrangement PARRRNOKBfl can now pnrchase TITItOUOn TICKETS st Uie OlUne of the Baleiirh and Uaston Bailroad, st Baleh;b, N. C eta the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad, to Meanplila, Tenn., t t , , fJicveiund. oalo. U Louis, JMo., t - '"-I ipctroit. mien.. Cincinnati, Ohio, . " t at. joaepm. no.. Lonlsvllle, Ky., , maianaaoiia. laiL. Hllfv-ankle, Wis.; - -i.fc , i -ajaiotaao. IIL. ntubWg, Psw, i , , , . - " sjommiius, polo, snd sll principal OiUes ia the Western and Bouth western ftUtes. , ,j- Tichetaoaab purchased either ' ' YIA BAT LINE STEAMERS, ; Tia Weldou andEichmond, Va., And BAGGAGE CTIECKBD THROCGII, From "Weldon to all Weslein Cities. For Tickets and furtlK r Information apply lo s . Pool,. Ksa . General Ticket AuenL iir'to k. ioNRs, Ksq .Ticket Agent IUU'IkIi Mid Casino KMIkwI, at Italtgb, A. U.. - .,. S OI'IW XIItlTIStH, i. , . v O- nersl houthem Agent, . ' Ballimoro t Ohio. Kailrosd, JOHH L. WILSON." - Master of7r.ua. Bait, A O. It. It. -. . P M. COLE, : Oen. Ticket Ag't. fi. A O. B. B. . OoCK-W-tf , . . . . 'lM.NeI3 0F M'linDI I.E. T .11X1011 A OAMTON BAIMtOAD CO., UtOAD C0.,i , m IHrirE, Ith, 1SH7. ) . Ilaleigh, N. C, Oct. Hth, and sflor Odolier lMh. tHt.7. Trains will rnn n lh' Kalvigh A Uaston tiailniad aa (cjIIomb : ilillTrhlrt htn1 lulcigh. in in a. M lmiM at Weldon 3.17 p. M kt.il t ram leaves Wekkm ... 1U..I5 A. HI. Airi.es at kalcigh ,. -. A 60 P. M . . t Freight Train lcareeKaleii:li...., 7.tm A. H. t " - arrive at Ualeigb.. 6,00 P, 11. 1 lie Uail Train make mm.rnn connectinna with ad point Northi .. , ' . A. B. Afilliir. WH, Oea.lS-59-lf .-. . Snpt. of Tmn. ae Kcgutor and SUndard copy if. , - l(lSCELlAKEf5uS. i - COOKI.VG aTOVCSI COOKING : HTOVICH II rHHB CNDKIUTONED WILL ENDEAVOR fO 1 keep constantly on hand a good aesortnient of COOKING STOVES. Th Stove arc bought in lots from ths Mannfac tnrer ani tilled np hi re, nd bene can be aold and are selling , .. At Iteflnortl Hates! . , He demres to call niecil attention ta the eel- ' r bra ted UIJCK'H PA'l KNT. s hub he warranie to giro aatistsctioQ m every Instance. Itock's Pat. No 8 with pijieanil fnmitnre, $M.M , -a V , V ; . H i 'K) I g , 41x10 Low priced Stoves, from flit trt fi". .e Any kind of good iiAlii Kli will he tnliija m en-haiige. , - ; E. If. ltKil'H, . Oi-t Is &7-eoil3m . . iiillittinni , n. c. rxavowriw, I a. a. cvrrr.s, wvi.titi Awtnn, . of Haluotors. Lsuem n. u. Lat of s. Carolina. (IWIXN.. GOTTEN & CO., COTTON FACTORS, - . AND . 1 Ccneral - Commission Alcrtlianls, V;- . 10,1 Wt-xl LoiitUml Slrtvff itirinoKi:. Liln-fal ailvmicf ninde on Coning nn.cy-j iHibirs fitr ttltNriMi.lf iu HAjiMnK sf!licili' . y Itrfer to lien. VSalu-r tlr!:n and Him Tn. . Bulbil. NO ' . , iwpt Jtt- -Aeisl:ltnAn3in ' . DABIICI. 0. VOWI.E. HAND C. BtXlRK. ruui.i: .v niii.i:i8, ATrollM A'S AT LAW, it-.ii. n. t; Will t...ti:i i'l'ttn. . : . Hi- .'.1 i. NihIIi '' i i.a. I"i th.V ' ."!..-.!. I iti uit 4:.. ml, tl.e a I -! sf, .i i u it. an.i 1. 1 i.iianj i ' . 1 i-i t. - i.i i.i.wmj.u.-j'. X - iia.:. .1. .. ., .