c? E-i'j-cEirnos-. Tom Six-nan te pnUithed ovary day,, eseapt Suuuey, Chi u tuiioeug Uji um ; - , Three momie. , ' Mi imx.iu ............ . 4-M) )!. W ...A. h nut-Vi okly gatumi one yter,.,..,,,: . . 0 " . " sit eaouiUv.. e.;aly8eothael, em yen. -..r. " " etawmth. ....... I. Till. HKNTINEL. - THLKM1AY. JANCARY t, . Af Cmewattr fwavratleM t It M rolve4l;V tie jilet Eierntive Committee nf the Constitutional fjaioa Farty oi Xorth Carolina, tnata Stale Con, a " eotiin at th party b beld to the C"4y of Rkie'li, tm TmiDAT, the 6 th day ot Pel rury, A. D. W3, 11 o'clock of that It i cca-'Jentl bope4 tUt tba (rtonda of Cc: titutioMl Vrio, ant civil lib rty will fe activate tb ffort to Mb ,b Convention the" targes! n4 ot -a-, pertbbi that iull4 k ,t Jtol Let A coBMiTiiriv jwopU. rmtcty of tht Stat. wbtfl msAi. a? ' atK been held, bold meetlnga it one, pas -pproprUto:wUn, appoint lelrse 'ij thai Uwy tttoad tlan Ooafantioa. i j Tb conditio sfpMi ,fleire iltrftAnd the ptriotie effort Mil co-operation ofjwrsvj gol citizen, to ear the country fro tor . pending danger. .: , , : By orA of tlx Stat Etoati-&MBUshfc Jaaiury 4tUf A.IX19et 1 - It W mi of tb development! tf fi'unia , patunt, tfutt otonety to atuoa nara aniilj attained in bad eanw, tbaa to good DM At Brat algtkt Ua might be regarded a xxneUiiiig bmnbaUwi, and ioopjiiteni Wlfb ; the aaparioritf which Tirtae nnt era rfalm oyer Ic tn( rtgbt drar. , wrtag.- ; fiut, In reality. It to mm el vW leee -pro 4 vUlona of ovi being. Trand, treaobarxrjlr eleaoe and all manner or vtokadaaM are ta Hiherently reroltiDg, that thwirba "praffi lice them become Terr aooft pbjac pf eepiciioaa notice, while tb asaie amonat t pnblia e prirat htaif" Ir tvgarded ' imply aa wUot iuM be l",mULmlhii van coadact.' Again, exalted talente, die plejed in good eauaa, d noe 4tog?ialf tbMotortetr of the Bioet wiodertt allltt .s6w Uiploj'eil jbr tlie ' pMrnottoa ; iowj ends, for the reaaoa that the former ara bat "s(W4 In tlitfi ORiaral apberp. llut it anait be borne in mini that "notorUt f4 lk emetUi)' very diff oreot ttotM reputation) ai ' aatlmation. 1SMflfy M&W&&tima4 ,9Hiver&lir uud la ft bad efnae m a Hchi thief or netoritut tk Of 1;rie? ''Tttto reaaouiiig w!3 T,a,'."' M f 'aToany Indlvidasto, nefer beard of before, . are bow playing prombftnt f wtn.ttHb ' pnblie Itage, iuui titat ao many "grtmt", bjmh bar been mmmfactured one. of aucb' vary . aaan nateriaia, Kerar wcrl tlmanft proi , pUlona tor the ditptay 4 the won aid ci banian nature, and neret wan, tbeia Je4iar nun befura to avail tbamiaiaaauaa) aharwwi portuaity. And benon It ill that, to jer, State of the Uoatb. ereatnree, who ara with . out character, aeif-reapect ot beTiWpe4 fit otbera. witheat any of tba mental or moral qualification to commend, hern, to onnt- r tirnce or tegura, are making tbeamire in- iuui ar lafamnaa. b iadntfl latlia tworat paaakma. and roeiamatioa of thf - moat eril and wicked deaigna. ' . Eacb day adnaBRont,. torn- toMaama.9 - the BTOceedinn to the rarioue ntnnirrel Voi- Teat tone now being beld,'tofnrsie1i.n 'Mr. Bo and-to, whew name fvi)rveVperi " to print befura, wbo to naknow antota cit ' a enntracted eiclBage,, and who ia only " known eren thereto 1 ilaepleed by bia wbita Bighbora,baa" tigtuilM imtlf b aam trocotooi acbeatof oppraMio and degradation ol liii paopla ; and, forthwith, be ta pronounoed a groat man, h creto nod ' pitrlot, by the Radical pre., Htlmntated by tba notoriety which he hsl ' aaddenly v and mnexpestodly aeqairad, be la aaeoarao K. ged to fartbet exhlbitlooe of depravity and ineaBneaa,--gTedy Ifoj auit, and Mo. aciooe ot, or, perhxpe, indlffuren' to,t tba fact, that what 6 call fame ia but th tory of tba decent popular acorn.- Portuaa atcly, the day ot uch. mucreanto wilt be 4ew, aad a hnaitiiy pnblio aentltnent win nt - timately , award tbeia thOr .true poit3o -' cud plaea. : Even the highway robbef may . prid himself npon the terror which bh) nauie ' iub irea, and foel some amUttioa lT ttotperato and bold achievement, bat b halter will overtake hiui at tlie laet i . v-r i,e a X3 . Otm rmicxD ot the WUmingtoi Jettrnat and Blur .rprcc aoms turpi to at 'teeing tb telererppUlc tnnounrenieat of tht eall ol tlit Coavcrrativ Convention in the Norih ern paper, C rat, they baring rolvd h ' ancb telegram. '. W aaaure thenf that a din) , pakh Wat tout to them both, in t few boor after tb decision of th Eieentive - Com , jnitto ta aacertained. W ar at'atoM 4 know wby they tailed to reehrra It. It nnerI in ta isewDcr paper or oanxiay tarcaa&t ;-. .i.. m j . t . ! ii i i . ' - --iorTWtLL' EKSOLTflflon. Ti Wesb-l r!on correrpondent of tba, P'icliuiond httptiik any tbat ontwcll' iMoiutioa, enquiring into tba expediency 'of making pre mV.i'ary dattment of nil oWTmUHary ' I.,iiicti, and iriog tb appointment oi T' itri: t Commandsri to Croat, las btrt few advocatee. Th Eeoat ia decidedly op poaed to the prnii-rt. ' , . ... . , BcrtiFMit CorTi"r. Thu Tribunal meet in f!.'. city, on V ' " J nct . ' -. . ' , . iw iMa- ' ' " Gen. C-frvlm C Ur 1 Iff' n '. r of A r wnl, it U reported, I'r; '''"t t mHtttfy cn In -f C tueral It X. It e i'--' o o'dervl by c. ...ji r of I .e I uirJ e j ' inr-rury 5, nn- )( tMM 4 lU CmiucU nf 8uk Puiadrxtrr k ill uiiJhij iBde,' tn cut hj Ui arijflistiia f Jadcet He mm aodtmlitd Csio) mii i iojtl 1 italifid, tit biatefalattJiaicDU nd bili aturaj cltaractar. Cur tba poutins. 3Lfy-qMai lhajl fla CW.y , M aat cauata a itjamat aa to kia appniaaaMt But r lean that oaa A. W. Truro, aoa lo taa RaJwai ftuu Coaaotio, kaa baaa ooiiaatad by aoaM partial ta Oaa. Cavbj tor Jba Jagaiprad w JwTl U Laoaitalt thatttoOaMral it diapoaatf to appniat Mat, ta tka plaea of Jadga Fowla, prorided hi ehararter aad ftacaa ara aaffl- eixotljr eadorwd. Tt't caa hardly reaoeira bow 0n. Canby eooid moraeflectwaOy daetroy bia own Moral inflorace pvar the people of tba State, both among Republican aadCcnervtiTa,baa by tbeappoiotaMat of each a aaan aeToar-. ga to the. high and importont ofllrw of ft Javiige. We do not know Toarfrar. bat VU eatirefeiatury, atace Be hJ been in the ftrnfcr, ao far aa we are laforaaed. baa brew t-eti tut of any redeenJag 'qaallly. We learn tbat bia pottttoal Irtoada, wo ara entitled a reapatt, deaoonoa him in nuwaaaeaeurad toraka, and we baveyet to bear the drat oa flantaw, of any party or poeitioav pak well ot bia. Ta hare a man of dmtltful repu tation to HI a Jndgeehlp to J hie Btate, WonldberregardedTr tba paopki a torga, aa awn et tba aaoat degradtog a)d offcnalte todignitia which ooald be poi upon thru. If the public eatimate, wbMi baa Tea pat npou'Xr. Tewrgee, to ihif State, "to not wholly at fault, we do hope that Ova. Can by rwiJl not af point hiin. i I m JtiOnitono CoCMTr Oor attentiou baa bean Called to tba aUtementa made in our rem ai lea upon dee, Cenby'e writer, ia our tewve of Titoe(toytMit,to -wrferaaw u the Sheriff pfSiebmotid eooaty, ;,Wepnr, aa orred that oar information totoemMof and we therefore take pleaaare ia tnakiog the neceiaafy cewwtlon; MIU Wt are toforjied by a gentletnaa,' wka to offlciaDy nren cqnainted witb the facta, that tbf Bberiff of Blebmond County, eleet ad by 4k paopto,' reaignad tbioflton of hie own accord, for roaeuaa pnrety pereonal to blnieelf, tbat tba County Court, after fail engoiry, ftvilerj to eppont ia enocemor, fuf tba reeton that it c"uld And no man capa ble .to flatb offlo, mho eoBtd gira the bond aad won Id take tba teat oath. Some time eiepeei aelore tb4 Poet"- CrMnnader at Payetteville, In wkoee JuriatMetloai Rick mond county wan, 'attempted to aupply ihi vacancy, and not until be wa importuned 6y the citizeni p( Ilichmoad to do ao. tBe aeat aft officer to eaqaire into the beta, wbo' reported that no native ciltoea aenld be fonnd to fill the oAon, and that tka peop t Boreas Commieeioaer, who intended to be noma a raniewt and eieen of th onty, Upon tuta vtotanMntt, taa font uomman dor appointed Capt. MoPartond, who gave tba bond rooairad, and entered nnoa uto dtttina atnerlff Oarlof.irtnartr aeMMa ft McFariaad bae given gro-ral, it not univct aalantlafartiott in the nfflee ol Sbrilf, aad be thtohtorv Wiijrtune t.i bare any cljaiigs, a lea nf preai-nt. , 'hrfer nrtlcleTiJlieaanil' lth.oi'.'frnin the Wadulxin' Arfu, U cnk'ul4wd 40 make a olfbwr t raytvi'l. Mi-rivrl to. The gr?purliiV. rf.Vlate Commander of jryUi-iH Font, ilItH" I'taeai a a itani rt ,ib at J it; t to to ad partif iu the vxeuti'w"6l ih fluty; warrito1tfmyigtHri'toiuiiier aa tivr art ert" ntffibutml to h-'nf in Abe matter rvrtirt-( ! ny tin srqut. KdiwtlhHlTthearwiil-diiieViigtiri. aria'ooracy, lliernla rmlaglml an ingrnlient tftat I ot practical 8m t Vjrgjula, and Stat woulii be lunr towvlttted by an I portatioo u It then North Car .di.i Irvat did two State,, lying iie. by aide, dltJaT mora arii lei y than Nuith Carolina tn l Vli glnia. Hare every ma and wornm,, whit and black, apeaka alway in uraUi ot hie Stat. ; Th Btat ia deltmdrd by nwy on, on all occaaiona, again! every Unpatatiaa. Not (topping at tint, all go on ta tell of bet Virtue, of her diatingulahed Itttewsen, at k.. I.I... J ImRMMMial. ...t Lm. mm jraady, at any hour, meoverker a crave witk th choice! flower.". ', WakatbfwgwiBfmurcArom one of "hhunranrt" recent letter. While w bar ajwaya thou got that onr paetle -we not ao alive to hr full requirement of JttBtttorlito ni .ti Jtotght. bavo boen tfjmaeimaanamtau thi pam- Cular, by any mean, aa our friend 'Itin rant 'tap po." wi uatn witn veapeci ia rirgioia and Kdrtb 'Carolina, bin obeerva tion epply move ppropriatly( to lveat t QiMwatt tliM, When'eter toe-nd woman, to both State, apnkaalwayt in thai prats and did ail that they eonld etnO-J cat their honor and promote their toteraeta. Tbey loved to tell of their dead nf vva lotiooaiy cmpri, aad to dwell npo tb oatAlcrffrUt nawtht had jrinatm, eaa ineir aanaia, ;i aey aauguaa to itrmot their tivin tnteentoni They Carefully guarded the reputation of their mother and WAre proud Ot th big- stand Vbioh1 ah bold I thnicb of hiatoryitjg f ; Bttt tit tht, it not revereed, hea peon and- ly modified And eharure4lf m bat), according liS' tb Ridirat"feeoryv Stat to love. XV are ordered to blot -out-ww Statehood, to obli Urate 1I Ihegloriou and fond dssoeisfion of the past, to bacotn new peopie and aauA people, and to pudiat th Uui honored ConUltulio ttw- rlr which Ve have h red. And . w , bay degenemtoAon of th Statu, in our own midst, who conniv at , th -tacrileg., 'Ij wi rf isf, hntil thee Utter And evil flay, t;i Cnnlin or YugUia, inmed to grato rt trfltri-VVvr7":.'""''' . ; U C.l i i : S I - r v ...i a." a. lb . '-n Ins t - h 1 ' Bow ax Davis, Mk. fciunin, the OUXvrth Stato makee' (be Moving li otarii weo theeaae, alindi j l.j: vt, im' yeeurday, herein Jir. J. J. lefubT.iui, aolreraaHy rdoceiled ta bv J ir tlwted to the Confvntiun from Rjwi n; Jvtef baa bean dif ptaced and the .aa.maij I -f snnror eubetuaiea. t w;n im mnciuiwrKt tbat we tlaaeed Mr. 8. aa a Rduvl. It jretJd. appLr, front tba obaeriatiujii of our eotemporory, that we bare rWa misiuf inned, aad we tkMcford Mart tbat Kiiet-a,a "On wbnt grttunda tnia waa done hare aw'naaaao .pf "knowing. It may i tiiat aoma ot tba ballot aeat tor Mr. Ale.'uiii.m. ware informal in cot hating 1U ueiudupb" tbaea written) to full aa the law diieil. l that, therefore, they were lhri out. However that may be, it ia a ' "' ,M little oonaeojueooe ao far it inVctK Hit- iu tereet ol tba poantof liic i(atxaT4(tit'- dietriot.. TheCoovenlioa iaorernheiiuiiigly lalionl aaywayo that the influence uue eniiaerrntive man woold aearccly have bet n full. Aad,Jai4-e, Mr. ttUerer . iiodw MOMMi to agraa aUkkali neitk Ma aU Cubbioe, tit whom, a well aa Mewa.-Ro bin and Jobnaoa be ypldfl4' Jft'Terv tbeleaa. the peophof the OieirWl" tilled to fcenenreartiiod in tbaK-Hivaiitioh by the ma id tbL-irehoitv, and nreeatfckAl i. an rxplaaatUiai WltHbt-f Mr,1 ,8i"ir , will wnaxnl to aerra pnder the nirt'.iuntla oa bare eeeacaaa of kaowtnt'u That th tleia. wfti ftWy u.(uv(a tbie Dintriat kaa, m far a have fcrert, Barer been aueMiawtt 1. Hut efatoflntmot M eatd ot aN ta enna M' In tn- wri-. In Davidann curiiy, l-ir iiixnix-f, mi miw cm hay that (lie lut-iii rt firri iff the dunce ot n majority id t.t ptoplr of tba coui t. , A e taeo.ldatiiin of l tie prn inrtx at made' jaat an . the era 4 el rtetto without any prevtoua notiee, m hat tdreds of voter in tttat comity were unable to ex- rcitr tba trench is without great iruonveuienm And no enute w hater niatt d lor aurh a course Iaapertir, who eonld take the re-' quired oath, had le. n selected , (ureiy preciuot. At one ol the pnMK-to, b-itat. the ioapectura aitemW J on the mnmiag ot the flint day only to learn ihit their Boeviftt had tieen diapeucl wiih.and ttiatthey i-oulil not vote themselvea without trarelio mole than ihtfoo uiile-s 1 he ronaequenca pvaaj that not more than about enetaireit uf. .the ! Mintorad voeara in tbat- envoty Wnt to the poll at ail. 'High minded and honorable men would not aooeut of a aeat Mailer eni'h an election, but a e hare no reaaoa to l e lieve tbat tha tuemlria eluit from ihut aouety will tmiil.lc themtrlvea with aoruplex ol tbat aort. .. Here waa a aaae requiting tlie iutrfureoo 6f Oen. Caahr,ad it the iaot.. had been fairly represented to him, we donbt no( that ha would bare ordered a new election-. But, ao tor aa we know, no complaint wa ever made to kim, nd iliereforf, -ere ara mtt dia poeed to attach any blame to him iu ' the matter. ,The blame attacbea to t.hoae who, by lalea topretentafiona, Induced th diatrict wnmwlv to act. a b did, to the eommandcr lor anting upon tba reprseetrta- uona maa wtnout aatutying blmaeir tally w wear vuitt. -' ' ' - - The following ltemi. collected from dif- torent aectiooa of-the country, ahow th da praaeion that pturnili in nearly arcry ttraaen) of bMinea. It ia difficult to whr'w ana took tn an 4mprovemanl Indeed, tt it probable that the ennditieai tb cooatry will he worfl betore it it bet The Xeaiphi aAay ther are twenty tbouaa Marring feegmee to 'that elty. Teiaaxlhr&ovy'rAtires ol Milltown, North Stoniugton, Connecticut, were cut daww twenty permmt. on the" fat. inat. Kotioe be been give the c opera Uvea ol aeveral of the Pall Hirer cotton nillla that there will ba a redaction from 10 to 18 pu cent. i itbeir wagea on and After Janu ary let. Hi) t?').tfi :. -f rfi-usJ The Pond du Lac (Wiaooaain) Cmam moAA aaya th fhe Chjioag and North weatera railroad bar reduced the wage of all latWera to their eniploy from 1.75 to $1.86 per dy. '' The.f have alait reduced the number of their aectioo hands one-ball. The Mew York. Tim, learns through cor reanondent ia varinna parte of th South- era Stataa that Very roniiuh rtlde humliera of people ar moving ,-nwav Jrnm there to the North, and (till ' larger hdmtwrs are prepa ring to move away traits aprlug. The idea haa taken firm poe-mn - of the Southern wind tb. tbeir.tectipji if dtinedAu-ruia, poverty, and b?re aupteuincf fa 1'ntnre, end they complain that their bopea of bet ter time bar t )st fttf thejaj It ia the bar of tka black, however, that moat trou ble tbm:is$.m . 1 Mora tbaa SSO families in Tnntoa, K. J., at ftupportod by charity, now that the fac tories bar (tapped, and it 1 kluioft aa bad to other manufacturing plecuv in in rwtepnrg nu miu tneaiieye have accepted redietiun of 4l per cent. Tb employee on the Chicag j udraat Saator) railroad hare struck Kn lor llieir back pay, aad will allow only en-iiuea wiib t lingle wail car to be run fl-h Moperaiive toliw?iT'rr'pet taetory, at Mew Tork, ktiui k ou Monday (SOth.) In conaequeactt of a M.iuiiOti 4' 10 Mr, Abbott Lawrence, orlj no, recvitly; stated to a gentleman in WaliiaRii, that1 a manufacturing compnoy, in which hey wr both loterettod, wi f.iii $1,600 p6r day. Other eorpornUon aii loiing in the ratio. This t at of thine niniLtu annot kmc aoatinoe, Thas conorationa mas top work. Wbar tbenrt One keni deed tboasxnd pwple wil.bn.tlirown out nf emaloymaot in Maaearhuat-tt alone. 0,000 ia Kew HpWr f9,om ntrlttt. aad 10,000 ia Cannae ticnt aad Kltodeliland. b U 190.000 parVn, mala aad female, old end yowng. Jtmtumal InUlilgr. AatbrvAL rtp ltu imvmmor Da via-,-' Th steeaaahip CVto, wpiok haa.lieen -e-aeoted fortwa or tbr- dar' arrived list awning at 7 o'clock, from Ba It! mors to Ha vana, bringing among her passenger tx PiwaUttet Oavla aad Ur Davta, wba ar on tbacr way te tb koamof Mr. Davie" limtfaer to Mieaiaaippi. " tr '"' . NotwJittaoding th Inclemency of-the the lateaeaa ol t)ie boar at whiiv htr arrived, there were man r of hi vb weut to creel him. aad to weTcxii.,h uila wnce more to city which he vwara now tor tb flri time for away j yeera. and where be ha frfenda aa true, a ever had anywhere, ' Thia apontaneon trib- h.uww, m.u umih ewwu hut man a or auecuon eon reaoect was rendered to. nr. imvm not merely tram common sympa thy and fwmmna soffenna in a cause in which nil war involved but from n aiocer ppreeintioa by hi trtondaof tb arrant qualitie tba have ever marked Mr. Davia at a statesman of tb first order, a voldier of onstirpsawd jrsaantry, gtutleoian in very relation of k.a, aud,man. whoae record in all the rep ta ol purity and bonnr will atand ecnl to ti.at of anv other ho hit ived in tiiis or ia ntlier iie; On behalf of hi tber latf It tends in this cite, we eit .iid toJuA Liavit a welcome to nr hi-mc ani ctr bers. Jl. O. CrtKxiU. Itt. SSCOSSTMLVTIOJI I3f LOClStASJL t- Her OnxaUJM, Jan. d. The lollowing order baa ju.t been' pro- mnlgatad ,- I - Hka'bs 5tb HlXJTABV DieTKItf, , flow vrteaoa, ju. I, loop, i Jnral Order Ko I. Svi't'Sf ,e - erseJ Order Applieattoaa have kwen maJe at the bemd(uaner implying the exietene ot rburery authority in the commanding tieneial tonebtog pnroly eiril Matrnewrniea, One petitioner aolicita thia action, another UnU and each Defer to torn tpeciaj eapaid erauoa of grace or favor, which be auppo- aa ui eauaa. aad wfticft aemwU hatnane tana Department. The number of eocb appliaa iiMin, and tha weato-at time they tovolve, mke It nutTuuiry to declare tbat theadmia ietiation of civil justice appertaina to the ewnwrFutn-ni.'-i n rtgnt ni ntigaau fca im .dopenrl on the view tb fiencraL-r f ih are to ba aJjudj(od and nettled ao I'ordUg to the lane jrbitnuy power, sucb a ha kaeween nrred to aaenme. ba no i- hHwo hew It i not loond in tba Iw ofl (fVutkiah orTeaam. Jx ewnnot ba derived reowAny ant r ante of Cewgmea. Itta ra airninedtyewtUntloa, aad prohibited row ecfton to toaoy parttonhua. J ' ' The MajorOaaeraI axiaankanding takm oe cai.ie fo. repent that, whiie disclaim ing j djefai toaetMma iaivil nana, beea miner aw foraluto aeniataaee to the nxaeatton of procaawe of thetJotrrtg. v, . ' fly command 6 Maj. Ota.Uawt. v. HAKTSCPF, A. A. O. w totiui tewnnf OnVaaaaraf, ea Thnraney aaam- bm tort, by Cfc Bee. A.. A. Atton.e Wttiie, hto u. i. jnoon as aad Mia a. A aYauna, heta-'f Oohiabore' IJW ABYKKTISDIMTS." PORK APPLI BBAMDY, KTE WHI8KET, il tba barrel or talloa. Alau Fraab Oyalra, r.. ; -11 ClOlWfi f OISJ x CiOlACl 1 1 J pKUUt VACrOBt JHElWBIt t 4 ? wfkh will be nold very eernap fee CAM t ' Ooni before they ra gone. ! - tXWOLAM BELL Jan-aj-l-ir Fayetlertiieilttaet,. IIAUDWABE THADE 1161. jTUHT JROK HEATING fiTOVK, AIR f iamT Vy UfAfttilAil BtufftM. CookilUt MffWin., Anwawlnl HtIVA Ptrnm maito An auaatatav aot ab Au ..u.. - ai.j ----- - -rw -ww wav enw nsAiirx nuiirej, qMHI L"kBW flrani aaah i. . , nninart -w --" vmn i -. t -e t. " . DrUlnTrl - BnhMfh.Jen.0-4r- With Bart Lenie. CLAD CUBA NOHAMESI ' , " ra8I CAJlfJOHEWtmOP. NOW LANDINO, K. 1 BRIO ' 'TBEKTJ88 HOBW," Direct from Oardenaa, W 519 hhila. el tieraxa Bright Clayed Hohtaaea, in prime nee peckagtw. For ! from whirf, in t f , t O. B. 1'AHKf.VV A nft' Wilmington." ' TvlatSO'f, TatAatBl PIBKOT TRAM! Th ftratelam British Bteamahip of Bit tons bnrtben, will be ta norfnlk to load iw wmnnii, tiAEvr. " anont toe' vino 4Yinruoii, Luuctrr, atxrat tbe 2lim d will aail far Uverpool abent tha Mtk. reiKfet erpeaaags, spplv to - i,,,,.,. IK HU.is6t,im k BBO ," " 1Mb. WHI WiM fur, freiffat irj4 a ., aganta, Nerfjtk, Vs., irtn V. V -A, M.MsPHEJirKHH. Jan. 1244 . Baleigh.'w; r; Mortli Carolina land Agency. TTATIItO ASSOmilTKT) ITYWKtF WITH 0E li 3. D IMBODKH. of the City of Riehmoti to wboee, eard Wlo rear th publie, i FOB taa salk of lands, mintes, ao , in Worth Carotins, I invite thom fraoae la the Utile, hartae-tuck property for eale, to address me at BeidariUe B. C, and atene will be taken, at once, toeell the attention of Koriberq oapitai icte to all eaeh property. Jan. (Kb, IM&. I, w. C0UKT8. rTirfinla Central Land Agency. ... . j , r - i .- . ,- ".";i ittATK TEST KEt'ENTLT PERFECTED TBI organisation naoeaaary to csodoet, on tba Kent scale, the haunas ot nallinf Land, mil, iniiiet, JParnace, "H'KWiiw-Iowrfc Ve. :. Mr oartner. Colonel It. J. PAflK in in of oat- ofhee in Mew tork.fIn Philadelphia sad valuta ore, 1 bare iaeociatee of the hut bast re- apeetibility and reapoosiblUty ' And for theenie of Luuhi. teiues. i 4 &. la North Clrelina, I am aaaociated with D. W. lOUu IU. Aaq., of BeidsnUe, tor ma-iy yearn Htate Innt hrrr of M. O. ' r. Tka fkeiUtieathia Anne ntTam lt k. u. t tauds ara not aurpMawl in the ttoatb, la regard to Mines of all kiuus, I hare made eootreetw with parties in the oiUea nortb of this, whs matte that branch of the easiness a aneoialtr. both in thia eohntry and Europe, securing to me the widest poasiuie neta ut openHiune, ana ia una City i hare the aid ana serf Kiel or tual aeeompuahed Mtner alogiat and Aasayer. Cut WILLIAM GILHAM, tur the prompt aualygia ef all mineral! that may MIHI IM WH tilirBllllliJg (QB Till mines, beforo they ar offered for ak. i -1'khms : For aeUius landa. nre tier xnt aiiaaion on all aalea autually made, but no charge uemH.iumii tmwu. wvr atmea, an additional contingent fee, taav auLjwt of eon mot in eaeK ceee, and payable out ut nrooseds of Helwrenee i atede ill nnblfal manlienaialL throaghoot the State, with moat of whom I bare the pleasure er being eraoaally acquainted. l 9 saver y - ' , . V, lllljut'l.ir. l ii, i i I 1 1 kj :!! I t- - J t -j.fT:ti sia v SWKrr motjhTais- better,, anu . t Ooahea Butter,Jua to hand. - " ; 1 Mam , m. u. josmm a oa-e? "For Sal. pF8I V., 6. f AMLLX ILOUR, JnOil WHITE XJ nqeit, in facia sua oarreu J Jal. . 19a.sf JKTe't t for Sal.; tXiuwxotof coBit Asnr) SEED OATH XA. and Irtah Fotatoea.' .Jan. S-428-sf .-. W.JtUP.St A' JaDSOJiOS'BED SA.m8Torfa!T?,i ATAOKwitb eicbt rooms, KUehea Vilh fdlir iwm. roa ail nil H-vrr nnuniiaAiL in u. maid a- m. a-un-tf " w. h. jdssliM 'Salt! -i.' I-. . .u. liii'fiK: A K AfVeVACKSdBAXT. t?W BiCKITlrA TCatVVA ner lunna Pimhal i1ii i 1 a... larerpotti, nw aaUv, lew, rom ear1. bvi t'jaa.'A. - ji JttLJKtl niton.,-', mdajt; wi,-iii :j--m Wilssuagtea; WaBUd. .rat,-; 1 A GHADUATB OP RAKDOLPB at AO0R Collage, Tngaua, wbe has had aaparianet m ahing, a ettnauoa aa Teacher w. , -Bmalaetisr liweienitA vmn. AiiAraa. ata. nwtorma, . -r-i t- THtJS. J. 0VRBt; Jan, ajjGr0TVil,90-,-?' C.' ttn.Wt VaIIia , . frai Pirrn: session op jriss ybakres A a,wi ouu i ucheol anil eomnMaoe on Monday, the SOth of Jannarv, lNti8, afr the resi dence of Uim E. E. Hiywood, East of the Suite nana, v . . . ,, 1. eaa. 0-428 lw f T Bait! Salt! 8AA RACE8 OF HALT, DIKECT IM eVf JJ portauoe from Liverpool, i, j- aals br WILLARiS BROM., . and JO North Waier St.. . Dse. to 106-Am Wilmington, pOR BALE. A GOOD TtrO-H( i Jan. t ltt-U ZLIAMOTTS.: . X , -lUh as d Claatioai Scheoi - rrmx iui aw ioa aw mt aonooLwnx A eoejintuoe oo ki.jiday, (he Utah at W oow.ii.uc autil tht Uck of fane. Utn. All bui m. win be cuarged Irom the niiealni of t&e i cijo- 4 , uik-ee nuavuidahly neteinea. . hm tut PaU'llt I be areeentod aaonthlr. JIMAT. WOhUtLE.. an.ft-JiiHiSI'' W! AM AUTHOBTZK) TO A if NO UNCI nUBCELLCn ALiOMC aa a eia.tirien ar twtmt boarkeepfir to the eneuina; male Coa ITraAim aeaadUate proMhiuc gtata ' "i m n Tar Sent H ;lA!tQat WELti TISIftflKD AK) OOlf- AforUble Bona and Lot ia the Northern part fflHK LA HOB HOfJHg AoUPEXlI8E8 KCAt ? ff J- - MOT BnUnfL 'jn J. j ia, AWfH 1 ABli BLILDINO to. SOCTB Of W C!. Paiaf! B-adooc, M fa Am by iaev-Ata n-m mm. eLMNUttOO.-' "Jew Crop Cardensjll0lAihg. ' DIM M I l B Tnt ION! SET ft ISO Bt tea ,waA aewsmikii i - CARDENAS MOLA&SES 2 KB CKI OJOHH BAiAJhV ,.. "VTIOM CARDENAS DIBECT. ll"AtK BV MORTU A U4KIEL, ''.,Wii4iiNiTOK,'i" q,., Jan. 1-17 gv '1)loltttlom of Copartiierili.l 4. THBCOPAKTHERHHIPef PULtlAM, CONES sVOOt ia thia day diaaotved. The BUfiiness of the hue firm will be cloned fay W. 'H . JONkr) sad JAU. A. HOORE, who liaeaooeiau(i theoin lv aa Grocers ae4 Aue4oaaw sad ja,l cKuinii, aion Mardianu, under -lbs slylii af W, U. JU.NES VO -, to wbon w teeomraenil our frituJa. :-Tk-v; , . w puluam; h "Vi';, i , ;' W HONES .. -Jl; O W- SWEPrJOI , Bahrigh, Jan. 1st 18C8. J ,., ( , 4 i( NiteW-ymii. lfipt.fi jbft tjcr.3 GROCEBSr' A 17 CT I Kl BRf, -A IA,. i ,Wt r'S rN.vt. . AND a-1r A .": General roiiiilNldii' irfrchaa(, i nsvw nroaa, aoerw wanoiaii wAnm llsjtSata' : iree en raepnauoki lml-ttft4P -i'.J.. r,- tl Ware al Wholele rpHB UNDRJlIQNEI deaisss to esll the al len ea if : m. X tion of ItsnhaDte to bia MtaMiahment be manaraetairsef !.a i. Tiny Ware tW thHt .Tntetev I .-..I. He claims to sefl at wnoleaalet AS LOW BATEH as the Merchant can buy in ttow Yutk Baltimore, with Freight added ' " ' Hasskss, tritl from Uium w ho -ara .disposed to snermrsge tnd assist HI building up 1 Home Enterprise.. . ,., ... ..,- He pleitgas himself that bin pvioea" alien give " t'mm, :. PrioeIii niu,bsientY.By adihiea ea appli. eatbX. , ,.'.( tftfT Km-,. :xtl'i vtiKa I ,mlr, ..' !, weav tn rawpee'hAa trim wOl be sAm s-1ieet mtrtet rites, luetead ef eaah, OeUTered at any point op tha Hairroul ' "' : I;': PtouE,:' tofnttfteiWm ' HiUahory "M. WlaJOTOTOS ATO irrVBBKEM. -Aftf'l? ihw'-wfirHft ' atS 4 OTsrlt rpcnpnospfiATK 4f lime, PASSAIC CAKBON WORKS. ' jti r-j ' tfcwi!i TjAtl.T feVfJlCTKBV .. V Anupplyofthi VALUABLE FKBTILttKIli;5-1 wwAm wepropeaa to VnkArT?rWlU4( oa'U.-nis tosait thetiQMM. , - . ' " Wecaartarsjrt thariss W be really a I oasuM pare, Iresh Bone Soperphoapbit of lAma, aad. wa arettewnr IHaads from the eone try, aad tha trade, to en and naminn tot j; ' J B. B COW AH A CO., Jtl 4 .4 ATa. 8J Korth Water f., fole Agnto tor Lister A Brother1. ' " .. . Freab Bone Sopsrphosphits of line. Vhmmgtoa.1.0 Jaa. 'J '.Bai. wnAA,-: tea's w. 411 fc, al"trf vnnatone . MCHAiorrATidOiit: WHOIBA Tela, GROCEn Jdr,'4 0.fta V'!11 VaV V ft C0Hktr Cmm tmi AwatA Frht fifreef, Refsrs ts J. H. Psrlt Phce, H. T., Wygant A Hoeft, s 1 reet, K. I.. . Jaa. 8. woodwsrd's Sous, 28 North Vrant St. Philadelphia, -a 4". ' . W. B. Ouhek Qee.. W. nwepaan, Valtoaal Bhnk.Baligh,N.C., -t . n. a. uatea c us, tnanotts, S..U. .j Slr waai-iw en v?i .i :'ik , , M i, . , ,, --, a,i, . Oroenriett Groceriet V'Z. TTr HAVI jrjBT HF.CFITHB the advance ef y ewettiofce( Rra:eilK, eaasistiaf Of . . iV.,P . 1 Pork, Jngwr. Teas. - -.'1 Coftees, " " Extra Fimilr Butter." Pickles Cheesa, Crackers, Caiiuiee, - .. Rtareh. ap, Buaknhsat Plonra. . te., . Ac, Ac- which we nffetio ih Tmde At the lowest Cash liarket pnoee. . . A t .ii siiTHj'.T ef 0 1 oeras wTil b kerd eonatant- ly oa band, i 1 wuieh ws wonldeail the attaotioB of Country Merchant; i" i ob-rm. N ataaetwaim aitiTCMinoaaa Z far- f riaeinal Doerkmeier f a m 1 a Convention T -" : - s.. - - - . i-i- 1 v v fll , . ' . - ho. , V 1 '.r M , Pse.0-aOJ.lm : :: j u,,ei .. . Jr . v- O THE TirA; IJFE INSUKACE COMAlSry O f '-' -At- AftaH ejiay? . nawamaawm Aaffwmean. . . .... . KJ iiAt'vAJtUJCUJ. t .f5 "-'- o o a o u w&i T - fr-. -z 's-toiv- . Vv'- .. ' " - - . i'--!i4 I Xadf K. A. BVUU3LEV, Preatdctit. a-.--Sjt".,-.- .'-Atan rOR TUB t - ifciic:! - KfjlTH CAXOZIVA AID FAST 0V TTRGIIIA, in rT-f TW pOMPARIM THU COMPANY WITH FOSTT-TWO rYlTHPAKIW: AMD ST TUt BEhstii JL nf aha In lime u Paa isali i i i af Maaaaehwietla, she AHiowteig lame appear, nader Ora,b Kas.'ante JCtna tomai aaera policies tbaa time the Avsanaw, an alaaiv ewn-vmrrn Ot and. Thai eTAladiagOaaiiat, me Mm'i ratio ntoe Oampanlea, ana aonc rna tu intason or SWL That the JEtaav receipts are larger maa tkuae Af eiihavof turt-IK1M mher OnmaVaJes. U inre man three time ta average, and mors than owwintaiaim n of all. ' 'fr.l-'i " f . ' m .' t Wi.'rt ,1 ,,,. 4m. That the Xtna'e ratio of expeoeea te receipts la Inm than that of twanty-ntKe other 6skt iee, and Laws then ta verare of a?. '' . ..j-.. , ... . 4 , 7- " ,: " - , ' - 1 -': s t tttti. rnat wie Aunaemtio or mereamui premium reeeiptato iueoat. is naatar thaa'u..t " wbw i iwwii, aim uwm Mm aTwnure. inee l n ..a a ,i n - n, Sth, That the tna's catio of loaaee ia sixteen Ttn. That th tn' mat pet eeatetncVi paay, and oor than fbar ttntes th average. 7th. That the -Etna's main pet cent, ef Increase H will to ebaervei froalthsee eampnitaona that aisny Compsniel do net 'feak asrood a ahoir' aa tha SJ.Iaa althnMrh thai ara nastvaxmnahU nlUM, .-,',.--. , . 0 awoarhr ., The MnA' hi a ak) aad weB-tried,iDttnttin; tJ llit shore extraot'l i.l ...iknntB ana. tka anlilarf n r ja T..n. and aerioot anqntarer, whtt wiaa to make a onvattt proTmiou for those depending npom kutu The Jtnnloaaaltoreantonasrsime half the premium a fonjr thL'-JtM ml .jr reaVjf awT' ired, and gtre ae raatrictioos ia hwstion r Uavel iu the rmted StiteJ,' at any eeseon af la nuf' sndpsysbMansmtorsms , ;- wr- aUAatGEST DITrDEI'" '"''t,,, "''' 't-n of any Company doing basinees In this State,- and is PEBMAMKNTLI LOCATED BFBE has naii) more Bevenae Into the STATE TREASURY than any other Ocwipany,-nd"pe(d nor natmey to WM.' owe and OapneOe than any other, and thereAne, with art nf thee facta, ' wvn-deserrasthe l.V i p.Aroag, and IB -BaOITVTNO IT. i a Vt A v .,.. The JETBA, homn a TXmt rAWr.ghs. alt shAlwaelitaf drrldead to kaa u-Llj, .ndftnaa ml tha liahihttol ill ! "If I In il I ' ' ' ma pal lent totimal laattoVed maantitt (hansel goes to tbs las ana, wnhrn nraftt er dividend le the State. : roe STNA hea $1,000,000 ABOVE I4ABILITLB8. I' (,'(..,', 'I 1 . ' -C-'-S r"-.ftf UJ m' r,Hi-n:' K.-.!tf i M - -LJ-wrS NI' I frVg.-Wit 6 B ' ' ' ! - - i I ' swaS.".' -if I .,, S rT. j a I -. V dcvani " i--ji-r an " - m n'-nif. tf as t m to id any ether recto Wig hs shistfuBy Imparted m th Tdcei A Oe. ' ' Jan.4-.lSUm " . ".tU" . j ' - - f- , msCELIAKEOUl ; . TOTJNG'S FAYSTTITILII STfiEET. BALEIGB, Bl. . boabb bt the At, rfrrar, ob montb, . a'.,, M"lw, ) asATat, r ..Jan..O laUm i.ss. , . l?17a PESOUD, " GltttAt1iKStAUi.CE AGJEflfT H AS REMOVED his offics to bis k a ftra Store, where he will receive arnlinei ions an iaeiie Policies ef laasrince tjr ai at Viae by Fir a. st the hjeaa remnaeratiTe tales, in the follow; I ns aiwi-eiise QomTuwaa, via t - uq iPfttWH'4 of Hartford t--, MmHc, of Brooklyn,; . necwTtfy, M iew xorhr, a -Pvincm, of Hariford, " - -1 Hums, of New Haven,- . ; VnHegijf Irijmia, Winchester. ' .fjefftrton, of Virginia, and - . . ' 2'Af riwtrYtiiter'a. Selmav Ala,- I ltietr ajmhinid Capitel sad Aaeette saxswdiiit 0A,awAe). - . v Lemen raostrstt aarswma awn Vim. ' :"" ? ' . ... , P.. PBa0rrrjr,-iL, SecU-tlMf 4 p toa.AA?nt.f. ' " lfcrHoo. ' - IU OONBEQt7E7?CE OP TTfE BCABCfTt OF BkBaev, and with it the auhcnlrr ef making eotawaa, and havmg to pay GAHd lor oar eup- Oar baamem. ron and sBaw H,u aw. Ka eondaetodstnctly npenthe - -', . CASH SYSTEM, " J anleas in sneeial oasea of aerisaiect. ' ' We shsU at ail BBass, kaep a veil sebetod atock DroAWs Wextlclni', , Taint. Oil. Iretue, If)frwt ?rdta ,,. Cine, rrr. a r ry e od ;. . . ranry Ce-o ' AIU'II 1 r -m as - i 1- I end will cTiit tVorn at r-m as ri3 baa etrong lnUuofciut t-- a, Vi nV'TTfOQl). Jan. -12Mb. t Wa rt. -'t r . 1 X O. EKDEBS, ai STATE or "I v V n--!-: V -l-i' s 9 V i t j -tti A 1-,i t 1 "- w a!o. , eitbwtof oetr othef 4!eKpaaae. stA ' v - t ; Of Aaaete t IAabihyaAJ1aav ahi Hiatal1 trii am wAeaHjet . . -a- -H M Aas . , , ... --. v. m 'If note --v. ill insurance Kmopt l '.,ii . jf a- ."V per cent tees than 'tits- average. IF .'. at Assets is preStef than that 'of hay other !' . A inS. ..... im, th. IZwL. jl . a,.....,t. IV.. fi, a .. . iii. sin-.ariv , ii ' I ry-- 'W-rt'w Black ef tlOOOanA Aa v.r,si t of Ah nrem 1 larger than any ,oher - ,V -c w ' ' wi ' . 1" . U 'so t-,-jw i -. 1 i-a 4n at "M:. " enifia;! Ma v.w 1 . iA-tii- Wt- .si a.t , it'iAif .1 WJ NrT tjw m W II l:lir : ft S ', ,-, ,au 7" H tr"',J '.rt' f.i' AiM l,a ew;r aj..: is-ni . v 3 w . v-fe to' ;i v-.fj 1 .11 ;lf . 1 - iw '' a turn l 1 : a..nt iu ijs.kPw .vvx VcJ-AWvt i ataai f ifiK en "1 v-i' ...A ,-tr :jjr W' fvt i-T,, ' "1 tHOiUli j-, if,w orfoe. over the giore'of 'MeaarL ft '.' v. ' W J '-S' ' - V"it, .r-'-TV' lvT. f 3l7,P0Q,0OO,OO.; ; . WITH- AN INCOME :OTEH 4 !e.a3.i500.000.00 ; .sajrt-'y wKt-'aT" J jrrt:-a rirLiiy,4Hwfi vwtsM; W11 - sawat A i3ttW !. KM, .. f 1 J M ih . rJWE i-)?ll"I!CTii;s7f WfwpAiV LVB " f. 'wr- ry j ft.' -j'-ii w.-4 'ftv f w INSURANCE C0JIPANT, " ' Of PAkiP0BD, TONi.-ECTia.-T, wee ergenW I M tov,. of haa or. J , , ' wfJtf.OOf Poltolea "! ! J -aajf W- f . , -fi ; - -Kf)-. J' 'til In forcea .feahift a lfr?er nnniber than any, -at he - pmJlr orld-Aj I. ' l ils Aa A - ar' Lmrptr tha any ef W XHilBite hive arenredom- Bo per eent, and . ; arrlitofoue-half ilieprem uin ieeivin, . 1 v wbioh, m ease of death, ia eanctMed .w e . by antnnpated dirtdende. " ' Tba intret rereimi, diirini; the peat tea yesra, hss more than paid its loeisea.. C(. vf Great ears in fceloctina of risks e u- iw rates 01 mortsiity ; , , - Extmneiv low rai 10 of expennee to receipts Imsaanet kwottie for tntcreet. and i (.'osseqneet large dindanits, reduce heeMar taste lowest pesailw eeas. r -( An oHcfe BonTorfeitaMA l tin ILr.r sod nawxtm tarre made, except only where the risk is extra haesriloaa. No nntea are renmrcd after the fourth vtaar- DiTidenda pacing haif the preautun thereafter. 3V Deduction, cf KotaK Attemmmt. ' A am ranee eaa be effected in all the rorms deetteA W An pTi eeeVinir the -'"al and w4 FOoNOM tCAX. PLAN aiioitld not Is ii to eon other companies represented in tuis htsta. wit the Oonmcut tints, il, aa j o' .-.lt ia the r ports of the inmiranfe ciaiiiiMsioiieTS of Ree" otk snd iiissachritii,. r - t. r.AM unotGr Atwirr, ' 1, - S- Uenermi Agent C.. I'ec as-tf. . , - m, ... .. , .h. I1 ARDI IARDI -.t - w bniuitsi ' tu. . t jt ateQy Benned Lard, in lh 1) 1.4 - T-w1by 3! Vo ',18 I Mavnr. . 2 it f ' e.,t V I t i,...Udji corn.

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