.'On fee Uua welT-- ea equsnne K.B -AVen ' - lb) i.. - Bmlici nocoxttw' Jlv-'' :L1 t hewrtaaV in Mm afreet BWat 13 waina nn", or M urease, ...ni jfc t " - - aweatr-T-ejr J ::::::: i:5 ha AW y-wBai' -mt e.pt&re tw W1...,.. e.ie .gnu eHMiui. ....... .w. e,ie , aii.al euaare mm mtemtMu . . . . . ,08 . ink..,.:w....... tf.UO ks-nal .. 1.'..;-. , , Hjaaw 4 tine a-towna. . ..j ........ j,uw - --h mr--' ' - - ,...-..;..... ,"' (Bn a - , ...... .86.i-' toda, t minion tewa oris iriil hi CP Jy i f thro montlia. .- lOaaiuwiMatu w raws un . raws,. , toa, a ! fta, WW to AA.Is.msi t ii.iL .in.. aiiaiH-f-f wito was , fortT iaeSifi eMte-em tod talk edTaaieg ewJwhwtkBeiidadattlBB- nta. to pay for ma. " iCmza BTATM CM VMM- itdCuaTwH . to r Cwe-exi n To-fti t4 BUM of HortJk CaroHa, mWUIv Gea-Caebyt. i. 1 : ... : -r .v.. kt. npult ne pw"!1 , id U thirlf s polb. Thepnb- in 4 fetf-reeted 1 ! fKweMiag, pad ,in J eeWderalily to oir ewpeaea to rwt ta-n. Th presumption te that it will be ia aaneo fan tBmtlv 3V PH, f,aelj OS Milt to T woo ,krr Sm&i aufWgAe teoiM, for I,mb Abbtiibiit. ClTJ Cob Ian aayafHttfM dlrnt froa ft, 8. fk7 Co, TTjlBtaf 11 I LaMCiaM ; CoarU, Xaq., of BoeUagfaB, witm Oen. J. D. ImtxnUn, of YW- MMita f i) tTtr Cr4 hi nothor column; M tfatok'U wUl mm that the; hvu nnilMiUlT W M Aifciprize n hlch tbay featw aced. Tm High character of .n dugwraipatjimm'i umcuBt -4 ' ' . .. .. -i.rl.... .tf 1 fflW Farf Cmm: DanglM B.U, AH iMjaffljw;VhWwT, tr-h Ojt gaidww Tnda fc 18M:J. Browa (vita .r eaUia. i TtMt ii4 Mt Britkh Bbia Ad .'iad-m UcI win fcaywaaipt CXursisrjLTxrhitEzra ixbjcbL Jkecordiog topMvioiM arportnlmaat quit mapecoLbte aamoar or cuweot aswmbled t Spiiag Hill, Kichawnd coUBtr, N. C-, oa Saturday, the 28th- nit ' Mr, M. W. IfcNur WM ealled to ueenair, aad Kobert A. Jyn km wal roq usled to act t SecretfT. - Ta Cbainnu, attar having explained 0i onjeet ei ids meeun, appointed . Utaara. Mittoa Kcbtotb, LautLlia McKeUl. Arati'4 Jobaaow, B. ST. LiriasUM and 4. M. joba naaaaKAMMaitM to 4raft resolatioiu. Tb OAmittM(.atter' consultatjop. pnsea- WiBMtu, "The onr&nizatioa ot aCanser i ranw i party j(oriji .WgUflfc M (. v MaCiwC, laS. Xbat.wreoogiB-t& daty to defend law and order, aad to Mpport, ebeivfally, all comtltutional measures of to Ifattad IHataf gOMjnimewt.'ww.Bi w. AaoW, 2i, Toat the Ch&lrmait iitU meeting appoint aa Executive riwirtaa tm UMtmaia Uouaty, eoaaiatiitr of tfaree bare fawM eaeh precict,'rnoi doty k halt be to organize a Cotuerratue party U toil County, and to take tbeaeeeatary atepa w u ppatimen o aetegaiev to npre- eM eaia parry mf me uonservaOTe Conren tion, to be held in the City of Ealekk. L aatU t&a Uta. of Jsndaryaext to make the appointment, " ' in. mouan,, me meeung aujourneu. -4 r:-Jiwwi nv JeewMM,.Beey "Br Ohobb o iKnfiiii? uraari Bame eeait to hare a' rer aooth. lag effect npoa certain ndUoni of tae Kadi. at pertuiilon. Wben Sheridan and Siek lee were removed by tbePreeident, withoat the tormai anonaeenent;' MbjT order A of eeneral want(" therefore great vaiUuga oa rjwuog u ixviu, fspocuuiy mosg uie "kivet Daoen at tha 8onth. Hn mna Pupa and Ord Ml, and there it little rrief mi m inuigaauun mamicBiea una tna order displacing theae. offloera pioceeded immediately front the Prealdent; there wocld be a atonn raised about hia earli but ' aa It iemei''by command"of the" Secretary of War, ad interim, it ia all right. Even Hoi den 'a radical North Carolina Stitndari. in announcing these, , latest removal, vaya i " W pnmun tur w wnjmmi for th thmfftt." Verily,--that Ihrtw-are,- and Bo preaumptloa in the cane' at all. If 'a aeries or tyraonioal acta ot the most aatramons saaracw, on me pari oi tnese commanders, are not "good rcaoa where shall they be found! iirt(r. ( Bat the kooJ reason bribe chance In 'the tone of tna BfrMrd, and other jhset f we same party, Is lotto. ia- the- fact that Grant proiwMe to d the ded.inatad ot Jobasoo. Whatia.tfce Jn the latter ia vir tue la the former; and what was soffiejeat to raiea theory of intpMchnient airaiust the one, only auffloient til raise" the presump tion of "good reasons lj behaH of the other. OoTBPBATa drrmaaa, ' Hew id Char. lotto we have livings three Oeneral officers who did as much as any other fbr the eaaea of the South. : J(J. Sen, V. Ji., HUl rsee Boas a LWMHMl aovaae o.iM Mfrheaf eosa aa aa to4btMnvj an-iowwiMrtdinhei one ftbrasoet otular Hacrazinea in the try. ' Brig. Gn. II. D. ohaeMej -Areat.iat the war as a Lieutenant (o J1861 and easM oat as a "Brigadier OeniiraJlie loueht bravely all through the waiiandaa JjM Tereiy, wiweuBa m tna noawa aasii eew tnsse different eoeais Mm Bnfot "Bar rinnerweiK In a a Cantaih and 'W hm. mouxl toa BrWadkT.WriJ OoCarak.i . - . k. At A I '. i i mm aW0tn..i j 1 uiu mviiiim hih WOttlHteCI Bbie AdTrm'mTBr llittredav l.ouii. 7 t lnnetrhM. . .. - . m ".- - -ir- , r -- -r v fit- ... ... jfttmamm -. a. . m. ..A acrn.niiTiinaiieatiiiiigre ehuroa antkea wnaeat last aigU, aappeueto raa against eaenkaomaesTa, wko nMhe4 Than. ton lBttaalMaraaMeaoiaaw.v . -.- -. rMottaHaTibaTfatliea. ' ijf Tae Qfcki Bewiinsrasii Bute Coaveatioa aae bled to-day:. The fcvortta esAdidataa as fav eMoat let Ian PtiaitMny, and .Taanoa fcr Tbe"Vaylana ateaae coauauttM sr'danUai epaon a as wUafcy iMaa,. mm s aseaatMBMStMtdai af the BapraaM Cowt will Mdsedwwt the 0m- tuuttoaeoty af aba T tiasllia aits, ia a Ska Vayaaad Xeaas Ooansuttae Vffl repoai aeV tareuy to tte taateMUe Im Wi, and ask Aw f CesnsnsMsai - rutsurr atiom or a ol! ltEDAt to' tut - -Waamnoa-. Jasr t . W. -A txild msiUl, reload at MOD, m teaeatedto the PmidMt.tdar,ayaoaandte tMSBruO- The awesl Mthreeachae la dlametoe. (toaae sUete an eseenent Kkeaess of the frest- ent, vita the data W am awtk aad InaBirantmB as teaitleaa .-Oa ebareeetee ts tha fuUolng toearipttaat Wsh aoarags and fidelity he do amded toe Cooatitntioa, and hi Jnatleaan aaaa wlnataMeiMlaaTMeV MM UMsbW4 HtftaWsV1'' '( r''im leiinalMMuaadaresawrtpy-Oot Bataer, TW jVesldeat raMnadtejatnaatoei Ma taeaai MUMawaad matin that then- -eanadenat IdatlMdaotaeaa ansaiaeed, fa toaeluaioav t( pledKil Btmartt UtM BU totas aaoasa tboirid to aa the pan. a bie ederM to msteMla aad upf bold tteCaaatitotiaa ; aad aaqurug toe Com. ailtLM that ae pTMsaiatlon waa Jwcnliarlr artifyui to hiesat this tine, aad toaahewaaU ekriah it until tae Mat hoar of Us UtK - Tli President Omb took eadi member e the Oomsattbie by the head, and eaaae tinaawaanaast eA ! niiia.li toiaM ati vbhdMWi- ' ' A eaaanittea of eitissM aY Ke Jafk and poa. aeotoot nreaantod toe tVeentent tth a. kar. una rroai tna vnaaser eaa, to-day MS,0Q0. Saadw a praaj rm rottoa. a aiiTsar-r aa pnadaoa wBl fee awl M eotoMkatyoa charged' fbt (nrr akrdiag. Tbia otvuiely effaa great ad- MlMgel to or WBwrs ana laera. , 4,d I, limATtCr-r I private letter frotai t. ieraWfrooi Wilmbgh, we toara that'ha ibplalea,if be eaa. Make the neoewary geaaeata, commencing a season is tiis aa Monday; the tOtb.,' wiib kie Coi- y TbA WiWngtaB papers am loadia Bid ot Taa Tram At aa tiati the atoea -of the war, bars there any vue riweaaaea aa awfiaeeui; aa iit. The City, Inr seTerat Uaya o n litmnlty thronged with them. 1 1 It ill tliem hare a, thriftless and raggadJ iibinoe. This is an evil which. ? ear,1 jjiicJ greatly to Increase, now that ae ajaejjul llie sourcca ot employment are to tl' U4 I f fit- '- Vm Towioeo.-'Ware todabted to theae tMarpiisiog ' jrrmtlemea, Mestri H. f . Bar. to &a Durham's, fota Ug ot Wr Uparb SpaoUb-fiatored Smoking Tobocoe, It hjM o aupefioc anyahsn, aad we eaanot thick T eninying stewrarlvea, trithaaf m aaviing U.tjjjkU. lorer af a good ansekc Bead to voar oKtera to Morris sV Co. "fBortTs" (with about ttrty otberaj to eaiididiUe for Ooarcaeaaf af tna awagtel CMrwtlna, 'floaVaHeaf oH.? , . . faomiT -a OrrtCK, fre' ieara that the asaWials of tiie jPrgrtt -ffl- to ffifaolH .1 M.r; and were bid off 1 309, t sin months ered.t, by aararal af oa jonrnrymn printen, who, it to aader atood, Kjck , if renving the paper. .' The tow ootid itioa af tit acwspaper pram, aad bat yo never et titais jmw or that .of any otocr otu Uararniiaeri the Virginia papne or to m nnmDug, nmoriea jfotteo UMides Ih.hie4)mva1 efflrrfs Hamad above we Jareliring here 5ol., EL dlooe f the 87th. KltimanQcojT fctae www u wietutwou aw AiWMnal tha4h. (Ifob Zf ftp nce (ef-Gnf. "of ' If. C .iottha Mth-'.'Coi f. tIlrowrf af il 42nd.Mj. Ja. JRUrris., the. 2ik and. Mai. it., D.X KcLeooVof mm .lato'MMVOawv iry-U ot whom toughf throng fh .waf anii am gaiianf wrrice put jnoge wuo got sp Hatk of gallaut, of5c4. jjevw .hwird 1 them, ot courae. . w.- xi : We intend soon fcfpnbHB.h a list of Coa Isderate tioers of every grade bow in this -V r1 mi 1 w rf Mini. 1 1 ir:i w-v Abbtbb Negroes iitna 'So(rr.rwlne eut ot erery ten ot the tiegrcef (to be teen daily on oar streets are "armed and equip ped" as the Radieale direct. Home have laaa btadgaoaa, someimseniekmTea. tome pistols 01 erery palters, w(ui oy tar tbe iargnr number carry 4 at "' a "siiouldei;" af ia ' a. careieaa or indiiTerent aaaav aer, the regular Oootmnunt mittinl, and many cf them with a fixed ' bayonet! way tne negroes are tnus armed the. whites know not.: There la certainly no canes for tbeee hostile nets-on the purt fit the law wuiu wiiiwi, . un atro CiHicu BUOI1K with the negroes wherever they go," night aay. at w com 1 u on aocarreaos so Sriag at-oil booreot the night to salt or tna ciry. "uuiietf nave eentered Briyate residences, irithln the neat few days, going ia aloes -proximity to the Meapiag tomatea. Kotwrthstanding all Inch podtive Tiolatloos of law, ntf arrest insre Deea maas, timet by tlis military gr bivil autioritiea,- so far aa ve have been tobto to Maiav Sack to ' Radical role and row to Alabama. MmJeiy Jftilf mum iiiHiEawaw lilUTfn. 7 tap''Tal unpro&tablenees io this Bute, tmH be bttuc ciemoiMtrated, Una bee beea by t Ma. . A powot peeaa, eritk 6ata of naaVpareiJ aad bourgeois type, with atLor asWavylsppendageev anffietont to print a atoilf aadweukly paper, was bid off at 1800, toanr au4 the credit 1 It ia a cheap aa dirt anTTirt, ( (he times conflMMMi Wi.....(t r-vtraordinary til.irt; it may torn at t 1 a deaa bargaia. We, bower, wlili c f ytm mends every poeaiM fnc. da ia tsar enterprise, .;""' -. '- .-.- JP.. 8.- iuoe the fttregniog aaa wtiUem, BoxTbera ia eoeao- epeculation mong swdmii 01 vongrees as 10 tne exact " status at uie bill itnking tne word "fwhite irom the charter and laws of this city and OeorfO . . . .... mm. U waapaaaad atl wt to tne rnm 1 tent prior to tbe receiM; an-1 when the d bornment took place he bad yet two days ht it ooosideratMmw fiome members think tie bill bow dead, but others hold that it tiHaealewif the ExecatiYe dors rot act jpoa h to-day dr. to-morrow.";, It is known vat Mr. lobasoa prepared a- veto ior tbe ieasura. bat it ia believed that be will aow toat tbe bill as baring died r reason of I M ween.- WukJpreatXTZ. 1 Alanson Palmer, who used to foil throngh ie sL-aets of Buffalo in his coach and four, tea seotenced-to tour months in the poor paaa recently tor stealing m shirtt 4 V' w 5c an W - pn'v anuii at IS puhlieatio of the Ve ho resnnsad, by aha gnUcaaea wi ft, on Tues.1ay Brit. Their ef unFtwiU jrieaas take aotna. Agxln it a 1 1U. aad T" 1 .i . (r yotmg tnpoJf. sncoeaa. ferfaiufy repertir,Sf the fate " -e !-' at I. - -h CMsed. 1 - . I . I, and mavaow ' ' ' ' luo'isanda-of sym- h the pr oi ' ' .-.-(.; to !, .tm. Select School for Toninr ladle ' ttFlTtTTT fW!t of 1IE 4. HOWELL'S IfXCr Clit.HL it ill eorun..iMA Ju ltk. lit. , . " 1 r tiEliKh Branehi-g. Frr-nch? Lmiia ui ii. It be ihorongtily tanpht. " ZZ Z!Z- rot saiueaun, aOj. m , . , lie. is b -,-,-"' ' fsa.T-137-taT t,,,..M Uaa, si. ft coMOftEaa WaamaeroM, Jaa .-, P.lt Homm. Tka Cotmlttae ea Fowlgn ABOr ra motUA steaotatMa, reqaestiag th IVasidsnt to MtareaAa witti Qneaa VleaarM te faahs atcMa- baa'a roUMi Ina veport Mimtslaa the tane aanrec VcHaham. Tbs' Onmmlttes referred eonpla af other aaaaedwitA the laaehsttoe. aa the eaaea amttomageiMBaai- - - -'---.- The Banata eettoa taa-bid waa nfarrad' to. the Committe on Ways tn4 sfssn. ., , XlMUiaaowieiacUoaeaMaataa as,aoenpymf aavarat hoar wbea Taa Bora vh aeciand n tttlrdtokisaaat. .'."V. " ' f" ,a Senal.Tb riaaaee Coauaitta waa teetraut sltoeaaaire teto cbeeepsdrtaey of atHiuif a penalty wnea f oraruhieet oftoara dl.biwae n:oney witboat legal eathertty ' - . - Hr. Cnaaiss said that toe reaoia'ttoa aimed at taaaewheM taaBiaal. rejeeMel as ttnflt tor poei Haae, bat ehe were aflerwsrds qeiit en special aiiaairre. at Aimm bodrpuMW what, aad patd hma tbe aabae faad. . . , : The mhiiB jaVfacUna the jadlciary Oees mtttes to ttpart a MI m vaoato the praaent Ulo gal and ensatharMsd RovsrnaMSit ta the Booth - eraatotea, aMpixiideprorlaiansl goveraaienM aala seaeaewnetsd, m btd.over. "(;. $ 'a Tbe fteaiaent ens eallrd oa for intormetioa wbatber the bat hr aboUahing white in the Pt triet an sad ordinae wt eoaaidend aa law to COXSXS VA TlVJt&TA TUKXSCUTIVS ' COVMITTKJL" ' " rvt rum statb At iaitotv . tloa. w.A. Uraham, Ilillaboro. u. . r-... u 1 n a ' " Danul O. Fowl, Baleigtvwjr . " ' Thomas Brsirir. Lt M t A. B. kierrinujn," SJ5-i'. - J. K. jtcjjean, tireeasboro, M 1 11 f.u 1 . 2 . . . a .wim asms, oaiimmty; j t-. . i 3ea. bamnel F. Patterson, Patterson. Robert rUraBi. Kaq.; Wilminirtoa. Boa. W. N. H. Smith, Martreeabora,. " JB. tvuattiM, at organ toa. - 4 T. a Batterthwaita, Esq, Waahiagtoa. itaipn uorreit, taq., ureenaboro. Hon. 8. 1. Person, Wilmiagtoaa A. T. Davidson, FrankUn. . ' 1 -rrn8 tiaTBiuTi ' Hoary A. Gilliam, Kaq., Edentoa. Boa. JaaM & StubbevWUltoaMtoa. Cot, WmX. Mnrttji, IliaabaHi City;-i Mwaiia Durraicr. Oaoraw T. Strong, Kaq, Goidsbora ' Jan. H. Hanghtoa,. a( Kowbara, Ooi K. D, Bait, Wihuingtoa. Ttuato tuniot. earn. Ik Tirylor. Esq., Brenswlrk fX a r Bon. Tfcn. S 1 a).. Wa,liln . liua. Jesse O. KbepUfeidJyettviUai . ,w wowar-jiawai r. -.---:-b-.' w -Ho William Eaton, f r.armito f OeDaviEJW vji.oayger, Asusiaieiga... tw. : rirra pistbict. -Wdef jLi lean. Em.. GnenabAra.' Hob, Bedford Brow. Locust Hilt." Han. iwnea at. ImpJi. Txlnotna J&i'l i arx DisTRir. 1aI Jarae K. Kerr, BaaSalisbarfci-i,- j r K F. Armneld, Kq., WjOkesherowr f f ABttrew u. lew lea, km., aamptaamito. waurrsi aiisi arcr. L. a flaah, Esq., HeadnraoaTUh), , CoL Jas. R. LoVa,. tVehetor. FtotoJlactoaw, fiatK Shelby. A Cough,- Cold, ott 8or Throat. Hat attentfcm, aa shoold to MP J ...... ....... f ) elMekd IrrtltUloM mt Uaa LtHtgii, tk Fajwaajk. em TaWMit Pl.t arfaii. aump-uon, M ft eftea ttoraealt BUMriaf a dueef InBusac te ii barte, ait a Mt- awdiata renat For . HrMrkitia, AarkwMa. Wart, aaaiaaBtv eual t lrMt pi aaaa. Troches a-a saad witk slwara good aae- Mware- aawt abttav Miwaker )ia theaa ta elear aad Wrwutfua-tlx vaMa. Oerani aoly "Baowa'a faoBcaui, Taocsma." aad do aat taks any M tha Worthltm lmMalitmi that may to-oflarodn Sol Xvnrwaaas.' Oct. -r-r No. an J BObEMIAE'Bt, A .. FawttTtlle Nt WOULD BEHPECrFCTJ.! eatt tb attoatMa af tb eitiarns of Italalgh.and the pabUe ta ia end,1to his awwly imported stork of Oaaror Bam-at aoc Obsmiaa. and OaimV Fiiaaiaaraa OaoM Oairra sad Bots Hats of tbs let eat etylss, toratbe with alara stock of Oeat'a aad Boy hOOn AND BQ0K8, Of tb of which will to sold st prices M suit everybody, OUTBAOEU BV SLACK8. -fcaJUsVstU totraes mf anuai, a the lie of die tCl B are lasi Md aany. sad the aowttlioa ci aAkira aintiaj lana, , lasaardsy, a gan; of Mart I'aiua Laaaaer BradMasasMaerrier, to stthx from Uua City, bat he saespsd by tb Bwtneaa of bra bars. tl l . i - ' (fBOSaU CON8KBTAT1TE& Aoeona, Jan. a, P.M. Th ComadMee appointed by the CoaaerraUr Bute Qoavaatlna, have Manad sa addraaa to tb peopl of Oaergia aad the Duited Mates, it ap- eaMalaaneBay to the paopl of the Stats to orgaaise fea setfrpwaaatioa and eeaaeleo appa. aisioa to asgro-eupreaaaey, tad to tb Northern UsotM to their reeea. .. j ''.4-''bUBI1M, v ,'' MBwIoal,.'aa.a.prat Costoa daU aad lower. Sates 1,800 bales, 16. Ftoaa daU. Btot tOUM. Bontbara lOJHka IS. Oarav Waaiai a samed i BUS ptellr-OM 11,1. aTwai.U. ' :? Tnraenttoe (). BoaM IwgrT. od i,m.-..' ' k" w , . . wiB,aB.i,p. k. Cettoa dipramid; asMtaslty ie., -f , - - WnuaBMaaa, Jan. 8, P. Bt, Bplrita .Tarpeatia tna, U. JtosM. Brja. 8traMadaadVo.Af,Ui. Tat IJM. Oottaa arav ta01 ' ' - " " .. j ,;,(. u Lrrearooi Jaa. , p, ftotton aaebaaged.. Pplaads 7. ' Orleaaa 7, , i- ' Ml, in la.eWa.a.aML OonaolsWi. BvA 7U- v. , BOCK miX COUUBCE, BIXICOTT CHXTT. MdLl mHTB IBMT1TUTIOW. rY)T!lll at TWIT JL Brathera of tb CbrMnaa aefasola, waa tm- tmoummma m inai ; ana uxscrsoratea, ana eHijvw eradtoeaefardegraaebv f-ttnni aaaiinhlr at Marylaaa.ennnglaaiimtjaof mi. u ia aauaMa ea a nam; Tona4, an aaeer JM ulthMat aad aaaat ptctorsaaa ooniuo of the SUAl mA anAtaiW aa aU a II- aaiu eott&tytatnvd station. n Baonraa BmniJi Preeldaak . - . . Baomaa Ciuian, Vice ftasiiisnt IVafsMat at Mathgmalwa, . . , . .. .. . . , . ,. x Wav 1. A. Antavf at ,tL toi Vasaar af uaax Tirua Bimob, A. wTIu , rofiil aer oa aawrr. onwmctn. a.nr itn i ni n .iMia Baorawa Auaus, ntsr rnf f mri-t aad Kef liah OoopoaiUsa. Bawram Bbmbpioi) Adjaaat fiiifiaii af BUar lauea and History. aBnnB. E. W. tan, Ph. S ,fioajBBa OfLatia aadOreek. .ti - -. . . AmamrT TaownmaT. Adlimet fl nfaania nfT ! ysaa Tumi, Paofraaor af lrwin sad pVsaeh. naorama un arottaaavM ttonaan aaa Hint P. Cima. Ft. C Prolaaaor of Musis. - j- Baoraaa aUitaaw, toatraoaar M Mnanaass and BoTMKa rem. PranMt, , Baorawa BrjmaaaeB. Prasaet tlmJkar Tlliiil-aaa Da. i. H. O'Dowovaa, Oonaalting Phrstoiao, Pa. T. B. Owmaa. Attending f Myaawaa. Board, waahhij and Tintioa. AiOB se-'l rairanaa tm as : a-nyaMiaua fa lev Mesas saa uni Oat. .If leaaraava roaUaua aaieeapy llit ssost urinaeuDKiuaraUon el toe beads of iami- ttea, waa, by the eaanaltios uf war, abort eropa aad short nrlee of Cotton, bev beea deprived of be snpport Utey raltM wpon, In eeae of death, Be thM depandaaw f aad Oi quaaMoa with them ia, "Which is lbs Ofnrr, sircar, uietn. asoaoauou. and bclubui Ooamtaw topresented la Korth Carolina V, I enhaaltablngly aaaur inem mil i an. lniiiiianiii .ilili.n .. OOB SKCTICl' MUTUAft L1FS IM8DBANCB Oa. iav wttoont deans, prepared to prove, tram tbe Moat trustworthy and authentic otBeial report, tkatsb has target maat.af asstMbaalt atbar Oompanle ia tola State eombiaad : that Ar aigataea year the ha aeeared eatoag af Bity par eent dividend; furthirteea year bar b taraat on investment baa exceeded her Joaaasi sad her vast buaiaeae is esndaeted at mock less expense. - -' 4 ar'Y AU eh Makas to shared by tbe aa.-ureL Mi Stockholder recoire the liearsebars of tltrpna?- ita, and aa Oompsny paya itehiaaa aoM promptiy. IM year (ISflfll alie paid t widow and Orphans npwarda of a MUMoa r Moilara Thortrfure. ww AJa AAU-U . JJL fcdeiKh,jr.& " Oreeiubaro' Money If arket - BCT1NU JUTES' OF BANK" bOTBS," te.V BT - WILHOK A BHOBEIt, BABSSBB AMD Blip. a Baoaaas, Bovm Em trmswr, Qajuuut- 5 ' ' ! auau, N. t :J " i Bank tat N. Ci......, .iJ.X. " Ca,Pear..,,...vv,.w i . riuulou ., i . sVrfH- we4s4S S " Waihiatwara...... to - " WUaaiagaoa A " laiwjrtMa6rakaaa M S " Uaiagtuu...... to OoMBaaca Clatwadna. " Pavetasviua. . Sf erohanta' liauk oTNawbara .&..f.: S to rrmr'BaiikfOreeaabiRi,...,, z7 BluMn'aii l-ljili.'Ri.nW...t.5. V.Ao.jta Coaunxratal Bwik of Vrilimngtoa. vv . i ,!-( M tlrnaabuaw aliitual Ina. O.,.. .. ...);. -v , v inritua tkuUt buwa averagw auaaa, ., aa Muaia I'.rnliM M .m.es Am. .tfAM. Aaorria to aa BwatBaenwi uaarai eni as, waa saa rM var. honk (laNiina Bond, tlaitad baasaa BuadW aad all oalaar aaarkatabU aaaoks. . . .., urosre fur Bank nutae ty Ooktor saa Blxl boldera af Hanks will noaive nruau4 aUn-aiioa. ttataraa Bar aiproaa poka(oa of iauk IioUaj f . m oe aaaaa a we oav rijaaiTtMa, mj ana Baw y ark or Beltaaore, or M enrraasy, M ne ed. -1.-..! i.via Lite aad Pkra luauraaoa Pnlifltre iaaaed in rood Kaiaig, Koney Karkel OOBBECTBD BY JOHN Q. WILLIAMS CA, 1808. .4V-Vf 18G8( TKllii it' 'n'itt stWAaaisoixin ttoleet Boarding-and 3Ds.y Si.- fTWB BPBixa TrnM tiik mihkes ka;.h JL sad fclsaKOLLot a. NMclitK wiileominviica f abarary JlA. lwt, and alow Jnu i..ili, n--wf-IjT waka Cucuian iuraaitlitd t titucmui. Baaxa-ta .. , V. ,.- ' Swijet- Ki M J, - -'V'-Biit3 .awM4wS fcM) va . - . jvms&A Tir5fc k'i v- a' u. (- ' 5 -.?.3E.PlT.LN.J3.t.vI ta 1 , , i i t Beak at W.C- (Qold IB) (salver tl) tl B. to ' Lauagtoa, at Srahaaa f.....vi waounagai ov Wadaaeuruugb..... KM TboaaaeriU to J mwngoa.UIMV.,,...(4..".. An) uueaiaaroa , . ... .... n Waahiagtoa M, W Faveturill. ,,.JJ.. -v..i U.aaJ:...?rii j. " laMoarrtUa T Kiaara' and ItaoUr'a Bank nunaare' Bask, ttreenebommgn "l!B'il' ...f.Rlf.lftai Oommarnial Baufc. Wilmingtoa , OraeoafaorouKh Mutual 6 Virrinla Bank Eutae. sbant to tt" :::::::a35J Sold 10 wa. i OMtJoaaaae Barak I anibna Baibosd Couuoua sr. eatnnaa.i.t 78 Bteaaavraea New Tork J OWtBEUTEB BT JENE1NI A. PEBBE, OBtK'LliS AMJBhig. Jp$CBANTB, FAVBTTBTUXa BT., HALBIOH, X, C. BEEF ON H(H)V..........vwai ' h.il l. 'X l n-Sja)!, . rh . X'.WaS'S-'dowjiiO OHMIEKMR, Hprlng , :.-! yr Grow . -.avv tM'T ?fX)iiN.Vi Jsm.:... .Cfc.f l a-' i u 4 r.l.tl m aaiitjMiBiiw- f..ttrmtj jj, at. .... ' j If. tM'AaartAi , i . t-t w-t. Pahliahed ia the pit of Raleigh, K. C, PfHy, ton. Weakly aad Weekly. f arl nf ', ar ,tMt Wnllim Fall i ? A r ' Ielamevtll., IV. C." . THE fel'K.fKU 5Ui.vl,rf u. f. ariU8 '";' 1 wa fClaraJ. Uatkemeti- eat aiu CAatuaioMridl. , ... . AJlra 1 Pre.ai llt-lm . -Cot. M.BlViH tM. Oncord Female Col-e. JL nrat jKUnarT) N( , Jt ul con n..i.a of ym r. ' il. " Tun,, ltls , -. halt m dt ' boai ii. r v. " H ' . towula, and ,o a kiuait), ifl-aMlligt . Addreaa . , 1 U. Kov. la-a-ei-,!0m '-" . I i . ' M, 4, Davrs, A.M., H. E. repberd, I ,'oiv. Y. t TIB SPRINO H "-rnv (., bBOO.ND MO.MjAI IH JAM A. , ouauinua twuo tr-oue wmu, ... ' Board afi'h flia PHiulrui i i...,i in a.u. i KaKUab Wugv , . - ..' Latia, Clrwa and French, earb, extra. Lueuliur t on i.puuauua. - T. 'ICWa. 'i 4lia i i, and ";no L,l)l0 D.IAl t t -V StttOB Galat, u la view f toe aeararty nf Moaay ,nd tto - BrxtiSO .... 1UWI17 OUr'k'EE BtHia.-. ..,.. FLOUR v.iT.I,L- . . a tir.iiuja ; '.B oikhiiim fillik. Ureaa.v,.i.,'ii."a. loo pr.lb. jl'flri"";1,1 li EAT i T6tl pr. ewt. Lard vm - KAILd. u..irA.iMv 7jriM . ttoVl"ara..,'i 71 BAOB.... 4 -0 Antom flnefaailar 1 . i ...' t-.jwA ni. ''l Floor salr. tsnmibr nf nsMMiaaa to ' " -' uavwiuia. KXBXi 01 TEI COVyXTtW ORDEKID BT-COKGEESa, -- Ta awafc) CatiiUstoalM m Krtl fc-lWCttoUBBB a W-a Wl Count ies jT Harkk aid 1fclWanitokir' a Parka. W ABBtun.hr. w - ' Couutiaa of aUikharioal aad BtalaL-BT LatfU laawBaedea. , , OoanuM of Tsnesy and HisearJaltoi I Oar- GonnUM ftf Kawiliafn' YfrftrcvvfTilM. Kimrlwuwsm : Couatiae of Haywood aad Jaekaoo W 0 Oar- oonnttoeof tTteoa,Cly and Ohavets Mart SO OX I UNO HYTttTP. TW fJHTLPREB TEETHntfl OREATLT FA JP eiuaates tba Braeeaa ol teatiiinii. br snftaalae the snraaa. raducina all inAammaiuin iU All.. ALL .PAIS and apaamodio aauoa, and ia-4e. a. J SURE TO BKOULATB THB BOWEU. Depend npoa iL auiUiara.it will aire not to vuar aelvaa. and j. i. L- a ...r .." 's totafamal Bfvaltb aa aaa IbAum. Wa havs pat np and sold this article inr vaeW and eaa oar M CoariDBwaa ajta lwora ot ii wba 1 wa bbtv Berar oeen aut w aay oi any otnar mad- mna nwraw aaa it a aius m a ainirM to Erraex a Cvaa, whea timely need. Never Aid we enow an Uetaaoeaf aiaaatiafaettso tiy anrnna Who aaad it. On iha eeatrarr.' all aaa dellirhtad wtab oparaMea, and speak te torus of son- m sanation a tta aavrioai etiueM end medieal rir tae. We epeakbatWa matter HAT ViB DO MOB." altar viaia or axnarieaaa. aad earn Itortrranoa voa vsm rouiuniBT or wbav wa naan aacuaa la almnat every inetaae wfaara toaMbuit atawaerlns hmm paia and exaaaatiaa, rauaf will to luasd In flfleea or twenty Baiaates attst theSrrnaMadminiatareit. -r jf - jtnti aniwotioa tut uaing wifl aoeooipaay aaok ewe, jtsaansadtofllar' j . ' ; (Wl BBVttot Td "Mrs, wrinalow'B Booililng Tyrir, Bavrng tb faa almUa af "CXKTia A I Lhkl.NB 0a tb OnMid Wrauoec All other ara keee uoa. aw. uj w ugiaHi ummgBDaa ana wane Pte,aelr JI smm w BeBw. S FnHnB Mrwst, Eew Trt , mhiu nuiwifc aAmtKiv, a.nKiaav.ir . 41 at, Pent Btraet, Moatreal, Coa4a. .: ' lav, Oa W Diokay. k . , .WJ. . . Coantlea af AlWhaaV. Aennj- aaii.Jl WeSeaae aad Tadkin--4amfForinr, Evan, ilenbev. W Brauiey, Edwin 0 Bani.nj. --- " Voantie of CalriweH. W llkea,. rradefl aad Al eianoer ualria i vawlaa, AlatrM 0 donas, Waa ail fleerga, ioka t) A nryaa, deny aaaitb. Ooaattea of Daria aod h.waa ilka Moaa, Dr aiuton noDiia, uaae a nnavev, County of civ .aud-l'late Do AanirHAt Count af Catawba aamea B kllia T" .7 S" ?i L1-J'l's H K in-. , j ,va f ' Ooantr of-. MeeUaaJMra-Uwanlfwn1aBa4 Biiaa w auiiwau, Coaaty ef Unloa Tni Hewanva. Omaaty af Cabarnu W X liUiaWbXI Crmntv of HteulvIerl C Mneaoa. :Ctuujf tAAaaan-ajaittga aattkar, ffaoiy CtQW Oeenty of StofcaeB f f4ree. fjonnly af Iaulaea I tau Kinney. 8. Mallli By of ttotlaM. tb PioptteKe af to ha determined to rsdase the tarm at the paper, to wssBManee alter the UaW DECEXBEB. aext I to BMbe' eaeh fairoMaiiU to iteawaand aeaiigbtenedpUBti,,4 , t to POLITjeja it will b toeree Qnanivs tlve, aavaeatiag, at ntttawaai AtrMobasrvMoottM.lkM PaAMd Btotaa, sad th tormaakaa Ptttoa af qnal Ptatoa tiwt-mw t , ;? i .. Obadlenoe to taw and toe enfceeeaMat af ardat j The supramaey of tto eMI ever toe Military, to H- Jd:; :.i.tt The eqaalttyaf tb tore ent brwaribet JrJBflh tmmmmmi, '?,'' j! t Th eoraraignty of tli Btaiae avet ahatrawn . ' toternst sAkwa, to atoM tawjtoaaity W (to .ConstltutloB t ' -.' V 'w-.awiaNf ' Th Mamtoaaae of Freedom sad Tastle to tS, viihont diaUacUontaotor, Ml to aoprsms; ey ot toe white rasa a th toremtng else; Oppealtioa to Badioallsia te U an pha,a Aa KWI iournal, it ahaO to qual te any. rVto prinelpnl Majtw&wOtoMUrryntajHsh- T J . -- - bsV i mr i Jim UTSBABX absraotos ebaB to maintain r and tr1)gmMmmttm Jtojt ; wrlteaa,. a ft tXTftmi ,aBb.aBW,Wn1 areata to thespsHs) , puiaMM'si SBtaaBWAions inomr fnd d. " aoavieal totereate af t rdial f Cw - ""aasi-w B kwx aa a ir-dtds - 4lAil Vk rrst Cc'.:?e. . ..- mrntnTr.. ti l openaoathstrilh d.of jJBUsW,'l)4vwu ths second ibu0f l"Pr saeaion of iv BMulbe, in Colier'ata Tnitwa, ia Prenaratorv Buhoel,T' a i Room rent end ,-r-!, I, ir. . ,. e Board (table Ion-, p(.rwek 3 60to W aahing and lnul r-ir tiarl onrnonalli tuiaiu. Applyfi(paiwkguto . v ax.. ... . W. B0T4LL, Paaa 111-dawawam 8uo. i aonlty, KelvillS, il!affirno C,.. .ly.'Ja", C. ' ; . BATABLlaiiKD ill lnf,l. - rtTfni KEXT BTRRTOH Aw, C'irooiaraavnlou.'- .ion in 'TV, tto. A-101aw3UwSt i ll, , ttlUiOX. Cnroiinfi.' EMBBdMZI D, ItE-tlTTED. A to. tC-aVVn.'ll8IIKIK TFTOr WISH TO EDIVATE i f I R I.AUOnT A. aara at ar. exiint ai-h.), eniiiluoted bv.,,,. patent Teachers, in a 1..J . . rT." "";. aubliin Moauum seon.rv, a,,,)' at ai,.,,,," ,m ,'n. on oi helms tlia ri 1 .L iiIk.yo liisuiKUon. It bate fair naafulneaa . 7 " ' aa f "LaftA ; ' rT' WNDEli A." M ItoABS UaVwAaui...., 1 l. '. low aalea r. ltuiii. to tli teanjoT aoareer " 1 '"-Ji v.r 'Ti t IN. lvb X Btlllltlon Hiii ouuii.,, iu: v)t, I, Iuarv6iU. 1 .a. - ' npT, -d tit- t ' H ' I I ui ataa id - LivdAnaiaeen... of .rAJ"" '1" bob. twnilaix ,n be ' ,, " Y0"r,',. TV It- ., (- j',,"!1 "nplleation ftw s4mlai.u bLu,),,, nl".'.'!! S" ' aW-ABBM('i-4ta.i A l' jCoaiar af bsMkilrV-Vle.Utf. to . lia.-j Oaaaty s- Ooaavr af Biiiklnkf-H. BaraaaJdia tvaapk Oaaaty of Caewoli . K'Uaaa- ttotiry, f.todusu. vwuiijw nia awry neary IB Jtej., Ooantv af Perina William Wemtt. . , Ceaoiyaf Oraac-kV, M Bolt, i. W. lnhaaf. Caoaty af tan Ik am 1. A. ateDanald. W, T. weter trtVf Cmor of Wato-S D Frankaa, I P AadrMra, IOH. F. EELLEN,. .... ECO. M. WILUA.'iii. til ocicits Uys iJ t .U3 riiT .iiorf b 8riEii)M .a -. .... avo awr mv awawf eweax .eVa, ea. Jaly lAi-ai - -.. s i (. Lost ..; , fTHK CEKT1FICATK for fortTix Bharea ef JI tne l anity ei.oci rif tha I'.ark or orth Our- era, 1 to Kmu. I S.-rr, of Pihal.nrT, t in .I 4,i. ha rf-n 1. -.t.. 'lhe iiiMfr Wnl 1 trewm lwd br ri- Vnd, nni. i. hr be inie fr a iirrl a h U.k A. ire,i i e tim , mie, nn, if nut that f litirai-inn rtif"-Ke nl eiuie, in C. A I' . Ol V 1 jr-"- f ? Tial i . Je d. Ane -'t. Oa. T? TXT VfTDTr ,, i.,- sii e,- vatjt Atiornr; and Connicnol' rtaw, - ; BALEitiH, K. c. ;, - PBACTICEI Pf TTTB OOrBTJI OF tTKF. Chst ham and Orange, te tha BMmrcme Cmi-i , and tha tailed Stales CareBit Cou.t or Set to Is any aod toterest,) enionitin iu Oarolina. aa-Ctilli th' elaUM, pruM!iiiJ toixl. ' OeT flpeetal ettemion gfvea teeaaet in Bfara to TTtw. W. H.' Battle and Eon. V fl Ple, iu .ij,-,is of tu tjupranie Court of north tar-.i.u. toptembar J wtt, ' IV&E, PLASTEit, CAMtST AliD tU J . r ...... -- ! .... a i .arw enwiiy Btwavaoa wand and (.- nk tm Moat tauralJto tenaa b .-.. . -.. i . '- - -HvlrTrT HMIfXr ' ' '" Wilimrici.m, K. i; F, a aenrmr Ik'uihiv I tea Li . Karaa; ' - - Jwhr n-fWT-wt -r i - -- t '.: "ilIeBryr T.-.Trawilaie,--..,. tHarMr awe? I'aaaarUar aa d aw. ' m BOXBOSa Jt, C. -, y TTTTTL ATTEND THE OOCBTB OFl ) B..0; II Caawell and OranTiiie. tipeeial atlentinn aiTea to eoilectine, te eimea in PaAKhlTlt'T and to !! nmiieri iat.ll. Circuit Cimrl, . . - Iae. 27-ew3io. . irVF Crop rtil.a Ioli-is. . Aftd F;'1"' i'in"TMW(i:oini'T f 1 1 t Wel.A ,, in m itiieneo 0 . , , rr-- lr(ii.t"h,.,n i , . 1- Til -ARlilNaS f-le In. in i,f Lv.il 11 LA it If . O. O. r T LFT ( . 'an.4 ,w-lw 4 , umingv.i, a C. BSD Kffi irt M AT Hurrit., . k R , 4 l ev ii taraanua-j w Magtead.JJ Moor, vouocy st warraa eoan uvmm: totm ovd:-l Coaaivaf Flanklte .iJirfia if U'lkanux. Aaa a. name. . . .- . a u . Ceaary ef Owabarlatia-W A TaniC If sfoed. Oaaaty af hmrmnH I M Turnr a TUi iMaaty at M aaia a a MaUutiaW.iwv, awt iJewn'T af 1 laiaoaiM-v-1. a A tii.L. uiuf ot aonneaoa tir aeavJitT, jaatkaa -ttutaitv nf nm JK.PelrwAu - .J :," Ca axy af UaiM- Daaatd. - 'iJ2M : tJuw.tr uf aaab Jufc law. " I aeeaaawf Bslilia aliiii'i Ai,JE BiaAss. a? aV'iyww w sa a d. na.'rasaveBi-. - t'oooiy af Borft.Biplon-1! fT'Parkari E T Sraat. , ' - " " - . ' J f toaatr el EdgiMatoi H Baker, ttaan A iitnry C VUny. ' -Uxaatf of Lnaotr B W Blew - ' ' -' : Awaotvef imiBawk-k--K..aia teff t tln 1 wuniT or t oiiimtme Havaes IunaeL i 4auu4 f ieutieaua-Joai.ua A. banasv B Beeew ... . .1 ... .... ; t'iaiBivof Fladen A W plaher, P F Frenoh. " 0nirt of .w Hanover lieu O AbaoU, tt g Aatli' .4 i '.i.J -w,e . v . imniyfiitua J Wlwtaraon, Bamoat Biga- waay 'af Sewipene-grlreeter Cartar,' ITlTaa aBf Vv taiwMaawe, : Wto-at raatt'ad Heekwgtaa -B . JOWre, . . i . 34', - f-at, af Wartto-sanel W Watta. j .iMBtjr ef Ixiie p If " "-faa ek ii-1 I-e''.J C ajr ot HerUordJ brtl( w naatf f-teeTnaui I n s " " Leouii ef I b 4 oni.9 wf V, 1 ' naiitiiei rf Pent. M lv -A.nnlr ui( 1 nmana lr W Nirbolana. ''H'k and ( nudea 0 C k Tliewa. K.n.lrrfla. . Ha.. I, ' . ( (Hihlv f frtir." v ('..,.,. - .-. 1 H. -pi 11 t .1-1. I t f.i h Dally iten'ttpA tor wtoyaW.Vi' " atoBMattoVy . K 5. tore Maib,.e,s,, IB Baaat Weakljr Baaateat, aw ens year, .... 1 Of -L attMootha, ,, Ot ,1 ,., 1, thews aMOth,....,t eM " "m' ?f i ,. t, .'"f to ii aaasorttHteaa strtetty aatotoaawaara, " - AswaadvwrtUng medi m quat to aay te ttote Tarteaaadrat, a. e t-: ,-eili Hr-.. -J'w1 ' Bar W ask every naaawtstlis to aW But la BwawMcwr Aato,toeaaad toe toaamtliiaef toe Bajrraila. The aveal of U6B wtotoenetttat aad ieaportoa. Tto Wieanvf Baalism, sbonl to in. the toads af to great tody af tto people iiaarniaar waa low Btot avsry eaa arlU b able to pat ILf to (j , rf-;-! iww 4MJniU" e.-,B-e ..v? rsw. :"H f i'K ' V A sVv eJet'lRt , BaWgb, Dee. Mta, , , . Proprtetar ' Jwaw-f--B. ' ' ,II,M to mi sajae- SCaeUUl. Noiiir,. , I.limI.7." eirBsii.iui.bH-v. - .t a-1, . ' r - JT TMF 0T4BU IbVUIT 1JJI gj .' aiai!,!..! Deeit-aw . rMa-.Bka. e-a a . . BKEXT SLUM ION of Ihia In.tli-iiL 1, 1 , , " "III rruii a.e Bf Tgf"pf TiAaTOTM e va even, mm uia isal kobee 1 1 TIKB rWKTXIKO Being aad Lot e Per. JT eaaavtlle aiareeai Mte rMiSsnee ef daaiae eta" Airnmaw. asiB..a, - , Krfs , . . ' FiW terelA. eiM.1. te ' ; -aa. a-iikvaf' .. . powli aDtfElt' w AkTkJD. 1.. ,ilC-?:ir.il4'fPts' " - - eAe ! pnparsd to gtr bnuiu.-tion ta to mtjenrnt Lntleb beaaoha and ih V" rem h lnei.e. Li-t-tera addreeaed to 'Luliuli.i4 ki... . ... ,.I' ...1 ssoalM attentaua.:? -. "" ' J,al,.v e- (Leva ar eouMBoao'.) 1 aa TeUEXCHCUGS r, " BALKIflBL iweMsto m ; .. ' "ela woicTr yea lAEaurSk. ' '.--vvr. AT V , -' ! 8. tl:& 7 . J. YOUNG'S ! XroC. MAT FIND Jfnt Tfi-rffved git LOW iTIU ' tinr fiM-uda he( .. aneep aa ties ea b bongnt at anj oilier liouae. . BAnaAiX3 WILL 1 1? GIVEN f ' 'C-' A rSLTS AT 1", TO 13; - ab sii VTt' fS'vir-B tr. r :., epratlie aeoeud vYednearta, ia i ilMoaaau M ati a, a..lth ;n'a 1 A", A A.,,,,7,, of .,e..l.. d.ea toe. a-ro(flllrVYv ,e!V.;.i;l,1T' led niinara) water fuuud bera. aad tliev kV , : sa; jfwatea, -a. ,b".ionT.,7v andrdTral, "V. toSehene" n"""'"' in.lr.in.au.a;4 tto aely V nJOu"". .. t-k enu imumy,,,.,., . . 7, :Tj "0"m0IMTINH. - Hui-rv .a In no d i,,,,,,! " '", ia Mil. renwoL tl.. "1"UL '"" to5toSwlM h. io.,.,,.. cWo..,T r For Utaloena, apply ia ' WUT"- ve. IS-llu-aji Euu-oU sepriinre.Mc. Ti7iam.lort), Granvllla Connty. C BWB. BM-M WH9M nDBRiioH, on thk WABTOBI RAILROAD. 24 r 'begtosonth. ; piat,.ak4r 11,4 iraaiimaa or .,.. . .,,.r. (liT. lit,. I..,,, t0WI,Kt,l,e.,le !- . led ..1 lli'K ttnlreeaiie..i.l . . , Jior t'imibtra aatuiaea. 11. H. '('.,. IW. e-I02-Jwa. V ''Tl'iali! 0. ismuT WAIXTGS FEMALE IXSIITCtej "r :" TVA UH F. X TO.V, N." c."" - TBE fTFTT-FOUBlH H):s.Jo'' i eaeaca a aba wtth a tori orp of efficient and Struetnr. board aad Fn-liah- i'nft.rn ifie p, tora per ae.Ni.,n. -. , surfuiuitirpai'ii'l,''i.i'Lr . ''..-i . .. 1 v. iv. 1 . i ' i.l. 1 . .".', . DaaM 4a . -II COM-. . V ? A. - -13G9, - , pei-kaeedJjj. red Col- i' TIlOStAM II.I 'TT! seal aee;on of tln-. ! aVId rv.t 'j fr-fipt A aT'-'-i V rif ti a AMtlw 0U4 Blivud Of - "Kov.'ST-8.tf!.- i ; 1 a lid Jfen ; 'Knew in i- 1 liino '21 a ti ,4 Tk- 1 I. I. -i- I.l, t . the li'h , '. .. 'J I of Jaiiii. '" I tj-ll 14 lij i.ejiMMVft Tuuea lee lhtUd by AiewB AT Bjeiwa ' JTTT--