V . .j. - , .. . j '. -'if .. ' 1 MMtM en " ,----v -..... TS." ? 'each, uueJnioe , (". v r ' . 2 t4aemiare onW)e.,....4..e,Bw J .7:. .1 - Luwl. . A M -Oaeaqoare I aheddia Wa-J eaer to .aw.,,,,, Biouie.. ...... .....-. . -t 1 7 tt ta Ml .s,uo 40,00 JjTZiS'Tl9fcr ftamntoatli. ,; ..AVadeartiaaaeBi or (until mart he changed ia jfaa it.W W -brag month! Catoreeto Z. " 1 ' " ' iJlLaeiadenaa. m mine, pace, ve.be mi i ii ii : hnjk " n "t- -Tr "t - AAi aril iail atari af k Weekly nam fdiilMinwf wans the ' W1MMi lMM . far T aeehatUVabari Ajrerttora wig always Bad tt to their advent i . iii.iima Ik am1 Bhia ITi ijir-'' " " '- to (h UltXTIM o pT fur It TUE SENTINEL. M0HDAb AXUABY 18, 1868. JJFMCU GWtff TATH OUT KIT- Tbtat OowatioM, to tram Cooatl totiba iWtfci OUT State of North Carolina, hat bM celled by Oon. CWby to MM OB thAl4th,oJw,Frrat .Baontb,., We MrVretlbit the preewaiagi of that body J WJTfLXftWJ a poalU. Tfc. pab HcwWbiaAreetedU,Uproeedlng,aod it will add oontidcfntoj to om expaaeta to lMMi 0O,!nFMMiptiMkttt It wUl b meeamaa tall a&onth." fl 3hn. fW will N rni to Bay,, ,MV0 who My tlMMM) of TNH) Boflaf Hou, Fy tttrrilU 4JM,M f irijaat' wtd cheap fa AiaiaUa of At OoarHtUw. Matter: Dong Im Ball, FayattarUto J.H.Ba.tto(i,C.BC.irifca, ., , CMtbCitl .Ak.batl llaal, Xaaataia Applet Tallow s, W. B. Joaai 4 C. . J. U.lUar : CWaal aa.1 lfathaaMlleai School at Oxford, ' Oto.T. kUokif yMomaMxUte -htfi ol tali gnwati , aad oiaera, witk gwrffceatd.5 "' Cm lunat-i Ml n hi bit Of th raettpte lad: Ci4Hawanti ot taa CUy Trimar. fee taa Unt yaaa, la paolaJ at tha Coart Hoaaa, aaHaIng toVt, for taa ia lornutiaa y kja fajblfe. Taaaai wao M Intmtt ia tha aabaat aaa oarnolt it thmt. fJuraME Cocar. TaU Tribaaal ooo t. h'rU4, aaS4 mi that' all taa jfttdf ha rdd. Tf day w(U bo iWvotcd to tba ppOMata Cor Uoaata to oractiee ia 11m PnaatT Cmrii .. tr i ailf i j ii r 4 i4-r.Wra, irlta ptaaaora. ttMt li YwMairt CalttteAaaadatiott,; " lalta rW atatIaaUbet aad eharatr liig Routhra Foot aad Scholar tm dctfvr Icenrra la tkh) VltV la furttwnuioa f tha charitaiiU atyeca ol ta ARamiiUna. 7Vr hop, (oaa.tojia, ik lM awamaaaa tha tha inattatiaav hatha MHKi' MiMat'aMrif jh WaMMrto MMm W. ar glad that tu graealat paa h atiU to b .mpWad lyr.acl.p tb fjfcter orw Carolina jonnutUMav , - . , V4iJ. laara aavo saaa aUa a UtOar af arrlralt ol oVffgMa, aa4 thor wilt oMbtiaai ho tor thaa a ia J ruw. CaaoSArtta (vhka aa4 Haakf x tha varutii nmtt taapWy aa mhekberrte, aad!i:r':(,i!c , ;r,-.on a fa-miout ytaai of aloCy.ij j.i. iuliMtrioaily ooaaioftLe I. - , :yi.ati:..t art dcatHMd t' uitappoittiui. U 'V i , " 'S CojrBoujiJ4'g r.EryRT. We ootamaae o-day, and "ttutl cootioaa, i aaoeaasiTa aaabara aatfl aMapletod, tha Awiaal Ba port of p ppmptaoUar of PaWhj Aoaoaate, t" tha iealyouodliigSepl 88, 1887. Tha itowiiaoat ppaiiniaj gianal Mtaraat, aa aa exhibit at tha aaMpte ao4 , diiharaa MUD of Omi JUte oreat;.tt it te. pOad aad irrnipi ia t atanntt that raflectt credit apoa Mr. Uorgiat afBnlaafy w aa OMct of Stata, j . rt s , m lv. w mm i ': ! ii " Imut lawi To4oeo.-J. K. Ore; a V atitorptWin SUtatiiaatatar tt Dor. heart, It eoUtM te oor airk br hoc of very" aupariaf gmflfciag Tntiaeea eat mi tha aaaat arttdl ttliara aaf aaaa er tried. It ia ph oatofc fraaa Haiai aad the areata la aaaa) to a ouoaot. We adriet thoaa. who vooMoaMwa iienltilin thathy ladearl, A Ho. t, a eatt ok Ht Crooa.. , Tliinii at at awtaaa, tbo ooenAry new, tar aa BmalrtngTotop(l. jritbef Mr. Oreea.ar ombienA. MorriA, loe, wiil eUltora, iarga ao mi g prf iee -' - ' ;.t t...- iv an- f -l 'aw s- "-"nwea. DnAB tOCAt.V-T'ubBe optniop. beartUy coinciding ; with the tiotrs expeaaeed ga tha rlmftitalof theUd, oormtrniag tbo admt. rabat lmpemonrlna Bf if Tea Winkle by MaJ. Manly, a cUmoroaa or naor dcnV nito 'BMUev t thwMttr-nimaat Klggwr." U CWroraallyJaAmUted that the gwatle man Who aFparwrinat ed AeOry flamr dio pmyal, on Fruley oife-ht, navappweiaiiua ol tbo argro rhtrecter, and 0 ewartM ta at not tag. which haaw aoaar hewe Ute4, by any iWBarator who hare or riatod Balrigk. , a xi m i . j y p XoioDOC We team that Oon. fob F. Pnindectar, a1a wji Te-orlrred the ranHrt tmparior Court J''iJ", , IjGfrt Worth, .V.. I. .. I, . MUL ... 1 '.44 Hi. Mil weiart rrnattodthet C n f mndeitoreoutd torij Bta- Ce,pe Bad aaatmwrt'" t matanena am-ilwfllb W,, t lt mrH rt. Iwioad ef i-,-. ' . rwe aaaaa aaa- JT,'-,'.- JMt Deea addraaatd,the PaUkTraeaw. or, to the Chabaeapi the aaveral Ootaity oowie hi tbe Bteia " ' BTATB OF WdftnpifiOlJja,! &IB T Bt tha Krrt tn mini Hnnm mM. Bod Fabraary 86. 1H67. it ilihe dart of th. Conty OowtL at the Ant onaa arW the lot day at Oaanaryji to oppoiat Board of Varaattea for the nemoee at in Mm Taiaa or Teat caiaia iq nut pwto,., la do- nea or tua uoart aad t the Boarda aaa pa tteaUriy iaid dowa ia the act tor ooHee&ai W mmiii mmHAmA WmW 1Q'k - QUA Tf --. ms.w , Itmiutb remrmbared howarar. .., that toe ttxea, , piyaina. ln tba JlaJt el 1IWS. will Dot be IsrUd an th badj of tba Be aloatioa. By the act to ralae Reraoaa it M pronaod tltat aud hw Talnauoa ahall be reported by theCierktof the Count t Oowrtatotha Poblk Treaaurer, by hue to be laid heioM the nil fliiirnl tenia hi For parpoaeaef state aad oowaty toriof tha rataanoaot ifWO, M mtximed Hj oertala optcialcaaraot incraaN r dacraaaa of rat- by reeaoe of axtraordmu-T niw at proridd ia entioaa t aad t of th act or coneotmf Keraono, wnr 60 "retftlaed nntii otnerwua newaner furaotea by taw. van raapoouiitlf . - KEMP F. BATTLE. . PflbHeTroMBrer, AO MVi l (AS .Ml ii U: WUl Gnat raa apoa a Rebnbltcai 'ulat. otw,wiu um oouom tot I i bat'a UMuur tioa. A ya will aooa ton upoa tha 8a praaaeCeort. The MnOardlv- 'eaosj frow MiaaiaaippL it there," Not flunj dan now wui aiapae Deiore ue caaa mm exeita. bum intone diacuaaioa and intoreat thaa anything ia uoagraea. ' Toe TailditT of the lawe aftabhahlh toll itary deapetieai In ten Wntea of tba tuiou la now brunch t directlt i&aaeetioa. attuo a anaaai wiyat eaea,tu mowaraia wee arroateq, ii prnmiia, and arrwgnenT for trtsl hefbxa a military eomaiiaiion, For bablltbbg artiolea iaaaewapapwat Vidubnig, , rloaoonoiw war ecu aa aaeoaatMOjuonai, ana tulrtcuir tha people to tou airatoata OoBTeoHoir. Tt it People to laotuTolr oaae laroWtvpereoUBl Ilbertr apon a writ! tHTOlrlngparao it, and it take i of right, and it take preoadeno before the Court. The Can Dreamt the aafcad doiiatinai Cof toe talktuy of tuaa lawa .ia Court moat Bjaet and dosldoat) aad thoyrUt." Tbeet lawa are aaoh open, jbwrant riolatlaM . & the CoaatUat'ioa that it i imDoatlbw aho will not be declared each by a mjTitjrwf1 me 4 auga aaa ana tMstaoa Enock Ue bottom af the Rapabllotn platform. , Bat the eate U Ukelj to ' penBOtbjtr - l! J A . ... ed by the negro orgaoizalioot ol the South. Pretident Johiwon .will be rvpraaented by the Attocaey-Oenorai, -arbo aatt eonoede in open Ooert that thaae law erf 'Vacoottitns tumal ; that will eompet General QraoC who lapttat tb War Departaaeat, and ha the ntiuaary raoowwraotloa - wader ate control, to eotae Into Court ahw, by oounaet special. ly mploT8cl for tBat PurLoai-. or he atoet abac don the military auprtaaacy aoughtao bo eatabliahed by thoa military reeoaatrae-' tioa Will. Aad inert wilt anneer aiaa tha eoanaoi of MoCtrdl to rrsreieot the liber. ttee of tha people, ao4ta-maintain ht tho Oaaatlluneo wete waynmlj 6rWd the arraat aad trial of Ameriean "(Htiteaa not eaa;god ia the aovwl at military aorwioe, by miittary wuU, loattH tbeawpr taw'-nf the had. Bat the oartou. inquiry Hot X! what ImmodUto ffot will it.., have, tiuoa aandidaU aad partia , ' .! ataay aagootovaawn aoiiere that Oeneral Sraat, who be aHrayi npreMed reluctance to mara hia prune Pt high poaitinn to be e andidata for tlrateaideM,. wilt, aay f m naaicai pouticJWl WHO, nine tojMMa at him, "tl boUom a(atiibMimi b gone,. ihaOHtaoteoV eo rathaia '"waWral am tipow the 61ld fthrrfrow W' Oewrnif d-1 ChWirf th Anny. and ahall, a4Vere to thai nui i BoaiqiktOMUMa JlUiHBtt mm nlatinaa..M lmu 1 .atmmv w not wit tBtiKn mrrtaBst H UrtyO i opporloiilty to prrfrtl bMiU.iJtetUiW aato opinion at tea ehampi'io aad loVendorJ OC ana aawro oaxl aatmary -irtta pnlry and, oor alfc;itt fceniTand; L'tffeUM wwr. H may mo .JocreaM ..aii CM'"! fnr tb ammioatioa atChieaffosAtbaaea war am.ttti 'W ahall M. to ' r -'WtrM "' s DaraTtJa or Mic Path. Hon. 'Jeffef aoa Davkand, wif left bera laat avcaiog by the aMamar Wdd Wafjboar for Natchf-a, atiaa., wheat thry artw proceed WMrhilt ra mitmrarienrhT and loeaDtin III that Btate- Tba ocoaeion of tha departure attracted .oaite aa aearmblMe to tho. wicinity of- the ana a, and Jlr. JJerli waa heartily cbeer edby a crowd of -white1- and black a he tappn a aoarji a. v, vmmt, owe. : Korti CtroUoB. Lui l&ncj I. B laUKUN, of the City et R-chmond, to whoa oard below I alar the puUic, j , FOR THI fULZOriASTM, MINES, W, hi Both CtowBaa, I trto Mioet pertaai la O tata, baTlag each property for tele, to Bddrea bmoI BetdoTiUe, H. C, end (tena wilt be taken, at aaea, a sail the attenttoa of Nortbera aapttal atotoeBaaroaerty. - JakOth, J. K- -t . Tlrjinl Central Jn4 Jeiicy.r. IBATB T!tBI BBOESTLI FKRFBCTIDTITB ainialaatira a iy ' to aoBdaa,a' tha argaa tah),the af eiaka a t JtaM Baiaoaa araicwa. cw,Ma BTy partoef, CcTowT S. PAfir, U aharc ef owr aAoa ia Kew York. . Ia PluUdalphi aad L hit ana refpoomojuiT - - , . . aaa ar uaaaie a I n.e. winea,e. norrn 1 am aatocUted with D. W. OOL kliL The aeuitaa ma aceacr oner lor ui aau nc laadeare aot enrpateed mUwHoatfe.. Jarcparg M Miaaa of aB kuula. I hare Blade aoBhraata wtta parUae in the eitia North of Una. who mah that I. beaach ef tba bansea a epeeialty, both to thief, eaantrr and Europe, ercnruifr to a tb wkka I. woaunie Beta of opereunoe. ana a tliia cut j Ban ta etd and aanuee ef that aocooiptuhed Bl iner atogtot aad Aeeafar. VaL VUAA1M. blLHAM, ta th proapt analTaie af AS mineral Utat aur I aaa to aa, inue ai-trraioing lb aje. wl ana, before th y era elfrred for eel. -..,. --. Tzaai : for aelUat Uaia, fira aa eaak. mm mtoboa en all mle actneily made, aat ao rhafaa hatrrer. aahae mi ie efteeted. Joe. Maea ao additional eoattareot toe, the esbjoet at eoa- L., least m aaea eeee, ao ptyaiua oot t procaeaa a KrfTr4 ie aaaia to "paS Ji "aeaf aieiralr throe Hon I the lltei. with anat ef whoa 1 baa the ptaeore a beag prcu.uy " TIb Wtre at Vlrele rTWB W"PJ"RkMJXbX) r X taewag Merehanto lwH IhwaaeaiaaaBaaO eMBWioliawat far - T1bJ WBrti TP "A TtbAas tv HeeleaM to art at wholesale ' BW; At -fj&ff BATSS aaehe Merrtaat aaa aay 4a awa aeaa ar Belueaaaa, eetb frewht added. - e - atoaakaatna anaa aaaa- waa aw aaiiwi , eaenwrageaBdaeaataB baatiag wp w atoma He aMra himeaaT tt hi 'wrfcw ehaB rtre aaiefaeaeaa aad Bat ha wore aheS We of ynod iTwaiier. ? 'aw ise . aa wn ewi Ptepalcmoa. THI CASX Of RAIT0X.A -kk: Wtanrmnon, Jan. 14. K, 8ta mat myirtiiaaj'a Bnamtrm by me Bemaeraa ta eoMider moaea aamtaa waa defeated that Btr. DolHU Mlwd that BowenTe rawart a4 aeaa pahheaeil m BnaarMgr taaort mlcbt a amniaaa.aawtom aalimgi Wl ar nom CAUTOBKU. 8Aa hABomco. Jan. U.M. Caarlee Maefcey, Semaarat, baa bam alaetod U the Bute anaa aeataCIaia aoaaty. The Heneti aow ataaaa tt Uatea, tt Paaaeraf. Thar aea beeaa heavy etorm in the ooaiben portioa of the Stat, ahay eattle here been drowned, aad the water two fleet deep ia tha eaeee of YUtotasl UO'I MAXXETS. Kaw Took, Jea U, V tt. Cettae but et 10). Tarpeatiae ana, ia. Lrraaroota im. It, P. at UottoB Bra. Cplaade 7 oa epot ; to arrlre 7Q7. Orieuu 7). oattay Moe-atag Piapiicao. KW HBCOKOTKUCmOaf BILL. WeaanHnoB, Jea. 11, P M The Bone Onaalrtee ee Maeooetrwottaa thia Aeraeoa acraiia aoua a pin, to he reported on Meeday, declar) mat ma are ad errfl fmiki Mote ia the ktury reUthwa BteUe, ead (het the ai'iemaaaamaiauwarn ueamwi tevaUd a Waal ettaer by the faaewtiTe or Jtadt eial aathority of the Catted Mate. Ia order to the iaeedT eaaareaaeBt of the eevaal roeoa- aaraetion lawe, the 0 eaeml of the aray le aathoi i all eetotetfetoOBJietfad, Bad a pctwt uthaayttbat the yarawaeaie ef ah aeta re aairea by thaae etataM, loth ead -Hia the aea pt of the eeld eererel Xelil may efieedtly orgew- aeata, Bapablioaa in fora, aad be reetoei ta their aoiUieat power m tb Daioa. as aaoh af the weonetraetien aet. aa anther aemfeBV Bmw .jaWmflaVA fttff tti rb Bae3eaaW'J8.r. fnmT1 The bill oaalana a aaawfal far the Preeideet to erdW toy pert ef the tray er aery to reaUt by aweeofaiaamav.mUflaryof taoae Ttawtemaa k aaobatre thaartherrtyefawwl U sited Staeee- .--,.,. a The MB mrthar teaaree that the laterfarenee by aay peeaan, wtth mtent to preVent by forea the treeatlaaef taaatdeaeraeOeaeralof thear- ay, aaaa be haw to ha blth alaaaaaeam aatt that the party gaMr,Beof.oa be Bned pot eeeei1iag ttm aad . iapriMaed aot excMdmi two yaan.' The MO rayeaa el parte af taeTtftaetraouea iitoiiaalitnl illli Hit fi Bterena pwtad toMt tha. bill ia, tinniii leal MMrtlafl that It wee htendid to elect raot. Thia aVraaaw Aipiwa ha the foUowiuc : The aaaa Tadktery OoanatUee wUt aa htte- aey, report the mat bfll datatef a' Oaaraa of tba ftapreae, Ooert, with aa amende! ret, praeM- taf that ttaheU be aeeeeary that two-third of tba Ooart aban egree, before aay law of Cuagroea ahaH be aaeared aaeaaeUtaiuatl:" '"' ' urn a ' I ' V J . ..i, Waavotokm It, t. hL BauTa : H re. JaeM Preaeeat petttkiae lor the pruparty la Baa Preaeieeo. tehee j aytawaaettaryeaaaorlUa:' '-:" Mr. ! piemtit a paltnea 'a aaa-rtee afOaagai.mltlnt mrtb than- mhnrihl ewadi- ben,atmaaina; i aaetWt iit-lTU ai Mr, Buwtaer oONwd " reeotattoB, deaUr- wif the adoption af tU ajarttenth eiiiole of the lifewed te the Jaffioiarr Ooav Th. nana awtatid.JUH Hate fcawaueey t to Wtfht,. r. tt Mi le M le'iMwwe PBOM WAKIN0TON. Vianmofoa, Jan. It, P. M The rettwae to Ibe tfewmehpent of ikrieBltore, ndetin te the oettoa srep, adleato taUyMper erat iaereeee, ta the aggretiite, orer the erop ef tbM. The eeeaal erop ef I nee e enld aad eatppea. aaktoc doe gcwtno- Y-fftrf lhapreeieoe amp end IBa On e-af Bjrward anthe let ef neptuBibea, teW7ae eery aearly i,P))W eelee. Ta tetal ewMnaea, ,aenU,.a riew of ad tha Depertawat date, ta weH a - eidt taleraeaha. to shwei at t,MB,a0 helea. TTOrSIa.- fMUITK HTKHf . AH etanmira; Jan. It, P. M daoeweae- tihepr ittrn eTef i aearpatrrekt their eharaoUr, and adjoaming tt.a tedy etoeaa. awmaUaam table. A i iiqlatiia to eat aewa to pay ta mar dei lara t day, afta Baa tot ef Tehraary, wee tobtod. ffietotii6atbe1bam OmaMraaba, ant aa teams ai toad tea dillam per aeravWer t-f -t- The aeto of the day wtaiapee m fceeoeeteg8 iiiiliiBia, eaabtaytoy theraeogmitta af Deiif la the BIB af Mghta. " " - '" Bettor, tba Baa, epeekehere on Monday night. jj2lj t . at , ; o.e-c CATateVat .- IIiarrrMmo, inn. H.T. W, The batamVtiiijii the Manae baa ar- , BMaTXe4iaBvAi,P. M- OaHea toliy aeetor. am M" balee. lffB Park sl and barg Ham X5 . ten. OoldLerL. . MJa'- 'L;TnaatBtdadmada, ,, riw-Ttta CoraactrratwauaiB. leuew isii,. m . ; 5-Wrln4w, Ian, It, P, BL Bpva Tarpaatinr adraaead i i 474. atoato aniet, naramad a4 B, A ft. , Tar aarfcaham; bwlmaatUt. , Oanmimt'eamdllatta.' i iwi awn ammmwaBawmaamaaB" SVATSt mm wo aw a Aia,rws, DATIiwOB OOVMTt. f ttn ncw The Oremtar of tha ThimnarUa Bank, y tm abadtoB to a deeree and order ef af Rnnity, aada to toe ebewa aiail nail, i omjr Aftimooa Ptpairmo.i j'iZjimiALitM. .1 'Te loeerU,eBnk,"nWoaaBBh.LWl TTTf .It bin to the Coart et i inityef tbeeed Ooonty of riiiilin tl el' th inmaim ef aad Bank, and the chan w jo nrmaa aranrniBea of the Btoekbol,)r nf eaid back, to parniiuio ol aa Am ef tif"iU', mutied 'Aa Art tn esb!e a tine Mai wwa torar knauiefii " ratlAad the 1'2 a day of Mereb, A. D..1M ; tliat Oaaaiainiier, to-wH : A L.Xee, Kw)., uf eaid (Joairtr, faae ban duly anpomtod ta pmnnnnre uf aaa Aot of AmwmbiT, aad bee beca it . i d aril h eat tberwrtit and r)M whaaeerer a aaid it; aad eS area i tore ef mni beah are heretir an -.1 t appear bet ere the aidOeeaaMaiower aad r. t meir arrenu cim., o, me awa Klri.ia ,i,i said baak, aeew ' k t aaid Art ef awn uiy. I,, a"" anTraaw, laarractur ia Uiautuu ted StoJETX a Arrt, Bwotlor t.iLjW - 7, . -t; be tracer Urred. a I tin Oawrt wtlt r iij-Pawata fan, "wtwa. .. adauaatar tha a i ef aad Bank ,ukii re-T?"0? T"iM"r?.0,,nnfc, rard to any elauoe 4 demand, aot a aatator ? Olkaeiii, fVmihm; lrlci,B. Lhd. ' - - . 1 lavF. BAno AUraoiag thyefcaa. t WnwaaF.0. BOrtBnfs. Clerk gam p?atr oij" i --. ---.TPRMa : -.-ma Coart. aad th eaal of the e 1 Cmiit oft pnard, TbHht anr) Iniii . .. f.-oepi nwilv. at e to ler(Hyw,knawii- 7rtr i . ; i iit if. Pre It. " ' ' "7 . . A . "'TD eVWeO -at Jw4 awmi3-. . nhx HonW. A. rnJiim,nnihdi5.W wu. oaaoat i.ranwi., fattomoa, Robot t rkruge, Xaq Wilatington. a W. A. tt, tualUkMnftowanboroi t " Z.B. Vance, Charlotte. & Oaither, llerganton:'' . F. a Battarthwaita. EqM Waahingtoa. Ralph OorreU, Kaq Ofeanabora, Hon. B. J. Peraon, Wilmiagtoo, . ; - A, T Daridaoo, FrankUn. '"""nun putuot. ' Henry A. OUUam, Uq; Sdentoa. ' Hon. Jam a Btubba, WiUiametea. Col. Wm. F. martin, Xtianbeth City. amxana omntot.- Oeorge V. Strong, q., Ooliabora. rr J no. H. Hanghtoa, Saq., Newbem. -Col. E. D. Hall, Wilmingtoev TIBD DUTBJCT, Jao. V. Taylor, Eeq., Branawicb Co. Honi Thee. & Aehe, Wacwboro, " "JZQ-tV, FayettetiUa,: ' "- XnTH Ditrntor. ...... .Qoaw WiUiam Eatojs, Ja Wane 5 Joa Oorto, Kes., Lewlabarf . -R a ttaitaav m n.ui-ii Wm. L Soott, Saq., Oraenaboro. - oa. Bodiofd Brow, Loeoat HHL IIIW WM1M; " .r aavaJa ISi, BahlMVy twtnj;? . Arni&eld. JCao,, .WMtaaboro, . r nrun Drarnio. ( , aeb. Bq.rHedrotrrirrr- Plato Dnrham, jj, Shelby. k WSCIA1 10TICE8 JnCtfujlfi fcotd, loio" rhrwi loio rhreL andabevMbal Mtlmk ' lrrifatltMi rAbie Lttnga, rerwav . i"PFf,f1r vjr ie often; thereaait. Harm a dlraet iatiieaa toth aerte, atoa aa- awdiata nkHOfati BmnrbMto Aeiaan, ieih. Owewaepilr aW Thee at !. I . - . -. . j . . . i Troeaee ar need wtta anaya goo pM MeaM aa4 rwMIe lawtm aat the to ehaargthe'M((e ' J,t t I Oareia aaly "Baoww' t Banaoittt. Taocam.' Bad da eat take any of hw VertiUaa aWooHeae that an aa tdLmtA. Bi 1 Fefcae eaaewaaa Mf n ?"i , ..!. JIOAEltBAUfll, ( , i iSot te Wytwlet4 WOULD JtK8PBCTPT7LLI eaU the af the eiMaeaa of Balih, aad the pabne In tew eral. to hie.newri mn0itettlt0ot nf Gamr KciBTlUoa CWbuo. autf a' rsajneaDaJ Oooon ; Oim'odBoirUiaftWleeMatylee, toewther wrth atartradck of Oenf aad Bom BOOTd AND 8H0KS, of me baaat toahea. All ef whio ptiHa-wjtit at pdepa ta enfloaaybudy. p TTtOB CHILDKBH OTBTHHWk'OKEATt.T F aaaea teathiair, by enftenlng I' eUitoteethe Qie gnma, redeoeag U enBammauoB will aiiay ami r axai aau apaanmuui acuua, aua a i DKK TO BEOTJLATE THR BTJWKIJL DPb4 onaa b.mntiiire, It-wiU (ire net to yoar elree, ana m . ttn . k i . 4MB4lteTwer Wobare pat wp arjd mil thia artnie foryee'er tad aea my in Coarmnioa am Taora of it what we here aea been ebietoeapof aayotlaraaa. teiue Mama atn ftiuaa e eiogle toetanM to hawarw Gvaa, whew tiaely neeV . Never aid pa kaow aa lenenn nf diaeatiafeettoa by anr one. wh aeed tt. tm aaa Oaatram ad are fceiwhied! With ito operatioB, end epeak ia toraa af Kua--j aautuMua or ta aegwei enoea aaa aMdima yir tne. W apeak to tliie matter "WHAT WB DO KMOW," after peata wf aepeatoaee, end puna opa Matreanoa row im i unJucCTwrwitwi Beaa nam ie ta elaeet every tnetoiiee whr the iBfeut ieaanWiM from mtoaad aehiaainrr' relief wiU be lhaad a aite ar twvi tt utuaiewl tte toe eyrnp ie liiaiBii I.. ,4 . . Pull drreclauM b tteing nilf toajpaay tech i 77Bwv'4tir .tyrVfM af ral wineloir' WnihiHg byrap,' aamg ie amnnii m " i'hthi e rr.naJMt aa th tad wrepneri jAllathrf am ,baaa;ia B'i-!-.-: ...... . . Hold ny irHKeiata Ibhagbowt th ewrMk "'" Price, lr 34 ea p gtaMtft, j JOS High Hollxira, Ixada, Enand.xta jfel I '-tai St. Paul Street, MoatrtwL CeneUa?" Aeg. eO-eoclfiiBvS e Ait 44, j lOSCSIIaAXSOUm gScTP10wASTTX!a ' ' i j ' irt-ee" m-WW fmrVhai:" Aa"." f r- 0Mdlt - Boon mil, MaT -S vemwteO' v Tht -? ' -T IT IWlMiartV . H . ;.AJIEjriCl2eL SMPoa-iBB Aa eaewBa or fLOTtavS iXA TE6STAB1K SEEDS. i i aaeaeaeee a. v' v. TrtOA' nXOTTTUTED CATALuOiTB SUDS, ait FL0HA1 GTHDi Iiadt U BewpnblUhed end ready to eead eat. Haahe a work of about on hi laaaren - (ail toaarurtiOBe ef Choiooat Flowort BadTeiretaTileirirowa. with V lai direct! out tor eowing aaad. ewhurs, Aw. W i beantirnliy Uloeimod with more tbtn r BUSDkED riXM WOOO AA tfAUI ef Flower and Tegeublea. end e , v :- ) lonstliul CtJorad Fasts of nowsrV ertnted. en the Sweat aaaa. aad a 1 th BMKt tn-i- ,;ol aewail a the aaea iaatraeuve Work ef Ihekind pabltoheA . , atoellwheappit.B2air,no bal ln teaaoU,wUiabauthatf liweaet V i r4 . eWd'irPltaV''-' -;isa W-ni wxtr 4, htr. ak,Jp 51 iam -.aTp BCts,BWBhBBBaL a. . ( ."tiiat ... i.. ...... ......v'v ::... .a ' ROCK HIIX COLLEfiB. fTTHis norrTnrno!', ookdccted'bt thi Brethem ef tha hrlaian Oehaela, we ae tobiiahed to 187 J aad iBooraorttea, and empow ered too tor d ilea Be theOeewrei Aaeuubk of Mryhmd, daring tot aaauoe f !, ., ,- , i a a euaawa eo anung groand. to on of th i ah baa aad aarat ptotnrteaae pertioiie ef the itaare, end within a fi w aiaotet' walk d tha Kla- ett Oity Kailroad rUatioa. , ' . , FAULiL.1T. . i-v, ufit i Itnornna narraxsir, Prandem. . r Baorwaa Oiaaaa,Tia IVaevlerit Prnteeeor af Wn. B. A Aim, M D..LL. D., Protaaar a - taietry eed Natural Pbiloeur hy. AaanrrTanoaviAeos, A M , LL P', Prolm eaef Bietory, hheroneead Lneluh litoraawe. Bbbibm, Aaeiae) Prefeaatoaf fla lnaalln lei ' Kwaah Ooapoaitioa. y. 7' Baoraa Bainianr, AdydMt Probaeor of Mark- eeaanoeend Uiatory. Aro. aV Bauaaa, Ph. P , Profeaeot of Laii aadOreek, ' - - . .... AwTwrarf TBewTworr, Adjnnel Prufeeanr of Latin Ainif, rroimwor Of Drawing and Frnrca. liHTwn Li;u proii of Oermaa aad Mum. r. iwi, re. mj rroMeenr o etimir. ... v K aa-e-w .to oi a A A 1 Ail M-t, Xtjeuboro Xloaer market.. Burnfrj-niTia ot bak Sotis; iibt WIL801I BHOBKbT BkKKUd AJil Kirauaaa naoBTraa, Bocta: Bxn Btbjoct, aaaara- " CaawPaar. ............ ....... 5 - -1 aaat.!!..'.?.1! M Wilatonton. ...... .. t& at .....V,tT l ah J d V b'hV. . eh aS 4 M lnUnywilta. Wte0im W I mtMtBTTmiial . . - J.i A-h X. 11 Merohanu'lrfSret I.iXI ". A amere' Beak of Qreaaabota. IT aUaere'aadPlentiea' luintj 4 d Beak of Wjbaiton....4,.f Bt I Menial ha. W. ... a Tlteinie Bent tlia.. .1 ,,-t a We bay aad eeU at bberal prieae, Ooid and Ba rer, forth Oarauaa Boada, Cnitad Btataa Bond aaw an eiaa eaaraeeaHe atoeu. Ordera for Beak aotoa by 4ebtre aad Maeb hoMart of Banka will raer prompt etenuo. ' ' Betana tor expreea pachaga af Bank mtee eW. will be made en the day reoeiead, by eaeek allew Xork at BailiaMra, or ia ourreney, aa da- Life aad Pin m-n.i- - . i- Oreapaniea, at Jat rata. ; ; Xaialck Jtonaj Xarkot , . OOUWZm) BT JOBS tX w7U4l CO, BBOKBBS, BAUCIOB, M. O. "' Leiiagton, at Orahea M SreWhomgl '. '. '. . . TbeeaaeetUe ' WihniBgton. , " Ooauaaro " ... Waaliiagtna ..... a f FeremmUe. M . 4 . .i r. , ... to ... M .. 60 .... tt . ... It ... 10 i.i " lureaooe YeaaemUe - 4 1 aUaanr and Piaator'a Beak .V'. ' Pa aaa Baak, aieewehorouffb to la ta eo tai tnaa.wiaiBiBf e BankTliewWra itxwuiurh Mataai. . Oeurgia . tt Oo;-,-v , ,... rhar.. IW Old Qiaaiiii. . . tl Itonh feraiira Baawead Cnaaiaa r rOUaiaa : TO BtfheaaaepMaw aafw.i ... ... e r t SIpS IUUIT, i . si osatu faOatUi. OBOCBB AVD OOMMtHMOK MERCHINT. BAOOS BAli'T. A w'iKTairt' 47(tt,lA - BVTrKB. . .w ,. :h. .'. : . . . . ft- OOFH COfKEB..;.. wrwM .... t a... 1 tt a.' , 4a 'rFLorjBH.t.'. . .rt.'". ,, pjMKB-n.irwi.tlf"-' t I jiii.iLHiaua. . . . 0.k,i HllikHOi ""H"r in. i.t... . Ho pr. u. Drr . ... t'itWlIB TaQtt pr. ewf. '' ..... V A) LArfff '".V.'.TV.T'.'..'.V.T. .ItKAi. t.l.At.f. IT' '1 1 ' (i VAILS '.iW.l.J.v... ?. ' fTATOia-Irieh 1 0ol 10 UlilMBrtli. .tanham'1 :. 7ff;; ' Oraanl Olj ao : taijx)w -. loiciiat ' Oot dnpBoi k-aay, (Setarday Ilia.) at , Perk-not aneh to market j ;ill. NERVOUS jwbcmcb.;4. dTmt MlTtH """9 . aytoaf. 1 B m gawaitrwa nwnwor hi aB m ar Mea- Wigia Paeaiiie, oftsa efieeuug s perlaot war to ha thaa tweety-dowr bera,Trom the nee of B bare thaa tww. on thbbb Pnxa. , m otiwr tuna ot neuralgia rea Stoma a muaa a yaw to auo ir i f jt . WOSDIEm. REMEDIAL AOIHT. Bran to m amareet oeaae af Cainai Keaiet- general nary a im.Bg.a.aU, nfaaey gap aur eietea, ia tra, are aaaaa ae uwaaaeet, elwayeeflnrd tba meat aetoaiehiBg teUaf, , aad It eaal line no Apnea ar athar aitniil. ha aha elighteat tigrn to)nriaa, aeaa to the aaaa Pelt- eeteaye'aat, and aaa a,wamaa aeed mtb . i ,.. , FIKFtCTBAFSTT, A ha traabenh toomnannt nmv by anaay af oeT J.I5TWactSHlO PHTblCUKa. whotinMlhawnaaaiavaaaaad an1aUad aab ntaat by mat en miitot af prtoa end poataga Oa aackeg, o 4 ft M , Fotoaje f emrta" Twv BatOwsaft, , I M . M- 1 mtoaatdawaJwhanimti and Mil Aatera to dnure and ai taam taawaabeat th batted day. r. ... ' -1 TratirEBI tb fCtUla 190 Turner Sr.. Boanm, Mam AaAtmwaaw,TrTi;it t - . ! v at 1 t r,U 1 lil Ah A JlATOMtfi ... i Br riMTCB op a rioo or tbcmt. mm tod a aie by ah ".Vurth C aeaaa Ji eaana aa niBing tampeny," l tba- parpneae aa tanta, I ahali rapnse te eele, at pnUir l bixaaa bwaiar, a toe O Beam i tiiwa of Arhebaro'. oa halardaa. tka gth day ef Pebraary nest, aa TMACT OF LAN O . - L . . - .1 JSoirf.isS-A'BHiT AtCrOB, a Waa, diiatra rfae brad of Bn daaa. Worm add wiber. ' t 1H Raid aeet af Lend to wall tll-ra4 aA i. Uinairht to acatoia turw aad tAtt' 41.4 Ouix irmim. tJaeh. ' ' i. , i , , .. , , , joBATMAJt tavprrn. V- wt f , Vi , ,t irwatra. "" 1 1 .'. ' I 'J ' "- fTJapat Panw ' Qftrm 'fraun jja. .y rsanaa Tacaa, toe? . ; . ' L flrf worter a ate )' a Mr. P,B.,rt t. A" 1 ijnerwe KTane ana Jutia It Hilinii. r.t .v. i u. f id Pailadi'Miie Pmivlvi ttx the "PtiJa AtH, ' a the ( noniy a Philede phi. H it, , iwi'im, niaeixMlwa rl.lt Miee a.nae em ee it. 4ia oreg atul Bile Mela. I -ef Peemberg, Ta. ; . ' Tra toe berebr notifio1 tha e paper a n'tw iMnmriliif tA 1m iu Waa V .1 u,a .... . . "- tire. F. t- P P It, rat ef Y i C'mtv afuraid, Mli'.Tu. ... P.n.nii i .ui,, , fKlaarr j r-M Idia,' tba aaid Court, nlmu i v. may aiuad aud ee praoeeduire. Wunea, i. i. P7-' ' L, C1-k of nr eaid Own, at eft a Is ku,,.i, tie bid Miaar f Mowur-or. 1m7, . . - . . aawA-ai - J i A. FiSISLL, a Q, EAI1E0ADS. Xotice ta hblrpert of SplrUi Tir ia;ft iS 6.P'clWBe V jiSr ia at TUB BEABOAKD 4i JB-VW i t?rj 0'' v-J- INLAND .AIK LINE, 1 VIA PORTSMOUTH, Va," lH-J Sd ajawsBnaaABa amir Taj, BiUUmrmre, PhlUdelpblat, aad Xow 1'ariL, 1U bteauaerw ksvlatg i1m.rTmnft4 for Uutt pair, ,v-fm, -,t V 'ftoJaWaV' .' ' rraiM ajb ukx BouTX. from thk fact X ef ia aeaidiac traoa-ehipaant from ooejl Slaairo another, to wbioh ouiar hue are eb-l Uet, aad beaug tiie duaet line fewwrm the. OeewJ Uaa a th hart hare Citue. with daily eamH aamaaika aa Bahuaaea. Puiladuaia. aud haw fork, and ta Bnetoa a Stceatat eren ire dey J often greet taciliuae forahippiiip, aud ie in ad--j aea at an eiaa row uva Ufa w are a$a. at m m aw mi i. - n .K la eblDuina frm the Korthera eitiee. er boa by tb Steamehip ham euoaecOng with and mra 1 aw nan a uu noata. .. . . 1 t'roa Boaum, Merehanto and Hiaere' Una, tV! Benpeoa, Aireat, end Dewtrel Wharf. , . , From New Tort, Old Dominion nteemehip Oo., Otta 187 Gteeawich Btreet. . . .- From Phlladarohia. Crrde tgtoeaera. M Bontb SAaaeaeaetoaTloe! fkaepharNnhnmgtonl aad Maiuaaara " 71 J L. njuaaB. 1mL. J Faaa Bawimaa, Bap tine bmeaery, fed of uaioa loa, . rormAawat..,, , 1 AU aleima for toe. dam-g nt armreaarg,' Braflaoue eatled dt aoalvine lo . or eppiTing ui baaoard Ielasd Air Hoe, PortoaoeiS, Ti TDI SKABOARD AMD BOAVOEB UUj BOAJ AMD MAI Una, barton beep aaaaa led aada one Maaegaeem from Waldo a Mal-1 aieaae atethlia aa eAmeere . fceieht toandftna ileltiaaetoaa lamiia Itoi aid gaerentae aalety of freight and firaiit eet-J ttomeedef eMeataav' - .j 1 BBt Tiaaaya-tMi in, S. A R. B t u i.ii, au iiv JB.-lM-ibn .amp4Bay Tana Buaaam. 'wiLimrGTOHAii) CLAYED CTBA VOLAMrS X: -j,W ) taah Hoirft a-e , ., hjlsi cAioo-xrar ciot.'v NOW LAMDTNO, IX. BKtO TBENTBa HOBbll.1' Direet from Oerdenee, - - ' til hhda. to ttoreea Bright Olayad Mul,la bibb aew paoaag, k'or eeie froia wlmrf, a tot to aiut. tJaeh order prrpt1y tilled, by . " "' ftft PAilSI r tX. ',-iU1IMawlirl't-; ViiaahicMn' j. .i ne in mi we m I, Bait I Bait . i t - -i 4. r Af! rJACKO SAW. TW ITaWlTntD .eJliVJ pa Baroae A.wafcel direet frm i. or tit BEOS X Wilaiagtnni WIUAAII MVt dan. IJB-tae) h x USTEIl AOTlTEli'fl J,,- .1-- v -J-l& i '4 Wr'-W hM '' .. t ..p J ,..., n ai 1 ' . I BrPERPIIObPIIATB Of SJME. win - i iie. t a. 1 1. ... FROM THB ' ' 1 " V . .rtl .nmi , va a- t, r.l4 H. .-., ,li.el tl ,.l j ...F1S.S1IQ CllUUal CHUI . I ( I 't 4... i..-H "ilV It", t im.ii awMi4. t'i i DAILY BtXPCCTBlt.., - A nnw et tam ; ; . . , .. -a TALCABtl TtilTlLrZIrl, "i whkA y KtoaaAa eaU atapra aVl 11 tola toaaittbettmea. We aaa earanto 0lla'arUoa, to bt'taaOy a geaetoe, pare, freak Ban Peparpheephat af ijaadwBrrttm aaea gram the'aewa try, and tha trade, to eel aad iiinilm ..' a. .i(ji.fii'itjyf ab A.a,,5.,;,, .,.:,. Monk Water M 4 , awe aento tot Mate A Brother. PreArrpar4KepbamoftaBwri'1 WihmagioeY M. ftAea. -.l2t-a. - wllxiam a, w iu.4 aaa I ica'n m. TatLntt, , dpertol Pattxer. ttoaefat Pa.iW.B RrtirtAfirtiWiiif wa j AQXICmU,Xai OnOCBObtil ia,L4m At t.tii?w::.. . coautissioa iu&cHAjnr! Cemer CVawew ld AW1 IM iSMt HEWBEBI, V. C." ReArre to f. M. Oanwty . 15 Park Fbee, b. T Wygaat A Hoaft, W Day Brat, H. J.. Jea. ti WoodwarJ'e.rkioe. tt Aorth Prant SU Pblladehhta, , l n r a R. tMII iok A Oaa, , W. wanmt, liptlonai Bank. tUMrh. B. C. fawwA Oa.'ctiakHto. B, C.r -" H f..M ( , vat. e-e-m . . , v - ax A .. ' . . h I JOB. F. BILl-EH. . tVQ. U. WIIXLUU ai. .'. f . w-.. . lUlLM A WILUAKS, 0 1 0C1 R8 AXD COMXISttOU ; COUTKT ItorSB ntOLblAO, ,4 . ' xjrifFA-ajs; x. V!y Lft-Srit-ttn ' -V'-, I ' Kew Crop f aWiJpMB I)Ias8ts.; ' Ba.JJ t AnlarwBTAf lOKI 'T'- ". , I I.. ' ' v . 1 H -V-Ue - W ! fit" 1 1 Mnft i F4 4F - I , 'd -A' ' " i sop ?o:-'mmt$-tmotf rt-4 II-V . CA.RDE K MOLASSES, ,.. , j a fl I ' A-A' , .. . - HI BBIu "JOBS BALCH," t. i !- v fg k?i HoitTii db DAWIEI4, It- wn.MmaTfW, K, C. Jee.T-1?)lev-- .a.-,4 t. -. 4. A- -t maw nisie: rTjm. RAVTNfl PtTH A apriited ageoa In Pi.t nf North I ar- ohea forlhoaad I'lXIE Pi MP,wmia I ai t'ewnt righa hi all the Coaatai anarad. : mw ttoad t Cifnlar. , w M1ICUEI L, ALLPKt . " Dc.JT-la i. Itawbera. S, C. '. . Tobarca and Sawfi. rVPKi1". CKI.rBRATED ctavicT cbew: jLJ in Toheiwo. )6 rum or hnr nwin 1 "-t'HTo, ' A l't "ff I '-I. II'" V ' . I . A --ee- ""i - (1. I f a4oy Saaif, in . -4. 1 4. 4 . I J . dn.lv- -(- W.h,dvrT3AC0. I IUv- af-- eAisrcf . slu i ? 1 1 : 1 1 &xcq Ha BS WOewaa etawt ( ...r ana.. mtw TORr. SDOOKSSiiBn lEtniBALD TOLVO, CiEEliTTi CT .!. -aT,'- C i iriT. 9rr: 11 J of i .. L. of mkw roas. jJ ,".,- -J ; ksf) ..) itM niir . . ! i b a aeaaw . i BPEKCER BCOTT db tO, sM .."5.'eJ r If T ..W , v- 0FjntTTABB;-K7,; T.V ill 4. ' f. a . n V Estoaair ., JlaVBiiikct Hri.M Wholeamla Dealera tit J MEN'S AND B0TS'. CLOTHftU y .-! Sei.l .-V;: -H Mvi' ; C. W. 6ARHITT, " i lt8Rim ' BBKM YOOMOa ..A. I r)(tPr,'' ' SPENCEB BCOTT, P. M. OAIUCETT, MyU-U7 ! -,. . j . 1 i i ta, tt t. I, 1 ; : DAK JIll'MASf oV COai) "'4 (ieneral s Commission Meretants, bo.'4 tocHAvoi placb, r; BEKJAIII.X BOUIXBOK Va'. . ' fur or ot oiaouiia.) Attortcjr CcnascIIor, t law, 8r rvaxaiaiaa 6tr.4 : : -s: . VXW TOM. AeaBlatewlih'llPdat .CKOB. Ui" ffcr- ,. Barry af Virrlnie, wij aemd. thoeoui,i aad promptly, to ail balnam OsambVad lo ha maa Aeg. at, 187 is-ly 1USCUA0C& loFlsatfor thiTea? TvBI DWIIXIMQ BOtmi and Lm on Par f atarUi Street, lape ri itmn af Jem He-' aimawnt demeend. ... - c"-' " ra tonaa, apply to '-!' (t iK a-U6-tf. FOPLB A BABOEBt ' PCUt APPLI BBANDT, VtTt WRTf KKt. BI Ibthamier galka, - i.bn Tv i i" jtr, Jaa.iMl"'-A-'-,ll,,C,M'1'1 ooimai ot foi.M.iir - P1UMJ IA0T0aLCJ?K'4i!li l- . , u& v ..mv.J w iAi Waioh will he eeid eery ebvay for CAnH I Oaa before they am gone. . . , -.,arv- ;ea.-U04f huV TTB ABB Al'TM0K!7yD TO ANVOUNCK '" V MAWTiLLCi ALiOlli a a eatidi.l.i. for aaetoleat lawriiWeeM to th enaalnv hum Oob- t ai lea, .''t n !'i. m--i Aaa.f-W.td : Wl AM! RFQrrTlTrr) To AVWN0B em tiaaaa uttTtjainwaa (aididat for frinarprd imorkeeper r tliO (p. , a ii-ia ,.. ,., ., ; . Ea JotEeut. A LAROB, WaXIt FINWHID AJH -COaT' A fcrtabie aaai and La la the hottnern nart ut taauty. , .T-li7-tf Tor Bant "' TIF LA HOB HOI'hE AhD PnnYHE1 KAB ulihm-,9IimMfnmimm hoowa aa the IOC- ar wr eea, t-tntf ,-. ".W. a'. )0st! t For lalo. iwwt teA HA DMIBABLB BULT.D1NO rxrr.flOTTirrJr ffS-J1: - Pertar'e to fret fn.ot Jt lt aet deeyi. , im im ..- ... " i mui1 For Bal. Ooehm Mutter, Jut & Un.L 77" "i D2T . ft. pamilt i oi'i!, Boii n nrtif lAJWii-t ia fk1 uh,iiil., , i,t " " T.. rei "ei- hi awwf( e .".w , - i F(. If, ' ""I w . 4v,,iJ ... . J .ur- sko A . r lA0Ritiiail.l hum kiiel.44ik toll ' rituaia. nadali iHi.'4iHiMrr4iHii,.i,.u. i.. .i. -i .i. b irhnodi? Her. K A. Mi, uk, lrm.. a. pt. Ltwrrejr, Jaa. -12 J i-4 ATT0RNET., AT XATST . Pmacnm le laUni r. .11 . ... poarl. tad Coort of Uankrpty. 1. r"ir- vw CMaiarUt aap warieao of . ri5'l'J i. ' ' ,v ' Meter to In Bauh nl 1 i 1 1 tinea aeaef thu, htoto... ..,, 4. - ,3 " ea. ia tia-iia .. . i FortaiA, ti -f. M A I A AAME LOT Of OOKM AND 6EEDOATH X and iri.a Potato ,r 11 J.a.S-la.W fSfJr.B. .OKKSAgo. I m-V.,!!! Matlce. -J . MY" W- 'nrarp BCirOOl wiUerwnmnx ob Monrl.-, the 13th of Jannare, l0.rt, t tuaai w-n iZ-'ii-T; 01 -wlt I ...... I .. . " -: l " ..'" , la Iret eUm Brrtieh Bteaasahlp v ,1 j. t -i v . v a lt'A " f : ' of f Wm,wSB,arill Va ta mf.'b i C xtltt f -'. Lllk.'. iv iL,. I .i.. 1. -1 .. .tauM, Jpei., and wui aeii fir Liaarptoietoat tUr Jor.'i !3s 1 " paaaag. attl . v f v j kw . U-lnMili'SAIlttp li t 4. Ar-' i.Va, VoVV . Aat. -12-td go ' . tirt, t ' m attoghP f lUhlrMKbj K. Oo J 1 OAA BCBHkLS cottow prrtt -t arreed .ed fir -', t.-T4.! DOl'UUShlLL1'- - 4,VJJ Jamrearreed t TT7S .Cotoaiaaon Mrca-4iv I m 4W'U iayBitu.)U,fct.J j-iXL'. t fm Hand aatl for Sale, (TiraVd a., Aft .r V ;.-t - -V?-iaU SBt !OMMfT:f WBTEX. -1 - - a I'hmra Br do I' i rioawriernoD eVme. Aguedenppie o Mum, Ota, Frajrb JbteVII .'' Wuwa, tn. in ml!e peti 4. - 1 ' l.M,, . .. W .. ,1 1,,. -. . i ? . , K,iar- s um ..i ,1-1 -- 1 1. IO0K UT FOB BAHGAr:'! 8. U. &Tf .T; YpG's j Y bAT nsD t t , NEW GOODS " . 1 "-, -I . ... '. Awst WerrtTrd tA. I OH' f""i . Owrfneaeataef (i,P ran be beag it tt eat . Nona vBAKOAIXS WILL Fr t.i y - :!,-0CCM'A I'nlM :rT-- And all 5rr v)' 1 -s ta 1 , , - a' "-.. A r - i -I, ( l: - ' - Halt.!.- Ci ....... Vt ui uu 4 A 4 For. 17 CS-sf la. 4 ,.ii"!f I1 1- . . " na sa a iiwaim aMoia a