1..' - fKe Br'-ra. ts pnUiahed every aty. Rut. uu tt tuMuWUif, tens I , - t i .; f i ii.'. ..mi, ................. "" j-J" k m..'vi -, . vfiiui'j'no) miw .... t & i ntimn.r . , i r - .....Itt ii miii... M VvTI)XTSDA.r. JANUARY 15, X865 "; gmx J.LUH. miiiunaeg Mute i,oaervUv It it reeolved bjr tb CevavetUloa t Cora.nuie of tbt CoBttltBiJoaal Ualoa ' Parly of North Carolint, tfal 8UU C- vantuin oi tht party bt held la tbt City of 1 K J..: J, oa WDKMDi., tha Bthday of Ttb- rnary, A. D. J86J, at II aelock . that ' day. , ,t "' ; "V; J. ; t It U coBfldentty hoptd that tht Maadt of a CnnUtiitloBl fjaloa tad etvtf ,11b : : rfy w.:i bt tctlvaia tbt effort to matt 1 t!ie Cuuvtntloa tbt largest and moat r- ;,. t , that CTr ttsembled It tbt fltatt. j "' I. si ttie'Con'servativt peopit ia tvery .. t. ... 4, cf t'j State, vtbero meeting. fcTt Lei . ku ht'.J, hold tueefintt atooot, put appropriate Atoliitlooa, appoint delegate t -end ae that they attamd tha ooipntipa.f. The conditio.) of poulie affair dstatad . tbt patriotic tflort rod co-operation of wary J- if noil citiieiL. to nave' tha counts from liB- - . , By order of tbt Btet ecutlvt Comntlt- a i ;t ' - StcrettfJ. , i ', lmf SO 0R0AH1ZAT10S. , ,Il will bt ta, b tInac tt tbt iw .trwtof prociKiliogt, la toothtK itolaaiB, tbtt tbt totalled Ctnrntloa tfftottd 99 .t perinsnent organittttiia ea fttuvotj. r ' It U aUT4U)o4 tbt tb; tlatoU t ciutcut, on vfoodiy otgUt , wart aol' Wj bvmonioui, tnd that , nlderablt oppool- 4, tla U pirtot U tbt moitit purpott ti th 21 oriHern foreign lftaeot to WDtrol tbt org&oittt(in. Tbt nppoiltioa win. too i cu iii b. Tbt Ttaket will win, at wt totQ, l'ubtlua1;bt tblt to enoounct toHiurrbf . ' t Tim CwiMmtlvt ta tbt Ooortntioa wUl doubtlt-M cant tbttlr rtttt for tomt oo'apt- 'ti nl aud tultablt goDtUistn (orpretldtnl E'retldant . f ' . TUB Guar ESTION." Of tbo nn hundrtd tod tWtotj dalegltta . tlecud to tbt Cimttotioo, ettrly out aua uru iii lonaigpvraap, in toiuauutv w uw i Badieal programmt, wbtttttr (bat nat Jbt. 4',Tbt Um Coattrt tilvti la tbt body art, coq- : atquenny, poweritta tt atJtat o priTnav v toy mature, bowtTer ofTtitnIrt or deatr)t- tivt to tbt peact and tuturt Well art of tbt f 8 tnU. It it, tbertfort, not txptctad of tbt , few Couiervtiro, tbat tbey can tren r ttraio, by moral ulon and by tbt forct of reaton and truth, tbt actloaf bt BaAlptla, .yet t bey, n ay, by parllananUry taotlct, . intsruify tbt rtoord ,of tbt Radical! io Op- pokitioq to thott plain prloclplet o(Rcpu) ' . lican goTtromeat bitbtrto regarded at eaatq Ual to American Ubtrty, tad nay bilog out, in bolder relief, the boatlUly of tbt EtdjAal party to tht rut tht vhiUrmttU 3Tarti , Carolina. -i i'-..,.--:;' Tht RadlcalibaTt forced ipou tbt BoOti a black man't party, wblcb cannot loaj ubmit to bt led and. controlled by wbltt tueo, wbo acknowledge tbt totlrt tjualUf ,of ibt blwkt. The blaoktartaut lgoeraot oi tbuir inportaDCt to tbt prtttrrttioa of 'tie Ed!cal party.' 1 Hitberto fbey bat uborot, wita unenoimoo fortltndt, their ei clnsion Horn office by tht wbltte, wbo,' to . cording to their 0a' 44auttIon,'' art bo .uciiv w u fv?m wikh wujn da tbty eipedt then to fttld all tbt vfUoet '' of profit and honor to tbt few white of tht party, wbea itt exUteoct dtptodt npoa, tht black tote Wt Del tbtr btlleft tht whltt or Mark tfadicalt oapablt of fllllng tht e eeaeary olBcet of tht State, ba( wt trt it larur of holding tht Radical party ap Vo it p!le to the black raea." Jbj btrt 'proui'ued tbeot npultiy, in .rteptot to til tbt fraoctleee of tbt Statt. The? harv ea. Job (1 and fletured them with tht Bopt of oftict and emolument, tnd wt khall demand of tbt Bad icalt ' Hit ' fulfilment of thell rplcdget to tUenv J ;'v X j Tbrre are but few UoOotle U tbt Btatt, . wlere tbe F.a ticsli cat elect ant one With. out tbt rote of the black. Front eerea itxa Coun;i. j Is the Stuto, tbt whltt dele; " pnt of tttoat Countiot art hert aloetby t t ..Z. n : a.id auffaranct of tbt black. ft .i; o ol tliose very dylrgatat will 81 tomt of ruut Itcportast poeitlone la tbt Con TSTii.n. Jt'-ircovor, they art look leg to tbt , u.oie imporiaot ofTicet to bt filled hereafter, ,lf tie CVcrs'.mlontbould bt rtl2td. 'Be ' fare the Convention adjourn tbeet offictt will all be parcelled oat tq tbt leading white Radical, o bat will become of tht aegrotat Tdt areentltled, by tbelr number in tbt Tu liciJ party, to tlit office of Governor . and to all tbt 6tte office the poaUion of Cniid Blatee Seaatore tad the atrta or tK-V.l Hi rrretntallret ia Cougreie. Now, .11 it Ulta Eadlcalt do juttice to tbt at g- via the partition of tbeet o 31o I ' Te i oot. TUe black will bt treaUj a ti'T 1 ave Lefa, and te they were n tended tn b. f .oaa the flrat, timply to vntt for tht fir; j a tli'j my be led. How lutifwill hi'ncii n thi, -hrn taurlit fht they n .e t ol tkoet wbitett It wbltt lii i-. -H a !ait that tbt nefrroet art tbelr f s ! lb it co duiiootioa aball bt 1- -. c V, t i) thf in, lin-jarito eolpr, who' . : '..j.t C i, why fV envj .r: f -n to I u: j, nil. ) 'u.a tl.ry not y of vce in C-.r..rva:Ive S p to r"7 la a t WUXTJSi'lSiTS06BAMXST Tbt BUtforai f t' t Fidic! partf it labrristh vet uti. iilorsd and auknoaa even to tbt tatber vi i ue party, Fom tht day of lUinceptiot tot .pre.:.t,lt Ujm exhibited tot eoatiouooe change of poeitioa, to auit tbt varied baeepf tbt protptpt Iwfura U tot hl M Faioa. thtti ihrotUiaf t to tht death ; bow tor tbt Coattitatioa, then act- lot "oatttdt" tod ia totegoohuB to It; wow "loyat" to tht orernment, tbaa fighting with might and tuait lortit deatrecuoa; oaottornrtt'toU" ia atw tetriioriet, bat tha ntcdirad not ta Interfere with altTtrf hj ht fttt4 : jow( for tht tbolltltn o lavtry it tbe butea, bal ao Hore, ana tote for equality of all ractt before tat law; imw for iaiptnial or qualified wiffragtj that for aalvtreat auflragenly to tbe negro I From all which, it it plain, there it bat one plaak La tht platiorni of tat party, L ttMt2fat JUdiadfrtf. f To tav tnrt wectet, it tt trident that nothing will bt omitted, ao paint win bt tptred ; no priaciptt ' of Juatlct, of right, at ttitty to tbt goreroaaeat or to tht people, it too ta orcd, to bt tacriliotd to tht Great Mogul ol party, t ' How long eat each a party bopt to tri amph f In tbt Sonth, there Itt really Lota ao itnpedlotaot to itt loeatet, tiatt too war. tapeclally, tinet tbt party qnarrelled wita tbt Prteldtnt aad igtortdhl policy, it hat had itt twa way, wita nothing to imped Itt action, Blnat December, IMS, wt, ntve heard of nothing bat Cotgreeeional rtooo-j ttrocUoa, and what hae been accooipllahtd t With a fair field aad withoat any oppoaing bfiataet, atorpt . tbt ejaeoograity, ' loathe eomtnee tad eona of Itt own prograaimt, the Booth it at far from Betoattrnctioa by Radical agency te at tht btgiatlng. Tht party hat had it owa way. Tbt darkle tad tbt mtea White hart all rottd ta tht party dad red. Tht military tad fraadmtn't B arena hart had no difficulty, la tsoeating tht Bexxwttractiaa.Actik.il So tppotitioa hti btM: ivIaMd. 6 'tht" 'part of any body, that imptdod ia tbt' lettt tbt execution or, tbe Aett. and yef in January, lSM.e lnre.UV to.)alar ht tiai pending' crial, that, leering to actual break down aadtr tbt awful wtltbt of tbt afc-ottled HactJ;cayHtJtit aud-f denly ebanged itt. taetiot, aad now talk Mrioatlyof obllttmtlng tvery remnant of oivil government la tbt Soathira Btttot, tad pitdpgHht entire oootrol i)f affaire iu tbt bandtoftht military', under Gen. Grant Aad Jhla will bt done, if tbt friend of judge Chant la Congreat will allow it, Ga Ittndahtt already Inaugurated tbt Grant platlqrm in Georgia, by tht removal of Got. Jenkln aad tbt Public Treuurer, tod tbt appointment of Oen. Rugertnd another trmjt officer to fill the taeanele. Ota. Xeadtno doubt, believe that neither t iieivilllltary government,, which ia venation ta4 perplexing, nor aueh t gof trnmant at tut Radical Convention of Geor gia would iotagarata, will do. - Such offl otrt at tht Radical Con vtntioa would ap point, be know could neither bt touted for then ; ttptclty f rnttgri aad, tbtrt-j tort, at aeitratinet to place military men ia eoatrol, wbo-eta.JiprJbtW'jtrfctBi tonnUbllity. Wt . oonftat that if any thaflgt i to ho effeoted ia Ik government of the Southern Btateaif tbtj civil jifflottt oitbt Bouth trt to bt removed, it may bt better to plant them ia tbt head of rtepoa tiblt and - capable military men tltogether, tbaa with tuoh it Ibt' Radical Convention could topply. .;-fcf",T-v-t-; . - ! 1 1 r. sin A A wawtraraB eorrttpoodtnt sat dlacov- trad that a idea, vary prtvalaat taong. a great many of tht Bouthert people, it at tolloweialtht 'Tatket. hivt alwhyt' frartttd the rch oil(of lb outhithathy oeepuea wt aegrott, would aut live with tbeot, aad, eootaqatotly, wanted to get rid of tbem i that thry hit opoa tbt plat of la . titutlng t war of bt. raoet, in which, tbt wuihw wouiu im impoverisaeor ana tut nt grott gradually dit oat, fbat tnabllng tbtrnttlvtato ttiat jpon tbt iatdt ar.'par cheat them at Ttry cheap prtott, , Whether thl bat bttn' t deliberate intention oa tht part of tht Jacobin or aot,'fbt effeet It jU every way ttry moth tbt name. .' I . - . , m ( - -' :if ' WAllT)K; Jtautry ML-If tbtrt ba a man left favoring a diarnption oi tht Colon be matt view the 1 ctrreat proottdingt of Ooo greet with untlloyed tetiaftotloa.. Both Houeet teeoa deUrmfntd to oredoltatt the country into phyaical coUiaion, ' they will repadiatt tboir owa rtoonitrnctloa acta. They will Ukt a ttep ia tdvanoa, tad rat. osnizt tht atltrt Co vera men te tt lAaw neat1 etamel t (At &th, and 1 Ibrot tht oountrv n accept Bouthern Stttt gOTtrnmeott lm provlaed without tbt oooaeat of North br ooutbl Ibt txaot protiMont of tbt htw eveotnally to bt enacted hare not yet beta agreed upon, but their effect - will fullv comprehend tht tad. I refer to, i A public fort warned ought ta bt forearmed, rft- tvert yumih ,mw i .. It I lncoDtettlblt ' that tbt great body of um ouevuns vuim, ana a irge proportion tt the Northern people, Idint th Keooa truction act ancoouitutional, and are not Ilkelv to cbtnrt their belief. ThaSnnthm white, that believing, and thut tupporttd ia their behalf by t great party ia tht North, will never tubmlt to tbet acta txoept by military coercion. , But military wttroitt) ia eoetly, aad impttitnet andtr tht preatur of taxation will toonsr or later compel tbt federal frovernmect to withdraw It armies, t hen turanproppad ttruatort will fall into immauiait coiup, Tfc moral certain tv of tine reenlt, a tbt ' f! J tarmln.tU. ni tht tzperiment unlet it bt Bnvioual a. rttttd by tht nprmt Court,) j to gnat vuij MiiMD can erpect tnt , a 'nuul"ie ia oe auraDie. f. jr. r or rut Actwob of Olu GanrtaL 1 be Hon. Albert G. Greene, of Providence n. i., c.na in t-ieveixno. UUia. laat wok Jud C rcent wa man of high literary attaina ble and aa author ol aa m. pntatin. Tt well-known ttaaaaa Win. 'iOHm,., i dead, that enmt r,A B n, l 3 i,. i.0 fif ths tii.irliDsrof w.t, v. i .3 Siii), poetry for Uich its ao- tuor i n nartabie. Lit hiatorical u;tns lei t :n to Ease a ert"ection ot Mrs work ' r i to ear T .irw i -''inj hietnrv, and Lh t a r - v .;'cj toiumta. - a re, t rena. i hy t' e Enaia ht a ...i b - i oa to tt oU.ce at hit owa TTi CwnetltutlotiaJ Cowv-eaibem - f i . ' ' TvatotT, Jan. 11,1 ou The Convention wet called t or !or at II o'clock, by Mr. Kiauey, dl trout tbt Cooaty of Dtvidaoa.- r .,..!! J A tbit point. Mr. Bodnett, 'f . Cta- .11 1 J .1. -. L V - ... . I. . tbt tMM,lttt night, bad Ditchtd iitHM i&J tL. to tall tht 'Jonveotioa to order : and, while hie had noVbjecjion to thegentleiuau acting It that capacity, jet bt denial tbt right aad JtgHltT. of toch . proceeding. But )f Mr.'iUiuiey b.uld lttppjolejttli by a anotloa regularly pot and oarried, bt wooM rote fur Bin, j , i , Wbtreapoa, Mr.Htttoa, of Craven, troet tad medr the nution, tad W Waa 'arted to. . - v . Oa motion of Mr. Kinaay. Mr. Kief, of tooirt wtt appolnttd CbalrmanfifH Uny -m vaaiDg to vua, icwi a tow wpu teoeta front a maautoript prepared fot tbt Oocatlt. , , , s. ) '. A prayer by too Hrr, Mr. Welker; bnt of tb delegate from Guilford, followed: f" i Pa motion, Mr. J. P. Andrew, of Wake) wot appointed Secretary pr Urns- ww ) ' Tn rol) being oalUd, (W memUrt.' rt tpoaded to their oaroea. (Tht nnaibrWtt tabeequently nnderetood to be.IOO.),.; i . After tomt tlcuiiiin. in rrnl- m thi auaotii of admiotettring tbt otth and1' ts amining credential, it wa "determined tt call tbe roll end tereaf ildegatea, ia bodiee oi twvlve." ,i ' lur- -i I ' Mr. AUW, of NW ffaaoTer,' moved that wbta tbe 'CooeaUoo. iMlj(uni, it adjourn notil 11 o'clock to-morrow, ( Carried. ' 'Mr. Jooca, of Wublogtoo, then moved that tli Convention do now adjowrn on til tht abort aataiiontd time, an thtat were many memotrnlieeoti i"-', t At the rroueat of lot Cbhtrman! W.'witb' drww ibt motion; wbtrtnjon. tntSecretaxt rata uie loiiowing aupatcp trota (teas utf by to tht Commanding OffioV it Halelgb 1 "QpurJ. Ordtr A, let Itamanded at follow: Jnao. McCabbina,, at ydelegate from Rowan and Davia. in pitta of L M Shaver 1 JT. Q. Mtrler. in piaoa ot X, Bartiatl; 'dtlt-t gatt iroa Watauga. Inform all partita. ' ir-i f .orotr.ot ,j,t,. vT t . - . R. 6. OAnar." Mr. Rodman, of Beaufort, moved thtf tb Kunilemen. wtooea namea warn mautiua- ed in tbe dUpiuih, be earnlntt'at tnambert. ; TbtmeJonto dj waa adopted. A' i. c . j a i m 1 1 am a. lt -A corroapondent, writing tft from FeyetUvllle.tayt that a "mlttrablftcamp tram tomt oat b tht Northern SJhte iej prowling aooui inrouga toe epantryniiing bit pocket with tht tcetterlng grtepback ia the band of the begrott, fwho art allly enough to liaten to him. , Tbe aian tttlt ibt aegroe that, for one dollar hi will givai them tlck, which If tbtyvlU pjant it oa any lot of lead .(bey mtyMttirtf whtn! tht Yankee coma through that wlll JectWt; iT.:i f tbtyiot oo whlcTS tht ttick it nlanted. Savafal of tht aerna, a thi county hrS bn iohjiih enough give; theUwtt dolltr tor f piece of wdtthiatt wood,".. . - The eouotlet of Cherokee, Maoon, Jackkon, anj Ity wijt.rf through thtir County Court, bavt each tubecri bed $MflOO to.itbt.Wttttra.h' Ol iunr.tbrtav traotortara,;driyiug, tbtit work;.witb na oommoa ioduatry and teal, and tht Aih- Ult JV predict that, by Jan.. 1, 1859, tb road will bt completed to Bwtntnoa Gap-. tip lttKW f flt' r , -vTbe 'Buraao. mta"4 fn,lfaco County hat' been' Waytnif Jantatrte 'tncka. Tbt Athvillt Mm. aayt:.1i.'f jiW ... & ' "He irot wonderful I v riZed last week. be Oanatt Jnry tfuat4tofindwtrdibt agalnat a good ci titan, for knocking down a negro, wbilt la.tbtaet ofreeaa H4! charged that met with perjury. Blander tuitt wort spoken or. -bat bete mat. Thit week at Webster bt wtt mad again. A Freed man toad a freemen, tnd obttintd jadgment for fit dollar. Tot Freeman atayed fht execution according to law. Our Bureau taid tb tta Muid it atraek out tod tht money ptloV, Ottwenert Omaml Wbta will tht ttrickta South bt nd of these Ot tht 10th. !!, ulght, t party of IS or Ifiiejrota, armed t tht teeth, ap- ptartd oa tht prtmitm o Mr, JWWt about twomllea from Aaheville, and oom aMOCd.:geenViJemkitaiOa being aaktd .what they wanted, tbe appaiant leader Informed Mr. Webb that1 tbty wtrt boating far a maw by Ibt jpiame of Grtea, who.h4 t4)Wdi eJkxed snsjf titi ia) btJort. They alto aaid they had Caittd SUtta order to m'aii tht eeirctCtut war Inttrooud by fraertmea', Bnreaa offioar aot to show ibt order tt any oat, except ia tht prtaenos of t maUtratt. ,Thay tatered tbt hoatt fat a. body, grtatly alsrtulag Jbt IttmatmpartlcoJarly : alra,. Webb-aud rantacktd tbt pltot from gurto ctatCv, : Htt Wtbb called oa tbt agent f tb Ba rata, at that place, the wet day, aad uked him tt bt bad given tuch an' order, who toldblm tbbtbAdU5it,4ai MZj - Wbtn Tbad. Stevrnt declare that- tht legialatiot of Coogroaa'lt now Vuttiitof tn yoautuuoa,r a put tut 'Beutiierntrs ia a rather em harassing position. For, at tht asmt time, Congrsee cam pale thee uo happy people to take an oeta every day ot two to "Bpport tht'Cpattitutioa." Now wa hold that lUey should, be oomptlUd to wear that besidtk aupporting tht CoaMi- tatioa.they wilt tupport all that Congrtea may aooutaiae ot it or agalnat it-- la tht way they wouUi , unJaratand their ait natioa txtotly, aa4 bit uoabja. It growW -W. ' '. ' - A I tV--,r, "3f W HairrsBiiiJ! Ei.ctio. 1 lit eleo tloa la Sew Bampthirt for Governor, Leg. ielatare, and other officers will take plc oa tbt iOtb of March. , Great interest will attach to the result, a it will b the fin Stat election ef tbe ytar.. Th vote of this Statest recent elections were at follow:. W.i.. Ut7,. ....... .3u,4l 8i,(o4 ii Wt.. Tbellnn. TLiemas A.ITnndritka. nomlns. tea ry tbe Ltmocrsie ot lauisu at their candidate tor Oovermr, it bow member of the Cniltd P;n"S Senate, c able deb, tar, popular wilii lia esixU.pi, snd atm: 2 oa tht tuira i.e 11 eixiut -tor-v-r-n. year of age, and he Ven la Cougrwa' tea SB W Y &ZCOKSTBUCTIOSrl BILL. f WmaToa,JaB.l!vt Tbo Beeonttruction Committee held a mearting thit morning and agraed- to report tlx folUnrin hill. l,irh will ha laid belore TttK y.Sdtaa Uooaa oa Mtoday, - ' . oaxTiot i. idii in Virginia, xionn w ollna, South Carolina, 'Georgia, Alabama, a I ti in itn'lill MLu1amaBHaaimieaid ana gtatoa rnpecti vely (ball aat. i jeBognutd at Valid or legal Btatt governmenU,. either by tbt. tzecaVa oryuduiai ; powtr ipr' to thoritv ol tht Cnittd State. .SetCTtoa .Tlutt4trdtoteaeiuore epeedy enturcemeot of the act entitled "A tot to provide for tht more efficient govern ment f tut rebel Bute," paaaea Marcn n. 187,! nut of tbt aeveral acta ' aopplamestai thereto, tbt General commanding the army of tbt United State it herel)v antboiittd atd rcouired to eaioia, bv apeciai order. nuoa ml otfidat la command within the teveral mllittrr departmentt within (aid Atttet, a ttriot parformtnet ot all acta an tnonsta oy tut tela tertrai uwe toovt recited, and to reoiovt ly hit order- from command any. or all tniaccamtndert, tad detail otfaes-ofBeert troet tbt amy not bt low tbt rank of Colonel to perform all dntiet feed exercue tli powart anthoriied by tht sldtTmt acta, to tbt tad that tht people of tltttalU aeveral States may tpeodily re Ofttafat tbt oivil aovtrnnatnta, republican in I'lrm, ot the eeld teveral .Btatet, and bt klStiond to their political ' power ia - tbt P Dacfibh. That the General of tbVvmy t autaonata to remove nay or nit civil om oert bow toting ander tht aeveral proviaioa- ti govern mente within (aid aeveral di or. Kaolxad State, aad appoint other to dit- ebtrgt tht dntiet pertaining to their re pec live officee.'tnd may do' anr or all acta which by aaid aeveral law tbovt mentioned are authorized to bt don bv tht eevtral onwtaaaodert of military depart men ta within (aid Btatee; and to much of laid acta, at ol any acta, at autonnxet in rrettnetft to at tail militarv cammaodtr lor aaid militarv dtpartantnta, or to remove any officer which may b ae tailed aa btrela provided, ta here by lpealad rrt-f ., .- SaoTton 4. That it aball bt unlawful lor tbt President t order toy parli of the at my or navy to attart by force ot arm! tbe au thority ofeither of aaid provialonal govtrn- otBtt la tata aieorganlzed eta tea, or to op poet or etetruct tbt anthority of tht United Sutet, t: provided tb tbit act and act to wnlctj JOappieojetrj. -,- .. fiaorioa ft. That anv inttrttrenot by an v person with intent to prsreot the free ex eutioo of order of tbt General ol tta Army, made ia pursuance of thi act and acta afore said, aball be held to be a 'high misdemean or, emd tht btrty gtilty thereof shell, upon convlotion, be find not exceeding five thoua and dollar and bprioqed opt exceeding BacTioa 6. That ao much of all acta or parts ot acta as conflict or art InconsUtent with tbt provisions of thit act are hereby repealed. Ocrjreeponatnee of the New York Express. EOWAMffS BKPOBT Off STANTON QKNK&AL QUANT AND STANTON. :&M.'lWAaraty was; Omclal circlet here htvt been thrown Into greet agitation by rumort which are afloat, aad which teem to be well founded. Th eta rumors involvo tht propriety of car- ttit acta of bifrb public , functionaries. Senator Howard' "pteoh1 'in' defence of Edwin M. Stantoa wa yetterday tubmlt ted to the Military Committee, but it , wtt not read much teat 'approved and adopted a Wa report 01 tn committee. Mr. Htan ton and Senator - Howard,, .together with ec wrai, other Radical Behttdr. were dined by Geo. Grant tbt tvtnlng previous, and it ha Uakad oat that thia extraordioary doc amtnt wa then and there read and dis cussed id tbt General' bearintr and tireaence It at fUflfcult ta believe that General Grant would patiently listen to a document, even ia.tbai Band of af United Btatet "Senator, thargiog hit tnperioroffieer with dupiic'ty and liaehood. let the fact ia, tbttt gbn tlomett War iatltcd to dint With Grant, and did to din the evening before tbttancument waa tabmltttd to. . tht Sentt , cdtnmittee j Howard not only' submitted to them- hi propoted report, but that' tht, programme far th futurt wtt determined on. These ftaU becoming know, they have led to much tares eritlciaan by no meant eompli mentary to th General coalmaniling ..the armiua : and it ia whisntrad arouad in offl- oiat circle that if thtat report tuoa -out to be trot, th country need not be startled tt tht announcement of a. court martial to peat upon tht propriety of toch proceed: H:ftAti rxxtt uotaxavATir vicosr! or mmJ mm. Tht retult of tht rtoeat municipal election u Memphis, , Tennessee, it full ol signilicanot " and encouragement to 'tbt tyrant-trodden -peoplt ' of - th Southern Suteet vTb ittut thtr wat fairly ' made between tht Radical and Conservatives, Tbt election wat conducted , atrictly in to- oardenoawiui tu letter ottba law, and, la tbt abeenoe of tha military inttrferenct In behalf of tbt Radical candidates, a splendid Oontarrauvt victory waa woa iy a . band torn toalorlty over tbe combined ' Radical tota, Tbit ahowi whit ' can be done by organization aad persistent effort in tlia Soutbtrn oommonitiea. wheaaver tht) mill tary ootamaadera will allow a fair 'cteettoa to bt bold. Ia thi inatanct Gen " Gordon Granger, tha military commander, ' inatead of ttimnlating and protecting trauda oa th partwf tbt Radical candidate and ' leaden, tt ha beet don in nearly all tbt other section U tht South, adhered cloaely to tbt performance of hi legitimate duty of pre- erring tht peact aad protecting all pariiet auxt ta tot aztrcut 01 tn elective trancbise. Like Gen. Hancock, thit good aoidier tad gallant officer bebtvea that it it tht duty ot a aoidier, ia time of peace, to uphold and protect constitutional liberty and maintain th supremacy of the law. 8ueh soldiers art aa honor to tbeooaniry, and. worthy of toe coBBdencejind reepeet tit tut people and tnt uovernmen. . , htUoyye Cobb or Choc. An exchange, referring 19 tnt tact Of a uoctor in neiaeioarg ana two of hit aaslatann having died ot croup ia ooBatqutBCt of tueking tha blood dew ing during a (ucceasful operation of trache otomy, stated that tht disease is aiwayi no. rablt by very timplt remedy, even whet tbt patient it on the verge of tuffoeatioa.- Thi consists, first, tpplyiog wtter to tbt throat by means of a sponge or toft clots. to hot at to bt very ptintul to tht bsnd of tht optrator, instant relief being ututllv af. forded. After thit ha beta con tinned for fifteen to thirty tuintitee, a poultice of lin seed meal, rolled up tn a olota, ta to be as- plied wbilt ttry hot, tnd left oai for tout time. "Tbt remediot are to bt epeated should the attack return ; but tbe writer tate that, after along experience, he ha never known them to tail . s ,y : r'.-i?-:'-. Inapeeh in tht House of Representt tivet, last Thursday, Mr. Marshall, of IUi- ft .ia, taid tbst a maturity ot tbt Federal o:::cia!s tuetnra to baveaJapted tbetntiim .- A li'.ilo th:,.v.r; ia tanferonsart, -1 l"H toe i r?ly lea aobi part i. f:'; 't "i x im to rub a haa rooet ef aea. . "i. Bil ttIi- iargtr mat as fflnikiwaB- Gold Umia ta IUKDotJTa. A friend, writinir us- trom lUhcboro, under ttatt bf tiiallth-ieatinLta)5:' ' ' V "br.J. 1.4 Hamlin, today, exluLited to nae m aaaaiflaraM floantitv of Ifoi'i. which h bat recontlf. at h infurmed me, b taiaed from mine which be ia working, ia a few milt of tair placs. From tbt spect- mono, I takt it that thavmia it really avatery valuable one, and b' persUteat energy in woxjuag it, inpder jhe, ptinepect uf nogro atrrananism. i worth t of iidoi mendatioa and Imtrntion,- Tbt bullion shown bib y bn waa worth tevertl buadreA it'dltn, and Xivi aithet an eridenet, which Cannot m mttti ken. of. tbt wealth ot this ctio, in minor abvaa welt aa other fnutaMes, wbioh Would toon restore uato prosperily. were it not ot the pnasptotol ignorant iiegr (librarian nil with which tht KadiU are tlmaten ing ou country. . Buf loioovfs vliiot and tarrible apprehension from Tl''' miudi of our people, and tbouvand uivu thousands ot dollars, now judiciously Vpt in the pockett 01 tnt owner, witu woicu 19 sttnu irom under in'probabls emirueuiW, witljat once bt ioveslod io improvtmeol. git logs work,' tnd thereby bread, to the tailoring claases. botlj whltt tad colored, who are now timatt tarring. .".:.;-., - - . t Bar. T. n. FancHtBD. The Petwbnrg Inin, of the IStb.; hu;tlie ioljowiug flat, taring notion oi thit g-mtleman ; ; "In thit connection wt in ay mention that Rev. Tho. II. Prlthar4 tha beioted d an tor of tht First Baptist Church, in tbK 1ity, tuner bat accepted or K urctl tHm- otpt calfio Iialtigh,: rrceoUy extetded him. Wt make this atinooneeinetrt with Ttry great regret, for, in losing Jlr. Prifch ard, bis church will lose a most faithful and efficient minister, tbe Pcleniliur pulpit an ornamem, antique oommimiiy - a maul val ued and loved citizen." ., Nobtb CaaousA ' Cosvfc!rmN.--The farce that ha been going on iu Virgiiiit. Georgia, Alabama and Louiaiaua will eont. menoe tn North Carolina ou Ibe 14t' f the present month. The Radical ui.uageri will exuiblt at ualeiali. and will contain a few intelligent gentieinea, eundry white with neifro sympathies and amliations. a few acattering hybrids,itu(t t le w of the gen uine, unmiatakable, elm skin, gizrtrd foot, odoriteroue Alricana, Hick. W.iy. Tho Native Ftrvinum pnbli4ia th loi iowing epitaph' on notoriiitr" person, which, unfortunately fqr tfie country, ha to treat by anticipation theevdiiMha't eould truly make tt aa epitaph : ,-... ! "i To tsaa, and latter, audlio. . To lie. and flwier, aui, U. a. h . , Spent hi wkola lit, aiid he e'a Uu list lie Ot tb lying and Suturing t'ainwy. HARUIEt), In thai City, oa yecterday mai mug, by Uo Rav. Wm. K. Pell, Mr. Wniua B Hi 1.1 . uf Neubern, lo aTie Laoau 8. Liraeovu. dU(,'l tcr ot U. D Lipscomb, Eq. HBW ADVERTISEMENTS. Situation at a Teacher Wanted. A YOUNG LASI, WHO HAH HAD EXPKHi eaee in teaobing, deairaa a aituatiun in a private family, rrench. and Mi , a ae inatriicl rase 111 iwiRliah , uaic. Th Iwut refuiouco given. Adilrena. IIEV f. 11. W1LEV Jan lo13t4t Ureenaburo', N. ('. '," FAMILV l'OK, SHELLEUt "tE OF THE M08T EFFECTIVE .MACHINES ever offered lo Ui public, wowierful iu its simpiisitT. eoonomv and anrabi ltv Vrloe KM. t an.x saeq, at btnmscb tiros. ouiaaa Dquare, ana lor tale bv WAI.TEJ,MOOIIK, Sift LiRUt bt Baltimore, Kid. ft Jan IS tt. GOOD ftOAHU, CAN BK OBTAINED AT TH1C MODiBATtl rat of. ONE DOLLAR ?ER DAY, , byapplyluK to Mm. K. II. Writaku, near the slei nodiat 1'ar '.VW" V"' ! . K. t f January 14-lS3-f, ;T. MABVB NCIIOOI.. v t THE FIFTT-8E00ND TEBM Os" THW Hohoel will opaa eaThanday, the 10th. but., (ad ooatinne till June 7th. 1 Terms t Vnr Day Pnpita, EtiKUh, Kffi ; Frew' tit; Mnale, tHO; Lathi, M Drawtng, ., 18,(10. raaa tt-tta-tt -!.-. ' (''tNOr:C. PALMER, WATCHMAKER AfD JEW ELER, :,'.Xx. ii'is biact stano';-. 'Z'"''h. WIa)irf I'KARSl' u ' " ' Watohe repavst aa warrantee aw twelv month. -,( v . . . .. Watehee and Jewelry for sale. Alau, large assortment THI'aXTACLKS.tqauit all eye. Jaa lt-188-dxtaanlt " Will be Sold Without Reserve ! AT ' 1 ' M, ROSEITBAUMS, HIS X5TI2I , STOCK Of GOODS, One' of the flaeet new n tbe Htaie, cooMUag, in part, of V A W ?., .1L ti T A PI, E DRY;;GOOI)Jf JBsHiivtS TV Bui CLOAKS, WOOLEN GOOCtS. XaVIIlKK'. H IrVHKM'. AND nHTI.T.Rs7Kat I - WOKS. HOSiKBt, GLOVES. , 1 - v t '-k "fV"! (. "I;:.; ."''fi'AI'no, 1 . : 0 ALL DESCRipnOSa. J ' f) ' T5XR BLACjf. MESS COAIA r i& ,'awbtsi), ium,i xwxeti ,kd r 'Cabsikeee BcarsEss itT.l ' , " 300 PAIUS ASSOEIEJ) FASTS. X GENT'a FUaTiBHH4Q Q0QD8, ,iiaan ,aaii kivh hiti awn fiisa 1 T Als BSts of r7 detcriptkm TrTtling Sags, Vtli'eei and Tntnki Al. of tha above Ie ht told regardleaa'of eetl t -o.-i-c-Mf 2.' '"r"" ''."!'.' n A . ';v.'ILTaOt5.VllAUl'l , '., OK). ILOMAS, WITH M. R08E?TBAtnt, -pttBKCV raJAl BlatB;tTTaiabeU ; XbtVteiaas'?ritaU. Bteamabie. , ( "A D A,", t ? ef 818 tons bnrtbn,wiH be a VcttiX to load - " . , mwm case -, aad will aaii lot Liverpool eeent tbe iSab. . fue treigbt orpaaaage. anplv 10 : . ..., ' '.' '.. v. 1 '- .. W, i. BU.N0ua A 1VB04Va ; ' ". Agents, Kl Ik, Va-orto; ' " : AxtoHiiikhs, JB.-Ja-ta . JUaaigB, H.C. . . six...,, ...... u' . - -nmv ; 4 run TtTfiTTTi 1 TkTnijt riiiro ATtrrr: ! o-'-T5 ' -ait' . Mll j? :--. . 1 .1. 1 -i--'"-' if'i so r""i' ,i - - V . lm -.'-" JBtdft) E. A. Bl l.KEI.El, 'pretMi.ff f. M'tXSt'&iite. tt t i M .It ' a h .i4Minv 'awn ..... , FOR THE HOSTS" CAEOLUTA AND PAST OS VULODTLIV . ' H OOatPABINQ THW OOMPAUt WITH FOBTK-TWO O0MP1NIKS, hUD ti THE BEPORT af tbe Inenraane flemtiMHiimrm if MekaaBtt, Ue foUowias facta appsat, tuder OrncuL EsDoantmtuT i " '"' ' " ;; ,:r r -J - " 1st, Tbe BAt twiaMl aaora policies (ban time tbe average. At bbablv ona-Tirrn ot '2nd. ThU exerading Capital, thetaa'raia"r nine Companie, abb moss nan Tin avbbauc 3rd. Tliat the tii'reeipttanUrver than more than tare tuna th average, nd more than ! 4th. That tbe iEtns'a ratio of expenae to recelpta is lea than that of twenty-nine other Oompa- niea, and tea than the average ot all llth. That the jEtna'a ratio of nxaeeae to premium recmpta to its eot, is frsater than that of th other Company, and four than th ararage. (80 , ,. , . , 6th. That the tna' ratio ef toe- U sixteen ... - 7th. That th lu a ratio par eent..of lnoreaee pany, and torn thao fctir time the average. It will Wobaervod from thaea ooapaiiaou that a th tns, although they are, uaquaationably The ".arriVA" ia aa oU aad Well-tried institution, and I he ubove extract froi the'bltheet oat-' cial anthority npdn the subject of Lifs Insurance pommeqiia the Company at one It tht taoaghtthl and seriou enqairer, who vibe te make a cutin pmviaion for tho depending apea him, ' a The Attn a loans her ona torn enf ana-half the preimuin as long life last, at ais per osntC,, 1 a, aired, and give no restriction in location or travel in the United Btatea, at any 1 n nrl t.sr. her ITlMnbera the .... - ...' ... v' . LABteEST of any Company doibg basin in this State, aad more Revenue into the STATE TBEASUEY fhab any other Company, and paid mar ceonay ta Wid ows and Orphans thin any other, and therefonv with all of these facts, well deserves the largest patronage, and IS RECEIVING IT. ' , ' 1 "!" Tbe ACTNA, being a Tlt ftflf AX V, sires ail Ihe benoflt of dividends to boy luiured and none of the Uabibtia mtual in "MutnaJ iasui-anoe., j n , , ,. , .' .. . . j H ft Six par cent interest ia allowed upon tha Capital Stock of tlfiU.uoo, and the balaneeof tha nrott goea to the iaaured, which profit or dividend ie the State. 1 The J2TNA has over ,000,000 ABOVE UAHIUTIKs. 54 Any other laete will be cheerfully imputed In tbe TrqEBBAOo. ' r,..i.v Jan. A 136-lm imCILLAJTKOTJS. t.i.r. 1.000 DnandU. 1 Jan tf-W-U ; ;wtij,joim(!tn:! TO THE PVBUC T AM PREPARED TO AOOOmiODATK FIF- a aeea or iwentv bets of tb Conventioa. ai srniBt neraow kfv term an moderate. i Jan. lS-m-tt. OXOKYlK T. COOKE Ftvr tttlo. TH8 VERT BEST CABTE BLANCH! CHAM PAONK, U ewarte sad pint. , Jan. 11-1314 W. H, J0NE8 A CO. mfT VrftOIKlA BOOT B HHOK POLISH, aaid , Jaa. ll-131-tf W.H.JOBEehCO. Tht Day for Loveri and 8wttthtart I ' ' . .' - ; ' ' i ST. : VALENTINE'S DAY, i I4tk Feferaarr jgestv 's ': ' 1 .,i!y.!V ri- ""ft HtJ ! ! awseewas., . ..... ii UtTIHK 8UB8CBIBEB B AS BECETTED t aolaadid 1 .v. VALEimifflS toa St. Vi.Birnia Dat. evea aandred and twenty kinds-new, rich and ! -bid of fun aad eitebl for en, 'loiilit. Priee, 2Sets per dosee ... . f . BKNTIiatKNTAL Vaf.w. ... Breathing ta. . paeesi evoMoa tnd attachment- il . t'lr eroamen.ed - trnm lteta. to tl.50 neck. Ennlra t, .;. tlaea, S, ID and teta. Kichly got, eoBtaiannt ue most ardent aenti- v Pnee 10 eU each.. Cri and kareiooe to trl. mi 11 J7 t " Jcraiis.Bi ulirtiiii Oomjeaad watiineaitri beaatifnl iR deJga, eta nmeot an onaassBai The Oonie lrl!?"?. d,"TO P tbnptimet.tal Talantinea. 6 to W cenaa aaok, . t- i' VOLENTI NTS LETTER-WRITERS,"4' WtLadiea 1 and Oentlemea-aeaiuaientsl and adniesl. Ptiee eeiie in The Envelopes are beantifniry emboeefli sad WW swea wiads te snit each ty!e of Taientine I antuoo jwimt. t-rwe a, n and 30 cents each. SMT VateDtoias erkef sill u. i. .1 y9 of pome, aad great pain will be takea ta All each order and mai !i-f-iinn j Address . , JAS. H. FSSIF8, . - .... 11 Am l I OF HARTFORD. X 5 ssan. -.4 tki m - 5 S O" l2 -.if? CO i L ..1 t ffi rjllTVICItA.!.. AOEIVT - '11 ' i .1 - '..:ii,l,, "I . STATU OF ' ' , , t T 1 fc,.l-, 1 ! Mt3 -It 1 i --.H - f ?. t.-t, yuto.tr. tt-nmii-mw-9utt, C-a.w't it i .! if! tt ' either Of forty other alemswsnaal , Mart tht tear .au. - rtt "J. . ,"f maattAaaatiil . t." Ol,,,.' ,,.,'jit lit Uj uvllll4ll-jjl Aawt to Liabilities i larger thaa that ef twetlty. or ai.i.. ) i those of either of thirtyigat other Ooaapaai, an oKr-THiBTr.ixTa of all. u..j.,t . ,1 table "C," in Iuaiuance, Report. , ' y.'al'- ili, ;v.fiff per cent leaa tbad tht'atorsga. .,"'r C'n.ii, " 1 - ! " io Aaaeta ia K rosier BB that W any o'har Ooav r many Companie do not make tt geod showtnf reliable. . 1,141. .... year, , . . , m DIVIDEND V''st ie I'tDMANENTLT LOCATED HEBE'; has paid larger than any other Company doing business la ,t, . r, 1 I t 1. 1 1 1 i 01 a. 1-1 fe w I 1 t-l ta ' w : " r. .Hi, 2 ' - "r"m ....at at -a - Ui r.. &" m ' H T ' it ' 9 i.y. offios, aver I hel St'ure of Mesari,' W H. i S. A J , r" - MISCELLAlflOIia , J. JL HOENEB'S - , pVMMCAL AKD HATUEHATf- j , . -ju . c al school, r, i ; ' oxpoitix'WjrTX.r " fpi'E PRICE Of BOARD AND TOTTIO! It J. one hundred and fifty dollar per seeaioB ef 17 tTks. Btndenta ehargedrrom the tiaa etwotranestotheeineeeftbeaesaion ' ' ' Catalogees and Cnvwlart furnished npoa aneation. , , 1 . r, . ", Jaa IS-lSl-.tt ' ' .' t it U -TOTJNGr'S pCJdrttDINGrHOUSE, a BAB TBjt VABBOBODOB Bonn j " ' AYETT?yiHX 8TBMI, j-"' RALEIGn, jr. c. iZlpmrd per Day $Q.6o. I Liberal dedadmnt msds on board by the weak ar month. 1 Room Urge, feamfortabU and wen funuahsA far mood. " .... ,f , . I Jsa lA-UMf W Vii'.H'l ft COLGATE ate CO'i " GERMAN . CKASIYE SOAP, t tHB ITAKDABO OV : BXC.(,aitia,'.. 'ot sjate by all Orocets. 1 Oct, 2i 64-itm .. " jH'.'H - Wanted. ' l)I'A GRADUATE OP RAtTDOIrH MtCOS A M CoUeee. Virginia. hn h. .. .-...nMiMiaU Teaching, s sttoatioa as Teacher. bstietaetory 'Veterewea eien. A -"', tt ting terms. Til OH. J. 0 liiCi, , . . 1 "ting's ft Bnads, (iiaoTille Co., II. ' 1 Jsa. s-iai iw . 1 ' , , - ,. - AKU) labdi jFamily Refined Lard, in M lb. backets, i 1 , ! - " "10 tin. tot sal he i Dee. lc-lu-a fcOUQLAS DELL. T WW tvixiw tria -ntvrvir UMt appointed airenta for ".. t Korih Car olina, for the eelebrmted PTXTE ITVP, we oderW seU Cruntyriehtein all tbe Cour.Una UDid. '- r7 i i iena !or tJniBr, Mi it. K ELL AT.T.rif A CO. ' S7-4m , Sewoem-MC