r - n ii i Compondeiu of the 6atiaal toTc, ,740, JO, ISM. .' r h.va fust returM ujtile, tbt occarioB W oatana f "'uo i-y fr"" - -i MTudlMl,lfgUt WrOOg. tjj B AacnsaioB, ud that ux witho I find a growing apirit of Pul,u1 ion ban, lkaly to "li"' iMJ10' . Md f..rmi.1.biiTOarof lUdtctiiaM BBtl-RadlCaliMa. , , . . . ' I expected to fed thiag to Bo. for tb. on. idea of part j pngrcUm, bat I ' mi about tb. beat L!dk " "J-." I . tor trying f " '.It ft ' "W. are in oior. danger to-day tbta ", Th Supram Court w. thought a toerwd branch ol goTniniMt. hot it u going a SjTod nothing but th .Id of game m MliUo"s " Well, Jd trot a o. ; i. h.im .mill the tarrort." oki " L. th. burden being w rt lobg . ... i.t, uvil character, toting UP rtr, king mrj thing Teloeblu, nd who bail poiut at turoogb tho cload 'to btto P Tobear tb Bottooiao talk thai, it put nc.u in loein bttb. wr, rather ' on my leg gun; they m worse vu. , . . ,,. , , t" Still, now nd then, I W rol- f-r re. " ' .uff i, -, for 1 Ua'l- Steven, nl like oo- ; Orut ii bouud to l! the nouiiot tortM prondptcv, Judging ' from th. meeting, .torrwlid'e b. id ; .nd it my th.i An drew Jobnon. bimoelf, wiM h.r. to piaM 'thotrnrgi.nt. "' ' ' -1 Tt prewi.t-r, to dy, rn ' tarn BUuton 1st era ,.me, but gtf nopreferene.ter " Pr. wbith bo might hovo- dooeo be t. iid upon lmot irrythiog eo- ,' , cej, uj,ia. l't 'ti . f UooaidoM thing I mily tmatmbt II. wid, "only bit k.. ber in Bovtoni poor tftn.lo teKber of d.f orboot bd ' ..id to him that her patcou oOnt ir word, it aha lrimt th. two colored children ia ber .hool, ibey would withdrtw their"., that thoyw.r not to DO- mixoo in . ik Diviu. v.. oublictr no r; opinion but Hked th MMmbhr.whnt would yon ao r im n .mww j Bat to rlio ot.r tb. total of IhonimlnttU in.ttero Ue frrort Ida -protoiliogln New r EmrlMuli. : How nro wo inuUi,oof tn tii. attitude ot nittrHiarcb.ne! i. Wo bato lMn p(oaperoa heytmg, bopo, baaing onr eucc.M , m prrpctAro orifff anit nnhminilud tnfluntrt and enterpriie. bat w. art no longer able td proceed in thl. way, for ther. it acaireely anything lelt! to r ,j t.i oat cotton 'hoi. ; Icatiour ." .hip biiMtr,!? over.otir.htpirfng'-infew.to ., taulsUing, oiuer nation. du'g beforon., ' j nnr mercntil. trado King iuiitUerf South ' nor Weat, our cliaiato aa oold aaator, pur ' " olI at barren ia a word wr aro loting onr gnidmg ttar of proip.rittt tod ,know jot what next to do. i .-- 1 ' I cannot tell them, for I tanao help ttirf- ' telf. Buinn a Southern man, coming tnvougn : ' warao lightly fult by thtin, tby certainly i . cannot oxpuot m. to point out any f,cf ' "4 And jet, taking the good Bnptir tl hi. ' ' word, to b. 'trn and Juat, and good," pN ai hapa, tt r Ingland would, iudood, prao 4m ther own beiiitrn ttwhisn WU the? bnt we poor bmk.B down aonthom- ' " 7 .. ., .'1...... I ..B.,;.w.. thn T ., 1 A1 '.. .ha am mirnc aiauua ma ucucuiiaivte j an Aiirawlvaa 00 forward to Ui.iaooof auo- - - eawful ondeator., bannonwing opow alt th Important quntiona or ) oay ana to .1 nnitad, fre. and happy peopl , ' I am .xpeetiog , to behold pi. warmeat , Praaideotial eonteil ' for Irwf whilt. " At tbe preachertaid, 'Erery tblvig depend. . on w, , 1 , ' ..i m, t t, t j , T am Mad f wa. not bora a politicut, It ooeurt it ttt bo a tery tmrrowing atta. and a moat retpontihl out,'' I can think I ' to. th. landmaik. of thaPitin. law and got.rnmcnt, but I auppoa. it ranch harder " to diae.ro th. rcyateriout patht of th. cotv t - niotins iiloms ol coTcm mental afiaira.' ' I do not wonder at political leaden being ' evnintf at time, and .ten adopting th. rul. 1 one. glTn to. t.J diaUBgoiahed party- to chantr. opinion from timt to tiin. : an no ' ' mind oould poulbly forowt politkali jon - tlngwiciea, which doctrin. woald permit one ha a aaenaslonilUlf df-CU aRadioal, ' r or a Grant man. or a Johnaon man at the ' eaa. may be and, acting upon tfai. rait, w ' iteod ovtar commit ouraelvea, for th. otney .control.. 1 " 1 1 - at . von all of 1ha UfotcdT 'Stat. And ' vim. relief to toor torrowa, reatorlng ber H'm peace and JwperVy ,ibiwy-nt to ' hmer no, no; for I do not oonoeWo alia ha. ea loat a unit of that. t J"HH ', ou8l ,lle k miaanhle. ruined, of anV 'tbiug yon l - i MMiar and afairrtal prlnclplei of Virtu ftd Ju-ticeirith a Olerct. a aoldiert, a citiMoabip, . "m . . V." .a -I a. . .. .7 -Tla... A A3 a -a.-. VBUVIV- WW aav' ' i;i fAt'LLIN. cdsOBSUli IS SOT TUB RATION. . ronoreaa. how.Ter viciou. it Wi.ltiott, however titraT.gant, beware, inaana, can hardly imperil tb n.non exceni aa 11a itn .iiaiainuirettt .r. im perilled bythttem' porary ttiprutnary of bad law.; for Con. greet it not the country. In the dayt Of th. French rttolauoo It wat aiuureui, or toe National Atacmbly waa Franoe.i Ia the d sr. ot the great rebellion in England it wat d.J rent, fur Parliament really had th. i.soii'e in It or beUud it. luey were aar. in liir b tb. cue of men thought km and knew lt than now. T bey wert dayt lb ' wb'.-h iht teU f;r;iih did not carry to tb. - nntiihElkat ClUo. Of ailbaT BKU00 It. COB- aunt atautuent of tb. progreat of tteato, to - that th people might erutlnlf th. con dnct of those who pretended to ct in their numa davt In w hich there vst so regular a recurrerioe t th. pollt of peaceful meant by which tbt people emu a repaaiata men ,- who had betraT.d their truat, ither In aelliA ambition or part j paaaion. Quillo. tin.,, ware th. ontr reaource, and. tht blood t, drew crazed aa oxciled poople. But t ha ballot box ia out guillotine,; With" toil a.a eutoS tbt political head of our fixaca tiv. otic in fcw je'i ita thia wo da capitata whole Coo i?rt one. ia two J era, a t ttatti-rranh iriTtt the people that dally uu -mtiit oi lactt b which thtyjnclga who to decapitate ; and thia la our K-tj. Al ready tua nation ha. .udicMintly declared 8-ihi9t railifSimm, and in tht eleotlrm ol tt. rtiifinbflrinil iluj fiit Coi'frroat the (v.intry Iim rt'puuiated tue principle that prevail in it. Coo meat ko lorwar4 dea "pratelt, knowing ti.at iv Ufe it ahert, wib (rrr to tin hat it trT in tua in tie time that r, , . to 1.- I '-t 'l r. f ''"'t will re- ,,t (.1 :y in r'vn ? f -ar lo the ff.,-1 . aa .jtttjBBirar."prejiacy policy i tt.eir.. T.1-3 I- 'ere it' a l lb. true r'.i ti 1 1 ii . t en uingtj.u it . r!. .1. 1. i m . t.-Hu 1 . goe, oot n a m nntu, and tbe y afw dayt at i prir ii tittifi-.T, .. ... A Tfa-abl.Wiii ' m&ined oal lb fl or, wU tit lollowm,; dialogue m- gtfdyfj 4 ' - " . Caorty Congo-Wbat ol. daf mt tad ktvhief rou.d fc MC, Ilk. Voni Jod toed to war befor A g22K'r -v. 0 too aiw w u., ---- , .:.. Aerwood'l "lMV00 ";" . .tf bUek m nolo Dr. Byn k-0 1 dbiiawkoB.bo m4 to earn to w. &. . tnnaro.ll II I lgH UW omow j !!ii7 u r wm1 nia. Td faoord o do Dory." xriiinwa VXX2Z&I0J XiU IWIMiWO I (TRDCBZD ST COSUiUHHJ, cruaa. OuantiM Off iueuwVu-9 v 1 Of Ttika " "' "V'ISJVj iake. iatrt. WaUaaa Miiua Hub!, i. H. cb"ui . ouutyor(J.twW JuimBKUio. U W 8Ullw.il, , . Cuuutr ut V u "v 5 AwX-wiW i .urfHtoiai P Fetraa. .......... -J KMtjt, H TMuraa. r"v .n " vr.... ti M.IUIU. (Wit of B44iiWT. L. fc. Tro- 1w' ... a, m at tBBla,u A waf A ,., vvwy of irauiBr-Wa w. mw-w, m, r. , Tl' O waA I Oonatraf A-m.nea Hoary mtj- County of Wo-WUbM Marritt. . . Count of Cb-lh-WaaJ, it a ' . .. Cmnrr f Wake-i V trankto, . JT Andrew., n u Ti u'liii.m Ji 17 UnrriA. ' Coanty of uraawu.- " """ A U....' . . 1 1.,. . ' OoutyfWafTmiMi 'h 3onntV of FraakUn-Voaa If B'iiaaa, Jaa X. Harrta. ...;..'' rwKvul uoenty Of iwewnano y m , " Omantr of HaraeH J it Tnraar. CoantyrfMooBlaoI)oaia. ' Coaoty of MoBtgomaryOe. k Orabaia. . County of Biehmond-B T Long, Hr. Coantr of Johnatoa lr aawM. Hay Balhan trof Oraw H.htfV. ' M . County of WUeoa W DaaiaJ. . n.i,iJ W..k lunh In. 'tnt.ty ot anw-ar- P. H Baofrow, rCkmair' of' Bartkmploa-B 0 Parker, B T Grant. , OcmntTOf Waaoombe-J H Balar, Halwy A Dowd, Smrv C Vhtrry.J " ' 1 , Comity of Laaoar B W Ktan. , ,, 1 'Count of BrBBawioh--Bowio Lgn ' : -' fjoonty or uonimimak-narBaa lau Ooooty of Bobaaon-Joahu. L Nanoa, 0 B Goa.tr of Maw Haaorar-flea J 0 Abbott, H A.hlay, A JT OaBmttm. ...! Oraatf Of OopUo I W Pateraon, Samuel Hlgn- amith. -.ii -i . ' pi County or Haai peon oyiTaater vmnmt, anna- der W iUiama. 'vattnua or Tyrraa m w wiimrai-a ionee. :. . , .. f imt'iw'MarttaWiauaei w wane. Connty of Bortta D Kahkimt, Bryant lot. uonntyer tiaruorae pnra. OxintT of Gataao-TbowiM t Hefter, " OonnVt Ut Cnowem-Joba B Frawb 1 " fVniut M FWnnuaaaa Dr In MlaholMB, Conntia. of PaaciuoUnk and Oamdaa 0 Pool, at Taylor. Voomj M cnrruiwa l aoaiu aaaoarua. CountT of CnTan-Sarid Baa too. W, H Sweet, & IK Pitrmm, y- - Ooooty of Onalow Jitp Etbartdg. -rcmntyMOartarat AUrhaCoaglato, , ' ftanntr nf InnaanaTid D.Oilvrova f uouniy or jminwrt, bvvoojdhi, wuum. UiMy. w 1 v, ?i County of Pitt Byroa uma, V.i. moo. County oBdaAaara;, fttowr,,, Thow deabjaatad by flaKoi art aagroaa. HAMWlMir BRIGGS & DODD, oiAUcas m HAEDWA1X AID CUTLIIT, IRON, STEEL, CARltUGE MATEHIAL, ' PAINTS, VABNISHES, C0L0B9, OILS ' ' ' . 't , ,.WWI - v,', 1 , !fi AliSO '. v AgenU jnr tht tal. of Uurr tttid Emmu Hill Stone. 1 ' ill 1 aiuaf a-ni Iuditi Rubber nd Leather . Belting, ' Circular Satrt, Iron yerandaba, Fotice'and all kinda of Orna ' ' mental Iron Work.'" JEepraai '1 ..' 1 IIaBUWABB TRADE ISSS. 1ABT IBOW HEATING BTOTEB, AIB TIGHT JHmg ototea. .i..oauig Dioraa, mh. Star Pipamaa. to ordor at abort Atir. ' Sol low fair eaah. i. BBOWK, Baieigh, Jam. B-tf WltB Hart Aowta, ;owtra ton IMS.,,! No. 44 XnroTttowiU tx-Mt. ITTX PAVE, OH HAND, A COMMAHDIHG HARDWARE AND CuTLERT. ) ' -" CROCKERY AKIi ULABB WAKB, ITS WARE. LAMPS. ijiM.u ittiau-a.iB A-au tvtua.3, BEST KEROSENE OIL, , . , n 1 BPiRrra TURPEwrnns, WhiHi will b. aold low for eaaav v 1 1 ' Jut to hand. 8ub and Cotoet Bniriert aa Cliimnova, , , ' . ', " J. BBOWM Kaieik-u, Jan. a witn aart ut. KJoCLLLAXLoCS, Ob Uaaid tutd tor Sale, Chaoip. 20 BT1L8. COVMOH WHISKEY. 10 " 1. Chrtiiw Bra do S OidKy.Boorbnoa - ' i t , 1 rKunnernona V, In. K good enpptT -of bunt. Gin, fraoek Brandy, n iiwwk tu. iu aiiiair pacaairea. Jan. 104M - W. H. iQVti CO. im.i. In", .i.-i , m-, ,1.1.., ,1, .'.- ;'i , TorEtnt.' '';'" AHAVDSOME BED BAJTO4IT0ni I OOT 1Atwiinibteaema, kitdkew with fonr fmma, aid tl nentfiiiarTontionima, ia tb aeigh bArloKul t lti. B. tk Maaoa, Vim, GiiaMB and JM.a--i.-U' ' - ' . W. H. JONES A 00. "KOTXCE. rtv r m o ft T T 1 h, i Setco-Hir. I to i ski Iu hti en tit attirn- 1, ' : ui r- it' r Bunfwt iT ! onr fnfiti ..-.!' i'fi'fao. ij of ajiM-wt trig tbaia I pr" u u. t. . Ap 1 ! IWtTWItJra co. I a. etwUL., -J O VU. at.K.. ,uti7-W- tsy coon tCODS! KW GOODi!! ALL COMK TO . B EE UH'o t f t : n.i ii Awra nv ummv v-.- FILL iATD WINTER OOODS. T tu now EEcimna uooiro rroci DRY GOOPS. my etoek m m BdVwgbtolnMUi.dMiiJW,MdlM tptT W M aloek k UBOl d COMFIJTII 4 h1I IkM Good. CHIU&lt Uuo U kT boacntlbe timm tbir. En It EtofiMr th Ieol, COME TO CBEECII'f lo boy yoor Good. 1 Mr nw uooa. ua uwv ouuu. 1 wtU Mil thra at PBICEatoatMt the hard Uhm. joat meMrad, , , j 4 Comm BMU audi Shoe., And wut to wild at priaa. to wit yo. Doa't Forfot to Comt toJraoeh't Bafon to. bat roar Qooin I will tnwt yoo B. SMiTB't corner, Fayettatill. St. Hot. SB wT-tf ' CLE AM SWEEP! SELLINfl ANYTHING ASD STEBT- AT COST,;., i.tn n 1 fITT AWT If . tm thla Uma fnrMi T will Will WIT MrUra Htock of Goodect Coat to make mom for my Wimi-r ttook, eoortMtn in part of LADIEf DBFHS OOODS. pbinto, wiirncoooPH, IRISH LIN KB, Tt)W RUNrt , LINKN CAMBRICrHIKr," HOHIEKV, OLOVEH. BLEAOFED 8HIBTINO, .Hi. I UNBLEACHED bHUtTINfl BKDTICK1K0, .iMKHKEnNli. - HTHIPED nOMEBTM!, , , LINE' UUUK. , "BOOTS -'ANtr SHOES. 1 ha Huk of the- moat eelubratod 111 11 11 etnr.pt Gent', and Ladiea' Boot and Hhwa, Now it th.' time for yoa to hvtta tour enpply of Oooda, tat tner ar. aoTaann norm t am aw-ii in aa anal. Coma me and all and eiamlua nit auiea eaa once... u em ua lauuuna. w vuj k1"' elMnrher. antll ya arr.ni. a oall. When. I v 1 am aaUln at Coat I mean hut wbat I aay t t i aot for tbapnrpoaeof hambiiKiriiiit yon. IfaiwHanta In tlia Oitr whoae atovlu need rfr Blaulahln would do wail ta aajl em and make inetr puruiiaaoa. WW. a. uiswiv,'. AnM0-U v. TJtK THW WA1.14 TBAattr. , "-. . . . a . a 1 wayVtta tm A klfv iii OOt. rtirm rwiwiTiru, ' " wi "-' BEKES ABO JANti, (North Oarobna tuauufao- Alao, a mall lot PRtSTS, 4- Brown SHEET- IPOt), vain rijAncii,W' An.tl-l-tf , S.H. W.J. YOUNG. LOOK OUT 70S BAEGAINS. AT 8. H.& W.J. YOUNG'S Yoo but turn - "' iatt HeoetTfrl'at LOW PRICES. OnrrH.nd.ahauhaTOooi1..aeb.ap a way in be honght at ayethar Bona. . BAR0AINSwfl )51!J '0rVEN : ;tTCB At FRIIiTS AflSl tw 18 ; And all DBESK GOOD m proportlOB. 1 A good etock of Geodt for Boy and Xea ; H. a OAMUMKKKO BBa JBABB. etOi,'- VI At th old stand of . ' ! i Hvi .jr U. TOCNO. ,,-.ifU'j.it- Rot. r-M-tf Will be Sold Without Keserre ! I M. ROSENBATj'ivt'S,! SI8 IITIM BTOCE " OF GOODS. On of th tneat now is the StaU, ooneiatiag. In part, of FANCY A I D . S T A P L E DRY GOODS, SHAWLS, rCBH, CLOAKS, WOOLEN OOODS, LADIES', aftSSES', AND CHILDREN'S SBOSS, HOSIERY, CLOVES, BTO., XTC ItteOA Uj ifVc Wa OTBR'COA T S OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. J;' !75 TEnt BLACX DEES3 C0ATB. ISO ASSORTED BEATEB, TBICOT, ; AND . I i. . I I ' ' I I f v- " y CAB&XHEBZ BUSINESS BUTTS. . 300 PA1E8 ASSOETED PASTS.-" i OENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, J, GENTS ASD BOYS BATS AND CATS, " ' of otwtt deocrlption. ' , , tui. TraTsUng lies and Trunk. , , ' AO of th abort W bt Bold tet-ardlaa. af coat i, M. ROSEXBACJI'S, Ma IB Fayettetiiio Bt, , Jaalt-lS3-U r a-twA BIGMAN. WITH M. B0SENBAUSL IT payt th hi. beat price for TURS OF ALL Jaalt-lSS-tf idscnxAKEoua .,; STENCH KAjIS PLATES, oaatMim ctTBtKowrra imnmt ikc'ikb ton BVaBam Boot, laafer-iii. ic, evo. , IrwTbody ahonld hr one I Ko preparation ranuired oa th. eiuih. It will aot waab out. A pi it fut hMlM.1 Send for eu onUr and a rjiea. ,t , .. .... . , ...... An-, R. P. BiBBia, BxirriNr Orricit, i 'tl'i ;! O ffiA " 1 " '"OT IM- OaVlv't-' j-iwu, u i - I'reaieby 17.SSaa.dx hui.o V fit PecW-etK-tia - -,. riMttmgtoa. 1 AunucoWiuuv i i - CW.LuoEra.1 i . 40 ri7etteTineeL,reik,B.& Book SolUn ni ttotiwon, . ... trf j HTAKfilBD AKD VlSCXi UXKOPi VOKIJL IMABOWOBOOIJI, JKW1LI, tUCOiXJAi' . BOOK! OS 8T0CX X AOKlt'UV.n ... jiwwAXB iiumw riPSB; PsnmBB . Ji.'l. JWWLWf. 4,,l, ,11 SCHOOL ASTO OITCI KBQCllITHi ' ALBUMS; ' r ! ,,!. ' ; J' Ti.HCT ABTKELB4 Waar now lo al 1 in new aepdiaa. aad wtU bo aouatanllT ataJuBa auca adilitaax .a ear atook a. I will anaUa nato Anuab arary article wUr kopt w m WMW CM, UUU, BIWIi . " " i ' " ' " in a varrfewder aaj artioU aotsa kaad, aadl til ordara wUi luvr. ear yrMnpi wleotton On .. will ha aWoetod m ak Mah l arateM, aud erary artid. mtii at t)w TeJ towaat prteaa. wnxihtt i tluhxtn. Baleia-a, April -S0T-tf XTTB SHALL PCBIJHH, M e; few dayi, too r T oavvwiiw aiat.Tiwitai MMaaor. W. bararlaoMtba BrWwtoft arhja4rtd. or wv par uwoaano. ' a a, u BeB4yoarder. to ;" ' ' -wauikiu stamen. Balabjh,OeiM-v74f KBgaalnM atl Illnttr4ri Stwpmpen, RimrtTOWntaT,Bada-attt.Vw-aat prioaa, tba populat M.g.naa. and iUuar "iww iwwinjia. w ail w . u i -. . i. i.Ma aa. aanuw, ' 1 Mot. 14-et-tf ,Booaaitr till Hi'ua m no r'a a StONQKEhtt m aUITKLOPKSvf waaf. VJ ., , . for .ale by , . v.., J, fL EHH1NB, VA.la-atrl.I Oiit lB.t "TTT" CLOTEnrd HOUSE," AKDSvEWS 4k CO. w , n 1 At If a fnTito attention tb t! ha,'" lfatl FAIJr AND WINTER BTOCK r A'.W U.:QW1m siff'JT Ail Gentlemen'tt, Tootb'. a4 -on? C L 0 T H I JN G AP't-'M -J k 'r FUEKISELTO fjOSB, 20 Fayettettllo'BtU ppoaib-Tttkor Hall, Hot. M-dt-tf ( ? r() t JUST KECraVEDv , FIKE BLACK, DREBS S CITS. MA 1)1 PBOM BTTPKRIOR FBEIfCH CIrTSB. Cut. Trimmed and made aa wall aa 4k beat Merchant Tailor', ordered work. w a aarhw of irom ri iisup to ywjiMXl WLUW a anil. worth earing in ttiaaa tune.. . ' FINK CLQm BACKS, , t, . 1 "Hi r V tTTTB BXAYEIt SACKS. gotia ap mew beat atyW,aiprieaa.tai aait tbe A fiaaTmrietyaf FINB DREHt SHUTS al way on aaaa, a. r . - " - i f -i-w R. B. ANDREWS GO'S " i Gent1 iBrBiahin Btor. Oot. IS 0-!f ' Oppeeiw Tweaaf BalL HAT I BIATat i ttATBH lawn mm All th. latent etylee eaB he fmind oar . ' 1 JLB. AMDBKWaaOO'H Gent'. Ootattin Boom. Mot . M-Si-tf OpBoaM Took HtlL 'CUT TfJtf RKCBIVKB, SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS, SOLE LEATHER TALISES, 7,;; f MOROPCQ AJUJ , LKAIHSR .TRAVEL- 1NU BAwa,la grBBt tartoty, , At , R. B. AXOREWS at Ctrt -,.,0iiT' Tnamamm BooMk , Not, lS-84-tf w wAPPToker Ball. iftt'lTISCXXIArEOUl OCTIJFOBD TD'Tl.CESCT At WORTn CAUOLOIA. f . ANDHOLbEBfi WHO WHA $t SELL AsTrlcnUpt-Ai" jHinr fijttU, iKiWaVatir FtrWAPtV-BIUlB, XOWBl.rt: iu iv. wjtveaiJtuf.yjt ii rrC'Bfr Un wiUBtrd- ,X rhair adraaUg rtlpe their property in our htau for, i 'w.ww great raetntie rot procuri BBrrror au auoa propeny.. mxw miurraauuiaaauurtina. pr lwK QaiatatBETrEB. i . ...... General Aareab. f Of YBtt'TOlIifV Agent, Balei.h, H,' ft! - .in mini i,,...... .... y yj ,f.m bhijij ,,! 1 aj . ,.t.,..,,, iSPEOTACLFSI 1 ..-.r. .miMaa.i., a.i. HKECTAOLMUl At Bjatl, law dear .b.e. H.rkat, . aalt all agea i f r , . , LO0KS ad JB WELBI ta MOoa, Bardrd. eitaM, 3eawi- rit . aunt nm , tan t f ,' --r I -- . ,r. A -....'--;. icT OESERAL IXSCRAKCE AGENT i v vj""t " t as KtMUYitu nu erne ta u. mrmar Drat Mor. where he will raoaiTO annhralinaa ae iu Policie of lnaaranc arainat Viaa br Fir. at tb low renvaBerattr rate. 4 th. foiicnr- lng arat-olaa uompama, na t , t Jriumix, ot iiartiora, ivji "atitri, cf Brooklyn; " f &tity, of New York J TTiV f xYon, f JiJow HTmf a ; raitey f T irrtnta; Winchester, jjmergon, pi Virginia, ana : ' The truJerwrtlrr'e. fwlma, Ala. Their eombined Capital and Aaaetta xcduu . Loaaxs roiiFTi.ixBioeeaa am iim. JOUX W IIIASDALE. ;. ATTORNEY AND OOIINSELLOR " .b(i .-LAW. m - --. Ko.!t,tIay Strett, rUertTtetB.C. TBAtTlCFStn the Braf and FMaral Crm. I ana in MKH'onnet r nnrnvt-y m I, Coeremionat Ihatnox. - r"rowTt attention evea h (l bnihae b tied to h ear. Oaim rtlet anyeher m Nona ( i-ol'na. ? j a:ji la:., i k amiSy Ksrtuetf Vki J, hi .iet.1 V-! " I a. .- t'. i j J F.jr aale b Cea.i7-il-tl ,,w XtQmiWAM BELIa ?r 1 ! tv.f l iCfio X Y jut V j!rtjs,.a' a tr V, . .kii .-w ' 11 FOK TUK ..... j. a,-. ;fl igtw SENTINEL. IPubHabtd to tot City o HaWigh, V. C M, ,fX 1 trial i , Daily, Boml Wet-iy Weekly. rrt qer .. . .. WiUtoaX. PalLv Editor. 1 1 iraatai i.w'WM -m - ,'' At ltr, in : J 1 V-l btTiawof tk aaaraity of aaoaey.aad th a.er fcy Of th ttmoa, th. Proprietor of tbe Btjerrina. ha Aetenilnad to redooe th. term of tb. ptpw. t eemMe after tba, IK PEQEMBEB, next. aha aaoh ampiaiaau la IU gaaaral M wU eeoanend H to the patronage of anaollghtonedpubfie. " ' ' In POLITICS) will b thoroughly Conaerra- Stbi .irromllng tt til iim. i ... A otriet obemraoe of the tJeawUtaUen of th ' rhaiXli.h,Lkdl tU iMunlnM. tTalnn Oi tonal State i s " 1 .Obadiene to la and tba enforeemeirt. of order ; Tb oBBnmaa of lb erril orer tbe military, to time of peace fh equality of the three eo-ordin.ta br.Di-be. of the gatarnmeat ; Tha aarenignty ef tba State ovor their own hi tarsal afmira, in at riot conformity (n the r",r.,,.,. . Th malntawaaoeof fxeadon and juatao to .11, wtlhaaA diatfawtkia of eokw, bat the enprema- ' ' y oft h. whit, no aa the gnrernteg ehea ' 'bpipoaltioa lo BadioalUm in all lie phae.t At KBITS tOBraat, tt ahall be aol to auy. Tha BtaMtpel atarkets will h. tgully pnblieh- It UTXBAB Y ebaraotar ahall be maintained anA brprend, by eeahribatiom from onr beat Iiiii II ii ? I'.'Hisn." ' ' i;..'V M. . wrneia PlnaTly, the Sihtikk. will aeek to be tbe peoial , proeaoter of the adueational, moral aud eoo , aoaalaal Mt re. ta of th people of North Car- oiina. 9 .tS. x4 . . ,ih'-t.. ;i "' ..i:.4i i-i. vt.' i . Daily Satin(, far so ye S8 00 a... '. ,arxmoatha,,. . i 400 " i three' month. i :.. 9 0S BBia-Weekly SeotlnaX, for one year,'. a 08 fVn'.,,i. -i. i .-,iamoBuv .- w4iM mi t - I brae month, . ..... I 00 Weekly fotonayear, 3 00 1 " aix month.. . . . 1 CO AH naaoriptioM aarietly eah fa adraece. '"i!A an adrarhaing' medinm, th Skhtuiix i ' 01 to any la the Stat. Terma moderate, i. ! i w Sr W aak nary OoaaemtiTe in the Stat to em ear Agent to.xt.nd the eiroalatioa pf th SaaTOEL. Th. erenta of 186 will be axcitiag 1 tmportaBt, , Th Wxxxi.r finrnwKL ehoald b. to th. hand of th. great body of tb. peopl The term are bow ao low that erery one wUiifae abU to yy for ij- -!v Aa.tj. iigh4raA3Ulh,18S. , Proprietor JLUTIJCOES JU)yXB.TISEiri& POOLS tl HUNT, i m Altlmorer n iORTABIJ! AKD 8TATIONART ''tBB MawW ! -wi ;ii Mtt wj vfarf EMgle ta tutd . Rmiier, BBkaVOB BBBUk CntaIIlCv LtmVB TiTXlTf AMKRWAN V0WSI TJntBIWM WATXM-WHEKLi SAW-ai MILLS, MUtlNO MACHINERY, . fOMTABLS 0M8T. r MILLS, -' ' - - .. . i u I BMtBBBlTa'tlCtlBt KatatrLATam, FVwrrajt Kill MaehiBary, shafUag, JPoileya and . Ki. mar 29-198. CIOIXINB S rTEATR, v J SI LIGHT STB EST, BALTTMORB, Hd. "OLD aLaBYLAND WORKS." PMwihtina, .r, ... fcMiiertt lad. , .... , ; Lead I .pe,, m Meant Verne ;C o e k Fat toeno Cook. ironxni, : , i Terra Cotta Pipe, . : I Free Cooke, ,T7.' , I'lated Gonka, . Kogxr William, TJni. . Tera (.took, t . Bee be Ranee, . ' European Rait, tlatea Rane, . Rrwnoe Range, ' Kmerald Baiiire. in w, Laaa and Zlao Beta 'in n. .-(. Tin bath Tab with , , - bealere, - (. W at Ci' "ta, j IlaTward. Hartlett Co . Portable Fnmaoe. t no and tbina saaina, Mave inrnaee. Par- ut ute ana nncK. -A parlor. Church and Siiivea i crftTarwtT, All Hi il wrest atyle ot iji ate. . E;gh Ip and Law , 1'iwn Fort a hi iua, t aantaln, : i'-'r "ai, i vihi hvi. iterator, Ao. . - I tiratoa, Ac, a low can be bad ia th Tt'ai.h w.U b old cur. Aprsaaoe-iy 4 ' I A C rf bAL. 4 Jan 4aa-1 ii im ti - . xuuuuib unvot Important Prder fro G e, Cltf- , . Hai'a to fHTul,?1S'l l 4 ' CuuuMtM, S. U, Kaa. 81, ls. f ; Wiotdrfwarm 1. Paramphaof Oweral Or-. Holo,aNaa th. Headuaartan of tte seoona uuu7 io , ST 411567. b) nwdaaed a. toiiow. t" fadatMBBi'w -!ereo. erb:tJWiaBl J7aaiaaaor acuua arbdw W lu1 Cwo. liu. bitwaea tie SOth of May, laul, nd tb tn aar of April, 1H66, and ia Booth C affinal batwon tba UMbdatal HaaiaaVia), IMK aad tb. )th day of Apni, 1M6, aaabaiMdofaed, hauwatioB, aaiiiat tba peraoa or property of tba defondaufc frawaouig. lur bbcb eauiKa ui " iu ' - - J J " Draaeea atiau ba MWUkUd ar ogaaneuo-d uu audi cu! ot ac ttoei oiita after tb. civil goTornmeiitr uf tb. re aneaaiw akatea akali beaatabUabadia aeMcdaaa. WHO ua law. at uia umwu n . " lwhrntheaan-ardaraiBtDdifleda. aouowe: 1 w am .& i BbexifA, aoronara it i aoaataUas . by tea, or of toe Htat of iKwtb Caxohaav.aaor .t.-. - ..i. a . .. ii.l.. wl the arauiaauua of tb aroriaioiud goveraauent of tbe fetth. day of April, tS, or f the Htaieof Soath Oarouna, twaoer aatwwea m tana. w of rjeeembea, IsoO, and to oegaaiaauoos af -..V...1..1..I .nMranuu oz uia aaui DLawo. . auw. ia rreaident' proclamation of tb. SOtb; day of Jon,18. oolea -ta written aoaaeBt M in Aef andaat be entered of focoraV ,n aa in aaaa wker tb plaintiff or : hig-aAtoraey, upon oath, enppurted by eorrotxuraUr fcnuuiouy, aaai ,t tl. dohndant la oianneins of. remoT i M.ii tm wn. t!imneit berowd tbe lanedietiaa f th eoor. with talent,' datraud hi ewditecB rfciMJl, tbatno aueh judgaient. orwdermt, wiuua tu oenoue awreaaia, ibu ha a h.r ti, tha anmrAaneement. in a Btate court. of. aew aon wo be aaat eaoee of . in any eaae in waioh, by taw. ah Orfaeaam ay ra ioTao Uaaea W0VM thWulrf' State. , .,, , , - ., , ...,,r, , j tOBtOCB of atOBiaaOB."' ' . TV aala rfrnal or twraonal DnnjrtTi1bV,,foV-1 etaear f aaartgage, t ikewaje auepenited M tb eaae (wHaeea m paragrapa a auui, a w erder bo. Waa abora amended, eaeept oaeaa where intercut noney aooruuig ubequeut to tbe th. of April, tbBS, ahall not 5aT been paid be fore tba day of aaia, aud apeteu resarioojoa. ob each eaa. rerobed.! .(' oa.piy i p.rumnh IV rf tli a aaau order ia modinea by .UHmtWiigttfl nu Kid t d j '' r,,.'i-;ir Ail prodiae h roery of awaay on eoatraom, wb4ber nnder seal or by parol, the euuaiderationof thiehwMtbepurcliaeeofalaTea made mibaequent to the lt day of January, DM3. ere uawite4. Jorae r. Kree nte for mieh aaea f aetum ebali aot woIori. Paraxrapk VII af tbe aaaae order u 0dti la all aale. of property nnder execution or by order of any Clmrrtj there abajl beTeeerred oqtrt Um aronerty of any eetewUnt who baa' a family aepaadaa npao hi. Br her labor. dwelling home ...a .nmirtnuanoHa. aud i if in the eouuti v) twan -u. I u . . .1 a-' m tnnnM thmwof that tbe wnote enan uou ut tvu wm v. " UuaeuadiUaaH and in towBority, the mn. edaat. lot upoa !WAeh'weh.dwalUii hoaae ia aibiated: .I nuuur. .rtliilii, n fni-nlt.nre. arj- n.rol iiiiatMnna and luinlementa of hnabandry. y artteie ot hi b ade, or other eavployment, tnthe raliie 'flve buiaired ilollarfc-. 1'u amnptioa ahall inai wuly o the ken fmUie,J tb .ax, ,,IUMt Ilia MKDlIH.l,m IUIU D.Mill,! UUir.KIUiJilMli and Implement of trade or emplayment ?0lly b.adred dotor I Yh aiTnn haroli mrte ,.11 nnt ha waived ar di-Auktad.bX tbe aot of .UT dufendant who hia a family depoudent upon, hiin n V.- ,m .nmuift. ar.d ifiaf'exegioted srooorfr (hall be aeeertaiBed aad dvflned by th Sheriff or other ofneer enfurotng U aseeniwo, -Who .hall oall to hie aid twe iuiparUal eituwn. to make the neeeaaary appraiaemeni aua fnau maae roptin thereof I to toe wran, . uum nww. t vw , Parairraoh III hereby modified ao aa to ati thorize arreat ia eivii action. J txmiractu only in eaaee where th demaad w pant duo, aad the ltv fendant ha bea gmltTot a froad in. aontnaetiDfr the oatx uea cor. or ne remoraa or uiiiku hia nrmwrtr. or ia about to do ao, with intent t defrand hi. ereditor, or la .boot to leafe Ihi State with a oofa Intent, . m ft i: ; - Is i ::'.:. i'KMrJOWBatSBVIBaB.''. PaTaaranh XVT1 ia emended Br adding thwelo All nrooaadian tax aaraonrt-of Mortal (laroijtta, or South Carolina, reebgaiaing or aanetioningi tb InvAHtment of the fund or minor buirs, ar of feiualea. or of taaan pereon, in the aeeiiriUeaTif tlie late moot f overatnent, of the aoonr the Btato of ttarth Carolina or Month (Caroliua, ereatod for the parpoae of carrying on war agaiaat tne uovernmentoi uie uuiieu Biacoe, win ue aua pended tmtfl the qneatiOB of the Talidity of ench irMetmeat atiall aaaa keen etetennmed by the euorta of tlia Uoited State, at by national lturie- Ution i And nvtliing in Uie provision ef thi or der, or of the order No. 10 above cited, shall be held to bar or hinder the recovery, by mi, of th eotate of t iarnorrii.ferinnr)rrt'. calui gut lri(), whetbr in the baud, uf exa- outoi, aammiatraior, iruweea, guaruiaua, piaa ,am r.. lArlra nt annMv cmrta and ntlmr fidilAli ery agent, or meated by them in theut Sdaeiary aareer-! i j,m un ,., w.jjijui Avamvuwiat a, ,.,' 1 rr vt S r- i .. n. J - on 1 u.-t t.j .1,..,, . ... n. ...A .ft.. ,1.. U. :.f jji. uwuvxei uum 4a u.a.aj i . m 1W8, the diet illation of ptMtnoua llqiiom hi (his Military District will be etthjeet to andi- rpa(.re tieaa only a are- unpoeed tjt- the. tawa ca", lie United Htetea aad of. tie aten.ait, tiorib and Boutu Carolina, rep;tiviily,1w wfv.fcPM t 3fc 11 .l.-OOWJI,jt ui t j -, Til Tarairrariht VI and TB of General Order. Ha , dated. Hag SO, lew, arTked, and the Doweiioaraat hoaaae lor tlie aala of euuitnono or iutoxlcating liquor U remitted to the nrpr local atithorte. to take effect on .rid artcTth Ihi day of Jamiary, im, aad to be anbjaa c rltf f,.l lowing anmuoBa In.;,- - ji.h i- ! u. L Tba BraBKipel aatharitie arantuiit tlic i- ceoe ahall be anewerable that the pailien to whom each floerme are grunted, 'together with their aar.ti.e, aball bareapouaiblepersoaaand of goad moral standing ia th oamnHiBity, nd that oth prinoipal tod auretiee ahall be able lo qiiabr fy individually hi double -the amount of th bond required, and that th bend ahall be a lieir npoa the peraonai properly oi asxn prrncrpai ana iitre bv and upon proof ef default bU warrant the aummary aeiinre and aale of a mucb of the property of either or both may br. nocesaaTy to atiafy ihe forfeiture r Sne and oeees. 1 .t A. Draukenneea r diaorderiraaadBctaii the rciaiaoa altaal work the farfeitur4d.thai Aoenae ana oi we penalty oi ,ne oouu. i rii x ; S. The owr!-..? of any bar-roomi, a, loon or other piece- at wMefe intomMng bquort eroeotdwadVau otherparaoaa mtereated or . eea aeeted therewitb. aball be regarded a jgriseipal m any aotioa of damage growing out of any aault, riot, afij-dy or other disorder occiirrluaj OP tb pi ), ar SirectlT traeeaoM tofveett1. ). AU baMnoara, leataomt ao rjthrwloe0tW whafth axtoaieauag liquor, ar tutd, , altali he cloaed on th day or daya of auy genui al of Kical election, and for the twelve Honr beitt praewaV ing th jtsring and tl eoeeendin tiwebwiiig I thepaal at aooh wleetiant an., tha aberiAV uf armatie aad dieteieta aad tli ebasif of . polic ,af citie and town nau nave power to direct the closing of bar-room, and other plane Tor t)w aate ef hrtoxieaaiRg tkmsra, wbnr it may : be, m eeaaiayiatBMir jitoaeBt toprimrTe-edrr aad "lproceeoyi'oFafflioenM nod toe. umW the local regnbtUons at Tmdei1 tbe provision of military order, will b deToted to thrirpe of tbTer.wdoei renlined Witt b fawwd oreri trfcoami.aor or Orer aeera of the poor of th Di.trmt. County, City or xow r wmco meyar aocroea, ana ine lleeQ newijaer or Oreiweer will at tb end of each nionth resort to th Preront Maaahal-OHnenJ ot the Diatnct th amount received by them daring' unHa,jKii;ng i warn aa iia parties from wbca it waa reeeiTsd . f i , ' . Th penertiee bapftaed by thia nrder r by the local police regulationa, piay be enforced in anyvrrflo maUtary Oeart. Mod npoa mnvkition the Conrt may award to th. informer a earn aot eireed.ng fifiv per eent. of the forfeiture or fine. And it ie aide th duly of all Sheriff, Cane la hie, and Ccroner of Coontiee and Dietrieta. anA the police f cities and town, to be Ticilantln Hi nforceoen of the poliee n-gniatiOBa and tin pro Treioa of thmwrdar m reiatwa t tb aaie oi in toxicating liquor. - , . -' ' . To provisions of tbit paragraph win be bala to apply to emch Ucanao granted nnder General Lh-iiers fo.ai, to lnn-xcepera, as remain nrjex pirea aner tne nrei or aooary, IT. -rn pmmoie toe- iwMf tn or priioner confined ft minor offeooes tnd d miniab the eom oi weir ror wawanco, au cmnmitaina; mafia, tratee will, on th Lit,, and laet day. ofeach month, reoort to the rodee of their county or lhstnci Court an cemn , i.jAefcr hm da nn ti e p'-" ' 1 ! ' i. mliv ,-,nir the au i'i cii r,.;i i a far i-n-r.o-e and theom iua hit im, n tb?V . nnued. to the and tuat tbe v .- rnaw. mnever la their opininei th. sw i ! oi t . - -a ,i, i aoMamerauoua of pnnup wtari)t sad tor ii, ..boid apaou 1 an of their oaorte, for the porpoa. of iittwff of wneh aM.' -4 b. addtuooai lir . of botdutg aosb afaaiai tecBai will ba a abarg. apon tba Mat. Troaasry, and tbe aeeooBte tWa--f jt wiD ba audited aod eaid aa aujonuw of a ainu. 1 Maxharaeier are Bow aodrted and paxl, aud W ' taa aaianaa aaw paAa ae jiiopaa aaoaaa a. Baao. SuaM iutusw (if tb. additional labor par&naad y them, awiaaonihle additina, npoa proper rap. reaentationa through the Goreraor of Aba Tie pflotaira reealUte now tjetfajr h - tb Statoa (rf Ornnh aui Suath IJareiiaa are a ' far modined that, on and after tb Beat day af - bwi, nam, fiajin.i imw eaa ea ia, reg taeod liy tkaJaw uf th boiled aratea, andoarrya tug a pilot eoniruuMUoued by United Hume Oom- mwaiooera, ebali be aaapt fro, th naaiiiamiii . pajnieutof pUutage, , ,,, v dostm caaouita rot 4. tax,' - . , TL Somnehof tbe act of tb General Aaauahur of the State of horth Oaroliua, entitled "An aot to nda monie," raiined on tbe ititis. day ot Pefarn ary, lsti?, a aaaa it "Hal duty ef U pataaa aad earporaUoua to bat and pa alia poll tax of each peruana liable to the aaoie, a are in their em ployment, on tba Int. day of April of each year, aa taborera," ie nawutded, and hereafter all udi Tidual taxa will be aaaeaaed directly npoa aad icouected thvt:llf from the indiridtul from whom ttwy are one : prmuma, tnet toe proruion. of thia orderahaB ao apply to the taxel MTied for tbe-earreBl year exuupt that doabl pall tax aaB not be enforeed if Ue original tax be paid OB or before the lit, day of Uareb. 18ti8 Br command of Brevet Malar General tn. m. a OaBDt: - - :... LOUIS V CAZIABC, , Aid-de-Caniu, Ac't Aaa't AdJ't Oeai OmoiAt ; Louis V. Cadibo, A D. OTA A.G. ..jTOCiiAiEoui; TAk'aj-.iWjtfkB'lai 'i.t 9J in BOOK8ELLKBJ i STATION rut s fi'Wf'f?0:! WiUent)lFeT Order foe anr Bo Knaia .) UaUjsr't Itiwaet oath priaaw a mo wrgeat atooc 01 JMIUJIH. STA T10NEKY. MUSIC, ate., for aliBth StaU ar BjLAKg BOOKS aad BlSPIM.oioa, to ,Da.SJrl2S-tf .. . .. -vt ,jw A CHANCE TO HAVE If OCR OLD rUKNITIIBB EEP1IRKD :AND EENOTATED. ' ' t1"A VlNG DBTAIKED THJ8 BEKVtOE8Jfty A IL No.it Upholaterer, w are prewarad to da ill kind, of LTHOLHTEKING, wilb noMnaa ant diapatch. Satlafaotiou guaranteed. tt-.t Old Mattrettet renovated and taadloirer Furniture of all kind, repaired and Tarniabad tnd rwpholatered, aad any thing ia -onr line made to order promptly. WW. MORKlHH COV Apnl X-Eli-tf 18 FayetterUl St v : Notice. R CONSEQUENCE OF THE SCARCITY OF omrr, and with it the difllmltT of makine aollmtaena, and baring to pay CASH foe ew ep- puea : Our buainoaa, from and after thi date, Will be conducted strictly upon the CASH SYSTEM,, . i onleati in apecial caaee of agreement. . . , We Hhall at all times, kcp a well eeleeted atock Of ' f ' Irtire, SIdlciHa, lttltHa, Otle, I)eUitr, rment Modi, elnea, IVrfmnery And . Fatiry flood, anl a ill ofler tbeiu at aaeb prioea a will, be a strong lniiuwmcnt ti cuiib bnvcm. llJ.lAHrl S H AYWfKll). Jan. 4-.l26-lin Gunny Bagging and Eope at Very low ileuret. T HEHIRE SPECIALLY- TO CALL THE AT I W'litton of I'lantwr. tomv laree stock of eheao Giuiny Bagging and Rnpe: , a .ww jua uiuraiy nagging at -a eta per yaro. li iuiila of Hope, at 10 eta. per pound., Cut to eint purcliaaera. Call anon or you loee th. liaU VY. KUBKttr AMIKEWH. ' Grocer and fjommiaaioa Merchant, No. W Fayetterille 8t. Baieigh. Special attoiitmn paid to the aaie and pur- ebaiHi fif produce. pv. aa-m-tr SKIVTIACI. OFFICE ' JOB PRINTING. 1H 1 1 " . ',:. 'i OUR FRIENDS IN THE CITY OR COUNTRY, deairine Bhonffa' Clerk, or 'ConBtttiles1 Bltnlu, CARDS, HOOKS, PAMPHLETS. or otlicr printing, done, will pleas aend in their order.. '" - :t' 1 '""I' They will be neatly exocuted and don. promptly, and on the lowest ternia, - W extieot eoon to bare oor offla. .applied with th neeeseerji material toexecnUj th order of our friends in ererv apecie of Job Printing. Sfpt.27U . WU. E. PELL, rHoprmtor. ' TfrSKI!GVM TALLEV Portable enie " tvoRKs, ZANESVILLE, OHIO. BTTYAiif? - iwrndrsDpokritBLM ' i BTJSA M KimiNEH A XJ) VIMWhA tt 8A W MILLS. BVYALVS FEW, itiM conn MitL'8 axaimJ' 1,. iiiwra yLotr&ixQ.,,,' ' Tlieao Eneine and Mill hat. renal ved the Crat premium erer all oompetitora.. The , afford th beet, cheapest, and moat economical power ia nee and excel in porr any Engine mad ta th UBOB," -i 'n-t V. J.- ), (.,1 The. Eoeine. are fired and thomnchlT tented before reaving the work, and are warranted In all rjaots nerfno and read? for inttmtdiat aa. Tlie.v are wTrantv: to cut more lumber with lam hand nd at lea expo nee than any ocjMh.mta ioan. ;.'.r.., i (.. - '.,.', lor deaoription, price list, and other IrifonBV i tioo aldreee, , h - ,,14 ,.j ,i"HM B- GRETTEB, . . ituuiora utna Aganry, ' t 'i -, Wi! ,f- Greeiuboiui ft. 0. June 86-271. Hole Agent fir H. 0 i - -O ; -i . BE JkORERT'S' YOXTN0' KKlltlCA. tb beet Javeuiie Maeazln, Every Boy and UirlUiat aeea it ear ao ; all the Free aay ao ; and Parent and Taohere oortnn it. Do act foil t eonriy, .A good UicrosRop, with a ghu cylinder to confine living objects, or a (food lo bladed, peart Pocket Knife, tad a larg.aumb of other deeirabl arliclea, given premium ta eachaubaoriberi Yearly, tl.SO. . The Nomber number eommencee new volume. PnbHahed by v s ,i- W, JENNINGS DEJLtOitEhT, , a. . JL t"3 Broadwar, New York. Try ft, Boys and Giria. Bpeaimea eopas,r cwnt. mailed frw, t .. ,.,,,BU . Nor. a-r-76-tf , , ' TYEMORE8T8 MONTHLY tf A QAZ 1MB, JL universally acknowledged Uie Model Parlor Magazine of America j devoted to -Crifrinal Sto nee, Poem a, Sketches, Architectar and MoM Cottage, Honeehold Matter, Gema of 'J'hought. Personal and Literary Goaaip (inclnding special dapertaaanioa FaehiOBslnstruetioniOBHaaltli, linne, Amneemenui, etc., hv the heat authors, and profnsery illustrated with" coetfr nirrTinfi (fall ma,) aeefnl and reliable PaUern. Embroid enee, and a constant nooeat,ion of arlistie ativel tiee, with other Beefnl and entertaining literature. 1 '.No person of refiuement, economical how wife, or lady of taste can afford to do allhout 11 Model Monthly, thnirla eopie, fW cent ; Net Bnmber apecunena, ill cents; enher mailed free. Yewly, $. with a talnahi. premmmi tw oopioa, 6.40 ; ture copies ti AO ; Are eopiee, til, and splendid premium for clubs at 3 each, witk the first premmms to eiih en hum her. 1 - BV Anew bnler A Wilson Hewing Kachin for ItO aobeoribers at fri etc). Ail 're,., " W. Jt. N ! m18 1 r , ,PBir, im. No. 47H 1 'im'Ivst, .w Torfc. tinijTrt's K-nUiiV and 1 1 America ffbnt 4, wuh Ut premiam rur .x;ii. : , "ot.-?-f ,...,. l-..r''' ' "lillf"l-llltililifi-r" -i I 'ii i Klu'iiLiaiMli ti-T' ii

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