W, ii-UlCAKY 18. load. 1'.... i, B I .irir.-.HiOcae of WllnaBgaaS jlWOMl). ... r n r.ioH, X. C, Feb. IS, l'l , JL', jLtr A : 'ire I ....; lieraine.l 1-iT li dy r to a ti..t ju.it iii.w aoiiieviliat famous tuidropoas, 1 m under the weraasiij ot 'WLiiuic awy o hour of Uf wmiog 'J l.ei are 10 very ilifluruit -liodi MB M" ."0 st t!is CupiuW ; mm -tli fcaeweia t: u. t a eru J4 rin ; tb Bihar th Ki.ii -ien.ut Aewmbir Bitting in tli Com- wuiii one the ;reijt stive it the fcirutigtaJdiKukjof the Bttte. Mid llie, TR FolTH. ' It MAX T aTTB f r i. i.i the (IcMtructiu of tkawt law. on 1 tboe fundamental princtplee, jw bicli v loiii; enured fur ber people hippiav;- at bom aud rtxpeet al-mao. Th om , in 111 upiuiont it promulgate, is tba jecolleo li.ms it .ire, la iu diaeaaaion ktrlicua, in tl.t tLijaiiti of iu BW-fubera, at 4 fcf lb u j- I ho .ist in jo deliberation, ilir fin.' v...u . . ..e Ui beort of evur jr true aotf if iue hiute, nod tl' mi ing rctruti wliurt, f if t u liili', way b torgntta tU drgnwia-' tion to vim h we tram to be detiod. Toe otiier engaged in dintruj lug slioont . verj iru-e o) (iiim Uwi vlika giw ut f Uie Siftbiw n4 wnnts of ow pnpl, 4 liave txnniS ituuMt a part of f lieiawlven. nml propcwirg to Meet e tbto rma Co p'..u.rukt to tue p!a of bopvt, truitl had prufct, emong o, of Yankee dvea t'uert end Bnc!pated ilarra. ' well. ( deed, ni'iL'ht t desccodDt of our exd old ' etock exclaim t me, on looking (a og ftii ' Curuiiitr led we io-dnt to lie Coiomor Hall; when I rreclted there aeeatier M dmcneting eerneeiry end j?etlciiltio) letii y, l warn e a tnst l,e hud been tint hint t'mertifooTnd (tarn Uie took wood ipf one r the tiortlMra Htatee. and ret he bed jo inuui Honing ruronwrry m pretenn 1m rnp r9w'in,ui uw peraoa, portion or trie po- ui im oar gooa uwi tat, - ia ail nrubiil.li y ! lair eipreesioo of opinio, of the wni'MlB tut county M hiU from would ot deeot bint wwtby jpf tbt ery loet office within-their gilt, A very hort tar, Ty of the acene toon aetinfied me that the ruling ipirita were Yankee.,' wboae only recomneeaeuoB . eaemt It) . bt that they : i t tbt tail ead of devaaUti og arm y, wbone exeetae wi 111 Jog remai blot i om the eiriliaation of tbt day, and VerY recant llini hn trnnl ti f..na n baUt. DaNmi M4altaoff their bait to white naai , Looking at the motley aapect , before me, and ontranting the' appenraitot of tbt aablt delegate with that of their - whtu eeeclatet.I bethouglit mvwlf of "applet w fold la veertof ailver," but at thi did not aorta to"be appropriate ia eor, i, csoneiunei that tne aoncaranc f thv ' vhoie tiiighi be tfioipared to dlamonila ( Jet astnnira or parl., Bume a taw tiere wuo UM Ueretolor Batata earn rrua Ution, and wha- aeetned ta be ."fhefk in i'lwl" with tbt lilaokeat BaHicalt ol the body. l turned oa involunturilj, repeatinit to myr.ir tna (M alge, "U we he ilowa with tne ag we mut nan up with ilea. Ueneral Caaby fieited the body nl whcb i aiieac, to aay area tti own meuibara can not call itMa Coorentiiio of the people of i- mrnia veroitna.-, i uraerel i;ariy wm prtav w vj iDTiwtion, ana wa accompaniwi ty - throe aiembert of hie e& I roum. Ilr ' occupied a poeinuB oa th right, ot the rretiiient, ana tut, it i asay gie theetpre- . aion. wun tne "preciMon of a nH rr. look ' Idr Deitlmr to tba right - Land oor to. tUe leli, bat etre'fti. alieod, ae if, indeed, peer, lutr iuto ftttunty- wiat 'man be, if be can tell what tba womb of time will brina ':i 1. (Wl. -......1. m I. iuhu. iaeuciinuaoi xue. freemeat aomevrbat in contrmt with that of tbf Qf)T' ; arai-ewayiog to ana iro ia UK cliair tf it . masinc over a luiiaor. . m nwt . eureiy tne audienoe that honored tba oe Cailoa. with itt pretaaca mutt i iharei' btatl highly gratiljinfl; to all good -radical! i oa . the floor, oi eoaree, only Uie privileged, la the lobbiea '"oothing but biper efery where;" iu ona -turuura knot at hltea, looking for all the world at if they Wert intruder.. I concluded that J must hart a better riew of the whnJe epeotacle, and an I battened up to the pallery, whenrl wkamet by a pliward oa the door, "none but lad'ut anj t r atteodaula aJm'ttnl tiire." .So,, iuo" 1 1, my progreaai tiirniL l H J II veni .. e a p..- p at .any rata.' I bad 'l!ie to- meiiiy to open tuedoor, and WMler.lTtd moat cArTir?jf. Tue gallery rat indeaei crowuea wirn neaiea 0t ni,d ' their dunky lorda and lovera ia tho- Iroat aeata; in tue back aeati, all etarinir at the Drtilmnt unitorme and earned, no ilmibt, by the elu()Umt gonllcinta on thc.iiuor. who acemed untertnuiau to rec oril Im same on "ie rchivei of gravity." If one lady of liaii" n, n even one jNort item lailvao onra. 1 ing bnif, ti present diiring tiie tlimt time J r 'inuwd, I did not diwurnr her. The ladii-a of Ilaluigb, Cod blma them ! , ',Wben I recall tbeir attentinaa to the "poor boj- . in f,ray," particulurly to one who dind hu're aoinc nix mon tin alidr (ito. Jolinhton ur rendur ; bow tbey auned biia ; how tliuv anppiied a raotlu-r'a and aiater't plaoea s how affectionately they followed -him to the grave and tpread flowera tipoa hi" Wor, 1 . oanant ueip atatng ui'"iin(roa their bead. That t.it y aliouUl be abaent on Ruch an oe ca-..ia was projier and lieooiniiiir, audef th ciicnmataui es, but wnr were tue northern lad'e o)onniing la Ilnioigh alrneut f The aiismr in, tuey cannot ba ire nt without minrng among the negro? wha bad eon-gre-. '.! everywhere, and pride oi mte fomi-i ua tuem to retnain.away. , ha body or et of men ever HMemlilcJ to tnali lew for a penpia o little ia aympuiby wi; Ii tl.nne they prole to represent, and, I mhy add, that no body ever asaeuihlod on the ('i'tinnt of America ao wholly aafit-t-1, I f education tad training to form a hiaca. i d them together. Oh I I beg pu lon ; tbey are, I prtaume, equal to aituilv bodies, now, or mcwntly, ia aetsioa ia the Soothers F'nf"". Of coume. there are anmn " tiea cf aliiiity amonj; tin in. Tlia littl ban J of Conservative would, by their ao kno it(l;''l talent, do honor to any a-a-s..' 'y. i i lmn, it muft be admiit 1, la an e ''. ut la yer ; in ftct, he linn mure brains tl.an a'l the hitdicaU iu the ilouae, but, it ia need'eaa to ay, that," bercatter, w: li tl e I i 'a he ntust aink or awiin. itvssrvp' -.e t have romminUd oat M e A i a already pd by this hi. , 1 Otu' is Ti hich tuey intend to pa, bid I v I rot trepa ftrrtber en jour in - d.: i. " '"ClVIS. i j-i" r .. . ... 3 a a . x ' t t1-!-" -t in ptf , it;:: i:-r7XAScr A i The AiU'.uJ l.I I IS t JiNWjUAjil. Bi ,..tiiit t j1, ! A -Yinami im Sodthee Iwfrrrro- n i"n. M.U tri rusMi ii nn w" CKFBECtDENTKD ( JTS POBTTKI AB lTUt- . rnTTnfflllT Tn Cnapeny M eapltal aad aaaeta, eeaaaa tta tialiilitf, tluU mil euiupar famnlitf uk ant Life ltuui atu Couinuiv un ta aaalinwt, mUm m th tmm ImA oi nmMKualAiitaV Ii aoalra ace eaatioevaly xtuMC Marat br aelee-1 inii ifiraoiwaj a r..ywwiimi7 mn pviiw-ita fw- j mUblUbad Ita daia ta oikm P.lrea- f M 'IIIItttf iejiaa I J i " . -.. i I v ta.aaiaaft aasaaraaav - H'x. B. laaaca,-.' . 1. llAtTaooa,! - -. ' - - .M?a. a.A-i :.nrow4jfc,.?x'ipTvi4 ., t CHARLES ff.8MmV.lt, JJ ttou. urao, . r. , . onaau, aourr, Jiihe Ender,' " Biry K. EHrami, William f. Tutor-" 1 Am rinnh r, tmnaal OuitraO. 6. BeaWvUle, J"hn liofiley, , . ft iniiul 0. Tardy, ('heilee T. WnrfllaW: Oenrire laeob U iUiaja Wlllia, Jr. J. W. AluVrn. 1 4 A. Smith. ftanm B. vjaue. Toe. i. Irw, . . Oboaklny, IaB.ae A.BMK4 0. Ctw", B. M. QnarlM, - ' J. Harmonb, S W H. 1 Vt. - . ! -it. Jntm n W illiu. . E'lwarde, " I ' VYU U 0. Taylor. I. Bwase, A. f. Abatl j. . iieraaayi w. J) iaaaae, . R H. llbrU. , JJr ,, Okotm I Bidgood. Wilium K. Palmey, ' tamitel 3. priSa. ' I a LIE WIS C. HAKE3. Aat. I II . . , 7 Ml tfttA-tf ' DXT Q00L3. .. SEW GOODS! IEWC00D5M ALL C010C TO C;JK-E EC H ?8 IU becoid ottura crmsa o? PALL AND WiltfTEE OOOpS. f if I AW HOW BTTCErvrNa mr ntmn arvTr w B'api aaa traaef - A'ltA . UllUIfj. - W atn V u l aaif-a J 1 "1.27. a"a "?,lt7 .".rial in yiik..fti.i'iiiii.. ii.l..h!?l!!: will, eall Ian Oaoda GUirlAl-il tkmn ak. ku. houaht then eiaaa tha wae. Beep It Befor. U. rDl. M j. " dto t w . ' I That 6a HiWaj Inttii City can or WiS Mil Oooda haw.r than I will . , , !"' ' Boaae, aaaT I at a l.T f VaiajtaaV' - . ' ; cone f ayRcci'f Ta buy ynnr fJend. u ,' ' . .. Ibur MtW Ounit ani 000D aTTtt". I ill Mil thm at IriUCXt ta avait tat kari tux taet reeeived, . . 4 .LAC OMM Mtf pht)B.r: rd wiU be old at arieat to asityoa,! V , Don't Ferret i Coat taXraaoh'a Defire yen bar vottr Ooede t wM trtai ! .. li iSmri't oorner, Fayetlevill Bt, l"!LL...L 'U!' 1 - -" "" i Will be Soil WltUont Beserre r M. ROSENBAtJitS, , raimi . btocs; cr- ooocs, vue or tne ajieat now wit BtaU, ewMntiag,1a i FAStCY AMD ATAIJLB :.ti iflOIX, ( t DRY GOODS, UfAWU, I'Llld, CLOAKS, WOOLEN OOOIX, , UADIMI', MlNHlLn , AND CBILDBIN'R .tOi:., H08IEBT, ' ULOVEK, ' -PBrt- av. . I .... ...... - .. . , I . ' .,-., ... j.. t... 1: i. t. . r !. w AL.t..- u.i.ii 1- - 9 t) 0, O V B B 'C O A T I 0- ALL DESCltlPnONE V Ot i. 73 FIS1 BLACK WLESS COAT I la.'imnrrm .... "Ti. -"' -a.aw.aa, IWW1, HIV ..'' . f: -i . . - 800PAIMASS01IE)lJUrTI. GENT'S rUENtBHINO 000D8, ftESTa; AMD BOM MATS AMD CAPo) r tarakakWal Jt'alak iaiaai'W A .... w a'" a F-a.wai . oi trary dtacriptioa. -' ,' vt...li- .....,. af " ', i '"""I ei B i,iea M AnBAJk. 1 An of th abov. lab. wU r.Wdlct-aa.1 a- '. - . " t " tW I.AiT)vn iwat.. i. 1 " ji nvwuiiuAijjrg. i tr-i . fl an, "a. . 1 J C1 EO. PLOW AM wTTTrf Hi- ftrwrvik Art I KISM. jan 14-taS-tf ' 2 7, - w j BOARDING ; HOUSE, -XgAA tatg TaS Bonocdlf Iforjam, . ?AY2TTETILIS ST1HZT, KALCICU, X. c. , . . 7 r-vl geclaotion audaoa board by the Week or mm. ui. hi.m.a large, eemf)rJV.:e ar.l well furniahed. "' '-"I ' ... t yonr reniiae, a for u f Ot-l.'0-lf -1 '. at$3 peri ,J i!go,rl, w. b j:rr: a ca . 'XI&CZLLkSZCVt , , 7- i CELEBRATED - i t ' -. mm.fi ' ..... , lia . Wfi' I'll a." I. AVi'lli A' . . UXStfiXT. SAD MAlTIl, tn A IT. iVrHKTt TJISEASEB CAlBEnr ' a vwIwnil mi km trt (.., P w v f 7 .m m. .ai l.lniil i... IU A tiH I 1 A & - k .1 i " jt ir. .iw.r iheBii ,r;rs'.. ; the f iKueriaf. a'i "S"'! ( aUioua, tiMHity U U teOB'ierrW Wm kaaar Uf. I j an aui,a Bneawatw ta aa a eal I ia.atuuwAllaatKjke-.4ol take pleaaare la ruuuunueuihiia! it io the iirotewm and the R f. MOfTMt at' Su Mi Waretai. e i . A-ITHI H, M.J j vt it 0. BARIIAM, li. D., I U 14' I IL' ill Iff Tl 1 . ""W A. Iit'tKiaJI, M., t' . WIMI1IAKU. M. li. .1 ' W. T. BKErVTOt. U. Vm ' . IWW "v-l ' !. . I hereev artlfr that I am reMtlfryinainH HVIiawavn awwa rmjmwm. mm are all jaatliaaea of reaaetantltty mM naaAia la tlu eafaaaanv. . , t. C. .UATia, Mayor of TUaoa. It. C, n ,'. , . " ' ' ".TV B08ADALW thoronghly faAleatn M niww Knu VMS Main, vau mnn Ij'atiai tea aearihf aaairiHna. m,i. Iu I'EEtPECl'LK HABMl.ltma, ftevar lb sUgbteat injury. -.. . , i not a neoret QuaoV Semetff. The ar Biek it la aude are mUiahad reaat .aatHia ae4 aad anaoratt bjr the irMoiaoa avarnkaira tt la luuiwa, ( . , - (Lata of Wilaoo, Xertb 3arolinai h rtitl, f 1,4 rwu wtthu.' '"'Tl' WHOLEHALt DKUaaiHTH: ia all the lant eitlee ef th United But a ant Brltiah America, and Ireuu ny amiaviaae everywnere. , , . AUUWara of uatjniry, promptly inayered. AJlZ. a7. aJ . XeV-frreaat a.u .i.i .t"it..a..i.': 1 My!1 IfCITBROOK t CO. i opbiVtOBS aVf' THE I r ,W II I Mrflr IW'' i WiNTTHTflfitf 'VFRSFRIM. VrfniaiMiibaliiil:ill..ll,.llh. A aeaaoa, a oiBu wt C201 TSEIS AND . " i -- JI . s.'n viais3 f EJ? of f004 f auiusaaa aavna,nii'waaiaiiHiuii ,'mret. vrhara patrona will receive sraaivt attauM, antil the la of AnrU. 4 Mood etatnp fur nttaWgae aaa waoiawde Fate 4 e4 Orape Vfcwt. .u.m . ,n i M 1 1 N f.' l APPLE -(' ,ftTJ DUU rfS, to KlU, reotv thli 4.y.r-' ' a tw I ric Jaa K-VH-U w. h. ion km atWi ia , jtik.t-u. CCO. 1 TOJfJlOFTSati MS" 1-Bjiaww-ajB.s (rOter . COBimiSSlOii . Merchant. I ( w . .. " , ' " , ' 1 l i .!... jdl .W B"BiB:i I K'K -7 oneataBtl 8 hM .weU telectrd enoioe imii - CrrooerlaV Coiftctioat, Fint Wintt, i ' -'"AlatL Liansn. CirtnL'ao. ' 1 Oaatgnmente aolldted, Prompt return rntrle. ' ijAttTTi'T" ' frr -.-fr 1 Ctt wrldtoWs il tt.Yifffi -7w!r-r'l Vl,.r,i''atthe BT I.llir; Jlf ttllll ..it a .. .a ... .. .a.. ' . a,.i l. NaWi.. ' . i Jill BeMTM at U)WTnriT.(.':'fK'lttlKt Hrifor.-.:.rT:i,i "?..ao:?,,'hM . 'hey. i. I " " -". ww vat ttavi uaajl . a . . ' i .-BARGAIN WILLBEfilVR! """wo. aa rniXTi L4 hi to laffdmanaaonnn ' ' Li" lT TTT . T "T1' 'j '- ", I A good atnek of Oood for liiv and Moai ak flLtWlliHEand JEANS AeT "lfar..rTt ir1:.?0 tSOS,' . K,I.MB arvaat ar tarll la. aaaaa a.. . aa;a naaa, a a -ww ea VB.BkBa.LtS. r. A. a u t, A ""L "T. "2 JEaK.J ta" .SkiiI iei .. . " . ' .. ..li. i. . 77 ' t . .,?- awivoriti twj nq wwiiminm it HTJFTirrnifi, "L. - .1 i J. 1 , witw iwiiw jriwTwiiBM, ,i ae al f aVMtllHT ft,B - 11 m nit nijn ttvotj :n('lj.iiCfy. noi'lr ai ttawl am vaar iw.iera. a twraiiauaiaanaiia' I a 1 1I lak.. an. kind nM ftuiff anjni. mA.HI.Au aW Tia Wjam anri narhi niarti- hhiJ ki I...I ..r.. and will py eh frw Mine, wtiMt peatemsi- at ' -a .tiww au aiaar araa.aPUr vbfM htil I witx ta.B raia, . .. a Iwtlkaea entiatautiv eu hand a reat a-inrt. meat a tt.l .., Unjk" faiant and athera of Beat aiaae and will eelt i igha. - n I ba. h.nd (1 Ao. A an., inu rrB PKAOUI A, at t-'UO par do aiid Ij one t an Il u do.at tlu all warranted aom..! ri . nal knvd wi' a waa and the Can ar ood fiir aa ' eviier : t JLH.POCCK i 1 want, of the eeotKin H will laliort reriraaant. liiliab..ro b. ill I55 PolMteallv. It will, tor the pewieiit. adharw t EekHSt-tf A ' '' r '""iW . HH'B..JIH Hir tnwiIT PHtO 1 ' CtlI:EEl 'CUEESEtr - I r"'1""' 1 1 ,",-,n 1 r-r.-aerra k.o ol thi,. . pf ra CHOICE FACTORY. STT AS- .Lfr:. .. W. U. Jns CO. .Jaa li-tu if rcrt nrx. F.'-l t'-a k'n. of tli yetr, a BAVT ha-I:'t v l1. wtl tnnualted, eiut: i t,i I "-'"e v -e wi.a it bM. -r. rteh oank-a a. Atv i ' -a - . ilUUfJWUtUAJ viva SOCIETy; 1 I m it ... . , . - I.,' ;$;4oo6,o oo. i . 1 i . ' ' -fZ (NOT KTOCKflOLDEBM, ) THIS VKAfl I own taaaaaa " PltOfrTd prVJPItl.JJAl!AlU. A M 0 (1 m,-- . f POLICY HOLDEKS. 1 ; " a iL,, i ' eAeri. V wt a.. ' I fct WCITABLB baa ennra Wore rapidl, r v k eUaa Ua trgaaaaaakia, thaa aay iMm Iunnuwe r- --" I "M aer other Comsaavia aWVeMet Watea. I IT 1 11 mgVMWl. M wm. ana fee ailiweaaet ta the Oawal Aaaaia. rT - Mn. w F. TlTLOa. A A Wilmiiurtna. t Puoewar Otnoai,,! jXewbera. Oaaaa Wiuiaaj. M, Xarbaia , . . Bcaaaaa A-Oaxxaoara, Ageota, Waehiogtoa. - Banana, Knxoe AOo. " theenalwaa'. E. Vra Btrrsuaa Oo eMiakury.- 1 HDTCBItHW, BVRBOUOIU CO.. ' -3aalaM, X. C , Jan. 11-131 -if (Inner! AgeaU hi 0. CLOTHTJICr EOTJSX 4"" T) B. AMDHEv-raTaTe COr H yi, , " ''. .a-ii- Invit atientloa ta ttun- FALL AND WINTEB STOCK Cfntlemcn'H, TontHi,'knfJ' Bojh C L p 1?;S I G . -.41111, , rmsisHnrij goods. 20 Fyetevlla fit. oppoaitb Tncktr Halt, .. nAxisiGH, jr. c. Nov. W-gt-tf ' " ,,. . " aTtrsx ' XI ECETVED. nS6 BUCK DREII CIT. MADE ptOM TOFERIOtt VRSWCH flOTHll Cut, Triraoad end mad a wett ea lb bi Merchant Tailor'a oritm .rk mi. - u.iH. fro HFTEEta TWgNTT DOtXAIW anU, -orthaarlng ia the tinea, mS CLOTH BACKS. i, . i - , -,.-riNB BEAVER nACKM . lla9IUe4 Balnst ait. - fntta aptntiu'bettyl,tprlnea to Mtt the tuna . '.I ss-..it .-j.. ... i .i,..:. . A fln variety ef IIXE BUIBTS aaya H. M, AHUKKWB COT! , .tt'eklt-tS-tt Oppoattt TaekerHalL JjAT.r 1-ATgifJIIIATAr -' " Art the fctottaiyfteeaTr fnmH at -f , , t-t ,H.B. ANDREWS A CO'M Nov.l8-o-tf '' ueoi a untniung jtooma, Oppoeite Tucker Hall. '. ""iiT'T "" Jtia ajxirBB. '!. 1IJ1 - - r .1. BOLE LEATHER TRUNKS, BULB JUEATHEH TALI8E3. MOROCCO AKD LEATHER TRAVEL- VXQ BAGS, In great, arWrty," , ' J ' At R. B.AWnRKtVSJk ra. ..vr,.-- m . .'. uw - ," ! '" i' nil, mil il .i .. i mi man ptl ffmyAabfitu. TJnat received, a lot of BOCK IHLAttD CARSI- MKltKH ftNl) .UANH, (North CaroJuMk maaufao j Ahev email M PHTNTH, a-4 Brown HBEXlVl tnUOt M tti'l a HlulMHtik, V6, Aug. ai-dl-tf . U. A W. Jf. TOCNO. ' J- V-t"' Vi't-in i.--irMii - AS REMOVED bt offie te hi firmer Dru'i more, wnen lie wiu receive applieallona aa a Volicie of tnaBrano aeainat loa by Fir. ie loweat remunerative ratee. in tba follow. . All.,,,li nl Imnt mi - - ...... -K. . i.'... J.. Maw V Ak. urwaiiyfaa iha ',),. of New ITan M a V W l' Jai . a ,. M; a , " ....a.. . !1 Si S S 3' Vndermier Selma, Ala.M ?h'lr. ""bine4 Capital and Aaaettt eieteding 'fl,0,WW. 1 'lywaia no -i.,lT" n-u., fin Li on n xaxo "acbxct1 or .--fc-'VOBTH CAKOLUAj i" 'iSDHOLjERSVHO WtSItTO fJKTX ''' AgTleulfnrttl r Mineral ' Lataffja, . water Attwrra, Hitiia, xatw ' "' Lot, op ftenl Ilafatai "--"--t.- a , , .. !: .... ot any kind, will dnd it to their advaoUg to niare men- properry in our nanoe nwaaje. ''We bam great faei iriae inv ptaeariiig aam in. aaaa aaiwrui.. i. ' - i- , .if . , , Ofn,al Agent, iw".w,4 t Iftreeoabom'? N. ILi. .' m THlKli, Agent, AUiaigb. t ff"A j t eart a? :'- vw. taMi4jfia ta v, "vn.m.-; a ..-.) -fROCPCTCS OP THE WESTERN, VINDICATOR. Ow ar bernre the lai of March, pros, tbe aa. dernisned will commence the pautieatioa of a wet aiv neanpnivr nvannetne aoovw tiue,ie tbe town of Kntberrerdtan N P. - ' j. ,. Tint WKTE VINOIOATOR, it amae Urair,-, wiu a aeaoteo v tne wippnrt ef ttr torn mtcreaiaaiid tbe riiwiitiintMn of ueefai in. nee a-lei-ted wi:b rNnerial referennata taT"r ereauiaatiout bin will itive a chaertul anp iiur.i'-m iwiw-ii eunreniaev of u white rac ' Bad tti farpakaiky at k..puluoB blwrtv au ! America . ' 1 h ' V r-l'sior" will have a larirs etrroUMoa .- i m "!'" rui r-:a . teareiana eounUBB : tnn any oiuer a.-Mwr. Autxrtuvig rmtn iout. i itirmatt paraaanm. -.pU . , , . A f-' 'TWI.t, ' r.bt l.'-5tf . e-fa.-.u! c oiiod j 0--n'lBieB of !' i rnwa will ennrWa tit; i.. iM.uv.ne. aaupuiiuin a upoa tueir cUv.s t'tt at ouea, , lilt .1 N "TV? it ' rR i nn SKNTJNEIa. Pblikbetl in the (Mty of Kalciyh, N. C, ! Daily, geml Weekly and Wrekl. William I. Pell,) Bwttot eUa, t i. Editor. la view of Ue aearctty of ajoney,od tin: aever-, ity of th tieuM, the Proprietor J the HKnrima hat deteriu'iied ttf rdoee the term of the paper, to eoaiBiente ajter the Mat. JJpW next, and to ataka each Improvement in ita gouaral nhawtetet at wut eommeod It to t)m patronage of an aollghtened public kk ta POLITICS It wlli be thutoujjhly Ceuaerva Uve. advoeatlng, at all ttai. 5 , A atfiet obeerMHta ef tbe iVnutitution of tb trailed State,' and the BjrtaoDlmYi TJukm of , tqnal ftatta' . " . Obedieno tahtwoBd the i(.cenit,Bt ot order ; Tb wpremaey of th civil over t- e military , hi time of peace ; Th eenalltyof the three o ordinate branehte of the government; Tbe eoverma-nty of tbe State over Ibeir own iatenial aff&lra, ia atrial eonformltT to' I hi l onatmiuon M ' .1. . . T-tmatoWBeeofULnd'a.;..,-, - . - wil host dietinetlon of ooler, bat the ay fi1 v race the governing etaari -Oppoettion to Radiealnun ia all it phaaea. A KK WS Journul, it ahall he equal to any. -The principal market will be regularly publiah- ; . .. .' ' -,1sla.t;.l Itt LITERARY ehuaoter ahall few maiatawed ' and inproved, by eontrltmtlon froa ewr twet , writer. .-MjKH,JI; Finally, tb Bramsw. will wk to b to pcial WWuintar ef th adnnallonal. aiml ,.l a aamieil httereat of th people of North C I olfna. "" ' ' Teraaa i Daily Santin!, for eneyao- iH 00 ail month, tti ' three month 3 BO Bsmi-Weakly Sentinel, for one year,.' .... 4 00 .. ait month,. J00 " three month, I 00 WteMV' ' for one year, .... 9 00 tT . t . " i atontb too ': AM nbacription ttrietly oatih in advance A aa advertiaing medinm, the Krrfnvn, ia ! " ' equal to anv h) he W ate. Term moderate. i ti - . i . . . , -'TJ n-.f ...i.,.i,J. '.ys, ?,. ; . . r i Mr F ' ' ' h . -.i.i. 1 ..... ; aW W aak every Conservative in the Stat to beosiBBonr 4gent to extend the clruulation of tbe Hammo The event of lm will be excitibe and important. The Wkmli Br.im.fri, akould tela tb liand of the great bedr of the neonle The teran are no ao low thai ovary one will. He aWe kBaty K ' ' ' ' ' !' lUleich, Dae. iatl., IBSO. , PtoprMor BA1TIM0BI ADVESTISISTSL tti .I E t H (TN Ti .BtlMnoi-e, MawTDTPAtrrTJMKKH OP " PORTABLE AJJTD STATIOXABT ; MM Entine ' and . Boiler. f trTEAnr riRE engines. IT ( - fir T f4 f -TTVBart'll' a'irrB.wnrrr iw,. -i.. ' i - " '".,,il.'S HAir , , Hatt REiriiATOItV , - .. -ftl" - i I. rs flls, .. . fkatriaj kf ill Mankinar. ck.lHns ts.tl. .i n.-.. -aa- j-t..( la. aaf. at. al A, !a .......j .-. flOtXRW rTBAtn, i-h-i -a . . i Vy At LIClH'f a rKEET, BAXITMOBB, hid. . y UUD aAKlLiAJtV WORKS." . Mount TeraoB Cook Store, atapepvr-fJaoli,. an, ! Boirer William', Um- verse Conk, . Aeob Raniro, ' p Rnropraa Rajig,1 - " Maire Ranee, NaaBOa Manva Lead Pin. Iron Pipe, . " i - to TC-ottaKpe, ,K r BraaOovlm, . . Pliked Oicaa, - -Irrm, Lead and 7,ine Bath Tnka .11 -I.V. Tin Hath faba with t-merald Kanco Beater, ' - J Ha.ward, nartlett A ITater Closeta. v- ila Portable Kamacr. Ires and Uuaa Baema, Hvriraata, tiblean.l llrvk fkrlnr. Clinii-h "and M'n na in cre4 variety. Au the ditkereut atvlea nt'rnkM. " " 3th Cp ana-tew lwm port bit rami una r'lontatB. tVatr Whaahw v flardea Vaaaa, - - waiMr-Coolera, ; ftatngerator, Ac. Tklch will b om a low aa can be had iu the , '-,v. -'. UUatua. .1 ... . . : laralu. .1 ty. , . AprtMuMy ' .., , mna nrtittmr triaa, .1 aiTTT7TTnt rTt t T TrTV tRisi watt a .a ( . A - , . " i' a.Wfla ' .:.'. O'.-.ia.,'.- ij t tUaU-laaoIV ; ? ai7 iDiil., 't --eOiiHUiUaaiWV aaaaMatrtautt tfrnlcr frajatt Ccal. CiLuLf. HaviKa Sa Miirraar OBmner.1 CaAUJWoa, A t, lec 81, laa7. I s, OaMratOitbrAra.lM.'. , ,. I. Prsgaph H ef OAseral Orji'mKo. JO, froa me Hdquartra of Uae atnad Jiilitary I'ialnct. 44 Aprd 11, 1KK7, a aacnUoxd a fuaUna , ' oagaHaaa ar aeereee fnr ta pavawat of eaoacT on raaaaa of aounu ariaing a Kiirth farrv aaanamiMatktfair. lmti i... daj of Ajwil, lHet, aad ia auutfc tlarolin etara the littAday of baeaaiber, 1M0, and Uia mtx da of April, lbii6, afaail Kit he anfiriml bfnmtauoil. paraue a' property of the defend. FraeeeditiK fcr aoeh aaiue of aottoo aow BHa uig, aaU WatayeaVaadaeenit oe praeaaa aliaJl b iuahtated ar eoauaxond na mm immmtm off aaa until aiWtbe vii nmaiMt ia .i wroaiaiaiaaii ill laiafi.hi tin amnailaaaa viia m teas of tba Uaitod Htalea. i; . ,v, FaaacraBh III V akAMUM,MU m1mJ follow it . h . .i ri rciTinaa ' rft w riga. ffxuraaor ant eoaatahle' are hen4jv e""i to aaaiMad ta aal uf ail npoaertr ua. w execirtiou, or oroM aadar nr lodcmaot ar leoree uf a eourl Of l eo-ealled Confederate ""ft aaVB State of h.anli eatatma, dtMawatMitla.aVof May, uul, end aha aanaatuat ot ta ixwixiotiai eovernnteul uf eauTM!, nadet we jWutaare pnetamatio of thaignh dayaf Aoril, IHBa.orof tUa HtaU uf ayma swwua, rafuien.aatweeB Ui ItMa. aaa of Daeemaer Han, end ta arfarHaatwa of th nrnMiliMml I f il . j . , Iheomlrutapeiaiaiaao! V1' atiiin. ta wnttea eonaeat of the oeienuant Da enteret of aaanid. and .uil in caw wawa the ptamtiff or hi attorney, apoa eatti, wpporUd rT eiyroboratrff teatnaon;, alaH ma;, eraboot t ramor, bla property beyond the lariadtettoa of the eosrt, vitta Uiteti to akfraad hia ereditoea ; araeadad, that a eaua judaauiat. aorandared, witliiB tb pariod afgreaaiX ahaii be a tiroiB eoBiiBeBoBina ta a HbvLM. of a at-w anit upon tb eawe aaaa of ertiira in any eaaa in which, bv law. th aeleodant ana. na. moveto anneal th maaaa ta aamrt mt aka HaMa Statee,- ' : - Ti. Mle of real ecperaonal propetty. by for lllWnre uf BlOTtaraBtt. 1 likaaiaal ammMMaJ ta Ik. csaoa etubraeedla ntrairraiik. HanJ ill ,jt ..m ariiir So. iu aa abov amended, exooptlu caBea aww auoavy seeruuig uuaequttt to tne iHih. t April, lhtifl, ahall not Cav been paid be 'ore the day of mle, d a l previoo reafrh'tion on tni h aalea are revokeo. , Paragraph IV of the aunt; order ia taodiSed bv I'araeraph V kf the aanv order V modlJied aa fallow, t wit ua raoao putt. . AU proeeediiMr for tlM roeonrr oimv eontraota, wheiher nadar eal or by paroL the UfJdrtio.rfhirhwa.thpnrehi-TO.v made .uWqiiMit to the ut day of Ja vmrT liltis, w auapended. JndKreue or decree enter! (Of HUCa eatMM hf att!M(aB athvH wn k ak.,f,-v...l , Prarjih vil of tb tme tfder i modiftod' m In a'l aal. of aronertv under iae.t , Kv order of any Court, there ahall be reaerved out of r m umpenjr or any ercnaant fto ba a dependent upon, hia or her labor, a dwelling thDroDertrofanVVefcnd.ntw k.. . f..i. mv ua awv una c, atwiT aumu urn rHHtrvAaa nm nr dependent upoo hia or her labor, a dwelling bonae ana appurtenances, tad (tf ta to ooontry) twen - ' aiitoB Hiereoi uia' tne wm m raeeey ib warn tne f two uioaeaua media ke itnatd : nd neeetaary article oC furniture, ap- -r" aw ua.muK oooae a ; and ntweaaarv article o,' furnitore an. arei, miosiaieno aaa unpienient of bnbandry, raile, or other erl'plmmient, to tb value of Ave ailiurea UTIlnVr. " The honieateadexeaiBtioB ahall imiie oulv to .MUJMI kMA HYMttHliaiMI ui.1,11 ..ImI . dL,l.l..-l a mipUmunt, of Had ei caploynat BanaU, flowed by the Xfendantl of "vtlue monrra (mnaia. 'in )ttona aeruby mad -rr- v-"j twai'iT-iawi nnuinruMHl .trt.t I kfi'iitirtii I .TJ? i lfWt . w WMu m-iMNa u tea DiMtrin or .i w. ..cvi i wuea .uif munttn uy ta HJiarur or other etBcer enfeiK tb eieention, who ahall llalll Aa. liai Btiil 4araW iaBiaamma.al a-la i 3- k. . . a-vwaaaj aifwawilli, (4111 BBU BkaBe r00t awnjia a in. wmn, . tatat poa nuit'l.Bat dot. Paragrapfe X ia bwby aaodiAed- ao a f ;i thoria arraat oaaea wh the demand ia peat due, and the de- h debt ud fir, or baa rmod or dp4 nt ; wiwm- tjrjwvpmi ahmt an dtierldT k. Biata V. . t tA. fUtvt with -ooh loUtit, c a i s. ivbb a.gW laUaTJ-SaVlle I . .ft 1 ail procaaUl aonth C . l . . a"---" ararvaai avavaj m th 1st rebel governnMnt, or th saonritiaa nt '.be ataaasaf Nurtk Uarwliaa ar 8eUr Carolina, t i ereatea for tbe pnrpo ef oarrving oa war amuut the Government of th United State, trill be na MUoa h,nt1a fte proriajon of thia o- jTl !! H"1 1T!r 10 rtted. shall be held to bar ar binder to twaararr, by aait, of tb eataieof any minor heir, tomaleirinkn eei fruall, whether in the hand STew.' cnlora. adnillaiatratnaa. anaaWa a.4l... cetera, admiatantate. trBatoe. BBardkaa. aaa. I IL General Order as., nf kf.. m ih.;t T nkaA-u.4r.na.fka.ki:. aLtT'"?- he diaujbktioa of muritHoa. liqnor, m thai iioTo.'.iv "iaw3-rT,--y!l?: United Hiate and ar tb. aVea of Noh- South (larolina, respectively. , BAB BOQHB. III. ParaKrai Ho. S3, dated 1 Bower to irraat or iutoxioatinir Kxiai auinoriea. day of lanuary, 1H6H, and to be auujeot io, th fmC 1. The atiiniripal anfhnrlttet granting the ft: oenAn shali be aiuweralil that the partie -to whom euah Itoenims are uranted, toffethar-wkb their eartie. ahall be resaoiuiibleperaon and uf rmpaivad, and thattlia bond shall bs a lien, anon the pereiinal property of both principal and aura- aaa, ami epwu proo, us aeiattlt ehalt warrant the nmraarv aeieitr and Bale of an .u. .k- spou proof of aotaitlt ahall warrant the 1 proerty ot either or both aa may be oaneaaarv to atthtrv UMI mtauna a- fiM mnA . - . WttukenBea or diaordoriy oonduut on the e'" 7 ej' ii" mre ui cue lieenae and of th panaltv of the bond. y i , 3. The owner or keener of anv harn. loon or other place at which inbaicatine lijnora ire sold, and all other persona uitercld or eoa- naaanrawioau Be regarded a prinripala I aa sntv bvuih 11, UaataMflHi irnwmff ftnl nf a. a . r. .. I ' .aaaua iiwraQ,, , 4. All oar-room. aa oooa nr all... aiTJuk whteb mtoviootini honor. "S i .l,d on the day or day. of any rali I Anna. nn.U Ik. Wl ..TT..TZT. neoraunnaif milSe, ai J 1. u ..""" .". wld a?tJra.l-T'.(d . ' J -aaa.. WVU BBBB fMV(la. tan rit.H?'?7kltt- nr;,Ci TtiKH InaTlkinbi f-kaaar avaaat - - -- . Ji VV iwoarOvn.aTari. mantih report tath Prorort MaVahal-. 'h liainot the amonnt mepitlr.. : the month, awcifvin th - n-.mi whom it WMifaieivaa. 7r da iSS rr)t"' "TK T tbw arte the hieal police rcmlatmn. a,., w HZll' in?tVB?rf . Mt u-U ld.;rf"T6iB't',r w tZLJ$LZL 6'0t. tliHeaS- ? f D'-'ri---'". and ion. of thi.orderm1ir: .-Ti! ,,u"J,ro- JV. Te fitomote th sneadyt,.;,! of r,.Z for tumor tul-.. .3 ...?rn?ar eaeAuMl ajWWHWMBaininilua , mm.I.i 1 of their auintanuuna, ifleomaiUm trt' - ". th ldth. and la7 d . J ?'.t inn wanjpaurt or Moatb CaroMaa,! AaVrvV rtourj " -i -n - rolina, recognizing or sauotioniug the f r n-iv jfaet eoa1- .yt w,.. f"" nnwajusa in vaiiotty ef aaabt ineeatment ali all aava beta determined by tb I eonrta Of th United Statea, or by national Wl. I ki-l 5 ...t4 ' nK. Vr iA VTt 11..... I I 1 a..,.j- . a-..A-.' f lav Sa W67. ar twvnknt ana tk-1 .. t . ... . . . 1 I to take etteflt on mmTmSZ ktlT.' I f f I a--a ' -n f ' f . v7.ruTr?TT-.Tr-","TP " Mng 1 .... i- i r-aTOnin ; ana tne abenn. of t mnotae.Md diatrM a4 the tbief nf po&w i i elohareoma and other place. fVhaae -2rt.Utf,t SoTaI'I tel. I tf ' of mtoafcabnonora, wbeBv T .fc, , !-aai ,. .rl a..i.., r,. t 5S7f !tts-r?rTi D hS wej,tCx " "-- i c a. . a. aBVatmaMfaagsnUaaaaa. Jal....rK.L..!?rii"wta "". I err , ,T and tonoath no.nor, t- .CrTT-, . V " Vfa-XlI-3i -.7 " " -S . 15 """""J' lp,!S" .Tr p-vi-", t .c. . t .: aoBrtJCTtaOBTt. ... . . , or tadr ef taa caa ail.rt , ., . . . . fwtouxa, report to the yno of ihr eeiTrtr T 1 I'la'nuiConrt all comn -., ..n-. oi, bvV' T,i flla f" nmci.ina l,. t in ..,,,, .,.,. .,,,Ji.' .'..'.'',' . " '"' T ei'inin, ,i.-,i. I '' 1 , . , wti. - ittiiiiw Ui9 J n r thtiir nnrnvm tt nm mj ... I i .-r. i , , COlA.kWUiJa0i'j' . .gWl, L ,"'t i ! f' rua of uuui com ., i.. , . tMkUl.g. . . . - Ktl. A ...... " eiwtaal ttu tb Btete of Nuna 7 far BudJdad that, aa A .. . . Siai at aaate Traaaarv. rid in a JaraharacWare aaau..., eadaid tTf" rmi Minna Will t . .ya, ito, aii paaaaaiiiii ete. . " iaaad by tbe iaira ot tua tniiu .. M V ' ' ' Big PUO "aaaaad bv lmi , ... , . ra,aaaaokatfM... ' Byaul uf litlataa. --, wr n Biibtb oaaaijv m... x . .... afTL 2? a tU (1.1 t.r' ar ta HUM of Nortli Oaroliaa. nm,rATWb,y " ry.lB.l7,aittkknu.rtTtV,.r.,?Ml-,- j eorporatioaa pemoasuaUa pioymaat, a a laborer,' valualtaae " i"l)Hdd. au-J herefi "l 'l vs nuuai tase wilt ha naaiiaand , . " v, that tVi?7l.''bu8 '1 uua ortlaraU But apply to fh taw W2T the enrreut mar n.ij. .7,"" a-aitTUt AOUI . v ... . Cr"""1 iiitai t m? 1,.. i st z,m ' " Aid-d-0aaip7ii aVI..V. ' f f tttnotab t Atfnna tjaBuao a n7v; . ' ' -i l-asr : ' . t. W- WKrrTl.'"ter? f ' - MISCMXAffXagg.- .. , JAHtta n. K vitiai" " '"J" K IhKSlJJJutAiiD'afa'rtftiinra .. tIIUKUU . a ' (TVltaait 't OLOTimi Will npply any order ... "t. .' I l.1 " . au prive. rttvZ7 tt-X ot M"t-4 - r ava X. -V it. Wr a A ClflNCB TO UATB VtATa, No. 1 Upliolatrr. w ar. Vf . au aakleef UPHUU'Blwi . V . , aiw.il... -.,..,,,..i,,j., . ... oauaiaoooBraar.iila.1 -"w"w,ir0vttd And Btnda aw. aaat,rj ..1a",r " kinn renairwt and A 1 'Tol-n -4 7ito Vt. . Bkade to order prouiutiy. w Wf ' ' ilLlj J"" ' -'WOPttlRS b C1 ta t.yeUu.ga. STISCIt NASS rUTU;"1 , I T Tmll !1L2?,D-I . imt r - . ir." ?r,'"ra,'aatr Na wetMeafta.'; K ZZl t Si., i bH?J a-1'"1 ,l aa. . 1 pkw. "ai U1 aaa. i tt roar erdaia V? aaaa aa 1 Balaam. U. ft - a C JiiT """W jt ' J ' - v - f ' ' -5 J SaltJ8nlt" u" Q Anf 0' "A ITT. t)TKtr M.'l,i 1 uwi...... .....1 m , .. , . ' ' 1 ; . 97. K and 3D W v a " . m-lM-Jo,'" l' f r ' . " ' a,7j '"''L " f. ' ...t.j, ' " RSMDlMk'CE. .art i 1 frr: n .a . wu M aSX0nAart4 TUf Staideact in f (4.l .-, t)va.i( 1 -, . -T7 . ., . . 1W"F I 1 O. -A . l O ii 90dja'Aa!A el dOA ifttvA1' ''f1 TVCnku!-?,onT- ? .? a tk, au . v erehard of .0(Th3-4 A . t whht r urtML i irr . r . . s ... ' the dweUing lrg ad aeavannkaLT-i.; .a tor a Ph nleiaa, eii SZol katatloa I aoxxg a cr,.? , g '..J -! BT. i v I M xmm m-rm .. wrtiv,.j JtOB PRINTINGS f iub rttlJCNDg IN THE CfTT n tvimrmw . i W douring SharuW Clerks ar ConaukaV Blank,. - i ,,.., .wl i";',,Bir).,i CARnfl nnnn aivmrfM. rirf2 f AXPHLETSt, ? I, P"0" , U piaasa r-d tntfc.fr , "l!' - ' ' r " -T'1 8eni.i7a' Mitt i it-, , ,, v" ;rl 14 - ,Z, J"- - rtupiwaari K ! MVIKINGVH ' VALLLf w-1' PORTABLE lrvfvkr- .r.," j " " iaUV3 AAilaB, fJi,iU, y?taT 'r-a44((i(a A W MILLS. JlTrALV PJnMA 1 -.. ?Jl XMUH th)f.;un ' JlaMai,h the grat . aw vuuuauinra. i u. . .... a and aAl ii Zl ,powr , a acoeomioal Union ' '- mau Mk U w I Al uaajatj B,TILrinaawi aawaa nra - n g tV. . a a , a" i a fww. ana naov lor linme.i -ia naa iThev are rraat, t ' "i. ' una. handaaad la-.."'.?:. w'in Cl". am utr.ta t-.. ' e, - i j - -. . ii. .Biiy 4jnufordLu.iAn-v.'i.-:4 S. ",VN 1 the I' "B rtaftemeonftrm it. 1, B, a,, ffil - rt inn.i.8l aBVt,Ura B (ITW A Bnml !.( : . ") , .early, tl.ftO. Ihi N,m.ml " " w tItw. P ',"lhr . W.JEMNas l.f,. 4. -TT " 'V ;titroadwT. io,k. g r'.Sl'iV."" r ,reiu..-n c . are. rMoV.A - .7Mf" . j . . . , . . j i --j' . , , , rkEMOHrs MONTHLY MtMlNg' BniversalryaeknewMecd t . , .-Iv aef Amerieat de.o.,1 ,o L Z ea,Poeina, bketche; ArohiiJ,r. a . ' ..ek C"Ha?B. Honw,.,ld (. ;f 7 w. T.u,UOB?. -l l..' K ? nihl.jBitwle en,. , c n''r aaapedmena. lo e . : r I f Mt.."d tiia 1 t-e -. J, . ., a k VT?. f van--..a nra... "'"""V K f"1.5 !" r - -;' . 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