-rai A.',H-'- w" T u wins tiwea. rJkMflftaci.U will l trU4 Ibe A ,-b-ja-.i U &iluto,.AeewA wial u-Br M taob 'JfTiTaaeh wifjixi Urfertfan ww . 3Lawa.r.v- ff ' ZrnLlt V - 'V 5'T? LuhumU Square) a . tIIa. Aa-ia"Uie.i:--''V.'. t.V """ jae" -' '2 ''-ymunuun .W.'Hifv.t .u UIH.0... . .1 hliiUia .. uM mtrj qtnuuiw w V : JTerikl notice advertisement toquirad ev ht k rmJ m iwJK W a"" s at Insert; isvsehlt aad irsuouW,'e;Ua, tb a Coari advartiatiaanai rtad washe ft mrlmtf f iU alwsya 4 "to W Meaidsh thtst,haatoeB dmwtirlliiainiiiil. lt he met vy i LOCAL LXPAKTMXHT. MOSOA V JFEURUAKY Mr 1863 A JV gtDtltme ipo4g ba eut Ss ttiy tiHnmitw ara wipcctfuHj r qoMtad taat la this City, oa Friday, tbt IKOmMI Ite'cIurA. It V lull Midanet to anie lelrxt- By anlov tf tha AW ' ' cnAIRMAV.f Batalgh. yX'ltta Jacl. , , ; .JJr,, ft- PtWa4 K buauf "iecrnafry to Wf k-tmfcjrcparJu whislk. fce h4 pMprtad;"1? V pio to ay dui bU Tio M Snibodied la Hm BMaaaoripl, w(rr jlclnj. liberal ton.! j IU Parhaai addnnil tha "CooTolm," la taatei1y pecb of more ttia'h a Uout'i - leoel irbic fra Wpa to bar tba plaaaart mt obKaKia W Utf, hereaiW. Tit dit aawail thaaubjactr la aU ha btatiaga, with bu aoeuatpmed ability and boMoeaa. j '' ' JIcDoaald, of Cbatbaai, took nccaaini In itigaMtbw, a mmrdartoa," all who wew nlstel .aa b) jlantbern si.U.jin tha Citil Wab buti aobaequmitly, attemptad U vll fy )ba'digriful aapeiaioa Coming froia,! KcDoaald, fba remark wat almp'y a b-, I Ittoi Jor.bic1 an U4wr.lty aaupMnil.lu. bat It It a aBotln)ao wfiksb ho b-M lxa iadoetrinatad hj tlie , leader, wls aft J,t6euiMlaJ,a!lora 'ronpoiuibla for tha war tbM aay other bib ta tba fkata, aat ako wotJd ijO ibleld their guilty head ma-W . .oMagiDf, hypocritical and baa protiwiaiVaM ofMoyalty." Coma Iron what aoarae U alay,ay Ndeetioa, -apoa th palrbttaat rf tte gtfllant ften'T wh iflM tl ;Wlr w rillUMt'darihgll1a tba cauatl and it tbaaatt afKurt"parolirla.birmoUbel. 1 Mr.' Durham aptly paid, tha aatbota of aah ' 'an fmpoUtloa li la their twrf ihrotta, 1 j Oa Batordy,' altar wfoin, arj tiatv ' rally, to boa or tba birthday U tba ' iaamur- tal Botittier WaaaiHO'(Mi by? albNHlBg, Suffrage waj igaia JateB up h waa dla,, . 4Mlthe ,Bdiaf lallo. fty ateaurt. Grant, Heatos, Aihley,aBd, . Caallur, The iJoJUa(.iBadv,erbapa, tla :,mmd. Ibv wrunkS anMRhea- of tha aaailoa. ? tl waa eiaat' aad ecurriloan, the twi HylBiaai'Bock, or tba atuaj whoiiua lUBiipnaiaiH tbannWa'wbita poople 'of Uua . 4araliCt'ft'"J la mplyfta Mr Dttrbam'a horrible eionrlatioa af hta, let biff badiamiaaed. 1 Mr. Uurbarti'a ipeecb wa,if poafilda, aa .rmprdretiieet ulMia that tha pracatliag al)(btv , Wa refer tba reader to tba abetract girea la our report; aau n tnan u a wane jr' tatb Btate, wboa heart doea wot Ji.inU twpooaiTely to bia gallaat atteraoeaa, f e it bo worth; aoa of North Carolina. ' i ,; f PatithvaIhiuai. Deader or diotb tach K. . c. t.a itwer ilumbercd In any froa, stlian tho Cotrhi who presides over thefwit !MCoIltllsllun.,, lie i the iangliing-atotk jaf all who Tidit tha mi'nagerie, aad bh) , tjchildren," wbo et about bit feet, hate fla ' aoent cause to blush (it they coa blah)at tha ridlcalooj exhibition! which h make of Vftiaeir in . the Chair. Poor fid Daddy wl aaaofilial ttmrlagl''i,ii" ''' .' i ' A fe Jy iiooe, Whaa aoata particularly . lamoioaa aentimaDt waa' iadalffad by ana of tba ;Hrfltor t the fioor, tba iir , yfaud OcAowKin j ita ,s.-. .f.v-, w4; Oa Friday nlglrt, Mr. Durban, la eoDcbf Mfiing bit abla apaaoh gaflragw, Iatimate4 'that, portapa, he bad ipokea at aaaeceiiary .-luoifth, ia view ot tha fact that tha mlndi nf tha Radical portion of tba CoaTaatioa -Ji"! . avjad(rsd tlia whole aaatter. Tha . uunr avuted : ua oa, ur ; f on, sir V , r Thfa ra tro recant aneeinMwa aa' tha - arliametAarf , digaity which tila oa tl v akvatwd ruatraa, ia front of the tad ear Jaiaayja tha Uaii of tha Hoaa af Cauaoa, Catawk. At tba iopgotaoa of Coa aamtiTes ia Crarea, tie Xxacatira Coib- MniftHt tk r'( :isure In adding ta tha liat of wCaovaasera, for that Caaaty, tha feaateaai no. n. UaugUtoa al loo. & WaehiagteM, wjMtin -f" ,"".!. Th tnowinr etrellent appniotnuxUi tJare been aaada fur Maw Haaoer, la part i - am iia..r. OoL R II. Cowan. Mni. T.&4mrt HJ C. W. hluClamwy, aad . 4 v. JJ. issuer, oj.j , - w f ATTsrrei. Whea C. S, Uoring waa pro f "j d u a caodidata tor -tba Lrpoletaia, sia the n'gpet Conrentioo, fta Saturday, aa '.".uueai darkey, who badal tba honor of " t pt;rntiT n-tjnioianoc wilh that. ;n !ivi t Oji, drtnrpd to knw whe4lM "a ybttaot a llji-k mn."Vi:v.i..4 i oace j, Adi nt drkry, ali?d that k,: mm tf ' a had nnt!nnf? niore U aij. ''' TSW Ax t,HTI' t 'fpntli Sl J 1. It" ( .....,,.,. q .. bat i .Lk .S..it-: ad Broker. ";. Tne eUfuated : A. J. 1' !;ar I, . s-i..;i, f.,r; ltiary 0. 'v' h Cr.- KlMKAY RaUIC CoL h I Co.Vk,MIOB,.' Tbb) mongrel eoucerti, which had l1 bar. I'M for weak baAirebaiul, mat la Tueter Hall, aa Satan Uj. CoiJer)ig ttbw -maa- Bar fat which tb rteroca-enera!,y" h to aad tba whale ifiitimw as it tii black. fMaibfy, ana httwdreft aegrwe pm preair, aad wa lUa tiut tlta Uiowin prfae eanc4Jybitedting4a, wlaa we - aa- baadV ai J. W. IUiHv, Kaaper 4 "da awhiTeaiXTtklyirilBOB, I. M. Banting, Hawk Roger J do, a Whit aker and sob "Tonnj CulvW . Iiugura,da hand aaptrant for Pack1 place' n tb ao aallad, WUUa OaMWl ba 'aM igaiiat' tba Howard amendment, PajWKWerby, X. Xatih, aa Coufcdaraia aoldiof,i Ball' tba door-keeper of tha Jljobgvoj Jieweoaa, tfcav Bnakrapi (anaoj tJoshx Aadiawa ''aad rranVlln,'ieniberi Cfb(! ao-caned.wai WnfcatCaV 3 Bromell.- W H. FrrelU aiad oina, ainf eigu. auspea M1wa( arwl, traat diatant patta.;" ""' ,' fc tell aad aiiJif rera tteenaamia I , tbadvkies ibih,laaaiai habtmeapactty fur and the nwlUa hiii'.'Hiijt.nr atcftl dceira tor aqaaliry "wkh, tteir.,brodr deria, tba follow iug ticket Jut Xoly -ofO oen waa atted'ba WW tu tai4. una it. JiiM,.twaeT- tad agaiart the Howard 3imendment (at af,ra.id. 'and, In. JU.a AiW. agaiBal allowlt)glbrgroe M'featjfylq he vOUfla.) notirMua - te;r- -.l1 t br Of 7a. af fit!wm.-S-rBooker Qatohiaga, aaKfovd Hoiaea,.8,,0rrarik Ba aad f .'jtoridijf whlint-cariai) , fl Aarijf. Tim Xearaoeiit-iiaporta. tlao,; wW Vat ai(tttiSi aliw1n'aHl OonTlcUKliawMlBata dtMaome'lbing Tary aaugbty. Where'a ItC Perrell t tba preeeat inmimbrit. jwbo hai W toy ing to ride Uihiil4il tka aatding f...tha art 1 montbisrid-wbow said, to boa Itaaa greatly horrified, when he lint taw. a aigger la tba Jury-box.) if. .tbWtaia'fc : ' -aasai.w huuld' liie . t: koowft;fa, Pcr;,raii8t: tjNIU M hit Domiwatiinr Wabaw ftir the'ion' grate tM)im-SkSi!'- ooaipicina-aitrf MiatinetrtshMt atrvicca is the Mcauc." . Tin wwoMof the Jlifilr1 were wjaally' divided, 1i ill nigger itittg.oa Saturday. igar ia tbcinug.t ia aa a dirgua.iitg' fpeetaele'to Jre ao eallw;whli atryng to4ibtaJa''''rMgaifiaa)r'MwWkfr.PrBl-i rar!'be 1. Tu Babmi. ConveaiiMa on Saltrrday ualy ji0itiinn'ljDej criiilUoiiara to be iiiib aVad yet the at wast twenty A4mm l a c tl)i'dv wti!tc , Aauraaa Hombbiu. Waaftra .tint tba aaokedKve 'wiMr?r art kjrrarltbw Cltyl Wa broken iaiaoa artUayFughawad a large W$ 'Fllvawj Igbt a a"t wa hear "oe'-emtHBrtbelUf CaniHf mr jktHageat S'WSft N.Tsftbf ihetr prrttlw, tr f na drtentlwAa ilia m!j(mSoraiw. tMMMAwiMi-lerifto.BMaw!' .. If t i M t,. t J ! , Mnwera . rT-TA,i,.cooiwlB .rfa the,. Wanf f OmarVut si cfetiTt and t!iriliiax'appai bt-laa wh a'swi as- Vaj era North Carotin to, c)me to the rescWa oi their fellow-citaos t.ajljndj aat them Irons baring the ofce f gr.upre maej 'hMit$ ipeip ihetr 'eok,la iba.atlop tioa of tha Q(ritla)oltnfk)i,'rt,-:' . -w Tba same aawsapimdeatniayaag.ir twenty af thirty years prior to I860, wo bo ilers there were batiaw tea hawg aa this aaknowa, aa4 oar eonntr i eftoira wera 000- erenoat Binoe 18U5, ouly ttiwa alwrt yar fab $me&$&ii tba Borders, robberies md afsnns tbwt bare UVen placo i UUs.'taHtaBoit BOUty of Red1eAlliri,'(s tha" erllwvf of tbt Xewbara llevublitmn 10 proudly deaio red, esse Aar tha tJectirtn of delegate trt'fMS t3ntentioB,f aad might bate added, -with tbceama trath- futneis,' be pwheabunty 6 trjmcl woald baa task, I would fain not andortake." -?f lasWrahrai Heary .HayWMKt Sail, aomukdding thai JCTatUd SUtea,; Utia squadroa, who araa recantly treaaeL 1 a apaaoae wawra, a ia w,ow. Ba waa nearly related tv ie HeywomT fam ily of tiiU Btate and waa a aims ia of tho late, Bern tT.S. AhorSe,rianbrer,, IWwat tha only Koftb Carolinian Kmainbig ha tbt MTdl terHcebf tlia crflfi!sJi;statei,;;jMii: 4 spoke ad aa a-flaafB ear. aV-'OBya tba WilmingtOB Journal tic. , ';-i-toJL. licsr a mctf Jjfejft8kday Btgbt last, whtla attempting, with party of tea or fi ffcco"ot Ur. n groo,.to en ty, and rob the boose of Un (toaneii Hardtaow, axwr Kewberti,, About ft time i.liii It ft rod, a party or neigh bork eame "p, and tba whota negro party fled, attea. firing a- few. abuts. oairying the dead bodVlttIiem. '( , - Jler. Dr? Peemt leettrred - l-'Wil- mlngtud before a iarge. au4. duU(lital au- 'dienovi "n".Thflrs.-ly t'gbt, ia behalf of tha Seaman's Friend Society flit subject waanie es"-ih fcrsnfl theme,' , wa doubt not, uranill r handled. Oa Friday nitfht, he rMirere i bs brilliant Jiytarr, iioJaDleaa.l Wives," htfors aw rqaaHy laraa aad n'.ew.d sud:t t, i.i bciia'f .f "a--ap-w-r r r-1 . t Senator TUjoiAisof kiartUn.!, It rrfnMt h'-s seat becauaa tie tw oie liun lrwt dnl lurs t a t ajJw rved in the (.'"eler) Awt. y.T. T'-'MI'HS mil 1- - been 10 :.-r. j. p. r- !! i c u tti; l'. d y wIipb . d li.in-'ri'iW not 10 have e :t 1 ' & 'l f r.-mm. f -i i i.',ry rif ' ' " '; 'fVr . , a r. i3r TELEGRAPH! CX X Oaw if Dlayatcbc. TEE ST1ST0S Air II 1 1 ertallicltement ta Va&htiuls! Iapaachmaat lratcrmlned Oa 1 1 L WiaanieTiwi, Tea. M. M . Tha eatU,Uat aM alb aa KatentiaBe)' ateaoraavaahewra, mlil taM a T hedaarirhtta , atloelaktMa aaUavit aflttaatoa, Ajr i Win of tka TwhMI haw aa a aaf of M.too, to tfptir aa waaea- tha War Met laat aiaht aad ia auO la Beta Honeae atrt, to aar, ia ua iwaiauiMa BMraaa, am Mtrtirala, aftiaai w atctoaa to mla artinh at iaiataah taaatott tht IS ill al hto taada lataaaliag tha f- (toa. EunatV Kltof to the Preaidaat. af aa, but tato . tt pafaiuaaa; Aliedine; to aha aaw lnnlMil eraaf Intttf aad UraM to toaaaa ManAvw aaia. he mfms "U k to Mt Una it wiU to tiait to ixHttoive alteriur aiinnaT aharwaa dojaweaiwi anaiatotojB. I HawT.a,aa.lB,B ttold aa AW atnwt ta Bay. ptojce btiirnw -. ike alijr utoa ithH aa a hatjoay. . . -t 4Mt m. t,7i,. mm., ' ij w ' n .waMoot,eb,lXli' rt.ti.ai laW4 Utiar. at a aeolina bl i. PoT landa aa fe fx W i to arrive H- Orlaaaa Our MldidgM OI(paUeba. a4t.f i Wunwma, fta, M. ?. at ' ' BaaATa.- lie UiMita. jBjaaraad-'i Bouaa Mr. Khbidga aorad thai, aa Wta Wuhtogtoa't Uribday, Wataiastoa'a Vareweli addreea be read and tha Boaae adjoara, , . Maa, of Maine, beetea. . f -Bha Btakar,.ajraidt4 tbatit-tafaiaad taaaBi. aMMwapaatiti,4:.ii;w w Huloioo apjiaaWd from tha decuitatuf , (ht Catlr. It wta kutUiaed and Ute moUoo waaioat Half aeaaaaiTW toaMto, warasaMeaO, -hiitan iviaaadid.,;, ,;; ., ; m .nv. M m- ! Tut amtiiia to he the addreae raad waa re- .g,t-BrtBa,-.-'riiTUti.i i ' luKotaoU of HMaoto, proaoaadto ptotoaaa' tot raajf ,thaddraf W next wwlj.,) fSi t ) Tha tia refnaad. to hare ij.yad a 1M. "' Buut raw And tbeSjxikr gtva nutioe that deBtoiMtraUooa la (auariiNi Would lead a their gltdrtng.. i v '!1.,.hw ' ;' j , (Jtotaae tprtod to Julluwian tram k Itoeoa. tractioa Ooauntotot t , jtmafMd, Thai Andrew Julmtoa, Pretideni of the Uintod Matea be impeaubad for high otiimm aud aiHwtoiiMitwaa ia ofikoeMJv,.!, .. h. . Onnpnl drbate eataed. ' ,Tht H.a edjiiarBed tt Mia f4hr;oto f iw uki n on MoMiay ai a u ia. . Vj,vttoaa. r r!Wail . j . PBOM WASHINGTON THB flTAMTON fJC- BtMO4ina HIOH-HAKDEB Kga-i, BraWCTIVeH. a tuhmrf f Th dobiUi U praeruiu(-r; h;, Iibaff Uh . The PrttideiK will lake ao ar HI wiry metaarh flu U uul Ant'kitk th Wetnit 1 AhaM of Afcira. . laemitaneW-wKWWanW.fta: "1.. . Only Bmok and Beek voted Bcaaaah Mba lia- IMaAoarfaaaAhi ,,tinaitriinUoii "AfWir rlMtlrim eaaliir.lA1ii &nTbom rWaWoMMOoortoeked. 7atto WAtoy TluMaat went to Stanton's astoa, Badiex Hits. loa sad ton siuiahar s af Oengrata, a4 tfnaraf raa(. Deat ((treat's rthr m-law) and Uow ard, gMehMb, gaaadedaliih duor. '! Tialtora were Unty admitted after their sards were tataeoiait.A Hevaral evils were presented tar Tkoaaaa, ailantoioa A rerotod. Col. Mom. tee rnatnenra prmpr naeretair. Lot! tod to we Thomas, bat admiiMiN waa nf uaad. f taruita remained in ettnton'a room wntit l feS - ia, wava beleftVJm awr knll.nii. . j . fHnilj; till tuwtrrrjtr,.o'MiMMl B(t.utu flaunt, Ua he won Id no jftre up the Heurvt a jr'aliip.i er aaer TlHaaaaaa Utirttt.ir af War, aoa mt (nMraeiwi ait ine aatnipyeea or at aepart- metH wie-to mmt Tlteaaao. r I At 1 e'eloct, Thomas badae prolanired twAiw ill with" tha 1'rtfc.ritant. dnrina vttiah the Preeident 11 Od ha dtsawaotostaha ataitor lenaUf to lite flw teiaaawatoamsnmaBtByHto gooe ts - Tabw, Fab. M, P. tj . " la the (eurenUoa. to-dtT.tbs work is iirearasi. tug raiaiiioiaaatueaiaBa Bientbajaj,';.',, ' .f,.- yi,, ) Boveral ordtoauous and , articles, .of the Opnttl- 4' .. , , . , - 'w- ' I' - . K rf ale d eil'i teiia, 11 years of are, alisll vote, provided that 4 ua wuHiuiav m ww jnwwia , a i at the nrsteieetieB , aoa Kir oae year iruia im adoptiea or tba oonautoooa only ad rotors under the Vobsreaaiusafa the jim ooHnnmoif . "- j gAcaaea, Paa. f. BJ. : 1881881 "f ' The OonvenUon adowf ed B Veeolntina. ntnaidV lag for taaappotoimtat WaflnaaiHao4o vita Wsshingtoa, and 1sy before Orsnt, and other tsnattaBUtntl tb. trneoBdJlloaJ af aftMra ta Miatlatippi ; uao to neaotiate a loan of a hundred tboaaaad dollar to fabay tba aaysnnwof Uit Uuennuca'l 1 at 1 1 i a a . TTirrasatrTTI Fmaa 9 a. r. is. IOV aywwa aAUBam wr aaajsiiiiaaaaaa, wr-sasawt hi 11 14 mb- tonaoaaeliamsnt, , .!;' " MtvaaX f , It ta awderatoed thai Oea. Bonoaekl will nil tba Ttaukiea,anearfoed V' hW raanvatof atacia. traua. aa reateraav, oy appoinung paraona ra. OMmended by toe City Uoaaai aha asm take tbstoaiaetBK V . . . i, . v. i - . r . j. . ;i Mfc KATIOSitV pgMOCRATIr OoHVra - hi wtnw toar wais jwsauiaaatui, turn i UT. tf, Ta. Mli 'aa! Deeaoeraue Uommitte bare asated'HewTsrkasfhs plaee, and the ttb of faij m tha than, far hohttog tha Vatioaal ConvenMonw Tha riawl ti i Bom the Boat ham, gtatos had Ml vatse totaOearajla.'TlS( w-i' ''"1,'.i',t-vJii-; B4y-Mgbt Telegraum. . ' 4ff , V awmiiaaanas.. -, -. V , 3 .a. -0m ITIiXWWl . . - ,-r- ----- U4fm i f.JU M . . GRA2JTPUTS A GRARD IXtlTE 'WAR' 0 FFICE-J II AT TJII5 judicalh saxi ; .... Wisaamiii Vah. S3t R M. Ktaoton his lodged ta the Wat XVipartmeii) tiooe Frjfcjv , Urant baa doeUed tba (jujn.it mera, i. ' -i-ij w1r : aW "Wrfur ht'vt Gen-lmory, "omTitif; the I)enfcrtmj,nku!'toT any order ef the Is ji-ideut. ia vtomBaa ertoelMaine-oMMBeeHA jt. , ; All in 1 and enaipoacd at Hmw, The FMfcdcnt hs noaamaw 3 M m. . .. a hams t aen-tar ef War aud u -imw, trrlv -r s 7o wwrrawio -wwt Htan' "Ail ii,elcuM-riic sonitwii of Cn;roas," Kr. Seward, sad antnr ctttmos tnl elrtngi tj cailed ea the Prtid.ni to-dv. . . -,.J'meB a. II Vs to-meitow. TV-.- ' I. t l:s.:i ali- n j tbat r, i f" -jf will -p if I'r-(mieut. - ' j H i - ij. -nt nittl ft 'i 'Utneui fvirr.-w r" 9 Sdtftoote" fla- M k JT i i I "JV. MM I I Tba Johnaoa-Khenaaa afUir baa prwvaa to be a aiaa dtva' wjador, let it may i bo aitlaUv i-.a i anddi! rarr ad a luiu btm Uxk. biwtnMU which dti paAttwhlBtjlirfiaMIt y tiangeniettt lwtwet-a iUcm ! dMiuguiait ad ainoiata. T tataw ia m oaty Wd ia rewoeeUul, bt ia kht terato. dv ing a flat Mtraa1iatiae lo -tha reported ia- Sharaaaa autoa wrbiii rraanaa why wwaid ilka taJw ncmi-inm eeiHU.g the aaaaaaaadeJfAlwaiMi UtfanuMt.i ot tha Attoatie j but it la by aa new anoouimoa tor affioera a ask thuato be aacwaed,' 'aato lbracaaao andaboto fTaiM4her. K" laataaoa, Una. VcUowalF waa lately aalgned ta the Droartment ef tba Klttiaaipui. Ua awt oafyekdte hare tW arder aaaigBbig hist reroked, bat a lanre aomber of tba praaatiiaat aiuaeaa at ijutioniia ytaaeeT ta the rratKat. anrinirtbat. ther partkalarlT deairad to retain General McDowell, aa the CaaaaMAuM 4 ha iepaiiAaaaw f Aba a aiaa. - la tba uwa atanner praetaaly will tha wlahea at Oeaeral SUermaa ba auaaaltod waaa preaeatod aa the tttre haaa. ia. re IKWJ 'i;rraTOpa jJ ,a irifi'r' Ft Jla iiinuli tlia hn-T.(- pMHBeni i war auanitu . aa. weaaeai ei Me A.ibit, IMa 1 nauiiut . uxsli ao iutertM Wbaterer beyond wiibuig to pay bia high compliment to . the (UtuoRuiniied wiliiary aeryicei of ,tb, goadt'OtaA u guation,, R' . TaffCAK or ilwAMl"balver may ba doa4 in the caaa of Alabama, ona fact will rrmin indUpuUblr : thxt the coaait tutinn framed wtidef the 'uro'tUtmt'of U"e re construction acta, and tubmlTtod according to tboae protiaionf, did not "tcertra the aombet of votoe madr auentiat to lit ratitt ratioB;' Had as maay aegroes anted a there Vera negroN registered as ' Votars ' hy tba State, tb ratiflcaiioa would bava 1a a aocoplibd: f The cmttitutioa. tborrfure, broke down, uader the wtifru-t, aa-al though', in rioUlioo of the recaaatraatioB laws, it may ba imnoaed apoa tba Bute, the fact that it broke dowaoaa neither he dia rwtwi aor'rcailed.,7Tliaooctltai4oa, fail tug of rei ideation, . hi rrjectod. iupoatd upoo the State, it M tba embodimuat ol dre polic firoa. Nothing prohaeedly done uu dai ithaa acqnimiba attribota of . legality, and all who hoki office by its authority are ma4ehiator- yaaaatt jifof aef j ' ' blstte Carratlvr3 Convrntlexi, At Haleigh, Feb; 6th aad 6th, 1868, tPtXlx b OHfJiiriifTiojfi ! 1 A. State CotuiuiUsa, ts cestiar af a Chair tnan and thirty nuojbcra, eii of whom shall A side in lialeiirlu and three in each judicial district-fate ha appointed' by tbf (itantgotiipaakioB,- . ;l l : ..Th..voiunjita shall, Bv po o maintain it oriBiiiZ(tti(V,W Uiu acan. aiaav and shall take eWtrS id aU Bist- rm mlatiag airgsnUatioa, regie rration, &, aad a proper faaraaa or tbe nt ate. , DtSTBaBreBaaHUATtOaT. ' ft gnaambara af tha state Committee in eah jaMMMdiaWmPiaU.asjHatttate a lta trtut Ummttto U Vt ssspeetirauiautcu aal shall anuoint a Cltalrroaa. and abaU uka cltarc of all matter relating to eoua ty organisation, dec, in tbeir respective dis tricji ;'nd hU porl stl' mitttrs ralating a-, tw m. aaw oaeBnis y---f-t- t tolaUaa a( tha Hh. I i J.I.-.ii.u (A, iwl Ua Aat Ha waa I fik..-..." li. jh win rraanua ah ha (Wrt7 ,tlf Chuuihan ol th 8totTtmistrMbrd;4w'ab mltte. " - f "; eeJOItof' eMAMMTtoWrdTt ' tt fct rccomnifocied tbst each County, by popoijr diet: tiui or throng h th medium of xii' mg orKaoisationa, appoint a County Uotwmiibr, t eoasiat of at 'least twd per saue frota aaeh CaptaiaV Diatriot within it limit. ' as . ja ' 7" Tha Cooaty Coutuiltte shall take charge af all matter at registration, local orguit satioB, dsCwltliio th Count, and V 're narsted to tiuika tnonlbly rcborta to tb Uhairiaaa ef th BUtrirt iiuimlttee, asd, srhea waneasary, talntormhim of snob local Matters isms;' rrioire,tUai Attantioa of tha Dislriot CouiujWe.,., , -Xi ja iurtbar reawmmeadad that sack Connty Committoe cans to ba enrolled tba oaiues ox. ail lUoxeglatorad ioters ot tneir county, who are willing to act and rot with this oraanrisAtliia no' man to Ijo thus snrolled witlmut . his expreet consent :and. siao, that they causa av b . enrolled unB separata list the names of all tbnea Wbo ar entitled to register, but who bar not don so, and that they uas every xortion to se cure their regint rtti oa and active coMipera- non. .ltohii. That tlii president of the Coa rentiea srtoint flra or more nersotHL in each County, to makei'thorongh eenvaas ot the same, and disseminata Drooer poltUoal t.rM.ili iuTi,..i.i ti SI" 74 . Vwmm lis ' - "!-'! .afwr! I A L' bEoiiiATIONOJ PRnfCTPtEd. fi Tha ConserratiT penpt af North Carav baa haviag, by- their delegates, naaemblad la Convention at Jtalelgh, on tbt Sth. nf rebraarv. 1868. to consider the pmv aaomaloos condition of tba Stsv,'' and nf the country, and to consult tojjt-fh.V- apoa tba grievances' which' oaw,' affltot -and thiaatoh tbeqt, and th' eaara ef acttoa proper to be atlnptsd ia th trying cirenm stnnees which aurrottnd them, do reaolr and declare , . ."" " "I. Our unalu-rabl devotion fa tba prla ciph of fnatitationat' Uberty and oar fealty ta tha government of tha United State, aa set tnrtk In th rVtsral Coo it a ttna. That w wnoerelf aad ia rood faith aocrpt -the legitimate and Irgfd results af the late wr, n1 do Wreoy reterato oar oil fr-poaten (lerlaratiisn, ttiat w moat neantiy diwtre pear and eoncord pith f fisw-f Htstes anil wittt tne mure peripio i tne UBd S'atea. . 7. A , 2. aYRrrf,- inai rrparoin J, kavrrn?, l hl regarg ng the fontli- TntjIMttlj ,,1B United tttaKaaa be urr nt all erameiit, tire, are that emulr tMtoi aeaJnat th aaforeoaent npna our fvi ht the- Reeonstrnctioa 'Act and policy of Oonresa, a unconstientttiai, an wise and dratractir ta Society, aa1 h Istive nf tVat gtvat prtnctpUr-ot tmrw politic; tleach Stat shall have I he -rlnslve control of its own intorttal ffa;ra. . JletohtJ That tt ia tiw op;moa af itiit Couveotion, that the great aad ail alanrt.nc i .ciuT now vonB W Vt prraitirtll lo UiD 1 pie of tli But, ia oro suffrat and neii eonallt V.I! nW pimmai, avu wuw win ims eftHTtn forth OiMina aad tlwi rVurth, the wli'li SuA-f ii to be p1rd pol'tifH'tj-, and, ai a aooawiojincay aooially. uiwt a footing ot efjnnlity . with tb w;i, ), to)- aaany localities, "-)ne' to hir gerernnvMIt a suptii ir? Ilndwearc utterly opposed to aura change ia our gwernousot and ia oar sociaI reitWo, and that we do benhy nrtietly recommend to the per- "e of tlie S!te to muntully meet tba Imue now a ifn.pted lo ba forced epon them, and ta Ba evety pr. p-r mean within their-power to -rt t' :tiridir8 Wii;hi;f. " 4. J. ', jljst while we ar nalter b!f 0 1" o political snd atcial anltty ait'i 1 no binck raw. e v t bve no orjnt priiu.liriia cint tn rare;thalw ar detvrtnined, by just Imi, to protect tbeas ia il artnilmatrajjon ai tuo. ,tl-l i r - r n w avi,iintrt waa. j. , .1, ut tha UMM fc If 1 ta. ... , - - rqnej anil ooommme, w pe-ti. 1 - R ! . ' M MMWHI..II. .. Ml. fl t - fwHy ra ait thfir oivil rig1ita,aad to confer apaet them all pnriiega vhiehaaa haduaa onaauteatiy with, tba .safety aad weiiara af aoaa raw. ,s a a ".',, k. wtw'anf. That tha diatreamd Bad 1m DOTstieHed remditioa of war Weutito aw aasdy deataswU.the apvadtest aad wlaaat meaaaws of toutt tuat ina Mgltlatara aa ' C VassaiaadI'hat thb CoaVentioa faeoavl a iws, with feeling of gratitada, tus aerw ul 1 airitMie efforto at tha Presidaat af UuifQarrtv I'uiU'd tAUa, ,to, res tor tha L'aioa 'harmnny asKtgaoel wiUaaaoagtba can people.' , " . - t. AisnWthat rU Coa va tioa a gasd tha Sapraaaa, Coart af tha Unltod tUatoa aa tha legitimate aapaaader, to ba laat taaart, af ah Oataiiituima aad, tie liars that Ha rights aad powers, ha that rasp set, should b praeervad 'ntact, as stabuehd by law to th aariier and bettas days af tha hW paidio, aad that ' any aatioaa hmpairmaBt thrrwd, by legialatloa wt therw, wtU U deatraetir to the bast u turrets of ths eoaa try, aad aaogereu lathe knertontof ' he aanphwidi t -ia-iJ mwiaavl saw (at g. ftowhjwT.Ths dsapatring ad any na totatioaot ah Southern BUto BUflar Afc aoaduet of thai areaaitatioa which new oowtmU tha prooaediaga of Co grass, waivs tog all lormer party teettBg aaa praraaiea, tint Coa ven tioa does Biont Bnheaitatinglv nvommebd aad Invito tb beA.y co epora th of all th gaad people of North Casts. I'.na with h Drasoorau aad Unaaanrativw men of th Knh aad West, who ar an)lt tniL-'iiae (Ah anaanUoaae of aba Coaatitntioa of tha United Ditto aad 1fa restoration of tb Southern Sutoa ta tbair rights ia tha Union oa tba ootid fcmadatfrua of barmoayaad paca...f. ,t . t;,JasMVTbai thU Conveotloa alaet ftr datoaatoa and ibar altorBatoa, for rh dtoit ai larva, ta rapraaaat the OuBtorvativa people of North Croliaa to tb wast Oeta ocratle Natbmsl Coa van tioa. and that it recommend to th Conaerrativ. people nf the several Corta4al Jinc,ti, to ap point delecates at aa early day taaapraaeot tbera la aad Coareation. ; - 10. AaW, That wbea aa eleottba sl.all be osdeced for the rauOwtioa ol a aw 6tti Onatitatioo, tba Kxeoutire - Commitias for aha Hlata. which baa been annolntod bv this Ovovratlon, b (Bstroctod, It tba time sbaU be auBiotent, to call a Convention ot the Cooawvatlra peopl of tba State, to, put in uomiostioa candidate for tb arioaa State olfior whoa dactioa (bail thea be erdereii; tad it there shall aot b suffloient tia to caH said Ceavention, to put tor waminatkm touod Uoaaervaiiv aaea tot arid odices, " :COUNTT CASyAaafflBBa w toaW-AV-f t ajtrl-t 4i Cuui Dr ' John A.'.'V16ich. lame A. Graliaui, James . Boyd,,(Jirge rattarsoa, orT. Ai. ttoJS.. . VAi.1 i i aaaa,r,Tbumas 8. Aahe. Arch'd. Nivsn, C. lClUas W. Q. biaith, W. P. XentUHi &evert. Thomas SperfewV doaeph B Stieknry, t'hurebtU Gorham, P. B, alter tbwettev Edward S Harah.J 4 , nutUThim 0. Walton. S. d. W.Tate, Dr. Darld Berry, Andrew Sbufard; Jo. R Merrill. - '. .' t "- Jfcatf4(rapti? Albrf, aasM R Chinnks OoL S. D. Thurston, Titos. Draw, 1 mbbm'i m oritA.v'rg-.r ;g t- iiWta. Bev. Colia Sbaw, C-ri;e l mania, Jaev A, Riehardarm, Tbna: IC "flu. ton aad 1. W, rordie, l-sqr. , ; . f7Aflrr-WUliaBV, S- Harris, John M. LOBS. Di. L. S. Binuham, Dr. K M. Hendrr aoa. Prank Bpgnra. vfiamaal Puarr, P. It. ' OaJdtsfi..W'j. W 'H.' Matone, Orrt. 8. F. Patteraoa, Cdwaro), r)f,, Junes, twv, issan CkaAtm.-V.Q. Wad(ish. Ma tUnning. Jr. a A Loedoa, Jr B. t. alawta, Jamas r,aa..:),; , -:? -,,, Cawferst Dr. L W. Martin, L. 6. Oyleebr, Joha M. Perry, Samaei LsSsra, Beu.il Belt. ,. OatsiPts. Dr. Kills, Dr. Turner Aber nathy, Joee Cltoa, 0,James, apt. Reltiia, A S Whitnar, I II Brunt, H.miiel Tucbm, Wesler Baadr. Daaiol Doak CirA.tk I V, Shmrili, Oeotg..yod.i.,-'VV ' j CatwtO. --Bedford Brown, Joha Kern, Thotaas lVjaataa, iPUlB, O. W. Tbompaoa. ? , 'tOutaetoaa, jona w. aviut, n.i. emii-t, Foamey George, V. V. Kiohardaoa, J. if. MoGouraa. t 1 't '' (' i -ff CbMtond.-Lee M McAfee. I W Qidnej, If D Law, H Caaeabw, A Jt Uomtaly. Ooeta. Henry H. Bryaa, Aloander ' CL tatham, Wn. 0. Snaad, Joha llngheal pr. P, 9. Hines, H. T. Guion, Alat. Justice.; ' A.MX. .n. WTt : Iaa.,11 Unrwall M. Baxter, ft me M.t Woodhooaa, William Sbaw, T. a Humphrey, ,,. -a , -' CednHU D. D. ferarxe, Dr. Mallea, C. O. Luke, W. & Perebe aad Willi Bat Sr-P.C. BobblnsJ. Wellwra, M. H.4 PIbbIi, S. 8. Joae. - ' :-' jrry4J-Pfof. K. Bi Webttrr.-Coi. Wa, A Alien, Capt, A S, Brown,' Wat. Ward, J. D. Stanford, J. Hwaoy. f S i 1 7etoe.-W. T. Hblpp, fc limind wines, Robt. Hotland," Coi. Wm. StoweJ""Ei.b. 1 Oraneifti. Col. i. ft. Anrii, P.A. Jenkins, S. C laonady, W. H. I. Jakin,T. U Krrea MaadenbaH, ttoma. I Bankm, Jr. t. ' imia-Bjawar voo'K'ano, Wifnitaa, Dr. Henry, Mnans B. H. Swdht Willi a Day. . - IbrM. A Taatra, Dr. 0. 0. Moore. Dr. B. H. Shields ir. K. U bmltb, J. IX SlaagMn. I " ' " JreJett-Tbos. A. Kicbnl-oa, J W Hill, R. A. McLaughlin, K. a Dempster, Cukn r' John Malt, , v '-.ij t; granka. 1L C.Koaca P. for. i M.i Jf JjLidMu-3. IT.'Alwtf, ti R. 'Wa.Melt, V. It Haa-tort. W. I! AverscVth WomialM B-lw. rh Parke.- '' ' . i.-JV. n W. Blount. J. U. weotoS, rtp. A. Vance; Hon. J. H. WilaoB, O' B, J. A,,00"?, uol, wm. Jobnatoa. "-" r ; 1 . Af,-JkwvIi.flrB.- Alnrr Burolij. A , V. tiwia, W. W. Pleming, Dr. John Tsneay, . Afflaw. Uee I) Dod. DrJaoBbaw, Capt Jaotes D Mclver, Capt jOorg.JIf ilc.i. Doetor H Tnrntr. " - Xrrthtrmvte. Gra T J T.rno, R R, Pea. Me, Dr J C JwM. -K Ttmmaa MJtt, W W Peebles. Dr W P O'pciead. , Ooat Jones Waien,' J .hn F. Lr on. W. W.Goraa. John W. Grabem. K P. b'iMi. fW Joi a W. Hmckii forii,; E vy raBtit'A H vrf H. '"-.' Tj'li X BUea L W.P. Wsrd. " V 7 ' . - P M, BO Y!Wb-jr. Dr. C J O'Marm, G W Joboan. Uenrf ,)berd, W K Wll basBS, Jtssa Biaacill, Abrata Coa, J. i Lit toe. - i ' Rhmnd.V T Utt!, W D Townaenrl, Jsme T Koeaer, Jatues P Leak, J" !ia Jobs turn. - - -- i ifcVaB.--Joi,n le'rh, N A McLean, Giles LeitcU, J ha 11 V F.., Tborna Morrivy. " - : . gm.-rE fMi', w H I"'"";, K'TT f'rai W A ilam k.Ui M ' T W i keen, lUthard Coasn, Jno, K. (jitham. I HflL M. v. vanoniai, . a -" ' JmfWW. -L P Eiwiu. J M Whiteaide, oaenh farw.n, W ti AliMer. Dr Thomas S Itotlr.- -r'L , . ---- ' tlm,umj.: t4 tf A JnvKOr, William S rVratm; R V Holm., Dr II A iiiiaett, Dr J Tnlurpby. - " ' ' frw.lri 'Wane h, -11 O Hampton, sauftJiiajmr, Dr Joaepb etttlliiisawrib, Ji ttwy. f '"h"' - ' ('' 'Vf;l, B Wa..- .' 0.em.cy fltmnir. Wilrl.au- 6 MtHTwy.'B - A Wrighj Gray C. SafsaaUirffJ tCooie,W JamsaCal- loway, g Xf Wc-llwuma, lr .Tyr yrk, Phinra Horioa. - ' - i ru. Charles H Buabea, Q ItoCsr- , J-aaa AV- Norrla, Oenrga Whiting, Jaoib K lean leg, K W York, Jeans W inborn, U n A HarO, txM. en tt. railoauiL . Barr.Cu W 4 Oreea, Col, W A. Jea klua,S J.Pluaimer d'it Davis, M Col- yoaOto, William A. Ibdwf. J Wllrtoato, BrJiwetali Uirtwoj. AViiuiie ler. V itooghkia. .... ,,. , . f IW - V-t t - . -'.! Ill -..(- .fTOJaOaA WWtiKjcitfAlIl HA VrOBTJV DAvlKJEUtS ABO lajiavwa. Botrra Bu toaaa, aat A tt4? &fe.t.l",.: :-;- 5' yf w 'J1 " ." "" Saar ,t.i... saNHar1,B aBBa, hank of I PV . " . ran w ft MlialaaAiii.uMakiMT It; ,.Hta . :!ia. .Mwwkwr. .a. , . ........ i tuututte a ......... i to -4 " Lai laaaaa. nhh'MMy,!,! to Otaaaraa..'i.. tt;.vua. IT S iiaraadm.M 1, ,aii.ii ,.a..4 A " Favenanlla... ...... It " Vhiotia.w..Ait.............. T " Yanaartula.. ....... I Morrtoa'BuAlbr.V. ;.... ........ Faissais' tUnk of Oreenabure.... 8. ...'... It huatrt'aad ftaatorr batik. . iu M Oumwenael liauk of V.iliaiu.jtuB.......,,., M Grvooaboro htatoai ina. Oo. Viritinta Bauk (iotaa avarttjs'aboot.. tH duato Caruuua " IB Oeortria " M Wa hoy and Beg ai Ubaral prioaa, Gold aad ad- North Otrolina Bauds. United aid aa ettmr marketalito stunk a. . (irK n'f a luiili nota bv daUar ImiIiUt uf llaiths will roeerre laanpt sttenttoa. tuawajt is eanraas saxaaea of bank Betas Au.ail) he made en Uit dav revelvad, by oheok 00 Ki' f rk or Btkuawt, ur to (nuruaajr, a da "- .... ..a. ; ... .-' - L4fr and Ftr mtajrane rwitolee taaaaa ta anoo Cuaipaooa, at bast rata. ', ; . v s jiAUigTltoaey Market r ookrbctcu bi Jom a. wiluamb Aoo- .1 bWlKKBH, EAUtlGH, SkC a 3 rttnaa or aoa-ra cbbouba babb botbs'i ! ' bank 0 K.C. (Hold ) vwrrwr K) ii, B, " 4 finKa-n, at Otabam? . .7,-.. . . .' v., , ..R..il-"uiih. ...................... tt h. "Si lvl""hirtgh,,...i..f,..., .... wi iU Th.itavul Mf!,r.w,.MM, W BiathiMKVat ...... f . FayeUevdl.,,.. V... ....;,. V " - t.'ltn-tidon v..Vfc,,;.., ............ 4 - . ; VaiiiM.yvula. ..r.il. ' Minnrs' ami IMnt"r's Ittnk. . , ,, 49 Parmer' ikok, t'omiuor."! liauk, iliuiun ton.,... M, ...... M Muraliaut'a ItiMik, Ni-iaaru,.t. .... AO (travuaborotiKh Mutual.. ,,,......,..,. VirKiuit bank Notet, aluut... W Hmith t'arolwu. t" 1 ..J..,Ll....i OanrBia h- ,y"" iAJlA...l at VitriHt ;.. .... ..). i. .rf.ti.v..t.i. . Is 4 Klli t'tWNJ!Ml .... St Nortti darouns nauroaq iiiinBi.,, t'l i)i,l a.ia.. . . ...... . .'. ................. SO kjiottMiMu New Yin. .... .... .... , 4 1 iMtt Bv. sr. rin.it,rMMtaii,., j . w. w. WnXARD. iieu. w, unt.inus, W.RAWJUWt. .iftwAWai otci WMn;,!. -j.;; 3. J. ItUaOKlda Valiaaa ! ,1 . tala In hllta nf Euikamrs Rtohi- Draflt. Ooli and mlvut AUn.aad tieverument and aiher a ninnmil Dtnh Notaa hoauht at hlirheat nrieaa. anat b tuaaa will be remitted inr pmuBUy, m emmaje, ar ta hew lork tund hi reici njHBENT.FKB. 7. I8C8, ',Bunkof Cm Fr,,..... .WJ .1 hurhilia,... .,.. . ,''" Olarmdoa, , lMint(ion, parable at Graham,. .. .Hi 1 1 N.iHIiOtruUiav.... r,.... "5'?l' K"Smty,. vr" .... ..m.. TliumtaJl,..v'. ......mm...." , -WadeatMiro',aM......3d IH r. Wanliiii)lo..t..rr.A..'.... T ' J fMieeyviM '. . .. ..J..,. . ViitimiiunHt.,,., ,.......,-,,..... M Ooatmeri'tol Htiik. WIIihihrIoii,. Wi V..h..... k.iih nf kua th Cai nlina. Inld.l. ; . . . .17 I I'" TTl r "j . It I. iiW (trUibW Midntl IuanriiB f . i .. .'. ft MerehatK's Btnk. N. wiwm.. ..n Mloar'a A IT-nB tn bans.. JaatB-Ule-if . ..... Jf t TBOVTSIOIT BJaalT. " " OtiaAKCira) tt jaiAi wombli, SKACBAXT. -fa Z 'KtZl. , . "7 i)At-:Viian;iiuf.'; t".t7 ; jt..i o gVl.t ' 17..' ll.-r. ' ) ; 'I I it V . r 3 1 .1. 4. lr ' ' .'. :.i MJTTT Hr.t . t A i, nt ('(men CI1I1 KL.Nfl, CpHnit,.. da . anna..'. r H t...'.., ' cmi;kv. t fiH-H..,.. ... 1 i k ... 1 I' i yilM.rlU.. IfcM.l a nr... 1. I M... 44 tkiu.ll ' He pr lb. ..! IK Ii i 1 1 kJi - 1 wa . j.:.-..... A " : .ll 6,124 pr. t. l; LIT 1 BO A,, d ., 1 tinl.Art-KM. 'T V! K AUjb) I KM- ..... rite.. TOTATu W- Irwh . - a . . MarcMt. 1' 1 II I 1 7: ... .i I M i mi J fid 4 ? ,,. .. . ...1 ftAWI....'..,. .. ' ' hAl.T-Fine ,. .f.. lirunnd. 4 ' t- at run .........n t .'i k. in... ....'.....:. - i"1 VIM..MK . .... ...... ........ "ft MtlXki a.v.'.... t Bit.. '.t ... . Kl MAKKn . L AVtiw-la ra aoi ty Aa atArkit, V qnote ai' to-dav tit iirwi;) at tw au 3 lor beat anl l J IJ aad 1" B o. .SHiMia. -A-wik aoare. quota eaWa from 11) to 14. . t,s, ' ' ' J. A Josm , , nA(t R. C. Baanwat iMreoanrv. it iiakios vx j oxr s '?! Rransfn, Frrrsr 1 (- , fWtPIIMRTHK fwx-K PCKIVE'H AT THE a,.. in.., rH-ar Auekar riail, and tull keep k taud a tiii e vt ' - JKwkS AND S1ATI0XMST, at rnVi(-fl p..... a. t i i" iJ awwi haid Ijiw At.d 1!L- i wn.M. lt..ka aiel ed. tarlatui an. uoo. I" - 'I ' ra. i.itA.NM'N A JOM'tJ, JtnOTItRif lui-tti, h. ('. White i.tiil mid 'tVbUo 4'orn, J i f f in .re an.l fortiil. W. li. 1- 'Hk CO. Feb 3-1 Xi -tf A Cecgh. s Cold, tr s ti.e 'jin.u .;- tupnat it, krfdti( i lt.-j.ni u, fit i 1 1 ;-; ataihtd. if rU.ai tu aiw.i., . I Irrtlattlmai mt the 1-iuii.s. u i i u .1 aral Threat IHmui, t p- - wmpiiou, , , . f ''-!, , ,i " ts often Uia ranuH i 1,1 StAII'lM Dbntlllllt: AK. OILI BAVMS O ill 1.1 1 I- I . , ! T, avbig s direct iiiflwiai-tM li i!(o t- -i " mtdut rrlief. fur tra. kn... .!.. faWrfc. I'ta-tvpiiH M VrM enaas, Irorbea are sard villi ! kwuw ... . .. 1 ... V. -c .. ..... Masrei ad S afclle !.... ., ,.H te elear and atr.Ki.il " U 1 tuicu. . , 'Ouraia. dy "inw j!auiiA . lis" tad do nut take sj 1 wf lb IU..i.,.t t t w tbat.niaylia rod , Nrt k.u witana , . pot. tH-hmviUM .l ,.f,Jt) Tt'irr itEfKiv 1 1) at-" ' i.v ."Y ' i i 7J fMeaa, UieotKawtt Brrn !i f I BUVOHED ABTJ rsrf rOil 1 rar,l8 ,i riiKn AWHHKOT1SC ' . ;Ts he aid tt kiweat ii tijt' ', , ' . ,Jrb lMKMf 1 .- a- , . teAKitiAfi r Axbn. r i , v. c ,"T" "A a A of btlituttn. Hid tti ii r 1 1 rt i.u'li or( Hwt4imnij tn&ij'Ki v villi A in. I'. - . ! aaed ik.u i -' iff r'M'r yj kyrrsTfl! , -! '-1 4 -.? .. AtOm.'rf ' 11 I.PahaldaMt'.. ta.W. W. vAaa A CO,":. I, V I'rceedluga nud JD t l a,t , OF TBI OOWBNTION OT OUTlD tWItO Una. oiUd tn toiviMl tli t onatiluuoaof tlia 8ttte, which aaaaaililed tt Itnl. iU, Juiu i ;, Iku. Wt bav a tewenplttuf tl e.u b..kn, v . . ii we Will aall at aash. " a - . i fab U-lntd i ..1 BHAgaOivat Jc.NHn. hnuOV MmT. i I.AHOK stinulv. in Iti XA Alao,iaptuo t sad boUlen,! tutubiMiurer' brieet, ....,.. -t ... rail'IBX wi fr-"W..nJ.tWlW " Cmckrrs, 4 rtub.t-r, rjt ':'' Tj REnR Craokars today ieaiirtac by .' . 1 . .5 Ml' . 3- W I.' i. . -i. ,.. ..-( PSBBOMAAvad --i"q . .... AgUUria man the tm T fl i"llllrr, Who Vlnitod Ualeuib, eurin tia-aeaua uf Uit Dtata Ooaaervttivv Couveuiiuuof l-. l.. Ah. will hear of suuathiijg to hit 1W1.1 .Ul.vn.M.'i.m- - , '; .. t n atBton naasr ana jeweler, gsb HMoMt , V. rt f,-,t4 .-.JhdaaU. b. 0 ar. ' It,,,.,,,. IP AMB AND 8IDE3. , "." "U ' w.H.jmr j t (K , ' ' Aeotiooaem Cota. io , hitu Fh IJ-1641 .ivji f t-(t r.v.1.-! LARD In Bids., MuUtaus Ut hU4 ud JW-sliia BiiitoriBgega.- -v i.t,,...,.rou,,8AU::- A HOTS Kg npply ( bmt Hounttiu At.nlrt, Tib MB-tf W. H.Jt)i1.8.V 1) Aaut. A (Jaiiu..Ueiwi.auta MMlletta, mnllett. " l ' Bb)bytheBrrel,fincoii4i;Tni . eb tl-1118-lf x , w UljUtiiiAS llliij - tt - 4f ATAAtiviiiilinita.v 9 j;r .KsrUi Care!!;::' is;.!':- BAVINU At J. K.1.MI to alinae 1 AHSlKlVJTUMYM.i Wl.I'lJUES.' IIIIODI S. of t! ii ( uy et K . l.uioud. am rtnl Iteloar 1 rt'fi r tl.e FOR TUB HALE op lasdh; ! In Worth CarulaiA.1 "Invite tlmno ' puiMtua" to the Btoto, havne tueh pnierty for at'.', to .(flrpa meat beidatilia, ii. C, and ttnpa aillt 1 tsViiii, at eneat toeali tit attentutnuf nertaaest eevilai ito to all ueh pruuttty.H I , ... ... ,1 . ,; Jan. iih, wus. v . , ; f j, j, p.;S-. fVVilpi. f. VirtrlnlA Central land '-Ai-v IHAVB VltllYIlKlll'.NTLYri.lU i t "I'i.u jHK raaaiaitUi.ii neiu.HMarr to r"inia , mi toe : gaeteoale, tlia buauiert of teUinK a ... '' .: Lavatds, mills, - "Hurt,- llirrinf'f, Watcr-Pomer A . ' . Mr earlie r, Colonel It'J. PAflK,' W (nl-litiy ef onr otltoa iu ha Vork, In 4'ii.l.ll.t,t m d HalUiuore, 1 l.tvt Aaamaat.it f ai hiKiirt ru- tpeottb litv and rwiM.tiiil.iU3F f . . t . " ; v i.j k.iiu..u.1i.i..i. t.;... . .. t1,. v1....!. J.IIU ..- ..nn..V ..... . .... n, .... frtililia. I am aMMiriKted with 1 . W I 'I )1VI K. bia . of itriitviil, ft m"it wftr ititw Tiww Brer of H, t), ..j .. tt,. tt. -r.-v.'t'i iba nwMlititttliut Akih'.v ttileia Lit IJ.e.iMleoF Tjtttiit sre not anrt.tntr.t in il.f.Hi.Vt,- In ti'iinrd le a)iiM.t of aU kititn, I )ivt mnn. nlnu .'i, null ; KUit In tlia emit (u.i lb of il'i-.. wl.a make that noh ot Ilia htHoiieaa a i;eiHltr,. It lo this oonntty Anil f nr. ipn. eeauitng t.i ),ia tut lvjili.t rManii.lek II. Id of otmrtttoiik, ti.-l jit . .h i . y I have ha ttd and aiMwa of that ..e.. i-hi .1 MftM.r aloyttt attd Aaaavar. i.'ot, U.LI.IAM i.ll.HAM, r tnarianta;aittiriua ai au uooemia u.vti may btaeat to ma, lima .d. tit-tnimim tK... viius of Biittea. bef.jre tliejr ire otf.'rt.J fr !.. " ' 'ratitt i-ttw a.llilie luli.lk. fivi..-r ei.iif-Wdn. shatovar, nuieata aakt it til'iiUd. 1 r Aliuea, sa atltlttitmaj vonuuvt iit lie, il.u ei:..j -. ef eon tract ta eaeh caaa, siid utvablg o,.f 1 1' 1 1 weeds of . mmim .... ...... 1 . . . . V T . fVh-eaaoa ia atada- Id MUiS' mm - - pattlrAllv Uirtmt.'h.aii tba htaie. witit w.Mti ol i Misve thr toeaarri. U.uttf tJeiwiiiiiiiv Jaa tia tf I. V. , : l'.S. - fti't t--.-tr:tJ d .. . '; IBl?niNC3--riAT)I;t ' ;'.v TI S 3 W A U G . AT-' V II O I. r X A LE. LAHGB UT OF TT!, WAWR ON JiAM C'firtfflllllv meVAUttrf. Wii( tl V li btt atOlli mt ii W TIM ii t I.U I.M . , t mtrtavi ifiroti a id worl ms""' 'p fi 1 nwrfl, 'J it niuit Tii'n-i in fonijiKMti n tiii'll PA uulJ "A LMr H (elr-tC, 4md --k lito nn-tiptv rH' Mill ' H'hrTU ... '' 1 M j f it 1 V r, -dl ill( hunrwlt tf iiitf hunt M11I 11 i i norv, tf)'.r fi t i t i DT'ti i-i ti", v. ,( and iju Btirt thitfi!v pfjiiff t V ..' .itriim 1. - niiil int- our oj-it ii. S; J will tfkf ftaykiiiii uf t--fr 1 hi V hi mh put i j win iy rih f'T wn"''. h. lid f ir ) iM'fl It 11 .ftirth ru Tin! 1 n 1, ti.a I l I riO-p fr V (:i mfot of 4itku (HMil 4jf X4i BMh-S Mlvi W a linn irftntfpd. 1M . vbaittrfl fjii- ?iraahl ' h your ( 4,.t 1 a Irs" 1 Aort- nr-l'm j itt. Hi anil M r 1; )'t. i-: i. I'imivk, I iAwt'iu, is. C. 1l'HsUANTT0 AN AOPi ..xFr Mill ntrt, l . Imh-1 -rr-f4 -1 f M ,iin 1 htir.-fl.iv, 1 1 1 tun iir- Bills 4 f?'"B i I, I' )rtlliiTi9 ' "f J-iifi V , -tfil ii. llHl, Wlli li v ONE IlODJihP AN1 ii. riihsl) h brtUHv-. h"-' T t- km tfvr i tn icm;j & Bajbu , . j j V V I) I, A a Crerrr 4'o. . rAYi.n. . CON-