- - - J-lUf'1 . -.! VEiHUAkY- St. l'.tf ;XDAY. TU$ CASVA8SIX SORTHeAKOUXXi'''m?i B8 ':'" a'u" ' loitaervaur t;iiiir , 'ainw. ir.nrelfll1C.ny Tur K! ."'( Coaveotioa ii to meet la lUU-iirk tm tin is.h. instant, Mill ail tofin .1 y mil jo BTiinntioa tlie candidate lor the 1 a , r m. C ... . WUKJB lr;tOOtllU(HlC'illlflll , ao-celled, ill provide t be f lerted by i.r popular inr. Tticctiv Commit !'! tM CoMBTf ativ party, acting under 1! 0 ii.Loriiy ret4rd io tli.ui T.j ar'l,uiiil tue CoerTarivr Convention, wilt.ol curee, ooint randida'r al-o. In thlt mmm r w aid bar regit lerly appealed ciiirutefe ta a'ondanea. Wa will bare a rao.ltleu f.n Carernor, Lieutanaat Oorerai, betrte tary or Btate. ireaaarer, Aa liUif, Suprrta teaurnt ol lJullic luaractiuB, Saueflulmvl ntel public Work', preo Ooan Jailgc, tiire tt n in dumlwr. ttupryior I Juclp,taio auml-r. Tbera will beew- tnu.Jta for Cxitfmt, and one tiandryd and aerentr candidaiea for tUa Lfei.laUite brat lea tba aimoat iaoairwraMa- eao:daiif ( I y tlicTanont cH,utr uliii'M, in aiidiiioo ma rour Bonareii and irty-flr touolf cao aui.lior.jh-d urjlf j J'i.o l 6ran Ixatioav ,', '-? -.'.,-,-,. j : U theaa BMI drt ttwk dtiif, an I n i tr.auij permit ail otma In Ik u,r in a arctioB wila any oflic Btdow yi Lu tiuia aad lalfma to tla luuxwanm Vd tlia aocoaaaai lbaDariy.tliciriul.441 Ki.nl. Carolina will tM aronm-d in txii'(rw rt Defura witoeaard ta (he iilglory bl llwlj-.a (Va ara not to ba andcretnod a ohjartiao; u ma OMingmiMga fcrotlemaa aatncil ba State eanraMri ipprdrlniT bed ire Ue wcop'a uu niijuonuj kw. n e iae u for ffranif 41 . that dnrin t)ta asaa Omba', Brtrftf, Vaaea, Ma!y. Howard,' Bmith, Rnaai, B-lea, lhe, and our own Part, rVraon, Diranga aau Mall, wod iilitr rjnai'y wall known, popular and HxiMiit ftcotlemaa, mil do all wltbla tbitir powrr'lo r'maa oor ptopla to action. - TbiauaMina to ba aettled ara ao rilal that wa teal, itli a. 1 1 ; i.i. i tbnriaed to aaf that any of tb will gladly aaareaa metr wiow-ciurrna at atiy point . tboir aerrfora may ba denirod. Nona will ataad back ta thla crlda, Ko one i at libarty to deny bit tint or talenu fortbc ooramoa wral, aapaciaily tboaa who. ta tiiata paat, bava been faoaorcd hj tba paoplatof " Butw, ana woo now My r tltaur ouaa WU. Journal .. A waint;ioaB.xpraiia IIeoirl, :.'.t - M1LITAMT BVLX. , . V Than it 00 featnra of tba cxlitlmxttl1 Of tbinga U tba tooth arbieb ouuUt ita wakes tba painful aulicitoda of erart loyar ol bia country. Taa affect of tba bb(t of aruurary aiiiitarjr autUority in tha army cannot nalpbalngdwnoraliaire. Bitbartoin oar blatory tba wiiltary baa Ncn omplta ly anoorainaiaa to in emi authority. vOur cmoara aaya growl np witn BO otlMT Idea tliaa of that baartf reyerenea for Uw which charaetcricet tba jLmaricaa Dannie. Henea. wbenerar tbera Sat been likelibood of the claatiing of tba army with tba legal autbori itira, tua Jaity of tba law ba bean np. ' V.I.I , J M - . fiat threoeboat tli ottr goutb (ba alrH authority la proatrat. It wlalda no power uuiwumm parniuiea oy IU (WO0. .Tn departsaanteoiBmaoderaare aliaoluta ruvn : but what 1 worar, each petty l:etitnn ia la nrmed with arbitrary power, and it ia well nndemtood tb lower tba rank tba inoretyrsnnnl the Dnlrit Tha habit ia !ja culiiynioJ of distegitrdin ciyll anlliority, nd of auhntitutingth irbitrarfwill n flia ottloer for tba aapramacy of law, wbkh alooa . guaraateea to ngni l tn jtiwu. v. .., I Tber la, boweyer, anullieronaidwatian. It la not poaiibla that military authority bonld b long exercieed oyer a 00 rare unity without derelflping more er Ipm of r Tila temper. Tba meaneat e IrTnonf will aoonaat rexpond to tba exaction! ol power. Tba crying and tba corrupt will dance atv tendanua on tU petty dm pot of tha hrrtw, will clay the llck-ipittl aud tba apy.f and will do Uiair ntmoat to wreak veageanee n tboir mora Independent Bflphljur. iJUr South ba been eumid, with military rule foraevtn year and upward. Tba ml baa been growing moraaad mnr imMriiua, am at taw judge lit r I lie lienrli and nerii.i execute prooea only by tba rx-'tuii Ion of tb aoldlar. . ' s , W bare raaaooably bigb opinnt n lh officer of th army. W beliry 1her ia so mora diipotition amongst I limn i to tram pi on Uw than axiata auiont- other Claaaea of cltlfena. But thry are men, and II hiatory and niiiveraat human etpttrienc " w 1017 01 inreiung any man wit arbitrary power. It i dancoroua edui a- tion w era giring, not aa much the rliatriot command ma, wbna babita and rharaeler r lxd, but thoae young aulx.r Jinatea who re to rt are in tb lutur biatory or the oonntry, and who aannot 4m bti damn gad by thr year ol indiiTereoc to end dcllitno or civil power. tit baya, too, ai high an apprecialLi l tb manlinea and Independence of pnnlh m character ai cm be well pnfcrfnliiid. But we caa point now to rion Jocalitir ia tha Bouth where tb apirit of tba people baa beta broken by year of military abate, where higb-epiritid men, and woman baya tamely aubmitted t acandajona impo. aiuona, end apie and pirn pi have held no aaafrm of tha ear oi authority.? The yng peepl who grow p within uch an almoe. j.her'anotfiteitltifor free II. pub. he .if with thla yoke. Lear our' niun trymfn free, thouph they revile ui with bit t.r ipeecU and iuiult ua with dutmiarul ler -..aiioa. Let oi argue with them, plead, rt;'"'. bntnot re threaten force a JwijM! 'j thtmaclvea abaiain from yio len. a. 1 a w coofidene ta tbrii;lit Let tniuw It by aimglt in it almplemtj et. i h t btronet under foot, oryer to ta u 1 r-b .ttila bauda aain aim at tiiaa kef or bliertiea tb Coaititotlon, wiLh tu Vuion it gntrant). ' 0W TO TILL IZMZSNQTn OF rovsurs. i it ynirg Dr. T. 8. Lambert lectured before l audbwe in ffrinway )IlL a-H.n 1. .ty and -bweyity" the lwtef word r.: rtiuernniawfuHy coined I y dire aa' - he 0 to ih former. Tl.e Docior Oil. k uf I tiiiU tb a-B to which any man cot,. I nmn, err wuh the ntmr.i wsi ! !eri!:;rd within Tery n.irrow l.aiiie tti i i . n ma anniiora uad arrired. 1 ' i 'i.'y throughout aa a qnantita t.ve i . e. 1 rh peraoa intirrited a ewtnia a r , a tytnt ia a a rt tim I t t me m-rht tie irfiort, eiihoirpll I . h ai r -wd au-t atrergth -e il, M r ' " -t r 1 of hfe, however, r.uild, of 1 'd by iat. ,!! n 1,. th. .. : t - e - i.e co rned, turi:,.rm iiry, that r"-.n. ind,cati..r. l ebirh r rjina whether be o.t probe. ! crfhnrt 'ired. in tbatmce : c( bit 1 .,l,tI ,.;., iB . 1 rot ron;,iil. ' I fli. univl a. e wit-nrr ' 1T. v. ubtermir Kamultra t A'annalM. hi' . ' . , . 'It ultra ti. wm w w . - Kb. Iat. Tub po-pwe of the rail iajo L1...1. U l.r.. and th open eg Ol tli. w, in uv.il Inc.. It IWUMf.WWII ...its.) , (uug iMdy vhtii.iy ta lit Unit", tin winIi rtiljr drmiping .bubbler awl am A. erauly I g Kick ; Tfewllf, M '! I lln liml li.unii.itutantiy loon taenia ' I....I.. ..... 1...... ... 4. .I...... .-,1 u. ; . . - ... .,. ...... ,d ririratJj 1 U4 theaaitaut th knTttwoA5li B A Vjboisia Atio 8otjthe8I JwsTrrr; TK)M. IT rtTVDS 4B1 KEPT IK I "'" tub eVirrmr: It wia xrrtrrx " I u. rttTBioKWUfrgo oochw. LIS HID BBTOH 0 At J j - iifiHnuroxairr.: j- TWe fiuwtpaay bae eacital and mmm), ae(aa u HarMwy, utai win aaaweee nnwiw tin I, if" tn mmi C iBipaay the eautoiiraO.'whli-a w lh irxtraa f iiett.Uitr. we V1 ' I ' 44 ilur. m nawiMiilT t-mtnir4 bf ale i4 lHtKOUmt, ti nnra ill 1111 ai tia.aaeaa ea paeiMb i ... ' . It bae aatahiiabaa Umtimim iUmtmmHraW ae, ...... :-::;.":'.:i,iJrV I ' ! t.t.. ! w yr, JOH-f ri 'EDWAIlDr?, , , aw aimer. Wat. B. Iaaar,' . D. J. HaBTaoo .f'UAftLES H. BMiraf. . t. pRECTOBsi (,,t, JnhnEnnert, . HiMiry K (Uyeors w imam f. Ttftor, . S Aea Mny r. mul CotlrelL H. K. ":. BaakeryUle. lba Itootee, Hmool U. Tardy, Wilbam Wilk. Jr. W. Allieoo. ' ; Stnith. ,.i.;.J;' ,S Peer yba. ThomJ. Eraaa, amm t A. K Cbnokw JMlHA.Mo.lt, ,, . .. M o. (ill, B. M. Unar44ja, " D J. HarHmnk, i. B. Wir,;;V"v, WU lam 0. Taylor, A. Y. Wokw7',' ",J! ' A. P. AbeU : J. B. Morton.',? X '"ii ' W. B laaaee, t n H. IHbrl. ' Geor U Bldgood, Wil'iam H. Palmer, H.mo-I at prtil ' ;.'-r'.;:,- ;EWS C. HAKES, A T -' r-1 -r . SIT GOODS.. Sit? 000SI KEW C00OSII 4 ..J" ;'i; ; ALL COME TO V 0 yt CRIJECH'Sll! IIC05D 611V0 OPIXI50 OF , , ...... .,.. . .l FALL AND WINTEB f0OD3. "'.-V V ",X "ri'. - T AM ROW HFOMmiO MI 0ONC xxoct Hupla and Vaacy .'i'.f rst t ncti' na-t-ry -.liux. uuuijs.; ) My eAnrfc- . ad IWIHtTII, iu aouaiit Him tne aeouna. eaa 1 eta n.nt.v to aay te mr Irlanda end enatomere that I eao. atti bought Ibem aiaee the war. ) , Keep II Bettor Ui Proale, That f Hmue la tb. Oity eaa or tiUI aall eheaeer than I will, air MooiMi ia a ay Mawaa, aa M 111 Kl. Si u, . ,., ,.TU ., .Ml 1., II .., V , i. V.M U. COMB TO CREECin TohMloMt Gtvxla.. ... j . i.m . .... . 1 fur nr.w u.in.ia an IHXm ITYLFJI, and win aau tuna mi riuuai to meet Ifcy ntrit Naee. ",y4 iWbnIi u4 fthixB, t An4 will be Bold at prtoee to anil yVv A' Doa't rrpt to Conlf tiXmeh' , Before yea bay yimr Aooda ' I will treat you , ... .., Aa .lOUKECII. i. R. Baitrt comer, rayrttavtlla St. Ho. a-M-iiv-.- 1 - LOOK OUT rOR BA1QAI1S, . 1 . "if '- " 8. II. & W.J. YOUNG'S if tM a , e- , LTPU-MATPIKD '' rEAV:; GOODS Jnat Reoelrrtl mt LOW PRtCCI. Onr friend, ahall bare Oomla aa ebaap aa tber canbebiWKbtataayetharaloaaa. . i f . BAROAINS WILL BE GIVEN r -nc A PUIStTS AT 12a M tlsi , And ait CHERH OOODfl In eriwartloa ' ' i A ol .(o-k nf Ooodo for bore aM afaa t N. Cl'ANHJMKKEilaBd JEANS, tie ' i. iuj wa HwiM ur , i"fr , . It. VOVNQ. I ioy.2T--U KlSCILLASrXOUi Tarurai LrnriiFT ' , ' tUWiuh, I t. 15. Wt r rpat BOARD OF INTERNAL 1MPB0TI m. mmtm, m ewM.qwuce ec a eerMAcaie to umiiiiiwHiai in. uraersj Aawaibly . "i"l "A a Aot to totbonc the riMia4 l irlor of ir ViMUra bnrik Cuuiiaa Itair n4 C4npanytoaMii1 lUiad aaJar Mttraet,' ritt.ned 117 Lh. Fithraarr li7, bariag Botined ate I., .ubwnbe fur eee kiUmm, three huaimKl a f..ny.two ttiooaami four bon.Lrvd end ktIt tu n.d ie (toll olih. atpitl etork of atid torn. m, 10 or.l.r to pay aud enlxYiptxia, nthi proi4Mala will Be riMMred by the nnoaniined. oa ur Uk th. Ind. dtr of Mr :h '- J. t-T thepaiL enu. of nne aulUoa Ihraa hnmtred and iony!te tboiiMd aollara. bonus f the tttate of Korlk Carolina, with euepona w intereM at t per atnA ib. atw-annn. y oa tna liret ttaa ef July and J.nn.rr a, e fnr, at the NaiKinal btuh ol th kei'sntie in Mte City of hr York, aad tba rnaeiil otnkA, .1 th. end ol tr.irrr rMr. -n U. l.t Jmiiu, aaidbauM i. he of lha A. Bomiiaiaaoa 4 H,(w u.. A. eiUterm e,n for tlie payment of eeb T lV ' h North Caawhaa wk 'A. Act 10 anhaaoa th. thTBoadB to le 4ned r.e tli. tntmpiruna t wiiiui7 ' ""WAHiT tti M'H lAft I Hi 1 lis (4T4.fiid b.H.0. ere eietnnt frea) ta Taj ion. hoUn 1. 1 he. thaaaor w.,, he enier.jJ , KtkiP BaITLK. JTebiaint lak.1raa. U 1 1 1 H T V ! tt tl rvSlETM jprvEEAnra.8 cc pa' wpr'Krr,;. ' I ROOF. . ."'. T.-.B wi Cirrav rr rut r- f ivi ..LA8En.u wa' w-i - Ml )CZLLAS0C3. IL ,Jtei tUad ruriritr la ike . Tpti.: r AWRENCE S , ' , 4 . ... .. m?i vntt 1 xim ' ' ' .41 """: U 0 A J) A LIS, i,U' " CURB Of 4 . . ffeoruiAaWALim reias, caWfTFr iirfrti f triir firtffta, tltl.AtHIKMtlff Ai.lt VIA SKA TlOti U. dF JHKOL4NDH AJJMX, JA. tys. J,iVAH Ay?A )(,. jVAC- ,r , kf-4,Ml .v7, MKHcvnui T2 fti n HUM KM. hlHtAHKH FKI'IJL, TOJ-IMAL Aim EtgfTlOAISOf TUIMJAV!lk 4aVBUAWe OTHA plASKCi V'6K By m ! cut) oflhe Slaxval. eta AJkmiii. ifMof nt0HUnMiireds of , ear i Hwt Cmuleate tto rhywUan, t. We aaow Mr. Iw'i itoaaaaii t aaia and aauAaui Alwntiya, v and Uke plxaMr tu reooanuctubi.i; H iq tlx rofeMoa and the mbltf. ' . l it Ait), ViMIHB. M . t4 . ... t ... t . uitij u r, wl-w 4,.t. vug i . .1 1 n, 4. ; 1, M. KtaUl-l'U.aw A td.tmifi ti I J t rf,n mu.e. bi4J B. BAlVNKxj. M. '! , r r. j'tiiunii. aw. avt . wi e-ii..", 1 ,n"!",n.ir. twi. at. u. . . " . M. UIHIIIArf If. U. 1 " J... "IIJ.. Ii.,'-'t . " 1 f " I hereby ertjrrtnat f am! neWnaBr aennaiut- ed with the abeye Meted Phnielaae, eaa lhy are all tntaaeB al hi; lotaUlity aad atandina; Othhommwiliy. ; . vAWThe HOiSADAXW thnronehly eradieatea every (lad ef baieor ead bad taint, and reetorea eaaire aiateiB 10 a aeaituy 4nB4iti44B, , w IT lti FEBFECTU HABilLkm aerer amdneuic tha aliKhteti injury. . It la not a Heeret Quack Remelljr. Tha ar tirlee M which ft la made are eehliehed areaaa eaeb Bottle, and tt w aaed and CDdoreed By the Leanta Pbyatcaaaa yryaher it i knowa, . , , raarauv wniT 11 J. T. LAWRENCE, M. D., Catmat, . 4UU . WjIook North JCfolin.) - (PMlCtT. r t M4TTTI.B. av Bold wwoT.T.a by all th DriaKinal VUJkf Vllir a l.DTTlllda' i 11 . of th. Caited Btote and British America, and retail by Drngirute erenrwhera. AH letter of raqntry, Ao., promptly answered. Addraa :. i ,,v i TM&, T. T. Lawreao,' ' :'i : "' BoU ProprUtor and Mannfaoinrer, B BaaorerBtraet, Baltbaora, Md. WEtTBBOOU eV CO. -W ' . 4.4 Pit 0 PHI E TORS OF THE WESTCBOOK MDS8EBIE8. levari ,''sif.-H 1 1 ;. , ...... . OBETOfrSBORO,' W. C ' . -it .Vi-HK .,:, - ! TT SEP eattBtaatly on baad. during thepUutlng XV aaaaon, a aytanaia mt er cixoiatFinrTpxxs ako oxape whloh ttvay er ycy lew, for caah, or good pro done, ' , . .. " hUBflEST BTOTtt, 'on Wtahtnirfo Hfre where aaliaaa wMl aaaiilr paattt' atteatma,' 1 : i ... , ... it Bend etama fur fjatalog, and' v Wbolaaale rnof 4JHW unp 44MW ' 11. Addreea, . ' 1 .'' 4 ... ,,r.i5i nili-iun (X V"- " ,1.--. , .updaw- ftfMn,irl4. .ft,; t jWfNrtM'4 i"-e , -V .rt . 4'Li... '. .. ,1 n'ifli4j. 1 1, 4"Ji44nia.i.i i ,r Uf: j. a ppi.t ' t nf"f"P n r : ! - .-.'.' '.Hi' h I Kff T,a CHOICE H. C APS IK 6l?T- jaa ao-iM-ir ir.it rom,iJu. . CEO.' aV TOMKOFFalil, r Sir- ;t.v.f I1 . drftcer tt CommUslon Mertliant,, " Nirsi, TAVETTEVILLK " -V .4' it .i - .... - r . (HBAB T0CBBBV KfALb.) . ( A tTKEPB 'eonaUntlr ,pa baud a well aeleated IVBtockafcrjotce ,'T , . , Oroorlv 1 ConiootioB, Tint "Vyin, fJnrialgnaMBle aetlettea,, prompt rhtnena mad, liberal adraaaaa gareaw UomaiHaiao bKhU JaalW-ltft-t , ... ,r , . Wll be 80U Wlthont Reserve ! .civ f .! I . , 1 - , - ' 1, ' : ... M. ' KOSENB ATJM'S,, BIB , XXTT&X BT0CK ' OF GOODS, 1 ' ' . v ..... .. . Owe at tba aaeet now la tha State, eoaaieting, ba 1 A fr to T ' A' KD1TAPLE 4".'1 '. .15 l . " . . . , RY, GOODS,' IUAWIA, aTjaJt, CLOAKS, WOOLEW OOODji, liAVtnr, Kimtw, ani unULDBEH'S w AirOAj, BOSIEBr. ! OIXVESkv .,... k. Wo. i , 4 la. fl !..tt4 (f ! ! A A TjAO ah " ., - . , T . ! . w w i . as it . aj.ej,; ; v 1 a A . V M M . M L. 4- 1 1 'II . i .A. V.,., ' ... ;.y bF ALL DEaCRTPTTO'KA. 4 . . . . - , .. . , . A . u mx xiAcx; sxxss coath ISO AMOBTXD BEATtB, TBIOOT, AK& M "t ABBIHIBJ SUSCfXaB 8DIT&. ... 4 J ,1- .00 PaUXf ASSOXTXS fAXTl OtXT'rURNHlKO 00098, A - M mrmtrntm M r fAafW i a . a . . . wan t a aav avia auto aau ULaTB, .J 1 1 . a fl.tanlnllrin .r . ... s. 1 ' 7 . ' r ' btH frTliiif Bafct, YallaH and Tnuikii . Allot the above to U Bald regardlea of Boat at ' ' , - ' ''-, ... . , . M. ROgESBAtm. 9 . No, It FaTetterilre St. ' iaaltVin-tf , Gta nxrjiATf, with m. bobkhbacji, nay ih hi beat Btite for PUBS OP ALL aUNDn. , Jaa tA-ISS-tf CHEESE TCnEESE II S , t)ri BOXES CHOICE PACTORT, JtTBT AB aiUrired. W.B.J0JiES00a J.a -ua If . . . -t f.': TOR . REST,. . FIB tk. tnltnr of the year, HAMTMOXK Rb-IDKNl R, well fomiahed, eonutamir Samoa. Pnrnitrire roee with tha heaea. teuod wai", rleh (ranlun, m , Ac, FkHd4i-tf W. B. iOITES A Oft BVALl. PttiH in the Tinity BJeis-h wuh eonti4rthle dwelline anj nuv... uuixmeea. an.i.i deticriri mm to he (.jruartiao to t.. r''T rt'.Kautg to per haee. Ja .-..".! W. H. JOKES A CO. i LIFE ASSXUUNCE '-5av M4hn 4i1i.4-iii;J.iS M t w SUUaLIIi'J J ' i- 4 r$ fc' c fct ( - 'AjutitTonn . "S , ' .'(M -V . S4,o 00. ceo: ' --"!fKPAL ttKxna ' - ' :i ..." -Urn. evt .f wait . V .1 - 4, t WriKESDa f Ait TO VOUCf HOLOKaA t iwx TOCAJtJI.h liu -a tuwraa awwwiaeiaii P80nH MVIUflOl , ADNirAlXJ. AMJI t POLtCt -HOLDERail ' ".e.43a .. Mra awy 01 ' ..irlta , .nitais ai 11 r ...- a Ta ?EQCHTAiJti baa gyewa turn aiaee it wganlnttoa. (baa an Uia Onwrnaanvayer omnuifaMA M Hiuerlea." lie pohelee averaea ktrxer la ameaal tbaa wiaae or any other Company In the United SUA, AppHeatiooe tat Aganeiee tn Vartl taraaaa maatUaildrtaaietTtotbe fjenwnl Aetata. . WUa. U. T, TtTMB, I A TOaUagtoa. DiaoewAT A OcKBt Kewbara. rrj 1. w. at T..Ium e aiiiwi f utM.twnt, Anla, Waablagtea . B anuria, JUuotni A Co. " Oieaaeboro'. X, Urn HorjaMoa A Ce. ' nalUbury. BDTC8ioN,rBt;BBor;aHs co., ... t.V- -,!, ChawkUte. JL fX. Jta. 11-131 If , . Oeaeral Agaaielv I C. exoTEraa H0U8S. JJ B. AffDltEirt 1c CO. Inrit AttentloB to ibet ' PALL AND WINTER HTOCK ' . ' CleBtlemea'iC' f onth' and Boys CLOTHING '""!: .".t. t.. s;i'Aa JTfijnSHIia GOOD! 20 FjrtUUI BL. oppoaiu Tucker Hall, IIA.I.EIOK, IV. O. Moy. 13At-tf . 4t... HKE BUCg DBEII VT. M-Jf ITIOM HTJPERIOR FRENCH CLOTHB, Merchant Tail4r"a erdirtHt work, a a aata ef froanriFTEBal t. TWKNTTf WLLAltTa iull, worth aaving la thee, tlaaee. FINB CLOTH BACKS, .f ... " ' -i; FIS1 BEAVER SACKS, ' auifmiiaMi ntmrntm Btuta, JnpWartbMr-tirteeatt tba A one rariaiy of POiB 'nt4.flalm.wy 00 aUlUl M - -- ti J ' a SV Taealehtar , " Dct-ir-tn-tf' r. Oupaaita TukarHall . JJATOI MAT! MATat k All ft latial ' t7b ta & ' ' ANDREWS 3(yH ' ..'j'-" 'a3Bt.tmlteema, , Kor. U-M-tf V, t ppattoaekaHalL JPT CBIVBW, r SOLS LEATffER TRUXKJ3. BOLE LEATHER ' TALISE8, -r s MOROCCO AKD t EITHER TRAVEL- .., INCr BAGa,ia great yarlaty, i-. At R.B.AMDRETCy j Oaaer Peatminm Room. Nor. 1S-4M-U . j . OpfeMiU Taokar HaO, BaSCXLLASXOTri p TBI ,ft.l., ..;, g, - Jnet receired, B lot of BOCK tStAND CAitt- axiun anti iiA&o, (norua Otrattna taaaal .ara.1 . . .i f ' . ...... , . 1 -: ... . Alao, mall tot PKIKTS. t-t Brown 8HXXT- ipiuo, nana rLttnnEuct, Ang. ai-l-tf; H. B, A W. . TOPKO. 03. F. PR80UD, GENERAL, IKStfttAKCE ACEHT, '1 i,' 4" r-if ;.! .r . Han luumuiAiiaweatoa tonierormet Vint Btore, where he will raoafre applioalioaa aaa waue Pobciee of Inkuranoa aa;alnat loea by Fire, at the Inweat ramaaerativa ratae, hi tba Billow ana ami eaaaa Mwuiia, mat j , PhmUx of Ilsrtford. rn.- f.,i " Atlantic, of Brookht. " ' ' Security bf New tofk, ' "twiin, o IfertforiJ,.' .T, t Nome, i ,Nw Haven , . .. , . - JrorZcy ' rt'iBtfl, WinchsBtp, ; 1 Ji fferurm, of Virgini," And k , ' ' fAd Uitderwriter't. Selma. Ala. ' , Their combined Capital and Aaaetta OTaiadrng S.a.w--. ' ' 1 : TJ laa4tanTtTiu4wrwnwm -' " , .. . ., .... . .. .... 4U 44. ....1144. 4 W , 44,: .r ' . t. ' T .4M " . IIA.4JU .. h. .lAIWt . A', 1 ctntroRD lax aoexct or ,M4 x NORTH CAROLINA. v4 'Z LAKDBOLtERS WHO WISH TO BELL-' ! ..fit... i . t i Agritraltaral r nine-raj ' LAUtda. WalM lU'en Billla ... bmu, wa- aaraaa e.Riataw . . of any kind, will find It their advantag a place their property In onr hand. ftirMlet 1 We bare greet Bua'ttiee lor preeawag warcha wreforall each xanvrrtv. t. , , For InlortuaUoo, au.iro. ,j t r'rr - trene.alAe.nl, ' ,.:: - ttfaaaakta', H. IT Or PHIL THUkt. Agea. ,eh,g.C T Oct, u 1. w 4 ,,'; fPROSPECTCB OF TIJE 1 WESTEBN .VINDICATOR. OH ar Before th. la. afMarch. prut, the ek dereiimed will eomm.nee tha palilKiaMaa td a weekly newenapw bearinr th. above title, kt the The WXwrEltN VINDICATOB, a Ma name ieuifioa, will be devoted to the enpart of Uw tern intereete and the diMeminatna of aaeftal te- telhreure. eeirteo vita eer! rerereuoa to the WMie of th. e4etne a eili lalmc an repremtit. PotitieallT, U will, for the ersimit, aher. t a. partr orranintao ; but will t;i. A ehwi ful eap. p4trt to all meaeurea iWltinR vi ike axlv rette. ration ef the Cmon the prwM rv4t44i ef the Con- e.itotioa tMoettne tupr.mr of toe white race aad the perpetuity ui K.'l.e4.'a hoarty M America. Tt.e "Vindifaror wi:i h.ri-a larri cirenltHna ia Rotherforrt, folk and Oirtn land eonmipf than (any other newariepar. Airwii; raMea ivte, Ternta tl anatua. .. 8 A 1-1 .fTLL, V Frbl l5S tf ' Bun arfoiawa,. C. Oenlltmea of iba IVb.. in aJ.. . fkver bf iiUco.(t, and patun ne Boon thetx e I ehaage beta at ouce. , . ,. . .. . TU 4L.LiT4aJJLB lC8.4t t:.- T-t 1868 , ,Jjlt'CtJ 4tt" ,Zm's& Of ltS fJiSt Wl) ' MTV AU.LWQZX1MT t.WlaMtAI jjjte .,f ..-'a . - ..rt :.av en ,-1 1. . . , ,ell'4 . . .fc ' . J -w. !.. 4t4Ve '.Tl .iw u-.-i...,4e i-.. 4" aw S ,.4. . . ... . - -.4 ? ar -i taaaVt- wmt V.&r ifwyt' ' " v " . r a us -v vi a.' 4. ... 3- 44 , .- 14 ...1 VlKTifc UaeBi.-l. 'BfrJ , '"PiVTJNEL'V W-. V. at s.'.fW ' ! ..(, 4L, aisim bf. n . .ml wa 1 ...W Jad r. 1. '4$ r-r.' lHbliabr fw th City of Kaleigh, N. C, . t ::,tj -iot j.i.-ti ivv Pall, gemt Weekly and Weekly. ")'j.'4i5 irf.iit,fr r VillUntlP.ll,) Editor. Btntu tjhtl, m view of the arturitr of etoRer.and th. eerer- yaf tbetimea, the Proartetor Of the BnmMEi. baa deUrmined to rednea th term of tha paper, to aommeaaa after tba kUM. OECEMBBB, aaat, and xaaba aaeh lairiaawai nl. by H. gewaral ctmraetor aa wlH commend It to thpatronage f an aallghteaad pnbUe. Ia P0LITIC8 it will be thoroofhly Ouoaerya. tree, adveeathag, at all Haue: A atriet oteii i enee of the UmaUtntaia of tba tolled Btaiet, and the barmonlona Cntoa ef eqaal Btatee ; Oaadteaee to law aad the enhmnamt of order ; Tb eapreataey of the eirtt ever the mlBtary. la timeof paaer ; Tba eonelitr of the three eo ordinaU hraaobet of the government ; The eovereifntr of Ih Btatea ever their Internal tfaira. In atrict conformity to the . CoaatUarion ; . .,.. ,,! ,,. TH. Bumteaaaea of freeilaai aatd J wet tat In aHj . eitiuMi jwih. i . m. . ... i - 4.UI.I, wmt we aaaneiiiBj JytftkaWna.retoaetUtrovernirigAa Oppoeition, to aUateelieia to til K pbaaea. AatBEWB Jooraai, W" ahaO be eajnal tn any. The nrfateipal market wOI ba regnlarly pabliab " ad. v- '.B tlTEBABf aaararahW malnUn4 ' aad Btpw(VWrlbntkktolr wiHata. ). 't fen.,. 4-. '-4t..;i - Finally, th BnmXB. wit aeek to be the apeetal proaaoterof the edtnatioaai, AoraTad aoo nomieal intareeta of th. aaopla ef Berth Car- ,4tW'4,. rSeatlaal, Id aaa ye.. "''C, .." .' vixaioBtb,;;. 4.4...1B nemt-WklyBentlnal, IwoM yMr,...,; ".. . . , at aUie,.-... .- W - tbre. atoethav . 1 ftaaVV;). 1 M IH t M Wtwkly aid aiJAU anbaniptioo. atrictly etak kt ad . At aa kdrertlaing medrnm, the' exwrrear, it qua ta any la the BUI Term, moderate. ' We aak every Oooeerv.tlr. ia the Btaie to baeoaMaar Ageat toettead th. clrcnlatioa of th. Bairrnrat,. The rraah of im will bo ndting and topnrtoat. Tba Wrrrtt atumnn.' ahonld he kt the baada of the great body of the people-. Tta terme t bow ao low thai every one win be able te nay Cw It- ' ' - t . VT. E. FELL. -'! Balalgk, tj8tb1l8Bl ' Proprhrlar IALTIMORX dVOYXXTUXSTTS. -im roaiE::;nffiiTe, ( ' e A h "' "'' Wrf4'.. BaltiBf rcr n. aiAiiTJFJhcrrtriiKRa of ;!jRfTAirot.OTATIOABTf 1 tHfJMt Eatflaej BfltaL jr STEAM PIRB ENGIKEB!, AaVFU'A FATBirT AMTUI0A9 00CMLM TVBTnM WATZM-WIfXKL, 8AW r'Siiffyfl"." ' Jf i its . 14 BttaKBITeraVtt, aTOrf.ATmt, . iH rr,' ' 71 Plnarlu lfifl Mncninnrv Kk4ari,. bvil. a Banrera." " , I KBXTNB WF tTI,a "hiil ; l Bl LIGHT BrHKET, BALTIlfOBX, Ma ibh."r ctt. bTennt Taraoa Cek Btove, - 4 PatopnmfWb., 4 , Bifer Wilhinu', TJat- wra Ceo.. 1 1 1 rWhe Kanrv, Enropeta Itange, V' SbectLeed. i LeedPipa, r. v 1 j 4, . , Terra Cotta Ptoa, , I i Bnae CWka . j , PUted Cooke. ' A ' ' b. Lead atElaa Bath Tuba. . .,- . Tn bath Tuba with , Hnttera, Wttar Chewto, I'nn and Una Baaana, Fv.iranla I uutpa, '' ' ' '! t BM, F-mrittlaa, . V a4 V tieele, , r ... r.roee anee, V .'r'.xiera, . AWiiiaieruarai Aa " - t , . - ! rmeraid rUnr. 1 - 1 .i.T-vam, Iturtaett A Co a Portable ruin.. 1. afre Fnrneom. Paw 1.4.4C ana rru. ruin, Cnareh Bad Brree in mm variety. mm uie eimen etriun ef llratu Bui L P and Lew Pariahle - 1 . bratea Ae . triiich will be aold aa low at ran ba had tn the dt AprBASOC-ly ' rA:iLY rLorRi . a rrrTMOB ccalitt jtst i axd fob Jtf ! br . -9,1, wn-i.i .Mmmm. 4tJa nA'AJEn. . IinpwrtMt Ortlur frout Ura. Cuabf , . . ' -ii' ... .... .p-!4w-i4. i i mt fc CaaaiewBia. hw &a iae. At, lWi..4, geaaiwf PraWe JTavlBa. 'jtieag aa fisM I Paraerrmt n of OiMMral OrdT. Ho. 10, tram the Iiaao-i uaHere of the Beeuaid ktilitary IlhUriet, dated Aayril U, 0o7, ia Baodihed aa ataawavi t j i,t.i i mt i. tim aaa aaa at ti jaae j JaAnaeata er atiarn Aw tha a. yen of miny 4a eaaeea uf aMioa arhthig ia North Caaa Kaa toitaeea the tilth ef iUf, kaSti aadika tkjta day 4jf Atxil, VGA. etid in bonth CeraUnt botaruee the VrU4 4iay ef teaaahw, leW), aad the ath day I taeeiwHMsv, jibdu, aw laic avui tmj ttil naahe anhein.d.aawaeaiieiim, aea ar pracarty of the di feudaat. ar aaat aaaaw of action BowpeHiV ef ABrti leas. aarauiet tae Prueutidiniet iaar pMd- inc. ahall be atoraid. aad a enjt a .aeacaaa ba uietitated er aHaaMtMed aa euch eeoe ef ae- tioa nntBafterthe eiill eorerMuent-id 4h apectave Mtateeehalt tie eetahthihaa jayianadwiica mmi, II.. HI Mi 4141 .lull I,. ahlli4li.il in na4mto4ill. vni aa ava n wa uwi44aoiawa, , I i " . 4 - . m mat : Ji4w. . . I I aeceaaty'.tn yTnTuJaieatw d Confederal. CaawHiia, aea.- oa .aeeauoa, ur frnoum BBOar any wtwn a a vonra 4aa aaie mauna .... ., u.hl w. . 1 u.. 1 e orrautxiUlM af the nroriakmal governmnn y. ... -n.t, 11.. 1 1 1 . . . . "44 we mnm. W-J jw44,,"44,,mw of tbe XHk. day of AuriL 18i5, or of tb. nWate itii lJiui aetuLnA hetaeaa the nsth. dai af U.anahea Jatja. aad taa mitniiatlaa. af pteyatnaai NuyerHnwiH of Um iwui Bleu, waaer Am if ill 11 n-M. .iil..alii !.,. nllilr i.l.i Jama. IBaA talim Mi. -eriilna emuit id the Aefnail.nt be eaterel ef neord, and atvept i." 1 wm. rm pMinuir wnii-anm mm) , nfMrn mtk, awpportttd breom40anHva Wituotir, UttU ahVnge the IhaaViendant ta dipo.iDg of, reetov- BTab.atoaaaaaa.. b-i iiuwiietica e( the eoart. wilhiaW fd,fraa(t eaeee waeee Ma. ptMnUJ a-1ii nttoraer, apoa eiaBdead, he harlot btw to tlw cottMiaottimcttt, is 8utU ejurty efa aawautapnathe aame ean4v hf aotlon "T-aB wbU. by law. the o.d m.y aorapaaiatajMiaaatatoaeottrlor, tbe JJnited r ' ' l'." "" " " I w oaamwaariioMaAoa. . .1 tbele afiMl .n.l nrWl,.' Al Minan of nttarteage, likewiae auarwnded In i oaiM eaabnuani 111 pennniaia U Land ULaf aaid wur-r nu. .v ea aeove am.nnan taopt In caa vhair. mtenaat moaey aeeraing aubees.4aani to-Oie tor. the day of W, aad 'l prevhm. rerU-tior:. waatAeaJiaeceaaeyakad..-':. .W..--jri; I'tragra IV of the name nrder ia modlfled by enbetaintin the MMh. day of Aprn, 1165, 'the win 4. Afwn, aoua, anau net nave ea. paid la naidta Ulowet A" uroriage Ihrth recovery ef money eoatraela, 1 .id4no of whlek wa. the punte of ai.v e auia uiaaouni ak. 1 x.. 1 iJT?1 .rlV.".rr"?T.w V '"" nmommmi. .lanjrwarni. er oocreee enloree eDt4jred w aaah aaaeot ef aatma ahaU aot baanjortied. Paraarauh VII 4 ih. .ht BmdilUd follOWM order of aay Coart. there ahaU be reearved out ol the aroaerty of eev atrntui h u. . r.n.n. dependieinponh-t. h-kher.Tdwnghon ua eppuruiwaou, aaa (U m te eonnlry) Iwen. ryaareaof kMMi, ar ao mncti, thereof that the mt etaeaed b valaa tbe earn ef two arhote ahall !52tVriiSAta!P5..k- "F" weca weineg nonMe : aaaUeoaaaaty arthOea af farnltore ap! Uitteijee and iruplemeaU of hiuuaudry, other .iept4iyniit, tothe vaJtje of Uv. .hdhvaa. The heaaaataad eaemptlon ah.n ly to the haaelti of familiee. Un (hcr 1 ei4Wttoe 44)11 attend ontr L,..ml,,a Wtowed hr ike defendant, af the xafaae of twol hnnitntd duihar The e. mptun hereby mad. I haUl not be waived w iterant e.1 k, tne i ... deiVBdaatwhebe. laiui'y dependent upon him orh lur.nit.ei. a d ihellempted property evall Baieaaaiaaan-dniMi dVAnad by timlaVrilTor ether onaarwtuman the eu-eniioa, .who alau tall to hie aid taxi tmoarti citluu an ...a. 1 k. annan ran.miai a the Court. . Paragraph X la hereby BMdined ao ae te an hBta arreet ia eivil eetiim m eonAroem ,njy jone n eonjraotu lj n hi pat jaa, and th. da - if a freed ta oalras.'u immoved or dkpoa.4 fendant bae Been auiltv ef the debt aned lut, oaliaaiaatoyad kte vijj4ri,, ir ia alMaa te do en, with tneaat aracTrroae kn TBoarana. PtmgrtrjftZTTj ia aaadad Iproeeediiiara may Boat Carolina, reaoarniainr or aanotioniiur tfa. af tba rauda of minor beiiWar of baaalaa, or of Inenaa nraona, kt tbe eMmrftieeof the Into rebel govrmaaent. ar the mwaritioa of the efeatne of North Caroline or aVjath (hwohna ereated fbrthepnraoeeof aanvangawwaragainat ofZlZh bveataaeata ehall have beam determined bv the. eaarto af the UaHed Btotea, ar by namna! kgte- ti ? Z.1 T4? " 14 o" ahaU be held to her er bmd.r th. reoorery. bv anlt. of the Siarbra F3'S"- aryj.twv-toi by Ua. t, tb-r ..hnaAr, baartUArca. It 4fV!u4nl OriW ifV,. un tni ' L ' yoked :ttdaaaad after tbe BettdaVef Janahrv I, th di-illatioa. of epiritaooe iiq.ora U thu jj- torn. M-B-jd T bV the 'law. .7. auiitarv uiatnei ithi an mum an ... v. .... Bonth llawoarna, nay mtlvely. ..- .wis m mm maaee Of north u.4M Btatea of North and t. at' If! pmaiapba TI aad tTT nf Ba.inJ.. Ka aa, ttnted May M, 107, am revoked, and ai,. power to grant liceaaea for tbe tel. of aoiritno.. piniaoaa I toU.e Bt local anthonea, to take effect an and after any m ennnnry, iiwa, ana u be aabjeot 1. The municipal Batheritiee arantbw tbe -IU en.ee ehaB be aaewerabaa tWthelitJka to wham aaeh kawanea an granted, Boember wkk "f-fi" raafweaible retraoaa anduf V a ahog at the aemnmnity, and that tha the bead iknlTb. . U the neveiaial Bropertr of Both erinein . 1 " -l" p ? aeiaaitaliau warrant thai 4H ' Bremieae ahall work the Aafniun .4 - .nil 4... - - ' . . L . I a inn. -7" r 4.4ww.4 . , r A Theewaer orkeaper of any bar-room, an-1 '0hP' at whfcb lnloiion,,rLquor. waeold, aad an other petaana mtereetnJ ..ii.ii.y n. ncKUl.. . oecied therewitk. k.jf tw. 4,..u ?.7" m aay aottja ef duanire. erowint oat nf 4 I .... 4 I ' rthorHb. eniwaem aad eonetablat are 6rtij I HyiuoiM, o. w i. , dkranaed tn ...11..1I ft. a Ml. nf ait nronaat 4 .uV1 ae bboearaw aiiiiiai "7 4.4MI wrcraer oooBrani1 on - .... ui. nna ere wan.nu-.i 1 the nri.nii.aa, er directly rraeeabie tbereU 1 1ot r"ne and ready for im,,i ..e A All bar renrnat eahewaa ar ether niaeet at ,"rrrt" ot mora hmiw . . n wbieh hri.viir.tir,, howt are aoht; ahaaTtM 2,m ?' " xpane thaa anr otb -r u. cl.K-d an th. d nr .).. al .... 4 . Union. ' . ... - . ., ehMtiam,aad fcr the Welv hoer. Bert r-reo JL??! PntaeUaoi ether M o tf.?rL.t.r'rt tbaa-, Jtaldraaa, . , f.? election ; and tli. ehenffti linniwa aad daatrv. aad tteahief ad sanaee ; eitMe aad towna ehah have power te diree tl etoeMaef bar. ad other pieoaw for the tale 1SS?S3 L".T!S? -t be H. eewytothetr jadgBtant to praaerr order d'LlCrtri" nitntWand enea, aader the taeaj reralnuont or noTlITX. I nne, and) araaiataaa . r ' 7 wr" wevotea to ;rB h7tnr-T ."L- "i I 1K. A. ,kT rZTi. '" 4wj4n."---TT. . .11 nnon, .no a wi'S noi ..liar , T P t". loetnet Umato,tyorirfMherdeirabaaiclea,iriren a. 0, 4,. . .1 IViwatowhtehtheyare acTned. .A Ti.y. '- i nnra uilvr ?' . . " teuaaieaMwaw Overeeere wiU ea tbe end a I nn.1an.1mx mn ann 14 1 af. ...... 1 b TinX. aaZ TZ . aiaainl oil ia.Mk . . 1. t. ' uwniQerniffi lTr!;T;T.. "."Ti oi.tne aarau f . Tb peaaltiea amuoend he t4,. ' . 4 4 1 p ui. 4 11 me. Bar Be I ea ading Aty pw eent. af theforterrrVa!? nd it ie fxXUM obentTt, ComuT e forfeirnve or Ane. a bt, a4 C.ae-ra ef O'V tiat-pnlatw efcabw,- to UvtlX?5. made In 4etaaei.t ef ae aniuM i-. T T , Efi4-."yS" pared tfM tbe Aral of Jaonwy.lSffl!""' " ' . v IBItMlatlk IT. To ninoiii, report te the f- nr ....1, Uen-iitorttlleBiriTi iiu.,,. , .7. .f .I.,..' - . r.n.Ui.preoe.i.ne h. f aw. in, awe, ,,,,. date nt c...,,!!!...!!., tM. u ,7. m JV" and theo..-Bee. .. - t, ,,, WBre e.,.,,,, totheend ti.44 1.. i . . ana nt thr annioternncn, ueojm,r. w-.. niti. on we 1 ' . 14 and a... - I - - I t. ... r .s. hoi aw i turma of ikeir eoaHa. aneatogofwohtw.., Jut-liugench mkouJ to., Wl4 V "uae,, 4Atue the hie I Ti .ury, d ,hZ wib he,Jttd ad ll " 1. 1 hmnbametaeare wowtttJiltj eud'.f "a, khaiiaantpMaa naaa th. luaSH I t QUate aa yaw of the J,i,lrz7rTMutt Went" . 4 Wthom,.,iaoa.l)tea,i . , ,u n!f,wt'aali reaeutauona thruauh th t. 'r" v tT U1 be aUeaed. . ' , at tu j, f . .PW .... :.'""- k Jr The nflolu. . Ilk. Ui.. k. . L. I . .. " w eT 4k4 . . . Vr aioduied that, aa aad aiua ti!"'. at Atarch. UMeV all aaarnn.,., " Ou - d by the law. of the Ceii,tl7'. a a. eommawoaed by Vmud t-una wiauri re. . 7 t:.. pk.viMvata4 laiVitaaje. 7 aty i"ltft..jf aamiaa 'ot4, Aif : .h, tbe aatof tb. Gom,, tt ., -rth Oaioline, enlni-d es - r"Wr i- ....... I . i, 4 BBttnUie Ucrwi at I. I i, m .... . , ui;n, onne, iii;irj ..: a. lei a.m "in I 1 ...4-u a uiaedon u ilo.i,, "."a ta avethe dutaur.i, ;JZ M anil oi,. u,. iu,.: l ,i wwrpuci444a w lw end uea i.,, 4 I .r. .11 . ...J. 1- . ' ' ' aa htbwa,. aauii. fa d, j i,t. viduaj taae. ,,1 bTLj 'br.mlr' pllh.d directly from tU. mditi,!:"' rprorWet, ti.at ti,. P1T '" 2tSi.ra"?2 1 1 tha eaitre 44k.H 411 11 1 ' I"1 i . f f aaeaia aae 1 i nut oe ei'AiriiMi 4f af 1 " nay 1 1 "Tt-omojaad of UreTaK bwi, u... - - ' Ibll .HTT "'B.g - 1 I f Ovrtrtai ; 5 lama vTc'Ixubo a7d. V A Pi " ' ii ii am in i in af"m mma I " , n.. 4wre'iyv ivm.w. . ., aWHa alljCCH.AaX"3. n!w u - i i KJ'U'tt Af,I "TAHONEB. ' " f &lGt&Ht- Ti. In WlUeantaWatw arder Ine-neiV ' 1 c j PuolT.J! M "la, 1 Ie- Ha, the Ureo.ok . I TIONERY. MUSIC etc., fwtolVtathTE. It aa. Ai.Aku unnt -1 'ri 7 ? hhute orrW.7 TZ "a dunt h bet tttttr' .? X1iP(Jl' , ' l I A CHANCE TO I1AVR fm" i- ... ,.-rr7.. arXJ : lnf It.avaeianni . 1 1 l&rllZZl) III . " SM !'. ..'" EEJ'OTATEIL - ' 5 y TAIIN'O nRTAWBian It .'I,1. " AM V.4V.-A , . . . ',, '' .: on 1 ZZTTz. TV ""W I Over and re-nnk,Jj-TI vrniM ITl-'J W-Uung m out 2 madatoarder nromntlv.' ' . . I S e n wrnuas fn I pru"w-w 1 1 .1 M Pawrttevu-, kk 1 y . ... , .4 at ... m' ' . ' 01 ianii IIAOE rLATES, " MAaaijw OMrarae wrra ortanjau ti Am run Kiim nm. .u . m Erervbody ahonld have'on.1 1 vT-L .! 1 1. " . 7 nTla MM! J I No Brepentha A iSh-T 22211 ZT I plea. " TTT "W wa I , fhtia etolea 0rte.. emiaiii yiLj'j I vonrdSa TWi' lhn MA)4W ' H. P. BAaai 'aamtv ' "ii-J- juieurk. II. tj , - ... ' i, T. 7;. r - -' . '. 1. ttilt t O.U i Arh-,r1f- BUI I Bait l,..r , Q AnA K Of Al.f ."tliira'k O. ViU V nortalta wm LlverW f,,rakk?t WIIT i U rS 1. 1,, . j ' uiManiy J' JVV713 w aad n north B'.ter H ? llO-lflS-Am . J : ii 4..t .fi umutgioa. I A FARMIlw ELWaB Attic? arn a - j T . , T- " -'CITT RESIDENCE. - Tlritt V. ' . , ' WUl M AWokBg"! for B Xelidenct It ' of' --. T-l.lV 'h aTTll'-!. a klaioh. ihu ' "."-.'"at ta leal ru,.j - ami ahaU make eepianJ. a Sflforiri.'V..'l rPBfclinfnty, Imikafrne the B. A 0 B H. U.nde.noi.' healthy Ztl"u t - lorohard of 4,000 choke fruit 'jwTli u .!! ml variety of fjrranea.-' 4 i.. .j jTft .T"r variety offirapee.-' i -i-.'.j . 7" , .The dwelling, large aad aaaraal noea.ary oulhuililinea. An uoel TaMyaMairwbVrBOtd. T"7 iMi-with all yiejnat loeatMa tol Jan a-lto -tf r-, .i W. B. JONES A CO. rvckttueat rEom. " I.., , J'wt raeeivedi I . .-, . W. B. J0NEI A CO, e44na4 li.Meirw ai tuna . BEITIWRf. nrriro " -V . .".i. ' B,ltINTING; ' - ... . -4 1 (YLP IN Til B CfTTOH COr.NTKT. .BUwk . -W ' V t 5. ,, , TARtSfl BAAtra mvniii 1 : ttSrmt' takwmnmHed with wie iwitMarr material to eiOCTte the ortlor af ml wlemla m eyery tpedea of Job Printi.iL . n bpi.ir7 '..H'kt rAXL, I'ropri.tar. , y.jn . tAlililil; M 1 fc . " ' "OKTAbLI EsGUSiX - UCHUS, 1 4 ZANESVJLLt; 010. a 1. a vuri-ir'a tmmM . sm i, 1 Iks norm toutabim OlAilil JLirfiJAi. A A il flTwiW I Am 9 TfrTif ra7r. i r n XV.,V u mn. 1 w. - - . -e . ...uwnnnniinM in. nrp Flnra oTer.all eompetitora They affd the 1mpI!' aoatmiiuial p,.er at ?.". "4 Ppnet any Enainea mad. to tut I Union. ." 'one ngaaa ar aad and lUti'ti heaa Biiiiinaa'tin a 1 hl befjfr. leaTiriij th, worka, and are 11. J "7 aa WMVant:-. to eot more hmw . . ti hand, aoi at lean expenae thaa anr otb r u. VdKiB. 4. .. ... . . .m. .. i..;.i.. ' .wuiiiur't ijn.nl A n-.il r 1 r . 1 . Bt-A.Jv3 teAitontftirS.O " T.4- 1- 'i 1 11 ; . - - - i tint , w gooe aiirxoi.r.f.ne, wiik ."ai " flA -' aambar eiataieneee new volU4. Pi. i.r . ,. . ' .; . "..t'.MMH t'FM"l. . - - ') xr". 1 44 . 1 aT "a aoy and. tatfla. bpeeima cin.., an ante, mailed frea. .ir' 1 .'.wwi- . - I PUT, . U DEMOB45!rr8MO!(TIIt.V BaOAZIM BB4vermltvn4Sknnniloi.A i . w ...j ...u. C'Jne of amtnoi ; dwvoted to Ori?iul h nea, Pom, Sk4rt-h.-, Mrchi4rt4ir 1 V M VTOiaeea, mwanM JKtiere, tieroa ot n. -. ji, Pera-inal aaid Literarr Oop a; inlicjtii3 ....rial department oa Fa.hiana.) inMro ".n.i h .nk, MuMe, lawmiati etc , by tbe tu.t .mi..., and protaeeij ilinstrated with ciet'a r.er.ieea (feU nee, I aeefal and retiv. I't.u4i,a 1 ..r , 1 eriee,and taaaaaa aaoeeei4inn d or.iet, mtmrt hen, with 01 bar aa-ifni nl eau ruiame 4j4-ri4i,, No per of retl4i4'i44ei t .p..,.,,.,,.,.,' j, wife, or idr of Uho. can aird to An mrw-iti hm Modal Bhaiihly. Bincle oina, 3;, , r ; nnaibera a. aoeciawoa, IS c-m- ; .n r 14 d free. Teariv. tt wuh , !.,,, eoniee, tM'; tnrea co,.'-, r .i; t,,,. ciW and W4telidid prerr.'ni.. f r ni., . . pg d. nuk tbe firat prenf .nma to e.-. 1 . r A new uf4.i, A V-: ,e 4, . . MlL je for Wstrimeribcr. at s es h. . W. Jtii.-,si,, i;r-.'T. . fc h'". 4"S J-r... i4..S) .. ) it. Petnoreet'e T .ti..r and t a . r. . gehe ft. w-h the premiome ttt ee.o. taiater-! A V 3 J .r4 IlTlSLlVjL iO0Ka A M E K 1 0J a , ., . ..wt4w juvunn. f v.ir. p.it an I gu-lthet aeae B aavt mo ; .1! the l're-a ar i . an I 'm aaa xaaeaar. conArm in. It. n. r. u s - am.r-ia

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