.Hi; .t ' uff mai5l et at&Ii. ? t AY A V 1 a .f ,:!e,ie wt'.-.'- I. uKaf aM te iii-a. f J 4 .1 i; f - . MVis. ' 4 Ls- t a n. at. " d"l r ' T 1 .WAHtAII J Tk , 4 ' f y-1 tifaTt M m''tmo t ' m a"es 0J 1 ., Tl - . I tST ' l -: -j5 ao jai.a.a ia K4 aw !!iw aaKiird -ilft'a. t,'"f tr Sett ' ? " "- W xuld ,eui"J .nui UAL,14M4U cya,ri uiuA s ,ti: 7!mS!TSTt.i,iS-J- st'iritJrri - ,V...j- rr. 4 '-.jf - iaaaMaaaJMaajajeaaaagaa rt Ta 1 111 T it - fU.4aV ads saf seeuwail ! to SnrtJ, a L.i & T J fl 1 1 Jh sesmess wwai' s w at a ( eai r4 J4T eui V W 11 " 172. lit. taaMOata4MA'' 1 L .i XOfOAJC lAEVIHIISiaiEirTR l A I LTEN TIN m fT8BUX0 . JlDVESTISEKEHT: f TTTrtHf A KiTlflTTT ,6 W Un rcqnest- a Id "polish. We; JSvu "rout I.4. I l ia m "1mutMBtbi.J Hr ait ai i jfeutiii wwu4ii v" ! J -. IO k...ts. iwW wwf- vi.v,rt i.-',t 's f J J,sVaAas-,.i:. iasaa, sVaaV i Iseventera. I 1 til- I 1 1 ' Ail r ! ! as. I .7 tiii ii 'alt lit -a i r JL a . tgyr tart , t j .- ,.' I , MtLBMU4-fVkM f Ji W' 1 b)4H4a f ttihf b imhIe4 without rlnJ bh ocraw tlx Bemtf iita ld ia kl b mM m hort kom llttto eh n nittrr no tniogi is genri, una ypiM jolt? Dtter lo particular. Kh;Cottua, uteii wttond to lt,.l)li MU-hiUvM riU o4 i Uded king, Vi piled op with ble pwnd njoottag gU, momiDf, nd,' with, iba hop that I mbt effect mall peculnion,! dUpttched, mj butj. mid lo wk tb prkw pw uouad. Tbe Df Mi) Ml), g"t w kekd, uil bw k'oUi ' o4 doot tcrvict; replied oopllf i. "Highest market price." i So o ean take titat at tb Mat quotation of the fCharlott oottos maiket." I told yon, lait inAtmar, if fofood peo uU of tby Citf f OeJuiid r, we of Cbariotte would not oary .catch Hp witk7Vi-pM yo by, ia the net f BBDieipal prosperity, and act are conol) oratiatf B sstiMa,i A f 1 kaow Tucker f why did tuA those ente . prieing fteotlcmeii Aplt that ugly '8 " , i bard to teat, bat to Is the taadome build, ing which orBameBti our chy( i sV aiiarda poeitire proof of the mergy aad iaaU a its Crtetors and Bmiftetora,, Mesem ,Qat dsn, a4ef the fills ot "Oates UUV Th yr ?onI tMohelor of Chstlott gars grand bouas-warming ia this Hallj tome week age, ia lbs shape 1 ball. It wm giTM ia eompHmeatta tws fair bsMasj sad though I did sot attend, I raroiefcert tabstitatfb and am lafcrraed that, af all tha elegant eBtertaiomeats giea) tbia MaaoB, the "Bacbeiar'e Ball" was by (at tbaabietj ToHiiffhtaba.laskttf tlaraiaBBlMU as aid to the geyetj.eud wUh ta aaorrow b- gins tha aaddeet of tha eecUti Attica) aaa- ona ta Which we eommeawata tha rriate and teupUtlMt of film who gav;iajf f I tUlnk no one can faithfully abeanre olemn time, Jn wlnca oaa witnoawe ; the world to Md oomaMUiLia. with Father of BpirtiM without tet-ltop, at it ctore, that iadaad fagabiaai. ad nto - ' .v. -. ' fi Angels inggest thak antipodes.' 'rThai tgooft tw y wjajvtpajaarwgaa u TUeotniKiniitt)rtl )f the nobla auiijitt Mm t tl.e Uiboiiirdcfipifortniind oa or uecatc. ( eletiratea paiaroa In Hacbettii Oh I for a Use Duff to "lay aUI one ot tha BMHtgrei ntase was reanoea to Ue appteprtat siiwlrtai Hh yow think- oaa Voiaaaaatd b ronad teayatigh r A i I was affluted sad si tb aama; tium orada' Ji l-. .1.- -m lii.. . ..1 sorry py a,i a. uiuwu wrtuti emanating, hot ioug siooa, irooi Kalaigk It appeared la a paperiiaea pnbliabad, aow printed'; la your city, and, which , at on time was ooneiderail oaa of tha ttmdan praduaainaw af.thf tatant J .itsT ' actly suited to tne eoiurea eauora a noaa for whoaa roarse aoawrebaasiaaa it was ia4 tended, and yet made asaaonryM aaa lath a pitiable falling on ha a, rba wawawoaj held to be a aaaa pf annto force aad vigor isj .aoatoattaiaisaiii tmm tm mm M 1 . lit did ( intend ta praise rnoas agaltislj wlima lliii attack was directed, , yet -jwicl them, and iba causa they advooated, the highest JoW yolBSnuHBf. timini ,Uia Btmoat rrpreaeuf be f taw Id- -poeeiW proem, the publitf lifat and services 01 tbe gee tinmen he aeaailed, he could find ad subject for blseie eacept tna way ia wblchi they held thets "hau" a)d . farried thatt -aaibrwllaa,-; ; .ft Uit ba aa.afrit 4i lariaW attar's actions, en 1 la j )rei with god4 haaiy,j( Mrwrwxtof e!is, bin tor tha sakai viftieil, 1, .. -. 1 nW- h, do aot lei aston im-t a ci.: wan -larsanasj braHii." ' A The) fti"i'reUia article con l .'.;.. I, rojaalv: to the I .m of tint; w"!hTU : nders ia saakrr- '-:iiHToTilh purti h"iv nliiob tainrd i, !, weft" bem-dih ftui.un.ii,.. aad eohrrici'i i (a Itiai hd baade tin-toi Taett(.i . vifu4hM-ttt(;r l ftoaa sloa- wlirUMr "disiiJBifclajiuj; oniaa Ha - Ukooght i tm tir (iwi greatest f them was dead sonte tune i'v Me equally 4nd to htckhinl(Li'a nit ht, all des aly tad, and afu r a while be became Irea, aad if his kicker doae ant Uke cant, . he wiU. 4 '-yt cetera . p trlawi', . tw ..'atawasapHiely , "w4jJ hy tiiu I t ilia ieawsr-.f Tha Lioa roared incomer, night in oar city, sad as anaal, toraed ae hearts ot aba poodle )M as be choaa, Lang any ba Hee, aad oeh good mar be eontinoe to do hie tootbet taia, who has euch rigbt,lo kr$ . alat i&ri4$ t,t . .wiv y.t c. rha aiptit prewon t hia -great spejpek Wat trmrkcil j ems of rhoee Biuaical irpata, lUick are lroin time to time afforded Cluu 1 to' to, a ' i-f'rf;i .:'."' liV h ;Tbiawa a rrand oaeerk grea at tha '.pharlotte Female Institute under tha ia vliate dirocUoa of I'rofce-or A, Haw aa ana. Taie geaUemea is a liMMwstifh artist, aad, as is stwayt tbe case where one abeorof bioaeelf ' iahie art kiaewcesn ia iinartlna Sohia wpils a parieetina mi tMaSi: hll tbinn ht lacing to tbe diie atady of naeic, is wyaderful. ,. The aira Vocal and intmma- . tit, ranging from tba "Egeria Walts," par. fmnd"try litUa bands that could barely ' aeck aa aetata, tn the wild attains if BrbufiertTi " world ftaowaed' Wandfrw, txqpniaitety rendered, in a at&nner re- Ijcting ti, h; cheat d. grr a(redit ca wp.la and A5a-uo. f rr.rery tt.rnn ta and sHeuttJie IaCftutS,H . addiuoa to being aa tboronsrh as poeaibla, aa sir erf cleaaoe and cjaiet dfjmitv, I aaaatwuva amir'nt a tih IH wnrA Bo.itliera. 1 " -- ," , - f Ti.u obutair.m i,t, ia Uira ri ta. ra-Sawt-lxl its jwlew.ir. and w.n in ratify a di' 't a ) p l.ril',n..r v t ' - ' ! pi hy -1 , .1!,.,,. ' ' v . 1 1.,-! .. -a f . I ot .W,t art teank. i tm.itw aa. r aa aha wan r -r ... ..... 1 t . b'T , L . J f of a- a. - r w Caiwii wafcaa aiai nnrli4 1, Ha bUt to MMmpowdur"' eywiiHea nhdiflenut to the tutarutir otbera,' we' fc tatewwe, fina taeqaapUe Aoat aei 4 fnei tawanHewmtf aen miriiha) w-eaa.vr ttittencRt of alTrtKr Mntn4ata' MeMnfrlta Jbeutflt ; JBit,4it,of a, advirt 6nf Jlfide not to aaiiiim haatiljr whet titer ew4Ut4 fKetiare kail tiirwrnmet- i weuuaaiia' iitUifc;eiit,Att(.rntyr,Brin1rlihm Uniyte rfy faairawatiMKw t, hutbaWlitle. sratr tl-.S "th.'vMf! r" - . ' 1 r .. i .... i t-.liaHitbreelitnrfawt walMlua,rMs i 1Mre,'ke hi not rterlti f-'V. a. FatitlaMre under the BtuU uMtt-afrt' aarta-eiulcat MwibJliaf H'Omk-&&nv UataUUe jf pfy) fin aata)a w,Tj; tod ek&uttMrUalt He-, aadaleoa inmntory of all lltaur eetata, botii i rwut Mtmtkitt, .IoeU tope, Vtupmm, Vnipwm lejidf,JIUijjroi;j;,'auI ei faeta ef wilnhtha a timniiiwfcuw kvwhkw hey Uy ham o atlMi'iiiiiBauraieeaa aoe-.. Mton Id eoiirwT vubVoun'.'TaiiuV or. eriba4 4a Iht fitfaOTaUtooW' 4 UkeutMa Oaart4hN Mtoe)flbkM. Vaeee aehMtalea. trifled y &S ortij ist tbr'petiafinA TjefhrB a U aj.Beaiaiieiriiww, aeaeaeeneaM-)aa vett- . t.Wh'IWI! Ir fhe "eoiumineirafint 'if proeeeainga la ,0aukraproy, J&At ehould he ftmd eat aaaiUaj ahatproriiaaiejte at a time before the banknipt lw diantargert. ba jue bat, by any ablft or enbterfug. had 1 falaeor &r- Hal olitdlehiipBld b frilfaiwpf frand and would defeat hie discharge. Vhan petition (a by 4 Ar ar oopartiiM- ahln,ala aatol eoheaiitaaaf Sheiweeaeeawaae tatee of the memWe of the firm ehenld also fat (. Wlmftbepetitwa ie Oiad. the aaee U imme- haterfTelaRed to a egteten Whoexamtaee the ,0, m .ii .... . . .." . .. pvuuui) sua eoaue auaeaea wereto, ana 11. Mey an aaraaat hi linrai,, aaakee a eerltaeate to IhatesW, to be Sled with the Clerk, then ed Jafgee 90Mlif niji-f 'a W attojhaileeenaer WaawoMa all the oredil- ore aamea u tne peMnaaeew aeawaalee ateot af lb"BegWr' murt 'i osrtain fime aofl plaea, la store their slaine and ahwteae r awve Aeeiaweee to toss eherge ot be SMkraM'. lata. ' ...:: v'j iA'acaditat saaoteni, Meea hajMato'it V117 time prerioue to the lart diviclenfl, which wil dlcSUon of nkruptcy. s , MjM ln, .f Jtoeeedltoe bee y etoaaiag a a-Heakrai f VMlt ti! M Wit I in UtfwklmMH MM .Wia t!raitrj4 rapt to aneweatneeweawaei inratng. .the .4Ui aasi$BerWay'4iiai iosjutfed subetqaent fllin'a petitW taJBankraptej In other wor the date of tbe Aung of the pewtise. bj or aalnt daMot, si tha dataaAjrWahvvtf adjudteattoa af WkaRtoW!.!lhsi4 ofAsitthWB taueee war aad a aaw toaf is tamed ever. - On this ttAMiUfcue tart baea variant J XlMaaacnto taat khosowliaaat a EaakrnutoV beat perfect right "to claim 'wasterer tia be saade after bis epplkttioU, tj hie personal raar- ttose, but anj profits b majr nave made.from in-1 vaetaaeat or eredli, aiay''ba liable to the slaha af tha eeoelTsr tap to almoet tha period of hie dis- 0, The Bankrupt oaa apply to the Court a uy time after the expiraUoa of eix ntontht, and n kl toOMrarfalaiUiiaajadiit2oa,farthe dianharaa. fes baakraptey, sad ta pass aa saeets eoma nto tha heads af aba aeelgaeb, or no debts bu pruTod V4nm Mrs &snpi ttoaot eixtjdava, , . ... t j M, As sooa ae an Aeeijrnee le ekwied or ad- : pointed, th(Jana3a RegitssrwiU eoavey to ktm, by dead ef saeignnent, all the bankruptie property ewept what U eseaipted, vis; "Boner, j S MaiaaAJaneavrajamiMtM oMkeawasrtaUee MlM''WinhpaVe4 dollars; aho sis wVarisg apparel and that ef hie wife am id fie toreaoiugae ie exempt from knry and ea)e asaaattoa,rjptfaer piweeee be the wa of tbe Btate lat wtitafc the baukmpt tMideaJ tosh oasoaatweavxeeeatng taar alKrwao pj Btato. e: amptioa laws ta Ibrea ia 186.":: ,Aaela Cbunea k enMeyeuftt8aiaaM.alSkeana toprewton that pronamaybaeome( bankrapai ana- yet " aa- allowed to- retain ttuur HAanet ana leads, of ether, pcopert-rrnf.jidorehto value, at a great austake. Updr the Act, po boueet Ban te mpt in this4taY-eSB ha shotted to hint, fret from the operailoB of the Aet,4koMding rW .bej tldet he" wearing appare hinaulf anaj family. Mwmrupi 111 tuui buii are out enuuea 10 nomar eteedeaudthIA!,, K It, ItH tha itfty ataldawaiiy oaya after thpaeaianat ( km ie npde.to Ik to tbe bankrupt each artiutea as are exempted, aad He aa hmnfory of the earns with the value Hf each' artida' jto'sWf iJ.iVf naot)jiCtiune.te tut wpjrtkrf ,taaAeeigaaaa soy unas wtuua twenty aays after n la mmiW 1 11 As to eoste in bankrttr)1ry prorKf,fln gvWti id at of the Bmlirimt Act i-vovi.lea that tbeper auofier, he foil s warrant' Ihuucs. shell daaawif fly fere f 'th th fV Mtep, liftJ! Clerk. to be delivered to the hetfieter ee a eecurity lot has reee) OanenU crUorXS (X; pioVa hat tbe fees of tha Begiaier, Jaerslial aad Clerk ahall bi prepaid or seeartd b'ira Ifc yAfevBpsClcai ta set. It is ateo provided by General order XXX. enaawiaera-be newer kaa ao-meaaa, aayy ft ptliee Ihl tactte the setteraetton ef Hie CoAA, apon npplfosHort. an ohler will be nieue rcqoiriaa All tbf ooats In this caau (p ba paii oaA of.tii HUJ dollars aeyoeitod wue. laarKepaesrv -tf, bowerer, ajsato are sanTf, tjt ant leongg to par lbs Has. Sanger sOot rleductiDg tha Bankrupt's exempted' propetty.aothat nothing eowoe Lute W habdn of the Aeaagnea, the free wtU hare to be paid by thaj , i.'ie.auk.A-in-k , j- ,'uveiTcre aaaeisi taw Me eMaef M eesanterwwJ Br paid by MuAeJ ror any arorjend h) made imhi.g (redltoii, i 13 home sofipo that tlW Bewistet si autltied to S3 tsev Tha feet of the Besietor, Hesewger; uieri:, -ana aaets of publication hT tuAuxt in BeakreBtey, are t vd by las .aad if tltey deesead Signer wee, abey are hiUile, as ia othaf imst sail tlfeeesnoe ia olfioe. lu orluary eaaesef Dank- nestey. She teee st'moimt to thai. Ia tome Unset more, M avime Vae-fti ee i dcjieivifng on theemoant of loborsrid Kli-aUon-jurohwd. to It. rOTflrdrnS of opInikWaMMg A&oreva ha e aiiatedm thie lvate, s to thebmit which th AolvHfckea. as tetiie time t tnntte ejfplmtion lo bafllrcatcf. I fiuSU UreAlppiWedihataudeb or wiU be permined te spply j Benkrnptcy aW sine ea-.ly d" in )lr"h, unl. he brahl to (uy hiy cent el ! o- Iteare assured thai this ie not tbe The lav did n go tiitebfera-kiia i.i A. pariwsfnr ahicb it was n""d intil Jrniil lt--t, ' II nti,t ?r-,-ii, from ih't time, i ! h . -t i iMr . I Of .r hi- wl- e-.. Mi l t---v CtJnt -: - 13'. lh rrnrft r r "- A f'-r in V r , i fctt e , " 1 ' . , r , -f r,.( ft i r ,,-' ,! - lie ! a. a tvuie--. ti e ui-jxiij ui his ta-euitore tDiRX;Ti.O,1ODS IM TUB STATE OF TlROI!VlV TN PBE8ENTTNO M KIND. PATROMI WITH It VMiOwadam af tock fur Vail IWU, I Vie -iu toilMk tkw. lur their J.bal Kj"', " 'IUi'(rU; e e ,,11 ' rooage, aelusiuug at tbe eame tim iu futcrc ooa-T' t, , . - , "J . liuiwiuu, anaurinu; ttiui4 tkut ju uffurt irill. he I 1 ' 1 ' ' ' i----' ' '-vf irtia r mak it to tiu irniicrit t at plea ore to make Umhut nurehaeee of Ino- The Yoilow- int tneoiorandngi, ttiooah uuawnplAte, will Hive h aitiRnlitne Ma it dm siummI au" J auBcteBtMaa ot die foatin) atock Stock 1 aiam vfrtwamnHa, veumHua.iwianeii,jaoua- bus, auutui M UouMe wuun, m ali Ike aov ehadea, B wneasbs. c, aaailhl'Ml and Ueotofc tkit'sjararf4erieana1 LtMsea KiBiii'iiig ruKuH, iiuuwi timsruiigB. um bnnt FlouwW; Meedtowerk Kdirme. Needlework 4naartuiK, AesiUewurk fleunuuia. 1 Meiasook Edgings, SaUieook lueerttuKe, (twins and Cam- Itrui tollara, lee ami Uambne Uallaia aua Uuna, Linen ColUre and Cuffs. Crane (.'oUara and CuSa. UuRle Uullare o4 UaBe, Heal 1'oint Oullare and Cuffa, Keal Foiut SeU.Beal Talvotia Ooliare and CutU, Imitation Collare and Curta, Cluner Collare nd Cuffa, Kial VaL Lacoa. Ileal Thread Laoee, Beal Clnney Lacea. Real Oulper and lloniton litce. Meal braeeeU Lace, ileal Bobbin Laoe, Point Laoa Uandkorduiffjs VaUwUa Lara Uaedkarchiefa, lm- iiauou LAfw nanuaerunuxa, . h '',."" Sundries. Cloaca. BhawLa ia lona aad e4uee. fnr klieeea and Ladiea, Hoop Bkirte, Balmorala, Basle and Ribbon TrimaainWe in larw aeeertoient 1 JtU Hilk and S ney Battone, 1atfta Bibbone, Mairow Wa tered KibW, for Trieammr, Belt luboone. Wors ted end alpaca Braids, Mohair Braid, (Moone and Utay Bmdinga, Ooraet gnlito, ZiKeag Braid, Star Braids, Mairie UaHinc. Ptoin ead Vanet Hair Kete, &e.. Ohina and Agau Batioaa, Fall bnee of Bli lacx ana voioraa eie uiououe. Bfourning Drpnrtnent. Ore. Grain and Kent 'Ailki French Merino. Bomiieina, 'Tuneee, Canton Oloth, Bearetc, Craptai ttoratbeeat Pipiina. Kmpreae Cloth, Uge niaa, Vehwtines, Pemian Cloths. MiHMlinea,Chal- Uee, Alaaoea and Mohair, all of tbe very best, Loacia e celebrated atauafactma. ' i t ' t ' 'WMle Cioda. . Plain. Plaid and HtriDed Cauibrw. Plain. Plaid and fttri'ped jaennoi, nam, plaid aiidBtriped Maiuauok, Plaiu, tlid tiidsiripfid Muff Mnaiui, PUU, Phiit and Wtriped fwn MnaUn, Plain. Plaid and Striped Biahop't Lawn, 811ft ttuieh Jaoo nete, 80ft anlaa Cambric, foft flniah long Clothe, FeKey tiaraaillee, An., Tarjetona, white and col ored. Organdies, .Dutiad aad iigaiod Mwtsa, Brii bante, Patent akiriiug. . tin. t svaw - it ' iMiltm Furalahlng Ooad, tjhdareaisli fJrewera, t.'araete, Liele Thread Meal JSnauah Uoee, Uarauui' HoeierT to Ladiea' Brown Hoae, Ladies' Black and Slate Hose. Kid Uloees ia ferRe asaortrarnt. white, black and wloNd.Berlio and Ute Thread tilova,' to all eisee, darters, ElaaUus Hair, Tooth and Nail Bnsbeai Meat tWwU. Miiaw an Units Perdia Cimilia, Veils in Bxal Laoe Potted Bordered awl lhitiiTriB)iaed Paraauia. Fans. Ac.- 1 -cV -y 1 ' ' , DoifaeatUia.. Blesolied aad Browa -CoHou Hheetinga and Shirtinga, Bleached and Browu Jtiaus, Bluachcd and Brown , Canto Klaiuiel, JPlaid, Mrified aud Plain Usaaburga, Tickings, Denuirae, liicknejr, Hackery, Dongtey, tJaliuo in ail the popular Biases , jimguame uirvary raneir. , Bi , U 011 lost eeplng Depunnsont. I Flannels, plain and fanny, Blankets, Carpets, Tapestry, wuol and , 'iweM-riyV'snparaae, ingrain, in ali cotton chain, Venetian, Hpuin aud ilttr pa am lin. b 'iaW Floor (hi Cloth. Laos, Musiin, Brocatello and aieanaak Curtains, Piano mid 1 aUha 4Jovae, fable Damask, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, liapkiue, loi- sees, Toawie, ttsKatanaosvamsh awiuiuea Llnene, Lluen and Cotton Hheeune-s. in ail wkltlia. Pillow Linens, Maraaiilea Connterpanes, Jaopiard aud Cotaua THapere, Linen Biapers, Bird eye Ihapare, neB aanen, s, . Gents' FarnisBlnar Goods. AB are renpectfully invited to inspect aiy atock before malting their purchaaes- Myeonvution ia, the true way to suceess ie to eeeure the tutor act of your eustoroers by charging the sma.lest poev ible profit on goods. This has ever been nty motto, and the large baaineee heretelora. doae otto, and the ewuiirages nte IU euuexuiK saricujr Hi n. i "TIIOMAl S9IITII, . ,No, 25 Pycamore fit.,PetorsbnrK, V. OcL15-t "" p 8Sff fife ens', (H'Mli.,tU We have just received, from tbe most reliable seed-growers in the eounlry, a large stack of Vreatt eMnsV, aVarwa. Vield awenMeaetow auraiaa awede, anipraelng every yaritity of : J t,ns T - ''ft, -a . ,J is ) it ,,ii Versl-y , d' ik.iS rVlt 1 f aieniji 1, ! crooou , ,-. reaa Aua Brnsaelle Sprouts ... T Pepper itabbage ,'''! rBIUr,kin ' ' ' , Carrel .. f fj, . i a! -e itadiah rij ,-'t WBttwenj 'U)i etnanas'B a-a-wra Oiiliarda wm t 'i' sVaas .'. A ! vera emtaa ...f. f npmaea -t-e j Orees or Peppergrass 4 ' lomato j.' (Hiruinber ..)- Heibs 1 Kiidire e-. tl-rde Oraae ' 1 , 4, Lk Plant main. Orchard do " j . I ' Kv.iMns Crash Lehuea ... , TimoU.T 4 hi.' reielirttaxi'- ' ''-! Whrte CkiTerTl Whwh we offer at the invest aurket rates Foa it , - tOUDkn A CAItR,' i JaaSa-MI-tf i . wnoleaatoandtteteilDroirirnila. ; Petereiiurg, :. t 1OSCELLAJTI0U3. 100,000 .) a t. 7 . .Aoehr to IBM., COTTOH BOOT ana oeea wanted. y -i . 1 H0NTER, - , AtOiBoenf Feb J1-15-St .V ' W. H.ONE A 00. PrerCfreaftrgf b4 Debcttcw , OF THE OO5TEBrn05 OF KOKTH CABO Hna. eailed to amend the Conatitntioa of tha atens, wntcnaascKiDiea at naicin, jnneetn ikia. . We have a feweopiesia tbaee stioaa, which we win eeu ae fj eaoa. -.. - FebU-lU-tf BKATTHOfl a. JONES. ' w V : - Vsiajfa, SsWfC , . , - A LARGE emnrlT. in larva am i small Madders. J. Asm, iu pape. e aad buUles,at msnutaetar. ra prKa. - .v.1,; - - v.. ... . - - -J iwu-uihi ... w.n. eunanatuu. (Tsar It era. Cracker. TREaif Craekevh todey reeerrtng toy A e 1 f BE1.L.) febM-lC&-tf tX)L,'t.L.VS AYtf NO man tir the name of OeftliETT. who ,ivited Ha'n fl, dtirinn the ' -wmj of the Stste 4ma(.ryattve CoorcTiiKie of lrlt. $ h. 1 will brer of eomet hirig to hat uiterest, hr s!J.-im- falg ' " " ' T. V. ri , natcn ataaer tq jea-ier,.. FebH-166-t Eawigh, N, t .. ti .1.-4 -'HJn j'' "t .'- 1 i u, ,,,, Mtt m a IHou. Z. B.Tauw. thai .XI. li. 1.11' t hta atJ J tfifn . - W 1u..m a VI,. -Ui Harwoed. llafnuh : Oei V ftjareiinsv; tvoiuity cliane ,(Srowu 1 aeiaaaiiiuaa imi,.iu,,i eaaaasst aisuo.1 maait . jub, BHKM. " (M.Ain.-teUr, CCnefftl'COninilSSlOll : 11CrCi)(lltS.'l CtrBelaVM AlfB, aiTIBB ITTHlMI L 7 to sales of Cotton aud ail ak UmJL.t - iiwui, ivmuui nisos. Our long ezperieniM in buaineae givea aa supe rior advantages to Biasing sate at she highest usHoa lorwara&fl to rjverpool free J eneuu; OBSa ; 1 Liberal advances made on nroduoe bi band. lir Jetal M Va.trr . Edireeoiube. and Mr. Ju H A...w.l 'ytfuLZ i wne wilt na naaaaaa te nanriak v inf..M.u. . faalitjr to those akipputa te a i neveuHe laxee on uittoq oaa be paid here in all oases i whoa preferred by "Shippers, aeovrdiug to reeeut reiruiatioiur. .. " aoraaia, axw. , . , .-, , BOOK BrOEES. luarji -WnjMK, , C. W. LAaaira. WIXIIAIIS ft LAMBETH, No. 40 FaKf TllleSt, Bale Uh, N. CL Book Sellers and Stationers, VEALEH. iJi AUU KINDS OF BTAMOAKO AKp illsCELUSBOtJS WOJUU. ' MA80NIO BOOKS, ilWELe, BRAAUA J . , BOOKS OK SltWEAh'S AOBlCWU. ' ' TUBE; 8TATI0NERT; PKrST-. l i ia ajjlh. wbappiso '' ,FAwi'!rMlIU, , vrwU ,';'feCTpite:i(i'i ' V"' - (wii k ;-3i..TT ie,i- iJ ft3 JUOL AJIflTKaitIQUIllTJi3f - : 1 AtBUMl,, , , h,m f,Hi. ,1 i i!.';! t. ).i rf 'pERFUMeBr,"""' 51 '!, We ar now iweivuig new enppeMsvend will aa ' eouetanUy aiakuig euth aiklitmua to our atock as win enauie unto niminb ererr aiticle usuallr kept to asametaaaalttji . Uiirfacitoweareauihaeteenantoueto fundaii iu a very tuw days, any article not on bead, and 1 "" . - a,r wur nMiiietwatum, -.1 "Our baetness -a-iU be eonduoted on the rash eyaieui.. ana evewjr artiot aeia at the very lowest "!.-,! I J' .' i-. '-lilt!' 1 1. a. - . a WILLIAMS A I-iMBJETH, ' Aaleigh. April W-tf , . Turner's N. . Almanac for, I86S. TtrK SHALL PUBMHtf. ia a day, tha I , , n,jr,t nen ai tiie aouve At- manae, ---a. We. have redaoad the price to So per hundred, orMOpertliouitaiid. : T' l tWttdyoqrordera tor a -,P-.,, - IT f" ,'......,., W IIXIAMU A LAMBETH. : : jl ''"l'i"llerwidioiieia.f " ' " t-i - "2 f- ' Majazlneiittd lllustraiei JTewtpaperi. KXCKI.VED WKEKf.y, asd for sale at the eet pricra, the popular Magaunee and j aied newsiiapcra of the dev. ; i . ::Oet.'tT-t4tKA,M rtir-, Itoek mora, I ..vrvw.-a, ya-aa.naa .ne a ,r n,aj, tioea OWTa, t 'H-r-Af. I n... ,. ....a ew-j ' -:"iv" insCZLI.AIi'EOTJS. -'.,ri & . g-- fe- r. .,, .., .w M Uo.. . Murray a Hi.. , . i(.n n. .. u ul ,i lauiitMi jitha Mr.' 1 iinHiMhu. l 1 ,.. ..t .. . . - . r Warner Biil.-.t.- ., r-Uset-inbaefca- f I. it is a Mutual Cniupsnv, aate b4rVrT LA4 siiW the auoual bu ot lUi j tteeraa it. I 1 Iteiaenr.1 are aiiu,.JrL Ua.l J VTJ!i iaaCr rZl?r J!l . w mvrmtn mm .i,i,iuwh -Vi" a iu it! Hut I S f I ,. . iV aatf ti;Vl'W?,'r af-aUrWk .7 ' . " . . I ' - . 1 1 etstjejaj A 1 o ?. .3AK BK HAI AT .i- ' j (laMWe) -JMa - ?--'. SSM- ej -Vt j HANUrAl-rLftEilaV miCEfl . " HS -V ii By !vUUk tipoa tba AgtMT U aUlaigli. f ,,. 8 !Zf 8, I pvj.axng; MJi8ita tccrsr cos rroRK. f I f lTfllS aopn ior tn. rile o f1ie"'RinKerwtac1iina f. A 'e-eraN others, fnr rtthr-rfW ear or ma. T avranaevavr pawTioeat, are sa well ewabn.he. and T so gt-nurally admitted, that sa enaawrata of I uieir r.i.i.veeic. lienct-a is no itaiget eeaaaaletetl hali aZ J::., . V I "rVTa.."':' t j . ,. . ... '. . . ' "I and eapeUo ul periurmiiie a rane and ariets7 wora nevi-r oiore tnii a avu a ainia u i. chine, niontf either eilk terint. rlnen nr anlnai I - thread, and aifwing with equal facimr Ihe ryni : rtaTaaderarseMaiateral, and uk-i ton ea. - twr-cH tli two extiiaBtea ia aba aiirt .twantoei - and aabatauttsl aianiHir Vim f ' fan . . .'-" , . ' ' J. Sa II.. a. aaa. Para.. ..III. ! aV I sui'i in th Coftrtrf ,iivBknipt47 for tht 4 z'i-lz: tir.herT.; ar.u.1. fui... .f. . ... ...... . Horth Cerolma , Jul, ae-'Ala-tf OA 'XP FACT BY OHfOX, EXPtCv stelt .te-ry At -- - teti3-i.j0-tf . 4 TOJfNorrBKlA'" riTV I'BOFCBTY-1 FOB SALE. 1 fTTWO romvenlent end eVareb1a fTOrfirs AS D X IM 1 " in tj.e wcittcra n .tr1 af e (,'f.t. ( atclHvr3ll afr--t. Atoe, a Kut'nB A?T tilt, in r" tttaville m-reet. inia 1 smxi piopertr. Apiir. tva in furautiaa .at th. : . . ,.,.', STlSELOPFICsa' Raleigh, Jan if lit I f.ABDt Aomily SU fined lard, hi 21 lb backets. , '- I''" - 'oe. " ItO I ff. For sale by .... , u ' tea. lllta-at -m ,- 10UGLAS tr.LU w rwrBEOTrmv tub "TiiAiira - rrrtHY. - rtaainuu. konib I S VmmmMM v.imi,aii, uaw.. I . A ite dtviateniiasawe aesaaqed bj Uie iuaiwed. .,..-( - " A Its DUlCMa I !- -a. Ite lemMHS liava I l. a. Uioaula I , -uraaaiieji ai ei siaj tiwi I 1 ' a ilwI ft V niw jhAimh ikUi ix Mrtutw : 7iXmmm I'.o ew?!" tr ," J .. a ' A v V SI aaa. a . aa . i i Hf ana JUiftM.faJlrir' fj-flrfi . . v .'i s4 CVfmrxffcy- iWW'iitrwl v.'ejiel ! vU j naooaLVM.i, .i. tjonmaaija, ..j.i . W .. sari ,W. W. . ; -. fa V, (, aa . , ,a.nj)m Uaf a" 1 Kf aeaaoaaef theveaav- i -'! I ' tresl SOK-POIlFEITIV'-.. r lr ' 4 ' The- r(KHXX'VXnt AfonV'rs poc'uli'arlndawBHinis toeltiaeasaf the latinos with reirsrd te retidenne and rrct hia mining n,,.u.ji 1-beee atateiaaato sea aiaae front Imparl ia) reposes ta she beads of tne AfrenVaT a ttaeaiiMT For further IntbrniitloB, spphr to th; Tvet ellisej . r -aMl I A. , , ., - -...-'( l l.:til Jaa, l-1.4-8en;,; w if- 2 i . ( u i i H. n!f at eat .4. ,- S kl . - ai 5 1 ": J - 2 ' as aa . i at !.- C m f' i-jt-i ,' 9 vtt riv - Vt'- .i 'W i ti 5 ! an 1 - . to aa 2 t -i'ati4i-a in- 4t Wf . a . . . V.fvVtd iSSJ W a4 it f . as , , il j. 1 1 . ft J-.'" i J ' .JaWlaTSre. A :-..u.i i -'.- I .J;Vr5 ; 'l . TMiait .f. a fi'H...ti ...V i-etj... ( '.4,1.' II ' II -' , 'i:, ff - .M i . . .. 1 e, ATT nnr rnT-navitr.vWiTViv' ,,- """t'' ' 'i ." .1.. . , f WAi),i()flUJl-JIUiii.aAA,i.aa).,f j4 l1""' tIie piemima ionVtlj and . " k, " if?,(?uu!l,m'r'1 wxm4 year, Jft ,u . I 'ifhuJ ,ttJ?J' i.i-- a tv4 ' lit '.Hhlwrj . U T lnif 0M.,'ASX WEBS fECUM A It tJ V ' " . .,W,',1M i 'f.TnwTiAr, nmrpiixrv rS"rrrrriiicrwn aviwo 1 eUM4M UittaT IrrWrW ihtl. rtmw. 'tit ntl irtl isMtlMtlaBaa.a I at (UrB wistaaaa. y ii aaJ ,ttM' .' ..!'.. L' - j. ,J1..I lilui f '"eMa. if- lr,MT.a.l V-fl 6-tlitM' " ' vraoe,no. i i . jiinaviftty, Now York CWy, -jf'i. U- '..-' , .V ,-l HlW ta . ,Jiw...l 1M a?J.,j , j . .1. rawfcrattoaglajrfu ..3 a,il , (I, f ria-. ,- ""r 1 . II r ""f.-'y;-! ! .. ; ijj; - -j- ! a ; X V'J. , 1 -, DfiY GO0E8.ai.i.'!it t ltEW'Al.RlVALS.'wiay. -II BKll OOJl CaxHl am i LOW. luuthHf etue oi t'"LwdJ ((a..i? eiat aea 'id V Mrjii y-i-url j .te,,!? 4at- 'id V M)j!i if- ... . - . at . . .u ... toaft atieanll Tae f aefji a , - ...pma.ra Mm- M'i1t1:- smaa-TaBji a) aj eaaaat ? aaaebaa mm rv " T w " Tvt-riU itj S f.-virej . J-av 1 .x-tra. 4pagJfciii,'fw'ei,, . .....-.r Sa -a.aai c -. T.a Ma, ' . rrfiati new aamv'-) as j , ...baaa. La I . . " - Tha Beoira tble tna baa eva eetlteg ..4e AJocibSaia tewsaty years, ia -tHHr'autrewt-hiMl aaaakaraeta- I V. aid wawra. 1 heaMarhaaa a v- J eo t--' t-( ttlmiivifil teil wiJ l.fi i . j. jo-t S. 'v - a aneli a .i r' i . ? . .' . 1 . -a. a f "' ,-...- ,,. 1 - BETTIR, aflCEE. CS CHl.A?Zlt j - -4 Lev ... 11 ' 1 t a --- ,. , ' f .,-- jti ..j. nif n. ;.'.( 1 stocicxof: g oods .;'r r a al.a'w. a "i To oaar them tliaa thee are aW aoonuii at their fence, lie. XI FeyeviUe street, IteMata, K.O. , i ... A H. A W. J. XOCNO. ' OetObeT 4, 1887 t KISCaOJaAVritOUS. .. JOIISf T. DCHECkC, Att9r a EEt Ban, .- mntiv . - . .,, rnptcy, tTTTLL FRACTirR IN Af. TiE CO'JIifH ea.e.4 tin- Bei.kniirf f .nirt. 4M.w in the Nmiii'ril hniliHK-' . staevek, bar. aiaa-lttaam' I I,. a- . v, . TriE MOST IMPORTANT ' " Aprlfiiltsral XxyreremeBt of tb Atre ) " ins trixii.'. v. rnuiy nov. I f) A ITT""! T TlFA'lTc'-'- i Ti-. ft A CTT'PTiT TlPA'tT. a, t la e.Ti-,".-l e.-e .. .) , .. 'i li.M-nr is .ii... t I- S-l - aclke.. ot ) s "-!. Mm.'. .,.t ri'ii ootaoMHl ef af ai aava ar'4 W i.e-l aaJ el iWH '1 JAMES i BtClt WWiiJr'; attueam ecu tnue v tt jeul "ja-ttA .lf ,ti If iyw!f ( . v . f . 1 , 1 - j . . . , . eaael all iril. tait i--.rst aaaa tl t yw uar btteiwoa w l... 1, , rf.e u.iiea. '-t tia Ii i, IV 1 W i - nsuml. , , , I , . tilael Aaaif aali S.i.. '. iti ' i! u tit Ifnblt- 'i-i1 l ' J .w-'i ' ! t iesaaH tteereww-' .ii i iie- i ..! 1 mWik a. JVA, (Mian jlan. eta Li J hi a .', toenii-r to tktir -W tkirw .leaii.- Autsmeav. P.t . trri edrK dotoifbr'ZlabilM " ,u iwu'J . I'tvn. .,",1, 9 it m,. j..li.j.a...i . i i. ... . V I ri X w .t.',5.11, !.'f ",,('-"t" T m JM f it is axi l-veH fnwl,4 L- w at eee sail av2iH-.i ftvbmt WiA t,H AHwate,oeioii .n i . tt ..'; WXUiIaUl BL- 1A81ZT, OeiieyaJ. Atrent lor Nnrth riarKe.i T' -t.t j ,'.'-,' mo in m Pr-i W'fWii or premium ' note mo ItVij or -J 1 a eai't taVMe.et rl V a .'j'! . .1. i , " ANTAr3 IW Td THS HOCTHERS MOFtt. TTIB , il-.J If., . -ejl,..!.-,,...) , 4aV,f"r7'?J,.vl.W a ' , , ,',,1.,.. -, . . i , " T J 'Z IT jn.,,,-, KISCZLLASIOTJS. f ; ;.O.Xs law Ira, , ,(., ATTORNE 7 AT LA Wa! ' (.. MALEIsallyi N.'Ch'-litr, It .PMAtfrirasi ta FoeV-rel l-oarta tb Utile ilourta aii.l I '..ot. ..r u-..kr..i.i... i te (awpereit ts rolleut rhuuw to any pofliotl ' of rnaawa . ' - ' Hefere to the Bank Officers, sad prinisipsl h , Am. o-i :)- - '- i,, , j j DABIKb ), mWU. atraAsn c. feADtisa. '' rniirt u i'rltnpi-rt ( a w s.aui a a a a.u a. SSf ' - AXXOHN aY4 AT, XaAM's " , ; , KALEIOH, ft, C .Will prat lid in the inpreme Court of North Ueentoia, Via, lillll.-.l ilul" 4 i rnuit (!oot Urn raifierwe' Urmrte m vt akp, J.lmt.iut att'i i Itakkeie V".""" a.1.1 in ffiu louiu 01 iiaiiai lu.jcv. i .. IkWlsVaW - . ' V I aim Ui I hi -,, CUAULEdlON, H, C. IHB tKrrrwt('iVTir"HATISO Tlll'i charre nf toe ekvivs well kiu.tra H.itet, reataset full, inf.rrme tits rre'itil. and the traveilmr pat. lie thaett aaw tawa UlHuM lau 14 a?.L of ill! iik.i'AelMKMa. ji. taiaa ill at ah owa be n.iiiic-: nuh ilielflK 1.1 -.1' I11K. ktAkhtl Ak itiMaif. ineiath unv ooiieteir in emna. liur the etiiwllie Will ley him v iHii.eh! 1 ha tVeta Koutue sitavhed to Uu 11 .t,. I are .i,nd with the ciMrrat. .l Aiichi.ii aVaeer. and imf ill,U01tt.HorKH it.VfltH can lie olairied at any time. - I he eame aii.rMeat will te paid to the Mtniun.a uie saws ee eiiifona, sua starsl- ere cau sely U-Mi aa.lii.g tlie t l.ail.-ioii Umal anal to uur in tire Lmi., .1 muics. ine nsir.aa. K of Uae irsvuhuig ihiUmi is reeoeetiuilr eunoi- toeV er t'Mrh 1 --- - . j J.J'. HOttBACH, Arent,. -Aaa 14 133 Dm Proiu iut.-. , YOUiMCr S HOARDING . II OUliU jf , AaTHBYAmi.iHOVO.lH0l!!ia. TAYITTE VILLI, STSIt T, RALi:i.ll, X. C. ' fltonrl jmt lny l.fia ral tU'.lucLluuallla'it-eai Inial d by tile Week i..r rififih. K.xnn larro, comfortable ard well furntalicd, F ti if "Ht , . i t Jab 11 liV- f -i .. . V v Vr 1 it'iT'"v;," " ! ' ' Attol r 'y ' 1 f; . r . " t ' , 1 1. I.I I'A.X, N. C i'f Jltll l-k Ill ' -. 1 , .,J ' . . ' I ft 1 n. a . l.i w.e i- - i -. 4 .( . .. v. VpwejaaAy.'d kre nkyWon IU abteaiit at Mm fLi aw--" -'as 'Wt s t--,- . -V.' US') V ; aaa.a, Y ;-f"V. "'..;..-..,.,:'. ' 2-1 a t A,'! 'f tea!-.. A- .-j.; i '.'. - - t.,AteIa t rf r T I c , t' BEil" Vll BK ! 1 1. Z 6l,n h.tl.i lull A (Ur-TOS HML1ID, ' lajCdiiot.-i v..sr. iii I. ki,,r,h'.HM'iM) ' ' "'Br-'TI.rUK, KnhTK ll ant 1 ;1 10 t.x'i sjAiIv l.i lluil'lk Jli. (S.I0, t S- -.' t . f f,ul'!'1 10 .M'ielAU.k , ' , ', , , I',"'. via-'b. A fl.'li, K 1 , ' T-g niauiriiratei an. I are tbe 'Mrwn tAwA t f iav,, .,r J. ,ut t., u J tim f. ,u.,ru Ka kOU, SmI k.wtu.a.Mi,.., kl.j Llu hi I s emus etu.Hv. li. 11 , , . ,wt.uJ . u, t U.e lest I. 11 ai , . ,. h a y 'loumad r .if.Heaw to ftianh-aad iweHb t an.ii..a ill testify ' "'' the mate weal' Ht-twu 1 n..li.d 'IfceLAaaj l-mmh tie hor'luiirmt 111 1: - ii1,.r,.i,y aavu.a ' a aaal buaa j .in. .. ,r , ,. , - ...,,, , , , e;.. a..al ae ran an ! ai- .-, . .,s ... .H 4 WW biltt awiikxiui, tuau any tHu.r Line. ' I NOXICEt ' " iu a i. 4-r.K,yt T.!J" ' - f r 1 TkwGriMttlalikadAtr Line rrefyfct iaatadi 5. , -; fit TM ALKJGtt d. tAT0 -BAIL BOAB, b) Uie ftiorl Line for BtnpfUrs!' and voV are re. f". w8 ("viyrWa, or (hey will ha ' teaen by soother Kirntel , . . - i 0 Insure your Freight heiiir carried oyer thia 0VN4 luland Air Line safely, . in. a.,. JL! ria? ult!;11 JmYi- ;rlK of Ji.u Awed Area, porteruiHith, Vs.. or City lV.mt s.rin Aovty at) ju:e, Afwai, atiU to en a a. Pnlt liivuvin . HaMtfaanla At M Minaaa 1 1...-,-. . '.' . Waai ai . -." " tiintrei Wharf, A Haaapeoa,. Agent. . , ., t sj 1: . fEOMNKVt tORKt ! ' "'"-t mt-toa Steamship, re i M,!pp,nir Point, 7. Norta Hirer ouV BtNWU hi., OWoe IH?! iBWtuh Hi. Cor. Leyi L McUrea.ly, Preeti WOM; rUiLADtXPiJlAl . . ( Th AnnaniMnic, lamatslc ) M11U., WilinloeTtua and 'Jwt,orClvde'sl.iiie of h,..uiiiia, IA , Avenue, ft . P. Clyde, A geol , IFROM BALTIMOltSi Baltimore Jjei a. atelaware Baltimcuw Ste.m Paet Co.. Kay Una fijam. ere, lout Uni.ia 1k1l L. B. l aika, agnt, ur feahasaa Steam Boat fee , Ml LI,, u B?IW" M hn. eft ? fci-in'i. ',' Aug e-Sotf , ' - . U. A 1.1 .KM ii-n ht Apt ' Kalcish K.0- uusiiE or nciir.Mn.i:, E1LKI0R A fiOTiM RAtl.nOAD ()' '(( I StlfreiaTSMIKBTS t'KH,. J v .! . Hal-iee., .C.ht,lt. Jitl, Is-.,,,. J Oo sn.1 after 0.,iL,t l,-h, ln, Trains'a.Urua a the Kalt-ih A Oantou liailrna.I sa follows : Mall Train leaves llsleigb I .'. . . 10 HI A H Arrues a VJ ...i.m a.j) p. H Mail IraiU l.-avi-a Wehkiit' Iu 13 A M .Arpieea at fceleiuh . ., i . a' a.' FrMghtTralaleanealiali-H-h...,, ;M 1 y , " Si rives at balplh. 6.U0 T. JLU i'!T!.'i,r"',T,a,nwm"' 1,K-''' coru,ert,.,'i With V yointi horth, . Or ISee-tr- -.1 ,.aM ! . (tupt. 01 liana. , hi-KKUii' and Hlandaid eojiy if. s :. KAEDWAIllI AC. " JRUIGGS DODD, DEALERS IN . EA&DWARB, AND CTJTLEEY, iron; steel; ' , ' ' .y.y.ll0t'"lt nXlSHINO G00D3, CARRtAUB AlATEillAL, r!t J "; PAINTS, VARNlSnES, i.t , -Si. . UM GLUE AND GLASS. t.'t -I ..'--i-i y'l lee ... .. v. .j 1 i AL.SU " Agrnu for tli tale of . . , laeirr stud I;soihs Jtllll Klont a, ' - " V " Holling llolli, IiitliA Rublier aiitl Leather llfinir Circular Kuwa, Irtm Veiam.ulH, -Fefio, antl all kfritl-of (Iriia- . ja f irietital Iron' Work. ' ; 1 II"! rx uWa ceaa Jr,B?Wn grpmt . uv. T-7-tf . ,, , i mi ,OILbr LEAD, eltt., Ao. Sow in aroiift A fish utock of lis seed, Cotteti-Weed, hrnieeiie. Lnliiicatiua 1 rs4u -Oiis, tt the beet uuaiin , i,w..,ALS0 WjriTlt IXAV, ;l iColorscf all gindi and VarniBhes. AfeueralsewM-tiQentot HAKUWAIIU. - .1 ..if. TBABE FOB li.i , . Naa, al-t If it y 1 1 v 1 1 1 5 rtret. WHAVF'tS Htirit a, fOMirASDISa stuck of . , , HARD VV A lili AM) f'U WRV CK( KfcHV" AKTi t.lJtds U-APtr TUT 'WARE, LAVI'H, " ' -:m.VNKV.H ANI WK'KS. Ej:3T KJiliO&K.N B OIL, - . i ! M'IKIT.4 TI!lMPvi-rsiBi- Winch aill In eoui k.vn t..i-crtii, . Jttit te hamt. him n...t f.......t l-.t - C. . ... ... .... i .i.n.-iq ,u, lome. t , , , , . . J lllitiUN h .o-teii, Jan. If . With Han , Lpwis, Pi.:nst ii n fiat i ivfirsin 1 tip Ri'( nvrn a o ..- r. J ,ot Cawus t u . ! hraiid recp-Will . Cistern, r&if.a aad Lift I I' SI 1 ! , , Which as 0(trf unteaeo.iahli-v tme. fcatMEaV-'ri " ' "'"''a -.-. 1 kaatCw TOOLS! ' At 41 F.yettevir.d f:.; t. ' ttardua I!tct ; I i, i .., uaiij.-u hn.,, iui.h-t.r xl.a .( 0;iiih o lroeeia ; ll' MKC Kht.aM ; J.vtl ,10 litMf : J. l.i.. if. , tt'iiat ii.,itr , 1. 1 wis rs..TOTs la a c rn ,, , . ,. , , Jlt I ikMii.ieira ( I i ..( .v C. I 1 .. t t ,, ;.., " Gwv.N.sy cirrn:.v a co. ... .:,i t i.t I e.1 4 : ; l'J J..',' ' I ; r - -. '- ' r ; . aae!gh,Jiaa Xr-ltS-la

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