Tttili CF nTBSCRIPTIOSI. Tn fejurruf-a. ia piilili.iiini evavy y. aa-ad t-nuday, oa th tuiewiag tana: Tart 11. Hi i lia. .. . . . ...... . ...... - fU &UMiUA. ...... ..-, Ob f'-W . ....., A b tui-yy iJy boututfl an yr ...... - M Ml HJlU-. ........... -2 BemuuA Buavear. ...... ............ 1 1 T1IU 8ENTINEL. v. 4. e. p.ull, 1 seatom OAUca, mITOBM 7 Th attempt ot th CUgrai Si preler erare article of impeachment agaiat PM idotit JohBtoo, fur tbe odeae charged, mbet ttrike eeiuiljle men, both MtgrfttfMricr America, as a rldicufoe fflr. ; Iropecb- ' rnnt it th ltt reaort provide by (litOo niiution. to rid th Gorirnnef,aa E ecutire, wboaa acta plainly tadieaia that hi design and purpose wicked and danger out tcheme. It ctu. 'ooljr ta thought jdf It can. 'only be thought sol iwrfdent I dwrfy' lui'.jj a and giml irtaiiir.r j u Tt ' whew tha Pi -' "hi A crime r . AMwngrea amuou thit K It i Ugh crttn( W li President to 4i, what tba atiatt)a i authoriihlBtodadwhhiaiaPl- , aiuuly iwora to eupport, Neeaeo ha adopt ; ttin ouly available method .kit, hi M -teat ' the validity o tUo which he) Batovw"-.- coDttiUtioaal, and -'Whiol wm pasted by . Cuogrese for tba very purpoee of abrulgi, r hi anoatU4acMl MtharfcjraMr j Indeed, erveral of tha ableet jBepublUja aoattors, at' tb time tha Teauia-ot-Offlce r .Bill wee uoder diaemfttoa, deolerod 'that It could aot apply to tboa officer whom, f r. Minto (did aot appoiali by aV totB"t a. I vie aod oooaeot pt.tha Bvbita-Wpa " " cully tb ah) member of biaaaUnatret, -wb tha PretldeoCrpU'',,lij toTIJ t aaotbed left . him of getdog rid of a eoatit- meclout aid offoail va Ceblaet omoor, like Mr. Suatoa, whom he could pot kkk'ojiti Coogteaa atxp forward to aaMa tUa fr " aonal quarrel a VtSuirtuo. with tba Pii ident, and, ia iU waatos raaa,yrtapjtn - retain the serrieu of .iBtft(o4toJ'Tjp, H " U admittad, baa riolatad all rule a- f to prirty lit M contact at a Ca'oet ofBctr, fcy .the OorarriaMBl. f. 4 ,.. .. Prmlilnat Johaauai w'M at tall to mi -. the charge tgoinet lihn '!th fbe tMAnli au J c&mtciottuuate f wet iutdw aMtib4ve tonlMllod ' hit ontir coDlui-t. lie will maintain, without flinching, th Jolly tpfctt of ptri(itim tad jth&t .latfo to tha ; Constitution, wl.W he baa (teadil; (Mala Uiiw.1, and bid daflanee to hit prea tftdra. That mu matt be wilfully blind, whe 4aa toe, In all that the f rtidwt baa dtHat y thing to juntily tha eonrae of Coagtaaa, Eboald tha people ot the North,; fcct(ng V , upon the teachiuga of tha ttaeaoMtU asber thooglit," rally la primary and mau matt ings, to pondeuin the haaty aadhManUn action of Concrete, ahmild thet whmhfltk lily ducUre their readioata, at tltey aartally will, if thry bar tha true ipirit'ot their futhcrt, to ttand )J tli ContUtutioo and . the goreruuieot of thair luilm,-Ooatgibat win either retraee bi; ft It (be . 'gathering of that ttorm of eoaatminitioa which moat fan ere long tipoa tte gnat t 1 i i XX AW C8 AM! Great wiadom and ereat forbearance. Are n 1 seeded to pulda and eootrul ,the erltit which ' Ttat ariten. ' Pti(lcflibnafip,"t nopfiifici , an the oaowle hat potonakea him. BhrnjUf ' that conli.kinoa act bay: been .tsJtaced, , - thett b, parhpt, time enough, vet, to eereea the goverrmoot asd tha RaspublloN Irora (he ruin which baa bettu plotted agaisat than, waxb eoxase ox.i&,jV)i&aT. ., ' We undurttand that the Begro-Radical CooTcution for thit Congreatloe a Hit IdcbL met in thU city, oa ytaterdtyi. , Jtojet JEL Utrria, negro, wat aomLoated, hat laellnfd, on tba grooad that the loetioa of aera , , to Coograaa would damage the party at the North I Cot J. T. Deweeae, Register la . Bankraptcy and Yankee, wat thea numlaej tel. . It wUl be aeea, y tba Card, la eAojb. , r column,, tutt J. A oioeata, -uiiat- bain, duclarce hlmaslf an 1ndpn8ent fia .'. ttidate. ' ; .. "JJ''. Thit whole proceeding far the AaUtet thing trut parpatratad. - Thi aomlaatlowt Har- rit wat aimply mad to dolodelhl negro And U ncrer would bar docliae-if h. . bad pot ocuo palU to 00 to. tie kaa, Dt- 1cm, rlT8d,4u 1 H fcirrhptloB fniiC i, 4 (i4L'MCiBjary.(mlTlat teriiiav f v,bmaUoa, aoil w nj-aooaepeoti ahiar of hit making another trip North, frijig I'hilndolphiathe go-b, furobvimit ret). ' The whiui li.ulk.ilf, l'nukoe 'and atre at dctrmine4 to hero ill tha pvin$ offio tlieinifrlTO, and Uia AaUunal Cuiiiuiiitue,ha IVn Aington, f the 6err 's r iv.. kgi'.l by UarrU'w dgciluiug,hririjihd the meant to buy off nrgro apintnu f ,f the omeuaT "Whether the aerotui, uo. 13 not hitereated U thit currupiuMt l-t&wt will ttand by tnd ae a ftt hnndi - r.yi tcooopoua tu otiioaa, towhtch Bumtierf entitle them. Is the Radical diltrf bution, remaict to be tectt. ';. ' ! A iq nominee, iMweeee, m we moec odbok lout mun to tbt white people of thb) Die trict, and we thould hope ta aU rigbu thinking ncgrxa, that eould bar bera put forward. While aa offiopj in tie Fc leral army, he made a ipech, ,di-nooa-' ciug t ie Prtwiileot, and boasuna ! toe atrocities w'uich he had an Opportunity f jn.M ri; nj'on the people of undefended pnruoKK t Arkansat, during tliw war.' lie ii IIi'l !.&' prime ptt and fnvor'le attocl-aU-, nia'rr'.'i nt, viruUcliv and protcriji tire, a d ;ro convity mn, r , proftvaed princi.le and 1'J actual prnrlico. We t ' : ! I I e aery to tx-lit'v,-whtww Alo ii.u bi ,:. ip. t.iat tu.h a man could ever r ' m ti.e c"' 'c nl t' it lUi-triot, while .r 1 ( ia ' r J .!... i Mty. ' ' ' t 1 wr rg from tl It 'l, iyS 1 'J i i i i- nl i MO. J.SU, IT. TOM riLQVIL 7 Th UttI rtt nl il to parliaaNStary aaua ia the au- alhj C nrts'tua fci ata the body ridi .0 1 I it eMutrnt, P WLdoca-.tay, to U)a at mm' tU to greti the PdgrWlTa, tp aaeaiia m't tha diifefMeee bUwara Mr. ltarhaa aod Mr. Aafatey, aakat coateaptibhw aKAWthf thaaVfcataa seat y tha Begrota a Mew H Mover to tba Coav raathMi. U U f the Tkad. SMrene atrip nfriiT'iill 111 nrfaWI Inlitaraf fV gpci,' ye betray Tladic bittarataa. which wmiM beat a promiaeet acta ef BM tat thU mi1! tp'te, and la T-arkMia way aa ha triad to Irritate and provoke biat to baea iaditpoatd to aotioa the araaiora, yat, aa Xoaday sight bat, Mr. AVahtayV Inao- leflee wae beyond wnraaoaj, Mrv ly iilArgJjj0itija!t Hpoa JaU. DarUot aad Mr. D. repciied it thvply. lf. AahUy ra- pte4 Awl.U) h had baea foraad to do, oa other occtaloni, cnargaa AMUay wltfi Om Wedoeaday, Aahleyelaimed, hwttatohfhV.wfctr rf lavtiuaTof tha Doaveatio, and aakad far a ceiamittc of Urtrgoa, wbkh the body granted." Vo Oontervatlve obtojstad aad It la perfectly plain, that if tha Fnaideat of th Coavaatioa bed poeeteeed three eraia of atate, la regard to hi daty, aoth. aag af tha ktad wookl atveocearred. Mt Aahley hfd bo-tight, wbatovar, to ataan Mr, Durbtw't hylty whtw may have bea hie oare.,r K? abarga W jnore lault log or man aoparllameatary, tbaa th oae atalb by Mr, Aahley againat Mr. Darhati. ttwtai tb duty of tha Chair to atdl Mr. Athley to order, the moment b uttarad tba JrlulT epithet Bad b doa to, Mr. D- would havt bee eetoppad from aay reply, Hia fail are ta da ao, jaetiliad th aevere tw- Matiof M-Oewaamf -Mowver, the poea- UarehM0arflr Ably' barge.lf w amhav ttaud it, It jutt tnrh .aa mtf e be caoaoi prv. Mr, Durham la the oaly nma'liviBg wbWMjfcd oFlbVaaUlt truth of the chaSajxiJVAktwft IwWAb-ao4, Ihores bra, tjli Aahley tbtl he waa a liar. What lalaa could Aelikr f PfY hkdfor lefaHly wW f. DkfMf )tM him. It ru what baai night, and what he dwwrved, a4)ow ha goee taivtdlag to. fu t Convcn tlonjMid aahe lor a lavrati'ation. To In retate 0iatf Wbylirt, that Mr. Dor baol "hit tlraaaoa turi iar la his heart." What C'orrayilttae or t irtb can lovntl)fliU tliataotl Ma.DurM , u U.e only whacsn decide tli i i ,. .it tor. Mr, D. taye it it not , and w! my, etliorwitef Seoabdly, tp Con ' 'gwt SnVtuiflgat thefiict, wtieyier , A '.ley iiiul rr not, Who can ihitormiu. ti .t, Ix-von'l a ri-n i ( our m', ilr, DuiliHin. Th aett et'ep woold ! to ii riilo Unit Mr. Darlbua) wautofr.! rh ( illii; Mr. AthleT a liar, but the Cun.n ..!. wmild be equally bound to .declare tlu Air. .Atlil. j waiaut of order, aad theggreiBrfJrrtll)JK4luhlpy,it A, Ratlilf ... ln dithrvelty apoa Mr. Durham. iP which. tT"tbey aVoldd! thai Ur7 1. de- erved eaotura, th-y rnint alw,dec4l. that Mr. A. leaTTd' th greater 'toar, b: aae he gar th tret offoaea, , (tack moat b tb ridicuIoM larce of' ao invcttlgatUw Mr. fciMcy 'tfjtbr io htvi" 1 aeen enough 61 Mr. Durham, aad ot geattomea, to know, that when a MinlaUr coaduct him alt, aa.,mlsitr, lowaril otWm b b) always traaiod aa tucft, aul wnn be con doct hlmtclt i A gontlernan, . wbetbar b haU from' CV Cod or 'ay wher li, ( alway baa tb tame meat are Mated to biat but wbea a Tanke Radical chivilmatter put M MraalMmf udwillyatUinrjt'to the ate of iaaulung epithet, bo will b tart to catch It U may thaak hi tart aomwher elM, wha b dared lo. aeeil Mr. Otfrbaht V ! fl Wjjoyal Jleraoa.'' ! ' ' ' ' lltviHBTOXripa -overwhelmingly daaar aart t tb btwiw Of eoartaf ht caA t' Acpst tay genuine white maa tovoU farhlm. How caa be xpecf th wgrQet t do . to,' whoa', h d- TUt he oaly Uuakiat peaoy4a tba law taratagwol tb war, I1 ofiW W AtI Tli f tlavi r waa tb .normal armdittoa ai the Wgro, that be abould ba ."fed well, workld welf ndTCRfiimJ WE&i" " That neiiliflc'd opposition to apr auS- rr;r,.ii 4t!.t!."; xossriciTOCi or C.!"1 LA SKI A RKS fj 't? 1' aa' aa, d Atrtafamealf of which w aha9 b wnar the painful aaeaaait of reprodacing,' Irom day to-day, fat h i (beat many watk VJ-A-i a r.-'i ! " " "mt .f !'1 ,T fiillowiag adUiuoaal jeooraiata Ja 1iTtea -taad to th Xxeeutiv Committeo-aad are hereby aaoaad.t- The factions, In,, rer, cavr.', all that aould b daeircd - " m t - i... .. .... . ? Va XTiawv Hoa ft j Peraaw, D B IWker, Eeqy-Maj 0 Devan, 8 A Aabe, Eo,.; Tbo D Mcaro, If,, Maj C W HcCUm- Chovan.D It Dillard, garni P !0g, J-r-t'ii Ward.Dr R H Winboree, 3 T Bond, A. "M Moora, Jobn Robert t, g II Uaolwtt., franklin.-t-'yt K. IHviij Jao E Tbomaa, pr 8 T Grvcn, Wm 8 ilarrU, giiaa M Cook, i V.tAtH tiea At) McLaa,.Od A J alc Neiil, 0 0 Bsrbee, Kq., O H Ooffield, Kq., ieo W r cran, Tm , R C B.hlor, Kq., nrit'Hick,ColJ ASpeart, KeiU 8 btewartf Eq. , ; -, ,Chrln4.T-nn f Q Blwpherd, PitUI MiNfiil, i H My rover, Ej . Hob Thru C Fnller, rpt Benjamin Robineon, Col W McL fcKay, Joecph AlToArihnr, Kq, Wm 3 Kvlly, Esq., Hwtor MrNeill, fate Bherirt,) J.'lm Averett, Jr., CtptWm B. Rsv. i r Viii I. in A If Arrlnuton, ITenrv 0 Wi ""-", A' ' v J Tavlor, Opt O M Lew-i ia, L l-.ii. , Jo'un Thfirj, Lf., lienj H I'.unn.. t ; . i cf thit ' t t'iO pur- t, tO Ei. baatea by thejcA(people ot Horth Caro lina for th otWot XJbvernor, tb X P. O. eaftdidate. POK Cf O-. TaSWmTKMKJASTlBh f i ! i aoafurmlty with aa iarlutioa aataod All him by the CoosrrvaUvs Eitcutiv Co aunttr of Sw DaDover, -t,'W L Bte Je) M Biobmaad oauty, Wat to addrea tha pi? f l'Batlagtoa, laet eniag."V A ataae aaeaUag of th Coaeerratirae of Da pi la wilt be held at KeeaaevUia, oa -rd.tbaTtKofMareh Thoae gifted aad tetlaat gaatkaaca, Oola, R.IH. Cawaji Aid tr. aV. Peraaa, of WllmiagtoC aad Ota. V. Pmirg, Fin .of fanldthta. will addrat tha DttiDlae oa the laaaiina. tl Keep tbt ball nuf I ibwkhigaaai Cowaiy Coort, proctamafioa waa aaad that 4. aaaetiag o4 all Coaeerw Uvaa ib Cuaatj waa-aaetwi, aad ta a tow atiaatea, tba apaohiaa Court room waa crowded, wbea, oa awtioa, Wat. D. Betbeil, K wae called to the chair, aad Josa W Bartea, AVa,, aad Owl J. i Wtaatoa fat aaaaettod to aa aa lienretarUa. . i ) TbeCkainaaa having brW-flv nptfiadd object f tb moating, - - f . j ' Oa aaotioa, tb Cbairmaa apooiatadOte Wtowtag aaweaa atJoatauttaa tnt trait luttoMexpreaeire sf tee aea. a or rue maetlBg: Joeepb Holdcrby, William P. Wall, fiagh SC. hUd, Altml eid, mkI Mania Orogaa, aoa4 who, afaereatuioa: tor a few aaoeeesta, lataraid aad repnoad, tbiwagh their Chair tea, the foflowUg rwaolutiona i: , ; . . Jattatfid, Tba w d aatdiaily approve of aad awdowa taw O.elaratloa of Princi ple eat forth by the Kie Ooaenvative Con vautioa, which mat ia Bateigb oa tb (tb iaataat, aad that we will bend ail our eer giatoadiirlaf to hare them fully tut taiiiad. "-.. i ;,',, -. -,,',.,.,..( ! fy-Uti, Thai Rewley Oalloway, RoU. IL Ward, JoaeS W; Burton,' and Wm. D. BetaaH Em, aod Da P. M. Winclmter, b aad they are hereby recomatended at aitahla pereoa to oeovaat tb County ha advweaey of Ooaeervitive prtuclpka. JaaweMat, Tht th Cbairmait appoint 84 partoaa, three in each Captain' District, who (ball amtetitnt a County Commit to take charge of alt matter ot regietraiion 1 1 i i ,i ' aau iwvai wnitHiwiii AH of whlaA war uatniovmaly adiwted Oa motion of ioart W, Burton, Eq the iollowlMg peraoaa wata added to the lint tboa rwiommnael to eanraia the County John IL Dillard, A. M. Hcalee, A. i. Uoyxl aad Joeepb Hoblerby, Eaqt. At virion ttagee of the meeting, it waa addraaaed, la the niot-t loreililr ami clvgaiit manner, rv Ueaeral A. M. Ht-atea, t'ol JaweaT. Morcbeadvif.Ore)iNnL pain t. HltVBioi ad Bd MA K.-rr, i f t well. We will not do these gentlemen th iniuttice to attempt torrport ttum. but wil lay, that they ant only eatitfled,lut delight ed thtar trlead; bI, aa to the tpoti h o th! gentleman lat named, thu best idea w can e-i.v of Ita Dower, ia to aav. tluit w believe it to have been t he great tit t tfnrt n! bit Ufa. . . - Oa mloion of v Wm. R. Meal. Kmi , the Kditortnf the Raleigh StntiiHl, Oreenahoiti 7iaat, Miltoa VkrmM and Danville (Va ) Tiiiu, were requratrd to puMiab theee pro- eeeaing. ' ' ' '' "r ,,Od motion the mtieting ailjouraad. ''V W, ft BKTOHLLj CA av J. W, RonToa,!- , J. U. WiBeTon.,4 ' Ia purtuano ol the 8rd. aewMulion. the Cbairmaa appoialod the ftittuwing Oiatrict I "imiilttoras .v li mittcrUk Vutrui.- a. I. Law,; Nathan Or. Prancit Watklua, D E tiuerraat. AJvta Daauei, 8r. ; V' ftiJn-ffJ Gilliam, B B Cobb, Edwin it ii aula, - .-''' ' : ,' ,: T Thmat ghMtl B Watt, Dr J W Mc uaia, or O r Bailey. . ... . j Ctaa.-Dr P M Wtnchef: 0 W uarrett, jnitnTUnmiaon. VHmtmi Faeury.a H Bmitli, AC Walker, Martin Ck tnmont, Jfjrf.U. I Sing, TO Moore, 4 N "fim toh.-4j D B..J4' $.A4au'.i Dr Q L Patrick. 1 A &OM.r-h liOtnii, Wr Scott, II V iiaeiw Anrinoa. Tbomal Pavua.' W V w tHwaatt, tt js iia(icroa. ' - 'lea'i''--David Betll. Xhomat llama, in h Boalee. i XicwMifa Jime T Miirahead. Tbomaa rtaia, Jeo Btrong. . Sprint Gaul.-! B H Scale, J. H. CaMwall, Katbaaial deal. rrfaeUI,-J M Orogaa, N H Dodd, Praneia Btooa. 1 !. Afortto'A-1 W Martla. DrWBBmJth. JohaPc.''' ':,' -"' ' j. JfoaW-X D WatklD,J L Card wait, J TReysolda,isWwii s fr 'l Wamoto.r l) Wng, 0 Moore, Jeo H Irvla. IA? 1 Ail L Ji?TK . . . . . - tmnmu.-- a JCMd. K r tUchardaon. . 1 . .... ... y- oaa irvna. - If Coogrea And that it ha exacted eotHltstotMr wWca are bv , it i par tec try eoapeteatiW It tn recede from them." So any tb NW- ork . Aawtef Pott pt tb Ahtbaaa atortioa. ' Here t a MDDrva- toaf th truth which, amount, to. th ttataman t of A aleeoodjm.fiit oaaka ei ute aoaiiitwe examaai oy lea great, aa tf tary weraezaeioq ia im xrate oi eov roiraty ) whervaa thoy are aimply tb tarata betweaa eanhractiaf parti, which onecaa aot atadity or Neali at ptaaaure. A long aa Coagraaa kept tb matter la iu own aaada, tha aaaditkme it aatwid impoee were wiuim it awa aa-wemgaty but inat ao tooe aa it altod th pwpm l AJahataa t vwto, tha weaaditiua it "j imp mart tmt Mi terwa of A ooo tracts Coastreaa bad tb right beforahaad to pronouoc tb vote of a quarter or attath of tb popuhv tioo taJBckat, armroa to g farther, aad,lihjt th beroi jod anfliochlng Tribtmt, daclant that "any ton loyal aea eo imitated tha State ; bat wboa it bad lavited the votem toa letioa on aha axproM provialan that A IhAioiify ot all ttgiatard hoaJd b aeoe- aary to give affect, it caaaot now raced a1 tmet thi proviaioa and declare that a mat. iority aoty r thea voting than b held te have rati tied ihsCowatitMiovf. ThM would ao b aovateignty : ft wcld be raacaiitv. Take a paralM eaaw. The Lrglalatur Aa right to declare tb limit of fcoay; bat H ba ao ngot to ueciara abat man aa committed fvtocy, hiat becanre be ha done that which it mwbt have made ft loft v. The oalv qihw- l!u ;d Mf L . . -. . 1. i . . . . r , I vm h "v v im ww w ami ii act Wat comaiitledt 8o of the AUibaoit election, the qneetioa 'A aot what Cqngtvtt aaigat nave necmrca, orijjinally, V b taaea ae raiuj ing ine iooaUluliiMi ; liut o what tcrtna th cleclioa waa i. actually BMd. t that there can be wo rtia- pute. Conffreat provided ibat clear mat jorny or ail regiitered voter tbould be neoi etaary, Tba majority wat aot obtaioe& We do not even know nT, we have aot ewa mir gmuna lor ' anppueing that bad a full vote been coat, tbecoaatitutioa would have been ratified. The Ubheervativa nart etared y oa the tormt of CoBjrreat; and for Coiifrrcst now to 'recede"' Irom tli oae term, aud, having trapped ttiem Into not votnur, to clii 'ore t'ie en--tlon Toi l, would beem-j-'ef n !, cr.x-oitby oi a h-v. mature, and ia L . - t Ur 'ree danpniua to the parfv rc-jxniiie t it Pprin-jjidi (Vati.) jfikia ta, ...; . . . ; Taw "Cental!- t!maj CmimIIM," if Tha CoaveaUoa wae cajtod to order at lt o'clock. v, ) Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Pepper, (Chap- laaa ot 40Ui V. o, colored Troope.j Mr. Candler movwd to ai'oora anUl 71 oolucfc tbiaovaaing, bat witbdrvw it, U or der to allow Mr. flodnett to f lee to aqoea- tioa of priirlhaw..-----, Mr. liodaeU wiabed to kaow by what aatborlry tato paatiga oa largo Mcfcoto of mail that Mfuiariy want from that Ball, tworyday, wa paid out of tlto ptople't BMioey. He thought that they reoatved high eaoogb par toay M Jltoir owa rrpieooeV 4 fO 1 i Mr. Iltch reae la a point of order, laying that th geaUuBMia pat at tfmimg ta a Tk CkJrtimtsblt that reaolutioo la raraad to tba matter ahoatd b offured. Mr. HodBott 'replied that altoaa Coo- eervadv gentleiuca bad adeavored to sail ttlealaua to thi aaataar, ba bad aot auo aeeoad ia rainier e reeottnitioa from tba Chair.-' - . . Ue, hi the aam af tb people of tb State, aad ia tb nam of bit cunatitnaaU, denoaooed thi illegal appropriation of th peopie't BVMcy. , ' . Varioa other pojata of order were iprung noua Mr. Hodaett. whoa he took hie aaat. yuig, yea, you rwia oat oi oruer vtmj- ivg that hafa: acsdcBcy to.tbew to the peopl tDerecKleet extravagance win wbicb yoa iquaader their nasaey." Mr. L'audier reae wad hit motion to ad- jinrn. Mr. Toorgee ovoveu to ameal by laying 10 v'eluek, kMaurrow, aad tha motion, at amended, prevailed. Corretpondenoa of th "Sentinel. " GaAjrikui Coubty, N. C. Feb. 85th. 1868- A meeting of th Radical I took place at Oiford, oa Saturday laet, the 23d. inat. -Thit waa an ad)ounud "meeting from the previoua Saturday meeting, of which yoa uve published thtart coeount. B. 8nib again pretided. Capt. Ed. Lyou, & W. Laaaiter Eaq , aad auota three or four other white men, were pertieipante in the meeting. The Court llouao wat pretty well tilled with thu (letcendantt of Ham. The form "of (,'uffe Mayif' wit visible in the nnble throng. Mr, Lamm It r nml ('iifTee were the princfeal 'hprakvra. Capt. 1-yon, u (JjUaJ, bmleoaietlnny to any, and vurioun aililreaaea oi "anort duraiiou uml empty (let Lunation" wrre maxie by different indi viiiuala of a variety tit bin . ' ' Capt. "lyynti apok of the nrtdtenrr as u-in)! "too ink:lligent,,'Dt to aeleet "ainart im u" ai ilelegattit to tke Kalei'-h thmvention Misara. Moore and Hairland did not at tend the meeting, though we heard liny wore B a viait te the county. J Wcanppoae thev thought Cuffee would put tiling to right, eapecially with a little aaaialanoe from, Mr, , LaasiU-r and ('apt. bmitli. X. V. DOltiVa IB fU D(GA & CA UCUS. Th Edmtrad bill, tb effect of which will be to dtpoee tb Proaldeat frnta oflire nn meiliatvly a tba preaeaiatiaw ot avt'ielea of iiiiwacbment by tha Hoaaa, ' Waa Itronght hirward by ita author, and Ita pataage uruMl with great vehemence, both; by him and n aumher of etbr Srwatoai, Both Mr. fraut- bull aad Mr. Vemeaden nppoaed H, not only ow tbegrowadot trnoonMilutlnntitytu being cicany an pouroettt law. out at alto bar ing tb fleet to atltmawn. rather than pro mote tb party interact, A majority oi tl.oae preeent were ia nvor ot nut una uie out through, but It wat finally decided to pott pone final action until another caucua will lie held, and br that time, Mr. Bumner iavt. th two ahova named gentlemen will be ready to fall into th tnoee, a thit it not tba nrtt ouattioa oor which thev bar been rcfractnrv at tba borinninir and docile at the udi-lr'odt, tr.)ltffti. , ,- ' ; j e avt. GBAirra trovnufzirTs. If any aaturanea it needed concerning tlw Intention or ttan. Urant la wit crlalt. and there i no on her who rater tai ita a doubt, we bar ft la tha laet that he ha removed tbeoldguadof the War Detiartment, tbe ISta la I an try, and oetaiierr me-i ot tit owa body troard, tb 6th aavalry, to do, the Geo. Brant lei tied aa order yetUrday J ' ntorainff. calllnw th attentioa of der ot pott to th ncent act of Coagrett that all order to ice army mutt pan tnrougn bia band, tb hie headqaertert are ia thai oity, aad that twder emanating from any other aowrce maat tvot b obeyed. ' The Preaideot haa been hefted, at rvory point, aad there ia aot tbe taiateet proapeet that ha Witt ba able, if beheldfee4 a inclined, to mutter a eorporafi gnard of tba regular army to aid him U bia ppoaitioo to Co greea.- Wa. Cr. X T; Triium, Utk. j .. r- Seaate, fro at white rattaeaa of Ahibama, wa preeetited try Mt D(lUtWrauoto dayttiactV A paaaag read thu t 1 "Coatiaoj over aa, ir yow will do an, your ja mnuflw nrrMifc . th awa role by tb award. Bead dowa amoeg aw waxWe aad Oprtglt Ba at youtr. ow people, af ta root to which yoa aad we ba luhi; lM ,opetoi, aowtrary t4 wile pol icy and the matitutieo oi the country, aad Xytaasoua&i it will bo. TW baiHl will-be raiaod among ua te rrtiat by tore; taar mj horltJU., But do Dot,- we Implor yoa, ahlt oata yoar owa rule ever na fay tramiemag u to tb bliyhtintt bmtotizing and naaac tsrat domiaioa ot an alicuaad laiuria race; aTac which ba aevwr bwaaiauint at miiuatrativ capacity for tha good fx-erar trevea tbe tribe wit wtih-B tt hat alwayt beea. brokca op lu ita nuii aeata, and which, ia all acrta. h-t iteclt turamhed alatta for all tbe other rooa of tbe earth.' WnUkey I MTttaltcf Aaeaeellent taanrtmint af Tfiaaa aad other laqaara aad nwah auaptjr-af CaohaaW CHI ALB. . t'f rehX-lw-tf -V:.. EL JOKES AGO. TT '! . Flour In Katclat I RTT SACES N. C. Paarihr Flomr. to at and roraalaha. ; - - I ; eea-ua-u jJUiiULaa tuau. lAlAfat) Family Fkrar 111- . Baluur Family Float II I - t 4 North Carolina FluarMti. la Barrak. and warranted Brat rat. feb D-lit-tf .. , UULULAd t(Xa Sja.t.rurtfo....,,. IIM lAintURKll ll. Xl-i 1U.O Jtaolt.aMt tVlaltefi . . , , OH HAND. S3 BAnelt Choica TarielJa (i. nay E"ow txpaetcd1 . DOUOLAd BBU4 Fob 1 l4-tf - rott - alk, ( AKOTHEB aiiprly af beat Wwynttia W. H. Jukd AlXh . 1 5 f e WABBIED4 1 TraokUa eoanty, aw Thenaaf. Fab. fth, at the rvaxleaea e live brtee'e aaotW, bf ute Bev. Mr. awaUoman. Dr. Wat. Jusa, af Chaaaaai, to im Anooaaa, watw sf Mm, MXW ABYXETiaEJClITl T AV. l.a)HAl.. Or CHATHAM, AT tj.tbe reeaaet -of aaaay triaoaa, aaao aa aa maaeaaanii oaihrtata taw avaae m ta irowta tauwaaaMMaa) lttdtX IKS? Hard wax Trttde. lMt. ; , ONIUND,U TTTHK TABU CTJTIKBT, Mlver Flatoa TorU Jl aad kpoona, BUver Jald Caatora. Bwaaae aad Ifflowi Irua. tJaat aad ilaater tot flatatoa Toole , , eat aad FtaaatrW Kaaa.-fjooti'iiV Aove. fur ahae' eumpteU, UMtm Ware, bad Iraaa, abee uaieucB, mo. it tr wua nan vavia. civPzaokdiJ) Affix AHOtPStkM ou. t j ,4, ;MM.JUiMKlnl Auction A Cuet. at nrrhaat nut. ja a o. ltniH rxrrtTuot, '""if - w. b. ion a rd. 'eav -a -' Awe. A Com- MartAama. T AmXd' AND OlifrBBHOeg, made m aalem JLi Oeeaa and tea theayt Ckm aud wtlX made -CaH matanaL , , W. H, JOKJCt A CO . , ww. am u - aaa av vbb awrtiaaawa JKOcmhi; AUD CHIAI A WAHg. , 1 Orataa anM aaadrted Cotaa aa Belee. IJiahea, Bowat, JUekara. Ae. t haaa, Xaa aa IJtona eMa. W U. JUKKM A (jb , waa m-t i aa (bQCQn Lrnw9et9 1 " I AM TO-DAY KECKITINU a eoaaiawiaevt of Cbeme, whioh 1 will aell cheap fur oaah. 'b Oatol Oattel OeUtl Huadred Boaliela prime Oata, tor tale hy Feb S-lSe-tr DOT? G LAS BEIX, ALAROE 0OU8IQNMENT OF FINE WBITE MEAL, OOlttl, FLOCH AND hYE. W. H. JONlEft CO., Fab. JS tf, Aoc. A Com, Merchant. Ntle) to Conilgnwrt. PABTIJEs, HHIPPIMG aa artieka for tale, oul pleaM mark their iiiilula. or aoins lebar or chartdter oa eaek package, and adnaa ua, by uuU, wit hoot delay, of the ataipinouia and tint war, X'hie will Hmatly faeUitata onevaMnM. Wa are ao in racaipt at Kaoda, wllAent kaowtns froir whom or wbanea they eaaae F.b J4 ll W H JONEtAOO. a UBIM. ho. I. AAA1U.I FLUUIt Aaill aaivr i otaer graoat, amfiuni .11 .i 1 Febtt-l&B-tf TONNOFFhlil'8. ""'AOTIII,.K. . TT" T OT uuaade Uitgr Ale, jiaat in head. Feb A-laa-tf Mf-ltLAlUlKdAOtX KRt.ElVF.U THlKllal ; ,v . Mi lb. family lrd in KeKa . ' 'f3WtFF"iKI Fab S-180-tf . . . , . , 4 Ta WieiMj aad tmr Bat ItWCholee Marytaad haeaa FebS-lSO-tf -I'l '-Ift T LIFImUaAJaCE. t'WNHKCTItP HllTtrAt, I.IVB - - it'ewtai'i -j'liJI INSUIl ANCK -OOldl-AN Y ' HAHTVBl. NNITIraT. j s 1 1 1 at a CD iritiL tut Aammtrhtted Atact " $17,670,288,88 - .14 I-- i. . ft INOOMKFOK likW p o r p b rn'iff - .l-4e." i !.. - ..-,, TOBIH-TIBEbT' ' 1, 45 3 , T I 1 , A ntK. . :' Tawteaj paid n ISO1 Dltrldeod tM' la mi;; f43,M,0. Interest received mrire ttita'pay loaaoe. DiTidende averaee ever W car eent. All poUetoe aoB-farteitabie for a atatoa tmount. ' Aawraaoe ean be vffeetad tn alt fnrmi deeiraa. ' aaal Ij. DOUtrljAS WAIT, , ATI8CT.I.LABE0U& ' Ilnjroflhe8oBttiPlowU farmers, iQpi: yo ypy ! ' !.iAUvi tU 'f i-1- H-bj'i-) i I AM BATINa MAUBFACTUaUtlVAilfy M tauil to kaou. a aulinlr of the laaL una hma plnwt in the Mate, wlitch I call tha Ala'd OF na duv t n, laem- tane potnta oo the aaaae atow. twaef which are wvise, anting thea aqoal to Ave pntatta. I rekr to a large BBmhat f gaatli ay a, that have beea aaing the ,hwc ia tAMaimtawadJotoinc aoaatiaa,, - , ' wVi AL80, ' ; r.jtHijj Familv deaaariaA. Bnl sjut VTi Iieatber. tWeh aad Amarieaa Galf BAwa, I Ae. "V...M.-. Kadtogt Atoayatotoraloraal aa lew to the loweeal fcr oath areawatryprodae.. '-" " ,. . v" , '4unu yruiliLI, Araeer A Coanaaiaaanay Vnmliua V'il'-jto-h aldt ilmniH, 6th. X wrlo b iMPORTAJiT BALJG I t TjtliSUANT TO AN AORICMXIgr ENTBBID AV, ioie Mween THOMAS D. H06O eai aVAHCEL liOWUKU, aa the Mte, day of daa "r, wn.atiay pmM o eeu, at tne tloart none noor, ia um City af iUltoKh, at U o'eloeA tract of land oahed FAIBI ANOWK, aituatodtwe milea from Btkai-h. (la Jho VaaLam lLn.A mA. joiiung tba AaMf Mi w4 B. WtooneadBuk aro o. nay-WDoa, eontainina; OVSi HUVDHEB AXD n-HIit'IT.I ACEXl with ail the hoaet a. out hoaaaa. AA . fc a (r laaawCaaav Fna natrtanalara uml. b, lnn . an ' . -rr, - .. ,t & B a BADGER, Aran Tab 39-165 td J fat T. dTbooo. Dtohy. hi to t. t.V ! aarorrr ac coromuisioa .jncrclutait, PitETtEVILLE BTfJCKT,,. 1 .IJV .'.' ' - a,?. : ..KUlVlC.aav COSSIQMMESTw OP'-DORir, MEAL JOATfl. FLOUR ASD COCSTRY ; a uiuubii Dvrtjt' n'.i m . . , v. IT . J :. . CITED. Feb WlAt-tf, ,.i,4. At ru" PEACHES A1U TOhTATOFM. ' I V : ' ' - AI ; . . TOh MOFFEntTA reht-liO-tf riwwr. riourriatar. AI.AROSIidJnattohand-JVarirmi trradm.'ta biav and HiM.aa t beau to eioae laaaira- Bi-i't, Feb I3-13IW ' ! W. H JOK18 A CO.' "H .tD. Bt-PrikliMOMQ WIS g,. i FbAt4f f " W.H.JOHElAf." til"4TTClAla I Ottrraapaart ! iLesmolr. Trt C3arIiaaav. -BxaAiriHB. Tt TOT! WISH TO kDDOATS TOCB DATJOBV awotea eaatllaal eihnal. eiaaawa T --a T , m,..m am m, kmmAtiiw Maat aaaaa. aaaM JL tanet ahbaaa mtaaiiTa eaawary, aadat v tea rataa. aaad tawea, a aaa tba Wef .h- aaiifnlinaai i am- atauapi- -TT. -Alt iittfirt IWdaaa.i JOttrtUfr iprtast lesrale jpolleje, CaTAMTIIOJA .ATT. at. C rpHI YtTt KtSBTOW at tato fawlatoBw4tt raa toea-ten la paiaroMatd f a?4aj. bmrmJ atopataataw,W a ft a'iawto ha , M aa ii Miilr awvaw.o7 inaaiaa. the beaua ataar tavaua ywj ted aanrJ aatav tiaadVere aad thry BT prt tented thaw eaadwa amh laaii WeeaaawmiaiilereBa atahwga ) -Jaawe aaUread, witauB laaa akaa a half aU af KiUndl't rMent, aot ta totegrauhle aeeamauileallna WA alt Barm ef ) aaoMiy."- ' " -; Wavv faaiuay to mini dad tm tta BtamaVamaaTl : The FaoaMy ia tumytrntt ? AW 'aW'Ha aan aaal kaOy Taai atra. Hiaijihnij taaww. tr aaaadaat aaaayaawal toatotiat Ha Oagaa. Marp mt era htaaa ajuahty,,, M i . , ilpefc(toaoi pmii to rtoramoAaatt Tim. laaaaaaaM aaat whhmmh.. the Mag bad aU wonhia to the f3anag4 OharJ, aad aaaaa a rataa akKheaf at aayawaO. Miihaavy tola I at AmreU't, Paraaae taU aa that thaw Aaachtata aoat Uaaat lea her, to tola raaana, thea awa at hoaaa. Taking mte iMiidartilaa the ktoam af dreaa aad aaodintiJ tamaWta, thire i aanhaaaee tohiialto theaamlh, Baantoa. we aea drturaalaad te lontaiaiiirlitt or Bilroaa aa far aa va eaa aa to time of paymaut. aad to pat laaiala edaaadiai witomihe raaeh -of tha laapla, to aha pwaaa awawvaaaataeaduaoa oi Ihaeoantn. Oca BiiiaiiiiarmaaWeWfliTBa For Oataloew. apuly lo .... av. T fl WDDICK, lWdewt i Dee. la ltea EiatreU'e aanac. M.(I WAV !,, ft nil- CHALOTTElSVILIJt, The Third naaeiito af tide School wil bajria ea Ua trr WadiMaadar of HmUmW Mil and wad aathetoat Wirtan liyaf Jnw. IWaW, laa d tttgof two lerme af a aaoatha eeca. The Ooanaofetady iadaurud to tor lite Univeratty of Vlrjima, or auv ou Ian. ar lav aha aea aMiwI haajiii'H afltfe. 1'raara I Bar Board aaat land, Mt par tavati PauoU u. Haaio and Drawhu ai abarKea. Waahing, Fal aad Light lea. Bae'i Papit iarataaM wto awa ,. , ,,. , h . C i.i a Jnafi.) vadJ at towato, Fur Cfronlata aad iw aur iiaj-linttUra aaVlraaa. Within a H na ..a ra,i.rfuiiu Va! ' JOtsatPM PAt'BAHD, ., laeo, Waahwy, Falrata tto- Taw IVtiaaaaay. : " " -tu JUiwaawaa ; the Faaaito af tha OaBTiwely of AttatTM CAatOLAHA Mmtarj fat) ftljieehBle ifadf ta; TAB K1NTH AflNVALkNSU)M Of TUJW W etiuaiu wilt -Iiit r WadMaday. Fhr raary We. 4 - j - Buddw aVaiagaaw mm mat adiaie toilAaml aaagaa, aad th tawgM4'aiiiaa Wniatinl th uubli lb advaiuai at a tM eoauw u) tivu Biiaiaaainuy ar kaa tooat eNMoMMe ananii we eatoiiieni Till - " ...pwaaa aU'fX)-,4toa 1 tppBoattoa ltareifaiwaioUa amleeailyi ji.ij, Aawviivtd l ' V-uf w av it "t. j MEW TOEJI JJITXJITISEMEMTff A CAEEETT,. YQt) axwTV4t AS. ;";.,iufoR; Ji ! ""-. vitti'tP ratJ0CBAAOtAt0'" avMia mi ' ; '.- " mum .umm oi .! di wW' wwf'i4aMC AKCHIBALB TOCIfl, 61UKTTC4 r- rm 1 W-.: -t.. i- fti if4 ' f fcMjMis'.fs OF. AU W. TORE, .(nl us .fi rAil ,vii-yiUid at ! ...t-.M.i.ii'ii.f"?iii oaw ta etMd1t . PKMCCB aVTMrTlf aV tWlt ... , . St-.-'.4. t-h- -i a w i.i f ---. t it t jf OfVXWAAE.M.i. , , .SN (imsed -Mfi Ua. -a tu VMb rrf'rfM -a.-it . .?. ,m. , - y-- ?r--t Eatotaatw) ' ttmTna-iara a r ra' 'aatod vTMaUmld Bmlvl W ': -M I' t f-K-AJ ' iaV... t tt 4 lvj( CiHJ i.,t-j-- -.l., . . -w. .....Tj 4ii j ew.OAB!rrnPJ -" .. EBKH lot) NO, : -di ahyU-l ; 'A; At1l;''- A. IV aOOTTviti t' ( tbtMalaMCaay tiajl-yona m BAUCW, BTB AM a CX, if lav MO. BXCaUBOX PLACB, ' iTPt -31 ,, vw.,i ,. 1 h-t , - V r- Jtr. Il4t ptTn ' BEHJAallM KOBIHfSO' iltoriey b4 CBBsellop tt Law. .1 Br WmtaaMta -rti . AaaotfcM whh BOflFB A. VBVnn a. aaariv af Thwmto wiB athnd. thnrmitfhTw iwl aiwaapay,aaataaiiim III. I to hat a aarawaaan. Aa la, a-aW-U-4 r . 7 A iff icscr,i,T,Aacs -L. rKEIt CAAUDEM ECB.'-''!A A "i -',r ' -i'''rA-.-ea -V - -r fcJ ttbi THE OROWT HO T 1 1 Bf TW MCHTIt) "-A tARSB aTrf-rtYfp J Fraatt flantoa -Seed f ail krad. the ai wa th af Be7, from tha fiKtO til'lithl OF DAVID mioiiaBat.a, PaiLA- ere wairantod rraaA and aaittw aaat to at a atUaaaaaaaomtotaktmfar ata. i....: , roAt imi.lL ABBAT A Ml AM AO, OOBTAIBTttB A FaM aad Kitohaat fiarda (akuh. in. o. inurith to tM jwr, aad ohwre'hto infonnftu, awaardaalagwiM ba irraa torarh tynrrbaaar., Pebe-iU-tf .It . I AL EKM1M44 ;?'. i-' Beetaallaavj IrOR SALE. LAnDmftbh., Molaaam toBbhvVahi Biiint, h batter m Aaga. -- ghgjjae-tf, . Aaet A ttoay. HercU C IT. A. UlTCUI.4. lilSfj. WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL. LZlixsfl JJl LADIES', GESTST, EOTS AJiD." - . WAOOH - BADDLrs, " ' ' Catatch, Bagry, Cart kd W:on . - Ilarnrtt, ' IUDLE3 AKD Wir.TLWi A LI :.3 and all oiher enwvt "a- y kept to a rt-raiar ii nev W)U m tiiri,(i av k miw on i C in?.. i i yribh tn pi ...y at - tl-. - t . c IsUee to Kilrpen ef -!r:ti IEN TUB BEABOAAtTA ' INlAaiNDdUB'-IllK. tr psArr'ARKr r IK- TaTlSamiiaarIta, -S had !TrnrY ttotnrr tf, f !MkrrMe4rerUmi r,-. PtaWa -., .av'isata peto.' i M i. Uafeedeo a lMtiaarvt ejtode-'pbia. J, V" Turk, aud to. Boatua a Buaaw eriT? BVSa aMtHtoaia, W to VaJ vaiMtou ailtoAw-Mltoabuutthroa lah. Tj . .L I at at lowratoa. ' -w awi from IMatoa, ateraata and HinarW l. ; tomiMoa, AAeot, end Cewrat Wharf? From Mew Vorh, Old Doauuiaa Hiiiatoaka vXaVawleiftrA Lt,AiamHirtoatolliia.lyda-twietitoay W ., LPtoaraawAvwW.r.Jly Knalllim. lU.rilu.. ' "h. Xfmm ftaaav-a,, Vwr t ? -f?, , ,vi. m u weAiimeHvTeetrt' bowjaiawhmil lulled In laae, aaaoi, , vrii -iarj.'j ym ii inmi i au: np nr. ,,,.. i Tfilt.BEAaOAIU AhB. EOANO&i BiinL TtOADANDHAf LINCluwrin b?t"Z 1a uwn aiaHa(aiem irom. Waliluu t,, liner, after 'trraai hw' AutHitiee to h AWdawdtoaad Awa ttaiiataora thaar aa. ...'.T. L" Iiusrt a) aad aarNitoe aafuayad atia.B,,,,,, .1. . ap -topntraaplatial A A BB,'d r L . i. iSiJij t v.( tad I tliuuK HIi. J J, irerOlllleLAJw i EkiEHadiO, U irtaJjvyrf'wrT w i , , r ,?, trrAuaa or "f JJf-rWW triMt adl t Joi emiiviiq iv i.i )u- .o i..i.iifc4.i j mj Ll W ! JtwtH.t. M AA-Hwdoa, :i lift tldt l.'Viiin.W.W.-f'f I ... 1 jva wAMAfltat-.vfus-aAi., euta sW Oaa j a)ed wttk wdt hJd WfcMt ABsaawt i.irtl I ii,tla liia iiJiTjiiiaii, i..,. .d.' l'-vwi flrtrj ai j.tia Jj;rfc'i ! r"".aiNa. in j i AIM IAbW Jbb7.bbbbK 1 tk nsaB4W Ah AV-tiaWfAt tf 4l3 l-.laa-iJ-y rt I to ()! ) Oijf autj hi,'' uaw. dtaa. laaraWi andfltoCeaVaa) FapfMt. Altootoa. riaaiaynn' lUtoaai ' AL ) a ... dryVV"" air.i.L, . . rii inwMy. 1 . Jrettoviliellt t K I, wai in i ,i ., ft h it ,ffiiar :. Balav.'iin V -:-jiiv Ni'.Bl WHITBOODJtattAU-.i ft A,tt ,-4j aff 'iT ! Ihft r-.-r i aj.-iT V abb mow nt Brmpt Of tru vt- lrf. nt iii'iK ti-ii '.i,..t. t Bab. BMeBdf ji'r ) .mi aVXi.d 7 0 . 'It i -f J m. a av aai aarvvtaaawrw.. VaUWlBTiaU.B'pTTAOK HttfUUC WITH iiaf Woe ,tartoikiApiMraY(iaq t f -1 - tS ; K-AWT-AlwtVt'W 'TA1 1 L?A.i.....Va- Hi,.t, an Mitntd 1 Jit Pal i a. & . ,KJA ff'ttiji A-wwaw -ajrwm m mmmwwmv VleTCli 'l ff"BnT arrivat tjf Wattero' Bm-me fd pavmaavtajui.aa irwiK, ?,u iiy i-, ,. , , tow AI, rW'TfWrT' , J Ail thllft. had aa A-aa laaiw Mttwtmt f" : BidhAoeAiMaMatotoaetei vi." vl tl;. 1 If il iinr U ftnwt allAVb wot d ekf . AllktodafUtaad ttbaat Iito4BTarh dart at ."wuifflSt' -"-PahABAAT "'THI IXrE6TD lILT-AVCTir'l K Wm AfrNTTi ar.r ua -t-:'vt3 t-a wm Maw-l ibirfbayaif jit aMfdt taw "Ml iu i'iij ' f IIAlll 1,1 aa . ..a ..Lyniviij... wawivjeyvnn ix .' TytjWUTJ rii'i.Hi V I',rtyr--rtllf ftumatf -' a-.ti3Tr.ii ,Mligl WI1.ui fBuM WlirrRltN TU THtltTT YAKW r JlJ ba vwrna.Hi thta LMta maday.i ,,S eaa he ruuithar by fnmca oi hy wa- ' . p. y njj iiuiiiiiRii ; riy ! i" " Twaaayeeatf it krathe .Itrp i t ' "F tw i waa, tra,! M 'lYradm, ami w" 8auia, Uwaiwaa laaa, Matiaf . t.iyuiv. H aa kdTilk Doobto-Plam t.loih, varunia k.e'waf Rlhhed (irxvlii, Feneui Twills of all 1 .1 1-. 1 Oaneii.-Tnw, or all-wwl Cloth, Batirmg T ""' a ?, Taldn Liaeo, Batnvml hku-la, Waei'-a iawxaaud HeaipCarato ; m toat. aartiuaf vm , a R aidaouia -Jiik,to a Kibg t'krfH I , ' Thit I v,m bt Ix-f n exteiwirtlf intr" " httothe'teaiihein Dtatoa aiaoe the" w ar, ato aoatogaeayaat la -j a - - ' fc " ' ' . Ua. wis PITS tiCTroRED LOOITS ' BwteaanM to!. .mito " f awr ll hut ii aatha.r'aad hi an hwImmv haa u been a oompUini," ho aura Wr. l-aiwaiuu, " k the fiv ral AroV. foriliat Sim. , t funbi r, Mrt-. wlfri "n p , '.i.. ...,W.H.ti:M-"" , . . r . R. i nt at 1. tl. fc.., rilCi r- i 1 SPATtmO' Tit lIJI- . TCfofTABB AT!nor.r",K- rdti...i rf ;.-!!- t ; LAItnX tDT GM TIM WARR 4" T 2 V aM i ftrwt-WlfT maAAarUto WlU i -U hi w yt,'i,ii-iiciv-.s; FAtdtti. rood trtd worma-irHri "'"i-4 tat r-H." ff ' Ai.NAl.i'ri- AViHi I' - - "-rwrri k ';-i;-.'t. . H" blttjaa"4 t Uj btnyt aVfJO n . ,( i Ti t fitl tl m t i "i 4 th tsi'TM ' V Mi i via TAr i. r,,.,- i- an l :r 1 ( ...-II 1 1 w i m- w- 1 a i fiiuifi tra linb BouT".PKca"rrr"ti. 1 afto avuHhiif traaa.)iM'n...rit '(,,.! T BiaaWier to toolbar, t which ou.or uu, J. Jeqa, and bia; tha diraot hit Iwtw, m. haw- -w-avaalwr CiiH-a. win. 7I.,J,,,- .toiahiyaaaarqa taWB(aarh iliei:'a Ik Oandina, baninil to ahi PoriKuiyii. T I I'-Ai' r JhawJtWH fend laW,' good atolile, a well and rxxl Uw Ha .laFertwat, 4or the vaB yr Locuioa laaWaaaiai a'il .a-iuia umI 4.f. i:i.i.iu...'. todt ti"lj i,di r.nrui nto-ti'w . ''T) p ' J ' ! 1 I ,ii'' dw I ' -in i ..'. t a r tr I V I tit 0', 4 . ' -m&f In J V) --, . ' "A al ' lr., I -Ba ' j r 30M, ; lvb Al-lO-tf AaetACo Merehae. FabMU-tf A ki