e,!..e ........ .,... r, reiiw unro. . . , , . , JJito -"! a intneao'ttBr' onus, .... .,..s Sac auveaHuasH uuaruua l .. S.W ' fc,iilti 1 MfWU one , I. t,& JL, IIMT Oa .....W SlJUltt.....,., ,.U rrr.. i mentha .a..,!: t!lSM-t " : UmW oolites ... . --jV'J2. tmewlitiau , . r. ......-.. aalsbtMuiessaai minimi answer taw - u ae-ed SSllt1t three BJOUthe. ' T An edvewtiwansnts trdi Boat kt towe4 bl iwm m hiaat every tbreB)oiifc:ifntras fer tiasoisirao Beais am weiy St tot mm . BWJbiat D'.UX " AvertlBSSBte MqitfM t iseesrtd ewtesudtMwmtw ni.atai pboe,wiBB rtieeBsBiM bswlod H aad Bwtb C7t.(MwiMlAiwwf wttb th . Court astystHmsmnala uaaertad weak law it jtNpsbauswtllsXna W4 It tothoir itwatigt teaaiilinwHn win miww to the extent tn W" T I IK SENTINEL.' t 10CA1 DlPAETXXaTI. FKIDAX- f EBJUiART $8, 1M& 00X8HRYA TIY XXgCUTlYM COM ,, J.?' 4,nsti WTTKAA -The Stat 0uamal laoootiv Coav aittiowill asaomUe. at J 1 o'clock, tbl .oaaiai.'fc b onWof tbe Bw. 1. B.'Msr- U A ,'. II bbTsTP 'a U . W ,aw )aM'Pw Id oi that MW(iMrf BatrliTt of Wakf CWoa Ui,MBfl TJ b4 '8ta.f VMti,. .t-'atack X ; fcr thepofpoae of nomitylfog candidate ftf tb Le);tlttar aa4 fc" TWf tTttrtug iM tiau Utlt for avoiding ft fiact aaa aa; veaeb ap wqaaatod to eommani cat ttii InformaUoB, ta ordor that, if poaai (rf,'ltiaM frwa all atUMr tba Cenaty ay b jMrcaest o tbt occation.' Soma Co- anrattTa ia each dwtriot c Maliy atv priaa away ot neighbor, of tb contem plated aaauiMg. Wa lU fwftMted iff the Bretary oftta Suit Ifjeeativd, Committee to itate, that Jt ia MBMaaibla Cat him to aauarar tbt Ban on latter Vich h roooirw. Their boai- ntt eosUaW wUt, Ufnmafo MtemM to, hat taaircn mvataiH hjf, it)tjtcj, , eiocpt I MKiiapeaaauM enaea. , ... iv Tk u eajk4 CoarBl9 vaa kw aea2Mi a.aaV BiatM m Urdy, ad tbfa Taattes, pnckvUiag fS, aaaA, far ittaaa air ITaaln'atf to' MrUiay, but hava dnwa ap wardfo S,0OO from tho.TBMaaryt a4 lectad thoir wrk Car tv -4n4Ja, order tooUaaxl part oobcIbt ' V , ' ; ' 1 fibort a snM tb !', oo . toaterday, howrrer, it a tang enough to otisbto tb aongnWtijMgf n taajoha-, itwtitut by Miw ftodjMtt, Jt Buapecto. fNTfopt DWpVoiriktiM ! Atnto fuadj.'la peraonal na4 party, Bao,-1 kafc tW iavga--tto wiQ bo-arxawNl-' LH tbo pmlligotet be lag oo trlki1y ohowt tho otter paucity of jaotBtUi tor BotPoat oaoaiJaaao, oithet tor OealBfy or SutH officom, o to noont od toaiUna BMd froia tb ftWoni mo It lookooo. If F, ,h "wijOng to mpty hiaoffico tp pT,f Mtba dear peopiev" ReaA and wunW at (M extraonlliMry blUttoa-of aiull-aadfitteit tlto fiart of Uo A'ei. OfiiorV. W. Holdon, fut Oo ror ytil Hrri, fcr Snporinteailent l thwrd of 4'ahlic Wurka; !.. C4eniM, iar Ate ". t;.nfrt ' " 1 " T " f Kr i '!t.- A J. T. IXwiB, of 1111 aifa. -S ' County OjlUeri -dint' pU Willmh lloldeO, tir tlie Commons; W, W. Wliilu.forCoOuiy CHift ('(rli; J. N Bu'Hii., fr Snprrir Cnort Clei k- - - " sTbai t taati Imtc ! i-myl'iyi, prac tical 'li'nbfra, S tilt) laniard olllt. H Bit aw. - i Tc i W i Ponfe Caltibj J. not Cote, thi tiaae,- cat Jioptrt I lio doclaMil laimaell agaiaat ihu TJpoari .niundiiMJOt, fir Hi i auk of Uving UaOad.lo tbo LnifWataro He Arxt ro jtnrned to liU Vomit," weul iatn oigar OoBfcotioo nil Brftnult. liy Foot Tay JhtU.' ect a., 'oaodidato Xor 6Vrgont-at-..arma, he receiroil ouly two . vote . agniutl - feek, a Yaakeai aqnatter. ' Aal again, after weiks nl (Iiligf ot lieginjl, lie raa lefct!, a tb ' Rvyru Hr)wl Bomiiiating Cooven .. W'lO.lirf Aa,iur, by so Ttrw'j(lming ma jority. Jaat hha ir home to FialHHai pi f9rj fiiniii If i lii B-tiTlnjign;flcanoe f ' iw, W VHOOORV that Pilgrim Aatih-y, too mean tnan." vai alier aoraetbio-', when lie tiaptaTcHi hia m-Maiartw learning in the rilcl a fc . :JH , aim-' ', TIT up powt ti atiit he Pko&r(itip ia a nig jf TJuTs. rsi i,;biit jib ."cai'B ol of tbc ' b. aow." . A. Taoko piag'H0, f ial Hln! aa aisollcr att tuiaeota,3upituU ad . aotuf Puhlfe Inatmetiitu id' North Caiai . .! j Let Airica, reloiea - - . j ' . VT- ; - ' ! x. p. tt. boasted, ia bit aporeB of aoceplaooa, tuat A a aiut otraioV, ao oaeaf to.- Vasne oo the stamp T - He ' would 'aeoner "plm:k ' Ibo Nerm-an lino hr tb brr4,"rrt I: head in t!ia fii..ljT the . trulB. r , 4a oatSt'r-el V.r c-b, f.re tlw ptwpk-. V," iuLl ws'k a 1" wiw, In thr-'rair, py ' V';, t . T r V. e ti.Vo U.-M r.f illt X. P. i. 'l.icre- 'fB.H'' 7I1M1I fy g v ; i r 1 ' ,t,nr',n Aivra oVrai r fit (.. .. is-ii.t!.' !'. ):,iHrif. 4l r;r, S aii'y r..L.. ;, f,t 4 r , rf, W to th Weekly Gtti4. ' 3J?i SIQ&6 hAJjiCAL COSYMTIOJI OX .yjf$ T i4 f-r-jLDDITIOlTAl MfOMUUTJOXA J V had a Reporter on theapotj bat do hotoveto cumber our columnt with thdb gattiBf details of tba dubs, Ui tlieaagre Rsdioat aomiasttng Cooreaboa, oa yater-'ay-.TJieproctedin er marked by great OBottioOlcoentant vraogliog oror tbeapoilt, SkohoBgry dog erera bone, fad iunainat clatter, A looker-oB' obaenred ' that th wboloflatt aaemrd, to.b aapeclal cooUaot BBdertakeri by Abbott and Jim Hani,1 ana wr the 01W of tbepi , VMr eontiouaUy oa) tba flooav. " ujti m Hoau K, MJTiaraoiBfcfion; ynpiiiiwd, CoL W,JB. Bodnma (abJ.Col tkataO aoHrta lot tho anilk ia tb ooeoaaat,) vara' Boaiioatad "for .tin BUprem Court bench;, and aComipirtee, eoBsistinffof O, J, Cow let, ILK &imjo1Lmi4 W. JML Cylentafl, or BppWiitett to6 waif poa three gentlemen, aa4 aaoariaiB it they 'would aoeept th aaoa-: inatlons ""tendered ' ; ; 'iiWftwii,!!! aae-rer of Ui Kaolutiuncemarkuig that ho thought th JJepubliCf t ijirtyhed a( any weave ae'0Ma4...,i,!; U 0a nvUt C,1U1 Al-lptW' JKaoUuioa, wo adopted - tht i wa th aenae of :th Cunraotio'iv Uiat Iho ,1t!ouittitationl'l "(aw c!led),ConTfit)nu: alioBld fa crease. "' jtbe aMunbw at Suproo. Caejrt Jadge t tiff n which utTflr'tmntfte; Conmiteo waa aothoriMoT and aeoU! Hake lha tiro additional BoultBalon"."''''., ''i''i . The ulJo4ned Ocmiloation'' Were aiado for ' the Superloc, Chft TJencll 'wenalt ar ocoaaiiHa, freqoently, hereaAer, to eao tal 4 the aoqiifaUoBt piadq"y'tliia Cuo veatioa, and wo tooy only oay.W'ihe pre- . 1 . t . "i ... i 4 . .j Banc, 01 aot ui uiu .luiiuawt uu 11 i&ep are tr Tntitot1l1fh Jn'cMrlary Worth Carolinn, Heaven hefp oho kw and the people i ' " s ,!'f "j .'.. i let. Diatriot .X & Pool. , Sad. "'- R W-'Jow- ca. 'i,vici it.,TiiBWfc,; ,i 1 lh. , 4 ,,! P, liuatea. . . fcth.' ' 1 Baoioal Wafta. 7th.' ' .-, Thorn Settle. . Sth,-s v', D. 11, Btarbock. 1 th. 10th. Hon. Anderaoa Mitchell, ,12th. lth. '.VJaenW Bwmai H.'Ca.BnoB. T ill pnbliub, at m early dajr; he new arrangement of Judicial, UiatroU , P. 6,' , W leara' ghat the jroce(liogi of ut mongra aoBOrqita paxctcuian; dw graceftjT, fernifflprn(iot('.' ' The Vhola affaitv to a apaetatot, loo km Hk an Infllreriminata Vrow."",' Ther' crt but, few whit .him - im the Hall, t and th? acgto Ofowd aeraVdorgiog tOi ol ro,, I black ware. Amid ach acen" of twftntilf nd tVaiODiMi wdtemieDtJ,.,, . Naoluiiua wa (wd "Initrttctlng" Ui" tatltuUonal (no-oalled) OoBTeotioa to'MUTIKnchiM th r. Slliotr; ftf Cleawland. altnttat aVtneTrtd 'If tM TmfwflftritCitrldistn tho-B ley "Ooavantioo" ia thcvClopitoUdaoaoot stir th btoeetU 'ttrt'lndlgaatioa ao4 aronae the nrglif of tmfj decent WhiU man in North s CaroiiM,,-'alml! iitv a mbch poorer plirjafitjpar "W jtaco an color tba) w are aowdlapwald MnterUib; rri sunn take wxuuuoa, brller, to-.U aaribo' some of tb1 lof ng ocetrel of jester uaj, aou w spma, wrauuirif n anu tho actonl fa ta4' ; disjrAiclhWn yrv If jolo for oradTj that tb iioeageu) and crary rewTia iloap their hinds, so plainly and aaguordedty. " New w them t LT. Tb aaob '. dUporaed mm aV about 11 o'clock last night, after tb. ap pointment of delegatoa to the CUicago Con Tontioo, Tb Bam of Mr. McDonald, of Chatham, thr.QghreporUj4bitli Coramlt. tot, was Btnokea from tli Ut, aw bi Re pttbtloaotaoi was aaatte4 W U 'h1o,!Z B defended himaelf iouly mt' rrted tb wr into Africa,1 io kit way. ! t ft GNOKBSTAXB, lllt .iboro WTer SOU rich acenrs, and Jifeat dtscord- inif tonlusion, i Ibo nigger auainasiaf-Cwrniioa, oa Uarris negro offarwt oiirjmtioil, to take into nonalilorii tioo the Mmjwtt atndt of Lfiui'mj Qui VcR ohilu'iivo and rewr ody th eama, " : An ancient aarkey tnoTod, as an ainvod Wat, lb st everyuaif aboald he 11owoTto ohum hit 0mm thMtm. udUf Cewlee et oaded rbe mmendmentwUh aq'. eje to A; aamerous and Wandering- offnriHg 1rt tb ,""B""1-.SV...4et,i5t mum , 1 ilcDimald wita oo tlie Aonr'at , 'another tfmo, bot wa UkrrupW bj. ireiut call to order. He ttood r 'rnflfo Hy Bgninat Uilerruptions, givwgbi peraecu lora as good a Ibef nent, when Harri. In'gpratcfii probaldy, lor ilou prwrnwo oNnpariana ot tilm to Orhaind",Yihc,-Cftiiie to liia atioiitaacev. or -fib left,) -tbewlyr-. -tQh I Chiithum j JSTottV V(rotJu.v"d ttctf.iuald M Ubatban f ." '- ki , - lBBy O011WiIOlA. IlMrf.-tWS tears that Pra U, lV Waabinsrtoa Jiy, aut acitht-r f North," Cniliua,' hal n-eetred th ooniiiMtioo tor ConirroKa io tli E-Jeotoa rj.,-.. I- Jll'" " ' w f.' I , fcV far a ww fcBwrfcaraed,' tbo nnnino tions for Cpngie&s stand;".,". .JT. , '-,1 , . , AViAra jatrie.j-flcalonyanVei!.",'"' IK J -".a Dewrae, YankrO. .. 'iwtat ;? French, .Yanke', ! V -y ijaao(i. i ' a mtf itHii ii'iliaajUtt-fiji'jf. - 4 PERfSCrt T "LdTAV MAX I Ht ir said t plM "bas ; been ' formul (a WahinrUta to anasaacr Jeff. Davis. WHO WILL PLOT FOR TIIE flE DS OF ATO LINCOLN AN i) . .",N. P ,VTT W. W. Holden, hal.'jkf U-4 tfjttme 5.'A. l?fll. "JJutUr is strong! beniiig his, poaitimi at Newrwt ,' ! l'i'trrit'i.rt"ITc lias sbout (im ImH'irtd tmjrnt from the Pli i tn't, IT ' " h r-l at rt mak ,"; es. "lien'.-- i, 7 8 A I 'M JI . f. A l i t-i i . CuiifkiiS" 'iott '--r.:-'y Ibeh-Ust T'',:-g tB, OaT otaday, th 1 1 th InaC TELEGRAPnicJ . Oatr Nb lUptclies. THOMAS tt. BTA5T0N, QUO VJJULUCTO . 1 WU OUT. . .. WABBoioa.Fa.r.lL " Qoa, Tbeaaaa hn daaage aasiaat Hlantoa (fcramat and Mae napriaaBsaent, wa aupyoae,) atnM.eoar .-. ..ir . Tbosnaa appliaa to. a eao saarroate acabsat SUatoa, Tbe rraeident baa ao part la the fo- aaarnnga, . 1 atAPibTa. - oux. Fab. ST, M. SUirliag Old Soadu I'iLQoM X,ilJ. Flow 10W lower. bbaa Fork Utter, 93. M . Cotton drooping, 22&22i. Turpentine 71)734. .Boan firm. Livnwoou Feb. ST. K. Cotfca don and deelined . Upland 91 ABot4. tMeaaaSI. Oar WdMlcht DlspMtrliea. CONCKBSS. WAaoNoa, Feb. IT, F.M. SssiTS. Nothing interaating tranapired. lioraTbe Civil appropiationa nwereouaaad epaaker CoHai raad SO the House, a letter frost th Chief of Hew Tork Follee to th Chief of WaeUagtoa Polioe, eomUinlng a statement that Pal. F. tthaffoer reported that on hundred aad sixty pounds of nltre-gteriae were ia BBsatbort aadhaods. ThoNsw Xork Uf fsared that it wa iu tended for Waahington. 'It aeamed to oroat Bwr alarm than merriment. Adjourned, FROM WASHINGTON. Washisotoh, Feb, 37, P. If. Tbe lows Vemooratie 8tate Couvcutiua haa elected delegate favorable la l'eudlttoii, eud in struoted Uieni so U Vote. ' The fmpaaeiHnnvli utalter Ufa madtt. no pro greee, to-dy. Heverei fMrtiex, interested in Ala bauia'a sduiuiin were before the Heeoiistrae tion Comniittoo, to-day, urgiug promptness SOUTH CAROLINA CONVENTION NO WB- GB0K8 WAMTED IN CON0RB88. Cbablbsioii, Fab. 27 V. IT.',' ' "Ybe Courention iniwed IT aeetiona of the Judi ciary article.) Til Jadgo ar ta be eloeted bj ftho Wu!tnr- Tb Kijritjr, Uivtriut and 1'ro- l)to Court are aboliabed, . ,. A strong effort waa made for lha election of Judge by the people, bat failed. "'- ' rV. N, A iaeoiuUm was adopted, tondttritig th thauka 0 the "loyal" people of Heatb C rotate to Ooa. greaa, Qrant and Stanton, gome negrimeippeat j it. Tbt Committee of two colored delegates re turned from Washington, wiUi the information IhMilht&rtmiMamM did ot with for U it-et ion of cotored Conyrtsnmen ! , , The Htate is to bo divided into Congresaional District, with mpreaentaiiveit, iuaUiad of 4. . diwat rnab for offices. , ,, CBOH0IA CONVENTION., , , ... Atlasta, Feb W.tf. M. It waa rasolved in the Convention, to-dftjr. Dial the Btute Capital be restored front Hiiludgerille to Atlanta. ' " no) aUabf party waa inangsrated last night, by tbtrtj delegates in eaneua, , It propoaa to nominate a . candidate for ' Govern ur . It asks aU opposed to repudiation, whether they are in favor or not of ratifleaUon, to support the OoOitne, and to reqneet Gongreae to re-aaaon. ble tb Convention, with instrnetisns In strike ont the relief elaaa ia tbe Constitutloo now ferat- xrjRsissrm convent(on. n" . '- 'jfo.ireb.r.p'hf, Tbe Ooovenlion, butt night, adopted the tax os dfaanoa, a fat- as the fifteenth seetins, Tb balauee was rooommitied , A roaolaUan was adoi-teil, thanking Congress for impcacuiug the President, To-day, th Itill of JUigbi waa, andar eonsldurar- tian. . Soetions wers aditsd prohibiting duelling, defining treason against the 8U te sud prohibit ing property or ednoatioOalqnalilieations for w)es sum, , ,, , if 1 1, AtABAHA FXECTION A RADICAL MCJ- " ' t fetowmmiHv. h. 7 t. It The return from ail tbe eountiee, in whioh elee- tioue were held, have 'been roooivsd, bnt their pubUoation IsoroMoV. ' A negro man. who was. kuuwu as opposed to tbe League, and used his uuiuttuoe to keep no. groeoftoai rating, was tilled, tif a viohwt radi. eel negro, feet Vonday Oigtit, aboot twenty Bailee from this eity. , . mo f Nnw Yoss, Feb. 37, F. at, Cotton dali and a ebade easier. Halee of J,Soe bales st !U4SWt. --5- V t , 1 t,.,i,.ih Sold 1Mb , 4, - ' . . .-( . .v, iti .- Afcxsaa, Feb., , F. We Cotton vary dull and drooping. , t ,., , ,. ,,i,ie I ... Wiuumnoa, Feb. , F. kt. . apirits Turponnne 65. Hodn Weak ; So. t, 1,50. CutVm ouiot; middling Tar steady, t,tH. " ' k ' " Livssrooi. Fob. sr. r.jt. : ' Cotton closed dull, but Steady. Colands SJO ! .Orleans aj.-.:. , , , . .. . , . - ' HesftcAl College of Vlrglnlist AMBETINO of the Boatd eT Tiaitors of thia Institution will be held at the College, in Banhmond, en Thursday, ttsreb 8th. for the pnr poee of ttlling tlie vamncy in the chair of Miurrtm Mfliem, ereated by th resignatioB vt. Ifaofesanr WKLLFOllD. ' Amvlicaiiont and testimoniala njir be fitrwvdV ni in timeare of the undersigned. " ' ; Jit orarr ot uu rretuieni tit th nnara. ,,vtyi.tii.i 8.JoyM.. ' " ' Dean of the Faculty. ! Feb U-1-Suwtw j, ', . , U tuaimL, Vs. ; t! i - If. C, W'AltiBita, - OfT OrtHkTI from. Westers S. d vf eaiwrior JdfJ flavor. '.". t ,,, . s ; . j. Feb U-161-tf ' A W. H. JONES A CO. TTlND-RAWa, HAMME118. Mah-hets " rde 15 JLX aud Baepsw w. u JOMKti a, ca. Feb, IS-tf Ana A Com. Merchants. ' ..Pratt -TraetlPrmit -TroesIL - i FBOM ' few Garden Nurseries," aew-ea band od ready ft plaauug. ,. - .1 t Km Axeula isr tb proecKitnrs, Messrs f. Lmd-1-v A Hon, esn fill orders for Fruit Trees. Vine. e Ae at short notice ftw cskIi , Jaa M-UtUt W. B. A CO. GHOSRB4BLAC EWELL'H KNO-JkB Chaw-t'bow, PicsjU!, Csnlifower satd lur- baa Maetard. Feb t-lftt tf ' At TONNOFFtHtrS, ; B OMfON AKDOKBAM BIHHflUlT. . Dried Bef and Beef Tnmtntm At IO.N.NOFF(ltI-. ' ' Cora, Crm. 4'v V, . A NOTIIEB lot of Torn to-diyr to baei : yb S-iSW i .- " DOfjULAJ HUM. '. a.1 ,t ... . -.,.v.-.f,., I t Ccntosi, lot fern. TJEIt vn having Cx-ros te ayll, will flail it in n te ayil, 1 lie m-t i I Itieir sdvsuuufe, lurilie n. t I. a rinva. to rail InJuNk-ii CO Febt-lSS-lf o ill COMsHi.NMLST. 10A toawii Tnmbacra. . - - W. H. JObH t(M., ' Feb. 45 if Anctuaeere sad Cum. Uorcb't. U' r T dmiuboro' Honey Karkei -V turUi OF HW& NOTES, .-,' Jit wilson a suouxit, CAatEiia isa Kiosujies Ebobxbs, Boot Kus Utiissi, Oamwa- oao. . a jii J iv" -lii A i.a,p raw . . , tharitm J " , Vadeabas..ii.a 14j,,ri.wW BS .w, ....... o m BVUsiingVai .. .. ' Hoxnoro ....... " TlioaiasvUl tiim-gM"- at Qrahata.. a 3 CiaWtJIIfiUWl . .,sjlo -otj !. , C FsvsManlhr. -.... 11 M . Waehuiirtua ....J..........,.. f XaoeeyvUle. .;..(. .vi I MurokaeW Biik of Newlwril. ...,....,... ti Parmrs' Hank of OreesuibarflL. . .... ...... .. ST UuwnrW risnsars' Bik. , f. . -s , v. . ' W Ouaamsreml Hank of unuugtoaw......... at Oreenshore Mutual las. Oo..'jwi., ViTRiuia Iiauk NvUe overage about. 4 . .... M Honth OaruUo Oaurgia are so aad asB at liberal mam , field and Sil ver, North Carolina Bauds, Uutted Utatsa Bund and ail other maraetsuie euiesa. Ordere far Baak notes by eWUor Snd Btoek halojers of Banks will reueive nrouii-t attention. Baturna As- sxprtws packages of Bank notes An, will be wads oa tats day rawsivsd, by eiaeek on New York Uaatimon, or ns enrreuey, as de- Lifs snd Firs Insnraaes Policies iusnsd fat ead vniapanws, ai eusi. raassi r -. 1 j a t Jot isVSJAsi 1 . 1 f V i 5 til' - ClrBbri ftTJOTATiP J8 1 FOB JC -C EoJTX S0TE3 ! ' sonata tuns at BABavrso iwtiia or B1HBT O. XXhhQdQ , Oroeibiboro, H. CL .. 0&MKB 09 WBJO. VAHIT vBMB B0UTH Eljt STS MM ATB 0U1LDIBO. , w v. .... . ... ........ .... f I Capo FsaA..,.t..A.f........j... H ' MlTarlotB....t.:.. Wsdesuwe , IM ' WUmirfgten,..if...v;.,.,4, 36 " Mosboro s . 0 " Thomaevills ......,...., 68 " UnsKtonatOrshasi. -..,,',, .. 'M - ' M isiiiugu, oU. .v. w " , oea- W TCommeroB'.I:..l.f..'...,A.V.fW.'i;. 14 " llnreooloB..t,rf.t',-,i,iij.(.,.i..... i " l'uvwry " Wsshmgton. " ysimevviiis.. . ,',,. ,,v., U) Men-hantlti4.f Newbsr.. J, ?!... . US ParmrBaiikeUfemlMS.al(l...v l ' "- " V.WBW,,,.. 10' MiaersA rianteri Bank. . 85 Comuereial Bank of Wil r , M ixrveiiauucTt jnuriiM. . . . . .. vt Anv Bank Notes avat as b Exureas will, be re- mitld lor, on daj qfrtcmpl at hixliext maiket rate, and if prioea gtveu axe taut aausisetury. tns notes will bs returned. . t W toll BntfU os Principal ITortBern . , Ciuei, . ANpLsopN Ecaors, ., . ,. . BKATj tH OOtjD ANT) Tf,TltTt WIXfON, ' 'MUTILA'I'KU AND BHOBKM- MAbK V , ,,t,'l)KKJCN(JT, U. 8.DON)8, HTCK.M , AN1 rlROIIRram, BKVEWVK, . ,., ' 1 UTAMPrt. NIflKKL. ' "' reoelre deposlia, and esndaet tne bosinas of ao incorporated Bauk. -,. -,.-,',,-. 1 LIFE AND FiBB. UISUBAkHS FCXJCUUI IB- ..I . .'! BUBO. nj' A JM.'J-i - 1. Feb M lCT-tm , . v, ,,.- ' BALElOll , KATIOSAI UAlhai or kobih cAEoim t BOAED K' 6iHDlREf3TOIlS s w S -jj fftYitHtlX .if 4f K. W. rUM-l AM, Prelea ' I w. h. wrrJUrm. dim. w: swrpboh, ' - W. k eilScK, Cathior.4 ' T1C b nUQUKaBsf-c-Desls hi Bills of Kseliwavs. BGyht Imflav Gold and Miiver Uotn, aud OuvernnHiut and other aw rjn. umut Bank Notes iMntKntstBitfnestflrkMB. Packages seut by Kapreee itl bs remitted ii prompily, m enrrney,orbi New York luude at par. , , PBICB CPKKEnT FEB. 7, J8G8, ' Bank of Cape Fear,. v,....v.,., 48 " (Hirlotie,.r,i.'-.iA?..', At ..! M (ikuvndtm .tw.... " ' Cotnmere,.. ...... .15 . f : Fvi.tiville, . f . ... m X X. . . . . 10 lieunytOD, (old,)... .1. , . ,, lxiii(?un, vyeblest Ursau,....lrl 1 " '''NerthCanaiia........... J..50 ( - rtn.Un- AO M 'V: .lt::-7v:7;Tvg wa.hui(rtoa.... r ' Yaueeyvilla..'.i.tiJ.v.4.. S . .. i WiliuiugUm,.. ......... ..St Ootnmereial Bank, Wilnihigtoa,. . , . ......... .25 Fanner's Bsmr of North Carouus, (oad.),-. . ... M . . .:.,.., fans! 10 Oreeuaboru' Mutual Ioaurauos Co. 0 MerebaiH'i Bank, N ewbantr ,.n.,,:M miier a a. t-iantar e uUM-.......,..,..,,i. JU Jsa W-Uo-tf ,jf .- , , 4 -j j- . Hslfiich Ilonew Murket. , OO&KECTKD BY JOHN O. WnjAAMB A CO, BBOKiCKH, BALEIOU, N.U t rnicx o aHuH,fAaounA aass botbsI J ? Bank of N. C, (Gold ) (SUvar St) . It so 1 Pane Fer.,.,.i.,.'i. 4 ' in) tJlieflotte : . . i. Usuartua, at On ham.. .J.v"-lt 1 .. ... ttosbucoUKB ; Tomssville .v.'..f.VA,r.l.f .i.M w Wuminton.r 'M !'' ;VVmmeroe.4. . 17 Wsabiuxton ,,,.,.ow,.,.rn. ,8 ravetu.viiiSA.i.t..ini?-.v.'l.,a '10 14 it1 ft t'arend" laneevviUe , Miners sort Flsnter's Bsuk,. '.U.i.i'.t SO rarvwem twit, vriwnminmaf:il.e. - Vnmerc.ial Bank, V umingtua. , , . , tt MerchMit's Hank, Newborn...... ....... .... W ItreaiHiunnwiKb Mutual. . . . i . M Vim bus Bsnk Notes, sbont. ....... .......... ti Houih Carolina ' 1 11 Oaurgia, . " . 11 Oold .,- ,....1I rtuvor.. ,........ l.0 Md Omtmns t. a 'J ,-oirtn t arouaa ttauriam untmea. , T. s. j lU SU u... ................ ou Ku-hanajeoa New York ...... ....... . tt ' ' PK0YI6ICS' XAIIXET. -4 .(W.IIECTKD ,BT JOKDAN WOMULbV- GlMi'KB AVD COMBIKolON MEIH'HAKI f. , BACON U. liff 2ft, ; tr Salt, a webtehn.. ' LKKFON HOOF.... HIO j !- Nt'lT., ... ln-ii", wmii.i w i ! ! IMTt1IN..J..-.i -ai..... ni-OJO-l - t ktl K..l0, H""i"--te tt tirowa. ... . . itt,it , fruit ui.- ici- 1 i-fi to. OIKI-LE... . i MtUH. .,,., wa.,..,v.y' I'J FLOUR ....,..... Ii-ii FlliKR..:...,.....v.--..t- f ' t 0 1 HI'.lir.lMl..;'. ....".. tin " UU'LfiOriu.,,.i.,.,(...f. , 1 tv lb. " , Orjy...; ,.............' l-j!l HtT..:';.-.l........14el P". ewt. I.AI.I.............v.m , !' MKAL. . ...., - I S M-I.AU.'-B.,. j "S NAilJI,....i. ....... ......- 7t .. 10 1 .-tiV-t-b-k 1 3fi - I ! . Wute 1 .' i'i itrATXilir-Irh...... ....... Ifr-.liO ... Bwet,..,....v..... .7 fttfih ; sV'iA A!.T Fhss .. t..,. t n " around... 0. .t M prtnAK .'. .... l-'t 1 ti I(i,...i..a.-......- ,;A WlhiiAB. "',, i : MLLLLi-i tsiMK,s. ""TTVATtKS. - rtK-Lr n.;ilv in maitr-t. W unote sab-a - 1 1 ,,',v) at tsi a -1 i far beat qiml'lv ; n ae'l I- t -r c-rmoon. l I. p. ..,o. IT -jui-r Mt. t-"-r 1 - Tt IS. N. f. i;.i t. It ASiit AVDfii iA. " , 1 W. ST. JH T. 11 . . Aactm eei la 41 i. ,.,ms FeblHfl ' SPICIAI KOTICES " A Cotiffh, Cold, er a Sort . Ihroat, fJlUiwmiAUsiAuuU(j,SBdaSKialdhe . -: aaeakud. If aUswid toecotsiioe, Irrttailonof b Lungs'ss periu'ax et Tkrwal Dlvse, !.' a). : , r '-a)BBftlMI, .1 : ..-J ai eftaa taoiswaN. ! ' BEAUTS BBOSriUAL TE0C1II8, U.viug a direct inflow to tb paxts ghs Ua- bhxUsm rshet For BswaMbtUa, AaibSHi, S.rvh, feoiBBNJ M Vhroot at , itvnbes r aswd. wit always, good ae- ' Masarre aad ! ajpswkrtw ass.' them bj elesr and streagthen the voice. V,"' . Si, t jObtai only "Bsowa's Bnoxniai, Taouan." aad do not Uk any of th .H'ortiias. taankma that may b offersd;, tout XvaaTwaaaa. ,.OkteodBjL,., ,,..'., .. , t trf.,;,; JtTBT KKCEIYED AT If. KOSENJIACM'S 7S Bisera, the ehoieeat Brsndn,of 4 " i BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED BHIBTTjffJB w n AND BHEKTING), 54 r "' . To be sold atkoeet B)et ratea . Febl8-16J-tf. . , , ...... . , , vt. ,tf, . V MAEPaUOE AND CEUBACY,,. A Wseay few Vewna Mew Ik t'rlaaa It. of Bolitude, and Uie ClMfcAKKS and ABt'BM wiuea ereaie uspvaimenis to MAMKIAOH, with enswrniensuf rehef.- Beat m sealed letsw ea- selopes, fee of chare. - Address, llr' J.. KK1U hUi HOt UTONlliwmdi Aaswiiattva, .kUo- Feb t-lnMaWam.'' wi 'anwe-iaMt-r- - i -. Mtti. .WUtLwbY't i ss.rt SOOXIIIIVO 0 yxitn. TjV)B CHILDREN TEETHUOT, 6RRATLT FA- X' eiuutaes awprnosse ot tsetlihig, hy norteniug aue jguiua. redueaug all iiifttwisiauou-wiU, allay ALL PAIN siid -ipsamodie aotion. aud is , . : ' SUKA TO ltfXULATE THE BOWEtJI, I j Depend upon it, mothers, it wiB give rest to yoON Selves, S4 ,.Hn JWlM7r 1 - if agalaaf aw Wlsaisw yam iatsHssK'-'i j u W have fat m snd eeld thia srtVsa ttf vse'sr snd can aay ia OoHrtnauwassw Tsvm ef t wha wa have never been able to aay ef any other med ii-iiie Nkvix aaa rr I ailed in a single uwtanot to Ervttot A Ctian, when timely seed. 'Never did we know ea nummeeuf dkinasfaoaiuo,by aayeus ntei ussd M Uu Mas eoeuwry. s4 ore oabiibted sith its oM).aliiw, aud speak iu teruu of wn niendaUis. of it inapwul ncts ind nil dii-al vtrt toe. We speak in this Ornate WHAT WE IX) k4)W, sAsr yssnsuf aawurianoe. and hsmi SH'B UsrWanos sua tu niunussstoa-WBA w nuts iwuiss. Ju sliuiait every uuitauoe bor Ute infant la siiftVring from pain aud eilianation, relief wdi bs IiwimI hi Oftar twenty munites sttes tlie sVyrnri is admluistoredi - 1, .-i He 1 Full otmeUuua tor asiHg. nV .naeompaay eask bottle.. 1W stirs sod ijsII for""'r -... . , . "Mrs. Wln.luW's ooetblnB rap,' Usriag tii- (se-afnitln. of "CCltTTS A I'KRKIMt ou the ouleidu lwam-er All others, sre bneS uu. Moid by Drug giU AlitougWt thk .motHUm I - -' Ps-iee. owiy ao fmr iwtsat U . ! .',.-. - wnast' .-'. J ! - 6 Fultoa Strsat, Maw York, . ,. ao5 High llolliorn, Lomlou.BnKlaud, j., , J ttlM. KnlbtHwt, MoulxeslCaniuia. ' ' ;, Aug. aKwJBm ,, 7X1 - . . KSCELLAHEOUS. , 1 North Carolina Land Aeeitrr. ; TTAVIWO AWtOCf t TED aTVKK T.F WITH !EH Jlli- D. latl)lKV. ot the Oily of KhiluaoSil, ta., to vuiav wwo, vwiow a reiar ute puiuto, y FOB TILK BALK OK LAJfDd, Ml.NJCd, Ac, In North Carolina. I invite shoes persons W tl.i Stats, having saeli property. fov saw, to .diltKa rue at BetdevUls. il. J.. ana ateus will bo l.ten. at anoe, touail the attention of JSlorthrrn eniula lata le all aueh ororwrtv.." 4 an. tnn,iBon. v. w. AHJUatia. , "(, S ''Tv4V, i' -' ' ; Virginia Central Land Ageucy. I HAVE VKUX HBOENTLI FfcUf k"lLl TH k. orgauintion nersansry to omduet, on tlie largiai snals, ths bneinoas of ssllui , il I4U. .Mlaio.. B-BJ-n.r-a- . , w-- ' wBwanTB'wra. mv ,,1 Mr oarsne. Colonel Bi 2. PARE, at in charea of oor otuos in New Voriu la J Jiikiloiplus and nsiiimore, i navs assikusios ox Uie UUjuuat re- sntMriatmitv and reeiNmaibiulv And tor the sals of Lands. MiBs.al in Wort b fJssaBns. i n seswissed nitb IX. W.OOUKiii, t aii ' M'f.I'VTy iosn rMttu iryse- Tbs fsmlitissthb) AjreOey offors'M fj'' sste'.g tauiils st not surpassed in an ooulb. An retrsrn to Mines of til kmds, 1 have mad eouti'M-.te wlib parties in ths cities North ef tins, who make' that brsnoh of the business s specislty, but h in tbfei emntry and EuratMb aesnrmg to ma sua widest poasibis Beta or opsrauonsi sua in Uila auy I bavv the sid snd servious of tliat aoooniiilii-lnul Biuen. alogietaud Aassyor, t'oi, WU.I.1AM MILIUM, fie the nrsmnt snalvsis af sB fninersls thai tnu be sent 1 ms, i alms datarmimsg tns yalu qf minss, oeiore msy as onsraa ns- eu,vi 1 , Tuuu iFis-selling Uuds, fv pr ounl com. mission on sll sslss aotnally made, but uo charge whatever, unless s sale Is eftioted. ' Foe Mines, aa adihuonal eoaUnirent fee. tho sohhieS'isT eon- traet is esclt eaae, and psyaUls out of pwiaesUs of sate. ,r . . ..... v. ... y, i ' Befereno Is made' to pnMla' hien generally thronennnt ths Stats, with ateat-of whom I haw (bs ptesenrset nsuig peruuusUy saanalnteil ' , . , , Om forwlg.'Mtcnt. ' ; (IXf ho sold tow, fiweseh, . i ,, M ,a a ' mioveie, nuee sou asi'S, r i TWjMi l Il.uir.. mt.A liWlnh. O-iJ" 1 , nMMM-lM .o Aoetwa A Oas. Manduvits, : ...-( 't-af-.l .ln.-ldKil At .1,1 if - 'tiW 'f e.-wi, A iLrJaS.-jO 4 - m.aur.4 . t TTAMMERfl and Weadiug stofn. HorsS ehaa AJt naivs, oteo fans. ...... -,j;i . . . , , W. n. JONFH A no. , "1-'. r .i! Awstiotmsrs A- feae. MevabaaU, .ibW-iStV.-j ft ,y .tm-ori. t ..1 ij rff 1 f"1 CHOICE N. C. AI'PLt BVT UJJ 7 A'Ai. Iu Kit, iwmlved this day. .. 1 Jau V lJMf W. H. rfOR. CO: tu-1 il M j Salt I 'fcalt Ik: .. -w , 8 Afri SACK OF At. VIHKCT IM. U VVf poftatai,from Liverpool, tor asls by . A ,f...4 S'Sf, Jgha n, North Water t4.?n 1 Das.lO-106-lm - WUmingtiai, I .Kt C IlcrrltiKS,, v QOTIXD and awed, ai to per Bbut, ,Ab, No. L F..1. 1 Vl-tf , t'. TI JOfiFM A if I 1 ' L. Baaaai. , , A, Jo a L t ...As a . C. Baetnesa DtraeOury. .. . .'JIBil.lON A JOREi;i transfiB, rarrar 1 Co., J r . "0NTIMJB THK BtKlK BUHB8H AT THE J MBHtatand. Bess Taeaer Livii. said sulk keen rm bmiu a wui'p'j 01 D bunt a ni,piy of - ; , , , l i' - BmjkJIlKT) STATlOXRht, . rrnWd pries i ' ' '. , ''. OoMiimiof-ete ts" sr-emid baea lw' soq aTls. 1 at OoMiirniof-ete ts" srratd baed Iw' and Vis. eetwteua itftfjfcssntKi eu. " a 1-uiMulu aatBUi vmid ta Ardera:? 1 r snA.icr.'ri on r a, Jaa jsg tf l:-f,tli, N. (1 V f I'AIBn LA WE feliOKS Balttssors tJJ ulaeture. eb'iav t il.ew cm-. content. ,. . ' W. H.JUAL '. !., , Feb. Ml tf . . A no Com. Merrhatita. tltsj Jrelltr4r LtMioIr CsMmfy. AT THE t AST TFRM fFTlTf rfrTIITftP i1-ae attd toajl-i-r Kiteetwie, tt aaa 4r4r-o tliat wbtiiMtHm at toade in Um UMarjH tvmthM, nfiiitvi:!g aii pi raoua bnl i.g t'hiuna aiMuat tut v-tuiiv, to i-ce..iii t. 'ea to toe Fr mo--o rem. ejiit-e bv lb'' Sti of March, ti.at arrAtirrii-i.a. m v tx ioiwi Inr the r-a tnot A tte wmit 'jl,ai sot prwt"i avkeit toe Brat aaf Alanin, a.U be tua W' a- -1. . -s , it. w f r vi. 1 : . . (!. Wis't t H. r f Ftavinr Aimmomr. i. K. il Ali'l -. ' "1 r. , . .. Kimuo, .bl 1 l.l it p-iF Pi U.A ' r. i .) ii ; 4 1 -t g. 1 - a 11 I t 1.1 . 1- I- -"t a- I w t. Il' AuctiOfHM-ts A iowut. a.. Feb Al-1 U . LIFE KSUSiUCS.'- ? J. .: Tho AijSngtori MutaaJ , Liif,IKSUilAXCl3 COMPAST op Virginia;' -., ji W B.i) , " V'-'i 1J 'i b A VlBODilA abtd Socthebn 'iNbrrru- noN. Its funds, ark kett or the South' It has bet with;; UNPRECEDENTED i 9VCCA,,4 -ITS FOBTITJES ABE ESTAB LISHED BBTON DAFT, . COKTINGENCTj'y. j , The Ooreuauy ha raiitd and assets,' aeainet ita liahilii)', (list wiU ousmom svH-slly with anv Ltf-- Iiv-nraiive niuiy on Hie emitiuent, nbicu is the lioett of Tear-wistl-ility. " 1 liaslfsirs sre euniuwaly wttwuMarnd Bf aslae ted Hu-seuir. of revsoaitibMitr' ui biaatness. ea-OSi-KV. i It bss esUbfumed He claim to Btmibaao Fatrua. . ilJHMsU, , 1 jon?r' 'edwards, , r--J01 SsabBlrtf,it4'M tf;. taMUt) .: ! Wk,B. Isaac, : '"'"t.J. Baiwoos, ..f. , li.-i- n1 - .xrAe , MEDICAL .JtUHINKB,. ;; j, CHARLES tl.SMITR. - : 'UatAlt AovBsaB.J, armui Aswr, --A -. IL a Cabbu i4o,H, Cpiuosura Jolin Endera, ... Jfienry K. Ellyeon, SSSlSSS.m sTlaW tyswiH vtawfir. jU Wt mWH f4V 1 awUJU f..i. u tit si i.. . " nsries t. vtorinam, iUiam Willis. Jr. , (if orgs Jaeobe, f w J. W. Allison, ' R.I. A Hmilk ''IUwmI laliiuM Tbaa. J BawaO '. -P I A. It. .hsekky. ' Jaanes A. Vtl, U. C. Cabell, , . I It. M.Qiisrbis, ...... H i llartaoiik, j W H.I tier. ', liilfl. Williama. - J. It. Edwards, X i-H ,! William G. Taylor, ! A. Y. Stokes, , A. P. AIm'II ..; J. B.- Morton, , ,,,,. -.W.I). asaare, William H. Farmer, J,! Hamuel M. Fries. i LJSVVip SHANKS, Ao't. , . LaxDHmm. N. 0. i Jsn ft-it-tr H wit'it ,.. - - ) -JDSY O00D8, NKW (.OOVar. NKW 6U0D4II :"'"-rAti'coMi:T6'H?; M s !, I J i" 1 ! tfA ( "fA t , 1i . it V Ti fJ EC03TD CBAFD 0?ETO?9 OT' FALL AND - WINTEB GOODS. 111 'in, 1 , I I "( !tl( i-uiii frfi i I'AIW NOW llITF-rviNft MY SEOPND STOCK Of (Uaple and Fancy t , ,i, a-, .1- . t -WW) fitfgO ,i DKY-GOODS. ! . i;..w, ,- r , , ,.,-!.. ,.-c , M.- sUi'k is 4 AIU;te aud (flnrMTa. snu iHmni rmif-c toe (loi-iine, sou l am ,huiiy to anv tfi lnv frii'inla and entiioMiKia that ean, and avitl.WH tlieX.ii. C,tl,.Al'fctbaj( they We . v ... . - nensiit luvui aiuro his war. . i,..ti,ir ,-i .ir I- . . . - 4 iw"i, v i vl , j Ut t It Iirort Ik 1'ewple, , . i . . . , Tlial no ll,wi in the City eao or will seU poods ehoaucr tiuan I will. ' ,...... j H v llnn-e i a Uvs Hoose, and I Ao a I.ITB BI innsa). ... ; eonn to crrrrrn'i "'. j M'f j,itv , i. ,- .. .xv Tl,',,iUr"rtoo.la. 4 Ah Ibnr NKW Ottod and flOflD STtf.FO,' stio Will sull them at i'iUULO to meet tlie htrd uuies. , -da! BlOsiwisV, tM u,nm' 1 1 sis:. . And will bmd at prices' pi snttydoi '' .'.:i ' , r-. dt .illwt mh f,, 301i ) i Don't Forget to Com toCrooch't. 1 llenire'yoa buy your Cf(),ls, Is wi "treaV Joa ' j""1 fxA.'"CJII,KIiX7irl.r ; f", It. ftmiTB'a corner, tFsvtttovllle Pt,' ''Mor.Sg-Bf-tf f't!fc ni AT. rnd llj ,o! ! f , 't- "if! t s.n,&v,j.yoi;iTG,S! r'jiMiu f. se-.jh V' y e :'- '.r " w! '." TOO at AH FIKD -,.n iJT.V.-x ..,4 ':NEW G ODDS i last Roti-lvrtt Ht LOIV PIIIU. Our frs Hdh ads II hs e Uonila aa eheau as ilia. sbJbougUaJ.ylM!rBpw)A y fm ( 1 BARGAIN3,WILLJliCirES : i ,,J ;,ti'C At lr.sTkVVrirj't'3i''!; Aadlali PltKHB O HIDS iu'nruu.a'luHi. . . .;! A rood u m UoinIx for UtuS aHt Mi.n : N. aC'AnSlMltKitaand JliAKM Ac, '. HiaVtMaseMeSandvf , s . a ilo( m 'tl . W..H t ,f. IS. IOUJWsV ' Nov. )7-Wf. ,' , j,Jlft ,,, )t., ..V.( ievt ... 1ISCELLANE0TJ1 .ll'fija TATS r MKTH I'AKstlJNIJ j we t- .a. Jkill(lklj( i(Jutij,iNa. ' tiMidi, io cunitHittiijrw of wi (.usi .i U Uidm Mtvfitsi m it iiift Ofrrifrmi Artm.ftitay n An Ant io ttlH-nwt the ffw-fsidit Mid l)ir-cii(m af lit A MttUirti Nitrili i'.iLr(4M) KiuK nM C'-iiiuapT tojuiim ! lltittdiiiiiittr cnitrimt.' rrrt-A SfftJi. Kf'bnviry i Ht7, imvi.iff nu,!fi(l mr tmiiBijrfiAiram ihrvA ht.ir'T n, tortt-iwn irHiastAVHsl kfur ItBtitii-uJ atucl ixi-iik ml 6.j dollars ol 'Jj (H)it l Nt'it k of mtia t ( tii- fMUlJt IM WtHT W fMV Mi)(1 tl IbM-Ft it H -tl, Jt fl pntrMHlrgriil lw pi fitMvrfl v iii in d' rmt-nwd on sr4iitr Umi .tw, tjv nr Irtftrv-ti irwi, U ttm pur- ihotntand O'lllstr, tnnnlH of Oh .'Mavii ol Kfh dt-nrlmpA, with 1 nxKiai kit iii1cm I t A jhfir 011 it, fMIVftMrVaVmi-ttlttltlKl y fl tfl Itml flflVtt irf rffltj WMi iatrmibrytti naV't. rHir,t thfr tfnri.Mt.vl iivtik (if Ui itUpyliliC it Umi l iij i4 Nfw limn, aud Die priucif'tvl fitalil.t at tbt) t int ol li.uty jphvri fiotH (t l-t, Jfiiiibm I''S, wft i1 bivintri io irf of d itmn.iusfNnt 1 1 tttut tn h. r 1 ' J Aa ntta4Mrat rtttT hx Um liiitmt f ft.L xmwi u-w rtUartt taf tft-k iu iIbm .'itit if.-luta htiln 4 nuty tira ni1iif.1i4.eit), tu wouf lUm. With An Aft to t,hli e tlirt Hltut itf lli (l.-int tn b isttmi . fur Mi r'rtii t '(.f.ri nf tlx Vitttri North lrrtnna itailrntwti ami tnr otlr fwfttmmtf' m'tntH-Mci niliAr lstsb, ,.. v r 1 he ftfitn fj(t Jihttit arorit ftiftv fit no iakatkbtt. ISO tlltl f op 1 Wet lil.ifl bfir v. ,11 Im 1 n'"TIHIli-. sr(p tftaiM . ,:.,,., vi4 jraa. i ... VrlllMiaRVl MlfftuCTl rt : i , 1 , . i atMt fsaan- . : , ;1.; 1 ?, . i .,1.'- 11 y 1,1 , .. .... . . . . " Fob i4-l!u-tf , HoL'OLA" l!J i.U 4 t;;:i i vorurp, n to at-uft-tr ' a , t ! .1 I'dt'C-IAn i.i-.l. 'or s fi t I u .It Wsa W. H. J, 1 CO. V 1 .... Ji..l....i t w ... f-.- The Best !;) li. IHtT i.s l- DR. I AWE CKLEHRATEO , ROSA) A ll I S , t t ,(,ift., THE CU1IB OO1 - SCKOFluVliV 'ai lits k hs' ) smve-OIVCIl AS ' . COfffUMfri'l V '.V i i"s "Ayt . 'i y' hi U I R. " Avr.jtffA.i.'rAr4-vr f mtii , " OF INK ioJM. l;ny' ' ! - AVA. KJDJVDK r : f,l f '- - ' .";( .k-AMr'VV, M Hl- r..i ,f', A.'i. ('.' W. . f ;, TO PitAI.t Kh VPHoyS of Mitt l-fCtK, i ..t w tSaAAA'AdV. IUUJii.Al.ht, . . AND. ALL OTHER J)IV'EAM.$ CA t'bj.'l) By on fmpur St:iic crilsc s:ic-rt. ii-4 .v j . : , i i, n Tkaifslkwran!, aM au. nil. u.f war beat wtiaeue, tealily to li miiuin ;',,( .j'n,iu. , .Homo Cortificate from rhya-cUns. We know lsr.' jAwrnnuio'a Uosho liS- io b a afd sod ssu jji La, JioikIov, c ( ,t 1 1. ir hi rrouuiuit umiig it to ili' I'i'j y" r i-ul . .1 ; a, J), M'VI1i V T, V .1 je .L.A mij-i, M.i., : o' ! .i:' J M."-.i i'.M D, . It 0. fUrtlKl'. M. I... , , ' W A.M'dnAV, M. 1 , ' - J o i, )( it. w. hiJ-o i. 1 H. WOOHAI l ,faaBsiy!TUi.J18( I hereby eertify that 1 am lii-ftioiiiitly a.-iinshd-. ed anihthe nliews named Hivxietmia." ami ilnv are ail gentlemen ui meaiaetslMlrly ami wUndnig m aius tauuiimiuiv. . , , t. s-i hW TsfiPATB. May of Wil u.y; C, 4 r "W."""1 SOrvVBALW Ihorenirhlv ersdie.s I vwry every kind if huuior and td taint,' ind ronton tne entire aVNti'in lo a bealiiiy eoniliMin.' - JT Iti 1'l.lfFLL-lLY'HAliMl.L. , bucr pmduclng the sliirhteat ininry. ev It is net s Meoret Qusok Remedy,' ' 1 he a tlele ef whiuh it is made tie pnl liMii il rmim ca. b Uittle, sud it is uai il snd endoiaed by Hiu UaIiiig l'liysician svei.vliic It i- l,iicn. , tstet i "vail J-HMAHIin rtHLV ; )r t H--'-' -t-i im Qjfrt. t -1 V. i.rr-Hi J. LAWRENCE, M. I).; Ciiemtrt, I BALTIMOHE,, Jim, i s i '(tatte ol Wilaorl, North Osro'ini ' rmrit, i,f Fit ittt,i . J ya"'-Holit WHotKnuit' 1iv' a! tto' 1 1 , . '.! WMOLKHALN HhUtMIMTM: ins'lllie H'-, . m'ii. ef the- United rltatee awl Kriiieli Artvi.-a, j,i,,t retail by IirnKKiet eveitshure,, ; , . , . All ltW r itw.i .."" ITi. T. .T. In w tMt . ' l' Ro''' Froirl,lni- iid Mai-nr.u-iiin r' i-.lt.,' V V ao m,T,,f street, HaKiinoi', M. ; e'en M.ltfl-ly Si Jits XTln t T 7 T f' T? Q nt!' 1 nh i r-r aWW sayr an a 4 4. 1 PL I, t AJ. Ji 'wkstbbock MrLsi:n? :j," KEFJ nonstsntly on lin, dui-inif tpa plBiithiaj BUSSUU. Slilelulbllottlf- - ...'ir ! . , , ciioica rkiux teees akd'gjiaiii .HiiilM1' T. it,:t yv'yv'n ' R!! .11., I '.j, i . '. ; . V 7!'I w. ,t t .- whioh they offer very low, for esoli, or t!i,(1 pio. doca. a .)... r.i;nKFIIt nlXillE, oa WsxhiiiKlwu hiuat. Where pmrone nil) reoeive in'oiniit Mlnitiou, nntilthslMt. of ApiiL ' rkwd stump Inr f'alalognn, snd Wholo-slu piUhi siet w wti Vii,wi.r'i',i. '..,.-, .aai., j.j .. . . A'lilUUM, : .j ...... ') Lit v f-f. . , j j " , ' ' i'i;"tn. iv 1. 1 .ST-.3m'.r'i ":"": f:t. frwia'W'.-Wblart fo J , .lit, ' Crocer c Coiiiiulshloa Mtrtlianf, ,,,'4 Vo, i l .PA V lii'TK V 1LI-15 ST.,- ', 1. . j , , t, ' '( .. . r-. -. 1. 1 j ." ' . , (XISAB 1'Ul'S.KH flAll.,)- , .s T'Tn'H ciincimiliy "on liau.l a siU mJulnl IV Block of rluiue Groceries. Confection, ,FiuV.'V;iiict, i",.'t Alet, Liquor, Cigars, Ao. , I Oonalgiinivnta sujn ili-d. 1'iosipl r.-tnn,H uiuie. ..llHrl ailvanuueiiivou. 'Couuiisiirioue U;;il.. 5 esn IW-lid-tf - vVlUbetioId Wllftost Krsfptc! lta ,.r'.i - '. i . ,., , AT .'- 'i I"1 i :V Mi ROSENBAUIvIl ."' ids isiuiE .stock ci? 'cocas, One of Uie finest now tu tho SI .lio 1. ,.: Jii'i,,- iu , 1 . ne 4-v P A M -A K 1 ' ti T A 1" I. K ( DRY G()OJ)S; lWI8, Fl'l.h, f'Ul .hi, WiKiI.I N (.imfi LADILh', MlhMKS', AMJCIUI Ij,;i:n i t ,LaVUChK,'K-tNI,T,' CIMiVlW, 1 1 M i at il' if a 4. it (ftP, vl Tf , 1 rn s 1 , '4 v " .s 1 - t) , w,0 .o.v it.; o a;i tt 73 r:i,'S nicx rrr--.? cci:t. ... 160 ASUOKTLD ill-All It. Thlfo'i" 'an n, 11, ' , , 1 1 11 CArBlMEIlE fff!) l.Hf, 1 11:... OBNT'H PCIINrtJIMyn t.'f'Diis Uf.M'H AMI Itovw lit I". AV -,ti" i ' . 4K, mii,l ,,. , A evory dwrijilinn. ,. , AU of ths shove to-be vol. I it, P.. if CO-1 ti. lts;iU X S 5' ...... iii ri- tati'Viii. ft Ell. I HiUtN WITH M T rays the Ui:,!i, ,.t 1, tri, .ui. fm ai;.i.,-, Jan i-i;-tf (jt'll.l'ouo I.AM) a;:;mi XP'lfl '4l' tt' T AMIOaLI.lMiV,i-f. T . tgrit'tilltltMl or rj.M., , - ttalvr i'wut-i-a, Tt; i. t, . - - l.ota, or H,-i t ; ,. f any kind, wit" tlinf il . ,r . :, t'.i r -r..--. ,, , It I I' I I l l . .1 . fie .it ':..!( :i..,.. Fi n..rimi,i, .1.1.M-.V.H J ) i. ' fi, I i Ik'i. H Il- I. t . S t -,

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