v .-r DAILY HENTINEL. FRIDAY, FE3RUABY, 88. IMA COS 8KB FA Tl TM XKKTISO JH CUA S- la punuaoce of call niade Iit the Cum- veeer ((.pointed by the late GoaserVBtitrn - Convention, held Bttheeityet IUIeixb.a Very Inrt concourse at the iiitietTVtti e citizen of Charlotte, tnitetaer witli oitoria . from the eairoundiBg eouotry, tmtmwea m Treloer Uall, on the night at the 2ud., for the purpose of tunuing ConsMvaUve etuis. and ol lull; sudoral eg to acuoe ot w Contcrvalire State twerentioa, vkick nail just adjourned it session. At l ha hour aDDointed fo tlt ertir.fr. Oca. Jdo. A. Yean aecesded the stand called it la order and nooiiaatea' a it President the Hoa, J. B. Wilaoa, which mi i nation being arounded, h waa eaaat niooslr called to preside, aad, la A torn re , iuark fully aipleined the e4)ee at tl Mieetinjf. altar which, oa notwa of wov. Vance, Hr. Jona Kudiiil and T, A AlUaaa were appointed Vine Presidenta, and, uioiioa of Ir. M. ML Orr. Mr, J. S. BrittoB and J. 8. Phillip vara reqtieeted tn act af Secretaries. - ' ; ' "' After lb orp;anlzitina ltd haaa Beriected, oa motion of Geo. B. D. Jobation, tha Pre I lent appointed a committee of Ave to . draft act of resolution expressive of th com of tba meeting M follow! 3 Oeo. Hobt. D. Jobneton, Gov. Z. B. Vance, Oaa, J. A. Young, 1r. 8. F. Houtton and Mr. Samuel Taylor. - .- - - While tba Committee waa abeent prepare log butioes for tba action of the atasuns:, Cot H. C. J ohm, Jr., we eallad tor and addressed tba coocour a a patriot" and - well timed tpeecb. ... . . v.;. i At tba conclusion of CoL Jobs' rwaaikal Judge J. W. OabotB waa celled npott, end attended tba pletloroi atnld tteinendoo applause, sod for eome time bald, aaif ebamd, tba etteatioa of bia bearer 4a 1 broad, graad aad eloquent addraaa, which waa frequently Interrupted b ronudi of ' applause. ... ii ;U . , -r, 1 , . After tba aoaclualo of Judge Oeberoe1!) apaecb, tba eommittee appolaUd to proper boaineaa for tba meeting baring returned, tba Presideat called r tbelr report, whera upon Oeo. R. D. Jobaatoa, tba Cbalrj naa of tba Committee, read tba anneied reaolatioD, ; which war,: upon okotlea 'of Col. H. C, Junea, whea adopted, to be adopted aaa wbola:'.' t.H. . Jictelvd, Tbat tbi maetlng aordiallr ap! prorea aad rattflaa tba proaaadiog of tb lata Conaerratira Coorentioa at Balaigbj and heartily eommead ita daelamioa) -o , : irinolnlea and nlutttt areaBiEatiofl to tba ; people of tblaeoflnty.'1 - : I M, Tbat tat tba tutberanoa 'M lb " great principle tfaenia set forth wa wilj . form ouraelvea into aa orgaaixatioa to ba called tha Conttrtatit Vlui CKorlctU, wilh a President, Secretary, and other eflV eer to bo deaignatcd, and pledgtv to cac ether oar aaorod honor tbat wa will nit every fair and legitimate tffprt .to reatort ' and BaioUU tba ancient rlgbta, llbertle ' and enpaemacT of tha white people ot North CaroUoa. if - wnSHrl: vj Jifolftcl, That "Mackleobarg" lend) greetiflg to bar titter conntlea, and ,eJJ1f laneea tbaol to perlormaoca of tba big . and retpontibla dutiea wbiob devolve npOB ut all in tbla erieia of Southern civilization, in tha ntme and by the aacrrd namoriai oJ ' lUtolvtd, Hint aa Siccative Committee ol Ave be appointed' b tba Chainntn K tliit Biaetlng to requaat tha ettisaaa ef tha variou captain' diitricti to meet In Cbaf lotte ea inch day u may be Imlictttd by ' tha committee berela contemplated, tocoa - ault aoffetber fief- tba orean I satton ai 'th Cooannrative party tm tbia County, 'a"faf- commended by our lata State Convention. XfdwL That It aha.ll be tba duty of tbi Siccative Commit tee to bare tbe ajaiH tif all tbemamberaof tbi club enrolled ; aad w race9toe'Bd tba eerae to tha temmltteea of tba other dittrlcU of tha count v. : . ' Upon tba call ot tba Pre! dent, far' ta-roej-k anon the reeolutiena, Oovernor Zen Uloa B. Vtace, the patriot bero . of North Carolina, waa vor.ifrroutly called for, and. amid a tliunuecof applauaa tbat fairly made tba building aliaka. aatertaloed the uaet ' luir with bit utual hlff-toaedxliiyalrBUt and - patriotic devotion to hit ouuntrr- for , bi nnntp.'. itnAil ' ri,rln rr CI nvprfii kf VttnAM remark, tie waa rretjnenuy mierrupieu 01 ' applauae, aad, at tba conchiilon of,' hi " apeecb, ucb a ihont went up aa wa Mtut be fore beard la Treloar II all .' . ' - Tba resolution war tbea pat; and Wtra, upon motion at u. urermaa, aaa mu$lg adopted. , - -J. .. The Chair then appointed, under be rai olution empowering It to appoint aa Ei ' Btiva Committee of Are, tba following gen tlemen to compote aaid eorumitte : Ueal. K D. Johnitoo, Mr. M. L. WrUtoo, Dr. 4 M. Davidtoo, Mr. & P, Alexander and iit, Jonaa BuditiL ' j Oeo. John A. Toung waa then called upon and addreated th meeting la few perti nent and weiittma remain.' r , Alter Geo. Young had concluded, Co . Wot. Johnttoa waa called apon and r " (ponded. " ."' ' ' . ' '. V ' After Col Jebattea had conclodad, Gov. : Vance moved tbat eommittee ef fir ba appointed to nominate officer for a perma nent organ'ixatioa ol the club, to contltt of k Pretident, lour Vice rrealdenta, two BeO--reUriaa and a Treaaarer, "which, t)ein adopted, the following gentlemen were ap pointed aald committee oy ui in air 1 vol. U. C. Jonea, Mr. J. JS. Untton, Vr. t. Orr, C. Overman, Eq., aad Capt Y. Vpon motion of CoL Wm. Joboatoa, ; it wat nnanimoody r "t . - - Jinolttd, Tbat tbla meeting hereby e prete gratitude to President Jobntoa for ttie nrmneae, cootlateocy aad patrlotitm which bV4.characterized bia courte la de fendins th Coattitutioa,' during hi ad minittrttioo a chief execntive of ibe Un- UlStaWa. ' ' Upon mottoa of Geo. S. A. Toang,' the meeting waa adjoaracd nnril called together agtiu hi the l'KMdeot ot '.hi meeting. 1 ) J.&WlJ.SOHJaa. ) J. E.Brittox, Igie,,. , ILI-CLLLASEOUS. roa bext. m vrrt IXHSISUED BOOMS. TEBM8 Hi aOCl nw. v i Apply te r Kim. i.K.QonMiit. Teb M5-tf . -.. ' Cole I' dryland Hnmt I - f 1 COXElulXi KICK toUy iowtmh by' k Jan 2W4CI . DOCGLA8 MIX. I I real bal. . jn-rr-ril ot f t-n V!-Mfnl CIGAliS, j i ' liwq -,'' "iff BiUM"ud "LegtU- W. H JST'CO. i Asctirmeert A Cum. ierchult. rtb 11 1'6-tf r- ':. . , atavte ncrile titveailM, At Baltic fabBtb ani Cth, 1868. n'iri KXBdrnv coKMrmat Ifj, TH08 BUAGQ, BaMueav CUirwum. lttl luWi- (ifcJc,M f -:'.t -'.V-.:-.' KaatDKaT cottTTa at malchi. Iloa AS Ht-rrinoa.. , . , to QttVB Cox. . iWafaMi Galea, Cat, - iPfl Boa,. Ko, MA Bledoe,oq. T.,. riRar warBicV,, !f Hon Wlf ft Pmitb, Wertlord, t WHIUm Moore. Cbowao, " ' i Mill L Euro, Gatea. ui -ai tA S &kl ' 1 '"" tl . ' (ecomb piimncT. ' j nearr R Bryan, Cratua; - Geo V Strong, WayneA J , TboaaKonaa, pupta,,,.,. ; : ..1raiaTBrr,-"i vi.ti noaGoTIowar4Edgeclja VTfi Jua J Davit. Vraokiin. ... . ., SeaM W itaaaom, Morthamploa, Hoa J M Leach, Pavldaoa. Livingrtoa Browa, Catwell. . Jaa T Moreliead, it ClalHord. v , ,frrr PiaraiCT..,. fJoi E D Hall, Kew Hanover. Archibald McLean. Cumberland, , M -; airvai pumtiCT, B ArmaeK Wilkeal' W M BbblnafBqwaB. . . ,.. -Hoa J H Wilaon, Mecklenburg.1 WaolrBam,'CleelaBd. !,' ' ' ' AC Avery. JBarM. .,n -M L McCorkle, Catawba. troBrnwieraicr. . ; ; B M Stoke, Boooom be. ( ,., CaealmGadtreriMaeoa. ,. A w l ivw.gBjirBod.- ,.,,:, ,; . S&tionai Demacratle CoBTentioa. ' ttATEa. "Hon. W.K. II. Bmltb, Gea. W.R. C01, "IT. A. Wright, Eq., ' J00.F. Hoke.Eaq, V'' 'A4'AtlreiAr&,f Joo. Hoghea, Em., ' - Jbo. A. Gilmer, Jr., At C. CovrbMEaq, A PLAMjOF DBQASPIATION. (TATS OBOAHIZATIOH. t if StWe'CoitbitUi tot ioniiit 0 Chair- maa and thirty" member, ix of whom htH retidein Baluiirb..' and three In tch judicial diltrict to be appointed by tbi BtatBOoovanttoavii f .0- i.t'l ! Tba Committee aball save power t maintain Ita onraolcatioa. by nlling vacaa ciot,,A, aad ball tak charge of, alt mt ten relating to organulton, lagiatratian Ac, and a proper canvaa of tba State. The member af the State Committee la each judicial district ahull ontltnte a rli triot Conimittc for their respective diatilctt and ahall , appuint 1 a Chairmen, and aball take charge of all matter relating to conn, tv oTKinlzatinfl, tee.. In their reapwtive di trietaf and than report all matter relating thereto, to the Chainntn ol the mate Uon -tMa.' '.' E' I."- '" .'"'cotnrrt onaAmtATKiw. j . It la reoommeadatl tbat eacd Coe.Bty71ry Donular meetinca 1 Ibanucb tba medium of etiating orgauizatloni, appoint a Coaoty Committee, to oooaiat of at leaat two per aona fref. each Captain' Dintrict witWo It Uvita.. wb-i'Mi. . ::vij; t:---.M Tbe Countr Committee tbtlt take eharge of all mattera ot reglKtratlon, local prgenk tatioa. Ac., within the County, and a re- qaeatad mke monthly roporU Jo the Chairman, of the DUtrirt Committee, and, when necawaty. aa inloria bin nf tuob local mattera a may require the attention of the ni.Mrt IVmb mlttee. c ' ' ' .:--, J1: ! la it rutuer reeoniati'nlJ tht eae.fe Countv Committee cauae to be enrolled tli luiiMnt all the rerriatMNwf viiirt f tliea- couoty, who are willing to act. ami .vote with tlil orjrtoiaation ao, man woe titua enrolled without hi ttfevti coutent ; and, also, that they cauaa to he enrolled on a tent rate tint tha name of all tbnae who are kefyt b-d taph.tet,bt M hya .f lmui to, bhu mm ukj um Terj cttrnifin w aq curt their reglatratlon. and active eoopra lieUL Tbat the Pre Went the Obn vectinn appoint ilre or mora awraont. in each County, to raak a thoSiigb Canvaaa ot til Mail, and alaaemtaate proper political Infonnatlon' Ik. t -- DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES. j : tWCoueervatlve people of North Cero- bna having, by tbetr delegate, aaaemblad la Coaventloa at Raleigh, oa the 5tb. of Febmary. 1888, to coatider tha breaeot anomaloua condition of the State, and :of the oountry, and to contult togetW mpoa Uie griavanoe wuicn now atnict and threaten them, and the eotrra of -action proper to be adopted la tha trying eircnm tanoea which aurroaud. taken, do raaolva aad declare- - .,,v.. 1. Our nnalterable devotiov M the" prin O pie of Conttltutional liberty and our fealty to the government ot tha United State, a et torth la th Federal Conitltq tioB. , That. we aincerely and ia ood -faith acoept -the kgiumate aad legal rvaolte of the htte war, and do hereby reiterate oarnft repeated declaration, that we moat heartily oeeun peace ana oonoora wiio eietta State and with tha entire people ot the United State.- .""''', .17 j'".'"''! ' S. JBetvktd, That regarding 'tbe Conatb tation of tba United Sutae aa tba eooroa of all power ia the adminiatratio ef the gov pro meat, and tbat the power of the Execn tiva, iiegialative and Judicial departmenta are equal and oe ordinate, aa defined by that iuatrameat, we do reepeetrally and r. emnly protest tgnlnttthe enforcement npoa oar people ot the Booooatcbction . Act aad policy of Coogreaa, aa Bneonetitatietiai, anwiteeod deetructlve to tooetv, and vio lative of that great principle oi American politic, tbat each Stat tliall have the oa dative control of 1U wn internal anaira. S. Jitwltd That It la the opinion of fhia Convention, tbat tbe great and all absorbing Utue, bow aoea to be preaented to the peo pie of tbe Sute, ia negro auffrage and negrn quality, if aot anpremacy, and wbetber here after ka North Cwolita and tha aVma, tha white maa ia to be placed politically, and, aa a conteqaence, eocially, npoa n footing ot equality with tbe aegro, and, la anany localitiet, mhject to bia government aa a eeperior. That we are utterly p noted to auch change ia oar gTrerument and ia our social relation, a?!t that 'wa do ben by earneatly recommend to thpeo'eof the State to manfully meet the iuu now at- teo 1 to be forced opta them, and to net eTety proper u.t-an wiihia their power to avert the Imponding miachiefc t 4. Inohfi, ibt wiiil we are analtera b'y e; w 1 to political and social equality v h t e 1: , k r C! we yet bare no ajnjutt j- a,. . ,et -.. i-t t..t race; that vaare k... xmuie .1, ly j iA law, to protect them uMr in all thiir civil nirbta. aad to confer iiwa tlx-oi all nririlree which can le done onaifcteatla wttto lue ealeiy ana weliare 01 aotbraeea. ' $ &t r. m , t. JiiaWatit, That the ditrrsr4 aad tat-; peverisiied twadiuatt af oor pvcaple tax- aeatly thsmand tbe,. (jMoliest and witeat meaaoret of Belief that the LevUUture can . ttxU, That thin Convention reenc- niaea, with feeliaajM of gmtiUide, tbe heroic and patriotic eflurta-et Uie rreautaat af tar United Statee, to restore the Union and harmony and good will among the Ameri can people. ,T ,-. - '- ,(;.;-- T. 'jatfawsstf, Tpat nfa tDflveBiion re gard the Sapreme' Coart of the : United -. .1 1 i.l , - n M 1.a lut resort, of the Cooatitafjn and .believe that Ita right and power, a tbat reaped, ohoold he preserred intact, a eetabllahed by law ta the earlier aad better day of th Re i pal4ia, end that 1 any eartntts rmptlrmerrt berrmf. t leiritlaiioa r otherwlw, wil) be. dentrnctlve to the best Ineailieeoon.; ry. and daitkeroM n tbe liUerUe ot ,ttw neopU-i) ) .!-.' nm-rtf rtnM&Al'a J .a. Wratfs, ne nnfarB; maj wi toratiooot Ibe Southern Sutes Under th ! eooduct of that orsranlratloB. which Bow loontrol the proceeding of Coagreaa, walv far ' .-a jtAim Ulg ail pumawr fMj mwm; .p,w.! this Convention 'iloe moat onhetitatinglj recommend and Invite tbe beaxty co opera tion ef all tbe good people ef Xiunh Caro. baa with the Democrata nad Uonaeevati of tb Wartm aad et. who are now noUy strnggHog for the maintenance of tbe Cnaetitntion of tbe United Statsa aad the aaUaamtionatbeaVrntnem Sutea to their righu intbe Union oa tAe solid -touadatioa of barnpny aad pence. 1 1 t 'i . n, jfmtut, ibat tnie AJonveatton. meet fonrdalegatea and fone alternate, for the State at large, to represent tbe Conservative oeoole of Korth Carolina la the nest Dem ocratic National Convention, and that it recommend to tbe Conaervatlve people tbe Mitral Congsttalnnal Diatnc, te ap poiat datoratea etna early day to represent them in (aid Convention, " 10. Itemed, Tbat when an election aball be ordered for the ratification oi a new State Coaatitotion, tbe Siecntive Committee for tbe State, which hat been appointed by tbie Cenventioa, be instructed, u tbe time thai I be aufllcieat, to call a Convention ot tbe Oooaervatiira people of the State, to put in nomination candidate for the variou State office whoa election nha.Il then be ordered; and if there ahall not be sufficient time to call aald Convention, to pat in nomination sou ad Conarrvettv men for aaid office. COUNTT pANYASSEBS. AlarMnes County. Dt. John A Moore, Jame A. Graham, Jtmea E. Boyd, George Patterson, Sr., T. M. Holt. -. mm. TBoraaa B. At be, Arcb'd; niveo, C. R Liles, W. G. Smith, W. P. Kendall. Vtaxifort. Thomas Sparrow, Joseph II Stickney, Churchill Gorham, F. B. Sal ter tbwalte, Edward 8. Martb, . aria. Tboa. G. WaltooS. C W. Tte. Dr, IHrid Burry, Andrew Slinford, Jno. F. Merrill. . 2-nwi. -I-Cai. tU E. Allen, Samuel a i'hinoit, Col. 8. D. Thnraton, Thus. Drew, Aaa Ross.! ' .. .";)..:- i Bladnj-Ret. Colin Shaw, George Cro martia, Joo. A, RiokrdOB, Tho. H. Sol ans aad J. W. Pordie, Eaqm. ., CatxtmH.- William ' B. Hm. John M. Long. Dr. L.S. Bingham, Dr. F. M. Hender ton, Frank' Rogaia, Bantuel Pharr, P. B. Manna, ft .'.- CaWwolX-Msi W: 0. Malooe, Qtn. ft F. Patterson, Edward W.' Jones, Rev. Isaac Oxford, II H. Moody.; 11 . - ; I , CintnewMaM. 0. Waddell, John Manning, Jr U. A.XondMtw , B. J.How Jatats F. Rivei. , vW Cer..--Dr. U W. Martin. L , Oiflesby, John M. Pert, Samnel Lffer, Ben. a Bell. , Catatfba.Dt. jliHt, Dr. 'Turner .Abcr aathy, Joeaa Cline, 0. Jaiuea, CapUHellon, AJ Whitner, i H Bruna, Htmael Toekrr, Wealev Bandy. Daniel Deal, CidL M, f. SherrllU Qeorga Yoder, . . r -ffcavaU.- Bedford Brown, Johe Kerr, Thomas Powiho, " . ; P HtlL.P,.W. Tbompsna. t .. f , , t - t . iWwni.J.bi W. Ellia, W.J. Staniev, Foorney 0nrgj4 Vj' Vv KlcUardsnn, I. M. M "chmltm .tee M alcif'i .WfJidaey, M D Lee, U Cabaniat, A- It Uoateaiy. ... Oroet.--Hennr R. Bryan, Aleiauder C, Latham, Wm. C. Mead,. John Hughes, Dr. P, S. Hinea, If. T, Guioa, Ales. Justice, Jno. a Haogbtno, J. N. Washington.. .. Cwm. Dr. W. H. Laasell, BorweB M. Baxter, Jtmea M. Woodhotue, William Sbaw.T. jDi HumphryvJ ,u ,-.,,;.!. CWi, 1 oL D, D Ferebee, Dr. Mullen, 0. 0. Luke, Wi B. Ferebee and Willis Ban. derlinV"'': ' ' "'; ' F. Xowt ftenryt Walter, 8r.,F. C. Bobbin, J. H. Walborn, II. E Pinnla.S. 8. Jonea. ". ' . ? J t, iwpii. Prof. N B. Webater, Col. Wm. A Allen, Cap. A. A Brawn, Was, a Ward, J. D. Stanford, J. K Hussey. 7o-,-W. T. Shlpp, Edmund Wllkea, Boaer Uolland, Col. . Wan. Stowa. ISpa. Rlsrk. . AJt.i UIBCKj W(JT t. -W 0ro Col. J,S, Aatla, a A. Jenkiaa, N. E. CaBBBdy, W. H. P. JaklB,T. L. Stild'2nhi? Irf, David R Caldwell, Jon. W. Oilmer, Levi, Mi Scott, Ntreu Mandenhall, Samuel Rankin, Jr, i iioiiaw, Idwsrd Coalglaad, Mtson L. Wlggiaa, Dr. 1 Hanry Msaon, a it Smitb, William H. 9J?- ' r j, ' litrtford J. Teatee,' TM t. tJ. Moore, Dr. a H. BuieJds, Dr. a H Smith, J. & Slaughter.? s ,;'.;..:.. -et. x ? " JV Baneter. CoL H E Cowan, Xaj. Robert Btrtnr", Mai. 0. ft. McChtmmy. and D. HTBaker, Eq: -- t":" ' , -if.TiA. NichoW;i;B. Hiti a A. McLaughlin, a a Dempeter. Colonel John' Malt. "----"' Hf,(.-..i1 Jma." -a a Jonea, 0. B. Kconce," K. S. Fjanka, n.CroeoarF.Foy,' M MFoe Mnatoi.-li. if. Aball,' tk, a Waddell, CL B. Sao tiers, W. IL A vara. Beth WoodalL Edw. a Parker. ' 14 Lnif.Vn. H."W. Blbont, J.f Wbotnn, A. Manroa, G. F. Whitfield Wnu J. Pape. itdfofn. W. J. Hoke, D. Bchenck, W. A. Gmhtnv W. F. Hynea, J. A. Caldwell MtcUnbvrf (in part,) Hon. Z. B. Vance, Hon. J. W. Otbmrne, Cot H. OL Jenea, Hon. J. H. vfllton. Gen. J. A. Young, Col, Wm. Johnston. ''V ;:; .wi-.'- "-'.'"-.-' Meumu. un. Aiaev ttoroin,- au it. Erwfn, W. W. Fleming, Dr. John Tancey, Dr. McCoy. ; . ? Mot. Gea D Dowd, Dr Jan Shaw, Capt Jaanea O kWrer, Oapt George WUoax, Dontor H Turner. .-., -f - r -- ' , . AortAam fv Gp T J Person, R B Pee bles, Dr J 0 Jscoba, N Thorn a Maeon, W W Peebles, Dr W S Copeland. 1 ; ' Ornnijt, Jone Watton, John T. Lyon, W. W. Guest, Jofaa W. Graham, a F. WebK Oatitav John W. Shack leford, E. - W. FoBTille. nenrv IL SaBdlio, ,M. L. F Rhed t,W.P. Ward. , . " P tLX 0 Yellow ley, Tjr. C J O'Haesn, 0 W Johnson, Henry bhephard, W R Wil liam, Jesse Stancill, Abram Cox, L G Lit tle. .' . JJicl-wwt B F Little, W D Town end, Jttne T Konev, Jame P Letk, John John ion, , ' 1 . ... ; J1.'?wkii. John Leach, N A McLean, Giie Leitch, Juhn H KcXachcn, Thomaa llorriatj. , ,., . <Z Ebober, W H Bailey, Kerr Craiget W A Haiick, laaan M fthaver.T W Keen, RiclurdCowaa, Jno. K. O rah am. Ii&mrfd.Vr Jwie. i M WhltealdV, Jotepk Carson. Milter, J Thorn- Duffy. : , ; . , . . .. . amp--4 A A McKoy, Wffliam' Devane. K 0 Holmes, Dr II A Bizzell, Pr i TMarpby.".' . ,4 , Shiny. H Wangh,' H C Haanytoe, Gilia-c, Dr Joseph BoHhigvwerth, N H Gwyn. . ; - . - - ' I " Wayiu.C 8 Wooten,' Querge V Stroag, William G Moritr, B A-Wnght, Gray C. Oarria.- - .. V lr-a.-DrC- L Coohe, Dr Urn Cal-i loway, ZA Welbonrne, Ur Tyre OfK, Pbineaa Ifortoa. : ' '' IKuU. Charles M Boabee, Q DeCtr teret, Jesse A Norrja, George .Whiting, Jacob Fleming, R W York, Jetse Winbuin, 0 H Alford, Col. ee H . FmiUnlt) rrnrrraCol W J Green, Col W A Jew kln,E i Hammer. P R Davit, M C-.W Qaa. - - . h. nean-Wiliiain A. Robey, J William., Sn, ioneph Dohson, Aqaila Bjer, IS C Boughton. . , ; v . , JteB KkvnABnx '-V V ASSUKAISTCE SOCIETY, top j OF NEW . YORK. . ' ? ' .' ;- a ..e i ' ' r' ' ASSETS OVER . .... ! ' " 4 4, 0 0 0, 0 0 0. ANNUAL INCOME $2,500,000. WVEDENlXl PAID TO POLICY HOLDERS, (NOT BTOCKH0U)EBa,) THI8YAll OVKB FIBELV HI7TVAL. PBOFIT8 DIVIDED : ANKCALLV A MO KG POLICY HOLDERS. Tm EQUrTABtR tit giban more rapidly, tince itt organization, than any Life luaurauce Company erer crganiae4 ia America. Ita pettoiM avtraga larger in amount, than th mm ot any ethtr Company in th Catted Statea. Applications for Agenda 'in North Carolim meat be addreated to the irl Agent. Ul. M. P. Tavlub, Ag't, Vilnvagtou. DiaotWAT 4 Omow, Nwkwrn. Onann Wauakan, 'i A Taron'. Bnaaaaa At Qui man, Agmta, Washington. BtniBH, Kaixooe Co. " - Oreenthoro'. E-Ntx Hdtsiisov A Co. " Billnburj. ' UOTCHtsOM, BURROUGHS CO. V,., Charlotte. N. C, ' Oensnl Agetitefor N C. Jan. !ft-n,S CLflTHINQ HOUSE. RB. AKDKEWfl tO. e .,.-. . j ,,. rlBVl(a sltentioo y lhea- , . f , v FALL fANDT7INTEB STDCk dentlemeii's, Idath'n and Bop CLOTHING .'.1 . ann -1 . rTTRNISHINO GOODS. SO Fsyeftevllle 8t, opposite Tuoker Hail, IUUL,KIGII.i ft.' O. Nor. IS-M-tt . , JUST RECEIVED. riSE BIjiCK. IRES S IT I T B. MAfit tiibk StrpErtiolt faemcii cloths, Cat. Trimmed anil bimU as wall si tlat beet Merchant Tailor's ordered work, at a asiug ut not jrur,EH to TWfcNtl iXJLlAllH a tiUt, worth saving in these tunas. . FINE CLOTH SACKS, ' FINE BEAYER BACKS. . BIIfcnU4 Itsulneee Sulla, k , gettaanp m oor beat atyle, at priota to suit tb times .,.,...,!.'.' ..'..,....,., , v' A in varistyof FIHB DREM SHIBTB trwtr an hand, at-- -y--t ..;.--Trr. .--.-j, jenta Foraltlitnir Btore," Oet l-eXMf . Opposite Tocksr Hall. HATH HATtl IIATII ' ,. AUttahiteatsteasaaba aannJrt . . ,.B.B.AKDBEW8A06,I - . Aiint'a WAlUn llnnR. I. MoV, W-nt-tf.aw-.,. Oppoait loeksr Hall. . ' SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS, BULK UEATI1CK .YAUSESw . , i MOROCCO AND LEATHER TRAVEU .'.V.: INO BAGS, in great variety, At " B. B. ANDRE Wl CtVg ! L Rot. lt-U-tf . .. u Opposite Tnckas Hall 1QSCEIXAKI0TS.- ' Just rseefrsi!, s' W'of BOTK IST.AH0 CAU BE&ES AM) JXAKB, (North Carolina manara Alao, a rmn lot PltTlVTS, '- Brawn BHEXTV ictus, wtutn rwwuMtij, to. Aug. uaiat a . n.aW.J. TOUNG. j T.F. PESOUD,1 j GENERAL ItlR A CC AGENT, SAB BEHOVED kit office to his former Drut Utors, wbsrs hs will reoeiir sppttosrloas tni iPoliaas at iBtarane agiuiMt loss a? Fire lustst rsiaansrsnVs rates, at she fclto i&g BraMlass Oaaapsauaa, na t rhaniXi of Htvrttord, j '.iilantia, of Brooklyn, ; j v 'j fe'iSewrnfy.'of New york,,;; t;f - Pnfrum, of Hartford, i.n J' Home, of New Haven, aC: - " roOey fWRto, Winchester, f j Jeftero of irginia, and I 1 ' Th Underwriters, Selma, A3. I Their eomttiaad Vapital and Atssttt stesading $a,nnenth,.'-.-". . ....'..i Loans rnonnMr snrosvaD twe Vato. : . -1 . - -j - J. . PtMCtTD,' -1 Deei. It-UWI-ifv-', Ina. Agei. - ".'.."''".'.' ' V.":' PeMt,reaal';., M IrtA BUSHELS, sound clean Psss. t , j . r twai-if .i?,;lw.a jbiaa aca i Tor Snl. ; , ' nnB vmemA boot a mios rousa.ssid A to bs s err tspsrior Si"ue. aa 11-431-tf ... . V . H. J01TES A CO. f " '-.." (i f ITG AB9 1 1 1 " ;."V:;' .j V FULL LINK IS STORK ABO SOft ATJt . JsnJJ-lltO-B? " . DOUGLAS Bix 1868. f A A A eu is. 1 .-s fA',f ea;il--VaHtitJ WJm .1 rJ ..s-a NEW ABBAGEMMT tA "1 ,1C IOK THR SENTI1VEL'1; Pnbllthed In he Cily .ol BaWgh N. C., Daily, Beml Weekly aid WeekTy.''""' WilUwnE.Pell,) x' Benton Oalet, J Editor. In riew of the searcity of owner, and tb teTsr- ity of (lis timet, the Proprietor of the Hurati has' de term iced to redoes the terns of tb psper, to oonnteaos after 'iha (1st. DECEMBER, aaxt. and to make snch imromneuta in Hs asneral character aa will commend It to th pttrontga of an enlightened poblia. In POLITICS It will bs thoronghly ConsarTa tirs, adroeaUng, at all limm : A strict obserrtne of the C'onttltntlon of tbs V'nlleJ Stttnt. snd tlm haimoniout t'liioa of equal Htatet ; -.pit,.. Obsdicnos to law sen ibe enfnreemsitt of order ; Tha anpremacy of Ihe cM! oer ti e military, in tjne of peaoe ; The eqntlitr of the Ibras so ordinaae hraiiobM the government ; Tbe soTonibTnty of the Htttet over I heir own internal affairs, in ttriet conrnnnity to th Conatitnlion ; ' , Ttie maintenance of freedma and jnaties ts all, wilboot dittinctinfi ft eetor. bat thsnsama- y of the wbMe rae ss let envemtna; ehs Opposition to RtdictMsm a til It phsaes. At NEWB jonrual, it ahtli pe 40al bVanjr. The prineipal nurksts will ba regularly pnbliaav IlaUTEBAftTebsrsrtev' aball be auintainea and iuproTsd, by eoatrU nHnsit fraat aar -baa writers. , Finally, tbe Butikei, will seek to be the spsdsl promoter of the sdnestionsl, moral and aoo. nomieal interesta ef the people of Korth Car. olina. . . TwtMi : T Daily BeutiBtl. lor cut t . wat " aixmontha, " three monllit 1 Ot Semi Weekly Rentinel, for one year, . . . ' "' i montht,. . "' " three months,. . Weekly ( " fur one rear, " " austontba,..,. 4 00 a 00 1 00 IN 1 09 ' An sabsoriptiomi strictly esth 1b adranca. . , .4 , At aa sdvertininf medium, tb fanriuno. I L i equal to any ia th Htats. Terats medsrsA. ar We ask every fjeaservstive In tba Ststs e basomeonr Agent toaatead tba eircniatioa of tba Suron.. Tba eveataof 186 wUtbssaoiUag and important. The Wsuxv flsarntat. ahoeid be In tb hands of the great body of His people Bat terms srs now s low that every on will b able to pay for a - vJ " 'i V r. peel, ; JkaleUiD, Dee. fflth iMg. , Proprietor , 2ALTIK0KB ADTESTISENTo. POOlE 4 AOT, :!, S-i -4.B 1 1 1 aS t f tc".a.. f. J MANOTAOTUREIIS.'OF MltrABLB AND STATIONART- Stemitt ' Enelnoe J '. 'nld'el BnUen, 1 .: iTBAMWRB ENGINES," 3 ' ttWTIEB J-ATKST AMMMKUIT DOVMLM -- nktUM WATtK-WBKKU SAW ' V, : . MILLS, MIXING MACHIKIRT-r. t ' .--.-, foil TA ML A BAXST . T, 1 rriiij lED Mtrfiinery, Uafljt en Banger. 4 ' - naariJ.tse.---,-:-'-;-- x - v -: - - ... gfOLum A iteatbI ' '. V A. LIGHT BTBRXT, BALTIMORE, tUf ' 3 "OLDJtASTLASO W0BKS.- ', ' 1 Ptambling, ,'. BhsstLead, , . .. ... lead Pips, , i r' IrsB Pipe, . Tnrr Cotta Pipe, ., Brass Onata, . -Plted Cocks, lrno, Lsad and Zmc Bath Tubs. . - ... alsnat TsraoB.Csak , Store, Patapace Cook. Soger WilLukmt's, Cat- TejssCook.s.,.,, Beehe Ranee, Eaiiipesa Bang, ' ! klsges Bangs, epnes Bsnge, - I ' Tin Bath Tabs with ' hratrald iktnra. t Bsstern, hsvwsrd. fiartlatt A Water Clostta, Iran and Cbuts Bttinn. Hjdrsnta, , "nttpo. Co S Portabtt raws), kUrse Farikaess, UbM aad Bnrfc. Ptrior, Cbarch ami Bfwves m rrestvariats. All the diSersst mysm ef tirwea, . H.rb l aa4 Lew , r"ows Portable fmlel Ae . i Kaiua, Fuimlna, -Water Wheels, OareVsB Vssss. t ... Water-Ooolera, aefngerskorSk ., Which wftl be Ai at Vr. an raa be haj hi fa olty. ' Aprs n-wa-iy v, , . r - - f ATjPETtIO im xl-lSS-lw "tTTRIOB QTJAX.ITT JU?T IN ASD F0I LT55 ADAM. ; w ti k. . i 1 nil in. 1 si InnorUtBif Order front Gea. C'Htibv. .U' rf- -Jk (J..'ftfc4i? itV.Vk1HaWaeW MiSrrtavlirrafl!, : . CaukaaswaAC JJap,,WJx- 4 ganarel tMsr Me, ? i W I Paraavaaej II of Oaswrsl Orders Ha 10. bos is BasAViuarters of Uis Beeoud atilitsry Dmtriot, Anril U.tatH.ai aMia aa Whw) nvtas ana aaBn;lMlbe) UtwijII Jndgmeats or deerase 6 the ptyawiut ui tiiinnr on rtntt rf actum aritfaig in VmA t'aro luttetwBSUUthslMsrt.loUtratUia nuts) dar ef April, IB65, and ia Sootk Carolius U-tw-a sS tSKi d.r of lieoea.., 1A W tl tvtli 9 aS'ArTil.l-fl. rl-nll --t"--iyTmiii..a uraiust tits paraoa or property of ths defeudaut. rroadiiiKt lor soAesswea of sstw s ba jnstitsted or commenced oa such esav of te tm asrtii aiUrtk eivit gainisaiinii -at weTf apaeurs Mats shall bs sstsWiahediB arc disss with thsiaw th Carted Sutes. Jf jr j fracrspSi III laf Um same onier i BKxrffied at talOWSI i siwue .i W . J- HL.irL moaan iai aautabl art herehi dlrseted to pesd tbe sale at all property up. aa sssewltoa, ss stntssa sweat any Jwlraiant deero ut s aosu uf th h1W Ooufodsrat Btttin, rl taw Btsts of nMa eainareina auadbatwssa the wa. fUygt,,At,,liV and tb orgsuiastiut of Ik uravusousl government ml aaui Mtat aaatar Mwt'reaiJ.nl's ermaiiinisa of tb Win. isy of April, WHS, ss aj I Abe rJtsta of gtmlli taroluia. Klkdrred Setireen th ltn." flay mi Piinbsa ina, aad ah asnatatisti sat. the proswioktl auTsrusMat of lbs said Htats, nnder lbs rrandsars prwaaitHna af tbe Outlt.' way ef iuat, 1M6. nuleas tba. wsitttav. soawtti at tbe defcndant be sntersd of raourd, and sioept la essss where hs nlsislia an hie atteraey, bpoa uaib. anppwrud by sorxibsrstis tsstiaseay, aaiail aUsge that lb detkOant la ditBoauigof, rmo lag, orahsa rsato, bisarrtf beyoitd lb janadiotioB of the sonri. wiikiutanl4 V jfraud bis erwuujrs ; erovidsd, fhst no such Judgment, wttnas sbs 1 be a bar An tbe nraiiimtnauial in a Ikat court. of a eew suit upon tbe aamt cants of action In any esse la wbun, by law, tbe dutsnesnt may ra sKivs or appeal wa aaate w a eoort ot in yuueo ,4. - wanouiMeotaBB,iU.JJif . Tbs sale ef real at enrawnl wroperty.br fore, olosara of mortgage, Is baswiae suspended in the eases saibnated m psesarsebs H aait Ui, af said ordtr Ka, Itt aa abuv amsnded, exoept ia caoe where Interest mcttey socming snbsequent to the AHh. a!Anl. iaea. aball Bat Lave been said be lore tbe day of sals, and a4 previous restrictiout na snon ssms srs nnua. - - . - PsrsKraph IV uf tbs asms order i modiSed h) tnbstitntiul lb Ivib. day of April, 1964, fur the 1Mb. da of Mav. MM . . t . -r i .. Psraarapb V f tb tarn order ia modified at scrrt ow ssssc nasms. 1 ' ii All DroceediBes fnrths rsooverv of money 01, oootracta, whsiaer sudor teal or by parui, thtl oontiuersawa waiea wasuiepureuaseofHsvea, mad salweqnsrt to theiat. day at January, ijfHti, are suspended. Judgments or decrees entoreo. for sack eanaea ai auUoa aball aot bs sulorssA. Paragraph VU qf tbs asms order it modinsd s louwwat In sll ssla of mxmertr nnder execution ox bv order of any Omit, there sbstl be reserved out ot tbs property of any afendant who has s family w ussbvlb owt enatwa sjs wva asaasua , s Hssuaaitam, ejnf itass? 1 and spportensncea, and (if In the eoautry) twen ty seres t tssil, -er se much thereof tbs the whole aball uot exceed ta value tbs sum, of ft wo tboasaad ddlara , and ia a knrn or city, the im mediate kit apB vbaik snob dwsUiog ftsnafc ia lituated : sad asensaarr articles of furniture, sp- itrei, snBststewe snq rmpiewtemsi-qr rtnssxworv, trad, or other it.plo.vtuwit, t Ui value ,tiy uundred dollsrW. Tits homestead exempiiou ehsli taore oaly ui th Keasnt ef aiminea. IWkehsV larel, nbstsenee and rmpwawnts Of nttsbandry, bs sxsuiptUia auatl sxtsad ouhr toslotbiuc ind inapleUH4its of trads or smploymelit ntusU Mlmi ka kU. - . ml il .ul.. Ml, hsndred dollars, Tbs ex. muttons berebj m4J Miau iHia pa lunu or ovivairii oj knp u. auy defaadsfltWBo4Mst lawitr ilsaBudsatopsn Aim .or her for support, si,d the exempted property sbtll as asesrtained aa deaneA by tbi Bht-riff stoer officer n.rrtiug tbe eiectuiont ha,Mlj oau 10 nia aid s o lutptrt.ai oitisens to mate asm nary sywrsaiaaiisvliasd sbslt maws' rsrwm VUhflr1t jjiilasi ji". Lt, , ,4j ,.ausm.apn vnAiHWMNrBnnsx Paragraph X ia hereby modified su .JU, t sa fkoriae asrsst m eivit setioas eesymern only iu ssMbsretais4emsn4isMstdns,nlt skinabt landsot has bean guilty ot a fraud in contrat-ting ths debt snsd Bar, as baa stuvt 1 lid ay iapnse-vif tisproirtowistbBlisaxSB. wtibfae tu aen-saq nia srwuiu s, or 1 seoui 10 leave itM BUts wttk Bask nnsni t V-wwvnsv?- f 1 .e 1 wn Avn wTtwaaau eJt' rJB Paragraph I VI. 1 aajstided by adding thereto All proceedings in any eonrt of Noath Carolina, rsxmtfc Carol it, isnoeitatigSrssitnUraiiiixt the investment of tbs iuuds of Rain or betrsv or of females, er of Inttat persons, ia tb seearities of tUlaMtshst gaewsimasik, , on ,-Abs. assannns sf ihe States of Hucth t'snilttia or Houth Carolina, eraattdlui abspwiptti ef saiiybid osfwar agsinsl tbs OoraraasauAot tbe tluiud BtsUa, wiU ane- psoaeo. antu uis queauut et ins vain lily or suclt mssetmstita shall hsve twsntstarmia by.-Uts eonrt of Urn United mate, or by asvtienal Jsjja-i StttOB And Botbtng la tha provlaion of this pr-l ear. avaf thooreW Na,. tetBsm siM. hal keld to bar or binder th ret-overy, .by tuuVaf the saws or any nw neir, irmue or rnaane pertonj wea-nat), wbswaeraaBAdmaaw'bf ana- eators, sdmiuiatrslors, troatess, gusriiians, mas tera ar stlerk af eqaHy ssesu. -aud other aJnoi try tgenla, orinvsstsd by ylH in en-jAduiuaty JnaxxaAnif4Kr t. 1 mjj.sii('j" ." ,' liBnimsuanS 1o lftn : IL tstemal Ords xS, afxtay r lAurwi rotsu : ana ow ana aru ins nrat aay 01 January, IHOH. ths dia(fllsti of aviritann limiora In tin- MiUiary Pksartot -ill bs aliat to sm.hunitrM bona only ss srs Imposed by ths lawa uf the United Mate Bad ef the uUa of North til Bo-wajaruuBa, rstpsatittty.nM.in ilk-sSsJi , aattawnni. mi tavt U HI. Psrsgrsph VI snd TH of Oeaeral nrda. No. M, daWd May M, are revoked, and tha power togrsaA hunts tbrtbssstssf spiritoous or mtoxicaung nqnora -is reautted to tb propsr Iresl sutbortea, to Uke effect a and after Uie int. Aayef eaamary, Itwn, aad k be snhysettothe M VWUMT BjMBBBJtl LflBBl j L The municipal aathorttiea grsnliiig ihe 6 ssnss shall he tatwtmhit tba ths y train. te -bom saeh Beenses srs grsnted. totreLhae with their wretres. shall bs resposmble persons and ta! goad storal ttasdtm m the sommunity, sad that 001a pnneirsu ana suvasi SBSU Bs sills to oat li ly ItdtridnsJiy ia aeabls tha ereonnt of ths bond rsqaired, and that tbs bond shsUbsalian afasa, tbs personsl property of both principal snd tan-. Nee, aad apna proof of dahkeli ahall warrant tbe Bamatary seianre and tale af as macfc f she property of either or both ss may be aeoersarr to aatiafy ts IbrtaMar or tiwasd easts. . 1 Dnmkeanssa or disorosrly eondnst on the' premise ahall work tbt forfeiture of the Uoenae aad sf she nsaaltv af tb bood. 1 - .1 A Tbeownsrerkstper of any hsr-rsom, aa- v. vmwv wmm m. .wa utoueaTsinr uquovw vasoU, aad all stfaat Sersoas ioteristtaV as b. aooted tbers ltb, shall bs ngarded ss principsm assay 1 iliit grew trirent of atit as. aasiwroa, satmyor saber oassrder oosajarxse u tb premises, er directly traesaaM thereto. 1 A All bsr-ronau, sslesn or sther placet at hick mtuxicatiue baoara srs aula. m..ii l. elated B the Bay or days ef any general or local slsetaas), and tor the twelve hoort next araned. ivs hot "-"-."a Mi, iaei tns cttm 1 tas nous si sac atseuoa ; ana tbs sbei taaties and asvulut asm tbeshief of wnti aheriAi ri uur the eh let of anlwe 4 ahall has power ts direct the atosing ef bsr-l leat tad other place for th sale ef mlosjesns Bogota, wbramver B assy ha;ae eeaaary ia thear jsdgakaot ts praservs ortWr ed qnit - a C!.,, -T rwa-re and . aader tba Inaal reralatiofis or so, tar tb P"" 7ov, ia a- OerotM to tbe support ef the poor, sod ss toon as ntlmil wiD he turned ever to tbe ''-mmittiomia or Over, eersef thspoorsf ths Dtstnet tisaete. Citv at Towa ts which theyara aoonted, aad lbs Com missiiiBsTsarih iJssiiiswmst tbs end of each 1 ) "-r l-nntl Manlisl Usautxl at he Urvct tbs ssxnaut recet.ed by thesj dnrmr tbsBMs.spseif.viag tba name of the nartves trom -torn it -as rsesivsil , 2?52Um'?1nm4Ta Brder or try ths loeei prnme ntmUtnm, may be swJsrstd VT .TJ ilitty Court, aad apoa convirtkm the Coort a.v sard t, tbe mkwmrr a eotxTuei eicsiiog SftT per esa. ml t4c Inrtrvtnre or aZZ tad It nmd. Im-JmMmU ennXCoo! ba, snd Corowsrs ef Conntaes tad Dietricts. snd the police of cities sod Vrrnm, to bs vigilant im tb e-tsrermset of tbe pntice regwlation snd the nro. V? ?-aBWwiu tswatmg iKTsors. . ... , . . , , , , k.n,K!,!,' tt,i rwrt -if! V teid rr.' Bad (iw.nl tnoers n. su, ta smi keeiwvs. as nsiii mrad sftsr tbs Brat of Jm,,TT rV. Tt rmst tha BawtrM sr m esriBsed tw minor 010, an.j el'mimae t.i cost of tbeer maJot.:,, sieonm. n, mat-s. vrakjsvnU, sa the l;a. and hwt o.ra .4 ,,6 omots, report to th i"ni-e nf thir rm.r,T , thf net Coort til eorcr. u.r. n.k-.f 1 i . m n nnr ths arerwtiwe b t a,ii. dale t4 e'wnuiw. - .-, ( ier n--e nt ie..i,sr to the ei t.t toe t ... . 1 their Otxmos tb B"- r of r ar I ttsxa ssnisiiai of pi. f. n l - penal tonus of their enurta. I. . HtmtMi l anaSi liana T i I r I of babuu- sauh speuutl tenns ili 1. spot) the ntste Tri-aeiuy, siul ihe aeMtarr waaBUdsipmMaeeCrf lar atesawtrt nasr aaxUle. mm aa'k'a nosy Bead ebs Jtuleut stsasudaal! ' quaw, tn view of Lue sddRuLhJ?,"M by tbeu- s ressormWe sedition, ui,n " reset. tationsthrousb the fiovernor ufuTZ.''--xMb.aakwBB.x-p- ""i-w.aU- l" ' vn..' n- iw -t , rr j . , tofKoJi'ae buntk VmmZLTS , fat niodined that, ou and slur a. , Msrob. lHi8, aU suseer sura , " - X buwlVy the bwa of the UmieJ x,.tJ7 1 . ing a pilot emnmiaekMied by Uuiusd siatZ "I" psai.ueut uf pilotage, 4, ".; , ' a if . . . auarn cabouk bsu, eAr,.. .J.;, Jfl rlo mack of the set of the General V rth Mtate of North Car,tT. -Irf SI si start ' tlllls. tt.atfc. -ia.v I' A"."' Ut try, lml a. -kbo est, Wl ZL orportnona to lit and pay the fpoii iVTrT ""d TJerstmalisMe to the smSe! u 15 astvneirt, tm the 1st, e).y of Ap,if & ?',JH- eolleeted directlvfromth. Ini.i i..'"1" aiat SZZ the provZi!."; thisardssahaBsM apply ta tba-etx. bwf al furro"' fcWft tbat esaUa Mil IltV nut be enforced fine i,ii..i.. ..wzrTmmm be, the iir aaf of Marh ik. " a. ; A1rswnan4ofBfvMateleravk.i-. . c . vVltfMr , " LOUIS y CAZIinrV Aid-de-Cani Camn, Act Ait A.lj't Oeyt1 iCfanuao.A.P. C. A. A 0; aJm-m. tocxt 1 111 " BXSSSH BTI8CEI.IANT0TJS.""1 Jn . e.- am u -..' a , r, ' . .ff JsaaAArla,- N.i 0 ar F.flfi- at M- BLANK WmWiluJwHeQ8'Si, ; Dee. MttWf -Tiwriwr w . -( , OLD Ft'RNITlIKEBIFAIEED UI vu 'ft BENOVATED. t iat T TAVlaBTAINKDrfni MSYICTB 07 A daxpasesv: . BaSisfaotion pswsntieA .fT Old ItAttraaana renovated an. madavn April -Mt-tf u FavettslkV' 1 k, STENCIL KAMI PLATEf, o4auaiuaaisH4wtHtsB.san TTierVbOdy should have one I No preiwatiia nsvsrsdJ on aba aasth' a at aril) wot .U "rrWli-mrH f1?." atntr 'iaistylea)etaraameatt Taster 'BeeAai 7SW' w"it'Vt)rrii' Baleigh, N. C .t r,"r.7 1 -viw.' ij-r. ii.Mo ..' Bat VHUlki a iff T, AJS PREPARED TO A00OiwOrATB ni i- teen or twenty members of Uis Coevpnli, Aljo arttsrien i saraaswM Blv terms arssMeertts, TFARvl-lr EiriMCE TOR I WUl b Exohanjed for a Kesideua la '."""Kala'tftV .. . . U-A 0 JUXAf or 60!Otnt . a- B uUtniltoms, boallhy looscioa, Hat an srsr4,0'ehfce PrnM Trees, 'iid i ta ajnehjktBasVte ,m sitfeK'nv a.it Tlie tlwellins large aud honveuimit with til abater SttTnlll.ngt. An excellent loeatiu IrtV a l'hwanditiaiwt a. k. I . T 1. , .r ; . 1 V I VJ I i'lonr,,, m LsmtM irf . ttrTta,la'f vfuxm yml aaaj .t-arN-aal M towi nRvniEiv o tries w m.nkyt WW cw.isrittMtw CARD3, BOOK-j VANIBkT(t''a Jfottjer pn edoneajill tsase w Uuir iWefit anwatebwre env4al MppRenTwHk ' th rvy 4uatssl As aoacuta ths order ef Otir Tilrn'ln In every species of Juh Printiiii;. , 31 KsABHtU - H SWlLVi'riiW 1 av-wijgittmaaBjBi .-VALi-Er7"" - Ur to iZANESVILU-V Ollia. - i Vlrf ,M'. J' ' If t iNrflrr poktabix 1UM COR ff mill s A.vn m-, ; , -wo r-ia fLou&ixa "TneM rhftiaeeaiidaraeWvoT4weived"tlie firs) BaxamswersJt on is pen tors. They atford M beat, eheapeat, and most eoonomicsl power one and exoot in po-ser any Engine aiale Is tut VOTHSkr..? , s (1, ,t-r.- 1mm Eutine srs firrwt anil rt.iriyn.'Ulr tetej Bsnjrs leaving the works, snd are warraiiii in tu , respeh lk-rFelt sssdy Vf wuxmliate ' They are -mMiti toent n.os lumlier with bnMtnt A has expense tbaa say ottxir m ui P '?'. t I- ..... . . rut oeacripnona, price litt and other ojt'". ! ' r. sr f yH 11. ORETTr n, ' OmiUordLatnd Ar. iict. a i -v -s reeahotvt b. olsAent t S S i . f. v . Jane 1.371, DEMOAEST'a -TOOMv AMERICA, tbe beat Jnveail aUraxine. Kvery H at art btrlrbst see it ttvi so ; til tlie Preie jv at, ; ai.a Parents and Tescbera connrm it. D not f t aware Beepy A gsod MiertMSnps -lib t cylimkar to confine living objfx-f t. er s ond ,w b sded. nssri Pocket Ksife. and a larire rm-. -T of other dastrabla srtielea, givsa as premiss ts each saosonber. Yearly, tl AO. Ik, Bomber commences t new volume, riih o ir v - W JAMKINGst UEMOhk-V. i 47J Bmsd-av, be- lork. Try h, Bovt and Girla. ttneataea oopiea. sent, mailed free i j m-- Aor. 75-UT , DEMOiEsra MOSTHLT HAG A Z If. anivertkilracVnouied the JirxtAj f i-'V tUgaztos ef Ameitcs r anvnted to Ornmal et riot. Poems, bketcbesi aaslumttare and Vt"l Cost ages, HoneehoM Matters, Oemt ef l hf n', Pert.rf.al apt Literary Goeeip (moiu'''r'e d-paroiMntosanhtoM.t lantvtmn h s Mii-uC, AatuasTnents, et hr tliS best and protnt!y utii.tj a?ed with eoet'y rnfiv-i (fait stze.t stetnl snd mliams pat'erna i -enes, and a eontartt eaeona nt tr iti" !.--- -4-ties, with other tuM-tnl seri eii:ern,ti:.ir .!--- . No psri of rer.wcnwr t rniMMs-c - wife, or lady ol uie can an-'r t.. -to v l.il M'Klnl Mmnh.v. binne i : . . ' numbers satpciri'na 1;' -'i:; , ij't h - t tres. l.r v, $ m;t, a t e r-- 1;i . sonies. t o ; tirem - ; 6 - - md er-K-Dil i utci.-uiiti. f f i r . . uf !rt prt- i -. I., is i S A nnw V i....... , . v t- for auijocriiiT,t a: f . ' W. Ji . I i. i.-M.-T. y-. 4 i ' Is.t. N- V ' ' TVmrw'a T n.iir., and 1 v Iwrhi ! go r U 'h U S t);t.B.lUUit lot L-M.U. ftti) tui Sr 1 kew. ... v nj- .i I