1 in- JT 'm"'"?m!m?'J?mm f "sV 11 hiimi ii mm i i mm , , ' - - V i I, i i. ii I ' .Jt..r, t'" Jf , 1 r.-.- ft, UetfOUA?! ... X ,.TOIa III ,J w s f -11) 'f j I I - -ffiULY SENTINEL. , , ,. JJ frWiMJ riA" PXOPLB BAT.- kUd with aanraMM pup or i ,-tiM1 approbttioa t bit mot and proffon f popular tnpport itb m4 nd noarj ' 'wheuver Beetled. From MHg Out Biulli- i4M of wh witcr. im telrgraptua : pfttche elect tbe following M unipl "ofpopatar opinioa of th itutian oi kAuirf s ' " St. Lovtt, Vtib. t;-7-T! pwpl bnra tr utUin vou in bUr nT t ' i,Mi9 ht upboldipg tb Com it alius mhI r s tilting CoagreMionM narptiott. , Acoi'kta, Ml, Feb. S3. Tmut Mami.i tpyfuwi. i Out pu)il rody taiM jm with me or moner. : : 'i'-'i: ner Mid td 8tntm. "Stick" Yoa iro . right:! JJ of belieT lath propriety of jour ict of opoauci or voogrow oh lrit&X ecr 4 DeatocrmU majoritjr ja &iitMXftaimujIitMUntim voter will : aid yoa, whea teemtrr, with their- Hvea, their blood, or their, treunre, to roll back the tide of Cbogrearioaal rerolttlioB u4 Murpadon. : - - ' PMMtfiUV'TaTMrarf U OeiryV . tillj diapatch ii Ch aubjectof ndieult here. Kferybudy knowt tMit more a aingle oapaay oi aiihtia The vaaaei of oar per. pie at with yoo heart aad aonL Stand Ann, aa yon hare-' done, u the defender oi the Qonatitvtio.. PflMerlvaafa will hack Oweuuuu Fabmaril SS. Our foreiga pofwUNtoaakiaoat aivanimooalyi and a large majority of ourjMi popolatios, applaud yooraoar, aad are ready when " wantad to uitaiavit with their good right ami, 4 Obioaao, PebrOarf B. Keep ateadily on. Pgleaby hat made bimaelf ridienknia. Ha koaw when ba aent that diapatoh Uwt It wai iaipoatibi to fiU tba bill. , Whan you waat either raea or money, mora thaa half 1 the7 able-bodied ma in the State wUl promptly reapond to your call. , ifraT lTolKi February M.i-)ur 'bo4" holdera ' ' and butineaa men are aerioua , ly alarmeW r molatioaary aetioa ft Congreea baa oonvinoed theoi that it it oph lit tor miachiet. The whole population latat to tow far relief. .- Ther -will auatoin ton la prerenting the breaking Op of the oera-4 neot. ., tl neeeaiarTw joa paa .part,, nai( a million ot men ana tmuiont oi moaey ; f (kC ioUowlng letter Iroav Mti Hack, a large flour manufacturer, mm& the reform candidate for Major f New York in I860, appeara in tba mew y ark Juim ot Hoagay t "February U, 1MW ( I "IfciWtioB UfpM i tba I Btaro ereoto wbich took place la waaningion ejry an ' Satardaf laat rmncH me. aa an Anrertcin ,flzen,'-t3 jrrotts aguieat the arMgata - ampUbna.t ol ua ouminant power ta vow wraaa. The Praaldeet ot tba United Btatea. by Tirtnw of the anthoritT eonferrad by the Federal contntuttna ana tne lawa oi our '-';ountry; bu deemed hezpedlent to remere aubordmate ompet, ana u Tsaiateautne m.:eerciaaf tbia Cohatitutional right by the ... . Henate and Uongreaa of tba aatioa, who, re ' gardlea of law and time-honored praoadenta, "' thrtnh hit ImneachmanL Aa imrjeratira obligation deTolrea npon all who TaJue the puaianaiaaanrt parpemny or oar loetiip , tiooa-wbo aVtaira tba adauaiatratioa of obr Uorernment ta be conducted ia eeordaace with the prlnoi plea ' a poa arbieb it was or ' ganUed, and who feel, that our libcrtiea areataUka,' to aeanme a determined ob Doaition to thia flagrant abuse of a Ooniti tutfeaat rivilega. ' Thua impreaaed,' aad, Calling Bpon ail torcn luoir cuuuirj hi twite witb me, offer myeelf and all that I . poaaeaa to auataia tba President la thieeriaia. U 'And I hereby declare that I will iMtaln bo man; iomy employ who-will aupparttha ' 'fanatical party wbieh ia bow dominant In oar national cotincili ; that ! will hare ao mtarooorae wnatever wun aay man wno win ot uuhold tthe .ProaideBtif the United ' Btatea in tbik fearful Junctures aad, ia the areni oi impnonnena, i, can Hpoa aueiH- aqnewhoaeaentiraetita :cord wkh my ob f ' to make public tbeir tiwa, and nnite aaj wfgiiance couimittee 1 his tupport, and ioivc never to yield until our constitutional rifc s are aecured. K 1 , j . ' Very respect fully, j , Ajimm. PMultut : 1 A ... . f i. . V liiiiNAMiJi.FebruiuTSi- Totirfrienai in Indiana aend yowfireeting, aaaaranoea of etipportJia pur jlght roe the Coaaitutira. ' 'PrtwBrAaJPA., 'Fcbraary lL-Yob(; friend here are moring. Bemaia firm.U, Ba thou ruler area t the midat among tblne ... . enemiea. ..' .s - -: A O. Lwto, Prratdent D. O.t bobob B. " r. Krrau, Yioe-Preaideiit D, tt ; Wbiiw McbbaT, of the Hational Untoa Ora- ' itta Ancgnaay county. K lit -r. ' t-" I . n ife- t .(. JRt KmOencf Andrm Jokimn : - H f Kaw Lohdov, Feb. M. At a meet In (t of . :y tba DtmooraU of New London, bald thia , areaieg, the following reaalutioa waa adop ' """aad :" -L "": --. et4 Whereat, la tlew of the preeent reola tioeary attitude of Congroaa, acting, ait.' in . Veaden aonaeaa, ouUide of tba Conatitutina ef the United Btatea, and ia triew of tae po " '' aition of tbe Preaident ia reaiating nch ac- i Boohed, That we, the Drmoeratt of the Uy of Kew London, pledge bim our meal ' hearty aupport ia raneey, totta, or an. i . r' -f ') F. L. Aixbm, Cbairatan. " ' Mia) jiianiea frrrTrfriV''1'' RkwToB, February J4.-Jyacant , nana w JiJew York city it. with yu. We ' will take care of all Governor Grvj' men. 9H Wto Jf W e are ready fat tbabjaua. Pottbthxb, Pa.f February t4.-Uphold Yigonmaly tbe eierntire andjudici d tfa- pattmenta of the Government afat any lv eabal that attrmpta to dntroy titai, and i ; V. "" h people Will Mt'ttin yon." " ; -V-y.j ;. V f'ia D. HirPLK, I , Chairman IVmocratic 8Uading Cciumittee, f ' . SchqylkiU county, Pa. .- w.i U; V4i JJ.t.m, FrtttJerttj. 4' ' ,. New -EieDrop.o, Wiiw.. Fet-runrr 4. , TaHI te to!ned in ertutins the lawa xfy. iu nndertbe Cooatuutiou iaSew tciaud. an -feMtNa fe rw vtj.ar to aublub 'fiiaBanfc- Wa raijaUif. mtai at anppaeibla.fe U laakea )eV apaaaa aHae. Ja.oran kWj W nadera may eaiUrataad H, aud may Uierefure b litUa hi tm uupoaod upoB Vf partiee, Whejuf aniBBewat ae Mriataata 0t Uaua.- have taken aoeie aaiea to eompUe from aeTaeei eoaeaaa th f(;Iiovn: g gt-norst Jjrmrtflf of tbe Aet, far aba. twuOi rf 4 ,Uo. RiupUtf kx-Yit) tta kiaeaia. .. Bat aaali iaT aUi 4rainfcia Mi k) determine l.tAtUy wfa thejrWtavAai aatU tbey bat bid Uie fiimeJ eabect4a; aa ratalMaiX Aateeaaf abaat aW M w i -' 1. The maiilieat Aeaiga gt aae Baukewpt U ta Iwnunt fUmr but,wir'nu(?, de1orr,bea f -HI, T-weuaWHeiutroiailoritLii iejU the debtor ni r!-X l awm, bu U i AelU the debtor Birfrfa at tm'which,- a way w luiJ. ..,',.,,; : , a. ieiuwiMt aaabsetlM Hiakriipt 'Aot ace re quinad Ta4er a aakedaleal thanrAabaaeaw liabiliUea, af tttru kind aadaVamiprhia tf&aareer-, a4alaoaawauorf fall theinaataaa, aotb teal awl y iiwiaat.-aneia iiia afl aeoearty ,aad f facta of Whteh heywre eoawwwd, ,-ar ta wbieh tueraaa haro an idUrert. Ithongli not tn w iimi mil m-caoloraiitr wili aartaiji "Forma eerteca fc tlm fieia OrW ef 4he1aaraaw Court of te 'ynltedBtate Theae 'etteeotta. Mzuuavjtuaiam.wua peuuooer nrora Dtatraat Court Jodgat I'-eaMtwr ia Sauaniptoy, or 0 B. Cothmtaafosef', nrttt acomupanf tbe Mti- tion, and, when, ndvihauimeoeciae ef prooawunga in HanantpMii. U aieaM foandeat, aondhi ntoeewliiiKa at anr time before the bankrupt ia diacharfted, that be baa. by any abiA uc asbrfiue, fuult a ialae or par tial ecaedule, tola woald be eTijence of fraud and waoht aaftat kk) maabatM.1 StSh ntLiHi&i 1 i Whew thepetifcOBiU by ftf or cepartper- akip, a fttl aet of aebeduiee ef the leapeetivi aa tataa of th wtmtonjft thf(;8irai;ahonld aiae be a. Whea thepetitkai ia atoa, the eaaa ia inane- dJaUlTrefcrrwJ to a BiBiater.-wbo examine the petUioB aad anhedulaf annexed thereto, aad U taey ar mini ia form, aaakaa a eertifleaU to aataBeet,te tie tM with the Cawfc, ad Judfaa tbe debtor a Bankrupt ahd iaanee ' a 'war- met ta tba maaaaseer to lummoa all the eredit- ore named ia the petitiader, aehedulea to moat attha Bagiater'a eJaV;i a tertaia tfnit ttnd, jltaa,, aeaee waittaNrat aadeiaet aae or more Aeaif lea to take eharge ef tbe Bank rapt' ee- 1. 1. creditor eaa. howeeer. orore hie elaim at any time preribaa to 'the Lift dividend, whieh will generally be eix monthaanbaeqaent to the adja- , v. ae creditor aaa any atandlug in a bankrupt won VDiu am prvrva uim ouiio. . ; . . i 8. CYodltora bate aa tight to compel the Bank rupt at anawer qneetiona ooocarning tbe diapb aal ef property by hhn aeqairad anbaeqaent to filing a yetitioa ia ttankrnptog, , Jin ether word, the date of the filing of tbe 'petition by oragaimt eebtor, ta the date at wbieh, if adjodiottioa bf bankruptcy JbUowa,thelderder of thing paaafee away aad a new leaf ia tumid over."..JOn Una point deoiaione have been variant . Theaafa rule awpaareitoki4hat the airBtant to Bankiwatey baa a perfe4,;tisbt Jaidt-wnaver he hM made alter bia appnoaUoo, by hie pereoaal exer tioea, bataay preatabeaaayhaveaaaaa,fem m- veetmebt or credit, may be liable to the eUlm of J the reoeirer np tp almoat. toe averted of bia dla eharge.. ,4 Xtv m ef5 5 9. .Tba Bankrupt eaa apply to. the Court at any time after the expiration of eix montha; and wlth ia one year from toe edjBdtftle,for the diaoharga la bankrnptey, and in eaae' no aaeete eome into the handa ef tba aaaiaaa, aaa (let be proved agautat hla attataatjany Um after the expint tloaof aixtydaya.'. . , . "" " . . 1 ' , lfl Aa aoen aa-atf iaanjwae ti elected or ap pointed, the Judge er rteghHaf kwnt aawvey to him, ,ty dd Of trtgitni(nr Mjer-bankrapi'a property exeept what itexearpeafvbi.' "Bonec. hold awl ktteheafnntlttrre'anl ether aeoaeaariet bo, ewwedfcte, value 19003 fie hanareddotUr; aiao bia wearing apparel and that ef jiiewif and children, and each other property not tneladed ta the forrinf a id Exempt from levy aad aaie apea exeentitn oeoUn' pitiiaae by the lava of the Btate"f irhteh tbe bankrnpt reddea; t" an amount not axeeeding that allowed g . lleie ex emption lawa la loree in t86a, TAiaala onnei ler aoggeete, Bnder tbie bead; thai the- eommoa Impreaalna that aurtoneanay beeome bankrnpta and j yet, be allowed to, aau) tbair, booeea and land, or other property of eonaidarable value, le agreatmietak;e. Uaaer the, 401, as hnot Baok rapt m tbil state 'mi bare allotted to hi, tree from Oi operation of the Aet.exaeeding f700,be aidee the wearing apparel WblmIf and "famfiy Bankrnpta la tbia But era aoteotiUed to ane ateade aaderthit Aet .'l'iiijivsJi'' J, ! T M UkBheaeftaeaeelgaM,witMawe4ty day after the aeeignrneat to hi i made, to allot ta (ha bankrupt aooh articjee are exempted, aad file aa imveaterp ef the earner with aba value of each 'article 'eer aBetted, aad ereditore nay make objection to tbe report of thaeeigaee tat any time within treaty daya after it ta filed. ,. f : lft. Ae to eia a hanavapaby fireoaediiige, - ttoa an of the Baakrapt Aatprotidaa that theae- Htioael', ftefora a 'Warrant taeoea,' hafl deaoart filty dollar f ith' the BegUtsr, er With the Clerk, te hedettveted, to the Begiatar aa a aeearity for hia feea. General order HIT providea that tbe ateeot the Begiater, Xarahai and CbrK ahallhe pfwpaidor eeevradeerore mm he-eeeaaeQed to act. ' It ia alao provided by etaerl order I XX, thai whore (the debtor faaa ao meant, aad1 eaa Bfweeahe fiaetto thwatiaf aetiew af the Court, opoa appIieaOon. an order, wtu be made reqtfLreig ail the eoate In the eaae to be paid oat of th fifty dollar dpewttd with theaVgeaaa. ,1 hnwevar, there are aaeeat, bat not enough te pay -he Mee eaager altai dedocahig the Baokrapt'e eweoapted eroi)etty,otht aatbtne; tb hito tbe od of the Aaaignee, the foe will bare te be paid hy the Baakrapt ; bat if the AxttKnee .receive aeaete. the feae of the tieaaengerwia be paid by hue br fbreaay avideartfcwaade among cteditore ;'' Jli anppoee that JM Reiter le anlitled te tot toe. i The aaeaoi the BcKtetec, BTnaaer, Oerk, and onto of pabaeaetoa -irf Wntwee te Bankrnptey, kre fixed Vf laW.and if they demand higher fcee, tbey are liaU,e ia. other saa of wialreaaaaeete floe. tnanMryaeef Baaho ruptey, the fcee mf mount "to ttoa. fn tome mie aum, ic, , lor ithe e,tc3cienduig on tbe eexMBt f labor aad bugitkm famAred te nckim ..-.-.. ,.--: i.vi ; 14 Differeneea of opiuion amaagiiorafthava exieted ta thi ttua, a to tne limit whilh (h Aetaukee aetethe Hnei ntki appHaatinii la Bankrnptey. Borne bare "ippoK.l Uit f-n, fcl eifihe permitted teapot? Jur liaakiufrtcv a itr eeme early day hi Marsh, -wnl.' he eVor a nay fifty per cent of hi k'l Wv ir irai.4 tba tbif ia .But the case.; Jb l did aot into operation tor U perpneeeter wfaidi it e-aa enaHod eHil J"-1 1't. 17. It gim twlve mmiUm fiin i.ai, w a I h n-t d. bbra, hrTernwT ie ih intent oi their im:ltii. nee win' li il-i-t e::Tnt py in W-b to pteeeat their er;1! . Atur uie L-t of 3nn nett, ewy o. n it be ante to ty titty per rent of bit bt-MH-.'-. i" orrlr to a u.-cfuful aa rii-fttKio in b ' b t;?t dt-taie iii cmiwiut ct a nj y ol 1.J creditor . -"ii- is. ... . : i JrTUMiKIl IHlOAXi eV -Co,; t, a. nat- - aao. d. nxvaa, .Da tauj ewia. AND ' T'M w J ; I ' aw- i. L.n. . . bbV - Ja E lr r' ftOKtlUa, TeWl 4i f Refer to B. H. Bmith. Eaq 8eoUaad Meek Biea. au B. Venae, Charlotte ; U, U. faralev Cow.K.Morra,4 Co, WUmington !Geo, V X Haywood Kaluih : Oea fV'ade liuhuum, Seeth thtTSLt1- peUr8 f KADGB IOQ8. J !M)V(i JOS. BWflfli itauisu iCcnerai . Cominlislon "MerchaptM. NOBFOLK, VtVi-,"''1i I ' Qra1Cg4(. O to alee oi f3ottea and all other kind of nao- mm mmup RHni naoe,v i ii ai f .. Oar kaig experieae in bamnta gbrea Be enpeV' rior advautagntm aatkiug aaie t tba, aagbeet market pi iam. ,. . Uotiuu lurwardfed to Xitarpoal Jtm-ultaimtU- hin. .. ,. ., . , , ' . Liberal advanee made en prodsee ta hand, i , Tbavzluxo Aoxirrn : Hnjor Ja M, Mnyo, W Ednwonibv. aud Ur. Jan. li. Hancock, at Milnon. who will ba pleaned to turnuh any uiturmatwu facility to Uioae ahippinc to u. Kevenne Taxe on Colli. caa be id here ia aB eaeeewhuuBrererred by ahjpjva, aeoording Korfolk, Va., Nov. T - tt BOOK 8T0BE&. linen WoxiAwa, WILLIAMS LAMBETH, No. 40 FaretterlUeSte EalclsS.C. rj.1T. C...1 a t uva atusn man BuuutuaiBi i DEALERS IN ALL KIKD OF aBLefTTarerT af aT T T aCt ttTANUA BD AND JI1SCSU AKEOVS VOVO. MA3vKlC BOOKS, JEViTiXS AUJt t BOOKS ON grQCK AKJB AGBICC1,, , I TUBE; STATtONEBY ; l'RIST- ! ' ., ... " . fi t Tm '"'I ' ji' IVl I VT ,1-1 til. I PAfKBrPlUNTf lil; I 'i y l Hfl - BUPPLDSK; ... SCHOOL AND OPTICS JWlXGe-1 albttuth - .... ."iv ' ' "' ' WBrOBEKr. ! i ' Ml i i ....,. TANCY ARTICLES. Aet " ' We ar new leeetting new euppliea, and will be eonatantlr making auub addition to our HMofc a ill enable ae to binnnh every article aauaU' kept htaya-Eli.t w- e! " Our fatulitim ar auch aatoeuaUeu tofiiriiuA in a very few day any articla aot an band, and ail order will have our prompt attention. . , Onrboninea will be ootiduated on the ekefi evtem. end every article nid at the very lowoet prioee. 1 - . J WUJJAilH LAMBETH., Raleigh, ApriH-!7-U TBrnert N. C llinanac for MS. W SHALL PUBLISH, hi a few davit, the HKCwnr KDlTlttn of the above Al manae. - 1 1 . . . We kave redaoed the price to W bnndred. of per thoneand. .,': i. , Mend ynnr order to 1 .... .--.v. ' , , v - .- WILLlAaW A LAMBETH.! 1 - t V'f - "I Bookeolletaaiid HtatioeWM. BiiKh,Oot.t-7-tf ;.ij.. ItagantndXUutrattd Sewtpaferm. RKCEIYED WEEKLY, and for aaie al the k tr eat prioee, the popular Magazine and ifiue traied newepapera of the day- ; v i ' ,. JAB H PMltlM . . . ;,Nov.,l-at-(f , ......Bookeller, it 11 1. 1 fiONOBESS TIE ENVELOPES. KJ , 1 Aartaiehy t J. H. ENNIHaU Ot. W l-tt (,. M.aitookaaoro.i'.i'i MISCZLLASIOUa -31 TT5 1 J ' I 1 1 1 nwi -1 1 jr a u a- ivii, i , .ii i , ' -.'. t ; ' 1 1 ii -' 4 f r'i:A re-, i . : , . . ia- t 1 W 8IHOK KS HE W FA M ILT iwMAUHINES I " " CAS BE HAD At1 y A I ' KAHUFACTCREB'- PRICES By Calling- tipontlte Age&cy la BAlgi h, OVEBTHB HXSHRB. TUCKKB A CO'd STOftK, fTiHS an pari or aMnt of th "Singer" Jtehiii-t A or ail otbera, fur eitherunuiy urn ornum ufattmrima parpo. ere ee well eaubliahed. aad o geiMrally admitted, that aa eneuierMiua at ineir mauve eioniieaeae M 00 awgr encMdand neneaaary.' J -.. - 'i j.. -1 o - J . Tbe macMMt he oaaeUt etetpW etMueeec. durable and beautiful. It la qoiet, X ght-ranaug and eapable of perforwdng a range aud nni week aever before attempted apoe a aiitgi ra- enne-aauig aiuier eua, twwt, nnea or eottoa thread, and aewing with equal facility tbe van rmtT and eooret aiateriaia, and anything he tweea tbe two extxewi, ia the JBoaty beaatiuri aad aahaaiariai manner. . . t ( - W.JI. CROW BON8, . JeaJ7-U-l f fnr-; 'A : . Agentol etOUai W llLVbDALE, ;;.at ATTOBSKY AKD COUKSELLOtij Al Net. S, Hay trt, Fgtr(tniirlV. C PMCTTcWtelto'suuaad' Federal fwte and m the Court of Bankruptcy for the td t amraatenai Dtetricb" t - .1 f I'moiot atUMtioa pvaa to all bnnimwe rnlrae- ted to hia earev Uaan enUected enywher hi Mmh Caroiuie. ; ,rateWfMe'--va,ft.j ,mj rebt-150-tf To!forr8Krs. CITV PROPERTY TOR SALE. T0 tVuvnient end eWtrable HOCgE AKD vrrx in rbe Weetera Ward of the City, ea HcDmreH Street. ' ' -AImi. a MOUSE ASD LOT, t.a rveitrille 8tr-t. Tbie t good property. Api Wi ' nv fsrmatioa. at tbe - sesttsel ornot llaleigh, Jaa Jt-MMf . L AUDI LABDI it 1 i'attiijp fi-lined Lard, in 25 lb ba. 11. " " 111 " In,. . .. . f if keg For eete by..s , t i Dee. l?-liHI : f . DOCGLAfi J1U TH0Vi?t3MITU,rT i li;XKtU(iV.al. , mt'i a VimM .(urn w liwtt j , 1 UK LA KG K 31' uTOVK OF t IJpnnB TA'TK OP TlRlSIWIA. 1 1 wtmnranaaav-.t Kali Trede,1 altw tekaooeetaia tnik tlo ft Ibetr htwiwl pa. muetaj, anuotuiig at uie muiw tiwe tta ruwtr out tinnaui'ti.aantiriug tbeia ti..tt uti tilm-t. aill be tparvd n iukeit to the trim, i ...t wi-!I a plsaw re tetnake thcirpnr'faii-ii .i me- Tlio; IhiUow ine: meOiunnduitij ttkotie tMrM0ftt?, will gtve a uUiaeirf io-ia ui tiio j.iicrjivvn- - . . , jT ( VrnttUn' Xi jfitaoala. . , , Blaea and1 culured hilU. la great variety, Jntb Poplin. blf!iali and yretM-bropliu, lTetioh ate riney 'tiaiwiriiea, Pop itep. Crwime, uinree Otuth.Uioma.lliaii we.VetiiuunteiMaHUM.Mou- I 11 1.1. k.I. ! ll .... F.badiia. fismanJia, te8Uejdr4 .and Hajtt j WiEBBatoMHoa if d lcwav iBtaMarSe'aaidnM' tneertibira. Ran, hue; Hoeueina, haadtiiea i Aagiaav to dlwurk lniKrtuig, WIUrirt.'tniHiin, . eiaimmok EdgingB, Ilainaouk LMertini, Haiaa.aud Uam bri.- Oollara, Brntm and OMuhrie Collar aud CaH, liaea OoUare aad HuH iv Ueiau aad Bugle Uolbua and UuiUkual fouit Collar and Cuila. keal Point Sot. Ileal Vilentia !ollan ami Catts, ImatetMa aXttian Oette,-UHHBeeoiiara ana din, Beat vat. Laoee, Moat ,J Dream Meee, BealCluaey Lac&'alUuipitfau4 llunitna Laea Heal Bruwiehi Lo, fU a) Bodkin Luoe, Poutt Leoa HandkrvMi4i Valeotia Laat HatMikerebiei. iun i ... I itttaao Leee llandkteehltni. J o ... ..i,lv.f jtwrffi ' r a; . I . ; Cleake. bawla, ia km ad tqiurt, h Ml dm and Ladiea, ftoop .bkirta, lUuHnala. Bugle aud Kibboa, Trimming in large aiaurtinejit ; )t. Milk and Fumy Button, Taffma krbbom, Narnmr Wa teKMi MlMiflW, for limawea;. Bet ta bbeae, Worea ted acd Alpaca Braid. Mohair .ttnuda. fialoona tlibboa, forXeimanag.Biet MiMhhm, Wore and 8av Butdinga, Comet SfJila, JCiKaag Braid. Mar Braid, Uigic Bufaing, ?Ulij aiVl faitov Hair Ntita, Ao. China and AgatS BttMAia; f ull hue ol Blaea and Cohaed Vetea dajli Wt-w . r i 4ee. jtea-al' aluilii t .uurtiiwf ,vrwrMaeMtv " f . ! Moribo, (ko. Oraht aad i Heat, .- rreaeh BomctsilMi, Xtaieee, Caulta CWlb lrtK, Craoea. Barathea. Poplin. HmDrivaaClolh. Vat niaa, Veloouues; rVndm C'kih, MmMliae. I hnU lie Ateeeee eaoAtehailv ot dla rney nbeal Leaipiu' ealaaaated tanOaaita( .t yxt ,- J Halii.TidaiidHtriued(!tailrU), flabi, filf rnd Htripwl Janinut. Ptmti, 1'lalif and Her i pad haniaook. Hain. rated' aad Mfriid atuB MJui. lHiU4,l'il .aid Mnped f wtaa Mntiie.i i'lvin. , , i I'Uld aud titriiwd bieluip Lru, Rijtl tluixli JacoV new, noii.jiiiiHu mteioric. rii.pniHn i .ting viiiiiUNj reRey Maraaillea, 0., Tarlettma, Whit and eV oiwi, urKawno. ihkimi and rinurmi awl itriy, IkHMB, eieatk)Wiieii..').,-ji wk1 ,w, Iiea!urn1tkii4 tludnrveott. lirnyaie, . :fir.lii', iLwIi- 1 Uiead Hums, lical Englirh rJnm, ItiTinui Itoahiry ta f rtiat variMV.tur MiMte.'tJifdna end t wlwat. Jie' Bream Hum, ataAiea' alieok aiid ttlale Uiwe, Hid Ulovu in larxe acaortmHth - liite," Ubuk anil colored. Buillu, and Taread Oluvu. br ail iee, OarU-ra, KlenUc ' Heir, Tontk and hail Brnaliaa. Dml H.elL Horn and Ontla I'en-ba Conito,. Veii ta ixel U jue MLwd Bunevredand Bttgte-i'riBiMHHl k'l iaJ.aate.,t . oirirllca.;f ( 'BieacbWani' Breen CWlon' rlheeiing and Shirtiuga, Bleached aid Brora Jean, Bleached and Brawn Oautee riaanel, llaid,- Striped and Plata Oaneburgnv TukaiKa, Beneian. liickney, liuikury, Dougiey,! tAluxi ia all aha popalar aiakea y OiugUiun in myery Ttrisly. . J Ilmuaeaf erptBtT Dr-rmrlmeat. . yianncla .plain and fancyC' Blanket, Oarnete) Tapeatry, IbnevPly, hnpwan, Ingrain. In all weal and eottoo ehaat, Veeeuee, Itemp aad CuU tag f;arpt!e, Draggete, bag aad hvm Mate. Floor Oil loth. Lao. Mi Will 1 moto,. i.oe, juimin, lirooaieiie ana PS. , .... 11. vu. - ..1 1-1.1. rinAM, C. Ul. ptmaak Onrtaint, Piano aid T Dai .mekv Stair aar Table OdOteth. Napkin, Dot e, Towel, Maebabaok, t)rah andOliwiUnen, Linen and Cotton MlieeUjifa, inail widtlw, Fillow lanena, maraatuee uniiiiM-panee; jaequara ana Cotton Diaper, Linen intpert, Bird eye Liapere, Iriah linen, Ae. - . .''i -"J1 .twn .ji-eKi ..!;-! -.t-rf-!-t .vt i Genta Farnaiavltig Ciatevda. i All are reapeottully hmied teinapeot my etork before making their purehanea, U emivictwa i, the tree way to enoceee at hi aeenre th interest of year waioaaurwbr obargiur theeaaa hw poe ibl pn fit en good . 3.'hi lae aver beaa my motto, and. the Urge . bueiaea hereuifare done eneunragei me Inalieruig atrlotji to it. v Tnonti BJHiTif,"' 1 , !HV.'M Sycamore 8f..Peterburg,.Va. ''Oea,UM4 w w.i-. .J . ti" 1 h,) ' ! I at v-4 ytn-l Ii .Ji n , Ldvi . Wahaveart reetdved hwa th moat eeliable 6a gTBTtetA itt-the ejiiry,: Wlargw Wee ef aVreeat taarwew, g.atrw, ia aad Mm4 I, wt' . -w fr. -" Artfchnkl 1 "t tttihei . .ii Aeoaragn v ! )o-nnaia 'ajkna uiHi groooB- VeaT" ' Broijell Bproate Pepper .it- abaege fw ir-nf PaiepkiB. 1 Bhubarb, iirv ' Sqnaah Oollarda .ativi U;' t .erakaia trr:.i In Oae or Pcppergrean Toataio , ft ' Baibe ' flordt draw t Liocnniner. Ki-g Plant ' tv Leek .n i Orchard d '',.'-; a .Kr-BJoearateni! f. e t3 wjih .. da . ... , , . . . .... auxl Lawa aad Kil.. Mib Which waea at the teweet markiav taaa Fob '" '"l' JOBDA i fARi'lJ Wneleeele end hull Driinrlsbk - - rwteraoarg, Ta. iSMeS-tf XI3CLLAS0U1 a rtrtrre-aitiina fcwatct j iv OP TH tWTEWTIOW OF NORTH CARfW' Una. eaUed teamind the (kmeutnuoaaf th Sitte, wiiioh aaihd at Baltiyh. Juitttih IDOm. ' W hae a feweopieeof thee b uka, whtch we WW eetl at t each. "- ' - Feb laVICl-aT ' J ' BKAXBtm at JONKS, : -- .. a; nBja:--.iT ''. 4 LAROB enpptv, ia htrre and afl bladder.' iV AIm. iu pa. a' aod buuate,at maaataeuirrr' price. - . . - - . . - v rrwrkcra, (Yacker. in UESH Crasher te-eiar aaeatvwaj by A Fibil-lCi-lX , BOUGLAS EEtA. "HI A RIKA, rot, EGO, BUbUROOX. SPGAA JL and horta i eera. At Iab4ar r : ' Wbl.kfTt wTTiKkpyt Ofi I5nf'- r"Br'?J WfeVey, Full proof, An rxtn.ot trtn-nt t.f Wrnai' and othT Li'ioor end a fteh fijp'y of Cor-Vade TITY nr.. ib 13-159 tf ' W. E. J0M3 A 00 T Tr--'-.'-; - fit XT JH-JUt tiRm tm'.'mmt ap.rtW'MlHf f th,T rt i, , LIFE. INfiimA.NjDCOKTJLNy; niiroij tt ' v..m ej m- m wti jy. tiajj "jmj.i-i i, h , ' j i-iHt-!f f - 'V .tat.At U in , 1 r-1 i!lri17ulr.;r' 'w"' rtwr 4t A Tt- .1. - l ain! tlAtl nmnitmi -i ! ' . .b pacr, arv W lurtaafunr uitHtivi 1 v, , U. l MBtK'af i'-avalitd'frem'uV T ?',rfl,rt!' ,7" ' J .-M , , 1 TH0UBAIJUG4 O.tSTON BAIL R0A1 JL CttrAMV,'to the aeouleaf Kortb CMaink'the AtW teviil! it!il.!.-lIT. ItTf.?J . Jt"'f LINE, -.KTU AM) tifrt Tu tt waMutealOnroriaPV, the ptng-te4eeiLi . unl. J mm n,a ,.r,,L ' . i 1 , 1-K kiiuiim Mi.ci.tlXv firr.towU the general fund Uonging to UMteeaveeV t VTiZZi l . t'" Z P . It bM pan ever too oillt of Urn, tit stiU ooarmitisa a ei.ua. i I i ', ' ! aier.a.iaara-Hi.pa iit 0mpifiyd dug aatva buaineea ' I " ' "'!' K. IT WII.I. MOT Ivnl'HB im n..i'M ,i v . . r . . , ? .1 . ww m went wa tiaroaaBiaU i; r .u te .IwiM A .f V V 'r r"'--f ti l-j-'-tu tffi'' l5r"f MXnif&tofl Jid yoar 1807, u'Aa A W ' '(' oocn Ownwy ha&to pitH isle , .a iH.kii , t ,r , .,Mmi,V 4rMtM.iw,; . - I rxiwvECTirpT MstvaL '. ' t ' rgorrtaui. ft. ., ' r - r ,wcrw-.m i.vv..viiTirtV.;i,Mrtj..:j;.i ?i . i . 'i i j .1 , t,,. .iii' Th FHfEMX SUTTTALeflVrapi-caliar iudtaieeMai a auinna wua et-gam te reeiience and t fel I AWiee otaeaamuB are-atade frem are-eaade from knprNal rf ii. 1. JVfttrilW VMee, g tw i no jki Fof further mfothihtion, tpph r the Travelling fn -veHrf n' .iiiiiKi 'f tem! .tut: : .I' lJnB.tJM-een.,i .v?i ai!.w 111 1 Q "i f Jn i iarfK- w! j-"iisvuf 1 ? ertti ,7).. a i Vtg- itoie. f)?- ,,V J ii jj iy.rft "J a' .' tai-ame.. nt t?-tA ...C 'f iiiii' ' v-. ti. ' 5 !' ' I n if uKot MtJ '.lit. 2 i2 wi . r-t .lllaena'Q"af H I 'i t"-Ji'le p 1 : ! ad 'i-tefi.a-ifii. 9f.i ! 4Miliv ail - at ' V..'e .f .'i, it i it 11 mi te , , ;,j m 1 (i a) ltd 1 . f.i 1 ' B5 ' I , 1 H 1 ' 1 'K ' " ' ".-I. nt a'li ".J,!,, ABSQfLUTELY a RtSTBiCTlON' it if-HlfiuM l..i,i .vuaMM eiif ,l.eiiifiH.tt atxw T ,.t .1 j. . )" . in in)imuin jonneti, ana " ?' ..7....... .1 ! ft tiai'w oil Hit) policy ia case f I I 1 1, 1 " ft' , j.;.jij i.."4 THIS OOMPANT'OFFRBS PECtrLlAn A VAN A- X A ; I IH 1 ' I'"" ' v liberal coMPANYlTiiii- to jted 'fimja; Be ratee being lower Hum taote ef dtlier tnmiwnlet. ,a ' mit -1 P w .... ,.- 1 rfji in . i ( , j, v,. ... 1( . .,, ,., ;j 4 1. t omoe. JXo. I -a l.nrottU wyi Nw,YorU.Clty.V WM, WU iWLaVAaMT. i f '' f tflRISTIAJf l'aaOlCtt." Ptb. luformauoa gladly fnrnUhed fo'detaii, by umIk 'u J J .'cacb fV5V ' vf 1? afhva i .' I tt f - J ,HffHt 1 "till v' r 10. ,iv)hiJ.,ip,,-H',ii'r i ' v i-"'! i. ( W ! ' I i Raleigh, K.C Bee. 33-ll-tm. .1.,. . a .uimrai v . , DEY GOOD! 1 II tf.m. td (. ui.iiT,.v tttiiw el - ThteviiiH rf ii tfl .twiii 11 a ylwmejtrjrirf ee ii ol W LOW au t tbero coai t - - . in ! j j , Udii A JPHi im tUU AaUllaiele), f , tisvu '. llnitJ anitt ..TMHS'SI i Ho't ae ajt.tnnj.'tli ol .jmitaMj ! a li at a - . t . -in ii il vwi. I - 1 So. SH.Faygtte-rilla it i il(l-5 tdi RALEIGH, H. ,C , M ir , ,,i Mi. .a Jf : I , , The Senior of thia Arm baa bean aelling Ctood fur the ktat twenty yeera, hi tbia market and eaa aay to onr frienda that, eonetdertef all thtegt, iHiwaul i- - 1, 4 . " ; r . . 1 , 4 .JXXTH, KCSJl OE CHXAPEl att v-ili .-e.w-'Mpi ei:tft V STOCK OP .GOODS si? ta vbV'sJ1" -i.- W Ws" sJr-si'ir.J Te effer tbem than they are now opening at their tore. Wo. 21 Fay. tteville atreet. Raleigh, H. 0. ?i , . ..RvH, w j.Yovha "October l, lM7-tL , , ' ' . V..- iriSCELLASEOUa. i JTOIW T.' DEvYUCSE, l i' Attorney t Law tnd SegiaUr la Bank: c.ii t..ai w FRptF-i't naiw tTTIUV FBACTICE I' ALLIvT OOtaTiTS , tf ( tbe Baakrapt Omwt. r ammj itJ., Balcigh, Dec ibJ lii-u ." u. . ' ..HM.'W UUllHIife , , " THE MOST IJ.nOItTA!S"J! . AgTintUnjAl ImproTemeat ef th Air ! flllS UTILIIY TLOW.? ; , r PATENTED AUGUST 1607. ! AS A (TI TITtTi" OF AI L V(,VSd CaoPM. b b nt nrf.Mr,l nneq.i lid. I.r tie B, ii.pdni""l wnn, it , U, a-tv-.'i.j"t of i . ' . ii ii.:iri.t i-n - (,t i'luw, t ,vi,.y of n.o--e tS.nfi ine b. f . r .-t. te eel eenntf rjhl of toia I b ebt41l0 Of v" . w. B. v JmJ rWWJd K Jin t,r il fc tia i an mw.-nj I il -' e)i 'y pv7 iiwoufciataeuaaiid-Iurop'aiaH " " 1 U".'W.- ta,rai af OafVa, i,a tjiifl .nitit'.i their tofNtw "York 'ImtctByoft M fefirt - hStoln'd ot&' wwt if As'dA a rxi( dollar of Liability , .'.ji1 r.sTt i r K tii r'9Ju vreHnnwD.twM fit N .'..;:..,;:::.,,,i.v:-r.'.t;:: i?i ,lV.vA1","Tf;'B;''j,,"4',,"''''1 " ",'l,i' J'w n'fJl .jlaV f ef the SoathaeM UudL k.' ittf ekllMiaaa (en euaa Jt mm "rB porta ta the hand, of the igbnl of the rjomnaot ' HARTPORJV ClMt:, kiJd toaiTv " Agent, or to "-, 4 J id a a ii Hvw , ., auuAaj n. BAULZY , - . ral AetiAfnr Wel. ..1.-' T ajtMieuwi jtewnvtor N-t liv, utlwK of tveMMHM to fialelnh -iNS.fi "'t itlV i i he I j iai ' - l J ,i..J.?tt ,11 e 5 A.(S-iJ MOK.)C "Jt AC (. ,m p 't v 1 i.t.j .iiii.j t no i iV.R fi A .... . . jri . 1 . JS'lJ 1( .QJ.ilH ft ',1 I ' 1 1. . , ' 1 ClKfcf TBAVWOirREMDSKCX i.r-.,, ,. ' "T :' '1 I vI ' ,' ! . J ik 1 it . ' f u. I no uxt,n or pre)ruum nof t a itcn or tluutl fttler- the. second year. . , ' . . - " ' ri ti 4 Ir. t'HiM . iiIit6A kiSi '-. . A" .LiMic.irtiiif t.ti fi t;8ilrj'!tit TAG US TO tHK BOCTBTKKN x,X0PLI."lT IS t) Ftj t a !tr tMrftitiirr,B r.V, ".'. - miiiT. 1111- ma mtbm , wnB-rn I .ar,i,,a. v.. v. MrtlW w. uvim VVIUlf -i'i'H 11 .11. .1 1., hi., .,. , . 4$mM II. fi- LKWIN. " 'attorney at, iXw. ' . RALEIGH, IS, C I ratrrtnui ta Fvaeral- nnrto aB tb (State Cwvia. and Curaru of Bankrupuiy. I Ia prepared toeoUeot elelwa ta any poriiba of tllU SUUe. r t .j 1 l,.t,0. . . 1 ' kefur to lb Bank Officer, aud principal btt- UMeimc( UiiaSMte.n. ,,t aav.di DAMIBL . BWI.B. ttlCBAK) . BaDOBBV .t A Vt.wVI.Bt'' Jr"lnf lktlf ae! f tnii Hi RAf.fttoH. n h ' : TVifl practice in tbe Knramc dmrt of KoHs Caroiiua, Mie United Statee Circuit Conrt, B)jeriiir Oourt of Wake, JohwUM, and Chatham CooniiHt, and in the Court of Bankruptcy., 1 peel aiS-Sna. .-. - I a, 1 On A it i.k a rt iutci,, ' 'l ' i. " -i - i ii,'. r 1 THE r trSDBySlONEB HAVlVff ' TtKtM charge ef th ahoee well Anowa Sutel, reafct fullv Ulinrni bl friend and the travelling put ho that tthae be kiiLitNlHkJ IN AI L Of lib AiM AblMfeMB. I lie utile aili at all tin beimpiilb'd wiih the THE Bhni' THb klAkke f AKHjKIiH, iaeludiag every delieaey in eecumi. ehile tbe omeine will ba uurieiii.,i.U;.i 1 lie Batb Ruoto attached to the Hou-I ar auppliHil with tbe eab-braieil Arteeiae aVitrr, and (iol, CoLUOUbllOWblt BATiitt can be ohuined at aoy tim. '1 be muh atteniioa will ot paid to tbe uumlurt of tbe gaew at heretofore, and travel ler caa relj open fin ling th Charti'Hton llnlul equal te any ia ill United mat. '1 be pau-on. age of tbe travelitag public f reapeottully eu!ia- ' - '.'. HDRBACH, AeteA. i j Jsin lt-138ra , -, , . Pro)uietir, t itr-wi .YOTJNQ-'S i J i " JIKAB 1 ng T vsnngoftia jfotas;"' j X 1 f AYlTTE VttLE' STEEBT, -' 11 VH.K.U, X. C. ; ItoHrtl ier Day tSf-3.0.t I jl -i t (lu-iucion.-, innkou board by the a k er nniiiin. ' ' - ' bu.au large, oMa watble and U ftrniahwl. .IT JlWVl ) in 11182- f ' r HIUIK tLALit, Attai'iU'y Ail CounttL!or at la-, iiAui'.v?; f'rft.-T if ii t'f rs-nr of v 44 l . UI Ml a atatUllii,,.. iTrfliTlf t?AK0 LI N A RAILWAY U.NK",, fj.wx tr?u to b8 !) sbifTii,k,i(il,kRf WK waaiinndjand are be ty Arnu-.A wd Air .... i ,., tu nil tiie Sort here Market, aed.heaw ,lu! aorked the Line te the eutire itelartiin in c.i, ,,.cr, h.irth aud eioih, fur the luii ti.H ,, ,ij0 ,rH j,t,lfa,ui Mllpwra 111 f..nh4..t.-..iuiii I aniiui w:U trnlilv epeid tlietH-iU- urr-vil llm.iliid l u,ni.,u. U.ll.r. fur i.. 1 ! ,; , 1 , t .i, i...,.,,.r,..v Uij tin- p.. pig t.tui i.i.uoa I ,r rtij i o'.i' eoeie aatMaipir yer ; a.l vie uiiiie.u iv a eUre that to cu and wul d.e.wtiili to all potute, horOi and nUh. tUu any otnur Line. tVj, NOTfCKt TkeGrcetttttluud Air Line Frulght IT - ret fJ .-J Via XUJ4 BALWua A ftASTOSf RAIL BOAD, j!!,58L0lJl Siupnei-a. nd yoa are r. en te mark vonr Ve,,i, ' . , r.f tjr'th. o?cit, tw viriw ' FBOI BOSTON ' MerohanU' V(n'. n. j . , Wharf, a sampao AutV SI" U,,D,r,, Old TWiminlilt. (41.... v.. . . ,v . . . Or.ataieh U jur. Ly ; M. L A . iSJlJ.. ' (teat, - ! u, ' - 1 : : 1, , . ,.,a,FRpM, PpLALKIJ'UlA r, t : ( I-io. Anamamicv) -Phlbi 'JWulaiiigUat and u lZZmH I w Un of W'-inara!l t AteUware Avenue, W. f. Clyde, Ai..t 1 IFItOlf BALTIM Olifi 1' 1 ,rt'i Baltiaiore hte tn Pjckel Co., Bay Line Steam, era, root Lnioa Jioek,.i,. B. 1'art., 0, PliellUAn tK.,nl,.... ii,.,:... 1 ""V:''1? - w w , wtiKiu otreet whari. e.r-tW-iW- ' ? AAdk.N, Ww 'i ; ti i ihbft 0 CUANCilitil' trCUEOl LE. RALEI0H A-flARTOH BAILP.0AO CO., , .. . m i Hta-e.titerrvi.KM. nrrtca. I ,r'.L'i:?B;7''.i.N(Wf't.li'ttl,l-W. O and afU'r Oeml i;n I. in;n n ea the Kah-nh A (maun iia'ilroad aa followa 1 aau Train le a I(le(..h 10 10 A M Arrive t VI i i .iirt , ,v:' H p S Arnvea- at haleigh.V. : . UW. 80 KM , freight 1 r.nUre iwe tteleiKh. .... 7 mi a. hi " " trnvea at Italiiigh.. b,UO P. kL Til Hall Train with all piiint Norib. J . - y.t 'ALB! ANDREWS, Out. IS S.l-tf jtupt. U 'euxm, - -Regi.ter and Standard oopy if. ' -KAZS r7AS3 tta- - ' BUIGGS & BODD," DIALERS IJT H A BD W A ii A3ffD C1TTI BEY, moN, btekl' :T'; CARBIAGB MATERIAL, ' nnvnet .rr. IAJV13. VABJflSIIES, fiTXm! 1 vrt nr 1 an J .AXmt -ALSO ; Agentt for tbe tale of . Lierjr.antl Laopaa 5IIII Rfonce, .-...-,, . ItolUMg C1U, India Rubber and Leather Belting, ; Circular Saws, Iron Verandahs, . tTfcnces, And all kiiids of Orna mental Iron Work, nr Tkhi oWr Ubm South&m Etpmt Jiov,T-7-tf , , OILS, LEAD, V., cVe. VT0W IN STOltE A 'FINE STOCK fT LIN Al ed, Ootton-beed, keroecae. Lubricating aud Trait OUa, of the. beet quality. A10 V,rnilE LEAD, Colon ef all kind and Yarslihfta A general aaaortraent of HAUDWAKB. . ' ' tAl ,'i SlUOOd A DODD. Jaa Fi-lM-ti .,,, TSo, 4-A ITrtyef tevlUe Street. TfTE HAVF, ON HASH, A COMMANDING f atoi-k of , . , . 7 . . HARDWAPK AMI CCTLEHY, ' CK'K'K Lii V AJilJ GLASSWARE. TTIf WAKE, LA.MPM, . tv , . ClUMNEYSAJfD WICKS, BEST KEROSENS f'!Iv t-i'IUild TUF.rE'mXE, Which Will b old low for ch. Jntt te hand, Sua nj Come P- t find Chtraneyn. . . j . . t J j( ..r; kUleigh. Jan. t-tf With Kart A Lewie. " pirst pt.-irsn pinrsnt JrS-T RECE1TFD- A OOOD ASSORTMEST Of Sowua A Cea. eoiebrtted . Deep-Wall. ( Cistern, Xorce and, Lift trl W tPIJJIPIj,! j!sfl: . Wbieh we offur on rojibl terma. . ,vt (GARDEN TOOLS! - ! l,.;vAt 4'--TyettcvI!Is"tre:t' r 1.-- i i -.'. VaTiil'S II il.fe j I hr J . Y-1 ijiutt t.& 30 14t.t .h W.tH iiAiiT A I.wi, B. XL O'lTF. j Wt ! i 'Vn in. t-;iiu.t. f awthti iniur GWTNN, C0TTKX-A CO., COTiON ' FACTOUS, t'( :url t'f : Im ' .-. ".' . 105 inM v .? , ... , . . it ti.i r : rf-Jl 1.-,- - , . - .- . i .. ..i 1 1 ,