Tub h . - f L U puUWhed svery J. I?' nuilav, uu I . f .liowmf; lorn ! Tnree ui'ofii,. .................. te; BKHiUl. Ooa y- .. b uu- ( euidj Sentinel one ytr, . . t M fillKJUUl.. WmAij Sentinel, on y :mr -, " " Bin HMHlUlB .. - 4- ,. -4,e ...IA Till: 'HCNTiNEL. WM. K. 1KLL, KKATON .OALi SAT CUD A V, FiiCKUART , Wi EiaU Izecntiw, Tkket ; iVvBrvai,i.rB II. VANCR OF HBCKLKJtBUira. , . i FOR UEUTENAKT-GOVEnXOR,' COL. EDT7AHD XX IT ALT. orvaw majwvbb. FOB SXCMTABT Of iTArtyY EODEST W. BHST,;; or oxKut. . i .f" - FOR TKEAUCJBEB, KEHI"- P. BATTLE, . or wakr. v ' ' . ' fob Acorros, , ' . S. w. cubgik,': : or wwco, FOB BUPEIUNTEHDENT P PCBUO WOBK', ' SAMUEL P. PATTEUSUH, .-.:t V" or CAUMraU.' 'f-,V''' ' pnii 81TPT. 07 miUC IKaTUPCtliJKi KEY. BRAXTON CBA yrJIf, OF AWUM.., l i! ' , . "' , - ' tl WW i , ' ' FOB ATTORKET (jENKBAl-r' ' - SION II. E0GER.i4 or wia. , ,;t-. Conurriitlr (UU JudieUl Tiekei TCnMOND M. PEAKSOX, u VOilK WILUAM It. BATTIJC,orOra . KUW1M a. ltKADK, ni Person, MATHI.VS K. MAMLY, of Crr, ' A. & MKiaUMON. of Bunoomliev ; ' ' The two lwt, It the atimlw.i(2wtf propoMxl, U increuo4 M Or.J ' ' ntun uTBicT.''.,v:.''i.t DAVID A. BARNES,'; - or aanTronD.- ti t Ufit acoanpinTKioT. il EDWARD J. WARREN, , Ot BATTTf.r.V. TllinD blBTRICt. , . : GEORGE V. STEOXa, FOOETH DMTlirCT,' ""' '. WILLIAM 8. DEVANE, or asw KAXuTaa. ) h rrrr fMmraior. . B.T. BUXTON, w ; .. . . ' Or CDKBEllLABD.' .. tUTH DUTBIOT. R. B. GliiLlAM," ' OF BKAWUJL ' 'r 1 .1. - i .',..rrfl,. Mi .Jtf ( , , aaTBRTB HTWOT. '; : 4i" firoMAs'iiurriNJni or ALAMANOa. eights cirraioT, .a , . - FRANC13 13. SnOBUR,1 y ' ' orawwAit,-. , . ".'i; wiLLiAii if. enirp. . , i . i or LiKooLjr. ASDERSON MICEIji;, . ,i. . , , or tukoioX!' '" '. ' ... BLETBJITH DMTIUOf.' fl ' . JOHN L. BAJLETLui . ' . er auNOouaaV .- TWFXTTB DliTTUCT. , j, at nivrncnv' i4 " -: " or itAcoK. Tha CoDaerratiru . . .la Exacntira Com--j t&iltee nut ia Ua City, aa 'yaaUrday, aad ' ' matla tba foregoing BOBiInatianV : Tba labonof tlia Committea T.aie'nol com pit. ,ted uniU a lata hour, Ut night, and wa bara outy rjac and time to annatrooa the ' roaultlUU moruhij- "Waihall refer to It to TJvKTqvr, im;''y r'-roaiking that llie p"pl ' Nor'A Caroi.ua are promoted With a tii kcL -arortbr of their warmest aub- j and Liheat aimiratioa. ' j ' 1 JUS XB.W EECOSSTKUCTIOX PILL. Oar reader hare already beea adriised, tj teiegraph, of the fact, that fcotb ilotuee ot Coogre haT paeaed tha Bill providing that a majority of perttni voting, Only, oa the adoptioa of tha Constitution!, to ba aubtuittcd by tba Soothers mongrel Coarea tiooi, shall ba aecceaary to their ratlOcalioa, iantciKi ol a majority of all tha rtgitttrtt wtcra, as heretotora precrilcd. Tba Bill fc-u gone to the President, will reoeira a Yf-tj and will then, douhtleaa, ba paasad by to n 'Mi k upon tha perfidy ioTolred, la this plel, ' d, tor these are things- that will asioiMrh ii one, ia view of tha character of CoPma. . ' . But the ConserTatiyet oi Korth Cafulina inui-tuke it iu its new Itwja uui dtfliat the new C.m!.tiuiia by a direct rote,' Let then 1 . ar in mind the new registration lour t. nr l f tethe election. Thnurandi f iii:.h.-I white Totcte in the Bute hare X It they are frienda of ;' imx-t i'ci it, and erery ' i. I T t a- rure 9 of f to- TUB &A ICAL VQ.VfXEEli, - ., . Tin twmiaau ,us .' by lb Radical nonnesting Qoi .cation, just taasmUled i" ibis city, will rike tbe peo. a of the eti witU sarjajaei Jacket objecUtTBaM Ud tlMXMipeUnt BKO. tO Oil US OflJCet which I key aw named, we do act fcpuc to h ' or aasrd of snaBxe. s toinly, la tfait scieeiios, tbe Radical awoc ao ikiU of personal popularity vntee, oes mi. il blind,. power of tlx Loyl Leg 4 lUrf b vwiuM demagoeiol V ktapiojca vj foot wd OrtgooM." Lo oat aegra rou. ana U tick ia Mrai eoaia at errj JJJKW joto. la al4 V tha aof CoaaU-1 UiUtfi aa4 1U Mocuoa. Ai a Korta Caroiiaa tkkt, -t aal; tiling apnMclilD to ramocUbUlty m pia prtefJ if i bo1 Ji fi WioAtioa b (b BoprwM Courtj yot w tsoaaidoi tkat beaca gwaOy fmlnHto artickd; ll to MMt of tbo aoatioM for tba 8apior Court ooacli. tuob aootlaaUoaa onld broak dowa VI party, at tba bam BMotioa of tbeixaaowa. iam tuioa o u vwrpinw Pool ia th placa tf Jodjja BartMt Jaj-bud Jnooa. In tba ptaoa ot Judg Wuraa ; grawy 8m. Wtu,loUjeploaor Jadga OUutm f t obok V. & BoaaalL af Braaawkk, waa bat aot raad f et. a ba ought, tba bora-book ot tba law. odga Batoa, af aMiaa, will do to ig bUoaapJaoa, baa ra ieafa aa w i Coatwratrra. . Battla y do oa tba fiadl t ticket If tbeyeaa alaei hlnu . Starback . .,!...! 1. . TSt.trt Attnra tacb law a inAg Ad aa to Log", Can- aoa) aad Bovaiaa, tbay baa a qaallfica Uata for tba offloa. Judg HiUbU to oat of jlaea oa that tkkrf, onooa tba atoagrela imply datirad to Oompltotcnt agooa juuge aad a cood CoaMTTttiT. JadgaPaaraoB waadoabtlaaaidestaa vj tba lUdiaalai lor tba porpoaa of gti ebaractar to tbdf .tMwt and pa ao eouat af bia capacity aa a Jodge, u ba k wall-kaowa to ba a Coaaervatif a TtefitattticfcaL ar b wbole, U tba aioat raliiarablkiwbleli could hira boas aarnaa. Ualdaai ba father af aoceaeloo JaMorth .Ooraraor baiora ' Suta, win bar tha aama fata at baratof.ra. Tadd lb Caldwell ia a petolant, trladie tifl Radical, wbo, aomr time ainoe. de alarad d a geatlemao, that 'Mloldea waa to timid. Hothlog would do for the rebels bo banging." Wa are told, ba declared, if babad fate way, be would bgia with James Bochanatu then with Jc(T. Darii and An drew Jobnaoa, and besides these ba would haasT ersrr rebel Oivnur wbo aided tba ww. Tba geathihi'ii to whom b waa apeakingtaald "But you would aot bang Zcb Vaiee r" Yea. aai l he, ho would be the Bn't, andl would go to w 1 1 u.jss Zub't hang. lug, and rejoice oraf it, This, wa kars, b nadoabtadly traa. And auch a waa Is brought forth for tha yotea of the people of North Carolina 1 Manning ,. bm a druggist la Nawbera and adlu tha fyjwUi aosi .! li faff Hortham iaaa iai a ion4a Uw ot CoL Haaton. Jenkins, of Gaston, w are told, made loti of money by buying aad telling negroes befora the war, btrt With tha'aicepUda of shrewdness, in moniy ma king, ba baa kd fltoeat for iba ptaca. ' Dcn darsoa Adams for Auditor could ba bettor applied by tea thousand. ; As an account aot, wa. reaume,,b U anUraly deficient. Ooleman, for Attorney General, to a young maa of parta-rbM the brainaof the ticket for BUte Officera, ' bait bat pui bit fatents to a bad Use by perverting thetu aadly, 0. aVBarrto for Buperintendent ol Public Work I ' Bafto tnoob aaaier bUoallbraia bis bosiDeos of supplying tita military with wdod at 3 per cord. ' wbaa ' everybody else ell It for C What doM ha know about tba ruhlio Wprksl It laacarioaturaoftba oiiice. Mev. o, o. Aauiey, wa -ugnm fAUiar'jfreol 3ap Cod, Baperiotcndentoi Public Education I What does Kwtb Caro lina waot witha Massachusetts aiu for tbataffloa t Haaither raspocU tba white people" of North Carolina, -0 caa they psspaci tuaat Jl cl 'Aity '-i p&B&iDtwra Msaas qm , ro pos- , The message af tba President to tbe'Coa greet (a reply to tha fesulotioa af tba 8ea ata, declaring that tha ' Preaidsat had aa right to remove Mr. , Btanto without it consent,, .breathee th tpirit of aa hoaaat man bent upoa hit duty, wbicb so threats can intinidate or fears lure from th paths of. rectitude. II avouch ea fa la purpose waa' simply to teat tba constitutionality of tha Teaure-of-offioatill, aad clearly (bow that admitting it constitotioaallty, be had not violated It,, , Tht bill by a fair aad log itimata construction, clearly probibit tba President from removing 'say obtest wfaicb he bad appointed himself, without tha eon sent of the Senate. Tbis eonstrnctioa waa put apoa it by Radical Senators at tha time of its passage, aud ctrong doubt were ex pressed whether it eoald ba applied t any oLicer of the Cabinet. ,. , U - ! "'-: -'?A It wiU be seen that the Radical will aot now be. able to make the Impeachment "stick." There are itor of that nartr wbo hop to live after to-day," and they are wise enough to see, that the taipeacbmeat of Andrew Johaaaa, for ao trivial a cause, will not ba sustained by the people of the United State.- Whea ;tha present feeling haa pasted away, aad tba people beffia to review aaimly tha acta aad purposes ot tba Radical party, the ma who have tsea active ia their aggression apoe tba Coaati- tulioa and upoa the libartiaa ot th people, muat go down, . , - -, t , Bladkh Couhtv. A friend, writing tram this couDty, under date of the Sfad., says : "The people ol this county, though not repri'tH!ntil in the lute Wliitu Man's Con veuUon, are fully aroused to the danjsr anil importance of tlia hour, ar.d are de tenn'iied to tliaka oif the dust of httbartrt and ttr'kaon iore blow to ret ricvac taA fi!al.nf .-. ..f inr f.Mid old istata and stfo t''-e t c l-a.ui'rd ftuiatifira''and rui.;i, Si v ii.i U we (I'd tl.reatcw.i.'- - I'n I'.ve nsvn soint kind of ink are deadly tiiaut't has toco tht dlh of hint. poisous- Oar WatLicgton Correfiwidene. ; ' ' WAaausovoa Crfr. D. f , Feb. t7tb. IStiS. f Kd.tvrt . Tli istervtntioa of a few ttaya, baa acrvad to dispel asocU of At' iuteass sad fevcritb exciiemeet manifested ; is the public salad ia this city. Oa Mon-. day, tbers was, oa tba mrt af tha coomb u ity, aome decraa of apjirehanaioa of rev4tt ttoaary tteteaea from owe ar tea other "par ries sow 4JUjt. '"" ws-n throng of people in tbe Capitol to witness the sensational aad vulgarly dramatic 'cabi bitsraa vf ooa b sort red aad tweet -&x men. usss to give vent to titty pajtitaaUaa, sosss (a rid themsrlves et ook pesit-wp bttteraets. sod otbaiA to roclrs suu aoa aoaisuip tibia part ia tbe political draats, tbst of weak timidity aad abject aaumlssioa U party aad f nally to aad aa exhibidoa the scat patently rtugraceful, on tba Mltonal rsoord, by lniultiiig tht Batfoo by casting a renal rota oa tbe aaoat vitally import net subject which ever came before tt for de cision TU political situation, to-day, 1 infinitely cooler, clearer, ware calta, n4 do bberativa. Tbe pnblie miad, too, to iar diseriaaiaativtL aad anpabta Of appre- etstiog tba trae priaeiplce Involved tn tba eon test, aad ia pnblie affair generally. Tbe praaaat reacttoosry cairn ana rcnoctivs tsntltary af pabtta opinion, to what of all others tba psrtiaaat ot Congreta would avoid.' It to their most implscaUa enemy, Decease tbe beat friend of tratb, aad Justice. Oa Xoaday. such waa tba earnest aad iooglag anxiety with which BadieaUam, aaasntoaa of wrung .in itself, looked ont for the asoat toatmiocant isdicstioas of vi- oteat reeiitanoa, on tbe part et bim wba wa tit Dbket et tbetr malignity, that Usuy might bsv materiel af aoouaatioa to brace no a DM caaee wun. tna aunjeraae ataaa tioaal coaeoctioa war mads ap for (die eecaston, to toad Mail further to the public miad tsJsa loss ot eootsmplated violence, which they only feared would aot eoam- Tnorewaaa graaa aitptsy or nniiornwu noliea.. But ae vkoienea. nor slims of vio lence, earn from tha Presidential part of tba Avenue, aad Congress retired to bed, at aieht, a (adder, aad. it is aot impmbabU a disappointed people. Instead of violence, tbe President offers Thomas Kwing, 8r. of Ohio, one ot tba patriotic stateamsa .ol a better and older period, (a blace iA . Staa- toa, aad, with ham, a msisngn.ao aiear, so traibfuli candid aad hooest, on the grounds of impeach aunt, tnta no hoaest man aai doabt ita tlnoerit. They aaiiouely peeted a serpent, bat Initeeil, be only oUi r them bread. This to them was s still fur ther Indignity. Mot to mack tba offer, at tim eeol nod high toned manner ia which it waa oodi tt to waft for tba ooaotry, that this criti cai period he at last arrived, and, particu larly, tbat if, bss aome la Its present shape. While tba uartteaae of Convnmav have ea- oouraired, and even tendered violence, tbe truly jpacifia and purely civil character of tna ''residential policy, ia tni anair, nas not only disarmed fait enemies, bat eivea to them a relink e ao signal a to slupifjr tnena. It will be difficult for them to recover from tha damaging eftecta of this blow. Tbe matter now will certainly -take tha due course of tha law, and every day will serve to tome bit accuser to pause ana aeiiiierate. Deliberate investigation can only serve also to establish the paltriness, tile contemptible insignificance of llie cnarget against mm, These cliarirea cannot bear Inveatication nor can the Dartf wulcn makes them, atlora to have theui on record in future.-. In lu tnre history they would convict that party of the foulest dithonettv and Bloat deliberate par tizanitm. Tba removal ot the President eta never compensate theni for the stigma of, tba tranaaotion, sod whether acquitted or convicted, tba reasons and ground are un tenable lit truth fad justice, and will fur- niab valuaole testimony against the perpe trator of wrong. The fact that the more delilwrate of the Radical Senators, and tba presiding Chief Justice are, as it now known, counselling deliberation and tha olmervance of. law in the Impending trial before tbe Senate, clearly Indicates, at this early stage, that men are becoming mora cautiuot and timid. Tba President only asks for legal Investigation, and when a msn ask honestly tor tha protection of law; and place him self Upon Its justice ami equity, it is not often that tba sympathies of tbe people will deny It to him, or will (uffer him to be wronged; , fynt -,-.( , B.B. BvraaMB CotJBT Opinions delivered as follows j r t, ft , ,tl, .- t ' Bt PiABaow, C. 3. ta Mty at. Bank, In equity, from Chatham, decree for pi sn tiff. In Fort ta Bank of Cspa Fear, from Wake. Judgment. " In Moor at. Miller, in .equity, from Wike,(mt-rr allowsd, bill dismissed. Ia Taylor . Miller, in equity from Wake, demurrer allowed, bill dismissed. ' ; Bt Battlk, J. In Do s dem Hall . Want, front Craven, reversed, judfrmeat for plantiff. Ia Bute ss. Taylor and Knight, from Bdgsoombe, oo error, la Bryaa aa rittthe. in eqaltv. from Craven, decree to be drawn. Ia Wood at Wand, from Wsvae. judgment affirmad. - - - - - , u Kaatm, in smiti Coble, h (juiiy, ; irona Guilford, sUwarrvr overruled with - costs, injunction continued to the bearing, Ia Williamson at. Fox, la equity, from Meoklenbunr; decree for snecine oar- formanee, Ia Booed ss. Smith, error; -, Henrv 0. William, of Nash, waa Uceaasd to pmotioe ta tha Oouaty Ceurta. - - ; am m r i mi TILS ZSQISTEB OS TttS SOMWA.- ..The IfcwMsr, (Republican J of thlt City. edited by D. K. Qoodloe, Esq., hat the fol lowing to say about tb nomination by tbe negro Radical CeaventieniryA!rS.- "The nomination ol Ur. Holdea for the ofDca of Governor, will itself rouse every element ot opposition ia the State to the highest pitch of excitement. 'He bea lost a brilliant opportunity to display a aaagnani- nuiui antl naif tarjifioinw itavntina t- : t. cause which he professe to have to much at heart. Hi name, wlucb 1 a fynonym for whatever to harsh, pmocriptiva, and hateful to Blue-tenths of tbe White people of the State, will repel thousands ot voters, aad ill so far to counterbalance the rood effecta which would otherwim flow irom aking a liberal Constitution, ' , i If the Constitution should be defeated alter excluding i&m it everything proscrip. tire, tbe fact will be-mainly due te the can didacy et Ex-Governor II olden. Hit intel ligent friend must feel tba force ot these con tic' erst iocs, and tbey should impress his aaiaa wun. us auty at withdrawing from a position in which he to made a great obstnm tioa to the restoration of North Carolina to the Union. ,-. r , .-; There era other aatnes on tbe ticket which : we regret to see there. They will be heavy weigla to carry, and their nomination by the Convention, itnpliea great confidence in the auebgth af the cause. .But of those w shall speak hereafter. ' , Boms of tbe judicial nomination are very good, and some very indifferent." ; Eucitkmrrt n Bunvonn, Ta -Pf fa., February There is great rxcitenient in I'MHlfofd. isrsrsi conipaiiioa are Irinir formed to aupport th President, Cspt. T. If. I y ris h:w t. " v men on bis but ; aad at least three coimi,uius ran be rcadr In fortv. eight hour. The CaMrUaUataJ Costre'leaj, , , JtORNHfOEEST05. ' 4 ' A Fbidav, FcU 2S, J ML';' Coareatioa called to order at la e'eiukk. Prayer by the Rev. Warrick, Ms;it.7 leave wss tranted tha CosbbbiUm on lav teraeJ lmproveoaeot to ait damef-Us a ba f4 the CoavsaUoa, to-dav. . , , ' f -; f -1 atsaoLirnoaia. aasuaacaa. asv ' ' J By Mr, Eilia a A reariatjaai.that the aaait mat tor sent by this body, at the exponas of Uas rUete, is witboot proosdeat aad shoald be at eeoe nlvpipi. Iaa over, t (, , . Tb, ardlaiae at Mr. n. t'Lemolr. allowing tbe widow of any testator to eater her dissent, ta certain esses, was take en. Mr. Jones, ot Washiasrtoa. thoairbt tt should ge through the naaxis of a Commit tea oefora aetiea. 1. 1 i. . Mr. King wished to have ft vrto e it arl i A t i' ,. n I - r AW soma debate, it wss talsned te tbe CoasasiUse ea Judiciary. , M r. Aadrewa ordinaaoa; eaeceraing a re ductioa of the State tax, apea Theatrical aad Conceit Traepea, waatskea apv.,j. - tr. Abbott tboogbt tba praaeat tax amounted to almost a prohibition, aad, tha tax provided lor by the erdiaeaca Wat ssasuoable, aad would, ia tba ead. provs a source of reveevM ta tbe people. ; v jar. vreiaer msruL , . . i Mr.-McUoiudJ, bt Chatham, fmvorsd thai passage ol toe oruaance, ' uimi, m ntu, (aagrej aiso mvoreait. Mr. tehcreweUtemrbt tbay ahoald sw ea and frame a Constitatioa, and, therefore, awvad to toy the ordiaaaea oa tb tabto. Harris, af Wake, ins.) aaltod tbe pre- vious question, i The call wee raslsinad. the yeaa aad aaya ware called epoa the passage at tat ontinaaoa, im resulted, yen 1, aays trnoiAA ontMiB -ntrea er wan oonnit- ( yta CM TMaTOKTUBT, - On motion of Ma, Rodmaa. ssutios was read aad adopted. rVction wa amended ant) adopted. ; (Section S waa adopted tbe ether day.) Section t was adopted, witbeat dbie. Ia section 10, Mr. Grahaaa, of Orsnire, olv jectod to tha Word "aad its (the Supreme uourt s; oeaisioas aaair- or ramittea to tue Courts below," bat, after some little debate, Mr, Graham aald he wottkl waive amend meot en this saadiag, aad the taetioa wss then adopted,.! : Bectioa It Waa adopted. , Bcetioa 12, already ailoplad. Beetioa la, laying eft the Jadicial Ois trh ts waa adoeted. Beetion" !,tS, IS.'JT, !; Iff, SO, SI, 82, tn, 34, 15, Ze sireatty passed) IT, SH and M ndonted. ' .; r . , ' Mr. Candler moved an additional Stction, providing for tha election et Jattiera ot the Pence by tha analifled voters af the comity, to hold omcerur an year.,. ; Mr. Touriroe kaid Uiai the Committee in leaded to intrrxluo a BectUia, providing tor Justices ( 1 tue I'race. Mr, Candler withdrew It at tbe reqnttt of Mr. Uodman, M feing told tbat tbe Com mittee wouldreport a bvctloo, covering ibu gronnd. ' fi -" Hectioo 81, was amended and adopiad. Stion 81 waa adopted. . . Mr. Tturgta moved to ra-consider llie vote on aactioo !C ( arried. ; Mr, T. moved to amend, by adding, "and Constitution at tbe United btetea." ' Mr. Graham, ot Orange, said ha would have ao objection to the word "and Con stitution of the V. B. and taw.. made in - partuance thereof." Ba offered aa amend ment to that affect, 1 ":-v- v : Mr. Tourgee did not desire to give tlta Jadn power, at present, to enforce any taw. la conflict with the law orConatitution f tba United State. II wished to limit their power a to tb lawt nf the old State. .' Mr. Graham called for the yea and nayt upon bit amaodment, ttUeh teat refuted and hu amendmtnt teat rejected I Mr, Tourgee amendment was potto a vote and carried. , . . -i -Tbe section, ae amended, wss adopted. ' The vote en section to Wat, oa motion of Mr. Beaton, w considered. ' ' " . Mr. Ueatoa moved to substitute "8" ia ttead of "10" years aa the tenure for Judgea of the Supreme Court ' : " Mr. Tourgoa objected to the proposed amendment.. .. til Mr, McDonal'l, of Chatham, supported it. Mr. Beaton aald that when he first taw the report of tba Committee, after it wa determined to max the office elsctiva, he waa perfectly aatoaiabed at tba long term proposed. ' ft was directly fa Conflict with their action in adopting the popular system. Ton might at wull put a maa In for lite, as for aizbsea yeara, w f . -. ; Mr. May objected to sixteen ysara. Be did not believe be could hardly go eight. He thought Are or six wa kaig enough; Mr. Rodmaot taJd tbst tb reaeon that tbe Committee bad 'eportod a long term, wss, because they wished to make tha elective sys tem at little objectionable aa .possible,- and to keep tb Jadgta wm being ooutroUat by party Influences. ., Ba kad, froa tbsArst op posed tbe election system, bat had yieb led to tbe expressed acaetof theCeovsotion. He wished to take every possible precaution to proservt ths beach from al) temptation and corruption. ' ' . . - .-"' ''" Mr. Tounrse oppceed aav short tana. Ia hi list of objections, ha stated tbat gentM men, nominated by toe venveotioa, vester day, accepted tha nomination, upon the hy pothesis tbat tb term were te be long Mr. Cbneleton moved to strike oat "six teen," and lnaert'aix." ' J.. . f i -1 ' . Mr. Jooet, of Washington, said tbat such wsa ths nttnahmsne its alis piunaifayttem,' felt by torn ot th Committee, that tbey had, before making a definite report, asked instruction of the Convention m tbe mat ter. Tba Convention decided to make tbe whole Judiciary , Department elective by the people. Tbey (the Committee) had bowed to thoir decision aad reported at cordiogly, ha' thought that, in respect to those men wbe had yielded their opinion in this matter,' gentktnea ' should not Op pose this fair com promise. Hs (Mr. J.) waa really opposed to the eteetivs system, hot his objections had been overruled and be yield ed to the expressed wish of tha majority, but ha thought long term waa new itbe only aafegaarda agaiast temptation aad corruption, !-,;... -::iu, . Tba question recurred upon Mr.- Con la ton 'a amendaeot, which wa put to a rote and lost, , ' Mr. Tonrvee moved to sin end Mr. Beaton amendment, by striking out HtT and inserting Mr. Nicholson said that at first he bad opposed (be change, but, having beea over ruled, Be now isrorea tna long term or of fice, He'wonld' tote for Mr. Tomgeea amendment, J-'. ' '? i y Mr. Ray advocated a abort term he would vote for eight years and no more. . Mr. King, of Lenoir, thought kmc;, terms the saf.tt course ; he wold vote for Mr. Tottrgpe'a amendment, '- The question recurred npon Mr. Tourpee't amendment; the yeas and naya were called and the vote stood : yeaa 45, nay S3. The fluent ion recurred nxn the adoption of Mr. Ileaton's amendment. ; Mr, McDonsJd, of Chatham, called (or the yeas and nays- ' The call waa sustained, and tbe roll being called, tbe vote resulted, yeas 14, nays H. Mr. Kjog, U Lincoln, ofTured aa additional eetioa, toeoma ia between sect's M aud K7, providinir tor tb removal of Jadeea, ea sooonBt of mental and physical disabilities, j toe LagUlaAaeav bust, " , -Mr. He Ion saovsd to amend, br atrikW ooa, in lios a, the . word nwelVe" and in sert "six." (Term of Superior Court Judge.) Good (aegro) snored to amend -tbst amendment, by striking eat "sis," and la aartiaaMirbt, Carried 'f . Tba twndinrPlBl tende4, wa adog-l SOU. ' . , Tbe aactiea,: aa amended, wwr adopted. Mr. Ueatoa asked tbe Hall for tbe ma of L F. Tajh, e laatwre oat the Judieiary, to orrow evening.,.. . ... fsr jt . i Mr. Tonrves stated that tha Reaubtiosa fetate Cemiaittaa adahpd te "kl a cancan , laitoa tbataiirht. ' Ml Baatoa withdrew tba application, '. la Bsotioa of Mr. McDonald, e Chatham, tha Howe adjourned awtil Tt so'cbck this sveniag. t.w m -tf-f-fS j , oravi-b tb VOtaClakssi aama tsrs seo.'ea Mr. Janes' sjnendassat. reeairuig teattaU far veisrs, Mr, Oaater, oT cLsituua, sbonlit bss ksarseora4avuUaa;bthBtsUrs. ( .' I PnoniBCT Ft7Lrnj.aD. Ii the islernal (sua tics aad abaiitieniam ease gst power te Uair hstxis they will everrtd tbe Umatita tioa, set the Supreme Court at ideftaaoa, ehaaga sad make law to auit; tbensssivaa, lay violent bands en those wbo dinar win their infallibility, and (nsltj baokrapt the country aad deluge ft with blood,lntol iraftstsr. Mart 7, 1850. ' fTbe above aDoears in the PbtiadelohU Aim of Mondav in perhaDt a doses liti'oiet puveea, and ia each tiro it capital letters. HAKUIXD, V Ia this CitT. ea Wsdneedsv eTmn last, br Bev iJr. Craven, Mr. 6a. . nraoKton to atoa BaiviB Ouoaa. aldtat eaafhtsr at Oeu. 1'. Csebs, VZW ASTKHTISElCZITa V OTATOB! Jaokaoa While Potatoes, Pescb Blow Potalnes, Pykeusn ISitatuas, Merao' i'olalots, aelaeaed tor ulanuuKi sua for saw euosa tir Feb. 8tf! , HJULAfl BULL. NIL roTATOJtt AND A1TLE. f. aa-tfi f"f 1 i bovtium hell Mi bnsbels Winter OaU toxUy raoaived. Feb. 3tJ if ImjUULAH bKLU, f)KKCTIAM GUANO. fwe tenajae sikiul, lor sal la; - Feb.xa- lXJUi,AH UliLL. m ii .i t . - 0 i a i.i m iiS. N' O. M FAVK'1'l'KVU.Ui: Dl'KUSr. Cmee-ettt nana, rarioiu aura. Hill Kan, Haad aud l)lt-liilth t'llua AuWU. Ovllowa' aad .nr. Vmra. Dos quality KarunHHi Oil, Lainw, C'liiss-' neva ana wiuaa. t. uiuhvk, i- fcakiifh, Feb. t9-tf With liart Lewis ' CJKCOltD CAiUW Wkw OUOF CAKOtNAH O MOLAnelta. , DIBBCT IMHIBTATIOH, 3U0 HuAa : Bansls sad Tierces Vhotoe Htm Crou Oardeua IMassee, ntumeutljr axjiected per uria n. r tinown. rut saw njr WOtlTli A EANJEU Feb SB5t -jn . WHmiawton, H. A IltKtUR ROOKPOKt KTdNB UMk. afl.OIIO barrels fresh Uoctport TOSs'tllis dally ripeeuut, for sale from Wharf, at very rOwaHi rate, by ' WORTH aJDANIKU ' Feb, i-0i ' . I . a iWilnmhka, M. O, J A. MeOONAI.B, OF CHATHAM, AT the reqnast -of many frlmda, aunoansos himself is an innejxmdnttt candidate for Coo faaaa tatbs FonrUi (Motropolltsn) Oougresstuaal iatrlet. Feb IS-te IStSnV Iliu-alwaro Trnde. 186S. ONIIAMD. F INK TABLB OUTLEBY, Pilver Plated Forks ana euoona. Buver l'lamd CssUs-a. 8vMla aad Helixrl Iron, Oast and Blister Utoet, tierdea Tools .. 1 1 ALSO-.;.;,.,', , Cat and Finishing Nsils, Cooking Stores, ror nieliod eumplete, Hvliaw Ware,iiaa Irona, shoe uaia ann resK. : , .a.niauwn, i lialebth, Feb. 37 tf . , With liart A Lewis. CjrjPElllOB 6LD APlliK AMD PRACH BBAK- W.H.iONKUACO. Feb.S-tr Aaetioneert A Com. Merchants, XT,. 0. 1BI3H POTATOEfl. - 11. . W, B. A Pr4 Fub. at-tf ' AnaV A Com. Matukanta. LADLEH' ANDOF.ST8BBOE8, made In nalem. Cenw and see them I Cheap and well made beet material. W. H. JONeja a CO , ' -Fb.-tf Aue. Cora. Merchants. QBOCKKUI AMD tfltlNA WAUK. J I- -S- 0 Crntss Well snorted Oafai sail rinnnn Flates. OialMs, Bowls, tltehers, Aa. :hina, Tea and Dinner Seta., ., T . W H. JOHBg A Too , Fob. i-U J Asa. AOom. MereasnUC . ( keescx. : Checae. . . i T AM TO-DAY KKCKITINO s eonsiimmeot of jl iasaaa, auiea x wui shii esenn ior caso. Feb a- - '"UCOLAa HELL r XT' h Omtal ;OmUJ Otvts l-t i .j ONI Handrsd BneheU prims Oats, for sals by ..a.. .. ' : " , - a,.:-- Febl-UVU . . ; VUUUUI !XkU A LAIKUS 00KB1ONMBNF OF FINS WEI ft a, ausaxs wm, fijuuk tiu kyb. t w 12 mk-uu a rv l - irsb.mv-tr. :? '.'Au. Atom. MsrebitnU, , tn Oiavre nnsl fee Bails law. : "f' H "a tflVUboiot ataryUnii bans. v4 i . ' ; Ai . T0MN0FFBKT8. . Fabt-lSS-tf ; j- Li.... , LIFE UfgraAJfCB.- IL-t ' C"JNBCTIC7T BVTlTJlt. HFC r INS UR AN CE COM PAN Yj r HAaXrUUD, tXJNKKCTICUT, 1 ' 8 1 a t n a t. ,S aSlfLLSei Sl7,070;288;6S 'ttcoMslrWi. .ai INCOME FOB JHST ,7.720v51653 r o it P R ' afTtfr"rMt f,33,tw4, gy 1 1,3 a,r, l ,$ $t "1' Exwam p a I d I n 1 SOtf -' .rjs.is ' ". . DlTldcad pild 't 1MT : ' - Ma,ae)S,MKff-.--i Iirtarest resetTsal mere than pays losses.' ' Inrioends averara nrer 66 rr eeet, - f ' All poli.-ie non-forfettaMe for a stated am ivnt. Aaanrases ea be effneted m all forms dwrira. -- ' -i-.'.-o BAM UDOUtiLASWAlT,, s .'. - "t -.,-.. - UtasrslAasetif Feb n-uadr , ssisschK.a i)C III1L8. HA. L FAMiLX FLO lift AND lmJ other grades, srriTina; . t ....,. f..vv . At Feb t-159-tf TONNOFFBaTS - AOTHLII IOT oekade City Ale, Jnxt n hnt. t 1 J ' i W. H. hiSESkCO. s Feb -l.-tf ' f " RECETVF.D Tllia PAT -' - SUO lbs Family tr,l is Xk, ' a XOKtiOFFSkl'tt FebJ-130-tf I l)tiienpert re ale Colbeg). -' , kemulr, IJoatl Ciu oUaaj' k av4BSAHiXBTT hMiivta, Atnm , . r Btat-atsnmaaiBm. TF aTOTJ WISH TO BDOCATB n'i s yiuun I 4 ..miimi ak.tr.L aosdaolo by sobs Mtan Tsaehara, is s h-aitby pla", amid taiLiuM Bw-aii'"- aesnary, aad at asumiaiiiiiirly law rales, sand tbsaa, snor ws wa " tosJjasstr af sgprsesasnlad sneoess sod iauard aud TuitUal j tesiVf wsa 177,6?" Dsn. a-lit-wAawrniarl PnasdeaA.. KJUrelT SprtBKi renuue MUegt, rruii jrirr kessioh r this ihic viu lopea tba second Wednesday tn 'haB Ir aallBS naawraaaBBad tar ba-sHS tsd sa aasaaatlity. .-. - ;-e-y . IwuilAa saaf sss.i on. an if two AaaaVwt, tlen Aas sonreely been o euatuf MAwass. The health or aaany wrrann m" diasbastnsn thai a-he" '" aad siiiisrsl naisr funad bars sad tha I acntad their stadias with antin '". . :A are immediately en U lUleiah Osntha Railroad, within leas than s ball Ban. of JUaeratr. DavoAaed m taaerBabis i oteauos ynUi auparst Ol ins sonavry. Erery buality is an.imaa nw wa snd sitansiTe aansniion. -11m FsmKv is mwsisil af frsa son sud sbtbb lady issebare. Krwything is oa. Our ssssleal tessrements. including Fiaon Or ran. ttsry and OeiUr, am mmiia ram una. nara ww-i w w tlniaw anality. b'peauiolienttyu jpata to 'ihxoudwsu r M Me avau twsi,Mbu T..-, iiai .ail -- ',t Taarusaif Isniss all smssuis sa lbs uwusc ChaueL and banes ao extra etotuiiif is reouirao. . . , - i i . . ... if... BtiuiaarT ai ia mu iwai i.w u w i-m, ten m that tbsVMatara sost them Urn Sari, SOSzaieawaUfBB 9Mm naawaoi-avawa aatai a',i' ai w teudanoa, tbaru is no oheapar aohool in tbaeontb.' IieaMa, we aro unternauiea s a miniwaa mm pstrnns aa tar ss wane aa Sa anaa naynaent, and a pna twusmedaaatim wakuw lbs reach of lb peuHe, is vna seas nsnrsMMHi wmiumi if the ooa n ley. unn .uvirmi newr an aajiana Vee OataBuana, anpty la - - ... . - Hm. U. a sUDDIOE, IBaadaut,. , Dee. ltluAat ,JUWrsu't bprinaa, M. C ' IkOUTII CAKOLINA J MUlttrj and rIiechBleAeatiemy. nrwnt ninth annual aKawoif OFTHIB I!- JL retintien will smninanna ea Wdnli.Fb- Ail. iMial . r Beaides th resmUr rOnras of tMenee Ud Laa- aucea, snd tb CunassTeial (Jouraa it eOnra- to thpabhelaaadaaaaiasf a ayseiai mm raw sf tHril JtiiK-naerinf nf tha swat soaiists 4nasris- tton. tfirealani enn u obUaesHrom ' Oaa's M. X. OOLtrrON, Bnn ... W.-" i ,m ... aUILaauaa1 b. C. AsniHeatwn bar ad nam iasi alma 14 K mads alf kiie..)-tu-tf . ., , .... ...,r, , r : 1 M1W JOKS. ADYKBTISlMiyTB OAUIITT.' UUt 0OTT Cft a. aa Wat -WW ..-., wmmm . . i- -e -. .-.ii.li4 MIM1HAt I , NKw TOIiK. ,a tin Hi - f V" wbtf v i . i'"i i rt 4 ECUI BALD I011!G,1 Riling 'HI SPEKCE11 ,vrr aV O0-i'f I rf i "i lii j'i i .n.Mst; . . -OF MKWABK, K. A - .)Q i-.ih.ci y . ' , - ;d a ,-.: ' i n" it r .-I i ' '. i ; ExtenstvtjHswafUcfw rr an ; aarSa4Si WlayafaM 'Ian 4 ' ' ! MEN"f3 AND BOTS " CXOTinNG ' h. W. OAKBETT. , Lt BltAFEE J,J F.MKN YOUNO. : A. L tKHlTT,"" BFliN0EttB)OOTX,t J F. M. GAK1UCTT. . MsyU-UQI , v,.ff i- " . WASCl, I1THAN A Co.,"1" (jenerAl ComiuliisloK j HerdiMtB, MO. MEtCHAWl, .1 . Nmw.'Vorltar, pi I Sept, IBa6- bt -s .Ml ' ,i.Sni., ., BEIJAIiar BOBUKSOM, , , , luan or acsm saomiB.lJK,i,la Attorney nd Coiuenor t 'Law'; svr - in aajmatx - Htret-t, fiMtvoi-ti t.OTW. 0M..,,lsl,rt4Siit)ij AasodaM witit BOOKS A FB)X)i-ltBtv, 6r rsorly of Virginia, will aalesd, tbnraurbtj snd nrompuy, au ensansss wnuaiuea to iim SSTwanSSkl. .-.t-.ty - ..jiiKi , Aiias, UWIB-Sfi. .4 arsnai ai t-io' j i ,'. , MISCJOLAaTEODS jtrfHi " TBEIII GARDEN SEEP, t Wttihrniieei pah aMic GQiriaicii "f TT3"Bi!CEryKor A'lAnfiif' IhWrif aw J Freak OardeB fVwd nf aH knxln the rrmrth of im, Cmra tha tiXKD NUInKMI OF BAVIO bANDUSTH JUoicaaaLa, aaui l arbv Daxmu. These saad are warrsnted ihwA and nanny pns sn pafiara, sua will met saeh nasar ar I DafMws ir to eta I lls ; ;-ev F-, Annav ssxctl. Uoosxtora. l . a. a6, wr f "" -'f twrwi . ' . uooaacuer. A SKAT ALMANAC OOsTlINWO A FARM J. and Kitahan Oardsn Calandar fcr Back mouth in tha year, aad athar valuable informatioa ton rsraeiuna wui ne mvaa to aaea parch A H. ENNUtH, Feba-lU-tf . COtt iAlx, f AdTb libla- ' . jj Btavnd y (junlsin JU Batter is Kegs. w. w. jonws a rvv Fabn-taa-Bf I AWa, A OsssnsB-Msishanta. G. W. D. J1VTCIIIGS A BUO. fMaTOlACTUnERg WHXttAlJSAKDRWAaMAliRS IM LADIES', GENTS', BOYS' ANA '. ": rfinr- titintrs t Coorh, Bttgry, Cart 4 VWttajsim t ,-.-: ;:- Hatnittj,--V i-,t , v BEIDLtJS AND MARTINGALES and s athar frauda wsaaUy kept te a Sefri.lar aaddWryaaishhahmant , - .-, ... t, . - , , Tbey will aril, s short tints, fnr eaaa, at s araaB aovanes en , n nnfcar In rednee their heavy stark new an hand. ' - t (. e n- a Ottisnassnd sHanai in, Biaitia; the-City, wbo wish parehasB aonds, will do wU to hwk at ear ateek, 4th. boor Nirth of Post Ofltc snd wv pmte Market BarB, Fsysatrvdl Mrwst, Rateith, VebMS4-tf mn - rm sn.-,..u,a, i . va roR ni; nt. rtwa 1MJILA IIOUSK AND LOT. OS HILlsV T.0H HILIS X acre ntrant. wubteronsx ail furuisliait, PfMBpaebBl citew let Mareh. The funiitnm-ia tba bona eoaid be bmu-M oa a WHwtl.s Mme. wish note sn (eaw seoanty lur rent, aud fnnai. W. H. JOKFH A CO.; ' rs A Comm. Merchant. Anotionsnrs Msrehamtk FebS-lAV-lf riowr ! ftrkt t . TTWUTT ACK8 If . t Family Flo.r, in sure A. and IWrnle by , . Feb8-i&.vtr rorr:i.As rrt.L. i IJATAIWI F-'ni'v rii-nrt ' ' ( P-.-.nl.. yj.-irl'i i buria (anrtms V'onrfll I Is Unrrela, and warraiite.1 hnrt rata. Fsb t-lte-kf lAlUULAa JuLL, H A TXXlC AX 3, Notice t fitfr per- cf fjiriu Ten :':. THE SEABOABD INLAND AIH LINi; ; : VIA PORTBMOcTII, VA," ' j nm'w rM"A w in SJ JiJXS-UT.DJs.CJE N T I N E T Baltitiiorri, IlillatdelpLiia, ant JlWit arjt. It StraxuAr bat lug , been tsrranst for tbat nr flViy AIB IJ.NE KOLIE, JliOM XM FA(T ' A it swoidjii(( trsits-shiiiieiit Irisa . HUiuiirr te savllir, towlm-h oilier luna ar auk. IeotBtKllieilie tl, Utieoc ho batwe. UtB UarB insasml tlie Northern -Citiea, wiih duly sa. maatiau-m as tlsatuss, WilkuWbBi ad h4v ' 1 ma, and Sp Atuctua BUbumbt every (ir dan ollura ;rt:at fai iLiii-a tgral,iiiii g, aad as iu ad? Tane of nil other routoafruie iliree io live daa sndstasiuwrwSra.'' - ' . .t - v-' V" An shipnag tr.an tba Na-thsrtt eniasioe Srtaa Caruiuia, lBan-(ul toshipuM farbouoaik aad by thci HUaniljip lintn ouuneotUH; with and Lmm. big part of thia liouta. T7T rum liuBton, Merchants and MiiiBra' Lin. 8Bni(ioa, Ant, and Oewrai Wi.arf.. r From New York, Old Dotumiiai hteatnablp Oa. Pir7, North river M. h. MoC'ready, 1-reauleaL Ofltc Is! Orernwiim bteeet. i . . . ,s - i Fram FhildalvhBt,Clytk, dtoaaaere,' It Month Delaware Avenne, W. P. Uyila, A(tut. ,. .7, Annameaaia Lsie thihidellus, Wilntluahai snd bain mora Depot; J. I wnaoo, Ayeot. rawai HaninMara, -r sasa siainiaai Ban i" Ultiw took. Ik Ak Foor, A!on(., f, ,-, , , All claim lor Waa," ilsnisge, or orercliarB. BjBBSsly aeknad by acpiroia itiili.yii'1 V "..Art. Mol'AalUtJlL Tmea tat, i V-TfjEAB(iiib': and' tfiAvnvn witr' - BOAD IVD BAT f JHEThsvinf bee eonsohrta- ' tad wawsr one Msnsanssss tboiai-BValisa ts fcai. . tuners, rtir pnw lanriaws ,tnhippart of freurlit to snd uiun Baltiaaor than aav nnr liu. and irnaraiitee aafr-ty of rreurllt sad urouui sat. ,i nBurtttersiiriaima ' ., - - . .... Bui'tlraaaajortaUun. a. A h. AV . : .. ' ' 1 - tV. 0. BMlTtf.T ' Jon. -4M-tia " Npt Bay Lin iwearaer. COLGATE . ( (FI mMa "vx arm . w c , ' rat M'att'Oinesra. "l-h hi-,u ibill .fits- Ii clil I PEM.r:sjaB,,i,..r ;... j , '7W oVnWa'lbl',eiVtqB.i M'rir AA. ' il natii e.i-iiT ,-u -i,,i i . ie.toi i . . i-, t a a" , wTbe,Aiins aj. d,4h aasapdosu b nasi 'Apply id .... ....ia K.s.Foar: Feb ltM64-tf ,3,1 .J1 !,'"-' ilVi. A MEW 'ABKIFAfwi 1. JnoFfr.na tea and anewt t.,ii-'J Uli.li,"lJ , tw vK ra basBtr via rawiiuguas. ,1 im T V.. fV WariaA, unprasad ,yo. . f lt Ii. f.T. ... " a iei, U'-l :i -. I I'RAUsIl .AaABTEM SEEP. VTTH AftB MOW TN BBOFiTPT OF OVH SUP. ,i a i - i- .j ' .....i, ww.' i ir, ,nra B dl lb', Ml f "hkh vw warrantor tba h.t knuhv--rT V 'T.WtLUAMH AlAMbti'l'lt,' -.- - it 1 11 "2.1. ...T ttu. ,. IiaaI,...!!.... til.l..l. lt -i - 4'siIiIb.Wi aW tffi -VfN'iwBt', -nv- j- . F IM nnwiiuiai ii iiio-iJ ii-ia il Tl , Uouseand Lot la Cirectitboro. A OtIMFOBTABLS COTTAOB HoUKB WITH B. jour rxmia. A goojl aitcnmi, Mmoaa-bnuaa, arm iiiii' u, a ftnoo at , a frnod stalde,' h well and good Oar rent, tot w priaaut vaar .Lecauoa iutf ,.-v t-i ieeewiW Ji.ii- ,.i .- 4 dent 'For . 1 1- . ; : J 'Vtt t7-H5J-aw8t ' ' W " ''' I... j .... )ti a.."a4. f' -Ji"-?'! - ' i-n Mv 44, ayettrnio Streea.it .t ERKfrtl nrrivaT f 'Veam'' Brnplre Obok ' ilStaini f'it.;ll.'.a.jli'f4:it,!i.:ilj..i.iv. t, a i) tt?i.ALSOj ON alANDi !"' d'i " .Alr.tifS.aildOBatlronHBailaaUtoifmljj i Ntovermitotesmlr.r,j 4t;, i-nw U ae-:.HI. ' ALSO, 'Hf i', AB kiu,l Tin an4 noa. (ro fmt. dot at Fet AfeMT V VltfcHanr A Uw, "THJ IMPEOVII) ICELf-ACTlio" . MNXrEN HAUL'S :2 ji.j ;r-i o'UT" bfd t i OIIW Ufftl l i' rt 1 uu.,lla yitVifriof;e 0 .Jir..srr Ad tiw li.iff tUati Ju. Voa!.'f(V..'f ;,..tt. t t-rv-'W-'.-- r j -; AtillH JJ . JU VUil- - OFFJUB OYER fl, B- YOVSCTH 'BTOKE, , .... o raOCTINO TCOKBB rtALL,"- !i iiv JtrAa.yottTUI? 7 . tfect, fii','i 'i r' nli.ainn - JP he woveiion tliia Loom in a day. . u nan bi ran eitner uy rowu or ar Rwn. Its nana are aw.r-mHoinn I Bv rhe tnniiue of an etwy eaaak, il laisthe Warp off, wiu.ls na tna vioui, tresxw tne ireaoien, ana tiim n Ehu'tlo. Itweavos Jiutue, rtatinets. LiiwT. P ket Twili; Donblw-Pntin bth, vannna hiti'ra a KMibsd'tKinda,' Fencing Twills Of all kmta. V, Cotton, Tow, or all-wool Cloth, Barciug Tw-I. iiU, Table . Linen, . Balmoral ekm. Wuolea, Lines and Horop Carpnu ; iu nu-t. snythinf a fUmWire vilk tea Hag Carpet I - : ",' . "Thm Ixioia ha bans entenarrely introdnrea BtoOisa ikliaiB Htahai sine the par,-aud proving a ;rrstsnerBes . , .y , , .ii't '. . FIVE HUNDRED LOOMS .,- . bvr been swid in the amnio Me of Otort' t, n tbe last am niHillia,-Bnil in no iuirt.nns t' l- i""" beriiaetnilaint. So sars Mr. BailootiBe, " it fhsOeneeai A'entfvrtriat Htata ' ' -Jfrnt farther artwuirs,;Rllr, with vtnup ' , . W. H..Ci;.IN4H.I 4. 'y ' " Grmwal gt fur the btate of . t Feb-JAdtnAwnit-- 180m,-ij vviti-rt. !-?? ItHiS TO ABtr'ATf7 TtTlOLESALE. A LA ROB LOT OF 'TIN WAI1S '0!f B"- d emwianilv makiair, wht' will "" he VF inl.lvri.lcl.M VfUrtai -l B'xt wortfftitn-1 i wwnirpi . ft. 'Tlie Tirtih-r-i'Twit M' eirltrelirlr a hin-! CAROLINA KMHtrHtHK. and a l esw' -rattw nf Montharo Mereiiatii lie himeclf of Um beat ami iiot imirr-(l "i"4 ' prepared to Oil all orilors for TIN WA'it. "" can nrake theeirpply ein:l tft tlie (i.-m"-l- - . tieno me yonr oniiira. rifii-crium 'i lwill tBkeanTkuidt-fir..l nrmlnre iuet.-t ?) 1 'nil I J- LL a-l ti , my- tnt Tin Wsre snd Hi-iiir'v at, at " eea, tlawa, Rmnit.lil. I .,, and will tay eah fur esni'i. v uu en Jcrn f. bHi.if.ir irma Lmt ami " i-f .' -T jio.lli'TH l..;a 1 tt 1 1 1. 7 - f :w I will kei p eoiifltaiiilf on -- V ' i mint of t'avbias Mavra. l'-"-i-' ' ""' ' otlien. of at make, and aill w-H rii-L'. Fsbs-UO-tf iv- Aidhore.i-