DAILY SCXTi:EL SATIT.DAY, FEBKUART SV moV ' TUB PRESIVKST SOULS UTTE&- -y - - ascb&x i .. A Committee, appointed ba, tb eili of lUltiinor waited oa tb PreaiiWnt, po Wwluesday, and assu d bia of f&ei aii t sympathy nd of the anpport of great majority of lh ptiupieof Baltimore. The President, is reply.jtoUV: j ,t;j t4 ' I shsll not attempt ia art tetins end measure! phrase t respond totb remsrks you have niede in rtierenc to the condition ofatiairsat present sgltating the pil'li mind. Tbe preaentatloa of such k.ii sen t meats, ud tbs encouragement whfch they afire, constrain me. bowvr, to mt that tbey lord iso a gratification which word am inadequate to express. tucu a.sureece mi this time giro strength aad eetirago ia the fierce conflict which tow prevaiie aroaad ui. Pointing job to the part a aft tl")i U what my future conduct will be,I bee; von to believe tliat la aa honest efiortfaitb filly to discharge the high and iwspoeelble duties imposed npoa no uy me uonetKuwoe aad the Law. I will eenaidef pannaaJ aacriftoe too Croat for bo to bear. - Hock a uvifk cannot bo compared with the great obiect to bo attained, of preeririj (he principles ol our liepublks, by o atrict ad! ereo to the Constitution and tba Law m ida Id pursuance of lla sravaaioaev God being willing, I will perform my duty, let tiie consequences be whst tbey DMT. From my advent into publio life, aow some year Ki, until the present time, I bare warned tbrougb many ordeals la mf atruggle ,for tb interests ox tb people,, .rtever, bow over, bar I, tor a moment, swerved Hum tlie Mraik-ht lino of doty f and, oaaodUff to tin presence, I can sincerely declare- that a yet tbera bu own so occasion wnen, baring been assigned to tbe duty, I bare abandoned my poet. 1 rely now, a in tbe past, noon tbe Intelligence, tb patriotism, and tbe virtue of tb America people, he I believe will eooM ia all their migDl treogtb to tb rescue of tbeir eoonir, awtl are it from tb destruction fbtch, now Hmi o threaten it rain. My laitb ia tb American people it strong a abiding. bare never betrayed tbem, nor do I better tbat aow, when the waroa of passion threaten to aogult tb land, they will de tert or tbasdua oa who ia their cauaa It engaged in on earnest ttruggl for tb pre, waiton of constitutional liberty ana tb supremacy of ciril authority., v , .; I again tbaok yon, eentlea, for tbl encouragement, and assure yo tbat a Ion a tb TtUl earrent continues M warm am , animate my existence, and memory holdt iu plaoa, tLlt ocoaaioB wlU b romembered aid cberubad.". QUEER J VST JO K. The Dfooeedinn inr th eaa of Genen Thomas atrilce us nDprecedtoted. A Judgo of tb Court dattn that tigb eondd erationiof official duty should require blm to imue bis warrant at ona In tba morning in order to bring an alleged criminal before him. II exact fir thousand dollar ball for the appearand of the aeewad,ttd fix an early day for bearing. On tbat morn ing tb accused Is present with but counsel, and ft eontinoaoc ! atked for by tb proa cutioo in t caae, remero onr, w her the rxt pency was to pressing tbat ajudg acts at midnight. Tb Judge is about to grant tb continuance whan- tba prisoner's conns l notify tit court tbat bis ball surrendered bin, and ask that .tb case be transferred from tb Juris?, ia chamber to the Criminal ...... b . C . . iu . uulnni l..u. (.rfwnjntJM to bold tbit import sat bearing, . xu( this wss tlx Terr tlnoe tbat tue prosecution aid aot want i for U General Thomas bad on anitted a blgh orins againat the law, and hi ball surrendered him," he- mast go (o prison, and If ia prison, would bo reached by a writ of Aoiiu ' corpus, which would bring th question , before tha, ftopram CouxL Tb counsel for tb defence intuttd tbat their client' ease should be disposed of by either discharging him a guilty of o offenoe, or holding him for th Criminal Court under a criminal charge, and without bail, and therefor to be sent to prison.-Th jcourt turned It back on itself.' dlscUanrsd tba prisoner a an inaocant man ' aod thus a Judge, to torn a party, Jet prisoner go for an ofleao tor which be tormsrly ictd (3,000 bail. Tb proceeding needs Hcon tnent Wcukinglvn Exprtss, tuutrul.) - J 1 T&B IJtPEA CUM MS T. Tb Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Gaxt4 glre the following pie tor ot Old Tbad. BteTeos, when be present ed tb impeachment resolution to tb 8t ate; v,, v .( "Every feature of bit ghastly fact amd distorted with hata. his sts flashed with tb fir which too surely indicated th ma lignancy ot bit heart. Ilia attenuated tram wss, tot tb moment, flooded, with passion, and, as b repeated th word t "Do impeach Andrew Johnson," bit breathing assumed th biasing ot tb Serpent. ' Kg on wbo witnessed this seen can erer forget It It Impressed visibly STea ths President of tbe Benat himselt No sooner had 8tavn pertermed th rot allotted to him in tbi riot against tba 'Kation's honor tbaa tb : wnbta died out, and th poor old nan, w ho bad nerved himself tor tb occasion, would bsv fallen to th floor, had not Bn ator Doolittl kindly tendered blm a seat. Great eagerness i nisnifesWd to-night to ascertain as far as possibl th view of ths el.tlarent Senster in rslatioa to the serertt points to bo decided by tba High Court of Impeachment . j, . The same eorrespoadeut adUs ,. "A prominent New England Radical Sea ator declared to day, ia tbe preaenc of several 1 leads that be dld'nt know which would d tbe Republican party tb most injunr, tb conviction or tb acquittal of t . Fieiident ; and another expressed openly ths opinion that tbe Impeachment move ment would lose th Republican party tbe Statea'of Kew iiampsbir and Connecticut. A Northern Senator, with other pan' 'emen who ars understood to control, au some measura, tb operations ot Wall street, have been u.ecr iiirff tbat th impeachment s hems would Ud, and such i really tbe Fn-rnl impression ia official and political drcius here." , , ro:tr.cT. fTTl FVLMiUED EO0.M3. TEItHS atQDS- Artlr to KE8. A ML OOEMAS. r 7-; 4t (' ' I'lrj'..ir.wtf . : F!C to-Ur recti Til ig by . T'OVGLAS EIXI. rR BALK. j u 'M-t,' "iiis IUui aua "Leau- ' W. JT. jovre s co. A.' ' 5 a . .ii. S'vt tiaata. , .vf.s.-. - - Stale roMcrvailar oateaitloa, ; At akK itt. tiii aiid C X iiC0 ' "Hit! -vf UTATg EXBCCTIVIS COMMJTTEK. Uolrsaa wulgq. ri&w KUiDKliT COMMITTn AT KAUIOH. MO " Daniel 6 Kuwk. . Gem WR Cox. KraKHt O.iiea, Ea. -J P H Rum. K. U A Bledaoe, Ewj. " R 0 Ktdger, HeereUtyj r t .ref;a-.f I T rr fiaar urvc.ii :r. -a n. W3infaiUb.nrtiiftV a? . Willi A.poroCnow,iarf' I Mill JCurej lt. Jrs Ileary R BryWK CrtTrn,) leo V Btrong, Way. "-Tho t) reoao,' PttpMn.- r--r- yr tt .4WNi;aaiB PiatajCTj i JIop Geo Hownrd, rdtffWwiba) ' ,JJDi,Jriik!!il, , v ,.,ti, Urn M W Kanaou, Mortbamptoo, ..i flat J U Laaeny DaTidaoa. LiringtoaiBroara. fwU- Jae T Morebead, lrH OuiKord. Cot E D Hall. New Hanover. ArchlliuM McLean, CnintfertlBd', ' MfMt Th B lsbo, Ansoajt I l -aiXTBl tirrlCT, j; - - ' R F Aimfleld. WiUe. Wll BobWa.'Bowa.ea.tSn i ' Boa J H Wilson, Mecklenburg. Plato Durham, Cleaveland. AC Avery, Bdrka.'1ViM.,.. ti M I McCorkle, Calawba. . ' xiewra oisTarcr. BM Blokes, Buofiom be." ' Cassia yole, U acoiw, o - WfcLovfcMsywvHKl. - ...e.;.- KfttioDie'rurtle Conf&tW1t i jirt ,S .: . .,iwwtf H . On. W.R.ox, j,r. ( t ,t-.v-i W. A Wright, Est't '' ' Jiio.HogbsaIVL, !iff Jao. A. Gilraen Jr., A 0. Cowles,sq, ' . 1!-Hoiv T.Davidav 4 tf U A PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. stst ote AvrfATfow. At State Committof, n eomlst of I Cbafr maa and thirty members, eix of whom shall reside in Raleigh,' and tbrW ii Wik Tbe Committee shall nave power te maintain Its organixatiim, by filling vacan eles, Ac, and hall tak fhsrge of air m ti ters relating to organizmlon, registration, rTbe nsemhert al tUoStaU CotumiUoe ia each Judicial district shall eoasirtntea dis trict Committee" for their Trtpirflve district and shall appoint, .r Chairman,; ami tlisll take cbarg of all matters ivlatiiiK to coun ty organiratUa, A.,Jn tbeirvfpuli( dis tricts; and slisll report all matters rulsting thereto; to the Chairman ot the State Com- yiTif' -tvWMj Mawie;,. S... . COLKTV ORUSHIZATtOMf t.f . It i reoommendfdthat ead) County, by popular meetings ir through till medium of existing organisations, appoint County Committee, to corutint of At leasf two per sons from ricCajitarn'i pUik limit. ' -ftorpeuft sunt f The County Committee shall take charge of kit tnatteW Jt-(rthiittotl,' loorl orgnni. tatlon, Ac, witliio ths Cotipty, and i re q ties ted to make monthly reports" td 'ths Chairmen of Ui Dlstriut Committee) and, when necessary, to inform him of such local matter ss may require the attention of the District Committee. v It Ms lurthur recofntnended that each County Committee Cause to be enrolled the games pf all the registered' 'voter of "their county, .who r wilUng.jbjct, afd vote with tbit organization 4i0 mM (t fie tbut enrolled without hie express eocseot ; ami, also, that they cause to b enrliod , on a separate list thentme of stl tknso who are entitled to register; but who hftvwW onn o, and that they as every exertion to se cure their reglttrttioa and active co-operation. ; ' ' q 1 utr Hit. ' Ibnoltd, That the President of tlio Con vantinn atiDalna'. Ave or VnnM ittinnna In each Cobnty, to mak a thorough canvas 'ot to same, ana HBsenaitsat) pupr political in foraaatio a. i fv.u a inyt i . v PECLARATIplf OF PRINCIPLES. - " 'iJ - f '"4 toe vonservauve peopie ornortn Caro lina having, by their delegate; assembled In Convention at Raleigh, en the 5tkv of February, 1808, to" consider the" present anomalous condition of the Stat,, aad .of the 0Duntryr-nd to consult together upon the grievances which now afflict-.; and threaten tbem, and th eonre of action proper to be adopted in the trying circum stances which surround them, do rtsolr and deotarv n t t i ' . I. Our unalterable devotion to the prin ciple of Constitutional liberty .and eur fealty to the government ot tbe . United State, as set tortb in tbe Federal Const it ttoa. That we sincerely and ia good faith aoetpt tba legitimate and legal resnhs of tb late war, and do hereby reiterate ourolt repeated declaration, tbat we moat heartily desire peace tnd concord with oru sister States and with the entire people ' of tbe United States. -,: ; t. Bfoiwi, That regarding too Consti tution of the United State as th aonrc of all power in tbe administration of the gov ernment, and that the power of the Execu tive, Legislative and Judicial -departatnt are rquai ana co orainate, as aenneq ty tbat Insunmsnt, w do rerpecttully and sol emnly protest against the enforcement epoa our people ot the Keeoestmction Act and policy of Congress, ss unconstitutional, unwise aad destructive to society, and tio la.ivs of tbat great principle of American politics, that each State shall have th ex clusive control of its own internal ifTalna) 8. emlti Tbat it ia the opinion of this Convention, that th great and all absorbing issue, aow soon to be presented te the peo pie of the State, is necro nfTrag tad negro equality.lf not supremacy, and wbetbir here after in North Carolina aod the South, the whit maa is to U placed politically, aad, a consequence, socially, upon a footing ot equality with the negro, and, In many localities, subject to bit government as a tnperirr-. That we are utterly opposed to such chanjrein our government and in our sor is! relations, and that w do h-r.j earnestly recmniaend to ths peo 'e of the State to msntully meet the iwu now at tempted to be forced UjKin them, and to use every proper means within their . power to avert the impendinir n Wliief. - j - 4. J. 'i, 'ibtai.ikKweare nnaltera- V r-... , to poi. lical and social equality . h - o I ; It rm.,.vre jet Ur no tinjuat pr..., ii..j;u s ;isttbat rit-ethat we are dermtneJ, by just laws, to frotccj them tiilly ia all th. ir civil rights, ai4 to confer 'mi o iim ui u uis-uckus uicu s ie uoae oititntanr wttn tbe aatety aul wtHare of 5. fcxZnitTliat tii distresiod and Idv- prvomtoed cotulitiual of oar peopta aosai tnaoU. Stx Isataist oassi.i measorat ofreO, tbatUa fcegiatar, pan dowse. .. ., .. ; - . iittoived. That iM Cewvoatiaa noog aizeo, with focflnrv of gratitude, the heroic tad ttriii(p &-BaJ -the Presirfeat ol tb CtMUNi jDUtea. Aw autor tb Vmum aad hattuouf n4,eMsvU aaaong tb AaacrW .yJ. (WVlJUt tftu. VVuveaUea j. i;ards tb fdupreos Court of tba United atataaM AhlsHtiiaaja pmday ia- an last reawt, of ii'oawtilaitiii) aad balssv tlMMtarighi4a4 , jo thai rwpeet, ;hul be yreaervad iotMt est llkhsl 4y a in (Ji jlieradbtf dajstaf til B paldic, and that any eeaua . isipairment Jirisal, bx .Itigislstiosi ot otharwiaav iU be oVwUlwttv tatac beat tatareat of lhsnlia trv. and dngrel"to ffwribestum of the paOpIsV ti. il JMUJ U4A IMAHtAto e. teWiwJl''TmtVsplrfcj of aay res oratioa ot 4atawni aia asKier tbe lotwauetoi lust urganiMlioa tK stew I aaalsoss tu proasedtag of Cesigee, watts ing All Vrmf party hxAiog aad wtudtco, tliparentipa) , doe., jsasi jtiiWeitatlpgl y riv)mmejd-)Bd invite Aba haarsy )vpera Htm of alt taw (read pwopt ot Marrb 'Osvok Hns with be petnocrats jnl Oonsvmtivt Btbf.ib,'orU aui .Wm.W po aobiy atraggling for tb maintaaaaeaof the Constitution of th United State aad tb N restoration of tbe Souther State to their right ia tbe Utrton oa tb solid toaadatioa of barmony and peace. t.lfiaoived,yht thit Cvnvennod elect four delegate and four alternates, for yke Slat at targe, to reproawtt tb CoMcrvatlr people of Jiortb Carolina in Um Mat Deat ocratic National Coovtutloo, and tbat ' it K commend to the Cooaervatire people, of tba aeveral CtxHtrsasional Diet ru t, to av oof nt delogatM at an aarlv day to reprearat them, ia said Convention, '' 10. JUtelrteL, That when aa elcctioa si. all be ordered for the ratification of a new State Coottitution, the Xxacutire Commutes for tb,Bit which has bvea sppoiaM by tls Convention, be instwioted, it An two akall ttaeadleient, u. U a ttmutioet ae Cooaervsttat peeps of the etase, to put in aomination eandidtea for tb various Blate offiea who tloctioa ah ail thsa be ordered; sod it tber Shall not lie softloient time to' call said Convention, to put In" nomination soa&4 Coatstf vatirs nten for said o Sices, COJWTY CANVASSERS. ' Altmtuu Countu. H John' A. Moore, Jatnea A. Graham, James K. Boyd, Owwge Patterson, Sr.,T. If. Holt . .naoa. Tbomss 8. Ashe, Arcb'd. Niren, C. aj.il, W. Q. Datlth, W. P. Kendall. )' asW(iet,ATbomaa Sparrow, Juaepb B Bfaclcney1,' ctinrcnlll Oorusm, f. n. vatter thwalta. Edward S. Jlarsli. JJaree. Tboe. O. Walton, 8. C. W.Tatii, Dr. David Bevrf, Andrew bhuford, J no, F. Merrill.- ; . ' i?runsMrt.-Cftpt. D.' E. Allen, Sautie) R Chinois, Col. S. D. Thurston, Thos. Drew, A Hoe"- 'w w ... ' mirt. Kef. Colin Pbaw, Oeorg Cni mania, Joo. A, Richardson, Tbos. II. Sut ton and J. W Purdl, Duncan Kelly, W. J. Parker, Eqr : Cabarm.-William . Hsrris. JohaM Long, Dr. L.S. Biaghaoi, Dr. K. At. Heniea. son, Fmnk'; Ro; 'fameel Pbarr, P. B. Mean, - A j f oUissft-Msj. W. H. Malooe. Gen. (J. F. Patterson, Edward W.Jones. Rev, Isteb WBSwatti H,t4SIOOy,T ;.f,f I ('WiUm.-M.Q. Wad Jll, John MannirJ Jr.'.' If. A. Lriodon;'Jr., B. J. Howie, James r. m re. -w Cartort.Dr. L. W, Martin, t ;!S.b(l(!sl.y, Ben. U. Bell. John M. jPerrr. ftameet LeAera B . Cdfea-io, Ilr. Kilis, jJr,, Tiifaar, AUef nathy, Jons Cllne, Q. Jamea, (.at.IIll, AH Whitner, J H Bruns, SemiwJ Taeker, Wesley Bandy, Dauiel Deal, Cnpt, M. P. Thome i Doaol! , ' S, p. Hill, O. W. r. T T . T .1 MT Vrt1- S- tt,.LlL . uwwmfHa rfouo r? . cms, tv. . oianiry, Fourney George, , V.8V, ,Hicliardaon, J. M. McGouca ;,( I ... , , n ' CfeestoNd. Lee H atcAfee, J W Gidney, M D Lee; H Cabaniss, A It Uomely.i t . Croeea. Henry R, Brysn, Alexander C. Latham, Wm. C. Mead, John, Hughea, Dr. P.JE.Hines, B. T. Guiou, Ale. Justice, J so. ffHaaRhtotf, J.'K. Washington. i, , Cvrritvct.Ir. W. H. Lassell, Bnrwell M. Baxter, Jamee , V. Woodbeoee, William Shaw, T. Qt Humphreys. , , , , . CWan.n-roi. D. D,Frba, Dr. ICuuen. 0. G. Luke, W. a Ferebe and WiUia &v. dam 4 VHf HMI -. . ..t :j . ZXuewjoa. C, T. Lowe, nnry" WaUsr, SrF. Or fiobbinlL.Telborti, ,H. H. Plnnlx, g. 8. Jonas. , Ptfi.-L-Vt(t V. B. Webster, CoL Wk A.' Allen, Capt A. J. Brown, Wm. R. "Ward, A D.taaford, J. B-Mwaaeyvi,'! , ; , Gosfew. W. T. Bhlpp, Edntnnd Wllket, RobC Holland, CL Wa. Siowa. ,Eub. Black. - . '; : i ' e7mIlv-CW. J. ft. Ami, R. A. Jenkins, N.-E. Caanady, W. H. P. Jen kins, T. L. Halrwen..t.i ,.! r.rii. , - OuiZorA Peter Adam, feW Darid F. Caldwell,' Jo. Wi Gilmer, Levi It. Bcott, Neren Meedenball, Samuel Rankin, Jr. I i BalifM, Edward Cmdglud, Maaon L. Wiggina, Dr. Henry . Maoan, JL H. Smith, William- H.Da.i .ws.-.i ,..--( Hertford. 3. 3. Taatea, Dr. G. O. Moore, Dr.. a GU Shield. Dr. R. H Smith, J. & SlaughUr.. . ... ....... T ., . - Ae ifaneeer.-CoL R. H, Cowan, list Robert Strang, Maj, O. W.lioCUauaty, aod D. B. Baer, Esq, " i- - -. t , . . redeit Thoa. A. Nicholson, J. H. HI1L R A. bfoLanshlin. &, B. DempsUr, Colonel John Malt. - - - ' 1 - - , .- &aea. R.R. Jone. C. B. Kooocc' E.' ft. Frank, H, C. Foecus, T. Toy, X. It., Fes cue fc i.',n-. . i i Jbfeutm.-J. B. Abelt, L. R. WaddelL C. B. Sander. W. H. Avera, Seth YTeodall, Ed w, 8 Parker, j,.,. t j, ' t atlCWee -w-Jk. . AIUUUt. , A, TT rtf3U, AMifnroe,0. f. Whitfield, Wm, J.'Pspe. . AissHS. n, uoae, u. Dcoencc, tv, A. Graham, W. F. Uynea, J. A. Caldwell.' ' MctHrnhvrg (tn port.) Hon. Z. B. Vance, Hon. J. W. Ottborne. Cot H. C. Jone. Hon. J. U. Wilson, Gen. J, A. Young, Col, Wm. JohnstOBr - .. H.1 ..- I f ' McDovM. Gen. Alney Burln- A.' ML Krwin. W. W. Fieujisg. Dr. John Yancey, Dr. McCoy. - .i : . - Uoert. Gen DDowd. DrJno Shaw. Cant Jamea D Mclver, Capt Georg Wilcox, Doctor H Turner. , . . e, Korthimrlon. Gea T J Person. R B Peo- Dr J O Jacobs, N Thomas Maaon, W w reeiiies, wr v a uopciaol. , , -u ' 0fnw9.-Jnee Walana, Job T. Lyon, W. W. Goes, J..lia W. Orabsm, a F. Wehh. 0oif. John W. Shack I. ford. E. W. Foaviii. Henry II. Sandlio, M.L.; P. Rhetttt, W.P. Ward. r ff.-E C Trllowlev. Dr. C J O'Hatmn. G W Johnson, Il.'nry fliepherd, W R Wil bams, Jesse Stancill, A brain Cox, L G Lit tle. . - i , - i :: ' r-HPLittb.W I Townaend. Jains T 1. r, James P L"V, John John son. , r. '. John Iach, N A McLean. C.;'n Leitch. John H McXachen. Thomas "t:M'.. i f :rvTZ - -Ink. I - JSwsssm. F K SLbor, V H Bailey, E-err vraige, v a tlanet. Isaac m eoaver. s n Keen. Richard Coraa. Jno. K. Graham, Uvtherfuri. 1 Erwin. J M Whiteside, Joseph Caraun. Wtt MUer, Dr Tboma 6 Duffy. '1-.r . - -4r i v..-,??.. - &sspM.--Col A A KvEoy, William S Dewane, B C Holmes, Dill Bizxall, Dr t .TMorpby. . . -. . . . -.--s..- . ttrrf.B M Waagl II C nampton, Gilmer, Dr Joseph Hotliogswottii, N HOwyn. ' - . " - - tvajr.C Wootet Geerg V Btrong, William Q Moriasy, K A Wright, Gray p. Garria " ' ' i Wilhm.-rt 0 L Coke, Dr. James Cal loway, A WelbouiM, Dr Tyro York, Pbiaea Bortoa. " 1 ! ,-" I tfaM Cbaries X lusbeeiJ Q DoCv teret. Jesse A Norri, George Wbiliaft Jacob rtemingr, B W fork, Jkawe W iaHira, O U Alford, Cof. Geo ft Fsribautt, Geo. H. Soow. , , , , . ; - Ir'awe.-Ool W J'ireea, Col W A- ,W Hna, K J PlannnseV'ff H Bwvta,' 0 U 04- Ibja . - , ftuwa. aw RoOghtOS.- ' 4H( V ji nVi' at. an. H li'ii . J v ' .aw A .,1 HEX USTXAVCX. aw ww a t. -en-i - - s.jjr -esaji, i .tXUAX gllTABLJB , !V LIIaDBXNCE v t t j ,j at:,'u . -,APE QVEB , , , !' ft M I . $ 4, 0 00,0 0 O. T ' ANNDAj INCQJVX $2,500,000. DITIDEH08 PAID P POI.ICT HOLDKB8, (not vsocxHOpautj Yiits jun PCBELl - - . . PB0FIT8 WnDEfl ANKtlfxY A lt d ir'o POLICT HOLDERS. Taa XQUITABLSia re ejor wldfy, sines its organisation ! anr Lite Insnrsnr Company ever ercanAd aa Asnerie. It polloie arertd Urs;r in anionnt. tba those of any ether lApenyht the United Htatea, iprlieatiucs ;.uf Abneies tn Korltt CirolinS ainat e aoanased tehs Osaseal Aaants. Ku M. P.Trua, DmoSWAT Ot'icW, . 0lWBi Voxuns, BoaaAax A Gaixah: WihatiiKiuii. Rewbers. ' " jTarbsiyV. ' "' ' ' " , Agent, Wahfu(;mii. Baxmaaa, Ktxxoon UsiiMMilrii. K. Mra Hnraiaoa A Halintiurjr. 1 Charlotte. N. C., a Jan. Uy.JHr j-t Ageajs N C. CL0THINI H0U8E. ,v bvfti attmtki to fcii I XtV TTfivITriM A . uajx dentlemen's, Toih'n and Boys' CLOT It I KG ;-lM-,jJliJ.... - i .- T rVXBlSHXO GOODS. i 90 FayetUville Bt, opposite Tucker Hall, ::.!... IsUXlSXSlE. N. C. . Hot. IS-Sa-tf -. , .-.' ,!..,! ; wJTDfeT IffXJEIVED. u FINI! BLACK DRESS SUITS. al rkTSW VPAW krrftMeTt'iB Vatwrttr pi Vvrmi Cut, TrimBMdJKl made as well ss tbe Deal March ant Tailor'a oit work, sis asvtn; T irotw ru uim to jwtiTrx UUULAUH a snH, worth saving in tMe times.,. , , FINE CLOTH BACKS, ; . SNE BEAVER SACEB. SlIk-9IlxodBnwlaes Salt. . (rottenopln oar beswtyls, at prfose watt tb A fine variety of FRR DKES9 BHIBTS ahrays en hand, at .,..,. , , t ., K A AfDREWS es OO'S t ' , ' tsnts" Fnrniahlne Store, Ootlo-e-tf - n.0ppoatU Taeker Hall HATBf HAT HATWHr H-'. -i " AA the latest etyleseaa bs tamA at f ' , ,A. H.8, ANDREWS OO'S - , .- . . snt's Ootaitinf Booms, ' .Nor.U-nt-tf i Opposua Xnekat Hall. . , BOLE LEATHER TRUNKS, SOLE LEATHER 7ALISE3,., M i " MOROCCO AND LEATHER TBAVEL ;i IN0 BAGS in great variety, t 'T At : B. B. IIOKEWI at CS i , . Oarra Fcaanmm Boom, : Kov. tM-tf . OpooaiU Taeker Hatt. MISCnLANIOUS, Jnt reeved. a v cTEoCX IRTJkND CA8RT. slEKXS AP JtAC (Norm Carolina maasfaei Also, a mII lot PtTVTS, 44 Brown BHZET- , Anx. tlai-tf , 8. H, W. J. rOTJHrl. '.-.p.' F. PEsoxrr), !v CEXEttALIVblalAXCE AGE AT, Hit REMOTE k bis oAe tehia former Drug ettore, whers ke will rocaiv spnlieaiioa and ieeus Foliates of iMranee aeanwt lam by Fire, at ths lowest remmoretrva rates, is the fuUow big Arst-eiaas Cuoraaaies, via : ,, - Phmix, of Ilnrtford," " ' J tjtfantic, of Brooklrn, i ; .- ' - Security, of Xew York, ' ' ; i I! Putnam, of Hartford, t ,j f - v Tbnte, of New Haven, ": zSafoyqf Vtrmnia, Winchester, ; Jfffenm, of .Virginia, and The Underviier'$, Selm, Ala- - Tbetr combined Cipital and Assntls exeeeding $,ooo. Less raosnm-T iwrsraa awe urn. t ' , P.F.rtMCTn. , Dec. l-UMf , ,t. In, Aga4 .-- Pwt! Fl' ?..,- BUSHELS, seead eleae Peas, ' -. ..- 100 W.a JOVESAOa TFTS TIBGTNTA KOOT A HOE POLISH, said to be a suitKir artwie. Jaa tl 1.1 tf W. H. JOWES A CO. rtU LIXE IS STORK ASD FOB .ALE an 23 liu-w an.'vuuaao mji. - 18iiu.iiri:isiaG8' af'ilfc-24vj )ast -, . SI s;A w 4 1 v jt v.p, ' ': i , .;m abb ASGErax 1T -:a- -sli e s; t AKMrS MIV Idw'alM JlJt't -f-i. ' ' tMnitu4 -Ji.' i 1 f M'lai?(8 s,w te iM.asla, tnittiians Aua . iuttf W )caHsue sul JamstSB . -i. A' . i , iAA Ull m"i. a lw . ' v Published iaHtbn j.1ljr,ot. lalelgh JN.JD ( !. i ' Daily, Semi Weekly and Weekly,,, , M4ev jrr-nie William E. PelL 1 4 f Xditori. Bentoa Gales. la view of the scarcity ieT'm &f fTT ftyof taa tuosa, toe Rmorieter taa Ugrruoa aasdetetialned te red we the terms efese paswr, to eontmene after tie !lt.: JlECEltfitrl, next ebaraeter aswUl soiumneiliHo the pataonage of sa snlif hteew4 pebUa. ).-..,; In POLITIC8 It will be thoroughly Conaerva tlvs, sdroeating, at til times : ' ' , " A atriet observanos of ths Coast itatiop e the United Btsaea, anA lha harmnnions Onion of eqnatBtetes! " " ' '' Obedience to law sniHIic enfori-eiwut of order ; Th supremacy y( tb civil .ptw t.,e noliturv, in Mmeof pssee ..c , The sqaatitv of the thwe awwdinata Ivanchea ftt(e'avVr1m'r)f '" ' 1 Ths sovereignty of jlle flUliee'ovvr their own internal nnir, iu strn-t coafoi rait t ,0 AsWFWJioWist,1!sfl6Vitn& ioiry.r'f 'The pitjicips1! arttslrThiirtllarrrpnMfaB-f i piTjioipal marittslrrhe'r''tii1arrypnbluib- 4 . .'. .' ' . ' -d V-l1 V.'-NM ' ' Its HTKHARY oharactsr alisU be jnuiaUiu! 4.i.aalaaawsnaA afcnrMltLiiifr ewbe wrltem" :' " Ut tnMmx, j Finally, tb Bnrnirst wul seek tote the sneeisl promoter of the edncationajj moral aadsen anaiietl interest! i of hy people of North Car- a ,f h., , t..- - t .ri,-i.M-t ' ' ll4 " V.- . .trH.-wi(il.V tW'- - .i ,...Ta,, h( -tAj i :" !':. --i".-Ju''( . -tiJ-iK'ff ..-i-f --.f...-' - Daily Sentinel, fur one ye " ' atcBMotha.,.... '-'"'three'- months. i'; f 8eml-Wnkly Sentinel, for one year,.'. . ' ais months,, . " ' . M - three months,.. Weekly ' .v. ." fcrmjw.:,.. 8 M 400 po 1 OS too i-i. . m ... u xnaonths, 1 01 . . All sabeanution strictly sash in i adages. At an adrsHWng medinai, the lBjerjrax I j equal t any in tbe Htate. Terms moderste. iej.j. , gar We "sk. every Conservstive ia the State to become our Agent to extend the circulation of the BcirrniD. . The events of tgGt will b sxdting ant Important. The WixxxT B.riTniai. ehoald bsin ths hands of ths great body of the people Ths term are no so low that every one win bs abls to aay for f -'"':J '--.. .- 1... .,-.,( . JUMgfa,Seo. attlu, '1868, ..Proprietor BAXTLVOEX ASVEEXISXNXS. S'-'. f .I'm vi'i'iu1 '."toj' i hiim" .? POOLE - HUNT, Baltimore M-AJVTJKA-CXtrUEIXfS OF PORTABLE ANO BTATIONART ' r Steam Engine atnid " Boiler, STEAH FIRE EXG15ES, ttrrzvi Pi text AMiRtcllt io us is ' t. tunsifix WATKit-wirrKt, Mwt'i' MILLS, MIXlt9 MA0U1KKRT, ;,i.!.0 MTA fitM SjusT : 7m RBVa.ATaa. Floormi Mill Mar hmery, Ehaftine;, Pnlley and auafrars. ,. ...-',. ;:.trf; C10LI.TSS A HKATIt, . .'; ' '. j U LIGHT SI UkET, BALTIMORE, MA "OLD MAKYLAXD WORKS," v , ! Fmsabrlnir, Bhest Lead. kti.s Hanat Teraoa,0eek 4 Lead 1'ipe, . . Imariile. Tirra Cftta Pipe, Braw CK Pl.ledCorka, ' ' Irm, Ld sud Zme Bsth T'it. - Tin Baib Tube wfth Heaters, Water , ' , ma snd Chin Basin. Hldnmia,-' f .fit Pamrs t a hm, fountains, Water Whaels, Ttwdea Tmw, tArCooirs, , Eefrigcrauira, Ac. ... rircn Coo. WilliaasVTJni- erse fjnea, . WI Kanms - " F-iimpoM Bauea, ! v MMte Ran?, - '-s pno iisnire, .-' Kmeralit Ranee. ' Ha-vard, Bartsett- A Cos Partabte Faraacea, Mree Pnrnaoea, hr tDl sad Brick. 1 urine, fbnr.h 1 and Sim-( rn irreat varietv. All ihe difTerant Kke ot Oratpa, - H'B l E. vl tew Twm Portable Or. cj ;- Xliir-h will be srJJ u lew as can be had ia the FAMILY" f'EOl'It I ' . s A FH RtTrEIOB QCAUTT JTST W ASD yOB 1 V. sie hv . twntbm teM .. ........ . i tSrw.VTa fREMn E tVclR J ! ' , wlth,4.biptnnWJni;fsprem- to hii two iiniaj cnsbi ke Ju - , BaleiK 7 ' " :,(peasHwaMlta4iaeiB.ih-aU ttrhaar, w ,j!-r-ft Yifff,;ayt j T rkWtWfity;1 wnefrnm the"f;H iux U-US4W ,H LTSS ADAia. , s latiporu. .Itiki r uuis isu.Cavtt,l- .iwl,i... J :ule t!F.u)'i; tntiijirvasi DssvwsstJ r ! mi. atCaaaaaaau teneAJf jrsf. j A!-. Jsesiwf eVdse Js. luaj-ioni Lieif LfevH . t Wmmok II of Gnwsra Oreresstn. !, taa Heali4iiarin U tut aidiutry bjeKirlWJ 440 r4 M, i , W ffATa-'J W ' i 'iu'- ! wewBwwi .a " qa naif: ' nndpaniile fi rki" : f if thaTpayibeut 4, aw; wawoi.f actio iu je xtU (, : Una bctweruthe toll of t;v, 1-vU, and tliS tH dsy ef April, tw5, tdni feoinh Dkruwat titwuw a IVSkdavof lMeaitmvatoaavaod tlu fete, lie ia" i4-a. laiia,aail be euUiL5i SKauiat Uis person of iipert yf th di .' inui.t. Pruciing tursnch eauate of at-ttoe now pend inc. ahaa he staved, aad uoetuue- erwceaaaiiall as iuaae4awwasBedai aescs-earfeav aea aairi afirrl f1' aHaj-uuMHi stl iwm i--sueunn biu aliafl be'co.osua,J UejJ i-j.uv wtib the law Of the filiated u 1 " k traarauh Pi seeerA f BilinWan s latlew 4- Mi. &. t"tMe mvaa A tMJ ut od ad tnWtimf' t a t ton A aXJritU, avsim'seJoswAbteet AHbf aaitiiti n towns f Urnm 4 -i win.n, uacniiiwu,iiSru" ul-r fur io-, nH d.-i-rue ui a court uT. tiir sfMmlleerHloiiiwtwralrC tesoro the titaia'ef Kar C)siit, diiiwua tae.tucasdaf atarol ef mkTmui, uu4r is Prf-ultiil'n pi-.tUmati. ofUienh. day of April, lwA.arof tb Him of gemktofaaattwUodkitwisaswtAiawiaS of Deeewber laUO, sad that ) Ue- -U proriekeia aovernment of tba aaid Hula, sutler the Pre.ideB.fS prwMmation of she baay ol MeasiUMi aafcias' taw Iiiswism IIB aSfce JsaaaetajiwsdaaaaA.at eases vker the piaiutin or hi aiiorosy, topoe oath, !:tiportd by eorroborstiv tsumouy,'snall allege tnt the defendant ia ibspeaiiig of, esie nyt, r aboat te rensava bis nrorty beyoad e leiiatSiitMU or tMeeorv wiiavuiatus ovu-aou hia ereduose ; prmidea, that neaorh judgiuont, so rendered, within tu pariods aforealJ ' efcau as a ear to-tbe eemmaaeeuseut. tea Matoleawrt, east npoa th ess eaaae et-eilswsiesi aay ease m wait hk lae aefendaat mf r- tUatrrfia tm I'Jmxaal iuaiaiVt4ra : elesBss ef aieetgsew, as bhewiae ssaswajn-sn eases emiasaeeAia eeragYaphe U am) ilLyt sd order Ko, IU as sbaa. aiaendad, stotptln. cane wrier interest money aeermng suDseqaem xo ine Mta-nfAprU. lM5.hall not have Bees-Mi be tase the day of sakt, aad ad pirsmsws-oatriftlun oe sash sales are seroas4.-(v ( -ifi -,v.-"t t' raragrapa IV ol lm aaae eroer ia smoiwa vj sobatitntuig (he JSKh. nay of April, UhU, fur ' the tBth.daye(Hay,leV .'i . f .? yaraarsok sf Mil sesas order is ssodiAaej.as bw ,tlil ;s... ii'tio -a ,nfaV! .t- w BtnwowBBano nsswi,,,,, wry, t (. ; All Httaeadinn fiai tha aaaoWLrm of maoex .on eontracw, whether ondar seal or by paivl, tb oonsidsrstion or wnira wss uie pnrensae or snvrat made snbaeejiieBt to the let. dv of January, ta . menapaskssd.1 JadgnMOW ee.dsssiis.aaarsd k aaoa eauses of actioa shsli not be anforowt ! faraarapn vuoiua sams orqer w mouuiuu as follow w tn sit ssls of property nndef eteetrlSon ty erdsr ef sirvOoort, there sfcall be rmreed t aWpmawrty of stips4isdant wao-hss - family dm-ailamt niMHihusr her labor, sdwalliua banes sodsppnrtuusnces, sud (if in the eonntry j twenp - ty acres of land, or ao much thereof tuar ths wbess abafl aos eeesea m vaiuw saw wata or iiw dollars , and ia a -town er ettr , -ias . aisdista lot npoa which aucb dwelling fyo sirastea: auunecssaai rv articles or furniture, sn- narel. snbsisteBee and I huplesiesta of hubndrv, 1 trade, er other emplo; tseatt to see vabas at - Ave taaadraddoUana , The ketneelawdeasmptieiiebsll iwue oalv to ths, beutUl ot famUies. , la otkw esses ihs'exemptioa ttiril eitond only to ( liinp and hupleuieliis of irade a emplovment' uenatfc follewed bv be deteidB.o lbs sIh of bnedreddoUanb saemptwu Jkereky raadt shall eat be waivsder Weaied by tlte -t of ir. grs,.h Xtstierebv momned1 sit fhorlse arreetin etvil aeitons mmntra ssmeiie) laViwnty wlnre a eeaksnA Sk Ik' la. I I ia naseaoej eaat snerileU J .ilweUuig iarg ef Aaudiu etwtiiiK I neoessary ont rimildim is reruovdediiipotM.4, tf f W'JSrfriei, -erMehi ftwdaet baa beaa ewutr m 0Bt susa ior, or u&s , or lias remoUndipow.a, Ais.jmpeiveisbuitaAieo, with- iutuot) defrand bis creditors, or is about ! 'Ik MatavigeaehiaWnt. 'rf-(,iw .vnatwl bT 1 a Bis ereuitors, or is ewnn. ' lo. rmwie , nxaowoa nsv- eaoayaeat jo I i, j raeagrapn XVI, at aateaoed,!! adduig tMwoti I All Droceediuits in any court of tjodh Carulin tny court of JJotth frer'-JjT-:V'f ' or (kiiith (.'aroiina, reoognunng or ssm'tionmg le hrveatmen rtneiaoae vern ftmrn pi BBtalea. orof saean pwiawa, in tb soaswitsss bt the lata iwbai guvvrgtaant, tba aeepntie M the Slates of hortb Carohna or South Caroliuja. ereated forthepnrpnite of earrylnie oil war riil tbe ttorenvmentol She tMted Uatsaj wiRba-aus- awadedanlal tae ejaaatloniOf the vajidilr.af .each r . .. t . . . . . uvestanant sbsll have been deUrmioud by. onrts of th United States, or by national If , ane courts 'gen Udna And nnthinir m bald to bar er hinder the rsoveryt by sait,f she estate of any minor hair, tbmala or, insane person, (cestui' au e-usf), whether in the' band of o ne on tor, adnrintiitrator, trnstew, inllan, mas ker er alerksof eonitv ooartfc-aad etliw" fldnet- arv agents, aw iavested M ahem imMivii fldoesarv at" U !'-!- - .,- .. .1 t !4iMI i- x.. unwwviwi ur..j,.wui,..MV .1. .. .1 . 1 A. 1 IV... .-. .. .1 l .. T T-r.nu , huvii .... ,in ,.nw, vt, ,wiu.if, lHtM, tiw distillation of spirituous liquer in this Military Distriet will be SRbJeet to. suuk Vwirio uoaaauhr a are imposed by the laws ati the United Watea aad ef tbe Suste of JSottb, and auuui iiaroiua,-ij-JUTj.i. . ';.. i. J asanoosi. Uwnlw . HI. Psraffranhs VI and VII of' Osnsrai Orders He, oa, dated May 90, 1H67, anievoksd, aad j At power to grant uoenaee ior uie eat oi apuiteaaa or intoxicating liquors is remitted to the proper local enthones, to take effect on end sfter the int. day of Jaaaary, 1808, aad to be aabjeat to the ftj lowineeonditlona! j rfi, jnrt'f V t. The nionicipal anthoritiea granting the U- whom each ueensee are sraated.. tosvthsr with their sureties, ah ail be raspouaiU peraooa aod uf gaoa moral suoaing mi ids eommaaity, and tbat both principal and sureties shall bs able to quali fy individually in doabie the aavmnt of the hood leeuirsd, sad that ths bead aevaU be a lira-soon ths persuual property of both principal and aura Oea, sndnpoa proof ol oeianlt abalt warrant the summary aeizure and sale of so mneh of the property ef eiiherer both as may be vwssssary ip estiafy ths tbrfaitnreer aaa sad sess.nt mn : a. Drnukennaas or disorderly oonduo oq. the premises shall work the forfeitore of th lioeaee and of the penalty of the bond. ' - . Ths owaav or keeper ef any -etfHSSm a too er other place at which totoiinaaiag hquprs vssold, and all other peraeas iaterested or oon nected tberewith, shall bs regarded ss priudpass in anv aetiott of damarea arowwig mii M nV -. "1. " affray or other eUsordar owmt ion vxm pmuiww, or uuwmj waooauia iaeretow ? i. All bar-room, ealoons, or. otlier places! Bt: which iutozicatiug liqnora are avid, bU I he dosed oa the day or days of any geawralor local ktioa, aod lor ihe twelv boor suns preceaV log the ensuing and nest saeosodigg she eloid of the polls at aueh election ; aod the aberiA eonnties snd districts sad ths chief of police -of- etues sna tewne anau nave power to- direct ths closing of bar-reome sad other place lor the eate ef iatoiioating hquora, whenever it may ha not csessry ia their Judgment to preeerva order aod quiet. ' ' ' - , a. The proceed ef all Ueeaaea, fbrreirttras and 1dm, nnder the kwal legoJaitone or snder the prmiaaoaa of mihtary ordera, will be Ouvoted to tise auDDort of th Door, and aa aooat a iiij will be turned over to theCommieaionersorOrer- eewraet wapoiwos tn aastmt-SJownty, Citv sr Town ia which they are seemed, aad the Conv sitaaioaera or Overseers will at tha and of each aveoth report to th Provoat Varahal-Ueneral ot he LNtnct the amoont received bv them during the mouth, specifying the name of the parties B-om whom it wa received . a. The (maMse tmposed by thin enter or bv ih kwal puho regohuioaa, aaay be snforord in anv eiTii or aiuuarv Court, and t Conrt mar 4vrd to tbe inortiier tv sum not xneelitif ftirr par wot. f tbt forfeitm' or fin.. tfti it tntvfU th dutj of tvM jtflntta, OeBt. W wd C irotw of Cntie?- VitftncXM and - Pff oTtiu .vsd town, to be Tigilwitiii the t;nurvs9vtrfi w -ie puucnp ifrKlOCB tUfl tn pro- Twom w Titta oracbr LB .rtttaVtKfta to Um m1 ot j inThndnaT hoaavm- - . i Tbe pfWttwii of thio patnurrtpb will ba httld to apply to cm liint prrutjd end- Oenwral Orden No. S3, to tan-kmpr, tv remmia ticox- ptrM avnar m nrm ox jftDBavrr. irmo. IT. Tb jromnt tbe speedy trial of prtter onfifted IV r sitnti? ofTuoeii, aii dimiDisii th com of Uteir BKintrnibnce, Mi cominnting ufTi-. IrmtJi will, on Uie i.'Q. ud Uil ri n .if h mcmth. rpprt to tbe iiidtre of tKeir cniinfv iMAvrrct Usttrt aUeomnMiutrtfit niavde bTtheto eJa. nns; the prt-sspninnT fit I mr'h, mif ti ti fA cv"inTuini- i'a, i s:: . - ui ute jm m mprn, r.i ihor, f-tj w i iNf wer fmiiinLpd, to t) mfi thiwt tue - nrnT,. wtieoev-er ia Uit i mum u-e i: tit -..:.'. or aiher col" itvuvi.f ul - uitujb! oa lut its, jBLatd llif w.ig ol n -n cim.. 'j , uv-d cam.. . ... Mf Bot...fi!; mm , -,J ,,, . Iiaua Uie aiata f. . ... ... I . k. 1 . : . tbe taihrit a cow vAd t; sawawtav w7Wnl Ub anWtii ..A i. . LT $km, A raV4HUian, AvAiliti 1 j ej ... nioraoa..; - i piiim. isgau'wee ew. thAKSalasUt.urih aad txmfe H!L h r.rwiieSlaaaid H., -" J hwea bv tue iaww ta UnHwi Mt.7 '" ''. mg wUat lailiianmi fa liim-i i, "a . Bui-.ioiiMra,-ahiitaaemi)lfr0,iith,&' ' 1 naVTuybtei-piiiaaei. - w . ""I"taj , t ! r-wra'ulw,-u' oii"t i a X o njutrh o.flie sot of the tiiaw.j;.th.asreaisa, Ji. , raVlnat litt m i cat. a. -afc. - . 1 3.7l , tj tiu, if,t nw j , 3f . as ujiiKt' u "Ifie fin i v ' aoqioi'awiwWM to lie Wf py lm , BwataaawraBaWaAaaai shafi ns isats vuioutlj tk ioL oi., f A)-m i.ti JaiMw. . t. Uf a.. t-A eolleeted direeUy from the divul?!' f O-.e eom-Rtse-r (-,-, i f tim .i,, ....; i ewhtas eeWeeMOf Hw-rt,, u 'T' j JT 4 aaaesr lrWtivw....- Aid-da unrri.iala.v ' " " ' - sJU,SeaLAJg0i;3.,,,:j;j aijlWlt4t0TV ' rs TIUttH'14stJill , SEf'lTif "3"' r Book w i Paheh.-r'i lo?i-wtrci.h prlces7r3, "'jewM W"WWn t j iw t . at ua uj eto. . f.-.i. StV 111 lv if liAAUj-. ."r. . rM' Me tm tv ut .. . , f CIMKCfi iiateIFc: I M It Pf'Pt'llTIIB' T.r .l .f..". "'1 W.We41mbia ""JIIVIIHU, m,..:Vm ITAVING OBTAISED THE BERV7rTi dtapatetts fastWaetida r IM It OM MattreAT.B(vvted tut aaae 57 . .Farnftme ef H kinds msis Z. J!. varanhal oar laa TZ,,fi'-V ?seiev,S?i, oa hamiho anew- nm.n.u . Everybofly ehoWld bsv' en f to mnmii. A prise tar ladies P Send tor cu-cnlT.T 4 ateMio 1 , Menu ,fjw...fcai uai vonr m r " . iui iub ( I'VBUC'.. Ma T AM PREPARED TO ACCOM MODATI m A teea or twenty members of ths Cunienu Aly, transient erms. Mr terms sr mcW jso. ia m-tr. - . 'OEoboli; v. cookA ,anMtii-i'"l j,.i,,; th ri"-yrti. A FAItM Ilk EXCUAAGE FOB A Ml. kMHi, Z jil 2 '' ehoic I'ruit Trsea sud I to (rfT . . "tl, ... Timitr.- .... e-i.-.i m and eonrsBieatwiib at ng. Au eactfllHt liiua f aityBimn, ernenoi i.n , 4 t4sif -t.tWikIU$.)i ( e i , " ." 1 1 sfrv. u, E.sTlXEt ornt i: Iimwt Jl tie'wf-fir tti-t '-' OUB FKIENIIH 1HTHB CITT 0B ( OUNTBT, desiring- Hhrlr"?' Clerks 'fer ton.UfcaV JHBBjnVwe vstKp-i -rn trf I CAKD9,. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, , or other printing, dons, will please send is tast erdflrsjiii. tuu nli.n,ih.. fj oiu- , They will be neatly exoonJed and doas promftlj, and on the lowest terms. We expect snow to have 'ear oflse snpshet v the necessary wisteria! to execute th oM!t " Our friends in every species of Job Print ms. i1:BepkS444.Ui.iWK K PELL, froprwut. WWaalXCFW VALLEY " 1 J' ' m aH-l.- I i-r il Jflllt !'V t1' ' jOl ' 'f l H' "' ' - .j " II 111 nan - .' STXAH KNOuJfE.1 AJtD ClHfl lAi -,4iS fi W MILLS. VUVAI.VS PJiFM- awl mJMH cony MILL S A.VP iJ pRnrrn r n rv.J Thsas Xngtnea end Mitts have teiwived ft W premium over all eompetitora. They all-rs ns. beeti cheapest, and most economical aas and etoai ia pe-ier any Engines made s tat Union. ... . ThasWtnnew are fired" and iheroii.-V'rteaw before learnie the work, awi rs wan"""" rsspsete perbes. aitd, aady fisr Uiimmi.' ' They are .riiit.-.i to out no-e liimLw wip hnii n I at b.-ss expense tuau any nm -VniaV"K e . i.t i. ;)--;''. , For dncr if.tkint. Price liets and other i' Booaidress, !'' : 1 - - ' we j( .J HOBS B. GHKTTEB, . 4IB,Sjtl "f0 o'i'i''ft .ritun AfBW ; ',Jt-r .i - fioie Agent t TaEMOREST'8 yOONd ' A M E I! tea, U tuebeat JavOTiUMajrajiise. ' E"" 11 uirl that sees it savs no ; all the Presx? w. Parents and Teaohers ronftnn it. I'O i seeuraaeopy.i A goad Jtiornaeope, wiih cylinder to oonflns living objoeia, or s gK" l hladed, poarl Pocket Knife, and a larire -'"" of other desirable articlea, i;iven pr. oaeh subscrilier. Vearlv, tl.il. 1'ne N ""'fj aaatbar smoencea a new volume Pn -"""w w,iiuiin iini"! ' ' 47it broadwav, ke 1 ! Try it, TBovs aad Oeruti hpeoimett eoiis,"" eenis, manea rrce ' Kov. S-76-tf ' '' TwsnBinrs siihtiim MAGA2I!" tl!il : XJ onivereallyaoknowlc.lied the "loi 1 ttagAaue of America j dcv.Kcd to tlii.-.-'l J ri-), Pnemn; ekHtrliee, ' Architecture ' OittSirea, Uimeehold Mattem, Oeiti of 1 " Personal and Utorarv Uoseie iiiwlndme ireo doparlmeat eo t'tehtons.i Inetructionsoo H'W Mu-r, amuAemeala. tc... tivtne ie ." -- anil profuaeiy iJlueiraW-d w u c''y e1 (fall i.) uwKil and relia patu-m. ntiM nk-aMrS,HIi.t. Mv.auffWI fit rH-MC 1 B tie, with other aeefnl and eolwriao. "lera'a No peraon of retinemei.t cm."- "' wife, or ladv of taice ran aitord in do " ' "' HM Moulhiy. Nrarle e.ipw. M ' number as specimens, 10 efft; enri fire, iearly, H, With s valnni-.e premn eopiee, I5.W; tlir.-o eps t: ; n""-" ami apl.'oiliil pri-ipiniMM t.- c...:- ' S' " the first prwnnnm toen.-H m....-Tiir. - A new V- iiot-W-r - ,- fed ..- n; t i, mf I I for 2Uitcr:bcn at . V. Ji i , ,r)--ft'l ft K.fc4,ii),.,iwfyh- i Demoreat's Monible nd k'mng Amei.JS w gethar lii !'h LO premiums ior eav.o, .,t" a-'H'"'W", eMwiT(,iesnoa- Uua

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