iirmrsafwajBiti ,:, , v xr-t::3 r if C. ?:W4 .- ."... r . .. 'Aw itt v. I t ,Tt: ,1 ; TEilL-t Of Bt'BSCMTTlOH. The Biam k sulM-hed every day,- reiiday, on Um fUIoting tonnes . ; s Tiiree infu'lie,. ............. ;;;,' hi kuutiUia. .......,...-...-----.""" t t iii-i-.'aihwitiioi ou year,.,.......,....,! . e . tVa-LIa lk;l U.L WHTMW .,....,.,.'.,: ' THE SENTINEL. WH. K. PZLL, fiJSATOJt OAlXrL EDITOltH. - ,aA k : TUESDAY, MARC II 8, llrt - t- - U-.-l. Ill I l-IL U I f Conwrvativw SUta IxwmtlTa Tie"- FOB uVerW, ZCnULON B. YANQE, FOB IIIUTKIAWT-OOriB50Il, COL. EDWARD DVJIALL, OT flBW UMVM- y ' - . ; - "l r 1 (4 SvJ FOB IBCBBTABt OF 8TATB, KOBEET W. EE3T,; or (uut FOB TbBAHUBEB, KEMP P BATTLE,: FOB jUCItUB, ' ' SW.BUKaiN, - trl. FOB BUPKBISTESDWITOf FtJBU0"WOBM,, " H A MTTKTi P. PAlTErWON, w , , . - -t Hi l f rnn BTTPT. tit PUBLIC DISTBTTCttOIfk 1 REV. BBAXTON CBAVENj D, D. b I -J . FOB ArfOBXKX OEJiBBAl , SIQ.V It EOQEE. .. , f , 'i r -' -, Savrtms Court Jtutti ItlCIIMON IMOND M. PKA1180M. o( YMkb, - WILMAM H. BATTLE1 WR 1 fi :WIN G. KKAl)E.'ot Peraoa, r i MAT1IIAS K. MAMLT, of f-rareii, A. 8. MEKUUON.-of Buaanatt. ! 4 (Tba two U4.il Um malwf.Jodgea, a pDspowd, It lncrcMO'l'to 0 i j guparior Court i DAVIP A. BAUJIE9, . Of BtBTVOBO. 7 j ' . " aacoMD Diwaii't,'' f EDWARD J WARR?N, or ai;ki.', i ' . i -i imatiMt ' ' " fHmt Mai-Bier. h.i "aEORGB.V.'BXHOO, ..,of rtniw j - roeaTK VMvmuif. ! AnLLIAM S. DEVAKE, nK!i niaraicr: . ! t i J - f 1 : - 1' t ' W " A H - ; t airra nwrBicT, ziiatfiitkiAM, OF BBAptJU,mCJ IVERTU DIBTBICr, ' " THOMAS BUTTIN.tJr,, ' JTBANCIS. E- firjOtiER,''' " ' . BKIHTR DITB.ICT, -," " Iturrx DirrmcT. i - ... WILLIAM M. BttTr, 4n .' OF UHCOLaW , - ' " WSBICT. j " ANDERSON WITIELL, u 4 ci.KTtMTB praraiCT, - Or.BUBCOMBB. n, , - ' TWBbTTH BMTBIOT. ' ' ' . 1 A: T. DAVIDSON, iff, 't,ut i.t oi ataooav it l.-rir:"' ' ' ' ' shcoa'd'wasuivotox ' v jr nr ji,j,a wka t) ftrat otan U Jlortb Carolina to aaminate and Jraiaa 1a tba ,i , . iStaiuiuri tUallagof, itfferaoo Daria, fof tba ' ".' Preaideocy of tb CWadera'a glalaXld '. "i ' ha clnlmed that mwit in hi pajaiM' W. W.nUe wan raT'aiaa la Worts V. ":rolinto11CoL "WbuToip.YaDeifroiB, ' - ' hit comund ia tba aisy to a eanraai for " , tba OoTcrnorsMp of flu Btsta, aa tbwaaa dldateoi tba old TJnloa party. Ha waj, ' . also, tba firtt to dcntrj, ind lpo him, b 1 t. caoaebaitfuKd toc jr witit Tjiia In tl cflort ta acoompliih tb peacaf whicb tbay i both dotired, by encguraging Isowardly do aertiooa front tba army, and by harboring and protecting deaertera tbeotaalTea. I . . W. W. UoliU wa ib fift and bafy "a in North Carolina wbo wgratted tba aataa aiuatioa af Abraiat Lrbeola. No jone but himerer naked ;wb Would pb tot wi head r Then ia bo olbat North Carollnits who would not, and did aot, bluh at th .-, baena of tba aoggwtion, ' ?"" W. W. Volden ia Uyooi diyata. though after a Trj burleqnfaihii,-firt la war, first in ptare ; and 6rst lu tL baarta of bi rimnlrroian." Tbiaa tountrymeaow )iapin to b the 01 rl j t-worab i rpcr aad fiiuatica at tha North, and f -.nltitode hereof wend ri8gcrrt Vs4 Piiriaia, anao. fliisti-!ttd IIcroeof Africa (C,IL O. A.) of tril color, and tmcircuajtiwd naiir .1! 9f, w liow aras,- fey y.-at tgi? ft 3 . ,i to bewb&e, with notiiinelit white ,, '-a tU-n. "God sire Hie Btatal" nmknt.. It i.l 1 awn.ty yev r.r T.lint in tba w-cailod, thst ; m ' e ll;h int rat talked r 1 ' f'rT-I. j. c pow'T 'rn',i : ; j ...I t: S morir-u. i-y . . rv (' ! l y l!'t time. Ttcy 'r I "en i,l K--M0.1 i$ ' " e reiSe ff tbo EU'a of more .- j TBI XOMG !ttL TICMtT. : It iV!ai- .td'M (U reUti4 "Repub Kcm" 8 t Ticket; whWb "mm Wt U m istli. try lb M bf UM MMOtl'Ug wbm m U. It U "UyT to Um Bwrtrw tioa poller ol Comim wbieb sUMto ptow j7arat pf ituliuol fniriJtseVrWWM wom to Mtrol ung!fa''lW totoy' b 1IkUom to CulUutluMl UU-tb onl; Uokm worth kafing ar fraMrving, tad the-oBlr Unltm trbkb eaa td tha aboek ar'aawaita 0 tiiua, tbCoanratiT Ucbet u th ealf "toTaT Oclut ia Um fteld. - Boidaa, auat M thaat aM athaaKav Jrrf jttk'frj'af, ttfjmrj MWto&f ta. I waatMrfiiiaJtaDKabMWMMoaw thaaplrit oTtbalr dream, ia aMmtwwIj abort ttaw, W. W. BoMea iatbabtbaraf tumritia, over Om' aet,taa l pnacnrlog. HHbdr leeaa. Om goldpaa witb wbfeh "ba did flu dead.' iTbaa bUkaaaagot waak, ba argad paaea tar tb aaka m 'tettag tlafarj." After tba aarwadaf, ba vat Uta Ml; iaadisg aiaa la Hortt Carollaa wba adroealad Pmident J.-bnaoo policy m tight ptf at lie deolaml tbat aaqnaliflad jipooilioa to aagra tuAVaga waa tba aoat eaaaplQaoaa .'t.iimm kadmarka," aad awartat) tbat Um aturpattea, aa tba part oi CpDgrwM. of attamutiBg to mj mhf tboald and vrbo abMild aot Tola la Nurtk Carolina, wai motntroua aad" fnfamona. Wa win prova all of tbia, by astracta from tba Bal algb Standard, la gond Hma. Tod B. Caldwall, who bow, ia tba blttar aata of bia littla aatara, goca for bangtag aa oallad "rfebela," at oaa tima, doriag tba war, waa aagagetl ia auklng achai, argiog paa to rvhiataaf-rbUa b Harad ai boaaa. Darid A. epklw Vaa aid aegra-trader, who mada U bla jaaoe bj tba "Uafflc ia bumaa flenb." v w I iFfH CdImosb vaa a rampant atcea loaWL aad, ia tba baginaing of tba war, waaitor aeading all tba Tankeea to pardi- J tioa fqooer U ,oaa eonlB tekgrapb from ACuboorJ tb RaWgbf f. i Col, W. . KodmaB, to tbu day, we aup poae, ba not abandoned tba daotriaa tbat tccoMioa bright IB theory ; fof ba I practi- eallj acting npon it. H wa a'Jadga of Ht4l the Military J ourt, during' 111 war, aBtfaentefM-adf Bny poor allow lo death for uWrtlon dRBcrtioa to which Uiey war initiated, by many of tbtrary men with wbmn he M now, 00 operating, and with wheta he bt now engaged in branding with lolamy, by pntting them under political cav traclam, tba vctt men with wbora hi. wa aawciaUd k i'i roiy, Cbaa. H. Thonma wo an oflloer of tb "rebel Stale overntuRot of Korth Caro llnai daring the wor, and, when a Candidate htf ib Coafaderate.rongreae, declared tbat our aaparatiofj fhim the old Union waa, and ought to ba, eternal. ' . Vv. f motaak laftbi aa offleer tn tb Con federate army; aad yet, In tbe CoBrentioa ol lWJjiMibWaaJly deebued tbat erery man engaged In . tba "rebellion"' waa a "mar- doier" th tnoat atrocion teotiment tbat "iery fcU fret&a'art lipa, aad one tbat will tick to Captain 8tU like tbe ahlrt ol H Qea. O. W. Logts, wa a member of the Cooiederau Coagraaa. J. W. Bowman wa. at on tima. aa officer in tue uenfeoerate eemce. '' C. L, Ilarri tqted, la th Legiatatore of I80j-tl6, againat allowing nagroe the tilhnjreofiriegrldon lath Cutwta lot Jiiatlrel , o. D. Aauiey aou u. . aiannmyrr oeinng to tbat elaaaof abolition fanatic, wbo, lor year before th war, were eonnirlng at trio tatlooi of tb fugitive abvre law, wbo were warrtag upon tba loatltutiona of tbe Boath, eneonraging Joha Browa raida, and, thare- bj. (oarvWif . Uat. reeling in tbe South whicb wa nlUmateiy forced to crop out la farmed relataaoa,t to tha Ooaetitutloa, bat to tba Irwka deaigna of eeotioeal in ceodiaric. . Ppoa tbe (boulder of luat uch men reeU aaoet of the gum and horror ol tbtwar. . . Verily, thf liybrid ticket couict up to Barke'a oolehratod doaoriptloa of tbe Earl of CkeUi Cabinet, rU t s Ila made an adnintat ration, ao tibeck erd aad peckld 1 be pat toRaiber a pieee ol Joinery, eocroetry inoeataa ana bibim- oAlty aove-utioa; cam net as vartoaty ia laM 1 nek a pieet at dtreiatAed Mnaaie ; here 'a bit ol black atone, aad there a bit of white: patriot aad onurtlera, kinir't friead ene) ropuMionaai-whig ana tortee ; treaoh eroaa Crtenda and open eaemiee; that it waa indeed a Terr curiou ehow : but ntterhr ua- aafato toachvnad anmre to itand oa. Tha eoi league whom he had aaaorted at tbe earn board (tared at each other, aad were obliged to aak, 8ir, too name I Sir, yea hareUieedrtatacaoiine Mr. Booh a on 1 bea n thonaand pardooa I restore to aay U did to happen, tbat perana bad a tingle omoe iMia twtwea tneta, waa and nerer apoke to each other ia their Hea, an, til they fownd thtmealria, they anew not how, ptfrgiag totrether, bead aad point, ia Ui (am truckle-bed." . - I x.-'m ' m ' ii ii VASCS ASD BALL r v W ar beglnal j ta bear tb eefcb ol the gtato Conaorratlr preM td tbe nomination by the Kxeeatire CommltU. . TtTpreaent i aamber af ei tract, to-day, and wtU eoa tin tie to Jrlre naeh a way be received? It wtU be eaea tout tb bappieat aeeord eaW We admoaiah th Motlry claa, who ar gathered eador the black beoner.ln Bilraoee, that tbey may prrpare for a can rata, apoa tb part af tbe Con em tire white nam of North Camliaa, which, m point of energy and determination, haa nerer had it equal in tbi Bute. W all iataMl to jpara no bonorble or lawfnl effort lo ear the Stat from the clu tehee of tbe dtsatmctiTca. a ho would rwe H to It titter Twtiir----- - Oor pa'lant tUadard tjearer Witt do their duty. Thi-y will wit an riaeiplenf enrnett. bcm aud actirtty, aliirh tbe kat tint will be alamed But to ful ow. , Cavks. The t'onterratiTr wf ' tbia County w ii! rnrt ia Newbera, oa th ICrtb. insL, lor tli f urpeee of oetrinating candid ate for Hit Legislature, County officer. Ac. Tii ia I' f p-Tiuint pluck. "tCbater.a' th odds !-' ' y-s let os eonteet etrery inch of crottnd 1 I a hrbrids. 1 Tb Radical, ia tbtnr hte notniaAtion. act, we proauBkf, apoa tbie old p-iUtlpal dogma. Their prineiple ere mesa, grarel bag, aWpknbl. and tbry there! ore teleet tb sent elaaaof aea to Uluetrate and carry litem out, Tbi la, todopbi, Baar'aad proper, kfen oebraetr and reaped abil ity, wftoee iatareeU are linked with tb In- tereata of"ocie1y, aad who aepiraUoao nee abofw tb a pool of deaugaetm, can aot ppoet mean, despfeabbl priadlpte or inaetrnta tbea ia their eondaet W hare long held that bad, mean' mea cannot b traatod with good princf pita. Tbey will ei liter adalterate or muuiaar, or wholly abandon, them. Henc w go for principle mmd often. W will not Mport aeaa, bed prinelpWBof il( foPPrt neaa, bad men. IJ Ufinciple Of party are aoaad aad wortH'if ytblog,tbt7 akoald ba earorced aad Uinetrnted -jr good men. the beet that can be OUalned lOr the The OeneerreUre ticket, w trdge,l lt(rad wltbtieiito Bce. Oar priaelpU look to tbe edaoatiea at tb peo ple, tbeif rseoa.agnneBt to indiutry ad ea- terpria,th maiateaaao of CoaatitttonJ liberty, aad tbe proaoUon of tbe pecod haraoflT of th Batioa. Toaecnrt titatecb- Jeete, man af tried totegnty, of ability and reapectobUity, bar been aaiected to tnlbroe aad Ulaetaai ear priacilee. How macb aoerer them gentlemen bote been divided in political leatimoBt in tb peat, tbey are bf lierad to be a onit trpoa we great principle which now agitato tba meuatry. Tbey are devotedly attached to the principle ot gori ran tat, a net forth in tbe Coetittion of the United Stole. They ere lover of Con- atitational liberty. Tbey are anxiontly da iroee to proinote tbe rtoration ol praue, barmoey and good will, bataaea th people of the rarieue eeetiona of tbe TJnloa; tad of the State. They are friend f law aad or der and of their enforcement by the peeee- abte remediea ot tbe Oontti'ulion, yi : the aupremacy of tb dvtl over the military power, Tbep era friend . pt, ihe negro race, out iney are oppnem in vwining ine herd of ignorant and vicioqt negraet of the Sooth with political or sVial potitiooa. Tbey are for t white man'e government to' be admiolatered tor the benefit of al meet and conditlone.'HHeoce, they areop pneedto the bow Constitution propoted for Korth Carolina, If there be one man on the Conservative ticket, npiioeeil to thcae orloclplfl. he ontrbt aot to allow m name to vamaln on it '" ' iBaBATTTDDa. Tb Ii-Proviaiortal Oor- ernor bad been twice defeated, hone, loot aad dragoon, by tbi white people of thi 8Ut(' la hi BaodeeT aspiration after the Oorernorehlp , JI wm politically down nt to heel clean dowa. N4a insa in the Stat we o heartily dcapietd. In this I eetato,lMwastakem by the band by Hla Excellency, the Pruideot of the United State, eal made, what be most desired, hort of hi aoul't tslratlon a Oovurnor I After bl time ' rxplred, .tb President again attempted to honor him by a foreign appelntraeat, nominating him toj tb P. A, Sonata, at Minister to sen Baivaopr, wita taUry of $8,000 per annum, and $4,800 na sa ontflt. " The Radical BeaaU rrjeeted tbe BamkMtion bnt won even then acquiring aa ntorndancy that baa tince aearry over throws tbe Government. Tbe nomine wa shrewd. He aeoerisined Vblch way the wind 'yi Bl,J9ilj acquiesottd ia the Railical Benate't deoition. Roturtinghome, tb almeat Mmlatoregan to'giv the cold sbooltler to hi benefactor, and to coslree with thot wild aplnta who bad shgwn him this indignity. By the Um of the Presi dent' visit to K. C.,th qaoodam Governor bad completely reared around, and wa whacking away at lb very policy be had himself eatabliabed, tad, in erery iaso of hi paper, sneering at tb high official wbo had been to hint tbe fountain of honor all tbe ofnninl honor h aver knew. He had watched th signs of the time, tiretitadct What are peat nrorl to thee that are t ermrf . The Kg ProvUional aovrmoraenJd net etnrd to call area by a littla irami a loot rtsbWoa the Preaideet while aeaoeg as, and that high ofllcial bad the awrtinoay tb of gning -ck, to, VaelBrtoa aJ, wltbowt ereenaelng hi Udmtrgv. ua. r T papnf, area in New Hamp shire or Mamachaaetta, ia bail to energeU- eally Urging his iatpeachiaeit, arhrehldl a rejoice to am bim paniahed lor "high Crimea aad misdemeanor," as thi same Standard. Line there t man, ia thli broad Uad of analjitoMelnnamtefiiL solnmnkMialr iaaesei stent, sad 0 ntterlj. ahamalea t !" Pabm Stbicbbb, Oar informaiioa lead u to berJute OsaMttt Cesaervatbr ticket, Jest nominated by th Xitcutir Commit tee, h throerw reamr, into the Camp of th Radkbv iVaaaaVBM 4en upon whom tbey have relied, eaa not tost el the ticket, an4 oecism tnetf oetermtBattoo to go againat it. . Others, w. mare, will tereica, reeierlng tha anaxej of aerersl ot their own nominee and patting en earn of ears in stead., We should soi be eirprised tf each mokrale TUfiaUlicnju a Dicky pool, DMkkery, UoKKlfiia; and others, cannot swa- iow It, be yea am af them trill swallow the Confutation, whi.h hf tenfold wore tbaa tb Radinal ticket. rTbe'ad'ioal ' ticket, crea if eleotod. (which W think impomibWJ eaa last tot a tew ytare, hat the Coaetita- tlun, H adopted, may be tied erma a for h generation.,, ,.; ,',.... . ,. ' ,- t4 1, '.I l,in.i . ' 1 11 ir From the Umimrtoa tar. 'ZmLjLLs FriBi FiYawn. t The nfftni rather, who rTreai-n! the (outfit a-my ot jTjatocta fiuck in tbe Qorilta Convnton, hat been nominated bj uis wnnm r uis potiuoa of cupenn tesdtsit oC FuMie I attraction, sa office creeled by tnt "lortl 1 body bow manutae tilling s Constitution fnr North Carolina, at the moderate coat of two hundred dollar per hoar. 4wee .;oCTted- Ashley ta be elected to omne try tbe vtiu mea of North Carotins I Tba canting old brpecrite may as well abandon hi thirst for oiiic at once ; for be ba had bit last chance at the Ireetu ry of North Cantlins, TntaCowilUailoiasJ ComremUwn.'nor h.rof tlrrea, and all dobte coabscUd .. its ti :uia tlia nbrJlioa. eomins no. If (tev-ralled,) e. MOUXIHQ SZSSIOW. ' v MewDAT, March S, 1868. rne rCenrantSontwae, called to order stJ 18 otcfeck. i-Cl Fi .. .f . . , 1 riWVbl tba Rer. H. T. BudsPBof tbe city. A aommunioatioa from Gen Caaby, ia regard to tbe con tasted electien eaeea, was annoeaatd, and latarred, without reading. to to committee oa Privilege ana -ttena. - -. ,v A 'if fe . . i Mr. Abbott moved to saepeadtbe ul mid take op tha report af tbe eonmittee oa 1 1 Ta. Chair decided the arotioa to WU wm ante win 01 avow A 1 I fram tiVdesisUinukf I Kit Abbott apneeJea the Chair, and tba appml wa not Bus- r n .nqrews presoniea n, pww-a hk a diroec between cert tin parties. ' Keieered. . s . a . : . . . Mr. Blums, a peUtioa of the asm charac ter. Referred. -1 njtsoLrioa, aiuirBunnaacL -Br Mr. Rich i A rwlutlon ralethe a com mittee of two from each Coogremioaai Dn tncta, to suggest what bill saoaia Be eetea an oy this UoBventlon. Lies ore. Mr, Uskn ) msolution., that lbflni ; sFstmasmad of tlw Comajtaxion Convention shall adjoara on the 18th inst Mr. H, moved to tubDead the rule and adopt, bnt was rated wut of order by .the Harris, ot Wske, ((negro,) s resolution, providing that tb iilstll be called each uorning ; and another resolution, tha so member receive peyl after the 15th last. Bot b lit over. , n By Mr. Rod-nan : A resolution ino easing tbe committee of three on divoroes, te Liesovcr. 7 Br Mr. Cnndlsr : A resolntion approving tht Impeachment of PiatiiltniJohuiton j aad giving thanks to Coo grata tor so doing. Lies over. ' : By Mr. Jooee, of Caldwell : A resolution tbat tbe Oonrention meet at H o'clock, A. M. Lies over. ,. , , . BBFIBtantg BMIKBM. Mr. Abbott moved to .make U10 report oi the committee oa Immigratbw tba t pedal irder for to morrrs1. Loat, He then moved to take U np now. Car ried. . - . ' f ' Mr. Abbott proceeded, at length, to ad rotate tbe provision of the report, partic suuiy tl feature oi ettablluhinfi an Agency in New York, Ho argued the matter some time, to show the oentehnt would ac crue to the 'StSUvlf audi a measure waa aduted, and ailed th example of vaion States that had pursued the same plan with the most beneficial retails, j Mr Cannier offered an onlinanoe, aa a it I nit it nte, m powering tbe Legitlature to create tbe eflloe end eutborty.ing the Unv- trnor to ppoui,aod the llMlaiurcti) con firm, the Ooiumreslnner. j i( Mr. Heaton levered th sriniun! ordi aanee. He tboeght Je gislMiTre could modify or change tt when proper. He had teen the best benefits from itutBiirnt ion in the North wj. . ,r Ob amotiosiwf Mr, Ablmtt, tbo ordinance waa nuKle toe special order lor to morrow nt 101 o'clock, . " frjUf. nvodonl nf Mr. Ttenton, the rule were tunpMleu to fake ap bl resolution, si'tuug apart the 19th hist, lor adjournment, -- ' ' Mr. Fork net1, as chairman iff the commit tee on sdiottfniniBit, acceptetL . Mr. Rotlmnjl moved sa amendment that. after tbe 19th last, no member shall receive pny. , - , , , , Mr. ITaatoo accepted it Mr. Jones, ot Wathiniftoa, after tome re mark eortoernins' tbe matter, said tbat he 4 id not toink they could poaaibly Sfllotrrtt ... ... 1 . before the 15th or 20th inst -' l Mr. French, of Chowan, favored Mr, Bod, man's amendment. , , . Mr. Kiohomon was in favor ol adjourning on tba ISta inst- but hoped Mr. Rodman would withdraw bit amendment, ss he con sidered it a dlaootirteoiie-one. As for hir self, wheal hie pay ww stopped, he intended to go home. Ur. Candler offered a substitute, "that it M tba sens of this Convention thst wo d I ionrn oaths 18th isstt bnt if the wrk it incomplete, tbnt this Convention have th power to' rescind Its setloe in thi case." Carried, . . OTCUli OBDBB nrOBTBSTBAD. i The question recurred o tbe Snd. section, as amended, , ' Hood, (negro) moved it sdoption Mr. Rich moved to 'strike opt, la line 1 and 8, tb words not exceed hag one hun dred acres of land " Csrrieo., j '. Mr. Jones, of Caldwelt, offered na amend ment, to nam to tins 8, after "debt," as fpK town bat Bja property h1l be exempt from taxes, or- for netment bf eblltstions ontraoted for th p rebate at nldpmmi h.-CitrrUdJ V H(? i,l J Mr, On ham, of Orange, onrerad a suhstl tnta for and whole, latrine the matter with tba Legislature. He thoaght tbe Convention was going 100 isrf tweamg every emeu mas tor to tha CeaaUtaJloa, Jtoolrt,be eambroaa afTstr.' Ha did not' see why the Hemmtoaa bobM ba tagulated aere. . ? - The rent and navt were called en Mr. f3ri- hnm'e sahetitnta, aad bad, resalting Inyess 88 nsysCS, fmJk,'. ' , ' . nir. Tourjfee ive to poet pee we rur foecdiroaeiKHr of tbi matter and mshe H the tpeeinl order on Thursday night next Hued, (seffrokt-ensbefl snatve. tnrport rstvnimittod. Not atrreed to, ' Mr. Tovrgosw anotloa then pteislb w; -1 . By aoneean Ut, Toargee aabmitted r-f port from tba committee en Towae, Cities, Ae which Wa ordered to be printed and mad th special order lor .Thursday next, at 18 oVlock.1 - -' , Oa motion oC Jfr. Ashley, the report of u committee ea dacatioa wa ma at special order foe Friday ael v 1 Mr. Walker moved to make th report ,of the eommittee ew PnniahmeRta and Penal Inttitntiona tb special order ft to morrow at 11 e'dock. Carried. . I ' ' - Mr. Rod mas awrnd ht hie ardinnnae for Relief be made the ipecisT order for t-mef- row ereoinff. "fWaiJeetion, ft J The report of the committee on Corpora? flons, ether tbna Municipal, wa taken up. when t-. v a . r . Mr, Bryan renewed hi motion to roeoav aider tb rot by whkh Sectio t vn stricken ont. ,T.-- " ' f Mr. Toargee oppoml fbe motion ' ' -. $ Mr. Brysa't motion to reoonaider waa pat to a vote and lott Here it wot aerertalned that the Mil had aot been en groaned, on aceonat of the n eorda ot that day being mfophwed, sad the htrther roneiderstioa was postponed wntit this renir,g.J . , . LJ O -.-' "i vis: , cainrnsa.' i .:. Mr. atortons ordinance, repealing the or dinanee patted ia . tha Convention a' ti, proliiliiting the ml of (piritnona liqnor at ti e Cowipny Shops, wa takla np. - 4 Mr. Welker opposed the pstntcrS of the ordinsBoa. The act prohibiting the sale af liquor there wss ptwed at tut special n. qoeit of the Railroad Company. J'.r. Hrttiam, ol urange, eotxrorml with Mr. rt elker. Oa motion, the ordinance was laid On the table. ! Mr, Walls' onlinanoe, prohibiting tbe col. i jectiea ot all debts baaed npon tbe pnrchsaa 1 rr WH WattoeaMthJ subject oua not cptor nto reDttdisriom nxoerH so far at aecaasitfy, He wa not willing to repudiate aay tjebt except for the parcbMS-or hire of slave. Mr, Caodlereflersdaa amendment: "Pro vided, thst debts contracted for fh pnraham er,him of t)ave,rlor to January 'tt, snail UV nilRMU, MnOrahma, af Osaagi mnt.d UJeJ ttM ordinance on Uie table, taring, t ao no ne teditenes the moreJity of eening property of tbi kind, but can see no reason why tnes oetrte attould be plaeea oa amorem footing from others. " Tbe legal title to this specbm property jrss admitted not only by'etirtonrlt- Conrti, Wti by tboe ot we United Slates, aad the return of fugitives tt n " 1 ot Hn.g wV(W ttr itmi". ot freaiaent Lincoln sttoct toe qnestiof in- I eonalder tbat it was merely an net of j war and aot binding open thi state, until aa. ried owt by force of snna. . All esritora boid that blockade -ttmeanU te ae4hintf Bntil ron lered eflectuaL th at s paper brock ml 1 no blockade stall A I am unwilling to repadiate any honest debt, I cannot role for this resotatUio, 1 tbfrefpr more that it Beonthe Uble.f ,rr' Mr. Qrshsm's motion to table waa put to Tbe f resident snnotracea sseommiim on Messrs. Healoa. Nicholson snd Hodman, Mr. Rodman mid thst he bsd introduced a. -resolution in relation to .divorce, tbi morning, which he desired 'to set adopted, Hewialied tftts the "whole matter af di voice mtnrred ton eoamwte o dve, , After aome debate, tbe motion t suspend th rules and take np th resolution was pat snd'esrried. ' . ' Mr. Candler moved to lay tbe resolution on the table. Loot: - - The resolution read as follows : Betolatd, Tbat tht committee on Dlvoro of 8 be inoreated to t, aud tbat all spplics tions for divorot -be referred to tost com mittee, and that this Oonvesdon will in each case adopt snd confirm the report el mid committee, without further examina tion Mr. Hodnett was not- willing tn coin nut himself to the legislation of a committee ia so Important s matter. Mr. Welker was slab opposed 1 ruttor noma further debst the mat ter was indefinitely pottpor-ed, on motion ol Mr. ing. MtvYwkeermored t4nflhBrv ! Mr. Qraham, of Orange, moved to ad joura tiitt ii; Lost. ? . Alter some little debate upon unimpor tant matters, the Content foil Idjbwroed n- , ..-flAKBIAjU On the 20th February, bv itv. 8. d. tsa. lt. A. Wtunsws MuM'avrts A. both of areeuriUe. N. C. WtUtee, HIW ADVERTISEMENTS. LAi!TKKi PJU.WTIOpl , tfi FABtlKIIS. Wo trefoil (rrindinjr tt onr MiIIh 500 toen Navt 8cont PvteTtH, fur tKiicultural purpostt, wbicb will bo sold vsnv u.w. '- -vV .- , ,- . , A.F..OBICB. Uuhhi Oar Works, P.rtmMitn, Yv A. tt- nUiPMslB'tl'llw, Al , ' Mart tr iUMgH .,' Will U atU at the VnaH Uvtuuii-t, to the Gilv uf IUi.-iKU.uu batiurUw. ike ,11th iay of April next, the d Wuliiiito the iwtMt of Hiuo KtHiVrt' Uoc iL lying in Wttt Oeuutr, ,en 1 next, tbe bind. RouVrt' dWit e lmm braueli. eouMining auuot ' . ONE THOUSAND AO RES, W(U adapted to the culttvaUoa of COIN, COT TON WHItlT. Aa. The lnd will be told In two Or thiee Traota. ene of which it subject lo the widne't dower. Termt mtdt known un day of tale. (1EO. W. NOBWOOD. kUrS tU GoDimiatientr. im i,.ti : . t'litilM .' 1 '. FkKHH ABBIVAIi OB AUIOY Vt . ,w JO-JJSOFPHKT8. w UIXBPPPKu,: AS-, a,.. ,i , .!QJillOFFdKI'8. CANITBi) PEACHE8, TOMATOES AND OTB- T-,.;-- .f.--JM4;J. ' hn- v TBMH ' ' " , f AMT04)VTsnerrnf rrTtrlTrnTr '" ' M. I Oheeaei whioh t will tat! tbeen for oath. J . At " ' TOWWOFFHAT8. QB HulrJtbmIjeJe prpw Oate tale by CATUPPH AND BAUCE8. ' FehS-ist-tr "' taOVOLAB BKU. . At TOHNOFFnll'A f .i .... ., ....TTt Z-r SA LAB0BCON8IONMBNT Or FINK TBIftE MBAL, COUJI, FLODB AND nya, ' -' Foh. U If x - an 8 I'fa MnrAtrl FJOH, GDKItAKTS, CITRON AND BA1MIN8. .- ... .. . , ,. ,. A t -.,Ll At 'i'OKNGpt'MU-B... Tni awtttt See mat leww . . . f . ;-., . .1 ...im , 1 A, . .lKCheaIsrlan4kma. Ut a 1 , At -. TON NOFF8 KT8. Tsh 8-lBMf - - i ' Tj ' " ' ' ' " ' . ' , , ;, 1. . , 1 1 ... 1 ,, 1) , ,i rr. .. l '' FINK VISEa, AUSLU(Jp0BR' COTAB8, AO. I !. AJ i .1 TONNOFFSIU'B. March I tt .u'i s.. T ' !IH! ' ' '- T ' ' : e( BBUK No. "I" FAMIXV' FMUB AND 4UJ other grade, arriving riar In (tacks t TTtORTT BACKS N. C. Family Floor, in at rt M. new mwarnvje w Ftbe-Us-tf DOUQLAfl BXU. 9 ATAPftOO Fmntitv flonr rft ' ... , rJellairFanulTFhinrlll . rJJtjl r,iJbnHhaenaw.sttoent " in Barrahv snd warnnted 6 rat ree:- s a - Feb S-166-w v iW B.IBHJaliKbL. .... -v - . 1 I T rV PATHS LA1II" HOM, BalUroort l)J aftetuee. wheap te elewa entMrnnaent. Feb. 2$ tf Ane. ft Oenw Ktrehtnsa, , Ht1 ft Anft 'A-,DIBBxTr IM- VtM V.vf port ados' trim Jt aetynet. br sals by v ' ' Wll.l.AKfl BIlllB " ,"'"' tr. Sand Honh Wuter ' Dee. 16 tdrV ' Wilmiajrlrwi, 1. 4- ft- C Ilprristca-t r.,. s OUSD and cood. k XS ceV BbbL I Also. No. 1. t a mwFTFP?. JOS89 iAbOL - i- F . ' " rrtUKBOttAB HOOSE AND LOT, ON HltLS- a. all rPnaOeerVin fre-.f tnt- The fanalaet in She honaa eoubi tie bonsrlit en atoatbs limt. wUsKtMii xooJaavumf Sue. feat and rarni- . AiiaioneJ(Conun.-MtsehaiMs.B(,, t w:Kivcr Tttm bat AV -; . SOO Iba Famflv Inl f tm' Feb MgO-tf 7 r- ' . : ; nkJ.t-,YaUnats. , 2n TfOTnEW from Western t- C.ef tvr. -! " ' -- ' . - FeB 13-ISi-ir .M.-. W. il. JVXXH ft CO, , : Itf. C Bamii. 1, 1 ) TTAM8 ADD SIDES. AX ' Aucu.,i.ecra a tjom. SiMrcbanta . Aucu.,i.ecra ft trena-i6(Wi . ; VFI OLD 6CXTPERNONQ Wl-Mt ,Feb C-lSS-aT . W Bx josesaoo ' yytrV"Tjr:-r T r-- -r- -i 'I ' Fat.riJlttB.ltlB- ' ..' ". I NOT H KB lot ef fee dtlipWfnl C1QA8H, JY 'IkVraruet,'','JVva Biieu" and ''Legattr IttsaWL " W. TI. JOSE A CO. Auctioneers A Cent. Merehanta. Fab tS-Ud-tf t " I " ' - t - 1. -.: . 1 "... ' ' em, m Fvmj a -smew 'A & . , b -If nrr.-TI.T AnOUTa. I JLOXUttUAlia. !aodovrmWrf? tlte met tdkn of the I Ootd twerirtaeift, tbe stel neissre of the to; tmtMiti ranrx an every tiniiirtbit httereatof "OOOD OLD HOBTH STATX," I jm- Ltea MW B AJI7AI0a FATIB. v - te the b arsmetotettanjing nw Cnntantsn, i i.. B g li.Ui . mm THE II OLDEN mWRO A Tie nrat espy at mfcarfB tosnmeAenthe areariier: Awlt HMeat toSeenwt pew vh, ' - ' 1 A m ' 4 MM-, mdfiS :n4kt ' HATeV.A JfJOfT, OITHIB JtrOT immkkAmbattUmtfT bwwhis sonntrytnd m Mnaa ft m ataot ana srotperity U SM haw to hnrimg from pontiaal Bn sstevir this mitsrtlilt tinte againat tholwanfto isbsf -msyBrn',ftt,!- ' U4er mm. hxxfeb, i Her B af -1 witagna m Up,n. m ! . II 1.11 p win. m. 1 H'11 i' , ' n tnriluu IKS SPPLKIS. . . ... . -TrCTai,, TT7OTM OAUI -i.. 1 ' . it. . -'-l TT r-' 1 ' t " SS Btttnets WWter vets SB-nay tees-rea. ; j..,, Fob. m-tt wvitiAm wen TBBKOTIAlt DAMO, , ,.. , , ,.,.. ' '!. A7 - ..... . -r.;,., -r i i-' The reemoe nrtstse, tor eu v -Fh.V-tf - DOVOhiM BELt. iWb Btwe. Ttrtoat sfaw. M1B new. Band fltr, and Hlaekanum fuss. Anvinv atnutw ane iwt. and Wki. 7. BK6WNv luleigh, Feb. J-tf Wit Hart ft Lrria.. s T5COND CABOO XW CBOP. CAJtDf NAB uiBikrr iMPonTATios...., ,, M0 Rhoa : Banels enA Vmf CboioBlUw Crop Oardenee MiJattn. muniantlr axpeoted per Brig- F.Janown." f 11 mam vj WOUTH A DAOTIU Feb.'!H-8t' WiteingtMS.N.iO. ,1 F BBBH BUL'JUHJRT STJhliiM. 2S.000 barrel freak ttoekaort frAwS Loot daily ek port Wo Wharf,-wt expected, tot M tram Wharf, -ttrery redann rtten,ny ,ru t Feb.iM ... WJminsWo,M i. u. . mae)ii et.a, or vhatuajs, as i thelreonaa -of nui.jr frtuda, ansannem mil aa an nMhweiMlaitt atnduiaie ssr U0O-. Tcia lb Funrih (Xesropaliuu) CongrSttloual Feb -to" ' - - '" 1Mb. Jlaurwwitrw Trnd ISM - , " lit , ,i( . , J ' rtf. ONM-aAWO, F1HX TABLE CCTUC KY, tHltt Plated Furkt and Mwoaa, (Mv,r Halt I t'atinrt. Kneed and Beflntd Iran, CStt and MiaM Meet, Qtrdes .J W...HJ k;i - 4 ASM. nttod tod lUeMnr ttaaot Oooklng dt,fti- natbed KaieiKa,Feo.9lMf Wrm tbrt a. Vn.s. QOPttlUOBOLDAPPl-BANII PKACI BUAB V u, , ... . , w.h,ihiuj swrt't Feb.itf rAaetlunmta A tiotni Memtiante. SX, . - . , , si. H. JOKEA A t , n 1 nun oar ivnm Feb. lstr Aae. ft Cum. hii Haunt T ADIEB AND 6ENTB H HOKB. sande In sa'em AiOenttnndnssthtmt Cheap and mU made toritav,wvw. .s.n.jutiit Ftb-ae tf ane. a 1; Com tntirulitnat -1BOOKXBI ABDteHIMA WAfta. , ad Crates weH aarwF tl)e aa?l faaoera, Pit tee, Diahea, Bowls. FHrhers, . t Una, fee and Dinner net. . . W n. iOtJEit ft CO ,. . Feb. a-t ...i . AneAOsm.Merennb, UF1 IITSTJEAXCX . CNriKCTICV rnvTIIAa. (JWai..,J: ins U a ki ct ipoif fMt of habtfobd! wkmkctI' trf . "' ' J. ju., t- V. r, .. a i,f , Aoclimulsted Assets at a-itu t7r726,5i(L63 - ,v..i cHwrhvnr.lft i m r.-t -i h-Tdrla-iLt W TJ'.J tKt-1 .WjnHaw i .1t.iA,a.slr,t-H -. . e . ; -,-A-a I i TkVw Alt rnriokw non to iUI.it iue actated aawvaA. . -seoi'fiin .pa eneetMi tu all rirma rlmirtd. Fh lT-ts. -.-e- aatahisjh, U.CM 1HPORTAHT S4LJEU , P PUIUWAKTTO AN AGRKfiMESr ENTBBKD into b-twMn THOM.VN D. lttil aad BAMTtlifi' WOWLAKD. aaUKtl kU,, J. nary, WSt. t aaaH praeawd V ar-IL as tnrT.iawJ a wy w rajeiqn, n 1 o duct tt , on I hurxlaY, the ih. far nf March next, a tract of land eaUed FA1RT KMOWt, si tea tod w nniet tnn Balonrh, an 4ba N-wtwt-n baaL ari- jouamt the laa.it of J.dn w, B,.Wateua nadjtieh. ONKHUNPUHf AND THIRTEgTf ACHES with all thehonsea. ont hnnaea, fte , h farm. , Tk"nCaiC For particwiaw, aoiily te Fowu ft ItannsB.- ""- '---i ' ' ii.-d -. Vt St-ISi 14 L, .. , ft T.V lioo. L. Bnaneow, . ; .4. a jnm ' : Agl rj Boaiatwt DararVwy. ... OttilHOTf A JONEI, ,,, ,, tHOCESSOBS to' 'i rT ' a -'" tUEransoa, r:rnr 4t Cij ' tptormsrsTBit pvk kfss at tur tf name stand. tw 2 acker bad. aud r.itl kea n haod a tnppfy of - . at miM.l nricaa. . , " " "" t-tinKiifnniMiiLa of fitul La:.d Taw aal llm- eenanenot bookt olt.'Ml. r articular atteataun pa "I to mdrr. ' .UlaliMN ft JOBFR, Jan lt If stahMgs, K.ti i I . JIXMPH , JtM jn I BAT i ii'iMttMlv .4....A. aa... , l a--- . -mwnanim)nya 1 Tnterent rteetrvd more han mreliWi SMatAiafnaearSlaaraakL' RoUce to Sblppen ef Spirits Tar. . - ', peaune i TUB SEABOAKD " INIaAND AIR -LINE, VIA POBTSMOtm, TA, , TWietar w-atsts'altnm i Tat lUaiaxnsrr nilphl., mL Vwf, rrf It Meatnner hnv las rowJajUnr -' 4i&A3 vMft rpuH au Liitn nornt. fikim thi tlct X al Me avuibas trtnt iluuttent ttvm 1 Humbkv to another, to which other hate an auk. )m, nod being the sum line ttlweia the twT um noruMini uiuea, wita oailv u. a to bal tt mora. 1 hiladehaiia U tTl i Llvk,en4 to fluei t, BbuHcnwrln,, .. I uBera gnat Bw-ibiiea lur thipeiug, and ts hi ad - . wn tn nvs eua end at at low rwtna,,-. tn thipping num the Nurthern eMts, or Mnt' Can l uit, b eanful to tliip via ForUnumth, sad yr . wtmiw uneaitnattllag waiter, tare-- Bar part us tbia p-nits Frwa iluMon, Murrhanta aad kmeia' 1ms. 1. tnipon, AgeniL'tnd Oeniral Wharf, -a 1 . , ' Turn New Tort. '"- f-tniidm Mltiwul I . . (an OmatllrTI wi, iw aim, wa, at 1 T'llT. Jtiwlllnal urtenwiiB ntrtet. From FliiUdelfihia, Clfd Btemt,H ' AniwnwtaieLnw Fhiiadelplue, Wmshuu. and Baiiimoaw Deoul, X JU WuavAaanTr . nw owwra, nay ftne BietmeaL fuct w Pbmb Dock, B. U Poor. Agent ' ' ' ; All elaimt for kee, dsjutrt, er aita ttm prstwttladbraerV .VT1 Btabeard tiahuk Air 1 furttinoutti, t4 THf BlE ABOARD AJfD sWABOKX 'lin. BOAU AM) BAT UK, having itoW ted nnder one Slant stnl fttm 1 hniililiaTusT ntnort, o nvesler fSetntitt to ahipntn af nwiifnt to and fna BaUiaturt than anroUfcT snd guarantee safety ef freight and pneut aa! Uument of tllebilma. -m",lr' ., . B. a.-OHro, Bup't Trantporttiion, ft, Ah. n. , W. 0. SMITH 1 m . Ah a . 11 v. .. ' mm - awaj anas COi-JATE eh tt8 ERaOT;'0AP, , j ran 'srisnASB or : XCKl.l.rt)l, tot rial by ,n jiroetr. .... .-.ti 1 4 aii .,i Fkesh fBttcunair 1 ' " M Siwen I lb., Oene ( lrt s Mennas ass. ,4. h tB.4s.to-.'V.At, . ' - ALL WABBABTKD IWrAthL 1 ' the Cant are sealed with wax snd est be msl sgsia. t . . . 'I ' 1..L an . . K.H. FO0U1, Febl-iMtf tiUtbore,h.r. 1 ' A mb7.iv inmiiii nlOFFESs, TEAS AND bPIOEJ. I . . " " .V M (K.l Jwra, tJM?Mr -u.l Bin CtsW. twwww aij-Ma, uuitnai, uuMtowuar ana v-j Pepper, Allspuie, Cnuianien, Natmefft, CknA ana usee. DOUGLAS hTXBj FayeUtfilia nt. rh rr-li-tf For Sain, Vfli H'BITU OOBN MKAL.' il W. H. JONES CO. rin:"l7-He-tf ;--,tt- FKESU CAKDEN SEED. ' A Hit how in RRfiF.irr on rvna am I 4y uruAhUlk.il HKiOiatf Ism, arm aUif alik'h we warrant of the hMdkiasv Wll.Lta.BIH ft LAMkaU. Bausanlltr, Balaigh, 8. C. Fob. rMttt-lf llousoAnd Lot In IJirceMsberw, ACoJIFOBTAJILB C0TTA01C tloTJHt Wfli four roumt. A rood Kitohen. flmnia tnaai Mid ofHco, 1 good stable, a well and good Uar- des. Farvsnt, tor the present year. tHHwrwajatt. . . Apply lo " flO.TATKl Feb rr-lSS-tawSt .-.'. , M " 1 ." 1 1 .. i. i. . , ii a. a ji n.,..iii. c . -. Mnw aa wawaarw: auqan VM ALSO, ON HAJtO. f Air-tiKlit. and 0at Iron Heating ntovafc Btove Pij wade to order. '. f ABtkdwrniMi iiaett Iras Work tot abort nutlet, -'11. ,',f'..fcW.;f , . BROWS, -'' WiM, THI fJIFEOVW iltP ACTDia ar w ,! f,, two.- '5 IIAjt I) LOOM. . OPnCB OVER . IL TOntO'S tTORt " FEOBTmA TlfrkBB SlAll,-- "HltohT FIFTltKn To THiKTT AtM F A? be WftVsn oa thit LaSaa a a day. It asnoe iwn utilitr by suwaa or by tft. i kU ptrte an an oKaianiwi I tj 1" i2 at tn iav crank, tt ktt Hie Warp 6, "' iheCVHh. trwanw theTnadlet, and the"1" ILartb .. T. . Lief- , am t wni, Mjrmata-raum i 7 T" rvi. Kilibed Oooda, Fenems Twillt of til ii--'" -hj Aa.na. - - Unawaa.1 llenaw Canwa. fact, tnyiiitif 4 Hal we w bus to a K4 . J intolhenenlbna Btatee arnce th wtr, ,tt srovbiga im!a'en'arm : - .a FIVE HUKDRTl' LOOMS . fc harw Veen i,, tbe ww,,t f at of fr Uat haiixniviuba,"and ia no ''"f ". be n s mmpiaml." o i Balle". it Cue frrai AioWft fht tbat Baatau Far -farther ptrtk-nUr, ,4 -" Oenemt t g for the Malt of Tinri"- lnsO lSitfei.- TIM WARE AT wnoLFItl A fcAltOK '"tUn Of T1S l!dl a, d eonetawirr nttaiug, nlurh ' " htW VOUKFKlCkSI ,. --- Matonti H aad wnrtwa ' f "TiLifclt The wiMt,rieTl le ewntmni'S OA UOLI N A K.N 1 kISPHmF., ad IW tB ration of eonliifirn Mi!-hanta. ',i4 W b mic tf of 1 1 awl too- "TiTL 1. . 1 Jk preoar-d t. flit all i A raamah Ike fmrtI eqa" " ,l" ''Tu'' Hid n your irt. r..iii' 1 wiU takf anr kind of rl '"""'",-. t for Im Ware sad fir-"T arr1 una. K-wa. -w .-.iei.ww-rU f.ir iw. h. r; , ,M tl o' ar '" and will nar c.h i.ir Krtl f ,r t .TT N.n-ti .-rn 1 nia 4 1 1 - ' :' ' ,- I wl t tP ff.wtarii' . , a, a mIIm laaww. x,... . . otbart nf beet withe, and will tr esnvtt-etBn - ji -..;:.II 1JU yy f "Hi 1 A I Fth I-iM-U

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