r- 'ii..,"', . - 1 '"- J . iJjtmmfM be. m th J. .. .mIui....'v"' ,- to eaa week. t.O ... ,: ..... 1 am JLfT -.-are to Week. i.u 4 Vara ttiammmim I - ' ' 'lie VjuhiHMM ' " . . Si uiu threw 'Mil M "'" w ) . II kntllll'' OT eW .(feutihRMMrftamfe onto h Awee ttoo. ? aarti"f reaatoed twin towajwawaw la tbe " toey wmmyBW thim. 1 ! '' . LOCAL DIPAiTKiaT. TCK4DAY. MARCH , 1848-i VfkR COUNTY CQNV&STIOS. mllS 'tbe CooaorvattvmtfWake&anB ry will lhU CU tU Cm c.lK,t,f,4V?,,,,, ty ntScre. , There belBg ( time th ft holding prt cinot toeettoSA adVwnou, all" aaBonme. mmit may roaeh are requested w i:W cte the informal lo, in urde tHilt, W ble, vitix-M from ell P-Jf " Cbapty m, I preaeal the octwaiafti Bern Coey erva'Whr aj4:Ahit : eaa, J F" priae many uf UU tigUbai of th mtm- Tlicre iriil t " wwiing f b fcowerta. tWea of RWfMMhrrw WadMay) tveniiig, t the Coart Iloaar . made by theyaervatlta Btale Eiecatif Coaiatiitaa. n 4 , . . Bpaccltea may l-a expected, ' Let Ww I a grand rally t 1 1 1 'in.' CSMPAIOS PAPJCB. tS Weekly Bmtind, rturing the ca will be made a igorua and eamcet camniiira paper for the ConsrrraiiTe cavse. We inite ur frWada t eend ua eluba at llieinlluwingratea: Clobi or ton for Wwklj- SooMori.tor 8 mcnlha, N, Cftllll i 4iTftTM. ... M "fc tlui ti9 ir w .wytMsi s m .A greater nuinlwr at aamoratea of dia- JETelx" ConaerratiTe ia Agent aal aa otoba. rnaittulii aa t-BuiriB.-In Aprii, bea Bber- . maa'a army inraled Nortb Caroliaa, the bummera acattered all oer the country rrerjwbere, and pillgl every oue aad frm. bowever awall and bumMf Tbey raaaaekred tronka and drawer aad, tore up or abaUactcd the clotbing of tin WuniVy, at ried aff lione aad killed poultry, ia- aulted Uiej female mem1era of bouwholda and nialtreatod th oil aaaa, in many eaaea took th laat pound of neat aad (be lMtdixtof ml, aad left tbe liule children eryiag wHkBag Neither wbltea NOB BLACKS eaoapedi' ! ,s;: ' '"' ,: ; terae oi Ibeae bainaMra" will, (a April, 18fi$, wltartiil doubt, be eaadtdata for th aoflrage oi tb ry peopl wao were taae outraged, Waa wrer euek iaapodeaee bawd of before t Aadadtbea eVeatarea expect tltat th a hem 'tlr .ba injured will W4 tr tbeta. ow t If they could aa ht tboavalveakf to JoV their wire and tUUdrea woWd ery rtaaa ap aaeov lia Im M.hm Pattenoa'a watcli t fl Tate. H Aoat AUaej ailf abiibafal rl A' VTa aww Farrwasl. OrrfCBa. i W kT beard, wWda a'daf ar. fwa paat, ,' ol an ntanc otffioialptoaipltla, which ' .Mhaercea U eaantioaad, ; V a?MralW kaowa-at Uaat aovrnf tla legal prole ' i.a-taattb Clerk of t Soprema Court , Jaallaw4tweati day, after lu adjoara , meat to aaake wr bi aertiacaue, Ac for a. 4ba Urta below. U la a, duty laToWiag a -k8Tyknwn af labor aod asnck cam 2i Tbe Court alouraad' e Saturday laat, at T u ...J I.. oVI V A Vim amwjambuf. .iMWmVJ T-vw V : the etera aad eftVieet Cterkv 1 bawad & fmue, ZkC aad depeaitod la tb Paat ,,,.) all of hi oertiOea, fally aad witk ' acrapatuai txactaVat prepared. Whea tbe I ac of tbe preaeat lncambewt i aoawidared, ibia I aeaaarkablei bat it wif aurpri ft m aba know Mt Freeeaaa'a energy, c party and Idality. H ia a aaadal dark, aaii a gooa wyf fc" vwum " A EocRaTtoa Naamto Wi are told ifcat Hr. Canaoa, aoeaf tk tUI'ieal aaaai tb ladgtabip ia tba Weetafa aoaatira, lqoiU illiterate, aad ahatBewBMa U M atach better. Of M two, Caaaoa fatarawww kaowtedgaof law, Bowataa apeil neuer. . .. . . . 3 .1 i I variabl writ laoaary aeriaaiax With Aocarra We Wsra that Cpt tkotne Settle, who ta ia tbie City, ia willieg to aa th tongd tkket. Bat ; trw week hack, be tctaid that a waa ton whh avgrorBadiraTUni, anj flid not b 'lU to t draaunee, openly atxi paltiic'y, the thvigm aad parpoae of Uw iaicra. AoatbiT eae of tbeBiilk in thecoma out." Dieaatx, U Iiliaoi, aa I McDonat.t, ol Clillnna,t1ie oppong Radical VMdidatei for Car;rvaa, left Baknxli, oo ycaierday, on a'lmii.ji i t"r. Tl'7fl-ct aik tl i ptaacntaerk, w aa.U.L-ml, at Oiford and W arreatoa. AIWIlbMt BTlft C4?f4Sm.' The engtaai draugUt batinj beta tait- laid(tb tollawiiig ua wen Lqdreitewly omitted from tne Has af CooaarratiT Slat Curaaaar, pub!iLf aa yaiUt4ay,u t. Be. B. 8. OeltUr. v' ' Jaeiaa XwmmihM fJ iJ,-v;... L Q I . f John H. Haaghten, Sea.,?. I .! : Cot Weal AileokiD&i WtMt fi R. F, Armfte4d, Se.. .';-s'.vt r , Bdward Conic land, Keq.r" I . A. A. McKay, gsq -P. ii. Wuutaax awq . 4. , W. Met. McKay, lU,. v v OoL&ILWalkBp, ' v Col Wa. Jttbnatoaiy, ( rnO WILt PLOT FOR THE BEADS OF ABB LINCOLN AHIT GEM. SCOTT P Jr, H'.XfeUaaViuwUa.IWi ., A. "One betoved State will one aran pat a the nraaaaU of rnwperitT : and oat peaule will be eoateQted and "appy thtouga tfaa k um wrMl ft nt aaiataaeaaf tM goverameni witch Wa'sbingtaai eatabHabed, aad wbiob ttaooL ubprd and died to - WVaKM-flMfl m Wj ' W. W. HOLnE.f .TreaWeot -in. JlAU.AlUi3. im ? ice rree. --ju u. juiijyLjaalXwal'e. . UuQ)r aeAteaea or me aaareei nmu., L. A. ie N. 0. JaaMafA W, UWlS Th CAanUa 01." Tliit w tb- tide at A QwWl MigtaU,Be4 u tl.e ItatMaajiMHii FeiaaW (dailaga, (RflfA. 0. Stacy, f rinrfpal4i;Tbrt awulx la be foretia. It M a very aaadaouM rerlmllcal el 49 yagea, ItaaAwtatef' lttuetrated, and ita eoateota bear tlwiipew of acbeJariy culture and "reSneaieKt.! wilf be puU- Itsbed at $t piuaaw-fc v PBaon. Henry ft- lordaa, aea apatatea u voe oi ue vapTaaaera Row AH, Too Canawff ' i T r tlii Coun ty will na at Saliatafy d Saturday next A frand. tara-oyt ia alpectej; '" Blir AttrickTiackiain i-Oao MoT wvd, MuatakiMr, wiJladi, at tb Court Houae door, la tWe eity, oa the Uth prox., Talnable t:act of land ticlongibg to the ea rat' ttf Ui tattaf ten tV'-gwas JTotaflotHi TTaaSer, fcrsrienlturai par- poara ! A. T. Grtoa, Coinji Warka, Porta- aMWtk A. K. 3f0rbtr, Earf., i the agent for tbia valuable FertUteer in Miia eity, aad wilii t it on'jrvj "renable term. ' ' k . ' . "' ' -' MTO' t5m. Wm. Wood, lia$ Bay, charged ,wltb"teaHof, windling and getting clotbinn had sataar rtila under falae preUaca frura Hartb 10, colored, waa pgtaraed to taw Baparior Coart Mary TaWPfL Marl Wbtta aad Franc i Kearaey, charged with keeping a dieorderfy bonaa, aarr'Booaral dlaorderly "eonduct, wr retaraed ta tba Superior Court. ,e, xx-rseaiovft pocmcm -:py.m td siTCinoa.t :;iivzzco;t:.wk. IMS." tl-Praident Pierce, who; ta aiaaifeatiag a da intaraat ia tba- broirreaf of political affiaiM ki WaaWneoo, itxufeaaea it aa ai Siioioa that the Ueowuxatio party ia New arepohire ta great ry atnagtheaed by tbe turn Blatter nav rauen mere lamy. v pua reading tba Prcaldanl'a aaeataga: thi fore aeoaj aoatatad that hi reaaona ire forcibly aaA aonetueiaelr eaoreiwud. and that tbey arajbuaded oa eonatiiutionai groadda and aupported1 hf tbr law which th Preaklent quote w aueUl hb Mekioa. He agree win Mr. joBaaoa mti ne m juaunaa bdvb the aHMittational queatioa t hit having power to remote officer appointed by hi prodeeaaioe, aad think -tb fact that bit entire Cabinet bar aae deeignatad th Teaura-ol OfHcd taw nncdintitutjeoal will operate greatly in iator ' ef MK iohneoa bomb hi trial. Concerning tbe politieal aapeet, aa aaya, from latter which be i ia roaelDt af from different parte ot tbe State, a Wall a fruaa enoclouon derived Iraea tbe aaavaaaiDg record of tba Deatooratio Com- Ktteat, ha hi jaatinea ta aayiog iua tue snwDceta are Biora rlortna aud Bromiaiag tliaa daring any other period pi tb praaoat eaaipaiga. . . v. ,,M At HbO it-- Th Xetinml iMtUimmtmT- of yvotardny ibu elooee a leader oa tba aituatioa i "Tbe iaautottt UauutAtion made by Rad io! leadan apoa tb aouragf and aianhoad af the LMuoorallo raaaata, ibvir ooia avww. ale of a pnrpoa rtraa vintewev, hat lrt lj led to aueater military (fcrannairation on thai park f tb people. Tbe matte of , tba land would tveeUy attwaar aUaoiaioe by tba bigbeat Judicial tribunal, era the ban.-br,-wu aeftr tawwre cheated or bulliad oat af htha.tbc w.iq ajike rreaolut etaad for tlta C-Mtetiiutoo. " Bcvohiionaiy vio- 6 anil a Bau :QJ aratta pr. paraiiua wa tbe part trf tbe jaeople, who are Ulaadwd aa be Uljgaloil-a paojue owoewiy pvaw loving and aick t publirf diennlern, but too aaly and tolclligat lo yield tkeir liber tir end dnstitutioa-to. fba military b Bland at Wanrtm a4 eiewird, eaxi aoaiuiaai u aide, at at. BMtKf flmw', to? W.JV to the oowardly LeKtaWiva ilnltwa of tbeir coo -Bf That tbey havw both .Aba -will and tbe bott to b Ie. , -r- m tiorrort worn nt raxaiDirr. Tbe Ooa avewativw Arav and Narv LaiuB of Waah- Ibgta herd meeting eav "Tbaraday Bight id paaaea to rouowwir rweoiaii ..;,.. . -fcWeai. That if tba. wont muat com to tbvwrwret ( that it Cawsnm precipitate war nuud the eoUBfrv bv It coutiaued en. oroaciuuenu apoa tbe prerogatirci of the eaacutive and judk ial braacbea of the Gov. traatrwt. aow argreadoBa apoa ta peopw, w Wre(r bled ire "our Bvcn, war lortnnea ; ami nr aacred honora". to uphold tba . . . . . , ... Cbtel Hagtatrate at ta aat ua in oemvo or oMttMtuoBwI liberty..- jb-g.. Tbe Ciacinaati tvmmirtial, a wading fcovbHeaar hioraal. , baa a very tempcrata rtirle apoa the taljwtef the impacbMa( ot Mr. JobBBOit, io whkch It warn tb Bra ate not to act baatily,1 nor from partisan ntotivca. Bud lemiada tb Kadical that tbey aiav itsawaeo rather than benefit their ow party by any ill adviaed. tuoweimt It the tenale will prowcB m aar-ct in in calm anrl enninxnilalht iiiit wl.hii in Biani Tested fJ the ComiM&A, MrWtH ttewAa; tbe Frew 'lent.; w , J - , 4 ; . ' ." ' ' """ aa " i . '. GkBV Eoav"a Tbtiwohv. W tcVrnary So I SO P. M.-e-Gen, Kmury aa (nniiJicl KwlicaW to-day by tfntilyiKg that the ceW f'.jta he bat beard expreeecd amoin oT.wtl wa that a treaaoeoUiv or. i cni.i""n known a t: trand Aimy f th J )b'paMi bad been lHUMf. Ihmpotck U bait, vmit. 'wWwV.,-lia Oaw NoaMi DUpatchea. , , rSOM WASHDiOTOX. VuaaawroB, Marah A M, It i aauaiataod that Oaaaaal kaa ie ea wrreeaa. Iug ndgra tbe af that wart can hrtng a i i aiel ia, k giaata will fca eloaia aaaatera, , . : , - t 1, Bona t anpa, te-aay, wiih the aeaehwartteaaa ; the laaate with th atooaof proeedare ; aad the aapnaw Oaari with aba HoCardlaaa. - ' i . Be new butane. ). mum i . In Tix, Btwch 1, at ' OoUMlli oo, U,K)i. TirgtBta. Tesas, xoaBoa, at ; aw Bl. MaeaPurk tower, aAMk ' 1 CoUoanH,ii. - . ! " The fail Biver, Maahaaiitt. Oottoa aitoaar hewatraek fcr higher waaaa. Haifa BUllioaof awidlsaadaT thoawnil aareene aa- eenibjuaU Laauna, Maaah t, B. Buaan. OoaaobftSj. ; Urnmob, Marah t, Cotton dall aad aaaiers eaoBaaa i. Dpiaaaa 1 Orieamti ., . ' '3 Oeur MMnickA )- :, FEOM WABBWOTOB.? !: " , WAOTOwajMarehm, P.M Ot. Thaaue reeerraj hi pitarwal a th War Ofleetaay, aad thaa iiUd the Praalaant. attaataa waa at the War OaVe day. araaaaea. ing Imiaai. The WUrfcey Metre OoaaauMioa bare aoatple tod their inattaUoa and art preparing then report On f tbe OuoariBrioaare i nobrtfd' m ayit, that aawd id ta wwtra) ware aurvei of ftiRttaaUy, hot wnatd not prerent fnnd with Ut tax at It JiidK Blai-k apuke aa hoar on ta MuCardl em to day, wha leeomiog ill from the dee erowil, Uh Ouort mljuarnad. ; The lmident ugned tbe Bill makiug nonary to dead aoldiani payabi toeartaiaAw. Th Hnpraaie Cuart, U.dy, f ormallr aolMnnoed the uoetDonement of ill earn involving th ooo atituUoiwUt; of tbn legal tender aet, to tle next Tb MoCardle argnmant wnt b ataiaaaadawa day to day, tin aooipleted. Th Secretary of Troamvy decide that boa oottoa tie are aubjeet to a anty of on aad a half oent per poand, Dearda ftM kwh to be only loepi-rt. --- Twanty offioar of th Kerve(Jorp wui do ae UJd tre v tb civil Sumii fuuotiouiriet-r,. tba reducing tbe expenmn. COMORGH8. ' WuHtaaaoav Marah 2, P. at. Houaa. -Tbe Hone tttembled. at 10 o'clock.- Tba articloa of inipMehmant were dieenteed. gureral Tarbai aawodmeata er made, the 7th etricken out , and, at eVteek, they war adopted. Vote on the ftnt,Uta9 aad nearly tbe eam rote on a'l, exeept th lat, en which It u 109 to 48. Aproteet, eigned by 5 BK-mbere, war Bat reoeived nor allowed to be piinted. Batler, Steven aad Shank tailed ib gttiug in new wetion. " Th Bunaaoci aawlattfld arc the aemeat Uki nil rim aa otarui No Deeiocntii ehmea, a tbe latter declined to act, withiiig to have nothing to de with it The Clerk waa directed to In (one tbe Bonate of the Braeaednura. 8MT8--8t. Marl aetitioaea ar rewara lor iptorhwi'aBWiawaWw Cm oa Clauaa'" -''-.. ..I . A renaoaatntHw againat tb eoueUtatlOBaltty or lb Hupreate Coort and reconetraotkm bjla W tteiTadtollteAiehuy.V'f f " Tba Beaat veaaaawl the lmpaefamt proee- dure. A aevare eonteet arota oar llmniag peeobe. Tbe Radicals, however, contended that tbe pmeentioa wunld be reatrainod, a well a th ilntraar. . V ia notieeabie that eeveral Be paUicaua vote frcqoently with tbe Peaiaerata. Tbe hixbaet vote of th minority, to-dajf, taept4 i S I. Thi would prevent impeachment by 1 rote. Ilia Henate i atiU to ehw at tiair-paat a, Jrtviug reached 34 artieie of proeoluriif withnnt taterial anuodttent WUI ooaetifie lae ntawa to-atgat. ti'i Wade dote not Vote not preaWe,-dnrmg tbeee 1 pVW)a)wdtaya. 1 ' WBOraiA C0SVB1ITI0B. ' Bicnmm, Marsh T.U. Tbe Coavcutioa cloted the taflrage debate to- day Will vote to-morrow. ; ThcCoeamitte reported that nly .Kflw re mained out of IWO, 00. appropriated by tbe Leg- islatara fcr Convention expeseaa. - '.'. i 1 : A reeoluUoa wa introdaeed, relative to nuking aia i awaei ear latere axaenaea at th hotly. Iatbe 0. 8. Oirnut Coart, today;, writ Of madetoa, aaad eat by Ueo, toaawOea asaiaat Qe.SchQdtAtaaaWlatteTfAewreaat why liabodaa 1 aramaltd tram yotiag, waa db ataatiayjaH8naatrwiiy .i,n r ,, t The new ragiatialtoa eeawarat a-dy. The white n gietored ia the eveainc, and btonat fw- UtoBMiniing. !:, rr; Maw4Ja4f,tJI i Cdttoaeoenadery ll,bet atoeed inn and matter!- aerie. Hal 1,100 bale at e'r Aj 4 Plowr dnfl, 104BU kwerw aVpthara 7514 , l mi Afii-a iMd.aiwaa''r. ... - BJ pwai urn wra. v. . .... t ; Oeatontnaatll -jf v" ; ,se-iw lWBVT4aeUve.,.lJW,. ;. iiT.T ; wyauna,iMa. Btoraa Bi rvfc. 8plriU Tarpeatine eieaity at 13. ata ready: aatoalS Sfttaiut C I, IB, JUBato - e w J ,2arr tvt i'M f-'. v i "A TT i vao f a- a i Cotton, bread ataSa and proviaKW rnciitayai - Tbe CSBcroaaaf - OmmtnUL' a ItHiia BepcrbUcaB Journal, baa a varyt temptra t rtla nivtn aha anbiect of tba imvaaebmerit of Mr. JnhneoB, in wlilcH H wars tlw rn- at not to act hastily, nor irom par:i-f nxv. riva. aad remind th KarlieaBv' Abat Wy may damage rather thaa- awaetit jbairt aam party by any in-edviertmowmnt. If th Seaat will approach tow mit ject ia th calm aad commendable tpirit which famaa ifeated by tb famiTYa, it will acq ail th PiwatddBt. 1 ia afawte. A CowArettlcBt paper pnbltohea tbe 1A- WiiBe aaaoBC ita Botice of birth! "It Cnrwwall, Febmarj AV to- Jha . T aa Wx . . M TrievftamenB, B-q-,-a vewunwaiH: Raip t, MltofM, flBlictU. TOBlhyhaBarTt)ataaiameir eb Sl-I(rr A OWOL A Bfci.C'' JTedlrml 3ettt T ;Tlr1nl ;t.KVjrt f.irir..j'. A MCTTltfi ttfttoBaMBwf Vb.iir. of A. ItwtllttUuA viH t brM at tb C"oli( , ia aU-havwM. aa maraany aw. i. rn par . of ilin( tbe va-ncy w tbaeaair irf Muter TtiMixn. rreed by the rewgaalion of Profvanoi 'tl t mifn. - - - - - - AWivdt'",0'M' nay he forward- ij, ovltT irMW iToord f t .. L. K.JOkSK'S M. D. Dcaaof Kamilly, Fab lt-Ul-3iaw2w . Rjebiaond,Vi WtLSOB BHOKtat. BAKUfflS ABB Oaakaf 1. C. . . . r. v, - i e tSmriou i . i.4.-s..v.j, aa ; ..jai' .u.bareliaajjJ.wtcii-- f- wunuuriaa. f CUrvndiia. .?..... ..'.w-. r'wutanriua....w Pm.w;.a"vA IP ?! Wliiimtai.4i-.M..f '-4' ' J Uwautf Vul : v 2 Bmli ol ikmu&ortf. (tM) ... S 7 .m f Ji t j; (lM.. .,. 11 MinateWrUattire'Bank a Vuautwmat bwk of WuakHroa.ww. at Onanhnr Mutual tne. Oo (old) . Va-ttinia Bank Muta aara alwaa,..... at Hoaih Caiuliiia 1 42aaraia . .' at ba and eett at HberJ jwiom, Ould aad d yr, Uurik Oarwui Uoiuhi, CaMad ataaw Buada and aU ataw aivuawta au Oraw ft Bank niHua ty dobton and BtoaV- hwili af Hi at i aw waun pranit aaaai -tHlam Jut iiriia pm btuj aa Bw Xurk r Bauiiaara, t la aanaaoy, aa wad. . laat av! foiiele ad ia toed Uhaiaaaiaa. at'eatjatfwal I JJ t . ' aTTOTltlW TO 35 X C USX VTIBw UtM AT BAJIBJBa KOCU M , HIHBT-O. XI I LO Q a , 1 remBibwrI.C,- - -;' oeaBum or van maasbt akb aopra VJt :harlutto. .'. -... WaaeeawM. .X.W , . - M " Wilauaaton.... f. 5 LAxlnirfcda T -v. aew.i.-r:':i3..., Laauziea. oe ...... . aew. V Oooneeeat e. , Claaaoa.,.,.r.f.. . ... . .. . ... . .i? ....... . " X mjV1 wj WiUV a Memkaniia Bank af Me bain. 5 HiaertA PUMareBank... (a Cuuiniercial Bank af Wtf .; at eraaaafeoroMiltaal uj Any Bauk Notet trot aa By Kiprrm am ae ro miuod tov, on day oy" rtonit, at higbeat Market rata, and if prloe given are aat aatulactory. tbe noU-t will be raturnad. ',.n.,. LVf (ltPrafti ok MaMitoortaeVii . . VAbAVa ' - " AND ALSOOM lfBOra?' ' ,.! DEAL IS OOi A AB atlffCB, BOLLirtN,' MBTILATAD AMD BIKJkKS ; BANK ' , , , tDKHkClf, V. S. BOflim. KTOtllCa STAafPH, m6AgI.ie reoereadepaaite, and teaitaal baaairte of an iBaorporaUd . LIFE AND, FDtll, lJWt'BAJKJt fOUCttS O- . .Jfeb. 84 167-8 , lT5 I . KAaMvKall " tiUlOSAV BANK h0r KORIH CARjlLWA. BQAIUXf DF ,1)1 lUCCJpltf (i rJ. R.MUaBJBtwt A. H. MKlUiuauaw . i w.. aaw. . n f lUVtkaflJ. TJLn ' r ss oJflr;sr""T-,i ...... n..u a Ttllla nfRxrhauee Sliat Draft. OoM aad Kilvurtwiuiaad Uowrnwwut and other rrnnnrreut Bank Motet boncht at bivheet anoe. nlunMilhv Kxnrnea ari'l be rvaiittetl fur pruuipUy, in enrreKcy, or to how Itwk hind at aav aii4AAtAtAj f V'u L...i'......-.-.ao ft Jtw.-vfi rui aaw.i.a . (,.. .i Leinirton. Mnakat wnVaia,....St NurUi tkndtu, w - v.- At' Itoabaan',.., wwwv' vl1 Th'iaaaevi'ia,, i..0 Wadoeboro', v, . ,,,, , M Waiihiiiirtoai.X'.t J A )..,,..... T ! X?i JtoyviUe -j......'..V.'a i Wilmiiiaioiu.......u-. j-..JS Oomme.clal Bank, Wiimhigton, Fantera Dank of liarthikwobaa, (to.1,)..,. J " " - MWl .. ...10 f Ore aalneV MataalIoairaaeeCo..... Morobaiil a Beak, Nevrtiena,....".. Miner' A Pi-iaaua Baoa,. . dwa leV18-f - - Baleirh ftfomav OORRiCtKD BY whb B. wnjaAbW B COW of !. u, (Ooaa an) (auvar mi Wa ' inuAitaa... Leiingtoa-'atflrahf .....j...... M OW tris: toawneroei...f.,....t-a4.'r7 ft j" 'aebinKloa . & . . - 4 A. ytadre'and Klarawr'tt Bar. . '. . . . -tkHa. Jf Veiaaeva' Bank. Oreenaeoroarh. ........ M Commerooi Baoh, ilmtDgja.,. V Wrf, W JUrcbant' Bank, NewlwrB........t-i vHaeneboroiuh Mntaal .'. -; i'Wi ViTRiuia Baatoa,aattot. . J. Oenrwl: '-tuJtS "tf j-ni-'v,H. t.l...,V',' ...rr-A........Ar" '" t aw aitvitoWei a 4 North 4 arohna kWulroad U-ho,.,,, Et tMd Biana. ;i.'..iwadkti-i-....... Kxtbans an ttow lor, j w- 77:T7TSCTiaivlaT ITAKKaat dam wobolk. i tTBBUfcios Bxi.-ciiAjri. wr-r-vs r"T 1 mZZ T- T.--4-' 'tl v.V - -: . f M(3l?V i KivT-wTl, 8eWnrX.LiUMMt? j: rrCTr?.i.'..'.;"Ai, ,a X; rm.'.Kk'ri aHM..n.... . B , , twc....,:...! .'l- lrtpV.T.,,i,A-i...... .-'t ai. fu.i'n ..xrJi..f.XW.... Vim-id , roui jib.. 41. t sf"'' "1llW'Wii.i'-A..WJ:..". pr . I MAV l.i.. .f...WrMi r' T I l-lv.4WJN;'M'.-wcr....l k"'"! , I' , Hol.xt ,tvi.(ne.t.,., o " , . 4 I'kajt-WtK ... .............. t -tI aW Wane ?:::' fwrATWay Irtoh..,.,.... J t" " bAllV-Ftoa ...... t 4 S - if WOAH....,.....h-.df-(i-, l-'''''. -t A.i.-. t i u , rJ;K s , X aav (j. " nv .i t.-UtMAIi W. I , , orbw-tArr'"! Y to arbrf'. WvV"to aab- today (TtinriMW f IV aaa o for to qi-aiilr; H and W" iiai. Pk eeana. WwaWote ealm fnwn 1 1 1 ta 11 T Vt X 1 aud Rat pa. W. H H i si-hi A CO. .U SB at An. A Coia. laarchaut. HoaburoaKh..M. y.4aVvll . Wad teiwaia....i4 y M, T , Thonuewilla . . ... ,J-'. -. '-' w iMHanaa . , . ... SPECIAL KOTICIS , A Cough, a Cold, or a Son Throat ca,oii ui immediate atteatjoe, aad aboald be , , , tJjpilwi. V alluwad to eontiuaa. IiwitaUlwea of th L-UBfA, p I'ei aVCaal ' TMraMa AlacaMMa W tajaw. BiiWB. -,! la often the matt. Bcowrs. t&oxmu, ieocuis, Havaaa; a toad aTonae to th party gha ba Badiatai faJhaVj Thtb eearahltie., Aataaaa. I alarta, !ewwatavilvw aad Tbraat Blfca taiitTrachMaaaad wWh'atwaya tendeaa eaaa. ut 4m i -?v?- t v- i Maweaa m4 FaMta Bpaabrya. at than tealaarattd iWtagUiia ta vaica. .?wtaav aaty "Haown Banaoana Taooraa. aad da aat take aa? af the WavwVkwa oaaWanw that aaey a eaawadr Bsa Bubibwmb, I. .-4. riih'it . J08T atECEIYBOAT M. 108KKB tUMTt H Pteeaa, U cbutoast Branda, f BLBACBJE9 ABO TJNBLXACHHJ aBIBTWOS V.a W- j a ABB HHEBTOIQu. V-t; "''To ha wad at ktwaat aurkot rate. ' WmUOE jpfD CEUBACy. AM liMf ear Twt Kfl aw aha fda at aohwde, and tbe lil8KAHM and ABUHKt) which areatoiatpediawnt to MaKULaUK, with ear BHieue af relitA Meat to aaatod htto ea- vlaee,feof obareavAiWraa, lie, t. K1L . fab HAa'awalaii f - 'nil HI Hi nAA. i ' BKB. wTIMBLOtVB . 1 hOothino1 siYinxn, -wrvoK CHIIDRKW TVtTWnvrc, RJLATLT Vk ailikatoa tba pretia at toakbiaf , by auflaning gaaaa, radaeaug all iBiaaima wdjl aiiajr ALL PAUIandepaanwdi action, aud i ! L k TO CU.UULAT1 THE BO WEI A. Pepend ntioa A, nothere, it wtO riva eeat to yuor aalvaa,aaa'i 'kH-j .iawiri)' t I ' ! aaxl Bteattk aa few karaato. We have pa Hp and totd tUawrtoalea yae'ar and aaa aa taVMaiasaai aaw Varna of it a bat w have never bee able to ai of any oiker Baad toBM Bbvb aMif Faiuan hfk aiugle inatance to Krrw-r a OkB, whan Manly waadv -Never dvd we kanw aa faantan ta at diaett ijfani hi a ly any a wo aaad :a,. lto4uirary,.4t'aB deaghbad with ito openittokv and apeak ia tctnia of ouav awadatotb td itt niaKical etfocta and medbal vir tur. We (peak in thtowttotareualAV WB DO KNOW," after veM af axpanaaee, aud Ko ooa toniaui raw rtxtujuan or waav wb ana aauuaa.. iH alniuat every lindane where Lb iataot iauOoruie front pain aad enhaaatiua. rclkf will be ftmiHl ia tftaun e twenty aunale attoT Itievvnp i aelntotiavit i evil efrenlauaa fur aatan writ aoti ie ., . , .... u ... Itr aur and call RW ' - -( Wr. WIbmUw'b Katklatc yTwp,' Having the tae-aunile uf "CUTiTlfl A PERKINS ou ttoj aatiad wraper, Ail other jr baa ua- ould byirnwMM ebronaiieublb world. , fricef aaly 'AS WeaMe peVall. i - in I t. f aaMB': e , J '91lPMtoatvt, New Terk.! !l ' Vme-.t ti(h BoUwen, btoaaa, England, ! ,, , 441 at f aul Hueo. Meatretl, (JMaila, mSCBLLAJZOUa North Carolina Land AKcnrj- HAVTNO AWlOPtATKD aTtHKUr WITH BEN; J. U. IMBOUKS of the Ouy of Ki.iUawwl. Va., to whom oaru ueiow t reier in puuim FOR TUB 8ALB OK LANDS. iifNaJil, 4c', in Berth Carohna, I Brvite thoto paaiael ip the Bteto,duurBguuh pmpervf far ,Uv to eeVlBBai me at Heidavill, N. and ttent miTl be -tabu,, at one, toeall the attontioB of hortheia oait) vt to. all ineli property. . , i l-(jnoj ut--J-4:"t .a,)""'""' J Land Ak-eacy. ' THAVk VKBlWTU(i'lUrli.riDTrlr; I argauizatiou ueceaaary to eonduot,i aa tb Ueniwt tttbi. 'tbe hiieiitoiia at.taibaw m f partner, Uokpobi a. i. rans, at- wr aaaiw r oar odtot ia Mew Vork. Ia VbAadhato aad Baltinaaravl have Aaaaatatoaaf ah hi boat ,ra- aptetaoimy ana hvniiiiuit , . , , Aud fur tlu tale ul Ientla, b hre, C In Werth Carulina. I am aaaoetaaBa wiib w. vr. uuuaia, Baq cf ReideviUe, lur anway year Mat Treaa- 'tji li. la Tba awUiuaaUiM Agency jmura ror Tiule are not inniaaM-ll til tll Hnntll. tolfrV to auoee n au m www --- aUua ia thecitia Borwi of Uiia, who neke that branoh f thebtuuieaa a apautaity, toxa m una aoantry and Europe, eenrlng to to tb whleat pummifita Bold pf operation, end m tbia tHj I have aba aid and aerviaeeef ibat aoooanpli I,, l m,A IhMMr. Got W1L.UAM GILHAkt. fur tb prompt analyai a? all mineral that way bteentto ma, tbtu.detormtnmg aae ninaa. ixtftm thev trd ofltrad tor tale. : Taana t Vor teUug kada, kre. par Beat eoav aaaaaoaea ait tale aotoauy bwu, uov ae eeargt whaaevar, eniaaa a aai i alttJtd. For Htuea, a ftuldittoaal eontioiient fee. the entiteot ef eoo- tract breach sue. aud aayablaMt of pmeaeda ef itolerene to Baf ta nnou mew eenereuj tbrouKUout the Htaie. wkh bkmI of whom I have the pleaeure ot being puraonaiiy aeaeiMntod. Jau -U-tr -1 Ak IMBOliFW' WHOLESALE ANB EKTAJL DEALERS IN LADIK8-, OESTV DOT AMD WAOOtTi SADDLES, BEIRLEa AND i MARTINGALES and all ether good waaaUy Aeawiia lawalar aaddbvaeaaietoamil . ,, . ... . .. Thr wid entl, a abort time, for eaah, at a email auvatK aa eoet, to order ta reduee their heavy Cithwaa and alrawf; atoltint ttto Hy, wad wtoh to)mrt)haa jroade, will d wall la took at onr atock, atn. ooor noriv oi i-oei iwt auo ui. SKlU.karket rVjllare, JyrvUTllle Mtrael, Halrigb, fVWV-UH-ar t f ? i, - T kltf) to Bbhk, Maamam In Bbhto ao MoaataiB XJ bettor Aa,. . , . 1 I fi .wb, IBae tVHr"' a-' febaj.l8lf lnel Ooauw. Haealianto. ' txrrfff, SILt5r , Bpeody Cor ' roe . . 1 TAf itkntalKtiiiralgia I Am aat..' NRVOUt BitCAOC.," ato reaatoaww f v .i tt ! the irxTAn-nto neuer In all eaa of Naw raltii Faciaiie, eetoa et!tu; a perfeet ear to lea ahaatwaaty touwbaara, from tba ae no aaar Uata vwa ua , an oilier tuna of lo'iirelk-ie or w kaa felled to yk4d to thi - ! V f ' WilwnERFUE REMEDIAL AOEHT, " lr-f ia tli eevereat eaw of Cbtwato Neavaa- gia and a-rnrral oervoew aereaameHav-a weaiiy twtdiaa.t-aafcotueg tba .euur .ayatom, Ito f, tnm dava. ae a la' week at Ul aunoet. .niie the BMet atoniihinr relM. and trry vanify raiia io pruotn e -maiicnteora. '""'' - - , it atoaiw aaorthar aaatenal to the abato4dgra udarioius uvea be tba mm deil eto t an, ad ok lwati beweeo wtta . v PETtFECT ftArfCTT. - .-; r . a. s "it hak Ufehaaa M eoaetaat aa by many f "wtotarf AttoTfWW.TBHW) FBTbldAHIL.'! who giTB.tbWTpwjiwn and aaaaebaed ap "nt, by 'ma on rMrii f pri aad peevaajav iThic pk k ti ' ' Tt rant. U iwicaai.- e. '.J " -ST tJw. e.-ka, . ' T " ' t i etdd bv all wbriextte aad r tail dealTe t ,m je and BHxItcimw Wtrouaboat Ui l uted toauie. and by , , 11 KtE. V C,, Seto rp4-M, '' ia) Tkiuot t., rVwr-'W, Hls ' Jan. 10-Ulo-Aw6nAa)ffl . ' iiTE nrsimAirci. , Tbe ItlliiKton Kutual , LIFE r 1NSUEANUK COHPAUT OP VIIiGlNlAt . (. 'j , ' A YfBOfKIA AND SODTBEBB IlirTnTtJ TIOB. ,-lTB r0P . ABB BBPT IB ' . jThb South. v It bab BtrwrrB ? j PKPWtCXDEiT'ED- flUOCEHa. ', lli rORTCKIJi AAA leTAB- . ' . tABBBB BBTOBtf ABT ' TttoAwapaay ba matoiaf a'id'aree!, tgataal tta liabtliiy, Ibat wiH ootu-ar BtenraWy with aw la- Immntaea Oaaaa oM be taottoual, whtob ih tiavtaal ot fatoiibibtr. ' M . . . ' liaaltai are eaiitioavly atouara1eeavZ ay saiae ad Uieatura, of m aaailnUy aad taB)a w It kaa tatoUliabed Ha eUiat to ahar Nemar . ' rilliO BBt, .1 - . . .: i . . i ..:(,: ' JOHS BV COWARDS, . was raaanwrt, t" )a . aoantaaa, WM. B. IAaOl.M P,. HABTBOtta, .-. .. vaa, ': : 'vaa. BSDrCAL BTtBIW,- . - , CHA1UJ BBITIi; L.K f 1. tauii. aovuata,' V awawt, V Q. C. CaBBU W'. JRA H. CaAtBOttHB ' 0IRECT0IIS! I MaBodrra,'' "'r "rTiryf KUytom, K'dliaia Jf. lavlar. w lit Aea 8iiyb r, aauaei B Uutin-ll, H. K V. BaekervWc, . JohuDookiy, - vUaaael C. 1 ardy, ; Chert T. Wolthaav itvorg Jaauh, : ' " WiUiaaa Willi, d. A W. AJIianav "V, B A 8mlih, Oeorge a. raieiar, .H Tb(w.J, ktnt, A. ! tWkWy, . , " lamia-A. x-wt,a 'v.rVt B. k (ahuU.' . ' B. M Oiwrka, - l. I. Bartoo., I W H TvWr,. M.ivj J"ba li williaina, " J.P.. kVUaidt, , Wll torn O. Tator, A. . HtcAea, If A 1. Ak.il , , J. H. Mabt, , . W. B laaxw, ' It H. IfcrmM, ' tt . Uaorira i.. Bidgoad, - VYil.bu U, 1'ak.tr. iUal M. PrKtt -.f LEWIS C. UAMKtt, AaT. .''...,.,.. LanavoM. B, C lan atJ-ltd-f-' " DETGOODl KfcW 4001)8 1 KKW t'OODMJ: ,,,S ALL COME TO CKEJECH!!! BXC05D GiABD 07ZSIVQ 0T FAtiL"' AND WINTEH GOODS. f t'-M itii'a.1 if? !' "1 r i ., , . ... ' , AM NOW KICCEIVUia kit SKO0SD iTOCg 4rfoi.pl. and fancy , , f? ,' -a-a-f . AV.ri i j. 'af, iim-k i and VwHPLITk. ad koaitlit atone tbe detlina, al t aa hapf y to aa toaiy theaxui axd tnaUiiiw.it Hi at 1 aaa, and till, tU tlioei tlooda CIII'.Al'lJt fbaa they haae longlitihuni kinca tlie war. '- j. KrVp It Berwro lb lvtole, " ' That ad RrHtoe to Wto CMy eaa or wtU aett "fJooda h Horn ie a Uva ibjeai, aad T da' A bVV vainaim. a ytvti . ll 46 ,,L a im el jmre4awe r. f ' w.j ;uBk , t a, b ia, a w i"KU ; f i eavr-:iiiai' l.. i v-- , a. k.. 11,, . ': . J hay NKW Ooxto' and OOOft STTMCfl, aad will aall tlieaj at rtuuika to meet aa nn lime duet received, , ? p- : w4 4) Caurtw Dwot aadJHi,.:? And pill h wild at prtom to wit you. , : Wt'Twfifat t Com ioecVi ' Betwa n bag yawl Oood " f wltt treat yoa . :-., . t . e-,e-r-,.w '! ...( ,. . ; VitleAUVAli ' n f. , . BP ft.IL. OA ! p. IV aarra i BOIwa, a ajweeraiea are Nov. ta7 Bf ,; . toot our roa iaiohh uf , if a " U.&WaJ.yOUNG'SJ rou MAT riKD NEWrGQQDS- -OT All M IMrfWw BV- mtm ntajM ,j .. . - i a . al L4 BaXIkS WtU fci. GIV15N Aaa.l .11 IbnwfhUl fmnTMal ito latSWVArll(-Bl A fel elork id CbuV for fr-m wt MaB I B, 0. C A MUX KM Kit end AJt etoaji At tb old atoad af t IVaVtk H7- lar-' 4-.iM ''Vr'-.-. ' fif " , r ' : n , 4 IktlSCIIXAJriOUg. UlllhatkiY 1 WIIIbllETI?, Vg HaBRBLB CORN WBUAXI, v . . .r,M p, ruooF. , t- lie .Mil i;l foa aaa CbbaT pi.e...,, . ti r - 'ttw ,.. , , t ! . pehltlfiO-tf ' " T0OUOLA BK1X, A KOTIlEll lot to-day rareireit, met fat tela. afaVal V-lwaV-ir -av 1 .4 RVOIW ri-lfe. AHANlWOMTt IIIDrirB, WITH BBvr.W a.M nrUnd attoebed. a.d dwrlhntt and neeeteary oat hooeee, and Mm bee water ta th etciuttrof tb aiy ... c -.1j " , ' . . a . ktr 11 tftl 1741 B. rVI fw bh'UMIb vv . i, i yj rv rx3 - w Crax-er k CmavBlaie fJrrrhaal, I FATBTTIVUXB STKRET, .- .- i v. i . ... ... .1' XX atle Iff la. N. C. - COKaiQJiviEfrrs of corji, meal ;;pATS,fXOTJII Al tlOCRTRT. ; BOLL ?ft ;-?"p.pr!P1?p'WfJ' fTTKD Job 10 l&t-tf. AS rKACBBS AMD TOMA KMX KJ At PebAIIKMf Flour, rtenr, rtwiir. RflR tot I rod to hand varinaa rrada. hi Bhtk and Ba k Cheap ta ck eraeig- r-rb l-15(Mf " - W H. J0SE8 A CO. IOT I ockade City Alo, Ji-t to r-.-vi. i W. H.i iNijt A CO. l.b Af tf ' HI VNOTBEIla.ii.ply of W V -...i . !! J'-S. i p l. lb Jl-lCj -if Auct A Couun. J,- i,:...it. IEITCATI0SAL. Itwvenfvurt ttiauultt .:: ,. -.. IeuoIi rworlli Cjai-o 1 1 i. BBaatlilk, Bu rir rro. ,mi MK-PtlMKIIXUI.'w. IP TOO WIMlt TO F.O0OA1 B Vol 11 HAl't.lI tore at aa asovltotit ecifeoot coiMhu-u-d uy 1 4.n pelaut Teaubere, ia a b".lll, quiot Amv, aiu,. euiniwt atuuniaia contiiy, a.:. I at ariooi-imij uenM eead tbem.i brttik Jni ii l- eaary, lbet, to tb abotu lnmeteH- u iM U.r to )oy a of toMrdft utt4 at.tuMi od board and Tnittoa Sir twenty wecka, ITI.Cu. Apply for l'ir-br to" . - . et. tAMi;KLI.ANi't.ll A. M. Dee.Bt-1 i-wAiiiirl ro.a.i.t : liarfll'i Sprluwi rtmd!e rellrsc. - dBAKVILLIi tOlHTV.S.l'. rTtUA SlKIf WA-MON of ilue In. I Union aill JL gjianllitaiiciead bfJ,.Uj in K I,; i...rv. lnuj .. Tat ioreeauo i unearpaaei'.l tor L i k ai.d ar 4eait)ility. ,.... itoritlUftoat anttoa, ta JemMy V artr aa aeiadred, ator fern anaioWy 4.rn i uf nkwtta. The healtb of atan.r mva'j 1 y.mua U ibrc kaa been tlitroah!hK restored by Wo tniV-lir-tod miieial m aior ft Hml'bere ovl tliy tuvu proa -. eeutod iheir auttlita wub eatire attcn-ee. VieareliMmuiliaU'ly uu to iia4iifcu Onsii.n" Betoaad, aittoa k. tine a hlf xuk. t KiUrvii e t"V. il ia tolfirr, i.iuy eumnratiinatinM aitb all parte of I be aounlrV. - Every bveiuty to adud to tb awet thai ou'h tevl atoaT e totel'oa. - . : . xa kauaity to euaiuoaod of five emlo Tiof.-. . ear aad tovaa tody TiMwher. ' Avaryttoag to new. Oar toasbwl inatnituiiut, ' tod, ting fiawe Organ, harp auti Gunf , are of b'ytcial attention pmi ta . tkorouyhnes .'fit TAd ntfuh Com. . . Terw Bwoaaara and acouMHouariitu. Taevaug ladiea ail oi-l,i'i nt tlte 'CollcRe Ptiapuf, aad btam aoeilrm clot hint, i reqiuivit. BiUuien to to ao ewaaud at Amrall l ari-nui aall aa that tbeir datmbtoi eoet Ibcm Ium hri, la tola nepeet, than even at buuut. Taamg wto auaetderawai tbe item of lireae and iuwIkuI v toatiaoea, tber to no cheaper auhiail in tbe .ouih. Beeiilea, we are detornuneit to aeeuuniUHlato our aatrtat a tar a wa eaa aa to Hue of payment, end to pat feteale vbHiUoa aUhiiilhe rali uf. ibu auople, to the piiwntt dopr&eeod'Oimthuon olT tbe eonutry. Ova aaoukrvaua near a aomJAl to, for UetaWao, apily la km. C it HODll K, IWdcnl, - De. id lllMka Hlt. U'. iprina. N 0 Bujan-v-ea rionf lit "4 e e vaa ee KUliary Bad rolyietliblc AcaJoiuj-. rpHHHtNTl'M ANKVAL KWK1KIN UfTHlMlN . utaaea will euettMMH a loilu'l,v, ti-t. raary eto, Unit -, - , ltoaidea the rrgnlar eonrne f lMe anil Ull rnaaie. aad tb Uonurwl I kinm M allT 10 tb pabtte the advaatagiw "i a ti'Ui wnirDe of Utttatogtoaartog af tbe nuad eoi.l, le ilonriji Boa.. toouiar eau be oliUini-iMrni i t . Oica't. K. K. COlJVHtf, fti.'f, ' . HiIIhI.' .. ('. f. Apfiheatifai tor adwiaaioa ebon ul i noolr rai'v. iwo. 9U At-t( . . 7 IW Yoki'ADViKTKEMEN'lT fJASJLETT. YOOtJ H 'Ofi ft CO. MevBS Wamt aad t array aia., -,'- 'nsw.youk. soc0bsb0 b8 to AlCniBiLD TOlNGy CAUCl.TTd Co. , ,0F JTEW TOBIT, ' ! AND ' - SPEKCER BC'OTT V CO ; i,r '.'OJNBWAIIK, V. J,' . ' Efteaalv) tlannlheiurrrt aml TT Bwonaio imucri an MEN'S AND BOYtV CLOTHING. , C.W.OATtRFTT, .. ' rK youNti, ' Sl'tNt'l- B iM.trTT, MayU-ltWT ' . -. A. 8 SUA Tr). : A. L bt:)TT, V. M. OAlUilCTT. :. DAIVCV, II I'M AN CO., General Commlssloa Merchants, ' NO, 24 EXCBAVOE I'LACK, Now "Vorlt. Bewiat-at- tt. BENJAniJ ItOBIXtiO-vr . , I Lara or bobtu tinouici-l Ittoraey and Counsellor nt Law, . ' OT,' Nmajmau iStrovU NEW TOUK. Aexw IaiiMl wl:h TKXIKR A. I'RYOIt. Kl for. merly d Virginia will aiUmil, tliorun;hIy and promptly, to ail eaaiin euaimittod to (ii ar.n- Ang. M. lS7-W-ly inSCELIAItEOPS ' . rBCIll BKK.W lilt. THE GROWT H 0 F 18671 Wurritnlrd frnli tttid tjriiuiiiv. JnT HKCEfVltli A I.AH tK MWLT OV froehOartkinMwef aHkiii'l tbe wioath of parr, imm ib Hkbii nuit-jiiit tir paviii I.AKDUkTH A '(IV Dih.msui'j'.. sun riui. aeaawia. Theee miki are warmiiti il freak and aMfMa.. era aeetlv no to naiiara. and will to) utdtautoea'h papi oe 3 pai'r Ari- iS'e'a.' , ,. . API'ly t It. I II Hmwoni, J B kNNMS. Febe-UM ' ' v ' lliokeclUr, ";'! i , poii si ' ." A BEAT AliM ANAf, tNTATitN'1 A FAHM aad Kit to (ianlaa t b aaiar for t-a. li atoaeh to the y-ar, and oilier va aaliie mtoriinilioH far eardai tug will be iivcn loiavh our. haaur, , . . . I. H. KUNlsrt, twbt-UI-tf ' " .-, . t. , .fiuoktollW. Kin; orthe South Hows I fahmers, Look to your In- I IB HAVIKO WtrH'FArVnrRF.II, AND IV. tend to keefi. a eMrf T UiobeHt imm' liorr ..I.PW1 In ttie Htato, aUc b 1 nail the KINO V TiiR aV.it' iH.weiug Ibreo (puii tm tj- mh plow, two of which are rf rfti-ilplt. muhiiiK llo m equal to Ave ppini. Iren-rto )rt 4 i.nnilj. r of genth ntca, that have bocn toli ihg j.lora iti thi and the edjientoa; couolioe. J ' - -v ALSO,.-.:.! h Pawilrr Orowrlaa, tode and l)p r Tallin Piwauh and Amennaa tU baine, plum K.i.d.Hgi to. ... . . . Alwayn In ton Tor a)n w low ae th lowi)i, tot eaab or eoniitry btoiIim . p- JtHtBAN WOVIirK, , Graeer A uooi.i .n rriini.i.j korPll eon, i ii m .- , dxirfrmn t'iijciu vil.o t. Feb t-tM-dewawlm. 4allt,l'KU L.t.Mt A.r. V ti S KOBTII AM litl,l. . LAHIU)UltW WHO IV 111 To t.F.i.L gTlrnllnnil or Rimr.il t tiita'e, Watt-r I'enrrs Ji., f'otvii lIS r Iti-ul t'aialv f any koid, will flnl n t iln ir a.SviM.wge .. deaKiet yaawriy w,ul kuuUi f.iwle. WrVwrjlwiltniiiu.!,.,- 'Ipk-iu-iiii,' pii,.-li-et'falia'.l Mfh Jpl'-i'.'pl.v.-1 Ifor inhH-maiittU! e-i.ui 1 jmo. aciiKiTm. p.i".i! A :.!!, ' (.!v,.,,.l,,.,. , N, ,r. v rim, Tinr.M, Au-i-t haic-K!. .s.a Op-1 !tl- Ti- - it.!, i i t :. "i liUIN IIKtllV'i ! 1 ' H.-jftlMliT St.pvipe. I ,, i,.vr ! t r .