DAILY SENTINEL.' - III..-DAT, liJBCH , 18 iJJILD'S hi.HAU Of A AV i e-t chaui.. tiictKat. TUrt waitnceacfalM, a-d hr triltd aiieut a rood deal, and lluwgUt of .ti&B tr of tiunr. lie bad a tu-r, Uo " t ! i:J too. and hi cuBateet cmnpani-m, Tiitetao ucd to wonder all dy lon. T.nr womltued at the beauty of the Cj; tbt r won'lered at tlie.hrl-b.lend blutsoeati tiittky ; they wondiMCk,at the froodaea tuu the power oi O.d, wild mad, the Liy moid. : Tliev eeed 1. ot War m timei. itintmkim all tit children upon earth wci to the. wou.d the dowen and tbe tor and tbe akr be aorfff Tby Iwlieved they would bo earry. For, aa.J ilmy.iUi l.u li arc th children of tb atowete, tt.c littla lavful tretm that fambot dwa the lull tiJt aiettiecb.IJreo of th Water; end the emulleet bright specs pUj at pule and seek in tba sky alt night, ma surely . l,e thechildren of tu start-, and thre wold all ii grieved to a Ucir pUjrnalei, j the clip dra et taea, more, . - . .t . . i 'Hi era waa on elra biaing t aft bat b1 tnnnina out In the kr txlore th Trrt. r Uc1juxc1 apira, aUira tU gnvufcT'Iii , larger and more beautiful,, ihajr Uu4t(M, lbaaalltfia tuera, m K"fu3 watched for S, aUoOinfl , band lp Ja! al , -I tee the cur !" Ad oltea tbey erie out tiotb to4Jwjr kfimrnjr wt would ri and litre. So thfj pnswtoba 1 ancb fmnds Willi Utuat, lwluraliu(( tjoaa in their itnlt. thT atwatt Uwketf Jonce ' ai? iiu. tii Lid it eood ftfgbt : and wtieo tbey wars taming ruuud to lcp, they paed to aa, v(Jod biaaa tM alar l". ( - Sat while alio waaaultcvory young, ob rr. tcit nouns . til i!stf ' drooped and : etuie to lie ao wt ak that aba could no longer at and in the window at witfbt; and mturn the child looked eadfy ewi by bimaelf, and when he aw tte itar, be turned leantf and aid to tbe paliant, nl (we oa the bed, "J are the etar I" and tern a imiie wonrawnw upoo the face, aad feiitiW v1c4tiad: tp tay, 'Oud Llaaa mr brotber aad tit atar i"! And the time came all teeo pueathe child looked out all aloiw,- and wheal tber wm ao face on tbe bed ; urt,VhcnJ tbrra waa a little rae amoBK Uw waits not there before; aad when theater made long rayadowa towards him, be ew H ttirougn b tear. ' "J. - Mow, tbeee raya wre ao bright, anil they aeemed to make f uch aliinmg wak Ireis earth ta teuton, that when the child went to bit solitary bed he ilreatneil abifut tit etar and dreamed that, yi wlter b waa, tuj aaw . a train ,ol jjeuplulnkn t tfeaf iMtrkUDg road by aautsia. And the alar! opening, allowed film a great ligbtj where many ut:u eugeiM ivnumi w iixxtivv liii All theee angela who were waUing.turnad ; tbeir beaming eyea upon, the people who were esrriedvp into the atarj sod some came eat from the lg fowtttt wttjriJ tbey atood, and tell upon the people's neHkl, and kiaaed them teaderW, and went awy wltb - tbem dowa the avenues of light, and ware so happy ut Uieir company, tnat mng in bin bed be wept for joy. . f k i lint thara vara mini aielawha aid hot co with tbem, and among them lone be knew. Tbe patient face that once ed laia bdob tht bed eras itlorilied sad radiant, but bis heart uod out his slater among; all the host. 1 Hie sister's angei lingered. Rear Hbe en. among those who had bronght tht f snpie " Is my brother corii - And be Said "No." ttlie was turning Uopctully , swar, when the child stretched enit bis arms aad cried, "O, sister, I am bare I Take mel" inlthpf! she turtle j hnj beamjng eye upon iu, tnd It was Oig'ut f'nl the atar Waa ehlnjng into the room, making kmg ray dowtf Itoaarda Bira as he aaw through ni tears. I Ftom tbat hour Jortb, the ebllfl looked ut upon the star at oa tlie home Me was to go to, when his time Should eoiuoi and lie tbongbtthat tie Out belong to tbaearta alone; but to the star, too, because of hit siatrr's ancl gone bnfore. " There was a baby bora ta fee iilfrntker t :tba child;, and while he waa ao little that lie never yet bad tpoken a word, he Stretched out Li tiny Kir m on his lm and died. Said bia aialur nugel to ttid Jcader s 'la my trthr cue . v aDhe F-iWfrai As the child belie d lus brother's M4 .nlutled to rqrir, bat. -I", "J" '0'.,i,,er; 1 "P btt',h so. ".! that tlwy w sti Take ma ! And she turned and emiled UBonbimi and tbe atr t as fliininir, He grew up to 1e a youug Biani and was buuv at bis boohs when, sjvpuJt serf ant camel to him and laid : '' , t. "f by mother is oo mnre.I riajer Again at night be saw the atar and all that former cotnutto. bj iiia sister's angt-1 1o the leaders' " " t i i , "U my brother coihe I"" ' ' j . tj , And he said, "Thy molb f'T i A mighty ery ei joy mat fori a ithreugh ail the star, uetmum bar tuotuea was re turned to ber children.. And ba atrelcbcd out hi arms and cried,""), mother;' titter and brother,. I am hvre I Take m r And tUcy amwend bim "Kot yet,"taacl the star , waa alliums. ., m ,,, , Be grew to be a aiaa wha bait was turning grey, and be was -eittiug in'.M - chair by tbe fireslilo, hetrv wilhl erlet and with his faee bedewed wuk tears, wbea the star opened once t;?nts, 4 - ' tjuld hie eiatcr'S anirel to tba feeder, ''I my brother eonue f nl ' ! f ' And' be tni.l, "Xny, but bis . aiaidea daughtor." t f .' And tbe hi a d who bal bera this child saw bis (laughter, no W loat to ,hn, acclestial creature lubimg tkoe tbrte, aisd Le said, "My daughter' aviad ta oa mj tiatfcr's b nri', and at her fret lithe tir.bv of old times, and lean bear the artifg from her, Gtod be praiaen." . .i , . And the atar wae tbiniue:.,., . , Thus the child became to bean oid man, and bit once amosth tune was wrinkles, tnd bis stept were flow and frabrr, tnd bit back wat Drnt. And one niuiit at tie tar unon bit brd, bit children standing around, be cnen, at ne Diia criea so long aijo.!,. . I tte the etar I" . Tbry wbtipered to ojie aBotaer, 'fls it dyirc." . . j Aut he raid, ''l am. lij ; ia fulling ' from me like a cu'mii nt, and 1 more toward the ttar as acluid. And O, mv Fatuw, to I thank ttiee that it hat eo ott:a opaiHHl to recei re thoto dear onct who await me!" And the elar watthiumgi and it thinrs I'jX'H hit ffave. . nr.xT. SiUS. A.M.O0WUS. 4 If nd r li! ri iv s 1 r I, FfCiAR fclale rttnsfrvntlvtt tresiiM" " At r:i!fi0h, Ftb. 5th aui 6th, 18C8.' brATg EXECLT1YX COMJiJITEK. - H"K. Tfl(6 BBAGU. BauuoB, CWnm. bmhihekt wHXimi AT . ' fUJ A- ft BvTiia.mJ V 'f Daniel O Fowl. Oea WR Cox. rWatna Gales, Esq, " JCH Hum. JSq, ' " ,Mi B'fflnoe, EJ.- '" K C Badj.'er, tkcrdorf. 1 1' -. i. ! ' r nut MMOT. .'- "if 'Hon W fl n Bmith. nrtforJ. William & Moor. Chows. j . MUlsLEw, . !, T "'oBcobw nnT, Henry R Bryan, Crava. , , . Oeo V Strong, Wsya, ... To S JSeoaii, Dp!i".' ' i fa 1' i " I L ! i Ilea) Oea Howard. Cdgeeombs, " I Woe 1 Uaria, JTranklin. - .,, r: .j yen X W Baaaom, Nortbampwa. , ... vocari wsrmict. ' Hoa i M Leach, Daridaon. ' Living tea BrowiCaaWell. lt T Morebead, Jr., OuiHurd. $;a Vims "sumiet. : f!o! E D Rail. Veer Hanover. I AwLiaW MrLean tTI,m fboa 9 Aaba, Leaa, viimnenewr. ' .tJt .atJiMTsi pwrjasyr. ,R F Armlii ld, Wilkes. W M RnMiine, llowaAAH oa i iWilaoa, Mecklenburg. 4 v . if , wwt pisraicr, , : , ; ' Plato Durham, Clfareland. ' j A O Ary, borkJ . 1 mil L McCprWSi Catawla. . . , , .",'" Vosn irtaraicr. 'B M CUtfceSfSuBnombe. "... ' CaMlnt Oudrer, Maeoa. v WJL Lore, psy wood. ' Satlamal Ssmxratia Cwmntiau. Hoa-W.N.H.Smltb, . Oea. W. R Cox, . -;4- I ' ' W.A. Wright, Eaq., Von. Ff JBoka, Esq.. ALTBRMATlTS. Jno. Hughes, Esq , r'iaw. AOilmer, Jr., vi. A. O. Oowlea,Kiu, Hon. A. t. Davldaoa. A f Lilt Otr ORGAMIZATIOlJ. U J j svavs owaavuttTiojt. , X BHU Committee, toooEt of Chair man aad .thirty members, til of whom thall reside in' Raleigh, 'and three B each judicial 1ietrieb-to , bf appontd, by tbs State Convention, "" ' s; - Th Committe ahalljisv pofer to mtlotaia ita organization, by filling vaosa clot, Ac; and shall take eharg ot t all matv tcrt relating to organisation, regUtratioa, . DI8T8ICT 00KltATIO)l. ,,,' - Tbe-momlier of lb Stat Committee ta eclt Indicia! dittrict ahall aoastltut a dle trict Committe for their respective districu and ahall anoulftt a Chtlrmtn. aad shall take charge of all matters relating to coon. ,i4ty-wgaaisatirta, Aa.t is their reepeclWe die- trictt: and shall report all matters relating ttiereto. to tb Ubalrtaaa ot tue mat uosa cocmr oantantnuja" j ' 1 Ltt I reoowmewleil thtt each County, by popular meeiiDgt or tarnugn ma cnedlnm of existing orgaBisatiooa, appoint a County Committee, to oonthrt of at tenet two par aoaai frout each C'aptain'i Dittrict witlils its umiia. - i ,t t 1 Tbs County Committe shall take charge Of all matter wl regiatratloa, local organi sation, &c wlthiq tb County, and a tw quetted to make monthly reports to the Chalnnea of th DUtrirt Committee, and. wha aeoeatary, to Inform hi in of inch kvaf matters as may requlr tb. attaatioa of lb piatrfc-t Uommltte. . It 'U further recommended that each Count Committee cause to be enrolled tbe nsmcs of all the reglitered torers of their .county, who are .willing tq set and vote with thtt orgitniMtiwn-anman Ui be thut enrolled without hit exprea oouabut ; and, tlo, that tney caute to tie enriitted on a ifaJLthea whr mka liave not dnnr tliey use every xurliui,lt each County, to nitke i fUorougli eaavsas ot iiboint j-lfvai tne sama aa aiitseminai! yrovor political iaformutum. ,. ; ...j--r. .nf.4" wwmW . PECLARATIQ9 OF PRINCIPLE ft i a -. s. it 1 1 t . . ' y f , Tba Conservatlva people of North Caro lina having, b their delegate, assomblad In Cooreqtion at Raleigh, aa - the ftth. of February, I3C8, to conildef th present anomalous coaditioa ac th Suw.'auil of the aouatry, aad to eontult togenher upon tba grievance which s Bo afflic aad threaten them, and th ooon ; of actio proper to be adopted in tbe trying dream ttancet which surround them, do reaolva and declare , i. Out n n alterabl t devotio to th prin ciples of Onttitutional liberty and our fualty to the government nf tti United States, aet tunb la tb Federal Conatttn lloa.' That w inoerely ad ia sood faith accept th legitimate and legal result of to lata war, and ao nereuy reiterate oar all repeated decUratioa, that we moat heaitily deaire peace and concord with our titter State and with th entire - peiple of the VaUed State. .,... ' ' ' " 9. JBmtttd, That regarding tb Const i- tatWBi of (he Laited htaret at th amirca of all power in tba admlnistraiioa of tbe gov erament, and that the powers of the Execu tive, Legialativa and Judicial aVoartmeats tra ejual aad M rtiioate, as deflned bv that inatrument, we do rerpeettally and oi emuly ptntett agaiost tbeanforarmmape our people ot tbe Reoonttrqcttotl Aott and policy of Congress, at nnennetitutioiial, unwiiw and destructive to aociety, aad vio Urlve of that great priociple ot American politic, that each State hall liave the ex clnniveroBtrol of ita own internal affair, t . Baoltti That it it the opinio of Ibi Cotiveetion, that the great and all abaorbiag lue4 now toon to be presented to the peo pie of the State, la negro suflfrag and ecgtn eriimllty,tf not lopremacy, aad wuMbtrbera aftnr la North Ctrolina and tbe South, the white man it to be plared politically, and, it a eon Dequeue, aixially, upon looting ot equality with the negro, and, la many localities, iiljcct to hit government a a ujerior,it Tiiat we are utterly opposed to tui'li liun;rc in our grvrrnineat and In oar aocLti ((.luiit nt, and thut we le tierthy earni'oily reunnniivni.1 to the penj Vt of tbe Slate, to matitully BHieit the autue new at ti rrrtcil to he forced epna them, and ate every pr -""r mean within their power to a", n (lie imrw-ndinir mischief. 4. J ''rfi, Thut while we are tinallera I 'v ,.. . I to political and social eqnnlily n , s i ? 1 W race, we ytit have no anjint ,i m-s tiainut that race; that wa are w ij-.l, I7 jmt lams, to protect them cure nieirii-yi.ir.miu uu autivv Kiipera-i . Mm4n,i rl ). U. rerebee, tU,S .'Vi...! f TC.O.Luk,-W.UTrebead tA That the Prealilenfcof the Cps I de, lw., . , n, !...! . 1 iwwii imAiiurvnwiuiifa urtami. ibi j.... i -v . fully in all thrir civil rights, aad to confer upia tlieia all privikgue wbicb tea lie done ii.i.UtfDtly with tbe eafcty and welfare of! bothractt. 'f pcreriMluid ronditioa or our people ear neatly deaods the apredieet aad wiaaat tneaaarai of reiicf that lite Li;itaMue cm deriae. ... . t. Jifaiud. Tbat thta Coaveaiioa recmr- aiaes, with feelings ef gratitude, the heroic and patriotle effurta of tba Freaident of tbe Caked tHatea, to- reatora the Uoioai and harmony aad good will among tba Aaaeri- en people;-' . a - " T - 7. JStsattd, That 4Ma Ooereatioa . re gard I tbe Supreme Coaitoftbe Vatted StatM at the Uyltimate eteoeader, ha tba but reaort, ef tbe Coaetitntioa aad believe that It right and powers, fat tbat respect, thoulil be preserved iwtae, as aatablisBad by ' fm la the eertie aad awtter daya at tbe B pulilic, aad that any astintw teipaiiwnt thtrw.t br teeittatioa or otbenriae, will be destructive to tbe best Interrets of tbcoua try, aad dangrrott to tba liberties or Ms paopla, ' ' ' , M, iintJttJ, Tbat deaptiriog of any res toration ol tbe 8uutbeia Btatut nnder .tbt eunduet of tbat organiaatioa Which 8"W enttrnl the prooaedinga of Congress, wair leg all former party feeling ahd prejodic, thjaConrentkw tloed inoat'irahesitatiagly mctMMBiekd sad invite) tbs hearty ctf-owra-ttoa af alt tbe goad panpl el North Caro. Una wltb tbe Dnnoerate and Oaaaervative tea Of tbe North aad West,' who are now aobly straggling ft tba atainteaano of tbe Ooastitetie of tba United Butat aad the mtoratina 6f th BoalltMS gtates to tbeir rSghteiatae Uahaooa taasavlb) Awadatioa of aareaoay aad peaee. .)., . , , " 0. JUuimi, That Ibla, CoareoUos alect foar delegates and four alternate, lot tbe Stata at largo, to represent tba Conservative people of -North Carolina Id tb next Dem ocraiic National Convention, end tbat.it reeoatBMad a tba UonaauaUt a people of tbe eevaral Caatgrassionai Districts, to ap poiat'delerates at aa early day ta rapraeaot then to asid Omvtatfoey ' -10. BmhtJ, Tbat when aa election ahall ba ordered lor tbe ratifiaatioe ol a sew Bute Constitution, tb Exanatirt Committee for tb ftate, which hat been appointed by this Conventtoa, be lnttractad, It tb time sbsll be eaffloiaot, to call a Ceauretrtioa ot the Conaerratif people of tb fttata, to pot In nnmlnanon candidate for th varioaa State offioea wbos electioa shsll then be ordered; and it there shell aot be sufficient time to carl said Cnnveortoa, to put la nomination tound Conserratir men for said oftloea. "' "COUNTT CANYASSEna Alanumet County. Tt. John A. Moore, Jamea A, Urahatm, Jaute JL Boyd, ticorge Pattarsoa, 8r.,T, . llolt e Anton. Thomas S. Ashe, Areh'd. Niveo, C. R Lilea, W, tl. Bmith, W. P. Kendall. ,Bwttrrt. Thomas Sparsow. Joseph B. 8tlckney, Churchill GorhatD, F. B. Itatter thwaite, Edward 8. Marsh. JJurte. Thi,,. Walton, 8. C. W. Tale. Dr. David Berry, Andrew Shuford, Jno. F. ( Jnaajiefac.'M'Capt, D. E. Allen, Siunitrl R. dilooit, Col. S D. Thumton, Drew, Asa Rosa, ' flli.T!V. Colin Shaw, Ororue Cru martte, Jan. A. Riebardaon, Tboe. H BuK ton and J. W. Pnrdie, Duncan Kelly, W. J, Parker, Etqra. - C'oiTWilIiit. a llarrlt, Joba M Long, Dr. L. S. Binijbem, Dr. F. M. Header- oa, Frank Rogers, Samuel 1'uarr, P. B. Mana,''.i v . i ; ' ; ' CaUvttH.M. W. H. MaloB. Oea. F. Pattanoa. Edward W. Jones. Kov. Isaac (M rd, a it Moody. .,, " " ; , jDkadam-iL Q. Waddell. JVihn ManniDU. Jr, H. A. Lmrdnu, Jr:, ft, J, Iluwst, Jm r. Hive, - . OaHnt.-Vr LW. Marti, t aXOgletbr, John H. rttrv. namuei iietters. Hoa. it, Bell. , CatavU.-r'Dr. Ellis, Dr. 'Turner Ahcr aathy, JoeaaOline, G. Jamea, Capt, Helton, A J Wbitner, J H Bruna,. Samuel Tucker, Wastry Bandy, Daniel Deal, Capt. M. P. Ol III 1 X- - J :"i,.,.i ,i. ' W ouenwit.ueuigv auuw, :( . " CastwJi Bedford Brawnt Joba Kerr, Thomas Douoho, 8.' P. Hill, G, W. Thompson, .... (MawmiMLJolia W. Ellia, W.J. Stanley, Fouroey George, V. Y. Kicbardn,J. M, atcGougau., .... , CiiW.-Le M McAlte, J W Gidaey, M D Lee, H Cabaniaa, A II HomealyJ '" CVee. HearyR. Bryari, Alexander C. Latham, Wm. C, Mead, Joba Hnghea, Dr. P. B Uiaet, XL 1. Guiod. Ales. Justice, Joe. H. Haugbtoa, J. N. WaahingtOB, ' ' fmW.-Dr, W. lb Lassell, Burwell H. Baxter, Jtme K, Wood house, William Dliaw, T. V. Huoaphrey. J Dr. Mulfen, Willi San- i - we, Henry Wclttr. 8rF. Oi Robhlaa, J H. Wtlborn, M. H. Piaalx, 8. S. Jons. i)pii.-Prof. N, B. Wenater, Col.' Wat, A, Allen, Capt. A, J. Brown, Win. R. Ward, J. D. Stanford, 3. S Hoaaey. Gaon,-ff. T. Shlpp, Edanad 'WHkes, ftobt. Hollasd, CoL . Wm, , Stowe, . Eph. Brartt. t"" i ' OeeWl. Col. J.St AmUlR.A. Jeakiaa, N. E. Canoaai, W. U. P, Jenkia,T. L. Hargrove. ,. ' - . .. t7ibrd.-Peter Adams, Sr., Davtd F. Caldwell, Jo. W. Gilmer, Levi It, Seott, Ntreus ileodenhsll, Samuel Rankin, Jr. - jEWia. Edward Conigland, Hasqa L. Wiggins, Dr. Henry llaavia, R, H. Smith, William H.Day. , ,v Hrfri -J. J.TeMea, Dr. G, C. Moore, Dtv R. k amielda, Dr. R. H .fimUo, J. B. Slaughter. "t - itci tij m .. Jji'M.7aaer.-!it, R B. Oowa,JfJ. Robert Strang, Mij. C W. McClamtay, aad D, B. Baker, BaOj,.. ' . " ra'.--TW A. TfTcholaon, J. H. HJ1L R. A, WcUughUn, R, B Dejnpttsr. Coloaal John Malt- , ... Vooat. R, R Jones, O. B, rtooaoa, X, ft. rraok. H. C. Foseu, F. Fy,.E. it Fo Cue. ,v XKntUm.3.Vl. Aball, L, R. Waddell, C. & Sanders, W. H. Avers, Seth WoodaU, Edwv S. Parker " ' i , Zeiunr. Dr. fl. W. Bkiunf, J. a Woolen. A Monro. O. F. Wblt field, Wm. J. Pape. imWaW. J. Hoke, D. Schenck, W. A. Graham, W. F. Hynaa, J. A. Caldwell ; Meotitniurg (in part ) ---Hoa. Z. B. Yaooe, Hon. J. W. Qbnraa, Orb. H. a Jane, Hon. J. H. Wiltoa, Gee. J. A. Yoano. Cot Wa. JohnMon. - JfiiDenvtt Oea. Alney Burgin, A, at. Erwia, W. W, Fleming, Dr. Joba Yaecey, Dr. MoCay. irw. 4H D Do ad, Dr Jno Sbaw, Capt Jaiue D Mrlvrr, Ctpt George Wiloea, Doctor H Turner. '; '-" t A'orf ;. Gen T 3 Ptrson, R B Pee Me, Dr J C Jaooba, N Thomas Mssoa, W W Peehh Dr W ft Copetaad. - - . Onrnye. Jonet Watmni, John F.' Lvoa, W. W. Guest, Joba W. Graham, R. F, AVel. fi. John W. Phackleford, E. t W. F.mvilK Hetiev H. fiandliih M. W FJ At..A I Hf It U'..J rviir u (, tv . I . r Mu 7 .'' i ' ft-ECYellowley, Dr.C J O'lltiran, G W Johnson, Henry Shrpherd, W R Wil liama, Joeae Stancill, Abram Cox, L G Lit tle. . ' JJiVAowai B F Little, W D townaehd, Jamea T lioater, Jamet P Leak, John Joba ton. " ..- . John Lefh, N A Jlctean, Giles Leiub, Juha II SIcEtchea, Thorn u llorrwy. , ( . , teaF Shoter U" &2yiltcrr Craice. W A Hanck. Isaae M Shaver, T W Keen, 1.7. hard Cowaa, Jno. C Urabaa. - litftcrteri., P fcrwio, i H Whitetide, Joeeph Carton, W U filler. Dr Thomas fi SumptoH.Cd JL 'JL. tfcKoy, WlWiant 8 Devane, U C Holmes, Dr U A Bixaell, Dr J TMnrpby. -. . . , JShirry.U If Waogh, It C Btmptoe, Gilmer, Dr Joseph Heiiiiigtwortn, V H Owye. i Way CS Wootea, Gdoi-ge V Strong, WiUiam O Modsey, X i. Wthf, Gray C. Oarria. - ' ' - Wilkm. Dr O I. Cooke, Dr Jaatel Cal loway, li, Walboaraa, Df fTjia York, Fhiota iorto. r . WUChrU li Boabea,i Q DeCar teret, Jeaea A' Norrta, Oeorge Wbitiag, Jacob Fleming! B W Tdrk, Jtmt Wlnbutn, O B Alford, Col. Geo. fl. Faribault, Geo. H. Soow, a. ..! mamf fewfc.ifc; Jforrew. Col W 3 Ureew, Cot W A Jen Una, E J JTtunmorr B Pavuij CM Una. if c'i Yadkin, William A. Robey, J WilUamt, 8 Joteph ',Dolioa(; Aquila Speer. p Roughtoaw. .uml., ; : . ,, ' f as.'" i'i. pi. ii i i m.t na mm !'" 'i 'r tan nsviABCx. lav LIFE "ASSURANCE .. ,' .. i. -. .3 ...PVVVJttU?4 OF!WEW YORK. ' J JLaajC $ t S ti I - 3s M- fs'8Ef8OVER l6l W oo o.o ob. ANNUAL INCOMB $2,Q0,OOO. OTTTDINDH PAID TO POLICY HOLDEB8, (NOT 8TOCKHOLDE1W, ) THHVEAB 0VTJR pnhtELT mrrrAL. " Hie. . t. PROFITS. DltTCeD' ANNUALLY AKOKO I i iSfSftilSjj -tt.',,' .! , f powdy h6lders. , Taa ElHIABL baa grewa more tapidr, ino Ua'orgmUatiun, than any Ufa Tnauraaee Company avar organiziat In America. It poticlae vrR larger m amount, than Hum of any attar C ompany in the United Btataa. Apptiestkios toe leeaeiea in Worth CaroUua nnat to aJrlreaead tu dke fleneral Aftant. Mu,U. t. Arw, A WilniinRtnn. Diaaawa)tni, " Mewbern. Oaaaa Wrrt.itaa, ' Tarbem! Boaatag A 0t.aaaa, Ageata, WakbrnaKm Bataizsa, aUaua A Co. " (lrenaiiep' K. Nra Rrrtoaiaoa A Co. " ' Salisbury. HrjTCHTOH, BlIJinOl'OHH tt V9., ' T. Jr .a rtefci.CH i Jaa.llVH tf . 0aerlAiiifo al.4i. f CL0THIBG HOUSE. 1 ' tt, ANDfcEWI eV CO. f TnvRt tUaWAtw V Mr " '? t. i'. "Tf tau Qentlemen's, Tooth'a' and Boys1 C L O T H I N G H I AND FTJMlSHIJrG G0091 SO Fsyettevllls St., oppoaito Tucker Hall, 1 IIAXEIGII, W. O. Hev.U-ti.tr . 4' 4vj riarE black; dres vitr. MABE FROIC RUPEniOH FBTOOKitioTHS, Cut, Trranted nl nttil aa well aa the beat Merchant Tnlov' errlered work, 'at a i aaving of reea. tit i aan rwna ri jjoujuoi emit, worth aavlu; ta the mw. 1 FINB CLOTH BACKS, i ' FINE BEAYER SACKS, ' SUk-miiet! BnlBwa Salts, . gettMwaawawt(tKatats to dt th timee A An variety of HSJt DSS81 SBlT alwaya r. S. B. ANDREWS AtXVB , Oeeaf favnaahing more, Oct It 0-tf OpaoatM Xaeker Hatl. I vMhi , ii it , ii r f in hi- al,BATtl BTt: AJL ij . AliUkt atylsa can be fontiit t . ANDEEW8 A 008 f OiHit'i OntHtHn ftouna. t . tl ES& Wov. JJ-St-tf Oppoette Tucker Ball,. tmt anctef Jtja, Sj , . ' SOtB XE ATBEB TRUNKS, SOLE LEATHER TAtlSES, - -s morocco And liather tratel- ING BA09,1h greai variety, ' At M. B. AND BE ITS ' ,.4 -aaawewavma Itaewa, Nov. lit $4-tf . ' ' ,," OppoaiW facker Bra.' JCliCilXASIOUS. TWSl ..?..t,l"1f 4 Jniit reeelrA a lot ef ROCK tKLAItb CASSt- UiHEa AND JXANo, Ufurtk Carouna aanutae- KM.V ' t.'V :.,.':,. .( : Alae, a intwD lot PRTTTS, 44 Brswa fUEST IKU8, WHti FLAai.SglkAe. - nag. at ei-r . .a - iwira. p.;f. pjesctji CEXCatAI. nst'RAWCE 4CE.sT,E AS REMOVED hit offie to hit toAner Dro Store, where ne wul raealve tpplicaiion i Folieie of lnwnno aatnt Iom by V ioweat nmnaeratavB rata. 1b the. fcbi at th Ioweat nmnaeratavB rata, ks aa fcbew W IIWVM vwaifwiwi ,ia . ... i e!f la ' ,4 rhcenxx, et tiarttorrj, l-i jr., Atlantic, of Brooklyn, , rW, Swrxty, of New York, i' Vr?i ' Pufidm, of IT'ir? rtfj, ' Jorne, of i ewr Haven, j , , FoSfy nI7rriM.inqlie8ter, ,,, .J'feron,cS "Virginia, add t ,; ri VniLKtirittr!. Selrda.' Ala.- Tbeir mbia4. Caataal an Aateu aneeiUrel Ken noMrn.T anrw in mis. . P- f. 1 SXC00, "e Da. ItllO-tf ..' - ,Io. Afcnt I , . Pen!, re I, J-' - ff BUSHKLH, ound cWa Paaa. " f'tf- 1W f eh la-Ul-U W.H. JONE8O0t Tor S.'ilr). TFTE TniOTKlA BlMTl' HHOR POLISH, aaid to a a very npnor article. Ja U-lSi-tf W.H.JOgE3ACa' - felGARSIU A PULL UN'S IS 8T0EK AND FOB HA1X bv Janii-liO-tf DOtOLAS BFJJU f ! laaaaBi . a l',Vi( .-s H. T. .x.. jMrr . KWAIBAI-GEXEBT atC '.4 1 m.SJ . V - . rOR THE , i wt I 1-4 aVw-ae ea . arnaii. .'MQtA Ml .n.'nttkw- PuUUbad 1. t Cli ? Halelgh. . . Daily, Semi Weekly and Weekly. ' . -VV William B. Pali, Santon Galet, Jditort, la view ef the eoareUy ef aaoney, and th ityof th time, the Proprietor of th KTnm ha determined to redao th term of the paper, to eommenee after the 3lt. DECEMBER, next, and to stake eaeh iiuiiruvemetit iu it general oharacter a wiU cowmend tt to tit patronage of an iilightad publie. In POUTJC8 it wUl be thoixiuBlilr (Scaaarva- Uve, advocating, at all Ilium : A atriet obeervane of th Cnutitatloa of tbe United Btetet, tnd the harm on wm Unioa ef equal Ptte ; Obedienoa re law and the i nr.ireenihut of orde Tb eapnmairjr of law civil over the mlliUry , ht time of peao ; Th enallty of the three eo ordinate hrtnehe ., of tbe geveiiuneut : The aoveeigalrnf' lh 0tat over their own Internal eflair, in strict oonformity to th CoiMtitiitiflu ; The maiiiietuuH of fix eooui and jnatie to alt," without dietinetion of color, hut the siiprema "" wreffh while th awarntng! ; ' OpjHxHinn to Radicatlardtn H tte'Thuii. Aa a NEWH jonrnal, it alit.I1 he (Wjnal to any, Th principal inarkut wjjl be re(juUrlyinbllh-' ed. ' j ..I in .. . : -- .,4. IU UTXBARV ehuaeier hU. he utintaiued ' and iitpvaveffby watiHi nltooeJram oa heat writer. .?'. ; ' " Finally, th SKtrmat, trill aeek fo be th epeclaf promoter of th edfioational, mora and eoo ' aoaioal tnteraate of the people of Nor(h Car olina. " ' "" ' -'I '' ) . ; ' "'- ! rl.i-" ; J,. ; f Dally Sentinel, for aoeye ia.. . i . . . . g M " - six months,..-!....,..,,....' 4 01) i. " 'inr(ie month .... .... j oo eauV Weakly rnUnal, for one yar ....,-. AM ,'. wxatontha,. 100 ' " three montha,.. 06 Wiwikly f.-tJ f i i": i lor one year, ...'.. s. 100 , " ail month, ,... Q 14 AH tnbeciiptlnn atriotly etth In advance. Aa aa advertWng anxliun, in Ptimait, w : . equal to any to tbajitate. , Tanaanmdetwta. ' W aek every Oonurvaelv te the Ittat to beeoaae tof Agent tecxtead tb eitetaUBonof the atarnina.4 The vat f 186S will be netting SM tmperaat - The Waaaav Sawirm tboald be la b haade of the gnex. body ef the people -Tbe tens ee aew ao low that wvary en wiU 4 U teparlsr Jtii.. n .lT i mrr: ttj & i, . ... .'.-A' n. mh : !'':"'w W. E. FELL, Raleigh, De fctlu, 116ft. ftoprietor 1A1TIM0BS ADyEBTISESXl H hi X PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ' ; teaaa rEnrtnr i tnd : ttoilrs, HirtXtS'ff TEXT AMZSlCATBOtTBL ...TVtBIilC WATEIt-WBXKt, KAW P0 MTAmL X VMJST Prts a . s IL.. bbti itt-lia tiHlfjUTa. ::i il : - - j. 3 P TMiirlftji 1EU Itmiamm aaeAlag, poUey an 'I!Wfft 4MI .r't '.". '-' " .fitrS-t. v,-.r. .a . ", tT0UJN9HEATrt ' , j. r at UUHT 8 rRKOT, BALTtMORR, Md. S , ., I r 4."0jLD JLRYLAjrO WORKaV"-! , , Plnmblirg, -. t Sliaot LeaaT ' LaaaPSf -i J iv ii Iron Pine.. .. . .. .. xtmnt TetnOB Ceek Stove, ; . ' . t Patapscn Or, '1-"f Roger Williaau'e, Cnt- vsrae Oook, . . .. fe-b.IUra. Earopeni Rang. -Matree ltanee, ' '" Bp-no hunirk, ' ;-,. hnerald liaaire. f HaTward, Wlett J Co' Pas-laiMi fiirnaH, Vaew Inraiiwi, llr. table eud tlrtck. Parkar, Uhueh and Siowe in rt varictv. All the diderent atvle ot urratea, Hiph IT aad lev I)own Portable uraifM, An . Terra CuttaPqis, " " Bra Cock, ' rtited toata. Inrn, Lead aad Zioe Bath Tub. Tin Baik Tube wftaVi?" nil h water t looew, Ime and China BaeiBa, , HvdranU, Pnnpt, " -- -Kaaaa, fnamtaiaav i. Water Win, , fHrdea V, ,t . Vi air-4oolra, ' :.. Befrigwatora, Ae. : Which will b nld tt low a can be bad hi tn Aiiril A208 fy J "r"9w - - . FAMILY IXOlBEl 1808. 1868; A ' BTTFRIOB QUALITT J0!JJi D Fol A ' ! - , Ju ai-138-lw LTSWACilM. aeerac-wt n..i" trri TVW TUO:iAB SMlTHy ; NO. -25 .SYCaJJOEJB .BTJSEeT, THE LARGEST. STOci: OF, DRY-GOODS Mf TUB STATB OF, TJAlGIKtsV. v.r s KPBKiiESTIKO If T KIND PATHOS S WITH , BMMwraBSam ef ataufc fur tail Trda, 1 alto oom.lim to Uiauk thaia (or Uwir bb'ral pat naaae:. oliiiiUnr at th aauM tune ita rauiWe coo ..JL uunuff Ounm tet etooffiirt will lie oared W mat iiie-tiruivt aa fll ar pl"-1 are ui auae hmiit wnMwi v MlAl cwnt idea of th guraa etoek f Lndlea XTs tida. Bitot aotl eetonMl tiilka, in matvartaty. rauluw. betiOaa aad Vnmi-h PypUm. r'rfnch U a, iMtri aanl tnmi-n rymi rliui Hu.rklhi'k. roolltt aria. r ttkraihi-a, Pouliu ttepa. lirapea,' Eaiprta liioUt, L'rwiiaiiam,VMliiaui.l wlmnen.Muu- una, aiugle awt ewuta wkIU. ia all I tb liailea, tua0aa, anwiwwu "row Hatasii" as. an' t . Eaabroltleriew , gjicea, - 1 " " 1 aabar lnaBrtinm, Httt W( t'toaaciiiR, belowork ding, Naedlewiark HiMiauuk taearUuira, awi-a tiara kra Uilkm. Miun Hul CuaLme OoUuaaud OuftV: Luua UiUirtMt)aL.uinvi uu uv, BoM Uauan m titu, Htuu rau uuin ano HMki fouil Sfia. seal funua iouawuu CuflJ, Iiuitahos Collar audtiuKa, Uhtaey Duller an Oman, IWal laL -lomau Mai inreaa taeea. Rsal llruwiLao.Bal bobbin Lace, Point Lace hmii niunianiia luaiu awiapapiaHiiMiuiw Baadkarchiefa, Vahtetia lae tlacdtrtltn, laa MaUua Lane HaadtereOieaai .' . ,-i - i " xtttatlrlfi 1 1 in Anaka. hiwl. ia lnT aad Mat, for Mine and Ladwa, ltuop Klurta. Baltnurala; Buje and Kibban 1 ruBBttug ta tavg artma t Jet, Silk ed F? ttuttoua, Tafet Ribbon, Narrow Wa tered Kiuaoe, lor lnmmin, xmi manene, w or ted arA Aipaaa Braoset MohavT Brauiar.Uutiwaa aadrHal UlBdlnga, Coraat HuUta, Zigzag Braid, Star Braid, Matde Burning, Plain Bud faaetHair MeU, ao..jhiaa and Agata BUou,Fnil wai Bauk aad Ouiore Velvet fcubon. , ' H . i. HtMrmla)( Irtkrtanent. Qro, Oram aad Hapt Mlk. French Msruni, & 1 ; u- rM.k UuaMlv Crape. Barathea, Poplma, EmprauCloth, (Jr ma, TVUOBM, maw vnwa aouamw, yuki Ilea, Alpacisa and Mohair, ail of the very heat, Lou(iu enhiUated manotaetar. ' " ( -' WhH CXtwd. - ' 'V Plata. PUd aad Btiteed Camhrie; JPlaia. ' Plaid1 aud MtHped Jaeooet, Itam, Plaid and (Miaawd, Naiaaook, PlaU, Plaid aud Hlrtpad Had atuslm, Plain, Plaid aad Ktrtped riwua HuaUo, ;Phin. Waid aad utrid BMhupVLa, aott Humt Jaco. nU, Boft Itniah Cainhne. eurt flniab toug Cloth, PeHay BfaeMille, e,. Tmriutoa, white od ool ared, Ih-gaedie Uuttad and fivred HweK, BrU banla, PatatM aatfUug. h4if rnraUUng Coodv , , . j, Vadervtwt. Draw, Coraeta, Lute Thra3 iluKe, ttnal RviKliati Boa, Genoa Hoatery la ttttK Vartoly, kir atiaan t-'hildwa and Lull; LadMe'Bruwtt U.,JUdiea' BUrk and Mat Hoe Kid Glove tu lare MaortBU-at, whlta, Mack and autaeed. Bavha aad Lwi 'lliraad Woven, in h Sxea, Garter, Klaatir Hair, Tooth and Nail rub, lie li-U.' IVw aa4 Ootla Pemiia Comba, Veil ia hwd Lac Dotted Bordend, tad Bugle-Trimmed Pananl, Fuia, 4. j ' r ; DHrtl-y , m lUeaebed awl. Uruwa Cotou. HliitiiiKa and rthirtinga, Bleached ana Brown Jeaut, ' lUt-acncd and Bmwb 4Juita i' taauel, flaid, Btrieml and I'laui Uanabtti'm, Tkinga, Denmin fildtnev, Hiu aery, unaig ey; l rnmv m -au anteei tikgli e!er)t ar) ' afawkflaaf -t ' ' Ftanneh' jeala ami Itnay BtaBiaW I 'ai peU, Tapaatry, laamPly,. Huperfln, Ingrai. in ail wool and eottou chain, Vnetianr Betnp aud tiat UgwDarpeta, i)raa(iei, tlara.etiil Knor Mala, Flour IH1 (llutaa, AAoa. Muaiin. BrwiataUt and Dank OurUiaa. fiauo ud Table lw ra. Table Damaak, Hi air and Table (d Olotha. Ni.pleii,-i)ui. BHi, Towei Haoaaliaok, tlraah aHatilona Lineua, Uhvb and potion rlhoeuuga. in ad width. Pillow Lineo. Manadlee oaulrpaae. Jarqaard aad uottoe lAaptra, WMi tnawrf , JitriAeyeiinapurt; 1-b.l, t liun li, I OOnto rtmilhlMsr Mti ' " AH are neptfnuavite4 toioat my atock Imftir making thwrpurmtiaw,,, Jajr ouawution la, Ala traa wav io anoumia ia to atctii-u tbe hftureal ef your cutoner by charging the am a lt pua aiblfl profit on good ' I'hia iiaa ever been my motto, and th large lbMaaa hieititur dim Dorag in adhering toUjr t!i9 ryf ,.i i TUOMAt) MlTll," 'Mm. S3 Syeamor n.,Petcrbug, V.' FRESH SEEDS. ' " ' -W hew htet vaoatvad teaaa ah ate it rvliabi gruwaae latlat euaalry,, a. bugu Btect") rk ), Laoa, Virld aail ve- Mere, vmoracing every vtneur or I Ar'Uchok " , ""W 1,J' . Aaparagn " '' ' j ' Beiane u ''-.i , -u .Paeat-e; , , , . .-, ef1 a,, Ijiranip" ""' r ' fabbage " " - wiapkki'' ' "iCarroti a, ;-d . Badieh Mn.c-.rf ;,, CaeJiaoaer ... ,, ,4nJi,lUiubai'b , , Celery,, .,. ' sl,fy ( '' Couarde 1 '"'mai; c i. ( Ooraaelait -"'aeeb . ' " Oreaer Paaeirgn . 'i'omata ' IW.hIm. . U V ( ' Plant, t W-.irA Urehar do ,t Lak j,., Ky. bin Graee Latino . Timolhv An . Kale ""' Mid 'lawn aa - aunai - - - v r I. uneam Graaa ' Maibia. ... u Utile Clover. Wie w eoer at the tow, market rate foa .mm ... a r '.-- -1 Oaaa. -i. 3. vrnmia hi rvwW'i ' " Wtlliaali aadRBtoaHwnoriata, ; JaB88-HVf 7.t, t. a. iPatertbuig, fa a .i- -t JasCTJLAX0T;3, f OaABiiEBT)! Tavt,''! ' l .-a j 1 Vl BltH'.1' -7RAKijr.arrtht a .. U' . J. ... .... ... .... THE ClrDERfflQNED HATIStJ tXXtm eharae ef th above well known Rnul f!,t" t f full? infonna bia friemla and the trawlliue nnb be that it ha- ber Hk.i I KM-HE If AlJOl ITkJ HEl'AitrHfeNil. tire i.kta, -rH a'l rj Be eurirllea wiih the TEK LlJi 1' Tiiat ii A I. R L i AFPuftUa, including every dclwact i fiuiL whil ll euMin win be aneaaeiai'UblH, Tbt Bath Room teaefcea e th tJntat are aiippHcri wtrh the eetehrated ArtewiM Waaari aMV H,raV COLD OR HBOWkR BAitiS on be obtained a! any tama lh ane auentHia wUl ta pld-to tin eorafort of 111 guest aa heretofore, ilnj tiaaii met rely apea Andine the rketoa UouJ eqaat te any m aba Urnted )ta., a be patroo- a toe WaveiUug pwWie if rtapactfaaly eohea. .J.P.WOMAW, ifrknt, : Proprutor, Tan 14 M I TlHCa klimi bookrf.liji:r aju Sr&TBlSXB,' 4 4 J! ITUBHaaa OLD TAnD dl apply any ordr any Jtook or WuMeai aa- Ha the hwgea atock nf QOK!U 8TA. TIUMERf HCMtJ eteu, fur Ve r. the ?i1a - BLikt IkMIE ajul ntKT,ru (e line. MMli :- 1 " A f ll AMCE TO llAYEj TOIR eii riuriiru eefIihed akd - j - REXOTAILD. ' - . nATlNCI ntrrAlNRBTIf K KERVKTS OT Jt N. I (TnholMtre. v- r , u-ai . ,ui ,n . all kntdnef 1'PHi.il! UttMi, an aealnee and Uipattk., Batiatiiclaio gnai ann-iil. Old Mattresses renovated1 and mad ovtr Fnrnttnre of ill Iniwl reiaui wl ad vaniiehed nd re-npbolatered, and uy Hung iu mr iuia made to ot',ier proaipfv. - w urormtsg en. April 29-mtf . 1 iettnllRt Arn TT I I'll I " v. r. ptlk Mi r- ' 1 - .lav. fc. a. J'.., A CO, i r.(( I ' it)UU j'1,111 Ji-U-it rnscTiiAyioTjB, JULVCIly.KAill, muSr roe KAKiNa book, ic.Mulr' u Zvervhodr should have one I n pjOTjsKtjiip, fc Vtt : 4 " "ur a!7d: fIn atyka 50cU.. prntmental TSot. n. . your orilera. '. t ZO. TUE JPUBLIC XAM PBEPAREO TO AOO0MX0DATB toAmmtm auMaLwr ut lb ajLj Al trauv uut Jaa. IS-liH-l GiCOlUigl.tt AL FAUM-l.tl EXCHANGE FoJ " Wifl wo'Ctokugei for aetldeM, i. '' 'lw' 'llatef " IN Frmlilin Ounnty, 5 milea from th B B. ilandeooMi. With 4.uT .. 1 oroLard of 4,000 ehuie frnii Tr. ) .. Mnearana.., . , , . , T1m Uwolliuji lrifi and eouvui,t-;.L . necmiiisrr out bmlclinirir. As l" for a PhvahMaasetr , . "' anaa-at , y. h. jokes t Co. - BiCxiwuEAT,: rtora,' 1,0001 LBS. lf l, .V Bl'CEUirvi --a,.i, f JTS Hlraw .a fVtfTUTEKm IW THE CiTT OR fNttisaa, atltxeaxW'--'' al III I Mil till i - . '""B ! "'"'Wl ILIIUWtJliaiajWl4BlS)il0Miw -oards. Barms, pabphlets ' Thev wUlBSatlvCBldad iem ...' and on the hweat lorm. ; We ei poet soon to have Out Bffleii mppUal mi ibeneeeamry auearlat taaxeeut tin ot.W, w onr fviaqda in very arecie of Job Print,,., Kept S7-M ( WM B.PEUL, IwJi. niiHMCIOI WALLET r PORTABLE JCySI!?i;:B;OBK!, ZANESVLLI45. OHIO. . ; I "" '""H srn iwB WxV f DVVALTJ? VTTF , ,,,, '' ponif STEAM Xm IU1 VOKA IT MILL ft AXhIM. AI i e , Then Engine and MU1 have (.aiieimil Ilia fr pwiaiam ever all eoiapeuior. I h.y ui,! at beat, eheapeatt and iiaia evnnaanaal pove a tu and excol in po.ur any iwigluea mad in UllioO. ' . .. Them Engine are fired au.l throui(tilr MM be for if wig au wurh, and re warraulcd n d raapaote perftiot and ready for bnmudiate aa. They aav Krraut -to cut b.o alnmbir wit la hnoa aui at lr expeuac (hail taj otliar cite Union-' U1 - .n -ni I , Vet dcaoriylijjUM, Brire Invt and other klbra tioo aJilreaa, ' 1 '( I ' - mJUHM B. ORETTEB, Onilford lml AKwney, "'i ' flreenabunii ii 0 Jane 26-371. .,, .MeAgMtetd itvtTB mm- aeurH tiBOi.iii TaaaaPiiv DH-aaranT , Kak mh. Feb. 1ft ln, riiHE BOARD "6P" INTERHAL'tMI'SOTt X mcutH, hi eoiweaneue of e "ifartinnu k ihum undci an aot (if .the (Vneral AMtmUj titled i.An Aet to aiUliortis th Presiilrat ia! mroctor or th Wealern North -Caruiuia Hut- road Uonipaiiy (o put aaid Hoad under ffintna.' ratiliod 27th. February ihkT, having anting! at ta uuuntie Bwiuue uiluoa tlmw humlrtj ttt UVtV-tWO tllilllHalid lour hninlrnA ana kit t anil (IttJ dollar of the capital atock of aiiil (W pairv,inrtir. to. pay aud anbacripUiai, ariM uropoaals will be recivd by th m,dVnmii a or before the Snd. day ef Marah letiS, Iw ti uw. ehaaaef aua nuUieu ilinw hundred and hmww lumiiand dollars, boiuu of tbo stale al liitt Ouru Una,. -with anueaua tor ietenwt at t in remt yali eenu-aiJBiial y ob the flrat da.'i ii Its ami Janiiairln nacb year.tt (lie NatinaalBuitil me luimuie ia te City.or Aisw Vo, il iw arimmpal py tkl'te at th eud of thirty ytn turn iuv i i. uajiuai v lnm, aaia nona io mumaeiioB .f SMeu .,- , Ae coilatf ral ai.ctlrltv for tha havtuMil. nf Mil booil, tun abr of toclr ia -rtw t,,,nh Vint I 'iia it Uetauatty are imrtaged, iuaMmlaai vitb 'An Aot io enhance tbe value of Ibe 1 to bnteeaod Hi, ttis aawipltttian of the Waein iiorth t!aruhna Railroad aud for Klber purpona' ratified lflth. December latia. '' ' The aaaeld Bohd are exempt froa tin'n, I , hJ U-d..f"f 'I'- lliktiuof- will be enlaiaat . -a , ' " ' KEMP t RATI IA reii IM6TH CUV k lt Kcfr. mm. .IBOSriX'Tt'tt OF Till! WESTERN VINDICATO. . 4 .,.5 05 or before the let. iA March, prnr", tar deraisned will eommmca the smf'.viixt ra weekly aewcpavn kriiig lp bore ut,a tuwi ui riiitiii.noruion Tire WKkTERN VINDICATOR. Ha taaiaea, will ba devoted to tbn eoooort of tarn iumrestaand the iliitwininalion of umIiiw teUigenee. (elected with eep-oial rufcraiK ta Ik a-aataief tlie fation it will lbf t rxprrHat Puliticallv, it will, for the pren-nt. Dierc party evgauixctton ; ixit will give enwrle v port H all aioaeun looking to tin' hwIv nar ration of th Ui.iuo .the irervatn.n oi tkO" euratiow 6atoel-ftn eapremaevnf iii miKtrae an ui parpetijit of JtcpaMiiuii ii""'j - The "VmiTW" -wiD tow a larrer (irmlau" i lautharforil folk n,l I l,.v,.i.tia nuw than any other new.o'Hsr'.''iieeriin.j' rww a-enaa par amniat, ,,.. . i 1 Ii A. SHO'IHI 'L Feb 8 l4f . . liwHMrfiHii..!' C CITT jpboim.kty I ok MIA TWO Cimntuant arid dcHralJ r .'"-w LOTH m tit Waatn Ward ef tu " MuUowUt9t-reet.. , r .. ' AIo. a HKIi.-iTT. tlT. oa ruicttr Btreet. Thi la good aeoperty- P',lT' " bwuoxmm thav., , BaMgh, Jaa n-UHI ... TE JIOREHT'll YOCTNG A MF klC A tli he beet Juvenile MaearNi. hn-n a. Girl ihateeea n ri ao ; U trie Vrrvr . a Parenia and Toaolicru wnflim it. I "- careo)iy VA good liriwp m't ' " biadi-d, poarl Pix Let Haifa, ! w of other deateabie ante ea, biwb te pr.mi;" woheobainbar. -Vanrlv, II Ml. Tba h-rj- number e mini w mv rolnma. F71'' ' ,.'fl ' '- 'W athMV I if-'I' 1 , V t,.. - "d li..alV, " l-" Trv it."TioV iif Oil Ncima eop aata, awiM Vea'ei-' i . i lnov. 7&-t( , . ... '.. Ttiiiit(ifeiT'8MU)i ar ii 1 1 ma oa.-i I t snivMH. liv.filnn. I..iu. .1 I hi iit?.me of America1-, ilcvi to w ne. i'ocinh kf.u-l.'. AnMic'iire ar.' nil k tiouaffna, hnncln.ld .tl.nie'M, itib of Permiuai and Litererr to-io iti'ci 1 frparMeit i lafbiia,!',) liM.finii. if'-1 r, l. a naic, A uuieemcme i lc , l'1 tl.e t'wi anilprofiiiTiilniiai4 i:h -iv cc1 fwli a-. vrvfiit mart nUv ' " ' enua, an.i a ruiiwieiji aura - ui' n'-i Bea, with other ma-lal and eof rai .iiu! " vo ea-rpnai af.rati&eioei-t e'"' '' - wifk. i Iaiiy of ten' csii .n'" !' ' ' Koilcl Minuhlv.' fomie ni nnmber ei'iiieiifi, l'i i-"'i : c.-v Irf. learlv, l. iw, a v '' - coiflfl. t',.M ; toi-cempif ' li '- ' "' and eoUiniiui t rri-tii. f.n ' the firnt pr.jf tnois to cn-'ii c. VI - A new liMi-icr v i ' ' - for tu enbam-ibei' ai r -''. A ' . l . at aJsTl1 1 """a"mBBanBBx"xBBM- , , , V. .If v ' l ' S 1. 1 - , .-.' TiAMKW !' a ' 1 ' g.' Nor It. " u tu p. ..... . v- iwv. ,-u

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