vrii ktbi". Vi'b' rat.- Aatfaanw wulbe Watolfct..: tflMiMH Base, r H feehea, KtTiiOiUo" t"r wwek. - - o,,m-io n-'1."'1 -"'Vi;w,''t'I2 y-jf, r.i.iLi-iaJ " ..win a, a,,- - . '.Sll KVfti -' t-1 ' OlM f1' ,i.inw-" -M... IkM"11 - : '.. - ,.,,,...-iwiHI kefatr MW''1 trwd, 1 minion hues or , -j- truniT three mouth. AJlairWr'i1"' e,'a ,Bn"4 ehsagal M, m ie; e very thru ann-tli, lattraeta tot ii 1 I") '"? """m4 . V"1"1 " ituotlirtJ uiojOui mJ 'only at tlx abov wrad (wtSei V idvurtuununt require to b wi t""1 wj1 epwnai p10. m be ,,l-t4J jrJptSt" u higher than tha ibm ebarg as. AjvniMHtiM iuMrtnl Aawiyd. BeaU. rtMrj.W"ff-1 prito 'thaanovo.. Canit UjtmimuM" siamwed t weaka to Fl -uMltihm. " f A4rrtiaert flU alwejs iat A to titii AlTanUge to ewiw the cash wbea tbt suad aderTeeJev l0 (HMMUlwy wiM WM; to th. ""; Mlka-il CAl PET A A mil.r.'y . lUfiSXllV' MARCH- 10. I8oa.-o, CoBrrtlT Com.? aacM,; ,M0P3 Ju;BLED80 ?. K T i ,,,-t j!Jr!i,r.;t '-t-"WW t'.?.-.l t.- t'W- Fa t Boms uw Com-mom. ,-tv tt Ross,'"' " IBSftK A.,K0RB1S,.,.J. ' REUBEN FLEMING, J.AOVKRBT,' -- RPFUSJLPERRELL. 1r 11 J i. J. JSiKKaLOi. ,. BTVfM& rOM Q0XYSBTI0S. ; V Our iritnd wkojuJriled for the Smti ntl. duiior th OMfcatiair, m kdnktoiahed tbtt tbrf bod proposed to dJoarn in fc?w 1 .f t rfrmi. i'.,Jil' 5j.J.ilL''J. it.. u'j longer, will plMM Wew t ?- ,'T, !TkoM wWeod m Ii or wUl h Utl. tied ty bJDaI1y hri moDtbt foomtb b giuningflf 4W-abtcriptioa arjrt it T'fntK i . Tbt Wetkly AmMmI,, darinf Hhe'ti- tik, wUV b mad ' TigoroM and earnnt ckmptlgv Jpw for tba Qoowrtttirt mom. We lavttt. ;me &6m&h V MtluU at tneieneiriiwrf t r j it it it i OUWofW lor iTaeUy r BobUnel,T( 'or month, It, lo OT twauty luT Waekiy aunUn! for I Uo I7Ek Meaaaoranoe, A greaW?rtium.lr at Hut ratoa of dia Errry ConaervatiTB ia constituted aj Agent to tend ua clubi, , - " "siiWoiB'iTaj Yous Mii.-Rt.-' fl..' T Hudabn, Paator of tke Methodist Cbnreh, preacbaxl; M Aaodsf algbtlaat, to; tery lu-geattd ajMentfporigrrttenflbejifs cond aarmon of tba. aeriw to Yniuig Mem, delivered'! tba aoncUatlon of the Toung ilea's Christie Association. The Church wa erowded to its utmost capacity, and the whole aryloea were highly-interesting Mr. Hudson'! text was from the lite of the patriarch Joseph ; and he earnestly , eofor eed the leesoa taught therein, that tem poral prosperity, success and honor are de" pendent on a Jite of faith and holy obedi eor4. ' The earneatness of the speaker alike befitted tba theme and tita occasion, TMMaweBa. TocBimoV Co.-are Ursa in the iA$ Uh a Wiga importatioii ot Spring Oooda. 8ee' tadreriiaemeot te another eolDma. - v titmm it i)'a.--Wa are pleaied to wain ewM bajck to the pity our yoong Iriend, Fabina J. Haywood, wbohaajust graduated at lh Befleyue' Medical College, in Kew Tor k,- Another promising young RaleighRB, WU. l.ltnjster, graduated at the same time and place: T' -.r ,. :. :.,., . Thw m t Pax.-nA. Radicafmeetiog was. .fonnsny announced to be held ' at Holly Springs, In this c,ounty, on Saturday laatv It bad evea beer; given out, we learn, thertW r:;p. a.f, Wtx 6u- luaj. guwr, Would baia attendsDO! Accordingly, aef aral of our county. Canvassers went up to ask a division of time, fiir the- purpose f discussing (be greai issue, though no ea eoaaceraent ol their pirpose was made, eept iu the city papers', on the very morning. When the got there, they1 found no speak art and nly very small crowd, principslly eom posed off negroes, ,,TIiis I a hi sllhy We are gratified to h am that the white Ma of tbat district have arranged tor a Meting oa Wedoeeday, tba ltUh., when the comity Ou Tamers, w aevtral el them, will be present and will address the people,. f - Tua' WJUIbto Jndieaior karo that there' are' no lose tbau"!-fy $tjt houses and Uactaef land to be aolj ia Wsrrea couaiy, farly in April, under execution. , It add : "Many ot the worthiest citizens wilt be re doced to poverty, their property will.be aold at aa awfal eachSce, and not moch good will be done to any. -A man, actually worth tea 'or fiftt-en thousand dollara, fa old out. and ruined, to pay one ar two thousand dollara. la there do remedy lor each distress t Where Is King Canby f f'Y, M. C. AT The regalar monthly meet tag i the Yoang Meal Christian Aasoeia- (loa will be bell at tue Lecture Roam of toe Presbjterisn cbnreh, this (Tnesdsy) evening, at bsli past 7 o'clock.. . , ! tpokd CorjNTT.-Tbe following addi tional Canaaser lor this County have been 4een-nnieiifle 1 1 tfie Executive Committee, ana are hereby rfncisllT snnounced, via: M..U. towr.tr, Efo,, 8. D. Wioburne, H, aladdrf t, aad JnOi A. Vann, Esq. djooraBi iifcstUiti:.(44 U' aotioa, am yratardar, on ttw duotiua cnwu.iw terulu: Ka Qui nJe, ii CoMtitiHloa tWild 1 adoDtcd. tlie Mioola, alike,. vUia, auJTer xbildrca awi compel jua poor buua, Uu ie Ha l abta Mucathti)chjtjUta, to fi4;4uuJ ch ttbooU bs jrTidfciTiJ aloac, k ulBciet to wj lh condemnation of tba iafamott ConslitotUa smoti? nit trua blooded biu jaoav Vifbe .atiii ia Bon abal) appear, toll. In 4 dny or' iwo.; (Tba )aaaagc f tbo txtliuauuo, utcurpontV IM ttM Worth Trfrttr R!) Road,; ,H ao lnteadcd u a (ii i'Ti we hava wb j jectlaa to. jtlZJl Wii? Wfc la inautuiing an aociry int tb Taliditj o tba Coniituion aad bdiuoc wd by Paddy Cwleta Prenideot of tb 'sn Tuition. , tit caanot Iw, is any aaaat, auMr. gml aaabr ti Coitxn f ti. H i there ia yiolatioi ot the xpnjn twin! at tlut Eocon (traeuaa AtU.- AU ob ponoua wwa i ia tod4 lo b fxiuduJ &uin Ow ;. .QoaTattf toa If o Oeaeeryativ au It the Bouth Wwift'jWiiflafa4 ,'tW J.'beaW 4mabiai enoagh U bare txxm Candidate tor the 0oarntion. witUoat firat bartag reguttsrad. Bo. atir on dJmr"'rwT't j We kara that ultna.re meeting of jieopw waa ejaW. uruin'a, .MM ang, a lew daya agoi alao' Imtb tkat Sbenff Oqtbria, of Prangiy a marplot, who baa hitherto tried to rtde Mb aidea of the aapliog. 1 came"4ui aaaraly ur., Holdaa and the Radieali ';4-'ii(t totdf bat foot friend, W. W. Goe B .mpliaa jfaau'bia wun uiiing enscf. ann, tftat, irUuei charged uoon Qniiifla, tbai k. Itad,; bean I bangbk tupv by tba iUdioabt,wilb 100, tugged u m wtmmzv ma toet.let the plainer w mad op tq him. btae are degenerate 'lime? 'Many "man eerUinly have tbryirfcaiW't' thay aaver bad it before' tJtl(q-"R'f(rtd"'Iiei .haw -tie iWnib adi otbirar ; but the irnth; UTHA rfffetty oWW :jptm. M B)W !.. Hxrtwnav- Tbe aleottea) takes placi iu ibis fitital Way'JoiiBg'slM'Ni ieo.vn in tneHortn, of the presept year, BMtkk the resulfc panawum ei trsariiiflary siu- piflcance.,f;Tb laiot 'giflfwtic" aflbrt bare baaa aaade by-tbe RaHicalt to eeenna tit State, and mooe baa bono spent aa freely hsv Holdew waated: Uaioa- blood abed la iSiV' We shalt jk'aWC&uVtWW aounoe, ia oar issue oi to Diwrow, how the it has gone."'. We are hopeful of the re- salt. , . , ' L. m m ' ' f ' 1 ' TO OUR, rSJXJSDSt, We bll ba greatly obliged W o lritnd wb(ireT,er ,tb ..Uedicajft )DU(iaaa meeting, i( jUtey will give us tba facte, , We want the point ot their speeches f nT ' trarv thing that our Conservative ttiadi ought to know. - " '' . i. .t if PaasoHxt; We had the plcssure of a vUity M: ysterday froe tisary- C. Pool, Esq.,' Local Editor and ' Travelog Agent of the New her a Journal f Cmmret. ' Mr. P. is atUl ia the City and We commend" aim. and the starling papa which he feprcesata. to the favorable consideration of our people. ? Rav, Jho. Loire, of '(hrsBtate, delivered hut fine Lecture on Bishop Baacom, ia Bel It ts remarkable tbat at least eight out of very ten Radical candidates for office, whd get up to make a speech' of to address the people, art forced to oommeooe with a per sonal tlndictM fxjMM topu(ed cripMj, Wbure there iess t.uob moke,; there meet be a good deal Of fira. , . f!t"Ui Wa asva genuine Spring weather upon a. The effect baa beea, ictnt- aibly felt ia the ConveiubcS." Is ia said that il ia nec essary to keep the windows open.!;.,',,..'i .. .! - ... . . i -.') W tntDnaTAHB that W. nL Colemaa, the Radical eandldato lot Attorney General and Joseph William, Keeper of de Archive, are to edit t be Standard, ia the abeeece of the aspirant lor Gubernatorial, honors at the' hands ot tba negroes. Una the msnagBMSt of Joaepb William, and others, fn 1865,tbe Standard ' aided very much ia breaking ita Cktedown. Bqccess to tbeboys in tbst direction! '- V, T SHALL WrIITBl i CJllLDREW BE COM FILLED to go to th same' atbooln 'with NEGROES t That ia one of tna issues. ' ScATWraa "DtncircixTrosr1 or Ou B WAa.-Ttie JKatkmal: iAUuumuxr ssts "The jectcle peentfd yesterday by 8ea- ator Wade te owe the most meiancholT and amazing; ( whicja human' experience affords example, ' Knowing , by that unerr ing nrocese oi reasoa which eardlat a tboas- nd issues into d the real - onsMhat the matter to result from' the proposed trial ie simply and inevitably which ana ot two men rh ill be f residue t that senator ttoior am or thrm--h erose and deliberately walked foward to offer bimielf as a Preti detit,. . 3'(re a gnxmg world an American- tuva awa Ota tbat act.' i ns Diss of at and tb bleat f ahame ooght to coma op from ail mankind, t Uii relatio to tba trial to precisely that, and aa personal as that, of the accused.. 3 bo alternative is wholly between the two iren. Ooe sball be Fresi dent and the other abalt BOW Tbe jndment eaaaot be lew than thia.' It cannot be more. Oa tbat judgment tbe acrosed baa ao voice. His Inevitable alternate demands a . voice. ' RaruBLtCAK JIass MatTrtou Hnldrn. with his body eaard, visits Eastern North Carolina next week, sort.to p vent his com petitor-from meeting him and replying, hit gstiieriDgs are advertised as ErjmlLtm Maes Meetings." , Weil, if the Radical can didate is sfraid ts meet hit ttpponeste, let him bsve bis man gatherings in peacs. Let white men with white proclirittes keep aloof from tflem. Let mm saares the ne srro element to bis heart's ooaterit, and let white men with white souls remain at their bornea, or wnrkshop. or stores, oa tbe davi advmixed lor these' Republican Mass Meet ing, and let tbe argroes and their white worshippers bsve the fitld to themselves. Hev'jem Jwrnal of vvmmert. Ibe 'Uiuuwsua tiolUi,,tcity, 1 a u surprUed that V1 r 'ftaMmllecLl ' ' KIOHT SE88I0X, " - &ATCKBAT, Haicb 7, lb61 Aceordiag to adbMuaaatai, tba Cora tiaa waaaailad toarda at Tt'ekfc. -Th spwiai order, tita rrpuxt M tba Coun aiitia ea Paaiabawata. Paaal lnatilatUMM. wee eoaatdered. : ' " . The qaeetioa) raomncd oa Mr. Dobbe lioa to atrike est taa th aKiea&v r -y if ut.il- l . j i i . . j aw. nnwKuiw. jiooua m ariutaivar tba aaotioa, aa be bad a eubatttate to mSm. Mr. U. fauIMI that be wiabed to haw toa LMbadtoto read trat, i -i . ? Mr. ttalkar thoa uraaaaard to axplaia tbepropoaadeobatitotot - -" e ' Nr. Uottbe rataaad to wiMMiraw kia aaax Mr. Wdker offered the iuliowtaw aabati. atute: MA hoaaa as baases af -Reiuga abalt be eatablishsd, wborevar the publia totonat halt require it, tor tb eorrwtioa ed a Teaile eatendera;' which, being put to a atMB,anasMiriawBw:r Mr. Kiac. of Lea air. tawvsd to strike ant the substitute, Ua aasd the people woaJd not submit taw bar) trr cbUirree ' taksa away irotn these. - ,f - - ,:, ,- -..,.. Mr. Freeoh. of Cbowaa. exnlaiaad the hearfita of the evetont of tefuire bnaeaa. (ia Ifankeedoea.) - . 1 j The Chair ban i dwided that tU aaotioa to tuike out oould not be eotertatoed, at tbe mouoa to auika oat had bats aegativad by t be adoption af tba subeiituts. i Mr. King arpeated frees the decisioa of tbe Chair. 1 u Moose eoetained the Chair. Mr. MaJVik. 1 1, lf (l-tuhsm, moved ra oenaideratioa of the row oa tiiaaubatUnta. Mr. Walker aaid that he wished to re sign his peaitioa at Cbajnaan ot the pom mitten, as he bad not bM treated at a w Bbmaafohli ' " - The Chair hoped Mr. Welter would not insist upon resigning, ana Mr. welKer re Mr. McDonald's to otto tsreomslJer waa tbea Dut''aarried.whew Mr. Hoatoa moved a aubatitute that "tbe "Legisiatur Shall nave power to provide for -tba erae tioa of anch other boaaca ot raforatatioa and oorraotioa aa may)deoaad aecestary and rropetv - -' : h1- I Altos much debata, Mr. Haste witevireW bis substitute, in favor of Wei ker, who -flt-t) lered tbe lollowing aubatitute: "A nones or houses of rafutre mar alast b asUbliahed. whsatejrtrtha puUic iatereat shall rsquira H, for the correction, and iaatraotto oi, ttbsw, Classes oi ouenoera,'. ; , . , v called the previous Quest ton. and il call waa sustained, Tba vota on hla ttrb-' st UaU waa taken, and resuUatt in iu tea tiou yeaa oi, asjiw. . -Mmta ,, rs . i aa IB aa A A J 4 : Oaatotlaaoi Me. Welker, tbe khtoW ss a whole, wet pnt on iu paHwgyaaHi.tha yea ana nays wing caueo,;ij,1atciouwas adopted by a vote oteae W, nays I. -On motion ot Mr. Walker, the Id readlu g ot tbe article waa mane tbe special erusr for Wednesday next, 11 o'clock. -r:J, , ,n- Tbe Hoaee thea adjourned anttl Monday neat. 10 o'clock. ' ' ' ' ' '"' , , MORNING 8E8SION.1 Mohdat, March Ml Convention waa Bailed to . order at 19 o'clock. " ' '' .' " Pravt by the Rav. J. W. ' Hood. TnegTaJ ol the Convention.,. tiitiw n)-V .- The Chair called attention to acornmnni- tioa, from Lt JT. K. Wilson, ot Geo. Canbyl toff, requesting tba delegate to furnish the Department ueedquartera wtta tne names of nsea who eould take the iron -clad watb, aad thus tiuailltF thaia selves to fill ( reoaa ciea that bsve occurred, among the Kegla- trsr. : .imt "-.- , . - v Tba sasnlsl arder jaw thla bontoaBa- llefxarae poetpoaed amtil Wadneadsywaxt, ., Mr. Mayes, of Rot asea,. preeeatsd t fa vorable report Jrooj tna , Committee oa .ta tarnal Improvemente, upon aa ordinance concerning tbe North Westara R. K" ' ' Alee a report npoa tbe memorial from tba cltiaeat ot Hyde county ie relation to tbe drainage of , Matantuskert Lake, covering an ordinance, reoommendiug the passage ot the same. Tba report of the oomtulttee. with the ao eompanymg ordinance authorising tba prw' poeed worn.. waa read ana aaopteu. Mr. Hayea,of Roboeoa, now called ap the ordinance from tbe committee Hi relation to tbe Northweetern Railroad. ' ' ' ' " Mr. Tourgee tnored He adoption. ; ' v Mr. Beatoa aaid tba aa aa Eastern' man this measure bad his hearty support, .j j.,., Mr, Sweet slso favored it passage. , ; ' ' ting tba measnra. vmi.vWi. E ' Mr. Tourgee aaid that the bill asked no appropriation, aave tar tbe first division oil tba road, a distance or za miles oaty. Oa motion of Mr. Heatoa, tbe bill waa read by title, as eeeoad reading. '- ' - '" ' It wee aooordingry nad and declared to have passed Ha M reeding. w On motion af Mr. Abbott, tba bill was pat apoa m M reamng, ana, an anotion ot tee same, the yeaa aad ways, being eallod,' r aalted In tlwedoptioa W tbai ordiaaaeaby a vote ot yeaa BH. aava it,-. t v air, Ashley called sip tbe report of the Committee oa Education, aad moved that it bo not on iu Sd reading. Agreed to. aad tbe report waa read aactioa by anion, aad, flnallv. the article waa put oa ita final pea- On motion of Mr. Beaton, the'' report'of tbe Committee oa Bevutonj areaontlng an article to be incorporated into the Consti tution on the subject af nmsndments thereto, waa taken up. i Section let was read, when fir .oornaan moved to substitute tbe present provlsloa in the State Constitution (uf alUulng and amending the same. - t Mr. Heat. 'aaid b'e 'Vonid accept 'ft, vrith tbe change of the asms of tbe Houm ot Commons to ttat of tba House of Uepre- entatJveai-'-A.sf . 'f rlf 'fTC-l Mr. Darbam eaid tbat would follow a a matter ot coarse, a that change had already been made bv this Owiventioev ? Mr. Darbam moved tnen to atnneowt tna two-thirds majority reqnirsd by that pro vision tor 'SDKaaisniiS' ana w eniiwiiiHie three fiftst. He called for the yeaa aod nay, and, tbe call being u stai Bd, ti 1 1 eJ in n vota of yeaa 23, aaa M. . . . ': w Tbe yeaa aad nays were tnen ciiii oa tbe Id reading and pasasge of the rtltb, and the vote stood yeaa 81, nsya f.-; i On aaotioa of Mr. Heatoa. tbe rules were ospended and the article waa read fr the 8d time, end put oa ita anaipaasafts accura ing to the rukn. . ? ' . ; The yeaa and Mys were called aad - tbe article was adopted ry a votavot yesj 83, Mr. Tourgee, - lV rsoasrot, . latroducvd n aolutioa. raising a Committee ot thrie, 9ttU, Ui inquire whether tbe signature of the presiding officer, who hi not n registered voter, to the Coastitotmav would be valid. Mr. Tourgee moved tosusptad tba rules and adopt the naolotioa. ,. , '' ' ' Afta a long debate, it was adopted, i ' Tbe Con T so tioa then proceeded to elect members of tbe committee, end Mwtt Kodmsn, Reston aad Poole were selected Mr. Cowlea (tba President) arose to a privileged question. Ha aaid that he was surprised at tbe suddenness with which the mixer was rrnnng. It seemed to bira tbst delecates bad 1b goenVd to it by the ir reseiuationa ia a certain JourcU ia tUis truileaMai miona iu ..-a ui ?h 4onnoed stl .1 ni(t. - .ne, bsd L uton,' and wet ailed to sui purt only ievolveil, t.-chniclly, in 1861, alter the es- esu.u t -Soetn laie a ' OS WOg thS oiLcot post niSiiter of u.e town, when hit rrjics.ur retusco iu wia oinoe aauer Uneola'a dmiaiairatioi' : lst bad bronght thla tavostigatioa upa hi-aH Daring the war, ba bad been arrested froaa time to time, . aad tsunitia ut iTnnoaa waya k bia loyally. Ha had never. While noting aa postmaster, tokea nay at tba re uiwd oaths ol iealty to the Coofedarate Statea 'foveromeak . Ha vent aa to etate bow be contrived to keep bia "ioilty, intact M tba VnUed 'i 1'0 "ason, wb; be fin tbetiabacity of paanaaatrr sader theDsria adraiaisira'ioa waa beeaaeebia life waa threatened, if h . ahould refuse ao todotll la regard to h ia not registering, ba said, that, pa elf rxapiioattoa ot the oath, ho toand; tn the' adrOa thoa -who had held offices or who bad . exercised the tunc . tlonaot a oflee," aouis raooe to doubt whether h oould oons a -r uously take it. Upoa etatiog his ct t the Registrars, thev told him ba oould kke the oath, bat one of them advised hint hot to do it B consent. Mr. Lama iatrodoead aa ot diaaAca, 'that it thirty days after the ap nrovai. bv the Gongreaa of tba United Statue, et thia Cwaetitutioa,, tbe l'owuninbBr of the Sinking Fond, and all (he office in tli ejtaritabla institutions, Ruilroads aad utkvr eorpernttoaa, Under tba "control of the State, hall ba vacated by tbe present Incumbent, auatna ptaasa ailed by eppotutuuiat By ttie uovarnor. Hea over. . . I Mtv Uara e&nd a ttjsulutiou, to tbe effect tbaa taaaVioaveexioa saould arfinaiB si aW Oa Ue lotb ,ut. Hulod out l order, oa aaaotint et : a Cbnunittaa bav big . previoualy been apnowteddto tax labcawauderaxioa IbW MtntatutanMrll w jDSoyi .-! .'' I After aonj. auinntcn" biag poM la Unimportant matters, tbe CoavouWon , ad' mirnee) natil ? thin Meeting,, ltH l .'iMiv,!!!"1' ii'i 1 awn. mi' i sn jmtMniT t Clsnr dectsioaa sgainst , the. repubfioaa party in snore tbaa donen aidsiy , distant lowas suow tbe geoerat mover-sent ana ato Site gain agaADat , radloaliam too nniveraal to be fiplained on local eatMea, T So tot tba great atorm raTaeo 4 pif'fj tbe political tmospnoro. i. Jereiit, - mf r?Mtt1 lW-.0;i;tl-f ft")0r1 Hat inmimm ea tit ssAits mm. av, to alBcet or aervaatn, to clothe well. . feed well ndWBIPwtfl pilF. m VMnL'Dtt. I 1 i II , I 1 1! I U, 1 ai iwta IbTawi aaaa- a wjV ear 3MUb6ted- Br JOHN tf. wrtxiMS,I dbl rtvm oT juja porns. n-nk J xf.H' iflold X3I tSilvii as) (k, it M " Osm rar.MtU. ,...,.. Wt ao-.'W LidBa-s, at ftrahaa,, (,., Kua.bunmxh..t..,MmMMwM.aI . WuiliwKiiili..; , ,u. w f ,i,ThoaTiUa,.l,...i.,tt tjj.. Wllmiaatun,fc r Art y (.- .ouawwaa,, ho-iwH. S4M .i f ' WasBUurtoa, w wtwixiimi 4ie M - iacwuu..,..,.J..nMiM.T' lUar and PUutsi's Bank. 40 Finam' baak, (iraenhoeo((h..w.wi.. ComaMieial bank, Wumms-tAicuN. Merohaat'a Saak, Newbraih.l.wrii w. 0rwn borough atatnal. .. Tartinia Bank hutea, hoat.. , Boath fita'lwa ii'.,tf." t M. ..k.,...'" Georgia . T--,, M ,w. Ouki M mshwkw ' ,(. Hiir.....j,r(,-.rf(. -., iJ North Carotin iuiira4 Covpous.,. , 07 Old .,.- . . .,, .1... eu Ksaaana-e ea Msw lurk. . . ' . i COBKiXTTiilA JtX .JOiUDAJi wuauiLl, OBOCEB KD COMMWWOlt MEBCHAST. .,: i i -W I 'I i rfi a 'Wtrvue"--' '"" ' ' "'7Ma' 4u tTm i. . ir.ir,ir a. w..mr.lilt.' uvular'- rorrott. ...... ',?.':.-u ittsy CSICKENS, flprlng,.,...,,., ; 16(i6 rrmtr:. .....J.i atxai w-'fj-if pph ' . avuiAn i E(KHs..'I. ....i. lfwaJii FODDER. .............. ...- 1 1 SO . UritKINOM.- .... . M ULKAtLS , J llttaal'i Oreaaf.tfw'H.A-: ' o pr. A, Pry., Intel RAT. .... .tf j: :j.V.U J. i.lia pr e. LARD.. IWIl tSMH-r---. atvisi tw ,ff.- T-n-l.'.Jfl..) ,r"if PlUontoek,,...-.,VT,v,.,, 1 s"i POTATO ltd-Iri........ 1 H"ii SO AU Fi a"eat.V... AiXA WajLM 1 iuus ....,,...,,,. ?"0 j SALT Fine i;... eucet " roaad.... ...... ...... I OIKW1 M - VINEGAR "Z?..W?? MUIWi..YV,-....rtf)WW .r, v i . 'MiifARxa.' . ji i I lUSAltUA .,"; ive. We quote aalae to-day at II to i aeality.ft n. rf iav I. We eneto tVosn U aad U ahV-.ts Cotton aotlve. Jlftor i tamaeavea. i w qaeaa .atf "' ' ' " - ., ' CCnTAIN. PpayOnr, - i pea ' ii. fUrsaix NERVOU ajauia It im th, troffirnffi amar hi all eatwaefNa Ml-,- V-m-lia. nftMB iHMt.ll, MlTaC. eUf B tea ihaa twautv-tcmr honra, from sua eaa of ao tore thaa T" on thseb Piua Ko athor Uma ol Neuraifi HiwraM Dimasa baa tailed to yield Ie tola - . WONDEKFXTL REJtEDIAL AGENT. Bra fa tlMssvTat eases af Ckreate staarai gia tad f eneral aei inaa tVn agawi aav araar yaaraataofUng. afiaetcnf tba tttu rrttria, it a (or a few daTS, or few week at tba atmost. SMrays antjrds the mm asaomnhinj relief, aad very rarely tail to prodac a eompW and pr manent eor. ,. . IteonUina ao dmss or other nialenule m tbe lirhteat dagn luiiuioaa, even to tbe ousrt deli eat ays ant, and aaa aiwats bs ad with ' PERFECT 8AFKTT. hiangr ef MOST D18TTJSGUT8HED PHYkIOIASH ftre it than onaiuiaou and aoiia-liiifia ap wka (tea I prorat by msii on racaf pt et pnei aud purtaifaT ( Oaapaokaco, , . 1.0 PtlaawuU ; TwJlra packages, ' . ; ! aS i ft I wild by alt wholesale; sad retail ) tu iraj and buhI-cum thr.HiKb.ml iu Suited SiMxa, aad by ,, ..... ..'.., , -;. , ( A . Tt'MWEat V CSto rrwairfViwitw, : 'S. .1 1J taajsoa nr., Jttenoa.lUa ' 1 ' JsB.18-13o-ivwVwiwf ."- f, ' : b aforlli Carolian-IaJid .g;iicy,;' :i ; nATr1 K APE arramtairienta 1 akwh I eaa r-t v bnnr to tb Botire of KnnbPra and ILuiofHfn capUKitH'a. our AGRICULTLBAL AND MISKIUL BE- : SUUKt'KS, stf ? o'f I hiTtta paHie. hjTiniJ mh J.rrj-rly f.ir salej to t i - - mi uf o il.e. - '. l. .-roca ia mad to pntlic u.cu gt-iu-raily la ttlfB-.wtf' . '; ; t. w. corBTB. t' - w -irrsTTVi... ' llMVersal'teural.aJ TELEGRirnnrr Our Aean IMspaUlica, - . ' ' 'vb'om vanauinox: '" V. ' I. . - . ' t ' 'v fl n .rf.WABjttnrtannvMajfcaV.. Tba laipiaaaisiii Manaxa tiMwi Tisiliat Besetssra and aaaaeaat to sUlaa one, afthatVaaatoat'aeta)aaav A VU.A' The- waprsawf grow taat aVe Huainsl wtt peer nawoaally. i .v.-.,' i jmi, &ukI 'X' U nisi to to eaaosdsd that Thamday's aad Fridays p raasaalsiwtahawt nuttoreaVirtaaSh art of ato.esssace, hae ahaked eg WsOVs toas. Chaaa'a rights b Osart easita aagry as kadiass paper.' Be eaUass tU rlgbt waifw an aB qaestloM a4 vol t alt bH tbo raic. Be refased; On BainUr, to sia-B lh amnOMof Ux rraauSatttsutil to vartaaaiaTM writ was atAaiaadtoeattlaailaaa.' '"-'-'" a""- Mm ..fgC ,llABTluJID BJMAXVn, , .i I '.i. 4 ntt .vAWafajawnun,' Mates).. L.m MasaabJeatedtoUaa. Vinkare, the asw awe, SLor rroa taarjlaBa, lo-tUr, and sbso a epesan anJiAsf bia aduiaawa. j.U ..aabswiiHntlx, ,ah rw Ua abjMtlua, however, and Yiekara waa erai.,T, ,,; tl ' rJ,da F 6.. 1WWV, li t tr 1 i J- H''i.rV-ailfa.f, Cottontol Haria. " TiuptBtina dalL Bj7t , Bosui ateady ; atraln- S an ' ' f 1 ''' ' " ' " 3- ''. aw, , ,! Wil.v it'i ;i h-4&. UU Bad 10J Ould ntwluif n ' ', iiif.li 1 -f lJvajfOa.:huncb,'M,;; : (Wteo aativaaud buojaut, wah a aUaiy ap wardtara, Tjnlaads oa spot KL Ottmrn AUi V lailQeVv ?)-.' 'W U OnW,Mi4ml1tt UUvrnUh-. h ' : . ... i Jl I If - i.f'1 -fsT'KtiwI jtioi artrt WAaaiaoTux, slarolt a, f, aU4 aVrMDdirlMtlaraliafaMfMtrc- dttsed to tadaaa aha aavyosnantsa tnd suand the 1 iiantfaatif m&jt'( H it vsttrtwxt tfwssi A taeatattea tatottoaaaa; taaaraaVm iaaoakl aar tbs debt, sad taat I'ongra ahoald pa Sba kirat aoatheca aa4MaraVeraeitlaaaaia to aMstoana, a.v -i Hi ,1-inuiiirt tiyiiM The Jodioiary Oomadttos waa dirsotad to s4 aire a1 to ttba atstaa at Taiai, velatlve to tba trauafar-eT eartala wawara. 'Whan Taxaa ahanxaa jla torn of OevernsMat, and aa to tha validity of her sum during the !rbUkn: ' V C t A Jtwilatloti. UisV 6und pdUcy raqnirea the aranaal gabatitMMB ot Orassback , tar tniaras. baarinf bqo4s,,wavtotroded, A aaotlotto tabUfailwi-Mtoei, sUfcrsed to th Ware and Mesne Onmatittae. aftor a fcilnrs of a snonl to Orsat waa eellad oa to laa AUhaaM raters. TtoBanatonaaaandaiantto the btU, eovring the srDosed af aptar4 and abandon'' ' sr- tyutdUe' Trssaary, Wat hdoptad.' if yJM to th fresldan t , ! '?andlag 1 tbe;diastHdott ,Xoatn told Ohanlar that a "wasp soaid sUng and aa sat bit." Chur Isv told Logaa that aa aaw aawld kick." wAvn.- sacmariai rrata pes hundred and flflv Okrolius and OeorguS hefrues,' staUug thair abiUtr, and wiwngnaas to work to WO par year, but tltey are siKh Tietuna of psrssoutloa, tbat they deelre 1100 each, to ge to Liberia 1 Referred to tbe Judlelary - hm, VlVi0r4ntilA ; mer rpwienUd, Saatner moved a rafsreae to th Judiciary Com- mittae, neoanse Maryland negroea dtd not to thereby the Marylaad govemmsnt la not Bepub- i I . Ut , ,,l.i Mr, Conneas said that, onder (Dinner's plaa, Ijtor jrw AiotaMl Slatm aad WUnx.la would bar to sarrj on ah Utwenuavao. , , Tb aioUoa wa wUhdxairn sad Vloaars aaattKl. IMPOEtAKT' tB0ISK)N-' nA'SCFBEMX i - ' C0TJBT, " "I U 'lui.VAaannonv March tVI-Mfi. , the Alllsant sranee, Comnaay. at Boston, msarad the ehip Marshall against selsiua for 18,000. She waa captarad, aiear lewOrleana. Iaa Uadatwrltor ,taitatV pajmaat, ,,oa tbs l-reond tha tbe eaumre Waa Ulagah .ulho Mi ebnsstb) aonrt enatsiard toe pkav, ne ease oame tors on appeal. ' ... . Tbs Bnnrame Court have wmnrnted V asoaaion, holding that than was, at tb thus of 'eaptnre. a evfva Oovaraunentat tttoSatohi bat tbeamvt to draw o too 0hve totoa ifxan, .tliatr alle-glatm.t- atasttlng ap a.pef Oovararaant, waa Ulsgal, tko'Blal Mm eotttU-UmaUt t wi (he PMon, Chaa sad Bwavne dies an tad. . ". : Th Oeorgta eaa wlBb baWloS Friday, SOUTH CAROLCfA toiikti6i( If Kl , OBDISAaCRitiMMf ainnl -.. CaJWvow, IfarahK M. Thetaventitoepas4 aa arda naatt- big B who vote to th OoetaUtotlo to snpport tb ragalar aocniua of iha party 1 1 a B also rafoawd ioadspl tb raport of . the Ctan mittto at Franchise, pruridiug that, afbw li, every voter, an oomipg ef age, shall to sompaUrd tor and writ. H '' ( ) k . A anmberot aofrose have been noadBeted to - i 4 GEORGIA' tSONtttrtOtC. (WI r-wf Vi--AtbAA',MartXiF.M. TtoOcttvmnVw.to-layi adopmth by a vota of 11 to it, eraeotatlou reijnliiiig vtora aw tb Huaalliai of rattaeatloa to aaear tat thay nava aot attsmptad to diasaad bay eoi froar raiiag oa Ihrianblaat. i-;i..l . s A.lll llfli t Orant aa Blodgett were tnitoo f. mai- aotana Tie rrnaaan of vnw. - wwn. - Thereat a diapoelrton, on the part trf the aio'ls- rats Republicans and Democrats, to comprnnjun en Ooaesrvative aaa tor aovaravr. j j ; Baa, gill apeake tomorrow. .'. . -- WrW HAlfPSHlfik "--Al . viti im r-i , oeacan,n.nUMsfA; M. ;. Tas Pewarsrlo 0 natitoe atoaa lb Btsle by uas llin nd - " ' ) i-'nw. The Bameat Commltase etaim tt by two tbons , a i . mabkits, - H Kb I, P.M. : HiwIoJi,MrHi Cotton fair bnslaaas nstnar niet aUss of ,K at leva M. '"' Tnrpentina TST. " - swwa,ao4i;i. . .,.w , ? .js.a Y' carhnf nail ana iorr a ', large supply et eotton bille aOsrlng. Gold 1,MV . t , - i I r V.trtwnaa If Lrrh F. M. - . . . i I Ii , ' Fleer nrat aad qaist. Cotton tS-. 1 . . . .' . , uvannoot, Vareb , r. au Cotton eloaed Irm, bat lsaa bouts. Belaa 10,000 VplandaoaapotlOt. Orlaaa 10f, -t . c - t- . ; WaanwoTon, stsreh,P, M. MDlrlta Tarpentine wnehaegad at 7, atoady ; atrsinad aad tie. ad, Ooitoa armer at . Tar Oraiar, 1 SO. r JtTOTICEl -i i.''Ht' Will be aoM, at the CoaH Hoaae dnor, ra tb Afil Bxt, luaUf.d bniont(u to liui ewiata at MioB Bofrr doc d, Ivins; id k tuuu.y, on Braver liaia branrb, eoutaming sAumi , ONE 'lIlOtJSAND ACRES, w. n aitar. d to tbe enltiTaiiou nt (JOEN, CUT IXpN, ViUKAT, An. Ti.'-1 J"i.-I will h told Is two or thies Tracts, oue of wtiii h is nihjrt to th widow Ooaer. . Ti rm aaade auuva no day of sale. 4 ,. , OEy. W. KuRwooo t. .iffrl-wbl '''-;- ' ' ' CouiHiu.i.'iwr, . a. , , Cratt-Ufps, CrH krrt. "C'BESH Crackers to-dy receitiiyt ty Febn-l4-tf rorcLAs r: HlTflKO KATES Or BAN" HOIFA A. HI WILBOK 4 KaulilA, BANtl UH AND " ' ExuaAsxa tisns aaa. toon Kv nrausr, 0aius noao, hi. C . v j. . . B alt of It, t. . .... , floe hallutte .......... . SS w .l.ijoro., :'.,.......'... a snitan...b..w,-. OU - J-KrrW.wfl-r'r.'f Graham. ... W to ' Vexmgsta) ti .V.'..':1. fn1. . s it . i M '. CoaaMrei"..,M..w,K..iii. ,i tavcltaxUl. .....i 10 " lJuilrV..;,,v..'.ut.v.,ii.i"1 YaneTUH t. .... a. . - I M.mkMiK' itiJi'lNWm.h., ...... SO araOT'.ltat g Waaawtoiv-, twi aMi-v f? - ftaasaw.l ' 11 Kuwasn4ai4atvaBaalr.!.V.. ' M UutMawraal baut ot i haisrow: u Avw - aa UmsaiM klaiiwl las. Co., t"M , irxiiua bait lkoua iwm abuut. W Stauh Cafuliua IS i uiMeal anaaa. UoM aud mi nt, htirvh Oarvbaa bonda, Uuiw4, !'' buAuW aad all aiher fuarkotai.ia atfwKa. . - Urtlr for Hank auw by eMAora aad aaoett aalUora of bank will naan proa4 atuwtioa,- ttetarw Sir xpni paokaew oi baak aotoa .wui a aasq oa iaa tvay noanii, ay e ua Mow urka Ualuiuora, ur ui turreuey, a I UftdTw tonraawreifStse awaadla goad poaipaatwa, at baetraaaa. .-; ..- i h,i ;; i .Oev la-' Ibajta i-.. -.i -. i . . . . '''H'.": twaQM-s'-'i ii'- m j Bprwo AAtt Af nanxuia oca o .,, f f. TtTR If B T fit'- af ILtOSO , ;-i Graejuboro, ,.(1 ,.,, oonnan ov west aanxtr Ann aotTrn xui rr.: ur TAvg rn.Bino. tank Of H. t atu at vi aw, .. ii,i,iv v vi .'.'. j .ti w rH . ,, ...VI...... .1). ( LaVrklUtA. . . Af.ulu...r. a .a.aataaaii Ml Wi " W dniiinrton, i '.l.T; . ... ." . . . ... . . . . ' ii Rotbere.'t M.lftV'VA i IJi'i'V.l JUT, iriv TbotwajmllwAh .'. ;vrt . J.4'U. V,.:,. M Lsalngtoa at Oraaaai. tfm mi x 20 'i otsrsadaa. J. .i t . . . t inii, ...k. 4 JT,1 Kayal taviU... w .... ,(..,,,. ,,!...,,, . f.MiAl,' ia VV Ma H J.' Mareliaat Bank af Nawbatm.'. .'.i..J.1'....-.t W Farmara Bank af Oissnshssa,aiL.j,iu. jti. mi ' ; f- ': A.'l ' if.neW-,tm,Mi MinaraA Planters Bank. .........j to Oommeretal Hank of VVU,.;...'...7.,.T. M CbaMraalntaal.'."..-.'..:'.v. ;.viv, .'.h .'.i . ai Aav Bank Botwa aM aa bv jXaavwaa wm be ra satltod lur.ouday roul, at tutrha! market rat, aod if prioa atrsa sra not satiataolory, tb nates will be ralnruad, , , . ... W Mil Drtfti on PriBolpnl Xorthni ik'?..a i: vmeeyv ' wn , i-,M AnW At.SU lAR IVMUr.) .f. DFUL IS OOT.D AKn toT,TrJR, TJtXTfN, MliTir.A'I'Hi A1 HHOkEN BAN! i!U H hKNCT, V. R. BOMH, UTOTaJ . t rt ' ,;Ah HKCtTliUil -t, I-VBliUaltM; . ,. ', i bl'AMI'eL MCKhU-s . racelT depoalia, and cuiuot tpS bnsinsts of I UFRAUD FIRK KHrRANC POLICIES IS - . . ' HVi.0. rb M tfl7-am nALEICill XATIOXAE. ' nAMt " ' 'CF KC2T3 CAMIISA. V" '; ,i . i , . . t ..... . ,"u J. .W .'fv-;.1 -III I iit ,7ef.V BOARD OP DIRECTORS t i"ii rt; .hi i ,?i i.i.j !iivn.liJ it)jii!i It. nr. fVtil.lAli, VreaMea. '' f .U'lln, -W, H. WltJ.AUD, ,w. itwfpro: .S.MhUlfiAOJ!(, H'W.J.HA.WhlNBY H .'f ",VT. E flTJUCK, Caabiar. n j intrnKT.iv Taller. '"""'I' , 'DeatilnHilUof Eidiane. WkM PrsfU, Uold HHl WllfJ VW,WNI VW"",U-" " , Hunmut Bank Nntaahonalilathhfheat orioaa. PaukaKva nt by Kxpreae will b projsptly, in enmaoy, or in )iaw 1 psr,'i?'U,! .4 ,mj rfi.itt .it..ii ii. c,i'i . i ii i -J a ramiLUNi wr York funds VMi.TBICB CUIIBENT FED, i. Baiikut tJaaa Vear.-wf-.ii..-Aii mJ kiT UianuHalw..jr...,..f.if.aw i ! , "Clarendon,.. v I t .. 'Klimimero,! ii '.'. .J ' .. .,i.i..l , i"atte.llla,l . . 1,. vv.ii ...w .i ,i , Lnxingtoa, (old, ). , ,, , ..; , . .1 rr2 - i 7 w tailnetoa, psyatile at Orahuw,....! MurihOaroUiia. ..... M 1 i..ihoinsville.,--iiiii'r,fe.iiiwM00 i i i I ' n . . nawMVWW ,.,.,., . Mil i ' Waahuiitloa jlri ,fi, Yatwejitill i. O.-U I.. I MfMMfJ" . ... r nmniBKTnfal Bank. NS iluilnRtoo.: f i . aviunlugtuii, ... i. .. rariner'a S'lik uf Hortn Carolina, iold.l. . l new). ;.! Orsetwhornf Mateal Innraawa ti.,- ft'Ji Marobafas Dank, Mswbern.'. i, ..o Miner's I'lanvrsoau-,. Jsa IC-ISD-U - . . , SPECIAL N0TICLS A Congh. Cold. r R Sot 1 brunt- Buire toiBiadiat attonttoa, and sboald be beiAadt If aJlowod to (ontlaaa, ' j IrrUatl f the I.uugs at IVrmav- tteiit' Throat Dtsrnsc ' - . I '!. " .1 RHHipiLVW, . u ib wiw i BEOWN'8 EKUM IilAL TK1M UF.S, 8svirk dlJwtd tofrteaMto grs tnv tosdiaia t 'For atrwawbtua, '. thaMHSSilM as ItlMI to- Troches srs need with alwaye good ane- atagere aad rwbtto p-bea aaa them to oteSr sad swraagthan tbe antea..'- ' ' j -Daruw aaly-'BBOww'a Bawwowui TBocnaa.' sadooottakaanyottb Worihk-t ImUatUMt thsl 'eiey b iner-d' nij tvurwwaa. Oct. jodtB ' ';,.."' t JfJST SKCErfF.B AT af. H08ESB tOM'l W PiMwa, toe eboicwat Braaila, of , BLEACHED ABT UNBLEACHED BHIBTING8 " '!.: AMD BHEETLSGS. " :, .;;:.! To be eoid at lowaat aiarkst rstoa, Fbw-i6-tt ";'","', .MARllIAOEAND CELIBACY. A ay Vaaap Twa Mew aw in t'rtaae of bohtnd. and Uia Mnr. A1-( and AKLfi 8 whioh eraau iiapaiilment to kiAMhiAUii. with tin mean of rlif. bant in aaannl letter ao Trlonua, fraa of cberM Adilreaa, l'r. J, bKlL LIN HOUGHTON, Uoward Aaaooialioa, Vb4a delpbie, Pa.-. , M f,v A .?.-,.,-,; t teh l-itaniawsia. ,j . ... n . J. ... i i . ,'" jnscsuAsioui Syt C0M8IGHMENT. , f.. To ba sold abaap, rich Pine Armle Cheewaj ala raeturT t naea. , t . w a. fusiLn m.. Aiar .-tr a i ouimiaum aturou t. AJ1 OTHER CONSIGNMENT of Frank Feaehe eantuid la M. C.at M p-r don. fewi-titane nice W. H. JOKKRA CO ' Mar tt j! ' 1 Curamiaaiuli MarchaaU. It' OEBEltklNOK W.ul'i etlebr.tcj ko tieriinra (Warrauted amu.d ) Aa Mar f-tt . - POrnLAS BEIX'H. ' prk Faiuh lADirt' f Tifllimora nisu- .-...'iimrnt. Ml: I 1) , ill, r ! H t.lr. aiaeiura, otwap ti- Fib iit tf T J 4SD AVlS, I 1 ).-.. . iu". )v IA .', .A f 7. :! . t. 1IA l.iS ... .' i Auo. t Cwf. i- - wrfs.Cfl' T ' t '. ISTSUR ANCE COM PAN V I m OF HABTfOKI), t'ONM i"l It I' r. 8ttat, Doe. , &UU 1SC7. - i j'.' i.'. ' f; ;' ,. ; . ' - Accnsnulittfid Ai. S17,670,288,88 t u-wiii..-. . ' ' '.' . INCOME rOK 17 t O R PR FOB INTEREST ii.it s.t a i , .11 '( f-- t -f i- tl unld iu,lh'l7, II.S.TI,I. 1 Dirldends patld la lt)7 ' 613,5,00, Insert Terrd aar thaa pnyt hasae. . ' invulafiaa STarac over oo ter tui. ,. . r AU pufliatw BoB-lorft-italile for a nmu-d amount. Aaaojaoaa aaa b etY.tt-d in ail tot nm ittiatrd. ' MM'labOUtfLAttVYAIT. ' .: . -S . . A v wurraj Ak'iI, Fab lMtB-lt . . , baiubu. H. C. ' , KISCLLAS0V3 ... r , rBsu GAunn hrnt. - THE GROWTH OF 18G71 WavrratBted Freak nd f Pennine. Tt'VT BFX-EITTD A I.A!. E i . ... 1.V OP -I Fraak (iardan Hd of all msii tne xiuwih of lMff, from th bttD KUlttitV Or bU LaKDUIlTH at KON. Bukhmimui, bias 1'biia- Tbasaaaed ar warranted r r I aia mwns, ar neatly put lb papers, and will h told at 10 cants aavfi pai-fT w. . ii, m wi Apply at it. u. iioii-tor, , J.U NM Fehf-lSi ' birfkM iiiir,' "i'JS'Y-'Ton imii.i --'W,; A SKAT At.af Ah'AO, CONTAINING A FA KM aad Kitebea Oarilxa t .o n lr In i n h rooath ia the year, endoihurv urn It- infm iuimu to -raraaniag will be xivea toeaih rnrivhaur, a . .. . T U VVVKU Febi-lM-tt tf..""t)VfV,'.ii' Ihwkaalllrt ! King onixt? Boma riowsi FARMERS, LOOK TO.' I'OTTR 1N- .i--.;, i TERE3T1 T AM HATING MANVFaiTTR D, AND IN-' X toad to kaoji, a u)i T of th htfit onu hoc plows tn th biai lows In tha fcUet, wl.u-h I cull the h ING Of T Hit HOUIH auna- taraa nointa ou liw same plowj two of which ar -ravsmibiii, niakmii (In m anal to ore point. lrtr to s lwo nun.b. i of gnUniB, Uiat bav been using ti,4 hloi lu thia and tbe adjoiauig eouauwa rA ; r ' ALSO, . ,. Vaaallv Groearie. 8ls sod Timor Jnhir. Fraueh and American Calf (miius, huo VnuhiirA ae. . :- .'- " AJwars la ator lor bam ss tow as uis mwutt. to eaah or aouulry prudni-e. . , ,. joiumn tuMim.r.. ' t Grooer A t'oiiini-'i.'ii i'l'i'i l.-'Lt, ., "north Oe linrinr tl M . ' 11 ' a ' ' l doorlioai JiayetuiMlJu H iFabl-WWIswawlm. , .. , t . . ISSt. Hardware Trade,, lhSs. m vy . on fiAlsn. T;;4 ; FINK TABLE CPTLEIt Y, Pilrnr I'l.lod Foil. and eiMHUia, Hilver 1'ltti'd ltoia, Kwc'.H -and heaned Iron, 0t and lilmtnr btel, tiarilaa VM. , . . ftlij d".9H' il-'. .! All) '.'i :'i-V ,i V" :'.(.. Vt Out and Flrviablns: h'atl, i'nolin Sum, fni. aiiiliafl aiMmnlntil Kulliiw IS i ul 1 LfvaU and l'eirn. J. !:' 'A' , MalelKh Fuo.37-tr Wilh Hurt lin.' " - frcsii ;Aittn. r.ri. WE ARE HOW TH ItfVI II'Tf'' OT'B tl. ply of GARDEN HI I-1 r. r in., (iman 1SU7, all of hu U wo wan jot ot iIk. I .i l.m.i ; ..... - i - WlU.tatid A A m iii. i il, , ii-.... ii.i ., luh -'... Fsb. 17-103-tf " ibo,3;:; , ' 7- ' - SPIUNd TJIAOli. TIM WABB AT HUflirsili;. A. nl LARGK lAVt tig US VAI.k UN' HAM.) snd ivinataniff niaktiiK, aliu li a ill iu o .; l ul t VOKHPitlCKst ttalartal aoo i and worhntaiml in mw ni'i.i.1 rl i The wmlrr-Kriieil in iMHiiiiii.iilia a Mhllt OAltOLINA r.M 'KHI'lllrtK, sad ek tint oi ratioo of Noinlmni tU'ii-lmlil-, lion. t. i.. m-h-hiuiMill of Ih IwM soil uiont imp on it nm I n 1 1 awaaridt" fill all Ofih ra fm 1 1 N A t I . m eau Blak tlieaiiit')y equtl to tin llmoii Maud me yoni oriii'i'H. o i f.j lion Mir,i.i.. r-, 1 Will tnki- ll kll.il uf p.-'.Ll j.iikIih t li. (-.!..!!: ;o tor Tiu Ware -ml pwilii'iilnnv wmit. .1 t i-. l jn SML Ms, Sler-waa.wM aaa" -t Bad Will pay cah for aani. whi'it irm.ri H-md fur l'tua Lial ai'd connifrs wok lf artrt.li-.rt, rlitl-.l WI1.I. tlif 11 llt. I will kep enoatantiif on hvnl s E'v. J rr mea of. f'e-rblMB shot. a, hm-hi iat m iht atausraof baal aiak. will aiil il ri'.'l.i. . , t. II. 1 Ol.tH, Feb 1-1(0-tf ; '. : , , tiii.-1-. n. c. . i rou itrr. TWG FUHNIHHED BOOM T rata -'-.i , A....1H VfPt 'I l'l",.- Fab T-lAt-tf ' MILS. A M rJO'C-r. TtEINA. FOX, EGG, MUr-lll , f-l i.Mt X' i and bod Oraokors, At TONNOFl'ihl M. FsblUO-tf r-BISII FOTATOESfuil 1 LAM ISO , Id bill. Whits Mr.w Potlo. : ' ' f , W bi.ia. Paaoh blow . u. , 1 bWs. N. 0. . . oo 'Mara tf ' ' At ' ANni.i:VV. c. w; i. m.Ttiii.' v into. t JJA-a ATI SJ JB 4a-( A. , 111.11. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Pr M I'm IK LADLES', CENTS', BOV's' AKD c, it ; f, WAGON SADDLES, . CtMtck, Bufgy, Cart mid Vn;;tin BRIDLE3 AND , MARTINGAr.l:. and all other gooda otnll k. pt in a ! r baitiliery eaiaiiininineni They will sell, s short lime, for eii-h ."..u advanoa on aoat, inokdar to reiHNi ilivir hr--? stock bow on band. . OitteaBSaad etrangera, Timting tlie . wiah to piiri.l)aa Koi.'tH, will d. w. ii tn i.:r, .-.f onreioi'k, 4ih. dnor North of l'nt up ii piMto aiarket Hqusre, FsTstteville Htre-i, I) -, reb7-154-tf " s TAT at PjOKIX ' MAKECUL ' i V. Brraaina CorsT or Law, Fi.iTtr, ' WUlbuaO. Rhixlea, ' '" . ej. Fefifeaiir J-.s Ly.Us KhoUe. In this osaa, tt Sipesrin to t'.c aih.ii th I 'Hilt, tl.ftt tli Mii-ral ivf : .ui , rrtlirill-u npiill th l'tol.'t tin I . llltArt, to I:lll trim. li'V. Ot - ! ' di-t.'tiilaui wan 1 tovt lo he , ; Balhin-ilioii mil it-'t I' o I ...0 t I AllfllOll.t tl.ll Hill'l li' '' i : I ' i. w. or li-rpil tl'ttt a.l' r; . Sthirt, a lifctt-l hi-t ti" (lit hal' i li. f' mx ti.-l i P i . r ; 111.' U' I. ti unlit 1 0 I ' S 1 1 - I a ; Of W ftlif Sr.pi ! I l I ..... I ' Moner ill li.' ' I'l Ot !. ' - ' - atti-r ihi foiiHh Xii'h.i.u' it, . - .. i . (I. Ii ikI .IiI ,htii full lit s-ti l- I' ' ii"M llii-ll l.tr i" . i I v . i Vi lllltlM, J. K. I i i . ' C.'M.I. at t ' -J. H - ..o i. o! -; i (..... - I 4.