DAILY SENTINEL TUESDAY, MARCH 10, .1800. Slat Conaerrattre. CirJflW At Ealeigh, Feb. 6th. ud6t 1868, STATS IJXPSnrt, jpMlHJTEi j J Huh. THOS BRAGG, Ralbiub, CJUirmon. ...... - j ' bbsidbut cojpiifr-T aljtlf. Hue A S Merritana. Daniel O Fowl.' l?n W R ("j, - M 4 BeaWa Gale. 4T nt.4 M A Bledsoe, Ew). ' if K C Badger, ibtrttafy. vt X. r first nrriT. Ho. W JT H Smith! WaffJAl. WiliUm A Moon, Cbowaa, tr , I A MiliaLEore, Galea. -'J Hearr B BiTaitCraJf lt , Geo V Hroeg, War ee. , imnmi 4-t'dufj ; Taoa 8 Kenan, 'lNiptia. . ties ueo itowara, jtagaetiBtue. Jna 1 Davis: Franklin. Gea M W Ransom, Northampton Hob J H Leach, Datidaonf1 MringstoB Jire-a.ftowt'il. IM JM ' Ju T Moreheacl, Jr., Guilford. ! , . i rwa ;i ! m ii 1 Vol n U Hail, new nanover. Archibald MLre, C W VfjMiin H Ham Tboa ft Asba, Aaaon. ,- n woinnt, Mowaa. .Km.- miit'i 'rfon J H WiJooa, MewHenbarirt 1 'me Plata Durham, Clear eUad. ' AC Avery, Burke. . U h McCorkle, Catawba. I8H-HTAatktf- KM Btokei, Buaoom be i A ii A i f!.a-liis OnHirwr M.ivm' vlti ho I ITT V T ' .a Silt HI dllKM! ii, . win, , -v-"". i jj Bates, ..4 -rational' Deouwratio CoeUivf r it? Joo. P. Hoke, Esq., aivaiuiiVati' Jno, Hoghat, Eaq., v Hon. A. T. PevtOiioa. ..,n i KH mi STaTI OBaaaoiavMlli OJ una w.l j A flttto Committee, tVconit of a Chair : nan and thfatr TlUmZUt?t.l1tifa , .ball mideia Baleigb, and thrte lb' tActy . liuuciai aietnc6-o , ie appotatrOi iMtwWie State Content ion. .io.i n ilo i The Commlttue thaJl have nower to - maiutla ita orrauizatioDr tilling racao dea, aoa Mali take caarga ot all mat ten relating to organlcatloftv"regtaUh(idb, Ac, fend a proper canraaa of -the Btef -- The memberf ol ilia l8tta Committee in ' 1 each judicial dutrtrt iliall coostitute a rtl ' trict Cothmittoe fortbijir rexperiiVejiUirtifot and riiaU appoint , a ChavnuuftadlMifl ,t. , take charge of all mattera relating to ctwar : ty organization, &c., la their reapectire die tricUi and thatl report all natter 'relating ' thereto, to the Chairman of the State Oonv - ' mute. n) v ,r Ti rt,-4 jjfc,,, ; , It ii recommended that each 5vuiitj . popular meetinga or through ih ied ' of aziittng orgaoiaationa, appoint a Ceuntr " ' Committee, tocontitt Of at leaat two oer- too from each Oaptain' DItf)ot wdfljiu ita . limita, ' -'w v; ; -vi .-. j,,:. V ". ... . The County Committee ahatl takeiJiarae , of all matter ot registration, JofT i)fgau " ration, &-o.wUbai the ilmrplyj amyiU r " ijnetted to make monthly report to the , 'Cbairmaa ef tlte DUtriCt OommKleeUif', wbea aeoeaaary, to inform him of iwch local matter a may require the nttinitmi rtf ttie Dirtrict Oommtttoe.'".";-'.-',' TVM.M - County Committee a use t annUlml the Bimeaof all the rrgiatertkl1 Vorl-rVifi'bett aAnr - VaVJ VMVHW HBBt , fBB. imf'T ' 1 with thla orgnnizatlon 4io. man Vv1- enrolled without bit expres eodfot.Bi, alio, that they emie to W enrolltstl oa a Beparaie an me name 01 au tuoscwnp rf otitled to regiator hU a bo iiwe-outid.ooe ' o. and that they uwaiory 'eertin H ' core their refflrrtloti nH rtitf ,4fi)eta- rentioa appoint Svw r.i awirapemonaytia each County, to make a thorough canvas ol ': the tame, and disseminate prniiot' iprilitlVal , , DECLARATION 01? r3l,pff LB3,.., f - The Oonaervatire people of North ('ai4 - hna havinz. br tbeit deletrnte. asarmbled In Conrention at KalcJab. oa iiie ,ntb. of , February, 1808v ' to conpidor tlio present anomalous condition of the SMiieT'auil "if iui vuuuiry, auu w uii( lueUfrlaBpfn the grieraDce which, ouW afflict and, . threaten tbeta. anil the coursa-uol faatlon , proper to be adopted in the trying elrrum-i stance which urroilnd themf 1 do 'reeolfe, : " T w 'Ii: 'T H,4 III ' 1. Oar unalterable derofion't'i the1 pfia-i cipha At Conititational liberty,, jts4. jur , Realty to the government of the - Cuued State, aa et forth io tfieTtrterU CoMtitt tloa. That we sincerely and In good faith accept the legitimate 'end 4gal Waits of th lata war, and do hereby .reiterate our ait ; repeated declaration, thai we mnt heartily desire paaoe and concord' with' fear'-(istef State and with the enUrvpeopl ot the .United StaJevt-t , .aVwi 1 . . BMotvtd, That n-gaiiug th CooaO-l . totton of the United Suit- as the tource of all power in the administration Of gov ernment, and that the ower of Ihe tive, Legiidative and. Juaielardepkrtment are equal ana, to ordinate, . HtsuoU,vy tnat tnstrament, we do reopwHiully anaVaoi - emnly protest atniflat the enflremiei(t 'eooa our pt-ople ot Uiar.lifcoiMrrU': ttiu' ,'tt ana policy oi voogret, as uoe4t,4juUMUs,i, unwise and destructive to society, and a-icW lativeof that great principle bt' Amrlcio politics, that each BtQhall.jisu,tha'?x cltuive control of Us own internal aUairtC ' 8. Evolved That it; i th,uiia thi Convention, that the great. awl V iorbing iaene, bow ooa to bs presented to th peo ple of the State, is nrtro solfVsireand aegrf eqnaiity.irnotjiipremacy.ana w beibH- re alter In North Carolina BBft the' 6rrtH6,"flie white man u to l p)aoe4 politifsllj', ami, at a eonwquenoe, aocially, npoa a footing oteonslity wi'h the negro, and, 1 vawny localities, ftibjcct ' to Ms Rnremmerit as' a superior. That we are utterly, oj ipoed,'l eu h cliarce in our gvfirnaiestaiitl ia our' noci&I relntions, and that we rlo benhv urnppUy rccommrnd to t!io rteojr Ii! t.f the 1 lute to manfully iiit the ..nunc .bow At 1 11 psd to be l. rivd upon thorn, and to awe Tcrv-f mpT mesrs within 'their'1 power In an-rt t 1 in n.liny mischift ','"; ,t ' 4. (,'.: 'i Iiat wLile we aie; Wii.U' ms I ( It .1 I'-ji.iionJ and eixial eqnetit ,.h ti.e Li.rii lace, we yet havo no tuijuiA j-ic.u-.civ r,ai.Dst that race; that are are dcXerminad, by fa lax dot frotett ,itl fuijjr in oil tli. ir civil riglita,Dd to eonler 'iilxxi tlicl'alf l.necwliirllfcl-teate l.'&mlMik Tba44b diabeaiad taut-in-poTeiitlwd coaditioa of eair jeeler aeatly; devanda b ' apeedieat ao4 Wl raeaanrei or relict UuU Iht lntim f derlae. - -h t. litmteti. That tbia CoBTaatfcW tgeng aiaea.wiUi feelinga of grattaide, thelkercie and palriutia affurU of Ibe PaaNdeataf the LTiMd fluta, 4o taatOM the Vaieaad haraioBf and food - trill amoof the JLir aa people. " " S'4.,S tJ Jim&td, That UU CoareaaM,- gardf the Sapreatf Owrtof taw UniitKt tttab) aa th fegltimata lopoaadet',' fn UK last rcHort, of the Conetjtatin) n and believe the Ita rigbta ana, a ! Ibat nspeot, ahooid be preeerved intact, aa astabHaued- by law 'la the earlier and better Osya of the Re pabJic, 'and that .any. . aerfoaa. Impairment, tberwtfy4egu4aiuO''rtlM wUl be destraetiva to the best Meretff tbeomv ) fcaiW,iTBaB4deaMfcrijig of as -Man; torarmn oi cne'Dontneni ma-WBOr ids eonJurt of u that tirganliatW Which; hoW eoBicala t,pa(iuof.Cgreas, wair-, lag all former party fuulaaart i nraiadica,.; this Convention does moat anhesltatingry' rtmvmm&ws Hi In vita aha Marty eo-opera, tloa of all the gaajaaiil.Korth Caro meafaoraaKdwb nobly t niggling tir the'trtaJnteoaiic of th CoolH(rfl0B"of ' tbetTnketSUtt and the Mtoratioaj f theiaouerB, Btats Aa their narnta la tat Lnuiq oa ta aond loaadatioa f harmony anet tBoAiMsaaaitl t . Is 1 1 . Vkaa. i.U f iraiaa.tlaM Juil i Bjn.iuKHB. aai ,ii m aBwi mmm msvmivm" ;i fswH 6)UrdelegrfB4.oH;Bjtejtfcfor the State at large, to represent tb Coaservatire beopla of North Carolina ia tbcaext Dem ctatie National Convention, and 'that it recommend to tb Oonaervatife, peonla of thh several CoDgrtaslonat PitntU,,to p potot delegate at an early day aoepaaent tiiem ib eata i;Qoveoirfr' i '.iO. nMthud-niUfWUM U .lection l.aTl he prdered for the ratification oia oewAtate Canst Uution, the Executive Ceeamtttea for tHd Sute, which baabeea appointed by thti Coaventlon. be Inatrnct.! if trYtW illl ba-aufBcJeat. to. cfclLs.Caiovtw'ftrf the (!saaenadvanaoaWflaiahajAiaaA.aai ml U nomination canaMate for thH various State lofce whose election )0th') Wdcred1 and il there ahall not be uftjtat,' tiius to can MlB'VsrvaniuR: tm am an .BodunatMM 0ttntJCHtrtreW'fb aalrj orf. , .VtullKiatltl jug !jJ piliu -uim ii I. .) , ! . COTJMTT CANVASSERS. lOTloaiiiiio aftata lieaeWl Alamanm CovntvM&i) John A. Uonrn. James A. Urrfhslri, J1nbc ft Vtlyd, George B,T-vw.p. au, rcn wen, R. Woai 'yv'.ttlJijW.iandll. 1 StJoknej CVrtbiM'qhs-ii.'P,, tt .flatter- Dr. David Berry, Aniaw Shuford, Job. MU7"L w icir-..u i; .( - Jniasmcir. Capt. D. E. Allen, Samuel ton and J. W. Purdie, Duncan Kelly, W.J. pHlWfl!(I IO flHAOfF -Bebtib. Col. David Outlaw. Col. Bamnal B. BpniaUWfciBtahetlr., Jo. & Long, son, PrajiiUfiaDfittJuil,irbVr, P. B. Mean. ,,Wt J.mrut l i foWawJf, MaJ. W. MaJ. W. H., Malone, Gen. 8. Mwjtrd'jtonwj jr.'jtjsae rlratterson.' Edward Oxford, R.H.roodv, Chatham. M. a Waddell. John Manning Waddell, Jrr, tvi! rr H!"A! JrsvBlIJJ. Ifowaa, Jamea P.' Biritf1'" V f v.f-MwVa- Carttrt.- Dr. L. W. Martin, L. 8. Oglesbyi John M, Perrr, Sarrrael Leftera, Ben. H. Belt Cata.-riDriiS!lir.tr;i JIiiii Abor natby, Jonaa Clln G. Jaea,)ahR ffethen, i n niincr, 4 n Dims.paniuei Tucker Soerrill, Gttorge ioder.-wnv .u . i "PosweaBedforiliBrowis, John Kerr, uiompson, .ji ,,),!,,, k CWumou. John W. Ell ia, W.J. Stanley, ronnwy oeoTga, Vj v," menardaon, i. U. t CWrW.-.HoB jf Gii fthepberd, David auuirin, nisi., j ti, myrerer'isiq., Hop Esq Wm J Kelly yi Eaq.j. Heotor "M&NsilL HiMMano, 14 M UcAfw, J . W Giaoay, M D Lee, ttClas.fc Itifawieilv. AnMawrHmn K. Krv.n IkiuJa Wrtfttti. WWWMeadl- WbaiHanhaaJ Dv , - j . c. PrH lnea,.'.'toi Alex. Jucboe,, Jno. H. Haugwtotii JtiMiWBahlngtoaj'i t.t0irmt.,inM. Mj lsisslljiBavwdil MJ3(ttarJtBiJj .WoodhoaaiL .William fibaw, T. 0. Humphreyv ' 1 CoV..Cof.' U. H. rTrebes. Dr. Mullen. atUAoMn.U -at DilUrtfi . Bamt P JLaturJ aataaWatd. ibULH WJfliMaBa, 8 T Boa UnJewWvr-C,,F. LowJienrj,iWI9r. luawsa aww flrwii n Hacnu. Br., F. C. Bobbins, J, H. Welboro, liVH. lfaibiii& jt.iisa.ss. , . PrXN.i,la.lKabtor..Col. Wt hA, UW, CaAJbVwauv Wm. B. Ward,' wavMHaorai a .(sjWBBaji.i ... w in a 1 unpen, nns Harms, mat Cook. . .wmwb, W. T. BBtpp, KdmoaOLWilke, N. E. CannsdjuW J? Jenklna, T. Ji.Ow.rrlge'WWon L, AK-KHicjiuaiJ. xnuiJ juutain. jr. A MgM9MaA IwkK i'-i.IUi-l.,u V 1.1 Uornttt Qn A D McLean. Ct A f Me. ntui, v u uarDee, 120.0 H Coffleld, Esq iTjlteSSi2i! a dmjwwi, an, ry-iir ,tui New Jaaeesr.IloB '87 Parson; fcSaJ R Cbwi JUhott-i &ttmfe iafsVej Vf McTIitrnrhV. 'D. . Baker. Kt 'af. 'Hit I wLi. ..J...J k. ,1. . i. J-- J " nevsnio A asbc, ttsq TBoa U Hekrc Jr. -Aaeaa a Oanea. C. B. Kooacsl Hv ft Fraska, H. Cfoacua, f. Foy, E. al. Fo. cue. 1 i ru i im i.. r Jnlnttan. J. IT. AW1. L. R. Warlda1 iW B. lmrter;"r. W.-Avera: twth WoodalL V ' "J '.i'l -J-' -tl fc-c!-..! Jtuturs-liz. U. W. iSloont, J. C. Woo ten. ,AeManroe4.G.J'i. Whitfield, Won J. . Pbm. aaiiJ-W, J. Ho, Ji. Sckaach.KK A. GrahaMW. rt Vjm J. A. Caldwell. , 1 "JfY C,a ;.)-Hon. 2. B. yaW Hpn. J. V.O-linrnrgulH, U. Joaeiy fun. ". '"'v f. A, VoHT;ra,i.in. Jflhrr(Olli- Jt.JA - , 4: icA'kwW. re. Aloey Bargin, A. Jt. iivgq.,,anqr.n. Winston, jr. . . trWllUm S.'rrl' Sn'af. Dr. L, ft Binaham. Dr. P. M. llender. ; wrfiW'H -DaySva, r i.a.ii iT!f7 T Erwla, W. W. Fkasuiix, Or. Juha Val Or. UcTrj. il j,-;)J aiosr -JlWr. Geo D Ovd, Ir jBotibav, Capt ff Iw,?rt,iqforgJFUco' Doctor H Turner. . lXoHfunptiat T J Pferaoo, R B Pee W, DriC'Jab, M Tbomaa Uaaoa W W PwbUa,- Dr W OoMteaaa J Bearftttv. WilHama, Alapev t Tajlor) Cap N la, ju IMttle, 4oba Tborpa, Kaq W. W.Goea,JobaW.XJrln.ILWetfh f3aU.JohB baekhatariiri K, .W.lri P U.-Z G Yellok-y, Dr, C O'Uajraa, G W Joboaoa, Uenry Shrpherd. W Bi Uam, Jeaa Stancill, AJjram, CokAt Q Lit- '? MidtoitdJXtif iaftle D TowiiseBd, ft T Rosaer, fatne P Leak, John John ajerJ't-i t4 -Jf .tf,-tjow nvi i i,..rf 'if : . rf" - JfeKei.'-JmB : Leach; JT 'A WcLeah; Gllea Leitch, Joha Tf ' MeEachea,' Tbomat -I I M 7 K Bhober. W H Bailer. Kerr Craige, W A Haack, laaae M Sharer, T W Keen, Richard Cowan, Jb. K. Graham. . , JWrM4,r-h PEmin. J M Whiteaide, Joseph Carson,:.W 4 Mittsfi Pr TVwia S 1 -ftrt'A ' ItfclToy vVilllaro B Devene, a V Holmes, Ur H A Biuell, ur J T Murphy. ' h ' irrrtU-H M Wangh, H C Hampton, ttHmer, Ur joaepb Bolliagswortb, trayM. C 8 Wootse, Georga V Strong, William-G Moraatr, Zi A Wright. Oral C. G arris. H'iila.-Dr C L Cooke, Dr Jsmes Cal loway, EA Wei bourse; Dr Ty re Tork, PbloeaaHortowi ' i rfaiC'trla M Busbee-, J q DeCar torstv Jease A- rovrSs Oeotre Whiting, Jacob Fleming, R W York. Jesse Wiabpna, aa Alfard, CJ. fieo. A.Faiibault,Go.Jl. Bartir i, j. j. n',,f i.j i i,. .i,. ,, T, . rorr.Col W i Greea, Coi W A Jaa ins,E J Plum mar, P R Davis B a .Cobi 3na..j !,. ... .,w ..;..!..,. v,Hi-. c.ii LJ-tUWillianj A, Jtabey. J Wlllisw. Be, Joseph, DobaW,Alaw ftp,1j5J GAREETT,rt 1f 01) l" KOOTT o CfA fol'tf atWi''ar'lMajKrai'r ataa"' i'-'i 'iui mv uji,,; i NEW YORK i -.ii.,. nl ilUfiUKIUOEH TO... Tll!rtli 4 -"ii' l ' OT'KIW YprtKi' ill .rWi ,' .si. i ' ,i-i tie iai , i j (..- vili"J! jUH, VfH mX V "I i, JBilt ..!ii .o NEWARK,. J, lmi!( i(tiKj.l ; Bxtwarr HsMMifWct u r r a 11..!; Jiiitt BFENCKB tNKrTTi iMaytMBslV in .!-. V.M. OAMtk'TT. - (utb or yoBinr)ABouiia.l AUornej and Coiusellor it Law. 'iieU(if with ROflRB A. PRTOR, fVi.. for: Bjsrlf or vaTThua vlH' WKdiI, timrawl aawsnptlrt to all baaiaass eumnuttw) tt III agsuuiui 1 . , Aug. IM, 1807 IB-Iy ' """J (kljr aad General . Vmxamlmion '.!,Mei .1. .1 anil. CLOTHiyO HOUSE . n t Itf : AWA-Wy' A..f.rr, ., , ;. . Iavit attaotioa lo4eV'IiI'i Ji!! STOCK HfaV tttirl. faHUaU'fH Tt'f' i ,1 Attn 'm . iirtixwasa Goosai.i frOFavaftavilla; 8W, opposite Tucker Hall, r-v WAa.IUOICi, .P-0.j..iri -Man IS-iSt-U.,., FUSE BLACK DRr.o. ICLTA Itf 2f"2?f "?PMo imElvf ITjL ttas, Tiwaiaaa4 ataaVas wU aa taW asaaSrWflew FT5E CLOTff SACfK fl " ""' ","') ' I". r'rWBfiAB'sAts, fWteW.rtkkSSP" to suit tb lJSTy FWal' DKEiaa tAttfjTl ars 4JNUUJ1' laniklllM MAflM Oot.U0 tf -Opftaaita TaeaavHalL S-ami NArsjrxtiVBraji - found at .. ep u.m. ANDREWS A OtVII-r Bov. It 84-K usui s imtaiang bwqbi. OimosttaTackerBa. rtmv atKCBiratm. i - aaia taut t.qo m,;. ""tJ0LB LEATHER TRTJITka. BOLE XJEATHER. VALISES. 1 ' MOROCCO AND tiAlEJjr4YEL- IHO BAuS, ia great tariariVi . Ri RAKDBEIYI At C a,! Muti VmaBV Boean aa4 wambM .tui jABm! ffaekav HaA. Iata4 -- u., i. afcajaPaaa.-jiVi ra.'v-v Feb U-Ul-tf W.H.J0SE8A rrm rrnoiKi mom mum pousHiid 'A' Very aaHal araksa sii umai; N Jew H-lAt-ef a.- w. hWOEiaeis . Choi) rjlawlaaa Hama t . O0METHIH0 XKtnriiv raaatriaa kfU. 4sa VK-iavw DOrjOLAS bell! rirrr hA-riivir'a ' I'i.'. i ..it ' ws .x'r m sjai una,! ,s6 tS'.'l. Ciljie. tj.'Potatnee , Terr aheap. Mar. S -tf w. a. jo Ma a oa I't WIUHl ' "' QABBA0E BEKD, ..' ;. jw , u j(,r. (imwranlie Caiutrf Wrbse acad.. WamataJ e.-h and gemuoJ. 1 " r ' ' aiar,iw W. a. URJu A CO. MaaiaMaaai LITE - ZXSTXJLI'CjI i -J asW 4 - tibj .jt.Vi.aBAaa.tf, u I LIRE -AggUMNPJE Society;; va. - 5HU Bull i:in - l-tl Wioat .nu Imd i i .""! i-l ri i dt to roa m4f Sialyl. .dO'J .t oi .--.'I i --nr d ,oii,rjnn tin iu iiii wl ' ' I , I AA t (O rvialV A Jae a ' .ta-lSiIJif?1' r ' 'vfP UAL.', ..latf Tt-WPfj In ;, ' H v .Uvofj ' TJrtV vrtri Vt-ni- rnrcy ''J' X7.MA4AViA JaVXUUXfiVP- h. , , .- ;r : ?4i dl'U.'i ii '" "'- ; ' ; -i .; .cnoiiumi' ,-.!:.. . : .-Hi 1.1 ti'. U'iH-1 hI I!i T WJPJTABUI baa mm saora raaadla, ijema ita orsaaizatioa, ear LUs 1m raanat Ooanaaarareemmnai, Aaaartoa.. ..M j at aiieiB-MSBfa awaar i smanaa. .tbaal thoaaaf aaroUMarCoiarMjia taoOasteAfHatea. J ; laasteatlaB w ianaalas aa Jtostk Oarattaa I maa b.insrsuij ta tb Oananl ifail.,. BLu. BL F. Tanoa. Art. Wilminrtoa. j Blaaawat A Oosnr, - VawWrB. " Oakaa' VBUaaaw Ttrboro'. .' Biraaan A OAuaasna, Aganta, irhiaio." I Baaanzxa, larjwi B Off. OrMnabaro'. i K tTHBToano AOo.' ' 'lUtebary. 'BUTCHIHON, BUBB0D0B8 A eoti ! " ' ' ';l""'' m. tMriaite' . C , Jan. H-131-tf SeaaraJ Agentafor H ,SJJ RAILE0AD8. Kotlee to Shlppertef Spirits Tur- Baa ah.nA.k.. , . . v ..... INLAND "XTR "LINE ; via poRTfiMouTH, va4 ;7; now rtiriHin to bsiip gynitTH TIT TT FN tine Te, BfUIJare IllBMJelphU, , New York, It ste)BBtvre fajtvlaig berrj Arrauigcd for Ikatt pur- .i . . ... .. 1 .... immu -.s- :, THIH A IB LINE B0UTK. FROM THE FACT el its aroiiUng trans akinnient from an Bteaaiw toanotbar. to wUcbothar Uses are Sub- jeot, and baiag; th. bra II ua batmen Hie Oaro linuaadtb Nortb.rn (Mies, wHh dailv eon. maiaeatioatoBaltlaMn.PbilaAsfrAiia and Ne 1 or a. and to Hustoaa Moaaaer aw odera treat AuiUittaa A auineina'i and- ia in ad- raaoa of ail ether mates ftnxn ikree- as ttrs days -InahkiaiM Shmb tha Nivthntf riiimJ r fn.i. (larnllii. Iw.mWm1 I.. .I.L.. .'J.Bwrf.lu.L J by tha HtaamaUa KaeseonneetmawlMiaed inns in a pari o this Roala. 1 ,'' ir ...... . ' From Bmsoo, aUrehants lull HfnM a' Una, & rrom new xora, Wl Dominion HteaawMa Co.. 04 U . 1. w . . , .. . . .- Omo 187 Urwawirb Street. ' . ' FVosa Pmladelpbia, Clyde Hteamvra, 14 Maatb "eiawara avsuos, w. r. Clyde, Aaeo - Aaaamsaain Lin. Philadeloliia. WllinuljM and UaltlBMNf DmwL J .'L. WIim7.A j ' . "iwuBawra, Bay Uo litMnwra, sunt of! vhkjh vwia a AJfmiV. 11- '... .:.f 1 All olalma lor losa, daaiafa, or orarsbari, j - A, atoi:AkltiCa.'Tiwe Ar'L. fteabnuA lnlaad Air Line, PorUuuxiJL, Va l'tfWTrf. - .. ! :! THK BEADOARD AND BOANDKlt BAU. ROAD AMD BAY LINK, h.rln rw. nii,u. led ander on ataaannaBt traaa Weldoa to bal timore. Dffor srraater faoUUiaa to mkn f rraigni to and rrom Baltimore tbaa acT othar Una, and guarantee aafety of freight and lxva.pt set- iUrnAnt nr .11 .1.1m. ' ' BnpTraruri(Mjoii,a,AB.i. i-. r W.O. SMITH. Tufl, --ra Hnp't Bay Um Rteamera. PUT GOODS. .diKJJw GOODS I NEW 600D3 1! JlillpVI , .f' M ai ALL COME TO UkS"M ... C;Kl2ECH'gl.!! oBZCOVD OKAYS OPIUHO OF f AJjU' AL WLNTKK t.o Itlt 1 I-. lyl I'idWj e w ill Unn .rewviun A . Ibt"lptoW.dSINO "B9f!T0CK ' UIIiJji ' I uir'nl "fiM ' SfeV nrisTy i f'' AJMM.jt UUUJJ3, . t I 'rt. i m i' i ft .sn- B..11 . i Mv stock ia aABlM and Brat as BH.IWat. and kHrht a4ehe ihwUna, aad I am Aaoay to mm w hij ii wuu, mm nwiMH, inas a. aaaw aoa trill, sell them Goods CHEAPER than they have BBsuynBUmjiiio the V"" ,a kp it BywVtkrti rtalo Boas farthe City oaa or yikaell ehaaperBhan I wUL r J TJl Atv Hnwea Br hv3Boos, aad I do jMltataiaVl I Aia iu , Jf )5AMId SaAA A. To buy"T"rir Ooods A. r-Tr TWfIWHodi a tJOOaTfl wui mu aa.ni a rtuca. rntaa laasyraa, ar:4i.ai,srtwtaV.i m 11 ww vews. inw.aaa ata)). . .M4 ,!- Vr, r.T 45rtl 'j. ill aMaumssBasBaa waawanaa i-ii. ,-in - eiii ! t.n m i,w,At ul afcea yaa aryi-yaaa )!. a kraat Boa it i-d.r, dM Ait CIItEBOHv J-OOr wTI FOB. JAifiAH-aV e. . y i i j e"l S.H.&.W.J.X0U1VG'S! f.fA--lp d9tjJ2fin Ja to Y0" "AI FlaT),. fcj. M e-TJ- NEW iGoom 'am RtNMv-vI U LOW nKtL mm ba boagbt 4 any other Bowaa. w f ' , Bin 1 , II . 1. , . . - BAEQAIS3 WILLEEGIYEN : aoca as PBIHT aT HVtOUjI Aad aB DKEfla. OOOr ta TwmMrHoa - A aaaaaBrt 4BaWaaV AhaT jCLs.A AV A a Br w At tha aid atud of 1 - -' ..--TV tili llov.n-as-tf F...,AUA.fc lkm iikn jri.i ivmw r i . , "i" ' aa w.vi. luifaok 430U. B.IT fT J 1X 1-rit.t J jar i jT i (EES, aad hard b ats. I 1868. 1868. i. : . ;. Tti. ,7 awK fiiiJT5 i ' J ... i u I rM-. lit .TftW-" ii-m; " I, -..ll'll UrWi'l jumr!.:iuli I '" g, j -'t i .JU3 . I !! Vldt.U .lit i.iaaren t . J.j. ' owAiiAjrozimrr ...ji w d i-X ji ..rii K f:l .! Z I -a !.l .)) :-ill Uat v:i ! i j ,i ii- niii'tt - n.j. -?u ts'iifi' ; i ,ulj I! I -; i,l.is i.i il i , bHI eijl KAii'illi -if'i nafw.iiiol tit ti-nvflo v-'iWt1 Ia-ii6illii 'ju'iKj i " i l ,t--iltitil- :i H' -II I j7 lii'i I .) A'- f r ' ' I iil A; wii,. .;i i .irtflUti , I .fcifc,J!lii l-l 1-II , ttif JT (Wil iNl ' .""""S'EN'TIN'KJJ! litt:i. l:l b.aiiq'i ,1?1jiII b'li lioosi'i (I i .i - an fl.--l.IOUi S.li iw lluU.il .1". ijaitslo j.i u.l i ' Jiri lit 1' 1 1.. J . .iiun'oiJuo adJ lu liuij'ii ba ! lo uiii "j1 i i iimil bajHtMiiiB 4n H viaJVi Bill t-..;ui: it a-uott 4T Published In tb ("My ot KaMKli, If. C, '.i MS . It I . - : . .1 . Daily, Semi Weekly and Weekly. William & Pell, PeU. Editors, SettOB Qalei it" 1 . f 1 i.-j . ia iw of BW asaVcity nt aaonev, and the bstsi- ay e-jime, 'ib rrrietor v vhi.Tw ir aisausviunJaimaaai ,,aBto maktt'ttiA -tPy,enr. Irt ha general tTfaMxnMi&teiw" I POLITICS it will ke tkoroaghlr Oinaarva- tlvs, sdvoeaUng, at aU tiniea : ' A strict obasrvancs of the Constitution Of tbo, . DoJiiM.ptatM, and the harmuaiooa Union of -' sqaal titat ; .. ... Obsdtene to lv unit (be enforcement of order ; i.rPPTVT f .tb QU aror tha muitary ...BWiaof saaav -,i The ajnalityof tHd throe eo ordinate branches of the gorernmenf ; The aoverelirntj of (ha Sutvs orr their own internal fhinfo strict ronfur-milj to the 'Oomtitailnn ; ' '- ll lThi maintenance of freedom tnd Jnatics to all, (,4w"fTtbint diatuictinn of color, but the suprema cy of tbe whits race is thefrovertrfng elsaa; HfjlbaUrm tbRadlcalJsij lb ill It.'pniiie. JSs'aNEWHnaj; H shall be ajial to ny. , Th prineipal iiiarket. will ba rcjruiarlj paUiah , t i ad. i . i , ,j. i : niti .i He IATXKARY eksraetar Shall mamiaiued " and uprivd; hy contrlbntiona trahi imt best ,)Wrttara.,,,4 :it ,i aifia, ir-"f nter i Ftaailjij the SsarruiB!, will h ,ta h the spaeial ' pivanoaarar tha sdaeatiWl, tuora) and eco ' nomical Interest of the people of North Car- 'I . jfllTl Taraaa Daily Ssotiosl, tor one y ..,.,... , t8 00 4 0.1 on 4 00 J on I 00 ? M t no r- lij six rsoutlr-, l ' aril? three - aMtttba na tiuel, iir one year,. . .,.( ..,rV. sixmonUis,.., I flirae atoarha, . . , . . for one J'ear, .' Weekly iv.vl. ....4,.., ,'?u,'f'.-i. -,', All subscriptions strictly eaah in advance ks 4u advertising medium, the tiKmi in aqnal to anyln the rtute. Terms moderate. l-i m Hi" I .ii ! "i . ,- . -,-, . . 1 1 J y it -k . . . . ' . , . r Tl"S evorj woarraHTa U S4.lt to amC'mr tbrta-A-tbA ,irUtionrf iAva, flaTMBT- wTKak saaa.A. W VMj lit a ' laA ar We ask avery CorTatrri tho Btalt to I T wie-r-w. r aaaaas vy iBaar PBau VCT n 1X71 U Ilk; W faaratl, ,. bbu Asm. u I ham tha hand af ths great bads of ths peonls ha ia the hand at th great bed of ths people Tb tartas are now bo low abas avwrr on. am fa able to pay tor ib . . -.ill in ii. , . ,,.) !,,!; i r.i ll I Iui .nlnll Till ,i lu-i .' J i iwia,i i ..54A .s"iiwi P.ytntiJt.- t'Uli-Ju.dT n.'tto.l-.ltju i-lii'l .wiga, J- aatiww. ITOpnetOT BAXTIKOEI APTEBTISgyTa. il' l-i j-Tl ,t 't II ii' I '1 :1 ' T" P OO L E D II N T, ' ' ii 1 Kil l fifl'J'irqT'nii i .) aJv. Baltimore," ' - MA UTACTUR KI8 OF PpRTABlE AND STATIONARY ": " rw-- faaasam. Enaiaea j ;.; M Boilera. ""'ATKillt ! ttc rvenn LITTZi a fATtWT AMERICAW DtftTBLX -a v-..-i...i i -unw "' in-- r -rirr'. f aJ 1 AJTA TlBr WVXZU SA ., '-. 1. arJ!'a aji..nj7.i itV t er.i l-sifWio fflWifLM I r.i. ! ,'i Mkf ,T"'CatBtkB4sJ4.aTaii, 'Tlonf&i ttM kachJiieryaffW pmlly. and IlllSSH. T -M.-'il. r ,,,-e.f ,,1TV 49A f3 rfso .ty a 1 ' a pjpii i; 1 , 111 nl n (JSUOHTTBETi B AL jTm6rE,' MdL, I . HfrW.fPfr . I fihselTjead; i " 4rra,"' LaadPrpa, j FaUpseaOnak.'- , . aegar wunaaa'a,.TJni- verse Cook. . Beeli BaojrX ' " Earoaeaa Rang, J MaJreaBanaa, sil ?PBsir,,,;,, t merald Bang. HaywanLi Bartiett'A C's Perabl FarBseea, Mag Ftmaeea, iW- Inatr tin Bath tab w5&?M .m. Wsw CVieehsii5 fl Iraawad rkla fliakai.- Hyraa,t,K .strut b RaVneWna, " WatwWhaet.-. , uoteaM One. ; Parlor, Church aad Si.irea ia eeeat nii. AB th ehfferaat stvies Hih rUp.a4 Lsw . Town Por tabl Oral A''" eavdaa Ysaasv n ! JsleOaokar, B WUehWiBbaaaMaskivaaraa h had hi ik. j ;Apvfl t-aua-la eflsJ-.t- (j i rrttnu.: aali-U4 LYBB ADAMS, PlTZRSBTJlfl ADTESTISZJCnrTS : TIIO MAS SMITH i-1 NO. ,25 SYCAMORilriSTEEET, i (' -'I ' ! ' f i ''u'-'its e'ite-i:4!wi" ' 1 THE LARGEST BTOCit)' DRY &00DS IN THE STATU TIROIKIA. uni ia.iiviil'OJ i ii I in jy.itar?4l.a- , ' SH J'KKSKNTINO MY KUTD PATR0K8 WITH a saeaaoraiuluBi of stock fur Fall Trade, I also ia sin liwi thank tha ake liberal oaaga, liaeaue aalmitit at the saasajqns lis rutua pan- spasad to maa lata thai' Biiensi aa watt aaviaaa ra to make their parefaasea of aa -The fallow ing tneaionndam, though ioconilet6, will give a surkoiwiakiiiaoi! aha giiiral atuiAi a -- I. 1 Ladlea DrM Coda. ' ' BlsA and arAored BOka, u nW varlet. Irian TtiaiBBslgiaJi and Fiauahtiaa, Irreneti aa riao. Barathea, Foplia Bepa, Crape. Kopres Cloth, BmUiami Vdoiiijr,IJelaiiiM.jMn une. auu'ie and dijuUla width, ia alt tha pern shadea, Humamks, Ac, Shepherd aad Scotch jyiasdB'-('-M' ' '.-. : a ! .' i-" - En.brolderii sind HanbrirgUgttirs, Haabora'Tjoaertlnga, Han burg Floaaeiiig, haiidkawark Kdgui, Kattdhiwark ijjiierting. Meeatowork iloumiui., tiainauok Edgtegs.Rainsook Inaertinga; Swiaa and Cam bria tjlkua, Baias aad Onbrte. OaUanaadr Ouda, Unea Collars and Oufla, Crape Collars and Cliffs. UnKteUoUan aad Oufla, Keal Point Oollara aad Uuna, Real Point Seta, Heal Valantia (Wlaia and Cutis, Imitation Coilara and Cnffa, Clunejr Collars and Curb, Kal Val. - Laee lUai lmad Laos, Real Clnner Laoaa. Real anipar aad riotutou Laee, Real Brunal Laos, Real Bobbin Laoe, Point Lace Bandkerebi.fi, Valontia Lsee Handkerchtafa, Im- Bsutdriea. Cloaks, Shawls, in long and square, for HtsseS and Ladies, Hoop Skirts. Balmorala, Basis and Ribbon Trunminga in large assortment : Jot, Bilk and Fancy Buttons, Taifeta Ribbons, Narrow Wa tered Ribbon, tor iTimnung, Bait Rjbbotts, Wors ted and Alnaua Braid.. Mohair Braids. Oalooni) aad Stay Bindmga, Corset Splita, Sigzag Braid, VIM piWW, MljN UHUIlUg, t IWI MU 4 MIC UM1 Nets, Ac, China and Agate lluttons, Full linen of dumb ana uoioreo velvet uinnona. iHoHrnlug Departmeut. Oro. Oram and Bept Allka. French Merino, Bomhastos, Tineas, Canton Clotb, Heart ta, lira pee, Baratheaa. Poplin. , Kmpree Clotb, Uge alas, Vekwtines, Peraian Cloths, Monslines, Chal heai Alpaoos and atohair, ail of tha very Best, ixu,:m s eueoraiea maniuactars. . White tittods. Plain, Plaid ain, Plaid and Striped Oambnc, Plain, Plaid Striped Jaconet, Plain, Plaid and Striped laook, Plain, Plaid and Griped Mnff HnaLn, and Btni Nainsook, Plain. Plaid and Btrioed Swiss HuaUn. Plain. Plaid and Striped Bishop's Lawn, Soft nuieh Jaco nets, Soft finish Canibrw, holt nnish long Cloths, PeKay MawailUia, Ac, TarlateHuy wfaua and eoi ored, Orirandies. lottd and Figured Swisa, Bril banta, Patent skirting. ' Ladles' FurnUhlng iiood. llnderrests. Drawer, Corsets, Lisle Thresh Hose, Real English Hose, SJermaa Hosiery i great variety, for atime. Children and Lathes ; Ladies' Brawn Hose, Ladies' Black and Slate Hose. Aid Olorw ui largs assortment, white, blank and .wiored, Berlin and Lisle Thread Glove., m all i2es, Osrturs, Blaetica. Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Real Mieli, Hurn and Outta Perch. Coinlw, Veils in Real Lac. Dotted. Bordered and Bagle-Trimaied Parasols, Fana(4e. Dumestles. Bleached and Brown Cotton Hheelinga and Shirtings, Bleached and Brown Jeans, Dlon.ihcd and Brown Canton Flaunel, Plaid, Striped and Plaia Osnsburga,, Tickings, Dennima. Iliiknev, Huckery, Dongrey, CaliSjsJo all the pupnliti makes ; Oingkau in evary variety. Housekeeping IJtepartinenf. Plannslsjplsla aad fancy, ' Bbmkete, Carpet Tapestry, Threa-Ply, Supernna, Ingram, is ah wool and cotton chain, Venetian, Hemp ami Coi uyrs Carpet, Drugaala, Ruga and Door Mala. Floor Oil Cloth. Laos. Muslin, Brocatvllv aim Damask CurWina, Piano and Table Covers, TaU. Damask, Stair aa4 'lbl.Oil Cloth.. Napkins . IXn tee, Towelk, Huekauack, Crash and Olua. Linen. Lineb and Cotton Sbevtings. in aU widths. Pillov liuens. Marseille UennterDenea. Jacana, il and Cotton Diapere, Linen Dupera, Bird eve lin Iriab Linen, Ac. Gents' Furnlablng Good. AM are respectfully invited toinsoect mv etm l Ueaura making their purohsae. My soovtutieu m, Uu true wav to aneuese i. to secure the uiUireai of your enstoraers bv ehsnrina th. smaileat Dou ble ororlt on i - 'fhis hss ever been mv motto, and tha Tat a. bnsineas heretofore done encourage, me in adhoriug strictly to it. THOMAS BmiTH, No. 88 Sycamore tft.; Petersburg, Va. OH. 1648 PR E 8 H 8KB I) 8. We have Just reeeivad fruia the most reliable seea-growsrs in th country, a luge .tork of rmt tlardea, l.i .wa. rim eld aad Meadaw rsjea aiea.. enibriniing .vnry arwty of Artichoke Onion Okra Family Pannn'p Peas Pepper Pumpkin Radish Rhubafh Salsify Kqua.li Spinach 'iomato Herb rterds OrsM Orchard do Ky. Bine Oraea Timothy do Asparagua Beans 3eat Broouli Bnwsells Spronta Cabbage Carrot Cauliflower Celenr CoUards ' Oorn Salad ' Orass r Pepporgraaa Cucumber Endive Let. nee ; Kale. ; Melon Mixed Lawn and Iincerne Orass Nulirthim White Clover. Which we offer at tha IovmI mu-ket ...... JOBDAB A CABR. 1 1 Wholesale and Retail Drnggials, Petersburg, Ti, Jaa 29-148-tf MISCElLAHEOUa . CHARLE8T0H", a C. THE UMDKRSiaNED HAYQIO TAKEN cnarre oi in aoove weu cuown Hotel, fnUTlnforms his friends and the travellii Be that it haeheeBi BSFtJKNIIHED IN . IT8 DEPARTMKNraThe UH.wiUMaU time b mppuea with tha THK BEST THK MARKET Af,fORUS, including every delicac inseseon, while tbaematna will be nnexeentir.We. Th? aataaeoMMacfaeA to tha HeMt are aepiihed with tha oelekrated Arteaiaa Watat, and HOT. COLD OB SHOWER RATHS aaa be obtainad 2 anytime. The saius attention will he paid to the pomfort of th guest as heretofnre,' and travel, hwwflaaretyapea Andin the-Charleston Holol Hw wany id um urutea sutean The .patsoa kge.af the traveliiag public is respectfully, anlicj- ' fcF.ROMAClf, Agent, !. 1. .. 1 Pmpneiart I Jsa ltaaa-tm a cnaivcE to hate toi n , OLD rilRNITFUI EEPAISEB AAD TJAJHW nBTAINED THB 8ERVIOE8 OF A ir ofHulRfri dijata. Satiaactioa guaranteed. Old Mattreiae rtnorated and mad orer F-rnitgre of a Hud, repaid VSSZg&S " to - d. . ... . w rlitoRRissA ra AMBJ-BM-tf U r,naimH.i APPLE BtTTTEB ! "fi - '",11. a.ue reoeiveo tin uav. ; 6-lt-tf ! - w. H. JoaiES. A CO. I, , ,, .... tb i Al 44 FayetUTiU .Street --d arm Babe -ti Pniaina WgoTa Oseaea Hea , i .1 Grabbing Hoes. . Oaroea Trowel , 4 ,: Haha.... rSnade A gb-rai, , hisl'ie Fnrka. JaalalaMf With Hakt A Lawis. yoarouc AJvxaxiszgrrr - JTAAEEK, 1VILAJU& h a, imuj, h .. . , . , jBpT-tr General rtnuoluloM ' KerthaBi. !' ' XOBFOUiVTa. Hoatt a vsi,loOotkB,okf Co. , A Murray A Co., WitauijHoa: Baywood, ItaTaiga : W WsdilHtLptl: "L.' ' Carolina ; Ookwel Joha W. Cwannl' b ' Oounty j Turner BatUa, KuW'iI;, change 'tlaiwaal r2J eaorliiVrt Brown ACo.. Waahiaaiaa. ' V"s A' ioa! xadik aioxia. -y ' job. x aLL KADEB BIGGI 'te"'a5o "" AMD General tommisgioa . - - NOHFOLK,! VtaJS SPatriarj' AND atrtTFaiBl-x-mirriv,'. quo ftad prompt rtwm ftriln, TT Our kms enxrimam an baaiva '"2.:r: -tLr. vvua tocwardea to ajtvetpaai faai.f.BBaL uonrai aanoa TtuvKuuita Aonr Bdgeeombe, and Mr. wno wui a pioaawl to famish any im iT i facility ta 4hW aMppi w aaVi TzT? lievenne Taiee en Ootton can he naia v . all aases whea nrefened I rred by aldpaai lawaj " to reuaat -fr-'-' -Norfolk, Va., Mov. 4- inacEiXAJiOTji STENCIL NAME f UTeT voa auBKiiia clothiho wrrw rnBUBu m . voa auaauia aoeu, aajm-BmaavAoi Everybody should bar an Ma iTatu" is required on the cloth. It .will Bot!?2? Apnzefor la.lie.1 Bend for etTetOsTand sa- Plam styles 50cte., ornmatal. BA i .... your orders. "',""s 0.c:F- Uua fT Or If r M'4 TO THE pi T AM PBBPAREp TO AOO0KMWATI Iriv JL teen or twenty membera of th. rZ.'l"' "A." a"Bi s. My 'term sr. aioimii aiso transient person. Jan. lS-182-tf. - enuilia T. OOOkJ. A MBR-W EXCUAXCV $01 CITV BESIOESCE. -Will ba Exchanged for EoddenWi! : Raleigli, '" brti t A MOD FARM OF oJJj.!ufcJ, TN Franklin County, 4 miles from tha . A av-t Lh .?80me' heslthr location. Hat u orchard of 4,000 choice Fvnii TreeaTahaBail' variety of Grape. .. .,. .77'. ,T" Tbe dwelling large aaaTakerutal" uoosasary out balldlng An sTMlWyloeaal. for a Physician, or ttcbooL , , , n r- ..TT. "" I ' 11,1 US., Ill CK WHEAT FLOCRt. 1,000 v; f- JSr Just received. 1 ' W1 Jan SB IAS tf "' "HAf,Wis' BBlfTIWEE, OFriCEiM JOB. PRIJPJ'JSOC OCIl FItlKNDS IN TUB CITY OB' OliDHklL, desiring SlieiirT.' Clerki or VriilWila? Blanks. exnri. BOOKS. PAMPHLTft: or other printing, done will pleaa aead ia Hat' l nej in pe neatly eaecaled and done promptir. and on tha lowest terms, ; ' tu fcj-m .j .JT,.' i expect soon to have our offlse inppUid with fcmr friends everr sneet-wrf Ji vlatiit :-. . ilept. 117 44 VV M S PELL, Pryprwlor. . H mUftKINGITM aAi,LET,,,,a PORTABLE ENGINE '' WOKS,1 ZANESVILLE, OHIO, DVYiLLSr xM-PKOFF.9 f&1Hlt 7 UM COHf MILL S AJfB IM- a provkd FwvBim Mmj, MILLS. . '', These Engines and Mills hav received the Ird premium over all eoaipeUton. Thef afbrd II ' nest, clieapust, and most yfooaonueal now nse ahd eioel in peHsr any Engine mad Is tu UnioD.i 1. 1 t ui 1! .i n wit ,1, winhil ... These Engines are flred and thanmgkly uMtaj ' before tearing the wnrks, and ar Warranted lull ; respects perfect and ready fcr . aanpalUUi aS They are a rrant-i to eat moi Inmber wil hands and al less expense than any ethar io tat Union. -.-a-.i-.w For deuiriptioaa, pries hU and othar anawt tioo address, ' ' JOHN . bRinTBrlJ -' , 4.,Clfsld AaanvT.iiS . . Oreensooro N. ftij JnnJ-J71. ' -' it - Sol Agent for II. CITV PBOPEHTY " FOB ' SALE, TWO Coavenient and oVslrabl botJRT.AM LOTS in the Western Ward of h CSty, at McDowell Street. ..; i r VI' Also, a HOUSE XfD Wt oa TayetfaiSb treet. Thi is good property!" 'Apply, for a formation, at th., ... , . s .BslslgB.Jaa Ba-lAB-tf....i. m i- , ' 'J 1 . ...1 11 1 1 1 -"I PfJMPSt ,J,PUMp$ i j( ; JPHMP! fUSf RECEIYFTi A onnn IRfVIBTJiEil J- of Down A Ca'a celebrated . ... y f -.- - - - - -- " - ' ; tr bj jpi 1- f- Which Ws' eft. 00 restonabl. term. . ir ' - I -, .- f "BRTOfrSAlJODft TAEMOBRStH TOtTNO A MB R ICi,' JUT in hs best Jnvanile Murarina. 1 Eierv BdiuHI Girl that sees it sa o ; all the Pree y so i W4 Parents and Teachers ermfinq it. Oa not fail a . asoaraaaorrr - A met MurmBOOoa. with - cylinder lo oonane livins object, or good blaaed, pearl Pocket Kiufa, sad large nsnMr wi sisar aeairaaiB an ten, arrew a. p"1- esch snbscriber. Yearlv. A.H0. The Noveei.w: trnmthjr eommennes a new tnrnrn. PnMilied l h) Mi -W"0 DEMOriAST,.' w 73 tlroaaway, ptw .". rf L BoVkanrX 43lrbntieciineB eoroes," f-Mta, mailed fraa.un., JaVaa.-A f ' ,jvov. a 10-u f TEMORE8Td MOBTHH -A4I' U univeraalryaeknowledged th Moael Prir MsrsBjeot.Ajeicat d-wed W Ongiw) rise. Poems, Sketches, Arcfaitectar nd Cottsge, Kbneehold Matters, Gems of Thouejt. PnM r,MlnJ . 1. 1- ,' I.wk.llia47 MterlB department on Fsehions.1 InsornetioBs oa Health, Music, Amusementa, etc, by the .beat n'nira, sad profusBly Ulastratad with costly ercnvinn lu aue.i wautul ana renawa ravom. '"--,ries, and a constant meaeemoa of artisne s tie., wiiholber oeefnl and oliiDinslitrriirv , No ftrvm. of; reanemeet, eeoao-aeet '" wife, or lady of taste can afford to do wi'hcnt 'M Model Monthly. Singk eo-ie. -ts; t aomber a. .pectme-a, 10 oent ; either bisim free. Yearly, M, with valniole Br-iiiai ; oooies. ta.SO : three eooiea 47 SO : EveeopH Hi. and ardandid premtoajs for etabs at ech,-.- ine arn pvammra to sacs saoscrii-v. B9- A new Wheeler A Wilson Sewing is fcr aoaahswtbsrs aHwH "MtTJo- 1 .i-!:.. . j, tn Broadway, Nw 1-' Defnovaal-l MonibJv and loeaB w gs'har (4, with th pa-emiams ha saca. aOT.B 'S-II ...... r u4 mm produce u, hijr ,. - J fiobai.l l.,n r: . . -JSh'