A tzsxz ct srsacMPTioiirf f J Ths Bsm Is fabliafaa rarf Bay. eanept "say, aliUlilnil r ( Am anali., ...... buatoau. .....r Aa Cms fMf......wi,tl,i(,tv.,iMfM 9 SIS BMnltlSj , auatuia Weeny Batted, mh. '.m.".".'.'r.X? tue sentinel: WILLlA . fli BSATOM Q ALES, : jniTOM 1.1 I v , CoafamUr tlU Tloktt -. "THOMAS & A8H of 4jf,i . BO US iMI u r af' ar atawensrw. af ft ' " - ' . . , I .we1 nut mm II. .For Aadltoei f"ny,Jm wFsw rhaferintemVwt irfJi ... jC. ...1. . m . ' -1 I tM u ! J " - Sim 1 BooM,Wsk. , Wtr CkiJudik ifgufumt OmrL tmtJPfrMmi WW WUimm OL brnttia, rfttreagr 1 Mathiat B. Manly, af bM, JdtDSeh. David Au Bsiwtif.arlBsrd,! ask,) 1 Edward I. Warren, of mBfC" 8d GeflrrtV, Strong, f BTVB th Ralph P. Buxton, iiimmu Bth Robert . UHllMrfM ttnmfllM, Bin - M rnra a, uivyi tJi WtlUsim K. fthtDO-tflf LIbooIb. ,.ii)di' UlenoB Wltchlf, ffli44 HfcuAUto f. DMlJwi, o M&ovw . '' Wkix'BMMO. of W)w. o iiiMdVtnT. 0mm, of rtrnknmf"- . HRidiwu 0. Bii -- Fof CoroMT.-Heory T. OUUi VOHH. aim .fl(UOO " OooMnlMtoiftA.Lrrr 0. Pvkw. Ro tort a Perry, Bonlrtrf -TibtC CtaH .rtt"rUkSibdre,lsa fair spectmea of toe - .iiklad o Wfltei to eaat f tnftrbfcek tag election ij tbs tefratlres! -int). In fi'ini jJiJaLim Ml iUli ; 'A -iVt i-','t:"i n"t A ism oau is aa eye sore 10 stojj man a blander, it not a ein, Hn- rntoeai. - Thet re nfoamrjtr offeosl , alaasf Iff all "caWbterafe Hiuluttly sod ob- tree'toanaa toe1a' rkia BtofiAXJDilWiroCareati4a Wiolan,fty'a)tootoiaa4 HfJty, ta tbrltfaoaitla ot tf ttatWS daring tie laU war,' and tbef aad all atuiafope) ato ..rfenaedef i.xlBbts -)SKslMUt thaaJtlitaf aa WaVtfkfVfcia, iasa, the itapoettioej'of a teat oath apto "etom,topioatny,'tebawtto toott, tWUM eridow al demoraHaadda aaA.disraWd afttl eelemliir of oaths? ' JL M Jto InstltmJoa of A pt!m saxisgraUo, and tto Inrpaaftioatr a teat ath WkJa ail ToterewUlaotidollba aWait fled. Wt are glad t hit Got. Bmbtra haeJ tolled pttUle tontloa'i31t,'laVil iatslat-1 tar tOvtal tooala al lulhuitoJa. . It U a Baaatara whni aavaaulwayi oppoasd aadte1 .a ail oire utasnea, an dtowfly tafrtrigtag tto iigliUfl.p-ut4 4ilHg ulUjaateiy to attu greater amass towsrq aefpotirm. Tto teat oath Imposed, by tto aea Caasfi- toUoa taasxa;4eUBwhblieaa aid' .iatolnibUlliareBTtohlisalialDjs. 4 raairyHdiotHoas aad efcojaW' i Aa' ai Jl U "' support , , ConttltntloB AU imirahi M& jpioperln sa or -fc of th 'goverjuDeai, iht ' . to bind a voter, apoa oathVtO aoppaAtto t tawf of tto' Btals aad Federal I gorernmei .. when bis duty tq bpth'may rcasunnlai 1 do all ia his poVer ktffosW" JTSPfAljeJ I t..jtawias and inuilltatian sic tony iaatoaid - aSt ' y l TH If yoa toU tos tto UfaarcW- Tor TAXA.TJQ3, .that villMaaalr la COKTISCATIOX ' For KEG RO EQU ALITT to tto BCnOOLS Wjrfrt MhwlWl aaia -fo ireaao. qci 5 ir-irt t LIT! A t ' lrw 1 For JiLQSO FJJ oaaties; '! ! fl I - ForKiXJRaEnnaljfWj foraa 'trageooa Ti.3T-OATU tor Tie torsj (, j ,t ' ' ii.w (; Jfr Fot Uoeased aaSCEaOAXIOJTj ' ' And, flnaTfr, for'TlCm every tree it tert of Wo Carolina !r J Ai.Li...BA5T. A corretpoadtnt' unites hs that a met"?! citirw or thia-aoanty w t. Id 1 . b f ', some rtsyisioto TI-e r . ..;y was reqa J to nJ tutioa to Uie erowd -- Cm ptff'wes cy rtqueated hila; ke 1 . , 1., 1 t t 1 t.t sip. 3f . ALAMI Ti POOB MMOBO. Tien, which , 4 fss.-r!SrM..joY Radicals, tiw prod wedtru ideaf ttoaegro, "' ajrpratiateh. iinHMdui edvsatege iMiHf, 1 is varf mmUAkgmf to awid Ii'Hm To. who was to tto ttoy tktok mM f tto Mgm, wto b fitrdmt tffnm (to, jTr latwiw, icgrii'fai (to Soutk wto) to tota mto4 by xntoK" wtoto tonoiriUMd to tto df dHrart whip," la &r aoratatalr liywt MU BMI 'UM B4HI4rliyU tto gF Mtioaaf UCt4XM(Xtoa vttto m or oris fa'CUuMetfcal A Hortton Mgro i ik wattay of MltiWt, aaek Im to rit won, to Mto-nt Igiawrt, tolf oirtt fawd Mgr MMd i (to 0ff yPM Mtoa toUs of tto loat k U tto wdAft- W, Wtof, J fW,!" ol iA 'itotoitiok'M ' -to -IW blMVUl 4) fJ JirU'ui pUag'tto im y im i,.ipmiv nin inn Jh -rrtoP wM(cr'Sl wto of ttoak, tixeept mw wasy toaatha Bto Ore ty,al tWoaa, aa4 gaainer, aad WHana, w4 oeh Kii; MV toaf tlta rw.to H aay la aha Kawtoi a Utatat at tto totlot botrWh - AU4 brkUf avM of tto KohW totadk ikr tto aogro b aqaal to aufler Biro aoaipotittoa ia baaioM t Ad yet tto toM 0oatofo ttata-botdart aM Marit tto aqoaitty of their former Utm or to otiifiie'a1iiM Huldei, aettre mU daily m apatal to tto "WoffclaaTauM of XortatwoUaa' to aukt toot tf Mliuit,, tto aogra to. M tqoality Its UemeelTM, ftaa to oetaoai It aa Honor Ua)aaf sidstkx i4;Htatto aegro, tr4 wriUf num. M tto readiest ateaot of itoattodlgaltyatlabott! Weeltore erer tack Inpadenoe ia mortal au before T with will t 23Xrt Tbe rafaeal of Ohio, New Jmmy, Cou- aeotioat, Micblaan, asd Indeed, of all the ofterHotrABUtoawtora lt to toen leoeatfy liWL,o grant negro aaflrage, far a&befUilUfcortpatpabW arldeao of tto raal loatbiog vlth wblch tto Nartbera pee pie Verd, the' Bgr0. '..Tke aaull aaator la taa Hortuera mates aaeasa la be as sctue of apology for gaatlag tboat any additional pffrilegiaJ !tkaaU,1tWpaVpoee of tto RadloaU fa fooe,tbej apo (to ooath, by giriog tto negro largo advantages bare, as aa aieaas to etjobaai tto te fobob ttom ai,af tto Vrttoaa Mates., , PaoU aMuaaJipliaa ihe anxiety ol tbe Notftora people toat rid pf, tbe negro ritogADorJ bouMada of tto negroes of t)te satirf conn try are beoomiog diaoon tioied; to& ttorth and Soqtb, and are im ploring Congress to aeod ttoot to Liberia. There iaajgjsjifig ftollag among the northern whites to encourage the more Tnfent 1 Ooly thVaAWday, th following reeolittlriasaltltto.luai id tto Penn- sy lvaaia Lsgislatara t...a. WWsm. A Text majority of the people of tbe VolMt BtlteV onneva tnst tbe wblte aad black. races assaot lira together in this cdontra as teroaa of polUioai equality ,i mid 'tis tto dnAy.efi autesmea aad. pliUnnibi pists to recognise toesjetenoa oj this sroti Bent; sod, Wasreet, Several thooaaad . frevdmea is tto Boatbera Btates have applied fr pass age to Llberfa, la order to make it tbeir er saaeat Boats, and s nwveoieas la that dl- iaattoatiatoaiawwg 'general aaMiaa tbe Maeto of tto Booth ; aad . Waeraas, Tto emlgmtion et'tto'togro frooi the ooontnr. and hta eoktBisailAn la t'UTI land. lUnsJt,ia benefit to both lfbf th btack taari: rherafora. 4i3W. &, Tket nur Benatora ia Con ress toiaatraetad aad our Rpreiienttivo requastaiLaa a4aoe1e, and. If pwsllle, hi procure, aa appropriation of flremllltnoi of dollars to tne leloarsatlBn Society, ) lie esaeaaad to faaJJisating the vulantary eml fraltea at aaaesss to Liberia, ' ,Fa WWSt JBirwuuciu itj a ftaway Kadieala, eagflrty took lag to any political 4Taolaga, they sy gain y tottrt iagaegro rotes, wjll not opealy adfooate faJaitUetoVklo,Jlfkklfaa, and ahetriaBB4aVtoaMaaaVaga, eke eaaalaaiTsly.ihat tto BadloaU will set: be toblad aay Daatoarat of tto North, la pro- BBg-atoairwuraiofttoblactofr thaJlorttora Biatea..l.ThiaapiKt witt grow aad pree4; "Thaf remarkable book, Tfo Hwa,1 bp Helper, U sowing Its deadly seed aS over tto ffdrai. The poor aegro wnMbaa Bad Mt, that tto ftret, most oon atant,'':aaAooty rellaUe Irleodks bis, is his old master, apoa whose premises to was bora, aad Bartered aad eared lor I J Ban Jos a. oa rna 8aaao. The but iUUm W to taa Wtewiag i ' ,mKbt rr Biroaa ai 1 PaoruL-rThat fMlel KOoodloa tettohaly eligible toa Oidate for uoveranr, aa taa osiy one that eaa take his ant, it atecjoa.- ; ; j tatolila ttaVif alacjotL" ; Hr. Qoodioe ia a clever maa, personally, tot to ie the aomlaeebf i aUqaa, had Is a eeidaU wlthoatapariy. Thaatova kit 4 ioformatloa well says be) cea tslrs U seat, "U elected." ,. Who expects sack a re eatt I, Coaeervwtive eaa) vote for JSt. aoodioa, toc'.'tto reaaoa that to advocates 4waal1vf e tto negta with the Mhito itafopia 4rancy wita Btaa of Mr. Q ea aloe's eaat et mlcd. Morsovar. to ad- tba ratlfloaUaa at ' tto tat ssBoaa tApsavtoav : propoeed by tto lata grat Oiaesstisa, which would bar ma Mm Mtlh for liiaa,'toeajtaa toa- laaile) veaaiot tto CoastiUOoa. n? i k TtoMAUa Jtawrer rarttormore iavitaa U iBterferance of tto military, and fto tie totta tiam. Caaby, ta imitatioa af den. Maada ia dedarlag Jadga Irvia inaligibta aa Baiid!data,for Governor af Georgia.) It wants Gsa. Caahy le declare that, iBeamach m Mt Ash and Hold art both eiaarhr iBellhle, tliercAe Kr. 6oodloe Is tto aaly mliaUj oiaa U te voted for at Governor. We presama thet Oea, Caaby, aa to duty bewdvaiill execute tto Reconstiictioo .cm, and, therefore will allow tto people ta vote for whom (hey please, without dktatkm froaabiaB. r . r The Yeakta Radicals, irtto JaWIT javt grei Guavaatioe, kd lead trp y, ry atfial nunema ta rarab a fat amee tor a ta ua aeaitfcA, la the few of 'at ImauertjMal to ftuaidMd wltk th mm of tadci Um fcwlga m wU m Iwrtw UbfUg to wttto to Xfth CuvUm, Tto mtgma i pathlaaw ta defeat that partfealer project. Tto nTUng tto BnUwrU1 working eaU- rite idea with the taakea Radicals ia tto ftata, aad alttoagh deasatod tor tto prea eat ay Bto Obareatiea, tto Oeaerel Aseeav My, seesrdiag ta tto new Oaaetitotioa, is Tto blacks of this Stata assy, ttorafcra, net eeeared that aay partiealar advaataga Which they saay sapeoas thsss salves to have galaad,' tkroagh tto leterveatoa of their lernaera antes, will be tooa ooantarbalanead by ttof Band at Mxirfig 'orMta eaalgraaU which will to iatnidaawl tote) tto-Mate, if the aew CoaeliiaMoa aad tto, .Yanfiee pro grasaaaeeaa prevail U(xU B Baw O PHOTOGRAPH SOI 4-BvMoirt,BT.) r . . - (SimUit UUm.) "Ktm ye," said a shrewd Scotch Lucti, who was aekad bla optaiea ol James 1, "kea ye a Joha Ape f It I have Jaeto by tto oolUr, I eaa niahe hlta biu yoa, tot if yoa have Jack", you uao make him bite Bui " net such a ereatera was Barere. In the hands of tbe Olraadlsta, he would bare been eager to aroserito tto Jeeobioe; be was jaet as ready, la tto gripe of the Jaco bins, to proeoribe tto QirondisU. Oa tbe Idelity of sock s aua tbe Mountain eould sot, ol eearse, ratkoa ; hot they valued tbeir conquest aa the very easy aad not very deli cate lover ia Coogreve valued the 'conquest of n prostitute of a different kind. Barere was like Chaw, islet aad copjatoa ; but to was, like Chloe, coastant while pusaeaaed ; and they atktal no bum. Tbey needed a service which be was purlectly competent tp perform, aou his talent, sucq as it was, was sbsolnudy at the oomnjand of his owoess for tto ti me being. Nor h ad he eaelted aary angry paseioa among those ta whom he had hitherto been opposed. They iblt 90 mote hatred to him than tbey felt to tto hones that dragged tto aannon of tto Bake af Brunswick. Tto horses had only done o eordiag to their kind, and would, if they feB Into tto bands af tbe French, drag with eqaal vigew aad equal docility tae auas af tto fUpablie, aad. therefore, ought' not merely to to spared, but to be aW? fti d imrrUd. So Was It With Barere. He was 01 s nature so low. that it mlrht to ttottht whether to eould properly be aa objeot of tne ttoattuta at raeaeaeaie toags. ue naa not baaa aa enemy to was not now a friand. But to bad toto sa anaeyanaaj aad would now be a help. ,r. , , , Bat though - the toads af the Voimtain pvdoned this jne and adaitVxl hiin into partnerabip with . tbemaelvee, it was not without exacting pledges such .as made it impossible lor aim, rales and acaie a na was, ever again to Hod admission Into the ranks which ha bad deserted. That WM troly a terrible sacrament by which ihey admitted the apostate into tbeir commu nion. They rdsmsndrd, j4 that be should biuisell take the most prominent part ia nr4rini hit oU rUndt, . Jo re fuse was aa much as Ins lift) was worth. But wbar ts Me worm When it n only one long airooy of remorse and shsms t He un dertook the tank, and regaled Robespierre nd some ntluT Jam.bioa at a tavern." Biuuut ano bbiobtbb grow the skies 1 Uoldon and lrt liflahioua' Const If dftion will I most pigaally rpadiated by (to toawt white people of ttofltate. Along with tbe diegaeUog pair, down to "da si-chlvee" pi populsr se.r: W!1 ga'Diddy ftbwiea,' th outloaar Bodnan, little Toddy JL, Jsj bird Joaea, Xsrsaay Sam, Carpet bag Meaaiogar, aigger-baagiag Jenkins " Ttibulation Ashley, Corporal Pool, Baeeah Thomas, Owl Russell, Toargee (eoid to to tWrnssDest maa la tbe 81 ate, at present, sxcept about one,) puffy and Muffy Btartiuck, Cauqqn, he spoil 1st, and tto rest of tto delectable cw. And sue .,cttw never before, , , (' "BobmW s ship or oat a tUroii I1 CoMBriroD-Xit4.iThs Cf eervatlrae -f Payetteville had a glorloas rally last week. Dr. Craven, the Conserva tive nominee for Bapsrintendent fit Publio Iaetractioa, who was ia towa, in attendance aa a Railroad meeting, tolag Invited!, to address tbe people, delivered aa able and Impressive speech, ; patriotic santtoeat aad aoaviaeing ia eigomeot. Ml &. Bob bins, Xs), oj, Randolph, who was also maat, addremsd tto orecV, (ease she JKma,) la a toning tad acathiaf nawnar, to which Boldoa aad bis Oooalitatioa were severely handled, 1 Tto avieUaa: ,wss also sflectlrely addressed by Messrs. J. H. ilyro Trd J. tl Bobbin, Col.' r. W.HladaU, OoL McKay, Cap! Rebiaeoa dad CUoaal HoKethaa. The ledW Haersa bless ttom I were proseet hs anmimrs. Gbb, Mfuaa, hj General Cyder, ' wages way pn the dead walk and, , trees ,apoa Which tto tabawas C X, .&'a Baaa their mteteriows order. Af tba Sams' ItmerflJ aa ahteceat aermlts a ears BSnaaarinaS in arch fAraVjavaajiah4efig banging hpoa a gallows, to Indicate tto fata of, aad intended ta latlmldete any negro who may to disposed to vote fcr the Cob- narrative candidates, and tbora are ta.iB'e District two thooaaad secret negro lesgnea, whaee hs tar eel plots are paemitssd aaaawoaa ; i - Davib O. t A eorrespoadeat ,ritiag as froes Davie eeaaty, wader data-a tto Ttk. last, toys 1 ' ,"swv " If ' Kar perpki are arohsln(f. JMaoy; aho, tosbva, wera tea careless to. rwstwv are aaw ettwadlow ta that datv.tatha arirlecf of evarytaiaa alee, Old mea any they twaavat wttasiss a awca aa aprtainf or ma mesas ta their lives. Ivory Btaa le a poUtwiaa aad dls easting the merits of tto miserable ofbpriag of the lata Btoogra) eoacara, .. ren aomaol tbe traadmaa are nnning tauit with H Roll oa the good work I Pile oa tto blow. thick aad fast, aad white mm will aastalb i Ton asay tat down Davie eeaaty all rlgM 1 BH ALL WHITE tCQILDREX S3 AP- PRXimCgD TO KERO; MASTERS gaes at aaa 9f ass issaaa TBOBasugmEoa ventloa iwiaaad U prohibit each B thlsg t af ttwtiak TBE 60LDSS0 'MSKTUfQ. 8,188. i fV ,"TT"1 ing here to-day waaaeiT hugs, aad altbaegh sewaral spaskars, axpeeted, did not arrive, tba vast aad aarhaelsstV) aasombUge was eaMUWsy.uf BraMwIeH.- Tto laenaaiataBctos of the eaadiclaUs ot tto KewaMkeea parVy, M this Bute, were laid oeiat oj. aiiaaei spear, ana air. powi taoroaarhlv dieaecled tto "Kewlee Koaeti' totlon, aad etoawd.aB.fc their tnss light, itt aatrasreoaslv 00001 loas wovieioae, Old WayaaU bit HOtLl Tto Ouatt. aadi- datae are fullv roasjaa tto peoola. Tto wblaw wid tlelhetrduty tore nobly, at will beyond doabt ,to ahowa aa eieft tym'4ayJlaltLe ajvart feet., of -"Koaatitat abaa," Hoidea. BcamsTsciam. "OianJ" Brogdaa odWI s1cfa." 1 KUKLOS. ,tU Isll.l r lafthe BesHaal. OLD ORAB9rOBEYBI Oranm ia dataeialnod ahaS mm diavrM ful record ahs9 to returned from her ata- eiaota la tto anadina eKotlaaa I. . a aarge aad aaUiaalastie meettag was held at Fket Riven en .the 1 4th. Wist, when, to motion of Dr. 8., M: Holt' Mr cC A. Dur ham ws eafled to the chair, awl oa aiotms ilslJt Ij Vehh R. A. oaaedwesaaueaB aeorotary. - Dr. B. M. Bolt, throairh reaueet of tbi chair, explained tto object of the meeting in ew earaeat ana Mrp reset re- msnner.'Tic i'oaior remarked tnst aow was tbe time lor all Btaa to work with aa enenrv and deter mioatioa that will ackaowiedge no raseit bat success, for tto fruit of its labors ; thst we sboald not by supinely oa our becks and let tbe present eoataat go by defaolt. as wa bad duos. Be did notknow of a white maa in his nelghborboed that would vote ooatrary to bis mtareet, aad for that in famous equality, thai was being attempted to to enforced by our Radical opposes ta in tba, lata CoeveaUoa. He waa pro ad to state that to did ant siga tbe CoontltutWia, thinking he was act Ing oot the fcelinga of his constituents. . Capt A. Mangam next addreeeod tbe m eating. He thoagbt it behoeved every maa to vote against tbe Constitution and tbe entire Radical ticket That a coda ol laws so oppressive, aad a ticket aa otyee- Monaoienoatd be sparaed by sH honest aad high-toned patriots of the State. That tbe arrangements ol the Militia aad Pablia Schools, having a tendency to bring about social equality, between taa eaaea, wasedi 00s for oar's sad lor our children's teture bsnptneesl Thattt was matoded ta hu miliste tbe white mea of tto State, by those who are our 'deadly enemies, sjosmies to sit bat their Individual' satorsat, who care not a (g lor laws af a aapagaajit amaiacter, so they canld got tbe emalamaata af aiBce aad tto bribes of Korttora oapiuham, tor wboos utareste tnese xai'iies.paa' advaa Urors imposed tto Immense tag tbey pro pose to rales from a wer-etrVkea aad bag (rared people. ThatllaatFaU tHa tlection went bv dniaolt. ao aceooal af the IndifTur enoeof the w bites; but aow he was pleased to see si 1 10 ear nest and alive to tbe dtgni ty of tbeir State end the lejr tbey had lor their oAsaafek;.' ' ile-ttaWxl tha,ns to knew of no one that would vote tor Mr. Guthrie, toiatssildsiot eommaM oa bia'viMMe) tet bis lanlta; but Gulhrle wss dead at this procinot and to would W Sxult over bis misfortune, ss thst was contrary to tbe usages of a mairaanimotia people. But Mr, G. used the dagger himself tbst proved his ruin. 1 vol it. r, webn next, in bis impressive manner, spoke.' He stated that tbe object of tbe meeting was te organise a "Conserva tive Club;" that some time since tbst wss thought exjuulieut, but, from what be had laiLlj suea ol tto feeling ot the mas es, ha thoagbt It would to suporflous now ; that bakaewal) the white mea would 'po sa mesas for Conservatism ; that tbey will lorm a club, oa tto day of election, to club, by ballot, tto &k Provisional Governor from tba Gatoraaterlal Chair of this Btatr. He proposed that a Committee be appoin ted to scrutinies the management at tbe polls on etecliee dav to see that all wbitis and blacks had Justice done them. Twelve f oar most worthy citizens wsre onoeen. Vol. Webb also proposed that some ar rangeoienta to made to feud the meeting, tbat waa to to held tors m the, Htb. last., as many of taem would rams from a (lis tanca, aad tbeir patriotic ml uiuat not Ue allowed Agrov )'Vl W account ol empty siwuaacha.' ' 1 Arrangements were made to give them a plenty. On motion of Dr. Holt, s Committee of oorrespoadenoa was appointa.1, to invite Hoa. JoaiahTaraar.and other distinguished gawtlemaja) W mddrem tto people a tto lltb. kasa., at this plsoe, on the sahject of tbeir aaoee aau interest la tba euming dentioaa. , . .0ii;n' ,M-:ii-Tto Secretary was requested to tend a oopyof tto proceedings of the meeting to tto Weekly BtiM tot publiaatioa. r,. m t v .. ; . i. i.Xoara, Ac tSpeotoaateapawilaaos of tha Bait. Oaeette.) ' WAsaiaoToa, April 8. Tto Ole Bell eoacert, glvsa tore a few evaaiage since for the benefit of tbe Lincoln Monument, was a decided failure aad did not pay expenses. The Rev. Byron Binder lajad, haricf tendemd his aarviors ta opaa tto eoacert with prayer, prayed that tha Almighty would foravar deprive tto Dutaocrttia party af political power (ealDng tto party by a era a,) at that party bad eb nerVed nni Vetprctwr fbd OoortTtarlnn' VI the eounJry aaly wrewthaanfcb; make it tnbeerva anaa? atinsa parp aees, ana asways dteregardad It wbea it ttood ia tba wsr. hi telraaUotoavaa WM-ViUaexurto wewsa. ewal waauemae) ppimaawaoeaj'ArBevl after dalrVerlag'tkM atipXel an wbt Throne tof Oaaeeaadhk aadieaoa mweny diagesh- SB old shying that "U ha R1 wind taet aoee aot aiow suimo .one , goost,1 v aad tto 0oroaat-at Arraaaf the Beanta ia fully rea&ting IN tratkfalneat. The aingle Item ol irlegtsph to Qea. Bvaawata ia California ta appear aad testify oa the Uwpeacbmrnt trial pate axteew baadrad doilara of the paopU't satoej bttd Mr Brawn'i pocket He w paid eaaatractive mileage for turn mooing wtlniimn at the rate at tea caatt per mile, end at away ta? tto witn ssen are called from e rraat diataatia, this offlcer wilt Btatobly betbaealy oat will whaiaajly amka. a 'good tniog" out oi taa HBpoaonmeavoi tto PtarldtBC - Bat who earass the pwbiic debt is wear aweavy-etB' huexwait aailiinaa. aad tha tsarte sa hurtbeaeymt tbat tto few thousad dollart fobbed by tto BergetBt at- by tto people! , , yi t "a 11 aaaWMw.'-. "Wa aaderstand tto high tpfrtted ladim of Caswell have become interested ia tto canvass thst ia bow going eav ' If there erer waa a time, when tba women eogbt to ra raga ta pelitlm, tt is now. All that it dear ttbeat k at auk a. Woesea .Caswell I yoa are right Jeasillr ( Ka.) rtose. . ir mam baaoBu AprM IdaaAiaamwaaea KvKurx. Tto lUw JFork Tt4m trigbteaed. or rather aflaatati toU MchteDjeL bv the Ka KU aadvVrdtia aamiaua of editorial to deauSr eiaaoacati tbam. VWbat a eeaameatary npoa aeBBacivinaauon aou Mnguwuw Tba 7A N" "at iU igaonat aaaU eaparaUtiaaa aoffragana ta the boats wiu aa Mghteaad oat efvsatrttoir wita bat their radical ieoa, by Hydras, Gorgaaa aad ehi. maraa din. Tto army aad tto navy mast LGe pat ia calmfc Broyaet them from their optanMitioa aad flticbUm. A .ubAe Mkv 0Vf"llwltBt Hlf tdel eilsCf ajareBaaTFwaatei1 Btataa. teA.wiAia,, , ,, f 1 (tea ot aha, aunt nronuaeat of tba Jaa- tiese sttoamarema Caart ot tto. Btaia of Hew York, waa slwasgty oppeeed aotrbi eally to Mr. Johnson, has stated rtoeotry, at hU aaiahM. that tonsils Mc Jhoa.a BUMt be aaa, pitted, and tiatifasHivielad, it waaid. tonpoayarely ptittat,gauamoa.i''jra tjfon purely awatesaa gsaeails iOitll "I M: On the atataf Jaaaarv last.' at to taeMiasi at her kaajaawl, MU all. AirT, b. U, Mi am B.. waV af Jaaaas Ot U mi.to. I turn rear of. be aa. " " ' A OroensUiro' tulHut ai aTBntiia aVaattee! Bleaeseoeyt '.' b - vm 1 saw ADyifiiiszjtun It tWINH, tUTIKIN AND -PHJM afnkawla. na-aaivav apnixMt - WsUeltwtBitBLb- Ebm vxuy t aaar iuwtiuia, am .... .. For ssls by tha aaa., U aaru le-tr uciuuiaw jvun. a si haokm a o rtMlL. riXHIit; J Jaet reernsd aad lor wla by 4rU 10- U lHlUULAM UUX. tm7 ACKB 1UO 1U ' a.ai by ArU lft-tf IXILULAB BkMJL Malasscs, fJaluesast rCri HHP SEVCBOPt-'A !: - rJVr I.bbbTb, arrlvink and to arriv st "1 Aar d KMX , UPCHUUCH A JPODDn. j Mwtlcej. rwvi uuAM er thu out hmpabi wiu. J as prsaaaian, irwa wis Has aaui um sua i.y .4 April. Ins mis o taw I lany. aaoe- rmo-orr, will be Applied u all peraoua lu urreua. if ImUs srs aut astus J lw mat tlagr. Awil IS ''it gwAwat sw awmwasmmtjssia, Ooewror Plsas axo qtBTa flmsioiis, Faaac Asr lata, ItKIS.' R.O. Lewis I vs. Original AUcukuL CO. Millar. ) la hia ease, It appeariuK tu um Oout that lbs Daeandaot ia a Boe-reaidat, it is liisrtauar er ilisid bvaaja-Coast Ibat ewblioatioa ibe- Inn taa Baiaigh WaklF aaaoiMl, aw Ul aaouMrs wests, aotifriaf tba eaid lunMiduit ta b and appear at the Beat team ol see mat Coart, ka an kelaat the CauH Moeaai ia balerh ss Itt M B miliar tn ltajr axt,ead hau aad eaafw Sa -se plorf aad ataait, atbsswias jadgataat wul aa reap oered pro oonfeawo Akunt hial. BiiMi J, . rBKkKLU 4Bark raiar said Coart, at oaMa,ihs t-d Madas ol rrasrv, Uaa. April UVwda 4. J. raitaai.ii, u. o. v. SABi rtaBJTti'tlstbr.irtA.r CouaT or Plsu w d QatawmaBaaaauaa. Fcaisu- BABf '1'BBBLj I .11 T H. Pool ) ' - "' '" vs. f Qrtymai ABeWtaawa. ' ' . P. A, rage, j : ' In this oitSa, Itivpear&ts to the CMtt rhat & Dehtndaut is a uou-rtrndoul. it Is thi'tutors or dered bj tha Court that pnbUuAtion b Bid tp the KaleiKfa Waeklr BeiUintL tat r six sueeeasis weeks, notiryinc ths ssidOsfeadaal to Bo and ap pear at tba next term ef our aaid (Couxt ,. 1,0 ? held at tbe Court Rouse to Raleigh, off 13; 3i'd Monday in Mar next, and then and tbete tn 't'a- tj aoapiaau, ouiarwu juagauuu wui ps dered nrt omtfttaao arkiiit nun. Witoaas i. i. rallBELL, Clerl ol our said Conrk at offioe,tha ard MondAT of Apru iinnw i. i. run. rpWINTT-ttECOXD ASSOAL oTATMB!tT or Tax coKPiTioa or rat ,' Caanctt t tlatoal t.tCs lanawaawa t'a , Jsssr lat, lBosl. ., tolauoe peraUtemsatian.'t. tte7 tH.tJ4,83 M Dedaot aoeraad Iatfrsst laet Annaj. , metatemeat.,.. . ,. ,1174,811. t6 - j I' -' io . nil Iaooms from Prsmiuas U,3mi17 tueueae rrem lataseat raeaived and aocraed, lat ltl TS n,a30,3 a'i Dedael, paid Medical juuuiu.itiuiia, Ma. , ruts , ttiaiiouerr, PrJa . ... , ' ,. tiug. Adrwusuuj, , , VAM , Coaiiuissiooe loAeols. '533,884 'iO Taxua, ,., tMU7gH& , Murplua preausms r turned to aaaured. , . . eiAflM Bn ' Forsiuudrulut4icui' S22iMti. . t.lW.Sfl.W,., ri'.M tl7.tSHUA loereared tahM ar Bonds sail Stocks oter east, l(w,S9t. ' I'BsU-ve Slat Jasnarj, 1MR, ' 1 . , i. Assera. tm.ltt Mt,T4 Caak deewdtad, -i daMJU.U e-tl Beat MUM at Oeat , INLlrHH tisaae un uutula aaa Horlsage ol Boat KaUte, Uuitad Btataa Betoritiee at Market ( ttMRMs value, ." ' . . .. ... , n,Mi440 go OodcU of tto tU of CuoiMeUoat, ' IltiuaOl) IJondsof tto tolkxaisvTitoaBd,,,,, , Toledo, . BOM). (Uiik and Railroad Storu, ,. . , T. SL,W0.0 Loan ca btoehs awl hoods.,,, . . , , 180,7So 00 rreBiiumMotoa. "Tf , . . ',V ,'ti4MAI '" ", we qauos a f.y m,n laUaiuul, ; ' .... ... W.WS.Tt Intarsataosraed, V." u.J.'id, ,'A1 .. is. a rj t'f Vs. f f' rntersat raawrsd aura tkaa Basw isaaaai - IMridnxl arennorer Re per eent. ' " ' ' AB poHeiea nou as aiiubls ror t states' emewat. AMrancveaa tweneeted k all fores Bush aa, 8. D. WAIT, General Ag -April t -tf ii'tl uatalatfVM eJtl A yoang kuVj. well oaalited' "taaasagA of a FamilT Bcboot. who can Kir tnatraetlaa ia Ma. m and alt the braaihM aaaalty taagbt, daalria a a. aauiia un. b. auBnoL awe. rra M..O, ar Editors of the rhafiaal. tA ,M Twaatf Basaa prnae FACTORT CHKBSK. las mwmimmA uruiuBwxi a tsuutra. csvrt. orncB. n. a BAtLkuADOQ-L O CeavaBV aanra, M, C.,April.lSt, f,f On Bad after thia dais the fcHowiae; win to lbs fehadaM km1 Paasenror Traia arer Lhu toad' Leara OasrtoMs aBttJft . li.M p. Hi - rIMbarr x rr a. M. t ot a. M. - ArrW BtOdAoro'... It 15 KM Lse,Malrs'.....Mr-ms,Uat P. K, .", aleiist..M, f.... ........ 1-)M Orernabors' TIT P.M. Ba"Basr....T.-.-....ii-."K aat P. M.- Arrir M CWnttSuJI. v .... lLtt P. M. Thsoearh aaaaanirsra to hai Ba base eheha at as Uiianli an aaa uwriia Motam, B.miB and f rldii tit Hir-aiT-id iw Pnrts jaA am.ma mi mM pmu mih,0 J) igaas aa 1 tea liaae hf mUmt roni. tMMaUeaii saad m OoMabwa'wlth Ps us rartraioe sn W. A W. Brwd to and hmm Wtazaaar. ton, aad ts WM W Irrias anaa. Aleeie Meweara aa A. ABC Bead. i. Uuu A-vf,! rrmr'nt train w-ilt tear Chariot! at 1 A. Bl sndarrnamaetfV u - Aprile-tf dAJUBJ AJUIBIUJOB, BWpl. I t..t:,1Japi. 1- -B.T i 0ETa1ICB ND ITS 1 AOOKFABY PAYWO LOtmES PBOM1TLT TOU k LOSO -IltIEH OF TEAB8, tap mtmmr 4a ntiaaaWm. h) eatithm w taa eoBadeace ami patriMiaa-e st oa jtojaa Jaj y J , . rrraA T.TITF. fiflllPAWT. ' ., fa adUiea toyyaaBDaBt of i hli4llul 114851.; saia aiBes'its orswauioa, stay hs added the I Ijlaiawaajrirto Policv Mm a4rTHHtaet. 'i .4 .,a rftA.4JA.t - 4AM4 The value ol an lasersniis. sitbw Agwjsi nr Of rHoBrbdiW, aua aruBdt astioe in dmcbu-ging a,tt4,TMs Fill M . u . kwiit Mtoinul ileaa, wih ba ims aaaeAue toaa The AtAaa mi as aeaohe apea sgaalmm m t,ooo, oet.f .f -...... I pivisiBi.B euarLualLea-"w ihll(ifcl,l Xl t - - - - ' v-rea-"BfBjr t Tbe Attoa will 1m a potoy uoaMa se Bajuwiii. j p aais( mora witt hs aa. aaaweV4kaali Ska aart ajtrWrnur urlor.jr yeai-., a...l afu Um wau af tea saarn UmJ eutitled lo the dnldenda ot tne Companj ao laas: mo ixfww , fam JBlaa farm sVyaaal Kadownient IVjuvum Ui tm at duttu e thssi The Mu gn s general Sana to reei - ;,.. ... w uonaa BUtes ssuuml Baa? satra eaaraa. aad ia eilreeuMte s' as ataajr advaMUa". tU insured as si maar SZtZd , aivaa as atej linlus inj.taWsn: ,' . w. n CB.ss. m. u.. aiunuiniR ts PHCBNIX LIFE I N S U R AN C K COM PAft$: EDBOM VEBBENWKN, Prasldenf. TS PtUtHKNTlKO THI CLla1 OF THE X (Datrr1. M law paopK ur Buna uarouna, we awi laviuwuiew eneal te tto Aitlow. inr Matemeawi : - , I It ai t Mutual Oempauy. ths predU bsiaa d t iMhisurad am aUewed to Sravet an ranids i J ba ditideoda avrKd SO per eeot yearljr. ai.il are payable on the amoaat ef stlashaaasll k. i .i - ry s. 1U puu4ee aeatWBUnrviuaiiinw IU poU4a at all BON-fOMEITINrt i. lu luaawa bar bu autt by Uu aanaal i no lo awM taw gew eal Mad lelonring w 1 t. k hs patdovar Bsea.eea af losses ins asd T. lu raw of esearenoe are ss ouaap mm aaj A It wiix or oweaaaa unooxu un a Oa aatf tbe araauaia anl Be rwTd id tbe i aaraa. dadsirtad tram ths ttom ol the pabeT 10. It tus ao ooasaDnoa wtrB free lsuai A. O'i . Relative characier af Uie Cotntanus , J&4 IAihiLHir tajftntfoin the imir 1867, which if stlte Lut ' ' each Vomvuihf has to Ptux, stcTfsi. (,r, ......... Baoucua.'.i . CoSHKCTUll r Ml'TCAl, eoottabu . . Masbittis. . . , , .. Tb PHtMV tHJTl'Al. oflor peeulisr IndncemenM to citizens or ths Boatbera I lAlion with i -card to residence and treTel beina almost unrealrieted. Ttos sU, uurtiUare mads from Impartial reports in ths handaof the Agents of the Oeeaaaaf ' ' ' Prthctfildfiiee, HARTFdRD, Coxn. Zi.y. Fdr forth Inform ttoa, apply te taa Tvswemng Arenta, or to ... , 'tLWM ft MAOlkt M i. i -ft .JU, VAgttWwrtaCeMtO Jts. ie4m J IA 1 k ..BaWgb, MC. a a) J ,1,3, , r. u v )B ' W Id A H (a. Z e Ca si 80LCTELY : 6ft trr anrtfm BAITSiTWaTW VAur Mrrai.a V a viihii in IVU11I1U.I JlttalwJUAAAAVMiaak. t H -l i l I h ISS- Partof tha prem.Turi loaned, vu uio yuuaj ui caac vt ' v -.t:rn :l it..-. 1 ' Tfc iiMmTI t l'J SAW 1. !4l -S-lt. . ,)1 I Ihsn ihnm of shrr.Ciaajijtlim. h Offlce, Pftt. M4tl BMNsruiavay vaVsaUt3tfceaftBBBBIIaly, y LeftSBesMM ftatry- rasatmal hf awuA, hf t .-i.t Jr 3l I T5H OKA 3 lr:"t ID, . BaMs;h. B'atsieto, A OBIOVLTUKALAXa WUDIIQ LIMB. TT "eegmi.BliteV eeytoAle7 Paei Aa.atttaraVAe, aOT-lfaL ' 14 i ' """"'"""'"J' , " '" ii wia-msv ear to beaaad la 1 .."" 'V, r", A. B. BoUdD l ImTa!awth CaU atot KalMSM la awthrto4 ta rwrara arsastsl -. " "ram, m Btaa nak paymeata. Bsrasas IJtua FJaaJLUJ- " Ajtawisim Btaratt, -.. H r fcrsarmATtehliriisTT 11 1. tOO HOTbB, nr St tyw.iawriatiow Of n-raaaiajawa ta swbua. at Mtctini Knm. m ttvwfwTa, a few tra W of the a wta i'i'M, lrnw ma,.rb B;afwswvBttal ar! It-Am a tt T a vr n ii " - 'Js-t. BEKEFIT3 AEB INCALCTJUBLE. , "W r at Tat v m r a r . " v .. ll i lilll UTII II II II HUB In Wism leannai IBiai i f"" ',io, "rfTTTn t T II n i si iTZT i lWln YAi)sa lb jWqBB. - ' HIV W.M" 'Sl w avMv i Maw) , . -v taa ' , '; ; r T .a3 1 ti 1 or nfa." is to'liavViW r taToafliur la a bZl v 1 " s all Jt aanrfslef , tods is tAsT'" Mto" moSa f r u.i "iOOftiu,,. MTIDBnna, it 1 1 i 'S'tllSg .Alii BOB im-j'"-' r taunt .tirjA,..u ta all wlm uati uald tw rnln wuu ru luam 'S'ua. Mia a4CS a. o. u iliai.'.. . toaU dvniUH" lu I bo iasured as suf n St Slot-, Oi'Btral 4fat,law, .(.!. jmmr. mm tiu vv . v irnr raj jb bvubc lcwia. a. . MUTUAL vumn tut v. -a: K If JATJ if Ml .ttDTrjAI. I.IFB INBDaUtBCat Urild anionirihe Titartd. ' " v ' '',") -. . iu stir pi. i ' i ine United Btates aad Imeia. at aB 'bV 'XT' r iuttirel reiiivtii aliii, anj a sarphai af BXtsrsst iimurua. . . ... ...4 ssrxs omraMnm a oladb. . Uoincuiiy autag a asm bnainaas. : note or the '-- i Thlnb BStt. at' a. i.l.tW ' u. upd ating in Nvrih OarvUtta, f to i ijit New Ywtc luwrimoe JBrpait far report siotmn'g how much if Jmt$'''h. timet etu-h dollar of Luwility ?i.v ' ;.J,'.I. .11. ti. ..A.---ABI to. 1 at-.j-c . - t r. i . a. .1. riifi i Q ..imi jj x e: is ft.. J LW.I A .il 1; Z' - tr ' few v J. A i al -- . rrr--w M H a n-v?' v tTON TRAVEL OB RffSIDISCB J Jf .. t. If and navlptwt tftyrtUn'SKtiUil&ki1 in daBBin aner tne aeoona rear. j .'. ;t ' iS IfJ I xS-M' ; s nmi ; w t 4 'ijltdw': Jim TO Tiii atlOTWJ ' iTia H ja.'" 1 A ,W A t ' awv x vra waa .j. CHRISTIAN. BOrCHa . . . ?t.j iu.i''i1'.S -. ::; . j . . v.4ka. .-. . H.asi - -waU, XAVtTTfTnV (leneral !Agwtf Jbr tbo SratBaMf Narlh OaitJiBB.; s j jiti m t m u-y.ijf via Ui 'J tJI latBiiS i ia i ..I. a n. a rrr A axjKrnir to i WILUAM tt. tiOX. ef Wake, as a eam at tar B.Bsitnr af ati th ta. fadT " .ntoiso ' . . BnxHB-Lt tWKTf POTAT PIABT- lUU INU to BW aad lor alj bv : I '..- 1 iMtt 1J1 JJ TnSQUSH ASD miSCH KCatBaaV-;- B DCKTHKAT LAST OF TBI IAWSV , K- ; fnrmmir by BtLLll TZeturw-.T. JoixUtaw ... vf'v it re Brasrwar haaA Caaawstlf as sw, f i i . ,-itaxsexB0jiFjp. a WfcBMTT!samHntTBFf CBAwad tad traBn(ia. Hr-ei.s j 1 a -" ' - taa aaa ta JSA. nlv mm sa H BWU BT sk tjanaa teurt . vn-r T it ie.. "4