-. l 'V A. A - ""tipe6ll(BI DAILY SUNTINKJU, BATCRDAY.APEII, if, IMS. ri .J J -Mil !' Cuvuien for th Stat a IaVg. The following pentk-men hav beea am pointed, by tb biato Coaaerrattv KlecO. - hm Uommitie, cuimmi for mm But u Ion. It U to l boned that tbey will at Boot mak appoiotnieoto to addrea tb peo pie. Tbaerigiaal papareoataiaiBgllaelM ot cavueere tor tb state fearing beet ttihw placed, tb lultowiojf t tadatved to b 4 i correct Hati - Hoa William A Qraham. . .V, JaaMa It Leach. : Gob II W Baaaota. f Boa J B AULeaa. ' V Jeee Q Bbepberd. I . fhj af area Erwia. Hoa r BSattertbwail. Hoa Aa Bigg. -; J. W. IWxirna. BTKcAdra. w " GorgIavi,j.j Jea B. rkaWj -i- ' g j Pereo. "" f J ' - ' m . II, a dmjth." -' f "''-.mi UOTU.B. ,,,4 ,,,.. Cul Robert Strong. ! , . Boa Kaf baniai Boydea. .u Joba Kerr. - - George How rd.'"'' i n y . , vol n a - W pByaum. Gil Leitch.'Ei. ' ' - Col 8 MeD Tt.r i, . Arch McLeaa, Eq." Col D D rrbea. ' Ralph Gonwll. Eaq. Col WT Mania, i. Col Jat T Morebead, 0 B Bandera, Ziii. WrMcKaaaoa, ICao,. Col B B BproilL ;., lioa Thorn S Anita. - Col Walter LStaaia. J Boa. B. 8. Oaitbar, '' Joaiab Toner, iiV.. D.Q. Fowl, -p-aWi r. Joba H. Hugbtoa, Em ' I CoL Wav A. Jaokioa,: ,,all( j Win. Eaton, JrE.q iJ R. K. AraifivM, Ja I !.iM 'i u '.JBdward Oonlglaad, KJ , ' ' " v ,vAA.cKo,(Ei, ,i4 - P.H.WinUa,EMi.K , " t W. Mek MeKajr, Aq., .. .) ' - CoL 8. H, Walkop, Da rid P Caldwell, Beq. - -j , . ' !Col Tboi C. Fuller.- ' Ik, Dr, 4 T Ifacb. lu M. u. watiaeu. jua. t -i u T. Browa Venable, Eq. - Dr. R.K. Bpeed. w ( " W. H.'KNiai, JSaVJ.W U419UA ,h Jamea T. UttliebvaVa uir aJxfj Atlat J.Dar)raotik rJ)H ft iOfe I lflISHABBiyAl:BOaaTtAlrKRiAL. lsuf Ana iorb ptUui AlW. flMa4 liiihaBd taod Buvda, ililrer ttaad, Japwaeae and Irurj AioiK Valla, Baa4 WaUat Oanaia Knoba Car naga aad Tin) Bolt. Axle Clip awe a1 w PlaU ii. JKaaowlad MaJ-la, PriUiag waa ojbim, 'liuuli LMthar aad MoU-aluo, CM vtaia Carpal inK, Jpaaea aad fUUd BaeKlaa, ftww Hr aiiifa and Vf hip Hooka ta. Wood Urrup, llofxf Hi.r1iiK, eeMrted. . " IiUOWiJ.m.h HalMco, April 1-tf M-WHk Uari A Ua,'i ' 0 lib It U VHOM OKSBBIL CAS BY. -- iiawj va ibb. uiuTAar Oianuo, i ,a.iiaw,awH .4JlApriH, IMt QekkalOrdju) .The Cutueiaadii.; ,flaeral baa reorired laaiTBtatiua from diifaraa aeatiowa 4tbe htaUa tl Marth Cawoliaa aad Bsatb Caae- ra,aad fraai saeaiben of botb politieal paruea, that cpntbiaatioa bare beea Jonaed, ur are bow being formed, to prerent, delay e4iialer taw ezaeatioa aftbe lawa at tin VnHM Htsref , nr by orcj tettmidatina or threat to prerent peraooa from aperptiax ar aaaeatiM; the duMea ot any office or employ- meBt aader tba Uailed Btataa, at tba alea tkmi to be bold aader tin aotbonty of tbe law of Man 1MZ, Hm pnwida lor tba tor. nicMat gorwrameat 01 tM rebel Htataa," and tbe law that an Mpoiemea tary tbereta. - Wbile be to aUtafled tbat tbeae complaint! Apply lew peraona oolr of botb partite, it ia proper tbat all aac peraooa aaoald be waned tbat aar at ftaopt vj fore to prevent, diode or riay ia xectuioe, 01, taa wwi 01 to uoiteu BlU under tba authority of which lb aid electioe ia ordered, or bt tarn, iotiati- datan r threat ta prereot ay peraoa from, aeeppuBg ar amuing any one, ar trait, or om ot eoufldence tinder tbe United Sutea. aa Itui(itrar. BuiarialaadMt. Judge, blaa- aaapactor or Clerk, ar other employ ment at eeid election, wilt be amenable, wot AuUiurity U tbe Mid Uwa. bat for viotatiua .4 Um Aet at Cuwrea Ha deaa and paa tab erUria conapiraciea," Approved July 81, mi. fVtatntm at UrKe, Volum 12, Chap H7 AVLAilft.; It bt I be duty 0 the cirll aod Military aqibniitiea ia bb.fttatea to asear to every K&itrfed Voter 1 be full ao.1 free eierciw ol hia right of nffnge, Aud tliia duty moat be iullj, ulUiially and impartially performad, and Ilia Commanding Ufiu-ral conSdeotly exprcta that tbe pmipl of tlieao Btatea will nolle in arcurinjj (cr each otlier the loll and fr.M-r etrrciae ( tbia fraocbier. But if in any Dietrict or Couutr. or pollinir aubdi vuioaaifUBituaabMlBpaawld be iireiU-d. or tbe ballot-bozea or uoll-lima abiiuld be doalrnyed, or the electora duly ruieterxl uadef Hbw lawa ol the L'nited Hatel theaid be piwrerrted br force or in-1 tiarHtln from voting, new election will Htm. fmmyt ElcctiM Oralcr. t 'mi '-' 11 1 I i. ' "! BauMjciana Baonaa MiuTiaT Dur I t aa, .- ' "f ' -fSjSJO taas '. TM OoMUtaUoml eaarmHom ef tba (Hate ct enbtJMDtiaa, b eeaAiuwale wUa taw Aa wf Ctanreaa ef atareb Ha, 1M7, eapuieeiewtary to . n W L. IU, - i. - ,1. man aftUaant cmmril ot Ute retwl Htetea, Irani rd e Cooatitalkai and errM gowrw W tbe aAws- aariwf I wwatlnewrawe to aaw aawrweee Wad iawa : aad kaaiae; by aa uioaaee adwitiKl M me I7tb Oar ut auaek. 1000, 1 dav uf kuri UBL nruruW Um Hid Oooatitauoa abaB be aabmitted "Carruweh, Oate and CamaVa, aaaB atoet tUai bmn Hwatiirt and ya bal elect Uft Iiatriei-Hart!ttWBtoa fcQ rwat aaa - tiaw Dfw'riei-BertJ. aad Bartibed aball alaet eeraene rematered wader the Aet (Mareta as, UW.Kbouob A) dlDg add rthu ataa ataetajw twbe euaditutnt by ' aoktted ar to be euauUited br the Oeaaral aa beretoheftae nwrided. and to be aim wia axewwaoa ef Hurt aare arter we a awe limit ta ba aieaw b UaaaHdUawreatioa aad bariuc rartlxr prvnitd, by tba itimiwid ordiaaoeeat at lb hit tiate aa aleelia ebail ba hoid far atwatara and Beoreeeatatiree iatba Oawaeal Aaeaaibty, aad tar all aatee aadOowaey adaaura who an W ba abirtad by taw apb aa- dar tbia Uuewutatua, awd IbrtW, that la aaob unwmwau uwuu at Uia Btai aa eieeuuw ahallba Urfd lor a member of tba Hooee of Kep- ea ef eka Vailed Htataa Oeaawaa, U traL Tbai an Inrtirai ba bald la the Mate ut nerui carouna. eoBimeBeiBa oa Tuesday, uw Hat day uf April, and ewdine ea Thnrvday the d aay of April, Uwa, at wii&h a rwiriatered o Mra of eaid ataie may rut "fur CoortM.BU.ja" ur ' AxaiiMt Conatitaliua." and auo rat tba aaue ballot for tbe HtaU and Concty fflutm and tor ajeaiberi or um nulla aaatss u.nuo m nevrs aatatirea, aa apauood ut tbe biun ettad erdi Amuat It khan ba tba duty of tba Buarda of RaHieratieu ur nortb Oaroliiia. eumiweoHnir iMtrlMW daya prbw ta the efcwtiua barein ordwrad, aad aiviiMf j-nawiiabla imiaie autiea id tbe auaai aua puuw tbfrear , to ravine i.ir a iwtoa or Be daya, tbe regiatratloa bate ; aad upon bning aat UAed rbat auy poraou eutHlMl Mierabt baa aeaa regunev, loawiaa me aaaw er earn pw aow from lii kitUL and aaob aeraune aball nut be eatiUcd to r4. Tbe buarda of Hrgiatratiuu ball alio, daring tba aWM period, add to maeb bate aaaara ef aa tmraowe wheat that tim ptwanw tbe wwajlAalmiw requiead ay eaid Acta vbo bavti not already beea r-auaereu. Thirti In dMsidine who are to be atricken frum or added to (he refflatration IUU, tbe Buarda will lirmddbytbetBwof Mareh , 1WI7 and tbe laa auptiliaaeiitary thereto, and Uiht attentioo y direct) to tba aapplenuutarj Aut uf T-e nrnorea, tnt twb 4Jitrict, etiunty or IMiuing MtuutvtaiOB. ,. , ..itm.mi and tbat the iawa wf tbe United IMwfw Tnay be rlnlf eteeotedj that tb nf1r(T tliartfdd witb conducting thaelec tion may .U protoetod ia tba lUacharge of ai -iDittw, awn nat tn qnaliaed eleetnra niur lie nrtar.fj In thai narrU. t tk rhvtivt' frilniiiiil' t'omniandara of Poata are AuUmxHvd.Bijeiuirer ia.itbair iuiliiment It y. Baiary,.iarinoiot, intra theom- vn in tiiearm or U6 Kteetrmen'e Rnmin. tiftbKircyim.nlond, MrUlAty Cimtqilmiuo era lor Diatricti ur couotiea within the terri lorlMlunataaf tbeirwmmadi that are ao remote from thnr )iedinrtere that tlie ppf m ounfcrTtd .upon,, Jot Cptnmanibin caauat JWmitteOiaUly or direotly eierciaeti al'bdaiiutary Commiatioaart ao appointed r irrreated witb all the pnWert of the Jos- um 01 me reao 01 vitunoM or Unuatlea, we mm po4iue WBKWiraiM W cltunl, anil wil tow-goverwad ia tle exeootbjii of their da tie by tbe lawi of the State In which thev myi'1Wtrarf.,,icbt to far Aa' theaa. lawa uity.b ia conilict wki lb lawa of tbe Uni- M auuaiwr wli tbe ordtra hward from VI. 1 Ileadaunrtera of Ihfa Dliti-lnt. mn.t m i.'.diliOS to Bill trOODA that mav ba nlZA at tbf dipoMd,,A( givea laeoommaad of bbafwiic -fom ' Dietriola. Countiea. rtieirnl towti "nd ll pollc afflceW iV - rw.- -:r. ! EALKlflH A OAJfTCUL BAiLaO AO GO Balcigh, M. 0., Baroh Mat, lailh. . J.r, ' On and after March Slat, 1MB. T e the baUih Uaatua lUUroad , MaOTratormBAlelgh., ,' Mail Traia learee Weldoni 1 Arriraaat Babibrh. ....... The Mall Train make noma eoneeetiona witk J1 panre bit nmii lor UUI. tDer AD point North aad Month, I )n Bunnnemepi r nnaer 1111, tbe oae will Anrat-tf - ' Bant, of TranirtaUii. 1 ,umiL ,imi Mm ra inn aihm nmu ntaa wliuewol ', . . ,r r1- uiiw, , aa (oUire i ' r,lu' ,wr 11114 feecu( rdrt . S Tt 1. r. ' I .... p..,,-; -um.a.iamT w wil BWt n m a U 'AlOBMM. .i.Jr.v-, YV.; : uiiVIIiiAfi rmWnwmprompil, ba in lully wuorUd a to enable the Com. mandia.Ueoeml tw doiile whether It tball anul forbid. 1RRR. :. SPRISft ATfirif lRfla d.heiitrbvlictioa barein eiiwa to lb Bili BOOTB. BIIOEB AND THl'IhU. I?f? .;?"m,T,',,,e,.'w,!l w'dtarmoad and , ., 1 lllnHlwnvlliA ' an AT WHOLESALn, W a ITJl BATE KKCEIVKB A LA BO K bTOCK 1? of t. 1 jt f n' w w O0T8 AJiD liaat from tbe Mamifaetnrere. whkb w wilt tetl aa low aa geede of tbe aame qwanty eaa bebeauu la new (ork. ybinaaipiwa ar HetmnaM. . . . i.u litnKer tt tlx 1 lUthmitt beretofore n-la gated to Tout Commander by Ornera Or- uara mat nu. ni .way uu 1SBT, aad Ueneral Ordem No. Ut, prDeoemlaif , 1807. and will not b oonaidernd ai riteodlng to the inualiKarita latlinir nrdlmry permnal rela- wae, miHwa tw eivw anihorltkw abonld ft WTCHK A PAUKKB.r.n I fWM Of fall to liltinrewa inanrrnxlH .11.- ,Ul5-. Tl,"tniM'' Andtdgir. .11 rightful r Them barhw fbreaek thai baaw tbw 1mm Y 1. n , . prorJ i ana an . aaU W maaeju ak. A 1T0THKB LOT OF CANNED PEACHEa XX ' ; , JnatreoaiYed br 1 i'j Yt;'i April 1-tf , , . I)OlLJ01.A8ill((,lM lUotw.od, Wbether 1 Aottiorlt or not. aw 1 rrquireti 10 net ita iecute all .lawful or I dure of Die Military Cominiuiooera to the Mia tittirt and' rn th aame manner that tbaytreiMluircd ' bv law toon and a ijuiq luewnte pi tue ciyiliuBUtrteA, , , u(n.ai ut aomjiauat tbat bav racbd Jalr 19. mi Fouiih. Any duly rerietered rwterof thie Hute vba awr hare iweaemd from tba Coaaty bt wMch he waa ratard, abati be aaUlled 10 role ia tbe County to which be baa removed and baa reaulad for l be ten aaye next preceding tnia election, upon preaentaUoa of a eertineaic of refnatratiou from Uia Uoaaty in wlucu ba wn oriKiaalu ri-K- tier aaliaiibcUi- red. and that he baa wot voted at tbie eleotMo. II ahall ba the Uatyut.tb Begiatran, npo the apphuatioa of auy amv regiauir vuier wao nee rwnor. a ur la abont hi remove from the precinct in which he w originally regiatiired, to funiiah him with A lhTl?TiuOemdi orecinct. In d. ftull of llieuertiflFaieihe eftidavit of the reiar arnat aet fertb the Ounntr and preoiael in which be wae eruflaally reirUlen-d uutbolmiutb ef Uiua ba ba reila in ilte Oiainty hi whiob ha aeairna to vut. in ooubtrui caaea, tliu uegja trara or liiatieaaUaaot.aaMitiftaaaiiaAaaaHiuaaaiaHh additional eyi(Jt)ice a niay be neoewiary toaaiub tbeaimattbaappfcaotWIagiftliyaaUlfedlovola. Blank forma for tbertitbaM and A the ani davite herein reqniied, trill be fnruiaheil tlie Itcg iatr.n and the inapectora uf election, aud whou need Ul be atlhebed M trn UMoai rat Hr ench votera. and will ba Irauamittad to Diatrioi Haail- quartcra with the returna required by law. JWkTb eaid election will be held hi each Gouiity at aurb place aa may hereartar ba lieaig uaid,nnder the anperintendence of the boeribi of Itegiatreuon a erurldsd by Uwral in Kx-orliir' wiih iuatruetioua hereafter ba be girea to eaid Buarda in eooturmitr with tbe Acta af LWrw and aa far aa may be with the lawa of North Uar ollna. ,., M!A. Tl.e Dotla ahall be Oueneil at arrrh yotine plaoae at ebto'etoek ta tbe foraneoo, aad cluw d atati a'alotk -m Um etWrneua wt aaeh day, aud hall he kapt iHn daring tbeee bowre witliont. uftonwiaaioii aijawaiiiB 1 . . . . HmetdhS kit JiifWa ud Hrkn emliloyed eiadneHug aaad eba-tiaw ahall, brnww eanimeoe- ing to bold lb earae. b ewiam k the raitlrfiil pertormauoe of Ifeair datiea, aad ahaH alao take aad aabaortb tbw wath H ontee preeeribed bt Eighth No member of tba Board of Reeiatra. lion, who hi a candidate for election to any ofttce to ba AUedaA thie alneuon, ahall aura aa a Jadn. or Ineptoloewf MiaWiiia anaaa, aaaiaat ihiah ba aeeaa revmaaaA.i . .,1. im Jftanvitoltberur and other peaea officer of thXtb tllatriet HaUfal ahall ataa awe be vent llTlnal lfdrtiimla abalt aaataM f Whih nawMet-aitt aaafl eleet ana aanaior. bintb DlaUiot , Baab aaal Wilaaw abaB aaad awe aj..Jiw. Tenth btriotH.T aad CaimyetaballAleet two aeuabwa. ' KlercoUi lialriet-JKw d W abail elect oneeenalor. . . YlT"' rwl-Dir(fiii and Onalow aball elect oae aeaaiar. Tk.rt.eatJi ilwanoi Krwaawtet aad Mew Uanorer ehall eteot twaaeaalora. Penrtaaath llaataiet Bladen aad Culambaa ahall etaat um aewab. - JjJJy 1 aiet-Bobeao ahall aieei one Mueeath iiarfct-umhriad, Harnett aad baUaMtiwU,eaalw. - - asntto? Urk Julaiaien aball elect aaw bwftawath iMatrMt-lTnuiklia aaw Wat awali elect two eaualore. .,,, . .hijiff it-r.rfll mid Frao balbM,ttwoaeiurt. ,,., 1 Jl wenty-eeeoad liiatnctUraaa aliaUaleet one ."r-third KidrW-CWbam ab eleet one jf '.' St bdt in jk f i't mi3Jl tcaarfei J wnti at unmKO.t 10 tal eld ffrif b-j to) be-foJ ifi 'rV ! w msd M k-w 5wi3ynfi liwawi , jeitj "ti aJai -H.m :J,w .;f f t .) irpthjfi',.Ai si1 iud i: .. . a hi tttn huwWw - .f OWaUJLAJiaiJIIIT . .. : . rr.U f .'l- P tUtlJ-KpS fi- fii Dielrirt-tawweBahaB ehaat owe I)bdrbBoriMibam'iaJl elect and VoJuo aball Twentviaab . , -v. abUI aleot tw7ae"TTTT. . Y7. rnmt'In'9!". bwlnct-Baadolph Bud Haat tomy shall leot oue aeaattw Tweaivinii, r..-. . . elect one aeoator. imrtietb DiatrietJtY.k. .u.u eaeeeoator. -a TIlirtT-nrat tm... .. elect dim. --ow. am. aur anan l2 -l.tSe?" nd t hlriy U.ird IhetiM li..i,i .1..11 'm.:a . .wii X!00"0 '""rka- uraytl,. ud Utokra ball elect one ecnatur. Tb-nf'h IHetricf-ftwrry and Tadkinab.il Aho ami aw-: .i .ii. t. .;' ,ii ,1 iriin; . a"i j iar. . "i Un b.. a ,V., PuWIAed It, the City o' lutt-l.'" k'c., .1 iai" - .i,v.a ai tw'; 1 a.".. Daily, Semi Weekly and Wevkfy. ' electa JiiTZT" - Alexander and Imdefl aliall elaut oue eeaabw. ThirtT-7k STL:. ...... Lincoln ahall elect one wnaba: W i.u. ...1.1. . . " u..7iTZr i .. -OleveUnd, Folk and "ri . . w ""a aenater. WnkealhTnffB. - - . L" ' via-? wmmwtm X.' YiYilTB.DBWil- HeiuWaoa and . :'. aiBoa one aeoator. and W y,3,rrft l"ne-Brk, OaMwell tauKa ahall elect una a.,un, '. " iw I'f'lTv'1 DWPJrMiii. BitchoU. tie. Dowetf and Yancey itiafl eUxL oue nTr Tbi iurw.ryv.'''' n.Vu!!1'V ,!! "rr'"e, Hifa, and" aH I "Ifecooiee, jrraukttn, Hull ford, Iredrn, Julinaion. ai..kl 1 V 7: .mnton, Ormit.; P.H, fcnoelpk. fcuL .V..k ngiiain, iiuwau. Warren and WWa. ,h.U ,cl Bertie. Bladen. IW.Tn.L L .r?"? tlabarna Ca ..73 ,Mrwu. 'ur. S552 S5;S5 11 : , 7? mom, uai. ureeii. JkT-T 1 "VW""' UarMaad, Hnb. Jaokaon, JjU, , U,uu Uucoln. Maaua7, afii iw folk, ju-iraJLa""'; ti. . t a,;T aawHrnwa. rvmitinn. aaeh Oaaatr are reqnirad ta he preeent durtni tbe wbole time that the polfa areliept open until the election M oewipteted ; and will be made incmaible thai there aball ba no interference 0 Juileee or JCIeetlon. erolbar iuterrnni gnna oraer. ti iure nnouia be more than one polling place in airy bounty, tbe Mhenn of the uooaty la empowered and directed to make anch aeugntaenia or aw omrattee, and other aeaoe offl eerr to the other Dolline ulacea aa mar in hia jnagmemBeea anneerr taw porpoeee of quiet aneTordar ; and be Ia farther mqnired to reoort e arrangement in advance to the Commen Df tbe Military I'cat la which hia Oornitr ia aiiuawu. TmuA. riuienee. nr thraata nf vl.,lnM OaMliarga rrotn euptiqrmeal, or other oppreaaire awana lo ore rent aav aerao from reiriatcriii m lroi-iiig hia right nf voting, hi pneitiraly pro hiUtedj aad auy euob aMeupU will be reported by the aWiatranor Jndis of KancWoua, to the loa4 Ooaimander. and will eaaae tba arraat m.nA trial of the oACaatbira by aiuitary authority. Tba Apra i-tr a HAMS. QAMHIU) OTSfEBB I JIarl-tr .?, Y. . TITT BECE1TED. eaarowaar, Bafbah, bVeabfaet and Ooiong I th CommandlDg General apply to colored jew, Al - - . - I VWteM'npthB two "Htataaj " an, n ..l. I . . ' " W WWVU I WUere they lUVt tb aumarlcal aananrfannv XT O. MA MB. - . ' . 1 nru, i, 1. urujier u aay mat uia elective 11, At 1 iianonitonnrrl upon them by Uw, imr- Aprfll-tf OOtfQLAS BELLI. I rlra with, It BO authority to re.trict Other lib the frratxerclae of tbat right; and that r wniiw it ulnar atur aoc 10 nwird tbiwam for aaamtaavioaa aa ta laeauelrva, any ama- l linationa to prereol hr lorr. IntimMatlrm QPVB OOTTON. lor threat the tatae Ifo exercia of tbi - . i. ijr 'ij V' tlilDrtnrwiU be unlawlul. aad will 1 , , , jtia uj uw hu bj military oruem. ArPLXtWt taw hbi . C. Applaa . . , tuej am oouaaeiieu U) Mareu lb right 01 . ? :jiv v W,8.VbaiA00. iVUog U quiet and orderly manoer. ai- l iaa; oOene to m onet aad after naaiina Hht ir Vote, not tfl Unm ahnnt h. niu.. m . a : rr-.f .;poei) but to rvtura quietly to tbair bomm 1V " I" uw'ir cuatomary Bvooatloo. ,.-... bE8 aw. , I Oommaaillna. mna -I.. l . DOUGLAS BKLLH. H rr At POBKOjrP8Kr8. " ti 4 1 nw,' '''""I" ,'w.' :ptTminrt TaUHH POTATOEA, , ; t r"4. to -ry aracatioaa. eaaam am Tf a Ma VVA' ODA FODBTAllt. . v 1 1 . icirpuiation M DOgalble to thii order within : U limiUol their oommanda - ly' ibhtiAtloa r By command of limet Major General Vr will mIL Thrr hMn. If wa aarbt. ma. aa au uturweompmu. tvnj , y c.IUM. 1 U ,J wili., ilA " 11 ' ii.l. . r aa w v.a,uaui(uu. II M .q tlkwi ju" ."""'""no, 1 it:''1 s MUrF, 6BC?f. :il'i-'iN) f.Amt. AditOenT, Wa eaa hmlah aaaler at Factory brieao. vaiapnnauaa ewargea auaco. Ur aa-tf W. B. JOKES A to. PFLXS. . .. TT7T- . : : .rf., M . Aanelo.otK.aAppha. . J'" . Mar.t-a ; W.B.J0SEI A C6. . JpQi BAIJ!.. r,.N,,A X.i"-!;, Try large S. fS, afoontaus t-aiaieea. Mart-tf : ; Anct raACoBvJieria.M.l." pOBS AXD C0TTO3 PLANTERoV. .Vm" la ttore at Manafactmara prtrwa, with freight wwiy aniieo. B. hinH.ir ft Co'a. and W. U. Bmllh A Oo'a el atiraiedlAiKH I'LAblkBit, and W. obnauq'a inipruraa pawuw . .i , ar CKOIiGIA COTTON PLANTER. Fy the aa of theae inipWmenta, row not oay ear 1 and time, bat ffciu the very beet Aynii a JA8.H.T0vTI.Fg Ac, 1JKN AM) EAOON. . . V . 1 - yi l"vhfr, 1,uOrn. J ) s l-houi(kra tnd B'de Barvir. 1 i i-tf At , AKPP.ETVS' . a- . -.. ,y a wa cr.s.o . ,mr.J -r- v -.'w, 0-"nnd F!k Prpi", and Ike J.'..hl5-f AacUCom.iiTl.nta".i, -'. I -1 ltt Im AlOCib J11LL COIXKUE, j ElaUCOTX . CITY,"4 jia: rpHiBiNsxiTrnoif, irowncm. i the unninm n w mnnua licaoola. waa aa tabllabed ta U67 : aawi lanan.iM 1 ITLTl ered to confer degreaa hy tbeOwMnl Aaaamhb of. HaiTJuid, during it anaaim ol 1W4. Jt ia wluated on ariaiog grooud, in owe of Iba iratifurai aua nuii piouireaqae porttoae of tb J. . i, 1 , . ""nie wau 01 tba juit- FACDLTT. M W at.- lit Alarw. M IX. LL.D.. - ' itbenuVWf and Natural Philoeaiiir. Aaj 1 BLanaoa, A. It , LL. D, Piwfe. BaoTHKa Akakiu, lWeaaur of Mathemaiu and , Kaglub tkNHpnaitiMb.- v,.-, L .,.. YY BamKa Ukkuhit, Adjanot protMaor of prih- "j?; fc -Jubrtflarro .and Urcek. , . . . AaTHiwt TanrrHorr, AJionot Prefeeaorof Lab. J ll, fnifiwMir of Drawtna aiul F. Haorwaa Lraa. lnfcor of Oermaa end Maaie. P. txiu, Pb. K Fmtamerer Mna, " liaornaa Mtiinn, Inamntor ia Onauaar and lf rajin?, rtarmiB H-mi, Prefect' ' " liaoiHKa llKaaAWMK, 1 Wert of Jnninr Studenta !'"- V O'lK'aoraa, Conralting Phvaician. ' iHk J.p. Uwimu, Attondinj fhyakaaa. TEK5IS I iviera. h S'.l.inr an.l TniltM aarrt aa iitraooe f f: ; 1 l.Tuk-ieu F f" klnsiran.t 1 inwing. extra. . 7 " ' aVl'3-Uwr r mm : ( .,-J.Il l-.l-.ffl fli.M 1 M4W fl,t'. ' earrnua or euaoiv waamna m . lation of Oeneral OnUra Ha 111, ef lo7, at nr In theriuiniivof any aoilinr nlaaaa durinir h Min- tioo herein ordereif, will he regarded and trnated a an eaaiiMoa wneooe. A'bewUA. All bar room, aalonua. and nthr puuee for tba aaie of Uquar, by retail, will -he of April, until aix o'clock of the morning of the Mlh of April. 1868. and during thia time the tale au inioxicaung uqnnra at or near any polling place ia prohibited. The ooliee ofuoare ot citie and town, and the Sheriff and other peace offi cereof Vaaataa, will ba bald reeuoaaibie for Mat airlat anfaraameat of tbia prohibition, and will prumpily anaat and hold fiw trial aH peraona who may tranagrtaa it. Ttedflh. MiHtan aatarfamaa wlih .iiw. mlem It ahall be aeeraaarr to re net tbe armed a of tb United Htatea, ur to keep the paao at tb polla," i prubibltad by Ike Act of Congrem approred February 2S, 186S, and no aoldiem will be AUoewd t antwar at aav Dolltna placp. unlaa aa itiaeaa of the thau, they are qualified and are rrgiaterrd aa votera. and than only fcr the purpoa ef voting t but tbe Onmnnm den of Poata will keep their Imnpe well in band cm the daya of eleetbm, and wtH be prrpared to awapnvpFiyw uweiruaouioriuee areuuatMeto u. w A . . v. mw, airwiK rir.rvma. I1W liMie.offinM. m.. m .. , .1 II... .L.H . ' '" a F. 4illl I 1. HberilT. ... . . ., J'l Coronrt. " 1 ' A Tieaauiw. ' ' ' 4 UnMy ;ierk ef Bnperior Oburt. 1 A. Baglateref Baeda. J. Burreyor. v . aJ'T" yranmieaiouer. .Zlr"..r??tn Pubgreeal inel BIMHc hi Palli.r Smnu Unmlack. Uaimlea, InmbtS 32r!t Hanover, Brnnawick, Co 1?,? bidTnt, -"lm, Oumberhmd, Robfv on. Bitihmciad. Hanu.ii u.. u , : . Anaon ' ' H'"J au a.u iUtri,5Y-Wlll'. Franklin, Warren. 5kb ruil!fil 'm J Cbatbaai. rtrtb UiaBrieb-AbunanaR, Kandidph. Ouiironl Wxth Watriet-Jtowan. Cabarrua, Union, Meek Tie, Vadkm Wilkae and Aleiander. ' . Heventh DlalrinaA.I.A I1...L... ..... aon.ataoou, Cherokee and Clay. in eaea tar whba iu.ii.i. ... -i . . .. , 11 wiu mMSr!ff?- Ctrmeaf the By ownm-Mifl of BtI Mil. Oeu. Er. R. 8. Ca t. lilTTIM V f17fdii1 ' 1 " ,r iaV-a-tAwiy, A. A. O. ,, Baeoi! Baomi Y" -" , , a f U-CHUBCH DOI. Floajp! near! rfer BACKSTI. 0 FLOUR. - '''paoo Family Fkmr. AprU Mf .. , UPOHUBoJ ft DODD. William B. Pell, j Seatoa dale, J Editors. In view wf Ike activity of aunwr.andtbi' rer kj f the time, th Propricter of lb HrnTntn. ha nwtoriaiaad to reduce tb term ef tbe paper, to romuicuoa after II. Slt. lMCt'tlMBKH, neat,; and to make audi lujWi'v. uienta ip iUteueral rharacUr aj will comineu il In il patronage uf an eulightened puklir. In POLITICS it wiU' tfaiflgWt Cum- hWnt.vH'm- Z. . -...- a t A,HwrTW-Ht'H.laatiUiiiu Ut tb Umled Htatea. and the liarmaniuiM Liuou of equal f taU-a ; - ObedSenre tn taw and the cothr'Anlent i.rnrrier ; The anpremarv M the c-WI over fli uiiiitary . in flmf peace-;' ' ' '' ' ' tbe'equamyof flUlnVlomiliiabj brfnehe. 'ulhegerumut','''''''' '' lw tv.a . as .1 f'i ; '"ti- j '. - ... ,q ma marefi oyer their own inUrnal affaira in ti let conformity to II. i vnuiin(ioii ; The mainUnanea pf rteduni and Juall) to f U, win... at dlatiiii.iAa,!, hut the anprnma- - ') wHitf rVwWlbi g.nh'ng MSppbeUInn ta VUf.-allar. in all Ha pbaaea. AAWa' r)K',ll4 .Kali he-'eVinkl to any. Th priucitAl market will be regnbu4y vuhlh .. . ,, l ,r..A ta d; . .n iMtJTKBAItTebaKeter eJ.n he malntamed ,J,y W,rrom our, bet ... i"Tm., , .., , ,f malbAa BmramKUWiBweabaaba ma if V peaeaoter of Ike cdiMeliOnal, moral iadeeol nomical inlereat of he peopk of North Car- STBeET, i ,4a -ni Liiili iralk J- -.( . . . A I 1 . ... Li' irirtn: : 9 'ii i innwx.v a"" ni TTUhAJiOXaT STOCK OM f.i DRT: 0 0 O.HS IS TUB BTATBf Of VItfltllA- TTf rTTEBEHTlKt MT KIND )ATR6ilwift A. bibbiiiII or ekw rwa 3a, iae take oocaaiu to thank them Aw Ihetr liberal pat- roaage, aotuaung at uw earn um na raiBre coo tmaa arw. a a ring them aha ao eAbaa will w parvd to make it tn their intert aa woU a picaa reamha their pnrebaae of me. The f..flow uia waemraniliiia, tbengh imwainhito, wtU ni wlicieBt idea uf the funeral tuck : ,, ., Ial ra BixIb. . . Black and colored ailka, iu gruat variety, - btafc pophua, belgiaa and French Puplina, lfVu-b kb riuu, Barathea, Poplia Htym, Vtapea. ' BmpKaa Cloch, IIg-"ttfc.,rfie.brl-ri""-T ai. ....... liatw. atugl aad duubaa width. .in ail the new ahadee, Biamareka, Ar., Rhephurd and Hcoich BUd.i ,t ra. .!. h ..'T Baahirmldcric and Lttoe. "" . flawburg Edgtnga, Uaabnrg Inaertingar ffaa burg Klueuciug, Naedlewetk iuhjuue, Newllawurt Inacrtlng, Needlework FlouuciuK. Neinaiok kagiagK, Namaoua laaertiuga, awww aw twtm hrus Cwilara, baia aud Cauibrw OularaAUd utb), tinea Outlan and CaBa, Oape (.'oilara and C'ului, Bugle VuUare aud iHina, Bod Font' Collar earl Curia. Beal Point Bel. Baal Valontia Uara aud eon, Imitation Collara andC'nffa, Olunoy Collara aaw'MUW.aeai tai. lawny aeaa aaavaq ijcoa ileal Ciuney Lave. Beal Oulper and tl puilwn Le Beal Broaaela Laee, Beal Bobbin Laeo, Point Lae Uandkercbieh, VJntia,.b HandUrehiehi, Im uaa Ukv Bdircitea. ,, , ' - amaefrfe. '"' On. Shawia. m ama and eoaan. fcr MUaee and Ladiea, Hoop Mkin. Baluwwala, Bwla and Ribbon Trimming ia large aaaortment : Jet. Hilk aad Faawy BaUuua, iUtaU Btbbuue, SarriNr W terra Klubon, Tor Irlninung, Beit ttibhoi Wota led and Al(aaa Braids, Motiarr Braiila, (laTholi and lilay Uuulwg. Uoraat rSptita, Zua Braid, Star Braula, Magic ltutuiug, Plain and fancy liair , mu.ummw mmnM aM, vmnm, run UDHB I ' I Black aud Culured Velvet KiKiuii, , Mmtiptilag lrpartnrnl. Ore. Oram and Bent ftilka Prench Mprino Buiiliaiiiie. Iiauwe. Caulou Ckb. Iieaie. Crape. Baratbeaa. Ponlin. Binnreaa Cloth I'l'.-. Biaa, Vetoaliaea, pnndau Hot ha, Mooelinee, Cbb Una, Aiiaeca and Mobair, all if I be very ktt, IMifiu celebrated hianufaeture. TeWlwnr brt.Mm GCtieril CommlRaL.11 " .Jm:!, AKD BBWibb. aT ! P to aalu qf OuAiuauTZSl a7TtOB uuu. anu prom, rvi. .-7 r m. .tiar lung ex rienee in btaaeJ ra2 . rmrailvauugc. iu luaAi.-.T.T. nW wChiawh! hlg2S '"r.ll to UrnmJl: jwral .Kooea made na midwa-aaa'' " -Rtg.irt.fnhv. , ,a Mr Ja?ILH. 'f Barevrf who yriifi&Jflltt" wuMfc.b,ppiB), to r-i, . Jtt HHv 'wtaamm fa u can. bun pn-femal hraUii, N'Wtoik, V., Nov. 4 "iBr- ',, m-.i.-K 1, a z i.f4 WWA r-m Ami ci-driHKo wia liour arm w.mcmo , aut a.Aaa Kreryhaly hmild have ouPrrTo i&Ti t,.a aa aa I'lain atrhte &xta . AMU iWUaa. White Ciooda. Plaiu, Plaid 1 and Mtiine.1 Cauihni. auo nmpea jaconet, I'lalu, ilan ! r TAwtemm, Tb rataraa required by law to he aaad to tb Comajaader ef lb tlietriet of lb raenlla of thie election, wiH be rendered by th u wnaw ut aeverai xtegbjlra. km preeiwem thmugb b Cammndara af tbe Military Poet in which thear peeemai nr aitaw wo. a iw asmuauu wwa lawaeiatiaa mawna tbma haniaflnr tu ba iA.a . iniiirieeiuVi. The Htata omeera ta.be. voted lor atthlaaleetioaaiw: .T .,L Oorernor. , r 1 1 a, i.ieuienaaauovni(ar, "rr - f A Beeretary But. . 4. Aadibw , ' : ' ' ' . A Treaarejff " -',.. A Buparintendant of Public Work ' , 7. Mipertntendent of Public Inatruethm. ' A Attorney-0Bat. I n k t . One Thiaf Jaatia aad fnwr Aaandaia j..h J aba rJ ,1,a Am .mm. Cmm J ,k. li,.u. ..... I ! 1. OaefodMof the HnnArior Onwrt IW aaMb f lblilbwM JaMalCwarietei - . L1: l)l,t-t-''T'tat..CmMt. PaeqwH a. a wx'",n1 viiuai, waiaa, aertior Parti. re 1 i.nit -..A, . j Peeaad DiArieA.Trall. Haia w..i.1a-u .... t-. " . TI'"7 w ". -wtarwv, naa, a ngaiiliill.v. .'I , ; Third DMikta Cravea, Ccikanti JemOea w.- uiiaii.iaww waywe waaawa . ,Mj ... a M I IMtlU K .Mab.b IL 11. Iuph, Ontumbaa, Bladea, Hamnw. k. rjtw 2 t Z.S 'ABIiX FLOUB AvNO other grade;, arriving FefaMAw-tf TOKNOFFSEIffc . Rnipkr, feagar. A LOT OF BKF1KKD 8UGABB, te j, .a . 1 ui receay ay ... Apf-tf UPOUUBUJU ft DODIi, flMtfw .I'.AhA.u.n l. ai lUekawad, Aaana, Bnalfrnwry: thaaty ."Uniew. Bin tllttr K-t Mnrt laintna Warn Hia. ma. v a, r.aa, rraathe. , Johaabw, Oranvilla, 1 BavaaU Tli-tiii-t. Pr i. Orang. Cbattkaa. Raadoluh. tlaillord Aiaauan u.JSiAj Eighth Dial ricf.llokee, Fartrtha.'OaViAeoa' Atewaa, uavta, vadkm,- Barry. 4.0 4 11 Miatk Dtatri.Cewb, Cabarna. MeelUbtj nerr. Linenla. Hud. Clare aad. Batata fa. Folk. . - ' Ttatk DiwtH-lutiM1b Vmpbe, ffcaktwaa. "www, atan ar, motreweia, jl .f- n . J Klaraotli ilwtnet. AUewtar.X.ka TTallnla 1 Mnabalt, Taacwy, Mad i to. Baaeomhw. , . iwaiu Liaumw-uaaoeraoa, Traaaylraaia. The Chief Juaticaand tbe AMockaa JnaMJ um awpreme vaora, ana toe 4iug af tbe Mann nor CsjjrU, to be elected by the qualified electora of th out voting athu-frethroaKhout th Ktute. U. On Solicitor for a. h Jodnnai Irtatrtct. ia be alerted by the qnehtted ateotor thereof. II Member af ta general Amwmblr. aa waV km: - - - . r ... rut Pittrlot rrx)uiaaaa, Chewaa, 8, & k'AHNWEILER, ; . IMPOfiTBB ABB - atAWUFACTUItSB i'i ..nw.i :Wm),rfj.i.tj f(t .,1 rf , J, .,A KB Mwlfaif , , , , , :evi.: -n : rr" ;;,'', ..!rli. t HtBBVT SORK. tarebia-l . . . , 1 . . I V M WOW," ' ' 1 J;l 1 TQaa . i-8PIUNO TltA-OOSri' TIV WABE AT .MTIOIaEAALIS. iTUpi-vot of Vrif . Wiik' ONHAXD i yad and wcrtmaaabha' waaai . , 4, lw undemimed b enwdaeliiia w aHJAtTM flABOLINA ENTtRPKfRE. ami k. tbeci! raliaa of ftmthm ll.k..i. d.. l. 7371 prepared to. All all oriwra far JOS WAbJkTaad C'1 lhe "PPlr nqnal to th demandY ' kwili tab aat kllwl nl.nAl i J a.- .. parurmanj aui, a m. "" 'raa.aMf awrrawdmraaa. pay raa v aame, wbea prelerred. wemiior a rrw um and mwan wnb mv "artoer BUIe-A wuxraao nia. . JW1 a. a kvb vaMauiiT w. jaM-a mi, - hrwfbemmkBdwiiiwllrhi. J .ft,;.-. H.P0flITr-1 FKESII GAKDEM SEED.4 1- rrrifefi tow W BrrrrPT 6f ruB Btt- T plyafOARDEW RM.Ukr greww m Mall, ail of wham we warraxt af th lev iwd-, " H..HWtu, ..WILLIAMS BLAMHKTU F'Tf-Bft-rf t r?--. -T-at.ft. J . i . 1 p .V. l.wf jm iwi3 t-i-M ; h on loo too 10? a do 1 00 Daily Seatiael, tbr ony it. ' art month; , ' three month,. bead- Wekly NaMiael, fur on yaar. ' aitmnntliH. . " ihrii'hiotith',.' Weekly pe year. . . 4 " all moatha,, . . . 'nAbbaoriptlant atrietly caah in adrance. - auvoruong BMdiam.rb bzirriim, I qui t ay in tbe Stat. 1 Tnrma moderate, AST We ask every CorjeerratiTe iu the :8Ute to bee,neoor Agent lo extend tbe eirenlation of Uw "Ufilil. ThvenUfl86gwUlbiciUng - porn. in wbult Kmrrnro. bould be in th ban da Of the area! lwt nt ij.a ,1. The term are now ao low tliat crerr on will be able 16 pay far It- " ' T 1 H Baleigb, Jaa. lat., lata, . , E. PELIa, . 'Fiwprietoe.i BALTIMOBX ADYJKTISElf T8. '" CtOLIJNH ft HEATH, ' J MUOrTTirraifrt.BAllTMOBalltd I 'it,, j-. 1 .a... U I. ataawt rrwo;eol Bogiw WiiliaiM'Vni. ' veraarjook. ' I " eeh BaOB. t pe nariaw, ,u F.mmvJd Bang.''"" llywr aartlaM a lama. BheetLewd, IroBPin. . -1 Terra Corta Pfp, BramOnaka. , ,:.-.., Haled Oooka, Irmi, Lead and Zinc Ba ImBatb Twbe with " ' Beaten, t.i -mi Waaw Cloieta. . . S-mtf ' Pamiia. 11. .1.1, tZI . . BTI I- ruA. w " ' WwWcbeAera, r,"M0 wa Plain, l'labl 1 and StriiH-d Namawok, -Mam, Plaid audiWrtpe.1 VuW MiiWni, I'lail, Plaid aud Htrlued Hwiaa MutUln. I'lum. Ilaid and Striped Bishop. Lawn, ft .ft finish jaeo- o.'tn, iiuibu lamnnr eon nman 1 .air 1 ; ntna. I't'Kay Maraaltlea. Ae.. TarlefniiM. a-hile and not- nret,'lrgandiea bolted and Figured Kwiea, Urn- ianM, 1 Mwiirting. JUidlrV I'uralabbac AaOttdt. Lludurveal. llravara. Caraia. . I.iala 1'ht-iM.I Uvea, Beal Cugliah lloe, Uarmau ktiaiiury hi ah.i ... . u: , a. , a. ..-.j, .... aiiaatv L.III1UI1H1 UU little , laAHw'Brewu H.we, lauW Black andSlale H.we AietUliw.winliirKeaaiKWtaiem, 'wht, Mad UM iwj-.a1 UrJ iiu aud laula Thread Ullnvea. in b nte.,tiiti id, Wu. Uir, Tuoth and bad nruHncn, neai rin-Il Morn ami flllLla Terc i tJnwh, Veil mi Heal l,a-e D.Atcd Bordered and uugw-a nuaieu 1'araa.Ja, eaan, Ao. .. ,., . . lmt'li. .. Uieaube.1 aiel Bmkii Cuituu ,-MiH-iu.g- tant SliiruuKU, .Uleecjietl aiia,tlf..u Jeaue. ilkai Uwi and (kino Canton Fleuiiol. I'lui.l Wio..h ami Hum (bmaharg. Tlekiftga, rniiltU4 lli.kncy, ynikuTf, IhaiKiey, IJaUwi iu all the ).iilii aialuia. Uili(biu iu 1 erj variety IIutia4?kvcplUi. lrpurtiuHt. , ' i'lanneU plaiu ami laiuj . BlaukqU, UrU, Tapctnr, 'Ihree-Plr, Biiuvi-uup,, Jngraiu. ui all wool and eouon chir, Venetian'' Ileuip and CaiI tage t'arpela, Uruifget, Buiia and IW MaW, k lour (hi Cloth Uw. Jluaiin Brouatelln and Uaaiaak OarUiua, Piano aud Table Covera, Table Uamaait.'HtaiT aad Table tbi Clntha, Napk iM fV.i li-, ToweU, Huchabac k.Craeh and (tinea Uiiim. Mwea and Wum Hbeetluga hi aiT width, PilU Uu0. Baraaalln Counuwoaum jA.,.hi .,..1 'A1'!"0. ,'h4ra, Unen Diapera, Bird eye lliaijor. Irtak Unen, Ar. 1 o ."mrrtam. ZY v.-., ., H 1 1. UEblOESiCE, TN Frauklia Omnlr. A .a 11 un-nani or iMm choi, Vraii Tr. . P- variety ol (J, .t ; w ?a5v, 4 a fiM jir dwelling larga iieeeeeary out build ng. 1, 1, 7'la an for a l'll.raieikn, orttoii) 7 ffU w..a aj H7-w f.eiit' FurnUhlna Ciooda All are roupecttiiUy Invited toinapect my alock U-ffje uiaking Uieirpurehaau. My oonyutiou i, vr uua way mi aucoaea m la aeenra tba internal .1 vvuriTuauinieratiyciiargmg the aniaileal pue iblepretH oh good Thi bae ever been raj M4Vi,aad ibabwge buaiM heretofore don. ncourajf ea me in adhenug atrietly tv Hia aa aa. aouvebiant-witli Wl w.H.jQNMa oa KlMTISiEIa .OPPICB Uwi . rVll FBIKNIW f Vlt niW. -A. "L T- ('ARUS. BDOKH PAVtrtti"'h.' . oroUier nriiitinw. ,ha, aim r" ordeni , F " "WlieWr ' They will he iieVlfc exeenl'-d and dun neliLii and 011 the town tnna. W r!?faf . e,Met i,re our oe euiaked ui. Hie m.-..,r- niHl.ciM lo eterat f,1" Sept. 1!7 11 'iWI'-Ii ivdirni "aAUAiw ttiKTt.BiK ENftlJiK M0BK8, 'iL aW. tKiJ i.i,ft'tt?7i..i il Si THOMAI HITllTlt. Sycamore Ht., PeUraburg, Va t..V .UPKnVWU piiriil i j?MAf KNulNEd AXD OIHCVLAH i ' fAf HORN IILL'S AND fjf-' ' IT PROVED FLOURING MILLS. Theae Begin and if in. hr reoelred th flrjf reinium ..vei all oompetitora.. Tbay affiwd the t, cii. .iix at. end ttioal - ... 1. osc and excel m pvJi auy Bngiuee aiada ta tb hue Eliuluea ara firarl anil lkiAA.ul.l. . .-J before leaving the work, and are warranted la aU reimeot uwrfeul ami reaitv a, ... . They are -rrant ; to cut more lumber with leal haiida an.l at lea axpeuee than any otbar faht Union. ' For desoripUona, price lisle and otlier tatonmv tuBBddreA ..-er.Ml , , . JOHN B. OBETTER, . OuUford Uml llgewrt1,' 1 ,m. Oreenabo M, flUV Jun.a6-27L , ( . Bole Agent rB KISCTELIAirEOlTS. iUOTlOI, SALK . " -.V .W o- V ALUAJiU. KEAL i ESTATE ia. a... ,r awwvll,!rirlata. ON Wedneaday, Ut of May seat, will baaold at pubhn aueuou, without reaerre, that val- ,,...A,ii.;, mwu a to mawviii new - ... a.aui; unci OOlHllug, 00 Main street, lot 7el 1 171 fj...l....i. .1! the mooWn tmprovementa far a flntt clkm liZteL "d containing at roam.' in' additleA iTl H,ai'& Th. kwneion toooewfi t ur tapjii in Tiriciuw ior & - "-- a . of!I5fd "P. """Id aeewr; atoiicafram anlyte M awe bnnfra -aaTki.J. IT. geat aafgaia may be bad. M 11 will-.b wirtejuly Tca: One third eaah: banuaae atkhaai n"i!!.hV with tatenat, aaiiafaetorily eeeured v ,,, V. ill be eold at the aame Ume aad blaoe. ibe T1 lot aoToinmg. a vJuaSap,:. erty. Fur farther mtormaUon addr-. ... r iOHN M. 0HN8r0N, Ked. r..-i... . .7 . waaaa naiaii aauK April 15, 186-tm.l0.' C a Pvtaht raum, wmma ami PlIT. Parlor.' fibnHA Iair1 rtrtrw in AI na laa iai rBrTpP-aba" fif 1. 1 1 .aL II, 1 ia a wr 1.' ha ant aa Lw AA ma Ia, W.a j. il. Ail. : 1; rT.f-r it v f Apr. MOUT 1 ' 1 t lj" a !) I1M,..'IAI tfij ; r .,.ifl . .t; ,i9 J WB buaawlana bawd and a arrtraJ . jj V V "-ii-B, w-A .1 twW.kr- w ,iT HW CbWTalTrAifW. ?. -fTm o i rt' "I'm -- w f fbiiablmatiti 1 ii 1 "?'' J ''mtohad, r. 'ni. it, lt'4rf, ..'! 1 VI 1 run . , 11 ' ll. ,TBkf 1 to twBwITuy. -aa t ' ..J .1 Jt Mratf WJIO!FAaAj rr IN II I T)1CILED BEEF by the BarrH -,-aLKvi-., w,a m ., . aw a, aimn a um. wercnuii iay-i reifcl THEfefTff ARirALK)A!rTyr J.-. n 4 J IU l.l .Ia, J Mill .... ' J r.r ; ar,.; -pst-ssa. jt v to AKailtK ! .nalwri A Am T : - ... vu tiaii "a. ... . , . - .1 Mar as-tl ; aj. at JtJVtS A HJ.4 'i , ,;.;; -ri-a tiSwf l i pUAHI,gfg HTBta,, CHABLE8TO!T,k 8. U ' 1 ' -ll -nil .r. HI a . IHL imiiKKMiriNirn nirmn n..t,.nu charge of tbw above well kaowa BoteL reenect. rua Informa hw friend aad tb travalhaar raib. TOTiPAMMraTThetTO be mpplied with the THB BEBI TUB MARKET AFFORDS, including every delicacy in aeaanu. -nu. 111. euiwn will a mtexneptioukbl. The OULB OBHHOWSB BAThh can be 'obEraedil HS-Cl, tt .tTt pmd iwtb nam aa awwwn, iu varet- bwatailyppw flnding the ObarVatea 'Mitel fwa o any ui uw gyala Tb an a flfr pubimiypel.Hy ji ', ... , f J.ftMffcBatBiAaat pumps! i'i iripsi! PtrMWfir1 A nOOTV AHHnRTWFUT Dowun . eetebrated .' T . ... t , TUHr REf!FJVET af j 1 Deep-WelrJ tjr-i it. Cittertt, ! ForcB !itn'lif.i f't mr a l- uV Which wa offer on reaaooable term. -I'Y'T" lr' A..UWV.17 A l lflt..' 11 1 1 nil), 1 In In. aitl . ilia't nee hi tb HUte, we propane to keen oa band F.R INK. manufactured LiUKTHK aeeommodatioo of our coteamora-,, liiltilelphia, and wul aell ity tw eaab. at Pml- bava it In kega of M and a qnantity of NBWsPAPI aflflplna t.rioe. We 1 !tS Pwa each. atlMeta.viiW bonad. Iha naab' must aoeompaar ordera. Apply to the t BC Apr.-u tDlTORS OF THE PENTI1TEL. I nil la,. I 1 in a 11 It n't ' rve) P. .'M GF.KEBAL IJt7mJCB AGE1VT. r 'Aft "l A. WA VAA.V . U ' HAS REMOVED hi ofie b hi former Drue i Atlantic, of Bmokh-rt. ' -I6 W( --'jtoTwT?gaw aa T V ?. -nef Fa-. rbeir JMWhiaed Vkottal aaVI a-aY. 'l t a n m iw w V aw Twwa mt Beat B ta Ire to Bate. At Any tin ferkag taw day, at my place af baal ae, Fayettetdlc Klreet. -w may 1 niimmi jiiMin af fa peftrle Hrtn wrtetha Inat.tiWa tmt OaflAif limh mA b Bliad, that ler-txma Will ba rneol rre'V ""w"t. ra eacts ef aim. Dm to 7t l,e. A. W. KhAl's. . Are-lAStawlal w' mr i,r i , TkBatOBBfeT'lF TOfJfffT dBTEK'tei.' I I fha DMt laMnil. U.auIa. Wn HaaJ . Girl that wee it aar. the Preaamyw; and iamit and Teaohere confirm ft. I not bit" Muraaeopy A good ktieraaeop, witk a clam eyliniler to confine living object, or a good two- bladed. Bear! Pocket Kn,rL aiul a laewa auaahar of other dee:rable art idea, give rtnttaaaitD each anliem-ilier. Yearly, 1.60. The November , immbeawmimaaaaaaBew'vwIumei FnhHahed by"1 ' 1 " ' ' ' 711bnadaw. MawTormYT Try it, Bewaawd Oirta-i Bpeamea maim. frr eenia, maunt rre - . , t . HZi a.ar ,i: , 'I'vUGA. V-lty.f-lt DBM0B8ST8 MONTHLT M AAIT"IvJ pniventally acknowledped the Modal Parlor Hagaxine ef Ammtea) devote tef Origied ' 1 rim,,Paema, .BketcheiL Arobiteetnr and Modal. Cotiagn,Honaehold tfattera, Oem of 'fbonght, j Pereowal aad IJterarv Ooeelp' (inuding apecurf' ,; epertwawt oa Faabioa,) laatnuMioiiaa Blih,J Manic,' AmnjeinenU, etc., by th beet antbun, ' and prafaBwea oineuaked Tfajk auy mm" 1 fnliice,i uai.ful and reliable itterM, iwbroid-,1 arlea, and a aonatant anocMeina of artistic novel- , pea, with oUmt neeful and entertaining hterMuai'l -1 No Denow of rennement aMwwMuical buaaa fttW1 lot lady of UMetcaa afford to do witbnat lb -Model tloaibhi. Maabae.aa iB Mteri back.' I . umbera aeepechnena, 10 eenia : either mailed hwe. '-Vearty, V'wlt vwmabl premie W" oMea.JAAOjj.Uuaweepie A7 aj t)v anptm, W-1 na muennid premiums ror ehib at a eaea, wiia thWaraC prcntwnm areawli wateeribe. ' aT A new Wheeler h la'ilaoai Haariauf MaekiBBlt fcr S aweberribere at 13 each. ; Addreaa. ' . ' W. JENINiBiT,''1'', No. 473 Broadway, New lor. " DemoreW nwrthly ' and Young Aamriea lWW At. wab tfaaiirnwreaajraaeh.'iYvx ti .i..-ol y.-aouJ a tedmbawr'''-' wbatl ?-H Ivvn q .bwi f mow-1 " v 1 ' itlflPJlf-B . . ,wuiua t -..,. 8l wlka I 6LD rURXITCBE REPilBKD AJfJ l ,j l.la. JaAS 0 ATF,Il.rytt-v -Ua uwrn.y vrtro .'"V'-:m- w ,if TATLG9WAIWTOTHaV8EBTICM W A 1...a , , .. r. F. rKfCMf, It K.t 1 T',,nl,r, w are prrp tad?t "mi tltM4 i a! ilfwl JaaeetgeaaiAMail kin.W bf-tPHOLHltBlNO: With aulem aw vtw aiamtmi i uwevafcu m a Farwiiwrtr ef aU kiadmared aad itmataiaa and rwphotateeed, and any thjng ia ,, amdetSenlerfinimpHr. ' ' ' ... Jt-t 'I utmtlh fn'nntrm y- -April 29-22f W Fayettevifl at. ,A 1 ill i' la tf 11 r nAUD-SAWi HAMMFRft, yrt"heia. Iu an.l F.H1W, 1 a. W- H. JOM CO.. I Feb. a- Aa. A Com. Alereiiau e'S. truwMi, nilwiinti jdi U tjTg df

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