-v r M OXD A Y, A niTl "20, 1868. . Th following gentlemen he H pointed, by tb tite CoiWvtfvr'B Urge. 4t is to b hoped that tiy at ao mak ppoiotaeot 1o BtJdtea the peo ,. plat Tbs eriK'sai PP ilinulBB seat vt emwi far til biste fcinp fceeir fciip placed, tb following is talM aprrect lists t.tmil' " If as Wlllius A Graham. - - i M af I a. . . , IT JUS Jg Tt HMHDVInj,..! . A1ob J B McLsatv. " J mm O Bhrpherd. 4 Mamas Enria. , Jlom BSaUerthwsits. 1 - MOB ASS DIgg i. J. W. Osborsa, ft Jams B. Stnbti !- i ' M.JPmn. I mm wr Hi . ; MM WY TVw-tch M Uul Kobert BtrMgc Hi a-.. llo Katbaniel Boyde. . t tiA . Joba Km. tieevgi Jlewiifdi 'siwianewTe . v"il at n i 4 r a . GIL IaMtch. - fuuinik )KiJKr Col D D rerebee. Ulph Oorrell, Ei. OolWr Minis, -fs pol Js T Moreiiesd, O B Basdera, Eeq. WrMcKeawn, X .Tt4M, Ei- Col fl B Spnitlt. IlosTbottM S A. Col .Walter LBtwU. o. B. s Oaltsst, f a Joaiah Tamer, u n a. wui . " Job H. Havirbfoa, Ju4 ,. ww) 1 a .JaakiiM B. , Amfield, JEbo,., ,,,, ,,- ; , Kdwsrd CoaiglJMVJCt- '-' A. A. McKoe, B., ""' ' '" VI?' i'' " ,W. fcL. McKaj, mU-i - ' -CoL .K.Wlapt --'" ' Col; Wat. Johnatoo, OsiThM C. -Fuller. nnM ' T. Browa Veaable, Bkj. Dr. K. K. Speed. . . ibiraj. I8fi8 ad iModi, tUlnr k-ao, paij. aria Iyjwx Luang Hail? Band aila. Cortalr Knob.. V rtwa aad Tlra BoMa, Axla CUpa art 1'Utc. iTimakiil MuallB, Drilling and 0nr. Iuh Jananaea aad Plated HaeUaa, OBrlain Fraaiea awl mbipsoeaata. Wood rMrrapa, J.ff.il'j;"' ialah, April at ith Mart ) ';,;; , CHANGE OP iCEi;JE;;J, ' K lUMk, N. C, March Wat, MM - ) " Oa'and aflat MarA Mat Trlna will lw as lie Halatgh Oaetoi BaUroad. u (Uowa : Kail Trail bares Balalgn.. . A. M. .., M? P.M., Airtna at naiouu .. ... .. Bail Vrals laeme Waldoa. . ... 10,30 A. fi Arriraaaa naieinu.. Fraih4TraitoaTa 0,IW A. arriraa at Valaii 4.0 f. M . TWKaaTralBateaaTaottotaounwtUjtwli aU pointa Worth and So? ivmt AnrU t-tf " "! 1'ran.porlalion. atdawbid. :4Z 4 MX. 1868. BPWNfl 8T0CK. 868, boots, tnoErjisft'Titrftrt", iii.AT'WHOLESAIiK OKbillW M v TTI BATI IE0E1VKD A I.AMW l.'WM'K Mraet froaa tha Mafatrra. ahl.iWe will aell aahnr aa i-noda of tba aamaqnality ma h bimght aa Maw Vwh. Vhlladalptila or Palnmorf; ' "' April Hf Ho. t Iron Profit, np Htarra' ' Mr Thoee bnrlnt for nA ahatl hava the f ' lUie'lif alt of ejoaay.'' : r ' AKOTBEB tfft Of CANNED PEACH K8. . Aprtti-H JTOi.oWairBKfiiy J" ,i,n. rt in ' . .' ' ' ' '" '"' WBTlr, U alsla . JUST BECE1?D. " Oiifpowdar. English, Breakfast;' jDoloni '..Mil I 1 1 ' XT . c BAkta, . At' , aUill-lf DOUaLAB iELL'll. 8 PUM UOITOsV javo.er. t n H snn nnarhaa CoUoa laaue. baat raetvea. ,- 4 . Mar at tf . M.iUbko A430a ' A rrUEB.-A law bble l. O. Apples 4 Ataras-tf t 1 Kt't"''? J21 ..... .tM.,&-r f r. rtlSH POTATOE ' 'l ' 1 I'm atari viv war . ol. li mS a rl P, Um t i im arv fins, iar W-tf , W. H. JONH8 Aj CO. s: ooa rocKTAUr.;; t'.htt MUX sSVai aa4t1 aaalt fca MbI1 V esriy inriNcsUoa baaaada. AN EXCELLENT BODA ruua.Axa, soda roui with Bar'bls Blab and all flxtnrsseoaiplete, aearly 'Jutn-x '. , .' . :. w.BLoNE8oaf W aaa 'umiak, dealers at Factory arteaa, J rr Amis. , ...1 a a IrA of H. O. A nob a. ' " '' ' 1 j Mar.-if . W.B. J0NSB aUJlA iti FOB BALE. , Tarvlarts H. C. Mountain Itlab !. ! '" . 1 Var-4f W. H. JOkkX A CO.. Aaot'rs A Cox. Merahaiiisk. nORlT ASD COTTCW PLANTERS la ssnra ai bUrafectWart liricas, with Ireighl 2. bim-ialr ft fio'a, and H. H. Bmllh A abrated OORM PLANT tfW, fnd W. D. Johnsoa's baproved paaanted -j .mlr '" ' ' ,. GEORGIA COTTOir PLASlX'. By the use of these tmpknasats, yaa-aoA Mly aavs aeed and time, but aecare the very best eund frwesrly cnltivatioB,Y . ---- IPrUa-tf - iA9. kTOWLf ff As-t, -n c I0E.N AK0 BACOM. ) .o It. bbonUiers and 8 ds Bacon AKDBiW' ,.'- if ' " ; .",J :? y-vf t j -.. I'or rlMlev i. Ground Black Try?, r J tVe 1 " ' ' U-t . Kerch lf Ann. a torn, ll-rcbifc J'tyi. jrV-laawLji ., ' ".. " ! at r ia Villi Mi MOM UKAMMAL CAXBT. f p ti ta V butu f A'u-lii Catoliaa Ml Buala CbMM jina, wtd fnm neuiben of ketk pKricl W re now Lei UxamhtoL punest, 4W) krest to pteyst peMOM HPptU' too to .itld uOb tb tBiuw or u of-Wuch I 1667, Yo provide for the Hi"! W tlte-MM Hut air nMtcM J uch prriom iaould pe w rjrm;ti liU oj i, iuixfer qr U1J, ept Dlorce td prereoi tae jtaj?X,U(tirfcrtrterlJii Btdtt st. Loikr. ilia yjLomi rf.alikkw tk 0me iifttyniet senna ftoa kespptgr hlrlhity bfflc. of trait, ?r nS4fMteMtet( Jedjwj Mm tnnirrHrfcV-wr titer mplyy I UHfilJ f iiMl tew, fct far wUtiai aUhavAaaai Oooffraae-o dlefiue aiMt aif tab MKat eoatirfrMiei, approved July 81, ftt. fitatea at Lrflc. V'ulume 12, Cbap VI JUUUUJ a. . . ; U i ilia duty flie driJ and DiiKtarr (uiboiilha In both SU'a to tecurf o avert avejrat saaoy 4ba trflhaetf frv riv.ciia & lisarlhtaf esffria,aiMl ihiadoty muat be iurty,alrloN ami hupertiell perfnriilril , in. I lie, vouirrutaillMi; urnffal tuoaarDlij XKvtrttpt Jwj)l(fiilU4,riVJaa,will mile in'iiX'urinK lr eacb older the lull ami aroiN f extrciia Una fraadiiae. flut il ill mi DwUict orajftunty, ar polliitf( tuhdi fini.iD if citkor Htau, the portion rliopM be an veuteil, or the balliit-boxea or pill-llla JlmnM 1 (Ivwrowd,, ,Uialtitora iluly ialtrnl nmlfi" flienWr ill "ttic t'uiied iutU4JiluDll Jh preYtiiUid- by tiatcu or in- ufldalipn Iroin votniLVt new ,,)eclios will ilcrmT for aueJr DlttnH. 'Wiwly sr iiiiiif aiiUiiivM-i .... & t j , i-ri tin-ena riiui Hie Ja tit, im tjiiitxj Stnlea mfry I 4Uy nacottd ; thai 'Aw oflliArltAwitOu)' iitli conduction tliaeloc- dona way Im. (inducted, in W diarharKaof tin U dujJyj, vtj lit tlra gualltied ctoowiraj .Jti'titV Onrrrfiiw, Cniaii.nJiauf Honu a u : il. i.. a j. ar. "l"lWWJtj "lfV,e,rcr,L tteirjafrginsm it itrny I'if.ntawaary, to ap)?rratJiura ftie olfl- ta rn ulllieuriiiy ir Ui Jr"reeUinQ'a Uuruau, u)iu) f iWif CDUiiuauJ, Uilitary Cuaiiuiaaioa walor lltatrtotafirfouBtirawilbin rile terri lpril liuiiu of (heir commipiila ttiat are Mi rtmoto fmM their heibuartei that tba poweri conferred upos ,lfoA CinuiwiiWira cannot lie liumfiliatoly or (liretlly exerciacd. i 7'lte mniwry woinmu-iionen ao appointed e'lnvtaliul iUi all Alia power of tba Jua- Icceui the I'eacc of DialrioU or (lountiea, or the police magtaratt of citle, and wilt I governed in the execution or lueir uii-, tlc by lUo law til tuaritaUin which thy uia )oaw?v iar, except ao lar aa litres laws may be in conrltet with the hws of the Uni ted Ptates or with the iifdera, iasurd from (be Iieadqiurlcrs of thi District ; and, in addition to any troops that ntay Im placed el their disposal. Are given th command ol I Ho ponce lorce1 at. iMetriota, uounuea, (.hiea and towns ; and all police oflUen, herifrit, pptftbles, eud other peace officers, sre required to oboy snd execute the orders of the Military l nuinilteliMiers la an such ttara. , TII SIIIilary OiinirjiiaslonerswillproDiptljl trtiort all caMs iu which they ssauiue Juris- djt'lion, and lie deposition made iu i-ach cum'. When parties ar lielil lor trial, either in coonntuiei.t or under ball, lliocaa will lis aefctllr xmimrtcd as bieaabla the Com nisndinL' (iini ral lo duciile whether itaball be trie d 5y4 rMitAry Iribunal.i ba brought liefore a civil oqiirt, , ,1 lii't-'i'-i 'I'll fi,iWlrl iei 4Xif.,4., is, Hi mfUI. tafy Coinmiiwioners will lie ilurutlned and 1 1 allien IT ti . 1 1 dors Wo. "ti. f May 0. Wt. & Orders Mo. H5, of December 0, IWJ7, and will not 1)0 Goaeiderml a extending to the inhabitant! in their ordinary peraoBnl rela tion, ;un lens the civil riiiihuritir hopd re-' ftiie or fairth shjturr insurrection, diaof- nttand violence, ami lo pre all rtgbtlol protection to persons and property ; aad all petsoM,. whether In authority or not, are r (Jul red to obey and execute all lawful or tier of tl .MllitSi J, .t'9mw!ipierr to tdie aaie,eitbtn'd in the asuie tasnner that they .SfQiteqaired by-law tosrhey and exe cute the writs ol the civil fnagmtralea. Borne olAkaoOBipUitilslliat Uave reached Ihi Commandinij Oonersl atirrty to colored voters oftltetwti. tilatcSv- aad t- acotione where they nave the hutnetknl ftscendasc. To ttlcm it rt proper to sity tbit '.be eloctiv frsncltian conbrreupon them by law, ca rle with it no gpthority to restrict others In the fnrjcj-eiasfif tbatj igbt ,aV that while It is Ihewduty twit do regard threats or IntimidatiiUB as to Ibooisslvt-s, any aom. biaationi to preveat (J. lores, intimidation or threat the same Ire exercise of this right by others will lie unlawlul, and will tubjeot the offender to the penaltie prs aorjbed by law ' Arid by' miliury orders.--.Thry are counselled to exereis the right ol votiawiq aqiiaAand orderly , ruaunwr, jrfv isft oiloBcs l u0 tme; sod after' cast log tbeif TotrtiaVit to llnuef tbfiut the polling places, but tu,.jrtura quietly tu tlteir hooM and to their raaatnroary eveaatinnst. Citmmaa.iin Offleeni wHI Blreax wide eir4a.tst.tbt iw possible: tojtjiin pd Withl the limits ol their com ruauds. ,., Vi . By oaromaad of' Breres Marin- General Hn. H:S. CaWw.' '-'' '' "'aa. I , . .. v., ... yotrg T. CaXIAKO, f -, . ..,a . AidefdaCamp, I r . .AASt. Ad it, OeB) ttOili. UULU-LOaXEGE- . THI8 ISSTrTOTtOIT, tXWDTCm) BT THI lirothera of the Chrietlan ttchoots, was as- ered roafr derive by thsfleneral Aasambly 01 aeri ajw,, ofmnr rra anamon or irsn, a 1 ifwmmiiii m m iMiwiR nninfi, in one ui in beakhtr-as-end vwnA ptetnreaqne portions of the Htste.aM Milts afew tninstes' walk ef th JEIU- eoU l.lty Kauvoaa Matron, .u,f r ' nsoraiyt liETrauiij naaiaMit. , iu Baotsau Liahta, Aiog. yresidiaA.iJriifssanrt at ilsttuuuauc. Vm. iv,A ,Ainur K. P., IX. OU Krofeasar sf Ch'Butry asd Aaturaai'aiiom.hyv, . ir . .. Aiatirr TurLoa Butnaoa, A. M , LL. D , Prafee- eor of Hiatory, Bhetoric and EngUsh Lrtarasaee. BsnTBia Auaus, Pmfsssorof Mstaamstice and . EuKlieh OimpoeUion. BnotiiE aaiw,' AlJhrtBl ntdkased gf Mafir- rmatios snd Hieiory. ' ' J Ai sex S. V- Bsqaaa, Wv B , Prsfhsas aftatia 'and Greek, .xn. , Airrioirr Xaorniorr, Adjnnot hefessor of Laita. JrjiS Ttsxt, lVofrneor of Drawing and Prssjoa. HaoTRsa Lrsr-Proff wmrof Oermaa and ktasto. P.fURoeB, Ph. ., Profeaeor ef Mimic Eatitwca Mirmtw. Inatractor in Oranrmar and (rrpb. Bsarasa 1-nv Twl ''i -r.;t.--' Haotirva rlnnvaamw. Prefeet of Jnnior ftlndeafa listf H O'limariMa, Conenltlng PhrsicisB, . I'M T.ll. trwiwua, A trending I'hvahnan. ' " ' ..TharJ, XHnnhlug and "tola..,. tat$ U ljiirauco i ,c w ; 1 UTaicuvn s Ass aft.. llniueanJ DnLnuig, eitr. Jra.ah.r. 1 , avw A tKA ivm. Cmmbf jLiccliewa Or4r, iiki --f f I 1 'J 't' t iitj. t - Baaati , !- 41 i s ! o. M. The CcaMtitatioaalOoaventioa at the Stat ef f!arvina, ur evoicmiity vaar the Aa a af Mara to,' 1"J. aaae BUFF W aarba the Aataf Hanej U0f, pravMa aaa anatifrliaa f aWwuiaaaa auad lava aad harloc b aa ardir SWjHimaana e aaa aw f aa taw 17(4 day f aLara. -aaaa, atwaiad Mia aaie aaiitiwiiis aaali. ap aMaai raacaUoa io tha aoracHia Kgiatared arvnauaa af thia Aatf Mara. , UbT, ia ilalaaateaaaaaaaaaaaavay tha iiaiaataaa- aniim4 w Im ha aaNitawaae baueral aa fLvraiuLttbaa Dro m ftM Aoaaaaapnina oyidtd. "d In i aold afUar Lha xniraLuai tJ ifairtT Aara afua rtr Ura arur uia a kuS I&al I Wffli Lira :' isd beriua; farther provided, hi aAreaail erdtnaiww.lhjit at im i aama tuu at aled tua aliaO ha hold fur Seaalura and BapraaaataUraa U tha emrtl AaaaaiU;, asd lar all Htaa aMUoqutj aAoera b are k ha aiaotad br fxS". muT dar Una PunaUtaUua. mi furtiiei, Ui4 each CocffreaaiUDal lliatriat of IM ahajT ha hald tut a InamUx of bwU as 4u-cuus Ha of Jton- maaalilnrra of lha United Btataa Ouuip-aaa, aa aa BTeM a TaaxUy, tha oTnannatha fuwt ffHliillaT M tad daraf AaaU. hr af aaU Suta aaai ? ota t-'nain' "" ar Agaiaat Cuu.lilalw.'r aad. ai aa iha aaaaa liXuA (.- iLa hiau amA LuHata adtoaia and fur MimUraof tha Vk4 ttaua U"oa of sratatiraa, aa aaKiBAba,biMr ata4,aV egiaUtafiou, ia JKorOtt.jPaculiMy, aoauuawtna kurtrau Ura iirif In tha aiaaiioa haaaui nrnarad. and Ki'UMI nawMiaUla public, aotwa af tb line ajdplaoaUinMf.ta teciea- Lx a pervud of a dara. tba reKiatratiua beta : and spue iu MV bosd that anjr paraoa dU aaiitlad tharntu baa, been mgiaU-nxl, U auike the aaaaa of aoch par. mm IriMU th luu, and fash paraoaa ahall sot ha an.rti.l in v.ilm. Tha Boaida tat Bfaiatrattua shall ilea, during IImIm L mhm of wa aaaaa panixi, auu aaai aU paraone arhoat that .tuna poaaaas tba nualifti iUaia taquirad by asid Ada, bi. hart put already haaa f-ialerd. , 77.ini la deuliliug whe aralo ha atrickae toaa or added pi lb ragMlratioa aaia, tba Boards wtM ba guided by the law of Mareh i, 11 asd tha la anunlemaularr thereto, aaa their eWeetiua uijjeciJIrtireol4to,thauaploacUr Act af MtflrVim. ... .... . .... . . Fourth. Any duly rertaiarea voter m Nile auta who may have removed from the County In which Im we rgiatrd, ahall ba entitled to vote In the Oonnty to which he has aaaaoae and has resided fur lha tan data awat awecedinc thia eleotioB. upon presentation or a earti Scats of ngiatraiiaa From the t!onntv la whioh hewaa eriauaallv iateied, or upon bis affidavit or other aatiafaaSu- rj eriutuiea luai d aaa ao regiaaemi. bm um he haa mil voted at thia eleotum. It ahall ba the duly of the Ui;uitrara, upon the application of anv duiy regiaicrrd volar who has rasaovrd or ia aliiiut to femirvS fraat the preeinet hi which ba was oriarinally reffiatered, to funueli htm with a Uwtinuat thai hewaaaa raaaiciasd, and to note the fact iu the reglatratloo booka or Uie precinct, uiihdkukuf tba eertritoate, lha afflUvU of the mitr mBMl m.1 forth tha Caaiatv aaul BraeiiMS MS wbK'hbe waaorwriually ragaMared and tha hangah of Uute be has raskhid hi tb Caouta hi whaah be deairea to vote. In doubtful eaaea, ilia begia Iran or Ins inertias of alaatam abaal raaaire eueh aUuwuustevideaceaaaiagba aauaaassr toss them that the applicant la lega ly entitled to 1 Blauk turaia fur Uie cartatleatea aaa Iu ika davits herein required, M1 be luaniebedtke Baa iatr.n and the bwpeetura of sWuiiua. and. when need will ha attacked to the bailuts oaat by auek votcxa. snd will b IrananiiUad la Pialrist Hvad liartera with the relume required by law. tytli. Xue said elevtioa aiU be baid ia. sash Couuly at auufa plaeaa as aw bersaftar Iw deauj. uaK il, under the anperinlenileiwe or the boarda of lirgiatratioo aa provided by Uavaudin aeourdaaoa will) bwtrnatious beteaftec be girna to said Hi tarda in coufumiitv with tha Acta of Cwaareas sad sshu- ssatsabe Bilk Um law of North Liar- olina. ... . ; . - . . . mxm. The pullaakaH be opaaaal at mrfi vottna nlacaa at aix o'clock in the bareauMMi. aud uluaad. at six o'clock in lb sfWraoon of cash day, aad ahail be kspt open duiing these hours, ,witbiattj lermiMiion or sniiajrainent . i ,. timnUh. AO udgea aod Clerlta ssployed ia eonduoUng aaid election ahall, be (ore oouumiie. lug to hold ihe aame, be eworn to Uie laiiurul Mrformaucs of their duties, and shall also lake and eubaoribs the oath of ofoc pteecribud by raw for officers of the United Htates, . . , Mghtk No naeiber or the Board of Bsgistia Uon. who hi s eandidate fur election to any ofttoe to be filled st tliia election, ahall serve aa a Judiie or Inepeetor of Election in auy preeioot whioh as seeks to repreaeul. , , - jViafA. the AheriaT aad ether Bsaos edbaareaf each Oonnty are revjuirad to be prsaant daring the whole tuna that the puile are kept open, aad that the polls are kept open. until the election ia completed ; snd 1 wui no a ispuua lib Ju isibla that thar ahall ba aa iaaarfsreoee with fudges of lUeetion, or other luterruptlon of irood order. If there should be Mea eae polling pises in any Ouansy, the HbartAT af Abe faunty is setpowusud sad dtraetad Hi aaaaa aaob Sraucnaients or nia depntlee, and other paaae ofaV oUine plsoss. ae ssar s Ms Ser to tjn other aouing puw Ikdnnsut bast subserve the purpoeee a kdgBWut bast subasrve the pnrposs ef quia aid order ; aud be hi further required to report IS aaa srrangearsata ia advance to lbs imaamaa. orr of the Military Puat iu which hia County la tutted. , ,., -ir. t TmdK VioktBos,. or tbrsata of vloleaee. or f diacbaKS frsra sniplayaHnt, or esbsr epptiaslve meana to prevent auy paraoa from regiatering ar exersMng bieriabtef eoiBig, Is positively ire jibitetl and any sneli attssapta wUt b reporVel ay um 'HegUMraraor eaogee at SLiewiiona, ta "ins Fiat Ooamtanderv and wilt cause th arrest wad trial of the ..SVadare by atihtary aulhortty. tie txkihMMai erearrying af deadly weapnae ibvm. latiuaof (leawral Ordera No. to. of IrMT, at the vicinity of auy bi herein oeataia polling f i.will ha trniiar lha regarded sad treated ss sa hddiaiaoai saTeaas. AinvaiA. All bar reoms. Ssloon. and "other (facet for Ilia aals of Honors by retail, will bs otused from aix u'olook of the evening of the M)th of April, nntil aix o'doek-of tha BMM-ning of lb Stth of April. 1HS3, and doriag aaia Mm th aaie or aU intoxlcaung nquor at or near any r polling of eitie place la prohlbitM' Tnf tail ViOluera 1 aad AewBa aad tbslShariaaaud osbsr eases afhV ears ef CoaatieSoWlli h bald arnriaaiiUa let the airlotenluroeoieat of 4his aldbiiroarMaaaV.i asuuptly arrest aud hold fur trial all pArssnawbo may tauiagrsss 4A1 -.jt I if 1 fireMH. Mihmry4rrtrtVrafa Wrth WrrtloTiS. t-anlrea It ahall ba Hani aaal V to reps! Ibearmsd ehesaiesaf the Drilled Htatea, er to keep the pnaeaal tha pork, n prohibited trrihS Act of Conerase appioved gehraary A5, IMS, and ae soldiers ail in M auewea to appear ai any polling rjlsee, snlsaeea'eHlserav a saw 'tat they are onsiiaea soa sr vernier ss vovra. ana tries only fer was parpnee of Voting , Vat th Oommaa dars ef twste will ksep tbatr trmps aval ia bead sa the days of ekxstlon, and wtrl be prepared to act promptly If the civil aatheeileas ar anaole to servs in peace. nmmi s,h 7nirtomw. Tba returns reanirsd bv law to ba ssade to ths Corn mender of tb lrlairic-t of lha rsealts of this sleotina, will be rendered by the boards t Hegiwtrknon of he aeversl Keglatra. lion premncla Ihmnch the Couimanders of th Mihtarv PoaSa la which f bsrr brectne s ars aitua- aad. snd hi accordance with tha Setailsd uwtrae- Urns bersafur to b givsaw ti a AWteaitA. ThsMtatsetaeetato be voted la At thia eleotioB are t ' ' 1. dimmer. : ..... .-4Ii.im,.,i ft.'. Lisatsasat-Oovsraar. A Bsereury of fMsts. :: ' . - -( . Aeouor .. . & . A Tisaeutsr. .. .., - . ( f. 8apariitaadent of Pabhc WorbS 7. rnpennienoaat or rano - a. Attorney ajstearst. , , ' Ons Chief JosUo aad foa AaaocUt aaia- oes 01 in oaijatna voun or. tns eiaie. , 1 Dm JnAff of th gnperior Oeart. ol aah of the Mhvwine iedieial Districts : Firs Dletriot Csrrrrecfc, Caaaaas. Tasqao- raos. tTrgruesar.eras. luiia, asarvsara Berso. i. y t a,i , ; H 1 n .bsoasa Piatrlca. TytraH. Hyd Wsshlegtsa, Bessfe-t, Martia, Pitt.Jtdgaaaaala Third DWIHot Oraraa, Caileret, Joastti Oa low, flraana. Leaoir. Bavaa. Wtbna. ' PsBrtk Dletrtct.-B aaawirk. J4.w Haaovsr, Oaolis, Onlembss, Bladea, Hsmaaoa, koKaeus. Vifth DuirietCaaherlaad, Haraett. Moure, .Biehmead, Aaaaa,' Mestiisaiaiy. Waaly, Venaa. a bixh"DiatrirNrthamptnB, Warren Balt- (aa. Wske, Keab, Fraakna, Johaatna Orghrifha , Seventh flaMrtel.-Pai oa, Oraar, Oathat.. Baadetpb, ailasra, Alesaawer, Casual, ttoekinf- bK i- . M ' 4--sr.. vl f- Eirtit talrrS.okjraytaJ4dao aVaaa. Davis, Tdkia, Barry. 11 , , . ,. Biath Ditrir.-Cauwba. CaUrriar VaclVs waer, Lisenla, Oaaba, Clavalasa, Jathihil, Wilkes, Alrxaadev, BcUowtfl. fc, - Elsvaalh liatrtnAWtUsghaar , Aeh,Aaaga, Bitehell,Tsneey. alld ioa, BnaoraxHa. Tselfth Diatiiot. Haadaraoa TfSMvtvaeia.. Bayweod.Naeoa, JacStoa, Clay, Charokaa. The Chief J net ice snd tha Aasosiass luatres eg Iks gnprems Csori, sud ths Judea of the Sp nor Uoilrt. w oe eieowj oy tne quaiined en . uura of the bit voting at large ihronuhoul tiw 'tl. 11. One Solicitor rorea Jaouial ta l-. 1 V. - Ik. n.1,aa .1... . . V. I 13. a embers et tae in at asniHy,M- .. . , .-w- tret wrKl-jrsrqmaiaa, atsiaaaaaoao., r-A-t, tvUI.U fcvalwS lank. Can-ilia- fetal I Heeuad InaarU-Bartia, VaaUteftea aaa, auan emia eaa tiannr. I aaaad Uiiaat alaaatnrt tad Byte shall slael a MiaiatuT r .-. . .M n k v . rtjiaiTjihasa ease aaa rtraah Utabhai lHav 44 Haflfcrd eaeSaaaaar.im j..'"' aixta Matnaf, Halifax sfass aaaaa sea savaaah ,1 at gilgimaaha aaaa earn aaa vtJai aiS .'ior. nriaeaath fharrlid Vsassaad Laaarr'sliiaiaaial ?TwtSIirLeiaDap''a4 OnaW shall iri raa seaaaia mlf "' TfAtrtataaasaAsa B AJirfaaiaaav ah.tV 1 t a . i riiaalauaia JutHctliladaa, Asd.. Oslassbaa ataH stent ass aaualof. r'f' laOfrsarm. gaaissa saU aleet a Tfl" shall elect two aouatura, ... it , I bisaslaaiili li Sihs liAVnatnl ahall elect has "!, t 'wrrn'. -' '" ,!" aUiibiaaafa Piab-tat , Oraaaa aad ,Waraa aaal act oaa seaafcirT ' , T"" JaaatWsTrsau sassl- alee-- eae . J . .. .. .... Tweotf-ersr Waloot&anriUa,, aad Parses ! TVfttf -Uliri tA-. aal. afafttf l,t lty-ftak !Htrie4aoaiarhaaa ahaa ajtast Shall awevvaaaatore. . "W Twaa-eaaaaah Ibasrlsl TlsaJulph hBdMoat gcaiary ahaM ateet ana aeaatar. .Twf"bih fhatnat ,stcaw aaA Bkkssoad Snail elect one senator. r-atottJHatriaa-Aaeoa aad Voios ahall Tbirbata. ,natrias Msaaiaabavs shall as ma saaslar. , Thatv saaoaat Dtaarkiitavte and Bowaa ahsB rm IT IfllHllST . . . I hlrty. laird Watrtraridaai ahall sleet aas ahTlatoat Wetrlet-adiaythe snd 8tokss Thirtytk afisl8arrf aad Tadkia ahall akwtonaeeaator ThlrtV4lith .IMaMAL!it..;. .-a ii.n diall elaot one a,atr7 Thirtaavoaah SiaMet-Cetewbe, Oaa ton aad lauooin aaau elect oa aetiatca. juury-aignw Ulatriot- HtlbnaUad. Pulk and Hatha d ahalJ elaot ana m4i una aoa aaciauv w?l?,i!.JUuio,-A1Unaay, Asbs and WUkaa aba eleeteae aeaatar. '"rf IMaJnet-Busaeenbe, Haadaraoa aad Tranevlranla ahall elaot one anailji fariyral bugriot Burke, Caldwell aud Wa- uwi am w aaoaior. urtv aanoad DiatabaV klaia, biii.i..u w DoweU aad Yaaoey ahall elect oas'aeoator. ' rortT-mtra uietnot Chi. u. wood. Jarbaoa and If aeon aliaO elect one aenaior The aoaaty of Wake stall ekiet foor membere ; teoonues of l,r GeewrtUe, Halifax and New Haaovsr ahall eiaee three Baaaabara aaoh : tkejrwtlesof Casw.U, Chathaan, OawUariand, iifIi.V"P' ttl "Keeonjba. Frauklia. Ouil- --iif. aoaaawaa, saeoaienbnrg, north, amohiu. Orauaa. Pita. MaaubJnai a-2. bl. tagbam, Bowau. Warren and Warns abaaeleet w" wvauiHua eacu , im coBouea of lyiasaaottt. ir!r2i "hany, Anaon, Sabe, Ueauforl, "I 'raaaafioa, Dnnanmos, onrte. Osbarraa, 1 aid well, (Jaasdan, Carteret, Oalawba. "foka, Chowan, Clay, lawalaad,. SMnaibas, Oarrttnek Davie, rurarli, Oaabm, Oataa, Oraea, HarBaSA, Baoderafai, BaywoodTHsrtford, Hyde! JaeksoB, daaaw, Ix.arr,' ISn. aacoo kfadi- ismian -"' auuwsaaui jutcba Moatgaasarf, iffr Qft"' sk, iewqaaauns, Person, Pulk BichrnotuL Kutharfurd. aauipaon, nkry.,ka; BbtS? Tranaylrania, Tyrril. Vtikia, AaarniaXtori.-SsBaeV WakeC;' WiJaon, J-adlun aad Vauoev akaii sias aaa aaaaibar l.-fy'l.1niW,Jrtu bs votsd k aa am atenKai sre : 1. I ' 1 1 I. Traasursr. 1 Oonnty Clerk of Superior Cooii. Beglstsr of Deeds. - saarVewaf.-'ls ' ''-l t. ytv Catrasbafansta'1 ' ' Ta be alected by aha ,iuUlked ahtatora af their ra apeotive Conntiaa fass The Jirat Conf-wealoruU District is Big mUsa the CoemUeaiif Onrrltaek. Oaaiden. nataaotaak, Pamnlaaina rikAarai. nr,r.w,.i aii l- ;7n.. -- . -. STT? """"-"P""", naiuaa, starun, Barue, aeotiad lHetrlot Pi it, Cravaa. Jooea, lanoir. jaira IHatruit Hm Hum. . lnmbaa, Bladea, Bampson, Oaabarhuul, Bobe an, Hiohaaoad, Bsmett, Moors, Moalgoanery and ABSoa. I'..'.. Foarth Diatriet Waiu lab. B7 Boetoghsss, Darldsosv arya. ritokes, Barry. "twa Dtaauj aaa laeweu. . dlxlh Di.liToWKcwaujlWiaaTna.lJ Mack Buthevtord, (Jtoaveland, PoU, Hendereon, Traa- ',! -each of eraaeb PtoSrait, eae paraoa wffl be jeeled a aWawaaeatative to tba Congress sf th United State by the qualified elector of tb Da ily eosmsJToV Bvt Mal6.B. En. ft! 8. cigai. ? wvin v. UUlMV, ' ' "'ndWde-Caaia, A.AA.0, mi nnnpBiiT'i.) vjv vvm ssrsaassy April (.fH . " rjPOHUROH A DODD. 75' HACKS B. (J.FbOVB. w I H aw dub. n. v, ana ratspsco Familv Ftoor. 'AprO 4f t'PCHUBOB A DODD. TTUiiB WIHXB, ALEB, UQOOBS. CWA B8, Ac. -- .. a..- ToHiomKraT 6)rv BBLB. Nov',1, , FAMDLT FUXJB AND i t' Eiif Fh-S-Bf .-.. TORrlOFFSaTB. Ai LOT OF Birih'KD BDOAB. ia ' . .. dnat reoeivad tar herrael, ..APraB-tf ' ,.-T, 17 POhttiBilU A DOD4V l a it riDinriiisa IMPOBTAB KABITFAOTUtlEB i i ( 1 'ii;l''.! ". ',' . , . OF '' 1 "h i-.-' -ir .AalgBBg AN 'onlntgif MAT r ."'w-sriiOaiAmaiY. (aajwaaaaaXal. aWMWaaa rre.l 1 3. -I -.- . BBW TOBK. ' Marc ll -4m 1838. ' ' ' IV.,; ;a 08. . . I . . 1 . ' 1 1 1 ! 1 1 I 11 TIM WAmKt.timOIJESAUL A LAROI tW r TTH WAltB PIT BAjb and eocttarrllT &.aking, which Will ba aoad at hkW I0RE PRICES i - Material gond aad workaranahlo anenrentail The Bsderwlraad is eondnating a NOBTB fJABOUNA BNTKBFBtBX. aad asks the eope vatiaa of Koatbera Meeebaote. Ba ia, by arairrac himash of the beat Bad sanst bam at ad mselaaaaa? prepared to til aB orders for TIN VABAV aad can saake la aapphr eaaal to the deaasadT f will take any kind ofgoodproemBsabM Ba- Tia Wsr smd parbciilariy wsat, St heat prt- asvaga, anmi.tif Capaer aaS Br will pay eash for saaaa, when grelarrel Beadfor a Pries List aad aompara wits, yasw Bortbera BiUV-I Wnx nana vara. ' " ' f will ka inaabiallvea band a rood aaanil meat ef Ceebtwa sawvea, iSaek'ii Pa sSbsia of bsat aaakaL aaal anil arH rieht. as vaaasiaa saavea, iteasn Paaaat aad . 1 ' a. . poorrf . prVkt-lSt-tf, ,ji . aBilasjaii a M FKCBIf 6AKDE3I JEED. ABE NOW TS V vrrrfT OW-MTa avye. wy of UAttUbh bt.a.U fnr Irina, grewa Aa aai ef which we warrant f th beeSlrmdaV ajiiAdsas a utanKTH. ' ( ! L i ' oasaaalasa, Bsaatgb, M, OL va iiBHSr.,r ,inOMAb.tMBKjJ wt44.WfA 148; it la 9iaaait4i 4 ,-aWH i jf.t nvi tu J6frl .it lr(A t .. '-d x i..5 a aiiaJ ana ' . nw it !'.'! tU' .eilJ). ... !U."o.i' otIK Jr i4 i rlw'UI '' I ' 0 '' dt at Kiiii j.nbi ' i:l- tv . ..ni mi b i.' ll' ti .- !'(!!'. ,d . ii ,-(. il j 'f 111 I'U 1 i ; ll i It . JEN T I IN E If. all 01! 1 ihi Ja? airtl' r 1 ,uOV Hl i Pablkehad , I. 'II .1 lei v ' ' ' olfl II- jlli 1 tb City of Kateigb, X. C., Daily, Bent Weekly sad WeeWy. WilliAJA Pslll Beaton Chtlrt, Xditort (n view of t acamlty of auiy, snd the sever ity of ths tineas, ths Proprietor of the fjairrnrax hs eetmmined to reduce the terms of ths paper, io commence after the Slat. DECEMBER, nest, aad to make eock impror amenta hi Ma general ekaraatar ae win erjoawend it le th patronage of sa snUgbteaed public. Iu POLITIC t will be thoroagnly Oaossrva tia, advocating, at aUebaaa : A strict obssrvtnes of ths Constitution of the TJniUd fftstss, and tha harmonioas Union of sqoal States ; Obadieuee to law sad the snferoement of order Th supremacy of the flirt) over ths military, hi timaofjaaMe; Tb agaaUtyfOf Uat thras so osdisate bratiebea 4 the gcarerraneot ; h" 1,1 Th aorerelgnry of fht Bistos or .their own 1 iatornal affaire, ia strict eonrbrautp. lo th .Ceoatitatioa ; . i;..i :-.u Ths Intaaaaaaof frdB sad Jostles to all, wMumt aMtaetloS of eolor, bat'di suprema cy of ths whits race aa the governlag clsas ; OpiKsattog Is isdicaliM. la all ha phases. As s NEW ioarnal,'tt shall ha equal to any. The arvaefpal tnsrkets will be regularly pnUiah- ' .. .... .,1 1.. i , IU UTEEARI ehsrsoter ahall be makitsmsd Shd b) proved, by coniribatkma IVrhn oar bat Writers. Flratlly.th SmmiraL will seek to b th speeisl - proaaoter of tba adueatienai, moral sndeea. sotsieal ioteraeta of ths pespl of North Car olina. Dairy ReBtlael, aw en y ir " . i month " , ' this nooiba Bemi. wsaAlr haattaal, far sen year, . ta no i Oi 1 06 4 'sl month. .-, 00 Pi I'" -:.?.lUs mooW. 1 wUr .1 B atroaagaaa, 1 is, . , , . art sacotha, 11 AasobacriptkaMsbicUysashiaadvarMs. Aa aa aJssrtlaing ssedlam, th Kxirmrix is Sqnai tesayaittierhato. TtwinainooWai mm" We ask every Coaaarvativ ia th 8te te kaooateoar Agent v extend th sirsolatiaa of the BsmtdibXj. Th sventsof 1868 will beexeittng sad iatportant. The Wxu.t Basamn, efaoaU be in lb hsoda pf th geaat body of the people Th terms are new ao low thai srsry aas will' sbUtokayibris- Mm EEUL - Pvopiissor gtUngh, Jar. iei., lnrhV T" 1 vw.v.Vara A wrafwri " ta urrTsi!rr, bii7ctokk, icd ' .1 l. OLDlUtTLiMD WOEKflL .Cosk ruirnim Paa Ber waiisata'g. Cat- rarra Cotts Pips, BrasaCoaha..,- tvl'd naa xroa. iveauooaa, ! n, Lead and flic BU .1 ee Baiura. .1 Tsha. TmrjaSh Tabs with BssScrs, Waaar CVnwta, trrai and Chins Bssfna, Hydrasts, raaav? BaaaaTPesmbabSt,' Wets wbeatBt 1 ftsrdsa Tsaaa, Waar Oooiers, ! wum iuq Dncs. , ISartBaf. - '-CHiattcil'' tawS a0Wl IB fMfetVVtwif. Aii tha ..flnreaa atyiea oi ursaes,, . , Bigh Up W in BaMfsratora, Dows Fertab 1 . I OnAea, SWs wOl b aold a low as m ha pad Whkhwak is tha M0-ly 1 1 .. . ?. ,.. .: .tanf 1 OM aashshiaa baad and toarvtvs. Bar JAtAC t . .- , W, B,ONE8AOO. .., ICON. sj vaote vs. aaa . v. n asw. M - .., m-,., gbeaidsre. J ' " . JasttohaaaLi . BarlB-tt. ... j,.., , W. B.40KXBACO, HAsVjatMiitt 1 it..-.-.rti irm ..'i.' i.-'it . . .. T titSIOJXS iiJi Vi. se aaie Bsy. - . -MarkSf w- W. U : y. -Y9t Uj;'7"f i4i-wi aeai.n i.a.ir ataa wj toe rrn . ; Jf i . ! . w. a jofora mto, Mareh kaVAi AastAsa AOasa. Miroklato. i .Ian m 11 ,a AXRTTAL OF FANCT OrWBi-t W At . .. TOSNOr-rem. lYjrBWBEaVjaisro tr-d 4ttf ti-iatn ;fWjwFi! .-', MartS-tf " Ff.B. TONES mCO. " 1 r . BS .n.t. ui ,s..i ' .aWaaarrlir4 - :. -.-tn .iHt-ai j.iarJiS' - af t t.LfHBLABOBST BTOOK OF " W'SWMWWflil. ' pfticsEHTiNc. mt xtJibAsndVrV rtsTjb- "rT ? Wb.'L2 I -1 w aanaS farVail TracV . T mk aeravaioa te thank thaw lor their kbersj pstr uaaga, saUlciaiug at ths same tint iu fun. r eoa rinaaiaDS, assuring them that no eenaf sail he ausred to ants I In lliaajsti r 1 i " r1"- sra tu aaaka their purohaaoa iei ma- Ths lidjoav our saeauorandum, thoagh iaeomptete, will give s sisaissBt idee si the gaoaasl sW.-k r 1 1 '" " ' ,: ''Ladled Dres Gods." ' Ase snd colored Itfks, m groat variety, lrib Pupuna, Belgisa sad French Alphas, Freack Me iiw. Barathea, Popun tb-pa. Crapes. opniat Cloth, Ugeras rWrftx, Felon tines, Del slues. Moua iiusa, slug Is and ttoebls width, ia alt ths aaa ahadaa, batasrek, Ac., Shepherd aud Brou FkvisB "' '' CaaBrVialetrie m LitcM. RannnW ILArinm Hanbnrs Inaertinira. Han hwgirniuetag, hawsBsaurh Edging, Nesdlswort UMrtttiog. aueqwitrora rioonuuK, naiunuua dgiags, nsinsouk lhssrtings, Bwiae aud Oam niaa 1 'oi tare Striae aaatasahris Ooharssad Caffs. binsa CuUara and CaKa, Crap Cuiiara and Curat, Burl Collar and Cans. Beat Pont Collar aud Cufts, Real Point Bete, Baal ValeuUa Collar and Ciena, Imiff' Oollara aad Calks, Uteoar CoUsrv and Cniia, tteaJ YaU Laos, beat TUraa .ous, llaal Clenevl aasa. Baal UuirjCT and Uouiloo Laos Heal Mraaaeaa lace, heal Bobbia Laaat Visa a Last Uaodkerobiefa, VaiaBtia lass iiandaarejiuie, us itettua Law alsaslkwrehbaB, " " ' ,T ), n' c.iSi ,ian ... . atfseaOFtCSa,,- Muv I. o Cloaks, Shawl, is long aad sneer, for Mleee snd ijuties. Hoop etna, Balfaorals. Barle and Bibbon Trimmiaga in Urge sssortiBsst ;dst,btlk snd Fancy buttons. Taffeta lubuooa, Harrow Wa tered Bibboa, for Trimming, Belt Bibboas, Wera tad and Alsaoa Braids. Mohair Braids. Oalooue and ovay Buidinga, Corset Bplite, Zigaag Beaid, titer Braida, Magic Buffling, Plain audFeucy liaii Nets, aa.i China and Agate Buttons, Fall line oi Hlaek id piiora velvet lUbDon. , MOIUTatmg !MFtealefAt. Oro. tkraia and atent bilhs, -Fnwch Merino, Boinbazine, Timese, Canton Cloth, Heart l, urapea, naratneaa, ropnua, x.mpreaa 1.10111, ue niaa, Veloutinea, Persian tM; MoneluiBa, dial. Ilea, Aipauca aud Mohair, all of the very heat, Loufiu's oelebrated mauufacture. WkUe Csvods. Plain. Plaid and Striped Oambrio, Phua, Plaid snd Htriped Jaoonet, Plain, Plaid and Striped Nainsook, Plain, Plaid and ritrtped Mnff Mnafin, Plaia. Plaid and btriosd Bwiaa Muallu. Plain. Plaid and Striped Biehop'a Lawn, Soft Oman Jaco net. Hon nman earn trie, port nnian long utoina, H.miI u TuUuu wl.lt.. an. I .vtl. ored, Organdies. Doited and Figured bwiae. Bril bents. Patent skirting. Lsulle' FarMlshlaf Uood. , TJndarveat. Drawer. Coraete. List Thread Hues, Keal Eiigltah Ituse, Oerman lioaiery in xreaa aariaaj, oar stiaeiia. vuiairwn tuiu tuiiea; LadieA' Brown Hiae. Ladies' Black snd Mate Hoae Kidtilavesllirargs assortment, white, black and Njlored Berlin and LraW Thread tilovea. in all aitas. tUarters, 1C1 Kilos Hair, Toeth and Nail! Brnahes, Real hhell. Horn md Outta 1'erfhi Combal veils in Heal Lac Dotted. BordereJ aud Bogle-Trtinmed Paraaoht Faua, Ao. DOaMestles. Bleacbeil and llr iri fJoMVin Hlieelinra and ahirttnga, Blai bod aud Utvsn Jeau Bli arbed and Brown Canton Plaiiuul, Plaid, Mlnid aod Plain uanabnrKa. ncSinga. Heiinirfld liirknev, Hockery, Duogiey,, llk-.i in all tha pripaiar. maaea , uuiguauia in evry variety. llousekreplnn Ip-tnut Flannels, plain and fsnur. aUanketa. Caroeu. fapeetrv, I'hree-Ply, Hupertlne, Jngrin, ui all wool and cottrat chain, Venetian, Beuip and Cot- lass tanwi xaaggeMi Jtega ana. Deor Mars. b Lace. Mllalin. BrocaLelU. anj floor Oil Cloth Dimaak Curtains. Piano "and Table Covers, Table Damssk, Stair and Table Oil Okiths.Napkiua. Doj. leee. Towels, Huckaback, Craah and Gloss Linens, Linsa and Ostt Hheering in ail widths. Pillow Luiaas, ManaiUee Cosnttarpsaes. ' Jseejasrd snd Cotton Diapers, Lina Datpsrs, Bind eya INspars, inso uimq, ac. Ovals' Pam-shlnf Goads. AH are reapsehrally fawitod toinwpeot my stock tha tra way to aoooee ia to encore the interest .f your customers by charging tha sma.last pua lbl profit on good Thia haa ever been my motto, and tb large basiaew heretofore done eneouragea me In adbertag atriotly to it TIIOHAB SMITH, No. 25 Sycamore St., Peteraburn. Vs. 0.1. 15-Ail ., ,, . ; , ., ,,, ,,, MISCElLAFEOUa. a tb Ttsi mt VaatHlte, Tlrglwla. f Wednesday, xlet of Bafaext. wfll hs sold J atptibiio aastiaa, trithetit reserve, that vah waue property, aaoana aa sue aaaiarviU Sast mmwri, mm unaaua atew av awry BftCS OaflOIIUf, ea Mala at rent, lot 70J 1 1871 feet, built with all we mooera impiiiaamuais aa a Brat elaaa Hotel, anu cxamaiiaing i rooaaa, Mt 4cnrioa to .erg Parlors, Dining Hall, Ao. The kieatiea ia sew of the beat ia VirKiaia for a HoteL Th boau. ayaeu anu wu aeia, wuuio aeenre, at 01100,1x01 eeveaty-Bvo to on hmdred good boarder. A gr-t bargaia assy b haa, aa it will be certainly sold. , .'d a, i ,,... i 'i'xaiu: One third sash; balance aix aad twelve moBths, with internet, sailafaetorily secured . Will b old st ths Sam time and nlen lha Store Boas snd lot adtoiniag, A Valaabl arep- aasMa -' - - - a 1 . wasi w, m srm, luiuwi fUAVtuiMVi-FB Uflf-BMa ., i;t J J 1 1 H Bi BIBHUrnu B Cashier 1st NstioniBatt:8 Danville, Td April li. Ii68-rm.. .,; i . J.l.Ai .'lilltlf. U' CHARTjpSTPN,ia,C. 'THE rNDKWrfffNl?D: ttAVrVfl TaJtrcfi -.i- j an. arTaiiw pwl ITS DEPARTMENTS. Ths table will at all times b snpplleil with ths THE BEST THE MARKET IffUHM tncladlar ever debawrr la eBascsr. srhiteiteaaisiaav.srdl be nneacepuaavabls.: Th Bath Booaas sttschsd. to iha Hotel are aappbed with the eelehrsted Arfeeian. Water, snd MOT. COLD OB SHO WEB BATHS Can b obtained at snvtisse.' Thaesai sWaWioaaBHai naid te She eeaafar of tb gaeate ss hssii tadbro,! sent araval ters eaanely spaa Aading tba ChsriewUw Motel qal to any in the United States. Tbs parrrrn- K ve we aaroiiiiuj paauis ta isspecunuy sol tel. ; -a., r J . J.J?. HORBACH, Agent) C swa it-iM at , , nvjpnator. , P. F. PJESOUX): , GENERAL tSSfTRA.rjE AG CAT, HAS ftF-BCWrD hiaane to his former Drsr twnra, wher b wttttwcetr appbeatiaa 3 hawe Pallet aa sf lasnraaea against less by Fba, at the lowest lemaasrative rates, at tba fbUowr iag trst-claaa Oom panics, via : fieaie nt MbrtfTnvf st r Athtttic, of Brooklyn, " ,e -,, Security, of New York, j, t: u : .. 'PasOrftjof Hartford, t- MM l I Home, of New HBYen, 1 , FaJlef if firqirMt, Wmchesler,"5 Jpfermm, of Virpni. tuid , t The Underwriter' gelma, Alu ! . Thbamilaaad Capital aad Aswlta aSiasitreg raparnt.1 anngran aan hm, ' '- ' t w vvurwrrij " iWH-iiMr U." I .' ". las. Aget - Ottl lBIIBMI it aav Brhs darter tbadav.atm Bteosstbaae. res, on rsyvitmiuie n treat. For th aeeaeasandatioa af the people Kving Bearer to the IaatrtaU f th Deai. Dumb aae tb BHaaL that Ica-boaae will h opaaed every morning, from the 1st AUy, from () to V) e'eioek. -' ' A.- W. FBAPri f ft tt lla'trlBlc ' i .-v i j.- ea; to sou tre4 l 4 ACKai." I 1 11 1 11 a aa aa 1 ....... ' Al,lAt1UL AAVgl. . BaVaras auuav .it.-.u i: mnm. B. BIQtBC a av. SeBer-l COMaBlWtoi rattl i Tirrr wtr sr T"e at . " v sv. AtJ ; VWiaii SIU BTWVIstK Otaaalosof Csatiasaadaa eaha Amino I waarkal CST m awas- at the btaul, c-aiiaj forwarded to U rerpoot i'J' ' JUasnd sdvauoss assds aa arodaaa a. kZl XttAVUJJLIlu Aussia 1 AUi iLTlT It- avho 1 '-r"-" awpprng to iu. ' all caaes ahou preferred by lYmanT k,iS U recent regtuaMona. ""'Iliara, AWosaAjajj. Mutiui,, 1 a. , nut. f roi , aiixtsd rtrrrin. wna WDaijajri: Ever bo It aiionld hava oaa I - '.til ' v' is BMtuaiia ska eteab, . a-.V," Praratfca lAprn lot Iftdb,!, bead hCSlto2?' rasntJ Tfcl' g. Will be ZxsliAXf stt fin s Ia-a . ffstiilsl. u Pranlclin liw.-ii a rt . .. The dwelling lari rue and m : . . ... . 1 . . . inui , ouuainre. Mn . . Jan 29-liH-tr w . B.JOHESA'OO. M 1 1 JOB PRINTING Ijdesirtng Shenir.' Clorl,, ( ft cJj!fT CARDS, BOOKS, PAMPHtlTK '") oroar panting, doss, wul pleas assal sT thai Theywill be neatly raeeal ed and done aromtdlv and on the luwaat terms. Wl We erpe.-t hooi, fo hare onr offiaa mppUed Utk the neouaaary 1 tal to aiatlte tb aaadli" 3 our trie' d in every specie of JiJ fwT.- Sept. i7 -41 " E PEtJ'pSo,j Kk . 1 "rjast 1'OllTAB K ENGINE 0 ' Z LNESVILLE vOHiaiA ft UTVAtM Wn two ' n n. . . r . .Id NILIS.) ffVALBb P K Ki enviSJia 4JI1I (.1111. 17, . . j ll M VUKJH MILL S AND IM PROVED TLOVBim 'II 11 m i i. j, a. Thess Baginee and Mitt hare rsrwrrsd the tnt All preminm over all eompetiters. They aftird the best, cheapest, and aaost aseaoadsal power ia ae and excel iu pcrier say Engines mads hi ths : Union. o i..-,i ,t.. .m These Enginea ars fired and thoroughly tsstsd before lesvius tbs work, and are warranted lad ' respeote perfect snd ready for immediate asa They are wrrant-l to cat more huabsr with Was' "3 hands and at 1mm exponas thaa aav eShar la th Union. .,"VT-,I7fi For doaeripUoua, prio hste aad oahsr tofoms ttoaaddreaa, , 1 J" JOtTN B. ORETTEB, June sm. '' it ,1 i 1 Bote Arwat tof tk 0 '-' .'! ii on 1 1 to mil m PUPflM! JUST BBCB1VEI). A K)D ai01tTMWl M ofDown. A ,Co e.lriate4(;fv ' Deep-Well, CigUni, (Iom ,bA JU& , pumps. Whiolj wj offer on.reaaonabla tersvs., i wtn ,i BRI008 ADOpD. , , . - ai.il ill., a.,1,1 ,t - ,i.ll atrVS i PRITIJni'B -OW8 nx 'vi 17I0R THE acesmmodatioa of oar estesssora. I lie in the State, we propose te keep aa band . ,, a quantity of NEWaPAP. to Philadelphia, and wiU I sntitvor HKWaPAPEB 1MB, manalmlarwl hiuuleliihuv and wiU aell it. Sa- caab. at Plulr'V uwipuia nneea. wo nave It IB Bag or s ana , phia prieea. We bare it ia ksgs of amis rnwh, at SO eta. per pound. I aacoaDanv order. Aonlv te th must aeroapany Apr. g-tf El Apply t DITORS OF rHE 8ENTJHFX. til,, lain Kim on fcsl-s owk a iMtrollwt U lha beat Jareaile kUraain. Every Bof aad O.H Oirl that sees it says ao; all tba Press yoi sd aecare a eopy A good MicnBsaai wilb -W cviinder to eonfln livin obleaita. aw a wood two- bladed, pearl Pocket Knife, and a hww ntjavbsr - f other diaanabl britclea gtvea a pfviioani ach sobaohber. . Isartv. ALSO. uuHun cjauantmcee a new vorume. ' T . nit i I W. AaWNDeO UB W. JBNINOA UEMBBBKe w a tsroaoway, iw aort. -i Try it. Boys and Oirts. Bpsoiaww eopiss, irl tents, mailed free Nov. Aa-ffSJf r, , vvgnOaurtasaw tgtemtti'al is I'Sin hrf MaOAIJBI.,,1. a a ...f. l,k-wlrf A. llVJ rsrnr rise, Poems, 'Bketcbes, Arcbitectur snd M'deljes Cottage, HonsebeM Mstters, (rem Of Thonrtt, " couibe, aud Mr. . JiT Hawoekr?' rill be alee ami tri aLuT!fri ilaun. . . . . aj. uiliirwi.t,. '7- "v - ."i A orchard of t.uiJoTEai, W j2rlj X' vsriety of Orspe st, f . H V i mVU, ' '' I ' ,ll)(!lil :fe--:v;aB'' ViW &iffil fersoual ami Utarary Uosste'tinctsding spetw erevamd a sanslest tuiueaaitiu artwaM ae"'"- ties, with ether asefnl and snterteiaiagiiursn., fM persawi W refinement, Voonoaucal boa- . departmeni on Fashions,) LisliactionsoBBoaltli, Ma.ee, AieTneaite, etel, by-tba beet sathers, V ad profneelyilluatrsted with enetty Birrsvisa,o (fl size.) useful and reliable Paliera. taakrwd-1 . wife, or lady of teal saa afford te do wMbss t-'"" Model Monthlv. Sinai eoxtiee. SB swats; nnmbers saspsdmeBs, 10 eente; free. Tearty, IS, with A ; With varhahte rearmst, vJ ras eopiea t7 60 Ireooptee, . i mine for eiuba at MMeh. wah eeBtes,AoO; tbraet SUul aalfghiVII tiMsiini t ' ata-a - w. "bin Mr A new Wheeler A WUsos rVewmg BldpiieT for -JO aubecrUicni at W ea.-h. Addraaa, u 1 W. JtUikLNOS IlKMCiaFTTV-,- 1 No. 7 Broadway, aw i tas DetnrsW Monthlf knd Young Ai garner sa, vita ins now. I fa-v 'JTOaABHBB I'W-I iftol ' JU banWsBofssWuhalvs' whoVsb-'' seU I l " .( VVe-l ' '' rav.o ai X i . .ul ok AS'ir-i el ' 't ,'"'' ; - " J'-tr CIIAXCE TO nATB TOtali OLD rilaUITUES 1ST AKI 'Vll iatrt vd ta v. - if KJ.AU VI I AU. aati an Had 014 KtvttntwM mantel aai aatte m ttAtLNO OBTAINED THE 8EBTKW OF A v No. t rphbitorer: w ar prwpsrwd atww , U kteds ef CPHOLHTE1UNO, with a - Pantrtirra of IB kinda repsirsd aad wanm-- n . iA auninaaterd- and anv thine is ear and re-nphohitercd, sod any thing is mmweaasr pwaipar. a ryv AlBkUr'''' ?' WFsyettevikait. W ra. iun ni . -Vi-i S1:-I'S H AXD-SAWS. HAM MT PI, K.ihot, raiiiT W. H. JONtJt S w.. ,.B;irf' . lob. St-Sf VMn AauL A Cm. Marcatata

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