HfW ;a o K A ii u a n isn iff v.t.v ; . ' hill . . dir.: i.i : U IK ' J w (T1 i ' - Irrii M ill ' DAILY SEJSTINlili ffenea sm f U WorU 1 tMPEAettJlK!IT. art ...j,-. ..- 7-i, iVfk(- 7rWg LM"On la- lii SMfAwit-Unmarttf tit TrMTU ""If V'iiu!tiiTO. IhiL 1868. Wm kiHMkna I b High Court. J Mr. Batter M to very lunejr tbat inw die of toughing, tod ncrr tit tplu ot Irnr a'(MliWti ttifliyrftngfcinoratiiaa t tn; otbcrtW, W beiit pto doll Md imveli. or ttjUlTocbtt iirk.rnoU ul t pin and drink jitrat-pescfft,M4 l at tbe rreirtent. u4f Saogh aoiM nur. TUb otlitf fy Vad JUxauao TbmM op, and it Mplodld to k tha wa Mr. But-U-r urad tlw old foaM tarto-V J got " bin 10 admit tb.t htfi the Pieside at told lilin tu-kefat 8rary sof War, b Tn ac) thoogbt it hi duly t oby lb order of bia Couinaadtr in-Chief, iWa Iragala eidmt' erijil iatea4 yif may well imagMM tUat we all looked grave. Tlien Mr. B, cootiouad the crnaXinioa uon, and broBgllt.WitiveM to a'waef tbat tbe I'reiideiit told Iiiiu ha (tbe freaideot) in undud to BiaiDiaia- ah CooXriutioo and die lawa, and experd tim (witaeaa) to do t e ime, and (bat be (itotl wid tltat be would, mid at liiia ihere mat hardly a dry , ve in tbe houM. We laughed aad langhed in the galleriea till we cried, beV Qa to H r it wai ri marked that Mr. Manager u vem recro'd Ida aadry ttraua!ed Wgt nl waggled his hcrloriM bead aHnt la tn MHiacy of joy. Theia were aome,it ia true, w bo objected t all tlii chiefly copper i, ail and rebtia, however and aeemed to tiuuk tUatit,VbahaDful to abuae an old ra -haired man, whoae life had been apeot in the teivice of bia country, and who iheo stood in the Bin ale chamber in the uniform ot a general iii the, army, Id auch a manner, and one foul-mouUiad peraon ia particular went o fr aa to ay that Butler waa re eAruinir his title of B- eat : bat tbeae dialnyal Kniintint did not prevail to any alarming exieut,udw werii vtry bappy and laughed a jrrtat deal wheu Mr. Butler filed bia eve noon witnetaaojaaid: "Sow, air!" Then be , litd him "Inrtnto," and we all laughed aain, and then be referred to him aa "tbu wmoD," ai.d attbia it ia hardly poaaible to deacribe the exallatioa which thrilled every tn.oW lot) heart ia the hall. As tbe Scotch man aaya, "Eh ! ain, but it was grand," and I dou't know but that wa would ail have given vent to our feeling, but at tbe mention ot "ueraon" Mr. Bumper raiaed bi headrr-you e b write letter to hi frieod all during tbe aeaaioni of the High Court and wetftought te'wa goine to give a a xooecu. ltUu Irtewd ol toe ngnuoi u,au nevor bear tbat Word txit h Lxtan- laneoualy toini oi "penoo oi ooior, ieei it incumWt upon Mm to aay aometblag. Thi time, bowevvr. vr were ' dtappoloUt, for the Great ITlogged how ead It wa they bad to tM hi back-boa out la Europe, and ecreBeJt and aoak it ia oil merely gave u a gentle unite and wanton writing hi private letter on tbe publie notr. tneing thia, Mr. Butler redoubled bUtffurU io conaole ua, ana received toe moat valua ble aid in tha i'urtber crgea-examiiaatioii trnm Uenatinr Drake, who cam SB and iat cloae to the Muiafier' elbow, and called for the yea and nay juat a Mr. & tipped him tbe wink. , A true, true friend i Mr. Prak to the right otmanv aad ao eaprctaiiy loo a oi the poor dowavtradden colored race, tbat lna hair i a kink; a a nation' ward'. Lavatef aaa Mid bawionl ot th mind mould ibe flibl" (cnement; and aa th Senator Irom Miatouri ia a moat devout Republican, peihaps tlii ha (omething to do with hi very crispy lock. But, t that a it may, Hen a tar Drake i one of the BVMttroo ly loil men tn the Home, and one of the handaomest, alwaya excepting Mr. Cook ling, who I the acknowledged Adonit of the Senate. I look dowa aomf timet oa tbia great and good man, and, il u doe turn hi toe ia aad walk; a thiaaaoM foul mouthed person I bv before rebuked aaya, like a turkey oa hot platoa, tber i omeo thing in hi genera! aapec to aommaad re mark. Ia height be i quiU Ull, aoma aeven feet nine or- tea, I Should aay, with bia bat on, and hif hair ia of a moat lovely new mown tity color, aad lacllned to earL Hi forehead it Bblkeapeariao, and a little turf of wootnina down it oeotr like a cap of curl projecting: into a boundlea coo tiiui- ty ol akin. .'Senator Trumbull i alao aioet striking man. Seven year ago be looked! like a fox. To-day be reeembi aotung bo m ach as a, moav and la seven year to ome. U hi face oontinue to ra treat ia th ne proportion, tbe back aid of hi head 11 be th front Being trooty loil, be ia, oforae, ot a modest aad retiring turn. ttttrreani p After fttifg i A. Ft. deeiratioa bat aupaortinf Uta CoaetUa tioane I he t excuse me. bat really it u toolejpy. The idea of aaybedy' doing rack thing is thee enlightened day Mr. 9 went on to make Tbomaa con trover himrtf, and O I it wa foe to bear bin aay, la tbae silvery tone ot hi But didn't yeray it t" and "Ah I hI but I thought yer aid " and "Tor didnl mean it, theif and "Yet didn't git into the War Offid after all, did yer t" A piece of plate shoal be presented to this aua. After get ting Juuugb w-ff."'ThOoai, aMjot Genes butlef persistratty called him intake now wlarted we next had XJea-teitat-Oeneral Sharmaa on tbeetaad. Mi vidaa wa, oi eouraa, aaowtly aoUiln, thoop nm topperhrad jpwra have MU great atru apon some t-timony to the i feet that . the IVeaiiieat waatMt "u" ia the cnarta, aad wouldn't rrea cnowidor th Vueatiaa tf sum, aad aw wa and . Gene Bbersaa ia t ha, ia a lew day, w Aaek a, or S ova Seotfci, at Kova Zambia, r Um I aland f Fire, or on) wtaar real statelatetj rtttRheeed ty Mr. Seward, and, thoigk kwh toave dose good am vice, w are ratber clad to have iaa g aad aepa li will And 111 iceberg and th bear iatrreating euaipsb. , J"be Crath aa, these ijtary aitr, alway exoeptiag Bxtiar, aad Tuchia, ai.d Mii a, and Deteo ; ivo Baker, aa-1 8er tary 8taat,: aad General Oratt, of esnraav-UHhi'ri k tiick A. J. tnly-dji t asBBjwwiwtwiiiKtthiaihiwff. Why, whsf auoVrrf 'Ml',.:t.t(,.o many of Win tl last seve yei that the Becurding Angel ha get tiesd of- axir ttl of tbeav, aad awB" aaartr viK tbee wa kerp thorn ix hwt;at4lfinvwbat(tho juaaoo tioatea awt Qeneral Stiamaa nerd be so very parti (tlar, and Gi nets! Grant should tear tie auapa rru uff hit atKiuldkn aad put theas oa bia oa tark. f J th good of tnwly loii r n fr We thtaa iliti trivial utter of kcual ftreuaistaaea, aad, it i to VOI. III. i1 awja. forei mW still resaaia th eawlear of to aaiioa wliaaMr." BberaMa) hat foaad aafc ssatbsg plaoa.i Ihe axgyhaga of , MM MweSF aMaW Aft w..fatS Vaj-4 0 - Bat. t ooaUaoo. Alter wofthfoawh with Oea, aheraiaa, Mf. Bakr took atoki It i aaid he has th pleartay, sad, hf, ao woader. Mr. Butler i enough If giro aay body th pleurisy. Thar b ax a kail dia phngaj let the gallery, or w a , that matter, bot U eor wtth taaghiagat hit witdclaiM, aad, if ha baa do this ia friendship, what eaa he do OahaUt Owts(,;tLoeofar, to tha. pktrrwf,. thing art act a bvotyaa tay waa,torhaM tawawa oaa i:t.' atiiUaia,SUnbwy paying oclMag bouj aiilobUgtiopil thCiiBiltqtif.a, aad Mr. Butler rmuowdiag Tn;" Mf. PMVaaUkat - aad - enat.a . buUdoa'tJ ajtactlyaeeaintnaUlgnl- 4oryooTnoi auow that Mr. B. begiaa- hiatKoi with great dallbarstioa aud wiad up Ja a gallop, jaat iliM.rkUfii.lw KaiI abiehM bin whoa abont half through end mitd' th tfosing moiety ihoot c-vt Jifce a hutir iron gaa, TL leHS tu tnworaohr M anagerV too, though ailvery. a nieotiooed, is aoat alj time ao -silver a it oiitbr 'he.' Ubra atooally it ha the ring ot braaa, and i aad thea heeeaae ow guttural. 1 bia, of course, is due to taw ardaMMiUhor t tkn trooty loil nrna ia arguaiea,ad it I a evp-j perbead lie to drclare that wt loch time tb blood of Mumiofd i choking him. And now a bunt too verdict. .Well, w haven't made out mueh ot a ease, il I true, but we never came' befbitr the Senate ; to make out case. We cam io get tbl man Johnson out, aad wei'ra going to do it We have put tbe screw to om of th weaker brethren, and feel confident that if we will only let them make a ahow for horn fonatgptioa In, (h " fj rojiminn 'VOtdt, tbey'irgtv their' voicW right on- the final call. And then, mtrt nout, when we get Andy out we'll make short work with th Senate. It haeu't come up to the work ia the proper spirit Ip has (ttaVa Vtder wo little apprehenaion, and we are not yet ea tirely without douiit And then, yoa know, it ia aristocratic in it nature, and modelled ior it origin u the, JUritiah House of Lord, and in order to hewt agov emmeBt purely republican iu form we maa) do wy with every nmnant of kingly ml. There i precedent for this. In the day oi tbe tyrant Char k a, th Common of Eng land declared on one day that there ibould be no executive power in the band of any one single man, aad oa the next day abol ished tbe Uoune of Lords as uaclesa, and the third day made it law that they them selves alone pofced any right to govern. Io the days, likewise, of tyien ; "'iia the National Assembly went througn txactly tbe same proueUure tirat abolishing any cbief-magtatracy in tbe nation, and ' 1 -a ito ing away with tbe tipper House, and then declarlug the representative chamber alone the ruling power ; and Just ao ia th day of tyrant Andy, we intend to., follow tbae irloriou postlv of fredotn--Crtimwell,Ol Sasland. and Mobespierrr, of . Prance. If blood cornea, so be it. Cromwell had the armv, aad we've rot Oraat' Robotpierre bad tn gwlllotina, and we'll resurrect Do- tecti'e Baker, and act , Mr , bVwaid to re-riogiair hi little ba . That's th plan ; but remembrn thi. I private. The tbing isn't quite ripe yet, and moan while we make a great ahow ol respect for the High Court, and flaiux , tha people all we can, though, in our heart of heart, w know them to boa iaiernal a set ot slave a ever aaerited ao iron chain. Tktf rise op against us, tbey, th peopla, forsooth, poor, pTucklea dogst Wby, w blackened Andrew Johnson a a drunkard, in order to break down tbe man and destroy tbe dignity of bi office, and pave th way to the deposition oi th one and tha abolition of th? otlier. Juat a Charles a tdaekn4 aa a debauchee and Louis as a wilful cuck old, and th people never pretended to vindicate their President, rather laughed at It, and thought it a good Joke, and never discerned, poor brutal fool, th plot at the bottom oi it Then w (pit la tba face of th supreme Court, aad declare tt soon Id tut take cognisance of. " all " ease a th Constitution provide, aad th people never evergruotea at tnu seoona diow. aao. now we've impeached tha President, aad ia thirty five million of people, there's not been a tingl public meeting to condemn the move. . W are esfo, I tcUyoa, aad it ia only a question of time when we shall put the programme through, i The other night I was ia a gathering of tbe saints, nod they all aaid ao, and I know it' ao. Thar wasn't thief ia tbe room but Was a loyal as Judas whoa be bore the batr. and tbev all aereod ia despising the people. On aaid " Bahf' aad another said " D n "em," and a third qaoted aoaxthing from Bhakrpear about a greasy rabble with their stinking breath. ad taoa ail fait to worn; oa aonto roa drauirbt of Wi elation to thi aad. aai earn away. Moral Jdea. must prevail. .'"Mil ISTlt8 lfiENCT, w; BHiMd Brwwk, Kw Jeney. nrik laa ia alfala ta anvwl . M. JL e tae great Central Bail goad, 1 hour dis tant trot Htm fork City, area wksaoe her r- ohsnis are spreading, sua rapMir asoaranj, au akmg tbi greet thoroughfare, th rams aad hones of onr JenMyaaea,ieavin tastmiTS eaiawaera) aad tstore tv fo tt It fWoar 1 otniiKlv advios Maia. and want saiiaus scewss, who viD aead me partieejars aad arises of fans ioreae,io waoes A eaa oirecaeaaa eaeiuaisra, far ranter BorCxln. addrea - . . , . b. ?g newt, .. Apr I i-jawa..J,;- . , Uhrm.t ? XE0IC1L SOCHIT' o tu TATE OC ftORTU CABOLISA. fTIHK flfteaotk Ansal aetlait of the Medical J. aVMyif Kortb Carotaaaoill take also fas v. arrenroa, . i oa weoneeoav, in aaa ay, 1MB. DetacatetwIB BO tasratitted 4d. OasSovsr th Xeilroede far one tare. - ,. Ur.Wm.t- JtSorec4a,, Xiaatan,wiU ds Itver th Annnsl Oration. , . ( h , - v By order of th rresident, . .. , 4 April la v i . ,;,u.rrwtar,,. fTtiE rrteoe of omr kor wit! gtve eatifae JL awa.ii'.;i -t " -' ' .at it . a t v c ru(fNttat. ..... j.. ... . t .Jiil 14-00 mmmm " 04 N.. nmietsr oa ootiaujaBioiit, a largv M -if atMndbdM C.ttaeMai-' ' " '" -' .(.- Ajmj. wa dried BkMnrMHi Bet Hum. ' MMtdttUIuWUs, , . Apr. Ui Coaa. ltci.i..i a-.u-.:. ner. . nairj J lwari nrr kc t. a rurn. 5 ; ' ' iJm tWa. ft. C. aad I eJar" ftattv fieor. awl4f , rwiiuncii roifK- COX OELAT1KK. ...0-., - j RALEIGH, BOOT ITOUDL c w. WILIXaJU LAJOXTH, R0. 4 FtjetUrlUe EU K.CL laok Sellarm ajl gtatlonark . BTiKSAKD aB MiecZLLaIOD WOEU v kuaVXMabxJt, nffBA kmiuA I Tomi a mTiohutT t ranri .! m ihirp Vaumxai ". - " t vrm PRDTTIBS j 5-- MTFPUBti , i it ) A - ' J BCHOOt AKD fJFFKJB Bepi8ITn , , J. .i - ..','- ,.. r. . j , I Vv iXBDMJ ; j ,i '.a '' ' 'I MNCT ABTI01XS, to. W now rivuif Mwsaaftiss, aadWw itaatly auatawr sorb additions to ear Htook as enable aa to furnioh every article nasally kept nrst suae nuue oaure. m awuiuea rs eaaat a t anshts as to fantah in i van law oaM. any artiele aot oo baad, and B ordate will astrs our pnappt atuuUoa, hir aosuwaa will ne oomiiietsd oa th cten syatern, and evwy aitiele sotd at toe very lowest WnjJAMH t LtMBKTH. fUlsich, April -luT-tf Itinera N. c. llmantc tot 1868. tjt SHALL PTJBLIKR, tn a tew aaya, the Y ) (BITI of thssbov A Ws bsvs redneed th prios to to per hundred. or tSO per thowaand. Ueoa yonr orates to , ,,. . WILLI A IU A LAMBlTH. I BookaoUere and blMouera. Kjdeurh.Oet. tt-7-tr USCZIXAnOUB. NEW AERlVALi. Oeel a LOW su they ctN round la thU UUlctd. S.II.& W. J. YOUNG'S, Ho. 81 Fayetteville St, RA L.CICII, N. C . , til; Th Senior of thia arm ha been selling Ooods for tha last twenty years, in this market and cad aay to our friendt that, eunaldorlng all things, h never had a " ITTXH, VICES OE CHZAPX& HI I. I "''.T.IV'-U.I I' til.-l IB' H Toil iHore. Ko. rayvttetBtrwA, balskjh, N. a OetoWt.tlnt-tf."-''-'''' t---- '"v t- mm'mmmMt . m w Cj vT. D. HVTmiUlttfl 4k BBO. ' jMA TfiVJFACrrVXlims, WH0LE8AL8 AHD'HttTAllTDEALERii IK LADEE8', GENTS', BOY V AMD HT A Ct hTT SADDLES, . BwtftJV Ciurt WM BltlDLES 1ND , MAETTNaiLES and aU other foods nauailj kept ia regular BWddieryeetBhOehBieat .. .. ,. They will eeU, a auort tioa. Car eialf, sis aniall advanosoaeoat, in order, so reduot .auuir heavy etock now oa hand. . ' . . Oitiaeot and atrangers, viatting "lie City, who eriah to - enoda. Will do Well to look Bi onr atoek, eth. door North of Poet Office sad op- piatteJaarket Hqnara, javetr-3T.ua onreet, asMign, fsbT-Ut-B? WILLI AMI W. JOKES, ATTOBNEY AT LA.W, j HENDERSON, K.C. TTTIIi retCTICX in the CoonUaa of Orau W villa. Franklin and Warren, and in the Federal floart at Beleigh, M.O Hpeeial attea tiaa atTa te attars in Baohrnptoy. - Prompt personal attsatioa given to eollaeting sad eeeer&f elabas ta all part of th State. Maash tt iati - " -1 tI attiES rtuu aai. 1UU V, Foraataky AprUt-tf , UfCUUitCil A DOWX i m A ay w -wwr "TTTTtKB handanm raauieoose. sad Wall fan- USSfw. H. yOItB- A H, Afar. iHkr .(,AinB AOoa Meroaaats. if in ii ma I't ii f" ii li i ii MILT BjaB1alB.-3tya((.-, 'itl ....... nit m0 p-nriimi i aftat B-ear. Oat leaf aref. n'-o wen- fld JavaOoBe Ltnsra tBee, BaStVffee. Black Peppae, Alapioe, Cloves, htaoa. Nnttnefa, fliniied rinnamilBi rooBd CinnarooB. own. hWatgh, Apru U-w I With Hast A Lewla IS RM.REW0BOP3lBBtltta M .Beats a, srrTVTfia; and to arrive at lOtl ; i f rvav own uuiuu o. 68. fiPRWB 8T0CS74868. BOOTS, SHOES AD TRtJKHS, .m AT WHOLESALE OKLYI V Tl BATK RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK boots hsd EEora," - beet Irom th Manufacturer, which we wiO eeD Below aa goods of tbe eaaaeqnaliry eaa be Sought AbtS 1-tf Bo. t baa Front, up fttalra. , . - . - votersbrff. W These hnjiag l.Bk4bWBb ollt of money, t fjwiift m s yfOIUI A!TBAOO. j . , itS yd t-' . v bobela WMte Corn. M t . iw tl ; I.IWO iBwhBddrBBd oon. Xar4f . , . . At - - AX DREW a - Mar ta u, kj. 'U l z k uai.i T1ICKLW) MX by I-i '". ! 4arobiaUtf 1 0 l0. Atou ttvlat4a. A Hi,,. n tl,....' uf wrvvg TBXBB AJtltlTAL OF FA'CY OWTM " ? J A.T ,1 HWSOt FSIPS. IJltCMltc ,! f. A .; It H ' It t w. aa. fuaei w. j .... a 1 1 i u'i- , u tft 1 . " - i 1 laehee Cotto Tsrws. i"'V-l t Martl-af . , W. tt-JOhr ACO. P.h JKJN DAY, f ATIUIi. 1 0$ l fn. ktkaUtmpt A.et.i: 1 t - . -" i M i r ; m W have baaa jeqe.atad to pi. thoBauki 4 uw. abia w lanaiaaiiiH . a uaaa axi f na viwaaaa, ta roar, . .., ahat ou a liars ataji BMtaSMaiMl u, attd -y UiarUura a aa suss m ye inibuaad BiuB u-uj, wbo aso IQlllltltaSlS U aka-isMerwaul U u.uans V . ta.ta tuiwe pSjiiiii w eueapii truw m. v tt al r 'Uiuve twrmaoaiue' atnerat ptaaoiiia ul Uie tot, a sawtti aai uf taXwao eeuuuuikte aaatiae; Sir w ifjoi. Hu aisairf au, we uiae oar ntiiiii. aWei ioUliia- Bouaat teaaet am VuesaHu uvuiura, i jaauMii aA A X h an uaj at vWaatary i.i.q auder thta oeoeerjeiiat m . -i muu, wkk-a, oi heiaBateOie ta lv i a, - iit ' aj tvuuuMio-Bsyisr tt. 1 NWi W raiieio aoiHK.ul. ...up Aetatoh..,5 Uiaii.uuaa, vt ' td u mi . i weir ot-uueaa igij l mm raf r urn a aw aiae au e.f J wt raaadiwi.ai,uaMUdiUj; . sowtof widct awy an -Uwr mf ha Mi aa interval, t aaaauibi in etsi!iriuii,f itn . jta r41 U au. in ou-. "t i.rtu."" i w enotd m tba "i.- ... ii , i t.upr. umi iMtrt-of Uw liuiuid Buuea, ' Ttees aokvdtt.ea. vented by tits ostB! of the petitioner tetute a Ihelrayt txwrt Aw, I egiatar in BaasTupast, or 0 gLraaeiiOilvliar. aittet aueueapaMy aue peW Uoo, mL wbob BmI. at la eiMuweaeeaaeitt of waaoediuge ttraan liratauy. It it ehuoid W isiawtum. ueaitaa' W pauuavauura at auv Utc OauHruj.tr mi diasuarf ad, Mei IwateAfi by to shift or .ukerfuij. saada a fcvta pr naM. 1 Ul'teduio,.tiii weliwenteB.elf wooa unreal bisdiauhaiHi wow unreal eieeieiniaiaa. 7 ' tt kViwu Urn uesiuoa lalm lrai or eouanuaiw ah if,. full aet vi-euuedule. of tae roepiaeHMawfl.al tjtjsM 4 urn -.,00 ? of eke ana ahoald T & Vi-Whea the pMaita ia iued, the osas is InwItU ABaUr nturredaaasluitittvT, wtamniiiiee tBo. netauea aud irkaonltt asBvied thereto, auA.tf aha art eurtoot in torai, aaakee a eertineate .to uuMttaeet, to settled with the Clerk, thin 'ad j edges tha debtors BaaWupt aad iaauea a war ran to the aiustUKor to euaaaaua all the ereaalx ureaoid ia th eeiiiianer's sobedtuee,.to. meet , at the Begisler' pmae, at a eartaia tni and piase, to prove tbttlr ciaiuai audeieot uue armor A - to take eusrge M the Baakrapt'a a-' aia' rnu unt il. A creditor can. however, prove bis elain: at any tun vnWbM iu the bet dtvidaud, which will ayneraUy be aa mam ha absui,aeiit a the adja, iaoBitnn of Banksuphjy. b a BoreiUtor has any at aa ding ia aBaakiapt Court onui he proVHf hia eiauu. . . I. a, Crediiora hav no rurht to toffipd tbe Bank rupt te suawer aeatioua pouoeniiax tba dtapo sal of property if aim aequwed aaeatqaoat to nuBsr a petitiuB ia Banaropiuy. 'In other words; the date of the titan of the patitios by or agauat a debtor, ia the data at waiun, if anjudioaiwa ( bankraptey loUtws, the ol order of things aeeses away aud a oew leaf ia Surged over." Ob Una point deoiaion haw been variant, Tha aaf vale appears to be, that the sppuean ia BaBkrapies. aa prrteot right to eiaiia whatever be ha mad after hi application, by Us personal oxer, ttoae, I'tu auy prottia he aaav have made,frB aa veetaient or ored! may be liable hi the elauawof the raewiver bp lai almost th varied of hi disr enarge. , d,,r baas altar the anparaUiio of aix moiiUia. andwtth- 4 in eaie est from tits adjnri irat aai.fta- the diauharxa ia baiikruptoy, so.1 in ease no Beetle some into :te hauua uf the tsaujuee, or no debta be piotad agaiuet his eavata, at aay Uaia attar the axpira tlouotalaty tiara. '.'.' i 1U Aa aoun aa ao Assignee io alerted or ap nointed. the Junjra or hWiatar will etwvev to kimf by deeduf tolanimeBt, af tha tMokriipfa pruBBtty evwopkwha. H tailpted, Vis I- ttoaerJl Bold aud kiauhea fuaiuttm awi other nitit,.iaiB fnhn hat we.img spparat wad- the ot his wife and Sudureu, auOaush ether propel tav tMl aueiMea ia thefonwuiugaeia eaaiupt flout Irty aad set Bpon exeuadqai or other protwea if )ae law uf b ettaie pi, wutun to uauarapt raauuw, Mas ausmut not oaeeediug Hmt allowed by titate ,1 (. hilui toet 'A aaf iVoaat'et. lor aoggeew, eaer aoie naaa; tan me eoramoa inipreeeioo that peteeuB wav . beeoni baulu-epva aue yet us allowed t retain tnvir bauses and laiala, ur other property uf ueMiuraolevBloe, ia a toTeat aiaaai tiuder (ho Aot. bo hoaeat Bank- i upl iu thia Mate can have altetml te hi.af, a-et' fruui UiteparaUuB of the Aot,eai'vdui( 7U0,b aidee the weuriuc apparel of suuunif aad baUlv.' balikruDleiu thia Btate xea outiund te horae- I et4uui uuiti that .- . . Il 1 . A 11 Uuttue itwy-ui too arit.iH, witbiu sweuty day. aftts tue aealuuiautua hna hi taedafteVtot to the bautraptaoah arawea .see naemyiua, an4 nle aa lavaMoiy of sue aetue wiifc sue value of each laaueie so adotted, and landitur aiay jnalte-objeaiMO to the report of the taaifmea at auy Uute wtUuBMreutydaVa tfti taaied. U. Aa tu eoste in oankruptey praeeedtnee, bso, tioa tof Uie Bsukrapt Aot pn.vijea that thspe uupuer, ot lore a warrant taanea, auau aeaoaii at if dollara with' the BtighNar, or with the Usrk, to be delivered Io the Ueeistar aa a sacnrilv for to be delivered Io iua foes. General order XXIX provides that the fees uf the us later, Marahal and Clerk shall he prepaid or aeoured be tore they eaa be compelled Ui aot. It la also provided by Oeaeral arder XXX. that where the debtor baa ao aietna, and eaa pruv the faot to tha Bettefeatioa of the Uoort, npou siipboation. aa order will be auds requiring au the coats hi ties osas tons paid eat of the Afty dollars deposited with tbe ata.aaer. It, h-srwver, there are Sasete, but not snonith to psy ihs Mea aengor after aedaeting the Baukrupt's evatpted property, ao that aothuig eumee into die huuleof the taatgnea, the tees will have to be paid by the Baaarupt t but if the Asehrne reueivas mists, the, ten of the Meeaenger will be paid by hu baft- any dividend le nuds among crediiora; It bom snppoaa that tha Begteter at sntuled tol&Ofee. iua tees of tha Beeiatar. Maaaeugar, I nigbor fees, they ar iiahlaya ia .ahatea.-.d Bia If tan" in office. Ia ordtnan eeaas of Bank- ruptoy, th teas nay amount to tli. In sons casts mors, u etuo Mat to costs aepsoeuig OB tbe .amount of labor jsnd UtfeaUoq involved ia arStriaewifcto esietediathidio4 a to tit bout which the Aetmakea. a to Ui. bin to aulie application n Baakmptey. Boms bsvesuppused that oo deb or will be permitted to apply fur BauknipU'l slur aonto early day IB Barch, -aajcae bs w this to MirJ aeXt'-'dV tat operstioB fur the paspoaee for which it wa enacted antu jBaaia,. Vt7 A Krrea twelve h atuekOafruOi that Win, v at LeUif -0t UJB,.l 1 whatever may be tne estaat or tiwir tout bted. i whi. I h they eennot pay. is which .m preset. I liottioo. ' tfier- the 1st Of fnoe neit. every dobtor atuat be shis to pay afty per eeai of k iBdebtBdaeaoT iBBrdW h ef Mtmeatid Ojv pUdatiuh id ItakritptrA mJ.es bh tratwhtaU eha eoneoat of a atajority of his oreditera. TMPO&lAJtT TO FABMEBA, WTirVrtaiW fcoeMrer, a rviM prteSaT PTJBE PKBUYUK OUANO aad Rhtl'S wOIAi BLE f AWFIOGOANfk i f A4eO, BOS QBOUMU BOY BU-rri rt.A Ut'tijU Tj.uu4- Mit ItNHU m tie n rorww vine, H. Ur" 9S-,r 1tij.lIoPHKltTBHrl.A - an i. . j . Balebrn, B. C"" i ..if-.. i 1-' . UvOB Sale. ty ineh tmm tH-S: rBUib. ar filtf Hn h M.rVit- ...hu ii aie.iei I jjluaoiVf, yT-TWUTet K ft. 1.1 fivt jtooS Muleou.Fajioaiian4 ( lot 'f flar- artot? niuSMffinite&i ' 11 ' . m w.'"tij fvnartw' YL'tJ.TKit JEUtfji. . . tli At v T0SK0fTifWq t - 'i'. J'l'M. ie) i-iilj i - jTUTdCPo AND aAOCBBV. ' M At - , TOSBOIThKIU. ' CWHtHK A RLtrKvVr'LI.'M (eouiueuuuutuad Chwhow and r-wwHihat jtaria-tf Kiit simwyiXia.t 1 f CA8ES CA HK CAa'VEI-aOB.:l.Mr K fonspiitkla. ;,ri i,,iti ilBEsil CtltKED TOMtTOK, at c rraa served Ojuer, kinoes of ah kuma, at , Mario-Bt : " rTOoll ttl-g, MlTiif Baasily wnat u. wui Ou, aaais3 e had W nun neal uf a raaaetUe kud Tn aat Aituraey,' aoHB Bbuin tuey eaa rely. T tl' tbe - - el Uie bauarant Law " J Tl IAS ie. jiv-.avf-OiJiikf 't-l 5ua !.) trt laisifl --bi u -i -t.l I,, l mviati nrtM- I en hi..' ai-it- di! .i; , -tm e.li j1 d t tl-'' uit!,mir a.'i etaax ft tut apf bu-i all 4. jri t4 tuniSitsi' jjeii u.Ji u.l ,tlf. M. Jt M-iitetnad oi iere eli .(. .Wijie eM j!i,w 'tKiMoat -o vd Ji 0 n swatieuHttlrrU M ,mnf la as tat m TaLfuM .nhn ) xj"K ftiui! mn ;iv vrntMi'ta.rrf'rj t- ?, I Kit -.rf-owit . arrHd tb'CltWlaXTIDBWaVw-l'WaaeBr l'i '"-T-J'C;-Sayl.-P. ii.-,! T a. iiA VW.VftiytW.m, j.AeiM vi, v & t m i1 fh dontwnf wet epv'aha'BsmnejBtatf IU Uatatiry, ahetwUt asaipa aaveahirwMur- Life luearaaee C'oaipae. oa. ih whlliiieBbhih . in ue teat or jrwueiiaivmiy. ,, i . i. v he anal -a art eeuaoualV adiutititVereil'bv abled- M ttuasisn, of -reepuualbuiey mad' tenhnas a ,tff. . I t.-ei i-.st "t Um I d' , Jth-a.oatsjdiidjad rVt.BUIam to Bbr Froo-i , vrfrt a-,.,ll ,da ol J,.n.ij ! . , , .. - ! r T. 1 j tt j.f wi'iettl'taj IhtjAI K.oitioii'.ru n JioHiiaBji wWArtfBiT,i gtea turnum ) taiaattatj. .. 'j B. Isltoa,ia1oi-nl D. 3. 41 1 ItTaeOK, rm ,'... kit orjfia tm W'fi v s erfmi'-i yMSniCTa.ABUMlJatt.. t . . ii ;'!) aKawvwdfvtv.0 3--ra ,7 Hrl ll.Hu i i laraj- .ilrfj sWeruK.'BlrvsOaf I lvvor. voiri'.Aiat Itwydta,.! , " , u . M. ..tot H. - i Jatstaawllla,.. v: eau. m.".u-. T 1.... tUlemJ.iWior. va waet tietireHa elfin uoot tbarlae T. Oiilhaaa Willis, it. t. W. AUI, ' ! BaaUBB.e.i I tboa.i.vaus, Jaoit , BoetL , B.iM.Qoarle ' WjM.'lyler, IfcK'iwasda, . A..V.riiokee, Oeorea-. riBww a ! I "fr t? ;,1f,?i"''i r . Joint a Wuilaitt, Mi ;1 Wd.lBma.Sayk(, ...... ,.-.A.P.ABtt,,J7, n . , . W. B, laasus, , ' ' . AO. Morton, B H.DibreH ' WUtiaas H. Painter eHM h. riue. u i w .... ; .. LEWIS C UAMEbj AaV i-. .".ir.'iH7i lei.m i' M.a fan te-ltMl .i.,) .. s.,.., ii KISCXLLAjrSOTJS. . ' . . .;. ii jttf we ju .L m W .i t.1h BBVaril V 1 f i tni n.U.y f,h MJ ,i.hiwl n! fELEBRlTED"1'' v.m at wiiiiaaiwt r """"WIS THE CORE 0TlwM V I m.iU ."Xi , iTf T"a.li l'li lost. lt. I ' firwAVfTI 1 IV ill ITS tflttlffi t'hil . . . . i SK'aiMllw'l aABjeia'Etal.i . i.-r! 1" K', if i WI JiT. titAI , )!. casstTMPTioirtx m -iir-ri I f ir r i i.i i.im wrM a .t-w wri . ft n J elm ar ifJiLAHUiMKXT AST) VUMRiTJOV-,,, vr run Milky, wniT)t awKLb-" M . few. vrri a. -j u.tr I'VPe. .-" jh i wjf d . iris r ro at 0 ri met a .1. .(f A.VAdA JMf) HXALTH, ANpltf fJTflEft plSEASES fJAtJfeEtt ; l:jr iati. Impure. State vfffce Blood., ii fotlovlnj.'omonp tnany Hua4mU 'of our' heal oitiacua, laaUfy to tt awmoVrW sjhtvtcy. ' ' -: ir. . n.il..i.: 'a.J -wv 1.: ' Aontf wi,uiui vruua sujtiuiajaa. j , I W ksow Cr. Lawaaaee'a Boaailaliaie ka aaafk arid ari.nai a Altaralive, to., and lake alsaear k reoonuueudlug It to th proreaalo and th Beads,' .l-A-i " 4j.tt.-m,v. i.'A Ih ttrtOBB. M. , .(.a 111 A. ejl'llu, tkAhiJ ia . .i-.-t. : ti 1J . Ci'?.'?ihft f! Ik. 1 Tl i, i v-a-flr r. .. . ..... B II. DMtntll, i v,. i -v Mft, .tsihf Bf A. DUOOAN, M. , ; - iu.--i e't.i l us I H. fctfcNita, at, .Umi id.-, W.T. BBBtVEB. M. D.' ' IW iaonary th.'U88.? h- ,e. . i-t,.-!' , i aereoy oarury tost I sm peiautiairf BeeBBrnf id with the atoeo saaaad Fbysielaaa, aad. they ar all BwuUaeti respectability, and ataadiug ar aU auUeavaa s reepaetsutiity, sua etaodiDg U tXTiTnT IA -," ' BfliUPttdlt" htud f hwoeawd h Sberoaesiiy- tta iwane-iv Lhi .nun avateu te a bealthv eoulill..a. .. .. . . ad least, aad re.lnrea hr If Id PiihFkoixr 'rJAKMLEWnever nroetiekig the sdgiiteat itijery. a, V I m, It ia act a Heeret teuaok Batedli-fhhe., JUses of whtah it la aBda, ar juuuaued anmna Bath bottle, sod it ta Med .iid.eatee i the iinvnng rnyaiuisa vrywneve u ta mown, Aat rlfi-f'-.e i?'i aiaaiwollal 1 Tl 43 t, JMAWaW1ui". m!1 Io idXata Ot WlMOB.asNprvAtiaAtevliaa.h VvitH bBBICl. ll.M-k tatri.a Ail ' - - f - r..., r bar Bold wsm.eatijT bvlieBr.tbbrlddDsr . u...... .. . J - i vliwje- nrmr-inex' tlUlir.UJt aiKUUWiniai tiaswt su-eitM)s: th United htatMS and Bnliah,Ailirit.!aud 4ei) by UrB-giaia evarywhei-e. . ' I ill leitar oi ejqniry, ho., prontpUy aTrSered-H IBSae ' i m.t 1 iiii r . . i i .fci . re Hi vtlXU. eJeJa A-tmiaraSBIOav ct rv"moz..mUAririi' 4 ,i;)ah4r.iti-iy' z i. a ... . r aSW,Z'?irrr!? w!jt.vd will pay nth tor aaave, wheu prelum-. ta ai-iae-iv --'--..,-01 " irnvw tif.T r,7r,ri trai t ...... i-.i r en. ! j Attorte itnd tmrtfU ,A ta. - ' " -O ' i wu r rlJatBEJFAXv'IwViOef ,ll!i a. Practices uttb Court (if Jtahr.a ti.i nljriu tCentiM. ' tlao-lu Ui Fti1orB('X'"iiit. and tiS22 fn' I K...lrrtnrlcvi i . ,tii41'i..V. Mti i BVrlM-oas Miil Ufrvtjuti oli-id i ..tV. ' 1 ai i.a. au.taiJii.iit.il. st JOIllv W.tlftrtvALK. A ENET AVrCtJ fV NSELLOli 1 1 uuU ,!) LA Wu J viqirio - i.U -.'' It'tn tinMa ori v tuti Ko.SllF'hrHl tt ftvt'Hlhi, r t at JuuX ei.nl Jtf.1 ,Inji.J a wtwj aiii... TBi-I1t:F-m-.he twaaOBal t-HdaVrftjadtw. -.1 IT awt w tee taatdtt hBJadtVlitwl dAWHH U)nxeaUiM.l ViallKV . I f ..j,-.-,.,.!. ,j .,.,1 rr.'nit aii'-uu.'i. g.ti to TIT.ri.fK itifrii. td to hn care. -1 laim Bnlle d w '(, w ortk Carohiie . a- to nivjia smu to t.' ,alri-t-f In ev-diiuodw' r?e I tt?i 1,:. a1 f" i. . ' .a. n. e ' t ! Atar -f 1 1 j ., , a -t.a r: An f FTvT0,''., -t . I .VI. I .! 'I . Another iota At. C-f,r,A " "'' n t.i t I' Mtfet-tf W. Bk V-ad vV. Wiij has .aavm, m I via as .taiott efci tn !.. s-,.vi p a c-tf avilv.KO ttfij itii w fca ose -TjKT GOODS. u v V rvn w ivrf ms w aw Ma vara ,vy w, wtB) pw J-Oi)j! lt Of .4S At.!; i'tit''-f! ,rIV ',ytf irto-i t-a fc ti.ieVt.t r rpt i4i i bu,vT? ninT. .' virf!.l --. .. VhWVVWM! ? 4"t SLeeaitr. mi VT PBICKS. , Oer hieada shall have 4uode aa ebeap aa Ihef cta b boubt at any ethor Uveea. , M I 1 :-.1..,i.mMi?!,I' IsWRB At JPBIHTS. At U t Mji v alDB.pO0PaVtB ewobarwua ' n'4 , .Wj2"..fH tx, iu wAroiaaRaaiiiii iajtaB.ia. ,l4buetaii.uf .;,.. sov" trwbH' v- r-.,itiuii uti li fvinjilfw .,J 1 I )at TBS MALI, esAMtliJ 'i u TJnet rseerved, a hw-wf BOe NLAND CAKJ. Nklid thllTsUbV' UiotACarohaa.ataaaiae- tAUfcmiaB kH Phlirr. Brown IBtX. bAiiiXT. Yooaa scoti, co. "A SWar M BiBtvwr tvV' ,r ijiw!..a'j Kw,T0IULl 'ji J ifwua't ,i - ,1 .ia.U t i.,l.untfj SUOOKSSOBS TO j ,.rv '.vtutMftiO ,,iultiiH.l iJvnili.'i huA jeciiibaIj. YQue, Gimn i cs. " BiS'jtif!) ,iM'.wr ;til'..t l 'NEW TORS, 1,i, . n :twlit ;,.' yfi (l3l;!-.lt ,lUiRri?R "r ; - i. tyiuti ,i SPEXt pcorr C04- ..iii.!,', . or nwAxx, x. t. 1 ... 01 I if int.; t-r-.-. i M Ij4C '.J OV .f.l - I .' . it-.. ' r ' I.J !.' i.eMi "U". tteualv VrBttntUhclttrsri . mm4 vVkAleafUe DeaUerf, tat p, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTlttNa. 1 r, we aiativai"tef aaieaa 1 "BBf-HiOUNG. r'-.K A. t. BOtl'rf. " Lw'AN.SwTr ju M- SAwoitiv. wDArtCT,"UVSlAlff COi fjpp-irnti fHinttaiggioB 'otfcrcluiiti, (iliti aeii J n lt et-ti-tf.-' 4 "1 ,W.t..,;..:ini jBftfd imCELLAXXO fi.fr' ' ut" wtsTSBOOK. ' CO, " ' PBOPBIJETOES OP THE ,,i;iuij ;.! ,p.;''i". i" unit v 'v: tWESIBBOOK 1KCIaSIBJES,,1tt aoV -';: .-'J '-4 '' '.- '. v'v - ,i r aiXKZINSOOItUV IV. C T'EKP oouetaetly en hand, enring to plaaling iVsesooo-BSpUBdidlotaf " i T .' i'-"-'' -v. wu v-r-tiwds'i CH0IC1 rEITTT TEXZ9 AID 62171 ; i Jiijuvt aiti w-r,'u- '' Milch thofbr fare- low, kw aWr good pre. awe.-' 1 '' M ' " ' hUBBKBV TORE,'"oa Waehlnfto tMreot, wiier psiroa will Meoiva Braaipt, Btlealino, tuitil th laa. of AurU, m , , " mend tamp far Catalogue, and WhoJeals 4TM biet ui urspe vmee. ,.raBBim''. -- '. f-vjl. . WEBTBROOK CO. ' i . . .. a. . a M , . Jiiu-in jwtM u.il! . :Jan T7-lS9-am .. . .i,. , U htiladw, " '""T. . : A JOB ' j ' ,Agt i t, Siwliies trecUiry. . uitn if. ia,. ., w r m , tuocattoa te. W .! V) it Branson,' f trrtr, I. Voiv VKhMTINTJBl-HKBOOK BUMMBHB AT THE J earn attud, uen looker Msii, aud Mill keep oa Band t sapp.y or ,, J reduiad rirlees.'- " ' --'-"? 'OousH(nnient of tofi"ht:4 LW ted 1fls cllsoenue Book sotM M. 1 ' ,i;arvularatteutiaa paid W order. .. n.i I I MVlrWt4.tf!v ClUKhE 1. .lUl., ..HiJ. wi . li int .Trwooty Bon 1 gawviiWif eOWtVBwBj pi r tun a wnnnr, j itBWi ru..a B a eh a bVYDbT ntJtgBB a tMHi f ' 1 M'StM f'l 1 nt,i v-i i sc A'T wuotcsiLli '"ttrtoi lot of ttm wake om hard v. - 10KHil'ait:H ' .Material rued eedmwkjaanal tp BBCBrpea..t Tbe.ntiaen.ieii. .. eoodmsitig a ttoKId . it,,. VI. I- VI. tl Tl , , . I . . 1 ....... , L - IJV1 I, ...... 11. . . , I I , 11, t.. wu UI. WW " ' , ' . . . , . . i, , .... n i . .,- Itmn ot -le'mf. puiwiw. oi ... vj e.ei.i.'a hintaH of the heat aodtuoaSiutpi uiad eiarhtnerv. ftsueei'd t All ell ordeeefur TIN thai.. aad esu uiaae weeuppiy eqaai to toe ii..ii.iju. Bnd ate vour ordnra. M tbifautuia suaranteefl, tueeuuuij nim vw we unuieuu. I will take Bv khrd of wood eredeee in aiehetiffe tor I'm Wore sad eertteularly waat, at heat prv . k.b. sw.,m. ewe , 1. wheu srettirn-. ?. irtndfor s Prit List snd compere wtih your i"tiN.rti.m BiUl t WilxTiil t.ia. ' ,e.Haa . rw.,.. 1 . Wt I will keep eoaaUuUyuel head fnad I in 11 f 9 ai ef t'etlB aiasoeo, uoi a latest aue - .i r. r.n 7 T. t - - - p. i-oorr," : MmMoiif'', tsd i-rttih Hui.bor, B?J t ... 1 ne,iimii " -.vJiifrl sTga,r,'' ' ( irt erthTiKKWH ''jCV!- a..l awn ti.uivt Ogwrw. ' '' ' 6T lJflKKfTTO)tBH, fn barrets. a.i atsil O Jnet rerMjtvtxl l ) 1 k lactrilt-tf f4tjl vj Vt'lttUi AVOBLa 4 jj. iLk o It D JWJ. l , A t t w or wm AUaril CiUOUat, i f T".iuifOtt.a'i UTtf irfs TO HEIJL iil iM )., ,i,. Uinae i ji -u . i,ut fet ftrdWlHiXBI eeasti jri iwewst t eMa, 1 aster- rwva; BtllH, Tew I . .. Lata. eF Uvatl BwaUtte - ' " ,j ka.-wie frirr-"ibtr advantair jieae tevir yvrorieriT ia wit eaa e vnrMue. - 4 ( tta beta irn-at uui iua hw awtfuriog Borrha- pr I Tail un pr-T-it.,vv , . " 1 F-v rt.l,ifiiiatioa, Bdurr-4 nn n j ,11 .., . je - ... 0,0. Ft. OinTTKII, ; ..it i,.l...'i NUieV i Itaent. ... ,Ar frrti&r.hCAgirt, ha...fcU.ii.,a'i, , Uet. 41 f J wi i-jw iJ ilnoffi a.-. . 1 - t, ... 1, i'.ie( in lao-e and ern.il Vt'.4 If a, . ,11. ! aau4 hotuecattuaauUivtutei 1 VetVlBMf : ' . W. H. JOJL? A CO. t? -ijt KuTi i'Vl ' OOOt fciUJtOAfcft1- .W.TW lIMItt'l-RI,'! NO 1 T H'; " C I'lf S 1 1 K a'. -h T.7 J,:- v-i ' Li TH OCB litiilGH e ttnTtj? KfTihAJ,'-'' i TBI tilOttTKxr orit ki-m. ti..v.L.. ; "-tufLtrr ol-i is the foi a u. " a'iiAqo -.hiiU'r-kJt Ba hCUiiH J , .tnOiI w.wss.AV VIA. LtaKJI tlj tu.i io "sets, aua uv auuMieiu.,- w.irkt4 tbe Lii the aouaa eaatarartaaa. at Uimier . rth aud J e w? e. miu yiwt, aa I tiu B 7 rt. I ..I HldDoareiB Kiiail. uil...,.l. . -- . ..' 1 - re ?-er Dear rveu il Ul,r-m ineueaud 1 IoU.r w. her h.tn .t ,u t 1. ,,7177. eav.ua; tl.e pauahi tnjea ana.lae L. .,1 a - neiu T. w" tw.faiper year j and as iiii.it-iu.iv da. J sa " oaa ana wi,j give Br... on.i.au-h to all rotate, forth and oMi, uu asy u-ta,d , .1 ' fc ? m 1 111 tj kvyife' eW Ji fast lkjuiitlui. rmigkdo ''-i4Oi! FJ Jnieaui aiiifivved a'.ll..J.'',f:"I L"a tu.l J. ;v tlo SltiffytJOAPgw te Brt-LlBfrjr . tWaiestk Iaa for art sow) 1 le Uawrevei,, Freaihtfceffl. aanitdewet thia f ot Julaud Air Lin eeftly J.reutyour ouaiav. , " 'Fa JPreigbf,' Care of Bail hid J I tt oW f.JtB0M BOflDS (fs'! 'S"-'E1 MaiiBiiirti'-' - bTIi ' vj '..'.w- j. ' 03 WtvTJj r eu . 1 w ua ventral aarVbtapeaa, Ageat, ...li, af -; WiWi W r.oi..r I 014 Dominie. Steamahip Co., fihiiiplne PotnLt J thW.bwj-5 B.i.lr;rWI-te.-l J ')' FbaB. WUeitrurtti iagf Saltimor tieuut. or ClYilB'a Line ot k,. w . . . Delaware Avauua, W. Oyds, Ageut " 1 .tibm-i iFUUM BALTIMOllE?' "l nW ' Bi"ssora 8taaa Packet Co., M.v Lin Btesns. n, Foot Uuioa jjock, L, B. Wk.vTJ.n7w l Oo , Ml Light street Yv uarl ' ' uf s(.frl Oui ( V-3' U-tV. T )t Awf e-tut-tf .4jajU' U : ereiiH aat ildtauuch il.fl I SWF. OFFICE, . j. BAILHOAD fx,, f 7 li OoawThaorB,U,ArL.WBi. I--; Oa and after this data th following will be tkt -Schedal lor Fsessnger Traius over this Boal : ' " Leav Oiarioud daily, Aw U?.S.. 11 . p. m ' iWv? rS3 i!: r Arrive stOoiiialioro'.v,., ia Jt P. M- mr Lssv o.d.boro'.t . . f :r ii j, f; 5 . JJ. BaleJghvli ...., ,4.ii..0 .) P. M.'UI AnivolliharUV..w..vU.lklP.Blii r-t Throngh BssaenKer by thia Hrm have inuia a ... routes to Ifreeneburo' audilauviile tu lliehmuiuL or ia Battish aad Welduu to utohsaond or l'uru. J BMmth, arriving at all poi.ite N.irtb if ihohBKud t ths Bame tiuie by eillit.r ronie. I Conneotioa is niKit. at OoldaboM' trltk faen. fw traius oa W. A W.Hoad fcan.7iivui Wi niuuf foei, and to Wcidoa by fmigbt traua. Alan L 1?"? 00 A.- C. Hoad. - 1 .1, 1 ..r' I Wtwlollt IV. n. Ml I I.....T? 1 I.,,. I KJ "i . ajdarrivatAe.e.-' - :". . I Apru t-tf 4 . ,i .JAMbB ANDEKHOy, hun t 1 ee HASDWAE2 tlJ' a..t (JB1UGGS & D0DD, , DEALERS IN Uf-J fiva.1 , rfl HAIDWAEE AJiD CUTIISr, IftON, trtEt'f S'lPftiWrWO JW't ' a(l il. i' HOlIMTS'irrKTSTTlVrt'ftnrtTSlav. J CARRIAGE MATER1AU n tq'-a aW.rTO 1 " 1 t 'VsV tt t vH te'v Tod-s' , wmwm apii vutDO . t ,rl;firf tf ALSOi u Uum ' tr Ageat dr the ulr of? :!:,n . -.-r ,'( Bmit n4 op ami Stone. .. o. 'J-vVtivH lloHlng tloihti, Inditi Enhber bdS Leather tBoItlnfr,., - L HV ..If.. " W -e ' , a jircuiar &aw,.iron yrauaali,, ,,n rencta, gntj All kin.U of 0m--1 ? mental Iron Work. . .. ' I rjr"" Tie oWr fci&u.'ifeuCAto-B Earn fJmoJL.'iV'i W tn'-i" n 1. -i . .,' .''' jMe.f-4-a? wl j . 1 - BX'ETitwniw, 1 a. s. roTTw, waLrrs owrna, a. . Otoalttiuora Lsienftl C. Uiefd i GWYNN." GOTTEN & C0 'Biir " "'. ' i Gcicrtl Cctamt?IoiiiMercSaEt; hbHr.iU I' . -"t .. .. -r0.i.B .'-Hi VH.TI-IOHE.,,, ' B pberal sdvauoee bu4s tvu Cecirnmente. IkMler. In f...... .S. ... . . .. ta 'JWjJrO Wle ,ijrwyua,a4 Boa. loos. ept. in at ectllkBA ala ' ill . .1. jrvit Mivn ' ' " S-. ! . .... lite!1! r.tff Bel'4 i' ,'"'i .v ! usas oobjsts, rumble ra sat; Wirr"a5e.:,iv uegbtXsf lt-tf Mf .WBh Han tUin,' w- A lUMif "CPPLypr, MAttLABD . lb - .a. ai .t. A r aA..u-wa9ww...-'r aT Sawwaay Tre irt tl a - lUAKUriPIl -a , . II! f..,m ,. "iiw;.,. i. ...ui II TAVBSAM BMOKIKQ TOPtlTO in S Ih. I'tga., . f. ..... ..,1 ... . H Jofki. 4 ,.0 w! Jsar iBr-HiB ABOtluO-ACeia stereaauta.'- a t TjAWAHsj AHIt lllltlir. '( ill .-.'I itieihTRDCa TRACE, ISci toots. Leeks, rlir res. Rcrn". T i .1 I : . . B.atea. Trace Caatua. tfaedimt l, - - 1 . e .1-1 k v i. Ia . r" - . t i . . , i . . RMnnM.ia i- .. , . , , .1. . , , n 1 - ... fri;'v-At aj J t'.t .ft.e.t i.-.l I Vt ' TiKn r - ii We will cvTanT ,r, or pu M H.MItl I. KS oa aim at, dOlt F. 1 Flaw, V ! ,.,,I.V I V.I . . , .. j 1..I.IH") V 1,.!. I - " I ' : 1 U 1 I IS tW V le 1... T' Ma i i ttitw V, ,,,,, i Ttie TltiA H.v . - 1 i CMVed ae at. aa turf r.-n . Bed Oata, from Heri. ti, l-r In ime.aHi., att.l f' l t-.- . Htavee pr.'i riy, In . . - , t i.u.. lfarl-tf, I y V 1 IV !

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