, ,i, - I, t i i ..iwimmin mii-j J iiiwar-ie rr-rnl psi i i ana aaiiii T T ' ' i i i nnr-nr- f" tjttjr lyj', T v ' jm v 11 t i.1 4 JVaIa VA ' ;; v. v. . , . a K - .'d OKA U 3 VL US. ,Mr". . jutbl ' 1 1 ; . RALEIGH,. N. 0., WEDN I :.5DA!?lUII' 29,' lSliS? . . " . i -J. " 1 e t ''WdTi J ,., mn ' srdes .veiV-iVt I .,,,1 i . , " " ' in' rr ii ' I i -it TCTTTWB 1 'II I I ' 'I "'fiTTli.'i nuT II'' ' l.ttT' A'A rA i a' '.'( '. ', "4; i- - t v.. . t t.ti t t.a s naa lacunar .iu iivii w ttw. t .i. i -it- j .Jwi.ioi i as ! -..j.tfi i , uf , '.,d n'B,.,if l '!,.".,-. .' Mi". : '. . - 1 ' .n, . 1 - i J4 ' DAILY SENTINEL. WM. X. PELL. PofTUToA.t V .,11 ,,i I in i m in. ' ii no mi-w W uAUMAgITWa BOOK. W gave extracts, some days a,ro, from a lately puUiabetl Imvk lA ElUsbeth Keckky, wliUni cto drew Maker to Mr. Lincoln, . t-VYat (Tit other to-day premUing i bat the'fcaioe of ilia negro woaaa la prob ably oary uaeti to omko iba book asU fOaPKBA'tf sOBBKBAUl IB MH. MBOOLB' Lincoln weoerrio by" nature, sad t K.Yiii.k hi whole lteart waa in f ha wir. a. eould not hpt wpeot tha yslor of those opU.w'l '''TU 1? 'NIbs ..mM t Mm. ilia' sou, was too great tuT A I witA 'W tbe atrraSjatyieb iA prtiaobip,-i Urave by nature BHneeii, pa UMna or To ry in olbereen ibia foe. Tim and again ! have beard blot pek In tha high r term of tha. Aolittrrly qualities of tuck liraVc Confederate (toaersle aa Lee, Stone wall Jackaon and J'. K. ohnatoav Jack sod wa bi ideal soldiers- -H a brave, liooeat. frejibjlerjait. aoldier," were bia words : "what" a pity that ws.. ahooid have to fight Huba gallant fellow ; if we ml bad acb a man to lead tbe armies ot t bv NirthrthaceBubry would awt be appalM- ed with to mint abetter."' A tlun.iM a rainbliait ckautor. I will btra rictrU!B incident showing bia feeling bw arda Hubert K. Lee. l bs vtry morning oi tbe day wet wMfh he wai aeiaaaioeted, l,iivirf;TiijjlaiB, Bubtrt' Lincoln, eama into t be" rutavjtb a portrait of Geo. Lee ia bia bund. (Tla "-jVeaidenl took Iba picture. laid it no a table before bim, scanned, tb Lee tbongbtfully aad aaid, "It ia a goad lace' it it the lace oi a aoble, ooble, nra ,u.n ;i mii iluijtlAt the, way U 6r a last." LMcffigupat Hdbert, becootlnued, "Well, my aoo, you nave returned aafplj from tbe trout ; the war ia now cked, and we aoou will live in peace with tbe brare uitqttiwturra brea tlgktbig hgaiaat ua I irut that tbe era ot good leeling baa re imned with the war, and tbat benuefurth we aliall live iu peace. Now liatou to ma, Kuerty4i.joutfla aside your uniform nnl rtUrweeollege; 1 wwh you to rrad law tor three yearn, and at the end of that inno I li. jUul we wdl km able , ta . tell whether you will niakua lawyer or not." iiia iawiwwatn ore cheerful than I bad earn it tor a long while, aod he eeemed to be ia a geaepiqs, (orgiviug wood. A WI'a JEiLOUST. ,( In 1864 tbe reoepliona again Mamenoed at tha White House. For the first two years of Mr. llneornl administration the Premi dent selected a lady to Join in the prome nade with bim, which loft Mrs. Lincoln free to choose an eacert from among tbe distin guished gentloBwu that alwaya surrounded net ea uob ooeaniaqs.. lhlacentom at latt was diacootinued )y Mrs. Liaoolo. , " 'Lixabetb 1" I was sewing in her room', and abe was aeated 'in eoatfertable arm :hair-M'l.iiabetb I'-have been, thinking over a little matter.' As jed are well aware, the Pteaident, at every reception, eeleeta a lady to lead the promenade with liin. Now U oocots to me tbat thia oentom is an absurd one. On such occasiona oar guests recognize tbe position ot the President ae tlrst of all ; consequently he takes the lead in everything ; well, now, if they recognise bis position they should also recognise mine. I am his wile and should lead with him. And yet he offers bia arm to any other lady in I be room, making her first with bim and placing me second. Tbe custom if an ab surd one, and I mean to abolish It Tbe dignity tnailaa totny poeitioa,' as Mrs. President) tUetniipda Utat I should not nasi law longer to act.'' Mrs. Lincoln kept ber word. Ever alter thjaatowcijhcrilrfj tie promenade with tbe Pnafdrw bt tBc'Preaident walked alone or with a gentleman. Tbe change waa much lemarkerjbut the reason why it was nttde, I believeara never generally knowa. ' ,'" i ' y' '"'V ''V IIVTIUOlTtS OF THK "tMWkr.V :i In 186'mnclvHdoubt aiiakicl in regard to the re electiou of Mr. Lincoln, and the White House wee besieged by all grades ol politiranev Mrs. Lincoln was often blamed tor havirte a etgaia CM. oi meB raud her. : ' , ... "I baveja oHtbct in View, 'LiMbedi," aba said to nib in nArence to this matter. "In a politics! canvass it it policy to cultivate every element of strength. ' These men beve ii.lluenceladl we require iufluence to re elect Mr.Xincohn 1 will be clever to them till after the eleodon, and. then,' if we re. main at tjie While House, I will drop every one ot them and let them know very plainly tbat I only made toola of theroX Tbey are an nntirincinled set. and 1 don't ""Saind A lutla donble-dealinB with them." I 'Does Mr. Lincoln know what your pur pose iarIaabalf .'til ,M i I God 1 so ; be would never sanction such a proceeding, so keep, tint In' the. dark, and will tell bim of it when all ia ever. he is too honest to take tbe proper care of bia own intereata, so I feel it my , duty to ekeinmeor foi blm." V a mmmtic acaasm ooartDao to 'ua- Mrs. Lincoln was extremely anxioea that hef bustmnd aflobld be re elected Pies', dent ot the Unitl Btate. Io endeavoring to make a display btoeoMMg berelte4 post? tioa ah bad to Incur many expeaaea. . Mr. Lincvlift salary was inadequate, to meet titers, ud . abe waa forced to run in -debt, hopjaj that gimdortune would favor ber aud citable be Ho extricate herwlffrom sa embarrasaink HuaUon,8he oaght ,tbf most' expensive goods on credit, and la tbe Sumaier ot , i84 anorawua unpaid bill stared her ia tbe face. , - (. What do yoo toa.k,loo; th ekctioa, 'Lisabeth t" aba said to me one morsigg. "I think that Mr. Lincoln will remain la the White Boase four years longer," I re plied, lookisg np iron my work. 1 it hat maa vo tbiBk ae I bave leaieathat be, wiH.be .de feated,' - , "Beeanse ' ne hu beea ' Iried 'and' has proved faithful lb tbe beat interests ot tbe country. The people of tha Hortb reeeg ian in him 'am' Iwoeat man, and they are willing to contide ia bim, at least until the war has Uen brought .to a close. , The fioaibeis people made, bis ekctioa a pre text for teUr-jifWi and sow to replace bint by enevu one elw, attac years oi sanguinary War, aroe.U tok too mucb like a aarrender a. tbs war. So Mr. Lincoln ia certain to be . re circled. He rej rveuit a principle, and to maintain this princile tbe loyal people of the toy ! Btatet will vote for him, evea if be )aa no merits to cmnmend bim." , , v ....; I .i. n w ,i ,u null f hot m ujauviuia uw, iizilu, ...I . i . ana your cucriiirncc ktc9 u eew nupa. u he should be defeaW, t do sot know what would become of us all. To mo, to bint, there b mete at atake- la tVk bUatiafc abwa be dreana oi." , . v 'Wbatfaaiyoa mat a, Mrs. LrBooIat I do act 6onipre1uad." '. , "Siataly tbtt: ka epUcte4 krt) cViita. ml wktob. be kaowa, awtbiavn aad.! which be will be aaabia la pay U be lade- Jeaieu." .... . - r ti i : "What are Tw dUi, Mrt. UDOola." MTbey anaabt ehkBj af atore bill. I owe altogether about $27,000 ; tbe priaeW pal pertioa at Btewart'a, ta Now Tork. I Voe awoWMsad, 'Lifabetb, that Mr. 'Xia cola baa bat little idea at " iba1 eipcaaa ul a wmwaa'a wardrobe. Be glaaejeaat aiy rich i Uaea,aad U epwr,U WVaUa. that tbe Caw eumdanel dalarbM taia. &uaia, will aupply all any want, I ajiaat tirtaa ta eeitv. ' Tbe varv Jautwt ewriac e-reeia aa ks tbe West aatjeete me to moreaebrebing M- ervaUon. Te keep up appearanoes I most ttaaw m i in ii wnim 1 1. . n Urn f .iiuwtln am pare for sne, He m loo konest to make a penny outside ot bit salary ; conseqarntiy x bad, and still have, ae altnraativo hut to raa is detH.". ' ' "Aad Mr. Lincoln dotlOot rveo tusm-ct bow much y oweT ?) ' ' ' 4T "God, no 1" thit was favorite eipicas soa of here . i!an4-I would not have him toapeot. , If he knew that bw wifa was in volved to tbe extent that see la the knowi. edge would drive htm mad. He 1a to sis cere and sttelchtfanrsra himself that be is shocked by the depltolly of others. Us aoes not Kaow a Himgabeataoy debts, and I Value bis happinesa, not to 'neah of my own, too much to allow btrii' to know any thing. Tbi is what troq Wee me so mneb. If be is re-elected I can keep bin ia igno rance of my kfiairs ; but if be ia detested, then the bills will be sent in and be will know ait;? ah abmeUring like i fayllericall aob escaped her. ' 'fit a. I l I a. i Mrs Lincoln sometimes feared tbat the politicians would get hold of the particulars of ber debta and use Orein in the Presiden tial casipeige sgainM be xbhaivl,.sed when tbia thought o curred to ber the was almost craxy wiili anxiety and fear. When in one ef these excited moods, sbs would fiercely exclaim i ,,j,,,v;, , v , -Tbe Republican pilitioans must pay my debta. . Uundredsof ihem are getting ira nieoeely rich off the patronage Of my hus band, and It is but fair that , (hey should belp ma eut of, sir mharraasmeitt I will make a demand of them, and wheal tell them the facts they cannot refuse to advance whatever money I require." .1 , t Toaau.rMn(MarjBMKirr.'' : For five Weeks Mrs, Lincoln wasoonflaed to ber room. Hack ins; atfrd4 quite a re liet, aa H so closely occupied aa thst ws bad not much time lor lamentation. Letters of condolence were received from all parts of the country, and even from foreign potentates, but Mr, Andrew John son, tbe successor ul Mr. Lincoln, never called on the widow, or eVe so monk at wrote a line etpreasing eympathy fur ber grief and the baas of ber .bWud Uobart called on bint one day Xtt t,-l bin tbat bia mother would tarn the . White liouse to bim in a few days, and be never men so macb aa inquired after their welfare. Mrs. Lincoln firmly believes tbat- Mr, Job neon waa concerned in the aasi tarnation plot, "wn.I. Ton BRDtlt MT BBrSTf.BS DOWH f" In packing, Mrs. Lincoln gave away every thing intimately oonneotad with the freei dent, aa she aaid that ahe could ant beer to be remiaded of tbe past. Tbe articles, went given to those who were regarded aa the warmeat or Mr. Lincoln's sdmirers. , Ail ot the Dreaenta oaated throuirh mv hands. The dress Mr. Lincoln wore on the light ot tbe assassination was given to Mrs. Blade, the wife of an old and laithlut measeuirer. The .cloak, , stained ,wi'W jthe, Pretidents blood, was vea to m,U jalae wattbe bonnet wont on Ibe same memorable night Aftarwards I received tbe comb sod brush that Mr. Lincoln used daring bit residence St tbe White Bouse. With the tame comb and brush I had often combed bis head. When almost ready to go down To a ratep tion, be would turn to me with 1 qaixzicsl look, "Well, iladant, Elizabeth will 'joa oraso my onsuea uowa to Bigot ' i : x tlXABBTI qtJOTXa MBS. TOdoLBS. There was much lurphae wbet Mrs. Lin coln left tbe White House what her fifty or sixty , ooxea, aot ta opoat fees.: Boors ot trunks, could contain, i Had the govern ment sot been to libera ia taraisbinglbe boxes it is possible thef there wwuld have beea leas demand for to much tranaparta- iion. turn i-oxes were loosely paecoa, -ana many ef tbem with-wrticlu aot worth sr rylng sway.Mtaf Lincoln bad la pssvioa for hoarding, -olj thing, believing, With Toodles, tbaT they were "handy to bave - ln .,, . , .... ... ... abeatthe bouse. The boaaets that abe broneht with bar from SpriBTfrrWd, in addition- to every one Sorcnaata aanng ner resldeaco la Waab igtOB,WeiWHUaJdlbUa and trsns. ported to Chicago.' She remarked tbat abe anight find aeefcr tba-waunBal iBeraOl dsy, sndit was prodent to look to tbe fainre. I an sorry totaV that Kirs.' Lincoln tore- sight la rrjrard to tbe future was oaty owe Buea to caat-oa natntngv a ne owes at tbe tiate of tbe Preaideot't death different store bills ameaaiM; te a70,000. u Ain Uw-i oola kaew aotbins or three bills, istasl "tb only happy fratara ot his ataiaatioa was tbat M rued leigBtfraaosoi uwna. . usd ae knowa to wbatexteat bis wife was in vol red tha last wo id have mbittoed the oaly pleasant moment ot bis. lite. 1 diadoae Uiia tercet 4a tegand tMn.Lieela'idbtt, ia order to explain why b tbould wbte qnently harsaaeee)an4f aeeuriiaTy om'f Bairammeat. ( lOSCILLAlXOUaV STATE Oft KOBTfl CARduxA. fTtHS Fifteenth Annul mesthig of tba Medaeal 1 tioeiety of Burth Carolina will take plae IB W amnion, Jf..os.noaedj(, tbs SMU day of May, 1868. . - - Psaagate Witt be pormlttad pass ever tie JBawUrOaVsSal POv VavM aVaTalbav ' t - Dr. Was. A. B. Muraact, f Xdantoa, wdi de liver the Ananat OreHoni , - f- f . - i 'Byorderef aaa Praatdrat, j - -?'.', w tbHlA 9i WOOD, i it Apr3 Hbi-m HBVfb. a.':)i.'.. Bteiebtry. ' THK f.Ka ef ear ha wiU thro athdhe . Apr. tA Oil W 0 8TK0BAC1. t , i i .t , 1 1. it M , , jr-fiu5. FI t rtwtfrt 75 BACKS H. C TLOCK. . . ae aoia. p. t. aaa ratapaoo awuj a aa ' , j . Fi aula br . . j . . ..MwLI Li'li A FVTTT llMwm, Btrw, Bsmh. 3.000 LBS. BIB AIDES, , , , r. , i April Sa-B o . . . . ., iBOOX 8T0XX8. Unas Wiuauaa, ' ' &W. Laautsra. "WUUAMS IAMSXTH, I. 40 rtrettennc SU laldsk, K. c. i look lellars ud Btationan, DCALEBS ; IH . ALL KItS OP fcTJUTDAKD AKO MIHCKbLApBOPa yojBJCR . MABuNlO BOOKS, JXWXXft, KWAUAl ; ; , BOOK 01 Blt)Ct ARB AaRiCtjL- , TOItpt WTATIOMKKT PMK1V - - . ''rtrW; P&riTKBS ; ' 1 ... . . ..... ?....-.! BCPPLnWi BCHOOL AUD OmCI EBJUI8JTE8 ' "ALBUMS; M-ii' ' PEKFDMXKT. I FAMCT ABTICLE8, Ws sr atow reretvtna; aawanpubaa, aad wfll be ewiateatly aaakiac aweh adtbuoOa so our Stock aa will enable oate fomiah evary artkile sanallykant n a Brat alaaa Booh Store. " ' VDvoilmManstHaaaaauabUaassruilkh S) a vary law days, any artwis not on baaat, ao4 all erdara wul haa oar prompt attention. ' Onr buainaaa will bt oooducud ba ths aaah Systsm, and every ariioie aoU at the very lawsat wrrr.TjrAwa a. T.tvnvra . Tarnert K. C. AlmanM tot 1808. WB SHALL PCBUHB, iu a few days, the CO) ltiTIl of the above Al aianaa. I We bave redaetd the priee te sf serheadreA, ir tOO par tbOHaaas. I bead vowr erdara to ; , WIXIJAim k LAMBETH. ; . - ' Boot aob an and HUUoeera. ttaleixk,Oot. U T7-U xiscxiXajrxoua. i t . NEW ARRIVALS. r '.'v. . t , uf . . GosmIs m LOW aw the caut i . ... :VH ('Ml j rotUMs la tkla Utlludo, 8.II.& W.J. YOUNG'S, j Ha. 11 FayetteriU St, ; r RiaVBIGU.IIC. I Tne ttsaior ef tbiearmbas baea asuutf Oooda for toe last twenty years, ia thia aaaraet. an saa aaj to ear frwoda Uaat, waiajiWrim all tbiiiKa, aeaevaraada i''"'-'-BZTTXS. nCU 0& CHZAPZft STOCK OF (0 TeoBav tbem tbaa they are now opsntnf at their tore. So. fayetlSTUla atwst BaUifc-h, S. O. -r- .'.-v.BU-.W. d. TfOUlrbVwH ;. October a. law-ast, j .', , j whbLfegALif XWnkUii tiiiMa LADIES, pSi(T4, BOVS' AJip','. I WAOoM IJAnDLKS, f . CMtltt Buggy. Ctr ttntl Wagott i:-..ftj . tarawaa,',-'. r,--bBIDLES: AND WAltTliyf3AtE3 and all ethar Wiedaaaaaliy aopt reawaw fiaddlrry aatabCahaMHt j Tbay will aftU, a ataart Oaaa, kw eaah, at a aRiaU advaaoa oaeoat, iaurdar ta redans thaw faawry atocs now on oasa. MbMaaaa4atraita vtaMne; ah ir. wae I i u Aa te In beitkrapt peidnia-, Wiab to pnrebaa ooda, wiu do bAdiL Vivt-Uu Badarapt Aim.Vjaa tbat h pt aot Borln as roat vntaeiaM ea laara, Payettevill mreet, Babaga, '-'w"'"i "iij -' ptatUvBarheteqaara, VbM5-tf WILLIAM W. JOSf KB, - 'ATTTOnNKY AT LAW, . v W HINDER30X, ,C. V "ITTlliL fBACTICI U th Conniie ef Oran. !f -vdK (vausiia aad Wum, aad In the ederas Ooarta at BaMh, H. Ci atpeeiat aUan. iioa aiTa te atatters in tiaaaraptey. I rratept nereeaal attaatioa slvaa to eolleetuig ana aaeviita; aatuaa aa an pan tit aua, ota.., . areh 51 Wa . . . .. , j..... - Uy( llnyt .Ufl,u,i 1 ff BALEH PBiaUt HAT. xvfy rorasNthv - April S-tf A aw. at , .) It'irt i-Hill 4- tVhb'M' Mradtoia, ta the atiy. lo'ril. t'.. lBi. T-A-tMk i.re-,V r-Ut lkfknM v TtJ Wlioe yisiuia wuw " i'u..t i BlaeA Pper.Abiloa,ChTs, Ba, Kiimi,jt, wrooy .m...ry. . ... tMf r f . stajtsrt aini t m lalara, . Bt a I ,., , , r tf HrtD. BBWCROPrAaimKBjta My t)v" Aj ,. arririn; d o arrive at , snja-a , - bA.auitcn lhjuv e. i868r6rm BTOCIL 1888, BOOT ID9EI AID.TBVHKI, p i AT WHOLESALE 0KLTi if ' Wr HAtlt EBCKITp A LABOB hTOCK frost th wiuta.t.)rra. whuth we win ii slow s gmda af lb eamaqnilKT eaa n bouiit m Haw latlbauiadabpriia or haitim.ir, : - , , WVt'HBA fAHKER, (Aarfil-BT M.llnalwt,aphiair. j r " turabare. t TVaja baria( fur eaah shell Bar lb. baa. efit f stoaey. ,-. - n...itiM ' I-' ' TT . t a-t -( a(a i lIO has. Bhaaldara sad Bide Baeoa, i . - ,, m a t At AKBELW At TOKBOrrMtTa, Marsh Vk-Jtt Aaetasa A Oaaa. MvBata. FBtSH'tHMtAl iF F AnVt mw.TW iA pBUBIB. ,f.'..i '- t . s mrcorroB. w) paarhas CettOS In. Jntt re.TJ .a.u,iu w, t .,v 'Att AtauKi uit A4BC'V . .M ,-i'if.- We ov baakVivquuti l ki pnbUak the BaMr- raiMiata. , xtuaat uup - 1.10. It aaakot la'J Stay wnsivatanu i .. aoo utaj tawttilure sot anii.1 n lit atnaa, tts an laifi. oi vtiwaa. wa have WAaasuua lakaaSo ouii. . liuai socaral aouroaa Sua tuuyaruag tuni j,.,, , raa ot ps Act, rta Si Saueiit ef aa auu .,.uMiyiu) aeeaiag aa enema, bar utat oi ail, o auviaa one rriaiala aot U a.luriiiay aaaui ut Utej will du, aata tiiej bane had tba muum-1 a rnapaeislitai au hitaHlfaitl tumay, U.ui iim Uiojr eaa raljr.' kAi Xne awaMiial tuai.u "' uia bauluaut late it' heuattt AuSKMa; bt v.t "oula, debtum, nanaa luat ilauuuea atw greet i n Uiejroaaiay. ,.!' , Xe baaonta a voiui.i ijankrupt aiuior Una Asa, the ttabtor uuat o i aat tjUU, wlucb, ut aurwaa. ha ta not aOM tu i m tiill. . ..iv ' ; A fauueuaaa wutlar v i uikrupt AottiwMa landwaaMwtaihu.. uii ibeir dobwatt llainiioaa, af nwy ItumI -reirii!tim vtnti-irr. atd mbm a.t i.itat)tiu T . . t ir t...tau.l U.iii SMelaudjpcaxmai, UMiiauttia ! Hrooai.i. A tkalaof aiuuB.Utejr ara ininimiL or wMM i4tMf stay aa aa tatanat, (Utuuijh But Hi Bun : atnioa) ia awforuutj wuB aarUua "r'uriua ytdr eariUd ia taa Hinwal UreaV ot ba Kuirriut Oaart uf tfc- United atatea. Tbaae aubnlatnr. veonad by the eatb ot we pebuuner axutw a Liatrtut Const Judge, lajiatw ia JMtukrapMaVflt" C $ (Joaaauwduuvr, meat aaemapany tba path, aa. Sad, wbaa died, w the eoiuttHMtornu of amoaaiiniga w Jtautipptoy. U it aiteohl toaaitout, peudiuc tlta uriamadiiiga at any Haas batura tits Lauimpt ia luaobargeo, thai 4t itaa, by auf abut or aubMrluge, aiaua a ttiae or par Sai aonedule, IhiawoonluavHinooaoitrauJ aui Wauid ovieattua dtaui-uira. I A Wbeu tlw aetiuau ia bv a firm o eouartaatu hip, a full aet uf aobaduiea of the roap-wUva atrl tatua ef tn aiewoata w uia ana auottia also be ', a. Wlwn tbi patiUon is IWd, the ease Uiihe-! SiatsiT merraa ioa uofiater, wnoexaonaea inei Botitton and auiwduias annexad tbttrato. aud if. tbay are correct I tuna, autfcaa a eartuWs tq ana aneev. to ee Bias eiut tlta .uerk. Shea aa- Jodgea the dabtar a Baukrupt aud iaam a War ' Baa to ui. ntaasangia to suuutoa au tlta sraota. ' era named In th patittaaar'a aubedulea to meat i at th Begiaiiir'a ottos, at a eartaia tiate and . alaaa, te pnm their eialraa and eiaetoaa or more Aaifnss to tebecitara of the Baaduspt'a aa. Slav 1 (' ! . Hliii.-i-'si : . t. A areditor eaa, heeevar, prova bia elaiat at any tame pcevioea ta ia. Uai ditidead, which Bill aoendly ba am DuwasaabaequMU te fit adjt utsatiun of Bankruptcy. , ' "' . . o creidtov naa any .landing iu S Itsnhiadt Court until ba prmm hut eiauo. -- ..)..).' ' . Creditor (lavs so rax at la tnaipet Ui 1Unk ntut to answer1 qaeiioi euuaaruutff ' ui' dlapo aai ef propeM? Iif bin aoquued aubaetjaeat te Bung a pwutiua Bi Bauaraptoy. 'Iuoihur wtwda, Utn data ef tbe tiling of tba uVtition by uf agautat a debtor, iatb data at which. II adjudiotuua of haulunipUiy follovs, tliauld erdsr of uouga paaanli away aad s h ilaaf ia tnriuid over." On this pumt decision hav Iwan variant. The saa vale ; apuaara to pa, 'aat tba appitoaot ia Kautruu y : has a perfeot right to aiaiai wbatsvat' ba baa aaaea aner itie appaaatam, uy ata pacaonai axer. Boaa, but any atonie bt Btar hart niada,rrdi Av waitinant or eredi, niaj ha Itabie te It iasa a tb raearrer MV to sinteat tba parwd of hi dia- v ana Bansvapt eaa apply to tbe Ooart-R'tiif ' (has after Iba extnratioa of ait atoutba, aaAWitat tit one year treat wis sdjadiaal ton,fur tbe dianhatwe ta baiikraatey, and ut eaaa ao aaaate eontatuui: tna bands e .ib ta.ign.i, or a debta bt yrored agaAAt bialaetatai at any BUM after lb expire-! ttonH aisle Save. . - ' '"tl IU Aa.suua aa aa Aaeiiraae J ehteted Of so. pm uiad, tec Juum. of Urgiatar will eoavey to hint, by deed of aaeiguBteai, all die bankrupt's Mtipei It axotipt what w awmutad. via 1 "ilouat tuiu auu xiiotiea lurttitiir sum outer aee iSstiaaariea uu. '."'( . w i . " .. v.i u' iuih. flan bia warning apiiarbl end tba of hi wife alia utldieu. ud u. uttHir iH'oikh r not hminded ...u.uli..l.lnUl...ltlllh a- t...! .L.ll.. ia the loiuuiaiigsabi atetitpt Auoi levy audaai Buou eaetuiiou ur Milt prooMScUy iJia lawa of tbaalau) bt WHwh tha batikttipt Veaidee, tean atnooitt uoi aiteedliig tbat aboaed by Mtata ea uipUoa iwt tort at ' A vafe tVunda'at ur auKtuU, audar tbia bead, Iba. the emnatott suiuitMatua tuat Bud let ba all' btiida, we olbarpaoparty uf ataiaidurabl raiua, ia great uaatait. tiuom tlta aik, aa Moeeat saaar I up ui tbia Mate eau have sdiaud to itiia, free flout the i iJea tba baintrom aire, la uudiT I ill ! tk lit' Jaif-jf tbfc aa gnic, aiduv teuiily ayaftiribS-iicMawiaio litiii ia uisuti. in allot t-itiie bankrupt eni-n erlieieir a. air viuoiptvu, ud tttat aaiuvantery M M-maM aith th raiua m eaoa set.w ,u Muiiaaj, ,imb tvatrrtors siaj ataa obi.oUia le tba rvu.ui ui lb Haaiaa.a a tujf tup aubta taeaity ajat iwr m nbidj i n r bUoutr, iHtfuni el warrant laaiwa, sbail d.toaft J art, Oidiara i!U tlta tbHtiater, w aiut tha Uark, 1 to ba doiivurad toth UeKUftarea a aaourity for ILslbs, Onoerai ordiir XXIX provide tbat In fuas of tb Mgiaesr, Maraiiat aad tilork aball be arapaia or aetiareu aeiora liter aaa Be eompeiiea to aet. k n auaarnvMea oyuenaraientar AAA, Uuu a Bore-tb dehior ha a Btaaua, and eaa fnm ia aM to tba eaUsfaotion ef tb Conrt, Boa ai).rt.-atton . aa order will be siade requiring au tb easts in Oa eaa to be paid eat of tb afti iobara depoattad with the neg ater. If, hosever, liter r laswa.TtSt nut uoiih to na, B klea eor ator dedoeting lb bankrupt a eXeuiuWd pruparty. so tbat nothing oraa bito the heads f cu Aaaigue, tb fee will hav ta a paid by tbd Bauarupt j bet if the Aeeuxne raeeire aaeets, tb tea ia tha.MeAMngat trill bt paid by. hup ba fur any dnrbload ia atatl aiuoug areditor " j IU Horn anppo that the HeirUb.r a, left.- aim' mu W 'bvabuWrne 'of 'nbtteeaiii Bankrautay, are Stetl by law. awl fa they emseed higher fa, C ry Aabia, M fci edier)ou uf anltiisasniafni ollioa. in ordinary eiaea of bank iptey, tbe fee may sioounl to. llim. In auma eat atota, Iu antaa aaa tbe etada depewlieg oa be aatoaal ot tabor adj uieaiitat auvolred ia xitd ttt una wai, to Uie buut aliiuu Ul .r'f rt Bay HftT portal Mi'irbia. " aaarl itt ttila-br Waitta.1 rse; Thi' lse diff ItJ ,t mrati" frti f.M.iit-fci, awanieS tt 1 enact.-iljii ur liu (,' In.!., ft giife 'twelve J ilijt iimj, I ait hnm at d' bi.rrt wrtaU Ml t tn vtlfltit of MitHr 1iMif-d-Dtevlitiu Ihy iWuboi pay "1b wblcli'topniMnf Attr aoolicaOiat. After tli 4tt uf Jau rerV debiorainai ba M lo pay fifty' per eeut of liia bidrbf ctlni-Ha Ul order to a tiia'eiMtn: ani alieation tn bnkriiby, anlnaa he flif ubbtln tb eonaeut ef s anot ity of hia or4t.Tf.!.'' TMPOETAaT TO rAbJBKIl. fi .t-ai aarna J We are prepared tn dMivavi at VMaead eaVsar FOHB V KROVIAN OH A BO aad bAl'a SULA A lea, beet OtKMihD BOVA BCOTU, PLAaW rt fv ....f . rAaa.. , "t t-wj a . I-wwwfiw it air.f.iAAAM. DUNS, i . ibt K. 0. i ..i.u.tr'.i If. hLiPUJi.i.1 trlui .t IMsrU-tf - Balatgh, N. 'C. i 1 - - - - ' v - i- - TTH)B SALE. v i.i i, (J. svueura, Bar vt-tr wi a Hart Lcwat, WBSALK. rrr rood MnbW, rnerWafwa to s lot of Har-aeaa.- ApplyBr ' : . . . i.ttr lro a ": BrlllWM, DliPP A OO, q T0S501!Tat,, j "" ' " 'W'.' 1 j r-'-.r.t: f. . CAT8CPB ASD SADOIU.. . ' , i . . . At a ..f. TOiorai'B,t-i CROHMI? t BLA( K WKLL H geiiwha sBipatted Ohow-t'hew aadtiesuib, at . -SJ, Afar 13 tf - 10KUK1 - an in : t. Q CASES CABBED GOOUa, t m.- ta! ' ' AlVAVtavrr' I ,itMH tt.atr iifjBA it., at aiif., rr-J arrad fi.nger, uf ell .in,, at I I Marl-tr ;..i-v LZFX IKSUXASCS.) A . t.Jii ( iiuiir.oi iatll BW : ,! tlatota.rft r jrli lifriiint'' UF& INSUftAKCB COMPANY1 VtssunvJ itu'i 1'i.a i )t I &tH lT,.e!J ii 4ii itinjlaBVt ed ymlt minif a aia It :lewvv Jaj'.-iLaM that u asw esj iiiit a'xte rv.JbtB vd j ITNl'ltECEUKSTED HU0CE8H. w ,! tiaUa;'lW 4;l-r3taVAltf EgtAi - '" n 1- H ' ). LISHKDBKYONi) AST n,.y !.. U-iaital a.ff v - Th Ooeinauf has' eaoUai and aaaet. ax'iiMi itebahihty, tbat witf euupere' farnraolr with ai.y Ufa lusoraawa Coataau a lb anllittlit ahaili I -die satire are) eaalioaaly aduuuisthrtw! 'bt'erikteV alluwaora-vf iwapuuaibdiu.aiat hutuwaa .n ' dahaa aatabcudtad swattau hBVailliartira.W.y tt ilA nnil- fi . d l.t.ji!ii oi ' rlallblVf, lu oim aaJOHM .3. ' KDWAttDrip I - y ia I f In y!im-X iuwit iff i-il . rum ,rau)KT. asotrar , , Wit"" it' 'vi"-i i o rraHttova-'atyViii.v; :i Wat, B. IaAA.CS, D.J. tUBTHOOK. j .M.jJ-i t T.i.io ...J V ittii VrKRPIOALCXiMlBlB, i,0 - I r M-lTl IM'r Iu atH4 .V AlH .'j t. ijU'l'r I .,xw4VAtrvnuBx,r,I,1f , amriB)Ai.A0aTs.4j U, B. 0, Cabbu , Jhojl PutiBOKM j ia u svm WRCT0R8t i' f -1 - th Ji3in Enriersj JXe Itenr'y K. fellyaon, .! Wdbamr.Tayleri'i Aaa tfeydev,''" " ' John Pooler, . . Haltiual 1). l ardy, , . , voanaa . ivannara,..'ueoig laoaoa," -i" i n.Vos. J. aVraaa4:.itoV D.iUaoelilay, a1 Janifia A Ki'uu Ji. M.arW- it v. yaoeii, .) " D. J. IlartaoiiX "" ! JiiltaAA) Wiiiiamt, u. Utt ,, WU.iaajiQ. Isjlur,, , , tt. a.. jLiiwariia, - . jAMrtimmawrtijld. u. n. Morton, i; i - ,j. 'Ion. i- y,Jn aMV.) f. Mj if H. DlbralL ' LieiNga 1m uiugtXKI, .v?5J ,S-Koiitit . l Miuo LaxiMrroa, B, CL' .In 'Jan tVf.'' .a.,mo tH.!t ttf,,ntrtiili4..i i . .. . . i" ,1 "it .fi''""!!,, TawBMi' Bloe4 'fBriner lit' Hie l,flrViiUvM ,'M Ml. t.-li4'.'.'i(llM!.,i -f '! .- ?W 4 1 L 'I,),,lr''rJ lt'' Mei DR. i AWRENCE 3' 'X ' duxl iB,i( ml i 'i i rain i n P , ltd , ..ji.i M-nm tUOJilUiATKa 1.1 .i-i i! w It O S A D A L I H , i rai iti e lo ft- i-r f"' e ' -i rt w, Boa THK Ct'BB Wwtl ( 1 it -id yil tin ol ir-n 'itt ivl j nua...,ltiUllBJrfJgVgHi..A, eirvBtC ! r ' rtWH'.!?tV.'' llll'l. Hid Mlfl ..rflt a-Kt w MivufTio if tx jiv ki far at w OF illKOLAMW.JVlKm HIS'KU Ar, KivxHru, o.; . .. -awn, V Af 4 AC WHI TJt HWKL1. V . INU, MKRVUHIAI. .'km, ;. ; ArrKVflQNli HORK MYKS, 1 OlniWUKlL blHKAMK j'Kvri.nit to 'A'AfAA.t kuurmoiis ar thuvkhi, Tl. JfjcjfinAL MAO UKALiU, , 'AD'ALt'Of Hilt l)ISKA&E8 CAWtty jBjr at Isnpur Slate of Ike Blwod. : ;i v.. . 'i.v ..ii i " h" .ui i . --- Th following-, outony many Aandmfa of oat besteitiseu, teahify to it wwMtentd (jftoov-y. --- Horn CeTtlfiostn frost PhytioiaBA ' ! : W trar If.; tiwreh UoVaoali, (6 ba t Wfe aad aMXBi.a Aluraliv, Ao., and take pleaware bt 'WieuvainaadiBs; at t tba ewefeaatoa aud'tb 9-- W. r't rn rl-,iiVUwei'''4. 'W- 1 tft.Art .rT-f Aiir r aTYXJb-V." It.i'J 1 ,ri.' :ih-HYvm J7 WHtHl'k-AOj'if.'Dl"' 1 b rUtt M As, BAHfclAlt. M lin, i. H (a lif.aH wt m wVtoNft' at' D " A " i " (a,iA-aUAHa. aj, feaMR I Vntt aertrfy ao 1 irelJieViobally s.wri.Uti.' ut awavat naataa mratmsita and tuaw pre 'nitbiiuetf ot retMMtabiiily aud autniiniH lalMaiiaBaajabi -3 " .-tW " I' it vrt iumyeitT weW,j,,a ,i f Be- n'BXsAbrU. thjTOUy vWKote'' Ovary kinu 01 Baaiar ana oa until, sua feature a toaramtmitse iteamq'uiniliiaii VA, It at aot a Hceret ftataBBadi.oO,B ef knaaa nf whiuh it ia ated are pubbabad aroeitd aarS ttuatjttdtae.aal. Btida eedoraetli bv4a j Uo.o raJ"ABAt.til Bt -inJ l,d l 1 .4 ' ''" ''"" t .r.. .,lt,. Ki W 'irfiaiWrt,'t,trth' a'--,n..i lil ''l ,..........,.........,,, wtaBWBteysj; )i,s roat-at.ixtsr-r-s. tar aan wain.iui.iBi bb ieaawiiMiiei.'H WllLaXAXE. UKl.iJiUrj'lir., UiaJI til iaitra vttai tut 111 thirled maiaa" s:id Bricuib 'Amertea. And )tmiJ by litsatriaie verywbjanaj i .n ,,i Mtot'ij. i liJAIAiTa74 dtwrnoe,iiti,' , . aot Pniprietor and Manuf.eiarr. -lr-.jr t. Banevsr Saraet, Baititaure, UL ! ffu at.Laa.iu j . ... i. J7t . . .! . . tar 1 if--1 a'n ,f..r ,r. . ; mt'--- f'ii - Attonter ui Counsellor st law. -- - - . !. . 4j f't Praetie ia tbe Coerta of H alifax aad adioia- iatOaitaa, - Also re the redaral Cunri and vJoera ef Bankroptey. P mbt'ii imm aia-ar n f'rtli i Kl ji.fft -.' V JOU1M tT. niKKDALC, ATTORNIY AMD COTJ3rfCELI-OB I . LAW. ' . " Ma t, Uity Hrtst, I'M M tv!llo.. t'. PBACTICES rn th Stat and Pedenil OrmfK and in tba Ooert at Banltrupunr for tba Ad VooennMonai laauanc t , rruanpt anantataa givav to ail iinaiinma uttraa d to bia care.' Claim pB.bi it aaavafoaa drt tiorlb Carolina. '.: . - . . daly iti--f ... iwi -iU'..! i W 1 )"' t tt tn A PFLE8. A saw We W:Oi Amtr- 2Y r W. H.-auMfi A). MarJS-U L TTBISH POTATOES. .1 fit A. Aaolhr lot of 9. 0. Fotainas.'VeA ... ' 1 MrB-tt W. H. iuM.fl A CO, J ioor out jox moAnra, .foil! ewii'l txt jA'inf !ii it'(in r, X .IH -Vtf trorjaurnicD " - t'JLt ' i'i - o i i?..jft fi'i rHI Jill p. ITI II I If " - , -. ' t rl , T i nal KtMelvrel mt VOW PRICT.H. Onr frienita aliail ban Oooda ta ebaan a tbay BSa be bueertil a any other Uona. ,. -5 t u . iufeGAixS WILt EE GiyKN -'l' wtic As lItITB At nt to 13; A 11.1 nil T'PR-'t fllWtW i'l iir...i,ti..n t tAtfti Uinl 4 vas. At., . A I Ui old staod tf i l?, ,. ..'Ia. l'OUXG. blektvitf-abtaffw't fi.i.".p.4.:i SA1AETT. 00 M0 bXJOTT. ' Ca ti.'fraB,- awdl arB.Hwtswp bv, b La .,' KItT'TOKK. !l 4 ' , i,itft'I la jfjo.vkyAdS'fiOBB.Ta , .u jilT janti 1 i? 't tt fcili ,i.t ' t " j AUCU1BALD lOlNG, 6AKSETT C. ftWtr4i ti )" i 4. i!l ! "i "r! of nkw Tons; -" Uiiw-sOSHioj a Ii? i iu. I , , Ha fj ' am r'fii Lua Js s ii fi $ ,ij t -ti(BIBNCEII BCOTT at CO'' ' (tl.t.V.Jj A,-! ii iu. i u ' J ' ' ''yoimiiti,!," JtTJ l J' I , . V . , , i J-.t tl uijmi i i irTiiii i axteaule HutjOset 9 r m4 t . VVklcMta DeaUers ta 'y.v- MEN'S MVt?0YS'ciTIIIl.Q. ,f "f.W.AHCTT, f 1 V A. BRAPFR, -"; . Hf KNrpK SCOTT, ?.M.AHIUflT., ' MayW-lllU7'' -o-. ,. .... . , . ,utj ') i..it,i ,1 .am ,-i at Hi ui hi. i no. 4i .it- DAM. IITPAN CO,f-Jf iieneral Commission " XercbaBti, i'l S :!01V2A' UCCHABOB PUCK, i'lh V oiti'!A' WeJw'i Vork''y-.?il .'.i:Bent.9AA4f.!.Jti.irt (!'.; UnSCELLAKEOITS. ; WEITDROOK aV CO, ' tHK,!., i . , ) . - o. ..Jt.i-t 'I PK0PRIBT0R8"0P THE U ,4i ,ri j,r , . t -a .it'ti i r WK8TBB00K MCBSEEILS, ! !' 1 A f - ' " tfi(ri (t fU i.1 'aui:KiMsiJoo ir. c. h KKP eonel ant fy't band 'daring tb pltntlng JVeaaeori, ttpioitdidUHof--,! ii , , , CHOICI T&IVT TSE? S A3TD GKAPI wtbb Mwaasr very low, for stab, ar good pre- dlsVtba ' ' 4 t 1 I n SVtMT KtOMt, on "Waablngioa fltrert, wta-re aaiasaa wis t aarat tweatub aHaiilion, pnUI tba las. of April. ,, . , . band a lamp for Catalogs, and Whole! rreta ui tirmy Tiaa, ' .tt w. t.'.Mf ii . i 11 "'Addr'' WE8TBft60Kr a'co.' ' " -'' Bosla,lvenbBro, M.O, , Jana7-14Vgm ..,. ,. Al, f LiBaAseaa, )s. f n ,1 ' . ui, A. Jena I ,; Ag't B. ft Pnalnsat plraotory, ,. ; fBBAlVSOiV A.IONKI.,, J, . , , UWBBSOHB tO , A , u, r,V , -1 'i Branson, farrar 1 Co "WlKTItfUBTRB ItOOH ' BtmtNHM AT TU VJ aiu aUnil, near Tucker tteii, titd UU saMi on nauu anppiy w ft ... bodm gsjni notes t, h at it ibiratll larliiaa i y.! l;.'.- -vfi, -il''i.i.i v , CtaiMKonwut of at h d Ltw and Ila- DeiiBiitoue uooaa aonei att. f artaraiar attaoiloa at Id toordeia ' 'ri ( l.e t! . sattwttVVaja'X rptlAtli'" '. A O ' rt-' !' I.-. ' l' 1. 11 Tl WARE? AT WHOLESALE, A LA 1100 tW bv TT WABB 'Ok BAUti XX. and ooiiaiauily in. lain a, wbiuh wUl be uld al A.yvKltlHlljkii r . V Malbrial ifioj aud woreetanablp BSenrttaaw d. o 'f be uuilr-iiia1' ta iuudaullBI a NUS l'tt OAiUJLIMA rM tlll'Mlht. and aaka tb eo,a ration of fli burn lU.ribau',. H.io by svaidua htini-eif of iittt tM-at and ni?.jMfprotien'iia''hiner1 pnted l nil all order 'tie-TIN "WAliA, an nattiaake thaeaptdr equal to th deanaaalA J, Baud 10 yooi or.lWa. , B ii-tvtiun vuejmnie ,,,1 wiu tak. anj two ul giaal proaaoa In eilisoe I Tit-Tin ware am) pnm. marly want, at tpt raw. eteneraa.Hlal t ajrrre trw aae artttMs raaii lie nmii wna Hralerre. ' " ettdhar a Frio Lat and uniur with year foriitt-rii inn -a witATsaoarAia, . . .1 'led I hip; ennaiantly mt band a gond eort mm at f ttiai ta.-a, ttant't patent and at ma jr Baa aiska aad mil aeH rtvnt. ,. it it. wtnrit. "-My- .m '"liiuntrs; "usttra; A LOT OF flKFItiKb SITOAB1, in V.'; " ' """ " Jnal rfci.ivrd by -AprB S-lf ftfl.?-' iPDHbMOal ii 1 ban la. 4aIj1L1'OB1A LASO ,AaEnI OF ;!'! ri; NOBTO CABOLEVA.' i 1 - rANDHOLtLHH WHO WISH TO SELL' Afrtettltfmit Or fllne-Pwl Lands, vVttteB Pwm, mui, Twwai - l x Lots, or KesI lUlufo ' 'i ' if vfjr Irtod, ir Bnd tt tn'thittr adranttg''tL ptua tiieir properly ht 0r bnii. fnrnal. : . We bave great fatctlittea. for proeanug narcbay aaitrtav aS m atmperty, Fur batitvaaaina, addreee ' .' - " n ' ,! h V .i'j..-i OBtTTEi, . ' Or PHIL THIT.M, Agent, kahngh, M, 0. tiea, il-TS. I e .i f -a : i . v a -1;. .. UJiiHf.i i i P Hi 'inn, ,,,, i) . f '-..V: v, 'BmflV bMOtn ;l . t LAROE aopi.ly. In larira and small bladders. A tao, in rafie a aud bouiea,! uiatiofscturer's a. - t IflSo -O.BBnMBMS' : W.H.K!tESAOO. I tLACK PEPPCB ABB ALLrtriCE, MACE, 4 tnd H'ritrt, at . April tPrHtSCa A DODD'ir 1 LSI ALE It 19 BEt8 "COCKADE CITY ." received thai wonting. A aoi.i.ir alwar. ua ana.- .1 w. it. u.MiO vo. dea M laBafJ-. n r.! ,. c OX'S 0LLAT1NB. Al TOXT?orrsKr.'" rlba HOOKS AVT LINE! , 1 A .lervf aau.lrr"'.. f". ( April A '-It Iu.:,. .It t ' 1 i ' ."" ' u A J. i. . a '3, XAIir.OnM, TO b..ir i ... ,. i UUTU,vi 'A 11 i) L I N A U ReJLWAT LtXES,' (tia lio'U ' it r) I THE Ol.Tl Lk lifflU a"nll.i fMVe.', " ' . ; ,. "oi.nii-,vi 11 bl--r,BAH.:-TA5.i 1 t i KtMM'II A a HotM.r JO " t in r t i int. t Mji. t .J-oa i'li-H hti-CIMJ-X , , bAt VIA. U. AO. B. K v f'J'! i .,i., .. ,i.riij lylllniiifmtrf aialara Urn -, a? V Ju"""i I1"" ' Ai..e loan !,. S .nlZ, at aua uavt.atiuraM.fol , ...!.. I iu the etitue Mtiria.-ti I i. !".ota, " i, ai.J aouin. ha lmh nt t. LKowte It'.- U..r i.i.,,),. ui w i. . aauig tbe pmpiv ii1ul 'Jvuua !:lf euote t),IM pw ye ar ; ana u Bbh... elaa Utat ae ran auil . i ... ut V do aW pouu bortb and eiiMnu, u.u t.iy ou.a Liiat, rtt'rf.wl WOXXOX1 ,-r-rs! TkeCreait IulHud Air- Lio'cS t !.li. HI ' ' .1 ..... i. w n u l j;t mi i, ,,o b; .T,t.v3Re ,;.iiu'i Tat TBI BAIX10B A OASTOS EAlL KOAW, ia the Short Line fur Siniinrwa. and til' IL!. ll: u a taken braaulber lioutel , , . . . . T ' Iv Iuaure Tour Vreit-lil tnt'n' i..riit '.'JJl it .1 elreai Inland Air Lin aaly,uirui roar oaaaua ia to mark JBur J-rteajht, t are 'of hx, ,4 Airenl, s-urtaiiiiHiib, Va., or Ciiy Point a.. a . a . . )bT0S.hI". .! i..., , WbWaiMl.. BB0M BBw f0B f- ' v.iaJ PIip bi m1ppir,i Point; Pier 7. Kortb hirer. ou BWb tk. liilc-'l! Orejawioh Bt, Co, buy j B. L Al.iee.ly, I'r'wu. PROM 1 11 rr iliiri i n 1 1 . 1lTo Annsmaaalr ) ' Phil., US iliii- ion and Baltimore iMpot, ariWd.a ljn of mtZaaer. it Nr M,Uwf '". f' U,d, Apitti, , ' , , rpiuiM iii4ui... ' -'is',' ra, toe Union. I k; L. 1 rr, i(""S nuik.1 w uerx. AbLbN. ' AogS-IOS- ' vi -. i'revbt Aif't ' - SUfA OffltK, K. t., JtAJLIIOMKiol J Coavaar aanrd, b. d. Am a L lMyi. t "ttwdtotttdtit followinr til ba th Bhduifur lujauget,'Irloam,ibia Koed I . j. tt aa.bnry .'. , . .:..'..r. .. .. girj AM lfi'; iwaBabs'l-,. 4.04 si til t " , haleKb ... t'41 A. ki Arrtv aOm.WHiro. ..'t.r.-r'. .v.- n w p. n! ; ,lOold.bore,.,.e,Mlf)lw,,t ujo p. N.n BaleiKb , map M t .ti.fjramwbai .,wsi,.v.',v...v '7.l7 P. W.' I 'ArHr.&i:.:-::1.S f: S: -'TiJrogbpworehy' tbie mie'hav otudra irf ruttioOreual...ro' sndllanvuia bi. ln.aatd. or Haltialt ami W),ii.M 10 to. i,ruoini ..1 ttnmh, arrivo.a .t all f Bi.-iimood at tba aante tlKie by ei 1 .. .nia, . j Conmwiion ia tuit.ie ai ( .t.ouiv'' Villi iw get tratua oa W A W. K.hu1 Ut.udimm tti.i.uoul bin, and tn. WeLton by i,e,Ki,i j. at w bewbaraV .Jt. A N. 0. fbtaib " " r-reiKhllreinaaib b-ere thaiioil. 1st I A. Ma and arrive at 0 20 1'. si. ' Aaiat-t i JAMltfa1 AKKIMWOS; Han't. ' ' ..i. 1.' t adraTiCT-BatrtTrrTaWtfapirasiire S!;HAEDVAE35 AS: -.t...;;,,,.... ,., 1 1 .h 0ALLIW JM , 1 BAXDWABX ATTD CfTIEiV, IROKiTtAL, ' ' I 7 J HOUfhf ITfiNlMJINd OODl.i OAttRlAU MdTKlilAd,"4 "- w j 1 1 rf 1 IAI 1M 'VAiti-I-lltV! COLOCfj, DlLPr i r .. , ...; i.y.,i a, a ii 0IA'KANDOLAl ' ' ' n ' a l.ftO ' '' t -li'o Airent Cw tlM) tale 'of''" 1? . w Utirr m Em.ms mil ienv., it vMi.ii-.1i Bolting (tlwltf, InJi Inllir. sin. ,111 .Kir. Ht Jtiug; Circulitr twn, Iron, VwAiiddlis, i ',; Funcua, and al)Ji;nta of Clnia . , tuiitititl Irou Workv . , . riT fow ,oW. Mow Etvr OjH. ' " ' ' '" ' '. fi " i .,'Bv.A.JMf .1. w,.f ... ;. ,IJr JAanarttiK jtii f i i i.tat.. . -'.,.'?' fPRINO 3 HADE, J8fiL , , i;) iiNoi ii -FayciteviU Stntl. i u 'TlaiU, Lat'ka, Hlnu,., Mwawa, Pbualduf ftrtda, iValhiirh, IsAnA 4lf i-: Vt dh Hon A Uw'iav , ij ill ii'sr-i i - i , wma. l a. a. rtrrraa. I walthm uama. la. uf naltliuorc j galoot ('. )..,. ui ri.uan . i QWYXN, CCrTTLN A CQ., ,o COTTON ' FACTO 113 " ' ' " AU ii tcnerel 1 Commission Mfixtasta. h., wr .. BAtTIOUE,; , (v ' ' Be liberal rtani-.. m la ou fonauinnti.ta, A'UinhBartBrA Hri.iAaMaai4iaHl.' t t-fc.r totian.,,!, u)i,tiij ll...ii, Bumu, NO. ' !t Hand, TT V' t- ' It'.'-. not",! hi. , Ulaa OoU.la, Xuaibiait sad Wif-'-'.-v J bi.nw S. ii Balaih,MartSu4f With bait A L.l. i A BOTH EM BUTI'Lt OK MATLAXD A "AWrt. ! A. lat JK If - ' Per lule. - -' ' tTOOAXBHOElSO' T"FArr-rtb. i p, j.,,. . . V. it J. -. A i II. BtrlH-lf An.-tion A i.-:a J-.-, H..I.IB. ' gTsvita WAnn. we trill onrratoT for. or tiirrh-e tt au tn BatoaaeearrtTM, . , ,, wvr nno jii r, txtata-aaat, ,. I frmoo V. bile Uk biid " ' ' I'l.Oio While Oak Ha4ng, 7.' ("0 tin O-k Pm t. v, a, "tti.HuO itnt llak l,oi " "Tb Whit Oak SI RVa and 1 . 1 eaired aa eoon aa ii.. cjvsi 1 . o. tied Oaaa, from sr.pi. , r t . J ,n ilimeoaiona. t&d itui i-.i .11 btarea projM.ity, I'lni -i Kar 19 -tf I fix t r .- U vt trtet ii 4if 1.1 Mtf At