. la jui.uj every das, ewjl i'oo ......' .-.) . t llUiittl Oirf- Vt.;.r.., .....I... ,.,..4,08 M Hi muullia.-, .. .'t,0i L mtc tttf a'.Mi!' L!y BVr n u.uuu,. .....1,9 TIII2 OKNTINEL. willum t rrLL, tBEATOdrrs; EDIT0G8. : :)AT,'Al'l:It,! tS 1&31, , The Radicals have tallied miicli,lthrrjrt rhyme or reason, about tbe large Influx ol capital snJ population which wiireotne fn! to this Bute, just o k m It U ntxucted nndef Radical rule. TbeiM(Ji and look as a!.-! oa tbi. b''jct, pirea eeers, as if ttaars were any fact to justify Omr declaration f A favorite i ! of the nJicU, in .the late Convention, was the establishment of Bureau of Btetielit and Immigration, with. a ealaried officer stationed la New To, to induce the roving and surplns population of theUorth and of Europe to com to North Carolina. The Radical urnongr b colored population pi tins Btste wr vPp posed to that measure and kate it It ia plain that the blacks' el North' Carolina are universally hostihto brihgiafj Ufi tbd State any large additions to , ths (workiyg: people of tba 'Btata, and their txiU nrJ to the Radical party of the fWutVwlIl enable them to defeat any legitlatira action which tends oUrectfy-to bring foreign white labor into eompetitioa wlUitw black latoe'el; '6m South."' - ' V-" J .-.. 1 1 '-vi frf Att. The termination W tbd Wtf' left VM'fr hrU and tbehaagjra on end , followers offaider a deserved compliment to Gov. Worth tbe federal army In the Month... .A ' of this portluorfpnr pressnt popufetiqsf, hoth Yankee and foreign, hare proven tbrmsel rea to ba a alet. indiutriooi 'cltlnsni "itii. have put tbk eergiclutoVicoluUiflyV'"fci,ln' provs their own eooultf-M an 3 !o sm In the recuperation of tba country,; . But sq far a the e- '" port' of them are eenoemed, who nave es&sved to cobWoI jnbji ,WVti and who are known all over tUeiSUte tor thirij for office and an Immodest jfortf n af t,n th. ubll. fLxiXlmvW!ti tl.t'bartette' Dmoemt, tnemeti.Y position, the livaAs of. Egypt worn nevsr nor datlrucU va to it fields, tbaaoMaaa offloe-eeeklng carpet-bag lnterlopra, ,hvf been, and will be, to Joith-CaoUoa-''' J Webave itf IvnJqAtil'rignian'aMav on account ot the plaoa of bis birth, MW estimate efrerr man according to bU con duct, bit character, bU real worth to society, There are Northern men and urtfigwti among ns whmn wa esteem ae onr best citi zens, and. we' rejoice to tea wtUuig among na men of character lndatiy'nfl!frtei" priae, wba uliow by theli'conducJnt!l'aH elation that-' tlwy ' seek the go! f tba State and of out peopla, as well" as tliulx own. Bat men who nrldt thenuelrd tipon their . cutooeas, jtbeir .demagogusryi tlieir language and moral characters wa a blight upon society, and whose (Cite ' aim is office and money making, at (tie., rink of; tbe rain . At ITi lunntn mm Imtfa 1HA nA fn A TTijvv ara a moral atenca, which no honcyaa wacda oi fiienduhlp or prateaceSof hitejMaCli stlt people can. nentliza. , Bach ia Jba charsp terof many afW forflera fai)in ail State, who have forced" tbemeirei Into effloe and mMcJ' and iitvelgfel tl.l blaelV The black population fornl 'tlni great body of field laborer In W"fiB,;,l)e , ara loured to the climata, and, ador "in atructorsand governors, re 4weIJ, adipUxJ to tbaeultiTatioa of tba soil and - the pr ductlon ol cotton, tobarco, rice and stigaV.' If these people, now that they hare J bean made freedmen, show tbsmseliea eapal)l o eontrpl and improvement in their pew rcla tlons, and are willing to be aocouragod aai trained to systematic and skilled labor ' U agricultural pursuits, . eipeclaljy, . we ara anxious that they should ' be aidet end as- aistea in tue wors, aa ,a worn, u colored populatioB of ttie South can made to answer tbe purposes' e agricnMav ral improrement and the. recuperation,, of tbe country, and thereby promote thai ewa wall-being in all repects,Wl 4r lr favor' of promoting that object In every , pradent way. "We nrt uot in hvof,f this , can ;,"be done, of displacing tba colored population by foreign whitei laborers.;; But' jf tin;; blacks, inbiluatod by tba new fgimt, shall claim to be the governors aadrofnoe-hoders of tbe State, instead cf its mere laborara, the sooner immigration assnclatbmt and effective systems lot the fntrotTucfion of5 the right kind of toreign. labor can lie. adopted, The soil of ihn ' SoutV is ( chief source of support and wealth. It must be eutttvs ted, either fcy the blacks ai wliitesanieng ns, or by Uie white f felack alone. To devtlope the agricultural resource ol.thr South great , changtn aad. lmproveirtts must be cfTectod in the wanner and chfaar. ter of tta "eyltivation. Large, plantatk, with tong rows of negro quarters, wl'h from 20 to 600 colored lnborers to be (aiigUC governed and provided for,' must give place to small farms, with small nut cottage and suitable provisioB for laborers, and for the comfort of stock, ic, sulh Irora one ii ten employee. To tlwwe- vnost be addrd, at convenient points, churches aad . reboot houM, separate fr blacks aad whites., Laying tlir-o tlie foundatimt of industry and enterprise deep in tbe morality and chritisni!y of the Word Ond,' M ta cullivat.on of good manners and refinement, and io the prnper regard to, tbe claims and. duties ol aorifty and ot sll clswue. We mar hrpe ence more lor a j rospwous sod happj cumtrr, but nut o'i'Twise. The Innaticlom ( Vie t of l 1 rorj,,,,., I'S'i'j tl a.i win, or too equality .. s and wUiiua, so thoroughly i4 1 ia the ti'W Constitution, is the .: i t f J.'i. J.'s pourd, which , , r i f .' i ' l . . I,' l-o' ttic' u. ;. t, t!.c promoter of t f : '. r r 1 ai l C: ' r ' ' -cnt of the racc Uii 't in coftluti- I se'!a!i-n and the sit- mute cxtinctioa at one or t o oilier f tbe raoaa. Tbe' Angle Saxon r-te cevtir baa, in tbe history of civilizallon yiulded ' to tbe iwntrol of the Mack or mongrel races; nd hsuruilL- H'utorj, Tjrtat,Uith,pecud quiet mad praeperity dcasaad tor Kerth AsBcrica the mkiu Wi rult eaeT fit mXUt mm'i founmnt. 'This ie ear watch ward, and to the white men ! Kortb Carolina, as well as to thoughtful, sensible, eoaaideraU anlmad man.wa ntmiwanii it. an the slubbnr letb and tolUman of peace and, prosperity, It is a little remarkable that tbe name el 0a. Worth has acareelv bees saentioned ia the iate.cainpaltrn M this bute. We never votd ttrunj wormi tut t u poo wans to say that he baa discharged his dntiea ae faitumllv aad fairlv, tnaw weither' party could Had soad eaiue for complaint Tbe lac ia Jonathan Worth is an honest mea : and althouKb be htaa el44iae Waia ef the atnotsat sect, wnikt wtcfemr io ue notmog but aafUl-boePeraocrat ot tiie origtoal panaL wo (aiiiiot buf admire, hi straight lurwaxdwM in acting m U pUitt f tec Uy. of North Carolina. -yTejirtaBtwe tlut Our. Wertb : hai 'but little fiuth in she aliiiiw of Ui tmm parties that tars sprung np during and since the war, to settle national difficulties, end proV ably lielhives that things will (uvr get f Ight until tbe country acts upon sou adopts the pri acta tat dr U okl Whig party, (tor thu big party aws party of yrinthm ;) wisUe We Mieve that the righu nf tlie Siaiei aad lUu usoptu fclil nt o lie rwpect. ed ana nj)atioel until tne principles in tluiU Dehirttretie party are engralu-d on (rielxiliev-of thn Onvcrnnient-'-wsinran tin- priuclpkw of that party iq rgarl c to ttutt s Kiifhat, Tariff. Hanking' and Eipenditurus tv Uik Qeneral Government, 'Win war set tied the question against tbe right of a State to esudesad against slavery, but not against fjie geuerutgU nttseiseuaniM putte. . 4 Xut it was not to talk about old parties that wecommcoctd this article, (we may have eoQHithing to say eri Uiataulijeet hire- alw.t it was merat to lav what we con for the fahlifid munnf io wLtrlk ha has ilia. charged bis tluUe as Governor in times of gtut trial and perplexity, ills term oi oflicetnsy soon eodL mids Uiervfore we do fl l. 1 . - H 1 . - t.1 aos wvnaiuur lb iuijirupi w aiiuua w uiw at this lime as an honest, pure minded pnl Uc.plrksr,) We, ava .rcotjrea ,o fevors faoes Oov. Worth, nnd doq't akor expect anv. but as a riu'4li6'kIa?V aifTere-d with bim la poHiica,.iwa are dispoeed to give hint rot any Wlier Wan") HUe credit he is entiuedto. ;,.4M . . . iNo man iivmeras mote the' compliment wan put. n u, norm i."iiu had k bettot.feveraor fQtm State; peasear s no er;iVw, te , nouior, tom,( tl JonaTnan WoRTB end time tlone can fullytdevelope the ,svfdqBi an4 fucceas ol hlsiluinistrttion,duriog the critical period he hn administered tbe Executive office Hi jluticfl have nearly exVanatetl and worn oat f constitution, whi ;i,f sobriety and Integrity and a good conscience had mailcltapaUle of i-at, rbdnrnnee, titm. at a ripe ago, he is enfeebled, nnd will re foicej wbHthWitwabilNisliie tba cures of omce, to aecK recuperation ia privato me and jriurerf May lesven 1W(f preserve Ms valuable Ufl,wHe,14,on of tb,fcw Inft atnopg us, whosajntegrlty knd virtues con fleet i fjf J IJie, jljeyci.daj' ! ve psat, and euobj eonstitule tbe jewels of tbe Stale. ' ,r: -V f SMOBi TV O&QANIZA T10N&. ' Tjie spell nf) secrctnrgniiizjition, and of a eoltsnn' oath toolx-v the orders ef the Dthimrk ,har been shown, by thu recent' election in this State, to powttriul for rOi Tbetooneyt,ifL,agne was so ITlj rulWAnpnH, that many Radical leaden jmarjlcated real lodiflerence to results: II I the inflnehce t the Leaguca, all over the United States,' nsftTeat a fn lite onth, the evjCirc lsJff attbfirUewf. 4 ttJ derthe vlam of an' election, in KovinilifT tie the pevpte siaAfajMri Krano,. Vele wjltaally far a Prosidoul aed drct an Em- t i.l ..Ja w.u ...ci. . t ..... ... ( s Northtm Dratouracy ' soern- to be waUins on to (bis and are orirnniainir seeret aasajuiatiuna Co e jQaUritot the Leagues, eVd.1 Xbht wil Southern Oomwrvativesan Dm rt de L 'aUUere 'arn'fi"f verging to aa Imiarlal government, which wlH- evenln ate In'QiVdotlc rule of the one man with I unlimited 'naworai' vknd ibnAanislnat ir theKii, toonev baroos ot the North will bring Tn ilielrUw J U'jlM lt,i ordW fa 'their i inmettsev wealth eecnre--Rcpnlx Ilea beihg regarded Wy them" as, . ontrost Worthy. U Is thns that, under the delusive cry ' '.liberty, Eqttttllty; and Vrelerolty," tbe people themselvi are in immineeit dan gcr of furils'gsttiie, fcmpire. ' w ,. "UjUisroPuutajTt.--t;hlcaxo may be Called theome of Orrrt and the very head an j front. Aeretolole) of RaJioaliauu It wai chosen fbr the Radicn) Coh vrtt ton, be- Lf flie barfy,'4ud (bi plsco'""!! lhlch Involved the least possibility oi doubt, ttfieition, h few day go, sveirv influence unA .RPiiUance . were called W U ptay,'4sX t eeler, Wt i;iminite its tlge of jp litlcal siiceHa, and the moat ardent appvab) were aildresst. d to the' peb plolcbM fCMajt, lTeV.Sbj'oMiiora- tioos ot State'nB el ' pruW I Y -Va oago hu not onlylieen glrVi)y redeemed bv( tlke..chiica of thcDcntocratic eandi- date, UtacrTirhutaile.rnfableJ y n ffain of tCahhtnweS, awerheein tllNdlttimllaf fafltw are Wrtneearl, which mdiowWtho oeuaia overthrow" t Radical Turn in Crt State. -- .1 Poutwa Ar:cRRS. The Impo rfeec of tbo political ndvrntneers front ,lhe North and Wrst who are roaming1 through th.e Southern StatcattLMilag futU the of- acea, fron the higtaent to the toweat. well nay (he' Baltimore Bmm, Is Inroqnriratile. What would he thought In Maseachnetitta or Pennsvlvania if'me of tbe freed men or bdicai whites of ' tlie Poutli irere to go there SuA insist tin "being wtade C'ocgme- aoen. Lcci'-hUars, -or Oovernorat Tat this is Just. What Una hjaSpg political lararoni of the Butes north of Mssoa and Di ice's line are doing ia the Southern , Btatea, thriiTT;'li tbc instrumentality of the nntutored I uiucn, who are made W belief that la ck tinj thts interlopers to cftice tlicy are cxercisiitff tba ' proudest prerogative- Of freedmcnl JUS L A TZ I0X WX. ft M1YB3V jTbe death of this dialioguubed sutesmaa and patriot, one of tbe tew remaining links that eoanected ns with (be illustrious peat, which eofttrred at hie fesidmee .1 Aiba marie en Saturday last, has excited univer sal regret throughout the SUte of Virginia. The Richmond IHtytek furnishes aa elabo rate and eloquent tribute to .the eminent deceased, front which we sank the follow Uigaitractii ka.u.m. mm-Z "Vpcm Lb) return iron the last m-aslon to Europe he retired to private Hie to carry eat n long cherished purpose of preparing a 'History of the Lib aad Times of James Hadisoe,' a work rather of tors than of labor, to oae who had enjoyed the eocU deoee, and in many points of character nod inteileot resembled, tbe great architect of .v.. J '.u. ... . fin.:- 4. fc. . . not been compUited..' One volume' bad ap peared before our disastrous civil conHic. and Hr. Riven was diligently preparing the sequel, when he waa called irora bis rotire nwnttotake part in th abortive Peace Conference at Washington, nnd subsequent ly to aervs ia the Confederate Coflgrww both at Moaigomery and in Richmond. Tbengh opposed in tbe commencement to secession,' he acquiesced Id the decision ot hi conn-1 trjfoeu. and loot ail of hi mighty power to stwtain the struggling causa. We have ofiea heard bis xpeecb on the question of the supettsion ot the Aifak esryie act spo kda of as one ol tbe tn.tet masterly snd elo quent efforis of his lid . "Ia every station Mr.' Rives exhibited Pre-eminent aliility ; and, with habits of pa lu-ui and svsteiustie applioatioa, be eea- t-tiiiuetl to advance, " BivuiK iadn with each atadioas year,' "Aa a impuUr orator, Mr. Rives bad few equal. Mm j of his speeches during the ureaulenlial campaigns arc still rememliered as model ol eloquence, dignity, snd power. Tbe writer reinemlwis especially bis speech ia 184 in advocacy of Mr. Clay's election. in deptn ana compactness, rising at timet to flights ol startling aloouenca. he beliavaa that It wat rarely. It ever, surpassed. Ii rattier ueitrntens ttian detracts trom tbe fame of Mr. Rives that he hsd not origt nally a brilliant mind, and that his trlnmplia and trophies were the result of patient, per severing study and thought. Hit lame it at once an lauentiva aad a model to the youths of tbe country a proof of what in duttry, constantly stimulated by trus am bitiun, oau accompliah. "In private lite, and ia all his intercourse ith his kind, Mr. Rivos was the very mir ror of refined and courteous affability. There was an easy elegance ot manner and address wbich Uepoke tlie kindness of hie heart and the true nobility ot bis soul ; whilst bis chivalrous bearing made him in publie asein lilies 'tbe Rupartof debate,' and la private gave assurance of tbst keen sense ol honor which was ever his anima ting principle." Raleiob ajtb Oastow Railroad. The Charlotte Junes has the following just sod handsome notice of tbe facilities of this Road and its management : "We had on Saturdsr a Vsrv oleasant visit Irom Capt A. B. Andrews, Sunerin tendon! of the Raleigh Gestae Railroad. we are ciau to know tne. this favorite Road, is in good condition and doing its business. Those tonalnaeil with tbe geography of tbe various fash leading to the Northern cities know tbst this Road olTurs sdvuntagos tbst none of its. competitors can. . Freiirhta loaded at Portsmouth are laid down in Char lotte forty hours after, and th dispatch taut . secured Is due to the energetic and nnswervlnii efforts et CaiA Andrews aau oiucr omoera, and tne natural KTven tagetf tbe Raleigh and Gaston Road poe- aessc. By this route tba distance from Cliarlotts to Portsmouth is decreased bv thirty miles. Through tralra from Wsldow atways awatt the arrival of the Beaboard trains, and these trains arrive at Raleigh in time to connect with tlie Fruiirbt on the North Carolina Ocatrak- .-t . Aa ill 1ft Mad ha inm fha luar Iah mm . . "inert ft reputation aeon of the safest and shortest routes fr shippers, we have no doubt hut our merchants will extend as liberal a shared patKmatiam tt ha, here- to lore enjoyed." Trm PaosPKCT. The eennral asouet of auairs is gioorny. ioauuenca is not llsety to be reetorod, and we tear that Immlgrn-tion-.-for which we Justly expeotcd yreat bent flt if not entirely driven off, will be greatly reuviied. Should negro govern ment be established la the State, with W. w. Hidden as Governor, no reepeqtabta man will bring his family aad napiial in. Who. except an oraoe-eeeker,' would willingly place bis wife and children on aa equality with the negro. . If tba State has rallied the Constitution a blow has been, struck at tba prosperity of North Carolina that will atagger her and retard her tnonperatioa tor n long time, ' The Anglo American loves freodom-rtiberty M bis watchword and re ply, nnd In tbe course of time he will burst tbe letters thai bind him down but ia tbe meantime w will beptnndrred, nnd drivra almost to dospsir. The Slate ha beet de graded almost beyond- endaraace. . Her trus sons must retrieve it, must wipe it out. Tbe miserable conspirators who have band ed together to plunder the people aad take tbe lite of the Stete must be marked. To sbna there is not' enough, 'they umm be made to ftel that the hand ot every k on eat and honorable man U against tbeau They are criminals snore' slul criminals aad their booty should not bo allowed fa protect them. Ckmr, Tim. , . ,.,,v s, ,-t.j t '""' V?'re s .i a . i .'.'. Washington sou Into re grta this hoeorsWe montion in a recent letter rrotn tne capital 7Tls towa ia lull of aiatue of dwarfs. Cripples, rocking-horses, and drunken In dissa. Washington, nearly nakeil, sits out in. the rain enioaaeHyv point inn to the Ipat eat Otliee wbrra hie breechen are. - Lincoln U n barehall pitcher en tbe top ef a autumn. 4 r-a aee h ffersoa, deal and rlamb, ta VaakinaT tlma, with s p-T"' r, the White Hoaae, Near by,tiea. t'acknoa VlMdlag to victory ovet s Undecirpe of fuming mugs of lager bner. What we want "here -is more lightning 1 mean (ha Anne Uhlfcilisia to called to stilke some of these monument and onmplrtn thrtt? V . v. m mm e p t fc, . After all the croaking abeot tbe ArtyaSa laa, expedition, Its Iruitleesneea and tbe eonrmoae exprnei 'tf weihi eetafl, t has nchieveil a brilliant aaceeea, Tan imperial barierlaa hat been vMqutabed and 'tilled, the Seglish captives all reeweetwd, aad tbe army ban not euffred naytbing like t he hardships predicted, and M safely' making ita way back Io the coast. iee a " - I 't The Char leal no Mtmrf says : Oen. Use. cock stems na likely to rot tbe Drmbcrauc nomination na nny oasee naaationed, and availability will determine tbe maa,wbether Seymonr, Haneock, or Pendleton, either ac ceptable. ., ;: ,., A ,,,, A Washington special ta the Boston Journal says : The Democrats have apparent ly determined to unite on Gen. Hancock as their candidate for Preaideaf, with ' a western man ss Vice- I "resident althorrh aome advocate ' the nomination ot htr. Adams, of Maeaachusetta. TABLXAU Average Average Coaserv. Vol.. Yuurtut Dutkicts. Repub'eu Vot.i Barks end McDowell, Polk aad Rntrwrford, -Mitohell and Yancey, Baaoamae, Madisua, ) ..Henderson end . Transylvania. " ' 1 - 184 ''!. "" tm : mm 80 4M - m 733 1,47 - ' 78 S3 417 1,119 5M 8M , 8 4,177 i t,S3 748 1,111 780 M 1,117 1,734 t.m .4M 1.B83 1,309 1, t4 7?9 esa 479 1,944 1,801 1,088 739 668 708 2. M1 1.478 1,638 1,101 007 488 1.60 1,119 2,919 1.008 998 774 787 1,894 807 440 833 81 ' '1,988 s,aor - (SO 80 849 1.428 883 480 81 m in Jackaou and Ilaywoud, H 8ST ... J74 5S M'jo 1.1S1 , 833 838 888 V X69 918 849 463 978 68 114 175 238 889 1,118 224 884 848 788 1,241 694 I.HI 8 854 679 790 844 808 587 27 18V 896 826 846 85 453 646 654 SrtO 8S 474 684 1,048 676 1,091 967 868 666 670 119 - 818 842 472 002 . 678 ' 806 mi tioeroltee, vuy, aad Maoen,' " - -f. AHegnaey.,; Ash. rMrry, I eel Ma aad i Watassra. w Alexamter, Caldwell, IredeU and Wilkes, ( Rowan aad Davie. , . (Heaveland, . -,n , Catawba, -. woeoin, . Gaston, - ,.i,J "'r Macklenlfonr.'' , .m , . Union, r. . . c-rria,v;"; i" 1 Stanly, 'if - , Aaeon, Stokes, ' Porsytbe '-'-, Davidson, - . ' ' Randolph. -' . , f Guilford. ' 1 Rockingbsm, CMwell", ' Alamance, Person. Orange, 1 Chaibam, Wake, Graavilbj, warren, , Franklin. Comherlaad, Harnett, Moore. Moniiromerv. . Richmond, -Wavne. Johnston,' urorne, . Wilaoo, , Nash, Ualilax. Northampton, Edgecombe, Lenoir, Brunswick, Columbus, Itotweon, Bladen; New lianover, Duplin, Bampaen, Tyrrell and Washington Martin, Bertw, Hertford, Oatce,' Chowan, w Perquunaa w Pasqnetaaal B Camden, Craven, ' ' Onalow,,,,,. (larteret, -... Jones,! " i lieaufart,''" ' ?i3 'T . ' Hyde. 1 644 8SW taVOV 429 78,999 89,994 For the sake of reference nnd comparison, we adopt tin foregoing esmaie prepared by the Standard, of this (lily, without having an" opportunity to test its entire accuracy. It Is based a poo the election, tot delegates to the Convention, in November, .,..,. , . , ..- J L' Lf'l JfX W ADTZlTiaUHH TS. i ffrm JBOHRKM OF tX)BH XJJJ , Juat received. . W UOflT AJJ0EEW8. Farettevills St. April 80-tf".'' 25 FAUTOHK CHKK8K. April M-tf : - , - W. KOB'T AMDUKWB. 5Q D02 flAWS rUEAH FEACHE8. April SMf V. W. tOBT AKDBBWa. gf DBIA PATAP8CO AanLr PtOUB. ' April SVtt W, BOBT ARDBKW". R P0XIS BK8B CAHPIXS-Asssnsdi , aZO i i ,-..'.. - AjuUf, ., W. B0B-T AKOBXWU 1 f CA8K8 KM0148B ALB AMD POUTKB hot Use. , ; W.BOBTAUPBIVi. 5AAA LB. BALTIMOHJt BAOON, VJULInWaeasrineoaMMa. Inw ., Apr Hi if .,,..,, hOU t AJWBKWaV , 2Q BBlft BIB WHWIir - - i Aprs nVW -r W BOUT AKDtKWi. ' nusHBLt or wirroif -aRCDoood air nova. Apr SMf r' w. ROimWIrttlWlt THOMAS JU.BKIGGS, . .,-.'. 1DSALER IN u- HA1DWABB An CTJTL1IT, IRON, STEEiu, H- ' HOU8K FTTRNTSBnifl nfinrm CARRIAUB MATERIAL, - ..PAINTS, VAJMQ31TI&, oowm, oils, y. -t y GLCI AND vLABS Agenie int the aleof :?'f;, ' " Ban- mu4 Esopum BB119 itejmew ' Indin RubW arid- Leather Beltiig, r, vavuMi jsawcv lruu v rrauuaxia, V -. Foncon, suk! nl) kinla of Orua y i mental IronvWork." h'$ tT 7W Ws Um Amtktrm gam Asms! S9-ef J.tl '.. ff A.. . , . NC. 18H OB OONKlGMMEKf ' , ' " ' : V 5 ."' - " ' Na I SHAD, v I 0RO8S, CUT AID ROB HERRING, Pat ae ta beet bum, w baud aad In arrive. . .... , . COWAkD A UARKltM, , , . l. Ctwiiaaioa MareaaaU,' ' . t CeatBMraa Mmt AntfleMn- ...... ' MerfattTa. 100 CU8&KU Kwtxt POTATOK. -April4- OTAWCBrmOSACR. rA onBtwTooB pba-" ; - apra 9t4f wl 6f wc mtowACg. ,". Kowarel, , ... STfUJEB FSOM KB. Soar the OraaTuie aad rvm la, aa tea aiai ol ta 94ta April, 1 Y NARK, year cad, n(ht mad S.i tni ahov th attUa, avail whits atar ta the ft-bad ; badlj owl faUf. Alan A rnat riag 'i ititar oa sach aide at ber wetaeraj wbw 9h a m lora4 Irw a ewtata. 1 will (its til iwward lor thj wiar, o t Int the am ae mewa. Aav Mnam laantraltv rrama. AAdraaa ms at Virora, M. ear of Ur.i. Roatv . Arra aVtf - AV08 ADCOCK. Ti-otjbi s,ui ri-wi'ttt .JO BUa. AT. . r:'T. low w. u. h on, - Urn aUrshants, Apr9-nTs STATE9EXT. , in: f 1 '171 Vtl.lt.t. aw:-- MAIf ; : Fori Aeah.at tBp4A, Onaiire, Constitn- Coustitn ! Oaiey Oaia. ,titiLa ffiif iiNcca ..! maj 717 6U3" 899 1.1 A Y I 199 1.058 447 1,503 1,935 - . i. ,-.; .. j-'ii, . . i . ' . y maj. 28 808 468 maj, 15 006 717 283 9,338 1.237 9,880 VMS ,'. .... maj." 45 193 129 mej. 196 maj. 66 W8 4 ft 1 t -A . mej.ri 84 8 maj.'9l3 501) 224 237 , I 45 52fl 11 . knaj. 148 .7? t . - ; j j . i ..i.OliBJJ-L'" J ...X.J. . Jl'... -J-l-'. UFS nrSUEAHCE. rpwENTY-flKCoar annual nDA'o:Mjtr !aaclli Mataal S.ir laiaraa '., (tuner BUtlfm 11 ' ' Balance par statement Jan. t, 1M7, 18,S3.e:e4 tledaet aeurainl lutereat laat Aanu- alatetement, 976,814. 0 .,.. - .... ...I..;. ,.i Inenms from Preminma tfi.St.Wi.n laeoms from ' Jnteraai , : '- i 1 reecired and aocrut4, 1419172 , ' ' t7,630,8l ' Deeaet, paid Judical .... . , . , baamlUationa, Mala- , ,. ., ri ntaUnoerv. Prm- tint;. Adnrtisiair, . 1 1 7rAlM Cooiailnuona to Ageala, 7H3.0U Tarns, i, ,,t ,, . sasi nanihw preminma re- 1 T,.., 1 !. tarrml to aarantd. 6M.916 00 ,, ITor aurrontlared sotieiaa, tfl txo.Vi Ifosnea, ,r-tOA.ltfl7Pl HI It i '.sptiMn.m'i.tmfmw Inaraa-ed value of Ataxia and Maces i I n:il I1 ,. user mat, n- H l.- UjB99.a5 '. JUU-r Slat Jaaaarji ISn, - H,ua H,T4 '"'' ' .SSIttS. ' " ,,r '- ! Cash deraarflod," ' " ' '' "' ' r?,9tLW Iteat Rmalv at Coat 111,111 4C lol.Mllr,.g,o . Dasted ntatM nmirttjea U' MuUtii i,41.-i value. ' ?,(, 4o 0 Boadaof MMtUateafOraMMCtirat, 1.U1H eon as Bmnm (1 Um Ciuoa of ttreMvilki awl Tutedo. t , ,.V4IO0 Bank and Kail rood Ktorka, Hi, l Uaaaa n Meeaa aad BoBda,, I9J.JH6 0 i-r-mmm. lu Mm haade efAgeote anir ta aaaaait, , . . . K7.fMt.'tS tatetnet acoraed, , SO,elM W, A QLUtrTED, BecreUryj, Iwtorwt utatr 1 1 mote thaa paya h-a. imiMtsaintrawMrtatif I,.j.,-r 4 ' mu ponena waa let reitatiis Sot a atalea aiaonns. Aasaraaaa eaa ba effteto ia all bra. 4ar4, ' - - 8. D. WAIT, General Ag'l. -April tf rr itfr Bshfth. Wrf. Mrtiin porrott 6nn.;;HT Warranted teViveeatireraaiisfctlenV ' - v S CI t n Stei0l.1'rCeltenS swings trtm te ett e-an d--li ml f eats nattre ta two newwl twaa tkatl srloaeel by other gift -ww . . r flaJtaadaasttat ? , ifTi't r-,t;. ,t I BX WSJ gTROMACH'8. "" ' v-' r " ii 1 Ann eas.ar, jn., . a. t, wnsna, iliif ato, ev-'eA,'ijnoaatnani-r 41 V-'OAjX. X Ot WAAjOUn, ititnl Csmmlaslai Merf hi s L.. t lABD AOESTS POftTHBSAUtOfSt XAXVIACTUilD TOBACCO, f nnrBMTh aj--y ' r1- t. nT. noLF, BrtrinChm t. r." R. FTK nim-Hi.ssiiS AO), Hli.harr, W. 0. iOHK BUGHKd, Prea. tat Kat. bauk, Kewberu, t. a' PTTTTWO, Tadkie CM., W, O. 8. TATK, lva. Westera R, C. leAflroad, Mr antna, K. tt-: i 'i j . AarSss-im 784 783 . , . . maj. 373 .... .... ...;,-, j l , . , maj. 999 .... 1 ... . 8,588 8,85i , maj. 478 - f r i J mJ. f 95 .... 77 ."4tf t l f.l p; t i.404. .vv4jjft,4.at;;;: l i f ' " ttw ! " . tLata I i'i" it? ST 8i n TTTr Li 4 i leee v n w iU'-u ' . ITS lUrOIiTAISCB AlfD ITS BENKFIW, AK JNCALCULAPrr nil "i : i-y.' j- A OOMPAMf TAnCO LOiWBI PBOMPTLT FOB A UiXtl i-KltllU OF IEAB8, aiur, atraa,; to BliualMa. eulilied to the ouufldnoea aad troig i gw pcopWTAji Uw'' ' JHNA14rW COMIWV. I. adiMea totb. very larg. amouut rf ( ... d . , . , 7 A R taid siaes Imassuasiioa. easy ae sihled tbe MsrctLAUwwaMidiua sui'purt and eotufia-t diativaa : 4 pslie) Na. 15.27S-eettld. - in we ft ' '' y " ' -W , fCt..MltM..4M I) . s7li ,, t:. , ;' 4-:7 ' ISM SM K'd " vlWal-.a.j v4 ,.i Tba valuaoi all leeetsasa, either agaLmt Bra or life, i Io know J.u ara riivoatina h a v. a r.n..o.iiMiii uui iimatuA mm ion u: diacharKUiK all mat deauiMs akaiiiat Hiu.k - ,t.Tr'T aaving buwi j , asseiTp, ': $8,000,000. ... .-. f di visiBLt sun.D ft 1, 084,708,01. -r . -'njiijMjiii j ni i. .U4iJiIJgWMMiMm..J.'m,ll!rJliii;'' " riftv per nt Dividend U now bewr returned to all who bare paid tw premlnua, and u rii ktnida will be given aiuoalm to all aueh hereafter, who aru inanred npoa the Lire (daa. V ' Tba jKtna laanea poliuiea upon age Irom 1 to Sil ' .. ' .u ''(.' i-f u, , TtiB JCUia will itivo a poiirv mwu which lu paynienU mav be paid, aad nstbine mm m.M i qatrtHi, thuosb the party iniejhA tivs Ihuty or e-uouaq to uie imuuuiua or wm vioopaiijr au i i rr PHCENIX Toe ctiia tteaae U) years Jtnuowiueiii .. .. X I... ........ . . .' ..I nannU ... extra charge, aad m alf reapaeta gives aa uaay advatiaK to the hinurad aa any atbar (Jumoaev. iL . s.'ntaw, Gewral Aguat, Balniira " W.' H. MoKss, M. D Bxammieg l-nyaician. , Mr LtFB IKS UEANCE GO M P ANY. ; : i if...-. i . - , . . EOfsOK FEMES DEN, PrealdeaU TH' itKHENTlNtl THK CLAIMS Or TH riKEItlX Ml tt M, l lfl INUIiftANt t'ONHAMV. te the psopls uf Morth Carolina, the Agu-t b vnaa tl.t ir attuutiua to the fultuJ. . . . .1 A .1 - R. l.A..n i. lulnMrM ar alio wed lii trand andrabidaia aay pwt of Mm 4'Mled Btatet ana Karons ataU ium ot the grear. ' 7 J). ft Uivkloada bare a,vraged (0 per eeut hv Oi iaaunul, , Ha iwrn-irs are aB HON-TOBFEITISO. ' " i t i , , , . b. H liwaen have lon aux Hr tlwaaoaal iateroat -eav4 altawi-atid a turulas l telenet L-n. fi r lo tweil thu Ksamd Miaii beloriKiu to th uiauiwd., , (1. It liaa paid ovnr 8e)O,0rn of kiaiiea, and ntrxu (aurrrxj'KO a iiw.rf. r '; ' 7 II i raiea of aHtiuance ara aa eboap a any Ounipinj oVing a am bumnees ' f i . H It wiu. nor wstme an naaneav urn.- i , - ,-i' . , j r . 9. Out naif the aseaiiuiu vul aa nwvived ia the mute uf Ufa inr hu.a !, ia mm l dtala. tvca dwluoted faoai tits faoaW Ilia pubey. , . , , ; , ( . , 10. kr nan no omwnvnoa wrrn Kian InsunAHcii. , ., ', ' " ' ,v ..""-M ' ( , lldiitive character qf the Comfrtnhs ' ) MHeU and LiaMit in, taken from iii uptir mm. tniiwa. vt lap. mm piissix Mutual JIStsa 1 HaooKLTS m iXMlNHirnei'T aicrruAi.. FeiTAau M1UTTH .().. J ) 1 , .ft ! ' , , ,y aHf Ii m-" tank Company has iomitnch dollar of Liability ( " r - 'VI ' 1' ' if ''J1 lf Tlie I'IKF.MX M UTOAb offera neculiar indneemonta to citiaena cat tlia HouUuimi Mtuii. ' lationa wlui rrrani to reaitienee aoil travel heuig aliaotft nan-atiii-tetl. , . .I.-WBAM1 BUleiuiita ara made from Impartial reKirta in tbehandaef the Agent of the Company . 5 , t i t.rrivi Wi ABTFoim,,'' ,4 ' ......... 1 . ki ...... .,1 I.. rjMal.lMl.M4 .In. ti-avMl lu.ii... IMItjMWi ea.au. siovniiaip; nsrllMI, VS WO ,,v f I h ..Jan. 1-124 8m . .. BKOOKliYF LIVE INSUllAIjqE COMPANY. 1 1 - i !-. -.. -M J..I'BatHt . tjn e , , ij Vf JO WMtjaiW ..y 'Ma AB8LUT:L(N9 ISTUICTtOK KiT ar oj tlie premium loaned, irat . ' ii i; 1 11 wm npHlH OOMPA.NT OrFCBfl fKCCUAB ADVAHTAGtH tt THE SOUTHKHM PEOPlX IT IS 1 -.1 Mf j ' LIBERAL COMPANY .1 ' .... , . .. tVrtalu ; I.IW MU4 iit.'. 4 1; Wat. B. COIX. fta-m-tiarT I tr. A - ... j ... - te .rf a ... . . ' ; . ; l.ifiiaalimiia.s1ailLi ill i, rT r-a-vti"s'id'. ' v MV-.,rt 5f '4'" i'T-T r:- ' . , w HWEEIC1, 1 i r if -wxs-nws f (nanjh,ll CU.Mre8i 9Jr-t8fa " .. -- ' ' Suaaiio . u. . MM A i.CtBBOWAThaaepaneea BOABD lq HOOKK, Smf aa. Mra.mo.iXi. af r inneaa aae aaa PaanakMWwet Itowl Sr fn-MMia aad S- Mkdia. at ta OA Hon.. a troet Kovbera, a trw aMpa WM a( tl waww eha w pwpaud Io raraiah ! modati. St edita aad geBilemiw. who lsaafarherwithaeali. Term, oderate, r tT1. " 4 : Ff AWee W-fsiwW "rbwist Caamp, BatBMaw, -'-. f . 'Iprati-tf i. AaeUoa A 0. H-rrkaata... A. aaaiiwt af Snpertor Bteok ritwg ,Iaa,veaa f . .' - W. It. JOKE CO. -pruii-cl . Aneiiea A Com. atarehanta, "tLWlLLfl trono H0E8, Koa. 3 aDd S, A-4 For aaM low. -.'.., J. BROWN. Baleiga, April 9i-tf With Hart Lewtf. ( lisHs t - ni 1 f-1 4 1 foltewiae pahnliti I'led in Uorth CaruJii to tba anltiw ami i.ij.Iiiu in ihrir b,,rBr.Jr " ,eiai,i -I-.,; "Hl'',iv.t". ',-........ ...rt. i. A.4dW v.t vrMrfitftf'". 6 ana .-.A-vO.:f.;: .JK 'tv I V; 'i ' ' HI TV ' t5uo 'l-..v"J.llst.lJ 1, iilAje ... .... "' S48iata ' 'hsft,;; 48,00ft ntvioaaos, furty year, and tuer the paywaut ir lea yw h. u a a ."v .n.uc.. inieint n in. .wi miurani or n sneeUlea Uma ' jJi"klM Vail , .- uaiiataav nn-eiaaa .la . -a , WJTJJAh -ft' 1 f.J"l" :i 1 JAM ItH f. m;RX4, Soercinrr, M..i.AA . 1 1.. r : . yearly, anil are paaMe on I ho amount af nieaiam uaid ' ' ' , m v... ,i. ... x. y 'I, .... Miei - atiny in North Carolina, at to their the New forlj; Jiispfonee Report 'for ' rmrrr NjuiHAtii.AiHA'aiiw.A r.r i..... ' A--.'ir m4 lli- IU 1 " .' V .' 1 ' t' .. r4-- a l.u. ...uij.j..i WILLIAM H. BAGUT, , Gcnoral Agwil; North Cttrtilina, " " l ' Raleigh, N. C '.' j '. ,lllil-Hl -Hi.l Kiill ll fit . Af 'V Ml-l ! .--''-' biii UPON flU'bn RB3IDKNCI ( ' and ni Wn jn frrmt - oe i$ a lie or .i '! a , .i f. , ' . m . . .. i 1 l lie r if i a it i i I ' Rl - "p ' ' rlj..:.M j ...I'd',. ...!.. Ki...'.' f. i., v. .... ' . aw, , 9 ti Jl 44 ( eW ,1 IN THE UNITED STATES Jl J i '.. . . ' , ... I , t'- 11 il-.:lr v'-- 'A ' j f, VliUITIAJ W, BOECK. Prrs. 11CV m ,JM tUQ AJimrj 1 iJ I a.U ma v f u ' i lloara of HeetsAt4 Ennenlwers r (he State af Nartk csarauaa. TBS AasraaMeetlawa tneltaareaf B,'J 4 vantaera aUI lake plaee aiorga'.' OK lihdnyof MAV, ISK8 , - .,--' By order et b. Pre.lMlf' T ' i ; THOMAS P. WOOO, -Anr8n-em i-irrJn".i...--i ' ..ffnerstsr-- ir l'1':" : Z ... ' ;" Weal. 1 rniMK WHrrErXL. too bcshbta aale at !,: by , , Apri. 14 -Af ii DOUQLA8 BELU V.UbMTefaAAvlea, tvy" aire) leyre- b,Aprilit";; " POUGLASBr ' i , Corn, Corn, Cora. ,000 April ii-u Itl'SEEJA --x DOC01.A3 I tlX- 1 v - ' - " i 11 li! IU ( ; M' l';,WiASeii. - ,i I'. . r u &' i V' !! no "fl i y'i'j .,.7 I

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