. ' J - AdnwUK-ut wd to Juft'rt-4 A h Mg atoll a be bOowuitf ml. A sywtr wilt bs Oiiiini,'M,tuu"-"""''""" . x caeUUMniueiuuiamMtlaw tk.M aa. -viifittii'iCi f'S' , ' uel'rB " . niaaiiwo 'k..,.J..,j. &,to K toadJilioimt inuru tad weato,,,.., i,W Out .mare one mouth........ ,.. ,M kkliiiuual otiurii ma mouth..,, &, im autir two wtouUt lz,to fcaWdtaaBad . ..,.W..,M,... ,) (hm souaru three months. ........ .....lt,u buhtoliunnat ' '-- .... 7,U0 OuqarVoulimiB" ...... um ",:'; f. uwIm ' V'- 7--,W-.V '.? .' Buisr txuioaa card, 10 autioa ham r hm, V,H b charged oiilj $10 for tare atowtb. j ' - All adverUaemeuU or rd Bad be ehanged in una hand kury Uirue mautba. Contract fur mtM than throe turn nsado oulr the ebov T UE SEN TIN EL. j,0CAI D1PARTMKMT. TUUU8DA APK1L SO. 1868. THieSTA tBKLEOTlOS. OsuiW; TUicicMjtt, with u registered wbitu nmjoriiy' of wrty "TT, gtn over 400 majority agaiual lb carpet bag; Conatitu timi, and rU-cUtue 'tAtlre-i'uttsrVv.tive ticket. Riljt toolijy u1 J. ; KEAfcKU..-Tb olBoial Wrtj.nilj in Urnr ot I lie lilatk'tWdc CuettiMiliMit; in Ibis count;, i 100, ,Wg tHAC, thai. -tb,e eralJaY. wags ut iipuit Ibvir cuui tV ket, without authority or vuitupt, the nainet of. five Of six K-utlciH' all of whom voted tbe Cob ervaClvB tick. '-(..., J , , ., v,'' -f. -''.- TvHitKi.u-rrMajority afseinst h" Mongrel On-dim lion 157, and eelire Conservative county ticket ckaWUTl i Jaria,' Knq, is the ineiiilb'e)eiof.t4ia Hoif Repru- Cai.dwkjx. Tbi county (official) gives 210 majority against the infamous Ousti tution. Cot: pWh. Iarper U eiootad to the Houae and, E. W. joaea, Ewj., It proba lily c l.'cted to lUe Swale Iron tbe Piatrid ol Cal.lwell, Burke a Watauga, though we huvo bo ad rice fcm tbe lattr county. No county in tlx Bute U mora creditably represented tbn Cald fell, OATKa. Majority (official) agatnat the Kwlc Komttyuiidrt ,8a3,;,ad the eutire Cuiiterrttre cuaatjr ticket aionUhl, ai here- tofore annoonced; 1 .' . ,J . ' Ci.avu.Ji.TbU oouaty girea oaiy 22 majority against Hie lnfamoua Cartl tution. Mr. Alba leada Hoidea 2SS. Capt Plato Durharn U elected to tbe Uonat ol ItvpreaentatiTaa aad the full CooeerratlTe county ticket cUoaeu, '.j; i Asb awd 8dbht aro reported to bare gone Oonerata by am all majoritiea, Wa tauga, Vadkin and AHegbany Radical by Tory araall Majoritiea, Hd Polk, Kutberford and Wilkes Radical by large aiajoritiea. ' ""- i a 1 . Th LfliaLTom.-As tar as beard from rlevea ConaeryaUra ; Heuatora and ., thirty at-vea CofiwsrratiTe members of the House of Ri'preaentatiret bar been elected. ' s B. B. Our readers bare read, are doubt n t, with profit and pleasure, the abb tet ter of our tioellent Waxbingtos eorrea- pondat,,&-Srf Wf JWp M b) fasored with them throughout the susamar. Tbey erince an scqnainlance with political rnat- trrs,a vigor of thought and loftiness of som thst hiirhlr commend tbem. , . 'U-ii-ai The Haukiai. TDttaras are beginulnf to awHrin Raleigh-ward. 'Among other arri- tIs, we notice th pale half ot tba delega iin from QraoTllle J no. W. Ragiand and It W. Unsiier.. Frewh, of Waahiagtoa City, has been on band tor several daya,r .'bickc;n Qankr and Silas Burns have left Congleton and 10oflorbva pressing, en- gagrmuts at borne. It ia eonfidently rt- pucteii that Cuffc) Mxyo will; aooo, ba en haml, or he may writ mi afUM, ' Kducatiohal abd LnEBAT. Tha u nuul Sermoa before tbe Senior Class of Wak Purosl College, at tha approaching Coav meniwiuiot, Will bt preached by the Ret, W. IIoperT' D.i)VN The addresa before the Alumni will b delivered by the RcT, A. Mcnonrell, D. D. ' Tbe Comruencenjent of LoniUiUrg Fasnala College will take place am tba laatThttra- dy in May.TJcitVV'S.-f On Tuesday evening of tbe asm week, Rev. Wsn. n. Bobbitt will preach tbo an nual Sermon. ' -. ' On Wedneaday, Mj. Beaton Oska, of thia uity, will tlelirea ,4b letter ary AdVlira. nceri ai mrtil.- v,, . ... . .. Nnw Doe.-.feera, Williams an Ixtb, Uok arlkaaol thia eity. have our Inble tbe following School books, for wardnl to ut by the puWisbera, Mcawsav A. 8. Barnes ft Co., Mw Trk ; ; WtUiamt' UmdmH MMrw.'-Tkra ia voloma of Beafty 400 pages, in ahki arvar al tbouiwsid suird in tlie langaage am dasa M, wiib fjfifi bnt,ppnMiala eftsil tuas atlactad. Tlie arrangoanent appears to be good one. The wofda selected pertain to eieucn, asorals, ftlT.' ?? A Summmrf f Hngl a d Pntk Bit rjr. Thia is a very brief eoaapesxi ton hriel to lie of aoy value to young atadenta f history nuy aarve ary wall t revive ths recotlectioa ' of tb biaterieal atndVnt, at tba kftvl tinea if a psga indicate tbe m treated ot v -, - ; ' '- Hew ADVERTMnnnaTs. N. C. Fiah en eoaaignment, No. I Sba.1 and Groan, Cot wd Roe Herrings: Cowsnd A Ilarriaa, Cjoiaiiaainn Wewliants, J Commcrco 8L, nortolk.' . .- ; , 4 . , Iiardware, Cnib-ry,' Cstrijce Materials, Mar ; f"orBil.ia t U.m1, U'M Stonea, Oear '"g, J eaUi Iron Work, Ac s Tboa. B. MmKH, Fayette il!e 8t RJeigk. W. Rob't Asiirewa. Fsmilv Grocer nad I Provision Dcxlcr, Fayelteville Street, makes variety of attmrtive annnoaoraienra. f!e nasaoa of the most complete estalilUb aatta ia the rVmlh, conitioing everything .'W ia good, edible and drinkable. STATMMMWS, i Can. Aksander Mac Ran, of Wil "liagton, died on Monday butt, bt that city, after aa Illness of but a icw day a. He was la th Ttrd year i hia age. For n number of years, be was prominently Identified with the Interests of WJTiringtcaaOsd jflk cbargad many reonsibl publi UuaU. Tba Had had a graad pawwow and tofclt tight procataioa, in WiUalngtott, on Monday night,, ia glorification pvtt their recent , trauduleat Tictory. ,Tha curI taysf ' ; WUUam Wood Hoidea. X P. CU and now aljger Ooveraor elsctda'A as expected. Notwithstanding bit dtatranv idg abaance, tba Radt asaraed jubilant aad too aignt vat renderoa Biueous iy pro longed and diaeordant yella lrom dusky throats, aided by tltv voteaa at sou fe carpet-bnggera and scallnwnga. Pknnk, or Bcltenck, (aUher naata apMil) neaura tha proqeaaioa atOmaVI iUaatiaA" ' -V 1 tn. P. H. Hill was to bar deliv ered tfte Uctui at McNoely-a Hall, ia SaliaUry. kvt night. Butject -Th rkmtk andSmribarn Litrrainre We should be pleased to bear tbe fWrnUu l&etf' f lr Mr. Bojdeoa asajority for 47oagrea Datldy Kowlea, is ppaarda of 1,000. Maasna. EDrrom ! Accident threw fa say way tba tUnJar4. pt April, Sfftll and I iwitioid "To all whom U may eoooini," an uflbrof jrea irapiorlaiioa lrom "rjcallw$. Lata Cfrriet Bajjgor.. Sjooo ii "oao- rua" na very 'much Allow lo to aaawev Uthrougb your etoulleat nad widespread, paper. . . TO kav ut aatiVKttu w old rforTB Caroliiii, aooul.l W: W. lloWea,tf be elcettd to barauberaalorial Chair, ua Keen mv resolution of ten veara ataiiUtuu.-- "Bcallawag" takes for granted bis slecUOB, and offars tor Ai, oa nppbcatiua, on aad after to ISth. of Jan next, to CoL 0. L. Unrris, , fraa transportaHioa i. or all of Jik entiinent to any point in the iiiraatioa ol HeU ar ConllectlCut.,' JU, being lb Chief of tbe Road to lAoat finU, baa a per feet right to prant trarlspnrintk. However, eannolwvail ayfU f bit kindttfler, tor nj sell and faaitly, for two reaaona.1 Firrt. in leavina tue tute, my principal desire is to be rid ol W.! W. Hoi dea and hiit partisans t goaag to tbe former place, I would certainly ,aiaet bins. rJecoauly, no disposition, to, improve niy acquaintance with the Kutmeg State ani ma las my soul. ' Thanks vi W. W. Hoidea, I ausra bis kindness, sly husband, knowing tba mean, grovsling. TwOictiya failing o tha Man, anil his influeace tverbia colored brethren, ronddered his elociiou imong the might bu's, and has already son in search ot shorn Jar hia ianUy.. .Too aoor ta aaa- rmca real eatate, we cannot leave by the ISth. of June, unless W. W, Hoidea comes to oar rescue. U it : Oaa be bay our vaN tiomeju ,-r- 1 It i for sale. I aak nothing mora of Hit Mnjeety, Ladt or Nohtu Cakomjia. . ' Osrrwpeadmes of tbe BaHlator ftaa', ' ' SPSKOHOfHR. GB0B8BBC1C. T. - WAtHtnaroR, April' J7. There ia but little differs boo nf nphiloa aoont tha.nriniment of Hr. i Uroetbeck, ,of eouusel lor tb President, before th High Court of Impeachment rlaturday.j Meg wf all aaaaet ol politics agree mat it evinoM ability of superior character, and 'that it will rank with the ablest, claannt. and moat logical argument eve preseatexl , to -any tribuaaL Tbe extrem Badtcalt.tba . men meat anxious for Mr. jobnaon't conviction the men wboae winrft ar ' already ' mad up, and who have determined oot to be oonviactd, (and th is it not intended to ap ply to senators but to gentlemen outside snd to members of ths HlwanJ .all ssy it wat tba beat argument yet areeanted for th defence, but they do not attempt to gainsay any of tlie point presented. Since the commencement of -tb trial no man bat been listened to with aucb marked attention, both from Senators and others upon tba floor tad spectators in tbe gallery ; and this, too. in pitf the the that It wat a great physical labor In him to apeak, aad that hia voice, from bronchial , boarseeeaa, wat anything but pleasing to the ear. But after hit 4 rat aeateno the voice Wa forget tea, and the elnaett etteatiu) wat paid to hit sound, forcible reasoning. , ..,., ,.,.., , H waa decidedly i origin' to manner, matter, had form of ctpreuMMv aad 'threw a flood f light upon th roar,' Tb lawyer ot lb rJenato tbe men of, acknowledged legal ability tuch at Johnson, Feeeeadan, Trumbull, Grimes, Sherman, and others, aa-mod to h particularly- interetted, aad paid tbe strictest attention? and there 'wat hardly an bat noted the point now and tbea. mad. Senator Howard, who has &a.Mnt.n.. . v . - r ' ' i i.r . . ... Hiruwuuuv wai uaupiHi'Wtsn r oath outer circle of desks, "on4 this oo tion; and after Mr. Oretabeck had spoksa) a abort time, moved nearer to him, nud more than once critically examined tha ease Cited by the speaker-. . n It wa manifaat that tb Ohieiawyar wat giving tb Mich braa Senator tome . point and decision wkichwcr ueithef ,ftev,,te him or which had toeapetf 4it 't ten tion. Mr. Sumner, too, seemed to be. mora inter asted than he Aai yet been; txoi pu; perhaps, since Mr. Manager Butler'a opening. Sena tors Drakt and Va lav rfUed eaf tb table of onanael, aad Ihrtenod ntteauvef y. Seaalar Ooakliag kept 'neut-apoa i th aater cirete for a time, but after awUil be earaaaamnch interested lhat h moved ararer, aad oecapisd a teat beakia fieaaaur Joboana. The latter, na it hit custom, paid thaetnetett attention. ,,i u.'i ., Ol nil tba Seaatora, h, i tb ,oly one who hat, throairhout tb iria), taken carrlul nota of tb proceed ing, sad of tbe hutbor Hies rviernxl to ny 'Maastrrra na COflssel, whether aeon ta admisMtmity of testimony or in the, annual rdichen-tBf . i. - i a . ' i. i .1 . A aena to b at all lnteriD;ii tor. h .waa not In tbe chamber much af th lime, aad ha snriinseat waa, theiefore, BUvrty tosa apM bim. -'- i --):.,. At the close of W remark a, Mr. Oroea beck wat aongralulatad by Kveral of, h ens tors, and tb Chief Justice engaged ia a thort conversation ,with A unvf ml m aether tocoogratolale him , ar not could not, be determined from the galierkw, itHt tbingt certain, that Mr. Oroesbeck gar tbvfnaV tioas assamed by tbe Maaagert torn , poa deroQt blowa. and utterly lBialubd thear reaaoaing. aad taraisbed mach food for th s snout reflection of each nad every memh r of the High Cuart of Imprerment. ttr. Oroeabeck itAMthir(ha'StaB of -Ift) Tork; weat early ia Ufe to Ciarinaati, , He waa a rrpreaootaUT ia. lee Tuirtf fifih Coogresa, and a member of the I Vac Coa gressia 1841.' - ' - ''' ":"'" , Few f the meat tmgacioua frieeda ai ira iMarhsnrot anticipate a eoavietie oa all tb article. It it e,ueettonah'.e whetber a-ime af them pet even a msjority of the Senate. The knowing one, however, claim aa almost unanimous party awioritr oa those relating to the violatkia of tbe tennm of ofire birt.Jtnt there are a number ol fVn- tor aho, remerrbering tbey are judea, trictly keep tlwir ewa counsel--- H atking. TELEGRAPniO. . Oaur ATtertiavaHt lilspatcbe. ; ntO WA8HDWT0 Mh KCL8C PEOP t KSLf AFSATO TO TBC8T "aPOOKa.": i , ; VuanoTon, April Bl.nt'1 Ia th Honea, a tatnhiti ia waa nflaii i ta print tB aopka af aaoh at tha anutham Cnastilasii fata Court af Impssriimint, fhnuaar aseved ta aaBsnr Mr. Valaon for ksgaag toward Snk awnhaty ta tawvohaaduai aevetat ahjiitant an tsada.'1''1' fc t' Mr hWa Bradaoed astiara, dated, Xnh with BathWs and logan-a aigaslnraa. sagariiag AltaTahv,. Batawhoslrsd tassst Xc Belaea daaartd asm taedg that tbry would ha ti area a. .'.r---p' .-. , Jsdgs Chant made tanaa tMaeUna," when Mr. Xelaoaaaid he would ntwfcr eVpaatttng them with i titvUsry af tb Bsattt hvhn toaM assna, . ,,), w.-.vr.- 'n -.s- MAWUta. ' " 4 : ataw (ami. a art te. ML tMarkaaetlv. Meaax easy at a. OoUt.lt j Tsrgiida atjf snnsaass, hew, aTl. T J Cattoa AaJ ana daeWnan. Miaulinaa U,. , Turpentine hra at Ta, Boatn avaaay at S a. i'. . , - yjvaajei Aar asVat' ' OatoaUTacaJaraai a.rllasil atraotion. Up landaUi Orleus It. Oair KlalBii4-ht Dlspattchea. , PsKM WASHINGTON IMrEACBUKNT AND t orne mattbrb. " ' ' ' i WAsarnvoTo, AprH St. P. M. Moade bdngrapha Onnt that Georgia has MUM tha OtMMtitatiua aad sleets Haiku ant that th yjaglslstora ta pamatrarto, 1 atanbory wlB sVttror hi n ait day, and tnaeeh in Parana , eonelnuea suaaraiiaii AeaalUal ataeht la an. Bet even teadamaM HeUoo's triuraph over Bailor, to-day, wsa oAnV atete. , , Truaibnll atovad that Nelson be aauwsd hi at- plain ' Nelson a a part of the explanation, was ,tlr ejected,, , . ,j. . genatnr Davis aaid that a MsntKer had no ba sinas tooajeeL. - '-' Batator Shaman than abjaetad, , 1 Baadrieka rnovad that Malaon bs allowad te taad a ajuah a would show tha data aad slfaa- tur.. Carried. , Maunn, balding bis kttar, tased toward ta Ssnata, aaid : "Bsnatore, will aee the lettsr Is dated Mareh tth, and her, attaehad to it, tbsy wiB aaa tha autographs of B. F. Batlar and Juba A. Logaa.". .,, M Tba leadarahlp whieh Haanisr hat assanni, regarding new rales, It evidently oastattefuf I Severala Hsuatora. , .. ,-r . . .'f Canby tslegrsphs Grant that th usiarMy in Itwth Cerohna, ao far, is UOOO. M aoantie un repartorl. " Tha ReontreotiaOoauiiittenwt t-day tod nnaiili)rdthaaonth Oarolinaand Arkanaa Coa- LatttBUona, but aas to na enaelnaka, Tbay meet sgsa on Bslnrdsy. ths coNHTmmoir katifibo ta ' ' 6lA, BUT THI IJK1ISIAT0BK ' DEMO- "CBATTC. V ' ' ' : Aooobta. April Jt, P. U. i Ktrhty-ioarsowatiM give, m th Benata, thlr- tasa Denraerata and stores Badinals . w 4 In ths lloase, thare are ajxty-niae nenwerata loloriy-aix narusale. , Two. negro are elselad to tha Henata an4 sweiva is ana nonse. B wilt take tha aaneint aunt to aeelde tb ehniaa fur Cknrarnnr. ' ,i hf . ' - 4ft - . . r MABKBT9. ". Bw Tona, April W, P, M. Cotton very dnlla shade lower, Hale of 601 bale. -,t , ' yHi--tu-ir Turaeatina 19QM. Bnaia 8,40(51 . '; (StebDg BjfllO QoIdl,S9J. Old Bud 113 , -j BAtAosnnn, April SV.P. . Cotton vary qaiet, SA , ' ' Flour arm and quiet,' " , : '. WlurrnaTua, April P. ML ? flpirtto of TarpanUn advanced, 7i. Boatoae- tira.,, Btratnad Mo. t, t,(0; No. 1, S,MI4, pal tat, - ' . ' V .-.iW. CottoaaraMr. aOdoUiag . - '; ? - 1 f- Tar i 75. ,,,, , v V " LrraarooL, April t, P. M. Cotton elossd amet. Uplands III. . Ovtsaasll. Sales 10,000 bJes.( , . Wjj R-vb ; Th Newark (K. J.) peopl ar out of patten c unto m steam man, ana me vo rir of thst city, enye! -When will tliU humbug, all about an iron boilar la a smock frock, be dona with I , That which k called 'ths steam man never did, and. In all praiiabitity, Mrar wiU walk tba length af bw aoac. t 1 ! htoik Citt on Tueadsv nhrht. the Kth ins . WauAAii U-son of Ur u. MoKm, h the iwh year of nusgs. . .- ,- 1. . . tThe tanaral aeniee wiU be held at the Epto opal I huteh, at 41 e'ahwk, this (Tlmrndey) af- !4tV-- SVZ-; - . OrArgtA Colt Planter. A KB W HDPTII nf Anawsna'S hnMnvsd y V ratd OKOHUIA PbAnTCUS. Head sn your onkws at ones, to faeilUate yoor nhniing snd as are a twd stand. AH. at IvtVLKM, Anriits-tf -i ,r)t .-u. .- ,.Att. trr E ITBA BUrTHFINB AND FAkllLT.ia store, aad bum at redoeaa pnoe. ( AnriltMw Com. Marehsnt aad Anot'r. t-florg Cahavna for lATeatmeiit VALUABLE. REAL, ESTATE . ' , FOR SALC, AW A Cat I.TTKATOK ut Ike' Ks sU Of Dr. IX Baasaat B. Chsasnna, Oar , I wU an a 4 ; PUBLIC A0CTTO14, hJ- ir 1- L. mM tlmmitm I IwHBHM I'nnnlt It ft oaTUKHUAr. THK lilMf Tr.s.k I H DAY Of1 MAX Beit, at 13 at, lb Und tmbmrutg to Hud Mas, aooa ons ana a niu snue ibv im pug ahepa, enaHlnlng about v . . llg ACRES. ..''' with a the tainvvenksnta, s ssiKhig af a new tea si my .-.----. s;i ' , DWELLING HOUSE. wa0'flasahrf;larg Ettenaa, atone Ken, ten, .. - ' TMwauatriBaonthtwlth amwvMaa. eertsr. ' - - . . A. T ,IKltKiaaV Kswaarn, A art ' T f tnv Cattera. rnnl tTriERnoKErt. threarh th J. ibs Antra? eMM and kg fta-nlare, base ,i -STAYS 0SfKnWS. : , as ani-tdl Forth Carolisn, whieh has M to Cat usMfeeAare at tarw ewasiiiini of Utavea. Do Otua who bar ewad rn this liashnas an hate rfvea as their pimnir, we rvtani r U.Ma, Wdoastrictl7 (XIMMIU IO BUhI NMwatoaMSMsruiwerwttoeo and, bmsol thna w tb best adeantasw tor oar rmm sonters. ' Heoes w ehsrir taw aunbtta iaus aion of par ees. ara all !. 1 buik til nr Ot blwral eapport af wr arteiMl tr Kiirlk I vJioa. w bee a txmtxtmtam at tbe Mtne, . 111 sif ibeas that we wdl eanUuae to ea- rt oarasrrsa ia Mssr nenaii. J H. HVtn r na ix. lv,mi-,n, tieeetiswla, Aaraw - ' PorUsaonib, f a. Korluai iouraal copy It c BAB at at 1 . Varvebau Apr.lA-tf KISCELLAirOVS, ' i AUUII0S-8 ALB i i - i VALUABLE ' KKAL KSTATB la aba Twsaf. aavilto, trsiala. OB WrdaawUr, Btet W atj ajut, wiii U sold, at tssiau euuiit, wnhuut rsrre, that aatata aroparrv, ton a Uw ataaviu maw atasj. u alraasil now Bse ssarr Wick buitduw. aa atasa streat, U 1 it7 (w, bioh with ab she BBudin a ha pis mi'a aw a Best a ttotst, 67 roosus. ia uuiiwei aw irga Kitara, iHanig Mail, a, Tiis iuaatiua ia saw ( the beat in Virginia Kir itotet, Tba boasa, . .. , . ,1 - u . savsaifna ta saw buadrwl goad Uwrttar. A g it irgl ussy T- " " bsaarlaiui; Tnum rjMtkb-d eaah: aalaaea ail and tVMir Bfauba. wub BWarws.aaMiaeuy aoearad WiU be autd at tbo aaM Ana and Bias, tba mare Hons and kit atijoteiug, a vaiaat any. Fur lartbsr tuhwatsum. aiMraw v . .'-5l 1 junt m.'vnnt", rf . .. ' X.k. , itobssr AM Aiauuusl Bak. v : , . . Unviua,?. April 15, leaBtokBtt, ,,i . Oroeen tad Committloa Kercha&tA Jfitriat far,-JW.' G 1 I rdwa tor. trsMsMr, prswsgitlf MeV Baraa to Jan. Q. WiUiaaw A tlo and Onshter nrkBank.nh.K.L;; tpJ, yZ rA i ,' 'tF, ffttlw, 'to M -jwM Flgsi Batmars, Oroaad Ithy-k Pepper, and the ...... ' W, H. JdBES AtTi,, v7 T niarca imm ': wwt im uwiniwn,,, QANMtEBt ai H..Viii.toNMOFFKr atsr la tr G wssni, a sssiw, ivs, . A large anpply oa aunt and smriug , , ' - w. 11. ii'ncn m v .j , Aprf)3f-tfi .(!'...; s Com. MertlwMla, jpt,rHi.ttm r -,.,..1 Ht.4 IB Bbla b ml, akcaiv. , , W. H. JOMKH A l , . Apr tIAt 4 ,t. ij.B iiOuaa. Mvniiun, 0 tT at II at t e).Baga nchoe Bia tt - - lrM UlVHUttCM A ptMHm.t StlQ A Ml SCtlABl vt !,) ius Brown pngsrsst v I Alw Mi i v .-- AiPt'llUUUH A DOOIrni wi re)! trf a j. . I, vAac av-tf j , UI-CHDNCH A DOOim at' tnv rawu'J aiapaco. , i , t,nM rmperune , .,. -t . . Ai A8DI4.W4" "tarf- .S.,ir ,(-.. ': -V; :' ,., ,.,0 i.i.ini H TVgTniiaadlt'.fl Hasa,very , ' . W. H. JOOT 1 i o April 174f ,' (4 . wi ui Unas. Mefnbnta -1 ...fir Blitmr. t?lanr, FlnarrJ t-'1" 1U W bblj. North rarobna dn., i J dprii auf " " " ' bdxmixtifcitl., TTtlfiS, CUUKANTi, UTBON AND nWNi 6fari Snuli; ptOB aALB IN QUAAimiKH TOUUIT PUkV llsnbUr.tf. Al.'ft; ' .::..ii,vi((.,..W,',t 1 tnr s Miii, : , : .... mmm MBa.-i. W .I1IH ' tlnnnnwdef. nnginm, iiresurMt ana Vineng T.'A. At April t-tf ' ' 1 IKIP0LA8 BL'V "'IT v" i I1AMW. .iw" . A,rUl-tf ' DOUOUrtBKIA. rtoAMine asut I i -.r-M vatrit in jtfl o mauds' 4.1(..ll 6 1KKI lbs Ceokine Soda at Airfi-tf h ...imiOkxaa Boiiww, A0ENT8 WANTE1J F0.fiTIIK OFFICIAIi IIIST0UY ' ...... . ,v '.w-'irei-ieitiH. " ! . ... .. - ,v. w...-, mi CACHES, CHARACTER,, CONDUCT AND Bj tlOS.ALPXANDER 0.8TEFflESS. ' ' .i '...' ';.".' ;. '- A BOOK BOB AT.t tBCTIom AKD A IX rABTIKA, THIBOHEAT WUBE PBEHENTB THE OfTLT osnipleaa aad nn partial aaaiysts nf ths eaaaas ut inn war yet piibiianea, ana give uroae tut, rier lh,'ba a. 11 shadow f Ibagraatowiietanty kimain Hi tlioaa bufb vntaars alto watuhad to Boast-rid af mvoiillisa trout its tsanlais apruiga, snd abieb were so aoosaaibl to Ut Btapbena, (rata Ins poaition toiS bw itha Uoaftd- nuy. . . - jv' to a pnuii tnat na wawn wnrreaea sniauaw PAlir'.SlLT ISlialLAK PfUlDUt TiOhs, ws arnaaiae. a ehaair nf fata), both aeresaiiki and aaiufemrr. and so lUtcUertusl treat cf tha higtieat srdur, ThaUrest Anarioaa War bsr AT I.AHT kaiiid A nuauwisa woruiy or tt importance, an at whiaai laaada it wiU reoalra that ssnhwaia. aandid and iauaartial Arsalnuaif jrhiohilralb. and luhtioe aa urgently drmaud. Ths iatanaa daaira avarrwaer' BAuUoJd- 40 obtain this work, its om.'ial eliarseter and msdy ale, enailamid srrrb wa toaraaaed etaaafnawin, mk auisonatanbacripilim uoos aver puaaainait Bstine Ageat in gaaliai. ft, .rcpuvbr Ti sHbserib- cra in ttiT" duya. . . . ,,' . i.. ' unemuastun, ttass, tlUt aansisnoors in uor . one bt nanunki. Tano. V subsertbmia tv aay . . . w i f "r lbd tor Cireulsrs and an our terms, sad s rati deanriptkia af tba work, with iToaa atoanw ef advaao alieets A. Ad.lnna . t i - HA1IIINAI, l"tJlll.lKinai'l...v ' K South toveuth ok. tblianelplii, t'a. AnrlBMf .. aiu Bnesdv Onra '(gsJifa V oa if KEUMALCSA. ersalKexiri rala' NERVOUS, ' PtaEABEaV " ( I t tt t the irarAiuw BnranT fa sB ease of New- rakria Faasha, oftonegeetlng a perfect enra to bsaa ibsa twentr-towr bonra, ftora tbe ass af no sane than two aa msns PnAa. ' Mantlirr tarra ef brnraucia or E runs Disease hmaukd to yield i this ( ;. A ,itetr, i:. iWONDERFUt REMEDIAL AGENT.; : Fren ia theaereeea eaaea nf Chmoi NewraL ria and general ntirwina ih I nasnw als, T Baser yean ataMitag. anVietrag Aba etiUra evaann, iu aaa Aw a few davs, ar a tew weeks st the n train, a. a ay a slkwda the nanaa iatoaabing asbet, and aarr rareiT (an to produce f aueaxt gaao, parr II annlsros aa itrwm nr ether material in trie all. tit Met erre hifariona, even to the niot lel(. caav;eesa. sod eau alwats be sued wits .. ' 1 TERFECT SAFETY 1 , tt baa kg bea to eonasaai aaa by snsny ef whs give It Ui'r ansuimew end miiahtlrd ap- rMii rer man oa reeem or ynrn ana rvwrura, -(me rav aawe, tl - pasMt eenls. k.I iiMliavf. ' Am,- ' n IfH.t ,.ut, t l '-'H " 4H- . Jl a a.1,,1 by ali whobawla and retail dalera in dm Mid meiliniiMS Ilin.inah&ai1 tbe tinLd Hiau , a. id bj 4 . r 1 ('najKat ' Bait Praa'artawa, 120 Tskshmit (Ut., InjarTon, Mass. Jsa. lUO-towinAwBBi f s-tcial rollers MAERIAGE AND CELIBACY. A. Bwajr r VMl(Sln ,l Ika rliu afsawii sud Urn llLsjb.Ak'isuii ABLol oiuok orU: uutKnliutcut W it LHlAnt, wuh nsaaiia ut 1 ;i,,I. ticut in saat l.a,ir r.i- VliI, liva ol cliafga. AdtWOMt, li. 1. halt' hlH fatil ulifUtUaaid Aaura, luii . , ... -v. w ' ..... - tab l-ua-iiaaauv t,. JUST KEi'ClVCD AT M. kCMkhbAJUM'A U fnast, aus ouuiuuat brK ot ULAOtil AND UMBLEACOip BHlltTINQK i r .AMD SHfXrTXG t Tabs sold si fewest iibHi 'r 'Febl4At-UT ' ' ..iM . i I i"K, , .-;;-. j RttS. , WlSSLUh ? , . SOOTIIINa HYltlTP,' FOB CHILD ItKN TEETHING, OKEATLT Tk BililaUM the nnavas ot tueUiiiiK, by wakening uio gunia, nxluaug aU Inaisiaiaihia wat aus AlA. f AUj and simsmialin smtwsA, mat it ,..,.. ..at'BB TO BKUULATB THE DOWKL8. Dsemdanun it. mothers, swill give real to yor aeifa,and , , t w , , picltof and Uralih to vesm fafaatsv . , V bav nut un and sold this artirts rae'ar and saa sav la Oosrinnfa An Tavra of it what wa hare uenar baaa aU to smr of an otbar aKl- tvino-Ntvaa bab it luum iu a aui inslsnns to I'smt A Cvsk, ba tiaMly aant, BviMr and we asaw aa nwtaueeia aNMauauwtaiie or suy ooa ahx aasd M. 4Ja ths ssaissrr, lt are sUiMhkMi anh un oueralitai, and aiwak in torma ot eoia ihi udstHBt af its taaKWal SWsla aad aiedinU tr tn. t s sneak iu Una aiatAos WU AT WE ItO h.jliW." aluw ytiani uf eApenoore, and fLHaw vva krrWTATiua sua vawatiuLSiaNT wt UfcttK nsoLAaa. In siiuiaat avarjr walanea wbiYe llw lulaotiaauffiiruig IrisH ptt aad ekhsaNUua, nilsif wiM bs ftttuiii in lilturu ir twcsilr aiuiatw aior uie ci tup aainunattn'Ho. 1 , 1 uu.ifcnMtaaui Aw uaiug will aeomapiny each no ua. 1 " , v- f ''-". 0 . Iknr and aaQ for ,;. u , . , U.i MMr., VPgiklawa SaMttblug Syrup, Itsvlpff dx tac-siiuil of HX'UTlti A rti.kl.NB nn IIhi onlauie wrapper. Ail vtonrs ar bau un ltSrl41S. ' . . v. ., s.sn-- . v..t...jj- nuu vj M y,HU VIMIll'Ut.Me0 . i'i U i Prtroii sialg BB ewwla pa Wenbs. . 1 a i - -.- - i . "" ixdltFnltanHtrBst, Mew York, i ..1- HiKb Hoibarai lsMaan, Etigtsild, t- 41 rn.Stti IMrasS, Moasrrai, Canada.' Ast.au-MI-soutoi I u.., i. IL..L.U. iw....:i it., m-t.t . . i'1 pay ooiig. ., fopnlar Goods tt TopuUr Prices! '.THE Piucia xiat' ."ein,'ti' ,. iv '.fii mi t. Htsl if,- ' .-vn hii J 5 tr t ETJCrtTBODT, TELL?, T II 6 CRICXt prBB tr W. H. B. B. TCDEEB tXV ! tl S ' ' ORIOIMATBD , . W., It. R, f. TV CHE At 4 Cm '1J, AMD I 6TJTAINEti BY THE PEOPLE ! .u lyj I - ." '1. ' 1 - rf '-' ' - - . -''" O rAATM.nitATi.Asii.i.An-ti(ss J.rJf par psrd-iA -a, (eubwi, artkn - AprMHUf , p,. B.8, TU(KE8 A CO; ' aft Aft TABD BPRIMO-AKD BTJHMEB ,l)Uv CaUsnesat Wa. per yd. 1 . , ,Alriiai-w w.tt.an.n.,iugaisn im A 'tfCi FABDBBPBIRfJI AND WMBKB J-.45vJvJciteoBtst iajo. ryy'. ' - apru xi-w i wi bu -igt AbStvu. T OOfi fAitria BrniNfi' And bumbteb a UOU Prints st lu peryil - nprum-u ., , n 11 s a 1 uwass s w,; 44' TrT,lfACHBD - AND Dnbleaonad UotneatioauU nrkea apru na-tf JTTw h a b b tockkb 4 pa O QAfi TDfl. PLAID HOHEWTUK, at A4 IraW J V buibdiina low nriees. tpdl-t n'W u m iut;&EB a dm, ; a t b;; urcxia co. t ,. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Z""' ) " ANfJ0BBEn81Ji . 4 w FOBEIGV AMD AMERICA ,f i..Wf'. -aw-a. ianw 1 'fr" a4i.iti.i ,,Apru'stT"'";';';::;' f. -. 1 - ',t ? - XISCKUAXEOUS. A aaa-bar a4a Veaatnlaw i, j. 1,1,1 - , W. It aWUFB 00 , , , apruxi-u - ., rf,suoauom, ataronim, faaaeat rraH.1. li Very Buptur peach and Damaons, -1 , . 'i . ' F. U. JONErl to..." J7 J.-"' ; Anntton A Com. Morohsutav l April TUBTUitlkKltobltatTIAsiaUF 14 rat AHl , , t(l'i-' f wii: ' 1 .'" CI.OTmXG roOOAiD FtlELt iMANDItVS&COi r 1 cam surrLV tub s ' : . t A , , vt.li IX 1 t ".1 t' pJfjOTHTNOI! yrii 1 WK UAVB BfANUPXirrillieD, rilflt hka on.outi st Um boat and cbeape Hiivke that wa bsve bsd Ibo pk aaura if cahihiluig in Uw polate minw b bar. ,, t ., . , ,,,, Tba uiinm we Are analog for notldno, bssulU lllmdp,. nmilKla Ul rtf-uM tiuea auii mm;h. ;,':' . -, ' , .- . Mr. AnnBiwK. ran .fo.ifiloullr : slate In hi. n-iemls and eustonielii, ilit tin nrm in ihls('i) usa sell tlieaame elaxH i,f giawla an clieAft. ' . Ill awrHMir ta Kew York are Urff eaah buy era aw tbeir Sontltem honaee nud arwdaily in the msrk4 pteking up harmon . f n. 'AiieaH aovanatfes tmr 'uiz4.nw or narf-iKn un. alrsncs n FavaishibK r have, by biijin,.t'n.ir Clotl I- K oil kg (lundafrnia 'f ' " , , K. A.N DflEWS' A CO., 'J, 1 1 urroarra Iixmna liu.b. . ... April -tf m , , . . Hsirish, C, tf?M, I f I ..... 1 ...sr. . - i. ,. . N.-'. r BATB FOR MEU.'iea '- '4 J f f'- SATS F0S ht. riiiiJ'u; w. At a B.-ANDI1IS vVH AprMf TRUNK, TALIBES. . , , ( , -s v '; il.LEATBXB AND MOBQCCO - fjVv' ..iTBATFJJrFJ.BAfW, rnr ladies sad 6awUsain, at y.ft-' . " ' Aprfl 38-tf "" F-B. ANDBEW'SA Cfl. CO 14 ATE ak 4 4's) ERASiyE SOAP, T- raw wraWBAan or ,, XttBt.f.atnjC, For Hale by aB OroccmJ im. tt la al "1 1 UMPOBDf TF.AST PowriF.JW. JV For me hj !) d.n, ivt AktBlo-tf Ax;UiUl EKIXU. ' XSnrk-Eye ISrnper. JlF BECP.ITF.D. t FARMFIt) nAtX, cm of theia. eei-.lated liaier and Mowors. CALL AND btE If. AprdU-tf JAJ. M. TOWXES, Ag't, C I ATX .. . S0TX.3I bCTlhS BATKS AT BAKKIH VOCSB Ot , UINRf O. KKLtOflO, , OokUIEB Og WBT MAkKET AB SWCTU KUt Bit, n llTt CIUMka, - firwejtanarak H. C Bankent C. - tpa Faat.A..e..w'-. B r 1 Lrknw. ...... ........ to V dewlwro. lb. Vi uuHttrtua. . .... . .m. Bit U w B IS " , TbisnswrUle.. .1 . .i at Otabass. :.s. . ........... " iies ' " IaaSUgtaSSadd.. a.a. ..m sat ..J .,, . 16 fNiara.. W Claxvudon. ,i:, ,t. .m, .. .... u.. .m 4 ss' rVvtiui.,. .................. ll Vfannp....;...v...-wm.. . Tamai I llhs ' f 1 1 1 1 B Merebaata hank nf Newbarn.. an Panacss Bank nf arauaahst a, 4J.... .... (. Mhssrs PlsalersBsnk 40 Cnuwxroal lank of Wd ,ii..i.wi.,.r XI Ursenatwre Mntaai. . . . . -i-...o.....i..... M1 Ana lUuk Soaa aaat aa bs Kaunas aiu a rv usitaad tisr, on dug g raa, uil, at bitclieal aarkat Baaa, al u pneaa giron aia m aauaiaaiur. aaw uaaaawia a riaarnaa. " f Apru nVsV 1 , .,.,!) oa n . , -iLr A.v.v "Ui"" ' 1 f : drMttftborol XoneT Market. (Bgh . 4J, ... n .. .. Batik af M. C.V.. " t'spnFaar.. i II,ikH'a... ; s.i Wailalioro.. . " W liinbiBhin. ' " B..boto... '1h.anaa.lue. 1 aA, tiraiiaai..... a. .,., ha.VV. sSA, a 'a"a a' tV totinijlufi (tfd) ... a ' . .' ' i , uow Cuouanree..,., , . Olariidon..Av, t "ttwWriue.,,.,! . Waahingbai,. . . ; yaaewviile ...'.! Mareliauta' liank nTN .in . A.'il,.' Fanuers Bank of trrssailiiwn'. laid) ....... to V : ' . "" iuew.) ... 'It Miaora'and Planters' nnk. ttt UmniiHireiai llank nf ViUmingtna. r. HI UnHiaiiroMnlHalIus.tio,(oidl..,k..' Virgtnis llank Mot siaersgs abuat. ' M Hoaih tiaratina- " 4.......... 15 hasrgla OS a. u. ti. n. non ' v.i. t...,.n...i.. an Wa boy ana enM at Bberal artose, uowl ana nti- ver. Koi tti OarotoA hsnrts. , tiunsu ami ail atbwr markutahla auueka. . . Ordars nw Hank not by debtors and Btoek boldar af Manaa will sasaii prompt aUanUua.' lie turns iur eipraae paukagea nf bank Bote aa aiew l ork ar Ball inter, or to urrswy, aa da awxo. ..' . " ' " Ufa and Fire Inaaranst Fnhosst hiai 4 in need OiaupBiiara, atbsatrataa. . , Ooi aa-sto-tra aa. i-.,Wt JUlelgh Koatj Karkot" : VOBBK0TBD hi JOHH . W1XLIAMB CO, I BHOKBBtl, RALEIGH, K. C. -'" rT0B or noarn cauoum bait norm i""' Sank tl N. C, (Ookl ) (nUvar M) O. B. M tape Psar., ...., (4 t UarWHta... ............... .-.v... to 1annKbaa, st Urahasa, iaa 1U, oat it hiiborouK....................M. tl daaUu.H(h. ..,,.....,. ..... HO Tkiosasiua.aM.,rnu. to Vi ilnuugton. ........ ...... ......... V7t Ooaiaros..., IT "rat"1, ai H . WaaliuiKHSI ....... 1. a 1 , Ciarankn.iaNa.a..M.w.a . a 1 . Vsiiceyrilis 9 MIihW tod Pinutar's Bank.. ...... 40 faraare' llauk, Ursenatioroagh, new 10, eld K7 CossBMreial bank, vYiinungivo.,. a,....,., 07 Mwohsnt' Bank, NUn,.,,.,. , 00, tlrmubarouKb Isntnsl.. ..., ....... 0 Vwgint llauk Notes, About.... ...... ...... M bonia 4tarohha:t . w : "p., ti 6argia Bfc.i-,.,'i v,M. i- i ...,.... t OoM,. ,,.,.................,.,....,... ...Lut sWWf t .' aBtup t,Qfrkt fw'A W a VuarV J Y Ait IMd ttanuun ti Kwlkt artoaa Mailraad ttosaHsaa.. ..... ' Old Ml ASS.. BaebaMr an New fork. . . Old rouis.,. .,....,....-....... ........ tu 4 KALEICill NATIONAL UAWU . ...M ...V - , - - . v - - , "f ing vnnvir niwiittwi ' ' ' v( nuatAAA yauuiiiiia. (t 1 t,'r 4I .'JSQARD -OF WKECTOnSi ,.,.(. r. t . r-. v. . .. . 0. ar, rUs-MABl, Psssldsat. W. Hi WrfitiAHD,'. V A.B.UilUUMON, gko.w. BwrntoN, W.J. HAWblNB. W. E fJTTLICX, CBtbinr. , "rtlil J . IalKLU Twltosr. ' DaalalntJniaofEieliaiiKe Bight Drafta, Uuld and Hilvsr Cola, and (invammsut and stoar aa- " TJnesrrent Bank Notss boURht at blithest prii Psnkagia m at by Ktprsss wl'l be maiituid fur pr juicily, In nrreney, nr ta haw Turk tanda at r'waj a x" io'-i'.''"'t.:.'."t. w-fcign. FRICI CURBENT M A BCB. 21, ' 18C8. ' . Ma nans' Cam Psar............ ... at t harhatte,. ..,..... f;l!trenriat, ,ri . .. I 'iwirseeae,, i,vAiUn.oH Pljiitlerllln. . . . r. ...v. , J. , . .. . toxington, (4d,l. . . . r.i... ;. . .... 4 ...IT ...Id ., .10 ..i-.S ...to 'i - tuaw 1. bssinnbaa, paaebtost Alrakam ti ,inaniariniaa,. Av.'t.,..vy... Uiitlioro ,. ..... .,.. -..if. ,.W1 ei aiH'aoorir ...... iu Wai4diKton,ii.. .v. ad .til irtitoiyvilbi ..,. .1 a ,7I (SMameirlal tWnk, Bilminnbin,,...... ...it.tt Karaiair bVno. ut NmUi CaroHna, (olil,)..,...S7 t .,.,. 11 i " ...t . i-.... uea 1. . . ,.ie dreMiKtavW Mntnnl liianrsora I n-.,,,.. 4.iruhmi's llank, hewlanw,., j.. 1. .... .... .. .M Bin' A Pbato r1 liaiiaV. Jaa Hl-IXett .f.t;pxlUVltS10V MARKET. ' ' R tfl!H Wl Vd) tt JOHHAN WOMBI.E, -ilKlM'KB AND t'DMMLhhluN , H KUC11 ANT, ; . l7fi!3?i , Pi',. -l KiolK '. JkH.ft "ki .fztxvtm iiikii'.....,... DtnT"K.,,.,......... t;?.ftlt tikMi, Bprtag ,,.;.. r - 1 -'? T, , .. I 4mI fit . rttosui .l.i .JO... . ,. Ji'inlt , - 1 MHuil TS , .to u9m T J PUltlt. .:l, . . PU1IKB . ...... ' fll:i;ii(Nitt.,.. .'"HIUM tlraeu. 1 LAUD... ..... i?.,.,i,.it- . ..... He pe Ik .. I?i(iel8 . luiaB pr. wi. -7 ........ '.0 I ' at i..1.... I Ui.tJ 50 ....... 1 nowa 50 I vt.H ....... : 4..iji dflo-.ft 2 'A.. moiam-fs.;;.j ....v.i,-. ;V. MAIM.. ..r;;-:;L........ - " PEAK - rtor v : .-. '.. i .? . . . '. "Wtiii-. .v. ' " JirfATHI'Jt- IrbA : . , . ... . fc ' ba-oet. ....... ftAtlft...', .... , lAl.r-Pln .'. ... ' tiroand. . , v. , "JPTioAH ' iAUiiw..i....,: .? , a.,g ut '.. !. a . ' l'2 ' . tr, i & '- 8 6ou. UO " vin pia tt .. , H MU1XET ... ... J: -i . : BKMATtRA. Cottna Srliv sn.1 higher, price rnwn 1 to I oenl brtbr, W qnms salos bday (Monday) at M and X5, ' . ' . . liii Urraesre snd In drmsnd st good price. KISCELLASIOrS JKUtCllliS. ;,, ,,', ..'. .- ... , . Another M af tboa fine reachea, in Sib. sans, tnl eeeived , . . -Mar to-tf W. H. JONES A CO. IBrjaj. . llurilMure Trade. IStS. ON TTATVTV TINE TAP! V CrTI.I 1'. t" ' ,-r r-'efl Fol . CTI0TATICS3 TCa K, J. and . ,.,tia, (iiivrt i , ' .1 I (.-',."., h-i ai.d U'l':nvd iron, last snd luiator b-e. i, bai.i' u X .a - - AI.00 Cut and Ptn:bie Kails, CsAiiia rnoro, fur- llinlied I'Oirn.i.'ta, liulioW V we, bd I hliue La-in and 1 . ra. J.I S, baieigb,lol.27 it With L.J l A Uw is. Kew fcpriii; Lr 1 1 CHEAP r u c a .1 LOOX OUT I0H A. CriL.I! JPST MXT.IVt D. ti3(. !., f. - a.. Blid HnlnllWT ti.H.la, , ,. u t . li J WHUIU ll. Mil a it 0 a it .- it you aaas LADIES' DU1CSS COf T 1, 7 1 bsve a bvanufulaa orini-i.t ii,- 4 aad htltMiA uiip-irili,it. ii la s ii k.... ... . , and umaaraai'7 r-'nr" that . , CKEECirS la TI1K i.At ,. . . to tov venr gauihi. Tlitaeaa W, siu! U . Uaad aaliy, by iiawlrmla. U yoa wat Cwunm Tvnnl, KumnKr feaua, Cotton aud iAuun Cooua at 1.U omi,, tiuua, aosl At Lnw 1'iiitn, .." aultslde fnr geaik-raea. Uiva ai 1 , a k. ,r Id. KtAJli th piaue to k t .t 1 1 wy, yua may go np ou m to ci i ' Atraait and down Uis ottir ; y. h n I 1:,. -ii f . iwiiaa alra.-ta, and yua will t 1 t 1 in r-.t- lb auuvluahia that t'ii l 1 1 i! In I 'f t'f"it bsd toilardo your tra4iii. if '-u i.m ' LADIES' &ONN1.TS, trhamednr aniriatmed, CltKECh s u 11 . 1 tagat Iben, II yon sub to pui. 1. ... at of LAM J-S, MISSES o CIIl LniV-.S'?!' 1 don't bay until yon harn nwt t'Kl t-U ' i . ..ii ill niina s seiMU liarKSHl, ea h baa iwa i.f i.. !arrgt Slid Bloat iHMllltuI SivirittrtMii a lit Hw. Onj, If job are biuming fur mets, boys' and eniumt.vri iiat.j. Isvline, ti soil tluldn'n's Klio-a, wlir if ym atop at Oeari'a you aid surnlj to aioi.l tu tla, qnsUty smi Micie. 1 k4d til peopta, laniM tiiua .'ii,llii liitre a h aa Kimae ia tii t'nr that et.ui.l ir wm.i a. a goods eiteanar Ibaa 1, and now 1 tno.ud to iin. p sir word, lanui Ibaa aiiat lmunit. Slid !' aiuan wliat 1 ear. rUi utat't latl to twrn 10 CadkECli b. oa K. bwuii'a ii, . , -'-.'; " r Aa CJiti-'.iHTif.: ... , AnrilO " " " ' i'.v..,. t . 1. ' GRAND OPENI-ai SPRING OF 1803!! NEW STOKE t KEWC.OK 4! TTAFINO KEWI.T RFli ri'K MT ' ill hiand.No.lt raveiieviuu Miri'i'i. I , , daii raeauvuig a aplaii,tid auppi)' of ilia (ta . I balow MaajMaratad UtniHrt. I am now pre,.t, 1 to ottVr to my saaiiaaara, and tha pnUio in gtoi' era), a full stush af - :. FANCY OOODH. r ... 'J!:;l KMBIUMDEUIKS, . . i-n.. ' -:. "- ' LAChrt. d j. SPRINO SHAWLS, , ' 4 BILK WHArn.SGH. - f , , . ...WLKii, Ao. hats. ' vv Min, . , BIBB0N8, . : AKTIFICIAL FLOWFR, 4 ,-. 5 OTeOVKS AND UOS1EUV, - ' UCK CVRTAIISH, V'. ,V - " , ! , OIL CLOTHE, - - :'.;? : '. . mattiv. i. , got Plaoee af lbs htest patterns of r tt 1 a ' lMPiaos bleaxhKd sd uaklasuhcd Mm.l- IhUdatMt bilbhllMMi. . ,, . Iadla.', MiasssandOhlldrau'aflllVi,. 1 tlant's snd rtovs Ii A 1 a of ev.iy u." .iipun, and ail tha Ula4 styles, , ' " , -- BOOTS AND SIIOES,. , ; ; , . In great vsriaiy. "Ki.ianlaPstonlCouiblnad,'Pn.erCor.l.Ari4' 1 and i HI MK. , .. . .. , : . A n, , UK.NT'S HJIUSIbHIKttiaJOODrl, ...4 1 . Lad MM Mid ttent'a 'J'rare'lng Tniuaa, VaJi.na, ' Moreane liaya, K.ilr.iail b.i-'a, eld., t-io. tJosna ona and all, and ei.mme inf atn, i, t.e. ."! Airs hnring slaewlon-s, snd 1 prtnuia voir ill '''" BOV boat ANYIHIMO ST IT. 1 A.AtOHi;MJl.lT?r, , No, IS Favbttkvii.i.b St,,' Aprflxl-I'B , ,. v, ,t ! t..... i.-.- ,1 j : msciLLAaiiot'i . ..4, Cf BUI. No, PAMILY KLOb tt A 1) to J athar grade, arriving FebAlSO-tr TONNUllVKl'M. '. ' ' Baron 1 . Huron I Ajanlt-lf CrOHUlH'UAlKiDR, IINM WIN Ed. AUtU.UtJl'CHt.fllAim, Ao. " - At ..s.;pv a'UAhOl'tbbl'M.,' March t-tf .;, , . ,...,.. RECBITICD TH1MDA1 . tol Iba Fsmilr t srd In Kra. ' ' 'i '.i .siii'-'.'ob'bW'r'.-a.rB - IUUU PtfAtWIM Fyh rUlNl'livi.',; 111 miia. wnii nfflTwrwinsii . 10 tibial. lVseh (lluw do 111 iiuie, pi. v do At 'ASDf.tW.-r. TaT ft nCON-flAM, WIOl'tDKliS ANl ileMliKMl .-.- . W,lem Itotot Bbntilder ami frilea, for ad by tlw NogMtmad in- orharwiav, st , Apr Id-tf , , ,U,T.W c MTiiUVtcirH. ; LA M .: atnail Si , AlW W-ti . N. C ? WeaUru, by burnt! or , OT WCKTiiONtl'H ' CUQAK8 and COFFr'E. . Wbidraale or retail, st ;AIB, : ., ,,. ; O TA WCHTKONACII. , . Tito lJit of Hie kcii.oii BABItEIi) I'OTATiJCH .. JACKfiOlt whites! . ' ' , .; :. DYKf'.BANS ! , ., I ''1M,.'' .'MiatCEBHl ... EAItLTfrOOJ'l!irH ! .' " For sale by April 4-tf tXiCUIAM IHX. UNION CWTrON Mlld, FlUI HAl.P. AT i , AUt lluN. . Tba Uaion ataiiiira4.iirini,'0itiipaiiv attl x;h Inpublie aal oa Taeailay Hi XiatofM., I -.-i. tluir . , VALUABLE COTTON MILLS, eitasbt an Dei-p hirer', iu Ibe Connlr ot tt.n ikph, IA nulea Nurtit t AahvlKM-o, and IK nnlim .ih-eairt nf lll.h I'mnt. '1 Iik I iS Ueg bfik atlilte. wmUininR til ti.,,i Iramea with the naeeaeary ma. tin, 1 , and f.., tr-oaia kamia, Thar la dami-ouid nub Uia prem . t ', Firat Clam FbotJKino Mili, - , WootrCABDine Macbimra, 1, , OO. MlM. AH1 C0TT0II OlW, ToralbefWtlhTmKTF.rN OOdll P.l !' ! ' -' na tlie neonm nodalhia 4 fifierauvea. Slut a r ..i aXXilib UutnK auk bawi.,. iii . - , jtsA-fc i i f"; a . t April 11-tl ' hew Maia-i. s V. jnKsm rnat iff sit Mdosea 0 lb., Cans (tt.) II 1 -1 ,1 t 0 lb., " c.,t.) r- -1 " - r ALLtt AU-AN.i 1 Ths Cs&a sr sesli with an s:,.d sgttn. Af'r to " " F ' I Feb 10-lfd-tf c::.S iz a-u'-V IN A t - 'i. ' A 1 si, ni a- if .1 i. aAXEa m. row ja.