1 . ., . . . , 1 ,, I, .(.' i, 4v i - ' am . r t '.' hv Nil " I i ' I ! v.'l - il 1 . I . , : I'M i I ' y 4 a i r li.i li V. i i. f IS A ' i !' I Mi, 1 V If t , n ill- II I'-fl Cl f 4' '( .Hg,!!. HA.LEIGH, NC., .WEDNESDAY, MAY C. 18C8, lut v.li'rd n-ufi edl t,a tl "T l! t . "l-'.l lu plaint ...t.i I . I I ,r 1 i. ...,,. .... . . .1 i i i i a. ' i r l a. rJ lCS rv , Y, W 1 i if - DAILY SENTINEU , WJt. K. PELL. I'RorBmTOR. tf run Um K Orlsan Crcmat.) s , i. gXPOSSa TUB XVKIVX . KLAh. " -r,r;f '?. c, hot, v . ' ";' April n. - Ilin4Vui! !lmK.E.I feller. I nin tlx rif k uf dying ioom dtj (or aigfat,) o( rttm gning to unlxianm nTWlf tad Bilks pablioo. ,,. - ,. . One apon a tima, whea nijit had tpread her flf VMiglU Vr W earth, aad ptaaed It with moon, I jrnt to bed, Peopto oltea eo U frl at sight, with tlietxceptiua of tn K. K. K't. wl Dt ver go to bed anJ who sever iiwp. Tier have ear, but the . m not : the Lit . but thef hour do. I u a IB cupoia or tu trmu oBoa bad toiled forth ttia hour of twelver the (tailed owl ta the Crceeeat SUj Wae a had goo to rooat. : iher atatoe of Henry Claj jfpTieait iy ailitirn in a perpendiculr . poaition ; the anakeahsd ccatod tlx-ir croak log, the frofre tbir bihat the masijtiitiMi had begun hamming, and ' all went merry at a Bjarriase teUtt"-TMi ast,';,l wan loepiog ia my euucli of coucliee like a Jane bag ia. Jaonwry, .batJtdid wot anoro I ereraaom Everybody' would do it, I prcn ante, if it waa fttihiooaVila. But te reauiue, A eaia, U part midnight, aad I waa (lreamuig of mj eouotry eaaa, (aetoot with three iejrn,) wbea: -I' wVr atartHgd'Vttddeoly1 by a eotd. clammy, abrimpy hand apo toy lorcbead. I awoke and roea ap- ferbell' to diksover a flgore clothed ieVhiW aiRiog upon my bei JU I aappew b mj M bfldia UWM b'(i if fcitoenv'fcDdle burnlugblue, aadia bit left aky-roeket, hit tjt were glaring ball of red lire,, and he bad two borne in bit forehead, besidca wveral a hlrb he bad Uken ip hit. mouth.- Aei tit waived the torch tbret timet arouud hi bead, aad beckoned like Ham let' gboet, for me to Mlow bint. . I aroee from mv lied aed Mlowed entirely ia t i I .1 7 . SI A whiter leiry metjrbugh Winding ttreettn up nerti wiiejt, una rmany oroogut me to a graveyards .All thie tiat be had sever for a momeaiti take ltat feyet of lire off of me. Arrived ia tiie center of the graveyard, beside ttoBuried skeleton, between two thorn vnabea, hi that off hit rocket, aad glaring .apo aaeyaaUl Y"v... wtimm 'Mortaary mortal, I come from the bloody den of the hob-tailed eenrpiona. I am ''he ehiefeat among 10.000, and the 1 altogether lovely' k You tee heta-betereeM a tar of the Great Tribe of the Deaooiae Deathly Dragon. I am aeot ta ware,' te defy, to dreg yoa te danger. - Sioe the eoor pion't tongue hat hiieed ; doe the dirge of death It done ; fee the bloody grave, baa, gapedi 'Behold! ' ' , f I taoked, aodveawin tathri of bleod Up on the skeleton bstor ma, aad. aaj-ronacled by letter of Bre! , . . v , fmotTaLed by oodlae aoa dasrrar.) 1 traced In horror, aad eaolalaMd. ia pet rifled eooente : "I believe ye, my bey l" aad '''waea t recovered myeelf (and my wallet) r ,r.rl that X wu trtntported to a tnbter n ana dunwM btn a h Jervw Jlmva, It nad ail tb appeeranoe of a place .that waa won Uaa,J'i PUu ItaeH 1 Then vera bloe Wghta, bloe lelleri and blue lame. - -. ywa ntbe rrgbrt burned blue." 1 The igo- rt paragraph atttet thaUt Af naragrapK roiim might atate the tame thins.' ' Brisbtie tN )'tllur dip" eaodlet' Shone o'er ( t h J,ou ,1 faff ,? " l,f When" I fia 'lwen Uken intide the etwa. They formed around hie (the crowd And not ths times.) and In deep, sepulchral tone thaXabook tbt CSV, said ' M Whence ormet ills mortairj mortal, and is hi troo' rare! f ' . ' My CoedncUiT answered for me, and said la toneef thimdef (and (ifi'ntniiip)! , . ... "Ha can Xt hotel'; lie ran aing like a martingale, swim like an an;cl, gamble tbegrvenl audit loll to tie rorpsl" .v "Ijet Tim paxa," an t r e Tycoon, who thought I hadn't a "fail I. ml." ,' ' I paatM, add iourxl tn Hf in the inner (ham beC where I taw boilm 3 but tlinnder, tbe yell 4 demons sii l 1 1 , .i rattling of chelae, I 'beard, nothing t 1 ! '.'oiog, l)e flash ol'gun powder, and tl. !t ditch, aad I dreamed Ifce dreame ol the cHiin)resry 1 - A menled aorpae stood jjpon s pyramid of fkalls,' and holding in hh right band a coffin, and in bit left band (a jprisiiue man) eouirhio'. to.a, lis exclaimed : -'S ' . Mortal, I am tbe Bloody Batcher of ton Bogus Blunderers ot Babylon. Swear to keepwaaeott or aye,"' -t-' t i As I didn't care to dye, I ewer. - - i Then I waa tetotntly, Brnandads1de one aa looked like devils, not one of whom bought , their shirts at Moody', who abrirkad: -... - , .- tl, V s "lie sWeare -by the fiery flagon round in ferocious iemacee by feller from Feliciana ,li b. HrMpa iuit awr HiI and Bevar will again, to help him Kelis!" , 1 was theOi. eUbhed try- a eeaelt sword, Which waa held in the heads of every demon ia pantalets around me, then dragged, boil ed in n aldrorn w-t pom h I hot gridiron, slid down s gang plsuk, walked over rake ef ice, mutilated ia tbe hair or my head, and finally tatoneit and scslpedf J " ' I nas drscfTi through tubular hoilers te , the tune i the Rogue' March " stripped lolheiuit rC'otHn ia wtik-k I eraw born, powdered to atom, sad told tbst I hsd a mission to perlorm to all outside barbaiiant '-which It wss til snnihilat every living thing, and to kill tvtry dile 'member ot aoeietv. I act seeded. , " " ' .-Do you .wear!"" '"" i' ' "I swesr." - "v I was then clothed with hsbilimenu of wwe, Wvaet tat flei wortts witk oely I ana bou,f ilmi Wintlowe Soothing ojrup, ana win 10 ssn iBmmKiitum ImpiSLliiuentj Committee. ,.1 J . A BrwacLAW. Kowwm. ML DeJPee esr- tetes lo fie li,irpilnr Ik' ft Um following extrnordinsry story : - - ' ' ' ' ' I know a yonng p-' nilemae named (I will ay) CharWs, who has btea the hern of a Btaya at re manor.' On roratng of ate1 h eteied on e Pani wti life with 13,000 Iranc a year, ' YtAty yesrssgo tbe yonng mirhfim ta IPael rte knek mumm plTd Betaa trally six thoaaaad iranca, rot'-d m ea. hrjileta, snd kt -danus. Times are hined i nce then, tod Charles could aot keep e csui"e. nurs stylish danseme, snd ttooue ever tke of hi Uwing money st the dub. lint te cr.' ;- 1 to ruin himaeif thnitK lie merit it .10 I - l, he wnt w. toc..m, ...i mnn a ...., -vt u J an Jhtt of lending to any friend who eaked. i ll wat eyrepid, aad when ha bund bit fortune more than half gone, iaatead of aoenomiiing ha tried epeoulaUng in ntoeka, at watch n toatawotinneily,. .i , Nearlv rained, he bad. however, nothing of the aire aa anlookf fellow.- Be went t toe lint ball or tne carnival., mere a ladr ia a black tat in domino and mnak ahowad marked preference for hi eociety. Tb rough her raotk it wai evident that her eyea and teeth were, magnificent, and ner tgure wat tali and etrikiogly elegant, while a little head neatly gloved, waved ia graoe ftd gertnreowi JTor twa bear the pairneaf ed the time oeiigntreirv. ;tm "Let na co to mDoer." laid Cbarice. ,ThllaIj nuked and displayed a face which etnpe gain ing nil at thirty, though tie poaaeaeor may be fury. . line, were perlecily aUiaetque, and tlie young' mta thought be had never aeen a more esehaat- tag. woman. : euclctenly aue aatonianea mm -"I have a eon of yeor tee. I - Thie wat atartling, nay, Incredible. The lady coot i no a j , .. "I am a widow, and -for etaoat pfrtek I .will ezplainLlutre had cccaaion to make the atneteat inquitiet a to yoot life. I And tat jo kve iem mined, not by vice, but by gaeraity, and that yon havo rare tal enta, anal are in 'every respect, -save your teckleeaneat, man tJ bt Ved and esteem ed.. V-y hunhand Jrft' mV two. million i franco, and I have a charming laughters Thert are family reason en known to yoa, ; which give yoii a Tight W, loni JnMmacy ad aaber in your fortune." J 'Wiitii .'U nefwreaeon went, very .eingblar,. 'The ladj't fmljer Jhad been a ttewatd to the ?iandfathef of (Jbtrlea, and not a very faith ul steward, tioot lie had, by abusing bit iruft, ipid it iertuae aud 'rtn away te pofanK 5 Here be increased his ill-got ten capital and married into a rich and noble family. .. Here be died leaving the two mil lions, the widow and cbildrea. i Jbe widow, ho knew hie- history, - as ployed a secret agent to ascertain if Charles was a deserving young man, and found that he was something mora. The yotng man married her daughter, and , tow X goea Well. -t-Wr . i .. w I FETX&SBUXGr A1J VZtlTISEJICEBT 1868, 8FEWB-filOtt 186a BOOTS, flUOES AKO TRVVKI, i.';AT WHOLES A.LB ONLY I- XtTS HITS B nTTCIVKD A LABOR iTOCt BOOT AHD moss, i ieet from awe Maoaf aeteMra, watelk we aa low ee auuea at la leqealiqreen beteagn ie atew Xurk, i'biladelvtiia or BaluaHir. . r WVCHKafAUKBR, Aprfl t-bT ' ' ' . Mo. I Loa front, ap Btanra, '' .- letrahBre. SV Taos baying Juv aaah shall have th hnar afttaf numay.' . i, y . Wholesale m4 IU44UI Druggist, 1 (Succtston ft) Geo. B. Jowt ; Vo.) reaaaere, t eraer Wwhlasiae araea v f s PBTEBSBVXa TA. ! ; ? TITIT8 the Merohante, riijaioUn and Ptaa- X sere ut vu-iinia, kortn usrauoa ana Teaaa to smin their utenaiv atuek of Drug, Hedlclaei, Pitlnts, Oils, Tarmieliew, . l)ye ntuffs, Wlndaw Glttaa, Brutbea, Combs, Fanry auad TMlet Articles, Perfumery, loapi, etc., Ac, etc., eke. t WAI.TEB B JOBIUS, losm vaaa. pr417-lt KISCIXAHS0tr& t-V !' ? I " MJJ-'r .... ''.'-J-1 l V" ! ' 1 . " If. 1W t.;hf- -'A,. BACKS S. 0 FLOUtt. 60 bul. $. C, and fstspsMi Psmily rkmr. .- .. ror me or April AlK' f 'J tlPCHUltCH DOPD, -V- ' v Jtacon, Bacom, Baeonj. Apd il-tf , -: OOUfiUfi BEIitU 4. SPRI.G TRADE. 18G8: - ;1868. IS) KEO8 ten peunr njlla and ireiai a2 Blaeting aud Kiliaf'owdar. W - . , . Hhot and liar Lead. ih 1 licet httroaen Oil, the baitd or retail. ' J. UBUWN, "f .:. EaleigbfApr 80 Vj' Wrrn Hjj A taMM. Bi k ti ai i.ktv ruv, atSAP H ANU.M)WBCM1 , Oa exliihiUeii at the rarmer's Rail, the Hvfe Br 8ar flaw, to whioa tb etteutioa f ear farmer ia reapsctfuUy called. 1 I am alo aneoiai Agem for tbe eabjof th oabv hraled Baak Ky Heapar and Mown, a Maaa faclarer'e pnoa,wiih Iraigbt added. J. Tbe eoooar we eommaoo. saiug tbeie imaiea labor eariag marlnna,- tb better A all eon eereed. JAJLEa M. TOh'LaA, Apr.U-tti i vj. .,,,,,Sia Ageat. r, t Xbe Ltvrt (, tM $), O BABBLB POT.TOfc. - ' JACJWOH w-BITEnl '''' PTEEMilfSi ' ' J, M -' " " ' MKBCHBd! I -' , BABLTOOODRICHt ' realahy Jt " April IH-tf v v DOUGLAS BELL.' - " '' ' '.' TTinOll COTTOH TtllXK FOB SOJt AT U .. ,rt't Dt-TiUW..i,.fj.b - ,r j Th. Cnioa If annfarturine Oorooaor will etooae t0pnbuepTllh.,VV'.T , ,- tALUABLK COTTOK ileated en Seep Blrer, ia the Coeat of Baa doipa, 14 aaiUa North ef AAhrbore, and !l mike amtheaeS of Hhib Point. Th factory building i a kara brick ediac., containing eight rpiMttng rraain wrtB tae nacMaary anarninwr, aaa v Vr-oM looms.. Taere m uunawei witn . FneVT'Ct.im Fuicnrae Moat' , Wool-Cabdum Macbihks, On, Mill tun CoTtom Gut, Togatber with THIRTEEN GOOD BTJIJDIItOS for the BoonaKnodauna at operative, boub gHd I HOLeJi, with baanncot. W-Av . .-,.4 JXAM. WALKER. Agahi. April U-t ', .. . . Hew Maiknt. t. C E-ii ruacaiaffM ; - Sdaoaen 3 tnun iit.J n wiper 00a 1 . ih, - ('2qt.)ll.0l " .' : AIX W AREAS TED FREfeH. Th Can sr eM with wsx sad ea b sen ague. i n f ' ',. .' i i ! , 'F Httar.rt- ' Fab ja-lfrtlf ' uimooro, a . v. I7tIC6,Cl-EKANT31 CITBO! AVD RAI-f 1 . At , , TO.N.NuFi-MU'l ieKtta nl. n.rjBkiM&A..- B00X IT0KX1' ... C.W. laursam " WILXXaVKS ft LAJQXTJT, . S. 40 rayetterCIe EL, Ealelgh, H. C i.'t t Book Sallm uA SUtlonara, DEALERS JN AIX It USD OT BOIIQOX BOOK, j,.. ; pTAJCDARD AVB nUBCTLUUIEOUi WOBI& - nIAflVHiOBOOia. ffWa BFXJAm , BOOU OX ITOCK AKB AfinlClTL. ; '" nmt j station utTj pbdst. ; " -' ma ah' waAPpma - ' ' savpumt ' "-' ' ' NCBOoi ADD OFFIC1 BBJUUUTES i " ALBUMB; , . ' 1 ' rXltruiOBT. ; . ' ! FAUCI AtnCLXS, VV. i 'Wear new rereMac aew anpntta. aad wfJLae annalantly makine eodi adiliMHSu te oar Block aa will enabb Beta ruraiak erary erttol neaaUT kept m a An elaae Bauk state. . . - Oer taeuiiM are aaoh a te eaabl a te roraiak In a vary law dare, any articW not urn kaad, ao4 all orders win lure oar prompt atteetioa. Ow aailnna win be eondueted on the eaak ytm. and every artkatieU at the vary lowest P!--, 'r wrtT.V.Tiara A f.iwBwrn '. Rleih, April a-jo7-ti; - Toraert H. C Almanae for 1868, TB 8HA.IX PtJBLWH, in ! a few' nays, the V tiWW KVITIWIV of the above Alt- We nave redneed the nries teat nerhoadred. at aw Bar Head yet I -. . W1LLXA1U A LAKBKTH, JSOOU Baleirh,Oet.M-7-U mscEUAXxova. 1 NEW ABRIVALS. Oeeels LOW ate thef cam 9 - feuueJ ta thin letUlaide, ' , ' - AT i ' , ' ' '! 8.H.& W.J. YOUNG'S, lo. SI Teyetterille 8t, ; l' , RALEIGH, n. C The Senior of thie arm has been lhna OeoeV lor the last twenty yean, la thie market, and eaa aay to ear trite &i HjO, enruiiWia all things he never had , i BXTTXB, XXCXB 0B CHBAPZR STOCK ,0Fr GOODS Te oner them than they are aow opening at their tor. Met tl rayettevllle etnet, Rsleigh, K. 0. T' - ''LL A W. 4. IOC NO, OatoberAtaST-. 11 in ir C W. D, MtVTClIINOe dk URU. ;4 1MLA N U BACrX LfKIiUlfiL '' WHOLESALB AND feETAIL" &K ALER8 IN lADIErBV62NTelV'8, AND 1 4. . WAtigZK BADDLSA, CeMtch, ' Bu)rirCftrt iBUv,"Vng-oa s, rV,ilaWnieja V -f -,y,,v - BEIDLES f Atip AfWEmNOALES and all ether' go4s'neall kepi in 'a regular neddievTMia):ludiaint. ..T;-.W j ' y wu. i, m Niuit " " miii wmm nwi sdrauce oa 000 1,, iu order to. .reduce their heavy atock bow on baud. "'...) ) t, .., -. Oltiawasaadatrangert; viait&ig the City, : who wish to purehaa good., will do wall to kiok at ear stock, tth. door North of Poet Offlea uid oin giaitvlarkM b)aara, FayeUevul atreet, Baieigh, FbT-lM " t . WILLIAM W. JONES, ,. ATTOHNKY AT taAW. " HINDER80N, K. C. TT7TLL PBACTICB ta tbe Countiee of Gran VY ville. Jrraukiia sad Wsraea. and in th. saoarai uoene a ttaiaign, n, u npeotai attea btoa aivea to eiaitara tu Baakruotcv. r'roBipt paraoaal attonth given to eoOeeUng and seoanug elaune m all parts of the Btate, ""' nay! Hay I Uayt 1 AA BALES PBIHB HAT. 1UU ' Foeaalehy ' Aprit-tf , - llrunllnCn VODO. THBEB kaadaooas ridaes, and wall im proved iota, at the otty. a. n. roHanaiu, Apr. IMS. : AaaUoa Com Uerehaota. rAaflLT ICtCBtlKn. . "A Coffe finger. Cat Leaf "agar. r ia jsts uoom tAguira tjonee, Hie ' onee, . Black Power. Alautoa. Clove. Maoe. Mnlnun. Ground Ciiiuantoa. f BKOWN, Baleigh, Aprd U-tf . With Bart Lewi. Mofaene, BolnstesI KA HHDa. HEW CBOP CABniVts H tJ aaaaw, airiring snd to arrive at pruis-u uii-iiuiJti a 1H1UTJ. CAMflKD OrrtrKBitl - At - TOXBOFFKKrA Mar l" w . . . PVSOjat BEEF by the Barrel Aaouoa a Dean. MarehiiSsi tKE8B ARRIVAL OF FAXCT OOOIX t At TONMOFFSKrai .' Vf . It. etlniUB M LU. s PTJMWTTOB. ot Baeebes Cotton lama, nst rer.iv.4 Mariie-U W. H. JON Ed A CO.. 0 UNOM AND LEMONS. TONNOFPHErS. TTEBBiXCWI HEBRIKOBI . A tot ef Kw . April U-tf HiHTiev, lni referred at I'PCULhXHA DODU'd. rtwu". ray, rtaj. '-' jt AhtraeaappijeatBUKiMiTnTfrtrir. - v. at, imB at tA April -tf Cum. Merchant. , jBbMforKhri. . W. M. JOXF9 A Co.?, Aprr-tf Cora. Merehauta, c trrtu c w m i aa T - tirtma kio i'- ' r at . mpi mu V i t.ii LiiCH A DODD'A The BtMikruiit Aot. Wv Uare baea ntuuited to publish tba Bank rupi 1L. 'ii,!. a, uuuauUi). li uaku a tmboiia voiuiu. la uruer, hovur, that ear roauura aia uiMiumaua it, aiid ui, lUoruiar not u uui, iu b uuMme; uputt by . . u, vko arc iaumnat to Um lajrMUi ol on., ia, save utanauaMi paiua lu uwupu. lruu ial Ije luOuaiii aeiMtfMl tajtploa ol uia Act, tur au atau ouuwuimwui wpakuui H twaeuya JMit erst of all, e suvim Mr BiwHla w te Oeterauu. uaauif ua Us ul eo, nem litey he, kad Ute evauaal et a r. -o.'lU u4 iuWiUKeat Altoruojr, a (us Vbue, ti" , uaa ruir. t. 'lu roaaiiiwi oUKUof Um lUutmut Law ie te teo-iit Swuet, bat utfortunot, u. (Hum, eaoae juat IkkIiii ai nrvaue Uua Uirt can mj. .. A, Te beouiua a Vuluittary bauiu-t)'i ui thie mm, iw eowuir meet ow. ai towi t juu, 1 eeurao. tie ta But aula so uav ia lull. a, fauliueara audar tlie tuki.ii.t Aot are re quired toraeaar a auaaduteut uu iiioir debts aad lubuitiae, ut mry ktmi aid dra iio olmiiMr, " ww au uivauujrr ui au uttui aiaui, uoui real aud porauual, iiMMudiiig ail pniMny and ei. Swtaof wliicta iboy an uumhimi, ur ia ebtvii Mw.r wj uav an uiuaa.1, iuioiik n ma a) lotlj ui WMUorautr ailii hli.:i. "iui-iiia p,t- uruxHi in um -tiofltrai uriMtc. m 1,0 u) i uui Court of Uw Cuiu.d buiua. Tbom acki'iiuioa, f wuied oy tae eaiit of Ui peutwuor boiure a Uuitrut CeaH Judge, tegiaUr la jMukruplu, or 0 tat. CommiaaiiMiar. ataat aeoouwaav tlm ueu. faou, end, wbaa tied, m tbe eoninuiuoiiuieut of pnMeeouigs ui aeuanipiey. u H auuoia imi toend oak, peading the prouaeAinaa at euy tine helor tae baaaruut ia uucba'Kad, that b. aaa, b; any aiiifi or aubtarrdfra, wade a laiaa or par. Ual aehedule. una would ba eaiuuoe ul fraud aud woaid daiuat hia dawbarge, -t, - ' i i. Whaa aba pMitiua ia by t Ira or eopartae' aiiip, a tuil aat A aubediuea of tbe raapaoure ea tatM of tb weuUua ef tbe frm sbouid Mas he auuea. .-, .-.: A When the ptUtloa 1 nlod. th oaa ta name diateiv mremd to Megiater, wboexauiioee f petition and sobedulus suuaMl theeeio. aad if they are emmet in torm, mates a esrufioat to uiaa eneoi, o ue mea aim ue um. lueu ad judges tbe debtor a Bankrupt aad iaauee a war mat to tbe m malinger to eoujmoa all tae credit or asmed in th uvtitiouer't anrmdiilaa to meet at ute nagiawr a eman, at e certain tun aad place, to pror tbeir ckaiuu tndeleet cue or omit aaaigaeea M teke ehajj- f the Jtaakrapt' ae a. A creditor eaa, however, pro, his data, at Seuerauy b an aautMBaeolewqiuet 10 tb sdj loaiioa of BaakruptvT. ' 1 ' . . Ho eretduw ba any rtaadlng la a Baukrnpt Court uotei a. uruvo. hia cUtm. e Ureditora have ua ntfta t oaiail the Bank tut ta aaawar queatiena eaueeriuug tbe diepo if of nruuertv uv bun aouairad aubaueneBt to auiig a petiUoa m Baakrapuf. 'lu ether tratda, tu uM w w niuic of ui, muuou or or aaawat s debtor, ia Uis data at whidu it adjuvlioauoa of uuuirupiry iuuuwa,tnouierar 01 wiuga paaaea sway aud s saw leaf ia turned orer.t Oa thie uuuu OMUuoaa uav oa vanaut. ma aau ruin auuear to b. that tb apokoaut fat feaukraotov has a perieut right to ouua whatever a has made after hia application, by hi personal eaer. a, but say prottia b aur have uad,from law veatmeut oa cmdu, may Usui to Ui oiataa ef the raoaiver an to abaosi th oeriad ui hi diav eoarg. ' .... , . a he Bankrupt eaa apply te the Ooort tl any sat a lor tb exuirstioa n au aaoutha, and witb ut uoe year aras lii adjuiamlia,fie tb. diaofaerge iu baukruptoy, and in auw aoaaaeu ob aute t-ia hauda of th. aaaiguia, or ao dwta be proved agaiua, uia imh, b aay aune aner tne espir tioao. atstv dav." 'n " . Ml Aa Bum aa sa Assignee la sleeted or a p. pouted, tbe Judge or Begiator wul uevey to bun, by deed of auigumant, all th baukrupt' propeiay aop wuat ututempaaa, vet : "Uimar bold aad kiiflhen furoitara aud other aenaartet not axoeediug iu value 1 au) are hundred doUara; a'ao hia waaruig apparel and that of bis wit. aud eiukawt, sad ueb other iroprlgr nut tueindnd ui the forKuiKs ia ' .aaintit iirnu htvv and sale uioa esavuiiim or othar prouoaa by th lawa of ui Biate iu wiiivn tne uautrupi rvoiilea, to au amouut Ota exoniniinc that ahoaed br Hinta n- amption iaa a a ieee. la lMtit. A aato .'(ouiiaM- or auggww, upoar una aat, tht the couuuoa iiupniiMKia that person stay beconi. bankrupta sod yet b eilowad to ratsi thrir kouaee and atada, or ether property of euoaidarable vales, n t giat BMutk. Under the Aot, aa bmaMt Baok- tupt m una Mat aa nav aUotfed to him, fre horn th operation ef tb Acv.-moeeding f 700, b- aum tn wearing apparui or miuaell and famuy, Bankrupt ia tbia Mtate ere aoteuutied tu aonte ateade uneVr thia Ant. -. 11 It ia th iulr ef the aaa'gure, within twenty daya after th aaahinmeut tuhua M ma t. lo allot to in oaukrapt aui h arum a are vavmpted, aud die aa itiremory of u aaw with the vain ut aauh article ao allotted, . aud rilitur may Biake objeotioue to tbe at-piirt ef the Aiuugo at say um wimin tweuty Ouy so er It la (UcO. . . li. Aa to oosts in baukruuUiV orooredinir. 1 tion 0 of the Baukrnpt Aot prorhle that th pe- uuouor, ut rote s warrant irnuaia, aaau on aity dollar with tbe fhfglatnr, or with the Clerk, to be delivered to the begnter se a aertty fur hi lee. ' Oeneral order 1LXXX. provide that the 1 oa. or mm Mrtaier, at arena! sod Llera shall lie prepaid ur acuurad befur they eaa ba aonpellrd act. U ia alao provided bv Qiaaral waW XXX. uiaaral that wber tb deli tor ha ao mean, and can pruva the fact to the aauafaotiou of the Court, Ua sppboauon. aa order wul be made requiring au tlie eiwU m tbe eaa to ba paid aot ef th ally duller d..aitod with th Meg etar. IC, kivrw, Uwr are aeaete, but aot ationgh te pay the Bee amiger after deducting the Baukrept'e exaaipted propiirty, ao that nothing cornea iuto tlie hauda of the AMugnee, the fee will hare to h paid By the bankrupt !-but if-the Aaaignea receive aaMta, til fees of the MaaaengerwOi be paid by Sua be fore any dividend is made among ereditors -' 13 Home uupoM that ths ficgiater ia entitled to o0 foe. Jhe tee of th Beuioler, MeaMnger, Clerk, and eoats of poblietion of notion ta Bankruptcy, are Axed by law, and if they denutad higher hia, thy are liable, a iu other oaae of malfeencia attic. Ui ordinary oa.ee of Baak- rupuiy, w. to, uimj .nurant so SIW. Ul ease omr, in anma lew Ui. aoat uV ponding on th aatoant uf htliut aud Utigstioa iuvoivej to BOB WW.,!, ,j ,- .''., . .;v 14. ItiCrenoe. uf ouitiioa among AUomeva have etiaSed to tbh) Wat, aa to the limit which thx Act make aa to the I lute to make application in Hankraptey. borne hav.auiipiierd thet no debtor w til be perm lltod to airily fur Bankrnptey slier soroe earl)' day ia Men-h, anloea b i sbl to pay Arty imt eeutaf hia debt a. W are aaeured una tm nut uie cam, 't ue law did not ro into otratii t"T tb purpnara fnr which it wa Bactnd auitd Jnna Ut, 18B7. It gir twelve mouth, friau ihat time, to ail hi timet oVbtor, whatever mar be the eitaul of thnir inilcutcd neaa wbh h thev caauot pay. in which lo Dream their aimlicatUMia, Attxr the lat of June nut. every ikibior mtud ba able to pay oily per eaut of bla indebtedueM. ia order to suoceatafnl sp- pwaiM in vi. "Y ' ' 'ie i! re, uttta the oomMDt of a niurlty of hia crtiditora, s Oeorgla 4 01101 Planter. AKEW BUI'Pl.t of olitiann' improved pat-1 ntd OEORUIA I'LAM'eBfl. Hend ia your uruar at one to facilitate your planting and -ear a good aland. i AS. M. TOV, LEd. apru vt-vi Agent.'. Floor! riourf EXTBA bCERFISE AND FA MILT, In alore; and oi ai redooed pru& , eAtl. SLTOWLEII, i April aa-lw .. Coas. Menhant and Aaoi'r. JJ-AEVLAIIO HAMd. l,w)0 ponnda ef Maryland Haia. for sale ebtap ''May 1 4t f' ' ' "" iiOCQLAJ BELL. 2 FACTOB? CHkiSB. April 8tMf ' W. BOB'T ANDBCWB, DOZ. CAN FBKbH PslACUKi. April IKMf ' ' ' W. BOB'T AtiDBEvt'A i)-T BBIA PATArBCO FAMILI FLOCB. - f tZO i April S9-f ' ' vT. BOBT ABDBEW8. 1 rr Bent. ILFXA1T F.tUFMFST BOOH, for bn.ina J pMrjv-, tiD'h-r Ihi Hwigb aM'lrlal hank. Aieo a tirrt cla IU: I l.Ilu, aiiimnM r amia ble fi.7 a haiikm, Inimrattae or Imw Irofwoia tuv.wd for a few daya at th Bank. May I KBMrl t'AN.NLIi TOMATOPd, at De, tret arrved G ner, Bailee of ' k " , mi Marls U ' luvi ItiA LOT rJTSUBABCZ.. . Ailingtoa Mutual dt JuIFS 1 INSORANCE, COMPANY i 1 1 lut If -A !,;.': tit 1 n iJ !. i jiil ,i.i , ' r ! '-.. " ll A YlBOIaTA AKO BOUTHERK IfSTTTTJ ; no. Its Ftrsmi ' abb Ieept , - TBE SotTTB. - It BA8 MKT WITB i'. OtPBECEDEKTED SUCCESS. . 1 ITU F0BTVKE8 ABB ESTAB 1J8BEB BEYOND ANT ' ' . , .. S , C0NTIN0EK0T. ,., Th Company ha eajiita and seerki. Its habihty, that will euaipar lararably nili n Life luauraooa Cotupaay oa tb enetment, wluaiU ia th true Swat of teapwaibibiy. , . 1 It a afiair sr eauuoualy aduuniatered by anion 1 ttarUy. - . , .. . .. ' ! . it has eilillhn4 Us ataim te Boolhani IVres iv,jti.rJ.,,, . t,j imstH e virvmonu 01 twaiH.iiMiuutv ana BuauitoaB aa :.; k.t I I OVv, rittlT .."i' ,,' t'.'f " He't miTtir. '. JOHM H ',EDWARDa,it.i.j .f 11 ' "Willi 1 al A l d wion ranarnciri, .;,stflamatMt.i Wu. B, IsAAOt, ,.f fiUJ. Uamtwooc, ! 1 MBDIOALXAMIBEB," CHARLES H.BMIT11, M. D. 'T lbwiaf.avmsa, . -. amtuAi, aesarr, TL C Oabmu, '-'' U. ChAinettai WPicTORhj iTwa Johs Enders, ' ' Henry X. Ellyeoa, William F. Tavler. -' lA. Aaa bnydtr, f.-w aanaal CwttnuV ..-i H. B. tl. Baakevrtue, -.1 Joha Uooley, . , i nantuoa a lerdju,-, m Charlm T. Worth aat, Oeorg Jaooha.i ; ' , William Willi. irT t, W. AlUsou, "'.' EA A. Bmith, ii ' - ileorge A. pJImsrf Thoa.AkTae. V-: A1. ChookUiy, , 1 ttn JanueAnceW, , M Oi CahelL - Wsui B.M.Ouarlas7 5 J. Harlaoik.'-u W it. lyhw, e t, b 0, Winiam," A E. tVI ward, n ' Wil laan li vinr. A.V. WoIum, , , - A. P. AbaU, im f. . MojIoiL 1,1 , W. B laaocs, inn Jie B H. Dibrelf, Oanrg L. liulgotid. vVUaam M. Palmar,' V .mael M. FrieeT' S1 LitWls C. HEMKBi-'AejtV ,...-..' , ... Uxoevon. K. fJi' Jmm tAliB-tf . wvi ltlSCZLLAJIIOOa. i u , j Tlie Best .Eluod rurLner ia '. lite j 1 itr a ti 'it " !.. ,v V le .,t.i1 Mo1ni CELEBRATED"''' r c 1 in vAVt ';H' .-.,.., R ." .'!( K 0 A D A Ia I S , - " ' FOB THE CURB OF'""' , BCBori'LA,ijr iLiiTs roEtrs,1; -... . ( .;i, . ... , 1 1, 1 'if wit 'iirti'i. j i'i coysvMPTinit in tm uhly anam. , tni.A ii CM ILK I AAU I. LiLJL NA 1 1M , , Or 1IIK (i LA SDH, JUlNTlLBOM . ' tl VKH, KID UK YH, do ; '" ' MMISH, WH1TK BWKLL- , jjytt AVSiJavt STf AAV ' " i'Vlutf , , yifyjccTiOMs, hohm ktkh, OLtmoMCS. DIHKANKH PkUCLIAH 10 l&MALKS. ERUPTION OF TUE&KIN. tJ r . tfAJVAKdi Jdf HEALTH, , AND Ltv OTHER DISEASES CAtbED By fsa Impure Btatw of tke Blood. Th ftillowtiig, muaf many Aaniirrd' iF yu'r 1 t (itisvns, hastily to it ymtitrful tafwacy. ' ' , wv t.ae ' .',.',J-liU : tswi treruiumten, worn iruysuiiaoa, 0 Ws knew Dr. Lawmaas's Boaadella tote a sals and bbmabls Alterative, A., sad take ploaaur iu raourn mending it to the prufnaaioa and th mrbliff, ' ' :( - 11 'n' t- 'lb, moR, m.d.;'" a . i, M , , . a trn i'H, it. b.v i v .1 af-: Ju- :i " "J V A al vlhHrKAJXM..B, .;. H,vii'i-';- W A. ttUUtiAN, m. pr aiw - iji -i B. BAMNKiL M-'lA-'Titttia. 'WW Aiiiike, ainu, a, twi .. ,uv i. ainu, at. u., j ti J.j'iy-. i!k.if """'Jn " li, i;. ... r, jarv rth' eh" ; r ttt " r? .- n i I hereby certify thai ism perarmally scqnAlni ed with the ebove bsbmA Pliyeioeaua, and they sresU gsutlaesen of reptbiltty aud mandtag mthiaoommuuity... ... ., ., ., iV(a, , .i J( ! Mj.v. WAVin, Mayor w nufu, J..,V.,; : Th BOrlADALW tharoaetil enoVeato every kind of humor snd bad bun a, end reaturea th. aotir. mtim to a hMlthv aoiidiliiA. 1 . .,1 V IT 1 FEBFBCl'Lt BABMLLaS, never; yrouaciog tu. .ukiiiomi injury. ea. it ia not a Duoret guackBemedy. , The ar ticle, uf which It ia made era pnliiiaheii around saoh bottle, aud U i aad Snd ekir.d by,tb Leading Fhyautiaa everywhere H ia kuowu. .jt-., ntBrAUO fMH BT i ,',ti tiw! - -11 l . .i" ..lll. - J. X LA WHENCE, ii. D, Chemiht,, 0 , . BALTIMORE, 1Mb,'.- '.'.. . Lieol Wilson, North Csnilltm., f rani. iiMriN Uutfi.sf "! ' BVild wHoi,ni hv all the priniim WI1III Vk.I V IlklilllHTM In .1111. t.,...u aI... of lb l ulled tttatoe end linUeh Amenoa, and retail oy tmtgg'art everywhere, -i - , u -t 1 All letter ul wuiutry, Ae promptly smwareaVj Adureee . DIE. J.J. Iiawrpncft, ! ' .' SVI. PnfnHtv snd Mennrnctnrer, ; : g iiauovar Barest, UeHimurtf, MA iaa fl-ltS-ly .. , . . ... .. , ,.! F 108 SALE. ft . t u-ih TtdrtV-twa took Baaith'e Btfkwa. - ' -. . , . i.BB0'S. ,'i Baleigh, Mar J4-lf Wi h Bart Lew uv, i F OB BALE. - .,- , ., ,c ti I 1 good Mntoa, kmr Waenne snd s M of Rar. Apply to r UI(KW. IKIllUACO., JELLIES, NELLIES, ., . .... ...... I Iff. A 1 TTn.a . - " ' AS - TONBOFrVKfU. Lin. inn. ei diiai n n r 1,1, r gmauK1 imp irwx I Cnew-i'how and iieaiiiii, t - meiuije .art nwoin, , , . . . . ... . , iosnmKm' f fYi CASES CABBED frOODs, ' ' L,.tf ., ar M-tf , ,TOOI rH -V- gtbll OAtfl. t 1 .e Jtaiis 8a!t at Aprao-f - tPCHUBCH A lDll-i,; j 1 BARB EK8UI, lory " - p, Apr.lS-U JAiaa M TovfLr i. I B4Jt look out roa zasqa ij I l.4 tl i? fv,- 'frt . r S Hi fcAYvJa-YOUNG'S i n i ui ' iati -fj-Mil t-I nirmw it I 'til J M JJ.i's W'A.flii.K. 'Yttf 1Ut MiHda If lt . viOTYr? JCiflDDSu' Jaet Uecelrr A .OW PKlf r , Our baiBda ahali haail, aa abe.y an U.ey eaa ba bought at auy mh. 1 , .m. '' I 'w. .1 - . t. tt ) - tr fViiin 1 BAJKGAlXa WILL WJ GIVEK i .W A PBIAT Jtt l? to 1J( 1 Aad all DBtHft OOOMfin i---.i-tuei.' '"' A good eiiwk of i. m. Me) I $ M Vn,.JI,l, ,1.4 0, L.in.ao., 1 ASthealdataaaVu ! (v.,im,t 4 ' - - S tf. XOl'Ml, EX- - -as ,- - 1 -- --r-,:.; 1 GAMUT, YOU AG SUOTT. 4 CO. He, W.rrea nnA Mamr hu., ; 1.'1Jil, ...! ,1. ,t .1-1 i,! 'I ' . ' li'im "-KD'OOXBSOBt TO '1 fJ ' - 1 S-UiUi ,l'ttl il;lll .ill lUtniBAtD TOrSG. GAEHETTdCo. V tiii X34 tittl Ivt 4 H rt'i r. j.-;,; "t .1 lpmv?,"rWtJ-. - wi hH l)lm!t i'.tf.ABD J 1aU 1(dl nun """PESitEB K-OTT A CO"'" ' "t7-'HFKEWABE1iV, " hi !iui'''i . , , .1,. .M 1 " t Mfffii it 11 r.(:I jtllihrii J fl , I iL.ij r-a.n .H1, EitettslWl Hattajfiieta '! An --.aii WkAleaale D3lerf la I tllil te ! at.il iti.illl - Bt .i li 1 M LaVK'a AATD,Boys' CLOTmNd fc--tW.tL -bLl:''vA 1 2 lf ' t,h , , t:.w. OAHKErr, v A. a BRAFFB, tXt EDEN YoUNtt. A. 1,. bOOIT, S Btav lA-IHiil WWl J.V,. At, VAAUUH 'A,, j 1 ii.iii,i,i,i,i,i.l, :i,'l,.il ,.i t AWrrv-IIYMAlV C4.,' deBtMl" i'ormalssloii Merclsanfii; - ROT .1 EtCttAJfOE PLACE, " " " i a ei nwaa 1 ataw aAMf ' .Ti '1uIumii t ''ihpt'l-4J.tf.,,!,l '' 'MW?i-iij4 i,t I', JK3CEUASE0U1 ilrr "WESTBROfiK & CO." B" j 6 t ii, '1 i-1 i- .l ui Viliil Mi w.-i'l lil ij - j PBOPRIETORSiOP'J'THE AdM' drttui J ln iKfl tio Ime ';.. 1 f WESTBEOOK MlltSEEIKS, ' -vwi sv..Pi 4f-m iHrM rf.ii m ' i G IlICliN rSWO UO.i, O.i KEEP eoustsntly on hand, during the planting sesaua, a apleudld lot of ) CH0IC2 TEIUT TEEIS ASD GBAFE t, t'ant ...! ,vtvy.' k: -:"'' i rtn -ut 1 (! . , -1 1 ..i ii.ij.'r ' which they offur very low, fur oaab, or good pto duna, MUBHEBT BTOBE,' en" Waahrngto fWreel, where pairona will rcuiv prompt attention, miUltuelM.ef AuriL heud stoma for Catalogue,' end Wbolessls trie. Lst of 6rapa Vm. ; ., ,H , ., ' Addraaa, , I...; u x WE8TBR00K A CO. ' ', - 1 1 " ' iL,BBteO, w. -T ,,., v.! ..!. 1 AAAobbs t. :- ,t t Af N.. fi iBuslniws Plre4ory ;. s i ' BHANION eV JONES. , -r.;j :,"SrttVESSOKS TO , . , ,. .., Branson, t trrar A Co., , ; CoKTINtTB THE BOOK BFRrNEfS AT THt 'iiu .tend, nnar 1 ui ker Had, aud still kep os send a supp'y of , di f.'i;aU(7X5 AND STJ TIONKR Y, 1 " .at reduced prine. ,...,., 1 t Coaaigannie of aeormil baud Law snd Alia Balluiome tlmika aiiliiH ed 1 ' r'tfttoular atteuwos a"l to ardent.: . ( biuiNsoN A JOKES, , 1 JsnMIM-tf ,:. i-. . kale igo, M. 0. ! IHIIM. Tl IT A UK "'AT' WIIOLC4LEl h! rlr'.fl.-il-'W-if 'lit '0.n--i'-l Vt"V. ...,. f tAllOK 1.0T OP TIN W1RK ON HANO X n1 ctxiHtavntlr ttinviuug. wbU'b will m mtiii ml Oft-w it fit rniv.riFi - "i " : MaVwrinl tewf-i fvo4 workBUwritp tuur;ta 4. Ttw n(irltrriil ! tXHhJaoiina ft JSii-tlH OAHOLINA t-N i kKJ'UliSJb, mm! ih ooi rUO Of Nl IIIWU Ur'l4nl, H M bV ftTMilnf viMayall uf Um bteiv a) ltd iitowi tmfrrrvtMi nitwlilifry lrHin-d t ftll orflr I I IS ViAlM mu4 CAn nkm li tm,rf)lr i-qnal tt tli iVmuid. ( . ..Mej-iBil your arjljMh. iU Imj ffuinniatwL 1 will tnkr- ftUa kind uf (Jk.j prixlurt itieE-lilUipr tW li" Wlr 4Viii '..WtHHiArlr bnTt, Ml vr mwt. M Mmvtii,M t tvirff nil Mrit uid vTill py rath tor mmiii, om-u prtrtttrrctt, i rtttfiriior t PrK InMi wkI iniiftr vtii ymi iirtlnTn 1iaIa 1 wri.i. Ttt a ib riiiu. . . 1 wi 1 rH i fMfituiiy tm liAiiis it'wmI ftMori aitiTf :t-jeMMj 9rr, baw.' fftUttt. ftul ut pera fT ptiaH oinvh. fen 4 aui wtl rK,li .n,ftwlWlfllMf.i,(;yrtt,- . UiiU-wrwM.a- ttugHrs, Hugitrs. A LOT OF BBFlN'f D NUOATlt, la barrela. A, .) , j. i , 4 oat riw-iveii iiy j Alril -tf ti t llllUU AVOVJi, tii iLrouD UM) aoexcy or 1" kortii c.i:oi.ii, 1 TAKDHOLtERS WTfO'Wl.- ii TO hf.LL J " 4 ! , i AgHrnltwral r Jtlnvritl I amrls, nsirr t-oteert, Pi in, lata ' ErfH, or Iteal I.alute if aay kind, will And It to (hir aiirantag to po. uww )mnmnj ia awr nasMie rnraia, tie uav K'r.i ta. 1. 1 no Cor procuring purche aeVa h all aui'b prwjwnv. i liikiar tofcinaiMiin, airtrv-ea ' t t ; . .. M , JhO. B.GiiErou, -' ?-' t.;:::::;:. i ftv FPTt TrtH?M,v Agelrt, Biuh, M.'c. j .WOhtee-nW4"r Of-"-.. ,,..? hnuffl I" ri i . T. ALAKf. Ai.ii L.i .. eupil', iu )arie and area! t'd !ni. tu uatm iij I" t tl ... e.l ina-1'i.'a.;; uitr'e fohl-MH-nti " , VfM JOTK.iACX). ' Tti.t. v. -t-?i. rnrt .1) at. a . let, sti a m llupub, mace. u. u l--t Vl.fcl .I.VI-ti hHiH -! iX Kit K 1 l ; v." riivisi thai Bvoruiug. A - r aia, oc he'd. ... W.U.juitU, r At TuSN- rr-' I w. A A I. awi- Ap'U ii-U li lt a 11 '.t 1" 11 L t-'rt -i ' r- A a a. A . ..1 1 . 1 11 i c r .. v.- i' .'-l.. i ill 1 it.M t hi n r Of MA. It. A v.TF Uiasguj in' il i v4 if in, i krrkvita, ktitj iirjvtj u. - t Ui J 114 llllie BnEUMiu liU t"Ulh, Iff fcii U.M I, r-' lrl"'! lit iN-i ( 11 Hi:, Vv , o-i i -it, ri ai.f ii. ((j In.jh tir Uvr Im.i, vi4i; im ;Hfiiti imu tAAA Ai,l-'jrti en-i , f (tto.1 Wtj (t,u k 1 Th Great It... f mi ii o u t t; . i . . , i ia th Short Line fte Kim,,. ,i C.lred ae Ap duwi .-ir , , ... f , takeB by anotner liome I 'll'e Ineur. your jma'tit t nr: I easi inland Air Line ( .... ere to mark your fn-igi ( ,.( j Agent, INirteBtuttta, Vs., or c.ty i i ii.m.ii1, ai saava A.J Jiwhi, a t.. j aa luikne !..-.-, .j v . ! -! I c FK0M BObTOX;. Meri-hanta A tl inetr'm 1 in. aiJ .r . i.. i -a awu W Li tg " 1 V t U ISA HlVfcr, lM) J'- f , tUwaBWioh hV Our. iwy i A. ,.i ,1 ,,..! , From j'Kiu: :j;::a: ' rri'd AMiivuiri-Rri-, ) i .... l Raliiiiinie 1m imi, i ( ; 6 i .. (i . J4 h. ileiawara Avenna, ii. 1 i ., , '" ''ll'liOM BALTi ... ; ' i BallhtMir ttim t l.l c ., .. ra, Foat Uniua ! , U i , IValuttan Mvoi iwt to, ltvu ,.!J aUvn-ii ! ... :1 Atgl-ofllMf ;! ! ifuknd fttlut this a- t r,,, i 0t4wditie fc iasac . '1 1 ,. - wXi.H hv.r1rf E0 dikiiy . . . , V ''! frlriburV Hfr' ' Oiaeiiwlruro . t i .v . . , , . fj. ' ltiVi k ll . . e. .,.,..,,,, Arrive i i!tiU,Kra ,: lU-Ave U'-1 .ii.Jio'. ' - fttllttit-li ....... . i, tiii-Ht M)irQ , , " fe.l-.Mf J Arnft Hi iiinjawue TlirOt;: b pit Ft tt .!,,- ! ! rmiitMi ttfj sti-i . ;'(, or luii i ii ... , , IMi'Uiii, ftji'ivifttf ml mil c -ni.tii K.t m iiitj EtA. i t .i in,,., t.t i i .. CofUHi, Utsfl Art 1: - ut t i fftot trttifH ON An! it-n, Htta i v. : I , , D.itwt)i on A, a . , o, i i J' rrt lit n'!i Mvt .ii ! it i y t -i ft'lit ','Q o i'. f r:jt-m a.:,-. btCMir wyjfM, IaI iJAjiiuitJi t ft. . tX'f i P s, Lu vti . c. . GWY'X, coitl:,- i i . Cotton tac.o ' '" AV- Ccncrsl re : ; iu5 nut u,.,'..,-t , pir'!' ..-,-IIAIlI'. " . , SW l.iti-te', K.iMwiuiA i ' . .i t Ciidm e J, ,r itivr. 1 1, a.. ... , i f, 1. fell tl. (teu. Vi.iu r Ui iii , , I i Bum n, N a - . e 0 S-oil9wj4n e, fyJ HAMi. UlaeaGnblcia, Tiint Bde.h,Mr IB tf AB'rTHKK (, J-t-t V MA Mi, At "j A I. i I 1) vvntr : i i. Alar i- of ... 4 -. . l or r.i TCKllAM OhlJ.(l 1 A.' Vi. 1 1 . .!. AIM l-,lf A". U i I... grsvsia t-rrti V win ftfin fur. or iurc"li rtk u ob arrival, i 8VH BdOk Hl.d. M,vpa, 1 . mm While tik J.ml ' (i.i iimI VihilaO.ik Hi .idiiK. ' i . aikilafi.srttM0.avea, I ,. 5ii,ld Kuite I. i t J ,u ' ' The White I lak t-t . i i. , ti V. :. Oaivi.dajiao.iO ae tn..i nn - . ed Hate, tnim ih.-j.i . -r w .1 illiilai.aiiaii., aii.l lot . . r : . . Slav., pa.'l"i, lnri.i ! i. I 1. .1 1 I . .1 1 Marl-ir ' rioni4 t at iuiit v. ' llV received A ,' l, ' e MA-I'fACJ lilifcu an. I ,... iH ail biaaiie. ' Ordure h any qnmi. 'v 1 In ' I'.rln. havii g y .,r ,,, eliip aa, as many aau he :t,U, AiWlJl 8m 0. T. W. C El -Grocer ' and Con - 1 , ' ' Jtarktl fi,,uarf, Jt !, v. Order, for airei.,, Bmsa to Jno. O. w.;:.. ,,. a ( ., (atin,,al Bi,k, Bah ifcU, h. C. Apru IS U. , , I r SiHo. I.. Nivtrnff,, Ojound I ' :, ! ; uit iu.i..i. . - w. 1: .t -f irrh IS tf A i- n A CAkDlth! fA.VHt.il At , . T tier l"t tf If 1 XA.v.tg, uia tied y. C fit A -HI T, If r ' A".,rnev t;;i C iiai TV., :... i-j 1 .- I i t. to - tnis wr.UiU ks iiieae. His Weakows . a t J AprMf IIVHCKCH A DODDA : 1. i

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