- ..IS. t a every day, neeft ....... ...I'OB ;,... 4-w .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.....,-,-- K'i-;iji iue ye.ar Ml MHHiiii,- - 'J'" el, fUr vt-ef. . ..,,.....,- I . I.U I tSKATOM GALES. i .Ml," I iH JAY. ilAl" , 1S68 Si TV y, . i.- At 1 i.:iVAl& HUT WTO JUS I'MOJf. : i hk" il the', comutoa i purer . a J -nous Ijwak of tlx Stats being i J I j Congress end Bhea. hd rufttiiiimite a lmitted. . A we Brtdtw- s..Ji.e CVun.Hutiuo, tli Btate tea aever J a "o,.t of the Union," but tbo-ecftoa of t : bus nhU her practically aa . i :i w cUiat siu-os sodjorsiga- era, v- . ut the tarn time they have ben if'''.':. ) to i rf irm all lb function of eit- -Vp and of f. tty to tli ;nTeruinril I e ! ' ' u iu (liu IUtustructiqa , ia hy do mean plsia or easy of core .' a. Ileuce difference of opiaiui - -'. in i'j construction. ' The common idea uux L., that Un dj after !) Coagr !.!! aunomice its approval of Ibe BeW C kUtion, agreeably to tbe ordinance of 1!, ( . "Tf tbe Elate officer elected tin ! r (be new Constitution shall be installed, and in J.oe tUys thereafter the new Xegisbv ture ia to convene. Then ao eapn m the Lc. '..V.ur lb nil adopt tbe Howard Amend- HiUit, Lcr representative and Senator on taking the required oath," will be admitted and the "Etuta gelt back Into, th' fjnloa." It Hit Ilea strictly oorrect according to the reconstruction Acts I. .Lotus seal ,' Tbe law in tlieeaaeitoontalned fa (he Btt an J t t. ft. tide of th Act passed by Coax grew, liana I, 1887. It reeds tbua : ' f Bca S. iliui further maettS, Thai when 'he people of aoy on of eald rebel F'atea (iiall bave ionned Conatitntloa of (-"VfTii.nrnt in t onlormitji with the Coaetl tui.on of tbe United Btate ia all impact, Irumud 1T a Cimventimi of drlegateeelected by the tiiuip citixeoiof aaid State, twenty ,uf s old and upwardi, of whatercr race, coinr or prt-vimia csonditlon, who bave baen ri'a.d' i.l in auid fc' tste fur on year prerioui to ihn i!-r of such eloctioa except aucb a mar 1 1- - iiitncli'iMed fur partluipatiow ia the re 1.. . hi, or lr ivloor at common law ; and i i. n ir h Ciiuatitutiua ahall prorkla that the ,.,e liancbiae aball be enjojtd bp all Mm h 'H a bar the qualification hrr in k i I. elector of delegate ; and When, mil ti'iintutlon shall be ratilled by toa J " " T rd the pemoni Totlnd on th qootUoi hi rn.it,-aioii, lioare qualilled m. eleetott ..n! aM ; and when sucb Constitution .'l be ml mud by a majority ol the persona y- ' on tlieqacstion oi ratiflcatioa, who t - 'icd as eloctu.t for delogatea; sod I U C'onetitution ahall bar erp . d to CoiiL'reia for eiamination and nivul, and Con irteai shall bar approred n .m ; and ' when tbe said Btate, by t in Lf'Hlatiire, tbxted tinder aaid linn, l iuUl bare adopted tb asMnd t to tho C'ouatitution ol tli United , propottrd by the Thirty ninth Con 1 1. :iwn article iutirteen; and i U: ui la fciiuil becom a part of tli i,-tinui'n of tb United Hlates, paid e i-' i'I be declared entitled to repreaeo- n in ('i' -'', end Seoatorsanu ep utiv fluid be admitted therefrom, oa ir tukii ? th oath prescribed br law: TUSCOKDIl -V OF 0X2 09 OCu . , .unmix. . . ; W bar sex J hurl ail .-J to tti (act tttat tbe nn, touitio I en caii last year and (he ed ! tax, bad I rokeo ap sumljer MpUw r or fu ced t. to adijt very raall arrangeuienta for aaotbar csop. It was with ta prrlet difficulty that aany otbeta eoabl raia oay tuemgk cut o( tb crop U pay tk asawckaaU tor adtaaea of brtilisMS aa4 fMorisiaM lor l e jmratJJl!j lU4Cf tniagi jptn. Ud eereeelf xa laborer aad asada mi atom plaater rxceeJiogf; ebary ia regard totjsatbjwrai noi .sua z-j&i :.- Tho, kowever, wk still bad credit were emboltleoed to make aaotber caort to snake wer encouraged by their frirada to hope far a eoatiaoaae at their eoaaVf, to tb tx teat that aaeaaa abotltd Hot beUrkiaf taaf- ford Uteai prorUWaa, Aa, ,iri i aiturk regret U km eard tb ajaxiljrltMi Jew daya, -that partial wbabad 4etrrmnd W make adrance to ptsoten and others who bad seat saoavey tU iLwtla isb State, siaoV tb adop tion pf the aeaa OautKatiae, bad beeosa alarmed aad had dataMtiBI e withdraw tblftr'u'fckns from Ok fVate." Va bop tber ia a fonmlalina for the atataatal. to an) eiuf Tbatsadiag of oor peophr de pend bihmi the suoreas ol lb prrsrnt prop, and the lolur aJjHity f tb popk to au tain tbrniflns ami to upport. tli gorera nieiit. rwiulro, the preaent rei, f al t"V am If oar farmer are to be deprived ol tb meaa at wakinf tb crop altar it 1 planted, ao one caa aatnaala tb aawiut of anbring that mast lellow ' ? . ,V )oa e.aolino ia tb proper cea dactof tb gorernmeat, will, of oar, work great erila, but to. long a tb people an worthy ot eoofideao, w eaa as mo reason why that con Ud once should sot con tinue at least , for a ; tiiu. ( A,. graroeat badly axlialnlatered cannot aUact to peo ple's Interests teriooslj. in a da ar a year- It fnjnirea Urn for any goTernsneat la pro duce either good or bad reaulta. Indeed, our paovl bar Jaaraad b pl9a tea mach reliaoca, a(1, refereno Ja j tbrir domestic condition - upon tha gotarnment A good goremmeut Well adtnlnWUred,' aa do but litlla for iodolaBt, thrift penooaorlor tdioa wh exhibit aa skill tui and then Hud therealler the preeedioir turns ol tins act almll be inoperatir in said !HN. l'rovidi?d, That no pcrmin included lroni tlie privili ge of holding efllc bt said ami-nitiin'iit to tli t'orntitution of the I inicl Mutm thai) b li;iblatq!: lotion an a hk mlicr of the Convention to Irani t .'' : ul ion lor any of snid rebel States, nor ,, i finy s n h jicrwin rote for mi inlx'rs of stii h t i-HviiitioTi. . ,i i - . i - ' ,; f . 6. And Ih) It further enacted, Thai u,. 1 I'.? l.i-oplo ol arid n-hel Btate shall be I ? 1 sw ailinit'c 1 to r I'KHciitiilion la lb Cur. . i ot the Lulled b talon, any eiril la the tnaaterhent bi their affairs, aor caa It -da Koch for tha inditttrioua aad skUUV only after year of sound policy. Hot aaa a bad gorem merit badly adminis tered seriously affect th lotereau' of good people, only, after year pf persiateoo la bad measure. Our pecuniary eondltion, depend mainly upon tha eAort of Indl- rlduals, Erery tna la (be maker ol hi own fort line, and haoaly if a wlesman who determines to raak th best 04 a bad caa aad do hi daty if the atari tUb'.Oar tael Ings and our hope may bo snaeb aflected by the political ooadltioa of tha ooantry, but this seed aot ssak a eeas oar toil for bread or abandon tha principles sod practice OlTlrlua i,-. , ... - '-t I'uvt itimciit wincu may exist tiiereia mail Lu dm.iucd iirovinional only, and in alt. ro- sc is nuhiict to tli parauiouut authority ol t e l i-1 '''it prates at any ttm to abolisb,' ii i i , c n i rol or supersede the same ; and in ' i ;ions to any otFiceundrr such tiro- .. vi- i t'uvcriiuients all persona shall, be n.:. :. d to vntu, and none otbcra, who are ei' ,:r 1 to vote under the provisions of the Ms Ii Mon ol tins act; and ao person Shall lice .Me to ant oiuo tin (IT suca provts ion I vuvprniiiimts who would be disqnsli- Hi'-t to-m nomine; onic tinaer wo, prori i..u ot tii third article ot said coustito tional aim-ndment.', '-r. t J; It niit 't strike every reader II I siogufar provision of the Congress and of tb Con vention, to cloct officers "under a Count! tu i i. in, bi tore a State has a Cooalitution.- That is our position at present,' and ' must cn'itin'ie so until the Constitution U rati ih;d by Coni'resa. Moreover, said efllceTS can eniy . ; f nub a pnmUimtl "go?am irent in K n ili Carolina andcr the new Con sditi'.;.. u, until "the ponpta of the robo) 6tati- shall be admitte( liy law 'rcpro K'nl'ili.m in tha Congrra of Iho United y ' - .-.r ,-; . Jl - ! ' N rf, I lhit some time niont elapse, without a ann n hm nt of the TJeconstructioa Aft IV a-. If, before-that ran be done. - Mark the I'h 1 j of the law. First, the people of tiio "rtlicl" Hlates Binst form a Const tuli'in In conformity with tli Constitution of t i L niitd Stule. , It lb new Coastitu tion for North Carolina strictly . ia accord vtHhtlie U. a. CoaHitulioaf Tba-4hnt Cuu -v.ilutuin mnt be spproved by Congress; then the tiegiKlKture must adojH tlie now aid aiiundiuunt But bow Caa ill Legis lature ol a r-tnti, which has no rrpresenta tive in Congress, and therrrof, according to t' a ILTonsttniction Acts, not in the l i. 'ii, fake part in amending tbe Constitu tion (f V i United Slate! Btft still ai ' r d'.illculty : "And when said article hive become a part of the Const tlo tion i f t'.e I'nit. d Plates, said gUte Lhall I i- . ' 1 C .- - - ',,!.. -, .. t til ; " aim i J n pnti Now it i p!iin,nnder this law, t admit into the Union any i" i-. it until tbe Howard '! 1 i7i t.ii ome a part of th i f ; . I lined Slates, Bat the TT lies, secordinrj to the -, nijnt be reckoned as sp : nn amendment to the "1 i I J ! ilea, until S'dd I to be 10 lii Union - If v ! t ' v I I t ont I V, 1 7, i ! I . i M Hi to tr-vinr, or elf; f I ,v,. TUB OrriQUl V0TM. -Sr? Ws hare net been able to add much Ao oar table for tbe reason that tb full official ret front -number 'of Counties baa ant coma to band r Mora Majorities are oaly partially satisfactory' It It nrobablo that th oorrect return will not he snad ap aa- tll received from Oe; tJanby JTha gain of tbe Cnnat-rvauves Upon lh average Radical and Conservative " vote snada np by the Btaxiari, Iron tbe t ot en tb Cooreotton, bate been larg in many Coantiea, but- aot sufficient by considerable to defeat lbs Con etttatmsfT t ' - ' v - We thiok Ibe Constitution has ht-ea csr -ried j the ote, and tb failure In) vol, of many whit peraoo ia the Bute, who ar aot llaillcala ka sentiment, aho do not aanctioa th doctrines aad prltwtfda of tbe new Constitution, Hat who were dmibtluf .( .. -. '. ! .. " ' ' as to tu uost policy, aaa many wao wave anxious Air a settleriHsul of our ' dlfficaltiea. fearing won coueuoncev w or '- ' We ra an very easily bow aien. can, qui etly submit to a system or measure roroad upon thAaVVlfcli tboy ebllrely disftpiov, but how a maa fan saaiotaloj -ffMxf pea acience or preserve bis ooasistency, to vote for those measures Which he' beliew to be wrong and unjust, to avoid a gvater evil. we cannot as well tindersta id. , :, t , .s o ii i i ii m i ai i ii l l-v'.- -A BixMiasTKiK. Tbe 8talevil)e .daises eon tuggesU to tb coming Leglatature, the propriety ol electing Gov. Worth United BUIe Senator because of hie Wng tried Unlori prindres! Our Ontemporar Is only Joking. It u tras that body could do nothing which would better Illustrate Ua ioa principle, than the- electinw a Oor. Worth, but by so doing It Would Ignore It owa principle. True, bonmJUU Uabm me bar long been at a discount with the Radi cal party. Such secessionist a Rodman, Cantweli and other leader ot th Radiaal party ar far more acceptable to them than each Cnioa aia a soaathan Worthy Bed ford Browaj Ijlathj Boy duo aad others. 1 &&r0lCTI0S8 SKYK& UU ' MACK- - WA ID. 4. ' ' - -. TuU is a old saykj, f und,. 1. ,11 ! tory. and tro Si it is oh!, Ti.c f'-'o'-im whiib was U u at lil ba.iut box, Uel weelc, ia si til ia inoirms wid k eowrm will eoutinae smware. Maoj that voted for the! tnlamous (Lenstltntion, now, ao oouJv, detply fegret it, aad would vwt otherwise if ii was t da mr ga. The ball i still ia saotioe and will continue to roll ea. The ailad ot the prople raarnjt subside nfo apathy ia tbe asidat of auch atartling wus atxnsiiies that aadaagsw iktii liini'li digrae their iamiliea, with other aatobi evils that meat 4blbw - the ajnptioe ot tbe intsBMMM Ooestilntioa 1 It Is impoasibiet Tbe beyioBiBe; was a gaedsr al though the people failed, for want of time, to reecae the State, tbt-y did and gaioed mack ; they bare txea aretiaed, uJ 'aiade aware ot tie isnpeading danger, which, if tbey, ia tbe Brat tnstaace dm aot escape It, aave pameo Iha bto aad Vili, kveytiiesdfttiM to resist it eooaeqaearca ia future, by persia teat effort aad courage. The Legislatare, which will bave tbe Making ot the law, is aow tha bulwark to which the people are to look tor protaeAioa j and It rvmain to be aaea, if tin bady,"whictr wiabe emtrolled by radicals it is isue, but jsy.h IsrgaCoB servatire element of talent aad auinberr, will BBfosa to aaactioa what la fcnawa to tie tk de lira of lb great body, of rti white people of lit Mam. It. they do, Ibis will ailil to th luomeirluia of tbe'revolulumary ball, aad send it eouraiag with greater va pidity In the downfall of . lUdicalism ia Nuri b Carolina. ' There is aotbUg mors certsia than I hat the Hndica.1 p trty, o-hb poardaait ia chit C v! V rout mfniea, wbb such a bust lor a tloldea, tik a frail bark at ws. most en to pincee amidst the storm of public rxlium, lof lw cort option aad w!ckaloiw, and Ifolden and hi pirate www, hwt iNt the breaker nt pablie wrath. Wuite men, aor proper thinking nrgmea, will eoatinua ai oard each a era ft. ' Tbea eourage, fellow eitizeoi of tbe Btate, and renew your energy for other conflicts at tbe poll 1 Jteatna with those who have bam led asUar. br whatever influence, and bring them to tbe truth a revealed la Con- sarvatissn Liberty and JustioeA-Adstsssias WpaWPaWiBB -Jt'iJi'M 1 - is ... 1 1 .... V Taa Nbw Paovoet Copbt. We pub. Rfih the following aotice at aa tte'ni of acwa. at we Cud It in the last Chariot's pncrwt, which we had pot aeea before : , . t . r Owns m Paovoet Cowbt, f ' Raleigh; H. C, April JIISOS. f Th following rule are aaaoaaea for the rovernmrnt rf this Court, and will be changed whenever It may becotne Beeeasary. i st. au piraiiing - will 0 redacad to writing aixi awnra to, statinr sa- aa few words at possible tha causa of comnlaiat icd tn represrntatioa in and th reply to the tame, which will close . ... H.l. 1 1 . . ti 1 . toe iimini ia mi am cmara, - Sd. In criminal cases, aa affidavit must b made stating h cause ot complaint. 8.1. Tbe coat charred by the Cterkt ot th County Oourta will be charged ia all ease in th is Court tor th Clerk and Sheriff, or other r tli err ot tbe Court. ' Win. R. Kichardeoa it hereby anBouored Clsrk of said Court, . - Jomt T. Dawitir", rrovost Judge, : , .Till Wheat Chop. The general repmt is that the w lir&t crop ia our count tea Wext, it wj " j. ,iS : V'V;.;-.-. '. 1 ' The rctarat of the veto la North Caroli na verv clear! v cataUiab two tacts. Tbe first I that the negroes cannot be depended eo for any material aaniitanca li lefeating tha Constitution, and the second and most important Is that the white men need stronger aad more direct appeal to tbeir sense of duly and soil preservation than can beoOBveyw! timing the ordioary channels of political inflaencA. The result ill Caro lina It as astounding aa disgraceful,. Thai State ha passed lato th hands of the lUd ical plunderm wholly by lb fault 01-tlie wmtea. it Baa bcea seen that toopular ex citement, mast meetings, and public ad dressee, while Unmans aids toorKaaiaatioa. oannot anperssdo that vital necessity. It win aot on to n-iv upon tbe natural India nation with which every honest man would reeotl from the rule' which, is threatened. Many have ao meant, or aeirlcct the oppor tuaitios, of informing themselves. There ar thousand of voter In tha State who read no paper, know bothlng whatever of taa ttroooaed 1 onslilut ton 1 whose hearts are U tue right plane, twt whose Ignorance reai Hts tbeia wbully Iniliff jent to tbe mo aseatooa atruggt which I opening, and upon tha Issue of which bangs th pro port ty of tha white people of tbe Btete." - They cannot die reached by ordinary means. As we bavtl said, they take bo pa per, they Would nt, attend f thaf puhlk Oieetiugs la aamO eases, kftd would hot oppertunitynt e( being luformrd. We mast an arranee a to th runt knowledge apeo tBea We Bint eraraaiaerttiorouuiilf so mat tue committtcea ami sujxiriutoi.it ata, with their auhordiaatct, shall be a'de to communiiate with every man in their nv speetlve d 1st riots, to know the Mta of Sack iBiUvidaal. and apply to him sack Infbieuc ss may ue wecestury, , Every voter liinld le sought out and the queion uotil lie pushed home its him. - d)oennR-nt should be provided, Conservative papers should lie clrculateii, personal eniUavi r should vhi urougiit ta far, evea tuoUKB Uw. anil money have to lie samiCcatltoailvaemneiit if the cause, and the eve ot rlrcthm should flad the IVareMnnirtrVrrVm hi tonaed aa to the strength onhn l(,l,iteao "" iur, swimi., ,i'fMwMon strict, complete in every iletail, is the ,le meat, negWet'uf -Which vrt-cnsrirc,,ns 'de fcat. If that le SMglecweV or' salmrdhialed to popular demonstration, we shttll'liave hi record of Tirgiala, at Ub ' tlie' une!;!ww prise and tb aame last Indignation oliciied by tbe reeolt in North Carolina, that her sob have thrown away their freedom. Let it be area to Ihcn, immediately, that the 000 n try diatriota are canvassed and organ iaed promptly ami perfectly. ' With little expenae Bed labor it can lie fully aertai. ed what vote ia to be di-prwdvU npoa ai everv precinct, and with that iiiloruition we Miail at Isiist eaeafw jtliif; .fnhi:;ut' .Jttir aeigb bora 1. A dlsasssr anei pansml and vs Whelming a a lhundej-U.lt Ijtiio ' a 'clear heaven.' Onrauizu, organize, Bud all other mesas ot lettoraeci awMruiWhtees. . atiUires. Ae., will be made areMy ff.tlve f Vers- oary Jnde. TAUtXAB STATt ..sl. ElBCTIOB DuTklCTB,, 1 I -.t "ii .va 4i-ij;ivj Tb New York Wtrtd has wn aldii 111m" aitioa of the liistory ' of iuipi'-achntcnt in England, Franc and United State, In whicb a striking parralle) It exhlblteil,, Reactive participator to tboae scones ra Kurope c'sme to a bad and,'-. Tha Wmrtd taytf : That tha ImpeachioaT tinrly 'b'taiMtilB tlonally incomplote Ua the, impeached party baa beea aaaidiKnsiyslri)ipudnf, hi power as an officer, and aai!luondy aa tailed ia fait character ami snotivea a man; that hi jndge areia-' finvt part pre enmmlttetl by resolution to bin guilt J anil that the assault on particular; fsecutive ha Wo preceded "by. anJ is arcompaniod aritb, oVolaraltoea agaim tlie further exia teooe of that trovernammtal power in gener al are circumstances ia this impeachment that existed with the minutest exactness (n tbe times of the Gromwelliaa war aad the French Revolution. Bach n exactnp, it b) evident, ninut be more than Coincidence and cannot b other than nt the essence of tbe procedure itself. With such an entire correspondence ap to tb verdict, it i aot altogether problematical what a cneviorina may lead to( aad if here, also, history ia to repeat Itself tbe jndge ia this present esse will go dowatothe tame birnmy. as tjie men ol the Ismg rariiaraent and tbe asau sin of tha Natkmal Ijoaventioa of France. --ti - "" ' ' '-'- '." i lfr. Krarta, whoa speech ea tbe imnearh aent trial will take its place among the greatest display of foreaaie eloqaeoeO in thia or aav other ace, ie reported to have stated, ia reply to the suggestion that K vu somrw hat curious that ao prominent afr-ader of the Republican party should become one of the President's detendcrs, that, among other th intra he desired to save that party from suicide. lie regarded the Conviction of Mr. Johnson as the death-blow of th er ganiratioa to h ii k be was proud to belm-g, anil ne was onnnit to ssve it, it poiible, from a policv that cnnld tucce.'J on!? to destroy, II aiiMjt,n Ksjirxm. -4 ., 4 liurk and McDowell, I'olk and Rutherford, Miu bell and Ysaeey, ioncomlje, ikladiseo. t 11 e a l ersoa Ti-ansr Irani. Tat kson aad Jlsy wood CliTokoe,.: tlaj, and 1 Maeoe, . - AHeirhanv.' Ash. ) Horry, Vad ki B and Watauga, ';:.'," ) Alrwmlor, CshlwaH, "lewtell aod Wilkes, Rowan and Davie. ' Ckv.4;wJ,.v: Caiawl, OantoB,--''"" --. Uaioa, 1 1 ..,. (aliarrwi, '- ..- ' Btsnry. J ' r ".-- ; Htoluavir '-Xh-.'.- -Kwreyth -ic lav1dson, if,: 7; Ritndojph, Yl i 'A Guilford, J . Itorkinirham, ' Caswell, '-- A lam snee,' ' 7 Peiaao,-:-, ''j'l Vat ge, Chatham,'-'" V' "" Wake, ' ' . ,;' ; Oi-anvilh-, War ran, franklin. Cnmberlantl, Uaraett, stoore, Montgomery, Uichutonil, Wayne, Johnston, Greene, Wilton,, ; Nash,-. Halilax, Northampton; EdjCcouibe, , Lenoir, Brunawich, CrHumbus, uolH-son, Bladen, New Hanover, Dttplh, UanilMiou, iTyrrollaud Washmglon Martin, 1 Borne; Utatrprtt, Oaten,.-. - -4 Chowan,- ' : Perqulmaut. .'" '' Pasquotank b CamJeB, Uravea, Onslow, Carteret,. , Jonoe, , , llaewfort, ' Pitt, Hyde: w i:' AversI Repub'cn Vote. ' v 184 mi CM 1,334 30 -4S 678 . i.m .,1,11a , i.i" l,23 748 xm ; -1 i ' 1,117 1,734 8.91 3,416 l.twa ' " 1,809 1,004 729 C3 47V 144 , 1,801 1,088 739 068 708 2.55t " 1.473 i.C'iS 1.101 97 , 468 1,68 1.113 9,014 1.006 t28 -" . 774 ',787 , ..607 440 ' BiW V 851 . 1,8ns S,80 854 M9 ' 630 M4 1.428 ? . 563 78,099 Averau Coaseiv. ' Vote- 410 f 81 i.-eas ', 5 r-(Ml.l 1 J'i- I.1J1 iif. 5 ' 8t .''' Ht '; ...t Alt ' 849 ' 4t " 37 AOS 114 173 - iS38 ,i,fli - t,ll6 8?4 " 834 41 781 i-J.813 .t S4 ' 7a 790 ,844 808 537 867 189 820 use 846 885 4M M0 ' C.4 3i0 803 474 681 1,043 675 1,091 007 803 - KM ,:r" ii9 615 843 474 "J 002 , .678 600 ,. or.o . aofi ' ' 682 1,039 7", 429 89,901 1,449 1,759 11 f maj424l Far 1 J A it Consul- Cons it I tloa CIO msJT'27t" Xtl h'j d A 2AJ 4 3 915 ,1 I 1.705 msj.' 15 808 OM oij. ait 1,801 1,418 90 8,330 ,,07 maj.;lW , ,1,771) . .'t" 'it msj. 646 tuaj. SIS oi W8! 1 -,7H -784 mu'l. 299 8,508 002 937 605 3,401 i inuj. 148 RrpsU tiaia. Vt iawx fnmr 834. 6411 .'JtH. 1441 maj. 3 inaj, - 46 TI7 nioj. 550 - 04J maj.t.4& f..-irn'-ii- 'Xt. 804 Vrl,Mt V. t.ft . ! t 78 mnj" 873' '35' maj. 147 :flt ' ft 1 , , 0113 mnj. 202 JO30. at "1 1 8I0 fpiv..:. tKi 4K-J.VWH .':i . . . . , , iki ,(,. '('-!-1 11.' V. Camarv Oat a. It-. f " ' 639 JV 133 1,181 ' "" 897 J-IA-Att - t 162 f! ,875 ii(B30 1 890 -wi 822 ''' AA KM 'ji.i H.lt . 221 4 . mi lit & ifeitJ f ipknwv j ,..1843 lJial148 a4 .10 iw.utjatxtit.- 426 192 ..DO '1 90 ;J3 406 i '1 ttiM nt ' 202 4sb MS .ifijun cl V 1 U ! 224 2:w 405 506 213 200 273 300 l.."vV0k.l..re-. 759 3H .It iL'i-FE IN S U 11 A :, C i: -VUC INCAL(lAL, , . . s--.f ii i;td c.: . m - IT IMPORTANCE AND ITS BENEFITS a4 ., t . . e V ' i'f 1. f" , . V A CGUFUI1 PAIIIfO IjOUUVA IttOMITLT FOU A IOHO SKUIKA' Op TVti.ii . truMer W HiKauae, M aatilied to tb eut.fiuM.co au4 piaruo,;, u( pyll l 4 1 EXIVA Lll"i: COMPANV.! - . " ' '"it atUitiMi i"tks very iarsje smoaaf W V, - $17;485,89'il71rr r' ' iat nrf ;t .T..v in r .... ,. c smlm vewataBeyto 4-4 tnBiB Marah, IBM, Uiaa tswriiiiuf, mufipori siul eoaiiioB o the wutuw id ori.l.u til' I - .i...i bum I f U ImmiAv .1:. . . Vibqr New 15.77-sUW. . ht " ' " ' : . "V It str; f, u : Hi . (4 )4 ,M rtHj ... ,! 11, t.aMI. ' ," Sitfit " ' "" - Mlsej' - " o4ri;.r-t; 'S-HJ f.-i i 1 tr t .A...iil8. .lU.5. -SvHW".!'!? -( ,.i Va i A r, it . . ... . ... ill I)U- i, tJrf 1 1. 4 11 . In li So ', 111., : Kit. it -. . I WteaamnS B limn aliLar avSiait Ba nr li.V u to innm mu i ... ml MMwinuilMlttv hMMBiiS mMttm m riiinnliarl mir all mui deiMU.ltt a.i.ti.u4 u u 1 ' ,.r p.wr, w. -... r ... ... M diu-.1i, eev -t-ir'-i! ft' t'M 1. ,V tivistu.E suun.r l,HM,Tg,SI. b. I ' I '' .i Vilto are aaut Divtdaadia mam neiasr sslBIBSil to all wue bare Dald two TSe .Etnajasues uouoes nnoa aaes from It to ' f - - r : T,m AI will M wtnllr-v ... arltiAk 1 n&TBUHlka MV tM fial ..111. . 4trMl, tbonijti tbe party might Mrs thirty or forty years, mid alter tee payawnt ifT!,' waits so sua awiaewa ot mi uonnaaty se wow aa uic mmiumea. - - law nw wsass svyaars jsaouwams rwnm i i iit ai ueam or (he spfrilWI n,.. Tks taa aitaa caneral Hermit to travel or raM4 au tart of the UnitdK. J .Z eatra chsrga. and in all respect give sa many advantage twtfeo tiiannj m m, .., " , Osmptay. T W.-aajtiw aralnt.'T,"',,!lr.: ''" : .W..H. Kckas, amtomit sWan. fc u.., i n - v . p. . tt J. h - . , -w, il r--- ! 1,,r " 'Iltwi. tie . Hat f. t , . ,4.1 r i wf-' .- I Bis SON FE8SENDCN, frculdettt. t.rswii '1 i: .n iitdl Ii 4- ' .e. . . M ii H PRKHENTINO TMK CLUBS OF THE BHeKIs.V HI t s t JAJM-t-Ts UtR. Wei urf. 1 1 IB PRKHENTINO TMK CfAISIB OF THK VHMl.f M i I IWB inbsib.. rostra at v, to the poupte of North Oarettaa, the Ag in. i.es i.ir aiteuiiua bT u" , 1 wg stateaMwte t-- , - " .--.- . ' ' 'T . " w , U is Mutual Omnpaay, tbe profits toiaff tbrided awMnrth rsaeX. 'ft 'V . a. ii. nKRira in uunu hi Hint wuivniw h wu tmiii vu fJMMd BSSSM mum . ,. sssNnMOflhevear. . ' " . . "! Hill a. Its 4iritteiialuva Brersaetl all eer osrit rearJr. and are DurabL! .u il.. ni i Ii, Ute iurd., . . ; .,. ,,'.-". ' 7 " '"-U1 uriRU. . 1 i. .jj'" i.- i. ii. -t .!.-. 4. fnt 6. It urs all Nns-"TlT!l'K.rriN(l loHSes havs been met by alto annual internal reeemNl aloue er to woll tin- Kurai fund Iwltrngtas; to taa uuns4,i,.M ,;Vh,.H, S II Ibm pakluiaT .00,oo Hi luawsa, aia4 nana mormtrui ci nui. 1 a aerplua of tsltnn , A ' For tbe sak of reiuvinoa and oomparisou, we kjopt tliefortJi'rMtimfejrrif 1 by the Standard, of this City, without having nn opportunity to test its entire accuracy u rs paseu upon me election ior uuicgsies 10 tlie vonvenuon, in f(ovcml;r MEW AJJVIETISEMENTS. 4 1 Fn ettevllle Street. AND 1 l,CKSMTTIl8 BELLOWS, iNVH lj Vmvs, (traia aaiL Uras ateyUies, Wmdoe . MHOWK - With Uart Lawia. i OlaM and I'litty itaieiKU, ttaf e-u ' ,mus' 1 '" 1 1 " '. .s.t-. ,-.( NOTICE, . - PFFfOg CHATHAM It. It. COMPANT. 4 .,. . w, . . luleigh, My.lHtiV SKTtTtFICATEH OP STOCK In I lis Cbathsm J Itailroad C'ompiuiv. eonforauiie to lite ruts ol apportion tilultt atk..Ud by tint lata HttHkllwltlrlt, rneeung, aava u-eu prepared, ami will lie dtuv ied on aiipluatiun. , W. W, VAHaV ..may -Aia . i ... natyaim jmsar, r . . .ii II I i1 - ' i il-u-f Candle, Cnstdlea. ' 1HORTT BJXS8 ADAMAir TINft CANt.EH. Miy 6-tr ,,! urcouKcii ! f potin; 4 --! Kh mocking. ' j niKH OIUJHK.8UOJ5 BUtPKIVO. , itay o tr v, .; titxtiuuuu vuvn. y '"-, ftlureb, Man Is rilKNXV BOXKH PfaRMrTaltClt.. . X i-'i-.- 'r. FuriMsle bv r- 'i , : AU'DMum ii iiunu. """i'"""i"i"i ii.. " - ftonp, Sep. - ' ' rlV'Kh fX hm KUtllN HOAl. . , . , lw i . t , Inwssto liy fllJf n- If, . Jt'CHUUCIl D'DU. - rsssrr, i ssscr, v . , A UtrOK FIMI RIFUS rOWDGR, wt- XB. proor uun sjiu aiunaei vaim. as - B-b ui liiu nuti m vui'if a . wurs-tf .f - . Iwdlgo, laidlg. KELOTOF IRDIflO 'V niiy ft tf . 1 ABIIKN X Hlwnmla tuay S-U . Jnst reenveri at ' ' -' " ; UrOHUHCH A DODira, v IIOKH, KAKK8, 8PADKB AND at - - , UI'CDUHCrf DOKD'fl. " Teas Testa, n - , REKN AND PLAC1C TEA. " ' f - AI - - " - " -CltUtORf H A DAfHm'" IT msys-tr '"V 11 Z ftnofT, ItMHff. T A UOTriF.lt ARRIVAL nf KflCRTOH'il CVXR Xtvatea Senlcfirtimn.in ltlsdileia and Haka. Wlioltwab. and ibiUil, at Biayd-u , i)i-t;iiiJm;it i)i)iJ 3 , Tinsjt BSttllKB, Ti l.l.ls, ratspsee Family Mi 15 " JsnkinK' Floor. 7 lt rwmmU's 15 " " t'ainemn's Btsyt-if . HOUULAH HF.I.U'' T)RIKK0U OOT. JAVA COFFEE. X .... ' Jnt rereiM hv may If '.I DOUGLAS BKLia.1 ANtmiBB LOT OF CANNED rFAOHBH at t 00 per dnsen. Three Cans tnr $1.00. - Ia. may A-tf - DOIUILAS KELL. apply at tlie may nf rifly rt Ucevea, he deliver TLK. For i MiNTIXKL HFKM.'H, TTAVP ami resrlv ta he deliwrd, FIFTY ' HEAD OF FAT CA'ITLK. For rartirnlars, rrusiTiur.i riKxiTi nE;, At ud Below Cost, for th next Thirty - - ' - Daya.- TN OROKft TO EFIWCK OUK LA BOB 8TOC i. . i i . ...1 r Ktw aSnrk, we wiH sell ai kiixis at fimimra lor sub, at and btsluw coat for Die next 30 itnys. Our etnrk iseotnpleiA, pomriMii nearly everr UiirR in lbs fursittire line. r Vie iwu vruat wv aav, and all we aaa ts a ea. froitt Itioae in need of fitmitnre, to b ronvinci-4 Dial we ar seUiue aonits twenl y-fiv per cent. oheaiiAir Uas Uit.r har ever tef n aokt In tliis matket. - , W, B. MOI.MfW A Ct may & ti ho. S i ayeUevtUo, 8t. dH K Ttlt HTSAKD EIGHT HljNUBEO UAIA W hpiriia lurxuunc, lir sale hy in LIFE IS8PBAHCB. TWENTX-8ECOSD ANNUAL UrATKMKNT --fcw. :.- a-- ti'tw or thx maurnos or tws CiiswIni Nalsal I JCt tatatiaari u t... nal.tl'. HalaniW per statement Jan.1, tH7,"tl3,ft!n 1 91 ISrilnet aivrned Intereat Uat Anno-.-, ' - . ; slsratement, ' ' - ' '87,bt lueomefrom PreminmsM.MIKW.n lumoBie.fraia futtinisV It ' i I "I ft '3o.r wuf .ur F 1:B.W1B'-' '" ,Trttr."i . . rt.VrWBlasust lAtioei, p:oa sicturai - S.....tn4ti..iM ' M.I.. ''He HIlhneiy.'lrbiJ''w r tint. AitVertiHfiitf, : -!'f tM MOW1" ' r....... Tm i - 'I - let Wie ifiiriilTnr nrMninmh-'..--. tiiriMHlloatwurid. r,lti an .' For lurrmiiuri il pt.lieies, f7 a tf!S Ln, unit ;fAJHWH """" 'i- J tiTi!tti Oatth iltipon4 .ii iMiai rotate at iopi 7 tl tuiMt of snaiirauns areas cunap sa sny Oonipany tlobix a am ba-unesil n. rr wn.f. wwimmi otiwmu cira. tiV Oa ball Urn k-aavea :; -j ; . .'.iiw-v-w a .At,'-fll e i ' :?t t 4uai.ieaM..i. ( 1 , 1 1 .4 tU , ) i.r.'tf "SdoteKIl -Wet. But., ta .;, .1- ia. Ailtjivecliaradertf Ihe Cvmjxmm 'cpertdinQ in North Carolina, as tt f' "j4$.ieta ami Litiiktie, talen from tU iKeu '. York, lueurme, lirport Jit !tht year 18d7, which i te hut tcport-hdMtn Ihm invch "tf A-n-u f rt V a W . WW ' am i. . A i ' aOaflsai a Vnara(ai i- ai ia imaaP BrinA M. II..t r r I Ti f 4 V , , 4s ' tiv Uira-svaa. T . . . .. -'' ' rrftiii'-TI'A-' . IlKooai, . i. . j:; . ..-... n a .j...'. i i KjeiT,....w.i,.....;.i-.i..wi U.SS1TT . . . .j, ; . , ., l . . 4i-t n.n-. -i i i " ' ,!" -II.-. 1 l It ,....,...)....... 51 ..... 1 I a, .TVM-'.i ,.,.. I M K....,.rf w-4 ti .' AMaAWl;-ti ). iU.t. Ul -r-t-'l -1'- ' '' 'l-i- 'e. .'. ' 1 S..W"il 1Sil'H(J.U HtTfUAL offers pnoiiliaruidlKienienls B nttKona of Ik Bualtxira Mtatoa-., . tinns witti T-ixard t mndenue and travrl lieni; almoat aarmUvieSiKli v - ii, .... h waa autteuiMiia ir ntaua in aupariaa veina in lira iiautlaof th Afanlaef th OuaiMiir ' FVt VirlW in I 'JanTr-?4 fnrnatiim;' apply to the Trsi-elliSf Anta, nrtii .t'" i j .j - ' r '. "r ivf w wrxuAM' it baghy, : ' 1 i' , Ctfnetftl Agt-nf fur North Carolina, .V. t .T.M.rr H I ...f ,y..'..i: RM,h, n. c. IJUOOKLYN LIFEINUUIIANCIJ COMPA: i .at.is.tli.lt I5i.l46 Estat? 1"1" V J"V . I Uutteil ttUle Secm-iticw at Marmot 5 3tt, W. valna, ' , , Sitisttoaj thmdaof tli8latorlrVrlhm'tli'nt, ' l.n.H.lSNUM Mon oa nf the Cities of Kvausville an Ti , u t, i, k:ofr Bank anit Raifrrmd Storks, " Hi j.si oil Loan hsnHoi n Hnnila MM, HO Prenunm iMwl ieil. .WMKrloV .6IJ 4S1 r.7 ilW,urill lriiunis nUoiiantiaef AgBHtMl tnterrst accrued, " r t A " .J' W. 8. OLHSTFJI, fleiretary, Intereat reneivvd more tnaa r lisacti l; I.Hvitlentla svurntre over fitt pi cut. . i All p.4teies nnn-liirtelteble fcs aUlxd snmsnL Aaauranc nan b i-AVtMd i all forma aairii - 8. D. WAIT, Oeoerl Ag't, I - April -tf ii Kideiea, N C (2.ULLKT COTTON 6IH I-'' warrantee to five JWilA it- ' ?.. , -4wV 4ftt9Jbt?it08a h rt - - l-a- fT-t i Mkk .!'. A . J - A t Iee ttet rili.MnBle, C4leit bring frwaw to oiuinrl.Btialf eentsmorw in the ponnd tbnn that ginned by other gin. . - ; ,"' .u ami see u at Apr.lO-tf. OTlWX'WtldrfA'fcfl'iJ Kf HUSH ELI OF UV foreowa. April 81 U IXTTTOH SEKUdood My a if . U I W VKl'siONACH. 1Cff BWSHKItiF (IKN w .UWV . - Jut rmwt. April 30 tr.. . , s f K'ju r AMint wv. sayei.iiiviUttBft, -2- . X 1 . : Q I ....... .. . k I "-.' '-'- ifb AKwrta s I i taHwr-isi.'rr-i (a 9'i i ' X M ' ' ?.!;:( i i,.. (4-.. j p"rii4yr , m, .,.... .-,.5 ai. ; " " " 7 fc 4a .j, ,. t., . :, vi ..f,,.L yr ' fi K .,.V:.: ..'-ii: . i .il't .r-- ,-'!- '"I- 1 ' - . - ' e ti . ,ii . . . 11; L--X, v:i-4J ll'i; .to.ABed.UTKLT MO KKSTRICTIOM tION TKAVKL'OK HKSIUKSiCli : i ; .--jjT-JJ(.-;'-fc-- set. 'tJ'Wj Ja "$wt.-,i'-Jt( f f X f '9ti f S ' H Al1 POLICIES POSITITiXY, KOX-FOBrEITABLB. ' i ; 1eT:.rH of tie premium loarieil, And-Ho tit or "premium note is a CKKSt tfotat cb tb jwrticxiB ws of death ofter tlio awond year. CJf . ji, ,M -.'V' '.vCi , - i j.' rr,.,i"1 "'HT F;ii8 rKtlVLlAB ADVASTAftWTt) TfTB rH'THKKH PEOrLi- If " JL Ui aai , ii-j... . i-!.. i.,,- i U.' .1 rt. l . , ... - ...... r, . . rf- . . LlRWIrAT. rnMPlMVilBITIIii ItHU't'lt CTiTW 'ff. ' ' el"f. t . - ti . . ... lUral. ki,f loarthan Uioaaof aWC.mriite. ' "r- " A ,1 fl f . . t .., a r i r T -' ' ; . i fsHoe,lVo. 141 Bi-oadwa.n' Nrcvr Vorlc Olty. WM. . COLE, fSeeretstry. ' . j CIIRISTIAW W. BOrcK, f . . . '- , i ' . , - - ,.- i it n -i- i - .. ;biMsatina glaaly raraisBsil la eMail, hj' I i.bw -.wr -a.!" 'V t I t , l. -r j ''l'.T- A- eles4tVfl.BIarahaMa i,i,?lU,. w. LAVtlSCI, c 1 ... I ... vauup, Kntmeri.il April p-tr - sw ' . as atwtaw, .i T.en.l lera, Ar. W. H. JONFW A f!, : ' Aaetma A Oa Sterrtiaui. a: i Apriflri E T KaU f JMffMM-at of ftipprt BlfArk Wrnin oap, WJJ VIBtntfB, - - v - - - " i - i", w. H. ones on. ' '-tf . AaetioB A Com. Merebanta. ',. ., . . , . . . ii, , ,. .t.j ELL'S WEOTmo nnr-t, N,i J and if, .-.., f .v .Jo sale low. " " , Rh, April S 11 ' With Hart A Lewi. .H.4R.8,TlTCKE-lftCa. WHOLESALR ASO RTfTAIL DEALEIIS H AND JOBBERS IM . - UtlUl AAD AJirniCAr DRY good:', - KI.FI4;il, H. V. tlosird r.7ffedlrl ExawlMrrs f tb Wntv T fVorlli enrol'!' M-elin of fhe Eoa f v J-itmliiMTi will tke p: id mt'irf the Stb 0T nf Mrv, st " j . if awJrToli rsKiw, f April 17 tm . liioJlAa f. ". ' i.,. i .i Heal. -. "' - IEHt WHITK BiFAt.- MO Bl'HIH.I- . , -F.awleat Ljw by t t ..t, ORTHFRH APPLFA " " tue barreia APi'ko, (leT "" Arrn?! to l.(K)(): -Aj-lll-ii U ' At i-iCut--S I- MrU2-tf I